HomeMy WebLinkAbout1578 MARBRISA CIR; ; PCR16162; Permit4ity of Carlsbad Print Date: 09/26/2018 Job Address: 1578 Marbrisa Cr Permit Type: BLDG-Migrated Work Class: BLDG-Migrated Parcel No: 2111311100 Lot #: Valuation: $0.00 Reference #: Occupancy Group: Construction Type # Dwelling Units: Bathrooms: Bedrooms: Orig, Plan Check #: Plan Check U: Project Title: Description: PCR - GRAND PACIFIC RESORTS: DEFER TRUSS Permit No: PCR16162 Status: Closed - Finaled Applied: 08/16/2016 Issued: 10/06/2016 Permit 09/26/2018 Finaled: Inspector: Final Inspection: FEE AMOUNT Total Fees: Total Payments To Date : Balance Due: Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 1 760-602-2700 1 760-602-8560 f I www.carlsbadca.gov City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 10-06-2016 Plan Check Revision Permit N6:PCR16162 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: 1578 MARBRISA CR CBAD Permit Type: PCR Status: ISSUED Parcel No: 2111311100 Lot #: 0 Applied: 08/16/2016 Valuation: $0.00 Construction Type: 5B Entered By: JMA Reference #: CB161617 Plan Approved: 10/06/2016 PC #: Issued: 10/06/2016 Project Title: GRAND PACIFIC RESORTS: DEFER Inspect Area: TRUSS Applicant: Owner: JONATHAN HANSEN GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD L P 5900 PASTEUR CT #200 CARLSBAD CA 92008 323-923-4900 Plan Check Revision Fee $290.00 Fire Expedited Plan Review $0.00 Additional Fees $0.00 Total Fees: $290.00 Total Payments To Date: $290.00 Balance Due: $0.00 FINAL APPROVAL Inspector: Date: Clearance: NO110E Please take NO110E that approval of your prqed includes the Inon of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exadiorsi.' You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest irrposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest thern, you ntst follow the protest Inxartures set forth in Governinent Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required infcm'aki with the Oty Manager for prtxessing in accorriance wth Carlsbad vtird Cede Sedion 3.32.030. Failure to thety follow that procedure will bar any sbsequerit legal action to attacl<. review, set aside, void, or annul their irrsitiom. You are hereby FURTHER Nail FlED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT 4PAY to water and sever connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other alrrilar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APRY to any City 5XnA 6,.rr- Zip cOlD ApJ DQ_i,.jL! CCity of Cirlisb-ad PLAN CHECK REVISION APPLICATION B-1•5 Development Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov A r L-.W) fl L.-D I 10 101-t Plan Check Revision No. 1 (2.' Original Plan Check No. Project Address Q C-t_ Date 6 - I - 16 Contact Jo N prttJ 4-r- Ph 32cji400 Fax Email S JSpne tr Contact Address 423I L-1 5v-" PL.."It General Scope of Work Original plans prepared by an architect or engineer, revisions must be signed & stamped by that person. 1 . Elements revised: Plans Calculations fl Soils D Energy Other 2. Describe revisions in detail 3. List page(s) where each revision is shown 4. List revised sheets that replace existing sheets t\iEj TZ.uSS Ccj,cc E-,4J —O 1YOS Does this revision, in any way, alter the exterior of the project? El Yes No Does this revision add ANY new floor area(s)? E Yes No Does this revision affect any fire related issues? E Yes II No Is this a complete set? Yes fl No ZSignature S S 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 : 760-602- 2719 E: 760-602-8558 Email: building@carlsbadca.gov wwwcarlsbadcagov r3NV .L' STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING a CIVIL ENGINEERING • SURVEVING.LAND PLANNING STATEMENT OF STRUCTURAL REVIEW Date: August 25, 2016. Project: Villa 61 Project Address: 1578 Marbrisa Cr., Carlsbad, CA Project No.: 11132A.11.00 To: Janet Altar Re: Review of roof truss shop drawings S On August 12, 2016, BWE (Jeff Morgan) reviewed the truss shop drawings for the project above and found them to be in general compliance with the design intent. Please feel free to contact me with additional questions or concerns. Sincerely, V V BWE V S • V S V Jeff Morgan V V V V S6355 V V • V V V Project Manager • V V • V • f of ESSio No. S 6355 Exp3-31•J- OF CIl' V V V V 'Page lofi 9449 Balboa Avenue • Suite 270 • San Diego CAV92123 • P 619299 5550 'F 619 299 9934 9 www.bwesd.com S EsGil Corporation In (Partners/lip with government for (Building Safety DATE: AUG. 23, 2016 JURISDICTlON:CARLSBAD7 PLAN CHECK NO.: 16-1617 (REV. #1) - NEW PCR #16-162 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1578 MARBRISA CIRCLE LI APPLICANT LI PLAN REVIEWER LI FILE SET:! PROJECT NAME: MARBRISA RESORT (TIME-SHARE) - Hilton Grand Vacations Club LI The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes: The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. LII The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should becprrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. LI The check list trañmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: DAN TALANT do NOAA Group EsGil Crporation staff did not adiise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: DAN- Telephone #: 619-297-8066X25 Date contacted--------., (b ) Email: dantnoaainc.com Mail Telephone Fax In Person REMARKS: Provide evidence that the engineer-of-record (or architect) has reviewed the truss calculation package prepared by others (i.e., a "review' stamp on the truss calculations or a letter), CBC Section *[Roof truss plans & caic's. (deferred package) are under this permit. By: AL! SADRE, S.E. Comments: Building #61 is under this permit only. EsGil Corporation El GA El EJ 171 MB 171 PC 8/18 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, California 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax(858)560-1576 CARLSBAD 16-1617 (REV. #1) - NEW PCR #16-162 AUG. 23, 2016 [DO NOT PAY— THIS IS NOTANINVOICE] VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK NO.: 16-1617 (REV. #1) - NEW PCR #16-162 PREPARED BY: ALl SADRE, S.E. DATE: AUG. 23, 2016 BUILDING ADDRESS: 1578 MARBRISA CIRCLE BUILDING OCCUPANCY: R2; V-A/SPR. BUILDING PORTION AREA (Sq. Ft.) Valuation Multiplier Reg. Mod. VALUE ($) LIVING 19328 DECKS/PATIOS 7893 UTILITIES 863 Air Conditioning 19328 Fire Sprinklers 27221 TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code 1CB jBy Ordinance Bldg. Permit Fee by Ordinance Plan Check Fee by Ordinance _i I $290.00 Type of Review: 0 Complete Review o Structural Only 0 Other 0 Repetitive Fee Repeats Hourly 2 Hrs. @ * EsGil Fee $116.00 I $232.00I Based on hourly rate Comments: Roof truss plans & calculations are under this permit. Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc + CRITICAL \) STRUCTURES BALANCING ENVIRONMENT AND DESIGN August 9, 2016 SWS Panel 4231 Liberty Blvd South Gate, CA 90280 Via email:jonathan@swspanelinc.com Phone: 323.923.4900 Subject: Structural Calculations related to proposed Marbrisa Resort; Villa 61, located at; Carlsbad. CA Project No. 16-836 Mr. Hansen, Critical Structures, Inc. (CSI) has reviewed the calculations for each of the PDF design drawings listed below and the roof truss designs conform to the 2013 California Building Code. • G01 • G23 • 110 • 127 • T44 • G02 • G24 • 111 • 128 • T45 • G03 • G25 • T12 • T29 • T46 • G04 • R01 • 113 • 130 • 147 • G05 • R02 • 114 • 131 • 148 • G06 • R03 • 115 • 132 • 149 , G07 • R04 • 116 • T33 • 150 • G08 • R05 • 117 • 134 • 151 • G09 • T01 ' . T18 • 135 • 152 • G15 • T02 • T19 • 136 • 153 • G16 • 103 • 120 • 137 • T54 • G17 • 104 • 121 • 138 • T57 • G18 • 105 • 122 • 139 • 158 • G19 • 106 • 123 • 140 • 159 • G20 • 107 • 124 • 141 • 160 • G21 • 108 • 125 • T42 • 161 • G22 • T09 • T26 • 143 . 162 Very truly yours, Critical Structures, Inc. L cjt~~ California S4204 Eric C. Stovner, P.E., S.E., LEED AP O+M ,OFESSI0%. LU Cc No. S 4204 rn r1 cc uJ 1852 Lomita Blvd. Suite 210, Lomita, CA 90717 Ftei Or 410.530(064Z C61(p 01 (Plot 0-10-2 278 0-0-0 0-0-0 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: G01 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:52PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 1 of3 Report: Eng Plot (k E V M A R K XX LOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OFIR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 7-844 2.116/12 2 0-0-0 0-0.0 I 12 in 25.4 lbs u-p-li -'+- u-p-li Z-4- 1-8-11 2-2-8 4-6-10 5-0-7 7-4-9 1-8-11 0-5-13 24-2 0-5-13 2-4-2 1-8-11 2-2-8 4-6-10 5-0-7 7-4-9 Circles indicate fasteoercoont in webs. Squares indicate l0stetsercosnr in chords."Fasteners" indicates the norrbeeofAowonTS SS #12 or#12 SDS (AISI) foresters required or oneettd ofthe nrcttter. Each some indicates the nntrireroffnstetters required: (n) indicates the nonbrerofAmsooiS SS #12 to he installed on one side ofthe tears. (h) indicates the nonberof#12 SDS (A1SUto he installed on each side ofthe truss. Where connection plates ore catted out on this drawing o plate is requited on each side ofthe truss. Referto Genersl Notes for llrnbeeclarifiostion. Allowable sheseeperAerwon IS SS #12 Csstenerns follows: 27 rrrils: 402 lbs: 33 trOts: 544 lbs: 43 eats: 810 lbs: 54 trOts: 1.138 lbs; 68 edts: 1,610 Ibs.Allorvnble shear per#12 SDS (AISI) fssreneris calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT 82. Maintain fastener spacing nr 5/8" rein. Maintain fastener edge nsrrein at 5/0 tin for each sheet of steet connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed it 0.096(1-2) TL 0.01 in L/999 (3.4) 1-/240 BC 0.151(9-10) WOOl in L/999 (34) L/360 Web: 0.189(5.9) HorzTh0io 3 - it Con(inooasly Braced BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Summary 14 Put (WL) I I bin 50 lbs 14 I 152 lbs -17 lbs -109 lbs -109 lbs 8 H Roll (ii) I I 2 in 77 lbs 8 I 147 lbs -28 lbs .155 lbs -133 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 2 I 6 in . 152 lbs 8 H Roll (rI) 2 I 2 in 147 lbs 14 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 i 60 lbs 14 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 i 8 lbs H 8 H Roll (ii) 3 I 2 in 55 lbs 14 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 i 10 lbs 14 Pi. (WL) 4 I 6 i 4 lbs H 8 H Roll (It) 4 I 2 in 78 lbs 14 Pi. (WL) 5 I 6 i 801hs 8 H Roll (fl) 5 I 2 in 77 lbs 14 Pin(WL) 6 I 6 i 80 lb, 8 H Roll (11) 6 I 2 in 77 lbs 14 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 i 1191bn 14 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 6 lbs H 8 H Roll TT) 7 I 2 in 112 lbs 14 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 65 lbs 14 Pin (WL) S I 6 i 6 lbs H 8 H Roll (ii) 8 I 2 in 60 lbs 14 Pin (WL) 9 I 6 i 1341bs 8 H Roll (UT) 9 I 2 in 30 lbs 14 Pin(WL) 10 I 6 i -171b5 14 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 in Ii lbs H 8 H Roll (iT) 10 I 2 in -27 lbs 14 Pin (WL) II I 6 in -Ii lbs 14 Pin (WL) II I 6 in 33 lbs H 8 H Roll (fl) II I 2 in -28 lbs 14 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in -109 lbs 14 Pin (WL)12 I 6 i 80 lbs H 8 H Roll (II) 12 I 2 in -133 lbs 14 Pin (WL) IS I bin 481b5 8 H Roll (if) IS I 2 in 46 lbs 14 Pin (WL) 14 I 6 i 1191bs 0 H Roll (il) 14 I 2 in 116 lbs Member Material CSI Bracing Max P BorChd8-14 201t20 (SO 1ni)' '0.15 Parse— Web 1-14 - 15C20 (SO i) 0.059 Unbtsced Web 113 15C20 (50 bat) II9727"= Unbraced Web 2-13 15C20 (50 ksi) 0.050 Unbtnced Web2l2 4i) -5-C20-(50 0626 U brdced Web 3-12 15C20(50k5i) 0.016 I.Inbtnced Web3-Il ________ _________ 15C20(SOksi) 0.024 Unb0raesJ Web 4-Il 15C20 (50 IwO 0.006 Unbraced 4 Wb-10 15c28(so led) 0.O23 Unbroced W6 5-10 15C20 (SOIwi) 0.041 Unbrneed WçbS-9_ _____________ 15C20 (SO Ion) 0.l89 Unbraced Web 6-9 15C20 (50 Iwi) - - 0.032 Unbtnced Web-6-8 15C20(501wi) — 9.638 Unbrsaed Web 7-8 15C20 (50 Sat) 0.026 ljnbraced NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. -41 lbs =52 lbs 8 lbs________ 52 lbs J ALL GENERAL NOTES OPThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIOEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE 114ATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThE1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester COde. Suite 102 11413 WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONPIGURA11ONS, AND SPANS U5115) ON ThIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: G01 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:52 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 2of3 -. . Report: Eng Plot ( ,5K E Y M A R K GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] sws TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 7-8-14 2.116/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 12 in 25.4 lbs Loads Summary - - Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction : Spread 5rnrr Load Sod Load Trib srrsdrh Top 0-0-0 1-5-lI Down Proj 10 PSI 10 PSI 12 in Top 2-2-0 4-6-10 Dossrr Proj bOpsi l0ps1 120r Top 5-0-7 1-4-9 Down Proj 0 psi 0 psi 12 in Top Cont Dnssn Proj 10 psi 10 psi 12 in Bor 0-0-0 1-8-1I Down - Proj 0 psi 0 psi 12 in Bo 2-2-8 4-6-tO Down Proj 8 psi 8 psi 12 in Bat 5-0-7 74-9 Down Proj 0 psi 0 psi 12 in Bor Cont Doors Proj 0 psi 0 psi 12 in Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load 5 -. Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sun Load Trod Loot Trib width Top 0.0-0 1-0.1 I Down Rake 8 psi 8 psi 12 in Top 2-2.0 4-6-10 Dosvrr Rake 9 psi 8 psi 12 in Top 5-0-7 14-9 Oosvn Rate 0 psi 0 psi 12 in TO Coot Down Rake 8 psi 8 psi 12 is Dot 0-0-0 1-0-lI Down RoLe 3 psI 3 psi 12 in But 2-2-8 4.6-10 Down Rake 3 psI 3 psi 12 in Bot 5-0-7 74-9 Down Rake 3 psI 3 psI 12 in Bar Cont Down Role 3 psI 3 psI 12 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Merritee Location t Location 2 Direction Spread Sroar Loot P.od Loot Trib Width Top 0-0-0 7.0-14 N lip Rake 29.83 psi 29.03 psi 12 in Web 1-14 Cost Right Rake 14.56 psi 4.56 psi 12 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Metrdree Location I Location 2 Direction Spread SIan Loot Sod Loot Trib Width Top 0-0-0 7-8-14 74 Up Rake 29.83 psi 29.03 psi 12 in Web 1-14 Coot Loft Rake 16.88 psi 16.88 psi 12 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Sod Load Tdb Width Top 0.0.0 7-8-14 N Up Rote 9.28 psI 9.29 psi 12 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Member Location t Location 2 Direction Spread Sroar Loot Sod Loot Trib Width Top 0-0.0 6-3-10 74 Up Rake 72.53 psi 12.53 psi 12 in Top 6-3-10 7-0-14 N Up Rake 72.53 psi 72.53 psi 12 is Web 1.14 Cost Left Rake 41.12 psi 41.12 psi 12 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction spread Stan Loot Sod Loot Trib Width Web 1.14 Cost Right Rake 16 psf 16 psi 12 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No loads nvcre defined for this load case. Automated Load Case LIO°: UBC I 01b Live Load on Bottom Chord - Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread 5rar1 Loot Sod Load Trib Width But Cant Do- Proj tO psi 10 par 12 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No loads were defined for this toad case. 1)This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed forthe effects due to 10 psfbottomchord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean Roof Height 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 fir Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 63 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not ins Hurricane Prune Region. Load Combinations 0 Loot Condo Pactnr I Dl 1.000 2D1:* Lei 1.0OO 3 Dl *0.6 W3 1.000 4Dl*06INS 1.000 1 5 Dl *0.6 W9 1.000 6Dl+07E1 1.000 7 Dl +0.45 W3 +0.75 Let 1.000 8Dl*045w3 1.000 9 Dl +0.53 El +0.75 Let 1.000 10O6Dl±06w1 1.000 II 0.6 Dl *0.6 W2 1.000 12 06D1+06w4 - 1.000 IS 0.6 Dl *0.7 EIO.01 .000 i4Di:iLlon .... ________________ .000 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Member ID. teas CSI. sos axial Intro. (sos contc force ildilletent from max axial intce) TCbd 11-2 0.096 -204 lbs 13-4 0.084 -197 lbs 15.6 0.077 -12 lbs I uI(IXI81 IiIlw AU. GENERAL NOTES OPThtS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART 0PTh15 COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThAT114E Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT THE ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICAISLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle. Suite 102 THE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON TIRS SHEET. - Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: G01 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:52 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 3of3 Report: Eng Plot (KE V M A R K GLXX OBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] gwg TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY OHL 7-8-14 2.116/12 2 0-0-0 Webs 0.059 .149bs 3 0.072 224 lbs (.153 Ibs) 3-12 0.016 3-Il 0.024 .41 lbs 52 lbs (.33 Ibs) 5-10 0.041 5-9 0.189 1:,:4 2-13 0.050 -125 lbs 4-lI 0.006 18 lbs (0 Ibs) 6-9 0.032 16-8 2-12 0.026 82 lbs (-50 Ibs) 4-10 0.023 52 lbs (-SI 11,0 0.038 Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID Corded Truss Carrying Truss CuorngOffses Ande TrI Tol GO 1— I-s-I! 45 deg - _..G0 L ._._ .. -_ T53 11)4 GO 1 ' 4-6-IS 45de0 [ Tr4 Th55 5.07 45degJ TI'S 101 CCI 7-4-9 45 deg jT111 'G-03 :-' ('OIJSSPT PI.ATFS OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 0-0-0 1 12 in 25.4 lbs -225 lbs 09 lbs (-55 -65 lbs rI1t(1T1 - - - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMaterial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6 ofeach panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 of the end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThAT114E Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThATThETEIJSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON ThIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6101 WinchesterCricle, Suite 02 714E LOADS LOADING CONDmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS. AND 5PANS LISTED ON ThIS SHEIrE Boulder. Coloesdo 80301 E V MA R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SWS Panel & Truss 4231 Liberty Blvd. South Gate CA 90280 Truss: G02 JobName: 217 Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:53 PM System: Arncon 6.003 Page: I of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 8-5-11 2.117/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 12 in 26.6 lbs 1-0-I 1 1I-L- II 1 I-(-'+ 1I-i- I I 1 1-1--'4 11-1 . 1-8-11 1 2-11-6 1 4-6-10 1 5-9-5 1 7-4-9 1 8-5-11 0-10-2 . 271 is 2.117 12 - 3s 2s __- z F 11 "~ T36 T2-s 0-0-0 1-Is tIDS T0 115 0-0-0 1-8-11 1-2-11 1 1-7-4 11-2-11 1 1-7-4 1 1-1-2 1-8-11 2-11-6 1 4-6-10 1 5-9-5 1 7-4-9 1 8-5-11 Citetes indicate fissteesercosns in webs. Squares indicate fastener count in chords. "Fasteners" indicates then umberofArroonTS SS 012 or#12 SOS (AISI) llssteness required atone end of the narnee. Each value indicates then urnberoffasteners required: (s) indicates she stctther of/croon IS SS #12 In be installed on ones ide of the truss. (b) indicates she nsrrbee of# 12 SOS (AISI) to be installed on each side of she toss. Where connection plates; or cattest not on this dtnwing, a plate is required on each side of the Irons. Refeeto General Notes fortlsoherclwi8cation. AllowobteshearpeeAoarots IS SS #12 llssteneeos follows: 27 rods: 402 lbs; 33 toots: 544 lbs: 43 nuts: 810 lbs; 54 ntIs: 1.130 lbs; 60 toots: 1.610 tbs.Attowabtn sheaeperNt2 SOS (AISt) tssteneris calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT 02. Maintain 0sstener spacing at 5/8 tin. Maintain fastener edge margin as 518 rosin for each sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed TIC 0.095 (1-2) T1-'0.01 in L/999 (34) L/240 BC 0.092 ) LLO is L1999 (3.4) L/368 Web: 0.112(6-8) HorzlL 0 i 8 IC Continuously Braced BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Summary IT Type LC BC BrgWid Reaction IT BC Max React ManGtavUplifl MaaMWFRSUpli# MasC&CUplill MaaUpli# MaaHoriz 14 Pin (WL) 6 in 78 lbs 14 I 149 lbs -25 lbs -122 lbs -122 lbs 84 lbs 8 H Roll (M 2 in 71 lbs 8 I 134 lbs -38 lbs -ISO lbs -ISO lbs 14 Pin(WL) 2 6 i 1491b5 8 H Roll (If) 2 2 in 134 lbs 14 Pin(WL) 3 1 6 i 56 lbs 14 Pin (WL) 3 6 i 8 lbs H 8 H Roll (TI) 3 1 2 in 46 lbs 14 pi,(WL) 4 61n 971b5 14 Pit (WL) 4 610 -15 lbs H - 8 H Roll (Ii) 4 I 2 in 93 lbs 14 Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 78 lbs 8 H Roll (IT) 5 I 2 in II lbs 14 Pin (WL) 6 I 6 in 78 lbs 8 H Roll (Fl) 6 2 in 71 lbs 14 Pin (WL) 7 61n I IS lbs 14 Pin(WL) 7 6i5 6 lbs H 8 H Roll (IT) 7 2 in tOO lbs 14 Pi. (WL) 8 6i0 62 lbs 14 Pio(WL) 81 6 i 6lbsH 8 H Roll (IT) 8 2 in 52 lbs 14 Pin (WL) 9 1 6 in 131 lbs 8 H Roll (TI) 9 1 2 in 118 lbs 14 tO 610 .25 lbs 14 Pin (WL) Pin (WL) 10 6 i l9 lbs H 8 H Roll (11) tO 210 -38 lbs 14 Pin (WL) II 6 in 3 lbs 14 Pin (WL) It 610 25 lbs H 8 H Roll (It) It I 2 in -8 lbs 14 Pin (WL) 12 I 61n -122 lbs 14 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in 84 lbs H 8 11 Roll (It) 12 I 2 in -158 lbs 14 Pin (WL) 13 I 6 i 471b5 8 HRolt(11) 13 I 2 i 42 lbs 14 Pin(WL) 14 I 6 i 121 lbs 8 HRoll(Tl) 14 I 2 i 113 lbs Member Material CSI Bracing Max P TOP Clsd -7 201C20(50 loi) 0.095 Sheathed -225 lbs But chd8-14 201C20(50 hal) 0.092 Sparse . -249 lbs _...._.J Ebb i-!4 15C20 (50 hal) 0.058 Unbrnced - -144 lbs Wb I 13 15C20(50ks) 0082 U bied 200 lbs Web 2-13 15C20 (50 hal) 0.039 Unbroced -99 lbs________ I5C20(50k5) OOIS U bow 49lbs J ______ed Web 3-12 t5C20 (501.4) 0.006 Unbowed -16 lbs Web3 II t5C20(50hs) - 6.0 10 77= Urtbratied SI lbs Web 4-I1 15C20 (50Ioi) 0.016 Unbowed 44 lbs W b4 18 15C20 (SO Iso) 0044 U braced lbs _I00 __J Web 5-10 15C20 (50 hail 0.042 Unbowed 85 lbs W65-9 15C20(50 4i) 0.090 Unbtaced 154 lbs_J Web 6-9 15C20 (50 hail 0.019 Unbowed 140 lbs Veb6.# I5C 0(50la) 0 112 U braced 1189 lbs Web 7.8 - 15C-20 (50 ksi) 0.002 Unbowed 7 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. - ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATTHE Keymark Enterprises LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT li-IETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS 11-IS MINIMUMAPPLICABLE THE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle Suite 102 ON THIS Bolder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: G02 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:53 PM System: Arncon 6.003 Page: 2of3 Report: Eng Plot E Y M A R K WX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 8-5-1I 2.117/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 26.6 lbs Loads Summary Load Case Lr1: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Member . Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stoat Load End Load flab Width Top 0.0.0 1-0-I1 Dawn Proj lOpal lOpsl 12 in Top 2.11.0 4.6-10 Dowo Ptoj lOps1 IOpsf I2in Top 5-9-5 7.4-9 Down Proj lOpsl tO psI 2 in Top Coot Down Proj - lOpsl 0 psI 12 in Bot 0-0.0 I-ft-tI Down Proj - Opal 0 psI 2 in Bat 2-I I-ft 4-6-10 Down Proj Opal Opal 12 in Bat 5-9-5 7-4-9 Donna Proj Op 'f Opal 12 in But Coot Down Proj Opal Opal 12 in Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top 0.0.0 1-0-It Down - Rake 0 psI 0 PSI`12 in Top 2-11.6 4.4-10 Dawn Rake 0 PSI` 0 pal 12 in Top 5-9-5 7.4-9 Dawn Rake Opal Opal 12 in Top Coot Dawn Rake Opal Opal 12 in Bat 0-0-0 1-0-tI Dawn Rake 3 pal S psI 12 in Bot 2-Il-ft 4.6-10 Dawn Rake 3 pal 3ps1 12 in Bat 5-9-5 7.4-9 D.-Rate 3 pal 3p s1 IS in Bat Coot Dawn Rake 3 pal 3 psI 12 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Mrn1rrr Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load tad Load Tb Width Tap 0-0-0 0-5-I1 N Up Rake 29.02 pal 29.02 pal 12 in Web 1-14 Coot Right Rake 14.56 pal 14.56 psI 12 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads * Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load tad Load Tb Width Tap 0-0-0 0-5-I1 NUp Raise 10.61 pal 10.61 pal I2 in Web 1-14 Coot Left Ralcr - 6.00 pal 16.99 psI 12 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(MaxDn) Distributed Loads Mendter Localian I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 8-5-11 N Up Rake 9.29 pal 0.20 pal 12 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Tap 0.0-0 6-3-10 NUp Rake 71.21 pal 71.21 psI 12 in Tap 6-3-10 0-5-Il N Up taittt 71.21 pal 71.21 pal 12 in Web 1-14 Cant Left Rake 40.34 pal 40.34 pal 12 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load tad Load Tb Width Top 0.0.0 8-5-11 N Dasva - Rake Opal Opal 12 in Web 1-14 Cant Right Rake 16 pal 16 PSI`12 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(MiIT) No loads were defined for this load case. - Automated Load Case LIOn: UBC lOIb Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads - Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Ttib Width But Cool Dawn Proj 10 psI 10 PSI* IS in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No toads were defined for this load case. I) This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean Roof Height 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 fix 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prune Region. Load Combinations ft Load Combo Factor I DI 1.000 La' 1.000 -I 3 DI +0.6 W3 1.000 4 =DI ±0.6 W8 1.000 5 01+0.6 W9 1.000 6Dl+67El I000 _1 7 Dl +0.45 Wi +0.75 Lal .000 =0=01+040 W3 _I 000 9 Dl *0.53 El *0,75 tel .000 lO O6Dl*O6I W 1.000 It 0.601*0.6 W2 .000 = 11 12 0.6 Dlt-O.6 W4' 1.000 13 0.601 *0.7 Ff0.01 1.000 1401+L10 .000____________ Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Mendser ID. ens CSL ama aaial loam. (oats canon force ildiffrront from ms axial force) TCbd 1-2 0.095 -191 lbs 5.4 0.065 -202 lbs 5-6 0.047 -70 Iba 2-3 0.050 -225 lbs 4-5 0.046 -155 lbs 6-7 0.045 -4 ba ALL GENERAL N01105 OPTHSS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPThtS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THAT1HE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cdcte, Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: G02 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:53 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 3 of3 Report: Eng Plot ARK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build(& System GSlruss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] sws TRUSS SPAN 8-5-11 PITCH 2.117/12 QTY 2 OHL 0-0-0 OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 0-0-0 1 12 in 26.61bs Webs 0.058 -144 lbs 3-12 0.006 .16 lbs 5-lB 0.042 85 lbs (.s4 Ibs) 7-0 0.002 7 lbs (0 Ibs) 1:-:4 -3 0.082 209 lbs (-174 Ibs) 3-Il 0.019 51 lbs (.36 lbs) 5-9 0.090 154 lbs (-142 Ibs) 2-13 0.039 -99 lbs 4.11 0.016 44 lbs (-35 Ibs) 6-9 0.07') 140 lbs (-139 Ibs) 2.12 0.015 49 lbs (-29 Ibs) 4-10 0.044 100 lbs (-85 Ibs) 6-8 0.112 189 lbs (.160 Ibs) Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID CseicstTruss Canykgmsss Carrying Offset Ane 116 101 002 1-8-11 45 deg G0 - -- 2-11.6 45 rig 115 104 002 4-6-10 45 deg TI9 -- 106 002 595 - 45 des' J Tt'!O 107 02 74-9 45 deg 6-I.1 deg.3 GUSSET PLATES IP1[StT1 f,t,l1ITi - - - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMatcijal Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement oflateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6" of each panel point. The end ofevery chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicularto the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES 0F11415 DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOIlI 1-HAT111E Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT ThE11UISS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET ME ME THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Wincbester Crick. Suite 102 ThE LOADS, CONDITIONS,m LOADING CONDITIONS, uss MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET. 6707 Colonsdo 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: G03 4231 Liberty Blvd. . JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Dale: 6/21/2016 3:20:53 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: I of3 Report: Eng Plot KEY MARKK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 781 SPAN • PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 13-3-7 2.997/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 42.6 lbs L-IU-I 1-0-I L-lJ-U L-U-U 1 1-10-I I 2-9-10 5-8-1 1 7-4-12 1 9-4-12 11-4-12 1 13-3-7 0-10-0 2-3-0 2-3-0 7s - 0-0-0 0-0-0 2-9-10 I 2-10-7 I 1-8-11 i 2-0-0 I 2-0-0 I 1-10-11 2-9-10 I 5-8-1 1 7-4-12 I 9-4-12 1 11-4-12 I 13-3-7 Circles indicate tssrenercotsot itt webs. Sqowes indicate Ilsstenerconnt in chords."Fasteners" indicates the nsn*rerolAnrconTS SS #12 orO 12 SOS (AOl) fasteners required or one end ofthe rrwndscr. Each snlne indicates the nunterof fasteners required: (s) indicates tat nsn%erofranuconTh SS #12 lobe installed on one side of the truss. (b) indicates the nartherof# 12 SDS (AlSl)to be installed on each side of the truss. Where connection plates are called out on this drawing, a plate is required on each side of the truss. Referto General Notes for flsrtherclatification. AllosvableshearperAstwnn 35 SS #12 fastener as follows: 27 nuts: 402 lbs; 33 rails: 544 lbs; 43 rails: 810 lbs: 54 rails: 1.138 Has; 68 ndls: 1 .610 lhs.Allnwoble shear per#12 SOS (AlSl) fastener is calculated perthe NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT N2. Maintain fit.stenerspacingst 5/8 rain. Maintain FastcncredW narrin at 5/8 rain Stretch sheet ofsteel connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed IC 0.414 (1-2) T3. 0.06 in L/999 (2-3) L/240 BC 0.475 (12-13) LL 0.03 in L/999 (2-3) L/360 Web: 0.375 (1.13) . . Hor.rTL 0.01 in 0 IC Continuously Braced BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Summary iT Type LCBCBrnWtd Reaction IT BC Max React MaxOtsvUpli8 Max MWPRSUplift MasC&CUplifl Mac Uplift MsaHotiz 14 Pin (WL) 1 1 6 in 293 lbs 14 I 556 lbs -76 lbs -385 lbs -385 lbs 147 lbs O H Roll (fi) n 205 lbs 8 I 390 lbs. -143 lbs -352 lbs -352 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 2 1 6 in 556 lbs O H Roll (fl) 2 1 2 in 390 lbs 14 Pin (WL) 3 1 6 in 232 lbs 14 . Pin (WL) 3 1 6 in l6 lbs H 8 H Roll (TI) 3 1 2 in 181 lbs 14 Pin (WL) 4 1 6 in 335 lbs 14 Pin (WL) 4 1 6 in -30 lbs H 8 H Roll (fl) 4 I 2 i 2191b5 14 Pin (WL) 5 I 6 n 293 lbs 8 H Roll (M5 I 2 in 205 lbs - 14 Pin (WL) 6I 6 in 293 lbs 8 H Roll (fl) n 2051b5 14 Pin (WL) n 444 lbs 14 Pin (WL) 7 6n . 12 lbs H 8 HRoll(rr) n 3261bs 14 Pin (WL) n - 247 lbs 14 Pin (WL) 8 6 in l2IbsH 8 - H Roll (fl) n 1871bs 14 Pin (WL) n 490 lbs 8 H Roll (fl) n 344 lbs 14 Pin 'WL) In n -761b5 14 Pi n (WL) 10 n 29 lbs H 8 H Roll (fl) 10 n -143 lbs 14 Pin (WL) II n -37 lbs 14 Pin WL) II n 47 lbs H 0 H Roll (rT) II I 2 n -132 lbs 14 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 n -385 lbs 14 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 i l47 lbs H 8 H Roll (11) 12 I 2 in -352 lbs 14 Pin (WL) IS I 6 i 176 lbs 8 H Roll ffT) IS I 21n 123 lbs 14 Pin (WL) 14 I 6 i 4491bs O H Roll (Ii) 14 I 2 in 354 lbs Member Material CSI Bracing Max P Top Chd 1-3 20TC20 (50 tail 0.414 Sheathed -958 lbs Top Chd 37 _________________ 29TC29 (58 In 186 Sheathed =56 Bar Chd 8-14 . 301C20 (58 lai) 0.475 Sparse Web ILl4 ..._...15C20 50Ini) O.2l7 lJnccd ________ .5451bs_,_.J Web 1-13 l5C18 (28 Issi) 0.375 Unbtaced 945 lbs Web 2 IS 15C20(28ks) 8 IO2 U braced 236lbs Web 2-12 ______________________ I 520 (28 bed) 0.068 Unbtaccd -59 lbs Wb3 12 l5C20(509)_ 0.1007= braced 246 lbs Web 3-11 ______________________ I 5C20 (28 tail 0.139 0.139 Unbraced -184 lbs Web4 II l5C20(59Io) 0049 U braced l45 lbs Web 4-10 15C20(SO tail 0.239 Unbctcrd -278 lbs WebS 0 15C20(501wJ ...... 8 104 U braced 232 Ibs ) _____ Web 5-9 15C29 (SO loll . 9.353 Unbraced .499 lbs r5eb69 15C28(soIasi) 0 182 U bifaced =366 Has Web 6-8 l5Cl8 (50 led) 0.327 Unbraced -534 lbs Web 7-8 15C20(50ks) .0008 U braced. ._.. I6lbsJ NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT TI-tEIRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS 1588 MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Crick, Suite 102 THE WADS. LOADING CONDmONS, muss MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS US11ID ON 11415 SHEE Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: G03 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:53 PM System Anicon 6.003 Page: 2of3 Report: Eng Plot E Y M A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL. SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 781 sws TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 13-3-7 2.997/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 42.6 lbs Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Top Coot D.— But 0-0-0 5-74 Darns Bor Cont Down Point Loads Meober, Location Direction Load Ttib Width Sot 5-74 Do— 70 lbs Load Case DI: Std Dead Load 10ps1 10ps1 241n Optl Optl 24 in Optf Opsl 241n Distributed Loads tslertbee Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Tnb Width Top 0-0-0 5-74 Down Rake 0 psI 0 ptl 24 in Top Coot Down Rake 0 psI 8 psI 24 in Sot 0-0-0 5-7-4 Down Rake 3 psI 3 psI 24 in Sot Cool Down Rake 3 psI 3 psI 24 in Point Loads Mrn*ee Location Direction Load lob Width But 5-74 Down 77 lbs Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Mrn-6rcr Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load tad Load lnh Width Top 0-0-0 5-3-I N Up Rake 25.31 p51 25.31 psI 24 in Top 5-0-I 13-3-7 N Up Rake 29.83 paf 29.83 psI 1-14 Coot Right 24 in Web Rake 14.56 psI 14.56 psI 24 in Point Loads Menber Location Directian Load 1db Width But 5-74 Up 122 lbs Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Menber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load tad Load Tnb Width Top 0-0-0 5-8-I N Up Rake 17.91 psI 17.91 psf 2410 Top 5-8-I 13-3-7 N Up Rake 29.03 psI 29.03 psf 2410 Web 1-14 Cool Left Rake 16.88 psI 16.80 psf 2410 Point Loads Merrtrer Location Direction Load Tnb Width But 5-7-4 Up 123 lbs Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Mendner Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load lnb Width Top 0-0-0 5-0-I N Up Rake 9.29 psI 9.29 psI 24 in Point Loads Mother Location Direction Load 1db Width Bot 3-7-4 Up 30 this Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Top 5-0-I Il-It-Il N Up Rake 46.63 psI 46.63 psI 2410 Top Il-I I-It 13-3-7 N Up Rake 40.21 psI 40.21 psI 24 in Web 1-14 Coot Loft Robe 36.5 psI 36.5 psI 24 in Point Loads Meodren Location Direction Load 1db Width But 5-74 Up 300 lbs Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Mendror Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stun Load End Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 5-8-I N Dom Rake ft psI 8 psI 24 in Web 1-14 Cost Right Rake 16 psI 16 psI 24 in Point Loads Mctrbcr, Location Direction Load 1db Width But 5-74 Dawn I lbs Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No loads were defined for this load case. Automated Load Case LIO°: USC lOIb Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Mendree Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Sot Coot Do—Proj 10 psI tO psf 2410 Point Loads - ktetrber Location Direction Load 1db Width But 5-74 Down 39 lbs User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No loads were defined for this load case. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THAITHE Kcymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT THETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON TEllS SHEET MEETS WE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6787 Winchesrer Cdcle, Suite 102 WE LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFtGURAiiONS, AND SPANS LtSt1iD ON THIS SHEET Boalder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: G03 4231 Liberty Blvd. - - jobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:53 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 3 of3 Report: Eng Plot - K E Y MARKK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 13-3-7 2.997/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 42.6 lbs I) This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psfbottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category H, Mean RoofHeight 43 fl, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 63 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End ZoneTruss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations 8 Load Combo Factor I Di 1.000 =2_ Di _1.000_ I 3 01 40.6 W3 .000 4D1 +0.6 W8 1•000 5 0! + 0.6 W9 - .000 6Dl +07 11 - - I 000 ....................ii 7 DI +0.45 W3+0.75 LrI 1.000 'oolo 45 W3 9 Dl +0.5301 *0.751.4 . 1.000 LT1006Dl +06 WI 1.sos II 0.6 DI ± 0.6 W2 1.000 .I2J.0 601+06 W4L. ::. I 000:... 13 0.601+0.7 EJ0.0I 1.000 4 Member Forces Summary Table indicores Mrnbnr ID. sms CSI. sacs axial loran, (,ms coops force ifdi5brntsl from rms axial force) TChd 1-2 2-3 0.414 0.299 -947 lbs -911 lbs - 3.4 4-5 0.179 0.153 -755 lbs -578 lbs 5.6 6-7 0.120 0.104 -318 lbs 0 lbs BChd 8.9 0.161 318 lbs (.280 lbs) 10.11 0.220 755 lbs (665 lbs) 12-13 0.473 908 lbs (-757 lbs) 0-10 0.178 578 lbs (-519 lbs) 11-12 0.199 836 lbs (-731 lbs) 13-14 0.063 -128 lbs - Webs 1-14 0.217 -345 lbs 3-12 0.100 246 lbs (.168 lbs) 5-10 0.104 232 lbs (-173 lbs) 7-0 0.008 16 lbs (-13 lbs) 1-13 0.373 945 lbs (-654 lbs) 3.11 0.139 .104 lbs 5.9 0.333 -409 lbs 2-13 0.102 -236 lbs 4-I I 0.049 145 lbs (.83 lbs) 6-9 0.182 366 lbs (-307 lbs) 2-12 0.060 -39 lbs 4.10 0.239 -278 lbs 6-8 0.327 .534 lbs Truss-to-truss Connections Summary Warning: Automated load transfer is incomplete. Manual loading may be required. (Connection T111) ID Corned Torts ConngTntss CsoingOfl1et Anpic 111 1 ___ ________(101 003 . 5-7.4 45 deg Tf 12 __1018 G03 7.4.1 2 90-d g 1113 1119 003 _________ - 9-4-1 - 90de9 C.Trl 4 - 1018 003 __________,,I 1-4 I 90 deg 1119 (103 G05 6-3-2 90 deg GUSSET PLATES - - - - - - -_- - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6' of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OEThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PARTOF114IS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON 11415 SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPUCABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Csicle, Suite 102 THE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CON-FIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON ThiS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 E V M A R K GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System GSTniss® Version: 5.009 [Build 781 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: G04 4231 Liberty Blvd. jobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:54 PM System: Ameon 6.003 Page: 1 of3 S WS Report: Eng Plot TRUSS SPAN PITCH 13-3-7 2.997/12 QTY OHL 2 0-0-0 OHR PLYS 0-0-0 1 SPACING 24 in WGTIPLY 44.9 lbs i-I -L .2- I -1& I -L- I L-O-U I L-U-U 1 -1-70- I I 3-1-2 . 6-2-5 1 7-4-12 9-4-12 1 11-4-12 1 13-3-7 0-10-0 2-4-9 2-4-9 2s 2 1S T9$8 3T0 0-0-0 . . . 0-0-0 3-1-2 3-1-2 11-2-7 2-0-0 12-0-0 1 1-10-11 3-1-2 6-2-5 1 7-4-12 1 9-4-12 1 11-4-12 1 13-3-7 Circles indicate ttutenercoant in webs. Squares indicate fastener count in chords."Fasteners" indicates the nustherof AnwoniS SS 1112 or 812 SOS (AlSI) fasteners requited at one end of the nottiser. Each anise indicates the osniserof fasteners requited: (s) indicates the tsnsrbreofAsswonTS SS #12 to be installed on one side of the truss. ) indicates the nuniserof#12 SOS (AIS()to be installed on each side of the trans. Where connection plates ate called out on this drawing a plate is required on each side of the truss. Relbrto General Notes for fisnherclutiftcatinn. AllosyshteshcacperAncon 15 SS #12 lirsteneras follows: 27 odla: 402 Ibs; 33 teds: 544 Ibs; 43 toils: 810 Ibs: 54 toils: 1.138 Ibs; 68 toils: 1,610 Ibs.Allownble shear per#12 SOS (A1S9frtstctscnis calcolated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT #2. Maintain fastener spacing ot 5/0" twin. Maintain 8snteneredW nsrssjn at 5/8" twin breach sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed TC 0.442(1-2) 'IL 0.07 in L/999 (2-3) LI 240 BC 0.470(12-13) IL 0.03 in .1999 (2.3) - L/360 Web: 0.390 (1-13) How IL 0.01 in 8 IC Continuously Braced BC BtociogSpatse Reactions IT Type LC BC BtpWt: 14 Pio(WL) 1 I 6i0 0 H Roll (I'T) 1 I 2/n 14 Pin(WL) 2 I 6 i 8 H Roll (Tfl 2 I 2i0 14 Pin(WL) 3 I 6 i 14 Pin(WL) 3 I 6/n 8 H Roll (21) 3 I 3m 14 Pin(WL) 4 I 6i0 14 Pio(WL) 4 I 6 i 0 H Roll (21) 4 I 2 i 14 Pio(WL) 5 I 6 i 8 H Roll (rl) 5 I 2 in 14 Pin (WL) 6 I 6n 0 H Roll (Vr) 6 I 2n 14 Pin (WL) 7 I 60 4 Pin(WL) 7 I 6o 8 H Roll çrI'I 7 I 2 in 14 Pin(WL) 8 I 6o 14 Pio(WL) 8 I 6o 8 HRoll(TT) 8 I 2 o 14 Pia(WL) 9 I 6o 8 H Roll (TI) 9 I 2o 14 Pin(WL) 10 I 6 a 14 Pi n (WL) IS I 6 n 8 HRolI(rr) 10 I 2n 14 Pin(WL) II I 6 i 14 Pin(WL) II I 6 i 0 HRoll(I'T) II I 2i0 14 Pin(WL) 12 I 6i0 14 12 I 6 i 8 Pin (WL) HRoll(TT) 12 I 2 i 14 Pin(WL) IS I 6 i 8 H Roll (TI) 13 I 2i0 14 Pio(WL) 14 I 6 i 8 H Roll (T't) 14 I 2i0 Member Material Top Chd 1-3 _________________ 207C20 (50 tat) TrnpChd 3-7 _________________ 20TC20 (SO lni) Bat Chd 8.14 20IC10 (50 ini) Web 1.l4 I 5c20 (20 kin) Web 1-I3 l5Cl6 (50bi) Web 2-IS ________________ l5C20(50 ksi) Web 2-12 15C20 (20 tam) IT BC Max React Man (boo Uplift Mas MWFRS Uplift Mao C&C Uplift Max Uplift Mao 14 I 555 lbs -75 lbs -389 lbs -389 lbs 211 lbs 0 I 401 lbs -145 lbs -373 lbs -373 lbs 553 lbs 401 lbs 220 lbs 17 lbs H 82 lbs 349 lbs -31 lbs H 237 lbs 293 lbs 211 lbs 293 lbs 211 lbs 441 lbs 13 lbs H 331 lbs 244 lbs 13 lbs H 189 lbs 489 lbs 353 lbs -75 lbs 33 lbs H -145 lbs -17 lbs 50 lbs H .118 lbs -389 lbs 157 lbs H -373 lbs 176 lbs 127 lbs 449 lbs 363 lbs CSI Bracing Max P 0,442 Sheathed -972 lbs ________ 0.194 Sheath rd 802lh J 0.470 Sparse 938 lbs 0.2l5 Unbmard -540 lbs_______ I Web3-12 t Sao (50ksi).... 0.I32 Utrbinied 264 lbs Web 3-Il 15C20 (50 tail . 0.149 Unbtneed -206 lbs 'il eb 4 II 15C20 (30 I) _______ 0082 U bi)odd 179 lbs ______ Web 4-10 1 5C28 (50 ]oil 0.269 (inbound -285 lbs Web 10 _15C20(50 ha) 0.124 U braced 239 lbs J Web 5-9 _____________________ i5C18 (50 ltoi) _________________________________ 0.292 Unbrsced 411 lbs 'Web 6.9 15C20(50In) 02I0 IJ ____ braced 371 lb .__.J Web 6-8 l5CI6 (50 Irsi) 0.277 Unbtoced -527 lbs Web 7-8 I5C20(50kur) 0008 U braced I? lbs,,__J NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. ALL GENERAL NOTES OF THIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PARTOFTHSS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT THE1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEer MElDS 11-IS MINIMUMAPPUCABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cr/dc, Suite 102 11/S LOADS, LOADING CoNOmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET. Boulder, Colorado 00301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: G04 4231 Liberty Blvd. .' JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:54 PM Systent Anscon6.003 Page: 2of3 Report: Eng Plot (K E V MARK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System GSlntss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] sws TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 13-3-7 2.997/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 44.9 lbs Loads Summary Load Case Lii: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Top Coat Down Bo' 0.0.0 6-1-0 Down But Cons Down Point Loads Metober Locution Direction Loud Tsib width Ent 6-I-8 Down 64 lbs Load Case DI: Std Dead Load tO psf tO psi 24 in Opsi Opsi 24 in Opsi Opsi 24 in Distributed Loads Meodser Locution I Locution 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Loud Ttib width Top 0-0-0 6-1-8 Down Rake 8 psi 0 psi 24 in Top Cons Dawn Rake 8 psi 8 psi 24 in But 0-0-0 6-1-8 Down Rake 3 psi 3 psi 24 in Bo t Coot Down Rake 3 psi 3 psi 24 in Point Loads Motthcr Locarino Direction Loud Tnb Width But 64-8 Dorvtt 71 lbs Automated Load Case Wl: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Mesrdser Location I Location 2 Dirrutiun Spread Start Loud End Loud Trib '.04th Top 0-0-0 6-2-5 N Up Robe 25.31 psi 25.31 psi 24 in Top 6-2-5 13-3-7 N Up Rake 29.83 psi 29.83 psf 24 in Web 1-14 Coot Right Rake 14.56 psi 14.56 psf 24 in Point Loads Mnniter Location Direction Loud Thb width But 6-I-8 Up 133 lbs Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(LJp) Distributed Loads Meniscr Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Loud End Loud Tnb width Top 0.0.0 6-2-5 N Up Rake 17.91 psi 17.91 psi 24 in Top 6.2-5 3-3-7 N Up Rube 29.83 psi 29.83 psf 24 in Web 1-14 Coot Loft Rake 16.88 psf 16.88 psi 24 is Point Loads Mett-ber Location Direction Loud Ttib Width But 6-I-8 Up 84 lbs Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Leads Merober Location I Location 2 Direction Spreud Stan Loud End Loud Ttib width Top 0.0.0 6.2.5 N Up Rube 9.29 psi 9.29 psi 24 in Point Loads Meoder Location Direction Loud Treb width But 6-I-8 Up 42 lbs Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Meniser Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Loud End Loud Trib width Top 0-0-0 6-2-5 N Up Rake 64.67 psi 64.67 psi 24 in Top 6-2-3 12-5-I5 N Up Rake 46.63 psi 46.63 psi 24 in Top 12-5-I5 13-3-7 N lip Rake 40.21 psi 40.21 psi 24 in Web 1-14 Coat Loft Rake 36.5 psi 36.5 psi 24 in Point Loads Mrniter Location Direction Load Teib width But 6-I-8 Up 321 lbs Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Mrtrbrr Location! Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Loud End Loud 1db width Top 0-0-0 6-2.5 N Dawn Rake 8 psI 8 psi 24 in Web 1-14 Cuat Right Rake 16 psi 16 psf 24 in Point Loads Metier Location Direction Loud Tnb width But 6-I-8 Down 36 lbs Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(M i n) No loads were deftned for this load case. Automated Load Case LI 0°: UBC lOib Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Mcndtrr Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db width Bat Cant Down Ptnj 10 psi tO psi 24 in Point Loads Metier Location Direction Loud 1db width But 6-I-8 Dosvn 42 lbs User-defined Load Case El: Siearnic No leads were defmed for this toad case. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFT1-IIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OEThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThAIThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT11-IE7RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON 1141S SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester CdcI. Suite 102 THE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEISI Bouldir, Colutndu 80301 E V M A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SWS Panel & Truss 4231 Liberty Blvd. South Gate CA 90280 Truss: G04 JobName: 217 Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:54 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 3 of3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 13-3-7 2.997/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 24 in . 44.9 lbs This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psfbottomehord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is GablelHip with Building Category II, Mean RoofHeight 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End ZoneTruss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prune Region. Load Combinations Load Combo Factor I Dl 1.000 1.000 _1 3 Dl +0.6W3 - 1.000 4blf0.6W8 1.000 5 Dl 0 +.6 W9 1.000 6Dl:o.7ol .000 7 D; 0.45 W3 *0.73W - .000 __________________ l.000_ _ -] 9 01+0.53 El *0.75 1,1 =16=0.6 oi.tu Wl I.000 1 II 0.601 +0.6 W2 - 1.000 2 0.6 Dl0W4 1.000T 1 3 0.6 Di +0.7 E'O.Ol - 1.050 I4Dl±U0' 1.000__________ Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Mcsscr ID. sax CSL sax axial iota. (tax cons)r iota iidilTtsoI fioso sax axial lorac) TChd - 1-2 2-3 0.442 0.326 -972 lbs -859 lbs - 34 4-5 0.176 0.147 -727 lbs -553 lbs 5-6 6-7 0.131 0.107 -301 lbs 0 lbs BChd 8-9 0.161 301 lbs (-201 Ibs) 10-1I 0.185 727 lbs (-664 lbs) 12-13 0.470 930 lbs (-792 lbs) 9-10 0.149 553 lbs 012 lbs) 11-12 0.151 802 lbs 018 lbs) 13-14 0.001 -138 lbs Webs 1-14 0.215 -540 lbs 3-12 0.132 264 lbs (-203 lbs) 5-10 0.124 239 lbs (-190 lbs) 7-0 0.000 17 lbs (-13 Its) 1.13 0.390 959 lbs (-674 lbs) 3-Il 0.149 -206 lbs 5-9 0.292 -411 lbs 2-13 0.090 -201 lbs 4-Il 0.082 179 lbs (-126 lbs) 6-9 0.210 371 lbs (-321 Ibs) 2-12 0.172 -143 lbs 4. 10 0.269 -285 lbs 6-8 0.277 -527 lbs Truss-to-truss Connections Summary Warning: Automated load transfer is incomplete. Manual loading may be required. (Connection TT15) ID Carried Truss CoosngTrxss Cxss6ngO0bet Angle 1115 002 004 6-1-8 45 deg __ C.1T16 199 _______________ _______________ 004 7-4 12 __________ _90 d g 1117 109 _________ ______________004 004 7-7--7-9-4.12 90 deg CTrlo 109 11-412 ._......90deg 1130 004 005 28-3-2 90 deg GUSSET PLATES 1[el1 - - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMaterisl Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6" of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicutarto the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" of the end ofeach chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE 11IATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAt. INDICATES ONLY ThATThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Csicle, SolIe 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURA11ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 GS Build® System OS Tniss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] E V M A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS gws TRUSS SWS Panel & Truss 4231 Liberty Blvd. South Gate CA 90280 Truss: G05 JobName: 217 Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:54 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: I of 4 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 34-0-0 3.001/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 12 in 263.6 lbs I - lU-U L- l - I L-U-l.J I L-U-U 1 2-0-0I1-U-Uk lj.-U-U 1 L-U-U 1 L-U-UI+-lII3i-lt al-U-LI 1 al-U-U 1 al-U-U 11-I0-I91-I I-I11) 1-10-0 3-11-9 1 6-3-2 1 8-3-2 10-3-2 18-3-2120-32142-34 24-3-2 26-3-2 28-3-2 0-10-0 4-2-0 4-2-0 0-10-0 7S 8s9 lOs 11 29s 3F12 6s 10 10 15S 1213 16 S 17s 18 S 19s (37s 36s t351 t3 t3i 01 6ft 2a§ 2ft Mg 2ft 2ft 2ft 23s 22s) 0-0-0 0-0-0 1-10-0 2-1-9 1 2-3-9 2-0-0 2-0-0 2-0-0 2-0-0 2-0-0 2-0-0 2-0-0 2-0-0 2-0-0 2-0-0 2-0-0 -10-151-11-11-9-15 1-10-0 3-11-9 1 6-3-2 1 8-3-2 10-3-2 12-3-2 14-3-2 16-3-2 18-3-2 20-3-2 22-3-2 24-3-2 26-3-2 Circles indicate lltnteoeecoont in webs. Squares indicate thsteoercoant in chords."Fasteners" indicates the nond,erofAnconiS SS #12 or#12 SOS (AISI) fasteners teqtsitrd or oneend of the norcher. Each stdae indicates the ttondrerofllssteoets "aired: (s) indicates the ttnoirerof AsnooniS SS #12 to be installed on one side of the trots. (b) indicates the nnniscrof#I2 SDS (AlSo lobe installed on each side of the truss. Where connection plates are called out on this drawing, a plate is required on each side of the truss. Referto General Notes foellrnberclnaificatioo. Allowable shearperAncon IS SS #12 ttnteneras follows: 27 traIn: 402 lbs; 33 rails: 544 lbs; 43 nails: 010 lbs; 54 nits: 1.138 lbs: 68 oils: 1 .6 10 Ibs.Allotvnble sbenr per #12 SOS (AlS48ssteneris calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WItH SUPPLEMENT 82. Maintain fastener spacing ar 5/0 rain. Maintain fastener edge noro at 5/8 edo lbr each sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection L/ (bc) Allowed iC 0.160(17-18) TLO.11 in L/999 (26.27) L/240 BC 0.176(24.25) LL 0.05 in L/999 (26-27) I./360 Web: 0.329 (16-26) Coot /OH TL., 0.02 in UP 2L/999 I 2L/ 180 It CootioaoaslyBrtsced Coot/OH LI.t 0.01 in UP 2L/999 I 2I./ 180 - BC Bracing Sparse Hota iL 0.04 in 21 Reactions Summary H Roll (WL) i i 6 in 567 lbs Pin (WI.) 2 I 6 in 1,158 lbs H Roll (WI.) 2 I 6 in 1,075 lbs Pin (WI.) 3 I 6 in 507 lbs H Roll (WI.) 3 I 6 in 468 lbs Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in 680 lbs Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in -24 lbs H H Roll (WL) 4 I 6 in 601 lbs Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 624 lbs Pi. (WL) 3 I 6i5 24 lbs 11 It H Roll (WL) 5 t 61n 617 lbs Pin 6 I- 6i5 611 lbs H Roll (WI.) 6 I 6 in 567 lbs Pin (WI.) 7 I 6 in 943 lbs H Roll (WI.) 7 I 6 in 874 lbs Pin (Vr'L) 8 I 6 in 533 lbs H Roll (WI.) 8 I 6 in 493 lbs Pin (WI.) 9 I 6 in 1.821 lbs H Roll (WL) 9 I 6 in 948 lbs Pin (WL) 10 I 6 i -191 lbs H Roll (WI.) 18 I 6 in -131 lbs Pin (WL) II I 6 in -126 lbs H Roll (WL) II I 6 in -145 lbs Pin (WL) 12 I 6i5 -301 lbs H Roll (WL) 12 I 6 in -241 lbs Pin (WI.) 13 I 6 in 366 lbs H Roll (WI.) IS I 61n 340 lbs Pin (WI.) 14 I 6 in 942 lbs H Roll (WI.) 14 I 6 in 876 lbs 21 I 1,875 lbs -145 lbs .145 lbs Member Material CS! Bracing Max P Top Chd 1-8 451t167t16 (58 led) 8.128 Sheathed -2.111 lbs Top Chd 0 13_ 454Cl6iCl6 (50 Iss) 8 l08 Sheath etJ ____1900 1b5 Top Chd 1320 451C16TC16 (501w) _____________ ___________________ 0 160 __________ Sheathed 2657 lbs BotCbd2l-38 5il6I50ksi 0A76 Spasse 2,567 lbs--= Web 1-38 15C20 58 1wi) 0.018 Unbraced Unbraced - 58 lbs Web ____________________ 2-38 i5c2oso1wi) 0.! I l Unbraced - -228 lbs J Webb 2-37 15D20(501wi) 0.182 -1,0661bs Vr eb236_________________ 15020(501w) j—'-02l3 U btaced 1 3581b5_,:J Web 3-36 13028 (50 wi) - - 0.127 Unbtoced -722 lbs Wh 3 iS___________________ 15C16(50 Its) 0 168 U bra ed 833 lbs .] Web 4-35 ____________________ I 508 (80ksi) 8.050 Unbtnccd 201 lbs ___________________________ W6 4.34 _____________ l5C20(50ks) olll Ubraced__________________ 1181bs J Web 5-34 15C20 (50 wi) 0.044 Unbmced 122 lbs_________ Webb-33 15C20(50Iwi) ______________________________________ 0.l63 U9bWced_ l52 lbs Web 6-33 15C20(50twi) - 0.055 Unbtocnd 141 lbs ________________ 9, b6 32 t3C20(50 1w) ______________ ----0309 _tJ braced _______ 230 lbs__J Web 7-32 15C20 (50 wi) 0.009 Unbrttced 30 lbs ___________________ 8-32 Web —15C20 I 500(50 led) 0.08) 219 lbs________ Web 8-31 I 500 (30 1wi) 0.122 Unbraced 143 lbs Web 9-3I 15CI8(50kdi) 0.155 Unbtoced _____-136 lbs W69-30 ___________ 15C20 (50 led) - 0.136 Unbracesl 153 lbs Web 1830 l5C20(S0lw) 0.217 U btnced_ ,141 lbs ] Web 10-29 15C20 (50 wi) 0.027 48 lbs Web (]-29_ !)c20.(50 led) 0.083 Unbraced U. braced '-54 lbsJ ALL GENERAL NOTES OFiittS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPi111S COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATThE Keymads Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THATThEiRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle, Suite 02 THE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONPIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boolder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: G05 4231 Liberty Blvd. . JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:54 PM System Amcon 6.003 Page: 2of4 Report: Eng Plot 4 KE V M A R K GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GSlruss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] sws TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 34-0-0 3.001/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 263.6 lbs tV612-28 __t5C20(50ko1) ____________ O.0t5 Iinbstd 18 lbs _________ Web E3 -is 15C20 (50 his) ___________________ 0.055 Uabroced 46 lbs Web 1327 15C20 (50 ho) ______________________________________ 0 16 Unbststd ___________________________ 366 lbs Web 14-27 I 5C20 (50 koi) . 0.012 Unbraced 37 lbs Web 1527 15D20(50kn) 0 103 11 braced -460lbs________ Web 15-26 15C20 0 hoi) 0.0 99 Unbraoed 314 lbs B b 16 6 I5C20(59 1w) 9 _-= -0.3-2 U brrscd _____ 324 lbs ..J Web 6-25 I 520 (50 hoi) 0.076 Unbraced 241 lb Yreb 1725 I5C20(501w) 0:1 83 Ubd ___________________________ _______________________ 2291bs Web) 7-24 I 5C20 (50 hoi) 0.058 Unbraced 184 lbs Web 18-24 _____________________ I5C2000ho) 0 I05 Ii bra ced ______ 331 lb, Web 8-23 ________________ I5CI6(50ksi) 0.135 Uabmced -399 lbs Web 1923 I5CI6(S0t.$) 6:180 '7= U braced 894 lbs Web 19-22 ______________ I 5C20 (50 Li) 0.040 IJabrasced -tOO lbs Web 1921 _________________I5Dl6(aohs) 0209 1J b186id ____ I 845lbs___.J Wb2o-2I 15C20(50k5i) 0.013 lissbmsed 25 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Meniter Location I Location 2 Direesisrn Spiced Star Load End Load Tnb Width Top 0.0.0 34.0.0 Down Proj ID psr 10 psI 12 in Top Coos Down Pnsj lOpsf Opal - I2in Bot 0.0-0 34.0-0 Down Era) 0 psI 0 psI 12 in Bat Cons Down Proj 0 psI 0 psI 12 in Point Loads Men*,er Location Direction Load 1db Width Bos 6-3-2 Down lOS lbs Bo s 28-3-2 Down 190 lbs Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Metier Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Seat Loin! End Load Tnb Width Top 0.0.0 34-0-0 Down Rake 8 PSI` 8 PSI` 12 in Top Coot Down Robe 0ps1 Opt1 I2in Bat 0.0.0 34-0.0 Dorvo Robe 3 psI 3 psI 12 in But Cont Onion Robe 3 psI 3 psI 12 in Point Loads Metier Location Direction Load Thb Width But 6.3-2 Down 205 lbs But 28-3-2 Down 211 lbs - Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Top 20-8-I 34-0.0 Top 13.3.15 20-8-I But 0-0.0 -7-0 Web 1-38 Cost - Web 20.21 Coot RaIse 17.91 psI 17.91 psf 12 in R.I. 29.03 psI 29.83 psI 12 in Rake 14.56 psI 14.56 psI 12 in Robe 14.56 psI 14.56 psI 12 in Robe 16.88 psI 16.88 psI 12 in Point Loads Metier Locorion Direction Load 1db Width Bot 6-3-2 Up 443 lbs Rot 20-3-2 Up 453 lbs Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Metier Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load tad t.sd 1db Width Tap 0-0-0 13-3-15 NUp Rake 17.91 psI 17.91 psI in :2 Top 20-8-I 34-0-0 24 Up Robe 25.29 psI 25.29 psI 12 in Top 13-3-IS 20.8-I NUp Rake 29.83 psI 29.83 psf 12 in Web 1-38 Coot Left Robe 16.88 psI 16.88 psI 12 in Web 20-21 Cost Left Robe 14.56 psI 14.56 psI 12 in Point Loads Metier Locosion Direction Losd 1db Width Bos 6.3-2 Up 425 lbs Bar 28-3-2 Up 400 lbs Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS.(Ivlax Dn) Distributed Loads Metier Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Fad Load Ttib Width Top 0-0-0 13-3-I5 N Up Robe 9.29 psI 9.29 psI 12 in Top 20-8-I 34.0.0 N Up Robe 9.29 psI 9.29 psI 12 in Point Loads Metier Location Direction Load Tdb Width Bat 6-3-2 Up 41 lbs Bo t 28-3-2 Up 49 lbs Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Metier Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Star Load Fad Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 6-3-10 N lip Rake 60.02 psI 6082 psI IS to Top 6-3-10 7-0-5 74 Up Robe 38.5 psI 30.5 psI 12 in Top 7-0-5 13.3-15 N Up Rake 60.92 psI 60.82 psI 12 in Top 13-3-I5 19-7-9 N Up Robe 60.02 psI 60.02 PSI 12 in Top 19-7-9 20-8-I N Up Robe 60.82 psI 60.82 psI 12 in Top 20-8-I 26-I1-I1 N lip Rube 60.82 psI 60.82 psI 12 in Top 26-I1-I1 27-0-6 N lip Robe 38.5 psI 38.5 psI IS in Top 27-0-6 34-0-0 N Up Rube 60.82 psr 60.82 psI 12 in Bat 0-0-0 1-7-0 N lip Rube 28.45 psI 2045 psI 12 in 9Vets 1-38 Coat Left Rube 28.45 psI 28.45 psI 121n Web 20-21 Cont Right Rake 26.45 psI 28.45 psI IS in ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTRIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFTRIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThAT114E Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cdcle. Suite 102 114E LOADS. WADING CONOmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS. AND SPANS LISTED ON ThIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: G05 4231 Liberty Blvd. .. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:54 PM System: Anicon 6.003 Page: 3of4 Report: Eng Plot E V MARK GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GSlruss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 34-0.0 3.001 /12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 263.6 lbs Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sims Load End Load Thb '304th Top 0-0.0 13.3-15 N Down Rake 8 PSI* tpSf 20 ',Veb 1.38 Cons Right Rake 16 psI 16 psI 12 in Point Loads Member Location Direction Load Tnb '304th Bol 6-3-2 Down 22 lbs Sos 28-3-2 Do-43 lbs Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) Distributed Loads Meniser Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Slots Load End Load Tnb Vsidsh Top 20-0-I 34.0-0 N Down Rake 8 psI 8 psI 12 in Web 20-21 Coos LeO Robe 16psl 16p51 :2 in Automated Load Case LIO°: UBC I01b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tub Width Bet Cool Down Proj 10 PSI* lOpsl 12 in Point Loads Mesthor Location Direction Load Tnb Width But 6-3.2 Down 49 lbs Sot 20-3-2 Down 152 lbs User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No loads were defined for this load case. I) This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to tO psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean RoofHeight 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 fix 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations 9 Load Combo Factor I Dl1:+ 20L30 1.000 .000 3 Dl +0.6 W3 4Dl06Wt 1.000 1.000 Dl +0.6 W9 1.000 6D1'+ 0.7 El .000 7 Dl * 0.45 W3 * 0.75 LA 1.600 c.8Dl*045W3 .1.000 9 Dl * 0.53 El + 0.75 DI 1.000 E100 601+06 Wl .. 1.060 I 0.6 DI -0.6 W2 1.000 1206 DI 50 6 W4................. t 000 13 8.601+0.7 F/sOt _______________________________________________________________ 1.000 l4DI+LIO ___________________ _t.000__ - Member Forces Summary Table indicates Menier tD. seas CSI. urns aaiat farce. (usa coops force ildiffesont 8ontmsx mist force) lChd 1-2 2-3 3.4 4.5 8-6 0.069 0.074 0.128 0.117 0.099 30 lbs -1.439 lbs -2,111 lbs -2.110 lbs .2,026 lbs - (.6 lbs) 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-lI 0.097 0.096 0.096 0.108 6.092 -1.920 lbs -1,900 lbs -1,818 lbs -1,880 lbs -1.900 lbs 11-12 12.13 13-14 14-IS 5-16 0.091 0.083 0.114 0.114 0.107 -1.090 lbs -1,890 lbs -2.072 lbs -2,093 lbs 16-17 17-15 18.19 19-20 -2,310 lbs 0.143 0.160 0.140 0.008 -2.498 lbs -2.657 lbs -2,398 lbs 7 lbs (-7 lbs) BChd 1-22 0.104 1,886 lbs (-311 lbs) 6-27 0.147 2.236 lbs (-537 lb,,) -32 0.113 1,797 lbs (466 lbs) 36-37 0.087 192 lbs (-30 lbs) 2 -2 3 0.104 1,556 lbs (-311 Ibs) 7-28 0.112 1.087 lbs (-494 Ibs) 2-33 0.106 1,989 lbs (-469 lbs) 37-38 0.057 192 lbs (-31 lbs) 3-24 0.151 2,325 lbs (-436 Ibs) 8-29 0.107 1.900 lbs (.513 Ibs) 3-34 0.119 2.041 lbs (428 lbs) 4-25 0.176 2,567 lbs (.483 Ibs) 9-30 0.187 1,800 lbs (-508 Ibs) 4-38 0.143 2.041 lbs (-342 lbs) 5-26 0.137 2.418 lbs (-516 Ibm) 0-31 0.093 1.818 lbs (.478 lbs) 5-36 0.124 1.382 lbs (-226 lbs) Webs 1-38 0.018 58 lbs (-II lbs) 6-33 0.853 141 lbs (-82 lbs) 11-28 0.052 41 lbs (-29 lbs) 7-24 0.058 184 lbs (44 lbs) 2-38 0.111 -228 lbs 6-32 0.309 -230 lbs 12.20 0.015 18 lbs (-10 lbs) 18-24 0.105 331 lbs (-St lbs) 2-37 9.182 -1,066 lbs 7-32 0.009 30 lbs (-5 lbs) 3-28 0.088 46 lbs (-35 lbs) 10-23 0.135 -399 lbs 2-36 0.213 1,358 lbs (-255 lbs) 8-32 0.083 219 lbs (-SI lbs( 13-27 0.116 366 lbs (-64 lbs) 19-23 0.100 894 lbs (-145 lbs) 3-36 0.127 -722 lbs 8-31 0.122 143 lbs (-70 lbs) 14-27 0.012 37 lbs (-9 lbs) 19-22 0.040 -tOO lbs 3-35 0.160 833 lbs (-157 lbs) 9.31 0.155 -136 lbs 15-27 0.103 -460 lbs 19-21 0.209 -1,845 lbs 4-35 0.950 201 lbs (-78 lbs) 9-30 0.136 153 lbs (-76 lbs) 15-26 0.099 314 lbs (.67 Ibm) 20-21 0.013 25 lbs (-23 lbs) 4-34 0.117 -138 lbs 10-30 0.217 -141 lbs 16-26 0.329 -324 lbs 5-34 0.044 122 lbs (-56 Ibs) 10-29 0.027 40 lbs (-IS lbs) 6.25 0.076 241 lbs (-73 lbs) 5-33 0.163 -152 lbs 11-29 0.083 -54 lbs 17-25 0.183 -229 lbs Truss-to-truss Connections Summary Warning: Automated load transfer is incomplete. Manual loading may be required. (Connections TFI9, T130, 1T1I, TF15) ID Casmiedlsssss CoaryingTnsss Css,yisg0flker Angle 1179 003 (305 6-3.2 90 deg CTr20 TI0 ___________005 _8 32 90 deg Tr2l T12 005 _______________ ___________ 10-3-2 ____________ 90 deg T122 ___________ T14 005 --12-3-2 _____________90dcg 1123 ___________ Tl6 ________________ (105 14-3-2 90 deg TI24 T16 ___________ G05 I6-3-2 90deg T125 T16 (105 __________ 10-3-2 90 deg Tr26 Tl6 008 ________ 20-3-2 90 de5J 1127 ________ T15 GO 22-3-2 ________ 90 deg T128......_............ T13 ________________ (305 ' 2432 _____________ 90 deg 1129 TI I 0115 26-3-2 ______________ 90 deg TF3O 004 (308 20-3-2 __________90des ALL GENERAL NOTES 0911415 DRAWING PACKAGE SI-lAD. BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE 11IATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT ThE1RIJSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICAB LE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Wioclsester Crick, Suite 102 ThE WADS, WADING CONDmONS, IRUS5 MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON ThIS SHEEE Booldec Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: G05 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/2112016 3:20:54 PM System Amcori 6.003 Page: 4of4 Report: Eng Plot K EYMARKK WX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS BuildIB System GSTruss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] 5w5 TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 34-0-0 3.001/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 263.6 lbs GUSSET PLATES t1I1LItT1 - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMaterial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the tIUSS and placed within 6 ofeach panel point. The end of every chord Segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 of the end ofeach chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OPThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE TRATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT TRETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS Thit MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITTER [A FOR 6707 Wjncl,esYr Crick, Sit 102 THE LOADS LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS. AND SPANS LISTED ON ThIS SHEET. Boulder, Colomdo 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: G06 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Dale: 6/21/2016 3:20:55 PM System: Anicon 6.003 Page: . I of3 Report: Eng Plot (KEYM AR 1< GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 6-8-10 2.121/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 12 in 18.7 lbs L-M- 10 1 -0-0 2-4-5 5-2-4 6-8-10 0-11-10 . 2-44 - 0-0-0 0-0-0 2-4-5 2-9-15 1-6-6 2-4-5 5-2-4 6-8-10 Circles indicate Sotenercostnt in webs. Squares indicate Ostenercount in chords."Fasteners" indicates the nateberofAesonTS 55 #12 or#12 SOS (AlSO tsslenexs required stone end of the nwner. Each noise indicates she nsn*rerof llsstenets required: (s) indicates the rnxndser of Aarron 15 55 012 to be installed on One side ofthe ttssss. (b) indicates the osteber n/S 12 SDS (AlSI) to be installed on each side ofthe totes. Where connection plates ate called out on this drawing o plate is required on each side of the truss. Referto General Notes for lUnherclarification. AltowableshearperAstaton IS SS #12 Ststenerns follows: 27 nnls: 402 lbs: 33 roils: 544 lbs: 43 nits: 810 lbs: 54 salts: 1.138 lbs; 68rails: 1,610 lbs.Altowahlethearper#12 SOS (AlSl) fastener is calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT #2. Maintain fastener spacing at 5/8" rain. Maintain fastener edge nowain at 5/8_ nsn for each thee of steel connected. CSI Deflection L/ (bc) . Allowed IC : 0.103(1-2) TLO.0I in 1/999 (2-3) 1/240 BC 0.113(6-7) 11:0/n L/999 (2-3) L/360 Web: 0.100(3-5) Hous TL, 0in 5 it Continuously Braced BC BtttcingSporse Reactions Summary IT Type LC BC Bre'Md Reaction IT BC MaaReact MaaOravUpli8 MaxMWFRSUplift MaxC&CUpli0 MacUplift MasHoriz 8 Pin (WI) 6 in 73 lbs 8 I 139 lbs -II lbs -90 lbs -90 lbs 70 lbs 5 H Roll (WI) 1 1 6 in 76 lbs 5 I 145 lbs -20 lbs -121 lbs -121 lbs 8 Pin (WI) 2 1 6 in 139 lbs 5 H Roll (WL) 2 6 in 145 lbs 8 Pin (WI) 3 1 6 in 56 lbs 0 Pin (WL) 3 1 6 in 7 lbs H 5 H Roll (WL) 3 . I 6 in 56 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in 87 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 i -l5lbsH 5 H Roll (WL) 4 I 6 in 93 lbs 8 Pits (WI) 5 1 6 is 73 lbs 5 H Roll (WL) 5 1 6 in 76 lbs 8 Pin (WI) 6 1 6 in 73 lbs 5 H Roll (WI) 6 1 6 in 76 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 7 1 6 in 110 lbs 8 Pin (WI) 7 1 6 in 5 lbs H - 5 H Roll (WI) 7 6 in 112 lbs 8 Pin (WI) 8 1 6 in 60 lbs 8 Pin (WI) 8 1 6 in 5 lbs H 5 H Roll (WI) 8 1 6 in 61 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 9 1 6 i 122 lbs 5 H Roll (WI) 9 1 6 in 128 lbs 8 Pin (WI) tO 6 /n -II ls 8 Pin (WL) 10 6 i l3lbsbH H Roll (WI) 10 1 6 in -20 lbs 8 Pin (WI) II I 6 in I lbs 8 Pin (WI) II I 6 in 23 lbs H 5 H Roll (WI) II I 6 in 4 lbs 8 Pin (WI) 12 I 6 in -90 lbs 8 Pin (WI) 12 I 6 in 78 lbs II -. 5 II Roll (WI) 12 I 6 in -121 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 13 I 6 i 44 lbs 5 H Rnll (WI) 13 I 6 in 46 lbs 8 Pin (WI) 14 I 6 in 106 lbs 5 H Roll (WI) 14 I '6 in III lbs Member Material CSI Bracing Max P Web 1-7 15C20(50 ksi) ___________________________________ 0.072,___,Ussbsaccd Web 2-7 I5C20 (50 ksi) 0.024 Unbowed -57 lbs Web 2-6 15C20 (50 Ia) 0095 U braced 100 lbs J Web 3-6 15C20 (50 ksi) 0.023 Unbowed 74 lbs Snob 3-5-__] _______________________ _____________________ 15C20 (50 ho) 0 100-, Urtbraoed 164 Web 4-5 I 5C20 (50 ksi) 0.004 Unbowed 9 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load CascLrl: Sid Live Load , Distributed Loads Top 0.0.0 64-10 Down Ptnj lOpsi lopsf 12 in Box 010 10 6-8-10 Down Proj 0psf Bpsf 12 in Box_0.0.0 6-8-l0 Dn_wn - --------'mi 0 nsf 0 osf 12 in ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT THEIRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winclsnsxer Crick, Suite 102 THE LOADS, LOADING CONDmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON TillS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: G06 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:55 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 2of3 - Report: Eng Plot (K E Y M A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 781 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING . WGTIPLY 6-8-10 2.121/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 18.7 lbs Load Case DI :Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Metrber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Tdb Width Top 0.0.0 6-8-10 Down Rake 8 psi 8 psi 12 in Top 0.0.0 6-0-10 Down Rake 8 psI 8psI 12 in Bot 0.0.0 6-0-10 Down Rake 3 psi 3 psi 12 in Bo 0-0-0 6-8-10 Down Rake 3 psi 3 psi 12 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Menirer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Sod Load lb Width Top 0.0.0 h-S-IS N Up Rote 29.8 psi 29.8 psi 12 in Web 1-8 Cost Right Rote - 14.56 psi - 14.56 psi 12 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) . Distributed Loads Merrter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load 1db Width Top 0.0-0 6-5-I0 N Up Rake 10.61 psi 8.61 psi 12 in Web 1-8 Cost Lo# Rake 16.88 psi 16.80 psi 12 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) - Distributed Loads Mereber - Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 6-8-10 N Up Rake 9.29 psi 9.29 psi 12 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Mctther Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top 0.0-0 6-3-tO N Up Rote 74.59 psi 74.59 psi 2 in Top 6-3-I0 6-8-tO N Up Rake 74.59 psi 74.59 psi 12 in Web 1-8 Coat LeO Rote 42.33 psi 42.33 psi 12 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) - Distributed Loads Metrirer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Loot 1db Width Top - 0-0-0 . 6-8-I0 N Down Rake 8 psi 8 psi 2 is Web I-S Coot Right Rote 16 psi 16 psi 2 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No toads were deftned for this toad case. Automated Load Case LI 0°: USC lOIb Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Merr*ter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Bor Coot Down Proj iOpsi 10ps1 12 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No toads were defined for this load case. - I) This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to tO psf bottom chord live load plus dead toads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - to, tto mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean Roof Height 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 It x 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone WIdth 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not ins Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations 0 Load Cond.,o Fnctor I Dl _______________________________________________________________________________ 1.000 2D1+Lsi 1.000 3 Dl +0.6 W3 - 1.000 DI +0.6W t.Oso Dl + 0.6 W9 1.000 I6=DI *0.7 El - 1.000 7 01*0.45 W3 *0.75 Let 1.000 0D1 +045 h03 1.000 9 Dl* 0.53 El *0.75 Lel 1.000 1006D1*06w1 1000 II 0.6 DI +0.6 W2 ________________________________________________________________________ .000 l206Dl+06W4 1000 3 0.6 DI *0.7 €10.01 1.000 I4DiLto• 1.QOO- Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Meniree ID. nato CSI, nato osis] inrce. (nato canpe force ifdifferent front nato soial force) TChd 11.2 0.103 -187 lbs 12-3 0.075 -103 lbs 134 0.073 .7 lbs I 0.072 195 lbs (-Ill lbs)l 2-6 0.095 100 lbs (-98 lbs)I 3-5 0.100 -164 lbs Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID Coniedlnsss CotINnglwss Con34ng0Itkel Anp5e 1131 117 006 24-3 45 deg TT3l........._._118 006_______________ 2-45 _____________ 315 dej 1132 ___________ 119 ________________ 006 _________________ 5-2-4 45 deg ETt32 120 006 52-4 3I5dej ALL GENERAL NOTES OFNIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDSRSDAS AN INTEGRAL PARTOPThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThS Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT 1}IE11OUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON hOtS SHEET MEETS 1145 MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cdcle, Satire 102 THE LOADS. WADING CONDITIONS. MUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATiONS, ANt) SPANS U51150 ON ThIS SHOVE Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: G06 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:55 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 3 of Report: Eng Plot (JLOJ MARK STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GSlruss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] gwg TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 6-8-10 2.121/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 12 in 18.7 lbs GUSSET PLATES TLetTI - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment of this truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMaterial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicularto the plane of the truss and placed within 6 "of each panel point. The end ofevery chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFOUS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEEr MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle, Suite 102 THE LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, 'TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATiONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET. Boulder, Coloesdo 80301 0-10-2 2-5i§4 2.121 12 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: G07 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:55 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 1 of3 - Report: Eng Plot ( KE V M A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS miss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 7-5-2 2.121/12 6 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 12 in 21.7 lbs l-U-I3 - - 2-4-5 5-2-4 6-4-3 7-5-2 0-0-0 - 0-0-0 2-4-5 2-9-15 11-1-15 11-0-15 2-4-5 5-2-4 1 6-4-3 1 7-5-2 COnIes indicate tsstenercoanl in webs. Squares indicate fasteoeecoasst in chords. "Fasteners" indicates the nontrerofAancooiS SS 012 or#I2 SOS (AIS l)sslesse,s requited at one end ofthe nooter. Each solue indicates Ihe naniserof fosteness requited: (s) indicates the noatber afAnwonTS SS#12 to be installed on one side of the truss. (a) indicates the nanter of# 12 SDS (Alsoto be installed on each side of the truss. Whew connection plates are called out on this dtasving, a plate is requited on each side of the truss. RelOrlo General Notes tlartlsnherclaotcaaian. AllosenhtesbeaepeeAanron IS SS #12 ttsteneras fottosys: 27 nols: 402 lbs: 33 oils: 544 lbs; 43 oils: 810 lbs: 54 wits: 1.138 lbs: 68 oils: 1.610 lbs.Allownbteshearpee8l2 SOS (AISI) frssteoceis calculated pee the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT 112. Maintain flattener spncin8at 5/8 tin. Maintain flattener e4 nnstgin at 5/8 nrio the each sheet of steel connected. CS!' Deflection L/ (bc) Allowed IC 0.113 (1.2) fl 0,01 in L/999 (2-3) L/240 BC 0.139(8-9) LL 0.01 in L/999 (2-3) L/360 Web: 0.093(2.0) HoazTh 0 in 6 IC Continuously Braced BC BracingSpnsse Reactions Summary H Roll (WL) I I - 6 in 63 lbs Pi. (WL) 2 I 6 i 1481b5 H Roll (WL) 2 I 6i0, 119 lbs Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 39 lbs Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 7 lbs H H Roll (WL) 3 I 6 in 40 lbs Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in 94 lbs Pi. (WL) 4 I 6i0 .l4 lbs H H Roll (WL) 4 I 6 in 82 lbs Pi. (9(L) 5 I 6 in 78 lbs H Roll (WL) S I 6 in 63 lbs Pin (WL) 6 - I 6 in 78 lbs H Roll (WL) 6 I 6 in 63 lbs Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 116 lbs Pin (WI.) 7 I 6 in 5 lbs H H Roll (WL) 7 I 6 in 88 lbs Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 64 lbs Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 5 lbs H H Roll (WI.) 8 I 6 in 46 lbs Pi. (WL) 9 I 6 i 130 lbs Ft Roll (9(L) 9 I 6 in 105 lbs Pi. (WL) tO I 6i0 -14 lbs Pin (WL) 10 I 6 i l6 lbs H H Roll (WL) 10 I 6 in, .34 lbs Pin (WL) II I - 6 in 9 lbs Pin (11(L) II I 6 in 23 lbs H H Roll (WL) II I 6 in .0 lbs Pin (WL) 12 I 6 i -lOt lbs Pin (WI.) 12 I 6 in 79 lbs H II Roll (WL) 12 I 6 in .140 lbs Pin (WL) 13 I 6 in 47 lbs Ft Roll (WI.) 13 I 6 in 30 lbs Pin (9(L) 14 I 6 in 114 lbs H Roll (WI.) 14 I 6 in 100 lbs Member Material Top Chd I-S 20EC20 (50 loi) Bar Chd 6-10 201C20(50la) Web 110 ISC20(501ni) We1I-9 5C20(20hsi) Web 2-9 I 5C20 (50 hsi) Web 2.8 l5C20(50hs) Web 3-8 15C20(50k5i) Web 3-7 15C20 (50ksi) Web 4.7 15C20 (50 i) Web 4-6 15C20 (50 tat) Web 5-6 l SC20 (50 Irai) NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. T BC Mats React Max (tray Uplift Mao MWFRS Uplift M- 0 I 148 lbs .14 lbs 6 I 1191bs .34Ibs .140 lbs .140 lbs CS] Bracing Max P 0,113 Sheathed -225 lbs .,0.139_.,Spaase 218 lbs 0.057 Unbtnced -142 lbs UnbiiZcd -164 lbs I Uobmced 139 lbs_______ IJtsbanced ______________________ 49 lbs i Unhaneed 9 lbs ALL GENERAL NOTES OPTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART 0P1145S COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THATTHETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 WinchesserCsicln, Suite 102 THE WADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, -MUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss . Truss: G07 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:55 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 2of3 Report: Eng Plot E V M A R K WX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GSTnrss® Version: 5.009 [Build 781 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 7-5-2 2.121/12 6 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 12 in 21.7 lbs Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Top 0.0.0 7- 5 - 2 Down Bat 0.0.0 5.2.4 Down Bo t 0.0.0 7-5-2 Down Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Stan Land End Load Tnb Widtl 10 PSI` 10 PSI` 12 in Opal 10 Psi` 12 in Opsf Opal 12in Opal Optl 121n Distributed Loads Meather Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stoat Land End Load Tnb Width Top 0.0.0 5-2.4 Down Rake Opal 8 pal 12 in Top 0-00 7-5-2 Down Rake Opal 8 psI 2 in Bot 0.0.0 5-2.4 Down Rake 3 psI 3 psI 2 in Boa 0.0.0 7-5-2 Down Rake 3 pal 3 pal 12 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Meraber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Land End Load '1rib Width Top 0.0.0 7-5.2 N Up Rate 29.8 pal 29.8 pal 12 in Web I-tO Coot Right Rake 1456 pal 1456 pal 12 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Men*er Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Land End Land Trib Width Top 0.0.0 7-5-2 N Up Rota 10.61 psI 10.61 psI 12 in 'sOb 1.10 Cost Loft Rake 16.88 PSI` 16.88 psI 12 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS.(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Metner Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Land End Land Tnb Width Top 0.0.0 7-5.2 N Up Rate 9.29 pal 9.29 Psi` 12 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Land End Land Tnb Width Top 0.0.0 6.3-10 NtJp Rate - 73.13paI ?3.l3psI I2 in Top 6-3- 10 7-5-2 NUp Rake 73.I3 pal 73.13ps1 :2 in Web 1.10 Coot LaO Rate 41.47pa1 41.47paI 12 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) - Distributed Loads Mendser Location t Location 2 Direction Spread Stoat Land End Land lath Width Top 0.0.0 7-5-2 N Down Rate Opal 8 PSI` 12 in Web -tO Cont Right Rake 16 psI 16 pal 12 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No leads were defined for this toad case. Automated Load Case LI0: UBC lOIb Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Mender Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Land 1db Width Bot - Coot Down Proj tO Psi` tO pal 12 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic - No toads were defined for this toad case. l)This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psfbottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category [I, Mean Roof Height 43 if, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 if, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone WIdth 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations 0 Load Condo Factor I DI 1.000 2D1 Let I 000 3 Dl + 0.6W3 000 - ;-00- .0 5 DI + 0.6 W9 1.000 6Dt 0701 t 000 -1 7 Dl + 0.45 W3 + 0.75 Let 1.000 8DL+045W3 t 0OO............. 9 01+0.5301*0.75 Let .000 10 06Dt-06Wt t 000 It 0.6 Dl +0.6 W2 - .000 I2O6Dt 06W4 _______ 1.000 3 0.6 DI +0.7 0/0.01 I.000 14Dt + L10 I 000 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Menitre ID. ama CSt. ama aniol Irene. (nato cantar lowe ildifferent 6omnata oaiat force) TChd 11.2 0.113 .225 lbs 12-3 0.002 .139 lhc 114 0 O7c .çs to, 1 a at, 0.093 231 lbs (.147 ft) 13-8 0.025 00 lbs (44 lbs) 14-6 0.076 149 lbs (.135 Iha) 0.025 61 lbs (.61 lbs) 3-7 0.087 -164 lbs 5.6 0.003 9 lba (.0 tha) ALL GENERAL NOTES OFfl-lI5 DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPThtS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThAT1140 Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThOTEUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Crick, Suite 102 THE LOADS. LOADING coNDrnoNs, TRUSS MEMBER CONPtGURAI10NS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET. Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: G07 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:55 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 3of3 Report: Eng Plot KEYMARKK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 7-5-2 2.121/12 6 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 12 in 21.7 lbs Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID CariedTmss Can7ingTnss CanngOtEel Me T133 121 007 - 2.4.5 3I5d - [ m3 12I_ _G07 •. 245 - _454eg. T124 122 G07 5-2-4 45 deg T134 122 007 5214 3I5 d_;17 11 _0 1135 123 007 6-4-3 43 deg GUSSET PLATES f,lI1[,1ItI - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6' of each panel point. The end ofevery chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane of the truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6' ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GESIERAL NOTSS OPThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL PARTOFTRIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATNE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEEWS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchosico C6cIe, Suite 102 THE WADS, LOADING CoNomoNa, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURA11ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: G08 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: Date: 217 6/21/2016 3:20:56 PM South Gate CA 90280 System: Amcon 6.003 Page: I of2 Report: Eng Plot (KE V M A R K XX AL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY . OHL OH]). PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 3-9-6 0/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 20.7 lbs I-Il-i I-lU-i 1-11-3 1 3-9-6 5-2-4 5-2-4 Is 3s 2s — T137 T$36 1T38 bs 4s - 0-0-0 0-0-0 1-11-3 1-10-3 1-11-3 3-9-6 Circles iodicote fasteoercoont in webs. Squares indicate fasten" count in chords. "Fasteners" indicates theoan'beeofAeoroolS SS #12 oe#12 SDS (AISI) fasteners squired in one end ofthe rrorrrdter. Each arise indicates the nontreroftirstenets required: (s) indicates the nsnd,eeofAststonlS SS 012 to be installed on one side of the truss. (b) indicates the osnEeeof#12 SDS (AISI) to be installed on each side of the truss. Where connection plows we called out on this dtswing, a plate is required on each side of the truss. Referto Getsetul Notes fort.soherclatificotion. Allosvoble shearpeeAowoo IS SS 012 ttsteneeas follows: 27 salts: 402 lbs: 33 odls: 544 lbs; 43 toils: 810 lbs; 54 alto: 1.138 lbs: 68 toils: 1.610 ibs.Allowable shearper8l2 SDS (AISI)tirsleneris calculated per the NASPEC 2807 WIll-I SUPPLEMENT 02. Maintain tsstener spacing at 5/8" rein. Maintain fastener edge esssoin at 5/8 eon for each sheet of steel connected. CSI , Deflection L/ (bc) Allowed IC : 0.072(2) " TL 0.21 in UP L/289 (1-6) L/180 BC : 0.091 (4) , LL 0 in L/999 (1.2) ' L/360 Web: 0.820(1-6) - Ho. TL' 0.05 is 6 IC Continuously Braced BC BntcingSpnsse Reactions Summary bEd Reaction ST BC M. React Max (tray Uplift Max MWFRS Uplift Max C&C Uplift bias Uplift 2 in 42 lbs 6 I 79 lbs -42 lbs .42 lbs 2 in 42 lbs 4 I 79 lbs -47 lbs -170 lbs -170 lbs 2 i 791bs 2 i 79 b, 2i0 421b5 2 i 42 lbs 2 i 51b5 2 i -50 lbs H Sin 781b5 2 i 42 lbs 2 i 421b5 2 i 421bs 21n 42 lb, Sin 70 lbs Sin 701b5 2 i 421b5 Sin 421bs 2 i 701b5 2 i 70 lbs 21n 42 lbs 2 i -45 lbs H 2 i 241b5 2i0 30 lbs 2 i 53 lbs H Sin -47 lbs Sin 31 lbs Sin l37 lbs H Sin -ISO lbs 2 i 251b5 2 i 25 lbs Sin 601b5 2 i 61 lbs CSI Bracing Max P 7911b5 .82 lbs 172 lbs -25 lbs LC BC H Roll (TI) Pin (TI) H Roll (TI) Pin Cr1) H Roll (TI') Pin (11) Pin (Fl) H Roll (TI) Pin (TI) H Roll (TI) Pin (TI) H Roll (TI) Pin (TI) H Roll (TI) Pin (TI) H Roll (TI) Pin Cr1) H Roll (TI) Pin (TI) Pin (TI) H Roll (TI) Pin (TI) Pin (TI) H Roll (TI) Pin (TI) Pin (TI) H Roll (TI) Pin (TI) H Roll (TI) Pin (TI) H Roll (TI) Member Material Top Chd!-3 not Chd 4-6: Web 1-6 5C20 LI NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Meniree Location I location 2 Direction Spread Starr land End load Trib tMdrh Top Cons Dason Proj 20 pnf 20 psi 12 in But Cant Dawn Proj 0 psf 0 pnf 12 in Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Disiributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stats Load - - End load Ttib Width Top Coot Down Rake 16psf 16p5f in Bot Coot Down Rake 6 atnf 6 nsf :2 2 in ALL GENERAL NOTES OPThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PARTOFIMS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThI/TRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON ThIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABU) DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cticle, Suite 102 1148 LOADS, WADING CONDmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET. Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: G08 4231 Liberty Blvd. - JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:56 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 2of2 Report: Eng Plot ( K E Y M A R K GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 3-9-6 0/12 2 0-0.0 0-0-0 I 12 in 20.7 lbs Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Mentrer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Store Load End Load Trib 'Mdsb Top 0.0.0 3-9-6 N Up Rake . 29.83 psi 29.83 psi 12 in Web 1-6 Cost Right R.I. 14.56 psi 14.56 psi 12 is Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Metebee location I Location 2 Direction Spread Store Load End Load Tb Width Top 0.0.0 3-9-6 N Up Rake 29.83 psi 29.83 psi 12 in Web 1-6 Cons Loft Robe 16.80 psi 16.88 psi 12 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) - No loads were defused for this load case. - Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Meeter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stun Load End Load Ttib Width Top 0-0-0 3-9-6 N Up Rake 83.14 psi 83.14 psi 12 in Web 1.6 Cool Lot Rate 44.00 psi 44.08 psi 12 in Automated Load Case WS: MWFRS-Lefl(Min) Distributed Loads Meeter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Web -6 Cont Right RuLe 16 psi 16 psi 12 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No loads were defined for this load case. Automated Load Case LIO°: USC 101b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Metrbee Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stun Load End Load Ttib Width 001 Cool Down Ptnj 10ps1 10 psi 12 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No loads were defined for this load case. I) This truss has been designed in accordance with (BC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance with ASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean RoofHeight 43 6, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations O Load Conto Factor DI 1.000 2Dl 1L,l 000 ___________ 3 DI 0.6 W3 1.000 =4= Dl ±06W8 _________________________________________________________ k.00 O 01+8.6 W9 1.000 6T01 + 0.7 El I000 ____________ 7 Dl *0.45 W5 +0.75 LA 1.000 801+045W5 —loss 9 DI *0.53 El +9.75 Let 1.000 i0 06Dl*06Wl 1000 II 0.601+0.6 W2 .000 j2 06DI+06W4 1.000 13 0.6 Dl -'0.7 Ff0.01 . 1.005 - 1.000 1 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Mentser ID. own CS!, seas caial ioree, (rmx coosc force iidifthteot 8mm own axial force) TCbd 11-2 0.050 49 lbs (.21 Ibnil 2.3 0.062 0 the I 0.122 79 lbs (-47 lbs)12-4 0.192 172 lbs (-74 Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID Coaled Truss Cns,4ngTnoss Connng08bet AnØr TDT 008 (509 226-4 90 deg C,TTT6 Got I II 3 ______________ 90 deg T8 008 010 22-6-4 90 deg GUSSET PLATES TI1ur.IT1 - - - __- - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6,' ofeach panel point. The end ofevery chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATT1III Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT THETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON sillS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Wincltester Cdcle, Soite 102 THE WADS. WADING CONDmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON 11115 SI-IEL'T Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: G09 4231 Liberty Blvd. iobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:56 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 1 of3 Report: Eng Plot E Y MARK XX I,OBAI, STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] 5w5 TRUSS 0-10-0 5-10-0 0-10-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 3r2 12 1 3 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 40-0-0 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 133.1 lbs p-i-i P-i-i 3-i-i g-L-O I L-0-4 1 .5-1-4 1 19-58-0 1 14-58-0 1 '9-58-0 5-3-3 1 10-6-5 1 15-9-8 1 20-0-0 22-6-4 1 25-7-8 1 30-5-0 1 35-2-8 1 40-0-0 5-3-3 5-3-3 15-3-3 1 4-2-8 1 2-6-4 1 3-1-4 14-9-8 1 4-9-8 1 4-9-8 5-3-3 10-6-5 1 15-9-8 1 20-0-0 22-6-4 25-7-8 1 30-5-0 1 35-2-8 1 40-0-0 Circles indicate Ststesrercoant in webs. Sqsates indicate tsstenercount in chords. Faslersees" indicates rhennn±rerofAowonlS SS 912 or#12 SOS (AISI) fasteners required atone end ofthcnwnter. Each caIne indicates thensneroffcsstenees required: (s) indicates the nsttheeof AoreonlS SS 1112 to be installed on one side of the tress. ) indicates the number of#12 SOS (AISI)to be installed on each side of the trots. Where connection plates ore called out on this drowing, opiate in required on each side of the rests. Refer to General Notes for further clarification. Allowable shear peeAowon is ss 1112 ttsleneeas follows: 27 reds: 402 lbs; 33 sells: 544 lbs: 43 edIt: 810 lbs: 54 roils: 1.138 lbs; 68 otils: 1,610 lbs.Allowable shear per #12 SOS (AlS9ttsteneeis calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT #2. Maintain fastener spacing or 5/0" rein. Maintain firstener edge rsssrsjn at 5/0" rein breach sheer of steel connected. CSI Deflection L/ (bc) Allowed IC : 0.952 (1-2) - it: 0.13 in L/999 (1-2) L/240 BC 0.969 (16.17) W 0.06 in L/999 (1-2) L/360 Web: 0.963 (2-18) llnrzTL 0.01 in 17 IC Continuously Braced BC Bracing Spatse Reactions Summary Type LC BC Brit V/al Reaction Pin (WL) 6 in 243 lbs H Roll (WL) 6 in 733 lbs H Roll (WL) 6 in 645 lbs H Roll ('WL) 6 in 221 lbs Pin (WI,) 2 1 6 in 457 lbs H Roll (WL) 2 6 in 1,386 lbs H Roll (WL) 2 6 in 1,221 lbs H Roll (WI,) 2 1 6 in 415 lbs Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 184 lbs H Roll (WL) 3 I 6 in 554 lbs H Roll (WL) 3 I 6 in 490 lbs H Roll (WI,) 3 I 6 in 168 lbs Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in 292 lbs Pin (WL) 4 1 6 in -64 lbs H H Roll (WL) 4 6 n 875 lbs HRoll(WL) 4 6 5 614 lbs H Roll (WL) 4 I 6 in 215 lbs Pin (WL) S I 6 in 246 lbs Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 64 lbs H H Roll (WL) 5 I 6 o 732 lbs II Roll (WL) 5 I 6 n 781 lbs H Roll (WL) 5 I 6 in 274 lbs Pin (WI,) 6 I 6 in 243 lbs H Roll (WL) 6 I 6 n 733 lbs H Roll (WL) 6 I 6 n 645 lbs H Roll (WL) 6 I 6 0 221 lbs Pin (WI,) 7 I 6 in 359 lbs H Roll (WL) 7 I 6 n 1,088 lbs H Roll (WL) 7 I 6 n 961 lbs H Roll (WL) 7 I 6 o 327 lbs Pin (WI,) 0 I 6 in 108 lbs H Roll (WL) 8 6 o 598 lbs H Roll (WI,) 8 6 n 529 lbs H Roll (WI,) 8 6 in 181 lbs Pin (WL) 9 6 s 403 lbs H Roll (WL) 9 6 n 1,222 lbs H Roll (WL) 9 6 n 1,077 lbs H Roll (WL) 9 6 in 366 lbs Pin (WL) tO 6 in -17 lbs Pin (WL) 10 1 6n I3 lbs H I-I Roll (WL) 10 1 6 in -63 lbs H Roll (WL) 10 1 6 in 45 lbs H Roll (WL) 10 1 6 in 34 lbs Pin (WL) II 1 6 in 33 lbs Pin (WL) II 1 6 in -13 lbsH H Roll (WL) II I 6 o 92 lbs H Roll (W L) II I 6 n -37 lbs H Roll (WL) II I 6 n -16 lbs Pin (#/L) 12 I 6 in -210 lbs H Roll (WI,) 12 I 6 in 554 lbs H Roll (WL) 12 I 6 in .454 lbs H Roll (WL) 12 I 6 in -195 lbs Pi. (WL) 13 I 6i0 1461b5 H Roll WL 13 I 6 in 440 lbs HRoll(WL) IS I 6 i 3671bs H Roll (WL) 13 I 6 in 132 lbs Pin (WL) 14 I 6 in 353 lbs H Roll (WL) 14 I 6 in 1,056 lbs JT BC Mac React Man Gtao Uplift Max MWFRS 20 I 457 lbs -17 lbs 17 I 1,386 lbs -63 lbs 14 I 1,221 lbs -37 lbs II I 415 lbs -16 lbs -554 lbs -554 lbs -454 lbs 454 lbs -195 lbs -195 lbs All GENERAI, NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAI, ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY THATmEiRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON ThIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Crick, Suite 102 THE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURA11ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 MAA sws TRUSS SWS Panel & Truss Truss: G09 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobNanse: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:56 PM System: Ameon 6.003 Page: 2of3 Report: Eng Plot V MA RK XX SAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 133.1 lbs 4 H Roll (WL) 14 I 60 929 lbs - H Roll (W L) 14 I 6 in 321 lbs Member Material CSI Bracing Max P. Top Chd -5 ________________ 30TC20 (50 hal) 0.952 Sheathed -77! lbs I p Chd 510 _______________ 0TC2O(50 ka) 0 64l Shecthcd 688 Its ______ Sos Clad 11-20 201C20 (SO lad) - 0.969 Sparse 718 lbs_________ Web 120 _1 5C2O50la) 0 172 U brnsl -431 lbs J Web 1-19 15C20 (58 lad) 0.558 ____________________ Unbtaced 725 lbs Web 2-19- 15C20(501n) ______________ 0834 U biced _______________________ 107 lbs' Web 2-18 15C16 (58 lai) 0.963 Unbowed - -706 lbs W66-3.18 18 I5C20 (50 Irs) - _______________________________ 0 L30 U bstsced .376 lbsTJ Web 3-17 ____________________ 15D28 (58 lad) 0.42 Unbmced .903 lbs Web 4 17 ______________ 15C16(501rs) 0)30U bced - 432lba:J Web 4-16 I5C20 50 hal) 0.475 Unbtnced 493 lbs Web 5- 16 _________________ ISCl8(501rs) 0782 Unbd '383 lbs Web 6-16 I 5C28 (50 hal) 0.014 Utsbraccd 44 lbs Wh6-)5_ 15C28 tOO Iai 0.638 Unbtoced ______ _________ _____ -2 63 lbs,J Web 7-I5 15C20 (50 hal) 0.357 Unbowed 439 lbs Web 714r_ I SCI 8(50 l) 0,958 U bssced 710 1b5 J Web 8-14 I 5D20 58 lad) - 0.320 Unbowed .827 lbs Web 8-13 5C20-(50 Irs) 0114 Ubcseed 344 -lbs Web 9-13 l5C16 50 lad) 0.746 Unbowed -620 lbs Web 9 12 15C20(50k5) 0029 U bted' 92 lba. Web 10-12 I5C2O (58 kal) 0.439 Uobsaccd 634 lbs________ Wb 0!! ISC20t50Irn) 0 156U braced ______ _____ 391 lbs._...J NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Mesr-!ser Location I Location 2 Direction spread Stars Load End Load Trib Width Top Cool Down Proj 20 psI 20 pal 24 in But Con! Down Proj 0 psI 0 psI 24 10 Point Loads Menber Location Direction Load Trib Width But 22-64 Down 38 lbs Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Meniser Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Trib Width Top Coos Down Rake 16 pal 16ps1 2410 But Coal Down Rake 6 pal 6 psI 24 in Point Loads Meseber Location Direction Load Trib Width But 22.6.4 Down 42 lbs Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(1Jp) Distributed Loads Top 20-0-0 40.0-0 Rake 17.91 psI 17.91 psI 24 in Web 1.20 Con! Rake 14.56 psI 14.56 pal 24 in Web 10-Il Con! Rake 16.88 psI 16.88 psf 2410 Point Loads Meniser Location Direction Load Trib Width But 22-64 Up . 112 lbs Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Mendser Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top 0-0-0 20-0-0 N Up Rake 17.91 pal - 17.91 psI 24 in Top 20.0.0 40.0.0 N Up Rake 25.3 pal 25.3 pal 24 in Web 1-20 Cost Left Rake 16.88 pal 16.88 5I 2410 Web 10-Il Con! Loft Rake 14.56 pal 14.56 psf 2410 Point Loads Metrber Location Direction Load Trib Width But 22-64 Down 8 lbs Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Menisee Location t Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top 0-0-0 20.0.0 N Up Rake 9.29 psI 9.29 psI 24 in Top 20-0.0 48.0.0 N Up Rake 9.29 psI 9.29 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Top 6-3-10 13-8-6 N Up Robe 38.5 psf 38.5 psI 24 in Top 13.0.6 20.0.0 N Up Rake 60.82 psI 60.82 psI 24 in Top 20.0-0 26-3.10 N Up Rake 60.82 psI 68.82 psI 24 in Top 26-3-10 33-8-6 N Up Rake 38.5 psI 38.5 psI 24 in Top . 33-0-6 40-0-0 N Up Robe 60.82 psI 60.82 psI 24 in Web 1-20 Coot Left Rake 27.34 pal 27.34 pal 24 in Web 10.41 Cons Right Robe 27.34 psI 27.34 psI 24 in Point Loads Merriner Location Direction Load Trib Width Bets 22.64 Do- tO lbs AU, GENERAL NOTES 0F114lS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPThlS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE 111A1114E Keymatit Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT Th15118U5S ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON ThIS SHEET MEEtS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Crick, Suite 102 11-88 WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS 580511 Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: G09 4231 Liberty Blvd. jobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:56 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 3 of3 Report: Eng Plot KEYMARKK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System GSTnsss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 40-0-0 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 133.1 lbs Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Mendrer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load tad Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 20-0-0 N Down Robe 8 psi 8 psi 24 in Vr'eb 1.20 Cons Right Robe 16 psi 16 psi 24 in. Point Loads Meni,er Location Direclion Load 1db Width 001 22-6.4 Up 61 lbs Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) Distributed Loads Metrber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stall Load End Lend Tnb Width Top 20-0-0 40-0-0 N Deans Rake 8 psi - 8 psi 24 in Web 0-I1 Cool Lofi Rake 16 psi 16 psi 24 in Automated Load Case L 10*: UBC I 01b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Metrter Location I Location 2 Direction spread Start Load End Load 1db Width Bar Conl Dnsoi Proj lOps1 10ps1 24 in Point Loads Mersher Location Direction Load 1db Width Bet 22-64 Deane 19 lbs User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No loads were defined for this load case. This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to tO psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance with ASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean Roof Height 43 if, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 fix 63 11, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The light end vertical has been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations 0 Load Condo . Pastor Dl - 1.000 1.000 3 Dl *.6W3 1.000 4=D1 +0.6 W8 - I.000 S DI +0.6 W9 1.000 I6DI -o7 El 7 01*0.49 Wi +0.751st lone o:DI+04sW3- 1.000 9 Dl *0.53 El *0.75 1,1 . 1.000 1006 Dl +06-W 1 1.000 II 0.601 +0.6 W2 1.000 1296 01+06 W4 1 000 3 0.6 Dl * 0.7 E/0.01 1.000 .008 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Mershen ID. oars CSI, eras asial fotce. (neat conpr force ifdilfercrrl tomnex natal force) TChd 1-2 2-3 3-4 0.952 0.298 0.339 -771 lbs -116 lbs 757 lbs (-184 Ibs) 4-5 5-6 6-7 0.326 0.185 0.117 413 lbs 400 lbs 427 lbs (0 lbs) (8 lbs) (-29 lbs) 7-8 8-9 9-10 0.255 0.241 0.641 688 lbs -102 lbs (-176 lbs) -673 lbs BChd 11-12 n.491 4 lbs (-0 lbs) 14-I5 0.556 -629 lbs ti-In 0.674 25 lbs (-Ii lbs) 12-13 0.360 626 lbs (-205 lbs) 15-16 0.267 -388 lbs 18-19 0.503 718 lbs (-224 lbs) 13.14 0.500 121 lbs (0 lbs) 16-17 0.969 -689 lbs 19-20 0.697 -64 lbs -20 8.172 .431 lbs 3-li 0.412 -903 lbs 6-IS 0.638 -263 lbs 9-13 0.746 -620 lbs 1-19 8.550 725 lbs (-240 lbs) 4-17 0.930 .832 lbs 7-15 0.357 439 lbs (-143 lbs) 9-12 0.029 92 lbs (-30 br) 2-19 0.034 107 lbs (-35 lbs) 4-16 0.475 493 lbs (-146 Ibs) 7-14 0.958 -710 lbs 10-12 0.439 634 lbs (-222 lbs) 2-18 0.963 -706 lbs 5-16 0.782 -383 lbs 0.14 8.320 -827 lbs tn-It 0.156 -391 lbs 3-It 0.130 376 lbs (-106 lbs) 6.16 0.014 44 br (-I Ibs) 8-13 0.114 344 lbs (107 lbs) Truss-to-truss Connections Summary Warning: Automated load transfer is incomplete. Manual loading may be required. (Connection 'fl'37) ID Carried Tests Csa)dnglnsss Carrying Offset Andr T7 008 009 22-64 90 deg GUSSET PLATES - - - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6" of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" ofthe end ofeach chord segment. - ALL GENERAL NOTES 0F11415 DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDL'REDAS AN INTEGRAL PARTOFTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT THEIRIJSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Criele, Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS US11SD ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 (KEYMARK GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS Truss: G1O JobName: 217 GSBuild®System Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:57 PM OS Truss® System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 781 Page: 1 of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 40-0-0 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 241n 143.1 lbs 4-L-G 1 Z-0-4 i-3-4 .3-i- t U .3-4-IU I .3-4- I U I 0--1.J-1I I 5-3-3 1 10-6-5 1 15-9-8 20-0-0 22-6-4 25-11-8 1 29-3-2 32-7-12 1 36-0-6 1 39-6-54d-6-0 0-10-0 5-10-0 0-1-V7 5s 2-3-1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0M-0 5-3-3 1 5-3-3 5-3-3 1 4-2-8 1 2-6-4 1 3-5-4 3-3-10 1 3-4-10211 44-10 1 3-5-10016r° 5-3-3 1 10-6-5 15-9-8 1 20-0-0 22-6-4 25-11-8 1 29-3-2 1 32-7-12 1 36-0-6 1 39-6-046-0 Circles indicate Eastenercoantnwebs. Squares indicate fastener count in chords."Fasteners" indicates the nansberofArrrcorrlS SS 1112 or N12 SOS (AISI) fasteners required at one end of the nondrer. Each stalae indicates the nondrerof6rsteners requited: (s) indicates the nandrerofAtnoonlS SS 1112 lobe installed on one side of the truss. (b) indicates the nandrero1012 SOS (AISI) to be installed on each side of the leans. Where connection plates ate called out on this dtstving. a plate is required on each side of the trans. Refer to General Notes fort.snbeeclatificatioo. AllosvablesbnarpeeAorcnn TS SS 1112 ttsleneeas follows: 27 rails: 402 lbs; 33 rails: 544 lbs: 43 ads: 810 lbs: 54 tolls: 1.138 lbs: 68 nuts: 1.610 lbs.Allowablesheaeper812 505 (AISt) lltsteneeis calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WftH SlJPPLE5ctENT 02. Maintain fastener spacing at 5/8 nun. Maintain iltstennredge tmtnjo at 5/8 rain foe each sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed IC 0.959 (12) BC : 0.763(2 , -22) T1,'0.13 in L/999 (I-?) I./240 LL 0.06 in I./999 (1-2) 1-/360 Web: 0.905 (8-18) Harz TI. 0.02 in 10 'I'C Continuously Braced BC BtncingSpatse Reactions Summary H Roll (WL) I I 6 in 733 lbs H Roll (WI.) I I 6 in 556 lbs H Roll (WL) I I 6 in 253 lbs Pin (WI.) 2 I 6 in 490 lbs H Roll (WL) 2 I 6 in 1,384 lbs H Roll (WL) 2 I 6 in 1.053 lbs H Roll (WI.) 2 I 6 in 475 lbs Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 195 lbs Pin (WI.) 3 I 6 in I lbs H H Roll (V/I.) 3 I 6 in 550 lbs H Roll (WI.) 3 I 6 in 420 lbs H Roll (WL) 3 I 6 in 195 lbs Pin (WL) 4 I 6i0 318 lbs Pin (WI.) 4 I 6 in .64 lbs H HR oll (WL) 4 I 6 in 888 lbs lbs H Roll (WI.) 4 I 6 in 545 H Roll (WL) 4 I 6 in 251 lbs Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 266 lbs Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 65 lbs H H Roll (WI.) 5 I 6 in 736 lbs H Roll (WI.) 5 I 6 in 679 lbs H Roll (WL) S I 6 in 308 lbs Pin (WL) 6 I 6 i 259 lbs H Roll (WL) 6 I 6 in 733 lbs II Roll (WI.) 6 I 6 in 556 lbs H Roll (WI.) 6 I 6 in 253 lbs Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 384 lbs Pin (WI.) 7 I 6 in I lbs H H Roll (WI.) 7 I 6 in 1,083 lbs H Roll (WI.) 7 I 6 in 827 lbs H Roll (WI.) 7 I 6 in 376 lbs Pia (WI.) 8 I 6 in 211 lbs Pin (WL) 8 I 6 i l lbs H H Roll (WI.) 8 I 6 in 596 lbs H Roll (WL) 8 I 6 in 434 lbs 14 Roll (WL) 8 I 6 in 209 lbs Pin (WI.) 9 I 6 in 432 lbs H Roll (WI.) 9 I 6 in 1,221 lbs H Roll (WI.) 9 I 6 in 929 lbs H Roll (WL) 9 I 6 i 419 lbs Pin (WI.) 10 I 6 in -Ii lbs Pin (WI.) 10 I 6 in 13 lbs H H Roll (WI.) 10 I 6 in -56 lbs H Roll (WI.) 10 I 6 in 88 lbs II Roll (WL) 10 I 6 in 21 lbs Pin (WI.) II I 6 in 31 lbs Pin (WI.) II I 6 in -7 lbs H H Roll (WI.) II I 6 in 82 lbs H Roll (WI.) II I 6 in -SI lbs H Roll (WI.) II I 6 in -21 lbs Pin (WI.) 12 I 6 in -230 lbs Pin (WI.) 12 I 6 in 2 lbs H H Roll (WI.) 12 I 6 in .571 lbs HROII))11I.) 12 I 6in -4171b5 It Roll (WI.) 12 I 610 .223 lbs Pin (WI.) 13 I 6 i 156 lbs H Roll (WI.) 13 I 6 in 440 lbs H Roll (WI.) 13 I 6 in 334 lbs HRoII(WL) 13 I 6 in 152 lbs (W Pin L) 14 I 6 i 375 lbs -Ii lbs -230 lbs -230 lbs 22 I 1,384 lbs -36 lbs -571 lbs -571 lbs 19 I 1.033 lbs -SI lbs -417 lbs .417 lbs 13 I 475 lbs -21 lbs -223 lbs -223 lbs ALL GENERAI. NOTES OPThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OP114IS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymailc Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT TI4ETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON ThiS SKEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRflhiRIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cticle, Suite 102 THE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SKEEr. Boulder, Colorado 80301 XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS Truss: G1O JobName: 217 OS Build® System Date: 6/21/2016'3:20:57 PM OS Truss® System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: 2 of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WOT/PLY 40-0-0 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 143.1 lbs 22 H Roll (WL) 14 I 6 In IS H Roll (WL) 14 I 6 in 1,062 lbs 796 lbs 13 H Roll (WL) 4 I 6 in 368 lbs Member Material CSI Bracing Max P TopChd 5-li ______________ 301t20 (50 ksi) O.424 77- Sheathed -161 Ibs Top Ch 11-12 30tt2o (50 ksi) ________________ 0.245 Sheathed -175 lbs BorCbd 1314 301C20(501s) 6.133 l33 Sid - S p" 175 16s BotChdl4-18 301C20 (50 Ii) _____________________________________ 0.410 ________________ Sparse 1,130 lbs Sot Chd 9-25 301C20 0 kei 0.763 Sparse 807 lbs _J Web -25 5C20 (50 bei) 0.185 Unbrncnd 464 lbs Web 124 15C20 (50 0.620-_ U.bir-.d 815 1bs Web 2-24 ____________________ I 5C20 (50 lad) 0.030 Uobcrced ___________ 95 lbs Web 223 I5Cl6(50ks) ____________________________090l UnbiEd __-6801bs Web 3-23 I5C20 (50 ksi) 0.127 Unbnsced 377 lbs Web 3-22______________________ 5D20(50 ksj) 0.404 IJnbraatd _______ -905 Ibs_________ Web 4-22 5C16(50 ksi) 0.912 Uobrncrtd -826 lbs Sr b 421 15C20 (50 Iasi) ______________________________________ 0332 ~U bro ed 487 lbs - Web 5-21 _________________ I5CI8(50ksi) 0.771 Unbsrced -3821bn_______ 55kb 5-20 ___________________ I 5C20 (50 kii) - 0.300 Uobsscesl -94 lbs _J Web 6-20 15C25 (50 lad) 0.068 Unbraced 216 lbs Web 18 _________ __15C16(55ke) 0566 U bsrced' :926lbs Web 18-20 15C25 (50 i) 0.467 Unbsrced' -302 lbs W6 7-19 -1 SD20 (50 Ii) 0271 Uobd .1 ,207 lbs Web 8-I8 15c18 (50 lad) ' 0.985 IJnbrnced -1.134 lbs Wb 8 l7__________________.. .l5C2550 85) ____0 136 11 bad_ 431 lbs ,J Web 9-17 , l5C2055ksi) 0.906 Unbraced -817lbs Web 916 1SC200 0 057 U braced lbs ._180 Web 10-16 15C20 (50 kai) 0.234 Uobroced 232 lbs Web 1015 l5C20p5ksi) _____________________________0582 U btnced 206 lbs Web 11-15 15C25(55ksi) 0.410 Unbrncnd 9371b5 Web 11 '14- l5C25(50 ksi) 056 _0 Unbid _________________________ 177 lbs Web 11-13 __________________ 15C20(501ati) 0.409 Uobraced -1,025 lbs _______ Scab 1213 l5C25(508s) ' 0 I13U braatd 357 lbs 3 NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Men%er Location I LocaliOo 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Tb Width Top Coot Do- Proj 20 psI 20 psI 24 in Bot Cant Down Proj 0 psI 0 psI 24 in Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Meoter Location I Location 2 Direction Sprrtad Stoat Load Rod Load Trib Width Top Coot Down Rake 16ps1 16psl 24i0 Bat Cool Down Rake 6 psI 6 psI 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Lefi(Up) Distributed Loads Merrtnr Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Trib Wktrh Top 0.0.0 20-0-0 N Up Rake 25.3 pat 25.3 psI 24 in Top 25-0.0 396-5 N Up Rake 17.91 psI 17.91 psI 24 in Top ' 39.6-5 40-0-0 N lip Rake 29.83 pat 29.83 psI 24 in Web 1-25 Coot Right Rake 14.56 psI 4.56 psI 24 in Web 12-13 Coot Right Rake 16.88 psI 16.88 pat 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Meeter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Rod Load lob Wrdrl Top 0-0-0 28.0.0 N Up Rake 17.91 psI 17.91 psI 24 in Top 20-0-0 396-5 N Up Rake 25.3 psI 25.3 psI 24 its Top 39-6-5 450-0 N Up Rake 29.83 psI 29.83 pot 24 in Web 1-25 Coot Left Rake 16.88 PSI 16.88 psI 24 in Web 12-13 Coal . Loft Rake 14.86 psI 14.56 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Meo6ren Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Rod Load Trib Width Top 0-0-0 20.0.0 N Up Rake 9.29 psI 9.29 PSI 24 in Top 250-0 39-6-5 N Up R.I. 0,20 psI 9.29 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Leads Meniter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Rod Load lob Width Top 0.0.0 6-3-I0 N Up Rake 60.82 psI 60.82 psI 24 in Top 6-3-I0 3-86 N Up Rake 38.5 psI 38.5 psI 24 in Top 134-6 20-0-0 N Up Rake 60.82 psI 60.82 psI 24 in Top 20-0-0 26-3-I0 N Up Rake 60.82 psI 60.82 psI 24 in Top 26-3-I0 33-2-I1 N Up R.I. 38.5 psI 38.5 psI 24 in Top 33-2-11 396-5 N Up R.I. 60.82 psI 60.82 psI 24 in Top 39-6-5 40-0-0 N Up Rake 35.71 psI 35.71 psI 24 in Web 1-25 Coat Loft Robe 27.34 psI 27.34 psI 24 in Web 12-13 Cont Right Rake 27.34 psI 27.34 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Mentee Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Rod Load Thb Width Top 5-0-0 20-0-0 N Down Rake S psI S PSI` 24 in Web 1-25 Cool Right Rake 16 psI 16 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) Distributed Loads Meeter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Rod Load 1db Width Top 20-0-0 396-5 N Down Rake 8 psI 0 PSI 24 in Web 12-13 Cool . LoS Rake 16 psI 16 psI 24 in Automated Load Case LIO°: UBC I 0Ib Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Stan Load ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTiIIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OSThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTTS ThAIThE Keyrnasit Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT 114ETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS ThE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle, Suite 102 114E WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON ThIS SHE-LT. Bouldee, Colorado 80301 ( KEYMARK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I l Truss: G1O I JobName: 217 GSBuild®System I I Dale: 6/21/2016 3:20:57 PM GSlniss® I I System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] . Page: 3 of3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 143.1 lbs User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No loads were defined for this load case. This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus-dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance with ASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category U, Mean Roof Height 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft. Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 63 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not ins Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations - 0 Loud Corriro Factor DI . . . .000 201 +Lrl__1.060 3 DI +0.6 W3 . 1.000 - =4= DI + 0.6 WI 1.600 5 01+0.6 W9 . 1.000 E6DI *07 01 I 000 7 Dl +0.45 W3+0.75 Lrl 1.000 '8= Dl 045 W3 1.060 9 DI +0.53 El +0.75Let 1.000 =10-0.6 DI'+0.6W1 1000 II 0.6 Dl ±0.6 W2 E12ZP6 Di ±6.6 W4 .000 1.000.___J 13 0.6 DI +0.7 EI0.01 - i4Di:+LIo•'_- .000 1.000 Member Forces Summary' Table indicates: McsthcrtD, rms CSI, sms oxiol farce. (asia coops force ifdilferesst tomnasx axial force) lthd - -2 2-3 3.4 0.959 0.316 0.323 -062 lbs -233 lbs 641 lbs - (-112 lbs) 4-5 5.6 6.7 0.323 0.121 0.215 301 lbs 269 lbs 1.007 lbs (0 Ibs) (0 Ibs) (-293 lbs) 7-8 8-9 9-10 0.225 0.128 0.261 1.025 lbs -136 lbs (-354 Ibs) 10.11 11-12 -945 lbs 0.424 0.208 -1,161 lbs 16 lbs (-9 Ibs) BChd 13.14 0.105 175 lbs (.70 Ibs) 16-17 0.196 902 lbs (-241 Ibs) 0.21 0.167 .263 lbs 23-24 0.532 807 lbs (-280 Ibs) 14-13 0.095 180 lbs (.73 Ibs) 17-18 0.224 166 lbs (0 Ibs) 1-22 0.763 -577 lbs 24-25 0.378 -65 lbs - 15-16 0.418 1.130 lbs (476 Ibs) 19-20 8.122 I lbs (-I Ibs) 2-23 0.344 176 lbs (0 Ibs) Webs 1-25 0.185 .464 lbs 4.21 0.532 487 lbs (-165 Ibs) 18.19 0.261 -1.031 lbs 11.15 0.410 937 lbs (.396 Ibs) 1-24 0.628 815 lbs (294 lbs) 5-21 0.771 -382 lbs 8.18 0.985 .1.134 lbs 11-14 0.056 177 lbs (73 Ibs) 2.24 0.030 95 lbs (53 Ibs) 5-20 0.300 -94 lbs 8-17 0.136 431 lbs (.150 Ibs) 11-13 0.409 -1.025 lbs 2-23 8.901 -600 lbs 6-20 0.068 216 lbs -(-25 Ibs) 9-17 0.906 -817 lbs 12-13 0.113 357 lbs (-179 Ibs) 3-23 0.127 377 lbs (-188 Ibs) 6-18 0.066 -926 lbs 9.16 0.057 180 lbs (-72 Ibs) 3-22 8.404 .905 lbs 10.20 0.467 -382 lbs 10-16 0.234 232 lbs (-225 Ibs) 4.22 0.912 -026 lbs 7-18 0.163 -237 lbs 10.15 0.082 .206 lbs Truss-to-truss Connections Summary Warning: Automated load transfer is incomplete. Manual loading may be required. (Connection 1T38) ID Carried Truss Couryrnglmss CosrrsgOfl6ct Angle 1T30 008 010 22.6.4 90 deg GUSSET PLATES - - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6" ofeach panel point. The end ofevesy chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 " ofthe end of each chord segment. At least one web ofthis truss has been designed with apanel point in the web. All panel points on such webs shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" of each web panel point. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFIHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE TEIAT11IE I Keymait Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON ThIS SHEET MEETS TIM MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Wiscbester C,icle. Suite 102 THE WADS, LOADING coNumoNs, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGIJRA11ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON ThIS SHEEt Boulder, Colorado 80301 7s 6s 2.12 12 Reactions IT 6 in 185 lbs 16 I 200 lbs 2 in 103 lbs 9 I 195 lbs 6 i 200 lbs 2 i 195 lbs 6 i 78 lbs 6 i l0 lbs H 2 in 72 lbs 6 i 129lbs 6i5 -l7 lbs H 2 i 129 lbs 6 i 105 lbs 2 i 103 lbs 6 i 105 lbs 2 i 103 lbs 6 i 155 lbs 6i5 8 lbs H 2i5 149 lbs 61n 841b5 6i0 8 lbs l-I 2 i 80 lbs 6 i 176 lbs 21s 1721b5 I 6 i -26 lbs I 6 i 26 lbs 1I I 21st -371b5 6 i 81b5 6in 29 lbs H 3m -0 lbs 6 i -139 lbs 6 i 95 lbs H 2i0 -16516s I 6 i 63 lbs I 2 i 62 lbs I 6 i 1571b5 I 2 i 155 lbs Material CSI Braci 201C20(50 Iai) 0.155 Sheathed 201C20 (5010i) 0.I20 Se 15C20(501sui) 0.076 Unbsnced I5C20(50 Ito) 0.161 U braced 15C20(501ai) 0.050 Uobtaced 15C20 (50 Ira)) .014 UrtbrTcirl Web 3-14 15C20 (50 Irui) 0.002 ___________________________________ Unbraced Wb3 13 15C20(50 Ira) 0030 U braced Web 4-13 ___________________l5C20(50h5i) 0.014 ___________________________________ Uubmcett L2 Lsc2o (50Ir5i) 0.044 Uobtisced Web 5-12 I5C20 (30 Irsi) 0.043 Uabraced Web'S-11 I5C20(solai) '0.1417'Uubed Web 6-11 15C20 (50 lai) 0.065 _________________________________________ Unbraced web 6-- 0 15C20(50Ia) _0 24 U braced Web 4:10 15C20(501toi) 0.121 Uabsaced Web 7-9 15C20t50i) _________________0.07 1jnbra6ed Web 0-9 15C20 (50 toil 0.009 Unbsaeed 6 Pio(WL) 9 I1 Roll (I1) 16 Pin(WL) 9 H Roll (II) 16 Pin(WL) 16 Pis(WL) 9 H Roll ITT) 16 Pin(WL) 6 Pis(WL) 9 H Roll (TI) 16 Piu(WL) 9 H Roll (TI) 6 Pin(WL) 9 Fl Roll (Tl) 16 Pia(WL) 16 Pis(WL) 9 H Roll çrr) 16 Pin(WL) 16 Pin(WL) 9 H Roll (Tl) 16 Pin(WL) 9 H Roll (I1) 6 Pin(3WL) 6 Pin(WL) 9 H Roll (rI) 16 Pin(WL) 6 Pin(WL) 9 H Roll )TF) 6 Pin(WL) 6 Pin(WL) 9 H Roll (V1) 6 Pin(WL) 9 H Roll (fl) 16 Pin(3WL) 9 H Roll (rT) Member Max MWFRS Upli8 Max C&C Uplift Max Uplil -26 lbs -139 lbs -139 lbs -37 lbs -165 lbs -165 lbs .347 lbs :339 lbs J -191 lbs 339 lbs -122 lbs _46 lbs 7 lbs 193 lbs 116 lbs 140 lbs, -II lbs (XXKEYMARK I GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I Truss: G15 I JobName: 217 GSBuild®System I Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:57PM GSlruss® I I System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 7 1 I Page I of3 - I Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 10-5-9 2.12/12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 12 in U-M-U 34 lbs 2-6-4 I I L-U- 15 O--U I I'D-, 10-5-9 I 5"4"3 I 6-1-3 I 8-2-2 I 8-11-2 I 0-10-2 25 0-0-0 0-0-0 2-6-4 1 0-9-0 1 2-0-15 0-9-0 2-0-15 0-9-0 1-6-7 2-6-4 1 3-3-4 1 5-4-3 6-1-3 8-2-2 1 8-11-2 10-5-9 Circ les indicate Ilsurenercount in webs. Squares indicate lltstenercotrnr in chords. "Fasteners" indicates the nunterofAnroniS SS #12 or# 12 SDS (AISI) fissteners required at one end ofthe ntnber. Each calue indicates the nunterof 8tsreners required: (s) indicates the nstt-berofArtutotsTS SS 012 to be installed on one side ofthe torso. (h) indicates the noetcrof# 12 5D5 (ALSOto be installed on each side ofthe trots. Where connection plates use called out on this drawing a plate is required on each side ofthe "s. Relbrto General Notes forlltnherclati8catioo. Allowable shearperAtneon 15 SS #12 tssteneeus follows: 27 toils: 402 lbs; 33 edIt: 544 lbs: 43 esls: 810 lbs: 54 toils: 1.138 lbs: 68 rods: 1.610 lbs.Allosoable shcarpce#12 SDS (AISI)8txteneriu calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT 02. Maintain fltsteoee spacing at 5/8" ruin. Maintain IlssIenered smrgbs at 5/8 edo lbr each sheet olsteel connected. - CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed IC 0.155(1-2) IL: 0.02 in L/999 (3.4) L/240 BC 0.120(13-14) LU 0.01 in L/999 (3.4) L/360 Web: 0.197(7.9) HotzTU0in 9 IC Continuously Braced BC BtrtciogSpusse NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT 114ElRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MillIS iSlE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cdcle, Suite 102 iSlE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURA'IlONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 ( KEYMARK GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS . Truss: G15 JobName: 217 GSBuild®System , Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:57 PM GSlruss® System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: 2 of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 10-5-9 2.12/12 I 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 34 lbs Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Menirer Location I Location 2 Direcrioo Spread Stan Load Sod Load Trib Width Top 0.0-0 2-6.4 Dowo Proj tOpsi lOpsi 12io Top 3-3-4 5-4-3 Down Proj lops1 lOpsi 121n Top 6-1-3 3-2-2 Dowo Proj lOPSI 10 PSI 12 in Top 3-11-2 10-5-9 Down Proj lOpsi lOpsi 12w lop Cons Down Proj 10ps1 10 Fir 12 in Rot 0-0-0 2.6-4 Down Proj 0 psi 0 psf 12 in Bor 3-34 5.4-3 Down Proj 0 psi 0 psi 12 is - - Rot 6-1-3 - 8-2-2 Down Proj - Opsf Opal 12 in But 8-11-2 10-5-9 Down Proj Opsi Opsi 12 in Rot Cost Down Proj 0 par 0 psi 12 in Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load - Distributed Loads - Meniter Location I Location 2 Diresrioo Spread Stan Load Lood Load Trib vrtdrh Top 0-0-0 2-64 Dosvn Rake 8 psi 0 psf 12 in Top 3-34 54-3 Down Rake 8 psi - 8 psi 12 in Top 6-1-3 8-2-2 Down Rake 8ps1 Opal 12 in Top 8-11-2 10-5-9 Down Rake 8 psi 8 psi 12 in Top Cost Doors Rake 8 pni 8 psi 12 in Bat 0-0-0 2.6-4 Down Rake 3 psi 3 psi - 12 is B. 3-3-4 5-4-3 Doses Rake 3 psi 3 psi 12 in Rot 6-1-3 8-2-2 Down Rake - 3 psi 3 psi 12 is Bot 8-11-2 10-5-9 Down Rake 3 psi 3 psi 12 in Rot Coot Down Rake 3 psi 3 psi 12 is Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(1Jp) Distributed Loads Mearber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Sod Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 0-5-9 N Up Rake 29.8 psi - 29.8 psi 12 in Web 1-16 Cost - - Right Rake 456 psi 456 psi - 12 is Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Mrn*utr Location I Lo=tion 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Lad Load Trib Wtdrh Top 0-0.0 0-5-9 N Up Rake 18.61 psi . 18.61 psI 2 in Web t-t6 Cost Left Rake 6.88 psi 6.88 psi 12 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Mcrrbcr Locatino I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Sod Load 1db Width lop 0.0.0 10-5-9 N Up Rake 9.29 psi 9.29 psi 12 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) - Distributed Loads Metrdree Locution I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load Sod Load Trib width Top 0-0-0 6-5-10 N Up Rake 68.15 psi - 68.15 psi t2 in Top 6-3-10 10-5-9 NUp Rate 68.I5psi 68.tspsl 12 in Web 1-16 Coot Left Robe - 38.54 psI 38.54 psi 12 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Lefi(Min) Distributed Loads klenrdrer Location I - Location 2 Direction Sprrnd Stan Load Sod Load Trib Width Top 0-0-0 10-5-0 NDosco Rake Opsi Opsi 12 in Web 1-16 Cool Rigttt R.I. 16 psi 16 psi 12 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No toads were defined for this load case. Automated Load Case LIO°: UBC lOIb Live Load on Bottom Chord - Distributed Loads Mcniter Locarios I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Sod Load Trib Width Bot Cant Down Proj tO psi IS psi IS in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No leads were defined for this toad case. This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 pafbottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance with ASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean Roof Height 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prune Region. Load Combinations ft Load Coedno Factor I Dl - 1.088 2Dl+Lrl _- 3 Dl + 0.6 W3 1.000 4Dl+06Wit __________1 000 5 DI * 0.6 W9 1.030 6 DI + 6.7 El I 000 7 Dl + 0.45 W3 * 0.75 lel 1.000 8Dl+045W3 1.006 9 Dl +0.53 St *0.75 1,1 1.000 t0 O6Dt+06W1 1.000 -I II 0.6 Dl +0.6 W2 1.000 - 12 06D1+06W4 1.000 13 0.601 *0.7 Ff0.01 Imo _14Dt+Ll0 1000_____ Member Forces Summary Table indicates: McnircrlD, teas CSI, teas asiat iorce, (teas -pr iotse iiditferenl iroronass axial iorse) TCbd -2 0.155 -332 lbs 3-4 0.101 -313 lbs 15-6 0.077 -163 lbs 7-5 0.058 -7 lbs - 2-3 0.059 -347 lbs 4-5 0.077 -285 lbs 16-7 0.051 -119 lbs ALL GENERAL NOTES OPTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTI4E Keymatic Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAl. INDICATES ONLY THAT THE1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMIJMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Wincbesree Crick, Suite 102 THE LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 XX (31-08AL STEEL SYSTEMS Truss: G15 JobName: 217 OS Build® System Dale: 6/21/2016 3:20:57 PM OS Truss® System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: 3 of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 10-5-9 2.12/12 I 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 341bs Wcbs 6 0.076 -191 Ibs 3-14 0.002 lbs (-6 Ibs) 5-12 0.043 102 lbs (-84 Ibs) 7-1r-1-17 1 216 lbs (-ISO Ibs) 0.161 339 lbs 1 ~15 (-231 lbs) 3-13 0.030 56 Ibs (.47 lbs) 5-I I 0.141 -176 lbs 7-9 0.197 -240 lbs 2-IS 0.050 -122 lbs 4-13 0.014 44 lbs (-20 Ibs) 6-Il 0.065 131 lbs (-lOS Ibs) 8-9 0.009 -II Ibs 2-14 0.014 46 lbs (-23 lbs) 4-12 0.044 -98 lbs 6-10 0.124 -193 lbs Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID Carried Truss CsssngTnsss Carrying Offset Angle TFSO 132 015 - 2.6.4 - deg .45 CTri nJ _L 31.4 45dcg' 1141 733 015 5-43 454 1T42 170 015 6 I 3 - 45deg 1743 134 015 8-2-2 45 deg L 1744 t29 015 8-11.2 dt,g _Lj 45 1172 015 - 021 - 7-6-6 45 deg GUSSET PLATES frn,1L,1!1 - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMaterial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicularto the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6 ofeach panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicularto the plane oflhe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 "ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL 74011/5 0971-OS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThI/ Keymatic Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SISAL INDICA11- ONLY 11/AT TFIETRUS5 ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS 11-IS MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winclsesser Cs/c/c, So/Sc 102 THE LOADS. LOADING CONDITIONS, MUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATTONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 6 I 121 lbs Type LC _BCjjn Wtd Reaction Pin (WL) 1 1 6 in 65 lbs H Roll (rr) 1 2 in 64Ibs Pin (WL) in 130 lbs H Roll (11) 2 1 2 in - 121 lbs Pin (WL) 3 1 6 in 52 lbs Pin (WL) 3 6 in 6 lbs H H Roll (TT) 3 2 in 45 lbs Pin (WL) 4 1 6 in 68 lbs Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in -8lbsH H Roll (11) 4 I 2 in 64 lbs Pin (WL) S I 6 0 68 lbs HRnll(TT) 5 2 in 64 lbs Pin (WL) 6 1 6 in 68 lbs H Roll (rl) 6 2 in 64 lbs Pin (WL) n 102 lbs Pin (WL) 7 1 6 in 5 lbs H H 11011(n) 7 1 2 in 93 lbs Pin (WL) 8 1 6 in 56 lbs Pi. (WL) 8 1 6 in 5 lbs H H Roll (TI) 8 1 2 in 50 lbs Pin (WL) 9 1 6 in 1141b5 H Roll (I1) 9 2 n 107 lbs Pin (WL)In n .13 lbs Pin (WL) 10 1 6 in l3 lbs H H Roll (cf) 10 1 2 in .22 lbs Pin (WL) II I 6 in -12 lbs Pin (WL) II I 6 in 29 lbs H H Roll (fl) II I 2 in -23 lbs Pin (WL) 12 I 6 is -92 lbs Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in 72 lbs H H Roll (11) 12 I 2 in .117 lbs Pin (WL) 13 I 6i5 41 lbs H Roll (TI) 3 I 2 in 38 lbs Pin (WL) 14 I 6 in 100 lbs H Roll (TI) 14 I 2 in 96 lbs WFRS Uplift Max C&C Uplift Max Uplift bias Maria -13 lbs -92 lbs -92 lbs 72 lbs -23 lbs -1171b5 -117 lbs SWS Panel & Truss Truss: G16 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:58PM System Amcon 6.003 Page: I of3 Report: Eng Plot E V MARK XX LOSAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System 05 Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] w= sws TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 64-10 . 2.114/12 I 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 12 in 191b5 -u-I 2-6-4 . 3-34 1 54-3 6-4-10 0-10-2 0-0-0 0-0-0 2-6-4 10-9-0 1 2-0-15 1-0-7 2-64 1 3-34 1 54-3 64-10 - Circles indicate bssteneecosnt its webs. Sqsaees indicate Ossieneecosni in chords. "Fasteners" indicates the nsn1seeofAnatoniS SS #12 nr#12 SDS (Au!) fasteners required stone end ofihe nondser. Each anise indicates the ournberoffastencts required: (s) indicates the ntstcherofAstcnniS SS #12 to be installed on one side of he truss. (b) indicates the nsni,ernf012 SDS (ASS!) to be installed on each side of the truss. Where connection plates are called out on this drawing s plate is required on each side of the truss. Refeeto General Notes for fisnbeeclasi6catioo. Allowable sheaeperAnwon IS SS #12 lOsteneras follows: 27 rails: 402 lbs: 33 ndls: 544 lbs: 43 nnts: 810 lbs: 54 ndls: 1.138 lbs: 68 ends: 1.610 Ibs.Allowsble shear per#12 SOS (AOl) fastener is calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT 82. Maintain fastener spacing as 5/3" mm. Maintain fasteneredge emEmn at 5/8" n-in foe each sheet of steel connected. CSI , Deflection L/ (toe) Allowed IC 0.113(1-2) TL 0.01 in L/999 (1-2) L/240 BC 0.080(6) LL: OOl in L/999 (1-2) L/360 Web: 0.086 (4.6) - HnraTL- 0 in 5 IC Continuously Braced BC Bracing Sparse - Reactions Member Material CSI Bracing Max P Top Chd I-S 201C20 (50 lxi) 0.113 Sheathed .100 lbs Bor Chd 6:10 201C20 (SO Its) 0 080 Spats __. 72 lb Web 1-10 15C20 (50 lxi) 0.048 Unbrsaed -122 lbs V,eb 19 I5C20(50ks) 007)U braced 181 lbs_ Web 2-9 I5C20 (50 lxi) 0.023 lJnbrnced .58 lbs Wb2-8 15C20(50ks) 00l2 U bfaced 38 lbs __ Web 3-8 I 5C20 (50 Itsi) 0.019 Unbsnced 52 lbs V. b37 C2 l50(50k5) 0077 Un _______btoced il9lbsJ Web 4-7 1SC20 (50 Issi) 0.039 Unbntced 100 lbs Web 4-6 15C20(50 I)) an 0.0S6 UnbiOd ______ .. .167 lbs j Web 5-6 15C20 (50 lxi) 0.003 Unbraced 8 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFIHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPTI4IS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTHE Kcyrnark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT Th1!TRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 WincbesserCricle Suite 182 THE LOADS, LOADING CONDmONs, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEEt Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: G16 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:58PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 2of3 Report: Eng Plot, E V M A R K Nax GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 781 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OFIR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 6-4-10 2.114/12 I 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 121n 19lbs Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Metaker Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top 0.0.0 2.6-4 Dowo Proj Opal lOpsi 12in Top 3-3-4 5-4-3 Down Proj IS pal IS psI 12 in Top Cont Down Proj 1ps1 10 PSI` 12 in Top 2-64 3-3.4 Down Proj I0psf lOpsf 6 i Top 5.4.3 . 6-4.10 Down Proj 10pal tOpsf 6 i Sot 0.0.0 - 2.6.4 Down Proj 0 pal 0 pal 12 in Sot 3-3-4 54-3 Down Proj - 0 psI 0 psI 2 in Bet Coot - Down - Proj 0 psI 0 psI IS in Be, 2-6-4 3-3-4 Down Proj 0 psf 0 psI 6 in Be, 5-4-3 - 6-4-10 Down Proj 0 psI 0 psI 6 in Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Meodner Location I Location 2 Daretion Spread Sun Load End Load ldb Width Top 0.0.0 - 2-64 Down Rake 8 pal Opt1 12 in Top 3-3-4 5-4-3 Doses Rake pal 8 psI 12 in Top Cont Do- Rake 8 pal Opal 12 in Top 2.6.4 3-34 Down Rake pal S psI 6 in Top 5-4-3 64-10 Doavo Rake 8 pal Opal 6 in Sot 0.0.0 2.6-4 D- 5,4 3 PSI` 3 psI 12 in Bet 3-3-4 5-4-3 Down Rake 3 pal 3 psI 12 in Be, Coot Down Rake 3 pal 3 ptl 12 in Sot 2-6-4 3-3.4 Down Rake 3 psI 3 ptl 6 in Rot 54-3 64-10 Down Rake 3pa1 3 ptl 6 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Lefi(Up) Distributed Loads Meoitee Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tnb Width Top 0-0-0 6-4-10 N Up Rake 29.03 pal 29.83 pal 12 in Web I-IS Coat Right Rake 14.56 psI 14.56 psI 12 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) - Distributed Loads Men-tree Location I Location 2 Direction Sptead Start Load End Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 64-10 N Up Rake 29.03 psI 29.03 psI 12 in Web I-IS Coot Loft R.I. 16.00 psI 16.00 psI 12 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Menirer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 64-10 N Up Rake 9.29 pal 9.29 psI 12 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) - Distributed Loads Menther Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 6-3-10 N Up Rake 75.33 pal 75.33 psI 12 in Top 6-3-10 6-4-10 N Up Rake 75.33 pal 75.33 ptl . 12 in Wcb 1-10 Cont Loft Rake 42.77 psI 42.77 pal 12 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Metrtaer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Ttib Width Web I-tO Coot Right Rake 16 psI 16 psI 12 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No loads were defined for this load case. Automated Load Case LI 0*: UBC I 01b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distnl,uted Loads Meother Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tnb Width Sot Coat Down Proj tO psI 10 psI 12 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No loads were defined for this load case. I) This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance with ASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean Roof Height 430, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 fl, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations 0 Load Cottho - Factor I DI 1.000 2Dt tjl 1000 3 DI +0.6 W3 ____________________________________________________________________________ .000 4Dt +06 WO 1000 DI +0.6 W9 - 1.000 601+07E1 1.000 7 DI +0.45 W3+0.75 Lot 1.000 ODI +045W3 1000 9 DI * 0.53 El + 0.75 Lot 1.000 j006D1+06W1 II 0.6 DI +0.6 W2 . .000 1206DI+06W4 1.600 3 0.6 DI +0.7 EIO.01 1.055 1.509 - -1 Member Forces Summary Table iodicatrw Meatball), onc CSI. outa naiat lotce. (tma cottort farce ildittbteot 6orotma osiat farce) TCbd 11-2 0.113 -100 Ibt 12-3 0.060 -160 Iba 134 0053 .72 Ihr 14.6 0054 AU, GENERAL NOTES OPThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT THE1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SI4EST MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPUCABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Crick, Suite 102 ThE LOADS, WADING CONDmDNS. TEUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON 11IIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: G16 4231 Liberty Blvd. jobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:58 PM System: Arncon 6.003 Page: 3 of3 Report: Eng Plot (KEY M A R K GLXX OBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] gws TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 6-4-10 2.114/12 I 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 12 in 19 lbs WEbs 1-10 0.040 .122 lbs 2-0 0.012 36 lbs (.29 lbs) 4-7 0.03') 00 lbs (-SI lbs) 1.9 0.079 181 lbs (.113 lbs) 3.0 0.019 52 lbs (.46 Ibs) 4-6 0.006 .167 lbs 2-9 0.023 -58 lbs 3-7 0.077 .119 lbs 5-6 0.003 0 lbs (.1 Ibs) Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID Carried Truss CmsyingTnsss Offiset Angle Tr45 1)2 016 2.6.4 4.5 deg Tr46 _____ T31 = Gl6 33-4 - - 45dg..] 1747 T33 016 5.4.3 45—deg r.1T47TJ 016 - 5-43 -- - 315 degJ 1110 016 018 4.7-12 -45 deg GUSSET PLATES - - - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMaterial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6" of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicularto the plane of the truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 " ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFNIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThAT114E Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThETRU55 AssEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS 1145 MINIMUMAPPLICABUS DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Crick, Suite 102 THE LOADS WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CON1'IGIJRATION5. AND 5PAN5 LIsTED ON ThIS SHEEr Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: G17 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:58PM System: Amcon6.003 Page: I of 2 Report: Eng Plot (KE V M A R K GLXX OBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GSlniss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78) SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 4-1-6 0/12 I 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 11.3 lbs 1-11-13 2-1-7 4-1-6 1-3-10 1-3-10 is 3s 2s 0-0-0 0-0-0 2-1-7 1-11-15 2-1-7 4-1-6 Circles indicate Fastener count in webs. Squares indicate fastener count in chords."Fasteners" indicates the nsndserofAarwonlS SS 012 0r912 SOS (AISI) fasteners required atone end olthe nresn*ser. Each value indicates the stsniserof fttstetsers required: (s) indicates the noteberofAtnoonlS SSOI2 to be installed on one side of the trout. ) indicates the number of012 SDS (AISI) to be installed on each side of the truss. Where connection platen ate culled not on this dtntviasg a plate is required on each side of the ossss. Referto General Notes for further clarification. Allowable sbearperAmson 1'S SS #12 Etstennrns follows: 27 rails: 402 lbs; 33 rails: $44 lbs; 43 rails: 810 lbs: 54 rods: 1.138 fat: 68 nobs: 1 .6 10 lbs.Allosvable shear per #12 SOS (AISI)11tsteneris calculated per the NASPEC 2807 WIll-I SUPPLEMENT 82. Maintain fitntener sparing ot 5/8" nOn. Maintain fastener cdF n-nagfa at 5/8" sr/n for each sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection L/ (bc) Allowed IC 0.069 (1-2) IL Din 1-/999 (1-2) L/248 BC 0.043 (4-5) LL Din L/999 (1-2) L/360 Web: 0.069(1-6) lIar,. IL 0 in 6 IC Continuously Braced BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Summary 6 Pin (TI) I I 2 in 45 lbs 6 I 86 lbs -12 lbs -69 lbs .69 lbs 4 H Roll (TI) I I 2 in 45 lbs 4 I 86 lbs -12 lbs .82 lbs -82 lbs 6 Pin (IT) 2 I 2 i 86 lbs 4 H Roll (TI) 2 I 2 in 86 lbs 6 Pin (M 3 I 2 i 451b5 4 H Roll (TI) 3 I 2 in 43 lbs 6 FbI))) 4 I 2 i 431b5 6 Pin (17) 4 I 21n .l3 lbs H 4 H Roll (TI) 4 I 2 in 48 lbs 6 Pin (M 5 I 2 i 45 lbs 4 H Roll (TI) S I 2 in 43 lbs 6 Pin (71) 6 I 2in 45 lbs 4 H Roll (TI) 6 I 2 in 45 lbs 6 Pin (M 7 I 21n 7616s 4 H Roll (TI) 7 I 2 in 76 lbs 6 Pin (TI) 8 I 2 in 45 lbs 4 H Roll (11) 8 I 2 in 45 lbs 6 Pin(ll) It I 2i0 76 lbs 4 H Roll (TI) 9 I 2 in 76 lbs 6 Pin(rl) 0 I 2 i -121bs 6 Pin (II) 10 I 2 in -Il lbs II 4 11 Roll (TI) 10 I 2 in .0 lbs 6 Pin (TI) II I 2 in -7 lbs 6 Pin (TI) II I 2 in 13 lbs H 4 H Roll (TI) II I 2 in -12 lbs 6 Pin (TI) 12 I 2 in -69 lbs 6 Pin (TI) 12 I 2 in 34 lbs H 4 H Roll (TI) 12 I 2 in -82 lbs 6 Pin (TI) 13 I 2 in 27 lbs 4 H Roll (TI) 13 I 210 27 lbs 6 Pin (TI) 14 I 2 in 66 lbs 4 H Roll (VI) 14 I 2 i 661h5 Member Material CSI Bracing Max P - uuu5ua,t Boscbd4-6 201t20I)OIctt) - - - —.1 0.043 _penç --- - nrn5 -82lb5 -- V.eb -6 15C20 (50 lad) 0.069 IJnbtstced -82 lbs Etch I S I 5C20 (50 Its) - 0.044 U braced 97 lbs tEeb 2-5 - - - - 5C20 (50 Itsi) - - -1 0.014 - Unhnsced - - 45 lbs Web 24 I 5C20 (50 Ian) 11058 Unbfadetl 99 lbs Web 34 5C20 (SO lad) 0.011 Unbtnccd 30 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lii: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Mn,rtree Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Lad Load Tsib Width Top Coot Do—Proj 20psf 20psf 12 in Bat Cost Down Proj 0 psf 0 psI 12 in Load Case Dl: Sid Dead Load Distributed Loads Men-her Locution I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Lad Load Trib Width Top Cons Down Rube 16ps1 I6pof 12 in Bar Cont ---------------------Dawn Rake 6 nsf 6 paf 12 in ALl. GENERAL NOTES OPThl5 DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT THE11SUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THIS MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Csicle, Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: G17 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:58PM System Amcon 6.003 Page: 2of2 - Report: Eng Plot ( K E V M A R K NX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OFIL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 4-1-6 0/12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 12 in 11.3 lbs Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Member Location I Locution 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top 000 4-1-6 N Up Robe 29.83 psf 29.83 psf 2 in W61.6 Coot Right Rake 4.56 psf 4.56 psf 2 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Meteber - Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Fad Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 4.1.6 N Up Robe 29.83 psf 29.83 psf 12 in Web 1-6 Coot Lot Rake 16.88 psf 16.88 psf 12 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) No loads were defused for this load case. Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Metr-tter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tnb Width Top 0-0-0 4-1-6 NUp Rake 83.14 psf 83.14 psf 12 in Web I.E Coot Lot Rake 44.88 psf 44.88 psf 12 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Lefl(Min) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Starr Load End Load Tnb Width Web -6 Cont Right Robe 16 psf 16 psf 12 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No loads were defined for this loud case. Automated Load Case LIO°: USC lOIb Live Load on BotlomChord Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Bet Coot Down Proj 10psi tO psI 12 in -• User-defined Load Case El: Seismic - No loads were defined for this load case. I) This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean Roof Height 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 fi, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations Load Conbo . Factor I Dl too 2 DI F 1,1 L000______________ 3 Dl +0.6 W3 toss 4Dtf06W9 toss 5 Dl +O.6W9 - .000 Dt+07Et - 1.000 7 DI * 0.45 W3 + 8.75 Lxi - .000 8D1*045W3 1.too 9 DI * 0.53 El * 0.75 Lxi 1.000 1006Dl+06Wl 000 II 0.6 Di * 0.6 W2 1.000 I2 o6Dt+06w4 1.000 13 0.6 Dt+ 0.7 E'O.ot ' .000 14Dt+Lt0 .000 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Mendaer ID. non CSt. mx axial force. (non cotrpc force ifdilfcrrnt tommma axial force) TCbd 11.2 8.069 82 lbs (.82 lbs)I2.3 8.852 0 lbs I I 0.044 97 lbs (-SI lbn)I24 0.058 99 lbs (-99 Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID Carried Trans CooxingTnsss CoaryingOftbet Angle - 1149 017 Ott ___________ t-tt-6 90 deg .TT4t__________ 135_______________ _____________ 017 217 90de5 1153 017 019 1-11.6 90 deg GUSSET PLATES zirn11Ie!1 - I - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6" of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFliltS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDIiREDAS AN INTEGRAL FART OFTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT 11IETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR . 6707 wind,enrrc Cticle, Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS. TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS 5140111 - Boulcim Colorado 80301 3F12 (JOEBA STEEL R K TEE!. SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Truss: G18 JobName: 217 Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:58 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: I of3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 7-6-1I 2.997/12 I 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 19 in 23.21bs 1 -1 I -0 L-M-3 I-h- 0 If-i- I? 1-3-0 1-11-6 4-8-9 5-11-8 -3-d 7-6-11 - 0-10-0 2-0-2 22 3s 4s 5s 0-0-0 0-0-0 1-11-6 2-9-3 1-2-15 9 - 3 - -1i 1-3-5 1-11-6 4-8-9 5-11-8 -3- 7-6-11 Circles indicate tlsstenercounr in webs. Squares indicate fastener count in chords."Fasteners" indicates the nurrdrerofArratonTS SS #12 or#12 SDS (AlSl)6sstenets required or one end of the tooter. Each value indicates the nunteroffasteners required: (s) indicates the non*erofc.trwonlS SS 812 to be installed on one side of the truss. (h) indicates the nurrtern1012 SDS (AlSO to be installed on each tide of the truss. Whore connectioss plates arc called out on this drawing a plote is required on each side of the truss. Refer to General Notes fnrtrnhercloitcation. Allowable shearperAaraton 15 SS 1112 lirsterteras follows: 27 rrnls: 402 lbs: 33 oils: 544 tbs: 43 orils: 810 Ibs: 54 toils: 1.138 by: 68 oils: 1.610 lbs.Allosoable uhearper#I2 SDS (AISI) fastener is calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WITh SUPPLEMENT 02. Maintain ttsterrer spacing at 5/8" sin. Maintain fasteneredyp nwaoin at 5/8" trio for each sheet of stool connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed TC 0.224 (1-2) fl 0.03 in L/999 (2-3) LI 240 BC 0.302 (10-11) W 0.01 in L/999 (2.3) L/360 Web: 0.250 (5-7) Horn TI.a 0 in 2 iC Continuously Braced BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Summary IT Type IL BC Brg Wrd Reaction IT BC Max Reae 12 Pin (WL) I I 6 in 184 lbs 12 I 349 lbs 7 H Roll (TI) I I 2 in 147 lbs 7 I 279 lbs 12 Pin (WL) 2 I 6 in 349 lbs 7 H Roll (TI) 2 I 2 n 279 lbs 12 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in ISO lbs 12 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 i l0 lbs H 7 H Roll (M 3 I 2 in 121 lbs 12 Pin (WL) 4 I n 205 lbs 12 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in -22 lbs H 7 HRoll(TI) 4 I o 1601bs 12 Pin (WL) 5 6 to 184 lbs 7 H Roll (I1) 5 I a 147 lbs 12 Pin (WL) 6 I or 184 lbs 7 H Roll I)1) 6 I 2 to 147 lbs 12 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 282 lbs 12 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 8lbsH 7 H Roll (TI) 7 I n 226 lbs 12 Pin(WL) 0 6 in 1581b5 12 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 8lbsH 7 H Roll (II') 8 I 5 127 lbs 12 Pin (WL) 9 I ts 307 lbs 7 H Roll (TI) 9 I 2 in 246 lbs 12 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 to .31 lbs 12 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 in II lbs H 7 H Roll (TI) 10 I 2 in .64 lbs 12 Pin (WL) II I 6 is -5 lbs 12 Pin (WL) II I 6 is 33 lbs H 7 H Roll (TI) II I 2 is -53 lbs 12 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 is -266 lbs 12 . Pin (WL) 12 I 6i5 114lbsH 7 H Roll (I1) 12 I 21n -305 lbs 12 Pi (WL) 13 I 6 i IlOIbs 7 H Roll (TI) I) I 2 in 88 lbs 12 Pin (WL) 14 I 6 i 271 lbs 7 H Roll (TI) 14 I 2 in 232 lbs WFRS Uplift Max C&C Uplift Max Uplift Max Hone -31 lbs -266 lbs -266 lbs 114 lbs .64 lbs -303 lbs -303 lbs Member Material CSI Bracing Max P Top Chd I-S ___________________ 201C20 (50 lxi) - 0.224 Sheathed -- - -493 lbs Top Chd 3.6 __________________ 201C20 0 ltr) 0 172 Sheathed 346 lb _J 901 Chd 7-12 20TC20 (50 lxi) 0.302 Sparse 477 lbs Web ll2 7=7 15C20(50 i) O.I38 Unbracnd _____________________________ -346 lbs J Web I-Il I 5C20 (SOIrsi) 0.202 Unbrsced 520 lbs Vreb2 ll_ 1500(50lan) 0040 IJ braced -1 03 Web 2-lO 15C20(50Irsi) 0.138 Unhrscrd -1441bs W6310_15C20 (50ks) 0 115U braced _______ _263 lbs J Web 3-9 15C20 (50 ksi) 0.217 Unbrsced -365 lbs 15C20(l0ks)_________________________________0068 U braced 151 lbi....__.J Web 5-8 15C20(5065i) 0.102 Unb,sced 199 lbs Web 5-7 15C20(50 ki) 0.250 Unbrxced 429 lbs With 6-7 15C20 (50 lxi) 0.007 Unbowed 23 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT ThE1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEEr MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester CivIc, Suite 102 THE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder. Colorado 80301 ( KEYMARK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I I Truss: G18 I JobName: 217 GSBuild®System I I Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:58 PM GS Truss® I I System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 781 Page: 2 of3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OFIL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 7-6-11 2.997/12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 19 in 23.2 lbs Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Top 5-I1-8 7-6-I1 Down Proj IS psi 10 psi IS in Top 000 6-3-6 Down Proj 10 psi lOpsi 19 in Bot 0-0.0 4-7-12 Down Proj Opti 0 psi 19 in Bot 5-I I-S 7-6-Il Down Proj Opti 0 psi 19 in Bar 0-0.0 6-3-6 Down Proj 0 psi 0 psi 9 in Point Loads Mett6ter Location Direction Load Ttib Width Bat 1-11-6 Down 41 lbs Bat 4-7-12 Down 57 lbs Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Mereber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Thb Width Top 0-0-0 4-7-12 Down Rake 8 psi 0 psi 19 in Top 5-11-8 7-6-Il Down Rake 0 psi 0 psi 19 in Top 0-0-0 6-3-6 Down Rake 8 psi 0 psi 19 in Bat 0-0-0 4-7-12 Down Rake 3 psi 3 psI 19 in Bat 5-I I-S 7-6-Il Down Rake 3 psi 3 psi 19 in Bat 0-0-0 6-3-6 Down Rake 3 psI 3 psI 19 in Point Loads Meteber Location Direction Load Ttib Width Bat I - I -6 Down 45 lbs Bat 4.7-12 Down 64 lbs Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Lefi(Up) Distributed Loads Meteber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load lb Width Top 0-0-0 4-8-9 N Up Rake 25.32 psi 25.32 psi 19 in Top 4-8-9 7-6-I1 N Up Rake 29.83 psi 29.83 psi 19 in Web 1-12 Cant Right Rake 14.56 psi 14.56 psi 19 in Point Loads Metrber Location Direction Load lb Width not I-I 1-6 Up 65 lbs Bat 4-7-12 Up 101 lbs Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Mntrber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Thb Width Top 0-0-0 4-8-9 NUp Rake 17.91 psi 17.91 psI IS in Top 4-8-9 7-6-I I N Up Rake 29.83 psi 29.83 psi 19 in Web 1-12 Cant Loft Rake 16.88 psi 16.88 psi 19 in Point Loads Mereber Location Direction Load Itib Width Bat 1-11-6 Up Subs Bat 4-7-12 Up 103 lbs Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Mettt,er Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Ttib Width Top 0-0-0 4-8-9 N Up Rake 9.29 psI 9.29 psi 19 is Point Loads Meteber Location Direction Load lb Width Bat 4-7-12 Up 32 lbs Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Mettfser Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load lb Width Top 0-0-0 4-0-9 N Up Rake 72.88 psi 72.88 psi 19 in Top 4-0-9 7-6-11 N Up Rake 69.88 psi 69.08 psi 19 in Web 1-12 Coot Loft Rake 41.32 psi 41.32 psi 19 in Point Loads kietrirer Location Direction Loud Irib Width Bat 1-11-6 Up 1601hs Bat 4-7-12 Up 259 lbs Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS.Left(Min) Distributed Loads Metr&ter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Itib Width Top 0.110 4-0-9 N Down Rake 8 psi ft psi IS in Vsbbl-I2 Coot Right Rake t6 psi I6 psi 19in Point Loads Metrber Location Direction Load Ttib Width Bat 1.11-6 Up 41bs Sot 4-7-12 Down I lbs Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS.Right(Min) No loads were defined for this load case. Automated Load Case LI 0*: USC lOIb Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Mett4aer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db '954th Bat Cant Down Proj 10 PSI* 10 PSI` 19 in Point Loads Mrttdter Location Direction Load lb Width Bat 1-11-6 Dawn 21 lbs Bat 4-7-12 Down 32 lbs User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No toads were defined for this toad case. AU. GENERAL NOTES OP11IIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL OS CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThtS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThAIThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAI ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON ThIS SHEEr MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cticlr. Suite 102 THE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURAT1ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON ThIS SHEET Baslder, Colorado 80301 ( KE Y MARK GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GSBuild®System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] . Truss: JobName: Date: System: Page: Report: G18 217 6/21/2016 3:20:59 PM Amcon 6.003 3 of 3 Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 7-6-1I 2.997/12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 19 in 23.2 lbs This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category H, Mean Roof Height 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations . 9 load Con*o Focror I 1.000 =2=01 LI 1.60 3 01+0.6 ws 1.000 401' 06 W8 - 000 5-DI -0.6W9 . 1.000 6Dl:+0.7El . tow 7 Dl + 0.45 W3 + 0.75 Ul 1.000 001+045W3 1000 Ti 9 Dl + 0.53 Cl + 0.75 tl . 1.000 l006Dl 06W1 1.000 II 0.6 Dl * 0.6 W2 1.000 c1206D1 +06W4_ o00 13 0.601 +0.7 6/0.01 1.000 1.000_ 1 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Menu ID, onto CSI, smo axial force, brass cower force ildilreseol 0mm sass axial force) ltbd - 1.2 0.224 -493 lbs 3-4 0.154 192 lbs (.187 Ibs) 5-6 0.136 0 lbs BChd 7-0 0.173 .192 lbs 9.10 0.183 346 lbs (330 lbs) 11.12 0.052 -98 lbs . Webs 1.12 0.138 .346 lbs 2-10 0.138 .144 lbs __4.50.154192lbs(.187lbsl 4-9 0.069 151 lbs _10.110.302477lbs(.454Ibs) (-127 lbs) 6-7 0.007 23 lbs (.5 Ibs) 1.11 0.202 520 lbs (.389 lbs) 3-10 0.115 263 lbs (.216 Ibs) 5-8 0.102 199 lbs (.191 lbs) 2.11 0.040 103 lbs (-97 lbs) 3-9 8.217 -365 lbs 5-7 0.250 429 lbs (416 lbs) Truss-to--truss Connections Summary Warning: Automated load transfer is incomplete. Manual loading maybe required. (Connections TF49, TF50) ID CaniedTnsss ConnogTmss Can)ngO0)e5 Angle Tt49 __________017 018 1-11.6 90 deg .Tt50 __________ 016 _______________ 018 __ ____________ ______________ 47 ____________12 454eg TFSI 136 018 . ________________ 5.11.5 90 deg .TT)2 157 _____________ 018 634i 90deg TI55 018 020 4.9.6 96 deg GUSSET PLATES rnI,11t,tT1 - - -___- - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6" ofeach panel point. The end ofevery chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES ot'ThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART oPmls COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATD{E Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL [ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT Th6711U55 ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON This SHEET MEETS ThE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Crick, Suite 102 THE LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, muss MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS. AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boslder, Colorado 80301 GLOBAL MEL SYSTEMS - Truss: G19 JobName: 217 GSBuild®Systcm Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:59 PM OS Truss® - . System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] — Page: 1 of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL 01-ITt PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 7-6-11 3.002/12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 21.3 lbs 7-+7U -0-0 1-11-6 6-3-6 7-6-11 0-10-0 . 2-41 TTS3 TS4 0-0-0 0-0-0 - 1-11-6 14-4-0 1-3-5 1-11-6 1 6-3-6 7-6-11 Circles indicate &stencrcount in webs. Squares indicate flsstenercouns in chords. "Fasteners' indicates the nurrlserofArrconTS SS #12 orE 12 SOS (AISI) fasteners required at one end of the nrenter. Each value indicates the nundserof fasten as requited: (s) indicates the nusther of Aasoon IS SS 912 to be installed no one side of the truss. (r) indicates the oustter of# 2 SOS (Al5I) to he installed on each side of the truss. Where connection plates ore called out on this drawing, o plate is required on each side of she truss. Referso General Notes forllstthcrclosi6catiotr. Allowuhle shearprrAoaton 15 SS #12 fisstrnerus follows: 27 soils: 402 lbs; 33 soils: 544 lbs; 43 oils: 810 lbs: 54 oils: 1,138 lbs: 68 soils: 1,610 lbs.Allowsbleshearper#12 SOS (AlSI) fastener is calculated path e NASPEC 2007 WISH SUPPLEMENT #2. Maintain tsulener spaciogol 5/8 torn. Maintain fastener edyp rtruninn at 5/8" rain for each sheer of sseel connessed. CSI Deflection LI (toe) Allowed IC 0.901 (2-3) IL 0.08 in L/999 (2-3) L/240 BC 0.637 (6-7) LL 0.04 in L/999 (2-3) L/360 Web: 0.622 (2-6) Horn lL 0.01 is 3 IC Continuously Braced BC Brtscisg Sparse Reactions Summary IT Type LC BC BrgVs3d Reaction ST BC MauReact MauGrovUpli8 MauMWFRSUpli8 MaxC&CUpli8 MauUplift MauHosir 8 Pin (WL) I I 6 in 163 lbs 8 I 309 lbs -42 lbs -302 lbs -302 lbs lOS lbs 5 H Roll (Ii) I I 210 ISO lbs 5 I 283 lbs -35 lbs -280 lbs -280 lbs 8 Pis (WL) 2 I 6 in 309 lbs H Roll (El) 2 I 2 in 283 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 126 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 21 lbs H O H Roll (El) 3 I 2 in 103 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 5 1961b5 8 Pin (WL) 4 6 in -34 lbs H 5 HRnll (El) 4 2 in 191 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 5 I u 173 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 5 6 i 52 lbs H S H Ron (Tl) 5 2 in 140 b, 8 Pi. (WL) 6 I s 163 lbs 5 HRoll(I1) 6 I s ISO lbs 8 Pin (WL) 7 6 in 244 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 7 I n l6 lb, H - 5 HRull(2TI 7 I n 215 lbs 8 Pin (SVL) 8 I n 135 lbs 0 Pi n (W 8 I n l6lbsH H Roll (Fl) 8 I 2 n 115 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 9 . I n 2721b5 H Roll (l'l) 9 I 2 in 250 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 in 42 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 in -12 lbs H S H Roll (El) 10 I 2 in -35 lbs 8 Pin (WL) II I 6 in 6 lbs 8 Pin (WL) II I 6 is - lOS lbs H S H Roll (FF1 II I -2 is -20 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 is -382 lbs 8 Pin(WL) 12 I 6 i 72 lbs H 5 H Roll (TI) 12 I 2 in -280 lbs 8 Pin (WL) I) I 6 is 98 lbs 5 H Roll (Fl) 13 I 2 in 90 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 14 I 6 is 254 lbs 5 H Roll (Fl) 14 I 210 230 lbs Member Material CSI Bracing Max P Top Chd 1.4 ___________________ 20TC28 (50 hsi) ________________________________________ 0.901 Sheathed -516 lbs 0 s Chd 5-8 2OTC 0 (SOlo) 0.637]—-7 Spani — 502 lbs Web 1-8 - 15C20 (59 Iui) 0.126 Uob,ed -316 lbs ArWI 7 15C29 (59 lu) U3 U btnced "548 Web 2-7 15C20 (50 ui) 0.038 Unbtacnd 119 lbs _ Web 2-6 15C20(50 lu) 62 0 2 15 bd 364 lbs Web 3.6 15C20 (59 ksi) 8.090 IJobrnced 249 lbs '6eb35 15C20(Sok 1ls) bsncesl - 0370 ______ -483 lbs_____j Web 4-5 15C20 (50 ksi) 0.510 Unbowed 93 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OF11415 COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThAT11411 Keymazk Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES 074Cr' ThATThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON 11415 SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle, Suite 102 TI e WADS. WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGIJRA'IlONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON 11415 SHEET. Boulder, Colorado 80301 NX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GSBuild®System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Truss: JobName: Date: System: Page: Report: G19 217 6/21/2016 3:20:59 PM Amcon 6.003 2 of 3 Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 7-6-11 3.002/12 I 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 21.3 lbs Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Meeter Locution I Locution 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tnb Width Top 1-11.6 6-3-6 Down Proj lftpsi 10 PSI` 24 in Top Coot Down Proj 10 PSI` 10 PSI` 24i0 Bor I-I -6 6-3-6 Down Proj 0 PSI`0 PSI` 24 in Bo r Cont Down Proj 0 PSI` 0 psI 24 in Point Loads Menter Location Direction Load 1db Width Cot 1-11-6 Down 41 lbs Load Case Dl: Sid Dead Load Distributed Loads Meeter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Tb Width Top 1-11-6 6-3-6 Down Robe 8ps1 ipsf 24 in Top Coot Down Rube 8 pnl 8 psI 24 in Cot 1-11.6 6-3-6 Down Rube 3 psI 3 psI 24 in Bo l Coot Down Rube 3 psI 3 psI 24 in Point Loads Meeter Location Direction Load lnb Width Bot 1-1 1-6 Down 45 Ibn Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Meeter Location I Locution 2 Direction 5ptnrd Stan Loud End Loud 1db Width Top 0-0-0 7-6-11 N Up Rake 25.29 psf 25.29 psI 24 in Web I-S Coot Right Robe 14.56 psI 14.56 psI 24 in Web 4-5 Cont Right Robe 16.88 psI 16.88 psI 24 in Point Loads Meeter Location Direction Loud Tnb Width But 1-11-6 Up 581bs Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Menter Location I Locution 2 Direction Spread Stun Loud Pod Loud Trrb Width Top 0-0.0 7-6-I1 N Up Rube 17.91 psI 17.91 psI 24 in Web 1-0 Cont Loft Rube 16.88 psI 16.80 psI 24 in Web 4-5 Cont Left Rube 14.56 psI 14.56 psI 24 in Point Loads - Mcnter Locution Direction Loud 1db Width Bot 1-11-6 lip 651bs Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Meeter Locution I Location 2 Direction Spread Stun Loud Pod Loud 1db Width Top 0-07 - 7-6-I I N Up Robe 9.29 psI 9.29 psI 24 in _Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Merrtcr Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Starr Loud End Loud 1db Width Top 0-0-0 6-3-10 N Up Rake 72.88 psI 72.88 list 24 in Top 6-3-10 7.6-I1 N Up Robe 72.88 psI 72.88 pit 24 in Web 1-8 Coot Loft Robe 41.32 psI 41.32 psI 24 in Web 4-5 Coot Right Robe 41.32 psI 41.32 psI 24 in Point Loads Meeter Location Direction Loud 1db Width Cot 1-11.6 Up I82Ibn Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Meeter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread stun Loud Pod Loud 1db Width Top 0-0-0 7.6-11 N Down Rube ft pnf 8 psI 24 in Web I-ft Coot Right Robe 16 pnl 16 psI 24 in Point Loads Meeter Locution Direction Loud 1db Width But 1-11-6 Down 4lbs Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) Distributed Loads Meeter Locution I Location 2 Direction Spread Stun Loud End Loud 1db Width Web 4.5 Coot Loft Rube I6psI I6pnI 24i0 Automated Load Case LIO*: UBC 101b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Meeter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load Pod Loud 1db Width But Coot Down Proj 10 psI to pnl 24 in Point Loads Meetce Location Direction Loud 1db Width But 1-11-6 Down 21 lbs User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No leads were defined for this toad ease. I) This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 paf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean RoofHeight 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 11, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prune Region. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART 0P114IS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATTh1I Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAIThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMIJMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchenter Cdcle, Suite 102 THE LOADS, LOADING CONDmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET. Boulder, Colorado 80301 ( KEYMARK NX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I I Truss: G19 JobName: 217 GSBuild®System I - I Date: 6/21/2016 3:20:59PM GSlmss® i I System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] . Page' 3 0f3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL 01-ER PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 7-6-11 3.002/12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 21.3 lbs Load Combinations 0 Load Conto Pocior Dl 2 Di + Lit 1.000 L000 3 Dl + 0.6 W3 1.000 =4-- DJ1.F 0.6 w8i._. i900 1 Dl +0.6 W9 15L07 El 1.000 .000 7 - Dl * 0.45 W3 + 0.75 t.rl 1.000 =t'= Dl +0.45 593 -1.0-06 9 01*0.5301 40.75 LII 1.000 l0 06DI*06Wl -_---- 1000 II 0.601*0.6 W2 1,000 =-12=0.61-DI-';6.6 W4 000 13 0.6 DI * 0.7 010.01 1.000 . Member Forces Summary Toble indicotes: Men6er ID. sos CSL sos axial fonse, (rmx consu force ifdiflbmnl fionssms oxiol lone) TCbd 11-2 0.319 -509 lbs 12-3 0.901 -226 lbs 134 0364 01 lbs 8,45 11,61 0.231 548 lbs (444 lbs)2.6 0.622 364 lbs 033 Ibs)l 3-5 0.370 .483 lbs Truss-to-truss Connections Summary Warning: Automated load transfer is incomplete. Manual loading may be requirod. (Connection TT53) ID Carried Trust Consinglrnss CosnyngO0bet Me '1133 __________017 _______________ 019 __________ 1-11-6 ____________ 90 deg CTr34 TS7 _______________ 019 6-3-6 _____________ 90 deg Tt'36 019 020 9-1-6 90 de GUSSET PLATES fTI1[T1 - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6 of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane of the truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 "of the end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSI00000AS AN INTEGRAL PART OPThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTHE Keymaric Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT 11-IETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMIJMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRrrERIA FOR 6707 Winchesler COck, Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONPIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colocsdo 80301 KEYMARK NQX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS Truss: G20 JobName: 217 GSBuiId®System Date: 6/22/2016 2:08:21 PM GSTruss® - System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 781 Page: 1 of 5 - Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3.002/12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 2 18 in 225.2 lbs -'I-tt-'I-tt I 2-4-ill 4-9-6 I --0- - - 0-10-0 2-8-13 2-8-2 2-8-2 2-0-8 2-8-13 44s A35 4244s7t3ft -6ft 713I T3S 13 11ft Bgs Bft BW 2t 0-0-0 0-0-0 2-4-11 2-4-11 2-9-13 2-4-11 4-9-6 7-7-3. Circles indicate fastenercount in webs. Squares indicate ttstener count in chords. "Fasteners" indicates the nunberofArrtonTS SS P12 or 1112 SOS (AISI) fasteners required at one end of the rrrrrter. t'asrenercounrs use throne plyofrr.stri.plyrruss. Each srdae indicates the nunirerof ttsteners required: (s) indicates the nutthcrofAarssortT5 5S 1112 to be installed on one side ofeach plyofthis two ply truss. (h) indicates the nsrn4crof#12 SOS (AOl) lobe installed on each side ofeuch plyofthis two ply 'sirs. Where connection piston arc called out no this drawing a plate is required on both sides ofeach ply of this two ply truss. Refer to General Notes for fonherclorillcution. Allowable shearperAararno 75 SS #12 tssrerscras follows: 27 rods: 402 lbs: 33 oils: 544 lbs: 43 rails: 810 lbs; 54 erds: 1,130 lbs: 68 trdls: 1.610 lhs.Allowable sheaeper#12 5D5 (Al5l) Iloteneris calculated perthe NASPEC 2007 wmi 5UPPLEMENT#2. Maintain fastener spacing or 5/8 trio. Maintain fastener edge itssrglit at 5/8 aria for each sheet of steel connected. Reactions Cs' IC : 0.870 (16.17) BC 0.856 (35-36) Web: 0.929(16-31) IC Continuously Braced BC Bracing Sparse Deflection LI (bc) Allowed it 1.16 in L/404 35 r L/240 LLO.51 is L/924 It L/360 Horn IL: 0.2 is 44 6 in 2.227 lbs 6 i 3,081 lbs 61n 4,219 lbs 6 in . 1.300 lbs 6 is 1,783 lbs 6 i It lbsH 6 i 1,911 lbs 6 in 2.599 lbs 6 i .26 lbs H 6 in 1.628 lbs 6 in 2,244 lbs 6i5 35 lbs H 6 in 1.626 lbs 6 in 2,227 lbs 6 is , 2.472 lbs 6 is 3,380 lbs 6 i 8lbsH 6 i 1,381 lbs 6 i , 1,894 lbs 61s 8 lbs hl 61st 2,717 lbs 6 i 3,721 lbs 6 in -256 lbs 610 -331 lbs 6 i -tO lbs H 6 i 41b5 6 in -33 lbs 6 i 56 lbs H 6 in -1.945 lbs 6 in -2,767 lbs 610 38lbsH 6 in 976 lbs 6 in 1.336 lbs 61n 2.361 lbs 61n 3.226 lbs 24 Pin (WL) I 45 H Roll (WL) 2 I 24 Pin (WL) 2 I 45 H Roll (WL) 3 I 24 Pin (WL) Pi. (WL) 3 I 24 3 I 45 H Roll (WL) 4 I 24 Pin (WL) 4. I 24 Pi. (WL) 4 I 45 H Roll (WL) 5 I 24 Pi. (WL) 5 I 24 Pin (WL) S I 45 It Roll (WL) 6 I 24 Pis(WL) 6 I 45 H Roll (WL) 7 I 24 Pin (WL) 7 1 24 Pin (WL) 7 45 HRoll(WL) 8 I 24 Pin (WL) B I 24 Pin (WL)8 I 45 H Roll (WL) 9 I 24 Pi. (WL) 9 I 45 H Roll (WL) tO I 24 Pi. (WL) tO I 24 Pin (WL) 1 I 45 H Roll (WL) II 24 Pin (WL) It 24 Pin (WL) It 45 H Roll (WL) 2 I 24 Pin (WL) 12 I 24 Pin (WL) 12 I 45 H Roll (WL) 13 I 24 Pin (WL) 13 I 45 H Roll (WL) 14 I 24 Pin (WL) 14 I OTE: Reactions are for full multi-ply truss Member Material ST BC Mast React Mast (trovUptifl Max MWFRS Uplift Max C&C Uplift bias Uplift Max Hot's 45 I 3.081 lbs -256 lbs -1,945 lbs -1,945 lbs 24 I 4,219 lbs -331 lbs -2.767 lbs .2.767 lbs 56 lbs C51 Bracing Max P 0.563 Sheathed .4.528 lbs I) 0.070 _Sheathed ____'-O,206 lbs ] - 0.716 Sheathed -5,235 lbs 0.438 ,,,__ShesrIrcd -2,005 lbs I 0.856 sparse 8,206 lbs_______ 0.623 Unbwccd :1,564 0.823 Unbrnced lbs ___________________3,076 044l U baiced 077 1bs 0.521 Urtbrrrccd 1.192 lbs________ 0.279 Unbctced -549 lbn 0.397 Unbrnced 573 lbs 0.261 Unbrnced __________ 0.799 Unbasced 1,807 lbs 0 ?95 U braced 1bs -.-1,725 0.726 Unbrnced 1.664 lbs 0.786 Uttbmced -1,351 0.799 Unbtuce,I 1.581 lbs _______ 0035 U braced 086 lbs- Unbtrsccd 0.79 1 1,160 lbs 0.598 Uobmced -182 lbs ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTI-IIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY i14ATThEThUS5 ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Ciicle, Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CoNornoNs, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET. Boulder, Colorado 80301 Top Chd 4-17 35TC16(50 Ii Top Chd 18-21 35TCl6(5OIo: Top Chd2t 23 35TC16(50ks But Chd 24-45 35TCI8 (50 ks: Web l.4$_________________ I5C2050IruJ Web 144 t5Ct8p0ksi) Web 24 15ç20(56 Ia)) Web 243 15C20 O ksi) Web 143 15C20(5BIrsi) Web 3.42 15C20 (50 bit Web 4.42 i5C20 (50 Iaii) 'rVeb44t __________________t5Cl8(50Issi) Web $4i 15C16 (50 Isti) Web 5.40 _____________ 1 5C18 (5 hal) < KEYMARK xx GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I I Truss: G20 I - I JobName: 217 GSBuild® System I I Date: 6/22/2016 2:08:21 PM GSlruss® I I System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] , I Page: 2 of5 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OFTR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3.002/12 I 0-0-0 0-0-0 2 18 in 2252 lbs 0.00 s-il iCl0 ISO las) 0.519 Unbrsced 862 lbs - -- - V.eb937 1500 (50 W) 0.409 U braced 538 lbs J Web 9-36 15C20 (50 lat) 0.372 Unbrsced 551 lbs Web 1036 15C20(50la) 0.058 U brad -16 6s Webl 1-36 5C20 (50 ksi) 0.206 Unbsoced -203 lbs Web 113 _____________________5 l5C20(50ks) 0.070 U bsajd I10lbs Web 2-35 15C20 (50 ksi) 0.078 IJobsaced 26 lbs Wb 1234 15C20(50ks) 6:1 36~ U braced '18-0 Has Web 13-34 _ l5C20 (50 ksi) 0.290 Uabsaced 445 lbs W b 1333 l5C20 (50 ksi) 0.341— IJ bnsced -448 lbs_________ _____ Web 14-33 15C20(5Oksi) 0.510 lJnbtoced 774 lbs W6'14-32 15C20(50ss) _0 554— Uribrid 725 1bs Web 15-32 15C20 (50 ksi) 0.730 Unbsnced 1.099 Has- Web] 5 31 _____________________ I 5C20 (50 ksi) 0.740 U braced 965 lbs ,......._..] Web 16-31 I 5C20 (50 wi) _____________________ 0.929 Unbmced _______ 92 13 lbs Web 1630 15C19,& ks) 0 829 lJnbsaced 1423 lbs ___________ Web 17-30 ___________________ 15C 18 (50 ksi) 0.911 Unboced 1.937 lbs Web 1729 ______l5Cl6.CAP5Oks) 0882 U bced --1,520 _1b5 Web 19-29 15C16 (50 ksi) 0.803 Unbiaced 2,066 lbs Web l928 15C16(501a;)....... 0893 11 braced ____________ 1,998_11,:t Web 20-28 15020 (50 ksi) 0.431 Unbnsced 2.749 lbs _____ Web 20-21 ________15020(501w).,__... 0455 1j braced ____2303lbsJ Web 2l.27 l5Cl8(50ksi) 0.808 Unbssced 2,ll6lbs Web 21-26 l5Cl6 (50 Ia) 0.653 7_=_ U braced — .._jl 470 lbs_J Web 22-26 I 5C20 (50 led) 0.089 Unbraced 1.964 lbs_________ Web 22-25 lsC2o(so lwi) .._0.06 Unbraeed IOlbs Web 22-24 15D20 (50 led) 9.567 Unbssced -2,865 lbs Wçb23-24 15c20(sok5i) 0.I54..,,.,Unbtaced 335 lbs NOTE: Forces are for one ply of multi-ply truss NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support Loads Sumnary Load Case Lr1: Std Live Load - Distributed Leads Mesther Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Land Trib 'Mdtb Top 0.0-0 9-1-6 Down Proj lOpsi 10ps1 18 in Top 10-5-14 40.0.0 Down Proj 1ps1 lOpsl 181n Top Cons Doson Proj 10 PSI 10pal 18 in Sot 041.0 9-1-6 Down Proj 0 psf 0 PSI 18 in Sot 10-5-14 40-0.0 Down Proj 0 psi Opal 18 in Bat Cons Down Proj 0 psf 0 PSI` IS in Point Loads Mrn6,er Location Direction Load lOb Wdsh Sot 10-5-14 Down 151 lbs Sot 12-5-14 Down 151 lbs Bor 14-5-14 Down 151 lbs Sos 16-5-14 Down 151 lbs Sos 18-5-14 Down 151 lbs Bos 20-5-14 Dom 151 lbs B 22-5.14 Dosstr 151 lbs - Bos 24-5-14 Do— 151 lbs Sot 26.5-14 Down 151 lbs - Bo s 28-5-14 Dosvrr 151 lbs Sot 30-5-14 Dom 151 lbs Sot 32-5-14 Dom 151 lbs Sot 34-5-14 Down 151 lbs Sot 36-5-14 Down 151 lbs Sos 38.0-14 Down 151 lbs Load Case D!: Sid Dead Load Distributed Loads Mesrber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sian Load End Load Trib Width Top 0.0.0 9-1.6 Down Rake 8 PSI 8 psI 18 in Top 10-5-14 40-0.0 Dososs Rake 9 PSI 8 psI 18 in Top Cons Do— Rake 8 psi 8 PSI` IS in Sot 0.0.0 9-1-6 Down Rake 3 psi 3 psI 18 in Sot 10.5.14 40.0.0 Down Rake 3ps1 3 psI IS in Sot Cons Down Robe 3 psI 3 psi 1810 Point Loads Mess*er Location Direction load Tb Widsh - Sot 10-5-14 Down 70 lbs Bo s 12-5-14 Down 110 lbs Bo s 14-5-14 Down 70 lbs Sot 16.5. 14 Down 10 lbs Sos 18-5-14 Down 70 lbs Sot 20-5-14 Dosvn 10 lbs Sot 22.5-14 Down 10 lbs Sot 24-5-14 Down IS O lbs Bos 26-5-14 Down 10 lbs Sot 28-5-14 Down 110 lbs But 30-5-14 Down 110 lbs - Sot 32.5.14 Down 170 lbs Sot 34.5-14 Down 70 Has Bat 36-5-14 - Down 110 lbs Bot 38.5-14 Down 169 lbs AU. GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE 114A1ThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROPESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT il-IETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON ThIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMIJMAPPLICABI.E DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Csicle, Suite 102 TEEWADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON ThIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 NX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS Truss: G20 JobNasne: 217 OS Build® System Date: 6/22/2016 2:08:21 PM OS Truss® System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: 3 of 5 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3.002/12 I 0-0-0 0-0-0 2 181n 225.2 lbs Automated Load Case WE MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Metaker Location t Location 2 Direction Spread Slut Load End Load Trib Width Top 0-0-0 7-7-3 N Up Robe 25.29 psi 25.29 psi 18 in Top 37-5-7 40.0.0 NUp Rote 17.92 psi 17.92 psi IS in Top 7-7-3 29-1-3 N Up Robe 29.83 psi 29.83 psi 18 in Top 29-1-3 32-3-14 NUp Robe 24.63 psi 24.63 psi 18 in Top 32-5-14 37.5.7 N Up Rote 29.83 psf 29.83 psi It in Web -45 Cool Right Rote 14.56 psi 14.56 psi IS in Web 23-24 Cont Right Rake 16.88 psi 16.00 psi IS in hVeb 17-I8 Cool Right Rake 16.88 psi 16.88 psi 18 in Point Loads Bo l 12-5-14 Up 211 lbs Bat I4-5-t4 Up 211 lbs Bol 16-5-14 Up 211 lbs Bo l 18-5-14 Up 211 lbs Hal 20-5-14 Up 211 lbs 001 22-5-14 Up 211 lbs 001 24-5-14 Up 211 lbs Hot 26-5-14 Up 211 lbs Hal 28-5-14 Up 211 lbs Bol 30-5-14 Up 211 lbs B ut 32-5-14 Up 211 lbs Bol 34-5-14 Up 211 lbs 001 36-5-14 Up 211 lbs 001 38-5-14 Up 216 lbs Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Moodier Locolion I Location 2 Direction Spread Sian Load End tend Tnb Width Top 0-0-0 7-7.3 N Up Robe 17.91 psi 17.91 psi 10 in Top 37-5-7 40-0-0 N Up Rote 25.33 psi 25.33 psi 18 in Top 7-7-3 10-11.14 N Up Rote 24.63 psi 24.63 psi 18 in Top 10.11-14 32-5-14 N Up Robe 29.83 psi 29.83 psI 18 in Top 32-5-14 37-5-7 N Up Rote 29.83 pif 29.83 psi 18 in Web 1-45 Cool Left Robe 16.88 psi 16.88 psi 18 in Web 23-24 Cool Left Rote 14.56 psi 14.56 psi 18 in Web 17-18 Cent Left Rote 14.56 psi 14.56 psi 18 in Point Loads Menter Location Direction Load Hot 10-5-14 Up 151 lbs Bot 12-5-14 Up SI lbs Bot 14-5-14 Up SI lbs Bol 16-5-14 Up 151 lbs Bor 18-5-14 Up 151 lbs Bo' 20-5-14 Up 151 lbs Bol 22-5-14 Up 151 lbs Bol 24-5-14 Up 151 lbs Bo' 26-5-14 Up 151 lbs Bo' 28-5-14 Up 151 lbs Bor 30-8-14 Up 151 lbs Bol 32-5-14 Up 151 lbs Hot 34-5-14 Up 151 lbs Bol 36-5-14 Up 151 lbs Bol 36-5-14 Up 176 lbs Automated Load CaseW3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Menter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tnb Width Top 0.0-0 7.7-3 N Up Rote 9.29 psi 9.20 psi 18 in Top 37-5-7 40 -0-0 N Up Robe 9.29 psi 9.29 psi 18 in Point Loads Bol 12-5-14 Up 70 lbs 801 14-5-14 Up 78 lbs Bol 16.5-t4 Up 76 lbs Bol 18-5-14 Up 78 lbs Bor 20.5-14 Up 76 lbs Bo1 22-5-14 Up 78 lbs Bor 24.5-14 Up 78 lbs Bot 26-5-14 Up 78 lbs Bor 28-5-14 Up 70 lbs Hot 30-5-14 Up 78 lbs Bot 32-5-14 Up 78 lbs .0 34-5-14 34-5-14 Up 78 lbs B il l 36-5-14 Up 78 lbs Sot 38-5-14 Up 54 lbs ALL GENERAL NOTES OF1HIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATIHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThATTHISTRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Ciiole, Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 ( KEYMARK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I -. - Truss: G20 JobName: 217 GSBuild® System Date: 6/22/2016 2:08:21 PM GSlruss® I System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] j Page: 4 of Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3.002/12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 2 18 in 225.2 lbs Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Mereber Location I l.ocotron 2 Direction Spread - Start Load End Load lob Width Top 0.0.0 6-3-10 N Up - Rake 60.82 psf 60.82 psf 18in Top 6.3.10 7-7-3 N Up Rake 60.82 psf 60.82 psf :8 in Top 7-7-3 13.10-13 NUp Robe 35.71 psf 35.71 psf . 18 in Top 3-10-13 32-5-14 NUp Rake , 35.71 psf 35.71 psf . .18 in Top 32.5-14 37-5-7 NUp Robe 35.71 psf 35.71 psf 18 in Top 37-5-7 40-0-0 N Up Rake 60.82 psf 60.82 psf 18 in - Web 1-45 Cont Loft Rote 27.34 psf 27.34 psI 18 in Web 23-24 Coot Right Rake 27.34 psf 27.34 psf 18 in Web 17-18 Coot . Right Robe 27.34 psf 27.34 psf 18 in Point Loads Member Location Ditection Load Trib Width Bor 10-5-14 - Up 614 lbs Rot 12-5-14 Up 614 lbs Rot 14-5-14 Up 614 lbs Bot 16-5-14 Up 614 lbs Be, 18.5.14 Up 614 lbs Rot 20-5-14 Up 614 lbs Bor 22-5-14 Up 614 lbs Rot 24-5-14 Up 614 lbs Bat 26-5-14 Up 614 lbs Rot 20-5.14 Up 614 lbs .0 30.5-14 30-5.14 Up 614 lbs Bot 32-5-14 Up 614 lbs Bo 34-5-14 Up 614 lbs But 36.5.14 Up 614 lbs Rot 38-5-14 Up 591 lbs Automated Load Case WS: MWFRS-Left(Min) Dislnl,uted Loads Meadrer Loeatinn I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top 0.0.0 7-7-3 - N Down Rake 8 psf 8 psf 10 in Web 145 Cost Right Robe 16 psf 16 psf It in Point Loads Member Location Direction Land lb Width Bot 10-5-14 Doson 68 lbs Bo r 12-5.14 Down 68 lbs Bot - 14-5.14 Down 68 lbs Bot 16-5-14 Down 68 lbs But 18-5-14 Down 68 lbs Be, 28-5-14 Down 68 lbs Bot 22-5-14 Down 68 lbs Rot 24-5-14 Down 68 lbs Rot 26-5-14 Down 68 lbs Rot 28-5-14 Do-68 lbs Bot 30-5-14 Down 68 lbs - Rot 32-5-14 Down 68 lbs Rot 54-5-14 Down 68 lbs Rot 36-5-14 Down 68 lbs Be, 38-5-14 Down 48 lbs Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) Distributed Loads Mendrer Location I Location 2 Ditection Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top 37-5-7 40.0-0 N Down Rake 8 psf 8 psf 18 in Web 23-24 Coot Loft Rote 16 psf l6psl 18i0 Web 17-18 Coot Lo8 Rake 16 psf 16 psI 18 in Automated Load Case LI 0°: UBC I Olb Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Meteber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load 1db Width Bat Coot Down Proj 10 PSI` 10 psf 18 in Point Loads Metrtrer Location Direction Load 1db Width Bnt 10-5-14 Down Rot 12-5-14 Down 72: 7 Be, 14-5-14 Down 76 lbs Be, 16-5-14 Down - - 76 lbs Rot 18-5-14 Dosvo 76 lbs Rot 20-5-14 Down 76 Ras Rot 22.5-14 Down 76 lbs Rot 24-5-14 Down 76 lbs Rot 26-5-14 Down 76 lbs - B at 25-5-14 Down 76 lbs Be, 30-5-14 Down 76 lbs Be, 32-5-14 Down 76 lbs Rot 34.5-14 Down 76 lbs But - 36-5-14 Down 76 lbs But 38-5-14 Down • 76 lbs User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No toads were defined for this load case. This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. - This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psfbottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean Roof Height 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 fix 63 ft. Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations 0 Load Coorbo Factor I Dl 1.000 201*Lit 1000 3 01+0.6 W3 _____________________________________________________________________ 1.000 4D1+06W8 1000 J 5 01+8.6 W9 - .000 6D1+07El 1000 7 Dl + 0.45 W3 + 0.75 tel - l .000 .000 ALL GENERAL NOTES OF MIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL RE CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL PART 0F11415 COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keyniark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThATThE1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON ThIS SHORI MEEtS ThE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle, Suite 102 1140 LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS. AND SPANS Lt511iD ON THIS SHEEt Boulder. Colorado 80301 NX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS Truss: G20 JobName: 217 OS Build® System Date: 6/22/2016 2:08:21 PM GSTIUSS® System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: 5 of 5 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3.002/12 I 0-0-0 0-0-0 2 18 in 225.2 lbs 9 DI +0.53 El 10.75 1,1 - 1.000 100601+06W1 1000_,,,,,,__.____I II 0.6 Dl 10.6 W2 1.000 1206 01+06 W4,, '-1 00O_ 13 0.60! +0.7 0/0.0! 1.000 1.006 TE1 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Men*ee ID, sms CS!, sms ssisl force, (floss coops force ifdilrercni tomnsss axial force) TCbd 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 0.563 0.477 0.495 0.706 0.657 0.791 -2,959 lbs -4,042 lbs -4,528 lbs -5,130 lbs -5,787 lbs -6,665 lbs - 7-5 8-9 9-10 10-lI 11-12 12-13 0.794 0.845 0.06! 0.024 0.855 0.857 -7 309 lbs -7,787 lbs -8 093 lbs -8,093 lbs -8,206 lbs -0,136 lbs 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-li 18-19 9-20 0.849 0.826 0.746 0.870 0.601 0.716 -7,889 lbs .7,455) lbs .6 849 lbs -6,076 lbs -5.235 lbs 20-21 21-22 22-23 4,041 lbs 0.461 0.331 0.277 -2,494 lbs -2.005 lbs 90 lbs (-39 lbs) BCbd 4-25 0.159 1,329 lbs (-836 lbs) 30-31 0.600 6,036 lbs (-3,914 lbs) -37 0.025 7,787 lbs (-5.008 lbs) 4243 0.779 3,928 lbs (.2,479 lbs) 5-26 0.398 1,329 lbs (-036 lbs) 31-32 0.748 6.849 lbs (4,414 lbs) -38 0.788 7.309 lbs (4,694 lbs) 4344 0.489 2,918 lbs (-1.832 lbs) 6-27 0.190 1.990 lbs (-1.263 lbs) 32-33 0.802 7,459 lbs (4,808 lbs) -39 0.723 6,665 lbs (4.272 lbs) 4445 8.056 5 lbs (-3 lbs) 7-28 0.462 2.494 lbs (1,591 lbs) 33.34 0.831 7,689 lbs (-5.085 lbs) 3940 0.668 5.787 lbs (-3.698 lbs) 8-29 0.517 4,041 lbs (2,593 lbs) 34-35 8.844 8.136 lbs (.3.243 lbs) -41 0.516 5.138 lbs (-3.269 lbs) 9-30 0.579 5,112 lbs 0,289 lbs) 35-36 0.856 8.206 lbs (-5,285 lbs) 42 0.422 4.392 lbs (-2.777 lbs) Webs 145 0.623 -1,564 lbs 6-39 0.799 1.581 lbs (-1,035 lbs) 12-34 0.136 -180 lbs 18-29 0.468 -1.520 lbs 1.44 0.823 3,076 lbs (-1.942 lbs) 7-39 0.835 -1,086 lbs 13-34 0.290 445 lbs (-285 lbs) 9-29 0.803 2.066 lbs (-1.343 lbs) 244 0,441 -1.077 lbs 7-38 0,781 1,160 lbs (-759 lbs) 13-33 0.341 448 lbs 19-28 0.893 -1,998 lbs 243 0.521 1,192 lbs (-750 lbs) 0-38 0.598 -702 lbs 14-33 0.510 774 lbs (490 lbs) 20-28 0.431 2,749 lbs (-1,782 lbs) 343 0.279 -549 lbs 8-37 0.579 862 lbs (-565 lbs) 14-32 0.554 -725 lbs 20-27 0.455 -2.303 lbs 342 0.397 573 lbs (-368 Ibs) 9-37 0.489 -538 lbs 15-32 0.730 1.099 lbs (-710 lbs) 21.27 0.808 2.116 lbs (.1.376 Ibs) 442 0.26! -344 lbs 9-36 8.372 55! lbs (-365 lbs) 15-31 0.740 -965 lbs 21-26 0.683 -1.470 lbs 4.41 0.799 1.807 lbs (-1,190 lbs) 10-36 0.058 -76 lbs 16-31 0.929 1.392 lbs (-901 Ibs) 22-26 0.889 1.964 lbs (-1,270 Ibs) 54! 0.798 .1,725 lbs 11-36 8.286 .203 lbs 16-30 0.829 -1.423 lbs 22-25 0.006 10 lbs (-9 Ibs) 5.40 0.726 1.664 lbs (.1, 02 lbs) 11-35 0.070 110 It (-93 lbs) 17-30 0.911 1.937 lbs (-1.255 lbs) 22-24 0.567 -2,065 lbs 6-40 0.706 -1.351 lbs 12-35 0.078 126 lbs (-77 lbs) 17-18 0.882 -1.423 lbs 23-24 0.154 335 lbs (-211 lbs) Truss-to-truss Connections Summary Warning: Automated load transfer is incomplete. Manual loading may be required. (Connections TFSS, TF56, Tf49, Tf50, TF53) ID Carried Truss CosrngTmss Coong0ffsa AnØe TI'55 G18 , 020 4-9.6 90 deg (: .Trs6 019 _G20 91-6 '90d g T51 125 020 ______________ 0-5-14 90 deg T58_________ 1 28 G20 12-5-14 90 deg 1159 128 _______________020 14-5-14 90 deg TF60 128 _______________020 16514 96 deg TF61 128 - 020 18-5-14 ____________ - 90 deg ,T1'62 128 (120 20514 ____________90dr5 TF63_________ 728_G20 ________________22-5-14 deg 1'F64 __ 128 020 24-5-14 __ --7-= 90 90 deg 3 Tf65 '128 020 26-5-14 90 deg ,TF66 128 020 _,,,_,_ -':28514" _____________ 90de8 T767 128 020 ______________ 30.5-14 90 deg Tf68 128 G20 32.5-14 90 deg Tt'69 ___________ 020 ________________ ________________ 34-5-14 . 90 de TI7Q 128 020 36.5-14 -90 iTt1 126 020 38.5.14 90 deg GUSSET PLATES - _- - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6" of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane of the truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" ofthe end of each chord segment. At least one web ofthis truss has been designed with apanel point in the web.All panel points on such webs shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane of the truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" of each web panel point. NOTE: This is a multi-ply truss, meaning that two identical trusses shall be built perthe information shown and placed side by side. NOTE: Reactions are for full multi-ply truss. NOTE: Forces are for one ply of multi-ply truss. ALL GENERAL NOTES OF1'HIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INiliGRAL PART OF114Is COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE 114AT1'1lE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEEWS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT114E1'RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON '11415 SHEEt' MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6787 wischesser Cr)cle, Suite 102 THE LOADS, CONDITIONS, CONOONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET. Boulder, Colorado 80301 V M A R K XX AL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 781 JobName: 217 Date: 6/22/2016 4:00:23 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 1 o175 Report: Eng Plot Truss: G21 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WOT/PLY 40-0-0 3.002/12 I 0-0-0 0-0-0 2 24 in 240,4lbs - i-0-1"31 9-tRr-r-O- 2-6-6 5-0-13 0-10-0 - 2-8-13 2-8-2 2-8-2 2-0-8 2-8-13 - - -I1 0-0-0 - 0-0-0 2-6-6 2-6-6 2-6-6 5-0-13 7-7-E 5107102-5-2191-1 -5. Circles indicate fastener count in webs. Squares indicate llrsteneecosnr in chords. "Fasteners" in dicates the nunterofAnronlS SS 012 or 012 SDS (AISI) lirsteners required at one end of the mother. Pusrcnercounts are fiarone plyofnsrlti-plytruss. Each orIon indicates the nrrttherof trsrenery requited: (s) indicates the nandrerofAmtonTS SS 912 lobe installed on one side ofeacb ply ofthis two ply truss. (b) indicates the nsnberof#12 SOS (AISI) robe installed on each side ofeach ply ofthis two ply rerun. Where connection plates are called our on this drrswrng opIate is required on both sides of each ply of Ibis IWO ply truss. Refer to General Moles for 8rttherclarification. Allowable shear perAarwon 'IS SS #12 fastener as follows: 27 odIn: 402lbs: 33 nrils: 544 lbs; 43 sods: 810 lbs; 54 oils: 1.130 lbs; 60 ntils: 1,610 lbs.Altowable shear per #I2 SOS (Also fastener is calculated per the NASrEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT #2. Maintain fastener spacing nt 5/8" tern. Maintain fastener edge narrain 5t5/8 trio foreach - sheet of steel connected. Reactions iT Type CSI - IC 0.884(9-10) BC : 0.946 (33-36) Web: 0.981 (19-29) 'IC Continuously Braced BC Btncing Sparse LC BC Br0Wrd Reaction Summary ST BC Max React Deflection TI: 1.17 in LL0.5 in Horel'I: 0.18 in MusOtovUplift LI 1/399 L/943 MasMWFRSUpli8 MaaC&CUpli6 (bc) Allowed (10-I1) L/240 (10-1I) 1/360 24 - MaaUpli# MasHotie 45 Pin (WL) 1 1 6 in 2.071 lbs 45 I 3.010 lbs -545 lbs -3.073 lbs .3.073 lbs 75 lbs 24 H Roll (WI) 1 1 6 in 2,148 lbs 24 ' I 4.866 lbs .640 lbs -3.330 lbs -3.330 lbs 45 Pin (WL) 2 1 6 in 3.919 lbs 24 H Roll (WI) 2 6 in 4.066 lbs 45 Pin (WL) 3 6 in 1,00) lbs 45 Pin (WL) 3 6 in 14 lbs H 24 H Roll (WI) 3 I 6 in 1,661 lbs 45 Pin (WI) 4 I 6 in 2,497 lbs 45 Pin (WI) 4 1 6 in -34 lbs H 24 H Roll (WI) 4 1 6 in 2,552 lbs 45 Pin (WI) 5 1 6 in 2,073 lbs 45 Pin (WI) 5 1 6 in 46 lbs H 24 H Roll (WI) 5 6 in 2,170 lbs 45 Pin (WI) 6 6 in 2.071 lbs 24 HRoll(WL) 6 6 i 2,I48lbs 45 Pin(WL) 7 6 i 2.071 lbs 24 H Roll (WL) 7 6 in 2,148 lbs - 45 Pin (WL) 8 6 in 3,092 lbs 45 Pin (WL) 9 6 in II lbs H 24 H Roll (WI) 8 6 in 3,221 lbs 45 Pin (WI) 9 I 6 in , 1.706 lbs 45 Pin (WI) 9 I 6 in II lbs H - 24 H Roll (WI) 9 I 6 in 1,782 lbs 45 Pin (WI) 10 I 6 is 3,457 lbs 24 H Roll (WI) 10 I 6 in 3.586 lbs 45 Pin (WI) II ' I 6 in 3,457 lbs 24 H Roll (WL) it II I 6 in 3,586 lbs 45 Pin 12 I 6 in -545 lbs 45 Pin (WL) 12 6 in -13 lbs H 24 It H Roll (WL) 12 6 in -640 lbs 45 Pin 13 1 6 in -154 lbs - 45 Pin (WI) 13 1 6 in 75 lbs H 24 H Roll (WL) 13 6 in -323 lbs 45 Pin (WL) 14 1 6 in -3,073 lbs 45 Pin (WL) 14 1 6 i SI lbsH 24 H Roll (WL) 14 1 6 in -3.330 lbs 45 Pin (WI) IS 1 6w 1.243 lbs 24 H Roll (WI) IS 1 6 in 1,289 lbs . 45 Pin (WI) 16 1 6 in 1,243 lbs 24 H Roll (WI) 16 6 n 1.289 lbs 45 Pin (WI) 17 6 n 3,131 lbs 24 H Roll (WI) 17 6 n 3.302 lbs - 4OTE: Reactions are for full multi-ply truss Member Material CSI Bracing Max Top Chd 14 _____________ 35TC16(58 hni) 0.739 Sheathed -5,844 lbs Top Chd 4-17 351(16(58 Ini) 0.884_Shesthed ____ .6.52Ilbs_______ Top Chd 18-21 351C16(5OIrsi) 0.641 Sheathed -5.171 lbs Fop Chd2l-23 ______________ 351t16(50Ini) 0.4 Sheothed --1,973-1h BotChd24-45 451C18 (SOled) 0.946 Sparse 8,521 lbs Web 1-45 _ I 5C20 ((Oksi) 0.801_Un6raced -2,010 lbs _J Web 1.44 15D20 (50 led) 0.642 Unbctcnd 4,089 Web 244' I5C2O(56 In) 030- U braeed..,. -1_341 lb ] Web 2-43 I 5C20 (50 ksi) 0.035 Unborced 1.436 lbs Web 343 I 5C20 (59U) 0.345 U braced =68 lbs Web 342 15C20(50 kri) 0.570 Unhorsed 704 lbs Web 4.42 15C20(50 Irs) O15 U btoccd 251 lbs ] Web 441 15C18 (SO ksi) 0.615 IJnbsaced 1.290 lbs WW- 5-41 T SCI O (50 k) 0.7-84 U bctced' -1,383 lbs Web 5-40 15 CIS( SO Ini) 0.973 linbtnend __________________________1,605 lbs lSC2OSO hal) ------_Web'6-40 0.870 UnbIased -1162 lbs 1 AU. GENERAL NOTES OPTh)S DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFNIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE mATiSSE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT 1}IETRU55 ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS WE MINIMUMAPPLICABIE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 WinchesterCricle, Suite 102 ThE LOADS, WADING CONDmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 KEYMARK Truss: G21 GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS JobName: 217 OS Build® System Date: 6/22/2016 4:00:23 PM GSTniss® - System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78) Page: 2 of5 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 40-0-0 3.002/12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 2 24 in 240.41bs Web 6-39 is (50 bet) Web 1-3 l 5C20 (50 In ) 0.736 6.595 Unbsoced 1J braced 1,222 lbs .000 lbs ' Web 7-38 . 15C20 50 loiS 0.713 Unbsaced 890 lbs Web 8-38 15C20(50loi) _______ 0.4l4 Unbraced -559 lb( Web 8-37 I 5C20 50 Its)) 0.486 Uobsocod 609 lbs ______________________ _____________________________________ Web 937_ ............l5C20(50kss) ' 0234 0 bra ed _____________________________ 317 1b5 Web 9-36 5C20 (50 Its)) 0.247 Ussbssced - 313 lbs -__________________ Web 036___ I5C20(5olts) 0037 77— U braced Web 11-36 I 5C20 (50 Its)) 0.009 Ussbmced 25 lbs Web II 5 I5C20 (50 Is) 0033 U bssced -45 lbs Web 2-35___________________ I5C20(50 ksi) - 0.241 Unbsoced 302 lbs Vs b 1234 l5C20(50 In) 0.228 U bra _______ ______ced _____ 309 lbs_,J Web 13.34 15C20 (SO ksi) 0.480 Unbssced 600 lbs Web 1333_____________________ 15C20(50lo) 0.406 U bra)jd ___________ 548lbs_________ Web 14-33 I SC20 (50 loi) 0.706 Unbsaced 878 lbs ______ Web- 1432 15C20 (SObs) 0600 U bd -806 1bs,..,_J Web 15.32 15CIS (5oksi) ________________________________ 0.734 Ussbsoced __________________ 1.214 lbs Web 1531 " C20 (50 ksi) 0 773 U b)86d ____ ___ I 055 lbs Web 6-35 I Sd 8(50 ksi) ___________ _ _____ - 0.889 IJssbsaces1 1.467 lb8 Web 1630 I5CI850 ks) 0 837 U braced ---1,475 lb J Web 7-30 5Cl6 (50 ksi) 0.894 Ussbsaced 2.004 lbs ___________________ Web 17-29_:5C l6.CAP(501n) ..,,0870 U braced 'l 554 lbs_.._,.J Web 19-29 lSCl6(50lo1) - 0.981 Unbsaced 2.085 lbs __________________ Web 1928 6(501o) _l5CI ' 0841 U bsaced I 933 lbs Web 20-28 15D20 (50 loi) 0.459 Usbsoced 2,700 lbs _____________________ Web: 2027 ________________ 15D20(501o) 0469 ljsbiisl, _2386 lb Web 2l-27 15D20(S0ksi) - 0.320 Unbssced 2,0271bs W621 26 lSC1850k.$) 725 7=7 Uribnad 13291b5__J Web 22-26 15C18 (50 ksi) 0.831 IJobraced 2.808 lbs 55 20 Web 22-25 (50 8022 U bsscd ..38lbs Web 22-24 15020 50 ksi) - 8.547 Usbmced -2.785 lbs Web23-24 :15c20(50ksi)_ -_ 0.l79,LInbsosed _ .316 lbs J NOTE: Forces are for one ply of multi-ply truss NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case LrI: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Mesriser Localioss I Location 2 Direction Spread Stos Load End Load lOb Width Top 0-0-0 7-6-6 Doors Proj 10 PSI` lOpsl 24 in Top Coos Down Proj 1ps1 lOpsl ' 2410 Sos 0-0-0 7-6-6 Dom Proj 0 psI 0 psI 24 in - Bat Coss Dosvrs Proj 0 PSI` 0 psI 24 is , Point Loads Mc,riscr Locarios Direction Load Ts)b Width Bot 7-6-6 Dom 397 lbs Sot 8-5-14 Dosess IS! lbs Sot 18-5-14 Dosess 151 lbs Bes 12-5-14 Do —15! lbs Be, 14-5-I4 Do-151 lbs Be, I6-5-14 Down 151 lbs Sos 10.5.14 Do 151 lbs Be, 20-5.14 Doses 151 lbs Bo s 22-5-14 Dom IS! lbs Sot 24-5.54 Down 151 lbs Sos 26-5-14 Doses I51 lbs Sos 20-5-14 Doses 151 lbs Sot 30-5-14 Doses I51 lbs Sal 32.5.14 Down 151 lbs 001 34-5-14 Down 51 lbs Sos 36-5.14 Down SI lbs Bol 38-5-14 Doses SI lbs Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Menber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Scar Load hod Load Tsib Width Top 0-0-0 7-6-6 Down Rake 0 psI 8 psI 24 in Top Cons Down RaIse 8 psI $ psI 24 in Sot 8-0-0 7-6-6 Down Robe 3 psI 3 psf 24 in Sot Coos Down RaIse 3 PSI` 3 psI 24 in Point Loads Mesnber Loostioo Dirncsion Load lOb Width - Bat 3-6-6 Doses 446 lbs no s 8-5-14 Down 170 lbs Bos 10-5-14 Down 170 lbs Bos 12.5-14 Doses 170 lbs Sos 14-5-14 Doses 170 lbs Sot 16-5-14 Doses 170 lbs BO : 18-5-14 Down 70 lbs So 20-5-14 Down 70 lbs Be. 22-5-14 Doses 170 lbs Sos 24-5-14 Down 170 lbs Sos 26-5-14 Doses 170 lbs Sos 28-5.14 Down 70 lbs Bor 30-5-14 Down 170 lbs Be, 32.5.14 Doses 170 lbs Sot 34-5-I4 Doses 170 1.- Sot 36-5-14 Doses 170 lbs Bet 38-5-14 Doses 169 lbs ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERISDAS AN INTEGRAL PART 0F11415 COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThJI Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS ThE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 WinchnsserCsiclr, Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATTONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHOOT Boulder, Colorado 80301 ( KEYMARK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I . Truss: G21 I JobName: 217 GSBuiId®System I I Date: 6/22/2016 4:00:23 PM GS Truss® i I System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 781 Page: 30f5 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3.002/12 I 0-0-0 0-0-0 2 24 in 240.4 lbs Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Metoben Location I Location 2 Direction Sptoad Stan load End Load Trib Vstdlh Top 0.0.0 7-7-3 N Up Rake 25.29 psi 25.29 psi 24 in Top 37-5-7 40.0.0 NUp Rake 17.92 psi 17.92 psi 241n Top 7-7-3 29-1-3 N Up Rake 29.83 psi 29.83 psi 24 in Top 29-I-3 32-5.14 N Up Rake 24.63 psi 24.63 psi 24 in Top 32-5-14 37-5.7 N Up Rake 29.83 psi 29.83 psi 24 in Web 1.45 Cont Right Rake 14.56 psi 14.56 psi 24 in Web 23-24 Cons Right Rake 16.88 psi 16.88 psi 24 in Web 17-18 Cons Right Rake 16.88 psi 16.88 psi 24 in Point Loads Bot 8.5.14 Up 211 lbs Bet 10.5-14 Up 211 lbs Sot 12-5-14 Up 211 lbs Bot 14-5-14 Up 211 lbs Bet 16-5-14 Up 211 lbs Bet 18-5-14 Up 211 lbs Sot 20-5-14 Up 211 lbs Sot 22-5-14 Up 211 lbs Be, 24-5-14 Up 211 lbs Be, 26-5-14 Up 211 lbs Be, 28.5-14 Up 211 lbs Bot 30-5-14 Up 211 lbs Bet 32-5-14 Up 211 lbs Bot 34-5-14 Up 211 lbs Bet 36-5-14 Up 211 lbs Be, 38.5-14 Up 216 lbs Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Mesober Location I Location 2 Direction Sproad Stan Load End Load lb Width Top 0.0.0 7-7-3 N Up Rake 17.91 psi 17.91 psi 24 in Top 37-5.7 40-0-0 N Up Rake 25.33 psi 25.33 psi 24 in Top 7.7.3 10-11-14 N Up Rake 24.63 psi 24.63 psi 24 in Top 10-11-14 32-5-14 N Up Rake 29.83 psi 29.83 psi 24 in Top 32-5-14 37-5-7 N Up Rake 29.83 psi 29.83 psi 24 in Web 45 Coot Lot Rake 16.88 psi 16.88 psi 24 in Web 23-24 Coot Left Rake 14.56 psi 14.56 psi 24 in Wel, ti-IS Cent Left Robe 14.56 psi 14.56 psi 24 in Point Loads Sot 8-5-14 lip 151 lbs Bo t 10-5-14 lip 551 lbs Be, 12-5-14 lip 151 lbs Sot 14-5-14 Up 151 lbs Be, 16-5-14 Up 151 lbs Sot 18-5-14 Up 151 lbs Be, 20.5.14 Up 151 lbs Sot 22-5-14 Up 151 lbs Sot 24.5.14 Up 551 lbs Be, 26-5-14 Up 151 lbs Set 28-5-14 Up 151 lbs Be, 30-5-14 Up 151 lbs Be, 32-5-14 Up 55 lbs Be, 34-5-14 Up 151 lbs Sot 36-5-14 Up 151 lbs Be, 38-5-14 Up 176 lbs Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Des) Disbibuted Loads Meod,er Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top 0.0.0 7-7-3 N Up Rake 9.29 psi 9.29 psi 24 in Top 37-5-7 40-0-0 N Up RaIse 9.29 psi 9.29 psi 24 in Point Loads Metaker Location Direction Load lnb Width Bet 7.6.6 Up 212 lbs Bet 8-5-14 Up 78 lbs Sot 10-5-14 Up 78 lbs Be, 12-5-14 Up 78 lbs Bet 14-5-14 Up 78 lbs Be, 16-5-14 Up 78 lbs Be, 18-5-14 Up 70 lbs Sot 20-5-14 Up 78 lbs Be, 22-5-14 Up 78 lbs Be. 24.5.14 Up 78 lbs Bet 26-5-14 Up 78 lbs Bot 28-5-14 Up 78 lbs Bet 30-5-14 Up 78 lbs Be, 32-5-14 Up 78 lbs Bet 34-5-14 Up 78 lbs Sot 36-5-14 Up 78 lbs Set 38-5-14 Up 54 lbs ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTRIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFTRIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThAIThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThATThE1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle, Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS. TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURAS1ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colotodo 80301 ( KEYMARK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I I Truss: G21 I JobName: 217 GSBuildt5lSystem I I Date: 6/22/2016 4:00:23 PM GSTIUSS® I System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78) Page: 4 of Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHT( PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 40-0-0 3.002/12 I 0-0-0 0-0-0 2 24 in 240.4 lbs Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stat Load Cud Load Tnb Width Top 5.0-0 6-3-10 N Up Robe 60.82 psI 60.82 psI 24 in Top 6-3-10 7-7-3 N Up Rota 60.82 psI 60.82 psI 24 in Top 7-7-3 13-10-13 N Up Rake 35.71 psI 35.71 psI 24 in Top 13-I0-13 32-5-14 N Up Rake 35.71 psI 35.71 psI 24 in Top 32.5-14 37-5-7 N Up Rake 35.71 psI 35.71 psI 24 in Top 37-5-7 40-0-0 N Up Rake 68.82 psI' 60.82 psI 24 in Web 1-45 Coot Left Robe 27.34 psI 27.34 psI 24 in Web 23-24 Coot Right Rake 27.34 psI 27.34 psI 24 in Web 17-18 Cont Right Rsbe 27.34 psI 27.34 psI' 24 in Point Loads Member Location Direction Load lnb Width Sos 7-6-6 Up 1.728 lbs Bet 8-5-14 Up 614 lbs Bot 10-5-14 Up 614 lbs Bo s 12-5-14 Up 614 lbs Bot 14-5-14 Up 614 lbs Bo l 16-5-14 Up 614 lbs But 18-5-14 Up 614 lbs But 20-5.14 Up 614 lbs But 22-5.14 Up 614 lbs not 24-5-14 Up 614 lbs But 26-5-14 Up 614 lbs Sot 28-5-14 Up 614 lbs But 30-5-14 Up 614 lbs Sot 32-3-14 Up 614 lbs Sot 34-5-14 Up 614 lbs Sot 36-5-14 Up 614 lbs Sot 38-5-14 Up 591 lbs Automated Load CaseW8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Mentser Location I Location 2 Ditnution Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top 0.0.0 7-7-3 N Do— Rake 8 psI 8 PSI` 24 is Web 145 Coot Right Rake 16 pat 16 psI 24 in Point Loads Member Location Ditnation Load 1db Width Bos 7.6-6 Down 91 lbs Sot 8-5-14 Down 68 lbs Sot 10-5-14 Down 68 lbs Sot 12-5-14 Down 68 lbs Sot 14-5-14 Do wit 68 lbs Sot 16-5-14 Down 68 lbs Sot 18-3-14 Down 68 lbs Sot 20-5-14 Down 68 lbs Sot 22-5-14 Down 68 lbs Sot 24-5-14 Down 68 lbs Sot 26-5-14 Down 68 lbs Sal 28-5-14 Down 68 lbs Sot 30-5-14 Down 68 lbs Sot 32-5-14 Dawn 68 lbs Sot 34-5-14 Down 68 lbs Bot 36-5-14 Dom 68 lbs Sot 38-5-14 Down 48 lbs Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stat Load Cad Load 1db Width Top 37-5-7 40-0.0 N Do— Rake 8 psI 8 pat 24 in Web 23-24 Coot Left Robe 16 pat 16 psI 24 in Web 17-18 Cant Left Rake 16psI 16psl 24 in Automated Load Case LIOn: USC lOIb Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Mendser Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stat Load Cod Load Tnb Width But Cant Down Proj tOpsl tO pat 24 in Point Loads Member Location Direction Load 1db Width Oat 7-6-6 Down 285 lbs Sot 8-5-14 Down 76 lbs Sot 10.5-14 Doscn 76 lbs But 12-5-14 Dotes 76 lbs But 14-5-14 Down 76 lbs Sot 16-5-14 Down 76 lbs Sat 10-5-14 Do— 76 lbs Sot 20-5.14 Down 76 lbs Sot 22-5-14 Down 76 lbs Be. 24-5-14 Dawn 76 lbs Sot 26-5-14 Down 76 lbs Sot 28-5-14 Down 76 lbs Sot 30-5-14 Down 76 lbs Bat 32-5-14 Dawn 76 lbs Bat 34-5-14 Down 76 lbs Sot 36.5-14 Down 76 lbs Bat 38-5-14 Down 76 lbs User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No toads were defined for this toad case. User-defined Load Case E2: Seismic No toads were defined for this toad case. I) This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psfbottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean Roof Height 43 ft Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft. Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 63 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not ins Hurricane Prune Region. ALL GENERAL NO1T5S OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThAIThE Kcymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThATThEIRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MOtIFS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cticle. Suite 102 ThE LOADS, WADING CoNomoNs, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATiONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON ThIS SHEEt Boulder, Colorado 80301 STEEL SYSTEMS XX GLOBAL R I I Truss: G21 I JobName: 217 GSBuiId®Systcm I I Date: 6/22/2016 4:00:23 PM GSTniss® I I System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 781 Page: 5 of Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 40-0-0 3.002/12 I 0-0-0 0-0-0 2 24 in 240.4 lbs Load Combinations 9 Load Combo Factor I Dl 1.000 s... 2 DI+Lrl 1.000 3 61,:-6.6 W3 1.000 4 D(056W8 1550 - - O Dl + 0.6 W9 1.000 6 :Dl.fo.7Et ------ ---,-- -- -,---- 1 .000 7 DI 10.7 ES 1.000 8 Dl 0.45 W3 0.75 Lrl i.000 - 3 9 Dl * 0.45 W3 1.000 10 Di-5.538130.75Lrl -- - - - --- -. --- -- 1.000 II Dl + 0.53 E2 + 0.75 Eel 1.000 12 0601+06W1 buD 3 0,6D1+0,6W2 - - 1,055 - - -- 4 06DI+06W4 - - 1.000 --0.6Db +0,7E/0.01 1,000 - - 16 0601+07E1002 1.000 - - 7 DI +LIO° 1.000 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Member ID. stats C51, oats suitS force, (oats conra force ifdifferens from nsa uial force) TChd 1-2 2-3 34 4-5 5.6 6-7 0.739 0.582 0.650 0.734 0.878 0.814 -3,965 lbs -5,294 lbs -5,844 lbs -5,943 lbs -6,834 lbs -7.512 lbs - 7.8 9-9 9-10 10-lI 11-12 12-13 0.855 0.883 0.884 0.869 0.884 0.883 -0,006 lbs -8,345 lbs -8.518 lbs -0.518 lbs -8.521 lbs -8,353 lbs 13-14 14-IS 15-16 16-li 18-19 19.20 0.853 0.834 0,745 0.875 0.606 0.641 -0,020 lbs -7,533 lbs -6,859 lbs -6,045 lbs -5,171 lbs 20.21 21.22 22-23 -3,963 lbs 0.437 0.350 0.273 -2,447 lbs -1.973 lbs 82 lbs (.41 lbs) BChd 24-25 0.164 .292 lbs (-1,029 lbs) 30-31 0.739 6,045 lbs (-4,848 Ibs) -37 0.943 8,345 lbs (6 700 Ibs) 42.43 0.883 0,135 lbs (.4.097 Ibs) 25.26 0.331 .292 lbs (-1.029 lbs) 31-32 0.815 6.059 lbs (-5.302 Ibs) -38 0.020 8,006 lbs (.6,429 Ibs) 43-44 0.745 3.897 lbs (.3,092 Ibs) 26-27 0.238 1,967 lbs (-1.570 lbs) 32-33 0.873 7,533 lbs (.6 ,045 Ibs) -39 0.871 7,512 lbs (-6,033 Ibs) 44.45 0.086 -33 lbs 27-28 0.511 2.447 lbs (-1,955 Ibs) 33-34 0.921 8.020 lbs (-6,437 Ibs) -40 0.828 6,834 lbs (-5.489 lbs) 28-29 0.540 3,965 lbs (-3,176 Ibs) 34.35 0.943 8.353 lbs (-6,705 Ibs) -41 0.731 5,943 lbs (-4,773 lbs) 29-30 0.683 5,047 lbs (-4.045 lbs) 35-36 0.946 0.521 lbs 1-6,840 bbs) .42 0.599 5,672 lbs (4,554 lbs) Webs 1-45 0.801 -2,010 lbs 6-39 0.736 1.222 lbs (-980 lbs) 12-34 0.228 -309 lbs 18-29 0.468 -1,554 lbs 1.44 0.642 4,089 lbs (-3,225 lb s) 7-39 0,595 -800 lbs 13-34 0,480 600 lbs (-483 lbs) 19-29 0.981 2,005 lbs (.1.676 lbs) 2-44 0,550 -I .341 lbs 7-38 0.713 890 lbs (-714 lbs) 13-33 0.406 -548 lbs 19-28 0,841 -1,933 lbs 2-43 0,835 1,436 lbs (-1.165 lbs) 8-38 0.414 -559 lbs 14-33 0.786 878 lbs (.707 lbs) 20-28 0.459 2.700 lbs (-2.170 lbs) 3.43 0,345 -668 lbs 8-37 0.486 609 lbs (.455 Ibs) 14-32 0.600 -806 lbs 20-27 0,469 -2.386 lbs 3-42 0,570 704 lbs (-599 lbs) 9-37 0.234 -317 lbs 15-32 0.734 1,214 lbs (-976 lbs) 21-27 0.320 2,027 lbs (-1,631 lbs) 442 0,151 251 lbs (-205 Ibs) (5.36 0,247 313 lbs (-249 Ibs) 15-31 8.773 -1,035 lbs 21-26 0,725 -1,329 lbs 4-41 0,615 1.298 lbs (-1,052 Ibs) 10-36 0.037 .50 lbs 16-31 0,889 1,467 lbs (.1,180 lb,) 22-26 0,831 2.008 lbs (-1,606 lbs) 5-41 0,784 -1.383 lbs 11-36 0.009 25 lbs (-9 Ibs) 16-30 0.837 .1. 4745 lbs 22-25 0.022 38 lbs (.36 Ibs) 5-40 0,973 1,605 lbs (-1,289 Ibs) 11-35 0,053 .45 lbs 17-30 0,894 2,004 lbs (-1.613 lbs) 22-24 0,547 -2,785 lbs 6.40 0.870 -1,162 lbs 12.35 0,241 302 lbs (-244 Ibs) 17-18 0,870 -1.458 lbs 23-24 0.179 316 lbs (-238 Ibs) Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID CoadedTosss Csssyinglssss CasrsingOffsel An4e 1122 9!5 021 7-6-6 deg _45 11T(3 128 021 8-5-14 90 dq 1124 178 021 - 10-5.14 - 90 deg T75 128 4321 12514 90 deg - 1T76 125 21 14.5.14 90deg - - TFD? 128 (121 16-5-14 90 deg 1T78 128 021 18-5-14 90 deg 1T79 128 021 20514 90deg 1150 - -- 128 -- 021 - 22-5-14 90 deg M1 T28 G21 24514 90d 8 1152 '128 - G21 26-5-14 90 deg - [ '1153 128 - 021 28514 90 deg 1154 128 021 ---5:14 90 deg T1'85 -------_128 - 021 1 3215.14 90 deg. 11'86 -8 021 34-5-14 - 90d 1157 '128 021 36514 90d g 11 88 '126 (121 38-5-14 90 deg GUSSET PLATES Mi1iTLI - - - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: Al least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6' of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" ofthe end of each chord segment. At least one web ofthis truss has been designed with a panel point in the web. All panel points on such webs shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 " of each web panel point. NOTE: This is a multi-ply truss, meaning that two identical trusses shall be built per the information shown and placed side by side. NOTE: Reactions are for fill multi-ply truss. NOTE: Forces are for one ply of multi-ply truss. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE 1I4ATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT 11401'RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON 'lieS SHEET MEETS 114S MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Wiucbester COde, Suite 102 11410 LOADS. WADING CONDITIONS. TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS Boulder, Colorado 80301 ( KEYMARK I I Truss: G22 XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I I JobName: 217 GSBuiId®System I I Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:01 PM GSlniss® I I System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] I Page: 1 of Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 5-54 3.54/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 16.7 lbs I -O-I9/ U-G-Ii I-II-M I I 2-8-14 I 3-5-11 I I - 0-10-9 . 2-g3 T789 TS0 T1'4,TT97 - - 0-0-0 . 0-0-0 2-8-14 0-8-13 1-11-9 2-8-14 3-5-11 5-5-4 - Circles indicate #tssenercnunt in webs. Squares indicate Iltstenercnunr in chords. "Fasteners" indicates the nunterofArtonTS SS 012 or H12 SDS (AISI) fasten cis required at one end of the center. Each srtlue indicates the nunteroffitsteners requited: (s) indicates then urriberofAinconTS SS #12 to be installed on one side of she Sass. (h) indicates the noe*rerof812 SDS (AISI) to be installed on each tide of the torus. Where connection plates nec called Boson this drawings plate is required on each side of the scans. Referto General Notes for #rnherclotitcasion. AllosvobleshearprrAtrwoo 'IS SS #12 Esatenerns follows: 27 toils: 402 lbs; 33 torts: 544 lbs: 43 mils: 010 lbs; 54 coIn: 1,138 lbs: 68 mils: 1,610 tbs.Allowohle shear per#12 SDS (AISI) Ilsstcneris calculated per the NASPEC 2007 W[fl-1 SIJPPLEMENT#2. Maintain Ssstesee spacing as 5/8' rum. Maintain tsssener edge nusio at 5/8" sin breach sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed IC 0.105(1-2) it 0.01 in L/999 (1-2) L/240 BC : 0.061 (7-8) W 0.01 in L/999 (1-2) L/360 - Web: 0.083(3-5) Horn 'It 0 in 4 IC Continuously Braced BC BracingSpotse Reactions - Summary 8 Pin (WL) I I 6 in 58 lbs 8 I 109 lbs -61t lbs -69 thu 5 H Roll (Fl) I I 2 in 57 lbs 5 I 107 lbs -# lbs -115 lbs -115 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 2 I 6 in 109 lbs 5 H Roll (TI) 2 I 2 is 107 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 3 1 6 in 47 lbs 8 Pin(WL) 3 I 6 i 8lbsH O H Roll (F1') 3 I 2 in 41 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in 68 lbs 8 Pin(5/L) 4 I 61n -l6 lbs H H Roll (II) 4 I 2 in 73 lbs 8 Pin (WL) S I 6 in 58 lbs 5 H Roll (TI) S I 2 in 57 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 6 I 6 in 58 lbs 5 H Roll (F1') 6 I 2 in 57 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 88 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 6 lbs H S H Rn)) (Ii) 7 I 2 in 82 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 49 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 6 lbs H H Roll (TI) 8 I 2 in 45 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 9 I 6 in 97 lbs S H Roll (Fl) 9 I 2 in 95 lbs B Pin (WL) 10 I 6 in 4 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 in 14 lbs H 5 H Roll (TI) 10 I 2in -8 lbs 0 Pin (WL) II I 6 in II lbs 8 Pin (WL) II I 6 in 26 lbs H S - H Roll (IT) II I 2 in -1 lbs 8 Pin (9'L) 12 I 6 in -69 lbs 8 Pin(VL) 12 I 6 i .98lbsH S H Roll (IF) 12 I 2 in -115 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 13 I 6 in 35 lbs S H Roll (Fl) 13 I 2 in 34 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 14 I 6 in 85 lbs S H Roll (Fl) 14 I 2 in 84 lbs Member Material CSI Braciiw Max P sop ten -'s hnls..znt,o tort Be,chds-8 201C20 I)0lrsi) .,0.06l Spnse u. 1u3 annnsnnn ___________________________-1 -tsr Ins 17 lbs Web 1-8 15C20 (SO boil 0,048 Unhstsced -101 lbs Vs b I 7 15C20 (50 Ira) 003 U braced _______ 101 lbs Web 2-1 15C20 (50 i) 0.012 Unbraced -27 lbs Web 15C20(50 Ira) O #36 'U bsnced""" 93 lbs,,J Web 3.6 I5C20 (50 hal) 0.053 Unbtttced -104 lbs Vrch35 ISC20(50Ls) 0.083 1J braced l5 lbs .,_.__. Web 4-5 l5C20(50ksi) - 0.819 On rated 31 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary - Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stast Load End Load Trib Width Top 0-0-0 2-8-14 Dnsyss - Ptnj lopsf lops1 12in TOP 3-5-I1 5-5-4 Down Proj 10 psf 10 psI 12 in Top Cont Down Proj 10 psf 10 psf 12 in But 800 2-8-14 Down Proj 8 psf 8 psf 12 in Bos 3-5-I1 5.5-4 Down Proj 2 in Bos 8 psf 0 psf - Cool Down Proj 8 psf 0 psf 12 in ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NO'IiS ThATThE Keymark Enterprises LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThATThEiRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLIl DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cticle, Suite 102 THELOADS. WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CON1'IGURAiiONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON ThIS SHEET. Boulder, Colorado 80301 ( KEYMARK GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GSBuild®System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] - . . Truss: JobName: Dale: System: Page: Report: G22 217 6/21/2016 3:21:01 PM Amcon 6.003 2 of 3 Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 5-54 3.54/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 12 in 16.7 lbs Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Diut,lssxted Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Trib Width Top 0-8.0 2.8.14 Do— Rake 8 psi 8 psi 12 in Top 3-5-I1 5-54 Don's Rake 8 psi 8 psi 12 is Top Coos Does Rake 8 psi 8 psi 1210 Bot 0-8-0 2.8.14 Does Rake 3 psi 3 psi 1210 Bo t 3-5-1I 5-54 Doses Rake 3 psi 3 psi 12 is Bet Cost Does Rake 3 psi 3 psi 12 is Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Speed Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top 0.0-0 5-54 NUp Rake 22.I7psf 22.17 psi 12 in Web 1 -8 Cost Right Rake 14.56 psi 14.56 psi 12 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) - Distributed Loads Mnn1rnr Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top 0-0-0 5-54 NUp R.I. 18.18 PSI` 181ps1 12 in Web 1 -8 Coot Loft Rake 16.88 psi 16.80 psi 12 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top 0.0-0 5-54 N Up - Rake 8.51 psi 8.51 psi 12 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads - Men-her Location I Location 2 Direction Spread -Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top - 0-0-0 5-54 -- N Up Rake 77.56 psI 77.56 psi IS in Web I-S Coot Left Rake 44.00 psi 44.08 psi 12 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) . Distributed Loads Men-bee Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top 0-0-0 5-54 N Down Rake 0 psi ft psi 12 in Web 1-8 Cost Right Rake 16 psi 16 psi 12 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No loads were defined for this load case. Automated Load Case L105: IJBC 101b Live Load on Bottom Chord - Distributed Loads Merttrer Location t Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width But Cost Doses Proj 10 psi 10 psi 12 is User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No toads were defined for this load case. I) This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psfbottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance with ASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category H, Mean RoofHeight 43 fi, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 fix 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone WIdth 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations If Load Con-ks Factor I Dl - - - .000 =2=pij+I4__________ 3 Di +0.6 W3 1.000 4P1QkW8 l.000 S Dl + 0.6 W9 1.000 - 6'Ds+07El I torlo It Dl +0.45 W3 +8.75 Let .000 8D1 +045W3 1.000 - - 9 DI + 0.53 El + 0.75 Let 1.000 . I0 06Dl*06WI ____________ I000 II 0.6 Dl + 0.6 W2 - - .000 I296DI*06W4 - 000 IS 0.6 Dl *0.7 P10.01 1.000 I4Dl +LIO 1000 1 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Metaker ID, now Cal, nasa axial force, (now conrr force iidiEbrenr from rena axial fan-c) TChd 11-2 0.105 -III lbs 12-3 0.087 -91 lbs 134 0.046 -14 lbs 0.032 lOb lbs (-32 lbs)l 2-6 0.036 93 lbs (-74 lbs) I 3-5 0.083 135 lbs (-115 Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID Carried Toast CoarrngTnass CanengOffses Angle 1159 158 022 2-8-14 45 deg TtSO ____________T59 G22'-3-5-11 45 deg T194 G22 __________________024 __________________3-I I-Il 45 deg [U97_______ G22 024 ___________ 6-411 _________135d5 ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BECONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PARTOPThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTEThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS ThE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricln, Suite 102 THE LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS U51110 ON ThIS SHEET. Boulder, Colorado 80301 Truss: G22 XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS JobName: 217 GSBuild®System Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:01 PM GS Truss® System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: 3 of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 5-54 3.54/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 16.7lbs GUSSET PLATES P11LeIT1 - - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6' ofeach panel point. The end ofevery chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicularto the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" ofthe end ofeach chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OP114IS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL PART Ol'THIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE TIIATThE Keymark Enterprises LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THATThE71EUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchostor Cricle, Suite 102 THE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONI'IGURAiiONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SKEET Boulder, Colorado 8030 ( KEYMARK GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS Truss: G23 - JobName: 217 GSBuild®System Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:01 PM GS Truss® Systent Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: I of3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL 01-ER PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 6-2-2 3.531/12 2 - 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 12 in 20.9 lbs -O-I'4 U-0- 1.3 L- t -i 2-8-14 3-5-11 1 5-6-14 6-2-2 0-10-9 2 46. 6 199 0-0-0 - 0-0-0 2-8-14 0-8-13 2-1-3 0-7-4 2-8-14 1 3-5-11 1 5-6-14 6-2-2 Circles indicate fastener count in webs. Squares indicate lliscenercounr in chords. "Fasteners" indicates the nunterof AnronlS SS #12 orfll2 SUS (AISI) Erstenets requited at one end niche ntnter. Each sslue indicates the nunterof Ersteners requited: (s) indicates the aarr-1reeof Aarrcon IS ss 1112 to be installed on one side of the tarts. (h) indicates the natrtceof 1112 SOS (AlSo In be installed on each side of the truss. Where connection plates are called out on this drawing, a plate is required on each side of the truss. Refeeto General Notes for lbnheeclunficnsinn. Allowable shear peeAarrcon IS SS #12 Orsteneras follows: 27rails: 402 lbs: 33 cells: 544 lbs: 43 eels: 810 lbs: 54 eels: 1.138 lbs; 68 erOs: 1.610 lbs.Allowable shear per#12 SOS (AlSl) tssteneris caleotated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT 02. Maintain fastener spacing at 5/8" rain. Maintain Erstenee ed10 rmainn or 5/8" nan for each sheer of sleet connected. CSI Deflection LI (toe) Allowed IC 0.112(1.2) - TLO.0I in L/999 (1.2) L/240 BC 0.094 (7-8) LL: 0.01 in L/999 (1.2) L/360 Web: 0.111(46) . Horz In, 0in 2 IC Continuously Braced BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Summary 10 Pin (WL) I I 6 in 66 lbs 10 I 124 lbs -78 lbs -70 lbs 6 H Roll (ii) I I 2 in 59 lbs 6 I 112 lbs -12 lbs .128 lbs .120 lbs ID Pin (WL) 2 I 6 in 124 lbs 6 H Roll (TT) 2 I 2 i 112 lbs 10 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 52 lbs 10 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 9 lbs H 6 H Roll (IT) 3 I 2 in 41 lbs 10 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 i 78 lbs 10 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 i - l -tllbsl 6 H Roll (ii) 4 I 2 in 77 lbs 10 Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 66 lbs 6 H Roll (11) 5 I 2 in 59 lbs 10 Pin (WL) 6 I 6 i 66 lbs 6 H Roll (Ii) 6 I 2 in 59 lbs 10 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 is 99 lbs 10 Pin (WL) I I 6 in 7 lbs H 6 H Roll (il) 7 I 2 in 85 lbs 10 Pin (WL) 0 I 6 i 56 lbs 10 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 i 7 lbs H 6 H Roll (II) 0 I 2 in 46 lbs 10 Pin (WL) 9 I 6 i 109 lbs 6. H Roll (iT) 9 I 2 in 98 lbs 10 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 in 4 lbs 10 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 i III lbs H 6 H Rail (iT) 10 I 2 in -12 lbs 10 . Pin (WL) II I -6 in 12 lbs 10 Pin (WL) II I 6 i 29 lbs H 6 H Roll (ii) II I 2 in 4 lbs 10 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in -78 lbs 10 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in lOS lbs H 6 H Roll (iT) 12 I 2 in .128 lbs 10 Pin (WL) 13 I 6 i 39 lbs 6 H Roll (IT) IS I 2 in 36 lbs 10 Pin (WL) 14 I 6 i 9716s 6 H Roll (fl) 14 I 2 i 90 lbs Member Material CSI Bracing Max P Web 1-10 - 15C20 (50 lad) 0.046 Unbraced -115 lbs Vr'eh .9 15C20 (50 lad) 0.042 lJnbiaed 129 lbs Web 2-9 15C20 (50 Ii) 0.019 Unbraced 41 lbs W b2.8 15C20(50 Ira) _0027 U braced 74 1b5 Web 3-8 I5C20 (50 lai) - 0.048 Unbrsced -95 lbs Web 37 15C201(50 Es) 0 099 U braced 144 1b5 Web 4-7 15C20 (501rui) 0.075 Unbraced 107 lbs Web4-6 15C20 (50 kin) O.117 Unbräced_________________________ 68 lbs _J Web 5-6 I5C20 (50 Irsi) 0.010 Unbraced 19 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PARTOPTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTHE Keymailc Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT THEIRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS 11-10 MINIMUMAPPLICABUI DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle. Suite 102 THE LOADS, WADING CONDITiONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET. Boulder. Colorado 80301 129 (GLOB KEYM AL S A P K STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS miss® Version: 5.009 [Build 781 JobName: 217 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:02 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 2of3 Report: Eng Plot Truss: G23 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 6-2-2 3.531/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 12 in 20.9 lbs Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads - Top . 3-5-1I 5-6-14 Down lop Cont Down Dot 0.0.0 2-0-14 Down Dot 3-5-1 I 5-6-14 Down Be, Coot Down Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load 10 psf 10 psf 121n 0 PSI` 10 psf I? in Opsf Opsl 12in OPs' O Ps' I2in Opsl Opsl 12i0 Distributed Loads Men*,ee Location I Location 2 Direction - Spread Sian Load End Load 1db Width Top 0.0.0 2-8-14 Down Role 8p51 8ps1 12i5 Top 3-5-1I 5.6-14 Down Rate 8p51 Opsl 121n Top Coot Down Rate 8 psI 8 psI 12 in Dot - 0.0.0 2-0-14 Down Rake . 3 P"3 psI 12 in Bar 3-5-11 5-6-14 Down Rake 3 p,3 psI 12 in Dot Coot Down Rake 3 psI 3 psI 12 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Menber Location I Location 2 Direction Spntad Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 6-2.2 N Up - Rote 22.25 psI 22.23 psI 12 in Web 1-10 Coot Right Rake 14.56 psI 14.56 pal 12 in - Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Merober Location I Location 2 Direction . Spread Stoat Load End Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 6-2-2 . NUp Rake IO.IlpsI Il.I7psf I2 in Web 1-10 Coot Loft Rake 16.88 psI 16.88 psI 12 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Mnttfrnr Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sian Load End Load Trib Width Top 0.0.0 6-2-2 N Up Rube 8.53 psI 8.53 psI 12 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Merr*,er Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 6-2-2 N Up Robe 75.81 psI 75.81 psI 12 in Web 1-10 Cont Left Rake 43.05 psI 45.05 par 12 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Merrter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load lnb Width Top 0.0.0 6-2-2 NDosvn Rake Opsi ftpsl 12 in Web I-tO Coot Right Rake 16 psI 16psI 12 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No toads were defined for this toad ease. Automated Load Case LI 0°: UBC I 01b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads - Mentor Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sian Load End Load Inb Width Dot Coot Down Proj 10ps1 10ps1 12 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No toads Were defined for this toad case. l)This truss has been designed in accordance with [BC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance with ASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean Roof Height 43 ft. Overall Building Dimensions of 140 fix 63 ft. Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations 0 Load Conto Factor - I Dl 1.000 201+l.rl 1000 3 Dl +0.6 W3 1.000 4131+06W8 1000 5 Dl + 0.6 W9 - 1.000 6D1:~0.7El .000 7 Dl +0.45 W3 *0.75 LrI 1.000 8D1*045 W3 1000 9 DI +0.5301*0.75 tel 1.000 !00.6 P!:04 W1 1.000 II 0.6 Dl + 0.6 W2 1.005 120.6 Di+0.6 W4 1.000 1 13 0.6 Dl +0.7 010.01 ______________________________________________________i.00a 14D1+LIO loss Member Forces Summary Table iodicalesi Menirer ID. nato CSI. tens usiol lowe, (sma con5tr loire ildiffereot kern rena axial forte) TChd 11-2 0.112 .137 lbs 12.3 0.086 -121 lbs 13-4 0.053 -32 lbs 14-5 0.055 -0 lbs 1-9 0.042 120 lbs (-52 lbs) 3.0 0.048 -95 4-6 0.117 168 lbs (.150 2-9 0.019 .41 lbs 3-7 0.099 144 lbs (-124 Ibs) 3-6 0.010 19 lbs (.13 ALL GENERAL N011iS OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONStDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThlS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThEIRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SI4EIlr MEEtS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRrniRIA FOR 6707 Winchester Criele, Suite 182 li-tE LOADS. CONDITIONS, CONDONs, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTliD ON Thl5 sKEEt - Boulder. Colorado 80301 ( KEYMARK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I I Truss: G23 I JobName: 217 GSBuild®System I I Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:02 PM GSTruss® I I System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78) Page: 3 of3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 6-2-2 3.531/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 12 in 20.9 lbs Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID Carried Truss CuongTruss CoongOffSet Angie TTEI T58 023 2-0-14 45 deg . TR2' T59 023 3511 - _5 deg TT1)3 160 - G23 5-6-14 45 deg ri7)9T JG23 625 5 tO 7 !35d g 1195 023 025 4-5-15 45 deg GUSSET PLATES - - - - - - - - - - _ - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMaterial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral brsem installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6' of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 " ofthe end ofeach chord segment. AU. GENERAL NOTES OPThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY MAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON ThIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABU! DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Crick, Suite 102 THE LOADS, LOADING CONDmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATiONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON MIS SHIEST Boulder, Colorodo 80301 0-10-7 2-6-10 2-6-10 0-10-7 0-0-0 . . 0-0-0 - Truss: G24 JobName: 217 GSBuIld®System - Dale: 6/21/2016 3:21:02 PM GS Truss® System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 781 Page: I of3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 104-6 4.995/12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 241n 32.4 lbs U-I-I U-O- IUU-O- IU U- I - I 1 L-U-4 2-0-4 1 4-0-8 4-7-9 5-2-3 15-8-1316-3-141 8-4-2 1 10-4-6 2-0-4 2-0-4 0-7-1 10-6-1010-6-101 0-7-11 2-0-4 2-0-4 2-0-4 4-0-8 4-7-9 5-2-3 15-8-1316-3-141 8-4-2 1 10-4-6 Citeles indicate firstenercount in webs. Squats indicate fastener count in chords. "Fasteners" indicates the nunterof AnroniS SS #12 orE 12 SDS (AISI) fasteners requited at one end of the trcnter. Each sulue indicates then urnberof fasteners required: (s) indicates the nuniter of O,snrnn IS SS #12 to be installed on one side of the truss. (b) indicates the sunter of# 12 SDS (AISI) to he installed on each side of the tnrss. Where connection plates are called out on this drowiog a plate is teqsited on each side of the toss. Refcrlo General Notes for llrnbcrclsnficarion. Allossable shear perAatron 15 ss #12 ttstenecas follows: 27 wits: 402 lbs; 33 toils: 544 lbs; 43 toils: 010 lbs: 54 arils: 1.138 lbs; 68 toils: 1.610 lbs. Allowable shear per#12 SDS (AISI) fastener is calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT #2. Maintain fastener spacing or 5/8" tran. Maintain fastener edge nuttEn at 5/8 rain for each sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (lc) Allowed it 0.305 (8.9) TL: 0.03 in . L/999 (16.17) L/240 BC 0.200 (11-12) - LL 0.01 in L/999 (2.3) L/360 Web: 0.259 (9-11) Horn ii,: 0.01 in 3 TIC Continuously Braced - BC BtstcingSpatse Reactions Summary Max Ii Pin (WI.) I I 6 in 269 lbs 18 I 502 lbs - -- -- .2 lbs 10 H Roll (WI.) I I 6 in 269 lbs 10 I 502 lbs .9 lbs 18 Pin (WI.) 2 I 6 in 502 lbs 10 H Roll (WL) 2 I 6 in 502 lbs tO Pin (WI.) 3 I 6 in 232 lbs to H Roll (WI.) 3 I 6 in 232 lbs IS Pin (WI.) 4 I 6 in 313 lbs 18 Pin (WI.) 4 I 6 in .33 lbs H to H Roll (WI.) 4 I 6 in 295 lbs Ii Pin (WI.) I 5 I 6 in 279 lbs 18 Pi. (WI.) 5 I 6 in 33 lbs HI 10 H Roll (WI.) 5 I 6 i 297 lbs 18 Pin (WI.) 6 I 6 in 269 lbs 10 H Roll (WI.) 6 I bin 269 lbs 18 Pin (WL) 7 I 6i0 417 lbs 10 H Roll (WI.) 7 I 6 i 417 lbs 10 Fin (WI.) 8 I 6 in 242 lbs 10 H Roll (WI.) 0 I 6 in 242 lbs 10 Pin (WI.) 9 I 6 in 444 lbs tO H Roll (WI.) 9 I 6 in 444 lbs 18 Pin (WL) tO I 6 in .2 lbs 18 Pin (WI.) tO I 6 in -41 lbs I-I 10 H Roll (WL) tO I 6 in .9 lbs 18 Pin (WL) II I 6 i -2 lbs 18 Pi. (WL) II I 6 i 4l lbs H tO H Roll (WL) II I 6 in 5 lbs 18 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in .413 lbs tO H Roll (WL) 12 I 6 i - 413 lbs 10 Pin (WL) 13 I 6 i 161 lbs tO H Roll (WI.) 3 I 6 i 161 lbs 18 Pin (WL) (4 I 6 in 400 lbs tO H Roll (WL) 14 I 6 in 400 lbs Member Material CSI Bracing Max 413 lbs .413 lbs IopCbd 3-7 ________________ 201C20(50 hi) - O.l29 Shcathed 601 lbs T p Cbd 7-9 201t20 (50 ks) 0.305 Sheathed 629 lb__________ 991 CId -10 201t20(501i) 0.200"'Spaase lbs J _______543 Web 1.10 15C20 (50 li) 0.198 IJnbtoced .496 lbs Web ['-17 t5C20(501u) 0259 U bed 591 lbs___ Web 2-I? 15C20 (50 lxi) 0.106 Unbtscnd .227 lbs B b2 16 _ t5C20(501x) 0020 U braced 27Ibs Web 3.16 15C20(50 ni) - 0_I17 Unbr'acnd 163 lbs W4 15 Welt lSC20(50ks) 00l4 Ij broced 32lbs Web 5.14 ___________________ 15C20(50bsi) 0.018 Ltubrnced 391b5 Weh6 (3 l5C205OIa) 6014 Uubttsced 321b ______ Web7-12 15C20(50bsi) 0.117 _________________ Unbrnced 1631bs Wcb8 12 15C20(50 Its) 0019 1j broced 26 lbs _J Web 8-I1 15d0 50 lxi) - 0.106 Uobtoced .221 lbs Web 9'Il I5C200lxi 9.259 Usbiild_ 591 lbs Web 9.10 15C20(50i) 0.198 Unbtocnd 496 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThlS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymaric Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT THEIRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester dticle, Suite 102 THE LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEEt Boulder, Colorado 80301 <KEYMARK 6. GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I Truss: G24 I JobName: 217 GSBui1d®System Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:02 PM GSlruss® I System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: 2 of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 104-6 4.995/12 I 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 32.4 lbs Loads Summary Load Case LrI: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Top 64-I1 104.6 Down Top Coot Down Bot 0.0.0 3-11-I1 Down Bo t 64-1I 0-4-6 Down Bat Coot Down Point Loads Menirer Location Direction Load Trib Width Bot 3-11-11 Down 50 lbs Rot 64-I1 Down 50 lbs Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load lOpsl 10pal 24 in lOpsl lOpsl 24 in Bpsf Opsl 24 in Opsl Opal 24 in Opsi Opal 24 in Distributed Loads Me.r6ter Locution I Location 2 Direction Spread Stoat Load Sod Load Trib Width Top 0-0-0 3-1I-I1 Down Rake Opsi Opal 24 in Top 64-I1 104-6 Down Rake 0 psI 8 psf 24 in Top Coot Down Rake 0 psI 8 psI 24 or Bat 0-0-0 3-11-11 Down Rake 3 psI 3 psI 24 to Bat 64-11 10-4-6 Down Rake 3 psI 3 psI 24 in But Cons Down Rake 3 psI 3 psI 24 In Point Loads Metrtree Location Direction Load Trib Wrdrtr Bat 3-It-Il Down 57 lbs Bat 6-4-I1 Down 57 lbs Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Lefl(Up) Distributed Loads Menteer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top 0.0-0 4-0-0 N Up Rake 15.42 psI 15.42 psI 24 in Top 6-3-14 04-6 N Up Rake 19.25 psI 19.23 psI 24 in Top 4-0-0 6-3-14 N Up Rake 29.83 psI 29.83 psI 24 in Vabb 1-18 Cool Right Rake 14.56 pal 14.56 psI 24 in Vtbb 9-IS Cool Ridrr Rake 16.00 psI 16.00 psI 24 Point Loads Metrteer Location Direction Load Trib Width Bat 3-I1-I1 Up 70 lbs Bat 64-I1 Up 70 lbs Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Metrber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Tap 0-0-0 4-0-5 N Up Rake 19.25 psI 19.25 psI 24 in Tap 6-3-14 104-6 N Up Rake 15.42 psI 15.42 psI 24 in Top 4-0-8 6-3-14 N Up Rake 29.83 psI 29.03 psI 24 in Web I-IS Cont Left Rake 16.80 psI 16.08 pnl 24 in Web 9-10 Cant Loft Rake 14.56 psI 14.56 pal 24 in Point Loads Mentrer Location Direction Load Trib Width Bat 3-I1-I1 Up 59 lbs Bar 64-I1 Up 59 lbs Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Menteer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Sod Load Trib Width Top 0.0.0 44-8 N Up Rake 4.2 pal 4.2 psI 24 in Tap 6-3-14 104-6 N Up Rake 4.2 pal 4.2 psI 24 in Point Loads Menteer Location Direction Load Trib Width Bol 3-Il-I1 Up 27 lbs Bat 64-I1 Up 27 lbs Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suclion) Distributed Loads Mernteer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Sod Load Tb Width Top 0-0-0 4-0-0 N Up Rake 68.20 psI 60.20 psI 24 in Top 4-0-5 6-3-14 N Up Rake 68.28 psI 68.20 psI 24 in Top 6-3-14 104-6 N Up Rake 68.29 psI 68.28 pnl 24 in Web I-IS Cant LeO Rake 38.62 psI 30.62 psI 2410 Web 9-IS Cant Right Rake 38.62 psI 38.62 psI 24 in Point Loads Menteer Location Direction Load Trib Width Bat 5-Il-ti Up 2491b5 Bat 64-It Up 249 lbs Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Men6ree Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Ttib Width Top 5-0-5 4-5-5 N Dawn Rake 8 psI 8 PSI` 24 in Web I-IS Cant Right Rake 16 pal 16 psI 24 in Point Loads Meath" Location Direction Load Trib Width Bar 3-11-11 Down 26 lbn Bar 64-I I Down 26 lbs Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) Distributed Loads Menteer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Sod Load Trib Vetdth Tap 6-3-14 104-6 N Down Rake 6 list 8 PSI` 24 in Web 9-10 Coot Lell Rake 16 psI 16 psI 24 in ALL GENERAL NOTES OF11tIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEISEDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPfl415 COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE TRAT11tE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS ThE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Wincbenree Cticle, Suite 102 THE LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEKI. . Boulder, Colorado 80301 ( KE Y MARK GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS . Truss: G24 JobNaine: 217 GSBuild®Systcm Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:02 PM GSTnss® - System Aoncon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] . Page: 3 of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 104-6 4.995/12 I 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 32.4 lbs Automated Load Case LI 0°: USC 101b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Mother Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tsrb Width Bat Cons Down Proj tO psf 10 psf 24 in Point Loads Mcnber Location Direction Load Trib Width Bol 3-11-11 Down 27 lbs Bar 64-11 Down 27 lbs User-defined Load Case El: Seismic - No loads were defined for this toad case. This truss has been designed in accordance with [BC -2012. - This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean Roof Height 43 ft. Overall Building Dimensions of 140 fix 63 fl, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations 0 Load Cortho Factor I Di .000 -(.009 3 01+0.6 W3 .000 4D1+06w0 ___________________________________________________1000 Dl *0.6 W9 .000 6Dl07El I 000 ,t 7 D: 0.45 W3 * 0.75 tel 1.000 0D1 *045 W3 1.000 9 Dl ± 0.53 El + 0.75 Ll 1.000 1006D1*06Wl ls00 '+ II 0.6 DI 0.6 W2 1.000 l20.6Dl+0.6W4 1.000 1 13 0.6 Dl + 0.7 0/0.01 . 1.000 , l4Dl+LtO - i.006..... Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Mother ID, seas CSI. non axial force. (seas conpr fono ifdiffesent tmmsx axial force) lChd 1-2 2-3 0.305 0.177 -587 lbs 629 lbs - (.621 lbs) 3.4 4-5 0.129 0.126 601 lbs 601 lbs (-543 lbs) (-543 lbs) 5-6 6-7 0.126 0.129 601 lbs 601 lbs (-343 lbs) (-543 lbs) 7-0 9-9 0.177 0.305 629 lbs -587 lbs (-621 lbs) BChd 10-lI 0.047 20 lbs (-0 lbs) 12-13 0.131 543 lbs (-422 Ibs) 14-IS 0.132 543 lbs (422 Ibs) 16-17 0.200 538 lbs (.414 lbs) 11-12 0.200 538 lbs (.414 lbs) 13-14 0.132 543 lbs (.422 lbs) 15-16 0.131 543 lbs (.422 lbs) 17-10 0.047 33 lbs (-33 lbs) Webs 1-18 0.198 -496 lbs 3-16 0.117 163 lbs (-161 lbs) 7-12 0.117 163 lbs (-161 lbs) 9-10 0.198 -496 lbs I-lI 0.259 591 lbs (.477 lbs) 4-I5 0.014 32 lbs (-20 lbs) 0-12 0.019 -26 lbs 2-17 0.106 -227 lbs 5-14 0.018 39 lbs (-25 lbs) 0-I1 0.106 -227 lbs 2-16 . 0.020 -27 lbs 6-13 0.014 32 lbs (-20 lbs) 9-11 0.259 591 lbs (.477 lbs) Truss-to-truss Connections Summary Warning: Automated load transfer is incomplete. Manual loading maybe required. (Connections TF94, 1T97) ID Carded Truss Can4ngTmss Caans4noOffses Angle 1194 - 022 024 3-I I-Il____________45deg ClIpS T61 ______________ G24____ _______ 479 ____________90 deg T196 __________ 161 G24 5.8-13 - 90 deg CT191 022 G24 6-4-I 1 35 deg GUSSET PLATES I1I1LIITI - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6 "ofeach panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" of the end ofeach chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OF19115 DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERCDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATTHE Keyrnaik Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAITHETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Wincbrsser Cdcle. anise 102 THE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEEt Boulder, Colorado 80301 (KEYMARK I XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS Truss: G25 JobName: 217 GSBuild®System I Dale: 6/21/2016 3:21:02 PM GSTruss® I System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] J Page: 1 of3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 104-6 5/12 I 0-0-0 0-0-0 - 1 24 in 30.6 lbs V I L-i-O U-I-I I U-f-I I -3-O 2-3-6 I 4-6-12 1 5-2-3 159101 8-1-0 10-4-6 0-10-7 29-4 2594 V 4s 0-10-7 1215 13s Tt us 1199 9s 0-0-0 0-0-0 2-3-6 2-3-6 0-7-7 0-7-7 1 2-3-6 1 2-3-6 2-3-6 4-6-12 1 5-2-3 5-9-10 8-1-0 1 10-4-6 Circles indicate fastener count in webs. Squates indicate fastener count in chords. "Fasteners" indicates the nsniterofAnatonTS SS 012 or 012 SDS (AISI) #tstenets required at one end of the nwtrber. Each snlse indicates the nttndseroffitstenesn required: (s) indicates the nxrdserofAowonTS SS #1210 be installed on one side of the twos. (b)indicates the nun*erof# 2 SDS (AISI) to be installed on each side of the tnnss. Whew connection plates ore called out on this drowing, o plate is requited no each side of She truss. Reforto Gnnend Notes foellttrheeclati6cotion. Allowable shearperAstroo 75 SS 412 fitstcsneeos follows: 27 oils: 402 lbs: 33 teds: 544 lbs; 43 toils: 810 lbs; 54 ntIs: 1,138 lbs: 68 oils: 1.610 lbs.Allowablr sheorper#12 SDS (AISI) fauteneeis calculated peetheNASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEME'4142. Maintain frtxtenerspocingnt 5/0" rnin. Maintain ttuteneeedW nsnesin at 3/8" rnin for each sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed IC : 0.331 (6-7) fl 0.03 in L/999 (2-3) L/240 BC : 0.230(9-10) LL: 0.01 in L/999 (2-3) L/360 - • Web: 0.305 (7-9) How iha 0.01 in 7 IC Continuoosly Braced BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Summary JT BC Man React Max (ItuvUplifi Max MWFRS Uplift Mac C&C lJplifl Max Upli) 14 I 5301bs 418 lbs 418 lb; 8 I 5301b5 .4101h5 418 lbs H Roll (WL) I I 6 in 284 lbs Pin (WL) 2 I 6 in 530 lbs H Roll (WL) 2 I 6 in 530 lbs Fin (WI) 3 I 6 in 243 lbs H Roll (WL) 3 I 6 in 243 lbs Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in 333 lbs Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in -35 lbs H H Roll (WL) 4 I 6 in 315 lbs Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 297 lbs Pin (WI) 5 I 6 in 35 lbs H H Roll (WL) 5 I 6 in 315 lbs Pin (WI) 6 I 6 in 204 lbs H Roll (WI) 6 I 6 in 284 lbs Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 438 lbs H Roll (WL) 7 6 in 438 lbs Pin (WL) 8 6 in 253 lhs H Roll (WL) 8 6 in 253 lbs Pin (WL) 9 1 6 in 469 lbs H Roll (WI) 9 6 in 469 lbs Pin (WL) 10 1 6i0 10 lbs Pin (WI) 10 1 6 in 42 lbs II H Roll (WL) lB 6 in 3 lbs Pin (WL) I 1 6 in II lbs Pin (WI) II 1 6 in 42 lbs H H Roll (WL) II 1 6 in 17 lbs Pin (WL) 12 1 6 i 418 lbs H Roll (WL) 12 1 6/n -418 lbs Pin (WL) 13 1 6 in III lbs H Roll (WI) 13 6 in Ill lbn Pin (WL) 14 I 6 in 419 lbs H Roll (WL) 14 I 6i5 4191bs Member Material - CSI Bracing Max P Top Chd 1-3 ___________________ 20it20 (SB lxi) 0.331 Sheathed • -675 lbs Top Chd 35 20it20(50 Its) OJ33-:~-_sbcathcd =610 lbs Top Chd 5-7 20it20 (SB In) 0.331 Sheathed .675 lb__________ Bert Chd 8-14 201t20 t50 ui) 0.230 Spoese 396 lbs ] Web 1-14 15C20 (SB lxi) 0218 Unbtsced -522 lbs Web I 13 I5C20 (50 Ia) 0305 U braced .640 lbs Web 2-13 15C20 (50 la/) 0.102 Unbraced -209 lbs Vn b2l2 l3C2B(5BIu) 0#34 U braced 391b ] ______ Ebb 3-12 15C20 (58 lxi) 0.136 Unbetced 170 lbs Web-4-11:-,15C20-(5-0 ________________ ks) 0023 U braced 33 lb Web 5-10 I5C20 (50 lxi) 0.136 Unbtnced 170 lbs Vt b 6 10 ____________________ 15C20 (SB Ia) 0 04I U braced ______ -47 lbs Web 6-9 15C20 (50 lxi) ______________________________________ 0.102 Unbraced -209 lbs Web 7-9 15C20 (50 Its ) - 0 3 05 U braced 640 lbs _---"I ______ Web 7-0 15C20 (SB ksi) 0.200 Uobraced -522 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE- THATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAI THE11IUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEEr MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cr/dc, Suite 102 THE LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SKi/EL Boulder, Colorado 80301 ( KEYMARK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS i Truss: G25 JobName: 217 GSBuiId®System I Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:02 PM GSTntss® I System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: 2 of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 104-6 5/12 I 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 241n 30.6 lbs Loads Summary Load Case Lii: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Top 5-10-7 104.6 Down Top Cons Down Sot 0-0-0 4-5-I5 Down Sos 5-10-7 104-6 Down Sot Cons Down Point Loads Metther Location Direction Load Trib Width Bos 4-5-I5 Down 52 lbs Bot 5-10-7 Down 52 lbs Load Case DI: Std Dead Load Stan LowS End Load Trib Width 0 psi IS psi 24 in 10 psi tO psi 24 in 10 PSI 10 PST 24 in Opsi Opsi 24i0 Opsi Opsi 24 in opni Opsi 24 in Distributed Loads Menber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Trib Width Top 0.0.0 4-5-I5 Dorvrs Rake 8 psi 0 psi 24 in Top 5-10-7 10.4.6 Doses Rake 0 psi 0 psi 24 in Top Cool Down Rake 8 psi 0 psi 24 in Dot 0.00 4-5-I5 Down Rake 3 psi 3 psi 24 in So s 5-10-7 104.6 Down Rake 3 psi 3 psi 24 in Sot Cool Down Rake 3 psi 3 psi 24 in Point Loads Moniser Location Direction Load Tub Width Sot 4-5-I5 Down 59 lbs Bol 5-IS-i Down 59 lbs Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Mend,er Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top 00.0 4.6-12 NUp Rake 15.41 psi 15.41 psi 24 in Top 5-9-10 154.6 N Up Rake 19.25 psi 19.25 psi 24 in Top 4-6-12 5-9-10 N Up Rake 29.83 psi 29.83 psi 24 in Web 1-14 Cont Right Rake 14.56 psi 14.56 psi 24 in Web 7-0 Coot Right Rake 16.88 psi 16.88 psi 24 in Point Loads Merthee Location Direction Load Trib Width Bot 4-5-I5 Up 79 lbs Sot 5-10-7 tip 79 lbs Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Righl(Up) Distributed Loads Morthee Location I Location 2 Direction Sptrad Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top 00-0 4.6-12 N Up Rake 19.25 psi 19.25 psi 24 is Top 5-9-10 104.6 N Up Rake 15.41 psi 15.41 psi 24 in Top 4.6-12 5-9.10 N Up Rake 29.83 psi 29.83 psi 24in '56k 1-14 Cool Loft Rake 16.80 psi 16.80 psi 24 in Web 7-0 Cant Loft Rake 14.56 psi 14.56 psi 24 in Point Loads Metnber Location Direction Load Tub Width Sot 4-5-I5 lip 66 lbs Sot 5-10-7 Up 66 lbs Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Metebee Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top 50-0 4-6-12 N Up Rake 4.19 psi 4.19 psi 241n Top 5-9-I0 10.4.6 N lip R.I. 4.19 psi 4.19 psi 24 is Point Loads Men&,er Location Direction Load Trib Width Sot 4-5-I5 Up 31 lbs Sot 5-I 0-7 Up 31 lbs Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Moteber Localinn I Location 2 Direction Sptend Stan Load End Load Trib Wtdth Top 0.0.0 4.6-12 N Up R.I. 68.28 psi 68.28 psi 24 in Top 4-6-12 5-9.10 N Up Rake 68.28 psi 68.28 psi 24 in Top 5-9-I0 104.6 N lip Rake 68.28 psi 68.28 psi 24 in Web 1-14 Coot Left Rake 38.62 psI 38.62 psi 24 in Web 7-8 Cont Right Rake 38.62 psi 38.62 psi 24 in Point Loads Mother Location Ditectioo Lood Tub Width Sot 4-5-I5 Up 273 lbs Sot 5-10-7 Up 273 lbs Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Menber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top 0.0.0 4-6-12 N Down Rake S psi 8 psi . 24 in Web 1-14 Cons Right Rake 16 psi 16 psi 24 in Point Loads Menber Location Direction Load Trib Width Bot 4-5-I5 Down 29 lbs Sot 5.10-7 Down 29 lbs Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) Distnbatted Loads Metther Location I Location 2 Directino Spread Stan Lond End Load Trib Width Top 5-9-10 104.6 NDosvn Rake 8psi 8ps1 24 in Web 7-8 Coot Loft Rake 16 psi 16 psi 24 in ALL GENERAL NOTES OFNIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDI1REDAS AN INTEGRAL PARTOFTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThAT1145 Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY NAT TI-IE1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON 17415 SHEET MEETS 1145 MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Crick, Suite 102 1145 LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET. Bosldec Colorado 80301 XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS Truss: G25 JobName: 217 GS Build® System Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:03 PM GS Truss® System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: 3 of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 104-6 5/12 I 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 241n 30.61b5 Automated Load Case LIO°: USC I 01b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Dirticlion Spread Stan Load End Load mb Width Be[ Cool Down Proj - tO psi 10 psi 241n Point Loads Mercher Location Direction Load Tub Width Bol 4-5-IS Down 31 lbs - Rot 5-10-7 Down 31 lbs User-defined Load Case El: Seismic . No loads were defined for this load case. I) This truss has been designed in accordance with [SC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psfbottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is GsblelHip with Building Category H, Mean Roof Height 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 fix 63 ft. Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations 0 Load Combo Factor .000 2Dl±LaI i.505_____ 3 DI *0.6 W3 '4D1 06W8 1.000 1.000 5 DI +0.6 W9 . 601T+0.7 El 1.000 .000 7 DI +0.45 W3 +0.75Ls4 .000 ool:+o.4aw3 - 1.000 3 9 Dl *0.53 El +0.75 Id - 1.000 100601+06Wl 1,000 I.! 0.601 +0.6 W2 1.000 120.6D1:+o.6w4 1.000 13 0.6 Dl +0.7 S10.01 1.000 14D1-4-L10 - :oOo Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Mnmthnr ID, nuts CSL nuts axial force. (tins eonpr lottie ifdilfernnl fiutmmmx axial force) TChd 1-2 2-3 0.331 0.207 -655 lbs -656 lbs - 3-4 4-5 0.133 0.133 610 lbs 610 lbs (.571 lbs) 071 lbs) 54 6-7 0.207 0.331 -656 lbs .655 lbs BChd 9-9 0.057 20 lbs (-5 lbs) 10-I1 0.135 571 lbs (414 lbs) 12-13 0.235 596 lbs (439 lbs) 9-10 0.230 596 lbs (439 Ibm) 11.12 0.135 571 lbs (414 lbs) 13-14 0.057 -35 lbs Webs 1-14 0.208 -522 lbs 2-I 2 0.034 -39 lbs 5-I 0 0.136 170 lbs (-162 lbs) 7-9 0.305 640 lbs (.494 Ibs) 1-13 0.305 640 lbs (-494 Ibm) 3-12 0.136 170 lbs (.162 lbs) 6-ID 0.041 47 lbs 7-5 0.208 -522 lbs 2-13 0.102 -209 lbs 4-I1 0.023 33 lbs (-28 lbs) 6-9 0.102 -209 lbs Truss-to-truss Connections Summary Warning: Automated load transfer is incomplete. Manual loading maybe required. (Connections 1T98, rr99) ID Conird Irons CnntogTntss Corrsing080et Aof6e 1190 ___________ 023 025 __________________ 4.5-I5 ______________ 45 deg ,TT99 023 025 ______________ 5107 135 deg GUSSET PLATES - - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6" of each panel point. The end ofevcry chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" of the end ofeach chord segment. ALL GItN1IS AL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL 05 CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL PART OP11-IlS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATflhli Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL IiNG!NEEWS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThE7RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON TillS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPUCABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester CurIe, Suite 102 THE LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 4s 3s XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS Truss: RO1 JobName: 217 GSBuild® System Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:03 PM GS Truss® System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78) Page: I of2 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 1-8-1 0/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 5.5 lbs 1-8-1 1-6-4 1-6-4 is 2s 0-0-0 0-0-0 HER Circles indicate 8ssrener count in webs. Squares indicate fastener count in chords. 'Fasteners' indicates the nuniterofAnaronlS SS #12 or 1112 SOS (AISI)6sstennts required atone end of the erenther. Each snlae indicates the nanteroI#tsrenets sequird: (s) indicates the oaotnr of Aoaroo IS SS #12 to be installed an one side of he truss. (h) indicates the nontrerof# 12 SDS (AISI) to be installed on each side of the truss. Where connection plates are called out on this dressing, a plate is required on each side of the truss. Referto General Notes forfisnherclanficatioo. Aitosvable shearperAmron TS SS #12 Ibureneros follows: 27 toils: 402 lbs: 33 ouls: 544 lbs: 43 nnls: t10 Ibs: 54 tills: 1,130 lbs: 68 odIn: 1.610 lbn.Allowable shearper#12 SOS (AISI) lbsreneris calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT #2. Maintain Enstoner spacing at 5/8 nm. Maintain fastener edge osatgot at 5)8" rain breach sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed TC : 0.037 (1.2) TL On L/999 (1-2) L/240 BC 0.015(3.4) LL:0in L/999 (1-2) L/360 Web: 0.013(2-3) HotzTL:01n IC Continuously Braced BC BtacingSposse Reactions Summary _JT Type LC BC BrgWrd Reaction iT BC McrsReact Max GruvUplift Max MWFRSUpli8 tat 4 Pin (TI) 1 I 2 in 18 lbs 4 I 35 lbs -4 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) I 2 in 18 lbs 3 I 35 lbs -4 lbs 4 Pin (TI) 2 I 2 i 351b5 3 H Roll (rI) 2 I 2 i 35 lbs 4 Pin (TI) 3 I 21n 18 lbs 3 H Roll (rI) 3 I 2 in 18 lbs 4 Pin ITT) 4 I 2 i 181b5 3 H Roll (IT) 4 1 2 i 18 lbs 4 Pin CM 5 I 2 i tubs 3 H Roll (TI) 5 I 2 in 18 lbs 4 Pin (M 6 I 2 i 18 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 6 I 2 in 18 lbs 4 Pin CM 7 I 2 i 311b5 3 H Roll (11) 7 I 2 in 31 lbs 4 Pin (M 0 I 2 i 18 lbs 3 H Roll (11) 8 I 2 in 18 lbs 4 Pin (M 9 I 2i0 31 lbs 3 H Roll (rl) 9 I 2 i 31 lbs 4 Pin (M 10 I 2 i -4lbs 3 H Roll cnn 10 I . 2 in 4 lbs 4 Pin (M II I 2 i -4 lbs 3 H Roll (Ii) II I 2 in -4 lbs 4 Pin (Ii) 12 I 2 in .31 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 12 I 2 in -31 lbs 4 Plo (Ii) 13 I 2 in II lbs 3 H Roll (Ii) 13 I 2 in II lbs 4 Pin (M 14 I 2 i 27 lbs 3 H Roll (ii) 14 I 2 in 27 lbs Member Material CSI Bracing Max P -31 lbs -31 lbs -31 lbs -31 lbs Top Chd!2 201C20(5olai) 0.031 Sheathed - -- - - 01bs Bat chd3-4 - _20TC2(5() ----0.015 Sparse -01bs ) Webl-4 I5C2#(50ks1) -0.0)3 ---- 34 lbs - - Web24 I5C2O(50ksi)-----—--_00#0 IJssbsnced —0-lbs Web 2-3 I5C20(50lai) 0.013"- hiobtttcnst 341b5 NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case LrI: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Mendrer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread start Loud End Load Ttib Width Top Cant Down Proj 20 psf 20 psf 12io Bot Cant Down Peaj 0 psI 0 psf 12 in Load Case Di: Std Dead Load Diatrtl,ated Loads Merrirer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Tdb Width Top Cost Doses Rake 16 psf 16 psf 12 in But Cost Down Rake 6 psf 6 psf 12 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Leads Metther Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stnst Load End Load Tnb Width Top 0-0-0 1-8-I N Up Rake 29.83 psf 29.83 psf 12 in ALL GENERAL NOTES OPThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERODAS AN INTEGRAL PART OF114lS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT NOTE ThATThE Keyniai-k Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEEIS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR - 6787 Winchester Crick. Suite 102 ThE LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET. Boulder; Colorado 80301 XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] . Truss: JobName: Date: System: Page: Report: RO1 217 6/21/2016 3:21:03 PM Amcon6.003 2 of 2 Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 1-8-I 0/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 5.5 lbs Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Macbet Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sian Load End Load Tab Width Top 0.0.0 1-5-I N Up Rake 29.83 psI 29.83 psI 12 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) No toads were defined for this load case. Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Meraber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sun Load End Load Tnb Width Top 0.0-0 1-0-I N Up Rake 03.14 psI 83.14 par 12 in Automated Load Case W8: M WFRS-Left(M i n) No loads were defined for this load case. Automated Load Case W9: M WFRS-Right(M i n) No loads were defined for this load case. . Automated Load Case LIO°: UBC 101b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Macbet Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sian Load Fad Load TrW Width Bar Cool Down Proj 10 PSI to par 12 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No toads were defined for this load case. This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category 11, Mean Roof Height 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 fix 63 fl, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 It The left end vertical has not been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not ins Hurricane Prune Region. . Load Combinations Load Condao Factor I DI 1.000 3 DI *0.6 WS - .000 4D1+06W8 1000 Dl +0.6 W9 1.000 4 DI + 0.7 El 1.6010 771 7 Dl * 0.45 WS + 0.75 Let 1.000 8Dl+045W3 1000 9 01+0.53 El + 0.75 Lol 1.000 l0O6Dl+06Wl 1.600 II 0.601 *0.6 W2 1.000 1 0601*06W4 =1000 13 0.6 01+0.7 E/0.0I .000 I4bi:±Llo• ___________________ —tpoo__________________ Member Forces Summary Table indicsnrs: Macbee to, nsa CSI, nun axial terce, (nun cnnrr listen ifdifferetsr Own nun axial Owe) lChd 1-2 0.037 0 lbs BChd 3-4 0.015 0 lbs Webs 114 0.013 34 lbs (-30 lbs) 124 0.000 0 lbs 2-3 0.013 34 lbs (-30 lbs) GUSSET PLATES IP1LetT1 - - - - - - Additional Notes: - At least one chord segment of thin truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6" ofeach panel point. The end ofevety chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 " ofthe end of each chord segment. - ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThATThEIRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS ThE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Criclr, Suite 102 TIdE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET - Boulder, Colorado 80301 ( YM A R K WX LA STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Truss: R02 JobName: 217 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:03 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 1 of 2 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 1-8-1 3.015/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 12 in 6.9 lbs I 1-0-3 '1-8-1' 1-8-8 1-11-9 1-9-9 3112 1213 Is 2s 3s 0-0-0 0-0-0 1-0-3 0-7-14 1-0-3 1 1-8-1 Circles indicate fastener Count in webs. Squares indicate fastener Count in chords."Fasteners" indicates the ousrtcrofAntonlS 5S #12 or# 12 SDS (A151) firsteriers required as one end of the ncrs*er. Each stitue indicates the nuridserof/asteness inquired: (s) indicates the nusrd,er of Mraton 15 SS #12 to be installed on one side of the tress. (b) indicates the nnndscr of# 12 SOS (AISI) to be installed on each side of the tress. Whose connection plates ore called out on this dressing a plate is required on each side of the scans. Refer to General Notes foellsnherctosification. AtloscabtesheaeperAararoo TS SS #12 tssteneroa follows: 27 rid Is: 402 lbs; 33 soils: 544 hi: 43 ruts: 810 tbs: 54 reds: 1,138 lbs; 68 salts: 1.610 lbs. Allowable shearpce#12 SOS (AISI) tssscncris catcutated per she NASPEC 2007 WIll-I SUPPLEMENT #2. Maintain flisterser spacing at 0/8" rain. Maintain fastener eder margin at 3/8 sin for each shoes of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed - IC 0.013(1-2) TU0in L/999 2 L/240 BC 0.035 4-5) LL 0 is L/999 2 L/360 Web: 0.015(2-5) . HoreTU0is 3 rC Continuously Braced BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Summary 6 Pin (TI) I I 2 in 19 lbs 6 I 36 lbs .23 lbs -23 lbs 4 H Roll (11) I I - 2 is 19 lbs 4 I 36 lbs -t lbs -32 lbs -32 lbs 6., Pin (TI) 2 I 2 in 36 lbs 4 H Roll (TI) 2 I 2 in 36 lbs 6 Pin cm 3 I 2 is IS lbs 4 H Roll (fl) 3 I 2 in 4 lbs 6 Pi. (M 4 I 2 i 211bs 6 Pin (fl) 4 I 2 in - -1 lbs H 4 H Roll (TI) 4 I 2 in 22 lbs 6 Pin (11) 5 I 2 i 201bs 4 H Roll (TI) S I 2 in 21 lbs 6 Pin (TI) 6 ' I 2 in 19 lbs 4 H Roll (TI) 6 I 2 in . 19 lbs 6 Pin ITT) 7 I 2 i 28 lbs 4 H Roll (11) 7 I 2 in 27 lbs 6 Pin (TI) 8 I 2i0 16 lbs 4 H Roll (TI) 5 I 2 in 15 lbs 6 Pin (TI) 9 I 2 in 31 lbs 4 H Roll TT) 9 I 2/n 31 lbs 6 Pi. (M 10 I 2i5 I lbs 6 Pin (TT) 10 I 2 in 2 lbs H 4 H Roll (TI) 10 I 2 in -1 lbs 6 ' Pin (TI) II I 2 in 2 lbs .- - 4 H Roll (MIt I 2 in .0 lbs 6 Pin (I'I) 12 I 2 in -23 lbs 6 Pin (M 12 I 2 i 4 lbs ll 4 H Roll (TI) 12 I 2 in -32 lbs 6 Pin (TI) 13 I 2 is II lbs 4 H Roll (TI) 13 I 2 in I lbs 6 Pin (TI) 14 I 2 in 27 lbs 4 H Roll (I'll 14 I 2 is 27 lbs Member Material . CSI Bracing Max P Top Chd 1-2 _______________ 201t20 (55 ksi) 0.013 Sheathed .4 lbs 9chd _____________ 2OIt20(50ka1) 0.006 Shealhed Slhs J Web -6 15C20(501r)i) 0.009 Unbrnsed 2O!bs Web -5 I5C20 (50 ksi) 0.003 Unbnaccd I Iths "Ch eb 25 15C20(50 lei) 0.015 ~U braced - 28 lbs.J Web 3-4 15C20(50 ksi) 0.096 Unbraced , 14 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Merrrber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stain Load End Loud Trib Viidlh Top Cons Down Proj 20 psf 20 psf 12i5 Bar Cons Down Proj 0 psf 0 psi 12 in Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Leads Mendser Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tb Width Top - Coot Down Rake .16 psI 16 psf 12 in Bos Coot Down Rake 6 psf 6 psf 12 in ALL GENERAL NOTES 0F11115 DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThlS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATT1E ' Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ll4ATTI-HSIRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON 1141S SHEET MEETS THE-MINIMIJMAPPUCABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cnicle Suite 102 THE LOADS,WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON 1141S SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 (% c KE V M A R K AL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] JobName: 217 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:03 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 2of2 Report: Eng Plot Truss: R02 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 1-8-1 3.015/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 6.9 Ills Automated Load Case WE MWFRS-Left((Jp) Distributed Leads Menter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sian Loot! End Load Tub Wtdih Top 0.0-0 .0-3 N Up Rate 25.22 par 25.22 psf 12 in Top -0-3 1-5-1 N Up Rate 17.87 pal 17.87 psf 12 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads - Moodier Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sian Load End Load 1db Width Top 0.0.0 1.0.3 N Up Rote 17.9 psf 17.9 psf 12 in Top -0-3 1.5-I N Up Rake 25.06 psf 25.06 psf 12 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Mentor Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sian Load End Load Thb Width Top 0.0.0 -0.3 N Up - Rake 9.29 psf 9.29 psf 12 in Top 1.0-3 -5-I N Up Rate 9.29 psI 9.29 par 12 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Leads Metrbee Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sian Load End Load lob Width Top 0.0.0 -0-3 N Up Rake 77.56 psf 77.56 psf 12 in Top 1.0-3 -0-I N Up Rake 77.56 psI 77.56 psf 12 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Mentor Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sian Load End Load 11th Width Top 0.0.0 .0-3 N Down Rake 8 psI 8 psf 12 in Automated Load CaseW9: MWFRS-Right(Min)' Distributed Loads Metrbee Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Pad Load lob Width Top -0-3 1-0-I N Down Rake 8 psf Opal 12 in Automated Load Case LI 0°: USC I 01b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Leads - Moodier Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sian Load End Load lob Width Bot Cont Down Penj 10 p01 10 psf 12 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No loads were defined for this load case. This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean RoofHeight 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 fix 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has not been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in aHurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations 8 Load Cotako Fnctor Di .000 3 DI* 0.6 W3 1.000 DI ,+ 06 WO 1.000 5 DI + 0.6-W9 1.000 6DIl-07 CI 1.600 1 7 01*0.45 W3 * 0.75 tel 1.000 8DI045w3 1.000 9 DI * 0.53 El + 0.75 I.el 1.000 ,I006DI+06WI "IOOO I II 0.6 p1+0.6 W2 . 1.000 I206Dt06w4 1008 13 0.6 Dl +0.7 P10.01 1.000 I4DILIO0 ....................I.000 Member Forces Summary Table indicatcst Moodier ID. onto CSI, nato ocial force. (onto con,r force ildifferont font onto axial force) GUSSET PLATES - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMaterial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement oflateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6" of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" of the end of each chord segment. - ALL GENERAL NOTES 0F11415 DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONsIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OF-THIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THAINE Keyniark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAl. ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THATTHE1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUtsIAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 WinchesterC,iclo. Suite 102 THE WADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURA11ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 Nax GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS Truss: R03 JobName: 217 GSBui1d®System Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:04 PM OS Truss® System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 781 Page: I of 2 Report: Eng Plot - SPAN PITCH QTY OHL Ol-IR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 1-8-1 3.036/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 9.2 lbs 0-10-611-24D-8-1 2-1-5 2-1-1-2-6 3L2 —172 3 7s 5s 0-0-0 0-0-0 1-2-0 p-6-1 1-2-0 l81 Circles indicate fhssenercoans in webs. Squares; indicate 8tstenercosns in chords. "Fasteners indicates the nssrtheeofAnrconlS SS #12 oe#I2 SOS (AlSl) ttttenets required as one end of the nwndrer. Each sstttse indicates the non-be,of11ssteners reqaited: (s) indicates then urnbcrof Amon IS SS #12 to be installed on one side of the trass. (b)indicates the ntsn*erof 012 SOS (AISI) to be installed on each side of the truss. Where connection plates ate called out on this drawing a plate is required on each side of the truss. Refeeto General Notes foellttrheeclatification. Allowable shcaeperAarron TS SS #12 0tstcncrss follows: 27 roSs: 402 lbs; 33 rails: 544 lbs: 43 wits: stO lbs; 54 oils: 1.138 lbs; 68 oils: 1.610 lbs.Allowable sbeaepee#12 SOS (AISI) llssteneris calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WrIst SIJPPL.EMEIT #2. Maintain tsstcner spacing at 5/8" edo. Maintain ttntenee edge rmrgin at 515" rain for each sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (toe) Allowed TC 0,024(2) TL0in L/999 2 L/240 BC 0.055(6-7) - - LL0in L/999 2 L/360 ',Veb: 0.024 (2-6) HoraTh 0.01 in 4 TC Continuously Braced - BC BsacingSpatse Reactions Summary 7 Pin (TI) I I 2 in 30 lbs 7 I 71 lbs AS lbs 45 lbs H Roll (TI) I I 2 in 37 lbs 5 I 71 lbs -5 lbs -67 lbs -67 lbs 7 Pin (TI) 2 I 2 in 71 lbs S H Roll (fl) 2 I 2 in 71 lbs - 7 Pin (TI) 3 I 2 in 31 lbs 5 H Roll (TI') 3 I 2 in 29 lbs 7 Pin (VT') 4 I 2 is 41 lbs - 7 Pin (VI) 4 I 2 in -2 lbs H H Roll (VI) 4 I 2 in 42 lbs - 7 Pin (TI) 5 I 2 i 40 lbs 7 Pi. CM 5 I 2 i l lbs H 5 Ft Roll (TI) S I - 2 in 40 lbs 7 Pin (171) 6 I 2 i 38 lbs 5 H Roll (TI) 6 I . 2 in 37 lbs 7 Pin (M 7 I 2 i 58 lbs S H Roll (VT) 7 I 2 in 56 lbs 7 Pin (VT) 8 I 2 in 32 lbs H Roll (VT) 8 I 2 in 31 lbs 7 Pin (M 9 I 2 i 63 lbs H Roll (Ii) 9 I 2 in 63 lbs - 7 Pin CM tO I 2 i 21bs 7 Pin (M 10 I 2 i 4 lbs H S H Roll (TI) 10 I 2 i -51b5 7 Pin(TI) II I 2 i 31bs S H Roll (TI) II I 2 in -3 lbs 7 Pin(TI) 12 I 2 i 45 lbs 7 Pin (TI) 12 I 2 in 8 lbs H 5 H Roll (VT) 12 I - 2 in -67 lbs 7 Pin (VT) IS I 2 in 23 lbs H Roll (VT) 13 I 2 in 22 lbs a - 7 Pin (VT) 14 I 2 in ' 54 lbs S H Roll (VT) 14 I 2 is 54 lbs Member Material CSI Bracing Max P Top Chd 1-2 201C20 (SO ksi) 0,024 Sheathed 4 lbs Top Chd 2 __________________ 201C20 (501w) 0 024 Sheatbed Lbs _14 Top Chd 34 201C20 (50 lad) 0.008 Sheathed 8 lbs not Chd 57 201t20 (SOlo)_ 0 085 5psts -8 lbs Web 1-7 15C20 (SO lati) 0.019 Unbstced 40 lbs Web 2 -7 1SC20(50Iw) 0016 lJ bssced 2S lbs J Web 2-6 15C20 (50 inS 0.024 Unbt'oced 66 lbs Web 3-6 15C20 (50 led)O.0l6 lJnbicd ___ -25 lbs J Web 4-5 I5C20 (SO led) 0.013 Unbesced 23 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case LrI: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Meniree Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stars Load Ea Load Trib -Width Top Coot Down Proj 20 psf 20 psf 24 in Bos Coot Down Proj 0 psf 0 psf 24 in Load Case Dl: Sid Dead Load Distributed Loads Merther Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top Cool Down Rake 16 psf 16 psf 24 in Bat Coot Down Rake 6 psf 6 psf 24 in - ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BIt CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OETEIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS IS SHEET MEETS lu MtNIMUWIAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle, Salle 102 THE LOADS. WADING CONDITIONS, 'TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURA'T1ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON ThIS SHEEr Boulder, Colorado 80301 ( KEYM ARK wk GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I - Truss: R03 JobName: 217 GSBuild®System I Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:04 PM GS Truss® I System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 781 Page: 2 of 2 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 1-8-I 3.036/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 9.2 lbs Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Ttib Width Top 0.0.0 - 0-10-6 N Up Rake 25.12 psi 25.12 psi 24 in Top 1-2.0 -0-I NUp Rake 17.84 psi 17.84 psi 24 in 1 Top 0-10.6 -2.0 N Up Rake 29.83 psi 29.83 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Tnb Width Top 0.0.0 0-10-6 N Up Rake 17.80 psi 17.80 psi 24 in Top . -2-0 1-8-I N Up Rake 24.83 psi 24.83 psi . 24 in Top 0-106 -2.0 N Up Rake 29.83 psi 29.83 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Ttrb Width Top 0-0-0 0-10-6 N Up Rake 9.29 psi 9.29 psi 24 in Top -2-0 1-8-I N Up Rake 9.29 psi 9.29 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Member- Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Ttib Width Top 0.0.0 0-10-6 N Up Rake 77.56 psi 77.56 psi 24 in Top 0-10-6 -2-0 NUp Rake 83.t4 psi 83.t4 psi 24 in Top 1-2-8 1-8-I N Up Rake 77.56 psi 77.56 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Lefi(Min) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Ttib Width Top 0.0.0 0-10.6 N Down Rake Opti 0 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) Distributed Loads Mrtrkter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Vttdlh Top 1-2-0 1-8-I N Dosco Rake 8 psi 8 psi 24 in Automated Load Case LIO°: USC 101b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Member Location t Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Ttib Width Ent Coot Down Proj 10 psi tO psi 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No leads were defined for this load case. This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is GablelHip with Building Category U, Mean RoofHeight 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has not been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations 11 Load Combo - Factor I Dl 1.000 i.00 3 DI * 0.6 W3 1.880 4Dt+06W0 080 5 01*0.6 W9 1.080 6Dt +07 CI j.000 7 01* 0.45 W3 *0.75 kel 1.000 =8=Dt+045W3 _________________ 1 9 DI ±0.$3 El + 0.73 Lt 1.000 100601+06W1 __L.000 II 0.601 + 0.6W2 1.000 t20.6 Di +0.6 W4 .000 IS 0.6 DI +0.7 E/0.01 1.000 1401*LIO t000 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Member to, scan CSI, nun axial terre, (teas cotrvc late iidiffereot fiomtroo axial ioree) 0.016 -25 lbs 13-6 0.016 -25 lbs GUSSET PLATES z,J L,1T1 - - - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMate,-ial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6 " ofeach panel point. - The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicularto the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES 0FTh15 DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSID0RIiDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THAT11E Keymatis Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThE1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON ThIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABUS DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle. Suite 102 ThE LOADS, LOADING CONOmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURASSONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Truss: R04 JobName: 217 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:04 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 1 of2 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 1-9-1I 5.023/12 I 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 121n 10.4 lbs - U-IU-I4l-IU-IZ bioii:9iiI - 2-4-8 2-9-0 2-9-0 5112 3s is 22 . 1 2 6s 4s 0-0-0 0-0-0 - . 0-10-10-10-15 - )-10-1 1-9-111 Circles indicate flistenercount in webs. Squares indicate Ilistenereount in chords. 'Fasteners indicates the nanirerofArrconTS SS 012 or0l2 SDS (AISI) fasten ets required at one end of the rrarrrter. Each snlue indicates the nunirerof lltsteners required: (s) indicates then umber of Amon 'IS SS #12 to be installed on one side of the Irons. (h) indicates the nondrer of# 2 SDS (AtSI) to be installed on each side of the truss. Where connection plates are catted out on this drawing, a plate is requited on each side of the loins. Referro General Notes for farrherctasification. AllotvableshearperMrrcon IS SS #12 tsslerseras follows: 27 salts: 402 lbs: 33 eats: 344 lbs: 43 tn/Is: 810 lbs: 54 rods: 1.138 lbs; 60 toils: 1.610 tbs.Altowahte shear per#t2 SOS (AISD tssterteeit calcotated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENF#2. Maintain 6sstenerspncisgat 5/8" edo. Maintain ttsteneeedncsrojn a15/8 mm for each sheer of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed IC 0.032 (3) TL 0 i L/999 2 L/240 BC 0.030(54) U. 0 i L/999 2 L/360 Web: 0.045 (3-5) - Horn ItO in 2 It Continuously Braced " BC Bnscing Sparse - Reactions Summary 6 Pin (TI) I I 2 in 21 lbs 6 I 39 lbs - - -5 lbs -5 lbs 4 H Roll (TI) I I 2 in 20 lbs 4 I 38 lbs -9 lbs -58 lbs -58 lbs 6 Pin (TI) 2 I 2 is 39 lbs 4 H Roll (TI) 2 I 2 in 38 lbs 6 Pin (Ti) 3 I 2 in 20 lbs 4 H Roll (TI) 3 I 2 in 10 lbs 6 Pin (TI) 4 I 2 in 22 lbs 6 Pin (TI) 4 I 2 in -2 lbs H 4 H Roll (TI) 4 I 2 in 24 lbs 6 Pin (M S I 2 i 21 lbs 4 H Roll (TI) S I 2 in . 20 lbs 6 Pi. (M 6 I 2 i 21 lbs 4 H Roll (TI) 6 I 2 in 20 lbs 6 Pin (M 7 I 2 i 341b5 4 H Roll (TI) 7 I. 2 in 32 lbs 6 Pin (11) 8 I 2i0 21 lbs 4 HRoll(STl 0 I 2 i 19 lbs 6 Pin CM 9 I 2 i 341bs 4 H Roll (TI) 9 I 2 in 34 lbs 6 Pin IM tO I 2 i 71b5 6 Pin (TI) IS I 2 in 4 lbs H 4 It Roll (TI) IS I 2 in -7 lbs " 6 Pin (Ti) II I 2 in 7 lbs - 6 Pin (M It I 2 i 4 lbs H 4 H Roll (fl) II I 2 in -9 lbs 6 Pin (TI) 12 I 2 in -5 lbs 6 Pin (M 12 I 2 i l8 lbs H 4 H Roll (11) 12 I 2 in -58 lbs 6 Pin (TI) 13 I 2 i 12 lbs 4 H Roll (I1) 13 I 2 i 12 lbs 6 Pin (TI) 14 I 2 in 30 lbs 4 H Roll (TI) 14 I 2 in 29 lbs Member Material CSI Bracing Max P - Top Chd 1-2 281t20 (50 ksi) 0.014 Sheathed -II lbs Top Cbd 2-3 201t20 (SOled) 0.032 Sheathed 0 lbs Bot Chd 44 20'It20 150 ksil OLSO Swnes .10 IN. we I-) 17C20 (30 list) - 0.009 Unbraced 29 lbs W b 25 ___________________ 15C20 (50 I) 0 030 U bSced lbn _______37 Web 3-5 15C20 (50 hal) ______________________________________ 0.045 Unbroced -53 lbn Vi eb 3-4 15C20 (50 laj ___________________________________ 0026 tJbtnced 60 lbn ] NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support, Loads Summary Load Case Lii: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Merrdser Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top Cons Doses Proj 20 psf 20 psf 12 in Bat Coot Doses Pmj 0 psf 0 psi 12 in Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load - Distributed Loads Merater Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Ti/b 'r'ddrh Top Coot Do— Rake - 16 psf 16 psf in Bar Coot Doctor Rube 6 psi - 6 psf :2 12 in ALL GENERAL NOTES OPSIIIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PARTOPT1tIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE I14ATTHE - Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SISAL INDICATES ONLY THAT THET1EUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SKEET MEETS TilE M1NIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle, Suite 102 THE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CON—FIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SKEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 KEY-M ARK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GSTnjss® Version: 5.009 [Build 781 JobName: 217 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:04 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 2of2 Report: Eng Plot Truss: R04 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 1-9-I1 5.023/12 I 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 12 in 10.4 lbs Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib '.Bdlh Top 0.0.0 0.I0-I2 N Up Rake 15.35 pat 15.35 psf 12 in Top 0-10-12 1-9-1I N Up Rake 29.03 psf 29.83 psf 12 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Mentrer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan toad End Load 1db \Mdth Top 0-0-0 0-10-12 NUp Rake 19.25 psf 19.25p51 12 in Top 0-10-12 1-9-11 N Up Rake 29.83 psf 29.83 pat 12 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Mentrer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 0-10-12 N Up Rake 4.1 pat 4.1 pat 12 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Metrber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Sod Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 0-10-12 N Up Rake 77.56 psf 77.56 psf 12 in Top 0-10-12 1-9-I1 NUp Rake 83.14 psf 83.14 psf 12 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distralsaxted Loads - Mentrer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Tap 0.0-0 0-10-12 NDncva Rake Spat Opal - 12 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No loads were defined for this load case. a a Automated Load Case LIOti: UBC 101b Live Load on BottomChord Distributed Loads Mrnirer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width But Coat Dossn Proj 10 psf to psI 12 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No toads were defined for this load case. This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 pafbottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance with ASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean RoofHeight 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 fix 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has not been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations Load Cotntro Factor I Dl 1.000 3 DI * 0.6 W3 .000 4Dr+o.6w8 . .000 5 DI + 0.6W9 1.000 ~6 Dj'+ 03 EI .000 7 Dl + 0.45 W3 + 0.75 Let 1.000 8Dt 045 W3 I 000 9 DI + 0.53 El + 0.75 tat - .000 1006Dt *06WI 1.000 II 0.6 DI * 0.6 W2 1.000 121O6 DI -'-06W4 —1000 13 0.6 DI *0.7 E'O.OI 1.000 . I4DI+Lt0 - 1000 1 Member Forces Summary litbte indicates: Member ID. rena CSL nasa axial force, (tens contr force, tdilIerent kamnars asial tom) I-S 0.009 29 Iba (0 Ibn)I3-5 0.045 -53 Ibn GUSSET PLATES - - - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes; At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6" ofeach panel point. The end ofcvcry chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" ofthc end ofeseh chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATThE Keymazic Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThATTHETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEE1 MtiETS ThE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cdcte, Sake 102 THE LOADS WADING CONUmONs, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND 5PANS USTED ON ThI5 SKEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 5 Pin (M I I 2i0 19 lbs 5 4 H Roll ffI) I I 2i0 201b5 4 5 Pin (M 2 I 2 i 37 lbs 4 H Roll (TI) 2 I 2 in 37 lbs 5 Pin (M 3 I 2i5 19 lbs 4 H Roll (TI) 3 I 2 in 20 lbs 5 Pin (M 4 I 2 i l9 lbs 4 H Roll ff1) 4 I 2 in 20 lbs 5 Pin (TI') S I 2 in 21 lbs 4 H Roll (TI) 5 I 2 in 20 lbs 5 Pin (M 6 I 2 i I9Ibs 4 H Roll (TI) 6 I 2 in 20 lbs 5 Pin (TI) 7 I 2 in 32 lbs 4 H Roll (TI) . 7 I 2 in 33 lbs 5 Pin (TI) 0 I 2 in 19 lbs 4 H Roll (TI) 0 I 2 in 20 lbs 5 Pin (M 9 I 2i0 331b5 4 H Roll (Ti) 9 I 2 in 33 lbs 5 Pin (TI) 0 i 2 in -7 lbs S Pin (M 0 I 2 in -2 lbs H 4 H Roll (TI) 10 I 2 i 21bs Pin (TI) II I 2 in -7 lbs S Pin (TI) II I 2 in -2 lbs H 4 H Roll (TI) II I 2 in - 2 lbs Pin (TI) 12 I 2 in 45 lbs 5 Pi. (IT) 12 I 2 i -8 lbs H 4 H Roll (M12 I 2 in .10 lbs 5 Pin (TI) 13 I 2 in 12 lbs 4 H Roll (TI) 13 I 2 in 12 lbs S Pin (TI) 14 I 2 in 20 lbs 4 H Roll (rI) 14 I 2i0 291b5 Member Material CSI 37 lbs .18 lbs -It lbs Max P ( KEY MARK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I I . I Truss: I R05 JobName: 217 GSBuiId®System I Dale: 6/21/2016 3:21:04 PM GS Truss® I System: Amvon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: I of 2 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 1-9-I 0/12 I 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 12 in 9.6 lbs l-'+-M U I 1-4-9 1I911 -4-O 3-0-0 3-2-00-2 12 5 is 5s 4s 0-0-0 0-0-0 1-9-1 I 1-9-1 Circles indicate )lsnrener count in webs. Squats indicate Osrener count in chords.'Fasteners' indicates the nnn*rerofAnwonTS SS (112 or #12 SDS (AISI)fasteners; required at one end of the teen-her. Each 'sloe indicates the nunirerof #ssteners requited: (s) indicates the nnoerofAsroonTh SS 012 tobe installed on one side of the truss. ) indicales the nandrerofO 12 SOS (AISI) lobe installed on each side of the 10055. Whew connection plates are called out on this drawing a plate is required on each side of the truss. Rclitrto General Notes for trOherclatification. AllosysbtesbearperAttuon TS SS #12 llsslroeras follows: 27 wits: 402 lbs: 33 nuts: 544 lbs: 43 wits: 810 lbs: 54 rrdls: 1.138 lbs: 68 nuts: 1,610 lbs. Allowable shesnper#12 SOS (AISI)frsstcoeris calculated per the NASPEC 2007 wm•t SUPPLEMENT #2. Maintain fastener spacing at 5/0" ann. Maintain fisstetrer edge rssttsln at 5/8" trio for each sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed It 0.022 (1-2) TL:O in L/999 (1-2) L/240 BC 0.019(4-5) LU 0/n L/999 (1-2) L/360 Web: 0.024 (2.4) HnrzTU 0 in . 3 it Continuously Braced BC BracingSparne Reactions 0.019 Sparse 8 lbs L024 Uobmcd 25 lbs 0.008 Unbtneed 26 lbs 0.024 Unbrnoed -25 lbsJ 0.008 Unbtnced 10 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case LrI: Sod Live Load Distributed Loads Metier Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Starr Load End Load Trib Width Top Coot Down - Proj 20 psf 20 psf 12 in But Coot Down Proj 0 psf 0 psf 12 in Load Case DI: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Meother Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Lead Tnb Width Top Cool Down Rake 16 psf 16 psf 12 in But Coot Down Rake 6 psf 6 psf 12 in ALL GENERAL NO11iS OPTh1S DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE 114A111IE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON 11{IS SKEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Crick, Suite 102 1140 LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGIJJSA11ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEEr. Boulder, Color-ado 80301 ( KEY ARK GLOBAL SYSTEMS GSBuild®System GSTIUSS® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] . Truss: JobName: Date: System: Page: Report: R05 217 6/21/2016 3:21:04 PM Amcon 6.003 2 of 2 Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OFIL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 1-9-I 0/12 I 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 12 in 9.6 lbs Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) - Distributed Loads Mootur Location I locution 2 Direction Spread Stun Load - End Load Tab Width Top 1.4-9 1-9-I N Up Rake 19.25 psi 19.25 psi 12 in Top 0-0-0 -4-9 N Up Rote 29.83 psi 29.83 psi 12 in - Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads - - Mrsrbor Locution I Locution 2 Direction Spread Slot Load Eod Load Ttib Width - Top 1-4-9 1-9-I NUp Rake 15.41 psI 15.41 psi 12 in Top 0-0-0 1-4-9 N Up Rake 29.83 psi 29.83 psi 12 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads - Member Location I location 2 Dioctioo Spread Stun Load End Load 1db Width Top 14-9 1-9-I NUp Rake 4.I9 psi 4.I9 psi 12 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Monitor Location I Location 2 Diutction Spread Stan Load End Load TrW Width Top 0.0-0 -4-9 N Up Rake 83.14 psi 83.14 psI 12 in Tap 1-4-9 1-9-I N Up Rake 77.56 psi 77.56 psi 12 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) No toads were defined for this load case. Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) Distributed Loads Member Locution I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load 1db Width Top 1.4-9 1-9-I NDnwn Rake Opal 8pt1 12 in Automated Load Case LIO°: USC 101b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Member Locution I Locution 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Bat Coot Down Pioj 10 psi - 10 psi 12 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No loads were defined for this load case. I) This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is GableiHip with Building Category It, Mean RoofHeight 43 ft. Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has not been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations 0 Load Cotota Factor - I Dl . 1.000 2Dll-Ll .000 - 3 Dl +0.6 SF3 1.000 4DiE.6W8 .000 5 DI +0.6 W9 1.000 601+0.7 El .000 1 7 Dl * 0.45 W3 + 0.75 tel 1.000 8D1+045W3 1.060 9 DI +0.53 El ±0.75 ml 1.000 !0 06D1*06W1 II 0.6 Dl + 0.6 W2 1.000 12 06DI 06W4 1.000 13 0.601*0.7 EJ0.0I 1.000 t4 Dl +LIO 1.000 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Member ID. nato CSL nun axial force. (nasa con5ts farce iidilfe,rnl from nato axial forte) 7thd 1-2 0.022 5 lbs 2-3 0.003 6 lbs (-2 lbs) BChd 4-5 0.019 2 lbs (-I lbs) Webs 1-5 0.024 25 lbs (-25 lbs) 12.5 0.000 26 lbs (-5 lbs) 124 0.024 .25 lbs 134 0.008 10 lbs (-9 lbs) GUSSET PLATES - - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: - At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement oflateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6" of each panel point. - The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane of the truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" of the end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThl5 DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE - Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT T1411TRU55 ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEET'S THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR - 6707 Winchester Cricle, 5a6r 102 -I- THE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS. ANt) SPANS LISTED ON ThIS SHEEr Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T01 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobNarne: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:05 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 1 of3 Report: Eng Plot (K E V M A R K NX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78) gws TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 1-1-9 2.986/12 4 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 241n 3.6 lbs I- 1-1-9 0-10-0 1-1-6 0-0-0 0-0-0 1-1-9 1-1-9 Circles indicate 6sstenee coant its webs. Squares indicate fastener count in chords. "Fasteners" indicates the natthee ofAstronlS SS 412 or 012 sos (AISI) Ibstenets inquired stone end of the nrener. Each noIse indicates the nsteber of 0sstenets required: (s) indicates the nondine of Anton TSSS #12 to be installed on one side of the truss. (h) indicates the nstndee of# 12 SDS (AISI) to be installed on each side of the teats. Where connection plates are called out on this drawing opIate is requited on each side of the least. Re.. General Notes foellsnheeclssificotioo. Allowable shesepeeAstoon TS SS #12 thsteneess follows: 27 toIls: 402 lbs; 33 soIls: $44 lbs: 43 ntIs: 810 lbs; 54 oils: 1.138 lbs: 6$ ntis: 1.610 lbs.Allossobleshearper#I2 SOS (AIS()Essteneris calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT 82. Maintain lltstcnerspocingst 5/8' edo. Maintain fasterterecig nossein in 5/0 rein foreach sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed TC 0.028(1-2) TL Din L/999 (1-2) L/240 BC : 0.023 (3-4) LL' 0 i 1-/999 (1-2) L/360 Vshb: 0.031(1 -4) How IL 0 in 2 TIC ContinuouslyBraced BC BtsciogSpotse Reactions Summary H Roll (Ti') t I 2 in 25 lbs Pin (WL) 2 I 6 in 48 lbs H Roll (IT) 2 I 2 is 48 lbs Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 22 lbs Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 3 lbs H H Roll (ii) 3 I 2 in 17 lbs Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in 23 lbs Pin (WL) 4 I 6 i -l9 lbs H H Roll (VT) 4 I 2 in 38 lbs Pi. (WL) 5 I 6 i 25 lbs H Roll (TI) 5 I 2 in 25 lbs Pin (WL) 6 I 6 in 25 lbs H Roll (VT) 6 I 2 in 25 lbs Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 40 lbs Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 2 1t H H Roll (VT) 7 I 2 in 36 lbs Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 23 lbs Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 21b,II H Roll (l'I) 8 I 2 in 19 lbs Pin (WL) 9 I 6 in 42 lbs H Roll (11) 9 I 2 in 42 lbs Pin (WL) tO I 6 in -0 lbs Pi n (WL) 1 1, 6i0 .6 lbs H H Roll (IT) 10 I 2 in 4 lbs Pin (WL) It I 6 in 14 lbs Pin (WI,) II I 6 in 23 lbs H H Roll (IT) II I 2 in -7 lbs Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in -1 lbs Pi (WL) 12 I 6 i 70lbsH H Roll (VI) 12 I 2 in -73 lbs Pin (WL) 13 I 6 i 15 lbs HRoII(VI) 13 I 2 in IS lbs Pin(WL) 14 I 6 i 371bs H Roll (11) 14 I 2 in 37 lbs ITRS Upli8 Man C&C U1 Max Uplift Max -1 lbs -1 lbs 3 I 481b5 -7 lbs -73 lbs -73 lbs Member Material CSI Max P top i..fln i-u 1011.10 ta wit - Pot CIA ' 20lC20(50 Es) . 0.010 aneulnea " 0025 5poese' — 11 ins -48 lbs ' Web 1-4 I5C20 (50 Esi) 6-.03 1 Unbruced 41 lbs ,OOl IJnbtnced_ §8 lbs - Web 2-3 15C20(S0ksi) 0.016 Unbrnccd . 41 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Mother Locution I Locution 2 Direction Spinal Stun Load End Load Trib Width Top Cont Doses Proj 20 psi 20 psi 24 in Bet Cont Down Pwj 0 psf 0 psi 24 in ALL GENERAL NOTES 0PTh15 DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThlS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThAT114E Keymait Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThE1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON liES SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6703 Winchester Cticle, 5nisr 102 ThE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: TO 4231 Liberty Blvd. iobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:05 PM System: Amcon6.003 Page: 2of3 Report: Eng Plot E Y M A R 1< XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 781 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 1-1-9 2.986/12 4 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 3.6 lbs Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Starr Load End Load Trib Width Top Coot Dawn Rake 16 psi 16 psi 24in Bat Coot Down Rake 6 psI 6 psI 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Mendrer Location I Location 2 Directioo Spread Stan Load End Load Thb Width Top 0-0.0 1.1-9 N Up Rake 25.37 pat 25.37 psI 24 in Web t-4 Cost Right Rake 4.56 pal 4.56 pat 24 is Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads - Mentber Location I Location 2 Direction sptend Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top 0.0.0 1-1-9 N Up Rake t7.92 pal 37.92 pat 24 in Web -4 Coot Loft Rake 6.88 psI 6.88 pat 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Meniren Location t Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top 0.0.0 t-t-') N Up Rake 9.28 pat 9.29 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Merrtee Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib lhtdth Top 0.0.0 1-1-9 N Up Rake 77.56 pat 77.56 psI 24 in Web -4 Coot Loft Rake 44.08 pat 44.08 pat 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads . . Menirer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top 00.0 I-1-9 NDosoo Rake Opal Opal 24i0 Web 14 Coat Right Rake 16 psI 16 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No toads were defined for this toad case. Automated Load Case LIO': UBC I 01b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Me,rbee . Location t Location 2 Direction Spread stan Load End Load Trib Width Bot Cont Down Proj 10pal tO pal 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No toads were defined for this toad case. I) This truss has been designed in accordane with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psfbottomchord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance with ASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean Roof Height 43 ft. Overall Building Dimensions of 140 fix 63 ft. Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Proiae Region. Load Combinations 8 Load Corebo Factor I DI . 1.000 2 or, Lat -1.000 3 DI +0.6 W3 .000 4D1+06W8 1 000 S Dl +0.6 W9 .000 6Dt +07 El ___________________ t 000 _______________ 7 Dl * 0.45 W3 * 0.75 Let .000 8Dt*O45W3 _t000 9 DI +0.53 El + 0.75 Let .000 l006Dt*06W1 --------------- 3 11.000 _ It 0.6 Dl + 0.6 W2 1.800 l206Dtt06W4 1000 - - 13 0.6 Dl *0.7 P10.03 1.000 l4_DF+Lt0 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Mentber ID. nato CS!, nato axial town. (rma contra lowe itditletrnat tomrma axial tarot) TCbd -2 0.028 -33 lbs BChd 3-4 0.025 .48 lbs Webs .4 0.033 43 lbs 11.3 0.021 60 lbs (-IS lbs) 12-3 0.036 .41 lbs Truss-to--truss Connections Summary ID CnrriedTrosn Coar6ngTronn Casrdng00'ser Angle TO Tot Got .0-It _ ..... _________ 45de0 r.Tr6 T0t 602 _______________ 1-0-i 45 4eg GUSSET PLATES tP1I1LI1T1 - - - - - - - - - --- -- - ALL GENERAL NOTES OPThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PARTOPThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THATThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle, Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET 15oa1der, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: TO 4231 Liberty Blvd. jobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:05 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 3 of3 Report: Eng Plot K EY M ARK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OFIR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 1-1-9 2.986/12 4 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 241n 3.61bs Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofihis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6" of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced Laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OF THIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL PART OPWIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE WATTFIE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY WATT14E1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS WE MINIMUM APPUCABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Wjnchsw CicIe, Suite 102 WE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS. TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, CoIondo 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T02 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Dale: 6/21/2016 3:21:05 PM System Amcon 6.003 Page: 1 of3 Report: Eitg Plot E Y M A R K WX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] rows TRUSS 4 Pin (WL) I I 6 in 33 lbs 4 I 63 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) I I 2 in 33 lbn 3 I 63 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 2 I 6 is 63 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 2 I 2 in 63 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 is 28 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 is 4 lbs H 3 H Roll (II) 3 I 2 in 22 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 is 34 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in -20 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 4 I 2 in 47 lbs 4 Pin (WL) S I 6 in 33 lbs 3 H Roll (IT!) 5 I 2 in 33 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 6 I 6 in 33 lbs S H Roll (Ii) 6 I 2 in 33 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in SI lbs 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 3 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 7 I 2 in 47 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 29 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 3 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 8 I 2 in 25 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 9 I 6 is 55 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 9 I 2 in 35 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 in I lbs 4 Pin OWL) 10 I 6 is -3 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 10 I 2 in .6 lbs 4 Pin (WL) II I 6 in IS lbs 4 Pin (WL) II I 6 in 25 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) II I 2 in -5 lbs 4 Pin OWL) 12 I 6 in .16 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in 78 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 12 I 2 in .82 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 13 I 6 in 20 lbs 3 H Roll (rl) 13 I 2 in 28 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 4 I 6i0 48Ibs 3 H Roll (TI) 14 I 2 in 48 lbs Member Material CSI Brac: -6 lbs .82 lbs -82 lbs Max P SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 1-5-11 3.011/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 4.4 lbs I-p-I I 1-5- 0-10-0 1-2-7 3112 2s 1S 2 21 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1-5-11 i131 Circles indicate ttsteoeecossnt io webs. Squares indicate fastener cosot in chords. "Fasteners" indicates the osoiserofAstwonlS SS 012 oe#I2 SDS (Ant) tssteness required atone end of the ncnisee. Each sslse indicates the nsnisernf fasteners required: (s) indicates the tsots1seaofAsnrooTS SS #12 to be insulted noose side nitbe truss. ) indicates the osneeof0l2 SOS (AISI) to be installed on each side ofthe oust. Where connection plates ate called not on this drawing plate is required on each side ofshe tests. Refeeto Genentl Notes forllsnherclatificntion. Allowable sbeaepeeAstwon 1555012 5tsteneeos follows: 27 teSs: 402 lbs: 33 teSs: 544 lbs; 43 tails: 810 lbs: 54 edIt: 1.138 Ibs: 68 tails: I.610 lbt.Allowsblesheaeper6l2 SOS (AISt)ttsteneeis calculated per she NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT 82. Maintain fastener spacing at 5/0" rein. Maintain frsstenered nnsin at 5/8" rein breach sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection L/ (bc) Allowed IC : 0.051 (1-2) TL in L/999 (1.2) 1./240 BC 0.023 (34) LL:0 in L/999 (1-2) L/360 Web: 0.036 (14) HorzTL 0 in IC Continuously Braced BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Summary JT Tvne LC BC Breh5dd Reaction I iT BC BntChd34" "" 20TC20(50i)" 0.023 5p555f .56lbs J Web .4 15C20 (50 ksi) 0.036 Unbarred .54 lbs - Web I l5C20(50hs) -- 0021 U barred 681b5 3 Web 2-3 I5C20 (SO ksi) 0.821 Unbtnced .54 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. - Loads Summary Load Case Lr1: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Meetiser Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load lad Load Trib Width Top Cent Down Proj 20 psf 20 psf 24 in But Curt Down Proj 0 psf 0 psf 24 in ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTI1IS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART 0F11415 COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTHE Keymait Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SISAL INDICATES ONLY THAT 114E1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEEr MEETS 11413 MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cdcle, Suite 182 THE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURA11ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET. Bnslder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T02 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:05 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 2 O Report: Eng Plot E Y M A R K Nax GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GSBuild®Systcm GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] rows TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHP PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 1-5-1I 3.011/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 4.4 lbs Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Mendser Location I Location 2 Direction Spread StatS Load End Load Tttb Width Top Coat - Down Rake 16ps1 I6psf 24 in Bot Can Down Rake 6 psI 6 psI 24 in Automated Load Case Wi: MWFRS-Lcft(Up) Distributed Loads - Menber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tub Width Top 0.0.0 1-5-11 N Up Rake 25.25 psI 25.25 psI 24 in Web 1.4 Coot Right Rake 14.56 psI 14.56 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Menthee Location I - Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Ttib Width Top 0.0.0 . I-S-I I N Up . Rake 17.9 psI 17.9 psI 24 in Web 1.4 . Coot Loft Rake 16.00 psI 16.00 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Do) Distributed Loads Menter Location t Location 2 Direction Sprend Stan Load End Load Ttib Width Top 0.0.0 1-5-I1 N Up Rake 9.29 pal 9.29 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Menter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tub Width Top 0.0.0 I-S-Il N Up Rake 77.56 psI 77.56 psI 24 in Web .4 Coot Loft Rake 44.00 psI 44.00 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Meoter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tub Width Top 0.0.0 I-S-I I N Down Rake Opal Opal 24 in Web 1.4 Coot Right Rube 16 psI - 16 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) - No toads were defined for this toad case. Automated Load Case LI 0°: UBC lOib Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads - Metthcr . Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tb Width Bot Coot Down Pwj tO psI tO psI 2410 User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No toads were defined for this toad case. I) This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psfbottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance with ASCE7 - 10, 110 mph -l.Jltimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean Roof Height 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 fix 63 ft. Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 63 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The tight end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations - S Loud Conbo . Factor I Dl . 1.000 201*Lit 000 1 3 Di +0.6 W3 _t.000 Dl+06WO _I000_ 5 01*0.6 W9 1.000 6Dl+07EI imo 7 D1 +0.45 W3 +0.75 Lol .000 Dl +0 45w o 3T" 000 9 Dl +0.53 El *0.75 tel 1.000 10 0601*06W1 .-1.000 II 0.601*0.6 W2 1.0oo l2 06DI+O6W4 1000 1 3 0.601 * 0.7 Ff0.01 1.000 L4 0L*LIO 1000 1 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Metrber ID. eats CSI, now saint force, (own coupe Force ildi(Tbtent &ommta saint lowe) TChd 1-2 0.031 -19 lbs BChd 34 0.023 -36 lbs Webs .4 0.036 .54 lbs 1-3 0.021 68 lbs (-14 Ibs) 2-3 0.021 -54 lbs Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID Carried Twin ConyingTwss CanngOOket Angle TT2 102 GO] 2-2.8 45 d GUSSET PLATES fI11(etT1 - - - - - - - - - - -n-- ALL GENERAL NOflIS OFTEIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE 11IATTHE Keymatic Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT THEIRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON OIlS SHEET MEETS 1148 MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cticle. Suite 102 THE LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T02 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:05 PM - System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 3of3 Report: Eng Plot E Y M A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 1-5-1I 3.011/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 4.41b5 Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6' of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6' ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT NE1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE' MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Ctick, Suite 02 THE WADS, LOADING coNDmoNs, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON '0415 SHUT Boulder, Colorodo 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T03 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:05 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: I 0f2 Report: Eng Plot E Y M A R K Nax GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] rows TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 1-11-15 3.008/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 5.5 lbs I-I 1-13 1-11-15 0-10-0 1 -4-0 2s 3 12 0-0-0 0-0-0 Circles indicate thsteoercoarsr in webs. Squares issdicote llsslessercoans its chords. Fasteness indicates the sssrrbeeofAnwoaTS SS 912 0r012 SOS (AISI) llrsteness required as ooeessd oftheoreotser. Each value indicates she nsrsberoffastessens seqoirod: (s) indicates she oanisee ofAmsoaTS SS #12 to be installed on one side of the truss. ) indicates the r.ssstheroft 12 SOS (AISI) lobe installed on each side of the truss. Where connection ptntes are called out on this dessvin& a plate is required on each side of the truss. Refer to General Notes forflorherctrnificution. Attotvnbte shearperAarron 15 ss #12 toteneros follows: 27 oils: 402 lbs: 33 soils: 544 lbs; 43 soils: 810 lbs: 54 oils: 1.138 lbs: 68 oats: 1.610 lbs.Allowable shenrper0l2 SDS (AISI) tssteneris calculated per she NASPEC 2007 Wfli-1 SUPPLEMENT #2. Maintain fastener spacing ot 5/8' n-Ott. Maintain tssteneredW nolan at 518" eOn for each sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection L/ (bc) Allowed 1C 0.111(1-2) it: 0.01 in L1999 (1-2) L/240 BC 0.047 (34) LL: 0 in L/999 (1.2) L/ 360 Web: 0.043 (14) Horn it: 0 in IC Continuously Braced BC Brnciog Sparse Reactions Summary 4 Pin (WL) I I 6 in 45 lbs 4 I 85 lbs 3 H Roll (IT) I I 2 in 45 lbs 3 I 85 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 2 I 6 in 85 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 2 I 2 in 85 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 36 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 6 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 3 I 2 in 31 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in 49 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in -21 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 4 I 2 in 60 lbs 4 Pin (WL) S I 6 in 45 lbs 3 H Roll (fl) 5 I 2 in 45 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 6 I 6 in 45 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 6 I 2 in 45 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 69 lbs 4 Pin )WL) 7 I 6 in 4 lbs H 3 H Roll (FF1 7 I 2 in 64 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 39 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 4 lbs H 3 H Roll (11) 8 I 2 in 34 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 15 I 6 in 75 lbs 5 H Roll (TI) 9 I 2 in 75 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 10 I 6i0 I lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 10 I 2 in -8 lbs 4 Pin (WL) II I 6 i 141bs 4 Pin (WL) II I 6 i 28 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) II I 2 in -3 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in -35 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in 91 lbs I-I 3 H Roll (II) 12 I 2 in .97 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 13 I 6 i 271b5 3 Il Roll (TI) 13 I 2 in 27 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 14 I 6 in 65 lbs 3 14 Roll (Fl) 14 I 2 in 65 lbs Member Material CSI Braci -8 lbs -97 lbs -97 lbs Max P Rot Chid 7A1 ,20TC20(S0lui) "0.047 Sparse -69lbs Web 1-4 15C20 (80 Ini) 0.043 Unheated . -73 lbs With I 3 - 15C20 (50 Ia) ---0.024' - U bsoced, - - 75 lbs - Web2-3 - 15C20(50ksi) - - 0.038 lJobtnced 761bs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case LrI: Std Live Load Disleibuted Loads Menirer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread St. Load d End Load Coot Down Trib Width Top Proj 20 psf 20 psI 24 in Bot Cons Down Proj 0 psf 0 psf 24 in Load Case Di: Std Dead Load Dislribuled Loads Meniee Location I Locution 2 Direction Spread SIan Load End Load Tsib Width Top Cool Down Rube 16ps1 16ps1 24i5 Sot Coos Doses RaIse 6 nsf 6 nsf 24 in ALL GENERAL NOTES OFii4IS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPTRIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymatic Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT TRE11EUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETSThE MINIMUMAPPLICABLI) DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester COde, Suite 102 ThE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONPIGURA11ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Color-ado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss 4231 Liberty Blvd. South Gate CA 90280 (KE Y M A R K GLXX OBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System 05 Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] sws ITRUSS Truss: T03 JobName: 217 Date: '6/21/2016 3:21:06 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 2of2 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING , WGTIPLY 1-1 1-15 3.008/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 5.5 lbs Automated Load Case WE MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Mentor Locution I Location 2 Direction Spread Star Load End Land Trib Width Top 000 1-1 1-15 N Up Rake 25.26 psI 25.26 psI 24 in Web -4 Cont Ritt Rake 4.56 psI 14.56 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Menter Locution I Locution 2 Direction Spread Stan Land End Load Trib width Top 0-0-0 1-1 1-15 ' NUp Robe 17.91 psI 17,91 psI 24 in Web 1-4 Coat Loft Rake 16.88 psI 16.08 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Mentor Locution I Locution 2 Direction Spread Sun Land End Load Tnb Width Top 000 1-1 1-15 N Up Robe 9.29 psI 9.29 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) - - Distributed Loads Menter Locution I Locution 2 Direction Spread Star Land End Land Trib Width Top 0.0.0 1-1 1-15 N Up Rake 77,56 par 77.56 psI 24 in Web 1-4 Cost Loft Rota 44.08 paf 44.08 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Lefl(Min) Distributed Leads Mester Location I Locution 2 Direction Spread Stan Land End Land Trib Width Top - 0.0-0 I-lI-IS NDossss Rota ' Opsl Opal 24in Web 1-4 Cant Right Rota 16 pal 16 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No toads were defined for this tend ease. Automated Load Case L105: USC lOib Live Load on Bottom Chord Disaibused Loads Mentor Laoninn I Location 2 Direction Spread Stat Land Cod Land Ttib Width Bat Coot Down Ptoj 10 Psi 10 pal 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No lends were defined for this lend ease. This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is GableIHip with Building Category II, Mean RoofHeight 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 63 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. - Load Combinations Land Canto Factor I Dl 1.000 - 1.000 3 01+0.6 W3 1.000 ,4Dl *06W0 i.000-- ____________ 5 01+0.6 W9 1.000 6DI'O7El —1.00-0- 7 Dl +0.45 W3 *0.75 Lot 1.000 8D1 *045W3 1000 1 9 DI + 0.53 CI * 0.75 1,1 , 1.000 tOO6Dl*O6Wl II 0.6 DI ±0.6 W2 1.000 - - 1,000 t2 06Dl'4-06W4 1.000 3 0,601 + 0.7 E'O.ot 1401 Lb _____________________ I 000 "I Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Menter ID, auto C51, non axial lana, (nuts conpa lawn ildillesena Irons nan uniat Cocci TChd -2 0,111 -27 lb, BCbd 3.4 0.047 -69 lbs Webs 1 1-4 0.043 -73 lbs -3 0.024 75 lbs (.14 lbs) 12-3 0.030 76 lbs (-73 Ibs) Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID Corned Truss CnrrogTrnss Curr)ing00bet Antde Tn 103 002 2-11-6 45 deg GUSSET PLATES - — - — - — - — -- — ------------- — Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement oflateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6" of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" ofthe end ofeach chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDIEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT 11411TRU55 ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS sHEar MEEtS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR . 6707 Winchester Cricle, Suite 102 THE LOADS. LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURA11ONS. AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SKEET Boulder. Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T04 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Dale: 6/21/2016 3:21:06 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 1 o173 Report: Eng Plot (KE Y M A R K SAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] gws TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 3-1-9 2.995/12 4 0-0-0 . 0-0-0 I 24 in 8.1 lbs --3-7-9 3-1-9 0-10-0 1-7-6 0-0-0 0-0-0 3-1-9 3-1-9 Circles indicate Ilsstcnercount in webs. Squares indicate 5sstcnercount in chords."Fasteners" indicates the nonirerofAatooaTS SS #12 or#12 SOS (AIS Ibsteness reqoited at one end ofthe natsther. Each salon indicates the nutcherof Ibsteners reqoited: (s) indicates the nunerofp.atcnnTS SS #12 to be installed on one side of the truss. (b) indicates the narrberofftl2 SOS (AlSO to be installed on each side of the trots. Whew connection plates ore called out on this drawing a plate is required on each side of the torso. Refeeto General Notes for lhrtherclotificasion. Allowable shearperAnatoo TS SS #12 foutenernu follows: 27 ntIs: 402 lbs; 33 oils: 544 fos; 43 nob: 810 lbs: 54 reds: 1.138 lbs: 68 oils: 1.610 lbs.Allowable sheurperft12 SOS (AISI) fosrener is calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT 02. Maintain Ontener spacing or 5/8 ntis. Maintain #tssener ed nssrgbs ax 5/8 sin Oar each sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection L/ (bc) Allowed TC : 0.504(1.2) TL 0.04 in L/768 (1.2) L/240 BC : 0.195 (3-4) LL, 0.02 in L/999 (1-2) L/360 Web: 0.056 (1-4) Hnrzll: 0 in IC Continuously Braced BC Bracing Sparse Reactions IT Type LC BC Br9 Wtd Reaction 4 Pin (WL) 1 I 6 in 70 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 1 I 2 in 70 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 2 I 6 is 133 lbs 3 H Roll (11) 2 I 2 is 133 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 is 56 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 9 lbs H 3 . HR oll (TI) 3 I 2 in 50 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in 81 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in -24 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 4 I 2 in 90 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 70 lbs 3 H Roll Cr1) 5 I 2 in 70 lbs 4 Pin (ML) 6 I 6 in 70 lbs 3 H Roll (Tl 6 I 2 in 70 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 61n 107 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 7 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 7 I 2 in 102 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 60 lbs 4 Pin (ML) 8 I 6 in 7 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 8 I 2 in 55 lbs 4 Pin (ML) 9 I 6 is III lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 9 I 2 i II7lbs 4 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 i I lbs 4 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 i 9 lbs H 3 H Roll (rI) 10 I 2 in -12 lbs 4 Pin (WL) II 1 6 i 16 lbs 4 Pin (WL) II 1 6 in 34 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) II I 2 is I lbs 4 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in -73 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in 117 lbs H 3 H Roll (11) 12 I 2 in .134 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 13 I 610 42 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 13 I 2 in 42 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 14 I 6 i 102 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 14 I 2 in 102 lbs Member Material BotCbd3-4 2ç20(501ni T_1 l5 c ._.95Ibs - - Web 1-4 lSC20 (50 ksi) 0.056 Unbraced -114 lbs WbI3 15C20(50ks) 063I Ubrnd 99 lbs Web 2-3 I5C20 (50-6i) - 0.051 - Unbracod - - 122 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Menirer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stun Load End Load Trib Width Top Coat Onsets Ptoj 20 psI 20 psf 24 is But Coat Down Ptoj II psI 0 psI 24 in ALL GENERAL NOTES 0F1141S DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART 0F1141S COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTHE I Keymaile Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT 1141/TRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cr/etc, Suite 102 THE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder. Colorado 80301 Summary ST BC Max React Mao Grsv Uplift Max MWPRS Uplift Mao C&C Uplift Max Uplift 4 I 133 lbs -73 lbs -73 lbs 3 I 133 lbs -12 lbs -134 lbs .134 lbs CSI Brac Max P SWS Panel & Truss . Truss: T04 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 - South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:06 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 2of3 Report: Eng Plot (K E Y M A R K XX GLOBAL. STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS . SPACING WGT/PLY 3-1-9 2.995/12 4 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 8.1 lbs Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads - Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Tub Width Top Cool Down Rake 16pa1 16 pal . 241n Bot Cool Do— Rake 6 pal 6 pal 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Tub Width Top 0-0-0 3.1.9 N Up Rake 25.32 pal 25.32 psI 24 in Web 14 Coal Right Rake 14.56 pal 14.56 pal 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Disibuisd Loads Mother Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Tb Width 1 Top 0.0.0 3.1.9 N Up Rake 17.92 pal 17.92 psI 24 in Web -4 Coal Left Rake 16.00 pal 16.80 pal 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Mother Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Trib Width Top 0-0-0 3.1-9 N Up Rake 9.29 pal 9.29 pal 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load — T6b Width - Tap 0-0-0 3-1-9 N Up Rake 77.56 pal 77.56 pal 24 in Web 14 Coat Left Rake 44.00 pal 44.08 pal 24 in - Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Mentaee Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Tub Width Top 0.0.0 3.1-9 N Doacat Rake Opal Opal 24 in Web 14 Coat Right Rake 16 pal 16 pal 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No loads were defined for this toad case. Automated Load Case LIOn: UBC lOib Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Tb Width Bat Coal Down Pwj 10 pal 10 pal 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No toads were defined for this load case. I) This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance with ASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean Roof Height 4311, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 fix 63 11, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not ins Hurricane Prune Region. Load Combinations 0 Load Canto Factor I DI 1.000 J.000 "1 3 DI +0.6 W3 1.000 '4,DI +O6Wt DI *0.6 W9 1.000 6D 1+07E1 1000.......,................. 7 DI +0.45 W3 +0.75 Lal 1.000 fft bI+O.45W3-- 1.000 9 DI * 0.53 El * 0.75 Id 1.000 10 06D1*06Wt 1000 II 0.6 Dl * 0.6 W2 1.000 12 0601+06W4 1.000 1 13 0.6 Dl+0.7 EI0.0I 1.000 l4Dl +Lt0 - 1000 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Mother ID. urns CS!, rraa axial force. (tma enn5ta farce ildiffecraal 0mm ama axial fawn) Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID Carried Truss CaaringTnaaa Can7ingO0ket . Anek T 704 GOt 4-6-I0 45 deg __________ TF0 TO4 G02 4-410 —45 deg GUSSET PLATES - - - - - - - - - - - - ALL GENERAL NOTES OF THIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL PART OI'THIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThAT1S4E Keymait Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cticle, Suite 102 ThE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON ThiS SHEER . Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T04 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:06 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 3of3 Report: Eng Plot K EYMARKK GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78) SPAN PITCH QTY 01-IL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 3-1-9 2.995/12 4 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in . 8.1 lbs Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement oflateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6' ofeaeh panel point. The end ofevery chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL OliN RAL NOTES OF THIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL PART OPThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT ThI3TEUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON 15115 SKEET MEETS THE' MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Wincbmr Cicte, Suite 102 THE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON 11415 SHEET. Boulder,CoIomIo 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T05 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:06 PM System Anscon 6.003 Page: I of3 Report: Eng Plot E V M A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OFtL OH]). PLYS SPACING WGTJPLY 3-5-11 3.004/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 8.9 lbs 3-5-11 0-10-0 1-8-7 2s 0-0-0 0-0-0 3-5-11 Malli Circles indicate tsssener coons in webs. Squares indicate Ilrstessrrcnssns in chords. "Fasteners" indicates the nun-her of AmonlS SS 012 or#I2 SOS (AISI) fasteners required atone end of she noniser. Each valor indicates she nossirerof fasteners required: (s) indicates the nssnd,erof Amon IS SS #12 to be installed or. one side of the tress. n) indicates the nondsrrof#12 SOS (AISUso be installed on each side of the tress. Where connection plates ass coiled out on this drawing, o plate is required on each side of the tress. Referso General Noses for fosrheeclosificotioss. Allowable shearperAssuton IS SS #52 tsssesser ss follows: 27 soils: 402 by; 33 soils: 544 lbs: 43 soils: #10 lbs: 54 tnt.: 1.138 Ibs: 68 rails: 1.610 tbs.Allowablr sheorpee#12 SOS (AISI) tsssessee is calculated pershe NASPEC 2007 WITH SI.lPPLElsIENT#2. Maintain fastener spacing tsl 518 rein. Maintain fissseneredW nssrio at S/0 rein lbreoeh sheesofssrrl connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed it : 0.773 (1-2) itt 0.06 in L/ 568 (1-2) L/240 BC : 0.298 (3.4) LL-- 0.03 in L/999 (1-2) L/360 Web: 0.860 (14) Horse itt 0 in I IC ConsinsooslyBsrsccd BC BescingSpnsse Reactions IT Type LC BC Big Wsd Reaction 4 Pin (WL) 1 1 6 in 78 lbs 3 H Roll (TT) 2 o 78 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 2 6 in 140 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 2 1 2 in 1481b5 4 Pin (WL) 3 1 6 in 62 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 3 1 6 in l0 lbs H 3 H Roll (Ii) 3 2 in 56 lbs 4 Pi. WL) 4 60 901b5 4 pin (WL) 4 I 6 n -24 His H 3 H Roll (TI) 4 I 2 in 99 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 78 lbs 3 H Roll (ITT) 3 I 2 in 78 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 6 1 6 in 78 lbs 3 H Roll ffI) 6 2 in 781b5 4 Pin (WL) 7 6 n 118 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 7 1 60 7 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 7 1 2 in 113 lbs 4 Pi. (WL) B 6 in 66 lbs 4 Pin (WL) B 6 in 7 lbs H 3 HRoII(I'I) ft 2 i 61 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 9 6 i 130 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 9 I 2 i I30lbs 4 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 i I lbs 4 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 i l2 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 10 I 2 in -13 lbs 4 Pin (OIL) II I 6 is 17 lbs 4 Pin (WL) II I 6 is 36 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) II I 2 in 2 lbs 4 Pin (OIL) 12 I 6 in -04 His 4 Pi. (WL) 12 I 6 i l23 lbs H 3 H Roll (CT) 12 I 2 in -146 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 13 I 6 i 47 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 13 I 2 in 47 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 14 I 6i5 113 lbs 3 H Roll (Ii) 14 I 210 113 lbs Member Material - 201C20(501rsi) - - = - 0.298 :Tspe: - :._ - -105 lb ' Web -4 $C20 (50 led) 0.060 Unbssced -527 lbs Wcbj-), - 5C20(50ksi). - 0.033 Unbctced 106-lbs Web 2-3 15C20 (50 ksi) 0.059 Uobsoced 136 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Oislnleted Loads Mrrrther Location I Location 2 Direction spread Sssn tool Iissd Load Trib Walsh Top Cost Doses Psnj 20 psf 20 psI 24 in Bos Cons Doses Psnj 0 psf 0 psI 24 in ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDISREDAS AN INTEGRAL PARTOF1141S COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY THATTHISTRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET lclELrrS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Criele, Suite 102 THE LOADS, LOADING CONOmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 Summary IT BC Moo React Mao (less Uplift Mao MWFRS Uplift Moo C&C Uplift Max Uplil 4 I 148 lbs -04 lbs -84 lbs 3 I 148 lbs .13 lbs -146 lbs -146 lbs CSI Brac Max P SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T05 4231 Liberty Blvd. jobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:06PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 2of3 - Report: Eng Plot (qIl0E V M A R K AL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY . OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 3-5-I1 3.004/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 8.9 lbs Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Member Location t Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tub Width Top Coot Down Rake 16p51 16p51 24 in Bol Cont Down Rake 6 psi 6 psi 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Member Locution I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load T,ib Width Top 0.0.0 3-5-11 N Up Role 25.20 psi 25.28 psi 24 in Web -4 Cent Right Rake 14.56 psi 4.56 psi 24 is Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS.Right(Up) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stint Load End Load Tub 'Mdih Top 0-0-0 3.5.11 N Up Rake 17.91 psi 17.91 psi 24 in Web 1.4 Cant Loft Rake 16.88 psi 16.88 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Fad Load Tub Width Top 0-0-0 3-5-1I N Up Rake 9.29 psi 9.29 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top 0-0-0 3-5-11 N Up Rake 77.56 psi 77.56 psi 24 is Web 14 Cant Left Rake 44.00 psi 44.00 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Member Location I Locution 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tsib Width Top 0.0.0 3-5-1I N Down Rake 8 psi 8 psi 24 in Web 14 Coot Right Rite 16 psi 16 psi 24 is Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No toads were defined for this toad case. Automated Load Case LIO': UBC I 01b Live Load on Bottom Chord - Distributed Loads Member Location I Locution 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tnb Width Bat Cant Down Ptnj tO psi 10ps1 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No toads were defined for this toad case. - I) This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance with ASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean Roof Height 43 ft. Overall Building Dimensions of 140 fix 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not ins Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations Load Coirha Faetar I DI 1.000 2D1 *1,1 1000 3 Dl + 0.6 W3 ____________________________________________________________________________ .000 40.6W8 .080 -J P DI + 0.6 W9 1.000 601+07E1 (.000- 7 DI +0.45 W3 * 0.75 Let 1.008 8Dt+045W3:. 1000 1 9 Dl *0,53 El *0.75 Lii - 1.008 I0 06 Dl +06 Wt 1000 It 0.6 Dl *0.6 W2 - 1.000 12 '06D1+06W4 1050 3 0.6 DI *0.7 14/0.01 1.000 14Di+Ll0 " 1000 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Member tD. man CSI, asia axial lowe. (nan contt fawn ifdiffcreni 8am non axial fawn) TCbd 11-2 0.773 49 lbs - I I I Ttuss-to-truss Connections Summary ID CaaiedTniss ConyingTnass ConisgOflker Angle Tr4 105 001 0-0-7 45 deg GUSSET PLATES Ti1I1Le1 - - - - - - - - - ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE 114ATTh1! Keymatic Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT 10141RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR - 6787 winchester Cticic, Sake 102 THE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, -MUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS. AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET. 6707 Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T05 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:06 PM System: Ameon 6.003 Page: 3 of3 Report: Eng Plot (KEvM A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 781 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 3-5-11 3.004/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 241n 8.91bs Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement oflateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6 "of each panel point. The end ofevery chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6' ofthe end ofeach chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OF Tins DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY NAT TT-IETRU5S ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Wincl,ester Cdclo. Soicc 102 NE WADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHE Et Boaldor, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T06 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:07 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 1 of3 Report: Eng Plot E Y M A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] sws I R U S 5 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 3-11-15 3.004/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 11.1 lbs .3- I 1-13 3-11-15 0-10-0 1-10-0 2s 0-0-0 0-0-0 3-11-15 3-11-15 Circles indicate thsteoercosot in webs. Squares indicate 5ssteoercoant in chords. Fasteoets" indicates the nstthcrof Amon I'S SS #12 or# 12 SOS (AISI) llssreoers required atone end of the owoi,er. Each color indicates the ounterof Essleners requited: (s) indicates the aoojrer ofMnron IS SS #12 to be installed on ones idc of the tmss. (h) indicates he ootrter of# 12 sos (Also to be installed On each side of he truss. Where connection plates =called 00100 this drawing, a plate is required on each side of the 10555. Refer to General Noses for fisoherclatificatioo. AllosvoblesheorperAtsron 1555 #12 Eroreneras follows: 27 rails: 402 lbs: 33 mIs: 544 lbs: 43 stills: 810 lbs; 54 salts: 1,138 lbs: 68 tints: 1,610 lbs.Allowable shear per012 SOS (AISI) lltsteneris calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT 92. Maintain fastener spacing at 5/8" mm. Maintain fastener edg ooeojn at 5/0" rain for each sheer of steel connected. CSI Deflection L/ (bc) Allowed it 0.703 (1-2) 11 0.04 in L/986 (1.2) L/ 240 BC 0.520 (3-4) IL 0.02 in 11999 (1-2) LI 360 Web: 0.070 (2-3) FIoraTL- 0 i it Continuously Braced BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Summary Reaction I iT BC Mao React Mao Gtnv (bluff Max 3 H Roll (Fr) I I 2 in 90 lbs 3 I 170 lbs -14 lbs -163 lbs 4 Pin 't_) 2 I 6 in 170 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 2 I 2 in 170 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 71 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in II lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 3 I 2 in 64 lbs 4 Pin (WI) 4 I 6 in lOS lbs 4 Pin (WI) 4 I 6 in -26 lbs H 3 H Roll (11) 4 I 210 113 lbs 4 Pin (WI) 5 I 6 in 90 lbs 3 II Roll (IF) 5 I 2 in 90 lbs 4 Pin (WI) 6 I 6 in 90 lbs 3 H Roll (ii) 6 I 2 in 90 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 61n 136 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 i 8 lbs H 3 HRoll(TI') 7 I 210 131 lbs 4 Pi. (WI) 8 I 6 in 76 lbs 4 Pin (WI) 8 I 6 in 8 lbs H 3 H Roll (Fl) 8 I 2 in 71 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 9 I 610 150 lbs 3 H Roll (Ii) 9 I 2 in ISO lbs 4 Pin (WL) 10 I 610 I lbs 4 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 i l6 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 10 I 210 .14 lbs 4 Pin (WI) II I 6 in 19 lbs 4 Pin (WI) It I 6 in 38 lbs H 3 H Roll (Fr) II I 2 in 3 lbs 4 Pin (WI) 12 I 6 in -161 lbs 4 Pin (WI) 12 I 6 in 137 lbs II 3 H Roll (Fl) 12 I 2 i -163 lbs 4 Pi. (WI) 13 I 610 54 lbs 3 H Roll (Fl) 13 I 210 54 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 14 I 6 i 1301b5 3 H Roll (FI) 14 I 2 in 130 lbs Member Material CSI Bracing - Max P Top Chd 1-2 30it20 (50 lcsi) 0.703 Sheathed -56 lbs Bar Chd 34 _ 20It20 (50 1w) - 0 520 Spasse 113 lbs Web 1.4 - 15C20 (50 li) 0.065 - Unbrnced - - - -146-lbs - Web 1.3 15C20 (50 Is) - - - 0037 1.5 braced 117 lbs Web 2-3 I500 (50 ksi) 0.070 Unhtoced 155 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case LrI: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Metrter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top Coot Down Ptj 20 psf 20 psf 24 in Bal Cons Dossss Proj 0 psf 0 psf 24 in ALL GENERAL NOTES 0P1141S DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE 11-1A1114E Keymatie Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT THETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS 1140 MINIMUMAPPLICABIE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle, Suite 102 THE LOADS. LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURA11ONS. AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEEr. Boulder, Colorado 80301 -163 lbs SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T06 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:07 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 2of3 Report: Eng Plot E V M A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 3-11-15 3.004/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 11.1 lbs Load Case DI: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Mother Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stow Load End Load Tnb Width Top Coot Down Rake 16po1 16 psI 24io Sot Cont - Dom Rake 6 ptf 6 pof 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Mother Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stat Load Rod Load 1db Width Top 0.00 3.11-15 N Up Rake 25.28 psI 23.28 psf 24in Web 1.4 Coot Right Robe 14.56 psI 14.56 psI 2410 Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Men*,er Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Loot End Load 1db Width Top 00.0 3.11.15 N Up Rake 17.91 psI 17.91 psI 24 in Web 14 Coot Loft Rake 16.88 psI - 6.88 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Mother Location t Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tnb Width Top 0.0.0 3-11-15 N tip Rake 9.29 psI 9.29 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Men*er Location t Location 2 Direction I Spread Start Load End Load Thb Width Top 000 3-11-15 N Up Rake 77.56 psI 77.56 pot 24 in Web 14 Coot Loft Rake 44.08 pal 44.08 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Metrber Location t Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load . End Load 1db Width Top 0.0.0 3-I1-I5 NDown Rake Opal tpsl 24 in Web 14 Coot Right Rake 16 psI 16 psI 24 in Automated Load CaseW9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No toads were defined for this toad case. Automated Load Case Ll0*: UBC 101b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Mother Location t Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tnb Width But Coot Dom Pnaj to psI to psI 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No toads were deftned for this toad case. This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean Roof Height 43 It, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 It x 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not ins Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations 0 Load Cottho Factor I Dl 1.000 2DILit t.000 3 DI +0.6 W3 ______________________________________________________________________ .000 4Dl+06W8, ._. •..__.t000 __________________ .1 S Dt + 0.6 w, - 1.000 60+0701 .-_---- 1000 7 Dt *0.45 W3 +0.75 1.11 1.000 8Dt*045w3 - _________________ _t000 9 Dl + 0.53 Et + 0.75 Let 1.000 108601+06Wt 080 11 0.6 Dt *0.6 w2 - 1.000 t266Dt'06w4 ._.........1050 - IS 0.6 DI +0.7 E'O.ot 1.000 1401+Lt0 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Mother ID, scax CSt, tmo aaiat force. (onto canitr force ildillereot Irons trail axial force) ltbd 1.2 0.703 -56 lbs BChd 3-4 0.520 -IS lbs Webs 114 0.065 -146 lbs -3 0.037 117 lbs (18 lbs) 2-3 0.070 155 lbs (.146 lbs) Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID Carried Truss CoetingTwoo Coning000er Ane rIO 106 G02 3.9.3 45 deg GUSSET PLATES ILt1TI f I111te1T1 - - - - - - - - - - - ALL GENERAL NOTES OF114tS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThtS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThAT114E Keymai* Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT T1401RU55 ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON 111]S SHEET MEETS 1110 MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle, Suite 102 THE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, 'TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET ' Boulder. Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T06 4231 Liberty Blvd. jobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:07PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 3 of3 Report: Eng Plot (_ GLOBAL kE Y M A R K STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 3-11-15 . 3.004/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 11.1 lbs Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6' of each panel point. The end ofevery chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6' ofthe end ofeach chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DF.SIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymaric Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON ThIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 WincheerC6cl, Suite102 THE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS. TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET. Boulder, Cotomto 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T07 4231 Liberty Blvd. jobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:07 PM Systent Amcon 6.003 Page: 1 of3 - Report: Eng Plot E V M A R K GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 5-1-9 2.997/12 4 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 13.7 lbs 2-6-12 5-1-9 0-10-0 2-1-6 3s rT5 0-0-0 0-0-0 2-6-12 2-6-12 2-6-12 5-1-9 Circles indicate fisotener coons in webs. Squares indicate trutrner count in chords. "Fasteners' indicates the nurebeeolAanaronl'S SS 912 or#12 SOS (MSI) thsteners required or one end of she reenter. Each anise indicates she nurtherof fisstenens "sired: (a) indicates the nunter ofAnwon 'I'S SS fit2 to be installed on one side of the torts. (b) indicates the osnbeeof# 12 SOS (Also to be installed on each side of the torus. Where connection plates are wiled out on this drawing plate is required on each side of the truss. Refer to General Notes foe tsnbrecladfication. AttosvabteshersrperAoraron IS SS #12 ttstenerns follows: 27 rods: 402 lbs; 33 ndls: 544 lbs; 43 nrsls: 810 lbs: 54 torts: 1.138 lbs: 68 wilt: 1,610 lbs.Altowubte sheurpre#12 SDS (AISI) Esslenreis calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT 82. Maintain fastener spacing st 5/8" rein. Maintain Essreneeed 5/_ rrdn for each sheer of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed 'IC 0.194(1-2) 'IL: 0.02 in L/999 (1-2) L/240 BC : 0.147 (4.5) LL 0.01 in L/999 (I-?) L/360 Web: 0.230 4) How 'fl, 0 i 3 - 'IC Conrin000sly Braced BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Summary 6 Pin (WL) I I 6 in 115 lbs 6 I 218 lbs -135 lbs -135 lbs 4 H Roll (TI') I I 2 in 115 lbs 4 I 218 lbs -18 lbs -203 lbs -203 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 2 I 6 in 218 lbs 4 H Roll (TI) 2 I 2 in 218 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 is 91 lbs 6 Pi. (WL) 3 I 6i5 l4 lbs H 4 H Roll (Ii) 3 I 2 in 83 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 i 136 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in -28 lbs H 4 H Roll (TI) 4 I 2 is 144 lbs 6 Pin (WI) 5 I 6 in 115 lbs 4 H Roll (Ii) 5 I 2 in 115 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 6 I 6 in 115 lbs 4 H Roll (I'I) 6 I 2 in 115 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 174 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in II lbs H 4 H Roll (fi') 7 I 2 in 168 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 97 lbs 6, Pin (WI) 8 I 6 in II lbs H 4 H Roll (IT) 8 I 2 in 91 lbs 6 . Pin (WL) 9 I 6 in 192 lbs 4 H Roll (TI) it I 2 in 192 lbs 6 Pirs(WL) 10 I 61n Olbu 6 Pi n WL 10 I 6 i 24 lbs H 4 H Roll (TT) 10 I 210 -18 lbs 6 Pin (WL) II I 6 in 22 lbs 6 Pin (WL) II I 6 in 44 lbs H 4 H Roll (IT) It I 2 in 6 lbs 6 Pin (WI) 12 I 610 -135 lbs 6 Pin (WI) 12 I 6 in 163 lbs H 4 H Roll (Ii) 12 I 210 -203 lbs 6 Pin (WI) 13 I 610 69 lbs 4 H Roll (TI) 13 I 2 in 69 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 14 I bin 1671bs 4 H Roll (TI) 14 I 2 in 167 lbs Member Material CSI Bracing Max P Rot Chd4-6 20TC20(itoksi) O.i47 Spnrse" ________________ 235 lbs Web 1-6 15C20 (50 bun) 0.082 Unbrueed -206 lbs Web 15 l500(30 ks)_________0078 U braced 247 lbs J Web 24 15C20 (50 ksi) 0.015 Uubroced 46 lbs Web 2.4 I 5C20 (5 ks) tJ0 btnced - 0 230 =74 lbs Web 34 15C20 (50 ksi) 0.038 Unbcoccd 75 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load - Distributed Loads Merntee Locution I Locution 2 Direction Spread Starr Loud Ford Load Trib Width Top Coot Down Proj 20 psI' 20 psf 24 in Bot Coot Down Proj 0 psI 0 psi 24 in ALL GENERAL NOTES 0P11415 DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL FART OPTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE 11'IATThE Kcymads Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT THE'IRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Crick, Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS. TRUSS MEMBER CONPIGURA'IlONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON TT4IS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss - Truss: T07 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 SouthGate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:07 PM System Amcon 6.003 Page: 2of3 Report: Eng Plot K EY M ARK NX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHP. PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 5-1-9 2.997/12 4 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 13.7 lbs Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Meniser Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Slots Load End Land Tsib Width Top Conl Down Robe 16p5f I6 psi 24 in Bos Cons Do— Rate 6 psi 6 psi 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Mess*er Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Land 1db Width Top 0.0.0 5-1-9 N Up Rate 25.32 psi 25.32 psi 24 in Web I-ft Coat Right Rake 14.56 psi 14.56 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Meniser Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top 0.0-0 5-1-9 N Up - Rake 17.91 psi 17.91 psi 24 in Web I-ft Coat Loft R.I. 16.90 psi 16.90 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Menther Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sian Load End Load 1db Width Top 0.0.0 5-I-9 N Up Rake 9.29 psi 9.29 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Mend,er Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tnb Width Top 0-0-0 5-1-9 N Up Robe 77.37 psi 77.37 psi 24 in Web I-ft Coat Loft Rake 43.97 psi 43.97 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Meniser Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Lond End Load Tnb Width Top 0-0-0 S-I-S N Down Rake - ft psi 8 psi 24 in Web I-ft Cons Right Rake 16 psi 16 psi 24 in Automated Load CaseW9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No loads were defined for this load case. . Automated Load Case Ll0°: UBC 101b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Metaber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width But Coot . Do-i Psoj 10 psI tO psi 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No loads Were defined for this load case. This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean RoofHeight 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations Load Conbo Factor I DI 1.000 —.J 3 01+0.6 W3 - 1.000 c4_Dt+06W0 loss Dl +0.6 W9 1.066 6D1+07 El ---loss 7 Dl +-6.45 W3 + 0.73 tel . 1.000 l0Dl+045W3 - 1.006 9 Dl * 0.53 El + 0.75 Let 1.000 iO06Dt+06Wl 1.000 II 0.601+0.6 W2 1.000 12p6Dl+66W4 1000 13 0.601 *0.7 010.01 1.000 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: MenisertD. nun CSL nun caial iorce. (nasa conspe iorce iidiSentnt tsamnwa caiti fawn) TChd 11-2 0.194 -2571b5 12-3 0.177 -301bs I I 0.070 247 lbs - (-99 lbs)I24 0.230 -274 lbs Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID CntdedTsosn CnnngTuss CanngOteet Ane Ti5 , 507 001 7-4-9 45 deg 7.49 45 deg ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THATThE11EUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON hitS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cdele, Suite 102 THE LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T07 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobNanie: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:07 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 3 of3 Report: Eng Plot KEY MARKK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] sws TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY 01-IL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 5-1-9 2.997/12 4 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 13.7 lbs GUSSET PLATES - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment Listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement oflateral braces installed perpendicularto the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6" of each panel point. The end ofeveiy chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicularto the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 " ofthe end ofeach chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTWs DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPNIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCIJMIINT. NOTE NATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT NETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS ThE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6701 Winchester C,icle, Suite 102 NE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURA11ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS Boulder, Colorado 8030 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T08 4231 Liberty Blvd. jobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:08 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: I of3 Report: Eng Plot E Y M A R K GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GSlruss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OW.. OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 5-7-9 2.997/12 6 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 14.9 lbs L--IL 2-9-12 5-7-9 0-10-0 2-4 3, IT 14 0-0-0 0-0-0 2-9-12 2-9-12 2-9-12 5-7-9 Citeles issdicate thstenercosnl in webs. Squares indicate 8sstenercosnt in chords. Foslcnets" indicates the nsnt,erofAowonTS SS #12 or#I2 SDS (AtSI) fisstestess requited at oneend ofihe noteber. Each value indicates the nonrherofSssseoets requited: (5) indicates the nanerofAosronTS SS 012 to be installed on one side of the truss.) indicates the nsn*rerof#12 SDS (AISI) In be installed on eacb side ofihe truss. Where connection plates are called onion this drawing, plate is required on each side of the tests. Rclisrto General Notes forllsnherclatificasion. Allowable shearperAatsron IS SS #12 Sasteneros follows: 27 odIn: 402 lbs; 33 rails: 544 lbs; 43 toils: 810 lbs; 54 salts: 1.138 lbs; 68 toils: 1.610 lbs.Allowable shearpero12 SDS (AISI) htsteneris calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT 02. Maintain tlssrener spacing at 5/8" nrin. Maintain fastener edge roman as 5/8" nin for each sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed IC 0.227(2) TT: 0.02 in L1999 (1-2) L/240 BC 0.187(4-5) LL 0.01 in L/999 (1-2) L/360 Web: 0.307 (24) Mo. TL* 0 i 3 IC Conti0000slyBosced BC BtacingSpatse Reactions Summary 4 H Roll (IT) I I 2 in 127 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 2 I 6 in 239 lbs 4 H Roll (TI') 2 I 2 is 239 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 99 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 i l6 lbs H 4 II Roll (TI) 3 I 2 in 91 lbs 6 Fin (WL) 4 I 6 in 149 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in -30 lbs H 4 H Roll (M4 I 2 in 158 lbs 6 Pin (WL) S I 6 in 127 lbs 4 H Roll (I'S) 5 I 2 in 127 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 6 I 6 in 127 lbs 4 H Roll (TI) 6 I 2 in 127 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 190 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 12 lbs H 4 H Roll ITT) 7 I 2 in 185 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 8 I 6i0 106 lb,, 6 Pin (WL) 8 I 610 12 lbs H 4 I-I Roll (TI) 8 I 2 is 100 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 9 I 6 in 211 lbs 4 H Roll (I't) 9 I 2 i 211 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 i olbs 6 Pin (WL) 10 I 6i0 28 lbs H 4 HRoll(rr) 10 I 2 i -191b5 6 Pin (WL) II I - 6 in - 24 lbs 6 Pin (WL) II I 6 in 47 lbs H 4 H Roll (pt) II I 2 in 7 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 12 I 6,in -148 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 i l73 lbs H 4 H Roll (Tt) 12 I 2 in -218 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 13 I 6 i 76 lbs 4 H Roll (rf) 13 I 2 i 76 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 14 I 6 in 103 lbs 4 H Roll (11) 14 I 2 in 183 lbs Member Material I BC Max React Max Gray Uplift Mac MWPRS Uplift Max C&C Uplift Max Uplif 6 I 239 lbs .140 lbs -148 lbs 4 I 239 lbs -19 lbs -218 lbs .210 lbs CSI Brac Max 0.I87,'S4e' 0.090 Unbtssced Web 2- __ 5 _ 15C20 (50 his) )5 eb24 l5C20(5ftks) Web 34 15C20 (50 ksi) NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lii: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Mcrs*,cr Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Ttib Width Top Cool Down Proj 20 psf 20 psI 24 in Bar Coat Dom !toi 0 psf 0 psf 24 in ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THAT1S{E Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT ThETEUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA POR 6707 Winchester Cricle. Suite 102 THE WADS, LOADING CONDmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURA11ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET. Boulder, Colorado 80301 0100 0p100O3 P99 ]231IS SIRL NO 0LSfl SNY4S QNV SNOLLV1flDHNO3 03ll1SII SSI1H1 SNOUJONOO ONIOVOl S0001 SRI. 80! 31!,.S11P93 31131l00iM 1019 SOd VISOIIJSD NDISSO 310V3flddVNulY61N11S lIEU. 812315 .LSZIHS StOOL NO NJI\OHS A11IISIISSV SSI1SLLIIRL JYHJ. KINO 58LV310N1 3VIIS SSISSNION] 1VN01551L6006 311 'sosudiou3 ioui,coj 31-JjyJ SLON 1163}'tflOOG NOISIIO LNIINOdI'tOD SIHLdO ISYd 1VOO8LNJ NV SVOZISSOISNOO II!! TIVI-IS0DVS3Vd ONIMVSO SIHLdO SaLON 1VSIINIIO liv 8111` 06 H-P 06 ____________ 11 81- 0-6 _______________ cOO _______________ O 081. __________ fiJi. _...fr L 100 at ________ 10WJ P 06 81-P-I I 100 001 PILL ooy IuO0o,o3 000j8odoo 10011p39103 01 C.J41UUUflS SUOU3UUOD SSfl1 -O -SSflij p'c- 10(0 p8I(1qI 6)!-) S41 coc ooio c-I (0000j 10100 00.00109 '-091!Pi! 0003 'd.00 000.0) 3300J 100 "°-' ISO .019110pJ:500000p10 IqlL IÜSIW1UflS sioj .lqwjAj 000'! oli~:Lai 0001 00,3 10+ 10 90 II I 0001 -P0A90+I090:_,ZI 0601 . ZM 90* 1090 II 0001 IM90+I0900IJ 0001 In cco * IS ISO + 10 6 L_ 0001 0001 101 810 + IM coo + iu 000! .,_..,,__I3L0+I09 000.! 6M 90 + 10 000I_ 0M90+I0P - 0001 (N, 90 + 10 1 -000'I i 11 *10 0001 - 10 I 019003 p001 0 suoquiqtuoj po' - UO!0)J0UQLJ3USOUJflH PU! IOU Si SOn'! Si4j SSWJ OUOZ PU3 UP Si SSIUI S!I{j puiM ol posodxo usoq IOU sq !lo!l.10A pus !qu sqj puiM 08 pasodxs ussq 884 !eofl.I3A PUQ IPI 4J 9 £9 1IIPWO SUOZ 33 'pSSO!3U3 :ssP3 1flS0U3 9 £9 x U 0! JO SUO!SU3LU! U!pin9 jPJ3A 'U E17 14 101-1J00 uPoAJ 'fi £lO0!83 U!pj!fl9 4!!" diHs1qPO Si Ruippnq 34j 3 alnsOdx3 '31uLU!!lfl qthI 0!! '0! - L33SVq1! *3Lmpjo= U! p9U!lop usoq 584 SS!U8 S!UJ ( -spuol psop snid psoi sAil pioqo wo!loqjsd 0! 0) onp S100JJs oqiioj p0u!s0p uooq 814 SSnj! siqj (z fl OZ - 3W 41!"' 33 IspJ000e U! pOU!S0p usoq SO4 SSflJ2 Si4j (i °° P5°! 5041 ioj psoojop atom p°i ON 3!WS!0S 13 3583 POOl p0UIJ0p-J3Sfl 1008 Pd DI jod 01 fold 10000 0003 008 qp qllj p00) poa P001 loS P°°"S 0010000 8 00!I1001 - I 010010301 - spwj paSqLSsItJ p1043 w000a uo P101 0M1 4101 39fl :() 113513 P101 POWWO2flV °s° po 044! JOJ poujop 313AS SSOj ON (uiq2i-sj :6M3S13 P°1 p018WO1flV 10008 jod 91 pd 91 10)03 I0!H 1003 0-) '13Y, 0! oz jod It jod 8 00106 '°0 N 6-1-5 0-0-0 doj qopy, 5011 P001 p013 P001 01015 PUP6S 000000000 8 000000) I 00111001 SVSO1 PP0q8S43 SM 3583 PO] p3llulolfly 00 t1z jod Lc'p jod c'p 0503 901 1003 9-I q o, p jod 191 356 191 0503 dfl N 6-1-c - o-o-o doj 500505 qpi pool po P001 =IS p0oodS 0003000 8 00010301 I 00000001 000900)5 - splol posnqusirj (u0ilons)3op3 t,M 3513 P101 PSISWOIflV 0! t1z jsd 086 pd ME dfl N 6-c-c o-o-o doj 51p055 qooJ p001 03 Pool loS P011dS 001000110 8 00110301 I 00110301 3009000)5 - spoo' p31nqssQ (ua " SddM!A! MOS83 POOl P000°020V U! 08 jod 0091 jsd 0091 10100 51001 1003 9-1 5505 U! 08 P6 1611 JOd 1611 Wd dn N 6-L-S 0-0-0 60.1. 510555505. 0001 p05 pool ,000 P000dS 00!1331!0 800500301 I 0010301 30090015 SVSOl P3004!-'0511J (dp)q-jj :ZMOs-83 P1O1 PSWLUO2flV 01! 08 pd 9101 jod 95'pI 0503 I013 00003 9-j q5 0008 jod lc,sz jod I 118 3)05) 611 N 6-i-S 0-0-0 doj 41pw, quj 10001 P0-3 0001 tOOlS p000ds 00!1301!0 8 00010301 I 00010001 laqLuaVq 0p80) po!nqUpiJ (dftJ9ol-siI : IM 0503 P801 POlOWOInY 0 t1z jod 9 JOd 9 00103 010100 1003 004) 0008 jsd 91 jod91 100105) 00000 1003 - doj 4lp% 511). P001 03 P01 000S p000d5 0053000Q 8 00!1030J I 00010301 SpSO1p3101q!.0!SQ POO1P800PIS :!Qos4)3psol - 5416!'! U! 17Z 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 9 fl/L66' 6-L-5 KIc1/IOM ON13VdS SAid [HO 1HO LLO H3JJd NVdS 101d 5U3 £009 UOOUJV :wois(g 1d80lZ( 910Z/IZI9 08Z06 VD °O 1flO LIZ :0wB4qOf PAIH 4ioq' I%j7 ØJ .SSflij ' SSflJ1 '' laud SMS ssni SMS ESL P!!n9] 6009 U0!SJOA ®SSnJL SO WO4SAS ®piP SO 0)5315000 133,1.51009010 )IdVWA3N SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T08 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:08 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 3 of3 Report: Eng Plot E Y MAR K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 5-7-9 2.997/12 6 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 241n 14.9lbs GUSSET PLATES f)111[eTI - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed undcrMaterial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6 of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 ofihe end ofeach chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTHE Keymaile Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT THETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIAFOR 6707 Winchester C6cle, Suite 102 THE LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, muss MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colo,udo 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T09 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:08 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: I of3 - Report: Eng Plot ( KE V M A R K XX AL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System G5Tmss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] sws TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WOT/PLY 6-1-13 2.997/12 6 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 16.2 lbs 3-0-14 6-1-13 0-10-0 27 7,TT18 0-0-0 . 0-0-0 3-0-14 . 3-0-14 3-0-14 6-1-13 Citsles indicate ttstenercount in webs. Squares indicate fastener count in chords."Fasteners" indicates thensnberofAnsonTS SS 912 0,912 SOS (AISI) fasteners requited atone end ofthe stretcher. Each value indicates the nostherofStsteocrs required: (s) indicates the nsnber of Anreon 15 SS #12 to be installed on one side of the trust.) indicates the notches ufO 12 SDS (AISI) to be installed on each side of the truss. Where connection plates ate called out on this drawing. a plate is required on each side of the truss. Referto General Notes forfttnherclatification. Allowable sheaeperAmson 15 SS #12 ttstenenos follows: 27 oils: 402 Ibu; 33 oils: 544 Ibs; 43 oils: 810 Ibs; 54 oils: 1.138 Ibs; 68 oils: 1.610 lbs.Allowable shearper#12 SOS (AISI) ttsteneeis calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT #2. Maintain fastener spacing uz 5/8 rain. Maintain fastener edge nnagin at 5/8 rtin for each sheer of steel connected. - CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed it : 0.270(2) 11-, 0.03 in L/999 (1.2) L/240 BC 0.237(4.5) LL,, 0.02 in L/999 - (1-2) L/360 Web: 0.403 (2.4) How TL 0 i 3 it Continuously Braced - BC Bracing Spusse Reactions Summary Pitt (WL) I I 6 in 130 lbs 6 I 261 lbs I-1 Roll ITT) I I 2 i 130 lbs 4 I 261 lbs Pin (WL) 2 I 6 in 261 lbs H Roll (TI) 2 I 2 in 261 lbs Pin (WL) 3 I 6 i I08Ibs Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 17 lbs I-I H Roll (TI) 3 I 2 in 100 lbs Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in 163 lbs Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in -31 lbs H H Roll (TI) 4 I 2 in 172 lbs Pin (WL) S I 6 in 138 lbs H Roll (cl) S I 2 in 130 lbs Pin (WL) 6 I 6 in 138 lbs H Fall (VT) 6 I 21n 138 lbs Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 208 lbs Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 13 lbs H H Roll (p1) 7 I 2 in 202 Has Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 116 lbs Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in IS lbs H H Roll (TI) 8 I 2 in 110 lbs Pin (WL) 9 I 6 in 231 lbs H Roll (TI) 9 I 2 in 231 lbs Pin (WL) tO I * bin .0 lbs Pin (WL) 10 I . 6 in 32 lbs H H Roll (TI) tO I 2 in -21 lbs Pin (WL) II I 6 in 26 lbs Pin (WL) It I 6 in 50 lbs H H Roll (TI) II I 2 in 0 lbs Pin (WL) 12 I 6 is -161 lbs Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in 183 lbs II II Roll (TI) 12 I 2 in -233 lbs Pin (tEL) 13 I 6 in 83 lbs H Roll (TI) 13 I 2 in 83 lbs Pin (WL) 14 I 6 in 200 lbs H Roll ITT) 14 I 2 in 200 lbs -21 lbs -233 lbs -233 lbs Member Material CSI Bracing Max P Top Chdi-3 201t20(50ksi) 0.270 Sheathed -343 lbs Bot Chd4-6 201C20 (50 ksi) 0.237 Spare .___________________________ 316 lbs Web -6 I5C20 (50 led) 0.099 Unbtnced -247 lbs 15C20(50ks) —0.136—_ braced 326 lbs Web 2-5 15C20 (50 ksi) 0.019 Unbrnced 62 lbs W h 24 15_C20 (50 In) 0403 U bra ______ced ______ 358 lbs Web 3.4 15C20 (50 Esi) 0.053 Unbraced 88 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case LrI: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Merrisee Locution I Locution 2 Spread _Direction Stun Load End Load fib Width Top Coot Do— Proj 20 puf 20 psf 24 in Be[ Coot Down Proj 0 psf 0 psi 24 in ALL GENERAL NOTES OFIHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREGAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTER Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT THETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS 11411 M1NIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR . 6707 Winchestee Cricle, Suite 102 THE LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T09 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:08 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 2of3 Report: Eng Plot (KEVM AR K NX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 6-1-13 2.997/12 6 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 16.2 lbs Load Case DI: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads - Meo*ter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stoat Lood End Load 1db Width Top Coo Down Rota I6psl 16ps1 24 in Sot Co.:l Down Rota 6 pal 6 pat 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) - Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sinai Load End Load 1db Width - To p0-0-0 6-1-13 N Up Rake 25.31 pal 25.31 pal 24 in Web -6 Cont Right Rake 14.56 psI 14.56 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Righl(Up) Distributed Loads Mentre Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stoat Load End Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 6-I-13 N Up Rate 17.91 pat 17.91 pal 24 in Web -6 Cant Lot Rake - 16.08 psI 16.88 pal 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Mendrer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Slot Load End Load 1db Width Top - 0.0.0 6-1-13 N Up Rake 9.29 pal 9.29 pal 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) * Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Diteclinn Spread Slot Load End Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 6-1-13 N Up Robe 75.87 pal 75.87 pat 24 in Web -6 Coot Left Rake 43.09 pal 43.09 pat 24 in Automated Load Case W& M WFRS-Left(M in) Distributed Loads Mendace Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stoat Load End Load 1db Vatdib Top 0.0.0 6-1-13 N Down Rake 8 pal Opal 24 in Web I-ft Cont Right Rake 16 paf 16 pat 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(M i n) - No toads were defused for this load case. Automated Load Case LIO°: UBC 101b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Menirer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stoat Load End Load 1db Width Bol Cant Down Ptnj lOpal lOpsl 24in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No loads were defined for this load case. This truss has been designed in accordance with (BC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance wilhASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean RoofHeighl 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The tight end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prime Region. Load Combinations Load Cnnitn 'actor I Dl .000 Loi:; i,i - -i-- 1.000 3 01+0.6 W3 1.000 4bl+06W8 1000 5 Dl +-0.6 W9 .000 6Dif0.7E1 ___________________________________________________ 1000__...... 7 Dl + 0.45 W3 + 0.75 1,1 1.000 8DI+0.45 W3 - 1.000 9 Dl 10.53 El + 0.75 1,1 - 1 .000 10 06D1*06W1 1000 II 0.6 DI +0.6 W2 - 1.000 i2O.6Dl*0.6W4 .000 13 0.6 Dl *0.7 P10.01 1.000 1.000 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Member ID. ness C5L teas axial lowe. (rena cnn9ac force ilditlereoi from teas axial force) lChd 11-2 0.263 -343 Iba 12-3 0203 -36 Ibn I I 0.136 326 lbs (441 lba)I24 0.403 -358 lbs Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID Carried Truss Coatnglman CaarykegOftker An0de 1116 109 ________________ (104 7-4-12 90 deg .11I7 ___________ 109 G04 ________________ 9-4 12 90 d g 1118 109 - (104 -114-12 90de5 ALL GENERAL NOTES Ol'ThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART 0919115 COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THAT114E Keymads Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThEIRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS ThIt MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Ctiele, Suite 102 THE LOADS, CONDITIONS, CONDONS. TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T09 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:08 PM Systent Amcon 6.003 Page: 3 of3 Report: Eng Plot E V M A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] sws TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 6-1-13 2.997/12 6 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 16.2 tbs GUSSET PLATES TP11tIIT1 rjirn P1teTlI - - - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6" ofeach panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART ormis COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT ThE1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MERlE THE MINIMUMAPPUCABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricte, Suite 102 ThE LOADS, WADING CONDmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss - Truss: T1O 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:08 PM System: Ameon 6.003 Page: I of3 Report: Eng Plot E V M A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GSlruss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 13-3-7 2.998/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 34.6 lbs i- lu-u 3- ITT- L--I I L--I I 3-10-0 7-8-1 i 10-5-12 13-3-7 0-10-0 2-9-0 2-9-0 5s 4c 0-0-0 0-0-0 3-10-0 - 3-10-0 5-7-6 3-10-0 7-8-1 13-3-7 Circles indicate lltsteneecosnt in webs. Squares; indicate tsstenercoxnt in chords.'Fasteners' indicates the nandserofAtreonTS SS #12 or912 SOS (AISI) Staleness requited atone end of the nrcnber. Each caIne indicates the nandterofttsteners squired: (s) indicates the nsrrSteeof Amtonls SS #12 to be installed on ones ide of the truss. (b) indicates the norr*serof# 12 SOS (Also to be installed on each side of the truss. Whets connection plates are called out on this drawing a plate is required on each Side of the teats. Referto General Notes 0tr1a0hsec1as15ca1ion. AllossablesheaepeeAnwon 75 SS #12 tssreneras follows: 27 teSs: 402 lbs: 33 ntis: 544 tbs:43 edit: 810 lbs; 54 ntis: 1,138 lbs: 68 salts: 1,610 ibs.A0owabiesheaeper012 SOS (AISI) tssteneris calculated per the NASPI!C 2007 WflH SUPPLEMENTO2. Maintain Estrenerspaciognr 5/8" sin. Maintain fastener edge nwtnin ax 5/8" non for each sheer of steel connected. CSI Deflection L/ (bc) Allowed TC 0.533 (1-2) TL: 0. t in L/999 (2-3) L/240 BC 0.988(6-7) LL 0.05 in L/999 (2-3) L/360 Web: 0.972 (4-6) Hora'fl.. 0.01 in 6 IC Continuously Braced BC Bracing Sparse Reactions H Roll (11) I I 2 in 294 lbs Pin (WL) 2 I 6 in 563 lbs H Roll (Ii') 2 I 2 in 560 lbs Pin (WL) 3 I 6 i 2391b5 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 i 2l lbs H H Roll ff1) 3 I 2 in 267 lbs Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in 348 lbs Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in -34 lbs H H Ron ffI) 4 I 2 i 318 lbs Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 298 lbs H Roll ff1) 5 I 2 in 294 lbs Pin (WL) 6 I 6 in 298 lbs H Roll (1) 6 I 2 in 294 lbs Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 453 lbs Pin1)VL) 7 I 6 i l6lbsH H Roll (M7 I 2 in 473 lbs Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 234 lbs Pi (WL) 8 I 6i0 l6 lbs H H Roll (r1) 8 I 2 in 274 lbs Pin (WL) 9 I 6 in 497 lbs H Roll ff1) 9 I 2 in 494 lbs Pin (WL) 10 I 6 in -23 lbs Pin (WL) III I 6 i 44 lbs H H Roll (II) 10 I 2 in -56 lbs Pin (WL) II I 6 in 25 lbs Pin (WL) II I 6 in 58 lbs H H Roll ff1) II I 2 in -35 lbs Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in -292 lbs Pin (WL) 12 I 610 185 lbs II H Roll ff1) 12 I 2 i -262 lbs Pin (WL) 13 I 6i0 179lbs H Roll ff1) IS I 2 i 1771bs Pin (WL) 14 I 6 i 431 lbs H Roll (11) 14 I 2 in 427 lbs Summary 31 BC Max React Max 9 I 5631bs 6 I 5601b5 -56 lbs -262 lbs -262 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Location I ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREGAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE 1'HATThE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEALINDICATES ONLY ThATThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRmiRIA FOR THE LOADS, WADING CONDmONS. 'IRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURA1SONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Keymark Enterprises, LLC 6707 WincbesserCricle, Suite 102 Boulder, Colorado 80301 OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] E V M A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS sws TRUSS SWS Panel & Truss 4231 Liberty Blvd. South Gate CA 90280 Truss: T1O JobName: 217 Date: - 6/21/2016 3:21:09 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 2 of3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WOT/PLY 13-3-7 2.998/12 . 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 34.6 lbs Load Case DI: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Meo*,er Location I location 2 Direction Spread Sian Load End Load Tsib Width Top Coot Down Rake 16 psi 16 psi 24 in Rot Coot Down Rake 6 pot 6 psI 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads - Metrber location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sian Load End Load Thb Widtl Top 0.0.0 7.8.1 N Up Rake 25.31 psi 25.31 psi 24 in Top 7-8-I 13.3.7 N Up Rake 29.83 psi 29.83 psi 24 in Web 1.9 Coot Right Rake 14.56 psi 14.56 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Men*er Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load tad Load Tub Width Top 0-0-0 7-0.1 N Up Rake 17.91 psI 17.91 psi 24 in Top 7-8-I 13.3.7 N Up Rake 29.83 psi 29.83 pot 24 in Web -9 Coot loft Rake 16.88 psi 16.08 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Mettter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Ttib 'A5dIh Top 0-0-0 7-8.1 N Up Rake 9.29 psi 9.29 psi 24 is Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Menfttrr Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Sod Load Ttib Width Top 0.0-0 6-3-10 N Up Rake 64.67 psi 64.67 psi 24 in Top 6-3-10 7-8-I N Up Rake 64.67 psi 64.67 psi 24 in Top 7-8-I 13-3.7 N Up Rake 46.63 psi 46.63 pot 24 in Web 1.9 Cool Left Rake 36.5 psi 36.5 psi 24 in Automated Load Case WS: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Mentor Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load tad Load Ttib vddth Top 0-0-0 7-8-I N Down Rake 8 psi 0 pot 24 in Web 1.9 Coot - Right Rake 16 psI 16 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No loads were defined for this load case. Automated Load Case L1 O°: USC I 011 Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Metrter Location I location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Sod Load Ttib Width tOot Coot - Do- Proj 10 PSI` lOpsi 24in User-defined Load CaseEl: Seismic No loads were defined for this load ease. I) This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance svithASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean Roof Height 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations 0 Load Cerrito . Factor I Dl . 1.000 1.060 I 3 01*0.6 W3 ______________________________________________________________________ .000 4Dl06W5 1.606 5 Dl *0.6919 1.000 6D1 07 El- _______________________________________________l0 00 7 Dl * 0.45 W3 +0.75tel 1.080 8Dl045W3 1. 000 I 9 Dl + 0.53 El + 5.75 tel . 1.000 t006Dl+06Wl ______ 1000 _ It 0.6 Dl +0.6 W2 1.000 128601 06914 1000 _____________ _ 13 0.6 Dl *8.7P10.01 . 1.088 t4DT 110 1.000 I Member Forces Summary 'rastla indicates: Menter ID. nsa Cal, nsa mint tate, (noon centric force ifdiftbrent bntn noon axial force) TCbd Il-s 0.533 -1.039 lbs 12-3 0.413 -766 lbs 13.4 0.297 .703 lbs 14-5 0 106 1-8 0.673 1,000 lbs (473 lbs)I2-7 0.529 .312 lbs 14-7 0.258 332 lbs (.101 I1,0I5-6 0.059 .71 lbs Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID CaatiedTosss CaoyingTcass Coati4neOffset Angle T120 TIO G05 8-3-2 90 deg ALL GENERAL NOTES OPThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFTRIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT THETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON 1141S SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 WincbesterCticle, Suite 102 THE WADS, LOADING CONOmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON 15415 SHEET ' Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T1O 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:09 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 3 of3 Report: Eng Plot E V MARK Nex LORAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 781 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 13-3-7 2.998/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 34.6 lbs GUSSET PLATES - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMaterial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6' of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6' ofthe end ofeach chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OF THIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL PART OPThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATT}IE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThETTWSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPUCABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Wjncl,cwr C6ck, Suite 102 ME LOADS, CONDITIONS, CONDONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON SHEEt . Boulder, Colo,sdo 8030 0-10-0 2-10-9 2-10-9 5s dlcz 0-0-0 - 0-0-0 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: Til 4231 Liberty Blvd. . JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:09 PM System: Ameon 6.003 Page: 1of3 Report: Eng Plot E Y M A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GSlmss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OFIR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 13-3-7 2.998/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 35 lbs ----4=-- '4- I-L I L-t5-8 4-1-2 1 8-2-5 1 - 10-8-14 1 13-3-7 4-1-2 4-1-2 5-1-2 4-1-2 8-2-5 13-3-7 Circles indicate tsstenercoont in webs. Squares indicate fastener count in chords."Fasteners" indicates the nonberofA,nronTS SS #12 or#I2 SDS (ALSO llsstenees requited at one end of the nrtthcr. Each solon indicates thenattdseroffusteness required: (s) indicates he notrberofAnotonTS SS #12 to be installed on ones ide of the truss. (b) indicates the noniterofO 12 SOS (AISI) to be installed on each side of the tnsss. Whew connection plates are called out on this dtsscing, o plate is required on each side of the tnsss. Relhrtn General Notes fnrfisoheeclarificntion. AltowableshearpeeAnwon TS SS 1112 hssteneros follows: 27 soils: 402 lbs: 33 toils: 544 tbs:43 erds: OtO lbs: 54 toils: 1.138 lbs; 68 soils: 1.610 lbs.Altosoable shear perol2 SOS (AISI) llsstenenis calm hard per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENF#2. Maintain #tstenee spacing as 5/0" rain. Maintain fastener edge nosain at 5/0" rain lbretsch sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection L/ (bc) Allowed IC : 0.575 (1-2) TL 0.12 in L/999 (1-2) L/240 1 - BC 0.815(7-8) Ltt0.06in 1/999 (1.2) 1/360 Web: 0.951 (4.6) HorcTtt 0.01 in 6 IC Continuously Braced BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Summary IT Tone LC BC Bet Wtd Reaction I IT BC Max React M. Gruvllnlifi Msx MWFRS lInuS Mx, CAC llnlifi Mx, 1In110 M Hxd Pin (WL) I I 6 in 298 lbs 9 I 564 lbs H Roll (Fl) I I 2 in 295 lbs 6 I 561 lbs Pin (WL) 2 I 6 in - 564 lbs H Roll (Fr) 2 I 2 in 961 lbs Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 237 lbs Pin (WI) 3 I 6 in 23 lbs H H Roll (11) 3 I 2 in 264 lbs Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in 350 lbs Pin (WI) 4 I 6 in -36 lbs H H Roll (Ii) 4 I 2 in 322 lbs Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 298 lbs H Roll (Fl) 5 I 2 in 295 lbs Pin (WL) 6 I 6 in 298 lbs H Roll (FF) 6 I 2 in 295 lbs Pin (WL) 7 I 6 is 452 lbs Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 17 lbs H H Roll (IF) 7 I 2 is 471 lbs Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 253 lbs Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 17 lbs H H Roll (Fl) 8 I 2 in 272 lbs Pin (WL) 9 I 6 in 497 lbs H Roll (Fl) 9 I 2 in 494 lbs Pin (WI) 10 I 6 is -21 lbs Pi (W 10 I 6/n 48lbsH H Roll (Fl) tO I 2 in -55 lbs Pin (WL) II I 6 in 29 lbs Pin (WL) II I 6 in 61 lbs H H Roll 'MII I 2 in -31 lbs Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in -295 lbs Pin (WL) 12 I 6 i I95 lbs H H Roll (Fl) 12 I 2 in -271 lbs Pin (WL) 13 I 6 i 179 lbs HRnll(Tl) 13 I 2 in 177 lbs Pin(WL) 14 I 6in 431 lbs H Roll (IT) 14 I 2 in 428 lbs -55 lbs -271 lbs -271 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case LrI: Std Live Load Dinlributed Loads Direction Snsnad Stan Lond AU. GENERAL NOThS OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERI/DAS AN INTEGRAL PART 0P1}IIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTHE Keynsark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT1I4E1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cdcle, Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGlJRA11ONS. AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: Til 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:09 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 2of3 Report: Eng Plot K E Y MARKK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GSlmss® Version: 5.009 [Build 781 SPAN PITCH QTY ORL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 13-3-7 2.998/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 35 lbs Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Meatier Location I Location 2 Donation Spited Stair Load End Load 1db Width Top Coal - Onion Rake I6psl I6psf 24 in Boa Cent Down Rake 6 pal 6 psI 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Mcarlaer Location I Location? Direction Spited Start Load End Load Ttib Width Top 0.0.0 8-2-5 NUp Rake 2531 psI 25.31 psI 24 in Top 8-2-5 13-5-7 N Up Rake 29.83 par 29.83 pal 24 in Web 1-9 Coat Right Rake 14.56 psI 14.56 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Menter Location t Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top 0.0.0 8-2-5 N Up Rake 17.91 pal 17.91 psI 24 in Top 8-2-5 13-3-7 N Up Rake 29.83 pal 29.83 psI 24 in Web 1-9 Cant Loft . Rake' 16.88 psI 16.88 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Di-lion Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top 0.0-0 8-2-5 N Up Rake 9.29 pal 9.29 pal 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stat Load End Load 1db Width Top 0.0.0 6-3-10 N Up Rake 64.67 psI 64,67 pal 24 in Top 6.3.10 8-2-5 N Up Rake 64.67 psI 64.67 psI 24 in Top 8-2-5 3-3-7 N Up Rake 46.63 psI 46.63 psI 24 in Web 1.9 Coot Left Rake 36.5 psI 36.5 pal 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Meat-bet Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Wad End Load 1db Width Top 0-0.0 8-2-5 N Down R.I. 8 pal 8 psI 24 in Web 1-9 Cant Right Rake 16 psI 16 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No toads were defined for this toad case. Automated Load Case Ll0*: USC lOIb Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Meatier Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tub Width Oat Coot . Down Pioj 10 PSI` 10ps1 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No loads were defined for this load ease. This truss has been designed in accordance with [SC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 puf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 -10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean RoofFleight 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 fix 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations 8 Load Combo Factor I Dl _______________________________________________________________________________ 1.000 2Dt+Let 1.006 1 3 Di * 0.6 W3 1.000 toss - S DI + 0.6 W9 1.000 6p1:;6.701 1.000 7 01+0.45 W3 +0,75 Lel ' 1.000 501045W3 9 Dl *0.55 El *0.75 LI 1.800 I! 0.6 Di +0,6W2 1.000 __________________________________________________________ t0ftDj+0W_4 ______1000 I 6-0,61)l +0.7 P10.01 ' 1.000 14D1 LIO ___________________ I 000 .3 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Member ID, noa Cal, nasa aniat lotte, (nasa canpe lotte ildifferent from nasa axial Inane) TChd II-? 0,575 -1.051 lbs 12.3 0.447 .710 lbs 15-4 0.267 -647 lbs 14-5 0.167 0.760 1,015 lbs (-478 )bs)I2-7 0.722 -384 lbs 14-7 0.279 362 lbs (203 Ibs)I5-6 0.055 .62 lbs Truss-to-truss Connections Summary It) Corned Ttoss CataingTrnss CansrngOffsel Angle 1129 111 005 26.3-2 90 deg ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONStDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFTEIS COMI'0N1tI4T DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY THATThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON 11415 SHEET MEETS ThE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIAFOR 6707 Winchester Cdcle, Suite It? THE LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURAtiONS, AND SPANS US1SID ON ThIS EEl Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: Til 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:09 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 3 of3 Report: Eng Plot K EY MARK Nax GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GSlnjss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OW. OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 13-3-7 2.998/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 35 lbs GUSSET PLATES - - - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMaterial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6 of each panel point. The end ofevery chord Segment shall be braced laterally perpendicularto the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6' ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES 0F1141S DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT ThE1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricte, Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIOURA11ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Cotorodo 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T12 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:09 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: I of3 Report: Eng Plot E V M A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] 5w5 TRUSS ST Type LCBC BrnWrd Reaction iT BC Pin (WL) 6 n 298 lbs 8 H Roll (Ii') 2 n 296 lbs 5 Pin (WL) 2 6 n 4 l 56bs HRoIIffI) 2 2 n 561 lbs Pin (WL) 3 6 n 233 lbs Pin (WL) 3 60 27 lbs H H Roll ff1) 3 I 2 in 253 lbs Pio(WL) 4 I 60 354 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in -39 lbs H S H Roll (Ii) 4 I 2 a 333 lbs 5 Pin (WL) S I 6 i n 298 lbs H Roll (TI) 5 I 1 2 5 296 lbs S Pin (WL) 6 I 6 n 298 lbs S HRoll (fl) 6 I 2 n 296 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 449 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 20 lbs H 5 H Roll (fl) 7 I 2 0 463 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 250 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 20 lbs H 5 H Roll (Ii) 8 I 2 n 264 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 9 I 6 n 498 lbs S H Roll (Ii) 9 I 2 0 495 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 10 I 6,0 -IS lbs 8 Pi (WL) 0 I 6 i 59 Ills H 5 H Roll (fi) 10 I 2 in .51 lbs 8 Pin (WL) II I 6 in 37 lbs 8 Pin (WL) II I 6 is 69 lbs H 5 H Roll (fl) II I . 2 in -18 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in -299 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in 224 lbs H 3 H Roll ff1) 12 I 2 in - -298 lbs 8 Pi' (WL) 13 I 61n 179 lbs 5 HRollff1) 13 I 2i0 1771b5 Pin (WL) 14 I 6i0 431 lbs S H Roll (Ii) 14 I 2 in 429 lbs 561 lbs -51 lbs -298 lbs -298 lbs SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 13-3-7 2.998/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 40.3 lbs 14-1u-U 'I-lU-U .3-8-0 4-10-0 9-8-1 13-3-7 0-10-0 3-3-0 340 3s 0-0-0 - 0-0-0 4-10-0 . 4-10-0 3-7-6 410-0 9-8-1 13-3-7 Citeles indicate llrstenercoant in webs. Sqoares indicate Ersrenercoont in chords. "Pasterters" indicates the tsarrdaerofAnteottls SS #12 or#12 SDS (AISI) ttsteners required atone end ofthe norther. Each seIne indicates the nanberof llrsteners reqaired: (a) indicates the nrrnberofAmconlS SS 012 to be installed on one side olthe truss. ), indicates the october of# t 2 SOS (AISI) to be insulted on each side of the truss. Where connection plates are called out on this drawing a plate is required on each side nfthe torsa. Referto General Notes forhrtiheeclatification. Allosasble sheaeperAareoo TS SS #12 fasreoeras follows: 27 rails: 402 lbs: 33 rails: 544 that 43 sorts: 810 Ills; 54 ntIs: 1,138 lbs; 68 torts: 1.610 tbs.Alloreableshearper012 SOS (AISI) lirsteneris calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT 02. Maintain lltstener spacing at 5/0" ntis. Maintain thstcner edge noagin at 5/8" ntis for each sheet ofsreet connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) - Allowed It 0.972(1-2) 'Itt 0. 18 in L/845 (1-2) L/240 BC 0.817 (6-7) - LL,- 0.09 in L1999 (t-2) L/360 Well 0.760(4-6) - - HoroTL 0.01 in 4 'It Continuously Braced - BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Summary Member Material CSI Top Cbd 1-3 201t20 (50Irsi) 0.912 0.2 16 Unbroed 0.726 Unbroced Max P 1,012 lbs :-542 lbs All 1k. Web 2.6 15C16 (SO led) 0.744 Uobtoced -591 lbs Web 3-6 I5c20 (50 i)0A76 Unbroced -160 1bs Web 4-6 I 5C20 (50 i) 0.760 Unbmced 646 lbs W b 4 S I 5C20 0 ks) 0 62 l U braced 560 1b1 NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Sununary Load Case LrI: Sid Live Load Distributed Loads Menber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Trill Width Top Coot Down Proj 20 psI - 20 psI 24 in Bar Cons Doses Proj , 0 psI 0 PSI 24 in ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTH1S DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDESEDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPTHIS COMPONIO4T DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THAT114E - Keymaxk Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT 1I4EIRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle, Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS US'IliD ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T12 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:09PM System: Ameon 6.003 Page: 2of3 Report: Eng Plot V M A R 1< XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GSTniss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 13-3-7 2.998/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 40.3 lbs Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Suit Load End Load Ttib Width Top Coot Down Rake 16 psf 16p51 241n Bar Coot Down Rake 6 psf 6 psf 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load 1db Width Top 0.0-0 9-8-I NUp Rake 25.31 pif 22.31 psf 24 in Top 9-0-I 13-3-7 N Up Rake 29.83 psf 29.83 psf 24 in Wcb -8 Cost Right Rate 14.56 psf 14.56 psf 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Mettiter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Tdb Width Top 0-0-0 9-8-I N Up Rate 17.91 psf 17.91 psf 24 in Top 9-8-I 13-3-7 N Up Rate 29.83 psf 29.83 psf 24 in Web 1-0 • Cont Loft Rate 16.88 psf 16.88 psf 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Mctr6rcr Location I Location 2 Direction spread Sian Load End Load Tub Width Top 0-0.0 9.8-I N Up Rake 9.29 pal 9.29 psf 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) - Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 6-3.18 N Up Rate 64.67 psf 64.67 psf 24 in Top 6-3-10 9-0-I N Up Rate 64.67 psf - 64.67 pal 24 in Top 9-8-I 13-3.7 N Up Rake 46.63 psf 46.63 psf 24 in Web I-ft Cont Loft Rake 36.5 pal 36.5 pit 24 is Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Tnb Width Top 0-0-0 9-8-I N Down Rake 8 psf 8 psI 24 in Web I-ft Cont Right Rate 16 psf 16 psf 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) - No toads were defined for this load case. Automated Load Case LIO': UBC 101b Live Load on Bottom Chord - Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Sot Coot Do- Proj 10 psf tO psf 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No toads were defased for this load case. This truss has been designed in accordance with [BC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to lO psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean RoofHeight 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft. Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 63 It The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations - 9 Load Combo Factor Dl 1.008 '___________ 3 01+0.6 W3 -. .000 4D96 W8 000 5 DI +0.6 W9 1.000 = 6(0i.7O 1P_ 7 Dl * 0.45 W3 50.75 Lal 1.000 89j45\V3 L000 -T 9 DI + 0.53 El * 0.75 Let 1.000 j!iQkprcigiwl _ToftO _1 Ii 0.6 DI +0.6 W2 .1.060 L900 I 13 0.601+0.7 E'O.Ot BiiPIi.ro• 1.000, iToOo -i Member Forces Summary Table indicates, Member ID, tmn CSI, tuna axial force. (teas catupe force ifdiffereni from rrssa axial Inter) TChd 11 .2 0.972 -1.072 lbs 12-3 0.806 -532 lbs 134 8.525 .466 lbs I -7 0.726 1.025 lbs (480 lbs) I 2-6 0.744 .591 lbs 14-6 0.760 646 lbs (-377 Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID Carded leans Coatsinglursss CastyrdgOokct Mdc Tt21 112 005 10-3-2 90 deg ALL GENERAL NOTES OF11{15 DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OF114IS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ilIAIThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON 31415 SHEET' MEETS 11415 MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cdcle, Suite 102 T14 LOADS, LOADING CONOmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURatiONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEEt Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T12 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobNe: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:09 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 3of3 Report: Eng Plot E V M A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Ed sws TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 13-3-7 2.998/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 403 lbs GUSSET PLATES t1I1te1T1 - - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Suniniajy as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6' of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OF THIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT 'TIIE'IRU5S ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEE1S THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle, Suite 102 THE WADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONs, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boutder, Coloredo 80301 KEYMARK GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SWS Panel & Truss 4231 Liberty Blvd. South Gate CA 90280 Truss: .T13 JobName: 217 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:10PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 1 of3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 13-3-7 2.998/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 43.9 lbs - 5-1-2 10-2-5 i 13-3-7 0-10-0 - 3-4-9 3s 0-0-0 . 0-0-0 5-1-2 5-1-2 3-1-2 5-1-2 10-2-5 13-3-7 Circles indicate lltnteocrcoant in webs. Sqsosns indicate fasten crcount in chords."Fasteners" indicotes then urnberof Amon TS SS #12 or#12 SOS (AISI) fasteners required atone end of the nnaner. Each raIse indicates the nanberof lirstetsers required: (s) indicates the nsnlser of Anmon IS SS #12 to be installed on one side of the truss. (b) indicates the nsnther ofll 12 SOS (AISI) to be installed on each side ofthe stuns. Where connection plates ate called not no this drawing a plate is required on each side of the t15s55. Reliartn General Notes forllsoherclotiEcatinn. Allowable shrarperAsnron IS SS #12 lisateneras follows: 27 rails: 402 lbs; 33 rails: 544 lbs; 43rails: 810 lbs; 54 nails: 1.138 lbs: 68 nails: 1,610 lhs.Allosvablesheaeper#12 SDS (AISI)thsteneris calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT 02. Maintain Orstener spacing as 5/8" mm. Maintain fastener edge nstagbs at 5/5 train for each sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed IC 0.743 (1-2) 'It 0.12 in 1./999 (1-2) L/240 BC 0.885 (6-7) IL 0.06 in L/999 (1-2) L/ 360 r#cb: 0.877 (2-6) Flora iL: 0.01 in 4 IC Continuously Braced BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Summary - ST Type LC BC Bro Wtd Reaction iTBC Max React MaxGray UpliftMaoMWFRSUpliftManC&CUpliftManUplift MaoHodz Pin (WL) a 298 lbs 8 I 564 lbs -14 lbs .300 lbs -300 lbs 234 lbs H Roll (TI) a 296 lbs 5 I 562 lbs -50 lbs -308 lbs -308 lbs Pin (WL) a _ 564 lbs H Roll (TI) a 562 lbs Pin (WL) 3 1 6 in 232 lbs Pin (WL) 3 6 in 29 lbs H H Rnll (TI) in 249 lbs Pin (WL) 4 a 355 lbs Pin (WL) 4 6 in 40 lbs Ft . t H Roll (TI) 4 I 2 a 337 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 5 I 6 a 298 lbs 5 H Roll (Ii) 5 I 2 in 296 lbs 8 Pin (WL) I 6 n 298 lbs H Roll (TI) n 296 lbs Pin (WL) n 448 lbs - Pin (WL) n 21 lbs H H Roll (TI) n 460 lbs Pin (WL) n 249 lbs Pi. (WL) n 21 lbs H H Rolliff) n 260 lbs Pin (WL) n 490 lbs 5 II Roll (Ii) n 495 lbs ft Pin (WL) In n -141b5 8 Pin (WL) 0 n 63 lbs H 5 H Roll (TI) to n -50 lbs o Pin(WL) It n 4olbs 8 Pin (WL) 1 1 6 in 72 lbs H 5 H Roll (TI) II 1 2 in .13 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 12 6 n -300 lbs 8 8 Pis(WL) 12 I 6 n 234 lbsH 5 It Roll (TI) 12 I 2 in -300 lbs . 8 Pin (WL) 13 I 6 in 179 lbs 5 H Roll (TI) 13 I 2 in 170 lbs ft Pin (WL) 14 I 6 in 431 lbs 5 H Roll (TI) 14 I 2 in 429 lbs Member Material CSI Bracing Max P Top Chd 1-3 ___________________ 30TC20 (50 trail 0.743 Sheathed -1,001 lbs Top Chd 3-4 30TC20 (50 In) 0 293 Sh athed -409 lbs Bar Chd 5-8 . 20TCl8(50 ti) 0.00$ Sparse 1,023 lbs Web 1-8 -I 5C20 (50 hal) 0.2I6 Unbtoçed -541 lbs Web -7 _____________________ ISCift (50 W)0.760 Unbraced 1,034 lbs web27 15C28 (50 Irs) 6.042 U braced !lOibs 9Vcb 2-6 15C16 (50 lad)0.077 Unbtaced -662 lbs Web 3-6 _ _ 15C20(50ks) 0 I99 U bi5crd 73 lbs—,= Web 4-6 15C20 (58 led) 0.674 Unbraced 630 lbs 'r9eb4 S _15C20(50 Ia) _______ (I 664 U braced ____7571 1b5 NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lr1: Std Live Load ' Distributed Loads Men*,er Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load mbWsdth Top Cent Down Proj 20 psI 20 psI 24 in Bet • Cent Down Proj 0 psI 0 psI 24 in - ALL GENERAL NOTES OPThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATilIE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThATTHETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON ThIS SHEET MEEtS li-IC MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cdcte, Sale 102 ThE LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T13 4231 Liberty Blvd. iobNamc: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:10PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 2of3 Report: Eng Plot E Y M A R K Nax GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GSlruss® Version: 5.009 [Build 781 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 13-3-7 2.998/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24in 43.9 lbs Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Metther Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Sod Load Trib Width Top Coot Dowo Rake I6psf I6psf 24in Sot Cont Down Rake 6 pSi 6 psi 24in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Metaker Location I Location 2 Direction Spread 5rart Load End Load Ttib Width Top 0.0.0 10-2-5 NUp Rake 25.31 psi 25.31 psi 24in Top 10-2-S 3-3-7 N Up Rake 29.83 psi 29.83 psi 24 in Web I-S Coot Right Rake 14.56 psi 14.56 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Metaker Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load lob Width Top 0.0.0 0-2-5 N Up Rake 17.91 psI 17.91 psI 24in Top 10-2-5 15-5-7 N Up Rake 29.83 psI 29.83 psI 24 in Web -8 Coot Loft Rake 16.88 psI' 16.08 psI 24in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Do) Distrtbuted Loads Mtntee Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Sod Load Ttib Width Top 0.0-0 10-2-S N Up Rake 9.29 psi 9.29 psi 24in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Sod Load Ttib Width Top 0.0-0 6-3-10 N Up Rake 64.67 psi 64.67 psi 24 in Top 6-3-10 10-2-5 NUp Rake 64.67 psi 64.67 psi 24in Top 10-2-5 13-3-7 N Up Rake 46.63 psi 46.63 psi 24 in Web I-ft Coot Left Rake 36.5 psi 36.5 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Metaker Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load Sad Load Ttib Wtdrh Top 0-0-0 10-2-5 NDnwo Rake ftpnl Opsi 24in Web I-S Coot Right Rake 16 psi 16 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No loads were defined for this load case. Automated Load Case LI 0°: UBC I 01b Live Load on Bottom Chord - Distributed Loads Menther Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Sod Load Ttib Width Bot Coot Oosvn Proj 10 psi tO psi 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No loads were defused for this toad ease. I) This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. - This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psfbottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category H, Mean Roof Height 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations 9 Load Cootto . Factor I DI 1.000 201 +I.I 1.900 3 01+0.6 553 ______________________________________________________________________ 1.000 4=DI +06 WE 1.006 5 01+0.6 W9 1.000 61)t jOist 1.000 7 DI *0.45 W3 *0.75 Lot - 1.000 0D1+045W3 oi 9 DI +0.53 El *0.75 Let 1.000 1096Dt+06w1 _ 1000 Ii 0.6 DI +0.6 W2 1.000 I2 06Dt+06W4 000 13 0.601+0.7 E/ .01 1.000 14D1 +Lt0 I Oak) Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Meniter ID, own CSI, own sake terce, (rena coo5rc iorce ildittbtent ftomnsaa ante kotce) TChd 11-2 0.743 -tOOt lbs 12-3 0.532 476 lbs 134 0.293 409 lbs I 0.760 1.034 lbs (400 lbs)l2.6 0.877 -662 lbs 14-6 0.674 630 lbs (-378 Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID Curried Tress Cao5ingTotss CautytogO5ic1 Aatrie 1128 T13 005 24-3-2 9S deg * ALL GENERAL NOTES OPThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTHE Keymatic Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT THE1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET ME M- 1915 MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cticle, Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS. AND SPANS LISTED ON 1111,8 SHEET Boolden, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T13 4231 Liberty Blvd. jobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:10PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 3 of3 Report: Eng Plot E Y M A R K NX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 13-3-7 2.998/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 43.9 lbs GUSSET PLATES fP1I1t(lTI - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment of this truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6" of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" ofthe end of each chord Segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFNIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL PART OF 1111S COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE NATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERT SEAL INDICATES ONLY NAT NETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 67(17 WinchesW C,icle, Suite 02 NE WADS, WADING CONOmONS, TRUSS MElvIBER CONI'IGURA'IlONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON ThIS Boulder, Colomdo 80301 SWS Panel & Truss T14 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:10PM Systent Amcon 6.003 Page: I o1`3 Report: Eng Plot (K E Y M A R K GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] sws TRUSS Reactions iT 8 Pin (WL) I I 6 in 299 lbs 8 5 H Roll çrri I I 2 in 297 lbs 3 8 Pin (WL) 2 I 6 is 564 lbs 5 H Roll (r1) 2 I 2 in 563 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 231 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 is 33 lbs H 5 H Roll (Ii) 3 I 2 in 235 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in 357 lbs 8 Pin (WI) 4 I 6 is .44 lbs H 5 H Roll (TI) 4 I 2 in 351 lbs 8 Pin (WI) 5 I 6 in 299 lbs 5 H Roll (Vt) 5 I 2 in 297 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 6 I 6 i 299 lbs 5 H Roll (17) 6 I 2 in 297 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 447 lbs 0 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 241b'H 5 H Roll (VT) 7 I 2 in 450 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 248 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 24 lbs H 5 H Roll (Ii) 8 I 2 in 251 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 9 I 6 in 498 lbs 5 H Roll (11) 9 I 2 in 497 lbs 8 Pi n (WL) ID I 6 i -10 lbs 8 Pin (WI) 10 I 6 in 74 lbs H H Roll (VI) 10 I 2 in .45 lbs 8 Pin (WL) II I 6 in 45 lbs 8 Pin (WL) II I 6 in 88 lbs H S H Roll (VT) II I 2 in 4 lbs 8 Pin (WI) 12 I 6 in -298 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 12 1 6 in 263 lbs H 5 II Roll (11) 12 I 2 in -340 lbs 8 Pin (WI) 13 I 6 in 179 lbs 5 H Roll (VI) 13 I 2 in 178 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 14 I 6 in 432 lbs 5 H Roll (11) 14 I 2 in 430 lbs Member Material CSJ WPRS Uplift Max C&C Uplift Max Uplil -tO lbs -298 lbs -299 lbs 563 lbs AS lbs -340 lbs -340 lbs Max P SPAN PITCH QTY 01-IL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 13-3-7 2.999/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 54.8 lbs p- lu-u p-lu-u I-I-p 5-10-0 11-8-1 13-3-7 0-10-0 30 30 5-10-0 . 5-10-0 1-7-6 5-10-0 11-8-1 13-3-7 ConIes indicate Ststcneacoast in webs. Squares indicate Ststenereosnt in chants. "Fasteners" indicates then unbcrofAnioonTS SS #12 or#12 SDS (AISI) Orstenets required atone end of the nrndter. Each value indicates the norcherof ttstenets required: (s) indrcares the aatnlrerofAotroonTS SS 412 lobe installed on one side of the leans. (b) indicates the nantherof#12 SDS (AISI)to be installed on each side ofthr tows. Whew connection plates ate called out on this drawing n plate is required on each tide of the trots. Refer to General Notes for fisoherclarification. Allowable shear penAowon IS SS #12 Sssteneras follows: 27 oils: 402 Ibs: 33 toils: 544 lbs; 43 toils: t10 lbs: 54 nsls: 1,138 lbs; 68 nsls: 1,610 lbs.Allowable shear per#12 SDS (AlSI) fasreneris calculated per the NASPEC 2807 WITH SUPPLEMENT #2. Maintain fitstnnerspocingat 5/8 nm. Maintain fissrenered nsoaln at 5/8" rote foreoch shear of steal connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed IC : 0.910(1-2) 11:0.14 in L/999 (1-2) L1240 BC 0.960(6-7) LL 0.07 in 1/990 (1-2) 1/360 Web: 0.896(4-5) HorzU 0.01 in 4 IC Continuously Braced BC BnscingSpatse 11215 0.810 lbs lbs NOTE: assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case LrI: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Merther Locution I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top Coat Down Proj 20 psI 20 psf 24 in Bat Coot Do— Proj 0 psI 0 psI 24 in ALL GENERAL NOTES 0F1HIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTH13 Keymatie Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT THETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cticle, Suite 102 TilE WADS, WADING CONDmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURA11ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON IS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T14 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:10PM System: Ameon 6.003 - Page: 2of3 Report: Eng Plot E Y MARK NX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GSTniss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OFIR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 13-3-7 2.999/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 54.8 lbs Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Meniser Location I location 2 Direction Spread Suit Lood End Load Tnb Width Top Coos Do-Rake 16 psi I6 psi 24 in But Cont Dom Rake 6 psI 6 psi 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Menber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Scott Loud End Load Ttib Width Top 8-0-0 11.0.1 NUp Rake 25.31 psi 25.31 psi 24 in Top 11-8-1 13-3.7 N Up Rube 29.83 psi 29.83 psi 24 in tech -8 Coot Right Rate 14.56 psi 14.56 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Meniser Location I Locution 2 Direction Sptead Slain Load End Load Ttib Width Top 0-0-0 ' Il-S-I N Up Rate 17.91 psI 17.91 psi 240 Top 11-8-I 3-3-7 N Up Rake 29.83 psI 29.83 psi 240 Wcb I-S Coot Loft Rake 16.88 psi 16.88 psi 24 in - Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(MaxDn) - Distributed Loads Metciser Location I Location 2 Ditectiao Spread Stan Load End Load Fib Vctdih Top 8.0.0 11-8-I N Up Rake 9.29 psi 9.29 psi . 240 Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suetion) Distributed Loads Metrber Location I Location 2 Diteccion Spread Scott Load End Load Tsib Width Top 0-0-0 6-3-10 N Up Rake 64.67 psi 64.67 psi 24 in Top 6-3-I0 It-S-I N Up Colic 64.67 psi 64.67 psi 24 in Top lI-S-I 13.3.7 N Up Rake 46.63 psi 46.63 psi 24 in Web I-S - Coot Loft Rake 36.5 psi 36.5 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS.Left(Min) Distributed Loads Mandser Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stoat Load Sod Load Tub Width Top 0.0.0 11-0-I N Do- Robe 8 psi 8 psi 24 in Web I-S Coot Right Rake 16 psi 16 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS.Right(Min) No toads were defined for this toad ease. Automated Load Case LI 0°: UBC lOIb Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Metrtter Location I . Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Ttib Width 001 Cont Dom I'toj 10 psi 10 psI 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No loads were defined for this load ease. This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC .2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7- 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean RoofHeight 43 if, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 fi, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 63 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations 6 Load Coni,o . Factor I Dl . 1.000 . 1.000 3 Dl + 0.6 W3 1.000 1.000 5 01*0.6 W9 1.000 601 +07 El 1.000 7 Dl + 0.45 W3 + 0.75 La! 1.000 801+045 553 1 800 ________________ 9 01*0.53 El *0.75 Id 1.000 I006DI*06WI 1000 II 0.6 01+0.6 W2 1.000 l206 Dl* 016 W4 1.060 I3 0.601+0.7 F10.01 5 1.000 l4Di±LiO Ow Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Meniser ID. nun Cal, lena cain! faire, (tma cants farce ildiffeteot front onto cain! force) TChd 11-2 0.910 -1.072 lbs 12-3 0.700 -294 lbs . 134 0.163 -220 lbs I 0.010 1,016 lbs (-455 Ibs)I2-6 0.371 -830 lbs 14-6 0.630 706 lbs (429 Truss-to-truss Connections Summary. ID Corned Tacos CosnrngTrsuss CsnnngO0ket Angle 1122 T14 005 12-3-2 90 deg ALL GENERAL NOTES OPTh1S DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOSE THAT "ME Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT114E1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEIfiMEIITS ThE MINIMUM APPLICABLE- DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 WinchesterCticle, Suite 102 THE LOADS. LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEEt Booldec, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T14 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:10PM Systenc Anicon 6.003 Page: 3 of3 - Report: Eng Plot E Y M A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 781 SPAN PITCH QTY OFIL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 13-3-7 2.999/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 54.8 lbs GUSSET PLATES - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing: Each chord segment listed underMaterial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6" of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicularto the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 "of the end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OF THIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL PART 017 THIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THATThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6107 Winchester Crick, Suite 102 ThE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, -TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS. AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHE a- Boulder, Colonrdo 8030 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T15 4231 Liberty Blvd. . JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:11PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 1 of3 Report: Eng Plot KEYM A RKK Xx GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78) sws TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY ORL OFIR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 13-3-7 2.999/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 40.1 lbs I z 4-1.1- IL 'I-U- IL 4-0-12 8-1-9 12-2-5 13-3-7 0-10-0 3-4-9 3--9 4-0-12 4-0-12 4-0-12 1-1-2 4-0-12 8-1-9 12-2-5 13-3-7 Circles indicate fastener count in webs. Squares indicate llssrener count in chords."Fasteners" indicates the rratrdrcr of Amson IS SS #12 or #12 SDS (AISI) ttslenees required stone end of the trrnther. Each anIse indicates the nsn%er of fasteners required: (s) indicates the nnrrdrer of Atraron 'OS SS #12 to he installed on one side of she truss. ) indicates the osn*ser of# 12 SOS (AISI) to be installed on each side of the truss. Where connection plates ore called out on this drawing, a plate is required on each side of the tracts. Referto General Notes for further clarificatioo. Allowable shear perArrroo 1'S SS #12 llrsteneeas follows: 27 rails: 402 lbs; 33 rails: 544lbs: 43 reds: 810 lbs: 54 reds: 1,138 lbs; 68 rails: 1,610 tbs.Altosvahle shear per 012 SOS (AISt) fastener is calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT 02. Maintain fastener spacing at 5/8" edo. Maintain llssterreredW nurn at 5I8 rain for each sheer of steel connected. CSI Deflection L/ (bc) Allowed 'IC 0.594(1-2) iL: 0.12 in L1999 (1-2) L/240 BC : 0.870(8-9) IL 0.06 in L/999 (1-2) L/ 360 Web: 0.997(5-6) - HotalL 0.01 in 7 'IC Conrinaously Braced BC Bracing Sparse Summary IT BC M. React M. Grnv Uplift Max MWPRS Uplift Max C&C Uplift Max Uplift Max tO I 565 lbs -8 lbs -295 lbs -295 lbs 2 6 I 564 lbs .44 lbs -384 lbs -354 lbs Reactions IT Type LC BC Brg WAd Reaction IS Pin (WL) I I 6 in 299 lbs 6 H Roll (TI) I I 2 in 298 lbs ft Pin (WI,) 2 I 6 in 565 lbs 6 H Roll (TI) 2 I 2 in 564 lbs to Pin (WL) 3 I 6i0 23t lbs tO Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 34 lbs H 6 Ft Roll (M3 I 2 in 230 lbs tO Pin (WL) 4 I 6 i 357 lbs IS Pin (WL) 4 I 6 i .45IhsH 6 H Roll (fl) 4 t 2 i 3S7lbs tO Pin(WL) 3 I 6 in 299 lbs 6 H Roll (TI) 5 I 2 in 290 lbs tO Pin (WLl 6 I 6 in 299 lbs 6 ' H Roll (TI) 6 I 2 in 290 lbs 10 Pi n (WL) 7 I 6 i 4471b5 IS Pi n (W 7 I 6i5 25 lbs H 6 H Roll (I'll 7 I 2 in 446 lbs IS Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 248 lbs IS Pin (WL) 8 I 6 i 25 lbs H 6 H Roll (TI) 8 I 2 in 247 lbs 0 Pin (WL) 9 I 61n 490 lbs 6 H Roll (TI) 9 I 2 in 497 lbs IS Pin (WL) tO I 6 i -8 lbs 10 Pin (WL) tO I 6 in 78 lbs H 6 H Roll (ii) IS I 2 in .44 lbs tO Pin (WI.) It I 6 in 47 lbs 10 Pin (WL) II I 6 in 82 lbs H 6 H Roll (TI) It I 2 in 9 lbs tO Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in -295 lbs tO Pin(WL) 12 I 6 in 273 lbs II 6 H Roll (TI) 12 I 2 in -354 lbs tO Pin (WL) IS I 6 in 179 lbs 6 Il Roll (TI) 13 I 2 in 179 lbs IS Pin (WL) 14 I 6 i 432 lbs 6 H Roll (il) 14 I 2 in 431 lbs ALL GENERAL NOTES 0P1141S DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERIIDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFTHIS COMPONENT DEStGN DOCUMENT. NOTE 1IIATTHE Keymaik Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT THETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET 140011' THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchnter Cricle, Suite 102 THE LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SItElft Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T15 4231 Liberty Blvd. . JobNaxnc: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:11 PM System: Anicon 6.003 Page: 2of3 Report: - Eng Plot E Y M A R K NX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78) SPAN PITCH QTY OHL 01-ER PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 13-3-7 2.999/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 40.1 lbs Loads Summary - Load Case LrI: Std Live Load . Distributed Loads Mother Location I Locution 2 Direction Spread Stun Load End Loot Trib Width Top Cont Dom Ptnj 20 psi 20 psi 241. Bot Coot Dom Ptoj 0 psi 0 psi 24 in Load Case Dl: Sid Dead Load . Distributed Loads Merrbee Location I Location 2 Direction Spread '- Sun Loot End Load Trrb Width Top Coot Down Robe 16psf I6 psi 24 in Bot Coat Dowa Rake 6 psi 6 psi 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Lcft(Up) Distributed Loads Mend,er Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Loot End Loot Trib Width Top 0-0-0 2-2-5 N tip Rate 25.31 psi 2531 psi 24 in Top 12-2-5 13.3-7 N Up Rate 29.03 psi 29.83 psi 24 in V/eb 1-10 Coal Right Rake 14.56 psi 14.36 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Mcrrircr Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stun Load End Load Trib Width Top 0-0-0 12.2.5 NUp R.I. 17.91 psi 17.91 psi 24i0 Top 12-2-5 13.3.7 N Up Rate 29.83 psi 29.83 psi 24 is Web 1-10 Coot Left Rake 16.88 psi 16.88 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Dislnl,uted Loads Menirer Locution I Loeatioo 2 Dircerion Sptead Stun Load End Loot Trib Width Top 0-0-0 12-2-5 N Up Rake 9,29 psi 9.29 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) - Distributed Loads Mcnirer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stun Loot - End Loot Trib Width Tap 0-0-0 6-3-10 N Up Rote 64.67 psi 64.67 psi 24 in Top 6-3-10 2-2-5 N Up Rate - 64.67 psi 64.67 psi 24 in Top 12.2-5 13-3.7 N Up Rube 46.63 psi 46.63 psi 24 in Web 1.10 Coot Lot Rate 36.5 psi 36.5 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MV,/FRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Metther Locution I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Loot End Load Trib Width Top 0-0-0 2-2-5 NDosan Rate Opsi 8pni 24 in Web 1-10 Coot Right Rate 16 psi 16 psi 24 is Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No loads were defined for this toad case. Automated Load Case LIO°: USC I Olb Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads - Mcn'ber Location I Locution 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Bat Coot Down Ptnj tO psi tO psi 24 in User-defined Load CaseEl: Seismic No toads Were defined for this toad case. This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category H, Mean Roof Height 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 fix 63 ft. Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations Loot Corrtro Factor I Dl _________________________________________________________________________ 1.000 2D1+LuI ___________________ 000 3 Dl +0.6 W3 . 1.000 401+06W8 toss 5 DI *0.6 W9 . 1.000 6DI+07E1 toss 7 Dl * 0.45 W3 + 0.75 Let - 1.000 ODt +045 W3 I 000,.............,,,.... 9 DI *0.53 El *0.75 tel 1.000 1006 Dl 06 WI 1000 TEl II 0.601*0.6 W2 1.000 I2 06Dl+06W4 loss 13 0.601+0.7E10.0I loss l4DIUOa i.oss__ -1 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Mcather ID. rena CSI, teas axial iotsc. (tmo contra iowa iidi8brent tons nato axial ioece) TChd 11-2 0,594 -1.040 lbs 12-3 0.406 -752 lbs 134 0.470 -102 lbs 14-5 0.303 -13 0.730 1,004 lbs (466 lbs) 1 3.0 0.006 258 lbs (-98 lbs) 5-7 0.719 743 lbs (-466 0.071 -144 lbs 3-7 0.796 -683 lbs 5-6 0.997 .461 lbs Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID Curried Tntss CotrineTnsss CnccineO5kct Angle 1727 TIS GOS 22-3-2 90 deg ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFTh1S COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTTIE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL tNDICA'I'05 ONLY THAT 'tl{F.TRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Crick, suite 102 THE WADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS. AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder. Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T15 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:11 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 3 of3 Report: Eng Plot E V M A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OFIR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 13-3-7 2.999/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 40.1 lbs GUSSET PLATES MrnIiretTi - - - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMaterial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6 of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6' ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OPThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT WE1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester C,ick, Suite102 THE LOADS, WADING CONDmONS, 1RUSS MEMBER CON1'IGURAllONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON ThIS 5HEEE Boulder, ColonBlo 80301 _JT Type LAC BC Brg vdd Reaction JT B Pin (WI.) 1 1 6 in 299 lbs 0 H Roll (M 2 in 299 lbs 5 Pin (WL) 2 1 6 in 565 lbs H Roll (fl) 2 2 in 565 lbs Pin (tEL) 3 6 in 231 lbs Pin (WL) 3 , 6 in 37 lbs H H Roll (Vt) 5 I 2 i 211 Pin rVL) 4 I (W 6 in 357 lbs Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in 48 lbs H 5 H Roll (TI) 4 I 2 in 369 lbs Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 299 lbs H Roll (TI') 5 I 2 in 299 lbs Pin (WI.) 6 I 6 in 299 lbs H Roll (M 6 I 2 n 299 lbs Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 440 lbs Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in - 28 lbs H H Roll (II) 7 I 2 in 438 lbs Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 248 lbs Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 28 lbs H H Roll (Ii) 8 I 2 n 238 lbs Pin (WL) 9 I 6 a 498 lbs H Roll (Ii) 9 5 2 n 490 lbs Pin (WL) 10 I 6 n -5 lbs Pin (tWL) 10 I 6 n S6 lbs H H Roll (fl) IS I 2 n Pin (WL) II I 6 n 40:b: 50 b 8 Pin (WL) II I 6 in 80 lbs H 5 H Roll (I'll II I 2 in 23 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in -281 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in 290 lbs II 5 H Roll (I'S) 12 I 2 in -372 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 13 I 6 i 179 lbs 5 H Roll (TI) 13 I 2 in 179 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 14 I 6 in 432 lbs H Roll (Tl) 14 I 2 in 432 lbs 565 lbs -40 lbs -372 lbs -372 lbs SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T16 4231 Liberty Blvd. . jobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:11 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: I of3 Report: Eng Plot E V M A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GSlruss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 13-3-7 3.001/12 8 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 36.7 lbs 4-5-2 . 8-10-5 13-3-7 0-10-0 4-4 TT26 4-5-2 . . 4-5-2 4-5-2 4-5-2 8-10-5 13-3-7 Circles indicate Ibstener coons in webs. Sqoases indicate ttssenercosns in chords."Fasteners" indicates She nostherofAsrroniS SS 612 or512 SDS (AISI) tssseness required at one end of the eresrbee. Each raise indicates She nuneeoflltsicness required: (s) indicates she nosrtserofAncnnTS SS 012 to be installed on one side of she truss. ) indicates She noss6rerof#12 SOS (AISI) to be installed on each side of she truss. Where connection plates use called out on this dntsoing, o ptase is required on each side of she sass. Refcrto General Noses forllsnherclnsitcasian. Allowable shearperAncon is as #12 fusterseens follows: 27 teds: 402 lbs: 33 rails: 544 lbs: 43 sails: 010 ho; 54 sails: 1.138 lbs; 68 sails: 1,610 lhs.Allowoble sbeaepee#12 SOS (AISI) lbstnncnis calm lored per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT 02. Maintain fastener spacing as 5/8" nrio. Maintain flistener edge srrergbs or 5/5" rein breach sheer of steel connected. CSI Deflection L/ (bc) Allowed IC : 0.870(1-2) TL 0.15 in L/952 (1-2) L/245 BC 0.972 (6.7) - LL 0.07 in L/999 (1.2) L/360 Web: 0.958(3-5) Ho". 7L, 0.02 in 4 IC Continuously Braced BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Summai NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lr1: Std Live Load Distributed Loads - Mendsen Location I Locution 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Lund Trib Width Top Cons Down Prnj 20 psI' 20 psf 24 in Rot Cons Down Proj 0 psf 0 psI 24 in ALL GENERAL NOTES OPfl4IS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPIHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTHE Keymaxk Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY I14ATTHETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON 1141S SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cric)e, Suite 102 ThE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T16 4231 Liberty Blvd. jobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:11 PM System: Anicon 6.003 Page: 2of3 Report: Eng Plot ( KE V M A P K GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 13-3-7 3.001/12 8 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 36.7 lbs Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Mother location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stoat Load Sod toad 1db Width Top Cool Doson Rate 16 psI 16 psf 24 in Bot Corn - Do- Rake 6 psI 6 pst 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stttat Load Sod Load 1db Width Top 0.0-0 13.3.7 N Up Rate 25.29 psI 25.29 psI 24 in Web .8 Cool Right Rote 14.56 pot 14.56 pot 2410 Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads -. Member Location t location 2 Direction Spread Stoat Load Sod Load 1db width Top 0-0-0 13.3-7 N Up Rake - 11.91 psI 11.91 psI 2410 Web 1.8 Coot Left Rote 16.88 psI 16.88 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Do) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stoat Load Sod Load lob Width Top 0.0.0 13.3.7 N Up Rate 9.29 pot 9.29 psI 2410 Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Mother Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stoat Load Sod Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 6-3-10 N Up Rate 64.61 psI 64.61 psI 24 in Top 6-3-10 6.11-13 NUp Rote 41.71 ptl 41.71 pat 2410 Top 6-11-13 13-3-1 N Up Rate 64.67 pat 64.67 pat 24 in Web .8 Coot Let Rate 36.5 psI 36.5 pat 2410 Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stoat Load Sod Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 13.3.7 N Down Rate 8 psI 8ps1 2410 Web 1.8 Coot Right Rake 16 psI 16 psI 2410 Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No loads were defused for this toad case. Automated Load Case LI 0°: UBC 101b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Mother Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load - Sod Load 1db Width Bar Cont Down Ptoj 10ps1 10 PSI` 24in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No toads were defined for this toad case. I) This truss has been designed in accordance with [BC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance with ASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is GsblelHip with Building Category 11, Mean Roof Height 43 ft. Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 63 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations II Load Combo - - Factor .000 2DI+LI _____ .000 3 + DI0.6W3 . .000 4D1+0.6W8 1.000 1 Dl *0.6 W9 1.000 Dl * 0.7 81 1.000, 7 Dl +0.45 w3 +0.75 tel .000 0D1*045w3 1000 9 Dl * 0.53 El * 0.75 t.l 1.000 1006ibl *06 hl 1050 II 0.6 Dl *0.6 W2 1.000 I2O6D1+06W4 1.006 13 0.6 DI + 0.7 £10.01 1.000 14D1+1QIO j.000 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Mother ID. nato CSI, oats axial Intto. (trnx cantt toter ildiltenent lions now asisi force) 0.766 1.006 lbs (-423 Ibo)I 2-6 0.853 -400 lbs 13-5 0.958 -757 lbs Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID Carried Truss CoongTwss CaaringOtlket Me T125 __________ T16 _______________ 005 _______________ 18-3-2 ____________ 90deg .TI26 _________ 116 ______________005 2032 ___________ )0deg 1123 ___________ 116 ________________ 005 -16-3-2-90 _______________ 14-3-2 _____________ 90 deg -ns4 _________TI6 _____________ 005 16-3: ___________9teg ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTI-tIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART 0P11415 COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE mAImS Keymazic Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS 11415 MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6107 Winchester Cdcle, Suite 102 THE LOADS. LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T16 4231 Liberty Blvd. jobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:11 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 3 D Report: Eng Plot (KE V M A R K GLXX OBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 13-3-7 3.001/12 8 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 36.7 lbs GUSSET PLATES W1 I1tetII - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMaterial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6" of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane of the truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDER EDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMIO6T. NOTE ThATTS{E Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThEIRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester C,icle, Suite 102 THE WADS, LOADING CONDmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON ThIS SHEET Boulder, Colorodo 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T17 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Dale: 6/21/2016 3:21:11 PM System Amcon 6.003 Page: I of3 Report: Eng Plot E V M A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 781 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OFIR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 2-0-15 3.008/12 2 0.0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 5.7 lbs 2-0-15 0-10-0 1-4-4 2s 3F12 0-0-0 0-0-0 2-0-15 2-0-15 Circles indicate fastenercoont in webs. Squares indicate tssteneecoant in chords."Fasteners" indicates the nonireenfAnwonTS SS #12 or#12 SOS (AIS()ltsleners required atone end of the nntnirer. Each caine indicates the naniteroffasteners required: (s) indicates the onniree of Anrors IS SS #12 to be installed on one side of the trots. ) indicates the noniree of# 12 SOS (Alsoto be installed on each side of the truss. Where connection plates ate called out on this drawing o plate is required on each side of the torts. Referto Generol Notes for firnheeclors0cation. AltosvahleshearperA000n TS SS #12 tssteneens lblloscs: 27 nnls: 402 lbs: 33 oils: 544 lbs; 43 oils: 810 lbs; 54 0415: 1.138 lbs: 68 oils: 1,610 lbs.Allosoable shear per#12 SOS (AISt) ttnterreeis calcolated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT #2. Maintain fastener spacing at 5)8" rein. Maintain fastener edOI nuegin at 5/8" er/n breach sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection L/ (bc) Allowed TC 0.125 (1.2) TI.: 0.01 in L/999 (1.2) L/ 240 BC : 0.052 (3.4) LI.: Sin L/999 (1.2) L/360 Web: 0.044 (14) blor,,TL: 0 in IC Continuously Braced BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Summary 3 H Roll (iT) I 2 in 47 lbs 4 Pin (OIL) 2 t 6 in 88 lbs 3 H Roll (iT) 2 I 2 in 88 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 is 38 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 6 lbs H 3 H Roll (11) 3 I 2 in 32 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in 32 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in .21 lbs H 3 H Roll (11) 4 I 2 in 62 lbs 4 Pin (OIL) S I 6 in 47 lbs 3 H Roll (il') S I 2 in 47 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 6 I 6 in 47 lbs 3 H Roll (il) 6 I 2 in 47 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 71 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 4 lbs H 3 H Roll (iT) 7 I 2 in 67 lbs 4 Pin (OIL) 8 I 6 in 40 lbs 4 Pin (OIL) 8 I 6 in 4 lbs 11 3 H Roll (IT) 8 I 2 in 36 lbs 4 Pin (OIL) 9 I 6 in 78 lbs 3 H Roll (iT) 9 I 2 in 78 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 10 I 6i0 I lbs 4 Pin (OIL) 10 t 6i0 I lbsH 3 H Roll (nil to t — 2 in -3 lbs 4 Pin (WL) II I 6 i 141b5 4 Pin (WL) t t t 6 in 28 lbs H 3 H Roll (i) II I 2 in -3 lbs 4 Pin (tEL) 12 I 6 in .38 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 12 I 6i0 931bs1I 3 H Roll (Il) 12 I 2 in 99 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 13 I 6i0 281b5 3 H Roll (Ii) 13 I 2 in 28 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 14 I 6 i 68 lbs 3 H Roll (IT) 14 I 2 in 60 lbs Member Material BotChd3-4 0'(5Ok5i) Web 1.4 I5C20(5OIui) Web 1-3 15C20(50k5) Web 2.3 15C26(50kn1) - -- - - NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load 3 I 88 lbs -0 lbs -99 lbs -99 lbs CSI BracinE Max P 8.125 Sheathed 33 lbs Ot)J..._.. Sparse 0.044 Unbtnced -76 lbs 0.024 _U - _76 lbs, ". 0.031 Unbroced 79 lbs Distributed Loads Mere&ter location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Land ' End Load Trib Width Top Coot Down Ptnj 20 psf 20 psf 24 in Bar Coot Down Proj 0 psf 0 psf 24 in ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERIlDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLYTHAT Tt-IETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle, Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T17 4231 Liberty Blvd. jobNamc: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:12 PM System Amcon6.003 Page: 2of3 Report: Eng Plot (J E V M A R K GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 781 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 2-0-15 3.008/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 5.7 lbs Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Moodier Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tirb Width Top Cant Down Rake t6 psi I6ps1 24 in Bot Cont Down R.I. 6 psi 6 psI 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Member Location t Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tub Wit dth Top 0.0.0 2.0.15 N Up Rake 25.26 psi 25.26 psi 24 in Web 1-4 C. Right Rake 4.56 psi 14.56 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W2: M WFR S-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Menber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread start Load lad Land Tb Width Top 0.0.0 2.0.15 N Up Rake 17.91 psi 17.91 psi 24 in Web 14 Cant Left Rake 16.88 psi 16.08 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Meteber Location I Location 2 Directian Spread Stan Load End Load Tub Width Top 0.0.0 2.0.15 N Up Rake 9.29 psi 9.29 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Menirer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top 0.0.0 2.0-I5 N Up Rake 77.56 psi 77.56 psi 24 in Web 14 Cant Loft Rake 44.00 psi 44.08 psi 24 in Automated Load Case WS: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Directian Spread Stan Load End Load Tub Width Tap 0.0.0 2.0.15 N Dawn Rake 8 psi 8 psi 24 in Web 14 Cant Right Rake i6 psi I6psf 24in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No loads were defined for this toad case. - - Automated Load Case LIO°: UBC lOIb Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Meutber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tttb Width Bat Cant Darns Proj tO psi tO psi 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No loads were defined for this load Case. I) This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psfbottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean Roof Height 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prune Region. Load Combinations 0 Load Combo Factor - I DI 1.000 =2 01+ Lit - _________________________________________________________________________ 000 3 DI +0.6 W3 1.000 +06 W6 I 050 1 5 Di +0.6 W9 1.000 03 41 1000 7 Di +0.45 W5 *0.75 Let . 1.000 801+045W3 _1.000 9 DI +0.53 01 *0.7S Let 1.000 I006Dl--06W1 1000 II 0.6 Dl *0.6W? 1.000 12'06D1*06W4 1000 13 0.60! * 0.5 0/0.01 - 1.000 L4E)L+J,10 [000 1 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Member to, rena CSI, urns axial force. (teas canvr force iiditferent boat rnaa axial force) lChd 1-2 0.125 -20 lbs 31:42 BChd 4 0.052 -71 lbs Webs 14 0.044 -76 lbs 1.3 0.024 76 lbs (14 lbs) 12-3 0.031 79 lbs (-76 lbs) Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID Carried Truss Caa3ingTntss CatrrogO8knm Angle T131 T17 G06 24-5 45 deg GUSSET PLATES f1P111D1TID - - - - - - - AU. GENERAL NOTES OFtiltS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThETEUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEEI MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cuicle. Suite 102 THEWADS, WADING CONDmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, ANDSPANS USTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Catousda 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T17 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobNe: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:12 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 3 of3 Report: Eng Plot E V M A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GSTnjss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 2-0-15 3.008/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 5.7 lbs Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement oflateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6 of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane of the truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OF THIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL PART OFNIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThAT11{E Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT THETRLJSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEE'IS THE MINIMUMAPPUCABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchesas Cñcte, Suite 102 THE LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LIsTED ON ThIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 8030 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T18 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:12 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: I of3 Report: Eng Plot E V M A R 1< GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] gwg TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY 0111. OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 2-0-15 3.008/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 5.7 lbs 2-0-15 0-10-0 1-4-4 2s 3F12 0-0-0 0-0-0 2-0-15 2-0-15 Circles indicate trslcncrcoant in webs. Squares indicate faster" count in chords."Fasteners" indicates the number ofAntatonlS SS #12 or#I2 SDS (Ant) Soreness required at one end ofthe nonther. Each anise indicates the nsn*eeoflisstcnees required: (s) indicates the nsn%er of Asrron 15 SS 11 12 to be installed on one side oflhe sass. (b) indicates the soother ofO I) SOS (AISI) to be installed on each side of the teats. Where connection plates ate culled out on this drawing, a plate is required on each side of the tosss. Relbrto General Notes foellsttherclotificsrlioo. Allowable shrorperAmron TS SS 1112 ttstenerss follows: 27 oils: 402 lbs; 33 oils: 544 lbs; 43 rods: 010 lbs; 54 oils: 1.138 lbs: 68 oils: 1.610 lbs.Alloscnble sheoeper812 SOS (ALSO fonreneeis oslctslosed per she NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT 82. Maintain fastener spacing at 5/0' re/n. Maintain fiotenered6e tnsnn at 5/8 win for each sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection L/ (toe) Allowed IC 0.125(1-2) TI: 0.01 in L/999 (1-2) L/240 BC : 0.052 (3-4) LL, 0 i L/999 (I-)) L/360 Web: 0.044 (1.4) He. TLO in PC Continoonsly Braced BC BtncingSposse Reactions Summary iT Type LC BC Brg Wtd Reaction iT BC Max React Max (hoc Uplift Mon MWFRS Uplift Ms 4 Pin (WL) I I 6 in 47 lbs 4 I 80 lbs 3 Ft Roll (II) I I 2 in 47 lbs 3 I 88 lbs S lbs 4 Pin (WL) 2 I 6 in 00 lbs 3 H Roll çrii 2 I 2 in 00 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 30 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 6 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 3 I 2 in 32 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in 52 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 0 -21 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 4 I 2 in 62 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 47 lbs 3 H Roll (11) 5 I 2 in 47 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 6 I 6 in 47 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 6 I 2 in 47 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 71 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 4 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 7 I 2 in 67 lbs 4 Pin (WI) 8 I 6 in 40 lbs 4 Pin ('WL) 8 I 6 in 4 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 8 I 2 in 36 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 9 1 6 in 78 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 9 1 2 in 78 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 10 1 6 i I lbs 4 Pi. (WL) 10 1 6 i I lbsH 3 H Roll (TI) 10 1 2 in -S lbs 4 Pin (WL) II 1 6 i 14 lbs 4 Pin (WL) II 1 6 in 28 lbs H 3 H Roll (11) II 1 2 is -5 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 12 1 6 i -38 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 12 1 6 i 93 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 12 1 2 in -99 lbs 4 Piss(WL) 13 1 6 i 28 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 13 1 2 is 28 lbs 4 Pi. (WL) 14 1 6i5 681b5 3 H Roll (TI) 14 I 2 in 68 lbs Member Material CSI Bracing Max P -99 lbs -99 lbs ,Hot Chd3.4 20IC200190 - 0052 Spars Web 14 15C20 (50 So) 0.044 Unbsaced -76 lbs W6 1-3- t5C20(sfths) - 0024 UbSISd - _76lbs, Web 2-3 I 5C20 (50 ksi) 0.031 Unbraced 79 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load DiS5'rbuled Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Loud Pod Load Tmib Width Top Coot Down Pwj 20 psf 20 psf 24 in Bat Coot Down Proj 0 psf 0 psf 24 in ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE COMSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTHE Keyniark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT THEIRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle, Suite 102 ThE WADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURAI1ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T18 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 SouthGate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:12 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 2of3 Report: Eng Plot K E Y MARKK GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OFIR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 2-0-I5 3.008/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 5.7 lbs Load Case DI: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Men*er Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Trib Width Top Cont Down Rake 16psf 16p5f 24 in Bill Cont Do- Rake 6 psi 6 psi 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Meeter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load rod Load Trib Width Top 0.0.0 2.0-15 N Up Rake 25.26 psi 25.26 psi 24 in Web -4 Coot - Right - Rake 14.56 psi 14.56 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Mertdree Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Lord End Load Trib Width Top 0.0.0 2.0-I5 N Up Rake 17.91 psi 17.91 psi 24 in Web I.4 Cont Loft Rake 16.88 psi 16.88 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Meeter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Starr Load End Lord Trib Width Top 0-0-0 2.0-15 N Up Robe 9.29 psi 9.29 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Menter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Starr Load End Load Trib Width Top 0.0.0 2-0-I5 N Up Rake 77.56 psi 77.56 psi 24 in Web 14 Cont Loft Rake 44.08 psi 44.05 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Lefl(Min) Distributed Loads Menirer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Trib Width Top 0-0.0 2-0-I5 N Down Rake 8 psi 8 psi 24 in Web 1.4 Coot Right Rake 16 psi 16 psi 24 in Automated Load CaseW9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No toads were defined for this load case. Automated Load Case LIO°: UBC 101b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Mcrrtee Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Lord Trib Width Sol Cont Down Prnj 10 psi lO psi 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No loads were defined for this load case. This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. - This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance with ASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean Roof Height 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prune Region. Load Combinations 8 Load CorrEro . Factor I DI .000 2D1+L,I .000 3 DI +0.6 W3 . I.000 4Dtj-06W8 1.000 S DI +0.6 W9 1.000 6D1 +8701 F.000 7 Dl *0.45 W3 *0.75 tel 1.000 8D1+045W3 __I000__ 9 DI * 0.53 El * 0.75 In 1.000 1006D1j06WI loss - II 0.6 DI + 0.6 W2 1.000 I1 06DI06W4 1.000 13 0.6 DI +0.7 0/0.01 1.005 I= DI + Li 0 -1.00o Member Forces Summary Table indicates: MenirertD. nato CSI, nux caird foree, (oars canrr force iidi0brenr torn nox axial force) Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID Carried Trnss CrrrrngTnsss Carr/ngOffser Angle T13I TI8 G06 24-5 . 315 deg GUSSET PLATES 11fl 1t,tI - - - - - - - - - - - - ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIOEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT TFIETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUtsIAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchesren Cricle, Suite 102 THE LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATiONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T18 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:12 PM System: Amcon6.003 Page: 3 of3 Report: Eng Plot E V M A R K NX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GSlmss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OW. OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 2-0-15 3.008/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 5.7 lbs Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6' of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OF THIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL PAST OF THIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON TillS SlIEST MEETS 1115 MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 WinhesIer C,icle, Suite 102 ThE LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURA11ONS, AND SPANS L15117D ON ThIS SHEEt Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T19 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:12 PM Systent Amcon 6.003 Page: I of3 Report: Eng Plot Y M A P K Nax SAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] swg TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTJPLY 4-0-15 3.004/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 11.3 lbs 4-U- I 4-0-15 0-10-0 1-10-4 2s 0-0-0 0-0-0 4-0-15 4-0-15 Circles indicate ftsstenerconnt in webs. 5qsotns indicate fastener count in chords. Fosteoesf indicates the nanberof Anwon 15 SS #12 nell 12 SDS (AISI) fasteners required atone end of the nrtther. Each value indicates the nsntherof ttstenets teqaited: (s) indicates the ntsntherof AanSOn IS SS #12 to be installed on one tide of the truss. (b) indicates the stsntheeor#12 SOS (AIS()to be installed on each side of the trots. Where connection platen are called not on this dmtvin5 a plate is required no each side of the truss. Refentn General Notes forlisnherclatification. AllowoblesbeaepeeAnrcnn 35 SS 11t2 Etsteneras Esliows: 21 suIt: 402 lbs: 33 edIt: 544 lbs; 43 edIt: 8t0 Ibs: 54 roils: 1.138 lbs; 68 edit: 1,610 ibs.Altosvabieshenepee912 SOS (AISI) llsstenenis calculated per the NASPEC 2001 WITH SUPPLEMENT 112. Maintain #sntener spacing ax 5/8 rein. Maintain tssteneeedW nsnnjn or 5/8 son for each sheen ofsteel connected. CSI Deflection L/ (lc) Allowed IC 0.765 (1.2) IL: 0.04 in 1/929 (1-2) 1/240 BC 0.565 (3.4) LI: 0.02 in L/999 (1-2) L/360 Web: 0.072 (3.3) blare IL 0 in IC Continuously Braced BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Summary iT Type IC BC Big Well Reaction IT BC Max React Mao Gary Uplift Mao MWFRS Uplift Mac C&C Uplift Max Uplift Max blade 4 Pin (WL) I 1 6 in 92 lbs 4 I 133 lbs -104 lbs .104 lbs 139 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) I 2 in 92 lbs 3 I 113 lbs -IS lbs -166 lbs .166 lbs 4 Pin (WI) 2 1 6 i 173 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 2 1 2 in 173 lbs 4 Pin (WI) 3 1 6 in 72 lbs 4 Pin (WI) 3 1 6 in II lbs H 3 H Roll (Ti) 3 1 2 in 66 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 4 1 6 in 107 lbs 4 Pin (WI) 4 1 6 in -26 lbs H 3 H Roll (I1) 4 1 2 i 1151b5 4 Pin (WI) 5 1 6 in 92 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 5 1 2 in 92 lbs 4 Pin (WI) 6 1 6 in 92 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 6 I 2 in 92 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 138 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 9 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 7 2 in 133 lbs 4 Pi. (WL) 8 6 i 77 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 8 1 6 in It lbs H 3 H Roll (Ii) 0 1 2 in 12 lbs 4 Pi. (WL) 9 1 6 i 1531bs 3 H Roll (TI) 9 2 in 153 lbs 4 Pin (WI) 10 6 in I lbs 4 Pin (WL) tO 1 6 i I6 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 18 1 2 in -IS lbs 4 Pin (WL) II 1 6 i 19 lbs 4 Pin (WL) II 1 6 in 39 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) II 1 2 in 4 lbs 4 Pin (WI) 12 1 6 in -104 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 12 6 i l39 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 12 2 in -166 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 13 I 6i0 551b5 3 H Roll (TI) 13 I 2 in 55 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 14 I 61s 133 lbs 3 HRoll(Tl) 14 I 2i0 1331b5 Member Material CSI Bracing Max P Top Chd 1-2 38TC20 (SO lni) 0.765 Sheathed -57 lbs Sot Chd 3.4 20it20 (SOlos) '0.56- 5 Sparse - - il7 lbT jJ Web 1.4 15C20 (50 Ii) 0.066 Unbtsced -149 lbs Webt 3 Th5C20 (50 los) 0038 braced ]191bs Web 2-3 15C20 (SO lxi) 0.072 Unbtnced 59 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Merrber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread stan load End Load Ttib Width Top Cent Down Proj 20 psf 20 psI 24 in But Cost Down Proj 0 psi ft psi 24 in AU. GENERAL NOTES 0FTh15 DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPThlS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTHE Keyniark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY I14ATThE1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON 31115 SHEET MEETS THE MINIMU)cIAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Crick, Suite 102 THE LOADS, LOADING CONOmONs, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATiONS, AND SPANS USiliD ON THIS SHEEt Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T19 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:12 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 2of3 Report: Eng Plot E V MARK GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System GSlruss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 4-0-15 3.004/12 2 0.0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 113 lbs Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Merrber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Lord Trib Width Top Cool Down Rake 16 paf 16 psI 24 in But Cool Down RoSe 6 psI 6 psI 24 in Automated Load Case WE MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Mendter Location I Locution 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Thb Width Top 0.0.0 4.0-I5 N Up Rake 25.20 psI 25.28 psI 24 in Web 1-4 Cool Right Rake 14.56 psI 14.56 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Men*er Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Slut Load End Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 4.0-15 N Up Rake 17.91 psI 17.91 psI 24 in Web 14 Cool Loft Rake 16.08 PSI` 16.88 PSI` 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Meteber Locution I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tub Width Top 0.0.0 4-0-I5 N Up Rake 9.29 psI 9.29 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Slut Load End Load 1db Width Top 0.0.0 4.0-I5 N Up R .I. 77.56 psI 77.56 pal 24 in Web 14 Coot Loft Rake 44.08 psI 44.08 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Mener Location I Locution 2 Direction Spread Slut Load End Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 4-0-I5 N Down Rake 8 psI 8 pal 24 in Web 14 Cant Right Rote 16 pal 16 psI 24 in Automated Load CaseW9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No loads were defrned for this toad case. Automated Load Case LIO°: USC lOib Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads ktcntcr Locution I Locution 2 Direction Spread Start Lord End Load Tub Width But Coat Down t'toj 10pal 10 psI 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No toads were defined for this toad case. This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 paf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category 11, Mean Roof Height 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 fi, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 63 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zonelnias. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations ft Load Condro Factor I DI 1.000 ___________________________ I.000 3 DI ±0.6W3 .. 1.000 4:p' + .00( S DI +0.6 W9____________________________________________________________________________ .000 6Dg+0.7EI IDES 3 7 DI +0.45 W3 * 0.75 tel 1.000 8D1+0.45W3 -- .000 9 DI* 0.53 El * 0.75 tel 1.000 1006D1*06W1 It 0.6 Dl * 0.6 W2 .000 _______________________________________________________________________________ 12_6D15-06W4 000 I) 0.6 01*0.7150.01 1.000 14=1)1.f LIO 1.060 5 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Member ID, nuts CSL nato sate lance, (nuts eotrtt force ifdifferettl from nato aaial farce) TChd 1-2 0.765 -57 lbs 1 3 1 :4 2 BChd -4 0.565 -117 lbs Webs 114 0.066 .149 lbs -3 0.038 119 lbs (-It lbs) 12-3 - 0.072 159 lbs (449 lbs) Truss-to-truss Connections Summary - ID Carried Truss CaarsngTnass CaoykgOflbet AspIc 1132 119 006 5-24 45 deg GUSSET PLATES - - - - - - - - - - - - ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE C0NSIDk7tEDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OF -MIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE T14ATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT WETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON ThIS SHEET MEETS ThE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Crick, Suite 102 ThE LOADS, LOADING CONDmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONI'IGURA'IlONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET. Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T19 4231 Liberty Blvd. jobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6I2I/2016 3:21:12 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 3of3 Report: Eng Plot KEYMARK (iXGLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] 5w5 TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY OHL O1IR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 4-0-15 3.004/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 113 lbs Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6 "of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OF THIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL PART OPTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE 114ATNE Keymaik Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THATTHEIRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 WincboororCdcic, Suite 102 THE LOADS. WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFtGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T20 4231 Liberty Blvd. jobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:13 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 1 of3 Report: Eng Plot E V M A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GSlruss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] sws TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 4-0-15 3.004/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 11.3 lbs '+-u- I 4-0-15 0-10-0 1-10-4 2s 0-0-0 0-0-0 4-0-15 4-0-15 Circles indicate fastenercoont in webs. Squares indicate llsstenercoont in chords."Fasteners" indicates she non*reeorAnreonls SS #12 or#12 SOS (AOl) fasteners required at one end ofthenreniser. Each anIse indicates the naoiseroftsuteners roqaised: (s) indicates she ssasthee of Aesnon IS SS #12 to be installed on one side of the truss. (h) indicates the narcher of# 12 SOS (thIS!) to be installed on each side of the tress. Whets connection plates ass called out on this donning o plate is required on each side of the truss. Refer to General Notes for IlanheeclasiEcation. Allowable shearperAmton TS SS 912 fastenerns follows: 27 oils: 402 lbs; 33 oils: 544 lbs: 43 esils: 810 lbs; 54 oils: 1.138 lbs; 68 wits: 1,610 lbs.Allowable shear per #I2 SOS (AISI) fauseneris entenlased per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT #2. Maintain Erstener spacing ar 5/8 rain. Maintain fastencredge n55555n at 5/8 tin foreach sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection L/ (bc) Allowed it 0.165 (1-2) TLt 0.04 in L/929 (1.2) L1240 BC 8.565 (3.4) lIt 0.02 in L/999 (1-2) L/ 360 Web: 0.872 (2-3) I-loss IL 0 in It Continuously Braced BC Boning Sparse Reactions Summary 4 Pin (WL) I I 6 in 92 lbs 4 I 173 lbs -104 lbs -104 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) I I 2 in 92 lbs 3 I 173 lbs -IS lbs .166 lbs -166 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 2 I 6 in 173 lbs 3 H Roll (II) 2 I 2 in 173 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 72 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in I lbs H 3 H Roll (I'I) 3 I 2 in 66 lbs 4 Pi. (WL) 4 I 6 i l#7lbs 4 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in -26 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 4 I 2 in 115 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 92 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) S I 2 is 92 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 6 I 6 in 92 lbs 3 H Roll (II) 6 I 2 in 92 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 138 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 9 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 7 I 2 in 133 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 0 I 6 in 77 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 9 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 8 I 2 in 72 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 9 I 6 in 153 lbs 3 H Roll (II) 9 I 2 in 153 Has 4 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 i I lbs 4 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 in 16 lbs H 3 H Roll (II) 10 I 2 in -IS lbs 4 Pin (WL) II I 6 in 19 lbs 4 Pin (WL) II I 6 i 39 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) II I 2 in 4 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 is -104 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 i l39 lbs H 3 H Roll (II) 12 I 2 in -166 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 13 I 6 i 55 lbs 3 H Roll (II) 13 I 2 is 55 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 14 I 6 i 1331b5 3 H Roll (TI) 14 I 2 i 133 lbs Member Material CSI Bracing Max P not aid os :s:L: 2.n1llsI Ti Web 1-4 15C20 (50 led) 0.066 Unbowed -149 lbs - l5C2O(30L) - - ------------------------- 0.072 0038 Ubtaced - - 1191b Web 2-3 I 5C20 (30 sal) Unbsaced 159 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lr1: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Men*,er Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load lOb Width Top Cant Down Psnj 20 psf 20 pal 24 in Bat Cent Down Proj 0 psf 0 psf 24 in ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THAT1HE Keymasic Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT THETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Critic, Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON ThiS SHE-Et Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T20 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:13 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 2of3 - Report: Eng Plot (KE V M A R K XX AL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 781 sws T R U S S SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OFIR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 4-0-15 3.004/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 113 lbs - Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Dirittion Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top Cont Down Rake 16p5f 16ps1 24 in Bot Coot Down Rake 6 psi 6 psi 24 in Automated Load Case Wi: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Men-bet - Location I Location 2. Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib 13.54th Top 0-0-0 4-0-15 N Up Rake 25.28 psi 25.28 psf 24 in Web 1-4 Coot - Right Rake 14.56 psi 14.56 psi 24 is Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Mntt-&tee Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Wtdth Top 0-0-0 4-0-I5 N Up Rake 17.91 psi 17.91 psi 24 in Web 1.4 Cost Loft Rake 16.88 psi 16.88 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Meeter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top 0-0-0 4.0-I5 N Up Rake 9.29 psi 9.29 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Mendrer Location I Location 2 Direction - Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top 0-0.0 4-0-I5 N Up Rake 77.56 psi 77.56 psi 24 in Web 14 Cant Left Rake 44.08 psi 44.08 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) DisLrtbuted Loads trlen*,er Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top 0-0.0 4-0-15 N Down Rake 8 psi 8pa1 24 is Web -4 Cost Right Rake 16 psI 16 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No loads were defined for this load case. Automated Load Case LI 0°: USC I Olb Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Metr&ter Location I Locarios 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width But Cool Down Pwj 10 paf 10 par 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No loads were defined for this load case. This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance wilhASCE7 -10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean Roof Height 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 It The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. - Load Combinations N Load Cotebo Factor I DI 1.000 __________________________________________________________________ 2D1:*Li1 1.000 T1 3 Dl 10.6 W3 1.000 ____________________________________________________________________________ Dl,±06W8 1.900 Dl +0.6W9 1.000 1.000 7 Dl * 0.45 1,133 + 0.75 L.,I_________________________________________________________________________ 1.000 8 J2l + 0 45 W3 000 9 Dl * 0.53 El + 0.75 1.4 1.000 . 1.000 - =10=0.6 bl-+O-.6 WI II 0.6 Dl + 0.6 W2 )/06DI*06W4 1000 13 0.6 DI *0.7 Ff0.01 1.000 14DtiLl0 _1000 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Men-ten ID. non CSI. flats snial force. (tma contr force ifdiSknent 0om seas oaial lotte) lChd 1-2 0.765 -57 lbs BChd 3.4 0.565 -117 lbs Webs 114 0.066 -149 lbs I-S 0.058 119 lbs (48 lbs) 12-3 0.072 159 lbs (449 lbs) Truss-to-truss Connections Summary to Carried Trait Can4nnTnsss CnnnngOflket Ane 1132 120 G06 5-2-4 315 deg GUSSET PLATES - - - - - - - - - -- - ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT 1I4E11EUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS WE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 WinahesterCtick, Suite 102 WE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURA11ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET. Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T20 4231 Liberty Blvd. jobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:13 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 3 of Report: Eng Plot (KE Y M A R K GLXX OBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GSlruss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 4-0-15 3.004/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 11.3 lbs Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMaterial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6" of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane of the truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6' ofthe end ofeach chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OF THIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThATTHETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Crick, Sour 102 THELOADS, WADING CONDmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colonrdo 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T21 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6121/2016 3:21:13 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: I of3 Report: Eng Plot E V M A P K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] sws TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 1-6-15 3.01/12 12 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 4.6 lbs I -0- I3 1-6-15 0-10-0 1-2-12 3112 2s 57 0-0-0 0-0-0 1-6-15 1-6-15 Circles indicate faatersercostnt in webs. Squares indicate fastestcrcount in chords."Fasteners" indicates the nsoerofAowoo75 SS 012 or 012 SOS (AISI) fasteners requited atone end of the nrosrben. Each some indicates the nundteroftrstcncts required: (s) indicates the ssorther of Aaruon 15 SS 812 to be installed on one side of she truss. (b) indicates the nuniser of 0 12 SDS (4.151) to be installed on noah side of the toss. Where connection plates are coiled out on this drawing a plate is requited on each side of the toss. Refer to General Notes for further clarification. Allowable sbenrperAntr000 TS SS #12 fastener as follows: 27 nols: 402 lbs: 33 soils: 544 lbs; 43 toils: 810 lbs; 54 odIn: 1,138 lbs: 68 toils: 1.610 lhs.Alloscable shear per #12 SOS (AISI) ttstenenis calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT #2. Maintain fastener spacing at 5/8" rein. Maintain Wtener edge ttsangoi at 5/8 rein breach sheet ofateel connected. CSI Deflection L/ (bc) Allowed IC : 0.059 (1-2) TL Sin L/999 (1.2) L/240 BC : 0.025(34) LL Sin L/999 (1.2) L1360 Web: 0.037(14) Hots 'fl. Sin IC Contin000slyBtnced BC BtncingSprasc Reactions Summary 4 Pin (WL) I I 6 in 36 lbs 4 I 67 lbs -20 lbs -20 lbs 3 H Roll (T'T) I I 2 in 36 lbs 3 I 67 lbs -6 lbs .04 lbs -04 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 2 I 6 in 67 lbs 3 H Roll (VT') 2 I 2 in 67 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 29 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 4 lbs H 3 H Roll (Ii) 3 I 2 in 24 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in 37 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in -20 lbs H 3 H Roll (IT) 4 I 2 in 49 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 36 lbs 3 H Roll (Fl) S I 2 in 36 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 6 I 6 in 36 lbs 3 H Roll (VI) 6 I 2 in 36 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 55 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 3 lbs H 3 H Roll (VT) 7 I 2 in 51 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 31 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 8 I 6i0 3 lbs ll 3 H Roll (TI) 8 I 2 in 27 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 9 I 6 in 59 lbs 3 H Roll (If) 9 I 2 in 59 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 i I lbs 4 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 in -3 lbs H 3 H Roll (VT') 10 I 2 in -6 lbs 4 Pin ('AL) II I 6 in 13 lbs 4 Pin (WL) II . I 6 in 25 lbs H 3 HR oll (FE) II I 2 in -5 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in -20 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 i El lbsH 3 H Roll (VI) 12 I 2 in -84 lbs 4 Pin (WL) IS I 6 i 21 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 13 I 2 i 21 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 14 I 6 in 51 lbs 3 H Roll (TT'( 14 I 2 i 51 lbs Member Material CSI Bracing Max P ,28Jb ,,, - Top Chdl-2 201C20(5015i) 0.059 ,Sheathed BotChd3.---------jO1t2O(50lni) 025 Spa9,,,_ -591bs 'Web 14 I5C20 (50 lad) 0.037 Unbctced .58 lbs - C20(50j 0022-- U biced 6916s J Web 2-3 15C20 (50 lot) 0.023 Unbtnccd 58 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Meniter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stun Load End Land Tb Width Top Cont Down Proj 20 psf 20 psf 24 in Bot Coot Down Proj 0 psf 0 psf 24 in ALL GENERAL NOTES OFSS4IS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE T1IATTHE Keymads Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SISAL INDICATES ONLY THATTHE1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Crick, Suite 102 THE WADS, LOADING CGNDmGNs, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET' Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T21 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:13 PM System: Amcon 6.003 - Page: 2of3 Report: Eng Plot E Y M A R K GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 1-6-15 3.01/12 12 0-0-0 0-0-0 . 1 24 in 4.6 lbs Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Mother Location I Location 2 Dcoctioo Spread Stoat Load Rod Load Trib Width Top Cool Down Rake 16ps1 I6psl 24 in Bot Cool Dosvn Rake 6 psI 6 psI 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Mother Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Thb Width Top 0.0.0 1-6-I5 N Up Rake 25.25 psI 25.25 psI 24 in Web 1.4 Coot Right Rake 14.56 psf 4.56 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) - Distributed Loads Metther Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 16-15 N Up Rake 17.9 psI 17.9 psI 24 in Web 1.4 Coot Left Rake 16.80 psI 16.00 p5I 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Mcnther Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Rod Load Tb Width Top 0-0-0 14-I5 N Up Rake 9.29 psI 9.29 pal 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Metther Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Slot Load tad Load 1db Width Top 0-0.0 1-6-I5 N Up Rake 77.56 psI 77.56 psI 24 in Web -4 Coot Loft Rake 44.08 psI 44.08 pnl 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Mother Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load tad Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 1.6-I5 N Down Rake 8 pal Opal 24 in Web -4 Coot Right Rake 16pnf 16pnl 24in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No loads were defined for this load case. Automated Load Case LI 0°: UBC 101b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads - Men*,er Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load tad Load Ink Width Bot Coot Down Ptoj tO pal tO psI 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic . No loads were defined for this load case. This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean Roof Height 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 fIx 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations Load Cotthn Factor 1.000 .000 3 Dl +0.6 W3 .. 1.000 4Dl+06W8 1000 1 5 - DI ±0.6 W9 1.050 6Dif0.7El 1.000 1 7 DI * 0.45 W3 * 0.75 Eel 1.000 =0=01 *OT.543'- loss__________________ 9 Dl *0.53 El + 0.75 Let 1.000 100601*06W1 __________________________________________________________ ___________________ 1000 1 II 0.601 + 0.6 W2 ________________________________________________________________________ 1.000 I206Dl+06W4 1000 13 0.601 + 0.7EIO.01 1.000 14Dl+LIO 1000 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Mother ID. trstx CSI, non axial lowe. (ma canott lowe ilditletent fitarn teas aaial force) lthd 1-2 0.059 -21 lbs BChd 3.4 0.020 -59 lbs Webs 114 0.037 -58 lbs 1-3 0.022 69 lbs (.14 Iba) 2-3 0.023 58 lbs (-50 lbs) Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID CoatiedThsss CanngTeass Caat56ngOflhrt An4e 1133 121 G07 24-5 ______________ 45 deg GO? _______________ -4 ___________ 315t1cg GUSSET PLATES LI1Le1T1 - - - - - - - -___- -- - AU. GENERAL NOTES OFThtS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThtS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT il-tEiRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON ThIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cticle, Suite 102 THE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boalder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T21 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:13 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 3 of3 Report: Eng Plot KEYMARKK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 781 sws TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 1-6-15 3.01/12 12 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 4.6 lbs Additional Notes At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement oflateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6 "of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OF THIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE 1HATTHE Keymark Enterprises LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT THETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MELTS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Wi,chesw Cicle, Suite 102 THE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS 5Fn3EE Boulder, Colorado 80301 3 H Roll (TI) I 1 2 in 80 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 2 I 6i0 152 lbs 3 H Roll (rt) 2 I 2 i 152 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 64 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 10 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 3 I 2 in 57 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in 93 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in -25 lbs H 3 HRoU(fl) 4 I 2 i 102 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 80 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 5 I 2 in 80 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 6 I 6 in 80 lbs H Roll (TI) 6 I 2 in 80 lbs 4 Pin (WI.) 7 I 6 in 122 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 7 lbs H 5 H Roll (TI) 7 I 2 in II? lbs 4 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 68 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 7 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 8 I 2 in 63 lbs 4 Pin (WI.) 9 I 6 i 154 lbs 3 II Roll (TI) 9 I 2 in 134 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 in I lbs 4 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 i l3 lbs H 3 H Roll (fl) 10 I 2 in -13 lbs 4 Pin (WL) II I 6 in 18 lbs 4 Pin (WL) II I 6 in 36 lbs H H Roll (TI) II I 2 in 2 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in -87 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in 127 lbs II 3 H Roll (TI) 12 I 2 in -149 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 13 I 6 i 481b5 3 H Roll (TI) 13 I 2 in 48 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 14 I 6 in 116 lbs 3 H Roll (rI) 14 I 2 i 116 lbs Member Material I/IRS Uplift Max C&C Uplift MU Uplift Max Hotia -87 lbs -87 lbs 127 lbs 3 I 152 lbs 13 lbs -149 lbs .149 lbs CSI Bracing Max P MAA sws TRUSS SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T22 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:13 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 1 of3 Report: Eng Plot K EYMARKK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GSTruss® Version: 5.009 [Build 781 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 3-6-I5 3.004/12 12 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 9.2 lbs 3-6-15 0-10-0 1-8-12 2s 0-0-0 0-0-0 3-6-15 3-6-15 Citcies indicate lltstenrecoant in webs. Sqoates indicate tssteneecoont in chords."Fasteners" indicates thenrsttheeofAtseonTh SS #12 oe#12 SOS (AISI) fastenets required atone end oftheotctther. Each anIse indicates the nootseroftlrstenets required: (s) indicates the onn*,er of Anatnn IS SS #12 to be installed on one side of the truss. (b) indicates the osntscr of# 2 SOS (AISU to be installed on each side of the tests. Whets connection plates are called out on this drawing a plate is required on each side of the truss. Refeeto General Notes forfanberclmification. Allowable shearperAnaton IS SS #12 lltstcneras fottovs: 27 otits: 402 Ibs: 33 toils: 544 Ibs: 43 otils: 810 Ibs: 54 toils: 1.138 lhs: 68 toils: 1,610 lbs.Allosysblesbearper8l2 SOS (AISI) fctsteoeris calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT #2. Maintain fastener spacing at 5/8" rain. Maintain tssteneeedW nsssgin at 5/0 non for each sheer of steel connected. CSI Deflection L/ (bc) Allowed IC 0.871(1-2) TL 0.07 in L/522 (1-2) L/240 BC 0.336 (3-4) LL 0.03 in L/999 (1.2) L/360 Web: 0.061 (1-4) HoraTL 0 in I 'It ContinuouslyBraced BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Summary T:01t2o (30 IIT.T - 15C20(50Ioi) l5C20(50ks) NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load 0.871 Sheathed -50 lbs -105 lbs i 0.061 Unbowed -131 lbs i034 - U based .1081bs 0.061 - Unbtsced 140 lbs Dislributed Loads Men*,rr Location I Location 2 Direction Sptend Stan Load End Land Ttib Width Top Coot Do— Ptoj 20psf 20p5f 24 its Bar Coot Do— Proj 0 psf Opal 24 in ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATWE Keyniark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT THETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MISErS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cticle, Suite 102 THE LOADS. LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURA'flONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 GSBuild®System GSlruss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] E V MAR K 61 GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS gwg TRUSS SWS Panel & Truss 4231 Liberty Blvd. South Gate CA 90280 Truss: T22 JobName: 217 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:14 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 2of3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OFIL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 3-6-15 3.004/12 12 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 9.2 lbs Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Mereber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Tub Width Top Coot Down Rake I6psf 16p51 24 in Dot Cent Down Rake 6 psi 6 psI 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Me,rfree Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Starr Load End Load Trib Width Top 0.6-0 3-6-35 N Up Rake 25.28 psf 25.28 psi 24 in Web 1.4 Coat Right Rake 14.56 psi 14.56 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Mendaer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Starr Load End Load Trib Width Top 0-0-0 3-6-I5 N Up Rake - 17.91 psi 17.91 psI 24 in Web 1-4 Coot Loft Rake 16.88 paf 16.00 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Mereber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top 0.0.0 3-6-I5 N Up Rake 9.29 psi 9.29 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Merrbee Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top 0-0-0 3-6-I5 N Up Rake 77.56 psI 77.56 psi 24 in Web 1-4 Coot Loft Rote 44.08 psi 44.05 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Meteber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Starr Load End Load Trib Width Top 0-0-0 3-6-I5 N Down Rake Opsl 8 psi 24 in Web I -4 Cost Ri5jtl Rake 16 psi 16 PSI` 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No loads were defined for this load case. Automated Load Case LIO°: UBC 101b Live Load on BottomChord Distributed Loads Morther Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Trib Width Bot Cont Down Pwj 1ps1 10PSI` 2410 User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No toads were defined for this toad case. This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psfbottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance with ASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is GableIHip with Building• Category II, Mean Roof Height 43 ft. Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 6, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations Load Condao Factor I Dl tOss * Let 1.000 3 DI., 0.6 W3 - 1.080 1005 Dl +0.6 W9 1.008 Di +07 El I 000 1 7 Dl *0.45 WS *0.75 Let 1.000 Dt*O45W3 1000 9 Dl +0.53 61+0.75 LA .000 18 0 6Dt +86 Wt 000 II 0.6 Dl *0.6 W2 ___________________________________________________________________ .000 12 0 601 +06 W4 1.000 13 0.601*0.7300.01 1.008 t4DlfLlO 1.060 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Merrker ID. oats CSI, rats axial force. (rats carrots forte iidilferersr tomoars axial force) TChd 1-2 0.671 -50 lbs BChd 3-4 0.536 -lOS lbs Webs 1-4 0.061 -131 lbs 1-3 0.034 108 lbs (.1717s)12-3 0.061 140 lbs (-IS! lbs) Truss-to-truss Connections Summary It) Carded Truss CnaringTncss CsnyrdgOftket Angle T734 122 (307 5-2-4 45 deg T134 122 (307 52-4iiT3l5deg GUSSET PLATES _I,rn__,1I1_LeT1 tt I1I1LIIT1 - - - - - - - - - - ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OF11-tlS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THAT1TIE Keymait Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT 11-tE1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICAB LE- DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle. Suite 182 THE LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET. Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T22 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:14 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 3of3 Report: Eng Plot E V M A P K NX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OFIR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 3-6-15 3.004/12 12 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 9.21b5 Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement oflateral braces installed perpendicularto the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6 of each panel point. The end ofevery chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6' ofthe end ofeach chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OF THIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDI3REDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATflIE Keymast Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEEWS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT ThETEUS5 ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEEtS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Csicle. Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS sHEET Boulder, Colotudo 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T23 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:14 PM Systent Alncon 6.003 Page: 1 of3 Report: Eng Plot E Y M A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System GSTnsss® Version: 5.009 [Build 781 gws TRUSS H Roll (TO 1 1 2 in 99 lbs Pin (WL) 2 I 6 in 187 lbs H Roll ro 2 I 2 in 187 lbs Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 78 lbs Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 12 lbs H H Roll (TI) 3 I 2 in 71 lbs Pin (WL) 4 I 6 i 116 lbs Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in -27 lbs H H Roll (TI) 4 I 2 in 124 lbs Pis (WL) 5 I 6 in 99 lbs H Roll (TI) S I 2 in 99 lbs Pin (WL) 6 I 6 in 99 lbs H Roll (TI) 6 I 2 in 99 lbs Pin (WL) 7 I 61u 149 lbs Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 9 lbs H H Roll (fl) 7 I 2 i 144 lbs Pin(WL) 6 I 6 in 83 lbs Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 9 lbs H H Roll (TI) 8 I 2 in 78 lbs Pin (WL) 9 I 6i0 165 lbs H Roll (Ii) 9 I 2 in 65 lbs Pi. (WL) 10 I 6 in I lbs Pin (WL) 10 I 6 i l9 lbs H H Roll (TO 10 I 2 in -16 lbs Pin (WL) II I 6 in 20 lbs Pin (WL) II I 6 in 41 lbs H H Roll (TI) II I 2 in 4 lbs Pin (WL) 12 I 6i0 .114 lbs Pin (WL) 12 I 6 is 146 lbs 14 H Roll (Ti) 12 I 2 in -177 lbs Pin (WL) IS I 6 is 59 lbs H Roll (TI) 13 I 2 is 59 lbs Pin (WL) 14 I 6 i 1431b5 H Roll (Tf) 14 I 2 i 14316s Material CSI Brac 4 I I07lbs 3 I I07lbs GracUnlift Man MV/IRS UnIte Man C&C Man Uplift Man Homi, -II4lbs 146 lbs -16 lbs -177 lbs -177 lbs 4 4 4 Member Max P SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 44-13 2.996/12 6 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 13.5 lbs Ii 4-4-13 0-10-0 1-11-3 2s 0-0-0 0-0-0 4-4-13 4-4-13 Circles indicate lhsteraercoant in webs. Squares indicate 0sstenercount in chords."Fasteners" indicates the nonbcrofAmaonl0 SS #12 or812 SDS (AISI) fissteners required at one end ofihe nrcnber, Each ssloe indicates the northeroffasteners required: (s) indicates the nsnter of Aaruton l's SS 012 In be installed on one side of the truss. ) indicates the nareber o10 12 SOS (AISI) lobe installed on each side of the onus. Where connection plates ate called out on this drawing, a plate is required on each side of the truss. Referro General Notes for Esoherc)aai6catioo. AllossablesbearperAnacon IS 55012 Esntcoeros follows: 27 nsls: 402 lbs; 33 resIn: 544 lbs: 43 oils: 810 lbs; 54 oils: 1.138 lbs: 68 nuls: 1.610 lbs./alloscnble 5hearper812 SDS (AISI) lirsteneris calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMISNT#2. Maintain fastener spacing ar 5/8" ntin. Maintain 6t.stenered rrsnwn at 5/8" nsn for each sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (lc) Allowed IC : 0.79](1-2) TL: 0.05 in L/949 (1-2) 1,/240 BC : 0.760(3-4) LL: 0.02 in L/999 (1-2) L/360 Web: 0.080 (2-3) Hots it 0 in 1C Continuously Braced BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Summary B1Chd3-4 20TC2050ksJ _O760 S,nas :. l24lbs J Web 14 15C20_(50 i) 0.069 Unbraced - -161 lbs WFkL3 I5C2090Ia)70.040--:---U braced - _l26j j Web 2-3 l5C20 (50 ksi) 0.000 Unbnrced 171 lbs - NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Tap Coot Down Proj 20 psf 20 pnf 24 in But Cant Down Pwj 0 psf 0 psf 24 in ALL GENERAL NOTES OF THIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE 11IATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL, ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT THE1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON il-ES SHEET MEETS 1110 MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle, Suite 102 THE LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 781 Isws TRUSS SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T23 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:14 PM System Amcon 6.003 Page: 2of3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY 01-IL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 44-13 2.996/12 6 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 13.5 lbs Load Case DI: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Meodser Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load Sod Load Trib Width Top Coot Down Rake 16pa1 16ps1 24i0 Bor Coot Down R.I. 6 psI 6 psI 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Ditnctioo Spread Start Load Sad Load Trib Wrdth Top 0-0-0 4-4-13 N Up Rake 25.32 pal 25.32 psI 24 in Web 14 Cost RitI Rake 14.56 psI 14.56 psf 24 10 Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Meodser Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load Sod Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 44-13 N Up Rake 17.91 psI 17.91 psI 2410 Web 14 Cons Left Rake 16.88 psI 16.88 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) * Distributed Loads Mother Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Sod Load Tnb Width Top 0-0-0 44-13 N Up Rake - 9.29 psI 9.29 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Sod Load Tdb W,dth Top 0-0-0 4.4-13 N Up Rake 77.56 psI 77.56 psI 24 in Web 14 Coot Left Rake 44.08 psI 44.08 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads - Menter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Sod Load 1db Width Top 0-0.0 44-13 N Down Rain Opal Opal 2410 Web 14 Cant Right Rake 16 psI 16pn1 241n Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No loads were defined for this load case. Automated Load Case Ll0°: USC 101b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads - Meniter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Sad Load mb Width Rot Coot Down Proj tO psI tO psI 2410 Use/-defined Load Case El: Seismic No Toads were defined for this load case. This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean RoofHeight 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations Load Canto Factor I DI 1.000 2D1*Lot 1.000 3 DI +0.6 W3 . 1.000 4D1 +06 Wit ___________________ IOOO,, .1 5 DI +0.6 W9 - 1.000 6D1+07EI 1000 TTJ 7 DI + 0.45 W3 * 0.75 LI 1.000 - 0D1+045W3 105ri _••,_ 9 Dl + 0.53 El + 0.75 Let . 1.088 I0 06DI 06W1 1008 II 0.6 Dl + 0.6 W2 1.008 1206D1+06W4 ___________________________________________________-1.600 -- 13 0.6 DI *0.7 1110.01 1.000 14 Dl +LIO 1.060 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Mend,cr D. non CSL seas axial force. (nato conac force ildiibreot tlonnnsao aoial force) Truss-to-truss Connections Summary - ID Carded Toss Can4ngTnrss CaanOogO0her Ase 1735 123 G07 64-3 45 deg GUSSET PLATES rn,1[e!T1 zT11te1T1 - - - - - - - - - - - - ALL GENERAL NOTES OPTEIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDA5 AN INTEGRAL PART Ot"IllIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTEE Keymatic Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY TEAT TEETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON TH1S SHEET MEETS iSlE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Crick, Suite 102 THE WADS, LOADING CoNtsmoNs, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGIJRAI1ON5, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET - Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T23 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobNamc: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:14 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 3 of3 Report: Eng Plot E V M A R K XX LOCAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 4-4-13 2.996/12 6 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 13.5 lbs Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6 of each panel point. The end ofevery chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES 01: THIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NO11SIHATThE Keymasic Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THATThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEEr MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6787 Winchester Cricle, Suite 02 ThE LOADS. WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS. AND SPANS LISTED ON TI-RS SHEET Boulder, Colosudo 8030 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T24 4231 Liberty Blvd. jobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:14 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: I of3 Report: Eng Plot (K E V M A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] sws TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY OH). OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 54-0 3/12 10 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 142 lbs L-o-u 2-8-0 5-4-0 0-10-0 2380 0-0-0 0-0-0 2-8-0 2-8-0 2-8-0 5-4-0 Circles indicate Stotener count in webs. Squares indicate frtstenen count in chants."Fasteners" indicates the non-beeofAwnonTS SS #12 or#12 SOS (AISI) fasteners required at one end of then— a. Each value indicates the oanberof fasteners requited: (s) indicates the noobeeofn..tnrnnT5 SS #1210 be installed on one side of the Irons. s), rr indicates the no6tero1012 SOS (AIM) lobe installed on each side of them ss. Where connection plates are called out on this drawing o plate is tequitcd on each side of the Irons. Relitrto Gnncrol Notes for lltnhercloti6carioo. Allowable shear perAocon TS SS #12 fastener or follows: 27 oils: 402 lbs: 33 toils: 544 ho; 43 oils: 810 lbs; 54 oIls: 1.138 lbs: 68 eals: 1.610 lbs.Allowoble shear perSl2 SDS (AISI) &tsteoeeis calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT 02. Maintain fastener npocing at 5/8 nm. Maintain Fastenererig nsrrn at 5/8 rein %eettch sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection L/ (bc) Allowed IC : 0.207 (1-2) 1L 0.02 in L/999 (1-2) L/ 240 BC 0.162(4.5) WOOl in L/999 (1-2) L/360 Web: 0.260(24) HorcTL Sin 3 IC Contin000slyBroced BC Brocing Sparse Reactions Summary 6 Pin (WL) I I 6 in 120 lbs 6 I 227 lbs -140 lbs -140 lbs 4 H Roll çri I I 2 in 120 lbs 4 I 227 lbs -18 lbs -209 lbs -209 lbn 6 Pin (WL) 2 I 6 in 227 lbs 4 H Roll (IT) 2 I 2 in 227 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 94 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in IS lbs H 4 H Roll (TI) 3 I 2 in 86 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in 141 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in -29 lbs H 4 H Roll (TI) 4 I 2 in ISO lbs 6 Pi' (WL) S I 61n 120 lbs 4 H Roll (TI) 5 I 2 in 120 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 6 I 6 i 1201bs 4 H Roll (TI) 6 I 2 in 120 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 181 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in II lbs H 4 H Roll (TI) 7 I 2 in 175 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 101 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in II lbs H 4 H Roll (II) 8 I 2 in 95 lbs 6 Pits (WL) 9 I 6 in 200 lbs 4 H Roll (II) 9 I 2 in 200 lbn 6 Pin (WL) 0 I 6i0 01bs 6 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 i 26 lbs H 4 H Roll (TI) 10 I 2 is -18 lbs 6 Pin (WL) II I 6 in 23 lbs 6 Pin (WL) II I 6 in 46 lbs H 4 H Roll (I( It I 2 in 6 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in -140 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 i I67 lbs H 4 H Roll (TI) 12 I 2 in -209 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 13 I 6 in 72 lbs 4 H Roll (TI) 13 I 2 in 72 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 14 I 6 in 173 lbs 4 H Roll (II) 14 I 2 in 173 lbs Member Material CSI Bracing Max P tnpLnot-3 -- ots_zotoeatr - -- - - - - - qtI 20TC2O(5Olot) - u.zn, -0.162 Spam - atteatneo - -21410s - ls_ _251 Web 1-6 15C20 (SO loi) - 0.086 Unbtaced -215 lbs Web l5 15C20(505s) 0083_U bacI' - - 262 lbs Web 2-5 15C20 (50 hsi) - 0.016 Uobtoced - - 49 lbs ,Web 24 I5C20(50hs)- 290lbs Web 34 15C20 (50 ksi) 0.041 Unbwced 78 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load DiSlrtbuled Loads Merther Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan loud End Load Trib Width Top Cool Down Pwj 20 psf 20 psf 24 in Bat Coot Dossrr Proj 0 psf 0 psI 24 in ALL GENERAL NOTIlS OFTRIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPThlS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE TRAT11IE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEEr MEETS ThE MINIMUMAPPUCABLE DESIGN CRmiRIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle, Suite 102 THE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET. Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T24 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:14 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 2of3 Report: Eng Plot (KE V M A R K GLXX OBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 781 SPAN PITCH QTY 01-IL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 54-0 3/12 10 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 142 lbs Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Merober Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top Coot Down Rake I6 psi I6psf 24 in Sot Coot • Down Rake 6 psi . 6 psi 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(tip) Distributed Loads Men*er Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top 0-0.0 5.4.0 N Up Rake 25.3 psi 25.3 psi . 24 in Web -6 Cons ' Right Rake 14.56 psi 14.56 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Mesther Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load hod Load 1db Width Top 0.0-0 5.4.0 N Up Rake . 17.91 psi 17.91 psi 24 in Web -6 Cost Left Rake 16.88 psi 16.88 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Mesnbeo Location I Location 2 Di,ecsios Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 5.4.0 N Up Rake 9.29 psi 9.29 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suelion) - Distributed Loads Mcni,er Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sian Load End Load Tnb Width Top 0-0-0 54.0 N Up Rake 77.09 psi 77.09 psi 24 in Web 1-6 Cons Loft Rake 43.8 psi 43.8 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Meniter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sian Load End Load - lnb Width Top 0-0-0 54.0 N Down Rake 8 psi 8 psi 24 in Web .6 Cons Right Rake 16 psi 16 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No loads were defined for this load ease. Automated Load Case Ll05: UBC lOIb Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Metrber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sian Load End Load 1db Width Sot Cent Down Ptnj 10 psi 10 psi 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No toads were defined for this toad case. I) This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean Roof Height 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Vr6dIh 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not ins Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations — S Load Conto Factor DI -- 2DI + LrI 1.000 Logo ..__ 3 Dl +0.6 W3 ___________________________________________________________________________________ 1.000 c4DI+56W8 i.000 5-D I Di +0.6 W9 .000 6Dl+07E1 7 DI * 0.45 W3 + 0.75 1,1 . . 1.000 801 045 W3 — 1.000 9 Dl +O.SSEI+0.75 tel 1.000 1006D1+06W1 1000 II 0.601 -'-0.6 W2 1.000 I206DI+06W4 1000 13 0.601 *0.7 1310.01 .000 (1401±LIO — 1000 1 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Meniter ID, max CSL nasa axial force, (rena cantn inree iidiffeteni from nasa axial force) 0.083 262 lbs (407 Ibs)124 0.260 -290 lbs GUSSET PLATES fP1LI1T1 - - —• - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the 10155 and placed within 6" of each panel point. ALL GENERAL NOTES 01313115 DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BECONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTETHAITHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cdcie. Salle 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEEr. 000ldW Coiotndo 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T24 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:14 PM Systent Amcon 6.003 Page: 3of3 Report: Eng Plot E V M A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS miss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] r~- SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 54-0 3/12 10 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 142 lbs The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane of the truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" of the end ofeach chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON ThIS SKEET MEETS THE MINIMIJMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6701 Winchstr C6cIc, Suite02 ThE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, IRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS. AND SPANS LISTED ON ThIS SHEEt Boulder, CoIodo 80301 ( KEYMARJ< XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I I Truss: T26 JobName: 217 GSBuiId®System I Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:15 PM GS Truss® I - System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] - Page: 1 of3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN - PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 7-6-11 2.998/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in I i- I- lu 21.4lbs I 3-1-10 I i- I- lu I -io 6-3-5 I 71 0-10-0 - - . 2-4-13 2-43 3s 0-0-0 0-0-0 3-1-10 - 3-1-10 1-3-6 3-1-10 6-3-5 7-6-11 Citcies indicate flssteneecoonx in webs. Squares indicate fastener count in chords."Fasteners" indicates the nonberofAnnoniS SS 412 or#I2 SOS (AISI) #tstenetn required tx oneend of the nrenther. Each sniue indicates the nandserof fasten ens neqoiresl: (s) indicates the nandsee of Astwoo IS SS #12 to be installed on one side of the truss. (h) indicates the oasthee of 8 t 2 SOS (A ISO to be instolled on each side of the cans. Wheat connection plates one called oat no this dtosvin5 a plate is required on each side of the truss. Refeeto General Notes for llsstheeclasification. Allowable sheaepeeAataroo IS SS #12 lhsteoerns follows: 27 nols: 402 ho: 33 soils: 544 lbs: 43 tints: 810 lbs: 54 ad Is: 1.138 lbs: 68 toils: 1.6 tO lbs.Allowsble shear pee#I2 SDS (AISI) tsstesseris calcolated per the NASPEC 2007 WfrH SUPPLEMENT 92. Maintain fastener spacing at 5/0 nan. Maintain tssletsered nsoagtn at 5/8 inn for each sheet of sleet connected. CSI Deflection L/ (bc) Allowed TC : 0.303 (1.2) ii.: 0.04 in L1999 (1-2) L/240 BC 0.332 (6-7) LL: 0.02 in L/999 (1-2) L/ 360 Web: 0.416 (2-6) HorzTL: 0 in 6 iC Continanasly Braced - BC BotcingSpatse - Reactions H Roll (TI) I I 2 in 169 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 2 I 6 in 521 lbs S H Roll (TI) 2 I 2 in 320 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 152 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 17 lbs H H Roll (VT) 3 I 2 in 136 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in . 202 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in -31 lbs H S H Roll (11) 4 I 2 in 197 lbs 8 Pin (WL) S I 6 i 1701b5 H Roll (VI) S I 2 in - 169 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 6 I 6 in - 170 lbs 5 H Roll (11) 6 I 2 in 169 lbs 8 . Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 255 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 13 lbs H 5 H Roll (VT) 7 I 2 in 258 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 142 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 i l3 lbs H $ H Roll (IT) 8 I 2 in 145 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 9 I 6 in 283 lbs 5 H Roll (VT) 9 I - 2 in 282 lbs 8 Pin (WL) tO I 6 i -51bs 8 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 i 33 lbs H 5 H Roll (VI) 10 I 2 in -29 lbs 8 Pin (WL) II I 6 in 27 lbs 8 Pin (WL) II I 6 in 51 lbs H H Roll (VI) II I 2 in 4 lbs 8 Pi. (WL) 12 I 6 i -199 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 i l79 Its; H 5 H Roll (TI) 12 I 210 -254 lbs 8 Pin (WI.) IS I 610 102 lbs 5 H Roll (TT) 13 I 2 i 101 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 14 I 6 i 245 lbs 5 H Roll (Ii) 14 I 210 244 lbs - Member Material - Summary ST BC Max React MasOosvUpli8 MstsMWFRSUpli8 MaxC&ClJpli8 MaxUplil 8 I 321 lbs .5 lbs -199 lbs -199 lbs I 328 lbs .29 lbs -254 lbs .254 lbs CSI Bracil 0.383 Sheathed '#Xl-~-Steqthed 8:332 Spasse I).j22 Unbraced 0.236 ________Uobrncesl UotiaL 0.416 Unbtacnd Max P 473 lbs .F46-1 _..._J 442 lbs .307 lbs j 455 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Menber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Star Load Pad Load Ttib 'dddth Top Cons Down Pwj 20psf 20p5f 24 'in But Cost Down Pwj 0 psI 0 psI - 24 in ALL GENERAL NOTES OFNIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFNIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE NATNE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL L5NGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONI.Y NAT NETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON ThIS SHEEt MEETS ThE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRFT1/RIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cnicte. Salle 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDmONS, 1RUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON ThIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 (,KEVM ARK X GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78) Truss: JobName: Dale: System: Page: Report: T26 217 6/21/2016 3:21:15 PM Amcon6.003 2of3 Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 7-6-11 2.998/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 21.41bs Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Leads - Meodrer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top Coot Do- Rake I6psf I6psf 24 in Be[ Coot Down Rake 6 psi 6 psi 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Merrirer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stair Load End Load Trib Width Top 0-0-0 6-3-5 N Up Robe 25.31 psi 25.31 psi 24 in Top 6-3-5 7-6-11 N Up Rake 29.83 psi 29.83 psi 24 in Web -8 Coot Right Rake 14.56 psi 14.56 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Mend.rer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Starr Load Sod Load mb Width Top 0-0-0 6-3-5 NUp Rake 17.91 psi 17.91 psi 24ia Top 6-3-5 7-6-11 N Up Robe 29.83 psi 29.83 psi 24 in Web 1.8 Cant Loft Rake 16.83 psi 16.88 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(MaxDn) Distributed Loads Menirer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top 0.0.0 6-3-5 N Up Rake 9.29 pal 9.29 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Merrber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Statr Load Sod Load Trib width Top 0.0-0 6-3-5 N Up Rake 72.88 psi 72.88 psi 24 in Top 6-3-5 7.6-11 N Up Rake 69.88 psi 69.88 psi 24 in Web -8 Coot Loft Rake 41.32 psi 41.32 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Lcft(Min) Distributed Loads Merr*tee Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Sod Load Trib Width Top 0.0-0 6-3-3 N Down Rake 8 psi 0 psi 24 in Web I-ft Coat Right Rote 16 pti 16 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No loads were defined for this lead case. - Automated Load Case Ll0ti: UBC 101b Live Load on Bottom Chord - Distributed Loads Meroder, Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Bnr - Coot Down Proj tO psi tO psi 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No loads were defined for this load case. I) This truss has been designed in accordance with [BC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance with ASCE7 - tO, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean Roof Height 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 fi, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 63 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations ft Load Cnnbo Factor I DI . . 1.000 201 Lit 1.000 3 D +0.6 W3 ______________________________________________________________________ .000 4Dl ',+-0.6 W8 1.666 1 5 Dt+0.6W9 .000 6Dt:+o.7 El _____________________________________________________________ .oab 7 Dl + 0.45 SF3 + 0.75 1 __________________________________________________________________________ 1.000 8Dl0.45W3 tOO 1 9 Di ±0.53 El +0.75 LrI - .008 tO0.6D!±0.6Wi .000 I 0.6 Dl *0.6 W2 - 1.000 120601+06W4 ______________________________________________________ 1000 3 0.6 D *0.7 P10.01 - .000 (40t+LtO 000 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Menirer ID, tiara CSI, eon axial force, (Iron contac force iidittbtenr 0om nina axial force) 0.236 455 lbs (-235 tbs)l2.6 0.416 -338 lbs 14-6 0.224 387 lbn (-305 Ibs) Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID Coiled Tints CanyobgTniss CantingOftber Ane 1T71 126 - 020 38-5-14 90 deg ,mrst T26----7-=G2 I _______________3854 90 deg GUSSET PLATES ilLIT!1E MI1I1[IIT1 - - - - - - - - - - - - ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDIIREOAS AN INTEGRAL FART OPThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE 1'HATThE Kcymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEISR'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT TT4E1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON MS SHEET MEETS THE MEOMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle, Suite 102 THE LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET - Boulder, Colorado 80301 XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS Truss: T26 JobName: 217 GSBuild®System Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:15 PM OS Truss® System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: 3 of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 7-6-11 2.998/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 21.4 lbs Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMaterial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6' of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicularto the plane of the truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6' ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTHE Keymazic Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEEWS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT 11{E1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SKEET MEETS ThE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CR[I'ERIA FOR 6707 Winchester C6cte, Suite 102 THE LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS. AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colomto 80301 (XX A STEEL RSYSTEMS Truss: T27 JobName: 217 GSBuild®System Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:15 PM OS Inns® System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: I of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3.002/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 182.7 lbs Z-1 l- -I l- -I l-11 I i-b-I 1 i-b-I 1i-b-I1 i-b-I 1 i-b-/ I Z-/-U IL3-U L--U J- -t I 2-11-9 1 5-11-2 1 8-10-11 1 12-7-2 1 16-3-9 1 20-0-0 1 23-8-7 1 27-4-14 1 31-1-5 1 33-8-5 1 36-1-5 1 38-6-540-0-é - 0-10-0 3-0-11 3-0-11 24-15 2-4-12-0-8 3F12 Re A C 7c PC Oc lOs 12 3 121 3 0-0-'0 - 0-0-0 2-11-9 2-11-9 2-11-9 3-8-7 1 3-8-7 1 3-8-7 3-8-7 1 3-8-7 1 3-8-7 2-7-0 12-5-0 1 2-5-0 1-5-1 2-11-9 5-11-2 8-10-11 12-7-2 1 16-3-9 1 20-0-0 23-8-7 1 27-4-14 1 31-1-5 33-8-5 1 36-1-5 Circles indicate fastener count in webs. Squares indicate fisstenercoont in chords."Fasteners" indicates the nanerofAn,tonT5 SS 812 0,012 SDS (AISI)fisstenets requited ax oneend ofthe nEn*er. Each snlue indicates the nutrberof Ibstenern requited: (s) indicates the nattdterof AtnoonTS SS #12 to be installed on one side of the nuss. ) indicates the nonberoffl 12 SOS (AISt) to be installed on each tide of the leans. Where connection plates ate culled out on this dttswiog, a plate is requited on each tide of the tnsss. Referto Genettal Notes for fisttheeclnn5cotion. Allowable shear perAnron 15 SS #12 llssteneeas follows: 27 toils: 402 lbs; 33 toils: 544 lbs: 43 aids: 810 lbs: 54 odIn: 1.138 lbs; 68 toils: 1.610 lbs.Allosvable shear pee#12 SOS (AISI) ltsteneeis calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WrISt SUPPLEMENT #2. Maintain fastener spacing at 5/8" em. Maintain lastener edge smtain at 5/8" edo for each sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (lc) Allowed IC 0.997 (4-5) IL 0.89 in L/526 (7-0) 1/240 8C 0.955 (22-23) LL: 0.4 in L/999 (7-0) L/ 360 Web: 0.926(14-15) Hoar TL 0.13 in 4 TIC Continononly Braced BC BtncingSparse Reactions Summary iT Type LC BC BrgWtd Reaction IT BC MacReset Max GmvUplift MaxMWFRSUplift Ms 20 Pin (WL) I I 6 in 808 lbs 28 I 1.688 lbs -130 lbs IS H Roll (WI) I I 6 in 804 lbs IS I 1.684 lbs -151 lbs 28 Pin (WI) 2 I 6 in 1.688 lbs IS H Roll (WL) 2 I 6 in 1.684 lbs 20 Pin (WI) 3 I 6 in 795 lbs 20 Pin (WL( 3 I 6 in 14 lbs H IS H Roll (WI) 3 I 6 n 834 lbs 20 Pin (WI) 4 I 6 n 963 lbs 28 Pin (WI) 4 I 6 n -37 lbs H IS H Roll (WL) 4 I 6 in 895 lbs 28 Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 894 lbs 28 Pi. (WL) 5 I 6 in l# lbs H IS HRoll(WL) I 6 n 918 lbs 28 Pin (WL) 6 I 6 in 888 lbs IS H Roll (WI) 6 I 6 in 884 lbs 28 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 1.410 lbs 28 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in l0 lbs H IS H Roll (WL) 7 I 6 n 1.446 lbs 28 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 818 lbs 28 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in l0 lbs H IS H Roll (WI) 8 6 n 846 lbn 28 Pin (WL) 8 6 n 1.488 lbs IS H Roll (WI) 9 6 n 1.484 lbs 28 Pin (WI) 10 1 6 in -138 lbs 28 Pin (WL) 18 1 6 in 3l lbs H IS I-IRoll(WL) 10 6 0 -127 lbs 28 Pin (WI) II 6 n -63 lbs 20 Pin (WI) II 1 6 in 34 lbs H IS HRall(WL( II 6 n -151 lbs 20 Pin(WL) 12 1 6 in -781 lbs 20 Pin (WL) 12 1 6 in 116 lbsH IS H Roll (WL) 12 1 6 in .671 lbs 28 Pin (WL) 13 1 6 in 533 lbs IS H Roll (WL) 13 1 6 in 531 lbs 28 Pin (WL) 14 I 6 in 1.288 lbs IS H Roll (WL) 14 I 6 in 1.284 lbs Member Material CSI Bracing Max P -671 lbs -671 lbs ALL GENERAL NOTES OP11IIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATTHIi Keymazic Enterprises, LLC PROPESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThE1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON 'TillS SKEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6787 Winchester Criele. Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURA11ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON ThIS SHEET. Boulder, Colorado 80301 (,KEYM ARK X GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GSTniss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] JobName: 217 Dale: 6/21/2016 3:21:15 PM System: Amcon 6.003 - Page: 2of3 Report: Eng Plot Truss: T27 Web) 1119 15C20 (50 kei) - - Web 11.18 15C20 (50 ksi) 'd ebl2 18 ___________________ _ l5C2850lw) Web 12.17___________________ t5Cl850ksi) WebI3-l7__________________ 15C18 (50 ksi) Web 13-16 ISCI8(50 ksi) Web 4. 15C20(50 ksi) w 14.15 l5C20(50ksi) 164 lbs 0.8 I lbs 0.84 7 llt_Ustbnsced . .957 lbs 16 -Unbiased -1.750 lbs SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 40-0-0 3.002/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 182.7 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support Loads Summary Load Case LrI: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Meadsen Locution I Location 2 Direction - Spread Stan Load End Loud mb Width Top Cont Down Ptnj 20ps1 so psi 24 in Bot Cons Dotvss Proj 0ps1 0 PSI` - 24 in Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Menirer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top Cons Dorvn Rake 16 psi 16 psi 24 in Sot Coat Down Rake 6 psi 6 psi 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Meatier Locution I Location 2 Direction Spread stun Load End Loud lnb 'utdlh Top 0.0.0 8-10-I1 N Up Rake 25.29 pal 25.29 pal 24 in Top 31-1-5 33-0-5 N Up Rake 17.91 psi 17.91 psi 24 in Top 38-8-5 40-0-0 N Up Raiat 17.9 psi 17.9 psi 24 in Top 8-10-I I 304-11 N Up . Rake 29.83 psi 29.83 psi 24 in Top 304-I1 31-1-5 N Up RaIse 24.63 psi 24.63 psI 24 in Top 33-8-5 30-6-5 N Up Rake 29.83 pal 29.83 psi 24 in tEch 1-28 Cant Right Raise 14.56 psi 14.56 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Metier Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stoat Loud End Load 1db wtdll Top 0-0-0 8-10-I1 NUp Rake 17.91 pal 17.91 psI 24 in Top 31-I-5 33-8-5 N Up Rake 25.3 pal 25.3 pal 24 in Top 38.6-5 40.0.0 N Up Rake 25.25 pal 25.25 pal 24 in Top 8-10-1I 9-7-5 N Up Rake 24.63 pal 24.63 pal 24 in Tap 9-7-5 31-I-5 N Up Rake 29.83 pal 29.83 pal 24 in Tap 334-5 38.6-5 N Up Rake 29.53 pal 29.83 pal 24 in Web 1-28 Coat Loft . Rake - 16.08 par 16.08 pal 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Metier Location I Locution 2 Direction Spread Stun Loud End Load lnb Width Tap 0.0.0 5-10-1I N Up Rate 9.29 psi 9.29 pal 24 in Top 31-1-5 33-8-5 N Up Rake 9.29 psi 9.29 psI 24 in Top 38-6-5 40.0.0 N Up Rake 9.29 psi 9.29 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Meafter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stun Loud End Loud lnb Width Top 0-0-0 6-3-10 N Up Rake 65.02 pal 60.02 pal 24 is Top 6-3-10 8-10-I1 N Up Rake 68.02 psI 60.82 pal 24 in Top 0-10-1I 15.2-5 NUp Rake 60.82ps1 68.82ps1 24 in Top 15.2-5 24-9-11 N Up Rake 38.5 psI - 38.5 psI 24 in Top - 24-9-I1 31-I-5 N Up Rake 60.82 psI 60.82 psi 24 in Top 31-I-5 33-0-5 N Up Rake 60.02 pal 68.82 psI 24 in Top 33-8-5 38-6-5 N Up Rake 35.71 psI 35.71 psI 24 in Top 30-6-5 40-0-0 N Up Rake 60.02 pal 60.82 psI 24 in Web 1-28 Coat Left Rake 27.34 pal 27.34 pal 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Metier Locution I Location 2 Dintctiaa Spread Stun Loud End Load lnb Width Top 0-0-0 0-10-I1 N Dawn Rake Opal 8 pal 24 in Web 1-28 Coat Right Rake 16 psi 16 pal 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) Distributed Loads Member Location I Locution 2 Direction Spread Stun Load End Load Tab Width Tap 31-1-5 33-0-5 N Dawn Rake Opal Opal 24 in Top 38-6-5 40.0.0 N Dawn Raise I psI 0 pal . 24 in Automated Load Case 1-1 0*: USC I 01b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Metier Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stun Loud End Loud 1db Width Bat Cant Doava Proj 19 psi 10 PSI` 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No loads were defined for this load case. l)This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. - This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 paf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category H, Mean RoofHeight 43 ft Overall Building Dimensions of 140 fix 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations Loud Coatho Factor I Dl 1.000 2D1+t.,l 000 3 Dl +0.6 W3 1.000 4Dt+06W0 ______________________________________________________ ___________________ 1000 ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART 0F11415 COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATTHE Keymark Enterprises LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThATThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON ThIS SHEET MEETS 1140 MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Wincbeater Cricle, Suite 102 1140 LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET. Boulder, Colorado 80301 ( KEYMARK GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I I Truss: T27 I JobNanie: 217 GSBuild®System I I Dale: 6/21/2016 3:21:15 PM GS Truss® I I System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] I Page: 3 of3 I Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING . WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3.002/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 241n 182.7 lbs 5 01+0.6 W9 1.000 c6Dl*0791 1000 1 7 - 01*0.45 W3 +0.75 Lel 1.000 j101 *045W3 1.000 9 Di ± 0.53 El+ 0.75 1,1 1.000 1i0.b6Dl+06Wt II 0.6 Dl +0.6 W2 1.000 206Ol+06W4 1.066 1 13 0.6 Dl + 0.7 9/0.01 1.000 1401 *LlO 1.000 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Mesaber ID. eras CSI, stox axial force, (sax conr force ifdiffercns from sax axial forces lthd 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 0.005 0.669 0.682 0.997 -3,413 lbs -4,246 lbs -4,301 lbs -5,174 lbs - 5-6 6-7 7-0 0.9 0.892 0.946 0.946 0.892 -5,788 lbs -5,982 lbs -5,982 lbs -5,787 lbs 9-10 10.11 11-12 12.13 0.996 0.719 0.650 0.749 -5,171 lbs -4,294 lbs -4,021 lbs 13-14 -2.728 lbs 0.527 -1,000 lbs BChd 15.16 0.078 0 lbs 19-20 0.655 4,149 lbs (-1,717 lbs) 23-24 0.924 5,174 lbs (-2,230 Ibs) 27-28 0.025 -102 lbs 16-17 0.175 1,023 lbs (-397 lbs) 20.21 0.892 5,171 lbs (-2,143 Ibs) 24-25 0.703 4.149 lbs (-1,840 Ibs) 17-18 0.270 2.720 lbs (-1,078 lbs) 21-22 0.938 5,787 lbs (-2,337 Ibs) 25-26 0.519 4.099 lbs (-1.896 lbs) 18-19 0.308 4.031 lbs (-1,646 lbs) 22-23 0.955 5.788 lbs (-2.381 lbs) 26-27 0.497 3.327 lbs (-1.598 lbs) Webs 1.28 0.668 -1,675 lbs 4-24 0.692 1,352 lbs (.504 lbs) 9-21 0.402 -429 lbs 12-18 0.851 1,887 lbs (-010 lbs) 1-27 0.889 3,444 lbs (-1,548 lbs) 5-24 0.931 -378 lbs 9-21 0.486 805 lbs (-254 lbs) 12-17 0.847 -1,745 lbs 2-27 0.416 -966 lbs 5-23 0.377 803 lbs (-197 Ibs) 9-20 0.833 -880 lbs 13-17 0.765 2.500 lbs (-1,003 Ibs) 2-26 0.332 875 lbs (-338 Ibs) 6-23 0.401 .428 lbs 10-20 0.772 - 1.347 lbs (-562 lbs) 13-16 0.838 -1,728 lbs 3-26 0.168 -284 lbs 6-22 0.093 254 lbs (.49 Ibs) 10-19 0.027 86 lbs (8 lbs) 14.16 0.619 1,957 lbs (-760 Ibs) 3-25 0.068 94 lbs (.54 lbs) 7-22 0.257 -274 lbs 11-19 0.112 164 lbs (-99 lbs) 14-I5 0.926 -1,750 lbs 4-25 0.026 83 lbs -(-24 lbs) 8-22 0.154 255 lbs (-SI ba) 11-18 0.885 -1.342 lbs GUSSET PLATES - - - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMaterial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicularto the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6" ofeach panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6' ofthe end ofeach chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES 0911415 DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART 0915815 COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATTSSE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ON I.Y ThATThEIRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS ThE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchesler Crick, Suite 102 THE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET. Boulder, Colorado 80301 XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS Truss: T28 JobName: 217 GS Build® System Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:16 PM GS Truss® System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: I of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 7-6-11 3.002/12 29 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 241n 19.5 lbs 3-9-5 7-6-11 0-10-0 2-81 1T74,1T75,TT76,TT77,TT78,T 0-0-0 0-0-0 3-9-5 3-9-5 3-9-5 7-6-11 Circles indicate tsssenercoont in webs. Squares indicure #ssseoercouns in chords."Fasteners" indicates the nurtheeoiAorsonlS SS #12 oe1112 SOS (AISI) Ersteners required us one end of the reenter. Each mIsc indicates the nonterofllsnreners required: (s) indicates the nunterof Amson TS SS 812 to be installed on one side of the torts. (It) iodicuren the soother of# 2 of (AISI) to be installed on each side of the truss. Where connection plates ore called out on this drawing a plate is required on each side of the torso. Refer to Gcnernl Notes for llsrtherclotification. Allowable sheorperAsroon IS SS #12 fitsteneron follows: 27 rails: 402 ho; 33 cuts: 544 lbs; 43 oils: 810 lbs: 54 oils: 1.138 Ibn: 68 oils: 1.610 lbs.Allowoble sheur per #12 SOS (Asti) fastener is calculated per the NASPEC 2007 Wm-t SUPPLEMENT #2. Maintain Ossiener 5OCO8 at 518" trio. Maintain fassrener ed nso5tn at 5/8" rein for each sheet of steel conoocted. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed IC 8.447(1-2) TL' 0.07 in L1999 (1-2) L/240 BC 0.409 (4-5) LL 0.03 in L/999 (1-2) L/360 Web: 0.759 (2.4) HossTL 0.01 in 3 it Continuously Braced BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Summary H Roll (Vt) I I 2i0 170 lbs Pin (WL) 2 I 6 in 321 lbs H Roll (TI) 2 I 2 in 321 lbs Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 132 lbs Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 21 lbs H H Roll (P1) 3 I 2 in 123 lbs Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in 202 lbs Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in -34 lbs H H Roll (TI) 4 I 2 in 211 lbs Pin (WL) S I 6 in 170 lbs H Roll (TI) 5 I 2 in 170 lbs Pin (WL) 6 I 6 in 170 lbs H Roll (TI) 6 I 2 in 170 lbs Put (WL) 7 I 6 in 235 lbs Pin (WL) 7 I 6 i l6 lbs H H Roil (TI) 7 I 2 in 248 lbs Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 142 lbs PinOWL) 8 I 6 i I6 lbs H H Roll (TI) 8 I 2 in 133 His Pin (WI.) 9 I 6 in 283 lbs H Roll (TI) 9 I 2 in 283 lbs Pin (WI.) 1 0 I 6 in -1 lbs Pi (WL) 10 I 6 i 43 lbs H H Roll (TI) 10 I 2 in -24 lbs Pin (WL) II I 6 in 30 lbs Pin (WL) II I 6 is 58 lbs H H Roll (P1) II I 2 in II lbs Pin (WL) 12 I 61n -191 lbs Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in 287 lbs H H Roll (TI) 12 I 2 in Pin (WL) 13 I 6i0 -266:b: 102b H Roll (VI) 13 I - 21n :02 lbs Pin (WL) 14 I 6 in 246 lbs H Roll (TI) 14 I 2 in 246 lbs WFRS Uplift M. C&C Uplift M. Uplil -191 lbs -191 lbs 4 I 321 lbs -24 lbs -266 lbs -266 lbs Member Material CSI Brac Max P ropr.00r-.r ---r.Int.4i'.Wit - Bet Chd4-6 - 2O1t2O(SOtui5 --n.sst ncotnrn 0.409 Sparse .-f0His -. 434 lbs Web T6 15C20 (50 Iui) - - 0.121 Unhorsed -304 lbs ,1--5C20(50iui)........ .... . --.~9,267 Vi c4... . ... __. ..... _44J lbs .. 2 Web 2-5 15C20 (SO Iui) -- - 0.027 - Unbroced 84 lbs Web 2A - l5C20(50kn) 0758 U braced - 4801b1 J Web 3-4 15C20 (SO bob) 0.082 Unhorsed 103 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support Loads Summary Load Case LrI: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Mentor Location I Locution 2 Direction Spread Stoat Load tad Loud lob Vr11drh Top Coot Down Prnj 20 psf 20 psf 24 in Bot Cons Down Ptnj 0 psi 0 psi 24 in Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Leads Menirer Locution I Locution 2 Direction Spread Stoat Loud End Load Trib Width Top Coot Down RuLe 16 psf lb psf 24 in Bor Coot Down Robe 6 psi - 6 psi 24 in ALL GENERAL NOTES OPTI4IS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFT}41S COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE-THAT 'ME Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS WE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle, Suite 102 WE LOADS, LOADING CONDmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATiONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 ( KEYMARK GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GSBuild®System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] . Truss: JobNamc: Date: System: Page: Report: T28 217 6/21/2016 3:21:16 PM Amcon 6.003 2 of 3 Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL ORR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 7-6-I1 3.002/12 29 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 19.5 lbs Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Mctther Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Thb Width Top 0.0.0 7-6-11 N lip Rake 25.29 psi 25.29 psi 24 in Web -6 Coni Right Rake 14.56 psi 14.56 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Mend,ee Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tb Width Top 0.0.0 7-6-1I N Up Rake 17.91 psi 17.91 psi 24 in Web -6 Coot Loft Rake 16.88 psi 16.88 pni 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Meath" Location I Location 2 Diteclion Spread Start Load End Load Thb Width Top 0.0.0 7-6-11 N Up Rake 9.29 psi 9.29 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread stiat Load End Load 1db Width Top 0.0.0 6-3-10 N Up Rake 72.88 psi 72.88 psi 24 in Top 6-3-10 7.6-11 N Up Rake 72.88 psi 72.88 psi 24 in Web 1.6 Cons Loft Rake 41.32 psi 41.32 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Metthcr Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Irib Width Top 0.0-0 7-6-I I N Down Rake 8 psi 0 psi 24 is Web -6 Cant Right Rake 16 psi 16 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No loads were defined for this toad case. Automated Load Case LIOn: 1./BC 101b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Mess-bee Location I Location 2 DOnation Spread Stan Load End Load Tsib Width Bos Cont Down Paoj tOpsi 10 PSI` 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No loads were defined for this toad case. I) This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean Roof Height 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 fix 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not ins Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations ft Load Condo Factor DI 1.800 2Dl+L,I - __t 000 3 01+0.6 W3 1.000 (1.0- Wit _- _.lOOo___________ S DI + 0.6W9 1.000 jDII-07 El 000 7 DI *0.45 W3 *0.75 Lot 1.000 - 1L000 Ii 0.6 Pt *0.6 W2 iLit 6 DI + 06W4 I 000 13 0.601 + 0.7 £18.01 1.000 I4D+LIo.i t5Q_ Member Forces Summary Table indicalow Mess-ben tO, sma CSL nato axial fonse. (nato convr force iiditrcsnni lion, nato axial inset 0.267 443 lbs (194 Ihs)I2-4 0.758 400 lbs Truss-to-truss Connections Summary rtr __.T2o st_901di= 1180 128 021 22-5-14 90 de lt8t _128 021 245 411 _____________9 Old n 1182 128 021 26-5-14 ____________ 90 deg 28514 _90deg 1184 128 ________________ G21________________ 30-5-14 90 deg £irrnS_______ 128.............._021 32544 ________90deg 1187 128 021 36-5-14 90 deg ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThtS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL FART OFTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUM1!NT. NOtE 114AT1IIE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT THETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Ctictn, Suite 102 THE WADS. WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CO THE AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boolder, Colorado 80301 ( KEYMARK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I I I Truss: T28 I I JobName: 217 GSBuild®System I Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:16 PM GS Truss® I I System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: 3 of3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 7-6-1I 3.002/12 29 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 19.5 lbs GUSSET PLATES _I_.,11_L,ITI off DOE= - - - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpcndicularto the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6 of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane of the truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 of the end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OEThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE TEIAT11IE Keymaric Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThA111{E1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON hitS SHEEr MEETS 7115 MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRTTERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Crictr, Suite 02 THE LOADS. LOADING CONDn1ONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET. Boulder, Colonrdo 8030 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T29 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:16 PM System: Ameon 6.003 Page: 1 of3 Report: Eng Plot (iL\cM A R K XX TEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY - OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 6-2-11 " 3.003/12 I 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 241n 16.3 lbs 775 1 3-1-5 1 6-2-11 0-10-0 2- 1 4 0-0-0 . 0-0-0 - 3-1-5 3-1-5 3-1-5 6-2-11 Circles indicate ttstenercoont in webs. Sqoosos indicate fissletsercosnt in chords. "Fasteners" indicates the nsn*wrofAmronlS SS #12 or 012 SOS (Also fasteners required stone end or d— nwntser. Each value indicates then ondserof tssteoers sqoited: (s) indicates the oon*,eeofAoosonlS SS #12 to be installed on one side of the truss. ) indicates then urribcrofNI2 SOS (Ala!) to be installed on each side of the truss. Whew connection plates ate called out on this drawing, o plate is required on each side of the trans. Refer to General Notes forfottberclotilication. Allowable shearperAnoson TS SS 412 fosteneroa follows: 27 tails: 402 lbs: 33 nits: 544 lbs: 43 erOs: 810 lbs: 54 arts: 1.138 lbs: 68 reds: 1,610 lbs.Alloseable shearper#12 SOS (Ala!) [Issieneris catcototed per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT #2. Maintain fastener spacing at 5/8" rain. Maintain fasterteredF nosegin ut 5/8" tin for each sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed IC 0.276 (2) 1I 0.03 in 1-/999 (1.2) L/240 BC 0.244 (4-5) IL 0.02 in L/999 (1-2) L1360 Web: 0.417(2-4) !1orzTL 0 in 3 IC Continuously Braced BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Summary 4 H Roll (TI) I I 2 in 140 lbs 4 I 264 lbs -21 lbs -255 lbs -235 lbs 6 Pin cat/LI 2 I 6 in 264 lbs 4 H Roll (It) 2 I 2 in 264 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 3 1 6 i 1091b5 6 Pin (OIL) 3 I 6 in 17 lbs H 4 H Roll (T1) 3 I 2 in lOt lbs 6 Pro (WL) 4 I 6 in 165 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in -31 lbs H 4 H Roll (11) 4 I 2 in 174 lbs 6 Pin (OIL) 5 I 6 in 140 lbs 4 H Roll (II) 5 I 2 in 140 lbs 6 Pi. (WL) 6 I 61n 140 lbs 4 H Roll (TI) 6 I 2 in 140 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 7 I 61n 210 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 13 lbs H 4 H Roll (1T) 7 I 2 in 204 lbs 6 Pin (WL) g I 6 in 117 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 13 lbs H 4 H Roll (IT) 0 I 2 in III lbs 6 Pin (OIL) 9 I 6 in 233 lbs 4 H Roll (II) 9 I 2 in 233 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 in -0 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 in 33 lbs H 4 H Roll (Ill tO I 2 in -21 lbs - 6 Pin (OIL) II I 6 in 26 lbs 6 Pin (OIL) It I 6 in 50 lbs H 4 - H Roll (Ill II . I 2 in 8 lbs 6 Pin (OIL) 12 I 6 in -163 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 i l84 lbs H 4 H Roll (TI) 12 I 2 in -235 lbs 6 Pin (WL) IS I 6 i 84 lbs 4 H Roll (Ii) IS I 2 in 84 lbs 6 - Pin (WL) 14 I 6 its 202 lbs 4 H Roll (rT) 14 I 2 i 2021b5 Member Material CSI Bracing Max P Tap Chd!-3 __________________ 207t20(501ni) 0.276 Sheathed -350 lbs Bat Chd 4-6 ______ 20TC20 (50 lad) 0.244 Sparse 521 lbs With 2-5 I5C20 (50 hsi) 0.020 Usbrnccd 63 lbs 15C2 W614 I5ç2o(5oki) ______________________________ 0.417 Unbrnccd _____________________ — -364 lbs 3.4 - I5C20 (50 hai) 0.055 Unbraced 89 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary - Load Case Lr1: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Mercher Location I Location 2 Ditnction Spread - Start Load End Load 1db Width Top Coot Dnssn Proj 20 psf 20 psf 24 in Rot Cant Do—Pat) .0 psf 0 psf 24 in ALL CENTRAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OP111lS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE 111ATWE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THATTHETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETSTHE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle, Suite 102 THE WADS. WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURAilONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Booldec Colorado 80301 I 0508 0p01003 10p0O9 12111-IS SiHJ. NO 0lLLSi SNVdS ONY 'SNOLEvafl9iaNO3 MIIIIMI}'l SSIIILJ. SNOWGNO3 9May01 SOVOl lieU. 501 9"S 0P93 lS1l1!M 5059 0011 Vl03JflI3 NDiSIIO lil8V3flddVl'jfly(INlIli IIRL 5120111.I2HHS SaiL NO NA%OHS A191°OISSV SSROLORL .LVI-IJ. XIS-SO S1UY31QN1 1VOS S]I33M9N3 1VNOISSa1IO)ld 0,1,1 S11SUdi32U ON I IIH.LJYFU. aLOS-S 'iS-101lifl300 NOISilO LNONO11O11OD siviiao L0V11 iV0DLNi NV SVOSHI3QISNO3 08 TIVHS 39V03Vd ONiMVOIO S1Hi11O SaLON 1VM1NSID TIV - - - - - - - - SLV11d ISSf1D gap cp Z_ 11-8 cia 651. apluv 0° ssn1111o1_3 so1jp000 at Lowwn SUO1J3UUOD SSfli -O3-SSfl1j sqj pai- Lip'o o_zl(sql cel-) sql zcc zpi-o (osoj ioioo ouowog ioaou!pJ! aosoJ odoo 000) 0000J 10!00 1100 ISO 0050 1O0)4 1010 pSI! lqoj cit0WWflS SJOJ qwjtj 0001 - 10010 L'o 10 90 c 0001 1-\90+1519011 000.1 SM 90+090 ii 0001 1(6190 109001 000_u 0 In cs's. 13 [c.o. Id 6 0001 cMcvo+ia8 00001 in cL'o. EM ceo + Ia S - 000u to co* 109 0001 61A 90+ I 0001 0001 SM 90+10 000-u to i lolooa - 019003 p00'] 9 suowuiqwoj po' UO!O)J OUW,J OUOOWOH 0 UI IOU St SSfl.I2 0141 001Uj auoZ PUH Us St SSIUI S!UJ pU!M 0 posodxa uooq 4Ou S4 10!ti11A p1111 I4U 114pUtM 01 p11s0dX11 uooq seq leOipoA puo 11°! aU J f,q 421M OUOZ 33 p1100pU3 S00j3 SiI000j3U3 'J fq 0 1J 0I1 JO SUOISUOUJ!Q Suipprig IP-'°"O ' LI' tq!11HJOOI USOLAI 'fi &1O11l03 U!p1tnn 41!M diHplqsD Si uippnq 114103 ainsodx 'ocetn!IIfl 4U1011 '0 1 - L3svqIM oouopi000s U! pau!sop uooq SO4 051112 S!UJ ( spool poop snjd poOl 11A!j p1040 ulolloqJsd 01 02 onp S)OOJJO aqi JoJ p11U!Sop uooq seq SSIUI 011U ( - DEl ql!Moosepi0305 U! pou!sop uooq seq ssrul stuj(i ,M3 P13,0L 01111 101 PUiiP11i11A11 S1)00j ON 0flhlS!Os :13 0553 p007 pouJop-iosfl 0! CS jod 01 jsd 01 ro'a 000a 100:) 108 'i1P!M q'k1 p001 p00 P001 u015 p0o1d5 11001000 Z U00000'] I 0030'] 1119011(6 0 SPI]P112flcLI1IS!01 pJ0q3WO,1O U0 p0071161!] qjoi 3fl 0I7 0553 p00] POWWO211V 0003 P°°l sop ioj pauijop Ojom spi ON 6M asco pool P0jStUOlflV u! 1,1Z jsd 91 1151191 an 1l!a 11103 9-1 q,o 1-5 jsd 9 jsd ii 1100 0000 N II19 o-o-o doj ,1lP5li% quj p00'] PIG p0071 uot pood5 00110111(J Z 00!1030i I uo!lml 11190(6(6 SPOO] PZ°°.!-1$KI (utlp]-Ijj 11053 p001 PIWOInV 0! PS jld 66SP jsd 6651' 1100 on loo 9-I qo 0! P5 jod L,sL jsd jc, ZPII dn N 11-5-9 0-0-0 doj 41p quj pool Mzl p00'] MIS p0o1d5 0001300 50011030'] I 0001000'] SPWI P11tfl110S11J (uoi2n)37g3 11553 p00] P01011101flV 0! CS jsd 656 jsd (,56 -1-11 dç N I I99 0-0-0 doj lIIP!/6 90L pool P-3 po0-1 1101s pood5 00010100 Z 0001030'] I 0001000'] 111901101 5P'1 P0'00q!5SQ (u x j jl 3S53 p007 POIOWO)RV U! I't jsd 0091 - jod 0091 an 1i01 1003 9-i q01\ III CS jsd 65 I jsd 65 i an dn N 11-5-9 010-0 dOj qjpVA qqj p00] P1,11 p00] 0015 pood5 0053loa S 000000'] I 0011000'] 111901101 - - 1p01oqsscJ (dçJ2qiJ-j :•ose p007 pajsuioisv 0! 1-5 jsd gs,tl jsd 95Pl 0100 Ilflj luoD 9-I qaM Ul t1Z jod oscs Jsd oo d11 N II-Z-9 0-0-0 doj ,1i!M qpj p00'] P011 P001 0015 polld5 00113300 5 UOIIOIO'] I 0000100'] 331901P1 31)50] P111110nS(J (dJjo7-S1oa : IM 0503 p007 POISWOIflV 0! vS jsd 9 jsd 9 1100 51.000 1003 109 001-5 jod91 jsd 91 0100 I1000Q 100:) doj TPVA CIPI P001 P011 P001 MIS polld5 00!1311100 5 0001100] I 0000030'] 01)501 PSaLLISU Pool P000PIS 1O3po1 sq £91 U! t'Z I 0-0-0 0-0-0 I ZI/ tOOL - 11-Z-9 A]dLLDM ON13VdS SAid 'HHO 7H0 ALb H3,L1d NVdS bid 8u :podoej - 00 :11ej - £009 UO3UI'9' :uioisg 1AId9I:IZ:L 9I0ZIIZ/9 00j - 08Z06 VD oleq1l flOS LIZ 11W50f pAj -'q!'1 iz 6ZJ. :ssnil SSflJJ T Imucl SMS EPL Pilnal 600-9 UOISJOA ®SSJ,SO UIOISOcS®PIinaSo - SWO.LSAS 11101S 108010 )I J V W A 3 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T29 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:16 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 3of3 Report: Eng Plot E V M A R K NX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY 0111. OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 6-2-11 3.003/12 I 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 16.3 lbs Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMaterial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6' of each panel point. The end of eveiy chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 " of the end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThETISUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 WinchesYr Cricle, Suite 02 TilE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHE 17- Boolder, Colomdo 8030 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T30 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:17 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: I of3 Report: Eng Plot E V M A R K NQX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Buildl System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 781 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OFIR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 4-2-1I 3.004/12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 11.7 lbs II 4-2-11 0-10-0 1-10-11 2s 0-0-0 0-0-0 4-2-11 4-2-11 Circles indicate Etstenercottnt in webs. Sqnocen indicate fasteneecoant in chords."Fasteners" indicates the tsnnberofAtncoslS SS #12 oe#12 SOS (AISI) faster.— seqnired at one end ofthe ercndree. Each value indicates the ttarrberofttstenees required: (s) indicates the nottheeof AstoonTS SS #12 lobe installed on one side of the truss. ) indicates the oattheeof# 12 SOS (AlSO to be installed on each tide of the truss. Whete connectioo plates ate called out on this dtswing, a plate is required on each tide of the truss. Referto Genetnl Notes foellsnheeclntitcation. AllotvnblesheaepeeAtnron IS SS #12 ttnteneeas follows: 27 nuts: 402 Ibs: 33 cdls: 544 Ibs: 43 edIt: 810 Ibs: 54 mils: 1,138 Ibs; 68 wilts: 1.610 lbs.Allosonble 5henrper012 SOS (AlSI) htsteneris calculated per the NASPEC 2007 Will-! SUPPLEMEN'F#2. Maintain fastener spacing ox 5/8" rnin. Maintain fastener edge nsoin as 5/8 rnin fOr each sheen of steel connected. CSI Deflection L/ (bc) Allowed it : 0.885(1-2) it 0.05 in L/839 (1.2) L/240 BC 0.648 (3.4) LL 0.03 in L/999 (1.2) L/360 Web: 0.076(2-3) I-lore IL 0 in It Continuously Btnced BC B—ing Sparse Reactions Summary iT Type LC BC Bet Wsd Reaction iT BC Mao React Man Gmv Uplift Mas MWFRS Uplift Man C&C U9 4 Pin (WL) 1 1 6 in 95 lbs 4 I 179 lbs -100 tbs 3 H Roll (TI) 2 n 95 lbs 3 I 179 lbs -15 lbs -171 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 2 1 6 in 179 lbs 3 H Roll (fl) 2 1 2 in 179 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 3 6 in 75 lbs 4 Pin(WL) 3 6 n l2 lbs H 3 HRoll(I'T) 3 1 20 68 lbs 4 Pin (WI..) 4 1 6 in III lbs 4 Pin (WL) 4 1 6 in -26 lbs H 3 H Roll (rl) 4 1 2 in 119 lbs 4 Pi. (WL) 5 1 6 in 95 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 5 1 2 in 95 lbs 4 Pin (WI.) 6 I 6 in 95 lbs 3 H Roll (fl) 6 I 2 in 95 lbs 4 Pin (WI.) 7 I 6 in 143 lbs 4 Pin (WI.) 7 1 6 in 9 lbs H 3 HRoll(I'f) 7 2 n 138 lbs 4 Pi. (WL) 8 6 n 80 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 8 1 6 in 9 lbs H 3 H Roll (rl) 8 1 2 in 75 lbs 4 Pi. (WL) 9 1 6.n 1581b5 3 H Roll (rl) 9 1 2 in 158 lbs 4 Pin (WI.) 10 1 6 i I lbs 4 Pin (WL) 10 1 6 i l8 lbs H 3 H Roll (11) 10 2 in -IS lbs 4 Pin (WL) II 6 i 19lbs 4 Pin (WI.) II 6 in 40 lbs H 3 H Roll (fl') II 1 2 in 4 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 12 1 6 in -109 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 12 1 6 in 142 lbs 11 3 HRoll(TI) 12 2 i -171 lbs 4 Pin(WL) IS I 6 i 571b5 3 H Roll (IT) 13 I 2 in 57 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 14 I 6 i . 137 lbs 3 H Roll (Ii) 14 I 2 in 137 lbs Member Material CSI Bracing Max P :.2501: - .120 lbs - Web .4 I 5C20 (50 Ini) 0.067 Unheated - -154 lbs Vsebl S ''' l5C20(S0 Its) - 0 099 - - U bntced - - 22 lb Web 2-3 l5C20 (50 tad) 0.076 - Unbetced 64 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Mendser Location I Location 2 Direction Spread stun Load End Load Tb Width Top Coot Down Proj 20 psi 20 psf 24 in Bot Coot Onsets Proj 0 psi 0 psf 24 in Max Uplift Mats -109 lbs It -Ill lbs ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTh1S DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OIi14]S COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. N011! THATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThE11I.LISS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON ThIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR . 6707 Winchester Crick, Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS. TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON 1141S SHRIft Boulder, Colorado 80301 ( KE Y M A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 781 SWS Panel & Truss 4231 Liberty Blvd. South Gate CA 90280 Truss: T30 iobName: 217 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:17 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 2of3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 4-2-I1 3.004/12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 11.7 lbs Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Mother . Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Tnb Width Top Cool Down Rake 16 PSI* 16 psf 2410 001 Cont Down Rake 6 psI 6 psI 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(1Jp) Distributed Loads Mother Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Sod Load Trib Width Top 0.0-0 4-2-11 N Up Rake 25.28 psI 25.28 psI 24 in Web 1-4 Cool Right Rake 14.56 psI 14.56 psI 2410 Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distrt'ouled Loads - Member Localion I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Sod Load Thb Width Top 0.0.0 4-2-1I NUp Rake 17.91 psI 17.91 psI 24 in Web 14 Coal Left Rake 16.88 psI 16.88 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Dislnl,uled Loads Mother Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Sod Load Trib Width Top - 0.0-0 4-2-11 N Up Rake 9.29 pal 9.29 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads - Mother Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stoat Load End Load 1db Width Top 0-0.0 4-2-11 N Lip Rake 77.56 psI 77.56 par 24 in Web I .4 Cool Left Rake 44.00 psI 44.90 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Mother Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Staa Load End Load 1db Width Top 0.0-0 4-2-11 N Down Rake 8 psI 8 par 24 in Web 14 Cool Right RaIse 16 psI 16 pal 24 in Automated Load CaseW9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No loads were defined for this toad case. Automated Load Case LIO°: USC lOib Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Mother Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stair Load Sad Load Tnb Width Boa Coal Down Paoj Opal tO pal 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No toads were defined for this load case. I) This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is GablefHip with Building Category 13, Mean RoofHeight 43 fl, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 fix 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations Load Combo Factor I DI 1.000 1000 1 3 Dl *0.6 W3 . 1.000 cI4 Dt+(L6w8 1000 I 5 Dl +0.6 W9 1.000 6Dt +0.7 El -!.060 1 7 Dl *0.45 W3 +0.73 Lel 1.000 801 *045 w3 -. 1.060 9 Dl *0.5351 *0.751.4 .000 - lO06 bit 06w1 ______________________________________________________ 1.000 II 0.601*0.6 W2 1.000 1206DI+06W4 1.000 3 0.601*0.7 0/0.01 1.000 14Dl+Ll0 1000 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Mother ID. ama CSI, nato axial force. (ama coovr force ildiffarerat from mat axial force) lCbd -2 0.883 -59 lbs BChd 3-4 0.648 -120 lbs Webs 114 0.067 -154 lbs 11-3 0.039 122 lbs (-10 lbs) 12-3 0.076 164 lbs (-134 lbs) Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID Coined Tease Coo)4ngTnass CatevinpOObet Angle 7142 130 015 6-1-3 45 deg GUSSET PLATES - - - - - - - - - - ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL FART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT ThE1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON ThIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR . 6707 Winchester Cricle, Salle 102 THE LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET. Boulder, Colorado 00301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T30 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:17 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 3of3 Report: Eng Plot E V MAR K NX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 4-2-11 3.004/12 I 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 11.71b5 Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6 of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane of the truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 'ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THATThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6101 WinchmrC6ck, Suite102 TIMWADS, WADING CONOmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Cotoordo 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T31 4231 Liberty Blvd. iobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:17 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 1 of3 Report: Eng Plot ( KE Y M A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Tnsss® Version: 5.009 [Build 781 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 2-2-I1 3.007/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 6.1 lbs 2-2-11 0-10-0 1-4-11 2s 3F12 46 0-0-0 0-0-0 2-2-11 2-2-11 Circles indicate llssrenereoaot in webs. Sqaases indicate llssteoercosnt in chords."Fasteners" indicates the nsni,erof Amon lS S5 912 or#]2 SDS (AISI) fasteners rrqsitod at oneend of the nontiner. Each sntlsr indicates the naniteroftltstenens required: (s) indicates the nand,erofAxtwonTS SS 112 to be installed on one side of the truss. (b) indicates the nattherof#12 SOS (AISI)to be installed on each side of the truss. Where connection plates ate called out on this drawing a plate is required on each side of the truss. Rrfnrta General Notes for farrhcrelasificarion. Allowable shear perAatran IS SS t112 tsatencras follows 27 toils: 402 lbs: 33 soils: 544 lbs: 43 rails: 810 lbs: 54 rails: 1.138 lbs; 60 tails: 1.610 lbs.Alloaeable shear per#12 SOS (AIS()bssteneris calculated per the WASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT N2. Maintain flrstenerspacingar 5/8 rain. Maintain flssrrncrrdge tmtn at 5/8 non for each short ofstrrl connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed IC 0.153 (1.2) TLO.01 in L/999 (1.2) L/240 BC 0.063 (3.4) W 0 in L/999 (1-2) L/560 Web: 0.046 (14) Horn IL 0 in IC Continuously Braced BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Summary 4 Pin (WL) I I 6 in 50 lbs 4 I 95 lbs .43 lbs .43 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) I I 2 in 50 lbs 3 I 95 lbs -9 lbs .104 lbs -104 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 2 I 6 in 95 lbs 3 H Roll (11) 2 I 2 in 95 lbs 4 Pin (WI.) 3 I 6 in 40 lbs 4 Pin (WI.) 3 I 6 in 6 lbs H 3 H Roll (II) 3 I 2 in 35 lbs 4 Pin (WI.) 4 I 6 in 56 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in -21 lbs H 3 H Roll (11) 4 I 2 in 66 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 50 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) S I 2 in 50 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 6 I 6 in 50 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 6 I 2 in 50 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 76 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 5 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 7 I 2 in 72 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 43 lbs 4 Pin (WI.) 8 I 6 in 5 lbs H 3 H Roll (II) $ I 2 in 39 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 9 I 6 in 83 lbs 3 H Roll (Ii) 9 I 2 in 83 lbs 4 Pin (WI.) 10 I 6 in 2 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 10 I 61n 2 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 10 I 2 in -9 lbs 4 Pin (WL) It I 6 in 14 lbs 4 Pin (WL) It I 6 in 29 lbs H 3 H Roll (Il) It I 2 in .2 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in .43 lbs 4 Pin (WI.) 12 I 6 in 96 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 12 I 2 in .104 lbs 4 Pi. (WL) IS I 6 i 30 lbs 3 H Roll (II) 13 I 2 in 30 lbs 4 Pin WL) 14 I 6 i 721b5 3 H Roll (TI) 14 I 2 in 72 lbs Member Material CSI Bracing Max P 0063 S -74 lbs Vsbb 1-4 15C20 (50 lcsi) - 0.046 Unbraced - -01 lbs Wbl3 15C20(50ks) 0.023 Ubotcetl 79lb ] Web 2-3 15C20(501n5i) 0.034 Unbracrd - 85 lbs - NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Mereber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread stall Load End Load Trib Width Tap Cant Dawn Pwj 20 psf 20 psf 24 in Bat Cant Down Proj 0 paf 0 psf 24 in ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL PART OFTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE TIIATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THATTHETEUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6307 Winchester Cnicle, Suite 102 THE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONPIGURAI1ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHECr. Boulder, Colorado #0301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T31 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:17 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 2of3 Report: Eng Plot E Y M A R K NIX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 781 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 2-2-1I 3.007/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 241n 6.1 lbs Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Menirer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sian Load End Load 1db 'A5dlh Top Coot Down Rake 16psl 16psf 24 in - Bot Coot Doavrr Rake 6 psI 6 psI 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Meatier Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sian Load F.od Load 1db Width Top 0.0.0 2-2-I1 N Up Rake 25.26 paf 25.26 psI 24 in Web -4 Coot Right Rake 14.56 psf 14.56 psI 2410 Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Rigtit(Up) Distril,uted Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction spread Stoat Load End Load 1db Width Top 0.0-0 2-2-11 N Up Rake 17.91 pI 17.9i psI 2410 Web -4 Cont Left Rake 16.8$ psI 16.88 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tnb Width Top 0.0.0 2-2-11 N Up Rake 9.29 psI 9.29 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 2.2-11 N Up Robe 77.56 psI 77.56 psI 24 in Web 14 Cant Left Raise 44.08 psI 44.08 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Meraber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sian Load End Load mb Width Top 0.0.0 2-2-11 N Down Rake 8 PSI`6 psI 24 in Web i-4 Cont Right Rake 16 psI 16 psI 24 in Automated Load CaseW9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No loads were defined for this toad case. Automated Load Case Ll0°: UBC I 01b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sian Load End Load 1db Width But Cont Down Proj 10 psI Is psI 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No loads were defined for this toad case. This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance with ASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is GablefHip with Building Category II, Mean Roof Height 43 ft. Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prune Region. Load Combinations 8 Load Canto - Factor I Di .000 .000____________ 3 DI +0.6 W3 ______________________________________________________________________ .000 Dt+06W8 0o0 ______ _______________ 5 Dl *0.6 W9 toss 41D1 +07 El 1000 7 Dl + 0.45 W3 + 0.75 [.4 1.000 $Dl +045 W3 - loss 9 Dl +0.53 El +075 Lei 1.006 (006D1+06WI 1.000 ii 0.6 DI * 0.6 W2 . .050 120601 06W4 000 3 0.6 Di *0.7 P/0.01 1.050 14Dl +Li0 1.000 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Member ID. nato CSL nan saial force, (nato csns farce ildifferenl from nato axial force) lCbd 1-2 0.153 -31 lbs BChd 370.063 -74 lbs Webs 1-4 0.046 -81 lbs 1-3 0.025 79 lbs (44 lbs) 12-3 0.034 55 lbs (.81 lbs) Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID Carried Truss Can4ngTnans CatringO5ber Ane Tr46 Di 016 . _______________3-3.4 454ng 1T45 Di ______________ Gi5.................. 33-4 ____________45de5 GUSSET PLATES - - - - - - - - - - .- - ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThiS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThiS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThAIThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT T1IETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON 1141S SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle. Suite 102 THE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boalder, Coioiado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T31 4231 Liberty Blvd. jobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:17 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 3of3 Report: Eng Plot KEYMARKK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OFIR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 2-2-1I 3.007/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 241n 6.1 lbs Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6' of each panel point. The end ofevery chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 'of the end ofeach chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERI7DAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThAT1HE Kcyrnark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERa SEAL INDICATES ONLY ilIATTI-IETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON ThIS SHEEP MEETS ThE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cticle, Suite 102 ThE LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON ThIS SHEET Boulder, Colotudo 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T32 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:17 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: I of 3 Report: Eng Plot KEYMARKK 61 GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] sws TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY OHL 01-JR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 1-8-5 2.991/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 4.8 lbs [ t-O- 1-8-5 0-10-0 . 1-3-1 2s 45 0-0-0 0-0-0 1-8-5 1-8-5 Circles indicate 0sstennrcoonr in webs. Squares indicate bstenercoont in chords."Fasteners" indicates thenorrdrerofAmconlS SS #12 or#12 SOS (AISI) fasteners required alone end ofthe nonirer. Each ssdae indicates the narrdrerofllssteoers required: (s) indicates the northcrofAaatonlS SS #12 to be installed on one side of the truss. (h) indicates the nanterof#12 SOS (AtSI) to be installed on each side of the truss. Where connection plates are called out on this drasaisrg, opiate is required on each side of the rears. Refer to General Notes for further clarification. Allowable shearperAooron TS SS #12 fasteneras follows: 27 rnils: 402 Ibs; 33 nOls: 544 Ills: 43 reds: 810 Ills; 54 reds: 1,138 lbs; 68 rails: 1,610 tbs.Allosvable shear per 0l2 SDS (AISI)llrsteneris calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WIll-I SUPPLEMENT 112. Maintain fastener spacing or 5/8' rain. Maintain fastener edge rroagbr at 5/8" nsn breach sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection L/ (bc) Allowed IC 0.075 (1.2) 'IL Sin L/999 (1-2) LI 240 BC 0.030 (3.4) LL Sin L/999 (1-2) L1360 Web: 0.039 (1.4) HoralL 0 in I IC Coari0000sly Braced BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Summary 3 H Roll (TI') I I 2 in 38 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 2 I 6 in 72 lbs 3 H Roll (II) 2 I 2 in 72 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 i 31 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 5 lbs H 3 H Roll (Il) 3 I 2 in 26 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in 40 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in .20 lbs H 3 H Roll (M4 I 2 in 52 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 5 I 6 i 38 Ills 3 H Roll (M 5 I 2 is 38 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 6 I 6 in 38 lbs 3 H Roll (M 6 I 2 in 38 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 58 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 4 lbs H 3 H Roll (IT) 7 I 2 in 54 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 33 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 4 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 8 I 2 in 29 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 9 I 6 in 63 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 9 I 2 in 63 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 i I lbs 4 Pin (WL) lO I 6 in -2 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 10 I 2 in -7 lbs 4 Pin (WL) II I 6 is 13 lbs 4 Pin (WL) II I 6 in 26 lbs H 3 H Roll (Ff1 II I 2 in -4 lbs 4 Pin (WL)12 I 6 is -24 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in 83 lbs H 3 H Roll (Il) 12 I 2 in -67 lbs 4 Pill (WL) 13 I 6 i 231b5 3 H Roll (IT) 13 I 2 in 23 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 14 I 6 in ES lbs 3 H Roll (TI) I4 I 2 in 55 lbs Member Material O030 Web 14 15C20(50loi) - 0.839 -- Wrb1-3 -- - - JSC2O(501t5i), Web 2-3 -- I560 (50 Iai) - 0.025 NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lr1: Std Live Load CSI 3 I 721b5 -7 lbs -87 lbs -87 lbs :irtz Max sl 291b5 - - - ' .6i Ills - ed --62 lbs ed' -----70 Ills ed 63 lbs Dislrrbuted Loads Mcrn6rer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load hod Load 1db Width Top Coos Down Proj 20 psf 20 psf 24 in But Cons Down Proj 0 psf 0 psf 24 in ALL GENERAL N011iS 0F11415 DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThAT111E Keymark Enterprises LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS ThE MINIMUMAPPLICABU) DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester COde, Suite 102 'ME LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURA17ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder. Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T32 4231 Liberty Blvd. 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:17 PM System Amcon 6.003 Page: 2of3 Report: Eng Plot KEYMARKK GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss Version: 5.009 [Build 78] sws TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 1-8-5 2.991/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 4.8 lbs Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Mother Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stun Load End Load Tnb Width Top Coot Down Rate 16 psi 16 psi - 24 in Bot Coot Down Rake 6 psi 6 psi 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stun Load End Load 1db Width Top 0.0.0 1-8-5 N Up Rake 25.35 PSI 25.35 psI 24 in Web 1.4 Coot Right Rake 14.56 psI 14.56 pa1 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS.Right(Up) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stun Load Fad Load 1db Width Top 0.0.0 1.8.5 N Up Rake 17.92 psI 17.92 psI 24 in Web 1.4 Coot Left Rote 16.88 psf 16.80 pnf 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Monitor Location I Locution 2 Direction Sptrad Stun Load Sod Load Tdb Width Top 0.0.0 1-8-5 N Up Rake 9.29 psI 9.29 ptf 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Meteber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stun Load F.od Load 1db Width Top 0.0.0 1-8.5 N Up Rake 77.56 psi 77.56 psi 24 in Web 14 - Coot Loft Rake 44.00 psi 44.08 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Mother Locution I Locution 2 Direction Spread Stun Load End Load Tnb Width Top 0.0.0 1-0.5 N Down Robe 0 psI 0 psf 24 in Web .4 Cost Right Rake 16 psi 16 psi '24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(M i n) No loads were defmed for this load case. Automated Load Case LI 0*: UBC lOIb Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Member Locution I Location 2 Direction Spread Stun Load Sod Load Tdb Width But Cant Down Put) 10ps1 iø psi 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No loads were defined for this load case. This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance wilhASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category U, Mean Roof Height 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations 8 Load Cotrito Factor I Dl 3 Di + 0.6 W3 1.000 -617 5 o.i W9 .000 6D1 +0751................. 1.000 .1 7 DI +0.45 W3 +0751.01 1.000 t =DI +O45W3 100o------ 9 01+0.53 El +0.751.01 1.000 l0 06Dl+06W ______________________________________________ 1000 1 II 0.601+0.6 W2 1.000 I206 1.000 13 0.601 +0.7 E/0.01 1.000 14Dl+Ll0 I 000 1 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Mcnitcr ID, tons CSI. tons aaiol force. (ens coops force ifditbtral from max axial force) TChd 1.2 0.070 -22 lbs BCbd 3.4 0.030 .61 lbs Webs 114 0.039 .62 lbs 1.3 0.022 70 lbs (.14 Ibs) 2.3 0.025 63 lbs (.62 Ibs) Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID Coded Toss Cotyinglnass CaongO8het Aoe 1539 232 GIS __________________ 2.6.4 45 deg C774 132 016 2-64 _________ GUSSET PLATES f11,1I1L,I - - - - -___- - - - - - - ALL GENERAL NOTES OF THIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDER EDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymaik Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY THATThE1'RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS TI MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cdck, Suite 102 THE WADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON ThiS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T32 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:18 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 3 of3 Report: Eng Plot V M A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GSlruss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] sws TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY 0111. OFIR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 1-8-5 2.991/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 4.8 lbs Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6' of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane of the truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OF THIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThAT1SIE Keymasic Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6107 Winchsar C,ick, Suite 102 THE LOADS, LOADING CONDmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURA1TONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS sHurt Boulder, Cotonato 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T33 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:18 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 1 of3 Report: Eng Plot KEYMARKK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GSTruss® Version: 5.009 [Build 781 sws TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OFIR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 3-8-5 2.996 /12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 9.4 lbs 15-15-5 3-8-5 0-10-0 1-9-1 2s T47 0-0-0 0-0-0 3-8-5 3-8-5 Citeles indicate fastenere000t in webs. Squares; indicate tsstetsercoont in chords. "Fasteners" indicates the nsoerofAowoniS SS 012 or#]2 SOS (AISI) Fasteners; required stone end ofthe nond,et Each value indicates the nsn%eroftssteners required: (n) indicates the ns,thceofMnron'TS SS 612 to be installed on one side of the tents. (b) indicates the noniterofO 12 SOS (AISI) to be installed on each side oflhe teats. Where connection plates ate called 001 05 this drawing, a plate is required on each side of the loss,. Re8trto Gotterol Notes for8soherclonlication. Allowable shearpeeAnron IS SS #12 Etsreneros follows: 27 reals: 402 lbs: 33 arils: 544 lbs: 43 tells: 610 lbs: 54 soils: 1.138 lbs: 65 ntIs: 1.610 lbs.Allowable sheaepce#12 SOS (A)Sl) fastener is calm [wed per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT 92. Maintain 8tstenerspacingat 5/8" rain. Maintain 8tsteneredge nosnn at 5/8" ndn breach sheer ofsteel connected. CSI Deflection L/ (bc) Allowed IC 0.959 (1-2) TL 0.08 in L/476 (1-2) L/240 BC : 0.381 (3.4) IL 0.04 in LI958 (1-2) L/360 'Web: 0.064 (2-3) Hora 111, 0 in 'IC Continuously Braced! BC BtsciogSpnrse Reactions Summary 4 Pin (WL) I I 6 in 83 lbs 4 I 157 lbs -91 lbs .91 lbs 3 H Roll (if) I I 2 in 83 lbs 3 I 157 lbs -14 lbs -153 lbs -153 lbs 4 Pin ('WI.) 2 I 6 in 157 lbs 3 H Roll (IT) 2 I 2 in 157 lbs 4 Pin (WI.) 3 I 6 in 66 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 i lo lbs H 3 H Roll (ii) 3 I 2 in 39 lbs 4 Pin (WI.) 4 I 6 in 96 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in -25 lbs H 3 H Roll (ll) 4 I 2 in lOS lbs 4 Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 83 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 5 I 2 in 83 lbs 4 Pin (WI.) 6 I 6 in 83 lbs 3 H Roll (IT) 6 I 2 in 03 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 i 125 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 8 lbs H 3 H Roll ('Trl 7 I 2i0 121 lbs 4 Pin (WI.) 8 I 6 in 70 lbs 4 Pi. (WL) 8 I 6 in 0 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 8 I 2 in 65 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 9 I 6 i 138 lbs 3 H Roll (fl) 9 I 2 in 138 lbs 4 Pin (WI.) ID I 6 in I lbs 4 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 in 13 lbs H 3 H Roll (II) 10 I 2 is -14 lbs 4 Pin (WL) II I 6 in IS lbs 4 Pin (WL) II I 6 in 37 lbs H 3 H Roll (IT) II I 2 in 2 lbs 4 Pin (WI.) 12 I 6 in -91 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 12 I 6i0 l30 lbs H 3 H Roll (Ii) 12 I 2 in -153 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 13 I 6i0 50 lbs 3 H Roll (VT) 13 I 2 in 55 lbs 4 Pin (WI.) 14 I 6 i 120 lbs 3 H Roll (TF) 14 I 2i0 120 lbs Member Material CSI Bracin2 Max P top bfl0 i :1 - - - Zn t) - - BotChd 34 201C20(50 ksj - - 030Y bneatflea 6-.38-1--__I-Spats - -- 02 tOn 108 lbs - - J Web 14 15C20 (50 Itei) 0.063 Unbeteed .135 lbs Web IS 15C20(50ks) - 0035 U brnerd - 110 lbs Web 213 13C20 (50 ksi) 0.064 Unb race d 144 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support Loads Summary Load Case Lr1: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Merrbee Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib #694th Top Cool Donut Pwj 20 psI 20 psi 24 in Bot Cons I3osvn Ptoj 0 psI 0 psI 24 in ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIOEREOAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPTHSS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THAT114E Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT 111E1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEEr MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchestee Cticle Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURA11ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET. Boulder, Colorado 80301 vm'd,04A - sws TRUSS SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T33 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:18PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 2of3 Report: Eng Plot E V M A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GSlmss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING . WGTIPLY 3-8-5 2.996/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 9.4 lbs Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Lands Metaker Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stao Load End mod Trib 'Mdth Top Cont Down Rate 16psf I6psf 24 in Sot Coot Down Rake 6 psI 6 psI 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Menirer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Pod Load Ttib Width Top 0.0.0 3.0.5 N Up Rake 25.32 psI 25.32 psi 24 in Web 1.4 Coot Right Rate 14.56 psi 4.56 psi 24 in - Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Lands Menber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Ttib Width Top 0-0-0 3-0-5 N Up Rake 17.91 psI 17.91 psI 24 in Web 1-4 Coot Left Rake 16.80 psI 16.88 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Metaker Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Thb Width Top 0.0-0 3-0-5 N Up Rake 9.29 psI 9.29 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Metrfrer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Pad Load 1db Width Top 0-0.0 3-8-5 N Up Rake 77.56 psI 77.56 psI 24 in Web 1-4 Cont Left Rake 44.08 par 44.08 pnf 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Meniter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top 0.0.0 3-8-5 N Down Rake 8 psI 8 psi 24 in Web 1.4 Cont Right Rake 16 psI 16 psI 24 in Automated Load CaseW9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No toads were defined for this load case. Automated Load Case LIO°: UBC 101b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Metier Location I Location 2 Direction Spread stan Load End Load 1db Width Bar Cost Down Pwj 1ps1 IS psi 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No toads were defined for this toad case. I) This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. - This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category It, Mean Roof Height 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. - Load Combinations 0 Load Co,rbo Factor I Dl 1.000 2 =DI :*LI L000____________ 3 DI +0.6 W3 ______________________________________________________________________ 1.000 4D1+06W8_ 055 5 DI *0.6 W9 1.000 6D1*07E1 1.060 7 DI +0.45 W3 *0.75 Let . 1.000 8D1+045W3 1.000 9 Dl *0.5301*0.7514 1.000 l006Dl*06W1 1.000 II 0.6 Dl +0.6 W2 1.000 1206D1+ OAS Vs4 1000 13 0.6 Dl *0.7 5/0.01 1.000 14Dl+1I6 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Metier ID. into, CSI. tma axial lowe. (nasa contr lowe ilduterent from iniui axial forte) TChd 1-2 0.909 -52 lbs ..d 3-4 0.381 -108 lbs Webs 114 0.063 -135 lbs 1-3 0.035 110 lbs (-17 bbs) 2-3 0.064 144 lbs (.135 Ibs) Truss-to--truss Connections Summary ID Carried Truss CanengTnsss - Canng08het Angle 1147 133 016 ______________ 5-4-3 315 deg Tf47 133 ______________ 016 543 5ditg= 1141 133 015 54-3 45 deg AU. GENERAL NOTES OF11IIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PARTOFTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATThE Keymait Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY 114ATTHE1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchnstrr Cticlr, Suite 102 THE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURA11ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T33 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:18 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 3 of3 Report: Eng Plot V M A P K GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GSlruss® Version: 5.009 [Build 781 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OUR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 3-8-5 2.996/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 9.4 lbs GUSSET PLATES - - _- - ---- - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMaterial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6 "ofeach panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane of the truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 of the end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OF THIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BECONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY TEATTHE1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS W-.MINIMUMAPPUCABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 WincI,esw C6ck, Suite 102 iSlE LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURA11ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET. Boulder, Colosdo 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T34 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 SouthGate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:18 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 1 of3 Report: Eng Plot E V M A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] rows TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 5-8-5 2.997/12 I 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 15.1 lbs 2-10-2 1 5-8-5 0-10-0 2331 0-0-0 0-0-0 2-10-2 2-10-2 2-10-2 5-8-5 Circles indicate lisstenerc000t in webs. Squares indicate fltstenercnsnt in chords. Fostersees' indicates lhenon*serofAowonlS S5 012 or#12 5DS (AISI) Soleness required at one end oftheownber. Each value indicates the nsrtherofflsssersers required: (s) indicates the rsantberof AnwooTS SS #12 to be installed on one side of the truss. (b) indicates the nattherof#12 5DS (AtSI) lobe installed on each side of tlte truss. Where connection plates are called Out on this dtowing s plate is required on each side of the truss. Refeeto Generul Notes foe tlsnherclarification. Allowable shear perAowoo TS SS #12 litutenenos follows: 27 wits: 402 lbs; 33 wits: 544 lbs; 43 mitt: 810 lbs; 54 wits: 1,138 lbs: 68 wits: 1.610 tbs.Atlowobte shear pee912 SDS (AIS0 l)ssterteeis calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT 112. Maintain flattener sparing at 5/8 rain. Maintain florence ed noeght at 5/0 rain the each sheer of steel connected. CSI Deflection L/ (bc) Allowed 'IC 0.232 (2) TL 0.03 in L/999 (1-2) L/240 BC 0.192 (4-5) LL 0.01 in L/999 (1.2) L/360 Web: 0.317 (2-4) 1-broTh Sin 3 1'C Cootinnonsly Stared BC BrocingSpassn Reactions Summary iT Tone LC BC BmtMd Reaction I IT BC 6 Pin (WL) I I 6 in 128 lbs 6 I 242 lbs 4 H Roll (TI') I I 2 in 128 lbs 4 I 242 lbs .19 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 2 I 6 in 242 lbs 4 H Roll (TI) 2 L 2 in 242 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 i 100 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 i l6 lbs H 4 H Roll (TI) S I 2 in 92 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 i 151 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in -30 lbs H 4 H Roll (1'I) 4 I 2 i 160 lbs 6 Pi. (WL) S I 6 i 128 lbs 4 H Roll (I'll S I 2 is 128 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 6 I 6i5 128 lbs 4 H Roll (TI) 6 I 2 is 128 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 i 193 ins 6 Pin (WL) 7 I 6i5 t2 lbs H 4 H Roll (rI') 7 I 2 i 187 lbs 6 Pin (WL) S I 6 in 107 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 12 lbs H 4 H Roll (TI) 8 I 2 i lOt lbs 6 Pin (WL) 9 I 6 in 213 lbs 4 H Roll (rI) 9 I 2 i 2131b5 6 Pin (WL) tO I 6 i 0 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 i 29 lbs H 4 H Roll (cf) tO I 2 i -19 lbs 6 Pin (WL) II I 6 in 24 lbs 6 Pin (WL) II I 6 in 47 lbs H 4 H Roll (TI) II I 2 in 7 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in -150 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 i t74 lbs H 4 H Roll (TI) 12 I 2 is -220 lbs 6 Pin (WL) 13 I 6th 77 lbs 4 H Roll (II) 13 I 2 in 77 lbs 6 Pi. (WL) 14 I 6 i 185 lbs 4 H Roll (IT) 14 I 2 in 185 lbs Member Material CSI Bracing Max P -220 lbs -220 lbs EfotChd . i2'I0i _ JTiTTIiose' -- ._:: 279 ibs'"''J Web 1-6 I )C20 (50 wi) 0.091 Unbmaed -229 lbs )Veb).5 t5C2O(50ksi) - -. _0. 4_ Unbrnccd - Web 2-5 I 5C20 (20 wi) - 0.017 Uobroced 55 lbs Veb2.4 :C..(T/) —- 0.317 Unbrscd__ 20Ibs j Web 3.4 1SC20 (50 hal) 0.046 Uobraced 83 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lr1: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Menrdser Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stun Load End Load Tb Width Top Coot Down Proj 20 psf 20 psf 24 in But Cool Down Proj 0 psf 0 psf 24 its All GENERAL NOTES OFTHLS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PARTOFTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThAT1'HE Keymask Enterprises, LLC PROFF,SSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT THETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricte, Suite 102 1145 LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHORE Bosldrr, Colorado 80301 swS Panel & Truss Truss: T34 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:18 PM System: Anicon 6.003 Page: 2of3 Report: Eng Plot (J E Y M A R K GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] sws TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 5-8-5 2.997/12 I . 0-0-0 0-0-0 . I 24 in 15.1 lbs Load Case DI: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Metakar Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Trib Width Top Cool Down Rake 16psf 16ps1 24 in But Cont Down Rake 6 psI • 6 psI 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Slot Load tad Load Tb Width Top 0 -00 5-8-5 N Up Rake 25.3 1 psI 25.31 psI 24 in Web (.6 Cont Right Rake 14.56 psI 14.56 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Slot Load End Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 5-5-5 N lip Rake 17.91 psI 17.91 pSI 24 in Web 1-6 Cant Left Rake 16.88 psI 16.88 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sian Load End Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 5-8-5 N Up Rake 9.29 psI 9.29 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Slot Lead End Lead 1db Width Top 0.0.0 5-8-5 N Up Rota 76.61 psI 76.61 pnf 24 in Web I-ft Coot Left Rake 43.52 pnt 43.52 psI 24 in Automated Load C age W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Mentrer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Slot Load End Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 5-8-5 N Down Rate 8 pnl 8 psI 24 in Vs'rb I-ft Coot Right Rake 16 pnt (ft pat 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No toads were defined for this load case. Automated Load Case Ll0°: UBC lOIb Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Slot Load End Lead 1db Width Bot Coot Down Pwj to psI 10 psI 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No loads were deftned for this toad case. I) This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psfbottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean Roof Height 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 fix 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 63 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations 0 Lead Combo Factor I Di 1000 000 3 DI+O.6W3 1.009 4Dt+OOWO (000 5 DI + 0.6 W9 1.000 ft D[' 0781 ____________________ (000 7 Di +0.45W3 + 0.75 Lal - 1.008 8Dt+045W3 .000 I 9 Dl +0.5381 *0.75 Let 1.000 1006D1 *06st 000 _J 0 II .6 Dl *0.6 W2 (.000 1296D1±06W4 (000 13 0.6 DI *0.7810.01 .000 I4pIi-Li0 ___________________________________________________________________ (000 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Member ID, max CSL oats axial toter, (tmx canpn rowe ildiffetenl from max axial towe) 0.104 290 lbs (422 Ibn)I2.4 0.317 -320 lbs Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID Carded Truss Carrying Truss CoreinogOffset Angle 7743 134 GIS 0.2-2 45 deg GUSSET PLATES 1 I1I1[t!iI iirnPrel!t1 - - - - - - - - - - ALL GENERAL NOM OFThtS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERIIDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT 11-IETRUS5 AS5EMBLY SHOWN ON This SHEEr MEETS This MINIMtJMAPPUCABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cdcle, Suite 102 ThE WADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CON1'tGURAllONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON ThIS SHEET. Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T34 4231 Liberty Blvd. jobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:18 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 3 of3 Report: Eng Plot (KE V M A R K XX SAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] gws TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OFIR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 5-8-5 2.997/12 I 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 15.1 lbs Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement oflateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6' of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicularto the plane of the truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 " ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTh1S DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATTRE Keymaiic Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY IHATThE1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Crick, Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEEr. Bo,,Idre Colomdo 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T35 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:19 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 1 of 2 Report: Eng Plot KEYMARKK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] rows TRUSS IT r9pc If BC BtpWrd Reaction iT BC 4 Pin (WL) I I 6 in 41 lbs 4 3 H Roll (TI) I I 2 in 41 lbs 3 4 Pin (WL) 2 I 6 in 78 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 2 I 2 in 70 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 n 34 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 5 lbs H 3 H Roll (I'I) 3 I 2 in 28 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in 45 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in -20 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 4 2 tn 56 lbs 4 Pin (WI.) 5 I n 41 lbs 3 H Roll (TF) 5 I n 4llbs 4 Pi. (WL) 6 I 6 in 41 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 6 I 2 in 41 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 63 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 4 lbs H 3 H Roll (fl) 7 I 2 in 591b5 4 Pin (WI.) 8 I 6 to 36 Has 4 Pin (WL) B I 6 in 4lbsH 3 H Roll fII) 0 I n 321b5 4 Pia (WL) 9 I 6 in 69 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 9 I 2 in 69 lbs 4 Pin (WI.) tO I 6 in I lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 10 I 2 in .8 lbs 4 Pin (WL) II I 6 in 14 lbs 4 Pin (WL) II I 6 in 27 lbs H 3 H Roll (If) II I 2 in 5 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in .30 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in 07 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 12 I 2 in -92 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 13 I 6 i 25 lbs 3 H Roll (IT) 13 I 2 in 25 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 14 I 61n 60 lbs 3 H Roll (Ii) 14 I 2 in 60 lbs Member Material CSI Max Reset Max GmvUpliflMax MWPRS 78 lbs 78 lbs -8 lbs -92 lbs .92 lbs Max P SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTJPLY 1-10-1 2.992/12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 5.2 lbs I - lu- I 1-10-1 0-10-0 1-3-8 3112 2s 2 Z2448 1S 21 2 4S S 0-0-0 0-0-0 1-10-1 iI,5 Circles indicate Essletsercoant in webs. Squares indicate llsstenercoont in chords."Fasteners" indicates the natcherofAnsoniS SS #12 or#12 SOS (AISI) licstencts required st ooecnd of the nwtnther. Each value indicates the nsrtberofEtstcners required: (s) indicates the number ofAnson IS SS 0 2 to be installed on one side of the tnsss. ) indicates the nanber of# 2 SDS (AISI) to be installed on each side of the truss. Whets connection plates arts called not on this dnswing, a plate is required on each side of the trans. Refer to General Notes for 6cnherclarification. Allowable shearperAnnoon IS ss 012 tssreneras follows: 27 tests: 402 lbs; 33 odIn: 544 lbs; 43 trials: 010 lbs; 54 rails: 1,138 lbs: 68 calls: 1.610 lbs.Allowoble 5hear per 012 SOS (AISI) liciteneris ealcalured per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT 02. Maintain #rStener spacing at 5/8 rain. Maintain fastener edge nocgrn at 5/8 rain for each sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection L/ (bc) Allowed it 0.088 (1.2) TU 0 in L/999 (1.2) L/240 BC 0.030 (34) LL 0 in L/999 (1.2) 1,1360 Vrbb: 0.041 (1.4) HntzTL Oin I It Continunanly Btaced BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Summary npr..flor. otanrts,t_ - Bpch43-4 ,201t20(sOloi) IL. - . 9930 I)parse - n.stwa _xnpsnteo ttb5 -6/lbs -- Web 1-4 15C20 (50 led) 0.041 Unbtrtcnd -67 lbs 15C20(50ksj) - 0-02 Unhrnead 72 lbs - - - W62 3 15-C20 (50 led) 0.027 Unhtnced - 69 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case LrI: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Menter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Starr Load End Load Trib Width Tap Cant Down Proj 28 psf 20 psf 24 in Bar Cant Dons Proj 0 psf 0 psf 24 in Load Case DI: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Mcnincr Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Scan Load End Load Ttib Width Top Cost Dnsvtn Rode 16 psf 16 psf 24in Bot Cons -- -- Down R.I. 6 nsf 6nsf 24 in ALL GENERAL NOTES OFIHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL ISO CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFIHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTHE Keymads Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT ThEIiUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEEr MEErS THE MINIMUlxIAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle, Suite 102 THE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON ThiS SHEEt Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T35 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:19 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 2of2 Report: Eng Plot (_ GL OBAL V M A R K SAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] - SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 1-10-I 2.992/12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 5.2 lbs Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Men*,er . Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tnb Width Top 0-0-0 1-10-I N Up Rake 25.34 psI 25.34 psI 24 in Web 14 Cont Right Rake 14.56 psI 14.56 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Mendter Location I Location 2 Ditectinn Spread Stan Load End Load Tub Width Top 0.0.0 1-10-I N Up Role 17.92 psI 17.92 psI 24 in Web 1.4 Cont Loft Rake 16.88 pal 16.88 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Meniser Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Ttib Width Top 0-0-0 1-10-I N Up Rake 9.29 psI 9.20 pal 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Metndter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tnb Width Top 0.0.0 I-IS-I N Up Rake 77.56 pal 77.56 pal 24 in Web -4 Coat Loft Rake 44.08 psI 44.08 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Mea4ter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Thb Width Top 0-0-0 1.10-I N Down Rake Opal Opal 24 in Web 1-4 Coat Right Rake 16 pal 16 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No loads were defined for this load ease. Automated Load Case L10 *: UBC 101b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads - Member Lownian I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tub Width Sot Cant Dawn Ptnj Is psI 10 pal 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No toads were defined for this load case. This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -20l2. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psfbottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance with ASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean RoofHeight 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft. Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 It The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations 0 Load Canto Factor DI 1.000 .000 I - 3 01*0.6 W3 1.000 1D 1+0.6W8 1.000 5 01*0.6 W9 6 D1+07E1 1.000 1000 7 01+0.45 W3*0.75 1*1 - 1.000 - 8D1*045W3 1000 9 DI +0.53 El * 0.75 Ul 1.000 10 06D1+06W1 1000 II 0.6 DI + 0.6 W2 1.000 I2 06DI+O6W4 1000 1 13 0.601+0.7 EIO.0I 1.000 4Di*Uo!T .000 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Menther ID, ama C51, max axial lowe. (tmn cotrstc lowe ildifferent frntatmx axial lowe) TChd -2 0.008 -25 lbs BChd 3-4 0.030 -65 lbs Webs I 1 .4 0.041 -67 lbs 1-3 0.023 72 lbs (-14 Ibs) 2-3 0.027 69 lbs (-67 Ibs) Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ED Carried Tarts Cnn)inglmns CoangOItket Me 1140 735 GIl 2-1-7 90 deg GUSSET PLATES - - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement oflateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6' of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6' ofthe end ofesch chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFfl4IS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL SE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE 1TIATTHE Keymaric Enterprises, LLC PROFESsIONAL ENGr4EER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT114E1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICAISLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Ct)cic, Suite 102 114E WADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS US7SSD ON THIS SHOE. BoxIde Cotatado 00301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T36 4231 Liberty Blvd. jobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:19 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: I of Report: Eng Plot EY M A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] sws TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY OFIL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 4-8-1 2.997/12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 14.2 lbs '1-0- 4-8-1 0-10-0 2-0-0 2s 0-0-0 0-0-0 4-8-1 4-8-1 Circles indicate tssteoeecoont in webs. Squares indicate tsstersercoaot its chords. "Fasteners" indicates the ntsnirerofAorooTS SS #12 or#12 SDS (AlS!)llsstenrrs required at one end ofthe nrerthre. Each tube indicates thenssttherolttstenets required: (s) indicates the osniserofAnwonis SS 1112 to be installed on one side of the truss. (h) indicates the nsosherof#12 SOS (AOl) to be installed on each side of the truss. Where connection plates ate called out on this drawing plate is required on each side of the truss. Referto General Notes forllsnherclositeation. Albowshle shearperAsenon IS SSttl2 Ibstenerns follows: 21 rails: 402 lbs: 33 toils: 544 lbs: 43 oils: 010 Ills: 54 oils: 1.138 lbs; 68 oils: 1,610 lbs.Albowobleshesrpee#12 SDS (Ala!) llsstenenis calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT #2. Maintain Facrener spacing as 5/8" rain. Maintain filstenter edF nsssin at 5/0" trio for each sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection L/ (lc) Allowed IC : 1.803 (1.2) TL: 0.06 in L/797 (1-2) L/240 BC : 0.958(34) LL 0.03 in L/999 (1-2) L/360 Web: 0.088 -3) H.. T1.* 0 in IC Continuously Braced BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Summary 4 Pin (WL) I I 6 in lOS lbs 4 I 199 lbs -122 lbs -122 lbs 3 H Roll I I 2 in lOS lbs 3 I 199 lbs .16 lbs .186 lbs -186 lbs 4 Pin(WL) 2 I 6 i l991bs 3 H Roll (PT) 2 I 2 in 99 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 82 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 13 lbs H 3 H Roll (Ii) 3 I ' 2 in 76 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in 123 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in -27 lbs I-I 3 H Roll (TO) 4 I 2 in 132 lbs 4 Pin (WL) S I 6i0 105 lbs 3 Ft Roll (TI') 5 I 2 is lOS lbs 4 PisO)VL) 6 I 6 i 1051b5 3 H Roll (M6 I 2 in lOS lbs 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 i 158 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 61n l0 lbs H 3 H Roll (M 7 I 2 in 153 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 88 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 10 lbs II 3 H Roll (M 8 I 2 in 83 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 9 I 6 i I75lbs 3 H Roll (TT) 9 I 2 in 175 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 50 I 6i0 01bs 4 Pin(WL) tO I 6 i 3 H Roll (VT) 10 I 2 is 2l lbs H -16 lbs 4 Pin (WL) II I 6i5 2l1bs 4 Pin (WL) It I 6 is 42 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI') II I 2 in 5 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 12 I 6i0 -122 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 i l53 lbs H 3 HR oll (II) 12 I 2 in -186 lbs 4 Pin (WL) IS I 6 in 63 lbs 3 H Roll (II) 13 I 2 in 63 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 14 I 6 i 152 lbs S H Roll (TI) 14 I 2 in 152 lbs Member Material CSI Bracing Max 201t20(solroi) 1. _4i..__:t. 09581 - --:_-- -. -I3( Ti Web 14 15C20 (50 ksi) 0.072 Unbrtsced -170 lbs Web i-S 15C20(50ks1)- 0.042 Unbra4d —--- lbs - - Web 2-3 15C20 (50 lad) 0.088 Unbtnced 182 lbs - NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Member Location I Locution 2 Direction Spread Stan Load tad Load Ttib Width Top Cons Down Proj 20 psf 20 psf 24 in Sol Cons Down Proj 0 psf 0 psf 24 is ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTI4IS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OF11IIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT Er ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS TIlE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester C,icte, Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS 514801 Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T36 4231 Liberty Blvd. jobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:19 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 2of3 Report: Eng Plot E V M A R K WX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 4-8-1 2.997/12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 142 lbs Load Case DI: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Mntther Location I Location 2 Ditection Spread Sims Load End Load Trib Width Top Coot Down RaIn 16ps1 thpsi 24 in Bot Cont Down Roke 6 psi 6 psi 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(tip) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top 0.0.0 4.5-I N Up Rake 25.32 psi 25.32 psi 24 in Vieb 1.4 Coot Right Rake 14.56 psf 14.56 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads - Metetter Location t Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load 1104 Load Trib Width Top 00.0 4-8-1 N Up Rake 17.91 psi I7.9t psi 24 in Web 1.4 Coot Left Rake 6.00 psi 6.88 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Meraker Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top 0.0.0 4.8.1 N Up Rake 9.29 paf 9.29 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Menirer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top 0.0-0 4-8-I N Up Robe 77.56 psi 77.56 psi 24 in ',Veb 14 Coot Left R.I. 44.00 psi 44.08 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W8: lvi WFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Metthee Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top 0.0-0 4-8-I N Down Rake 8 psi 8 psi 24 in Web 14 Cont Right Rake 16 psi 16 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No toads were defined for this toad case. Automated Load Case L1O°: UBC 101b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Mend,er Location t Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Bet Coot Down Ptoj tO psi 10 psi 24in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No toads were defined for this toad ease. This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psfbottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance with ASCE7 - 10, It 0 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean RoofHeight 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 fix 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The tight end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations 0 Load Condro Foctnr I IN 1.000 D1'+ LA 1.000 3 DI + 0.6 W3 1.000 IDFT06W8 1000 1 5 Dl + 0.6 W9 1,000 == D-1 07 El 1000 7 Dl + 0.43 W3 + 0.75 Lrl 1.000 8D11,045W3 1.000 9 Dl +0.53 El + 0,75 Lel 1.098 - t06Dl*06Wl_________________________________________________ 1.000 II 0.601+0.6 W2 1.008 t206DI+06W4 1000 IS 0.601 *0.711/0.01 1.000 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Merthee ID. rna,t CSI. non saiol force. (non caopt force ifdiffcrnnt icons teas assist force) TChd 1-2 1.003 .65 lbs - BChd 3.4 0.950 -131 lbs Webs 114 0.072 -170 lbs 1-3 0.042 132 lbs (-19 lbs) 12-3 0.080 182 lbs (-170 lbs) Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID Canied Trans CoarnogTnsss CarringO8bet Angle Ti'St 136 GIS 5-11.0 90 deg GUSSET PLATES f5tI1I1Lel1 - - - - -___- - - -. ALL GENERAL NOTES OPThtS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATINE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROPESStONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT THETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMIJMAPPLICABL.E DESIGN CRITERIAFOR 6787 winchester Cticle, Suite 102 11-18 WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CO91FIGURAI1ON5, AND SPANS LISTED ON 11115 SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T36 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:19 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 3 of 3 Report: Eng Plot E Y M A R K WX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] sws TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 4-8-I 2.997/12 I 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 14.2 lbs Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6' of each panel point. The end ofevcxy chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendieularto the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 "ofthe end ofeach chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTh3S DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymaik Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS 50151cr MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle, Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONOmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colondo 80301 XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS Truss: T37 JobName: 217 GSBuild®System Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:19 PM OS Truss® System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: 1 of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3.001/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 178.6 lbs ,3-I- i-I-s i-I-M i-I-IL i-I-IL S-I-IL i-/-IL i-I-IL 3-5-0 5-5-0 ILi L-I-Ii 3-7-9 7-3-2 10-10-11 14-6-7 18-2-2 21-9-14 25-5-9 29-1-5 32-4-13 35-8-5 37-10-240-0-0 0-10-0 3-6-11 3-6-11 1-10-15 1-10-15 3F12 Re Re 7e gic 1213 0-0-0 0-0-0 3-7-9 1 3-7-9 3-7-9 3-7-12 3-7-12 3-7-12 3-7-12 3-7-12 1 3-3-8 1 3-3-8 12-1-1312-1-13 3-7-9 7-3-2 10-10-11 14-6-7 18-2-2 21-9-14 25-5-9 29-1-5 32-4-13 35-8-5 37-10-240-0-0 Cinsles indicate fastener count in webs. Sqtsscns indicate fastener count in chords."Fasteners" indicates the nsn%erofAnntonTS SS #12 oril 12 SDS (A ISO 6tsteness required at one end of the esonther. Each saloe indicsnes the nondserof ttsteoers required: (5) indicates the nan'bernf AstroniS SS #12 to be installed on one side of the toss. ) indicates the nue*erof#12 SOS (AISI) to be installed on each side of the truss. Whete connection plates are called out on this drawing a plate is required on each side of the bass. Refeeto Gen ml Notes foellsnheeclstification. Allowable shroepeeAmcon IS SS 012 fitstesseros follows: 27 asIa: 402 lbs: 33 soils: 544 Ibs: 43 soils: 810 lbs; 54 tndls: 1,138 lbs; 68 stots: 1,610 lbs.Allosoable shearper#I2 SOS (AISI)bssteoeris calculated pee the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT #2. Maintain fastener spacing at 5/8 edo. Maintain fasten edge nsstgat at 518 eon for each sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (be) Allowed 'IC 0.946 (1-2) 'IL 0.74 in L/633 (6-7) L/240 BC : 0.961 (20-21) LL: 0.33 in L/999 (6-7) L/360 Web: 0.986 (12-I5) HoteTL' 0. 11 in 14 TC Continuously Braced BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Summary 26 Pin (WL) I I 6 in 891 lbs 26 I 1,691 lbs -It I lbs 14 H Roll (WL) I I 6 in 887 lbs 14 I 1.687 lbs -134 lbs 26 Pin (WL) 2 I 6 in 1,691 lbs 14 H Roll (WL) 2 I 6 in 1.687 lbs 26 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 772 lbs 26 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 i l2 lbs H 14 H Roll (WL) 3 I 6 i 8101b5 26 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in 980 lbs 26 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in .42 lbs H 14 H Roll (WL) 4 I 6 in 902 lbs 26 Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 903 lbs 26 Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 16 lbs H 14 H Roll (WL) 5 I 6 in 937 lbs 26 Pin (WL) 6 I 6 in 891 lbs 14 H Roll (WL) 6 I 6 in 887 lbs 26 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 1,402 lbs 26 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 9 lbs H 14 K Roll (WL) 7 I 6 n 1,430 lbs 26 , Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 002 lbs 26 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 9 lbs H 14 HRollOWL) 8 I 6 n 830 lbs 26 Pin OWL) 9 I 6 i 1,491 lbs 14 H Roll (WL) 9 I 6 in 1.487 lbs 26 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 i .111 lbs 26 Pin (WL) tO I 6 in 33 lbs K 14 H Roll (WL) 10 I 6 in -tOt lbs 26 Pin (WL) II I 6 in 40 lbs 26 Pin (WL) II I 6 in 26 lbs H 14 H Roll (WL) II I 6 in -134 lbs 26 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in -041 lbs 26 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 i 106 lbsH 14 H Roll (WL) 12 I 6 in -732 lbs 26 Pin (WL) 13 I 6 in 534 lbs 14 H Roll (WL) 13 I 6 in 532 lbs 26 Pin (WL) 14 I 6 in 1.291 lbs 14 H Roll (WL) 14 I 6i0 1.287 lbs Member Material CSI Bracing . Max P 301C18 (50 loi) 30'TC18 (SO ksi) ________________ -732 lbs -732 lbs Web 1-26 I 5C20 0 ksi) 0.672 - Unbtnced '' -1.685 lbs _J - Web 1-25 5020 (50 ksi) 0.585 IJnbtnced 3.729 lbs Web2 15C20(50k5) 0376 1j25 bniced '' ________ Web 2-24 15C20 (50 ksi) 0.352 llnbotced 658 lbs Web 3-24 ______________________ I5C20(50hsi) 0.096 Unheated _________ -136 lbs Web 3-23 I5C20 (50 ksi) 0.304 IJnbrnced -179 lbs Web 4-23,....... I5C20(50 led) 0.108ljnbilsond 211 -6s—= Web 4-22 15C20 (50 i) 0.835 IJnbtnced 954 lbs Web 522 15C20 (50 Ito) 0 031 U bcod -687 1bs Web 5-21 15C20 (50 ksi) 0.273 Unbraced 475 lbs ______________ Wb62l______________________I5C20(501cs) .......0302 U braced __________ 252 lbs._.._.,J __________ Web 7-21 I 5C20 (50 led) 0.059 Unbraced - -28 lbs_______ Web720 I5C20(50ks) 0300 U braced 251 lbsj _____ Web 8-20 15C20 (50 led) 0.352 Unbtnced 494 lbs W6 8 19 15C20(501s) 0843 U nbtoced _______________ -6971bs Web 9-19 15C20 (50 ksi) 0.887 Unbsnced 948 lbs Web 9 18 15C20(50ksi) 0.088 1J braced 220 lbs_,,,,,,,,_J ______ Web 10-18 I 5C20 (50 ksi) _______________________ 0.267 Unbtsced lbs _-17l '3 b 10-17 _________________ 15C20(50Io) - 0 ll4 U braced . , _________ ALL GENERAL NOTES OF THIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT 11-tE1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON 1141S SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester C6cle, Suite 102 THE IOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS. TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURA11ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON '11455 SHEET. Boulder, Colorado 80301 XX GLOS'L STEEL SYSTEMS Truss: T37 JobName: 217 GSBuild®System Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:20 PM OS Truss® System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 781 . Page: 2 of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 40-0-0 3.001/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 178.6 lbs ieim -1 5C20 (50 tail) calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case LrI: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Mendrer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sloti Load Pod Load Tub Width Top Coot Dom Proj 20 psI 20 psI 24 in Bat Coot Down Proj 0 psI 0 paf 24 in Load Case DI: Std Dead Load - Distributed Loads Meniter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sun Load End Load 1db Width Top Cont Down Rake I6psf I6psI 24 in But Coot Down Rake 6 psI 6 psI 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Top 29-I-5 35-0-5 NUp Rake 17.91 psI 17.91 psI 24 in Top tO-tO-It 29-I-5 N Up Ratio 29.03 psI 29.03 psI 24 in Top 35-8-5 40.0.0 N Up Rake 29.03 psI 29.83 psI 24 in Wets 1-26 Coot Right Rake 14.56 p11 14.56 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Meniter Location I Location 2 Diirction Spatial stair Load Pod Load Rib Width Top 0.0-0 10-10-I1 NUp Rake 17.91 psI 17.91 psI 241n Top 29-I-5 35.8.5 N Up Rake 25.3 psI 25.3 psI 24 in Top 10-10-I1 29-I-5 N Up Rake 29.83 psI 29.03 psI 24 in Top 35-8-5 40-0.0 N Up Rake 29.83 psf 29.03 psI 24 in Web 1-26 Cool Left Rota 16.88 psI 16.88 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads M-iter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan load End Load Tdb Width Top 0.0.0 tO-tO-It N Up Rake 9.29 psI 9.29 psI 24 is Top 29-I-5 35-8-5 N Up Rake 9.29 psI 9.29 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Monitor Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Paid Load Tit, Width Top 0.0.0 6-3-10 N Up Robe 60.82 psI 60.82 psI 24 in Top 6-3-10 tO-tO-It N Up Rake 60.02 psI 60.02 psI 24 in Tap 10-10-I1 7-2-5 N Up Rake 60.82 psI 60.82 psI 24 in. Top 7-2-5 22-9-11 N Up Rake 38.5 psI 30.5 psI 24 in Top 22-9-I1 29-I-5 N Up Rake 60.82 psI 60.02 psI 24 in Top 29-I-5 354-I5 N Up Rake 60.82 psI 60.82 psI 24 in Top 354-15 35.8-5 N Up Rake 60.82 psI 60.82 psI 24 in Top 35-8-5 40-0-0 N Up Rake 35.71 psI 35.71 psI 24 in Web 1-26 Cant LeO Rake 27.34 psI 27.34 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Meniter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load rib Width Top 0.0.0 10-10-I1 N Down Rake 0 P51'0 PSI` 24 in Web 1-26 Cont Right Rake 16 psI 16 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W9: M WFRS-Right(M in) Distributed Loads Mrnther Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load lnb Width Top 29-I-5 35-0-5 N Down Rake Opal 8 psI 24 in Automated Load Case LIO': UBC I01b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Meniter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Paid Load Tib Width Bot Cont Down Proj 10 PSI` 10 psI 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No loads were defined for this load ease. I) This truss has been designed in accordance with [BC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 pSf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is oablelHip with Building Category II, Mean RoofHeight 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 63 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prune Region. Load Combinations o Load Conito Factor I Dl 1.000 3 01+0.6 W3 1.000 DiO6W8 LO0O___________ DI *0.6 W9 1.000 bi*0.7E1 LO00____________ 7 DI 10.45 W3 * 0.75 lt 1.000 bjFoiSw3 I 9 DI +0.53 El +0.75 Sal 1.000 II 0.6 DI +0.6 W2 1.000 1.000 . 1 3 0.601 +0.7 E/0.0I 1.000 ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThAT1}IE Keyniark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT T1-IETRUS5 ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON JailS SHEEI MEETS 79111 MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester COck, Suite 102 1146 LOADS, WADING CONDmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONPIGURAT1ONS, AND SPANS USTI1D ON THIS SHEET. Boulder, Colorado 80301 (JLOJSMARK TEE!. SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Truss: T37 JobName: 217 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:20 PM System: Ameon 6.003 Page: 3of3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3.001/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 178.6 lbs Member Forces Summary Table indicutes: Mesther ID. CSI, nuts oni.4 forte, (non const loon ifdifferesst 0os non osiol foste) Tthd -2 2-3 34 0.946 0.695 0.701 -3,754 lbs -4,403 lbs 4,257 lbs - 4-5 5.6 6-7 0.893 0.793 0.802 -4,763 lbs -5,097 lbs -5,097 lbs 7-8 8-9 9.10 0.790 0.893 0.669 -5,108 lbs -4,760 lbs 4.257 lbs 10.11 11-12 12-13 8.746 0.648 0.675 .4,378 lbs -3,772 lbs -2,000 lbs BChd 14-15 0.090 0 lbs 17-It 0.707 4,230 lbs (-2,000 lbs) 20.21 0.961 5,108 lbs (-2,333 lbs) 23-24 0.873 4,242 lbs (-2,104 lbs) 15-16 0,290 2,000 lbs (-897 Ibs) 18-19 0.748 4,099 lbs (.1.917 lbs) 21-22 0.952 4,763 lbs (2.246 lbs) 24-23 0.836 3,647 lbs (-1.862 lbs) 16-17 0.644 3,787 lbs 0.750 lbs) 19-20 0.943 4.760 lbs (-2.215 lbs) 22-23 0.766 4.098 lbs (-1,965 lbs) 25-26 0.039 -93 lbs Webs 1-26 0.672 -1.685 lbs 4-22 0.835 954 lbs (-402 lbs) 8-19 0.843 .697 lbs 12-16 0.835 2,419 lbs (-1.154 lbs) .25 8.585 3.729 lbs (-1,809 lb s) 5-22 0.831 -687 lbs 9-19 0.887 948 lbs (.427 lbs) 12-15 0.986 -2,018 lbs 2 .2 5 0.376 -837 lbs 5-21 0.273 475 lbs 1-130 Ibs) 9-18 0.088 220 lbs (-74 lbs) 13-15 0.878 2,775 lbs (-1,245 lbs) 2-24 0.352 658 lbs (-268 lbs) 6-21 0.302 -252 lbs 10-18 0.267 -Ill lbs 13-14 0.847 -1,740 lbs 3.24 0.096 -136 lbs 7-21 0.059 -28 lbs 10-17 0.114 .154 lbs 3-23 0.304 -179 lbs 7-20 18-20 0.308 -251 lbs 11-17 0.348 513 lbs (.290 lbs) 4-23 0.100 211 lbs (.91 lbs) 0.352 494 lbs (-168 Ibs) 11-16 0.741 -1,526 lbs GUSSET PLATES raTT 11II1TI - - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMaterial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6' of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" ofthe end ofeach chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INtEGRAL PART OFTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ERGINSSEWS SEAL INDICATES ONLYTHAT THETRIJSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Csicle, Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATiONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON -MIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 0-0-0 0-0-0 3F12 cc cc 7c 12 3 H Roll (WL) I I 6 in 889 lbs Pin (WL) 2 I 6 in 1,692 lbs H Roll (WL) 2 I 6 in 1.689 lbs Pin (WL) 3 I 6i0 761 lbs Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 9 lbs H H Roll (OIL) 3 I 6 in 791 lbs Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in 987 lbs Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in .44 lbs H H Roll (WL) 4 I 6 in 907 lbs Pin (OIL) 5 I 6 in 909 lbs Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 52 lbs I-I H Roll (WL) S I 6 in 954 lbs Pi. (WL) 6 I 6 i 8921b5 H Roll (WL) 6 I 6 in 889 lbs Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 1,394 lbs Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 7 lbs H H Roll (WL) 7 I 6 i l.416lbs Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 794 lbs Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 7 lbs H H Roll (WL) 8 I 6 i 816 lbs Pin (WL) 9 I 6 in 1,492 lbs H Roll (WL) 9 I 6 in 1,489 lbs Pin (WL) 10 I 6 in -102 lbs Pin (WL) 10 I 6 in 4 lbs H 11 Roll (WL) 10 I 6 in -75 lbs Pin (Yt'L( II I 6 in -28 lbs Pin (OIL) II I 6 in 44 lbs H H Roll (WL) II I 6 in -120 lbs Pin (OIL) 12 I 6i5 .071 lbs Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in 33 lbs H H Roll (WL) 12 I 6 in -783 lbs Pin (WL) 13 I 6 in 535 lbs H Roll (OIL) 13 I 6 in 533 lbs Pin (WL) 14 I 6 i 1,292 lbs El Roll (WL) 14 I 6 in 1.289 lbs 12 I 1.689 lbs -120 lbs -783 lbs -783 lbs - Truss: T38 XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS JobName: 217 OS Build® System Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:20PM GSTruss® System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: 1 of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3.001/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 196.9 lbs i-Il -O .3- lI -b 3- lI -b 1 'i-U- 114 'i-U- I 14 14 -U- 'I 'i-U- 14 1 'i-i-b 'i-i-b i-i-i 3-11-6 1 7-10-13 11-10-3 1 15-11-1 20-0-0 24-0-14 28-1-13 1 32-5-5 36-8-13 1 40-0-0 0-10-0 3-9-9 3-9-9 1-7-13 1-7-13 3-11-6 3-11-6 1 3-11-6 4-0-14 14-0-14 4-0-14 1 4-0-14 1 4-3-8 1 4-3-8 1 3-3-3 3-11-6 7-10-13 1 11-10-3 15-11-1 1 20-0-0 24-0-14 1 28-1-13 1 32-5-5 1 36-8-13 1 40-0-0 Circles in dime llsstenercount in webs. Squares indicute fastener count in chords."Fasteners" in dimes she nueberofAnotonTS SS 012 or #12 SDS (AISI) fasteners required at one end ofthe oce*er. Roth snlue indicates the outrberof lirstenets required: (s) indicutes the noedser of Anoton is as #12 to be installed on one side of the nssss. ) indicotes the nonber ofO 12 SOS (Also to be installed on each side of she truss. Where connection plates we culted out on this drawing,n plate is required on ends side of the 05555. Referto Generol Notes I/sr #.snherclosillcotioo. Allowuble sheurperArsoton IS ss #12 fsssterseros follows: 27 odIn: 402 lbs; 33 rats: 544 lbs: 43 rats: 810 lbs: 54 rats: 1.138 lbs: 68 erOs: 1.610 lbs.Atlownblesbeoeper#I2 SOS (AIS((Otsteneris calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WITh SUPPLEc1ENT82. Maintain 8astener spacing ut 5/8 eo. Maintain edgc at 5/8" rein for each sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed IC 0.972 (1-2) TL 0.64 in LI 735 (5.6) L/240 BC 0.971 (14-I5) IL 0.29 in L1999 (6-7) L/360 Web: 0.800 (10-14) HosniL 0.09 in 13 1C Continuously Braced BC Bescing Spume Reactions Summary ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PARTOFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATTHli Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT il-IE1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS 1141) MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR . 6707 Winchester Cticle, Suite 102 THE LOADS, WADING CONDmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURA11ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHIlEE Boulder, Colorado 90301 OSBuild® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS V V V Truss: T38 JobName: 217 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:20 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 2 of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3.001/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 196.9 lbs 'bob 11-13 15020 50 hat) _________________________________________ l5C20(50I,,) _________________________ 0.592 IJnbtncnd ____________________________ 07 0 bced 3,771 lbs I 705 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary V Load Case Lr1: Std Live Load V Distributed Loads Moodier Location I Location 2 Direction Spretol start Load End Load lob Width Top Coat Down Proj 20 pal 20 pat 24 in Bol Cons Down Pnaj 0 pat 0 pat 24 in Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Moodier locution I Location 2 Direction Spread Stair Load End Load lob Width Top Coot Down Rake 16 pat 16 pat 24 in Bat Coot Down Rake 6 pat 6 psI 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) - Distributed Loads Mendier Location I Location 2 Direction spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 11-10-3 N Up Rake 25.29 psI 25.29 psI 24 in Top 20-1-13 36-8-13 NUp Rake 17.91 pat 17.91 pat 24 in Top 11-10-3 28-1-13 N Up Rake 29.85 pat . 29.03 pal 241n Top 36-8-13 40-0-0 N Up - Rake 29,85 psI 29.83 pal 24 in Web 1-22 Coot Right Rake 14.56 par 14.56 pat 24 in Web 11-12 Coot Right Rake 16.00 pat 16.80 par 241n Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Menter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tdb Width Tap 0.0.0 11-10-3 NUp Rake 17.91 pal 17.91 pat 24 in Top 28-1-13 36-0-13 N Up Rake 25.3 par 25.3 pat 24 in Top 11-10.3 28-1-13 N Up Rake 29.83 pat 29.83 pat 24 in Top 36-0-13 40-0-0 N Up Rake 29.83 par 29.83 pat 24 in Web 1-22 Coot Loft Rake 16.88 pat 16.88 par 24 in Web 11-12 Coat Loft Rake 14.56 par 14.56 par 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Mother Location I Location 2 Direction Spread stair Load End Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 11-10.3 N Up Rake 9.29 pat 9.29 pat 24 in Top 25-I-I3 36-8-13 N Up Rake 9.29 pat 9.29 pat 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Meodier Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Starr Load End Load 1nb Width Top 0-0-0 6-3-10 N Up Rake 60.82 pat 60.02 pat 24 in Tap 6-3-10 11-10-3 N Up Rake 60.82 pat 60.82 pat 2410 Top 11-10-3 18-I-I3 N Up Rake 60.82 pat 60.02 pat 24 in Top 18-1-13 21-10.3 N Up Rake 38.5 pat 38.5 pat 24 in Top 21-10-3 28-1-13 N Up Rake 60.82 pat 60.82 pat 2410 Top 28-1-13 34-5-7 N Up Rake 60.82 pat 60.52 pat 24 in Top 34-3-7 36-8-13 N Up Rake 60.82 pat 60.82 pat 24 in Top 36-8-13 4000 N Up Rake 35.71 pat 35.71 pat 24 in Web 1-22 Coot Left Rake 27.34 pat 27.34 par 24 in Web 11-12 Cant Right Rake 27.34 pat 27.34 pat 24 in Automated Load Case WS: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads MonItor Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sinai Load End Load 1db Width Top 0-0.0 11-10-3 NDoavn Rake Spat Opal 24ia Web 1-22 Coot Right Rake 16 pat 16 pat 24 is Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) Distributed Loads Mealier Location I Location 2 Direction Spread 5taat Load End Load 161, Width Top 28-1-13 36-8-13 NDorvn Rake tpat spat 241n Web 11-12 - Coot Loft Rake 16 pal 16 pat 24i. Automated Load Case LIO°: USC I 01b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Moodier Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Rot Coot Do- Proj tO pat 10 pat 2410 User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No loads were defined for this load case. This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category H, Mean Roof Height 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 It x 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 63 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a - Hurricane Prone Region. . Load Combinations 9 01+0.53 El +0,75 Lel 1.800 1.006 -V 0 II 0.6 DI +0.6 W2 .000 jDT0W4 LI__________ IS 0.6 Dl +0.7 P10.01 1.000 ALL GENERAL NOTES OF THIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL PART OF TIM COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThAIThE Keymads Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT 114815055 ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON ThIS SKEET MEETS 1148 MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cdcle, Salle 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS 8151 Boulder, Colorado 80301 A R K Nax GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] JobName: 217 Date: 6121/2016 3:21:20 PM Systent Amcon 6.003 Page: 3 of3 Report: Eng Plot Truss: T38 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 40-0-0 3.001/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 196.9 lbs Member Forces Summary Table indicaxes: Menber ID, scan CSI, nsa axial Ens, (nssx coops fosco ifdiflbsons from ,ms axial to=) TChd 1-2 2-3 3-4 8.972 0.699 0.705 -3,847 lbs -4,415 lbs -4,180 lbs - 4-5 36 6.7 0.879 0.737 0.757 4,610 lbs -4,793 lbs -4.793 lbs 7-8 8-9 9-10 0.878 0.710 0.840 .4,609 lbs .4,190 lbs 10-1 I .4,406 lbs 0.920 -3,370 lbs BCbd 12-13 0.056 27 lbs (-16 lbs) 15-16 0.755 4,022 lbs (-1,917 lbs) 18-19 0.762 4,018 lbs (-1,935 lbs) 21-22 0.032 -52 lbs 13-14 0.773 3.389 lbs (-1,624 lbs) 16-17 0.923 4.609 lbs (-2.192 lbs) 19-20 0.829 4.250 lbs (-2.116 lbs) - 14-15 0.971 4.252 lbs (.2.076 lbs) 17-18 0.926 4.610 lbs (-2.203 lbs) 20.21 0.796 3,733 lbs (-1.899 lbs) Webs 1-22 0.667 -1,674 lbs 4.19 0.152 262 lbs (.113 lbs) 7-16 0.754 -556 lbs 10-13 8.734 -1.717 lbs 1-21 0.597 3.803 lbs (-1.914 lbs) 4-It 0.645 825 lbs (-374 lbs) 8-16 0.662 818 lbs (.384 lbs) 11-13 0.392 3.771 lbs (-1.836 lbs) 2-21 0.366 -790 lbs 5.18 0,753 -555 lbs 8-15 0.135 267 lbs (-101 lbs) 11-12 0.749 -1,705 lbs 2-20 0.362 568 lbs (-239 lbs) 5-17 0.171 253 lbs (-70 Ibs) 9.15 0.575 -272 lbs 3-20 0.062 -80 lbs 6-17 17-17 0.353 -262 lbs 9-14 0.143 -196 lbs 3-19 0.555 -285 lbs 0.208 255 lbs (-85 Ibs) 10-14 0.908 921 lbs (492 lb S) GUSSET PLATES - - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMaterial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicularto the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6' of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" ofthe end ofeach chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL 06 CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY THATThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMIJMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle, Salle 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colosslo 80301 (LLFJSM A R K STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Truss: T39 JobName: 217 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:20 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 1 of3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 40-0-0 3.001/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 172 lbs .3-5-9 i-P-SI .3-U -I'8 i-U-l'f 5-V- 14 i-1.1-118 I .3-1-1 J-1-1Z J-I-1 i-I-li I-5- 3-5-9 1 6-11-1 1 10-4-10 13-10-3 1 16-11-1 1 20-0-0 23-0-14 26-1-13 1 29-3-9 32-5-5 1 35-7-1 38-8-13 4o-o- 0-10-0 4-3-9 4-3-9 1-1-1T31-13 3F12 12 3 2s 0-0-0 0-0-0 3-5-9 13-5-9 13-5-9 13-5-9 13-0-14 13-0-14 13-0-14 1 3-0-14 13-1-12 13-1-12 13-1-12 1 3-1-12 3-5-9 1 6-11-1 1 10-4-10 1 13-10-3 1 16-11-1 1 20-0-0 1 23-0-14 1 26-1-13 1 29-3-9 1 32-5-5 1 35-7-1 1 38-8-13 40-0-11 Circles indicate fastener count in webs. Squares indicate fastener count in chords. "Fasteners" indicates the nttni,erofAnrconiS SS 1112 or #12 SOS (AISI) fasteners required as one end ofrhr nrcrther. Each srtlae indicates the nundtrroflltntrnrrs required: (s) indicates the nun*ee of .9.oston 'IS SS #12 to be installed on one side of the truss. ) indicates the naner oftl 12 SOS (AISI) to be installed on each side of the 0055. Whose connection plates are, called 00100 this drawing o plate is required on each side of the trots. Referto General Notes Sr further slotilleation. Allasvablo shearperAorcon IS SS #12 fastener follows: 27 edIt: 402 lbs: 33 odIn: 544 lbs; 43 toils: 810 lbs; 54 toils: 1.13$ lbs; 68 trots: 1 .6 10 lhs.Altosvable shot per 812 SOS (AISI) fastener is calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT #2. Maintain Ststcner spacing ot 5/0" torn. Maintain ttstoneredW nstn,pn at 5/8 edo breach sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed Tr- 0.931 (1-2) TI. 0.6 in 1/783 7 L/240 BC 0.955 (24.25) LL, 0.27 in 1/999 (6-7) L/360 Web: 0.909(14-16) Hotnfl. 0.13 in 16 IC Continuously Braced BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Pin (WI) I I 6 in 894 lbs H Roll (WL) I I 6 in 892 lbs Pin (WI) 2 I 6 in 1.694 lbs H Roll (WI) 2 I 6 in 1.692 lbs Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 740 lbs Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 4 lbs H H Roll (WL) 3 I 6 in 752 lbs Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in 1,002 lbs Pin (WI) 4 I 6 in .49 lbs H HRoll(WL) 4 I 6i0 917 lbs Put(WL) S I 610 9181h5 Pin (WL) S I 6 in 52 lbs H H Roll (WL) 5 I 6 in 988 lbs Pin (WI) 6 I 6 in 894 lbs H Roll (WL) 6 I 6 to $92 lbs Pin (WI) 7 I 6 in 1,370 lbs Pin (WI) 7 I 6 in 3 lbs H H Roll (WL) 7 I 6 in 1.387 lbs Pin (WI) 0 I 6 in 778 lbs Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 3 lbs H H Roll (WI) 0 I 6 in 787 lbs Pin (WL) 9 I 6i0 1,494 lbs H Roll (WL) 9 I 6 in 1.492 lbs Pin (WI) 10 I 6 in -82 lbs H Roll (WL) 10 I 6 in -23 lbs Pin (WI) II I 6 in 4 lbs Pin (Wl) II I 6 i l6 lbs H H Roll (WI) II I 6 is -90 lbs Pin (WI) 12 I 6 in -096 lbs Pin (WI) 12 I 6 in 5 lbs H H Roll (WI) 12 I 6 in -801 lbs Pin (WI) 13 I 6 in 536 lbs H Roll (WI) 13 I 6 in 535 lbs Pin (WL) 14 I 6 in 1,294 lbs H Roll (WI) 14 I 6 in 1.292 lbs Summary iT BC Max React Max Mats MWPRS Uplift Mas C&C Uplift Max Uplil 28 I 1,694 lbs .02 lbs -096 lbs -096 lbs I) I 1,692 lbs -90 lbs -881 lbs -881 lbs All GENERAl NOi'liS OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THAT11IE PROPr.0SIO1IAI ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThATThE1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPUCABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 1110 WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Keymark Enterprises, LLC 6707 WinchrnterCricle, Suite 102 Boulder, Colorado 80301 ( KEYMARK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I I Truss: T39 I JobName: 217 GSBuild®System I I Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:21 PM GSTnssstib . - I System: Anscon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 781 Page: 2 of Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OFIR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3.001/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 172 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support 7 Loads Summary Load Case Lr1: Std Live Load Distributed Leads Menter Location I location 2 Direction Spread Stoat Load End Load mb Width Top Cant Down Proj 20 psi 20 psi 24 in Pot Cont Down Proj 0 psi 0 psi 24 in Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Meeter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sun load End load 1db Width Top Coot Down Rake 16pni I6 psi 24 in Hot Cant Down Rake 6 psi 6 pni 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Moodier Location I Location 2 Duration Spread Stan Load tad Load 1db Width Top 0.0-0 13-10-3 N Up Rake 25.29 psi 25.29 psi 24 in Tap 26-1-13 38-8-13 NUp Rake 17.91 psi 17.91 psf 24 in Top 13-10-3 26-1-13 N Up Rake 29.83 psi 29.83 psi 24 in Top 30-8-13 40-0-0 N Up Rake 29.83 psi 29.83 psi 24 in Vtbb 1-20 Cent Right Rake 14.56 psi 14.56 psi 24 in Web 14-15 Cont Right Rake 16.00 psi 16.88 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Top 26-1-13 38-8-13 N Up Rake 25.3 psi 25.3 psi 24 in Top 13-10-3 26-1-13 N Up Rake 29.83 psi 29.83 psi 24 in Top 38-0-I3 40.0-0 N Up Rake 29.83 psi 29.83 psi 24 in Web 1-28 Coot Left Rake 16.88 psi 16.88 psi 24 in Web 14-15 Coot - Left Rake 14.56 psi 14.56 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Motnbar Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Lend End Loaf Tub Width Top 0-0-0 13-10-3 N Up Role 9.29 psi 9.29 psi 24 in Top 26-1-13 38-8-I3 N Up Robe 9.29 psi 9.29 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Top 6-3-10 7-6-9 N Up Rake 38.5 psi 38.5 psi 2410 - Top 7-6-9 13-10-3 N Up Rake 60.82 psi 60.82 psi 2410 Top 13-15-3 - 20-1-13 N Up Rake 60.82 psi 60.02 psi 24 in Top 20-1.13 26-1-13 NUp Rake 60.82 psi 60.02 psi 2410 Top 26-1-13 32-5-7 N Up Rake 60.82 psi 60.82 psi 24 is Top 32-5-7 38-8-I3 N Up Rake 60.82 psi 60.82 psi 2410 Top 38-8-13 40-0-0 N Up I Rake 35.71 psi 35.71 psi 2415 Web 1.28 Cost Loft Rake 27.34 psi 27.34 psi 24 in Web 14-15 Cant Right Rate 27.34 psi 27.34 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Lefl(Min) Distributed Loads Meeter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sian Load End Load Ttib Width Top 0-0-0 13-10-5 NDesvo Rake ft psi 1psi 241n Web 1-28 Coot Right Rake 16 psi 16 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS.Right(Min) Distributed Loads Metiter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tb Width Top 26-1-13 38-8-13 N Down Robe 8 psi 8 psi 2410 Web 14-I5 Cost Left Rake I6 psi t6 psi 24 in Automated Load Case LI 0*: USC 101b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Meeter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tdb Width Bat Coot Down Proj IS psf tO psi 2410 User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No toads were defined for this toad case. This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psfbottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance with ASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean Roof Height 43 0, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 8, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations ft Load Cotta Factor I DI 1.000 I2ipii±tI Di +06WS 1000 7 DI + 0.45 W3 + 0.75 Let 1.000 pioA5w3 1000 1 AU. GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL FART OF THIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATSNE Keymack Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEEWS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT THETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cticle, Suite 102 This WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, ANO SPANS LISTED ON ThIS SHISEt Boulder, Colorado 80301 X-k GLOEI'L STEEL SYSTEMS Truss: T39 - JobName: 217 GSBusId®System . Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:21 PM GSlmss® System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78) ' Page: 3 of Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 40-0-0 3.001/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 172 lbs - 9 Dl + 0.53 Cl + 0.15 1,!1.000 :- lo -06Dl+06Wl tOss II - 0.6 Dl ±0.6 W2 1.000 ___________________________________________________________________ 1206D1*06W4 1.000 13 0.601+0.7 EIO.Ol 1.000 iOoo Member Forces Summary Table indices Mesther ID. mrs CSL sloe ssM force, (mrs cosrssr force ifdiffercos ben, nox ssiol force) - lChd 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 0.931 0.607 0.670 0.627 -3,694 lbs -4,342 lbs -4,242 lbs -3,934 lbs 5-6 6-7 7-0 0-9 0.723 0.637 0.637 0.723 -4.073 lbs -4,164 lbs -4,164 lbs -4,073 lbs 9-10 10-It 11-12 12-13 0.611 0.661 0.690 0.010 -3,930 lbs -4,213 lbs -4,337 lbs 13-14 -4,014 lbs 0.688 -1,966 lbs BCbd 15-16 0.156 19 lbs (-Il Ibs) 19-20 0.790 4,061 lbs (-2,102 lbs) 23-24 0.640 3,783 lbs (-1,905 lbs) 27-20 0.047 -52 lbs 16-17 0.451 2,001 lbs (-1,042 165) 20-21 0.646 3,783 lbs (-1,922 lbs) 24-25 0.955 4,087 lbs (-2,086 lbs) 17-10 0.293 3,891 lbs (2,057 lbs) 21-22 0.752 4,073 lbs (-2,001 lbs) 25-26 0.940 4,184 lbs (-2,139 lbs) - 18.19 0.004 4.183 lbs (-2.193 lbs' 22-23 0.750 4,073 lbs (-2.072 lbs) 76-27 0.910 3.591 lbs (-1.859 lbs) Webs 1-28 0.674 -1,690 lbs 4-24 0.887 -433 lbs 8-21 0.737 -430 lbs 12-18 0.190 345 lbs (.160 lbs) 1-27 0.577 3.679 lbs (-1,015 Ibs) 5-24 0.286 360 lbs (-168 Ibs) 9-21 0.663 527 lbs (-289 Ibs) 12-17 0.205 -577 lbs 2-27 0.375 -035 lbs 5-23 0.699 526 lbs (-305 Ibs) 9-20 0.325 367 lbs (.191 Ibs) 13-17 0.773 2,002 lbs (-1,076 Ibs) 2-26 0.395 660 lbs (-311 Ibs) 6-23 0.736 -430 lbs 10-20 0.82! -424 lbs 13-16 0.802 -2,011 lbs 3-26 0.105 -154 lbs 6-22 0.219 163 lbs (-95 Ibs) 10-19 0.069 188 lbs (-58 lbs) 14-16 0.909 2,875 lbs (-1.523 165) 3-25 0.193 -122 lbs 1-22 0.340 -200 lbs 11-19 - 1 11-18 0.240 -165 lbs 14-IS 0.733 -1,839 lbs 4-25 0.053 167 lbs (-ID lbs) 8-22 0.184 163 lbs (.00 Ibs) 0.073 -97 lbs CII JSSP.T PLATES t11LtT1 - - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: - At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMaterial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement oflateral braces installed perpcndicularto the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6' of each panel point. The end ofevery chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6' ofthe end ofeach chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART 0911115 COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE 11IATTHE Keyniark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THATTHETEUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS 11411 MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winebesler Cricle, Suite 102 THE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 ( KEYMARK GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS Truss: T40 JobName: 217 GSBuild®System Date: 6/2112016 3:21:21 PM GSlnsss® System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: I o1`3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3.001/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 149.4 lbs .5-1 1-9 1 i- il -a, i- il -a, 'f-i-i,) 'f-I-li i- Il -a, i- il-a, i- li-a, i- il -a, 3-11-9 1 7-11-1 1 11-10-10 15-10-3 20-0-0 24-1-13 28-1-6 32-0-14 36-0-7 40-0-0 0-10-0 4-9-9 4-9-9 . 0-10-0 3F12 121 3 0-0-0 - 0-0-0 3-11-9 3-11-9 13-11-9 1 3-10-14 4-2-8 4-1-13 1 3-11-9 1 3-11-9 13-11-9 3-11-9 3-11-9 7-11-1 1 11-10-10 1 15-9-8 1 20-0-0 1 24-1-13 1 28-1-6 1 32-0-14 1 36-0-7 40-0-0 Circles indicate flsstcnercount in webs. Squares indicate Orstenercouns in chords. itn.sreneto' indicates the norrdserofArrososiS SS #12 ortl 2 sos (AISI) fasteners required at one end of the notches. Each sniur indicates the notrdreeof lltstenern required: (s) indicates the ouster of Antosoo 'IS SS #12 In be installed on one side of the truss. ) indicates the oundrer ofO 12 sos (AlSO to be installed on such side of the truss. Whets connection plows use culled out on this dnswing, s plate is required on each side of the Irssss. Refer to Gessessl Notes lbrllsrrberclurificotioo. AltosssbtesheaepeeAtrwoo TS SS #12 Ersteoerus follows: 27 sits: 402 lbs: 33 oils: 544 lbs; 43 sits: 810 lbs: 54 mIs: 1,138 lbs; 68 oils: 1,610 lbs.Allosvuble sheurper012 SOS (AlSI) Essteneris calcssloted per the NASPEC 2007 W Mi SUPPLEMENT #2. Maintain fastener spacing 01 5/8' tom. Maintain lastencredW tmtgin at 5/8 edo (breach sheer of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed it : 0.743 (10-11) it: 0.17 in L/999 (8-9) L/240 BC 0.988 (17-18) LL-0.08 in L1999 (8-9) L/360 Web: 0.809 (9-I5) l4orzTL' 0.01 in 7 it Continuously Braced - BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Summary Pin (WL) I I 6 i 1701b5 H Roll (WL) I I 6 in 1.205 lbs H Roll (WL) I I 6 in 417 lbs Pin (WL) 2 I 6 i 3181b5 H Roll (WL) 2 I 6 in 2.287 lbs H Roll (WL) 2 I 6 in ' 706 lbs Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 124 lbs H Roll (WL) 3 I 6 in 988 lbs H Roll (WL) 3 I 6 in 326 lbs Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in 225 lbs Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in -54 lbs H H Roll (WL) 4 I 6 in 1.312 lbs H Roll(WL) 4 I 6 in 487 lbs Pin (WL) S I 6 in 136 lbs Pin (WL) S I 6 in 54 lbs H H Roll (WL) S I 6 in 1.282 lbs HR. (WL) 5 I 6 in 506 lbs Pin (WL) 6 I 6 i 170 lbs H Roll (WL) 6 I 6 is 1,205 lbs H Roll (WL) 6 I 6 in 417 lbs Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 246 lbs H Roll (WL) 7 I 6 in 1.854 lbs i-I Roll (WL) 7 I 6 in 626 lbs Pits(WL) 0 I 6 i 135 lbs IT Roll OWL) (WL) 8 I 6 is 1.042 lbs IT Roll 8 I 6 in 349 lbs Pin OWL) 9 I 6i0 281 lbs HRollOWL) 9 I 6in 2,0161bs H Roll OWL) 9 I 6 in 694 lbs Pin OWL) 10 I 6 i .l8 lbs Pin (WL) 10 I 6 i 4lbsH H Roll (WL) 10 I 6 in -74 lbs H Roll (WL) 10 I 6 in 48 lbs Pin OWL) II I 6 in 51 lbs Pin (WL) II I 6 in .4 lbs H H Roll OWL> II I 6 in -54 lbs H Roll (WL) II I 6 in .41 lbs Pin OWL> 12 I 6 in -141 lbs H Roll (WL) 12 I 6 in -1.152 lbs H Roll (WL) 12 I 6 in -377 lbs Pin (WL) 13 I 6 in 102 lbs H Roll (WL) 13 I 6 in - 723 lbs H Roll (WL) 13 I 6 in 250 lbs Pin (WL) 14 I 6 in 249 lbs H Roll (WL) 14 I 6 is 1.738 lbs 11 Roll L) OW 14 I 6 in 605 lbs 10 I 2.287 lbs -74 lbs -1.152 lbs -1,152 lbs 12 I 786 lbs .41 lbs -377 lbs -377 lbs ALL GENERAL NOTES OFi141S DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFi14ls COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THAT114E Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT114E1RU5S ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SKEET MEETS THE MIN1MUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRmaRlA FOR 6707 WinchesterCricle, Suite 102 THE LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS. AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SKEEt Boulder, Colorado 80301 ( KEYM ARK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I I Truss: T40 I JobName: 217 GSBuildlibSystem I I Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:21 PM GSlruss® I I System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: 2 of * Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3.001/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 149.4 lbs "'A 0.615 Web 11-12 I5C20 (50 tat) 0.305 Unbraaed -765 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Menther Locotton I Location 2 Direction Spread Scot Load End Load Trib Width Top Cont Down Proj 20 psi 20 PSI` 24 in Bot Coot Donors Proj 0 psi 0 psi 24 in Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load - Distributed Loads Metrirer Location I Location -2- Direction Spread Start Load End Load Trib Width Top Coot Donors Rake 16 psf 16 psf 24 in Bot Coot Down Robe 6 psf 6 psf 24 is Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Merrier Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Starr Load End Load Trib Width Top 0.0.0 15-10-3 N Up Rake 25.29 pat 25.29 psi 24 in Top 24-1-13 40-0-0 NUp Rake 17.91 psf 17.91 psi 24 in Top 15-10.3 24-1-13 N Up Rake 29.83 psi 29.03 psf 24 in Web 1-22 Coot Right Rake 14.56 pat 14.56 psf 24 in Web 11-12 Cont Right Rake 16.88 psf 16.88 psf 24 is Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Merrier Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Lend Pod Load Trib Width Top . 0-00 15-10-3 N Up Robe 17.91 PSI 17.91 psI 24 in Top 24-1-13 40-0-0 N Up R.I. 25.29 psI 25.29 pot 24 is Top 15-I 0-3 24-1-13 N Up Rake 29.83 psf 29.83 psf 24 in Web 1-22 Cant Left Rake 16.88 psi 16.88 psf 24 in Web 1-12 Cost Left Rake 14.56 pot 14.56 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Merrier Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Ttib Width Top 0-0-0 15-10-3 N Up Rake 9.29 psf 9.29 psi 24 in Top 24-1-13 40-0-0 N Up Rake 9.29 psf 9.29 PSI` 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Top 6-3-10 9-6-9 N Up Rake 35.5 psI 38.5 psi 24 in Top 9-6-9 15-10-3 N Up Rake 60.82 psi 60.82 psf 24 in Top 15-10-3 22-1-13 N Up Rake - 60.82 psi 60.82 psi 24 in Top 22-1-13 24-1-13 N Up Rake 60.82 psf 60.82 psf 24 in Top 24-1-13 30-5-7 N Up Robe 60.82 psi 68.82 psf 24 in Top 30-5-7 33-0-6 N Up Rake 38.5 psf 38.5 psi 24 in Top 33-0-6 40-0.0 N Up Rake 60.82 psf 60.92 psf 24 in Web 1-22 Coot Loft Rake 27.34 psf 27.34 psf 24 in Web I -12 . Coot Right Rake 27.34 psf 27.34 psi 24 in Automated Load Case WS: MWFRS-Left(Min) Diatnluted Loads Meteber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load Pod Load Trib Wtdrh Top 0-0-0 15-10-3 N Doors Rake 8 PSI" 5 psI 24 its bkbb 1-22 Cont Right Rake 16 psi 16 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) Distributed Loads Meoicr Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load Pad Load 24-1-13 40-0.0 Ttib Width lop N Down Robe 8 psI 8 PSI` 24 in Web 11-12 Coot Loft Robe 16 psi 16 psi 24 in Automated Load Case LIO°: IJBC 101b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Leads Merrier Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Trib Width Bot Coot Down Proj 10 psi tO PSI` 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No loads were defined for this toad case. l)This truss has been designed in accordance with (BC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance with ASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean RoofHeight 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations 0 Load Combo Factor I DI 1.050 _________ LdsO -J 3 01+0.6 W3 1.000 [686 AU. GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE 11IAT11IE Keymailc Enterprises, LLC pROPESSIONAl. ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThATThE1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 windresrer Cricte. Suite 102 THE LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURA11ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON ThiS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 ( KEYMARK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I I I Truss: T40 JobName: 217 GSBui1d®System I I Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:21 PM GSTmss® I System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 781 Page: 3 of3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 40-0-0 3.001/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 149.4 lbs 5 Dl 10.6W 9 .000 01 +07 Cl I 000 7 Dl '6.45-W3 *075 Id 1.000 Dl*645W3 1050 9 01+0.5301 + 0.75 In 1.555 006Di+06W1 - loss 0.6 Dl +O6W2 .1 I_sos l206Dl+06W4 toss 13 0.601 + 5.7 010.51 1.000 14 01 10 1.000 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Meseber to. tess CSI, tess axial fbm (tess cutest Ibtce ifdiffetent fistn tess axial thtee) TChd - 1-2 2-3 34 0.455 0.253 0.348 .441 lbs -32 lbs 642 lbs - (-261 Ibs) 4-5 5-6 6-7 0.490 0.704 0.709 1.207 lbs 266 lbs 266 lbs (-522 Ibs) (0 lbs) (0 lbs) 7.0 0-9 9.10 0.390 0.420 0.560 447 lbs -1,000 lbs 10-I1 -1.465 lbs 0.743 -1.571 lbs BChd 12.13 0.104 14 lbs (-5 lbs) 13-16 0.239 943 lbs (-340 lbs) 10.19 0.454 -593 lbs 21.22 0.11$ -54 lbs 13-14 0.487 1,505 lbs (-657 lbs) 16-17 0.296 393 lbs (-52 lbs) 19-20 0.105 175 lbs (403 lbs) 14-15 0.371 1,385 lbs (-535 lbs) 17-18 8.988 -1.225 lbs 20.21 0.107 404 lbs (.102 lbs) Webs 1-22 0.117 -295 lbs 4-19 8.223 463 lbs (-ISO lbs) 7-16 0.615 655 lbs (-291 lbs) 10-13 0.131 -271 lbs 1-21 0.165 411 lbs (-118 lbs) 4-10 0.317 -885 lbs 8-16 0.275 -770 lbs Il-IS 0.60$ 1,533 lbs (.683 lbs) 2.21 5.022 70 lbs (-39 lbs) 5-I8 8.515 -1.654 lbs 8-I5 0.150 369 lbs (-106 lbs) 11-12 0.305 -765 lbs 2-20 0.788 470 lbs 5-17 0.353 1.511 lbs (-781 lbs) 9-IS 0.009 -547 lbs 3-20 0.095 292 lbs (.113 lbs) 6-17 0.795 -377 lbs 9-14 0.063 199 lbs (-52 Ibs) 3-19 0.766 -703 lbs 7-17 0.477 -1.039 lbs 10-14. 0.219 134 lbs (-132 lbs) GUSSET PLATES I11LeITI - - - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMaterial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6' of each panel point. The endofevery chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane of the truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 " ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OF THIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL PART OPTIIIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE 11IATT1IE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGNEL'Ra SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT 11IISTRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR - 6707 winchester Cticle, Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURA11ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON ThIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 (KE Y M A R K GLXX OBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System GSTniss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] JobName: 217 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:21 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 1 of3 Report: Eng Plot Truss: T41 3F12 121 3 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 40-0-0 3.001/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 130 lbs i-it-p i-u-p i- it -p z-u-ti1 'i-i- lu 1 '+-- - 4-D-li 3-11-6 1 7-10-12 1 11-10-2 15-9-8 ll7-104 22-1-13 1 26-7-6 1 31-0-14 35-6-7 40-0-0 0-10-0 5-3-9 5-3-9 0-10-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 3-11-6 3-11-6 3-11-6 1 3-11-6 2-0-111 4-3-10 1 4-5-9 4-5-9 14-5-9 4-5-9 3-11-6 7-10-12 11-10-2 1 15-9-8 ll710 22-1-13 1 26-7-6 31-0-14 1 35-6-7 40-0-0 Circles indicate fastener count in webs. Squares indicate fastener count in chords. "Fasteners" indicates the number ofArraronTS 5S812 or#12 SOS (AlSi) fasteners requited at one end ofrhe reenter. Each sutue indicates the number of fasteners required: (s) indicates she nueteeofArrwoulS SS 0t2 to be installed on one side of she truss. r) indicates she nun*teeofltt2 SOS (AISI) to be installed on each side of the tress. Wbcrrr connection plates ore called out on this druwing, oplale is required on each side of the truss. Brier to Gerrcrut Notes for further clarification. Allowable sbcuepeeAsroon 15 SS #12 firsteneras, follows: 27 rails: 402 lbs; 33 rests: 544lbs; 43 rails: 810 lbs; 54 costs: t.t38 lbs; 68 nuts: 1,610 Ibs.Attotvobteshearper8t2 SOS (AtSt) fastener is calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT #2. Maintain lhssenee spacing at S/8 run. Maintain stenered notgur or S/8 nun foe each sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed IC 0.881 (tO-ti) TL 0.21 in L/999 (tO-li) L/240 BC 0.924 (13-14) LL'O.t in L/999 (10-I1) L/360 Web: 0.958 (6-17) Hoar TLs 0.03 in 7 IC Continuously Braced BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Summary H Roll (WL) H Roll (WL) Pin (WL) H Roll ('WL) H Roll (WL) Pin (WL) H Roll (WL) HR. (WL) Pin (WL) Pin (WL) H Roll (WL) H Roll (WL) Pin (WL) Pin (WL) H Roll (WL) H Roll (WL) Pin (WL) H Roll (WL) H Roll (WL) Pin (WL) H Roll (WL) H Roll (WL) Pin (WL) H Roll (WL) H Roll (WL) Pin (WL) H Roll (WL) H Roll ('WL) Pin (WL) Pin (WL) H Roll (WL) H Roll (WL) Pin (WL) Pin (WL) H Roll (WL) H Roll (WL) Pin (WL) H Roll (WL) H Roll (WL) Pin (WL) H Roll (WL) H Roll (WL) Pin (WL) H Roll (WL) H Roll (WL) 1,193 lbs 427 lbs 325 lbs 2,266 lbs 804 lbs 130 lbs 938 lbs 328 lbs 228 thu -59 lbs H 1.321 thu 416 lbs 163 lbs 59 lbs H 1,282 lbs 522 lbs 175 lbs 1.193 lbs 427 lbs 254 lbs 1,807 lbs 636 lbs 142 lbs 1,002 lbs 353 lbs 288 lbs 1,998 lbs 710 lbs -19 lbs 8 lbs H -39 lbs 56 lbs 49 lbs -8 lbs it -14 lbs -37 lbs -142 lbs -1,054 lbs -365 lbs lOS lbs 716 lbs 256 lbs 260 lbs 1,714 lbs 622 lbs IS I 2,266 lbs 12 I - 804 lbs -39 lbs -1,054 lbs -1,054 lbs -37 lbs -365 lbs -365 lbs Member Material CS' Max P Top Chd 1-6 ______________ 20TC20(50 1,215 lbs 586 lbs -1.657 lbs arse :!i841b....._.......j share -305 lbs Webl-21 Web 2-21 ALL GENERAL NOTES OPThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT 114E1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON This SHEET M]itfls THE M1NIMUMAPPUCABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 WinchnslerCricle, suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, 116U55 MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS Truss: T41 JobName: 217 GSBuild®Systcm Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:22 PM GS Truss® System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78) Page: 2 of 3 - Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3.001/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 130 lbs B.til VMS Web NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Meraker Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tdb Width Top Conr Down Proj 20 psi 20 psi 24 in Bot Cant Down Proj 0 psi 0 psI 24 in Load Case DI: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Mn,rirer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Tb Width Top Coot Down Robe 16 psI 16 psI 24 in But Cont Down Robe 6 psI 6 psI 24 in Automated Load Case WI: M WFR S-Left (Up) Distributed Loads Mendrer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load P.od Load 1db Width Top 0-0.0 17-10-3 N Up Robe 25.3 psf 25.3 psi 24 in Top 22-1-13 40.0.0 N Up RaIse 17.91 psi 17.91 psI 24 in Top - 17-10-3 22-1-13 N Up Rake 29.03 psi 29.83 psI 24 in Web 1-22 Coot Right Rake 14.56 psr 4.56 psi 24 in Web 11-12 Coot Right Rate 16.08 psi 16.88 psi 2410 Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Meniser Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Store Load End Load 1db Width Top 0.0.0 17-10.3 NUp Rake 17.91 psi 17.91 psi 24 in Top 22-1-13 40.0.0 N Up Rake 25.3 psi 25.3 psi 24 in Top 17-10-3 22-143 N Up Robe 29.83 psi 29.83 psi 24 in Web 1-22 Cont Loft Robe 16.88 psi 16.88 psi 24 in Web 1-12 Coot Lot Rake 14.56 psi 14.56 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Merrirce Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top 0.0.0 17-10-3 N Up Rake 9.29 psI 9.29 psI 24 in Top 22-1-13 40-0-0 N Up Robe 9.29 PSI` 9.29 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Top 6-3-10 11.0-9 N Up Rake 38.5 psi 38.5 psi 2410 Top 11-6-9 17-10.3 N Up Rake 60.82 psi 60.82 psi 24 in Top 17-10-3 22-1-13 N Up Rake 60.82 psi 60.82 psi 24 in Top 22-1.13 28-5-7 N Up Rake 60.82 psi 60.82 psi 24 in Top 28-5-7 33-0-6 N Up Rake 30.5 psi 38.5 psi 24 in Top 330-6 40.0.0 N Up Rake 60.82 psi 60.82 psi 24 in Web 1-22 Coot Loft Rake 27.34 psi 27.34 psi 24 in 559b t 1-12 Coot Right Robe 27.34 psi 27.34 psi 24 in Automated Load Case WS: MWFRS-Left(Min) - Distrrl,uted Loads Menter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tub Width Top 0.0-0 17-10-3 N Do-i Robe 0 psi 8 psi 24 in Wcb 1-22 Coot Right Robe 16 psi - 16 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS.Right(Min) Distributed Loads - Meodner Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tdb Width Top 22-1-13 40.0.0 N Dnsvn Rake 8 psi 5 psi 24 in Web 11-12 Coot Loft Rake It psi 16 psi 24 in Automated Load Case LI 0°: UBC I 0Ib Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Merrirer Location t Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tdb Width Bor Coot Do- Proj tO psi tO psi 241n User-defined Load CaseEl:Seiamic No toads were defined for this toad case. I) This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 paf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10,110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category 0, Mean RoofHeight 43 fl, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 63 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations 0 - Load Conto Factor I DI .000 [000 -1 3 DI +0.6 W3 1.000 jE6W8 I 1 5 01+0.6 W9 1.000 ALL GENERAL NOTES OFT14tS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL FART OF11IIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE mAillOt Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDtCATES ONLY THATThE11EUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SKEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABUI DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricte, Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURA11ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHORE Boulder, Colorado 80301 KEYMARK 4IX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS Truss: T41 • . JobName: 217 GSButld®System . Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:22 PM GSTruss® System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: 3 of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3.001/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 130 lbs 7 - DI +0.4'W3 +0.75 1,1 1.000 8Dl,045 W3 1.060, 1 9 DI + 0.53 El 10.75 l.,l 1.000 i006Dl-06Wl 1000 II 0.6 Dl +O.6W2 1.500 120.6 Dl + 0.6 W4 13 0.601 *0.7 Ff0.01 1.000 + LAO - ____________________ I 000 _____________ Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Member ID. earn CSl, nasa axial force. (nasa conw force ifdilferenl tons it= axial force) TChd 1-2 2-3 3.4 0.473 0.293 0.336 465 lbs -85 lbs 613 lbs - (.242 lbs) 4.5 5-6 6-7 0.836 0.325 0.851 1,215 lbs 631 lbs 506 lbs (-440 lbs) (-124 lbs) (-97 lbs) 70 8-9 9-10 0.633 0.455 0.651 231 lbs -068 lbs (.210 lbs) 10-I 1 -1,413 lbs 0.081 -1,657 lbs BChd 12-13 0.370 14 lbs (-8 lbs) 15-16 0.389 803 lbs (-242 lbs) 18-19 0.723 -568 lbs 21-22 0.236 -59 lbs 13.14 0.924 1,584 lbs (.635 lbs) 16-1I 0.516 160 lbs (0 Ibs) 19-20 0.202 174 lbs (-87 lbs) - 14-15 0.648 1,330 lbs (441 lbs) 17-18 0.893 -1.143 lbs 20-21 0.177 427 lbs 1-112 lbs) - Webs 1-22 0.122 .303 lbs 4-19 0.209 470 lbs (-146 lbs) 7-16 0.729 716 lbs (-288 lbs) 10-13 0.113 -222 lbs 1-21 0.189 435 lbs (-128 lbs) 4-18 0.290 -813 lbs 8-16 0.397 -892 lbs 11-13 0.882 .607 lbs (-659 lbs) 2-21 0.022 70 lbs (.34 lbs) 5-18 . 0.550 -1,746 lbs 8-IS 0.176 425 lbs (-104 Ibs) 11-12 0.312 -782 lbs 2.20 0.816 469 lbs 5-1I 0.841 1.517 lbs (.670 lbs) 9-IS 0.830 .643 lbs 3-20 0.093 278 lbs (-109 lbs) 6-17 0.958 -377 lbs 9-14 - 0.074 235 lbs (-62 lbs) 3-19 0.777 .702 lbs . 7.11 0.665 -1,231 lbs 10-14 0.583 -276 lbs GUSSET PLATES - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMaterial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6" of each panel point. The end ofevery chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" of the end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NO'Il(S OF THIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART Or THIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE T1IATT14E Keyniark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThETEUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMIJIsIAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Csicle. Suite 102 ThE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS USiliD ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 12 3 6s Truss: T42 JobName: 217 GS Build® System Date: - 6/21/2016 3:21:22 PM GS Truss® System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: I of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 149.1 lbs i-I 1-0 i-I 1-0 .3-I 1-0 i-I 1-0 -L-O 1 3-U-U 3-0-0 3-U-U .3-U-U 3-11-6 1 7-10-12 1 11-10-2 15-9-8 20-0-0 1 25-0-0 1 30-0-0 1 35-0-0 40-0-0 0-10-0 5-10-0 0-10-0 0-0-0 . 0-0-0 3-11-6 1 3-11-6 13-11-6 1 3-11-6 2-1-4 2-1-4 5-0-0 5-0-0 15-0-0 5-0-0 3-11-6 1 7-10-12 1 11-10-2 1 15-9-8 17-10-10-0-0 1 25-0-0 1 30-0-0 1 35-0-0 1 40-0-0 Circles indicate fastener count in webs. Squares indicate fisstessercoant in chords."Fasteners* indicates the ncttheeofAnrconlS 55012 or #12 SDS (AISI) llssteners required at one end of the noniser. Each value indicates the nundserof#scteness required: (s) indicates the nurtherofiurronTS SS #12 to be installed on one side of the torus. (6) indicates the nanberof#12 5DS (AISI) to be installed no each side of the truss. Where connection plates are called out on this drssaing, o plate is requited on each side of the truss. Refer to General Notes forfiartherclusifisation. AllosvrsblesberrrperAmcon IS S5812 fisstencras follows: 27 snds: 402 lbs: 33 rnils: 544 lbs: 43 ails: 810 lbs: 54 salts: 1.138 lbs: 68 sntls: 1,610 lbs.Alloscable shearper#12 SOS (A1S9thsteocris calculated per the NASPEC 2007 Wfl1-I SUPPLEMENT #2. Maintain lhsterser spacing at 5/8 ndn. Maintain fastener eder csoo at 5/8 rrdn for each sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed IC 0.829(9-10) TL, 0.18 in L/999 (12-13) L/240 BC : 0.747 (12-13) LL: 8.88 in L/999 (9-10) L/360 Web: 0.952 (10-12) - HoraTL 0.03 in 6 it ConminuouslyBs'aced BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Summary Pin (WL) 1- I 6 i 170 lbs H Roll (WL) I 6 in 1.206 lbs H Roll (WL) I 6 in 424 lbs Pin (WL) 2 I 6 in 318 lbs H Roll (WL) 2 I 6 n 2,282 lbs H Roll (WL) 2 I 6 in 799 lbs Pin (WL) 3 I 6 n 130 lbs H Roll (WL) 3 I 6 n 903 lbs H Roll (WL) 3 I 6 in 320 lbs Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in 220 lbs Pin (WL) 4 I - 6 in -64 lbs H H Roll (WL) 4 I 6 is 1,354 lbs H Roll (WL) 4 I 6 in 417 lbs Pin(WL) 5 I 6 a 155 lbs Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 64 lbs H H Roll(WL) 5 I 6 in 1,315 lbs H Roll (WL) 5 I 6 in 521 lbs Pin (WL) 6 I 6 n 1701b5 H Roll (WL) 6 I 6 n 1.206 lbs H Roll (WL) 6 I 6 n 424 lbs Pin (WL) 7 I 6 n 251 lbs H Roll (WL) 7 I 6 n 1.786 lbs 11 Roll (WL) 7 I 6 n 628 lbs Pits(WL) 8 I 6 n 140 lbs H Roll (WL) 8 I 6 o 979 lbs H Roll (WL) 8 I 6 o 346 lbs Pin (WL) 9 I 6 n 281 lbs H Roll (WL) 9 I 6 a 2,013 lbs H Roll ('WL) 9 I 6 in 786 lbs Pin (WL) 10 1 6 in -24 lbs Pin (WL) tO 1 6 in l3 lbs H HRoIl(WL) 10 6 n 71bs HRoII(WL) 10 6 a 60 lbs Pi'(Yt'L) II 6 a 42 lbs Pin (WL) II 1 6 in -13 lbs H H Roll (WL) II 6 a 33 lbs H Roll (WL) II 6 a -33 lbs Pin (WL) 12 1 6 in -147 lbs H Roll (WL) 12 6 n -949 lbs H Roll ('mEL) 12 6 n -347 lbs Pin (WL) 13 1 6 in 182 lbs H Roll (WL) 13 6 n 723 lbs H Roll(WL) 13 6 n 254 lbs Pin (WL) 14 1 6 n 249 lbs H Roll (WL) 14 I 6 n 1.735 lbs 11 Roll (WL) 14 I 6 in 615 lbs IT BC Max React Mac Gctv Uplift Max 21 I 310 lbs 17 I 2,282 lbs -949 lbs -949 lbs II I 7991b5 -33 lbs -347 lbs -347 lbs ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. N0115 THATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT THETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRrI13RIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle, Suite 102 THE LOADS, WADING CONDmoNs. TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON ThIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 ( KEYMARK GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I I Truss: T42 JobName: 217 GSBuiId®System I Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:22 PM GSTmss® I - System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: 2 of3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 40-0-0 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 149.1 lbs Web 0.216 Web 0-I1 I5C20(50Ii) NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lr1: Std Live Load Unbeaced _____ -188 lbs /nbnsced ____ I albs _ Unbowed -114 lbs Distributed Loads Meseben Location I Location 2 Direction Spread State Load End Load Trib Width Top Coos Drasvn Proj 20 psf 20 PSI` 24 in But Cool Down Proj 0 PSI` 0 psf 24 in Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Meotrer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Starr Load End Load Trib Width Top - Coos Down Rake 16 psf 16 psI 241s But Cool Dowo Rake 6 psf 6 par 24 is Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads - Meether Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Starr Load End Load Teib Width Top 0-11-0 20-0-0 N Up Rake 25.3 psf 25.3 psf 24 in Top 20-0-0 40-0-0 N Up Rake 1191 psf 11.91 psf 24 in Web 1-21 Coot Right Rake 14.56 psf 14.56 psf 24 in Web 0-Il Cone Right Rake 16.88 psf 16.88 psf 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Meniser Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Starr Load End Load Trib Vstdtb Top 0-0-0 20.0.0 N Up Rake 17.91 psf 17.91 psf 24 in Top 20-0-0 40-0-0 N Up Rake 25.3 psf 25.3 psf 24 in Web 1-21 Cone Loft Rake 16.88 psf 16.88 psf 24 in Web 10.11 Cone Loft Rake 14.56 psI 14.56 per 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Metr*eer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Starr Load teed Load Tsib Width Top 0-0-0 20-0-0 N Up Rake 9.29 psI 9.29 per 24 in Top 20-0-0 40-0-0 N Up Robe 9.29 psf 9.29 psf 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Menther Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stoat Load tad Load Trib Width Top 0-0-0 6-3-10 N Up - Rake - 60.02 psI - 60.52 psf - -. 24 in Top .6-3-I0 - - 34-6 - N Up - Rake ...38.5psl 38.5 psf 24 in TOp - 3-0-6 20-0-0 N Up Rake - - 60.02 psf 60.82 per 24 in Top 20-0-0 26-3-10 N Up Rake 60.82 par 68.02 psf 24 in Top 26-3-10 33-0-6 N Up Rake 30.5 par 38.5 per 24 in Top 33-5-6 40-0-0 N Up Rake 60.82 psf 60.82 per 24 in Web 1-21 Cool Left Rake 27.34 pal 27.34 per 24 in Web 50-Il Cool Right Rake 27.34 per 27.34 per 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Menteer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load tad Load Trib Width Top 0-0-0 28-0-0 N Down Rake ft PSI 0 per 24 in Web 1-21 Coot Right Rake 56 par 16 per 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) Distributed Loads Meniece Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Teib Width Top 20-0-0 48-0-0 N Down Rake 8 PSI 8 pal 24 in Web 50-I1 Cant Loft Rake 16 psf 16 psf 24 in Automated Load Case LIOn: UBC lOIb Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Meenteer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load tad Load Trib Width But Coot Down Proj lOper 50 psf 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No toads were defined for this toad case. I) This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean RoofHeight 43 ft. Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft. Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 63 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prune Region. Load Combinations 0 Load Cotrtro Factor I DI 1.009 =2=Q] I .000 1 ALL GENERAL NOTES OFflIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART 0F71415 COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE mATINS Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEEIUS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT INETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6701 Wincleentee Ceicle. Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS. TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS. AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS Truss: T42 JobName: 217 GS Build®System Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:22 PM GS Truss® System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: 3 of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 149.1 lbs I 0.6 Dl * 0.6 W2 1.000 Th2o6ol+06W4 . 3 0.601 *0.7 910.01 1.000 - 1LL J Member Forces Summary Table indiccics: Merther ID. nscs CSI. ittax scisl force. (ccx coops force ifdillixersl frorssmsx oxiol loose) 'ltlsd - -2 2-3 3.4 0.222651 0.286 0.156 444 lbs 68 lbs lbs (-60 Ibs) (-236 Ibs) 4-5 5-6 6-70.574211 0.689 0.391 1,240 lbs 703 lbs Ibs (-392 Ibs) (-100 Ibs) (0lbs) 7-8 8-9 0.316 0.461 -642 lbs -1.311 lbs 9-100.829.1.699lbs BCbd 11-12 0.427 14 lbs (.8 Ibs) 14-I5 0.383 578 lbs (-121 lbs) 17-18 0.552 -607 lbs 20-21 0.183 -64 lbs 12-IS 0.747 1.625 lbs (-596 Ibs) 15-16 0.258 215 lbs (474 Ibs) 10-19 0.168 162 lbs (-117 Ibs) - 13-14 0.467 1.226 lbs (-341lbs) 16-Il0.452-1,164lbs 19-200.130409lbs(-119lbs) Webs 1-21 0.110 -297 lbs 3-li 8.782 -715 lbs 6-16 0.679 -1,458 lbs 0.13 0.092 292 lbs (-70 Ibs) -20 0.192 417 lbs (-135 Ibs) 4-18 0.206 469 lbs (446 Ibs) 6-I5 0.948 843 lbs (323 lbs) 9-13 0.758 431 lbs 2-20 0.023 74 lbs (-32 Ibs) 4-17 0.276 -787 lbs 7-I5 0.549 -1.033 lbs 9-12 0.102 -188 lbs 2-19 0.809 478 lbs 5-17 0.529 -1,704 lbs 7-14 0.216 503 lbs (-Ill Ibs) 10-12 0.952 1,643 lbs (-617 Ibs) 3-19 0.090 285 lbs (-109 Ibs) 5-16 0.929 1,407 lbs (-540 Ibs) 8-14 0.324 -781 lbs 10-Il 0.309 -774 lbs GUSSET PLATES f5fI111II1T1 TI1te1TI - - - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMaterial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendiculsrto the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6" of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OI'THIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTHI) Keyniazie Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT THETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchosser Crick, Solos 102 iSlE LOADS. WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 6s 3F12 12 3 H Roll (WL) I I 6 in 1.206 lbs H Roll (WI) I I 6 its 424 lbs Pin (WL.) 2 I 6 in 318 lbs H Roll (WI) 2 I 6 in 2,202 lbs H Roll (WI) 2 I 6 in 799 lbs Pin (WI) 3 I 6 i 130 lbs H Roll (WI) 3 I 6 in 903 lbs H Roll (WI) 3 I 6 is 320 lbs Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in 228 thu Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in .64 lbs H H Roll (WI) 4 I 6 its 1,354 lbs H Roll (WL) 4 I 6 is 417 lbs Pin (WI) 5 I 6 in 55 lbs Pin (WI) S I 6 in 64 lbs H H Roll (WI) 5 I 6 in 1,315 lbs H Roll (WI) S I 6 in 521 lbs Pin(WL) 6 I 6 i 1701bs H Roll (WI) 6 I 6 in 1,206 lbs H Roll (WL) 6 I 6 in 424 lbs Pin (WL) 7 I 6 i 251 lbs H Roll (WL) 7 I 6 in 1,786 lbs H Roll (WI) 7 I 6 in 628 lbs Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 140 lbs H Roll (WL) 8 I 6 is 979 lbs H Roll (WL) 8 I 6 in 346 lbs Pin (WI) 9 I 6 in 281 lbs H Roll (WI) 9 I 6 in 2,013 lbs H Roll (WI) 9 I 6 in 706 lbs Pin (WI) 10 I 6 is -24 lbs Pin (WL) 0 I 6 i l3 lbs H HRnll (WI) 0 I 6 i 71bs H Roll (WI) 10 I 6 in 60 lbs Pin (WI) II I 6 in 42 lbs Pin (WL) II I 6 i -l3 lbs H H Roll (WI) II I 6 in 33 lbs H Roll (WI) II I 6 in -33 lbs Pi. (WL) 12 I 6i0 -147 lbs H Roll (WI) 12 I 6 in -949 lbs H Roll (WI) 12 I 6 in -347 lbs Pin (WI) 13 I 6 i 102 lbs H Rnll (WI) 13 I 6 in 723 lbs H Roll (WI) 13 I 6 in 254 lbs Pin (WI) 14 I 6 i 249 lbs H Roll (WI) 14 I 6 in .735 lbs HRnll(WL) 14 I 6i0 613 thu WPRS Uplift Max C&C Uplift Mao Uplil Max .24 lbs -147 lbs .147 lbs 7 I 2,282 lbs -949 lbs -949 lbs II I 7991b5 -33 lbs -347 lbs -347 lbs ( KEYMARK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I I Truss: I T43 JobName: 217 GSBuild®Systcm I I Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:22PM OS Truss® I I System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: I of3 . Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 40-0-0 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 149.1 lbs S-Il -0 S- lI -0 5-11-0 i- Il-p 4-L-0 0-U-U I 0-U-U 1 0-0-0 I 0-U-U I 3-11-6 1 7-10-12 I 11-10-2 I 15-9-8 I 20-0-0 I 25-0-0 I 30-0-0 I 35-0-0 40-0-0 I 0-10-0 5-10-0 0-10-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 3-11-6 13-11-6 13-11-6 1 3-11-6 2-1-4 2-14 1 5-0-0 5-0-0 1 5-0-0 5-0-0 3-11-6 1 7-10-12 1 11-10-2 1 15-9-8 7-10-120-0-0 25-0-0 1 30-0-0 1 35-0-0 1 40-0-0 Circles indicate fiotener count in webs. Squares indicate fastener count in chords."Fasteners" indicates the nunter of Anton 15 SS #12 or #12 SOS (AISI) fasteners required in one end of the nrntcr. Each snlue indicates the nunter of ttsreners required: (s) indicates the tsontecofAsscon .15 SS #12 to be installed no one side of the truss. ) indicates the nuttherof#12 SOS (AISI) to be installed on each side of the truss. Whets connection plates one culled not no this dtswmo& uptute is required oneach side of the truss. Referto General Notes forbsnherclotification. Allowable shrurprrAmrnn 15 SS #12 faoteneras follows: 27 stilt: 402 Ibs: 33 toils: 544 Ibs: 43 nuts: 810 lbs: 54 nols: 1.138 lbs: 68 sods: 1.610 lbs.Allowoblesbeorper#12 SOS (AISI) tssteneris calculated per theNASPEC 2807 WITH SUPPLEMENT Q. Maintain tsstenerspucingot 5/8 non. Maintain Ststenered staraght at 5/8" non foreoch sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed PC : 0.029 (9-10) IL 0.18 in 1/999 (12-13) L/240 BC : 0.747 (12-13) LL: 0.00 in 1/999 (9-10) 1/360 Web: 0.952 (10-12) HnwTL 0.03 in 6 TC Continuously Braced BC Btstcing Sparse Reactions . Summary Member Material Top Chd 1.6 301C20(30k Top Chd6-16-- 301C20(50k BolChd 11-21 20TC18 (50k CSI Brac 0.689 Sheath" 0829 Sheathes 0.747 Sp— - 18 Usbwcst 0.192 Unbrrtcet 0.023 Unbrucst 0.809 Unbtrscst 0090 Ubtoce 0.782 if. bntcn 8.206 Unbttscst 0.216 Unbtocn :.s9 von Max P 285 -lbs -718 lbs_________ 469 lbs 1 -787 lbs .704 lbs ALL GENERAL NOTES OPNSS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PARTOFT141S COMPONIorr DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE 114ATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY NAT 11-IE11EUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON 11415 SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cticte, Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS 115151) ON THIS SHEFr. , Boulder, Colorado 80301 M A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I I Truss: T43 JobName: 217 GSBuild®System I Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:23 PM GSlruss® I System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] . Page: 2 of3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 149.1 lbs 0.309 NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Men*,er Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sian Load tad Load 1db Width Top Cont Down Proj 20 list 20 psi 24 in Bot Cont Down Proj 0 psi 0 pat 24 in Load Case DI: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Monte, Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tdb Width Top Coal Down Rake 16psl 16psf 24 in Bot Cant Down Rake 6 psI 6 psI 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Mentor Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tnb Width Top 0-0-0 20-0-0 N Up Rake 25.3 psi 25.3 psi 24 in Top 20-0-0 40-0-0 N Up Rake 17.91 psi 17.91 psi 24 in Web 1-21 Coat Right Rake 4.56 pal 4.56 5l 24 in Web 10-It Cant Right Rake 16.88 psi 16.88 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Menter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sian Load End Load Thb Width Top 0-0-0 20.0.0 NUp Rake 17.91 list 17.91 list 24 in Top 20.0.0 40-0-0 N Up Rake 25.3 psi 25.3 psi 24 in Web 1-21 Coot Loft Rake 16.88 psi 6.80 psI 24 in Web to-Il Cont Loft Rake 14.56 psi 14.56 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Mood,,, Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 20-0.0 N Up Rake 9.29 psI 9.29 psI 24 in Top 20-0-0 40.0.0 N Up Rake 9.29 psI 9.29 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Monte, Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tnb Width Top 0-0-0 6-3-10 N Up - Rake 60.82 psI 60.02 pal -- 24 in Top . 6-3-10 - 13-0-6 N Up Rate. 38.5 psI 38.5 psI 24 in Top .13-8-6 20.0.0 N Up - Rake 60.82 psI 60.82 psi 24 in Top - 20-0-0 26-3-10 N Up Rake 60.82 pal 60.82 psI 24 in Top 26-3-10 33.0-6 N Up Rake 38.5 psI 38.5 psI 24 in Top 33-0-6 40.0.0 N Up Rake 60.82 psf 60.82 psI 24 in Web 1-21 Coot Left Rake 27.34 psi 27.34 list 24 in Web to-li Cont Right Rake 27.34 psI 27.34 pal 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(M i n) Distributed Loads Menter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load tad Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 20-0-0 N Doscn Rake 0 psi 8 psi 24 in Web 1-21 Coat Right Rake 16 psI 16 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) Distributed Loads Meniher Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tnb Width Top 20-0.0 40.00 N Do- Rate 0 psI 8 psI 24 in 'SOb 0-11 Cant Loft Rake 16 pal 16 psI 24 in Automated Load Case LIOn: UBC lOIb Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Month,, Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sian Load tad Load lnh Width 001 Coat Down Proj tO list tOpsf 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No toads were defined for this lead case. I) This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category H, Mean Roof Height 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prune Region. Load Combinations Load Contra Factor I DI 1.000 PJii4i__________________________ 9 DI + 0.53 El 10.75 Let 1.000 1 ALL GENERAL NOTES OF THIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONStDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPThtS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE T14ATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESStONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THATThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLtCABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle, Suite 102 ThE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS Boulder, Colorado 80301 <KEY ARK Truss: T43 NX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS JobName: 217 GSBuild®System Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:23 PM GS Truss® Systent Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 781 Page: 3 of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 40-0-0 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 149.1 lbs 11 0.6 DI * 0.6 W2 1.000 'J2 o6Dl+o6w4: - - - -1.000 3 0.6 Dl +0.7 P10.01 1.000 r 14DI+LI0 - 1000 Member Forces Summary robk indicates Mrni,er ID. arcs CSI. smx sxisl force. (arcs coops force ifdiffererrt fro- sulol force) TCbd - 1-2 2.3 34 0.206 0.156 0.222 -444 lbs 68 lbs 651 lbs (.60 lbs) (.236 lbs) 4-5 5.6 6-7 0.689 0.391 0.574 1.240 lbs 703 lbs 211 lbs (-392 lbs) (408 lbs) (0 lbs) 7-8 8-9 9-10 0.316 0.461 0.829 -642 lbs -1.311 lbs -1.699 lbs BCbd 11-12 0.427 14 lbs (-S lbs) 14-I5 0.383 578 lbs (-121 lbs) 17-18 0.552 .607 lbs 20-21 0.183 -64 lbs 12.13 0.747 1.625 lbs (-596 lbs) 15-16 0.250 215 lbs (.174 11,018-19 0.160 162 lbs (-117 lbs) - 13-14 0.467 1.226 lbs (-341 Ibs) 16-17 0.452 -1.164 lbs 19-20 0.130 409 lbs (-1 19 lbs) Webs 1-21 0.110 -297 lbs i-IS 0.782 -718 lbs 6-16 0.679 -1.458 lbs 8-13 0.092 292 lbs 1-78 lbs) 1-20 0.192 417 lbs (-135 lbs) 4-IS 0.206 469 lbs (-146 Ibs) 6-IS 0.948 843 lbs (-323 lbs) 9-13 0.758 .431 lbs 2-20 0.023 74 lbs (.32 Ibs) 4-17 0.276 -787 lbs 7-15 0.549 -1.033 lbs 9-12 0.102 -188 lbs 2-19 0.809 -478 lbs 5-17 0.529 -1.704 lbs 7-14 0.216 503 lbs (-Ill Its) 10-12 0.952 1.643 lbs (.617 lbs) 3-19 0.090 285 lbs (-109 Ibs) 5-16 0.929 1.407 lbs (-540 Ibs) 8.14 0.324 -781 lbs 10-Il 0.309 -774 lbs GUSSET PLATES fI1[etT1 1tStT1 - - - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: Al least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under-Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6" of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular 10 the plane of the truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 " of the end of each chord segment. AU. GENERAL NOTES OFTEIIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFNIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE NATNE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY NAT NETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON ThIS SHEET MEETS NE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Wiochosrer Crick, Suite 102 NE LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 YM A R K GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 781 JobName: 217 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:23 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: I of3 Report: Eng Plot Truss: T44 iT BC Mac React bias GtuvUt 12 I 534 lbs 9 I 1.385 lbs 7 I 71bs -15 lbs .60 lbs -573 lbs .573 lbs -22 lbs -61 lbs -61 lbs SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WOT/PLY 224-15 3/12 2 0-0-0' 0-0-0 I 24 in 76.5 lbs 3 5-2-8 1 10-5-0 15-7-8 1 20-0-0 22-4-15 0-10-0 5-10-0 '12]532-12 - 5S 6s 3 r12 3 s 2 2s is 'I L = us lOs 9s 8s TT36 s 7s 0-0-0 . . 0-0-0 5-2-8 1 5-2-8 5-2-8 1 4-4-8 12-4-15 5-2-8 1 10-5-0 15-7-8 1 20-0-0 1 22-4-15 Circles indicate fastener count in webs, squares indicate firstener count in chords. "Fasteners" indicates the nunterof AnconTS 55012 orll 12 sos (AISI) fasteners required as one end of the reenter. Each tslue indicates the nun*terofllsuseners requited: (s) indicates the ntssthrr of ,',atwon 15 SS #12 to he installed on one side of the truss. (h) indicates the outstare of 0 12 SOS (AISI) to be installed on each side ofshe Sass. Where connection piston use called Out on this drawing, a plate is requited on each side of the truss. Referso Gersrrssl Notes forEsrthrrclan8eaIion. AllowableshearperAowou TS SS#12 fastenerus follows: 27 soils: 402 lbs: 33 soils: 544 lbs; 43 soils: 010 lbs: 54 sods: 1.138 lbs; 68 mIs: 1.610 lbu.AJlowsshleshearper812 SOS (AISI) truseneris culcaluted persheNASPEC 2007 wm1 SIJPPLEMENTO2. Maintain fastener spacing at 5/8" can. Maintain fastener edge 0555gm as 3/8' eso for each sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed iC : 0.912(1-2) TL 0.13 in L/999 (1-2) L/240 BC : 0.923(10-I1) LL: 0.06 in L/999 (1-2) L/360 Web: 0.941 (4-9) HotoiL 0.01 in 9 IC Continuously Braced - - BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Summary iT Type LC _0C BtgWmd Reaction 12 Pin (WL) 1 I 6 i 203 lbs 9 H Roll (WL) I 6 n 754 lbs 7 HRoll(Tl) I 6n -8 lbs 12 Pin (WL) 2 I 6 in - 534 lbs 9 H Roll (WL) 2 I 6 n 1.385 lbs 7 H Roll rti 2 I 6 n -15 lbs 12 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 n ' 220 lbs 12 Pin (WL)3 I 6 in 49 lbs H 9 H Roll (WL) 3 I 6 0 547 lbs 7 HR (TO) 3 I 6 0 -9 lbs - 12 Piss(WL) 4 I 6 in 336 lbs 12 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in .64 lbs H 9 H Roil (WL) 4 I 6 in 887 lbs 7 H Roll (l's) 4 I 6 in -22 lbs 12 Pin(WL) 5 I 6 n 283 lbs 12 Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 6lbsH 9 H Roll (WL) I 6 n 741 lbs 7 HRoll(I'l'( , I 6 n llbs 12 Pin (WL) 6 I 6 in 283 lbs 9 ' H Roll (WL) 6 I 6 o 734 lbs 7 l4RolI(TF( 6 I 6 n -Slbs 12 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 n 425 lbs 12 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 37 lbs I-I 9 H Roll (WL) 7 I 6 in 1.082 lbs 7 H Roll (l'l) 7 I 6 in -14 lbs 12 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 a 236 lbs 12 Pin (OIL) 8 I 6 i. 37 lbs I-I 9 H Roll (WL) 0 I 6 n 594 lbs 7 H Roll (TI') 8 I 6 n -9 lbs 12 Pin (Vr'L) 9 I 6 s 472 lbs 9 H Roll (WL) 9 I 6 in 1,222 lbs 7 HR. (TI) 9 I 6 in .13 lbs 12 Pits(WL) 10 6 o -1 lbs 12 Pin (WL) 10 6 n 124 lbs H 9 H Roll (WL) 10 1 6 in .60 lbs 7 H Roll (1's) 10 1 6 in 71b5 12 Pin (tEL) II 6 n 49 lbs 12 Pin (WL) II 1 6 in 106 lbs H 9 H Roll (WL) Il 6 n 75 lbs 7 H Roll (M II 6 o -22 lbs 12 Pin (WL) 12 1 6.0 .198 lbs 12 Pin (WL) 12 6 i 303 lbs H 9 H Roll OWL) 12 6 in -573 lbs 7 HRolI(FI') 12 6 i -61 lbs 12 Pin (WL) 13 1 6 i 170 lbs 9 I-I Roll (WL) 13 1 bits 440 lbs 7 I-I Roll (Fl) 13 1 6 in -5 lbs 12 Pin (WL) 14 I 610 488 lbs 9 Fl Roil OWL) 14 I 6 in 1.061 lbs 7 H Roll (TI) 14 I 6 in -13 lbs Member Material l5C2 I5CI CSI Bracing Max P 0.912 Sheathed -985 lbs 0.082 Sh)thed 75lbs 8.923 Sparse 927 As 0.203 Unbrnced -509 lbs_J 0.479 lJsbnsced _________ 936 lbs 0 038 Unbwced 81 lbs ___________ 0.871 Unbttsced -648 lbs ,0.I3t_tJnbsaç 360 lbs _•j ALL GENERAL NOTES OEThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SFALTNDICATES ONLY THAT ThEIRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON ThIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPUCABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR ThE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Keymark Enterprises, LLC 6707 Winchester Criele, Suite 102 Boulder, Colorado 80301 ( KEYMARK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I I Truss: T44 * JobName: 217 GSBuild®System I Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:23 PM GSlruss® I System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] j Page: 2 of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 224-15 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 76.5lbs -146 NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is to support Loads Summary Load Case LrI: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Mendter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Land Sod Load Sob taddrh Top Cont Down Proj 20 psI 20 pal 24 in Bar Cent Down Proj 0 psf 0 pal 24 in Load Case DI: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Menther Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Ttib Width Top Coot Down Rake 16 psI I6 pal 24i0 Sot Coot Down Rake 6 pal 6 pal 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Menber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Ttib Width Top 0.0.0 20-0 'a N Up Rake 25.3 pal 25.3 pal 24 in Top 20.0.0 22.4-I5 NUp Rake 17.91 pal 17.91 pal 24 in Web 1-12 Coot Right Rake 14.56 pal 14.56 pal 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Menber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Ttib Vr0drh Top 0.0.0 20-0.0 N Up Rake 17.91 pal 17.91 pal 24 in Top 20.0-0 22.4-15 N Up Rake 25.27 pal 25.27 pal 24 in Web 1-12 Coat Left Rake 16.88 pal 16.88 pal 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Metrber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Sod Load Ttib Width Top 0.0-0 20.0.0 N Up Rake 9.29 pal 9.29 pal 24 in Top 20-0-0 224-15 N Up Rake 9.29 pal 9.29 pal 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Menthee Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Ttib Width Top 0-0-0 6-3-10 N Up Rake 60.62 pal 60.82 psf 2410 Top - 6-3-10 13-8-6 N Up Rake 36.5 pal 36.5 psI 2410 Top 13-8.6 20.0-0 N Up Rake 60.62 pal 60.82 psI 24 in Top 20-0-0 224-I5 N Up Rake 60.62 pal 60.82 psI 24 in Web 1.12 Coot Loft Rake 32.02 pal 32.02 psI 2410 Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Metrber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load tad Load Tb Width Top 0-0.0 20-0-0 N Down Rake 8 pal 6 pal 24 10 Web 1-12 Cool Right Rake 16 par 16p51 24in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Righl(Min) Distributed Loads Metebee Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Sod Load Ttib Width Top 20.0.0 224-15 N Down Rake 8 pal 8 pal 24 in Automated Load Case LIO°: USC I 01b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Metrber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Sod Load Ttib Width Bat Coot Down Proj 10 pal 10 pal 2410 User-defined Load Case El: Seismice No loads were defined for this load case. This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed forthe effects due to 10 psfbottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is GsblclHip with Building Category II, Mean Roof Height 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 fIx 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not ins Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations 7 DI +0.45 W3 + 0.75 tat 1.000 1:000 -] 9 Dl +0.55Et+0.75 tat 1.000 .008 13 0.601 +0.7 5.18.01 .000 .000 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Metrber ID. nato CSt. nato axial loon. (nato coa5ae loon ildiflhtont fiom nasa ooial loon) TChd 11.2 0.912 -985 lbs 13A 0.313 455 lbs (-214 tba)I54 0.882 75 lb,i (.0 tbs)I ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDISREDAS AN INTEGRAL FART OFThIS COMPON1L'4T DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEEWS SEAL INDICATES ONLY 114AT114E1RU55 ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cticle, Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS UST1ID ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 Truss: T44 XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS JobName: 217 GS Build® System Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:23 PM GS Truss® System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: 3 of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 224-15 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 76.5 lbs Webs 1-12 0.203 -509 lbs 2-ID 8.071 -649 lbs 4-9 0.941 -852 lbs 6-8 0.409 -146 lbs I-Il 0.479 936 lbs (-210 lbs) 3-10 0.131 360 lbs (-I II Ibs) 4-8 0.561 513 lbs (.169 lbs) 6.7 0.019 59 lbs (-2 lbs) 2-I I 0.038 81 lbs (-60 Ibs) 3-9 0.388 -067 lbs 5-8 0.602 -233 lbs Truss-to-truss Connections Summary tD Carried Truss Csss6sgTmss Csss4ngOD6e Assc T06 T44 G08 1-1 1-3 90 dg GUSSET PLATES - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMaterial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement oflateral braces installed perpendicularto the plane of the truss and placed within 6" of each panel point. The end ofevery chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicularto the plane of the truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 ofthe end ofeach chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTh1S DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL PART OFTHl5 COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThEU55 ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEEtS THE MINIMIJMAPPUCABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Crick, Sollc 102 THE LOADS, LOADING CONDmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGU1tAflONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS Boulder, Colorsdo 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T45 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:23 PM System: Anicon 6.003 Page: 1 of3 Report: Eng Plot E V M A R K XX WEAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GSTmss® Version: 5.009 [Build 781 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 14-6-0 . 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 48.61b5 4-1u-u - 'i- lu-u 'i- lu-u 4-10-0 9-8-0 14-6-0 4s 4-10-0 4-10-0 4-10-0 4-10-0 9-8-0 14-6-0 Circles indicate lhsteoerc000t as webs. Sqootes indicate l5sstenercosnt in chools."Fasteners" indicates the noxeberofAmsonTE SS #12 or#12 SOS (AISI)fasteners required at ooeeod ofihe nenrber. Each snloe indicates theoondrerof8tstenern requited: (a) indicates the nttrr&xerolAnwoslS SS #12 to be installed on one side of the lotus. (h) indicates the nusthrrof# 12 SOS (AISI) lobe installed on each side ofthe tress. Where connection plates are called Solon this drawing plate is required on each side of the truss. Referto General Notes forfiaoheeclanficatioo. Allowable shearperAawon IS SS #12 fasteneros follows: 27 ails: 402 lbs: 33 tolls: 544 lbs: 43 orals: 810 lbs: 54 irIs: 1.138 lbs; 68 ails: 1.610 lbs.Allawables)searper#12 SOS (AOl) fastener is calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT 02. Maintain fastener spaciog ox 5/8 trio. Maintain tlssteoer edge nsaso at 5/8 nun for each sheet of steel cooneated. CSI Deflection L/ (bc) Allowed IC 0.772 (1-2) - It: 0.12 in L/999 (1-2) L/240 BC 0.807(6-7) LL: 0.06 in L/999 (1-2) L/360 Web: 0.850(1-7) Hors Il.c 0.02 in 4 - IC Continuously Braced BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Summary 0 Pin (WL) I I 6 in 525 lbs 0 I 610 lbs -6 lbs -201 lbs -201 lbs 5 H Roll (WI.) I I 6 in 329 lbs 5 I 622 lbs -43 lbs -579 lbs -379 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 2 I 6 i 610 lbs 5 H Roll (WL) 2 I 6 in 622 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 250 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 40 lbs H 5 H Roll (WL) 3 I 6 in 241 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in 386 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in -51 lbs H 5 H Roll (WI.) 4 I 6 in 406 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 323 lbs 5 H Roll (WL) 5 I 6 in 329 lbs 8 Pin (WI.) 6 I 6 in 323 lbs 5 H Roll (WL) 6 I 6 in 329 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 484 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 30 lbs H S H Roll (WL) 7 I 6 in 402 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 268 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in - 30 lbs H 5 11 Roll (WL) 8 I 6 in 263 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 9 I 6 in 539 lbs 5 H Roll (WI.) 9 I 6 in 549 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 i .61b5 8 Pia (WL) 10 I 6 in 95 lbs H 5 H Roll (WL) to t 6 in .43 lbs 8 Pin (WL) It I - 6 in . 53 lbs 8 Pin (WL) It I 6 in 95 lbs H 5 H Roll (WL) It I 6 in 27 lbs 0. Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in -281 lbs 8 Pin (WL) I? I 6 in 299 lbs H 5 H Roll (WI.) 12 I 6 in -379 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 13 I 6 i 194 lbs S H Roll (WL) 13 I 6i0 197 lbs 8 Pin (WL) 14 I 6 in 467 lbs H Roll (WL) 14 I 6 in 475 lbs Member Material CSI Bracinc Max P BasChds.8 20TCi8is0lat 0003 Spnise.. 1.125 lbs Web 1-8 15C20 (SO ni) 0.234 Unbrnced -586 lbs Web 17 15C20(50 Its) O~ 8 5 0 149 braced I 139 lbs With 2-7 15C20(50bsi) 0.062 Unbowed -17 lbs________ Web 2.6 15Cl8(50 Its) 0 828 U braced ____________ -494 lbs Web 3-6 I5C20(50Itsi) 0.100 Unbowed 315 lbs Web 35 15020 (SObs) 03 14 braced _____U _______ -814 lbs _...J Web 4.5 I 5C20 (50 boil 0.246 Unbraced -133 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load - Distributed Loads -: Matcher location I location 2 Direction Spread Stow Load End Load Trib Width Top Coat Dnsvo Pxaj 20 psI . 20 psI 24 in Box Coat Do— Ptoj 0 psI 0 psI 24 in ALL GENERAL NOTES OPTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIOEREOAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN OOCIJMISfT. NOTE THATTHE Keymaric Enterprises LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT ThEIRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cticle Sole 102 THE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T45 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:23 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 2of3 Report: Eng Plot (K E V M A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS CS Build® System GSTnss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] SPAN PITCH QTY OHL . OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 14-6-0 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 48.6 lbs Load Case DI: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Mener Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Trib Width Top Coot Down Rake 16psf 16p51 24 in Sot Cont Down Rake 6 psi . 6 psi 24 in Automated Load Case Wi: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Mrtther Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Trib Width Top 0-0-0 14-6-0 N Up Rake 25.3 psi 25.3 psi 24 in Web 1-8 Cont Ri8jtl Rake 14.56 psi 14.56 pti 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Mrntber Location t Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Trib Width Top 0-0-0 14-6.0 N Up Rake 7.91 psi 17.9t psi 24 in Web I-S Cost Loft Rake 6.88 pti 6.88 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Do) Distributed Loads Men. Location t Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Trib Width Top 0-0-0 14.6.6 N Up Rake 9.29 psi 9.29 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Metaker Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Trib Width Tap 0.0.0 . 6-3-10 N Up Rake 63.4 psi 63.4 psi 24 in Top 6-3-10 8-2-6 N Up Rake 40.65 psi 40.65 psi 24 in Top 8-2-6 14-6.0 N Up Rake 63.4 psi 63.4 psi 24 in Web 1-8 Cont Let Rake 35.75 psi 35.75 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top 0-0.0 14.6.0 N Down Rake 8 PSI `8 psi 24 is Web -8 Cant Rirt Rake 16 psI 16 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No toads were deftned for this toad ease. Automated Load Case L10: UBC I 01b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Mettber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width But Cant Dnwn Proj ID psi ID psi 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No loads were defined for this load case. This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psfbottomchord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is GableIHip with Building Category II, Mean Roof Height 43 It, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 fix 63 It, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone WIdth 63 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not ins Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations 0 Load Conirn Factor - I Dl 1.000 L000 3 or + 0.6 W3 1.000 7 01+0.45 W3 +0.75 Id 1.000 fpfEo4sw3 1000 9 Dl *0.53 El +0.75 I.el 1.000 ii=P26 -IT+0T6 boo II 0.601*0.6 W2 1.000 l6W4 1660 13 0.601 +0.7 E/0.01 1.008 T4bfLT6 1666 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Master ID, cats CSI, teas axial force, (teas contr lowe ifdilfercrtt tons sos axial force) TChd 11-2 0.772 -1.186 lbs 12-I 0336 -734 lbs 154 0 535 _61 lbs 0.850 1,139 lbs (421 lbs)I2-6 0.828 -494 lbs 13-5 0.314 414 Its GUSSET PLATES - - - - - - - - - - ALL GENERAL NOTES OPrHtS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART 090415 COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUM1LNT. NOTE 1}tATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT 1S4E11OUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON ThIS 514551 MEETS WE MINIMUtsIAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Crick, Suite 102 WE WADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SKEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 SWS Panel & Truss Truss: T45 4231 Liberty Blvd. JobName: 217 South Gate CA 90280 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:24 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 3of3 Report: Eng Plot E V M A R K NX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GSlmss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] sws TRUSS SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OFIR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 14-6-0 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 48.6 lbs Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6 ofeach panel point. The end ofevery chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane of the truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 ofthe end ofeach chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymaiic Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THATThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS 114E MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 wincheccr CicIc, Sit 102 THEWADS, WADING coNomoNs, TRUSS MEMBER CONPIGURA11ONS, AND SPANS US11D ON THIS SMELT. Boulder, Colondo 80301 XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS Truss: T46 JobName: 217 GSBuild® System Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:24 PM GS Truss® System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: 1 of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 40-0-0 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 135.4 lbs :2_i_i 3-15-13 3-i-i '9-L-O I Z-1 1-1Z I Z-II-L I i- I U-4 1 )- I U-'+ 1 i- I U-W It- - U1OU 5-3-3 10-6-5 15-9-8 20-0-0 22-11-12 25-11-8 29-9-12 33-8-1 37-6-5 39-64g,-d-0 0-10-0 5-10-0 1-5-7 1-5-7 f222 s .222\2;S i622 1 222 24s 23s 22s 21s 20s 2-3-1 0-0-0 0-0-0 04-0-0 5-3-3 15-3-3 1 5-3-3 14-2-8 12-11-12 _2-11-12 3-10-4 3-10.[, 3-10-4 l -11-V6t0 5-3-3 10-6-5 15-9-8 20-0-0 22-11-12 25-11-8 1 29-9-12 1 33-8-1 37-6-5 13964d0 Circles indictor lbstenrrcoonr in webs. Squares indicore Estenercoont in chords. "Fasteners" indicates the no,rberofAnwonls SS 812 0r1112 SDS (AISI) ftssteness required or one end ofthe nten'Eter. Each stslue indicates theoondscroffttsteneto required: (s) indicates the nsn*terofMtconlS SS 1112 10 be installed on one side of the truss. (b) indicates the nsod,erofft12 SOS (AISI)ro be installed on each side of the truss. When: connection pIxIes ore catted out on this drawing 0 plate is requited on each side of the truss. Referto General Notes for llroberclotiftcxtion. AllotvabtesheonperA,rron 'I'S SS #12 firsteneros follows: 27 ndts: 402 lbs: 33 wits: 544 lbs; 43 oils: 810 lbs: 54 oils: 1.138 lbs; 68 toils: 1,610 lbsAllosvoble shcxeper#12 SDS (AtSUfirsteneris calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT #2. Maintain fustener spacing at 5/8 mm. Maintain listener edge margin or 5/8 trio for each sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (toe) Allowed 'It 0.961 (1-2) TL: 0.12 1/999 (9-10) 1/249 BC : 0.850(2 1-22) LL: 0.06 in 1/999 (1-2) LI 360 Web: 0,939 (2-23) Horzlt: 0.02 in II 'It Continuously Braced BC BmocingSposse Reactions Summary ST BC Max React Max OtovUplift Moo MWPRS Uplift Msx C&C Uplift Max Uplil 25 I 486 lbs -13 lbs -222 lbs -222 lbs 22 I 1,375 lbs -56 lbs -564 lbs -564 lbs 19 I 1,083 lbs -55 lbs 476 lbs 476 lbs 13 I 456 lbs -32 lbs -173 lbs -173 lbs H Roll (WL) I I 6 in 729 lbs H Roll (WI) I 6 in 571 lbs H Roll (WL) I I 6 in 242 lbs Pin (WI) 2 I 6 in 486 lbs H Roll (WI) 2 I 6 in 1,375 lbs H Roll (WL) 2 I 6 in 1,083 lbs H Roll (WL) 2 I 6 in 456 lbs Pin (WL) 3 I 6 i 194 lbs Pin (WI) 3 I 6 in 7 lbs H H Roll (WL) 3 I 6 in 546 lbs H Roll (WL) 3 I 6 in 435 lbs H Roll (WI) 3 I 6 in 205 lbs Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in 308 lbs Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in -64 lbs II H Roll (WI) 4 I 6 in BBS lbs HR. (WL) 4 I 6 in 559 lbs H Roll (WI) 4 I 6 in 240 lbs Pin (WI) S I 6 in 261 lbs Pin(WL) S I 6 in 42 lbs H H Roll (WI) S I 6 in 731 lbs H Roll (WI) S I 6 in 788 lbs It H Roll (WI) 5 I 6 in 273 lbs Pin 6 I 6 in 257 lbs H Roll (WL) 6 I 6 in 729 lbs H Roll (WI) 6 I 6 in 371 lbs H Roll (WI) 6 I 6 in 242 lbs Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 381 lbs Pin (WI) 7 I 6 in 5 lbs H H Roll (WI,) 7 I 6 in 1,076 lbs H Roll (WI) 7 I 6 in 853 lbs H Roll (WL) 7 I 6 in 375 lbs Pin (WI) 8 I 6 in 210 lbs Pin (WI) 8 I 6 in 5 lbs H H Roll (WL) 8 I 6 in 892 lbs H Roll (WI) 8 I 6 in 469 lbs H Roll (WI) 8 I 6 in 214 lbs Pin (WI) 9 I 6 in 429 lbs H Roll (WI) 9 I 6 in 1,2 13 lbs H Roll (WI) 9 I 6 in 955 lbs H Roll (WI) 9 I 6 in 402 lbs Pin (WI) 10 I 6 in -13 lbs Pin (WI) 10 I 6 in 43 lbs H H Roll (WI) 10 I 6 in -36 lbs H Roll (WI) 10 I 6 is 76 lbs H Roll (WI) lB I 6 in 0 lbs Pin (WI) II I 6 in 35 lbs Pin (WI) II I 6 in -9 lbs H H Roll (WI) II I 6 in 86 lbs H Roll (WI) II I 6 is -55 lbs H Roll (WI) II I 6 in -32 lbs Pin (WI) 12 I 6 in -222 lbs Pin (WL) 12 I 61n 56 lbs H H Roll (WI) 12 I 6 in -564 lbs H Roll (WI) 12 I 6 in .476 lbs H Roll (WI) 12 I 6 in -173 lbs Pin (WL) 13 I 6 i 154 lbs H Roll (WI) 13 I 6 in 436 lbs H Roll (WI) 13 I 6 in 343 lbs H Roll (WI) 13 I 6 in 143 lbs Pin (WI) 14 I 6 in 372 lbs ALL GENERAL NOTES OFlItIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROPIISSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cticlr, Suite 182 ThE WADS, LOADING CONDITIONS. 'TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS. AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 98381 (KEYMARK GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I I a I Truss: T46 I JobName: 217 GSBuild®System . I Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:24 PM GSTIUSS® I - I System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78) I Page: 2 of I Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 135.4 lbs 22 H Roll (WL) 4 I 6 Os 1,855 lbs I 19 HRoIIfrVL) '14 I 61n 8171bs 13 H Roll (WL) 14 1 6 in 353 lbs I NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Monitor Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stint Load End Load Tb Width Top Cant Down Ptoj 20 psi 20 psi 24 in Sot Cont Down Ptoj 0 psi 0 psf 24 in Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Men-ben Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stair Load Sod Load 1db Width Top Coot Down Rake 16 psi 16 psi 24 in Bar Coot Down Rake 6 par 6 psi 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Lefi(Jp) Distributed Loads Top 20.0.0 37.6-5 N Up Rake 17.91 psi 17.91 psI 24 in Top 37.6-5 40.0.0 N Up Rake 29.83 psi 29.03 psi 24 in Web 1-25 Cont Right - Rake 14.56 psi 14,56 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Mco4ren Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top 0-0-0 20-0-0 N Up Rake 17.91 psi 17.91 pni 2410 Top 28-0.0 37.6.5 N Up RaIse 25.5 psi 25.3 psi 24 in Top 37-6-5 40.0-0 N Up Rake 29.83 psi 29.83 psi 24 in Web 1-25 Cont Loft Rake 16.80 psi 16.88 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Metnier Location I Location 2 Direction . Spread Stan Load End Load This Width Top, 0.0-0 20.0-0 N Up Rake ').29 psi 9.29 psi 24 in Top 20-0-0 37-6-5 N Up Rake 9.29 psi 9,29 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributcd Loads Mentber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stain Load End Load Ttib Width Tap 0-0-0 6-3-10 N Up Rake 60.82 psi 60.82 psi 24 in Top 6-3-10 13-8.6 N Up Rake 38.5 psi 38.5 psi 24 in Top 13-8-6 20-0-0 N Up Rake 60.82 psi 60.82 psi 24 in Top 20-0-0 26-3-10 N Up Rake 60.82 psi 60.82 psi 24 in Top 26-3-10 31-2-I1 N Up Rake 38.5 psi 38.5 psi 24 in Top 51-2-I1 37-6-5 N Up Rake 60.82 psi 60,82 psi 24 in Top 37.6-5 40-0-0 N Up Rake 35.71 psi 35,71 psi 24 in Web 1-25 Cont Loft Rake 27.34 psi 27.34 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W& MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Mntr&ter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tnb Width Top 0.0.0 20-0.0 N Down Rake 8 psi 8 psi 24 in Web 1-25 Coat Right Rake 16 psi 16 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) Distributed Loads Monitor Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Ttib Width Top 20-0-0 37.6.5 N Down Rake 8 psi 8 psi 24 in Automated Load Case LIO0: UBC I 0lb Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Leads Meniter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load . Ttib Width But Cont Down Ptoj lBpsi lOpsi 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No leads were defined for this load case. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OF11IIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE TEATIME Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY TEAT IME1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEtrIS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle, Suite 102 THE WADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, 'TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS. AND SPANS LISTED ON -MIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS Truss: T46 JobName: 217 GSBuild(&System Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:24 PM GSlruss® System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: 3 of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 40-0-0 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 135.4 lbs I) This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC .2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category 11, Mean RoofHeight 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prune Region. Load Combinations 0 Load Combo Factor DI 1000 :050 1 3 01+0.6 W3 1.000 ______________________________________________________________________ C-::_--4 dT06W8 L. -i Dl +0.6 W9 1.005 6 =0.7El_____________________________ 7 Dl+0_w/+0.75Ll 1.050 8dTT45W3 000 _-J 9 P1+0.53 El +0.75 tel 1.000 i:oss____________ II 0.6 Dl *0.6 W2 1.000 5so 1 13 0.601 *0.7 E/0.01 1.000 PLW Member Forces Summary Table indkalas Mrssiser ID, smx CSI oars asial force. (rmx cosmr force 1 I'd 106res,t fro moass mist force) TChd - 1-2 2-3 34 0.961 0.312 0.326 -851 lbs -213 lbs 653 lbs (-140 165' 4-5 3-6 5-7 0.324 0.158 0.237 314 lbs 312 lbs 1.075 lbs (0 lbs) (0 165) (-374 1b5) 7-8 8-9 9-10 0.237 0.175 0.373 1,103 lbs -227 lbs (.434 lbs) 10-1 I 11-12 -1.054 lbs 0.586 0.317 -881 lbs 0 lbs BCbd 13-14 0.003 0 lbs 16-17 0.499 1,015 lbs (.449 lbs) 20-21 0.247 -276 lbs 23-24 0.623 796 lbs (-313 lbs) 14-IS 0.166 10 lbs (-2 lb,) 17-18 0.337 05 lbs (0 lbs) 21-22 0.850 -508 lbs 24.25 0.697 56 lbs (-50 lbs) - 15-16 0.462 908 lbs (-385 lbs) 19-20 0.109 2 lbs (-I lbs) 22-23 0.664 157 lbs (42 lbs) Webs 1-25 0.154 .465 lbs 4-22 0.921 -824 lbs 18-20 0.493 -368 lbs 9-16 0.036 114 lbs (0 (65) 1.24 0.636 804 lbs (.273 lb s) 4.21 0.515 485 lbs (-158 lbs) 7-IS 0.187 -230 lbs 10.16 0.086 107 lbs (.63 lbs) 2-24 0.031 99 lbs (.47 It, 5-21 0.728 -357 lbs 18-19 0.282 .1.065 lbs 10-IS 0.233 .584 lbs 2-23 0.939 -689 lbs 5-28 0.146 -43 lbs 8-18 0.312 -1,267 lbs I I- IS 0.310 1,005 lbs (-425 Ibs) 3-23 0.127 372 lbs (-106 lbs) 6-20 0.196 302 lbs (-85 Ibs) 8-17 0.119 375 lbs (-151 Ibs) 11-14 0.005 16 lbs (-12 Ibs) 3-22 0.409 -895 lbs 6-18 0.836 -1,028 lbs 9-17 0.871 -828 lbs 12-13 0.190 451 lbs GUSSET PLATES P1LI8TI - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMaterial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicularto the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6" of each panel point. The end ofevery chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicularto the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" of the end ofeach chord segment. At least one web ofthis truss has been designed with a panel point in the web.All panel points on such webs shall be braced laterally perpendicularto the plane of the truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" of each web panel point. ALL GENERAL NOTES OPThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREOAS AN INTEGRAL PARTOFTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE TEATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Wincbeasrr Crick, Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET. Boulder, Colocado 80301 0-0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0•0-0-0 2-5-15 2-3-1 3F12 6s 1213 XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS Truss: T47 JobName: 217 GSBuild®System Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:24 PM GS Truss@ System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78) Page: I of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 40-0-0 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 160.7 lbs UOfU Zr-7T-"= 'f-I1-13 24-IM.) 28-83-0 D-1 1-0 1+-)-0 'b-M-O .3- II - II lJ1OU 0610 5-5-13 10-5-11 15-5-8 20-0-0 25-11-8 30-8-14 35-6-5 39-6-0 40-d-0 0-10-0 5-10-0 1-11-7 1-11-7 06O 4-11-13 1 4),,13 1 4-11-13 1 4-6-8 1 5-11-8 14-9-6 1 ,.54p j 3-11-11 0 6 0 01610 5-5-13 1 10-5-11 1 15-5-8 1 20-0-0 1 25-11-8 1 30-8-14 1 35-6-5 1 39-6-0 4d-d-0 Circles indicate fisnrenercounr in webs. Squares indicate fasten ercount in chords."Fasteners" indicates the nurr&rerofAeconTS 551112 orE 12 SOS (AlSl) llssreners requited atone end of the reenter. Each salue indicates the nunineroffasteners required: (s) indicates the nurrireeofAnasonlS SS 912 to he installed on ones ide of the truss. (h) indicates the nstr6rero1012 SOS (AlSl) to be installed on each side of the truss. Where connection plates ate called out On this drawing, a plate is required on each side of the trans. Refeeto General Notes fortlsrtherclatificasion. AllowablesbearperAssoors IS SS #12 l/ssteneeas follows: 27 nrils: 402 lbs; 33 sods: 544 lbs: 43 odls: 810 lbs: 54 soils: 1,138 lbs; 68 eels: 1,610 lbs.Allosoahle 5hearper812 SOS (AISI) Ossleneris calculated per she NASPEC 2007 WI1TI SUPPLEMENT #2. Maintain Erslerrer spacing ot 3/8' ntio. Maintain Esslenee edge onrgrn at 5/8 win breach sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed IC : 0.934(6-7) 11 0.22 in L/801 (2.3) 1,/240 BC : 0.057 (21-22) LL: 0.1 in L/999 (2-3) L/360 Web: 0.903 (16-18) HoreIL 9.03 in 10 IC Continuously Braced BC BtrcingSpacse Reactions Summary iT BC H Roll (WL) I I 6 in 711 lbs H Roll (WI.) I I 6 in 600 lbs H Roll (WL) I I 6 in 234 lbs Pin (WI.) 2 I 6 in 479 lbs H Roll (WL) 2 I 6 is 1,343 lbs HRoll (WL) 2 I 6 i l,1401bs H Roll (WL) 2 I 6 in 439 lbs Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 194 lbs Pin (WI.) 3 I 6 in 13 lbs H H Roll (WL) 3 I 6 in 528 lbs H Roll (WI.) 3 I 6 in 468 lbs H Roll (WL) 3 I 6/n 213 lbs Pin (WI.) 4 6 in 301 lbs Pin (WL) 4 6 in 64 lbs H H Roll (WL) 6 in 876 lbs H Roll (WL) 6 in 593 lbs H Roll (WL) 4 1 6 in 232 lbs Pin (WI.) 6 in 263 lbs Pits (WL) 5 1 6 in 37 lbs H H Roll (WL) 6 in 703 lbs H Roll (WI.) 6 in 730 lbs H Roll (WI.) 6 in 252 lbs Pin (WI.) 6 1 6 in 255 lbs H Roll (WI.) 6 in 711 lbs H Roll (WI.) 6 in 600 lbs H Roll (WI.) 6 1 6 in 234 lbs Pin (WI.) 7 6 in 376 lbs Pin (WL) 7 6 i 9 lbs H H Roll (WI.) I 6 in 1,040 lbs H Roll (WL) 7 I 6 in 906 lbs H Roll (WI.) 7 I 6 in 372 lbs Pin (WI.) 8 I 6 in 209 lbs Pin (WL) 8 6 i 9 lbs H H Roll (WL) 8 6 in 574 lbs H Roll (WL) 8 6 in 501 lbs H Roll (WL) 8 1 6i5 219 lbs Pin (WL) 9 1 - in 422 lbs H Roll (WL) 9 n 1.105 lbs H Roll (WL) 9 n 1.005 lbs H Roll (WI.) 9 s 307 lbs Pin (WL) 10 6 in -7 lbs Pin (WL) 10 6 in 54lbsH H Roll (WL) 10 n -58 lbs H Roll (WI.) 10 to 60 lbs H Roll (WI.) 10 0 -16 lbs Pin (WL) 6 in 28 lbs Pin (WI.) II I 6 in 7 lbs H H Roll (WI.) II I n 102 lbs H Roll (WL) II I 6 in -77 lbs 4 Roll (WI.) II I 6 in -34 lbs Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in -213 lbs Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in 79 lbs H H Roll (WI.) 12 I 6 in -549 lbs H Roll (WI.) 12 I 6 in -535 lbs 14 Roll (WI.) 12 I 6 in -131 lbs Pin (WL) 13 I 6 in 153 lbs H Roll (WL) 13 I 6 in 426 lbs H Roll (WL) IS I 6 a 360 lbs H Roll (WL) 13 I 6 in 140 lbs Pin (WL) 14 I 6 in 373 lbs 19 I 1.343 lbs -58 lbs -549 lbs .549 lbs 17 I 1.140 lbs -77 lbs -535 lbs -535 lbs 12 I 439 lbs -34 lbs -131 lbs -131 lbs ALL GENERAL NOTES OF THIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDER EDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOD) THATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT 1}8ETIIUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle, Suite 102 1140 LOADS. LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONPIGURAI1ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET 6707 Colorado 80301 KEYMARK (GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS Truss: T47 JobName: 217 GSBuild®System Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:25 PM OS Truss® System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: 2 of3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WOT/PLY 40-0-0 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in I60.7lbs 19 H Roll(WL) 14 I 6 In 1,023 lbs Ii H Roll (WL) 14 I 6 i 8581b5 12 H Roll (WL) 14 I 60 345 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Metaker Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top Cont Down Prnj 20 psI 20 psI 24 in Rot Cont Down Prnj 0 psI 0 psI 24 in Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Meadrer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Slot Load Ibid Load Trib Width Top Coal Down Rake I6psf 16psl 24ia But Coal Down Rake 6 pat 6 psI 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Meraker Location I Location 2 Direction Snread Scat Land End Land Tub Width Top 20.0.0 35-6-5 N Up Rake 17.91 psI 17.91 psI 24 in Top 356-5 40.0.0 N Up Rake 29.03 psI 29.03 psI 24 in Web 1-24 Cont Right Rake 14.56 psI 14.56 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Top 20.0-0 35-6-5 N Up R.I. 25.3 psI 25.3 pat 24 in Top 35-6-5 40-0-0 N lip Rake 29.83 psI 29.83 psI 24 in Web 1-24 Cant Left Rake I 16.88 pal 16.88 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Menber Locarion I Location 2 Direction Spread Slot Load End Load Trib Width Top 0-0.0 20-0-0 N Up Rake 9.29 psI 9.29 PSI`24 in Top 20.0.0 35-6-5 N Up Rake 9.29 psI 9.29 pat 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Metr6rcr Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sinai Load End Load Tub Width Top 0-0.0 6-3-10 N Up Rake 60.82 psI 60.82 psI 24 in Top 6-3-10 13.0-6 N Up Rake 38.5 psI 38.5 pst 24 in Top 13-8.6 20-0-0 N Up Rake 60.82 psI 60.82 pat 24 in Top 20-0-0 26-3-10 N Up Rake 60.82 psI 60.82 pat 24 in Top 26-3-10 29-2-I1 N lip Rake 38.3 psI 38.5 psI 24 in Tap 29-2-I1 35-6-5 N Up Rake 60.82 psI 60.82 psI 24 in Top 35-6-5 40-0-0 N Up Rake 35.71 pat 35.71 psI 24 in Web 1-24 Cont Left Rake 27.34 pat 27.34 pat 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Lefi(Min) Distributed Loads Metriser Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tub Width Top 0-0-0 20-0-0 N Down Rate $ PSI` 8 PSI` 24 in Web Iw24 Coat Right Rake 16 psI 16 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) Distributed Loads Metakee Location I Loaarinn 2 Direction Spread Slot Load End Load nib Width Top 20-0-0 35-6-5 N Down Rake 8 psI 8 pnt 24 in Automated Load Case LI 0°: USC tOlb Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Metrber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tub Width But Coal Down Pwj 10 psI 10 pal 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No toads were defined for this toad case. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERItOAS AN INTEGRAL PART 0973415 COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE NATTS{E Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONlY ThATTHEIRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cticle, Sour 102 THE LOADS, LOADING CONDmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFtGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET. Boulder, Colorado 80301 ( KEYMARK 61 GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I - Truss: T47 JobName: 217 GSBuild®System I . - Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:25 PM GSlruss® I System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build Page: 3 of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 160.7 lbs I) This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 pSf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean RoofHeight 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 (1, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations II Load Ca,tho Factor Dl 1.000 = I0•0o__- I Dl*0.6W3 .000 - = =±W L000 Dl + 0.6 W9 1.000 =t= E5rto7iEI 1.0 Dt + 0.45 w3 +0.75Id_.1.000 = 01+0.53 El +0.75Lxi 1.000 r=io0-6Dj±O6Wl_________________________________________________ -. 0 -1 II 0.601*0.6 W2 1.000 13 0.601 *0.70/0.01 1.000 1.000____________ Member Forces Summary Table issdicxser MesthertD, sms CSL smx axial force. (sma cosWr force ifdi!fercsst fiomsms axial Ibsce) TCbd 1-2 2-3 3-40.237-357lbs 0.247 0.878 -115 lbs -1.314 lbs - 4-5 5-6 6-70.9341.158 0.298 0.362 1.463 lbs 1.433 lbs lbs (-531 lbs) (.434 Ibs) (-380lbs) 7-8 0-') 0.810 0.591 1.176 lbs -437 lbs 9-100.510-973lbs (-478 lbs) 10-1 I 0.227 0 lbs BChd 12-13 0.007 0 lbs 15-16 0.424 391 lbs (-Ill lbs) 20-21 0.518 299 lbs (-Il lbs) 23-24 0.014 -66 lbs 13-14 0.130 12 lbs (-0 Ibs) 17-18 0.680 -2 lbs 21-22 0.857 1,282 lbs (-506 lbs) 14-IS0.5741,003 lbs (-363 lbs) 18-190.151 Ilbs(-01k') '.2-230.420-69lbs Webs 1-24 0.191 -479 lbs 4-20 0.543 -1.699 lbs 6-16 0.499 -950 lbs 9-IS 0.815 -596 lbs 2-23 0.027 85 lbs (0 Ibs) 5-20 0.211 -364 lbs 16-18 0.903 -272 lbs 9.14 0.169 -424 lbs 2-22 0.838 1,256 lbs (-429 20-19 0.368 -1.323 lbs 7-16 0.177 -436 lbs 10-14 0.552 1,019 lbs (-367 Ibs) 3-22 0.068 -168 lbs ~bs ) ) 6-20 0,486 -1,358 lbs 16.17 0.293 -I.!II lbs 1013 0.020 64 lbs (0 Ibs) 3-2! 0.282 -96! lbs 20-18 0.684 -297 lbs 8-16 0.447 .1.504 lbs 11-12 0.220 -438 lbs 4-2! 0.129 488 lbs (-125 bs 6-18 0.36! 362 lbs (-125 Ibs) 8-IS 0.106 336 lbs (43 lbs) GUSSET PLATES I11IeTI - - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMaterial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicularto the planeofthe truss and placed within 6" of each panel point. The end ofevery chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular tothe plane of the truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" ofthe end ofeach chord segment. - At least one web ofthis truss has been designed with apanel point in the web.All panel points on such webs shall be braced laterally perpendicularto the plane of the truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" of each web panel point. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThSS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThATI14EIRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON 11415 SHEER MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Wixcbrste, Crick, Suite 102 114E WADS. WADING coNesmoNs, 'MOSS MEMBER CONFIGIJRA11ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON ThIS SHEET - I3oxldre, Coloncto 80301 ( GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS Truss: T48 JobName: 217 GSBuild®System Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:25 PM GS Truss® System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: I of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 40-0-0 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 285.2 lbs l-IU-O I-IU-O i-i-U 1 i-i-U i-i-U i-i-U 1 i-i-U I i-4- .1-4- i-'+- Z-i-4 -I-o-i-II L-3-U 11-10-813-9-0 1 7-0-0 1 10-3-0 1 13-6-0 1 16-9-0 1 20-0-0 1 234-9 1 26-9-2 1 30-1-12 32-5---101c37-3-038-4-1D-0- 0-10-0 5-10-0 2-5-7 2-5-72-0-8 8s 04-0-0 3-3-0 0-0-0-0 060 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0122 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-4-9 3-4-9 2-5-0 2-3-W60 O16tO 3-9-0 1 7-0-0 1 10-3-0 1 13-6-0 1 16-9-0 1 .20-0-0 1 23-4-9 1 26-9-2 1 30-1-12 32-5-a1O1a37-3-0 Circles indicate fisstenercoont in webs. Squares indicate fisstcnercoont in chords. "Fasteners" indicates the non*erof Ancon IS 55 #12 or #12 SOS (AISI) fasteners required at one end ofthe nren'ber. Each cube indicates the nan6,erof fisotenets required: (s) indicates he non*rerol Amon TS SS #12 to be installed on one side of the torso. (h) indicates the nonterof#12 SOS (Also to be installed on each side of the truss. Where connection plates ate coiled not on this dracoing. u plate is requiredon each side of the miss. Bela. General Notes for fattherctatitcatios. Allowable shear perAsroon IS SS #12 fasten am follows: 27 ntils: 402 lbs: 33 0415: 544 lbs; 43 solo: 810 lbs: 54 nits: 1,138 lbs; 68 ird Is: 1,610 lbs. Allowable shear pnr#I2 SOS (AlSO fastener is calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SuPPLEMENT #2. Maintain fastener spacing at 5/8" rain. Maintain fastener edge nncgtn 015/8" nun for each sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed it 0.928 (13-14) 'I'L 1.3 in 1,/360 27 L/240 BC 0.976 (25-26) LL 0.58 in L/806 27 L/ 360 Web: 0.888 (8-27) I-torn it: 0.57 in 19 'IC Continaoasly Bosced BC BtnciogSpatse Reactions Summary 34 Pin (WL) I I 6 in 902 lbs 34 I 1.702 lbs -25 lbs -747 lbs -747 lbs It H Roll (WL) I I 6 in 899 lbs It I 1.690 lbs -45 lbs -723 lbs -723 lbs 34 Pin (WL) 2 I 6 in 1.702 lbs It H Roll (WL) 2 I 6 in 1,699 lbs 34 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 685 lbs 34 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 14 lbs H 18 H Roll ('WL) 3 I 6 in 724 lbs 34 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in 1.043 lbs 34 Pin OWL) 4 I 6 in .64 lbs H 18 H Roll (W L) 4 I 6 in 950 lbs 34 Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 949 lbs 34 Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 36 lbs 14 18 I-I Roll (WL) 5 I 6 in 998 lbs 34 Pin (WL) 6 I 6 in 902 lbs It H Roll (WL) 6 I 6 in 899 lbs 34 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 1,340 lbs 34 Pin (WL) 7 I 61n l0 lbs H It H Roll (WL) 7 I 6 in 1,368 lbs 34 Pin OWL) 8 I 6 in 740 lbs 34 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 i t0 lbs H 18 H Roll (WL) 8 I 6 in 768 lbs 34 Pin (WL) 9 I 6 in 1.502 lbs It H Roll (WL) 9 I 6 in 1.499 lbs 34 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 in -25 lbs 34 Pin (WL) 0 I 6 in 56 lbs H 18 H Roll (WL) 0 I 6 in -I lbs 34 Pin OWL) II I 6 in 63 lbs 34 Pin (WL) II I 6 in 9 lbs H 18 H Roll (WL) II I 6 in .45 lbs 34 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in -747 lbs 34 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 i 72lbnH 18 H Roll (WL) 12 I 6 in -723 lbs 34 Pin (WL) 13 I 6 in 541 lbs 18 H Roll (WL) 13 I 6 in 539 lbs 34 Pin OWL) 14 I 6 in 1,302 lbs IS H Roll (WL) 14 I 6 to 1.299 lbs Member Material CSI BracinE Max P MIIS' But Chd27-33 _551C16 Bot Chd 33-34 ________________ 55TC16 Web 1-34 I5C20I 360 lbs ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTHE Keymark Enterpriser, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT THETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle, Suite 102 THE LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURA1'IONS. AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 ( KEYMARK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I I Truss: T48 I JobName: 217 GSBuild®System I Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:25 PM GS Truss® I System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: 2 of3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 2852 lbs [lIin NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Merober Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tdb Width Top Coat Down Proj 20 pat 20 pal 24 in Bot Cont Down Proj 0 psI 0 pal 24 in Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Mrathcr Location I Locution 2 Direction Spread Sian Laud End Load Tub Vaftdib Top Coot Down Rake I6pnt I6 pat 24 in Bot Coot Down Rake 6 pst 6 pat 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) - Distributed Loads Top 20.00 33.6-5 NUp Rake 17.91 psI 17.91 par 24 in Top 384-5 40.0.0 N Up Rake 17.9 psI 17.9 pat 24 in Top 33-6-5 38-4-5 N Up Rake 29.83 psI 29.83 psI 24 in Web 1-34 Cont Right Rake 14.56 pal 14.56 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Metadrer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tub IMdth Top 0-0.0 20-0-0 N Up R.I. 17.91 psI 17.91 pat 24 in Top 20-0-0 33-6-5 NUp Rake 25.31 pal 25.31 par 24 in Top 38-4-5 40-0-0 N Up Rake 23.25 pal 25.25 par 24 in Top 33-6-5 384-5 N Up Rake 29.83 par 29.83 psI 24 in Web 1-34 Cool Luff Rake 16.88 par 16.88 pal 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Men-tree Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tr,b width Top 0-0-0 20-0.0 N lip Rake 9.29 pal 9.29 pal 24 in Top 20-0-0 33.6-5 N Up Rake 9.29 psI 9.29 pal 24 in Top 384-5 40.0.0 N lip Rake 9.29 pal 9.29 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Metr-&rer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tnb Width Top 0-0-0 6-3-10 N lip Rake 60.92 pal 60.02 psI 24 in Top 6-3-10 3-0.6 N Up Rake 38.5 pat 38.5 psI 24 in Top 3-8.6 20.0.0 N lip Rake 60.82 pal 60.82 psI 24 in Top 20-0-0 26-3-10 N Up Rake 60.82 pit 60.82 psI 24 in Top 26-3-10 27.2-I1 N Up Rake 38.5 pat 38.5 pit 24 in Top 27-2-I1 33.6-5 N Up Rake 60.82 pat 68.82 psI 24 in Top 33-6-5 384.5 N Up Rake 35.71 pal 35.71 psI 24 in Top 384-5 40-0.0 N Up Rube 60.82 pat 60.82 pal 24 in Web 1-34 Cool Left Rake 27.34 pot 27.34 pit 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Merober Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sian Load End Load Tub Width Top 0.0.0 20.0.0 N Down Rake 8 psI 8 pit 24 in Web 1-34 Cool Ridrr Rake 16 pat 16 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) Distributed Loads Mother Location I Localion 2 Direction Spread Sian Load End Load 1db Width Top 20-0-0 33.6-5 N Down Roke 8 pat 8 psI 24 in Top 384-S 40-0.0 N Dom Rake ' 8 pat 8 pal 24 in Automated Load Case LIO°: UBC I 01b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Men-bee Lz=ion I Location 2 Direction Spread Sian Load End Load Trib Width sot Cool Down Proj 10 pat 10pa1 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No loads were defined for this load ease. I) This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean RoofHeight 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 It x 63 fir Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALl. BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymads Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT ThE110U55 ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS hOE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winekesten Criclr, Salle 102 THE LOADS. WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURA11ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS Truss: T48 JobName: 217 GSBuild®System Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:25 PM GSTniss® 2 System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: 3 of3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OF[R PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 285.2 lbs 3 DI 10.6 W3 1.000 - Moo -i 5 Dl + 0.6 W9 1.000 jb COW [000 7 Dl + 0.45 W3+ 0.75 L,I 1.000 8T Qisw3 9 01+ 0.53 El +0.75I.al _- _1.000 i!Z(PJ0.6 WI _.000 II 0.601 + 0.6 W2 1.000 1T000____________ 13 0.601*0.7E10.01 . 1.000 1T51IXO_111TOo0_I Member Forces Summary Table indWees Member ID. non CSI. mat axial Once. (noon norms force ifdi$bsent finmmss axial 6srr.e( lChd 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-50.540-9,396lbs 0.160 0.339 0.493 492 lbs -6,597 lbs -8,504 lbs - 5-6 6-7 7-0 0-90.480-8,097lbs 0.500 0.466 0.399 -9,305 lbs -8,831 lbs -8,095 lbs 9-10 10-Il 11-12 0.469 0.506 0.537 0.483 -0,863 lbs -9,402 lbs -9.344 lbs -8 13-14 14-15 15-16 '6-170.327-218lbs 0.928 8.786 0.255 -7.731 lbs -5.508 lbs -2,430 lbs BCbd 0-19 0.001 0 lbs 22-23 0.670 7,950 lbs (-3.496 lbs) 26-27 0.909 0.687 lbs (-3.011 Ibs) 30-31 0.769 0,353 lbs (-5,498 lbs) 9-20 0.287 1,303 lbs (-502 Ibs) 23-24 0.548 8.491 lbs (-3.770 Ibs) 27-20 0.81$ 8.656 lbs (-3.692 Ibs) 31-32 0.569 6.476 lbs (-2,795 lbs) 0-21 0.190 2,496 lbs (.1,051 lbs) 24-25 0.970 9,195 lbs (-4,120 lb S) 20-29 0.854 9.2 10 lbs (-3,869 lbs) 32-33 0.424 3,994 lbs (-1,703 lbs) - -220.430_5,693lbs(-2,463lbs) 25-260.9769,228lbs(-4,1001b55 29-300.8349,230lbs(-3,9(9lbs( 33-340.023-63lbs Webs 1-34 0.722 -1,810 lbs 5-29 0.050 61 lbs (-59 lbs) 10-25 0.037 117 lbs (-12 Ibs) 15-21 0.778 3,068 lbs (-1,707 lbs) (-33 0.501 1,039 lbs (-775 lbs) 6-29 0.844 139 lbs (-6 lbs) 11-25 0.025 79 lbs (-5 Ibs) (5-20 0.019 -2,153 lbs 2-33 0.694 -3,056 lbs 6-28 0.633 -592 lbs 11-24 0.114 -266 lbs 16-28 0.705 2,483 lbs (-1,044 lbs) 2-32 0.023 2.604 lbs (.1,060 lbs) 7-28 0.114 360 lbs (.74 lbs) 12-24 0.249 789 lbs (-391 lbs) 16-19 0.550 .2.891 lbs 3-32 0.365 -916 lbs 7-27 0.672 -784 lbs 12-23 0.19$ .486 lbs 17-19 0.679 2.149 lbs (-892 lbs) 3-31 0.596 .857 lbs (-697 lbs) 0-27 0.888 3,592 lbs (-1.582 lbs) 13-23 0.344 1,089 lbs (-541 lbs) 17-li 0.838 -1,695 lbs 4-31 0.247 -6(3 lbs 9-27 0.726 -807 lbs 13-22 0.882 -3.576 lbs 4-30 0.306 901 lbs (-331 lbs) 9-26 8.110 348 lbs (-142 Ibs) 14-22 0.867 3,508 lbs (-1.610 Ibs) 5-30 0.104 -239 lbs 10-26 - 0.642 -571 lbs 14-21 0.730 -2.773 lbs - (TJSSPT PI.ATPc - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment 1161ed underMaterial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6 " of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OF THIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERL'DAS AN INTEGRAL PART OP THIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATWE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT THE'FRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLI( DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Wischrsrnr Criclr, Suite 102 ThE LOADS, WADING coNomoNs, TRUSS b5iMl5liR CONPIGURAflONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON ThIS SHEEt Boulder, Colorado 80301 Reactions ST Type IA 34 Pin (WL) 18 H Roll (WL) 34 Pin (WL) 18 H Roll (WL) 34 Pin (WL) 34 Pin (WL) IS H Roll ('WL) 34 Pin (WL) 34 Pin (WL) 18 H Roll (WL) 34 Pin (WL) 34 Pia (WL) 18 HRoll(WL) S 34 Pin (WL) I IS FlRoll(WL) I 34 Pin (WL) S 34 Pin (WL) 3 IS HROII(WL) I 34 Pin (WL) S 34 Pin (WL) S IS It HRoll(WL) I 34 Pin S 18 H Roll (WL) S 34 Pin (WL) It 34 Pi. (WL) It 18 H Roll (WL) It 34 Pin (WL) I 34 Pin (WL) I 18 H Roll (tWL) I 34 Pin (WL) I: 54 Pi. (WL) I: to H Roll (hVL) 34 Pin (WL) 1 18 HRoll(trVL) 34 Pin (WL) I' 18 H Roll (WL) I Member Top Chd 1-0 I'opChd 8-13 Top Chd 13-16 6-ti_____________ 801 Chd 18-19 CBntWtd Reaction Summary ST BC MaxReacr MasGtsvUpli8 MasMWPRSUplift Max C&CUplift MasUplil 6 in 902 lbs 34 I 1.702 lbs -26 lbs -751 lbs -751 lbs 6 n 899 lbs 18 I 1.699 lbs -46 lbs -729 lbs -729 lbs 60 1,782 lbs 6 i a 1,699 lbs 6 n 6861b5 6 n t4lbsH 60 7231b5 6 in 1,043 lbs 60 -64 lbs H 6 in 950 lbs 6 in 949 lbs 60 76 lbs H 6i0 997 lbs 6 in 902 lbs 6 in 8951 lbs 6 in 1,340 lbs 6 i l0 lbs H 6 in 1,367 lbs 6 in 740 lbs 6 i l0 lbs H 6 is 767 lbs 6 in 1.502 lbs 6 i 1.499 lbs 6 i -261b5 6 i l4 lbs H 6 i llbs 6i0 631b5 6 i 45 lbs H 6 i 46 lbs 6 i -751 lbs 6 i 3 lbs H 6 in -729 lbs 6 in 541 lbs 6 i 5391b5 6 in 1,302 lbs 6 in 1,299 lbs 03 Material CSI Bracing Max P 457C161C16 (50 Isi) 0.540 Sheathed .9598 lbs (KE Y MARK GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS Truss: T49 JobName: 217 GSBuild® System Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:25 PM GS Truss® Systent Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: 1 of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 40-0-0 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 284.5 lbs l - Iu-oI-lu-o i-i-u 1 i-i-u 1 i-i-u 1 i-i-u 1 i-i-u 1 i-i-o j i-i-o i-i-o 11-10-813-9-0 7-0-0 10-3-0 13-6-0 16-9-0 20-0-0 23-3-8 26-7-0 29-10-8 32-5-3-0-1O-037-3-l8-0-0-0 0-10-0 5-10-0 2-6-8 2-6-8 2-0-8 8s 3F12 12 3 is 2s 04)-0-0 3-3-0 04-0-0 06O 3-3-0 1 3-3-0 1 3-3-012 2 3-3-0 1 3-3-0 1 3-3-0 1 3-3-8 1 3-3-8 1 3-3-82 1 -6-8 c -9-p -8-0I 2-5-0 2-3-03j6f0 01610 3-9-0 1 7-0-0 1 10-3-0 1 13-6-0 1 16-9-0 1 20-0-0 1 23-3-8 1 26-7-0 1 29-10-8 1 32-5-fB4410-b37-3-0 1 39-6-3-d-0 Circles indicate trstenercounr in webs. Squares indicate fastener count in chords. "Fastener? indicates the nunterofAnronl'S SS 012 or8l2 SDS (AISl)fisstesersrequited at one end ofthentrrber. Each sslue indicates the number offasreners required: (s) indicates the osniser of Ancon IS SS #12 to be installed on one side of the leans. (h) indicates she nsntee of# 12 SOS (AISI) lobe installed on each side of the truss. Where connection plates ate called onion this drawing a plate is required on each side of the orson. Referto General Notes forlhnbeectasification. Allowable shearperAsrcon IS SS #12 fauterserau follows: 27 oils: 402 lbs: 33 oils: 544 lbs: 43 oils: 810 lbs: 54 oils: 1,138 lbs; 68 oils: 1.610 lhs.Allotssrbleshearper0l2 SOS (API) fastener is calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WIfli SUPPLElsIENT #2. Maintain fastener spacing at 5/8" non. Maintain fastener edge nsnn at 5/8" rain for each sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed TC : 0.975 (13-14) TL: 1.29 in L/362 27 L/240 BC : 0.905 (24-25) LL: 0.58 in L/803 27 L/360 Web: 0.969 (14.22) HotwTL: 0.57 in - 19 IC Continuously Braced BC Bracing Sparse 0.722 Unbroced Unbrsced ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL FART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThAT1NE Keymaiic Enterprism, LLC - PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT 'fl4ETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS ThE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cticle, Suite 102 'filE LOADS, CONDITIONS, CONOONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURA11ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON IS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 ( KEYMARK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I I Truss: T49 I JobName: 217 GSBuild®System I Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:26 PM OS Truss® I System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: 2 of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 284.5 lbs 0.040 Uobtocnd NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Macbee Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load Sod Load Ttib 9,54th Top Coca Down Proj 20 psI 20 psi 24 in Bot Coot Down Ptoj 0 psi 0 psi 24 in Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Macbee Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load Sod Load Tub Width Top Cont Down Rote 16 psi 16 psi 24 in Bar Cont Down Rote 6 psi 6 psi 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Top 20.0.0 33-2-0 N Up Rate 17.91 psi 17.91 psi 24 in Top 38-00 40.0.0 NUp Rote 17.91 psi 17.91 pti 24 in Top 33.2.0 38.0-0 N Up Rake 29.83 pti 29.83 psi 24 in Web 1.34 Coot Right Rote 14.56 psi 14.56 psi 24 in Web 17-18 Cont Right Rote 16.80 pni 16.88 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Macbee Location I Location 2 Direction Sptead Stan Load Sod Load Trib Width Top 00.0 20-0.0 N Up Rotc 17.91 psi 17.91 psi 24 in Top 20.0.0 33-2-0 N Up Rotc 25.3 psi 25.3 psi 24 in Top 38.0.0 40.0.0 N Up RoLe 25.3 psi 25.3 psi 24 in Top 33-2.0 38-0-0 N Up Rate 29.83 psi 29.83 psi 24 in Web 1-34 Coot Left Rake 16.88 psi 16.88 psi 24 in Web 17-18 Coot Left Rake 14.56 psi 14.06 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Macbee Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Sod Load Ttib Width Top 0-0.0 20.0.0 N Up Rate 9.29 psi 9.29 psi 24 in Top 20-0.0 33-2-0 N Up Rake 9.29 psi 9.29 psi 24 in Top 38-0-0 40.0.0 N Up Rate 9.29 psi 9.29 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suetion) Distributed Loads Mentor Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Sod Load Tub Width Top 0.0.0 6.3-10 N Up Rate 60.82 psi 60.82 psi 24 in Top 6.3.10 13-5-6 N Up Rate 38.5 psi 38.5 psi 24 in Top 13.0.6 20-0-0 N Up Rate 60.82 psi 60.82 psi 24 in Top 20.0.0 26-3-10 N Up Rate 60.82 psi 60.82 psi 24 in Top 26-3-10 26-10-6 N Up Rake 38.5 psi 38.3 psi 24 in Top 26-10.6 33-2-0 N Up Rate 60.82 psi 60.82 psi 24 in Top 33.2.0 38-0-0 NUp Rake 35.71 psi 33.71 psi 24 in Top 38.0.0 40.0-0 N Up Rake 60.82 psi 60.82 psi 24 in Web 1-34 Coot LeO Rate 27.34 psi 27.34 psi 24 in Web 17-18 Coot Right Rote 27.34 psi 27.34 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Menter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Sod Lead Tb Wrdth Top 0-0-0 20.0.0 N Dnssn Rote 8 psi 8 psi 24 in Web 1-34 Coot Right Rote 16 psi 16 pai 24 its Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) Distributed Loads Mentor Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Sod Load Trib Width Top 20-0-0 33.2-0 N Down Rake 8 psi 8 psi 24 in Top 38-0-0 40.0.0 N Down Rote 8 psi 8 psi 24 in Web 17-18 Coot Left Rote 16 psi 16 psi 24 in Automated Load Case LIO°: IJBC lOIb Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Meurber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Sod Load Tub Width Bot Coot Down Proj tO psi tO psi 24 in Userdefined Load Case El: Seismic No loads were defined for this toad case. I) This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gahle(Hip with Building Category II, Mean Roof Height 43 fl, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 fl, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone \Mdlh 63 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not ins Hurricane Prune Region. ALL GENERAL NOTES OPThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PARTOFTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATTh€ Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPUCABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Crick, Suite 182 ThE WADS, LOADING CONDmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LtSfltl) ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colo,odo 80301 ( KEYMARK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I I Truss: T49' I I JobName: 217 GSBuild®System I . I Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:26 PM GSTmss® I System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: 3of3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I . 24 in 284.5 lbs Load Combinations 0 Load Coniso Factor DI 1.000 I,09 .1 3 DI +0.6 WS 1.000 46f+O,6W8 . L000_____________ 5 Dl + 0.6 W9 1.000 6 ipi0.7'EI 1.000 1 7 01+0.45 W3 * 0.75 l,s4 1.000 = oi0I9.4.)L.wL ___________________ 1.000 9 DI * 0.53 El * 9,75 Lal 1.000 iy6.6wl i:6o0 1 II 0.6 Dl * 0.6 W2 1.000 -J 3 0.6 DI +0.7 F10.01 1.000 L000____________ Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Me,rber ID. nsa CSI, arcs axial force. (nsa coops force ifdiffereot 0omossx axial force) TChd - -2 2-3 3-4 4-50.540-9.396lbs 0.160 0,339 0.493 -892 lbs .6,597 lbs .8,504 lbs - 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-90.399-0.096lbs 0.500 0.466 0.399 -9,385 lbs -8,831 lbs -8.095 lbs 9-10 19-Il 11-12 12-130.480-8,536lbs 0.466 0.504 0.544 -8,841 lbs -9,587 lbs -9,383 lbs . 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-170.355-228lbs 0.975 0.813 0,260 -7,999 lbs -5.181 lbs -2,296 lbs BChd 18-19 0.802 33 lbs (-20 lbs) 22-23 0.657 0.191 lbs (-3,531 lbs) 6-27 0.034 8,665 lbs (-3.673 lbs) 30-31 0.745 8.353 lbs (-3,386 lbs) 19-20 0.309 1,750 lbs (-696 lbs) 23.24 9.590 8,365 lbs (3,624 lbs) 7-28 0.787 8,656 lbs (-5,555 lbs) 31-32 0.551 6.476 lbs (-2,700 lbs) 20-21 0.140 2,342 lbs (-939 lbs) 24-25 0.905 9,228 lbs (.4,039 lbs) 8-29 0.025 9,210 lbs (-3,757 lbs) 32-33 0.424 3,994 lbs (1,703 lbs) - 21-220.4415.308 lbs (-2.227lbs) 25-260.9029.214 lbs (-3,993lbs) 9-500.0079.230 lbs (-3.695lbs) 33-340.023-76lbs Webs 1-34 0.722 -1.810 lbs 5-29 0.058 66 lbs (-59 lbs) 10-25 0.040 126 lbs (-12 lbs) 15-21 0.893 3,614 lbs (-1.568 lbs) 1-33 0.501 1.839 lbs (-781 lbs) 6-29 0.044 139 lbs (8 lbs) 11-25 0.040 72 lbs (.48 lbs) 15-20 0.947 -1.817 lbs 2-33 0.604 -3,856 lbs 6-28 0.633 -592 lbs 11-24 0.102 -236 lbs 16-20 0.694 2.193 lbs (-511 lbs) 2-32 0.823 2.604 lbs (-1,044 lb s) 7-28 0.114 360 lbs (-78 lbs) 12-24 0.300 947 lbs (-455 lbs) 16-19 0.593 -3.029 lbs 3-32 0.365 -916 lbs 7-27 0.672 -784 lbs 12-23 0.139 -341 lbs 17-19 0.646 2.042 lbs (-837 lbs) 3-31 0.597 1,857 lbs (.600 lbs) 0-27 0.880 3,593 lbs (.1,549 lbs) 13-23 0.195 617 lbs (-310 lbs) 17-18 0.830 -1,695 lbs 4-31 0.247 -613 lbs 9-27 0.688 -790 lbs 13-22 0.832 -3,349 i t, 4.30 0.294 901 lbs (-310 lbs) 9-26 0.112 355 lbs (-164 lbs) 14-22 0.969 3,920 lbs (-1,778 lbs) 5-30 0.104 -239 lbs 10-26 0.634 -584 lbs 14-21 0.782 -2,081 lbs GUSSET PLATES - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMaterial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6' of each panel point. The end ofevesy chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 " ofthe end ofeach chord segment. ALL GENERAL N011iS 0F1141S DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThlS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. N0fl( 111AT11-IE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThE1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Criclr, Suite 102 1145 WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, musS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 ( KEYMARK I XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I Truss: T50 JobName: 217 GSBuild®System I I Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:26 PM GS Truss® I I System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 ]Build 781 Page: I of3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 267 lbs l - uu-OI-uu-o i-i-u 1 i-i-u 1 i-i-u 1 i-i-u i-i-u 1 i-u- ui 1 i-u- ui 1 i-u- ui 1 i-u- ui 1 i-u- ui 11-10-813-9-0 1 7-0-0 1 10-3-0 1 13-6-0 1 16-9-0 1 20-0-0 1 23-0-11 1 26-1-5 1 29-2-0 1 32-2-10 1 35-3-5 b7-4-1d39-64D-d-0 0-10-0 5-10-0 2-0-3 2-0-3 3F12 8s 121 3 3s is 2s 04-0-0 3-3-0 04-0-0 06O 3-3-0 1 3-3-0 1 3-3-01212 3-3-0 1 3-3-0 6.0-11 1 3-3-0 1 3-0-11 13-0-11 1 3-0-11 3-0-11 1 215I 01610 3-9-0 1 7-0-0 1 10-3-0 1 13-6-0 1 16-9-0 1 20-0-0 1 23-0-11 1 26-1-5 1 29-2-0 1 32-2-10 1 35-3-5 137-4-1039-6413-d-0 Circles indicate ltsstenercossnr in webs. Squares indicate tistenercount in chords. "Fasteners" indicates the nunterofAnroniS SS 1112 or 12 SOS (AISI) tsstrners requited at one end of the reenter. Each sstue indicates the nunterof fasteners requited: (s) indicates the ntrnbcn ofAtraron 55 SS #12 to he installed on one side of the truss. ) indicates the tooter olE 12 SOS (AiSi) to be installed on each side of the truss. Where connection plates ore called not on this drawing, a plate is required on each side of the truss. Refer to Genernl Notes forbsnhcrclasification. AllownbleshenrperAansrnn TS SS #12 floteneras litllows: 27 rails: 402 lbs: 33 eats: 344 lbs; 43 nrils: 810 lbs; 54 wits: 1.138 lbs: 68 wits: 1.610 lbs.Allosonbleshearper#I2 SOS (AISI) fastener is calculated pen the NASPEC 2007 Wfl1-i SUPPLEMENT #2. Maintain tsstcner spacing at 5/8" mm. Maintain trstrner eslpe rtwtgk at 5/8" rnin for each sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed TC 0.861 (14-I5) TL 1.33 in LI 351 (24-25) L1240 BC : 0.941 (26-27) LL: 8.6 in L/788 (24-25) L/368 Web: 0.940(1-19) HoreTh 0.6 in 18 SC Continsnosly Braced BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Summary iT Type LCBC Bra Wtd Reaction iT BC Max React ManGtnvUplifl MasMWFRSUpli8 MusC&CUpli8 MasUptit 32 Pin (WI.) 6 in 903 lbs 32 I 1.703 lbs -22 lbs -740 lbs -740 lbs II H Roll (WL) 6 a 899 lbs ii I i .699 lbs -47 lbs -686 lbs .686 lbs 32 Pin (WL) 2 1 6 in 1,703 lbs II H Roll (WL) 2 6 in 1,699 lbs 32 Pin (WL) 3 6 in 603 lbs 32 Pin (WL)6 in l3 lbs H I? HRoll (WL) 6 n 725 lbs 32 Pin (WL) 4 1 6 in 1.043 lbs 32 Pin (WL) 4 1 6 in -64 lbs H 17 HRoll(WL) 4 6 n 950 lbs 32 Pin (WL) 5 1 6 in 952 lbs 32 Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 75 lbs il 17 H Roll (WL) 5 I 6 in 996 lbs 32 Pin (WL) 6 I 6 in 903 lbs 17 H Roll (WL) 6 I 6 in 899 lbs 32 Pin (/L) 7 I 6 in 1,338 lbs 32 Pi. (WL) 7 I 6 i l8 lbs H 17 H Roll (WL) 7 6 in .368 lbs 32 Pin (WL) 8 1 6 in 738 lbs 32 Pin (WL) 8 1 6 i ill lbs H 17 H Roll (WL) 8 6 in 768 lbs 32 Pin (WL) 9 1 6 in 1.503 lbs 17 H Roll (WL) 9 1 6 in 1.499 lbs 32 Pin (WI.) Ill I 6 in -22 lbs 32 Pi. (WL) ill I 6 i l4 lbs H 17 H Roll (WI.) 10 I 6 in -2 lbs 32 Pin (WL) II I 6 in 65 lbs 32 Pin (WL) II 6in 44 lbs H 7 H Roll (WI,) II i 6 n -47 lbs 32 Pin (WL) 12 6 n -748 lbs 32 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 i 16lbsH 17 H Roll (WI.) 12 I 6 in -686 lbs 32 Pin (WL) 13 I 6 in 542 lbs 17 HRoll(WL) 13 I 6 i 5391b5 32 Pin (WL) 14 i 6 in 1,303 lbs ii H Roll (WL) 14 i 6 in 1.299 lbs Member Material CSI Bracing Max P Top Chd L-# 45TCl6TCl6 (50 si) 0.539 Sheathed -9.230 lbs Top Chd 8-13 45 'lt i61tl6(5#() 0.543 Shesxtr ed ________ -9,258 lbi ] Too Chd 13-16 45TC16 (50 twit 0.861 Sheathed -6.823 lbs Web 9-25 15C20 (50 twit 0.808 IJnbt'aced -731 lbs ____ l5C205#iu9 l22 Unbtnccd 386 lbs ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTRE Keymait Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRffERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Crick, Suite 102 THE WADS. WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISiliD ON Th1S SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 KEYMARK ('GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I Truss: T50 I JobName: 217 GSBuild®Systcm I Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:26 PM GSlruss® System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] . Page: 2 of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 267 lbs Web 11-23 15C20 (50 li) 0.107 Unbntcnd -III lbs Web 4-20 0. NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load - End Load Thb Width Top Cont Down Proj 20 PSI` - 20 paf 24 in Bot Cool Down Ptnj 0 PSI` 0 pnf 24 in Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top Cont Down Rake 16 psI 16 psI 2410 But Cant Down Rake 6 psI 6 pa1 24 in Automated Load Case Wl: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Member Location I Locatinn 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load lnb 9,44th Top 0.0.0 20.0.0 N Up Rake 25.3 pSI 25.3 psI 24 in Top 20.0.0 35-3-5 N Up Rake 17.91 psI 17.91 paf 2410 Top 35-3.5 40.0.0 N Up Rake 29.83 pal 29.83 psI 24 in Web 1-32 Coot Right Rake 4.56 pal 14.56 psI 24 in Web 16-17 Coot - Right Rake 16.88 pal - 16.88 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Mend,er Location I Location 2 Direction Sntead Stan Load Pad Load 141, tMdth Top 20.0.0 35-3-5 N Up Rake 25.3 psI 25.3 PSI` 24 in Top 35-3-5 40.0.0 N Up Rake 29.83 psI 29.83 psI 24 in Web -32 Cont Loft Rake 16.88 psI 16.88 psI 2410 Web 16-17 Cont Loft Rake 14.56 psI 14.56 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) . Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top 0.0.0 20-0-0 N Up Rake 9.29 psI 9.29 psI 24 in Top 20.0.0 35-3-5 N Up Rake 9.29 psI 9.29 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Top 6-3-10 3-8.6 N Up Rake 38.5 pal 385 psI 24 in Top 3-04 20.0.0 N Up Robe 60.82 pSI 60.82 pal -. 24 in Top 20.0.0 26-3-10 N Up Rake 60.82 psI 60.02 psI 24 in To p 26-3-10 28-Il-lI NUp Rake 38.5pnl SS.Spaf 24i0 Top 28-I I-I I 35-3-5 N Up Rake 68.82 psI 60.82 pal 24 in Top 35-3-5 40.0.0 N Up Rake 35.71 pnl 35.71 pal 24 in Web 1-32 Coot Loft Rake . 27.34 pnl 27.34 psI 24 in Web 16-17 Cont Right Rake 27.34 pnl - 27.34 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads - - Menber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top 0-0.0 20-0.0 N Down Rake 8 pal 8 pal 24 in Web 1-32 Cont Right Rake 16 pal 16 pnl 2410 Automated Load CaseW9: MWFRS-Right(Min) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top 20.0.0 35-3-5 N Down Rake 8 psI 8 psI 24 in Web 16.17 Cant Loft Rake 16pa1 I6 pal 24 in Automated Load Case LIOn: IJBC I 01b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Member Loeatinn I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Bat Cont Down Proj tO pal 10 psI 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No loads were defined for this load case. This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean Rooflleight 43 It, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prune Region. Load Combinations 0 Load Combo Factor I DI 1.000 1.000 1 3 DI +0.6 W3 1.000 D0W8 1.000 ALL GENERAL NOTES OPThtS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PARI OP114tS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThAIThE Keymatic Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT T14EIRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MttETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6787 Winchester Cdcic. Suite 102 ME WADS, WADING CONOmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATiONS, AND SPANS LtSltiI) ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 KEYM RK (AL SYSTEMS A Truss: , T50 JobName: 217 GSBuild®System Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:26PM GS Truss® System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78) . Page: 3 of3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 267 lbs - Dl * 0.6 W9 1.000 - 1.600 i 7 Dl +0,45 W3 + 0.75 LrI 1.000 I6'617oT43"w3 io 1 9 Dl + 0.53 El + 0.75 LA 1.000 lo8Tr1Iwi 1.006 I! 0.601 + 0.6 W2 1.000 s.o'o____________ 13 0.601 + 0.7E10.01 1.000 -' Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Mensber ID, mx CSI, itxut axial fosce. bmx consce Ibsen ifdiflbsens from ittax axial fosse) TChd - 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-50.539-9.228lbs 0.151 0.337 0.492 -859 lbs .6,439 lbs -8 367 lbs - 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-90.400-7,937 0.497 0.465 0.397 -9,216 lbs -8,677 lbs -7,941 lbs lbs - 9-10 10-1 I 11-12 0.464 0.483 0.543 -0,615 lbs -9.168 lbs -9.258 lbs 12-130.495.0,706lbs 13-14 14-15 15-16 0.025 0.061 0.402 -6.823 lbs -2,986 lbs 39 lbs (-28 lbs) BChd 17-18 0.017 33 lbs (-19 lbs) 21-22 0.845 8.524 lbs (-3.661 lbs) 5-26 0.896 8.502 lbs (-3,433 lbs) 29-30 0.648 6,324 lbs (-2,617 lbs) 18-19 0.093 31 lbs (-19 lbs) 22-23 0.887 9.098 lbs (-3.850 lbs) 6-27 0.941 9.044 lbs (-3,614 lbs) 30-31 0.475 3.865 lbs (-1.643 lbs) 19-20 0.360 20-210.7366.951 3.080 lbs (-1.253 lbs) 23-24 0.871 8,995 lbs (-3.752 lbs) 7-28 0.925 9.063 lbs (-3,577 lbs) 31-32 0.007 -75 lbs lbs (.2.944lbs) 24-250.808 8.441-lbs (-3.471lbs) 8-290.8608.212 lbs (-3.290lbs) Webs 1-32 0.677 -1,699 lbs 5-28 0.106 -241 lbs 9-24 0.122 386 lbs (-154 lbs) 13-20 0.862 -2,912 lbs 1-31 8.542 1,714 lbs (.716 lbs) 5-27 0.062 69 lbs (-59 Ibs) 10-24 0.622 .604 lbs 14-20 0.913 4,537 lbs (-1,981 lbs) 2-31 0.670 .3,748 lbs 6-27 0.041 131 lbs (-9 Ibs) 10-23 0.052 166 lbs (-46 lbs) 14-19 0.816 -3,065 lbs 2-30 0.814 2.575 lbs (.1,018 Ibs) 6-26 0.642 -577 lbs 11-23 0.107 -III lbs 15.19 0.940 3,802 lbs (.1,587 Ibs) 3-30 0.374 .938 lbs 7-26 0.115 363 lbs (-84 lbs) 11-22 0.090 -201 lbs 15-18 0.122 -250 lbs 3-29 0.620 1.872 lbs (.669 Ibs) 7-25 0.694 -783 lbs 12-22 0.188 593 lbs (-196 lbs) 16-18 0:082 258 lbs (.103 Ibs) 4-29 0.241 -592 lbs 8.25 0.867 3.509 lbs (-1.479 lbs) 12-21 0.158 -382 lbs 16-lI 0.883 .1,780 lbs 4-28 0,290 872 lbs (-295 Ibs) 9-25 0.808 .731 lbs 13-21 0.626 1.605 lbs (-731 Ibs) GUSSET PLATES - - --- - - - - - ____---- - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMaterial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6' of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane of the truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES 0911115 DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFTRIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE TRATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THATThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS ThE MINIMUMAFFLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchestee Cricle, Suite 102 THE LOADS, WADING CoNomoNs, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND 5PANS LIsTED ON ThIS SHEEr . Boalder, Colorado 80301 8s 1213 12s - 3F12 is 2s (GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS . Truss: T51 JobName: 217 GSBuild®System - - Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:27 PM GS Truss® System: Anicon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: 1 of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 40-0-0 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 283 lbs i - iu-o i-w-o i-i-u I i-i-u i-i-u i-i-u 1 i-i-u i-p-i i-p-i i-p-i i-p-i 1 i-p-i 11-10-813-9-0 1 7-0-0 1 10-3-0 1 13-6-0 1 16-9-0 1 20-0-0 1 23-5-7 1 26-10-15 1 30-4-6 1 33-9-14 1 37-3-5 3-7-0-0- 0-10-0, 5-10-0 1-6-3 1-6-3 - 0-0-0-0 . 3-3-0 04)-0-0 - 060 3-3-0 3-3-0 I 3-3-0122 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 I 3-5-7 3-5-7 3-5-1'2__3-5-7 3-5-7 2-2-1l60 0610 3-9-0 7-0-0 1 10-3-0 1 13-6-0 1 16-9-0 20-0-0 1 23-5-7 1 26-10-15 1 30-4-6 1 33-9-14 1 37-3-5 139-64 -0 Circles indicate tssterteeeotsnt in webs. Sqtsusns indicate fissresrercossnt in chords. Fasteners" indicates the nsttherofAtnronTS SS #12 or# 12 SOS (AISI) flisteners required at one end of the inc., or. Each some indicates the nundrerofFasteners; required: (s) indicates she nuner of Aowon IS SS #12 to be installed on one side ofthe truss. (b) indicates the nuncr oft 12 SOS (AISI) to be installed on each side of the truss. Where connection pluses ore called out on this deswing a plate is required on each side or the truss. Relbeto Geneeul Notes for tsnherclutrfication. Allowable sbeae prrAoaton IS SS #12 llssteneeax follows: 27 rails: 402 lbs: 33 rails: 544 lbs; 43 oils: 810 lbs: 34 coils: 1.138 lbs; 68 soils: 1.610 lbs.Allowxbte shear per#12 SOS (AISI) lirutenenis calculated pertheNASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT#2. Maintain ttxtenerspacingut 5/8" rain. Maintain llssteneredge norrn as 5/8" nun breach sheet of steel connected. - CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed It 0.732 (13-14) TL 1.29 in L/364 23 L/240 BC : 0.941 (21-22) . LL-' 0.58 in L/814 23 L/360 Web: 0.880 (0-23) Hora TL: 0.57 in 16 IC Continuously Bruced BC BrucingSpasse . . Reactions - Summary JT Type LC BC Bee Wrd Reaction iT BC Max React Max Gray Uplift Max MWPRS Uplift Max C&C Uplift Max Uplift Max Hnriz 30 Pin (WL) I I 6 in 903 lbs 30 I 1.703 lbs -19 lbs -731 lbs -731 lbs -64 lbs 16 H Roll (WL) I I 6 in 900 lbs 16 I 1.700 lbs - -34 lbs -701 lbs -701 lbs 30 Pin (WL) 2 I 6 in 1.703 lbs 16 H Roll (WL) 2 I 6/n 1.700 lbs - 30 Pin (WL) 3 6 in 681 lbs 30 Pin (WL) 3 6 in 8 lbs H - 16 H Roll (WL) 3 I n 707 lbs 30 Pin (WL) 4 6 to 1,043 lbs - - 30 Pin (WL) 4 6 to -44 lbs H - * 16 H Roll (WL) 4 I 6 in 952 lbs 30 Pin (WL) 5 6 in 953 lbs 30 Pin (WL) 5 6 to 4l lbs H 16 II Roll (WL) S I 6 in l,016lbs 30 Pin (WL) 6 I 6 in 903 lbs 16 - H Roll ('WL) 6 I 6 in 000 lbs - - 30 Pin (WL) 7 6 in 1,336 lbs - - 30 Pin (WL) 7 I in 6 lbs H 16 H Roll(WL) 7 I 6 in 1,355 lbs 30 Pin (WL) 8 - I 6 in . 736 lbs 30 Pin (WL) 0 I -6 in - 6 lbs H 16 H Roll (WL) 8 I 6 in 755 lbs 30 Pin (WL) 9 1 6 in 1.503 lbs 16 - 11 Roll (WL) 9 n 1.500 lbs 30 Pin (WL) 10 1 6 in -19 lbs 30 Pin (WL) 10 1 6 in 45 lbs H 16 I-I Roll (WL) 10 n 25 lbs 30 Pin (WL) II • n 64 lbs - - 30 Pin (WL) II n -7 lbs H 16 H Roll (tWL) II 1 6 in .341b5 - 30 Pin (WL) 12 n -731 lbs 30 Pin (WL) 12 - in 59 lbs H 16 H Roll (WL) 12 1 6/n -701 lbs 30 Pin (WL) 13 1 6 in $42 lbs 16 H Roll (WL) 13 1 6 in 540 lbs 30 Pin (WL) 14 1 6 in 1,303 lbs 16 H Roll (WL) 14 1 6 in 1,300 lbs Member Material CSI Bracing Max P Top Chd 1-8 lui) ________________451C161C16(50 0.540 Sheathed -9.401 lbs - Top Chd ftTl3 41tT6itT6(50k3J) 0.55l Sbeatbed -lbMTlbi I Ton Chd 13-I) 451C16 (50 lxi) 0.732 Sheathed .5 17I 1h. pfr4itlESl 0.174 0.722 0.582 Web 6-24 15C20 (50 tat) . 0.632 Unbroced -592 lbs e7-24 l5C2ft(56i) 0.114 =Utt3 360 lbT" Vsbb 7-25 l3Clft (50 )si)0.671 Unbraced -783 lbs 8-23 (L 1w tat) _0.888 _Unbmced _3,593 tj Web 9-23 I 5C1 0(50 lxi) 0.761 Usbruced -824 lbs woi9:22 i26(cOi) 0109________ IibiSE&l 34311ii ALL GENERAL NOTES OP11IIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART 0F1141S COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THAT11IE Keyniark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT WETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON 11415 SHEET MEETS WE MINIMUMAPPLICABLI) DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle, Suite 102 THE WADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, ANDSPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET - Boulder Colorado 80301 KEYMARK GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS Truss: T5 1 JobName: 217 OS Build®System Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:27 PM GS Truss® System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] . Page:, 2 of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 283 lbs 0.800 NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Monitor Location t Location 2 Direction Spread Stao Load End Load Tnb Wtdth Top Cont Down Proj 20 psI 20 pSI 24 in Bot Cont - Down Pwj 0 PSI` 0 psI 24 in Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Meather Location t Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top Coot Down Rake 16psl t6 9s1 24 in But Cont Down Rake 6 psI 6 psI 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Top 20-0.0 37-3-5 N Up R.I. 17.91 psI 17.91 psI 24 in Top 37-3-5 40.0.0 N Up Rate 29.83 psI 29.83 psI 24 in Web 1-30 Cons Right Rake 14.56 psI 14.56 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Men-bee Location t Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top 0.0-0 20.0-0 N Up Rake 17.91 psI 17.91 psI 24 in Top 20.0.0 37-3-5 N Up Rate 25.3 psI 25.3 psI 24 in Top 37-3-5 40.0.0 N Up Rake 29.03 PSI 29.03 pal 24 in Web -30 Cons Loft Rake 16.08 psI 16.88 pal 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width lop 0-0-0 20-0-0 N Up Rake 9.29 psI 9.2') psI 24 in Top 20-0-0 37-3-5 N Up Rake 9.29 pal 9.29 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Metr-ber Location I Location 2 Direction Snresd Stan Load End Load .. 1db b'ddrh Top 6-3-10 3-8-6 N lip Rake 38.3 psI 38.5 psI 24 in Top 3-5-6 20-0-0 N lip Rake 60.82 psI 60.82 pal 24 in Top - 20.0.0 26-3-10 N Up Rake 60.82 pal 60.82 psI 24 in Top 26-3-10 30-I1-1I NUp Rake 38.5pa1 38.s pal 24 in TOP 30-11-11 37-3-5 N Up Rake 60.82 pal 60.82 pal 24 in Top • 37-3-5 40-0-0 N Up Rake 35.71 psI 35.71 pal, . 24 in Web -30 Coat Loft Rake 27.34 psI 27.34 pal 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Merrber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load Sod Load 1db tMdth Top 0-0-0 20-0-0 N Down Rake ft pal ft PSI 24 in Vt'cb 1-30 Coat Right Rote 16 psI 16 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W9: M WFR S-Right(M i n) Distributed Loads Mereber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Wtdrh Top 20-0-0 37-3-5 N Down Rake ft PSI` 8 psI 24 in Automated Load Case LIOn: UBC 101b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Mc,eber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load tad Load Ink Width Boa Coot Down Proj tO PSI` tO psI 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismk No toads were defined for this toad case. I) This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 pSf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category H, Mean Roof Height 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 fix 63 ft. Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. - Load Combinations 0 Load Con*,o Factor I DI .000 IoITGt iToiso 3 01+0.6 W3 . (,1i'aasu/o .050 7 . DI+0.45W3 *0.75 tel 1.000 .iiI0id5W3 (to 9 01+0.5381*0.75 Let 1.008 I tTooO ALL GENERAL NOTES OF MIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OF114IS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThAITRE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT ThE'IlSUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SUEIlI MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricte, Suite 102 THE LOADS, LOADING CONDmDNs, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 ( KEYMARK GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS Truss: T51 JobName: 217 GSBuild®System Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:27 PM GS Truss® System: Anicon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: 3 of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 283 lbs II 0.601 *0.6 W2 1.000 cz 006 W - ________________ 000 - 13 0.601 *0.7 F10.01 1.000 m4:Lla -- __________________ _________________ L!!P°_____III Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Member [l). max C51. sms sxisl tbrve. (smx conr force ifdi8bsOoI bomoass axial fOlo) TCbd -2 2-3 3-4 4-5 0.160 0.339 0.493 0.540 093 lbs -6.598 lbs -8,507 lbs -9.399 lbs - 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 0.500 0.466 0.399 0.400 -9,388 lbs -8,835 lbs -8,09') lbs -8,102 lbs 9-10 10-lI 11-12 12-IS 0.471 0.511 0.552 0.464 -8,887 lbs -9,425 lbs -9,299 lbs 13-14 14-IS -8,081 lbs 0.732 0.202 .5,121 lbs -496 lbs 8Cbd 6-17 0.001 0 Lbs 20-21 0.936 9,137 lbs (-3,814 lbs) 24-25 0.010 9.214 lbs (-3,707 lbs) 28-29 0.425 3,905 lbs (-1.725 Ibs) 7-18 0.333 2,003 lbs (-850 lbs) 21-22 0.941 9,250 lbs (-3,813 lbs) 25-26 0.802 9,233 lbs (-3,673 lbs) 29-30 0.023 56 lbs (-02 Ibs) 8-19 0.522 5,213 lbs (-2,227 lbs) 22-23 0.892 8,711 lbs (-3,585 lbs) 26-27 0.742 8,355 lbs (-3.376lbs) - . 19 -20 0.940 7,921 lbs (-3.394 lbs) 25-24 0.779 8,660 lbs (--3,5-1-9-lbs) 27-28 0.551 6.470 lbs (-2.704 lbs) Webs 1-30 0.722 -1,811 lbs 5-26 0.104 -239 lbs 9-22 0.109 343 lbs (-94 lbs) 13-18 0.920 -2,910 lbs 1-29 0.582 1,839 lbs (-757 lbs) 5-25 0.058 67 lbs (-59 Ibs) 10-22 0.654 -565 lbs 14-18 0.862 4.284 lbs (-1.838 Ibs) 2-29 0.684 -3.857 lbs 6-25 0.044 139 lbs (-9 lb )I 10-21 0.034 108 lbs (-8 Ibs) 14.17 0.578 -3.306 lbs 2-28 0.824 2.605 lbs (-1.026 lbs) 6-24 0.632 -592 lbs 11-21 0.039 124 lbs (-Il Ibs) 15-Il 0.707 2,236 lbs (-938 Ibs) 3-28 8.365 -917 lbs 7.24 0.114 360 lbs (-02 lbs) 11-20 0.140 -329 lbs 15-16 0.692 -1,697 lbs 3-27 0.587 1.857 lbs (-666 lbs) 7-23 0.671 -783 lbs 12-20 0.429 1,230 lbs (428 Ibs) 4.27 8.247 -613 lbs 19-23 8-23 0.888 3,593 lbs (.1.499 lbs) 12-19 0.266 -668 lbs 4-26 0.295 902 lbs (-306 Ibs) 0.761 424 lbs 13-19 0.800 2.684 lbs (4.154 lbs) GUSSET PLATES - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMaterial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6" of each panel point. The end ofeveiy chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" ofthe end ofeach chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES 0FThlS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CON5IDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART 0F11415 COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThATThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS iSlE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winclsestee Csicle. Suite 102 TIM LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATiONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEEt Boulder, Colorado 80301 KE Y MARK XX AL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] JobName: 217 Date: 612112016 3:21:27 PM system: Amcon 6.003 Page: I of3 Report: Eng Plot Truss: T52 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3/12 i-i-U 2 - 0-0-0 i-i-u 0-0-0 I 24 in 261.9 lbs l-lU-ol-Iu-0 1 i-i-U i-i-U 1 i-i-u 1 i-L- i-al-s I -J--M I 5-L-M i-L- i-L- u-p-'i 39354dl0L0 11-10-81 3-9-0 7-0-0 10-3-0 13-6-0 16-9-0 20-0-0 23-2-9 26-5-2 29-7-10 32-10-3 36-0-12 0-10-0 5-10-0 1-cB-3-3 3F12 7s 8 8 9S 1213 6s 10S 1S 2S 3s 13s 15S 4 ,4 55 US . 1b 0-04)-0 3-3-0 0-0-0-0 1 3-3-0 1 3-3-01212 3-2-9 2[i2-9 3-2-9 06O 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-2-9 3-2-9 3-5-4 0j60 060 3-9-0 1 7-0-0 1 10-3-0 I 13-6-0 1 16-9-0 1 20-0-0 1 23-2-9 1 26-5-2 1 29-7-10 1 32-10-3 1 36-0-12 1 39-6-04d -d-0 Circles indicate tistener coons in webs. Squares indicate fastener count in chords. "Fasteners" indicates the nanirer of Anwon 75 SS 012 or 412 SDS (AISI) #lnlenens required atone end of the nntnd,er. Each saloe indicates the number of fasten ersrequired: (a) indicates the oondaen ofAowon 15 SS #12 to be installed on one side of the truss. (h) indicates the oanberof# 12 SDS (AISI) to be installed on each side of the least. Where connection plates are called onion this drasoing, a plate is required 00 each side of the brass. Refer to General Notes for ttnhercladficalion. Allowable shear perAircon #5 SS #12 &ssteneras follows: 27 ortls: 402 lbs: 33 toils: 544 lbs: 43rails: 810 lbs; 54 tints: 1.138 lbs: 68roils: 1.610 lhs.Allowable shear per812 SOS (AISI) litateceris calculated pen the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT 02. Maintain fastener spacing at 5/8 ntis. Maintain 0tsteneredyp neao at 518' edo for each sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed IC : 0.561 (11-12) TI-,.43 in L/ 327 (22-23) L1240 BC 0.953 (24-25) LL 0.64 in L/728 (22-23) L/360 Web: 0.945 (15-17) How TL 0.65 in I? IC Conrinaously Braced BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Summary iT Type LC BC BrgWtd Reaction IT BC MacReact MaaGrscUpli# MasMWFRSUpIi# MaxC&CUplifi Mac Uplift MacHoriz 30 Pia (WL) 1 1 6 in 903 lbs 30 I 1,703 lbs -18 lbs -723 lbs -723 lbs 66 lbs 16 H Roll (WL) 6 in 902 lbs 16 I 1,702 lbs -23 lbs -714 lbs -714 lbs 30 Pin (WL) 2 1 6 in 1,703 lbs 16 H Roll (WL) 2 6 in 1,702 lbs 30 Pin (WL) 3 6 in 680 lbs 30 Pin (WL) 3 6 in 2 lbs H 16 H Roll ('WL) 3 6 in 607 lbs 30 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 n 1,043 lbs 30 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in -64 lbs H 16 H Roll (WL) 4 I 6 s 954 lbs 30 Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 954 lbs 30 Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 66 lbs I-I 6 H Roll (WL) 5 I 6 in 1.036 lbs 30 Pin (WL) 6 I 6 is 903 lbs 16 H Roll (WL) 6 I 6 in 902 lbs 30 Pin (WL) 7 6 in 1,336 lbs 30 Pin (WL) 7 6 in 2 lbs H 16 HRoll9WL) 7 6 n 1,341 lbs 30 Pin (WL) 5 1 6 in 736 lbs 30 Pin (WL) 8 6 in 2 lbs H 16 H Roll (WL) 8 6 n 741 lbs 30 Pin (WL) 9 1 6 in .503 lbs 16 H Roll (WL) 9 6 s .502 lbs 30 Pin (WL) In 1 6 in -18 lbs 30 Pin (WL) 10 1 6 in 13 lbs It 16 H Roll (WL) 10 6 n 54 lbs 30 Pin (WL) II 6 s 65 lbs 30 Pin (WL) II 1 6 in -4 lbs H 16 H Roll (WL) II 1 6 in -23 lbs 30 Pin (WL) 12 6 n -723 lbs 30 Pin(WL) 12 I 6 n 3lbsH 16 H Roll (WL) 2 I 6 i -714 lbs 30 Pin (WL) 13 I 6 in 542 lbs 16 H Roll (WL) 13 I 6 in 541 lbs 30 Pin (WL) 14 I 6 in 1,303 lbs 16 H Roll (WL) 14 I 6 in 1.302 lbs Member Material CSI Bracing Max P Top Chd -8 45TC161C16 (SO Itsi) 0.559 Sheathed -9,409 lbs lop Cbd 8-14 451C161t16901ni) 6.56) Sheathed -9,414 lbs Top chd14-15 ________________451C161C16(50 Ia!) 0.491 Sheathed - -757 lbs________ BotChdl6l7____________ 551C10(50Ia) _0457 S _7571b Bor Chid ll-23 551C18(50k3i) 0941 Spatso 9,248 lbs lbs Web 8-23 ... 15Cl8(5065i) ____________________________0.884 ljnbsnced 3,570 lbs Web 9-23 I 5C20 (50 Itsi) 0.865 Unbowed -762 lbs Web 9-22 iSC20 (SO lad) 368 lbs ALL GENERAL NOTES OFmIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterpiscs, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEEr MEETS 1115 MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cticle, Suite 102 THE LOADS. LOADING CoNomoNs, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON 111lS SHEEr Boulder, Colorado 80301 XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Butld(&System GSlruss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Truss: JobName: Date: System: Page: Report: T52 217 6/21/2016 3:21:27 PM Amcon6.003 2 of 3 Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 40-0-0 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 261.9 lbs Web 0-22 I 5C20 i5O bat) Web 10.21 i5C20(S0ke) 0.645 Unbcweit O.047 Unbsacnd -612 lbs 50 lbs_______ Web 11-21 I 5C20 (50 ui) 0.080 Unbraced -52 lbs 3wb II-20 :192_0 (50 0.IO2Utbraced_____________ Web 2-20 I 5C20(50 tad) 0.270 Unbraced 854 lbs Wcff I) I 5C20 (SOks) 024 Ubrned________________ Web 13-19 I 5C20 (50 bsi) 0.706 Uabmced 2.233 lbs_________ ebI3-t8 l5C20t5Oksi) 0A32 Unbroced -1,084 lbs Web 14-18 I5Cl6 (50 ksi) 0.859 Utsbraced 4.267 lbs )t4 17 tscfs 50) 0186 Unb 3TI3j Web 15-17 15C16(80 lad) ___________________ 0.945 Unbsacest 4.697 His isebT5T6 T5Ci5jj 0837 Ucnd 375O NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case LrI: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Men-ben Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tb Width Top Coat Down Proj 20 psi 20 psi 24 in Bot Cons Down Proj 0 psi 0 psi 24 in Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Menber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stars Load End Load 1db Width Top Coat Down Rake 16 psi 16 psi 24 in But Coat Down Rake 6 psi 6 psi. 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Mendrer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Starr Load End Load Tdb Width lop 0.0.0 20-5-0 N Up Rake 25.3 psi 25.3 psi 24 in Top 20-0-0 39-3-5 N Up Rake 17.91 psi 17.91 psi 24 in Top 39-3-5 40-041 N Up Rake 29.83 psi 29.83 psi 24 in Web 1-30 Cons Right Rake 14.56 psi 14.56 psi 24 in Web 15-16 Cont Right Rake 16.88 psi 16.08 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(lJp) Distributed Loads Merriber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 20-0-0 N Up Rake 17.91 psi 17.91 psi 24 in Top 20-0-0 39-3-5 N Up Rake 25.3 psi 25.3 psi 24 in Top 39-3-5 40-0-0 N Up Rake 29.83 psi 29.83 psi 24 in Web 1-30 Coat Left Rake 16.88 psi 16.88 psi 24 is Web 15-16 Coat Left Rake 14.56 psi 14.56 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Meseber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 25.0-0 N Up Rake 9.29 psi 9.29 psi 24 in Top 20-0-0 39-3-5 N Up Rake 9.29 psi 9.29 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Top 6-3-10 3.0-6 N Up Rake 38.5 psi 38.5 psi 24 in Top 13-8-6 20-0-0 N Up Rake 60.82 psi 60.82 psi 24 in Top 20-0-0 26-3-10 N Up Rake 60.82 psi 60.82 psi 24 in Top 26-3-I0 - 32-I1-I1 N Up Rake 38.5 psi 38.5 psi 24 in Top 32-11-11 39-3-5 N Up Rake 60.82 psi 60.82 psi 24 in Top 39-3-5 40-0-0 N Up Rake 35.71 psi 3 5.7 1 psi 24 in Web 1-30 Coat Left Rake 27.34 psi 27.34 psi 24 in Web 15-16 Cost Right Rake 27.34 psi 27.34 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads MerrErer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sian Load End Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 20.0.0 N Down Rake 8 psi 8 psi 24 in Vrbb 1-30 Cons Right Rake 16 psi 16 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) Distributed Loads Menber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top 20-04 39-3-5 N Dosan Rake 8 psi 8 psi 24 in Web 15-16 Cons Loft Rake 16 psi 16 psi 24 in Automated Load Case LIO°: USC tOlb Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Men-ben Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tdb Width But Cost Down Proj 10 psi tO psi 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No loads were defined for this toad case. I) This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean Roof Height 43 ft. Overall Building Dimensions of 140 it x 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations 8 Load Cnrr&nn Factor I DI 1.000 _________________ 17-2-13 , Lit __ _____ 3 DI +0.6 W3 1.000 1.008 5 DI + 0.6 W9 1.000 1.000 ALL GENERAL NOTES OF THIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymask Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThATThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON TIllS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchctrer Cdcle, Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDmONs, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 KE Y MARK XX SAL STEEL SYSTEMS OS Build® System OS Tnas® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Truss: T52 JobName: 217 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:27PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 3of3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR 40-0-0 3/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 7 DI *0.45 W3 *0.75 1,1 1.000 L000 9 Dl + 0.53 El +0.75 l.l I .000 TabS) II 0.6 DI + 0.6 W2 . .000 10.6D6W4 L000__________ 13 0.6 Dl + 0.7 E'O.OI lOSs 1 000 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Member ID, arcs CSI, rmx axial force, (osso corsasa force ifdiltererrl born rmx axial force) PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 24 in 261.9 lbs TChd -2 2-3 3-4 4-5 0.160 0.359 0.514 0.559 -085 lbs .6 555 lbs -8,515 lbs .9,487 lbs - 5-6 6.7 7-8 8-9 0.515 0.478 0.407 0.411 -9,393 lbs -8.835 lbs -0,098 lbs -8,096 lbs 9-10 10-lI 11-12 - 12-13 0.480 0.512 0.561 0.536 -8,815 lbs -9,383 lbs -9,413 lbs 13-14 14-IS -8,567 lbs 0.390 0.204 -6,302 lbs -757 lbs BChd 16-17 0.397 17 lbs (-IS lbs) 20-21 0.938 9,248 lbs (-3,544 Ibs) 24-25 0.953 9.210 lbs (-3.513 lbs) 28-29 0.519 3,934 lbs (-1,610 lbs) 17-It 0,199 1,059 lbs (.774 lb , 21-22 0.941 9.207 lbs (-5.536 Ibs) 25-26 0.938 9,241 lbs (-3.496 lbs) 29-30 0.029 -66 lbs 18-19 0.691 6,192 lbs (-2.520 Ibs) 22-23 0.884 8.630 lbs (-3,315 lbs) 26-27 0.872 0,363 lbs (-3.224 Ibs) 18-20 0.874 8.419 lbs (-3,308 lbs) 23-24 0.903 8.659 lbs (-3.314 lbsl 27-20 0.640 6,440 lbs (-2.568 Ibo) Webs 1-30 0.721 -1.809 lbs 5-26 0.104 -239 lbs 9-22 8.116 368 lbs (-104 lbs) 13-18 8.432 1-29 0.572 1,809 lbs (-736 lbs) 5-25 0.060 74 lbs (-61 lbs) 18-22 0.645 -612 lbs 14-18 0.859 -1 0684 lbs 4.267 lbs (-1,717 lbs) 2-29 0.674 -3,799 lbs 6-25 0.044 141 lbs (-Il lbs) 18-21 0.047 ISO lbs (-IS lbs) 14-17 0.886 -5.113 lbs 2-28 0.830 2,626 lbs (-1,003 lbs) 6-24 0.637 -597 lbs 11-21 0.080 -82 lbs 15-Il 0.945 4,697 lbs (-1,989 lbs) 3-28 0.376 -944 lbs . 7.24 0.116 366 lbs (-93 lbs) 11-20 0.102 -233 lbs 15-16 0.837 -3,750 lbs 3-27 0.603 1,907 lbs (.65! lbs) 7-23 0.67! -783 lbs 12-20 8.270 854 lbs (-244 lbs) 4-27 0.245 -409 lbs 8-23 0.884 3,578 lbs (-1.419 lbs) 12-19 0.245 -606 lbs 4-26 0.285 902 lbs (-280 Ibs) 9-23 0.865 -762 lbs 13-19 0.706 2,233 lbs (-793 lbs) ('II JSSF.T PT.ATFS, r'11II1I - - - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: - Warning: Possible conflicts in geometry may require additional design review. At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMaterial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6" of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 "of the end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES 0F1}BS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART 00Th15 COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keyniaric Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Crick, Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, 1RUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATiONS. AND SPANS LISTED ON 1H15 SI-IliEt Boulder, Colorado 80301 KEYMARK (XGLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS Truss: T54 JobName: 217 GSBuild®System Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:28 PM OS Truss® System: Ameon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: 1 of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 34-0-0 3/12 13 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 168 lbs I - I U-O I - I u-O i-i-U I i-i-u I i-i-u i-i-u i-i-u 1 i-'+-o 3-4-0 i-'P-O I I o44.Jtotu b1-9-133-6-d-0 1-10-8 1 3-9-0 1 7-0-0 1 10-3-0 1 13-6-0 1 16-9-0 1 20-0-0 1 23-4-8 1 26-9-0 1 30-1-8 0-10-0 5-10-0 2-4-0 3F12 8s 121 3 us 1JS S 1-4-0 0-0-0-0 3-3-0 . 1-3-0-0 1.704 12 O6O 3-3-0 1 3-3-0 1 3-3-0 12 1 2 3-3-0 3-3-0 1 3-3-0 1 3-4-8 34-8 1 3-4-8 3-4-8 O6jO 01610 3-9-0 7-0-0 10-3-0 13-6-0 16-9-0 1 20-0-0 1 23-4-8 1 26-9-0 1 30-1-8 1 33-6-0 34-d-0 Cities indicate Ettrnercoont in webs. Sqootes indicate fastener coonr in chords. Fostenrsn indicates she nonterofAnwonTS SS #12 or#I2 SOS (AISI) fasteners eqoited or one end ofthe nntndtrr. Each ttshse indicates the nooterof fasteners reqoited: (s) indicates the no other ofAowonlS SS #12 to be installed on one side ofthe intss. ) indicates the noniterof#I2 SOS (An!) lobe in stalled on each side o the truss. Where connection plates sin coIled 01st on this drawing, a plate is reqaited on each side of the truss. Refento General Notes for toiher clad llcstion. Allowable shearperArnoton IS SS #12 fastener as follows: 27 tints: 402 lbs; 33 tolls: 544 lbs; 43 ntds: #10 lb s: 54 mils: 1.138 lbs; 68 nuts: 1 .6 10 tbs.Allowoble sb car per #12 SOS (AIS!) fastener is calcolated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT #2. Maintain fastener spacing at 5/8" nun. Maintoin fastener edge nson at 5/8" ntis for each sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed IC : 0.827 (4-5) 'IL 0.96 in 1,141 1 (6-7) L/240 BC 0.925 (23-24) LL: 0.43 in L/917 (6-7) L/ 360 Web: 0.952 (12-17) Hose 'IL 0.4 in 16 IC Conrinonosly Braced BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Summary JT Type LC_BCirnWtd Reaction ST BC MoaReact MasGtsvUpli8 Max MWFRSUplift MaxC&CUpIi0 him Uplil 28 Pin (WL) I to 767 lbs 28 I 1.447 lbs .26 lbs -633 lbs -633 lbs IS H Roll (WL) I 1 6 in 767 lbs 15 I 1.447 lbs -3 lbs -692 lbs -692 lbs 28 Pin (WL) 2 1 6 in 1.447 lbs IS H Roll (WL) 2 1 6 in 1.447 lbs 20 Pin (WL) 3 1 6 in 579 lbs 28 Pin (WL) 3 1 6 in II lbs H 15 H Roll (WL) 3 6 in 577 lbs 28 pin (WL) 4 I 6 n 099 lbs 28 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in 14 lbs H 3 H Roll (WL) 4 I S in 828 lbs 28 Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 808 lbs 28 Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 54 lbs H IS H Roll (WL) 5 I 6 in 869 lbs 28 pin (WL) 6 1 6 in 767 lbs IS H Roll (WL) 6 I 6 in 767 lbs 29 Pin (WI.) 7 I 6 in 1,136 lbs 28 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 13 lbs H IS HRoll(WL) 7 I 61n 1,134 lbs 28 Pin (WI.) 8 I 6 in 626 lbs 28 Pin (WL) 8 I 6/n 13 lbs H IS H Roll (WL) 8 I 6 in 624 lbs 28 Pin (WL) 9 I 6 i 1.277 lbs IS El Roll (WL) 9 I 6 in 1,277 lbs 28 Pin (WL) IS I 6 in -26 lbs 28 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 in 40 lbs II IS H Roll (WL) 10 I 6 i 391b5 28 Pin (WL) II I 6 in 68 lbs 28 Pin (WL) II I 6 in 37 lbs H IS H Roll (WL) II I 6 in -3 lbs 28 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in -633 lbs 28 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in 61 lbs H IS H Roll (WL) 12 I 6 in -692 lbs 28 Pin (WL) 13 I 6 i 460 lbs IS H Roll (WL) 13 I 6 i 460 lbs 28 Pin (WL) 14 I 6i0 1.107 lbs IS H Roll (WL) 14 I 6 in 1,107 lbs Member Material CSI Bracing Max P Web 2-27 0.053 lSC20 (SO ksi) 0.759 Unbrnced 2,401 ALL GENERAL NOTES OP11-IIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PARTOFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE fl4ATIHE Keymafk Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON 1141S SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle. Suite 102 1140 WADS. LOADING CONDmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIOURA'IlONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Booldec Coloreds 80301 ( , KE V M A R K AL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] JobName: 217 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:28 PM Systent Amcon 6.003 Page: 2of3 Report: Eng Plot Truss: T54 SPAN PITCH QTY . OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 34-0-0 3/12 13 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 168 lbs 0.394 Unbiaced -959 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Mesntrer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width - Top Coot Down Proj 20 pot 20 paf 24 in But - Cool Down Proj 0 psI 0 psI 24 in Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load - Distributed Loads Moocher Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top Cant Down Rake 16p01 I6psf 24in But Cool Down - Rake 6 psI 6 psI 24 in Automated Load Case WI: M WFR S-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Top 20-0-0 34-0-0 NIJp Rake 17.91 psI 17.91 psI 24 in Web 1-20 Coot Right Rake 14.56 psI 14.56 psI 24 in Web 14-15 Cons Right Rake 16.08 psI 16.88 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Monitor Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Ttib Width Top 0-0-0 20-0-0 N Up Rake 17.91 psI 17.91 pal 24 in Top 20-0-0 34-0.0 N Up Rake 25.3 psI 25.3 psI 24 in '4kb 1-28 Cool Loft Rake 6.88 psI 16.88 psI 24 in Web 14-IS Cons Loft Rake 14.56 psI 14.56 psI 24 in Automated Load CaseW3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Menter - Location I Location 2 Direction Spend Sian Load End Load Trib Width Top 0-0-0 20-0-0 N Up Rake 9.29 psI 9.29 pot 24 in Top 20-0-0 34-0-0 N U9 Rake 9.29 psI - 9.29 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Meoter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sian Load End Load Ttib Width Top 0-0-0 6-3-10 N Up R.I. 60.02 pot 60.82 psI 24 in Top 6-5-I0 13-0-6 N Up Rake 38.5 p0t 38.5 pot 24 in Top 3-0-6 20-0-0 N Up Rake 60.82 psI 60.82 psI 24 in Top - 20.0-0 26-3-10 N Up Rake 60.02 pot 60.82 pot 2410 Top 26-3-10 27-8-6 N Up Rake 38.5 psI 38.5 psI 24 in Top 27-04 34-0-0 N Up Rake 60.82 psI 60.82 psI 24 in Web 1.28 Coot Lot Rake 28.45 pot 28.45 pot 2410 - Web 14-15 . Cool Right Rake 28.45 psI 28.45 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Mend,er Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sian Load End Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 20-0-0 N Down Rake 8 pot 8 psI 24 in Web 1-20 Cons Right Rake 16 psI 16 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) Distributed Loads Mentor Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top 20-0-0 34-0-0 N Doaco Rake 8 pot 8 pot 24 in Web 14-15 Coot Loft Rake 16 psI 16 psI 24 in Automated Load Case LIO': UBC 101b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads - - Monitor Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sian Load End Load TrW Width Sot Cons Down Proj 10 psI 10 pot 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No loads were defined for this load case. I) This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building. Category II, Mean RoofHeight 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 fix 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not ins Hurricane Prune Region. Load Combinations 0 Load Cosako . Factor I DI 1.000 t5iTi L000 3 Dl *0.6 W3 loft r-4-61-. 0-6-W8 1.050 5 DI +0.6 W9 1.000 6Di07i iftift ..j 7 01*0.45 W3 * 075 Ui 1.000 9 01*0.33 El +0.75 Let 1.000 +o. ALL GENERALNOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PARTOPThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAIThETEUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Csicle, Suite 102 THE WADS, LOADING CONDmONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIOURA11ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET . Boulder, Colorado 80301 ( KEYMARK I I Truss: T54 XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I I I iobName: 217 I GSBui1d®System Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:28 PM GS Truss® I I System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: 3 of Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 34-0-0 3/12 13 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 168 lbs Member Forces Summary Table indics1es: Meraber ID. ems CSI, rmx axial force. (ems coo,r force ifdillbrenr from ,ms asisl force) TChd -2 2-3 3-4 4-5 0.255 0.698 0.782 0.827 .629 lbs -5,215 lbs -6,741 lbs -7,229 lbs - 5.6 6-7 7-8 8-9 0.770 0.707 0,573 0.594 -6,996 lbs -6,336 lbs -5,463 lbs -5,458 lbs 9-10 10-Il 11-12 12-13 0.644 0.616 0.601 0.185 -5,684 lbs -5,426 lbs -4,241 lbs 13-14 -437 lbs 0.217 -259 lbs BCtsd 15-16 0,001 18 lbs (-10 Ibs) 9-20 0.835 5,304 lbs (-2.329 Ibs) 22-23 0.919 6,855 lbs (-2 805 Ibs) 25-26 0.711 5,166 lbs (-2,209 Ibs) 17-18 0,495 2,75! lbs (-1,268 Ibs) 20-2! 0.840 5,549 lbs (-2.380 Ibs) 23-24 0.925 7,095 lbs (-2.850 Ibs) 26-27 0.509 3.025 lbs (-1,351 lbs) 1 8- 19 0.666 4,201 lbs (-1,896 lbs) 21-22 0.854 6,193 lbs (-2.577 lbs) 74-25 0.895 6,624 lbs (-2.706 lbs) 27-28 0.007 56 lbs (-54 lbs) Webs 1-28 0.576 -1,444 lbs 4-24 0,155 490 lbs (-ISO lbs) 8-21 0,759 2,401 lbs (-1,050 lbs) 12-18 0.545 1.723 lbs (-746 lbs) 1-27 0.307 1,604 lbs (-674 lb 5-24 0,053 -119 lbs 9-21 0,293 -245 lbs 12-17 0,952 -2,967 lbs 2-27 0,035 -3,131 lbs 0,245 -248 lbs 9-20 0,040 -73 lbs 13-17 0,695 .220 lbs 2-26 0,723 2,287 lbs (-915 IbsI 6-23 0,069 210 lbs (-7 Ibs) 0-20 0.083 264 lbs (-56 lbs) 17-16 0.013 6 lbs 19 Ibs) 3-26 0.385 -965 lbs 11-23 6-22 0.766 -714 lbs 10-19 0.198 -427 lbs 14-17 0.527 1,667 lbs (-706 Ibs) 3-25 0,461 1.459 lbs (498 IbS) 7-22 0,149 471 lbs (.125 Ibs) 11-19 0.440 1,135 lbs (-446 lbs) 14-15 0.576 -1,444 lbs 4-25 0,202 -492 lbs 7-21 0.829 -959 lbs Il-IS 0,394 -959 lbs GUSSET PLATES - - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMatcrial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6" of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 " ofthe end ofeach chord segment. At least one web ofthis truss has been designed with a panel point in the web.All panel points on such webs shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" of each web panel point. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThATThETEUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS 5I'IEL'T MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Wiochester Cricle. Suite 102 'WE LOADS. LOADING CONDmON5, TEUSS MEMBER CONFIOURA'IlONS AND SPANS LISTED ON ThIS SHEEt Boulder, Colorado 80301 KEYMARK GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS Truss: T57 JobName: 217 GSBuild®System Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:28 PM GS Truss® System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 781 Page: I of3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 4-1-6 2.976/12 I 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 13.7 lbs I-i-I'. 1-3-14 1 4-1-6 2-0-11 2-4-10 2-4-10 - 312 3s 2s is - 0-0-0 0-0-0 - ' 1-3-14 2-9-8 1-3-14 4-1-6 Circles indicate fastener count in webs. Squares indicate fastener count in chords. "Pssreners indicates the nanterof AnwonTS SS #12 oe# 12 SOS (AISI) #ssteners required at one end of she reenter. Each snlae indicates she nartherof fasten em required: (s) indicates the ncntbee of Atnators IS SS #12 to be installed on one side of the truss. (9) indicates the nurrtce of# 12 SOS (AISI) to be installed on each side of the truss. Where connection plates am called out on this draseing, a plate is required on each side of the truss. Refer to General Notes foefisnbcecloriflcation. AllosvoblesbearpeeAsnreon TS SS #12 thstenreas follows: 27 tints: 402 lbs: 33 colt: 544 lbs: 43 ndls: 810 lbs: 54 ends: 1.138 lbs; 68 reds: 1.610 lbs .Allosvablc shearper#12 SOS (AISI) fastener is calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT #2. Maintain fastersee spacing or 5/8 run. Maintain fssreneend esnin at 5/8 snot forench sheer of steel connected. CSI Deflection . LI (bc) Allowed TIC : 0.319(2-3) . TLO.03in L1999 (2-3) L/240 BC 0.087 (4-5) . LL 0.01 in 1-/990 (2-3) L/360 Web: 0.111 (3.5) HorzTI, 0in 2 - it Continuously Braced - BC B—ing Sparse Reactions Summary Member Pin (TI) I I 2 in 92 lbs 6 I 174 lbs H Roll (Ii) I I 2 in 91 lbs 4 I 173 lbs Pin (TI) 2 I 2 in 174 lbs H Roll (TI) 2 I 2 in 173 lbs Pin(TI) 3 I 21n 8llbs Pin (M 3 I 2 i 4 lbs H H Roll (fi) 3 I 2 in 87 lbs Pin (M 4 I 21n 101 lbs Pin (fi) 4 I 2 in -3 lbs H H Roll (Ii) 4 I 2 in 94 lbs Pin (M 5 I in 921b5 H Roll (M 5 I n 91 lbs Pin (M 6 I 2 in 921b5 H Roll(fl) 6 I in 91 lbs Pin (11) 7 I 2 in . 145 lbs Pin (M 7 I 2 in 3 lbs H H Roll (fl) 7 2 in 149 lbs Pin (M '8 2 in 84 lbs a Pin (M 8 I 2 in 3lbsH H Roll (IT) 8 I 2 in 88 lbs Pin (M 9 I 2 in 153 lbs HRoll (IT) 9 I 2 in 152 lbs Pin (M 10 I 2 in -8 lbs Pin (TI) 10 I 2 in 10 lbs H H Roll (TI) 18 I 2 in -23 lbs Pin (TI) II I 2 in I lbs Pin (TI) II I 2 in 7 lbs H H Roll (fl) II I 2 in -20 lbs Pin (IT) 12 I 2 in -127 lbs Pin (M 12 I 21n 3l lbs H H Roll (TT) 12 I 2 i .165 lbs Pin (M 13 I 2 i 55 lbs H Roll (TI) 13 I 2 i 54 lbs Pin (M 14 I 2 i I33 lbs H Roll (TI) 14 I 2 in 132 lbs Material CSI Braci -23 lbs -165 lbs -165 lbs Max P Web I-S 15C20 (30 Mi) 0.051 Unbrnced 136 lbs 15C20(501ni) 8.098 =Inhen Web 5-5 15C20(50 Mi)0.111 Unbtaced -92 lbs I 5C20(50hs1) _0. l02 'iJnbraced 171 l% NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lr1: Std Live Load . Distributed Loads Mesrber Location I Locution 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tnib Width Top Cent Down Psnj 20 psi 20 psi 24 in But Coot Do— Proj 0 psf 0 psi 24 in ALL GENERAL NOTES OFT5IIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THAT1I1E Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SISAL INDICATES ONLY THATTHE1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Crick, Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGIJRA11ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SFIEtTr Boulder, Colorado 80301 XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GSButldSystcm GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Truss: JobNamc: Date: System: Page: Report: T57 217 6/21/2016 3:21:28 PM Amcon 6.003 2 of 3 Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 4-1-6 2.976/12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 13.7 lbs Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Mctther Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top Coot Down Rake 16psf . 16psf 241n Rot Coot Down Rake 6 paf 6 psf 24 in Automated Load Case WE MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Meraber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Slot Load End Load Tub Width Top 0.0.0 1-3-14 N Up Rain 23.42 psI 23.42 paf 24 in Top 1-3.14 4-1-6 N Up Rake 29.83 psI 29.83 psf 2410 Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Thb Width Top 0-0-0 1.3.14 N Up Rake 17.03 psI 17.93 psf 2410 Top 1-3-14 4.1.6 N Up Rake 29.83 psI 29.83 psI 2410 Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Do) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Loot End Load Ttib Width Top 0-0.0 1-3-14 N Up Rake 9.29 pa1 9.29 par 2410 Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Mctrber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Loot Tnb Width Top 0.0.0 1-3-14 N Up Rake 77.56 pf 77.56 psf 2410 Top 1-3.14 4-1.6 NUp Rake 83.14pt1 83.14p51 241n Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Lefl(Min) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Ttib Width Top 0.0.0 1-3-14 N Down Rake 8 psI 8 PSI` 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No loads were defined for this load case. Automated Load Case LI 0*: USC 101b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Metaber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Loot End Loot Ttib Width Oat Cant Down Proj tO psI tO psf 2410 User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No toads were defined for this toad case. This truss has been designed in accordance with [BC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 pSf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is GablelHip with Building Category II, Mean RoofHeight 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has not been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations 9 Load Cotaba Factor I Dl 1.000 1 3 DI + 0.6 W3 1.000 1 DI + 0.6 W9 1.000 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Member ID. otto CSI, Otto axial %tce, (otto contr force ifdiffrtent from max otial force) 0.051 136 lbs (70 ba)I3-3 0.111 -92 lbs Truss-to-truss Connections Summary It) Canirdlnisa CanngTmaa CattogOItkrt Me TI52 T37 010 6-3.6 _____________98de0 j[T57_______________ 019 6-315 90de0 GUSSET PLATES - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMatertal Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6" of each panel point. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThiS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL FART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymaek Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThE11LUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON Ti-ItS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cticte, Salle 102 -11113 LOADS LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 ( KEYMARK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I . I Truss: I T57 JobName: 217 GSBuiId®System I I Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:28 PM GS Truss® I I System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 781 Page: 3 of Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OFIR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 4-1-6 2.976/12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 13.71bs The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle. Suite 102 WE LOADS, WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SI-IEEE Boulder, Colorado 8030 ( KEYMARK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I Truss: T58 JobName: 217 GSBuiId®System I Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:28 PM GSlmss® System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: 1 of 2 I Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 1-10-2 4.983/12 4 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 5.5 lbs 0-10-7 1-7-10 2s 5 12 0-0-0 0-0-0 1-10-2 1-10-2 I Circles indicate fastener count in webs. Squares indicate #sstenercoont in chords."Fasteners" indicates the nanbeoofAowon TS SS 412 orB 12 SDS (AISI) fasteners required atone end of the nrcnther. Each sasloc indicates the natrberof #tsteners required: (s) indicates the notrtherof AtnonoTS SS #12 to be installed on one side of the truss. n) indicates the oaotcrof#12 SOS (AISI) to be installed on each side of the truss. Whets connection plates are called out no this drawing o plate is required on each side of the trass. Refer to General Notes for #snbceclari#cation. AlloscablesbeacperAarnon IS SS #12 tltstrnrros follows: 27 oils: 402 lbs; 33 oils: 544 lbs; 43 oats: 810 ho: 54 oils: I .138 lbs; 68 flits: 1,610 lbs.Allowable shear per #12 SDS (AlSI) Fastener is cslcslatcd per the NASPEC 2007 WIll-I SUPPLEMENT #2. Maintain fastener spacing at 5/8 ride. Maintain ttsterter edge nntgbt at 5/8 tin for each sheet of steel connected. 80 lbs Reactions ST I Type LAC BC csI it 0.094(1-2) BC 0.039(3-4) Web: 0.036(14) It Continuously Braced BC Bracing Sparse BrnWrd Reaction Summary )T BC 4 Pin (WL) 1 1 6 in 43 lbs 4 3 H Roll (TI) 1 1 2 in 43 lbs 3 4 Pin (WL) 2 1 6w 80 lbs 3 H Roll (ll) 2 1 2 in 80 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 3 1 6 in 41 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 3 1 6n 4 lbs H 3 H Roll ITT) 3 1 2 in 36 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 4 1 6 in 44 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 4 1 6 in .24 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 4 1 2 in 60 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 5 1 6 in 43 lbs 3 H Roll (P1) 5 I 2 in 43 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 6 I 6 in 43 His 3 H Roll (TI) 6 I 2 in 43 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 69 His 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 3 lbs H 3 H Roll (CI) 7 I 2 in 65 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 0 I 6 in 41 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 3 lbs H 3 H Roll (FT) 0 I 2 in 38 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 9 I 6 in 71 lbs 3 H Roll (P1) 9 I 2 in 71 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 10 I 8 in 14 lbs 3 H Roll (I'I) tO I 2 in 3 lbs 4 Pin (WL) II I 6 in 19 lbs 4 Pin WL) II I 6 in 35 lbs H 3 11 Roll (TI) II I 2 in .10 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in .6 lbs 4 Pin ('EL) 12 I 6 in 117 lbsH 3 H Roll (Tl) 12 I 2 in .114 lbs 4 Pin ('EL) IS I 6 in 26 lbs 3 H Roll (P1) 13 I 2 in 26 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 14 I 6 i 61 lbs 3 H Roll (Pl) 14 I 2 in 61 lbs Member Material CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed itOin L/999 (1-2) L/240 LL:0in L/999 (1.2) L/360 HoatThgin Nm -10 lbs .114 lbs -114 lbs Max P Web 2.3 15C20 (50 led) 74 NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Mercher Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stats Land End Load Trib '46th Top Cons Down Proj 20 psf 20 psf 24 in Bot Coot Down Proj 0 psf 0 psf 24 is Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Mern*rer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Land End Load 1db Width Top Coot Doses Rake 16 psf 16 psf 24 in Bot Coot Down Robe 6 psf 6 psf 24 in ALL GENERAL NOTES OF11-IlS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFTh1S COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThAT11IE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL. ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThE11UJSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON ThIS SHEEP MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIAFOR 6707 WinchesterCticle, Suite 102 ThE LOADS. WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS USTED ON ThIS SHEEP Boulder, Colorado 80301 (KEYM A R K XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 781 JobName: 217 Date: 6121/2016 3:21:29 PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 2of2 Report: Eng Plot Truss: T58 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 1-10-2 4.983/12 4 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 5.5 lbs Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Mernther l.ocorion I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 1-10-2 N Up Rake 15.45 psI 15.45 psI 24 in Web 14 Cent Right Rate 14.56 psI 14.56 psI 24 in Automated Load CaseW2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Menthe, Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stun Load End Load 1db Width Top 00-0 1-10-2 N Up Rake 19.25 psI 19.25 psI 24 in Web 14 Coat Loft Rake 16.80 psI 16.88 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Men*er Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stoat Load End Load lob Width Top 0.0.0 1-10-2 N Up Rake 4.25 psI 4.25 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Merrbec Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stats Load End Load Tnb Width Top 0-0-0 1-10-2 N Up Rake 77.56 psI 77.56 psI 24 in Web 14 Coot Loft Rake 44.08 psI 44.08 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Lefl(Min) Distributed Loads Meniter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 1db Width Top 0-0-0 1-10-2 N Do tso Rote 0 psI Opal 24 in Web 4 Coot Right Rote 16 psI 16 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(M i n) No loads were defined for this load case. Automated Load Case LIO°: IJBC lOIb Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Menircr Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tnb Width Bol Coot Dntsrr Proj lOpsl lOpsl 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No loads were defined for this load case. This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Flip with Building Category 11, Mean Roof Height 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft. Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone WIdth 63 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations - 0 Load Cootho Factor DI 1.080 = 2pf*jçI roo 3 01+0.6 W3 1.088 = 4 '61+O.6W8 _____________________ 1.000 5 DI +0.6 W9 1.008 =6 D!b7El_1.005 _I 7 DI +0.45 W3 +0.75 tel 1.088 = S D1T0.45W3 1.008 9 DI +0.5301*0.75 tel 1.000 II 0.601+0.6 W2 1.000 I2615I:0w4 .000 13 8.601 *0.70/0.0!'1.000 1.808 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Mcoirrr ID. nato CSL nun oxin] force. (onto ca,n force ildilferent tons nato rain! force) TChd 1-2 0.094 -42 lbs BChd 34 0.039 -94 lbs Webs 1 14 0.036 -69 lbs 1-3 0.034 187 lbs (-Ia lbs) 2-3 0.031 74 lbs (-69 lbs) Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID Carried Irons ConingTnass Cno7dngOftbet Anr 1159 158 G22 2-8.14 45de0 150 023 _2-014 _45de GUSSET PLATES _rn__,u_rITI - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMatetial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicularto the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6" ofeach panel point. The end of every chord segment shall bebraced laterally perpendicularto the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6' ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFTHSS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTHE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT ThE11WSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIM5JMAPPUCABLE DESIGN CREFERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Crick. Suite 102 THE LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 3 H Roll (Vt) I I 2 in 33 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 2 I 6 in 102 lbs 3 H Roll (VT) 2 I 2 in 102 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 52 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 5 lbs H 3 H Roll (Vt) 3 I 2 in 47 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 is 59 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 is -26 lbs H 3 H Roll (VI) 4 I 2 in 74 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 55 lbs 3 H Roll (VI) 3 I 2 in 55 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 6 I 6 in 551b5 3 H Roll (Vt) 6 I 2 in SS lbs 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 881b5 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 4 lbs H 3 H Roll (Ii) I I 2 in 84 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 53 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 4 lbs H 3 H Roll (Vfl 8 I 2 in 491b5 4 Pin (WL) 9 I 6 in 91 lbs 3 H Roll (Vt) 9 I 2 in 91 lbs 4 Pin (WL) ID I 6 in 18 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 in 3 lbs H 3 H Roll (VI) 10 I 2 in 4 lbs 4 Pin (WL) II I 6 in 21 lbs 4 Pin (WL) II I 6 is 40 lbs H 3 H Roll (TT) II I 2 in -9 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in -21 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in 138 lbs H 3 H Roll (Vt) 12 I 2 in -133 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 13 I 6 i 33 lbs 3 H Roll (TT) 13 I 2 i 33 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 14 I 6 in 79 lbs 3 H Roll (Vt) 14 I 2 in 79 lbs Member Material 102 lbs -9 lbs -133 lbs -133 lbs Cs' Max P ( KEYMARK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS Truss: T59 JobName: 217 OS Build® System Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:29 PM OS Truss® System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: I of 2 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 24-6 4.996/12 4 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 6.7 lbs 2-4-6 0-10-7 1-10-4 2s ______ 12 is 2 U ,TT S 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 2-4-6 Circles indicate Esstrnercosnt in webs. Squares indicate fastener count in shoots. Fosterters indicoteS then u rrberofArnconTS SS P12 or#I2 SOS (AISI) Etstenets required at one end ofthe nron6ter. Each colon indicates the nottheroffitstnnets requited: (s) indicates the nsnberof AatseooTS SS #12 to be installed on one side of the truss. (b)indicates the ntsnerof#12 SOS (Ant) to be installed on each side of the truss. Where connection plates are called out on this drawing a plate is required on each side of the truss. Refer to Gerretsl Notes lbrlisnlrenclosiEcarion. Allowable thearperAncon TS SS #12 lltsteneeas follows: 27 c/Is: 402 lbs; 33 tolls: 544 lbs: 43 trots: 010 lbs: 54 earls: 1,138 lbs; 60 traIt: 1.610 lbs .A1lovabte shear per#l2 SOS (AISt) tssteneris calculated per the NASPEC 2007 WITH SUPPLEMENT 82. Maintain fitstennr spacing c13/8" cain. Maintain ttsrencred mstnjn .1 5/8" or/n for each sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed it 0.207(1-2) it: 0.01 in L1999 (1-2) L/240 BC 0.075 (3.4) LL 0.01 in L1999 (1-2) 1,1360 Web: 0.043 (2-3) Horn it: 0 in it Continuously Bested BC Bracing Sparse Reactions Web 2-3 15C20 (50 loi) 99 lbs NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lr1: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread . Stan Load End Load 'fr/b Width Top Cont Onsets Proj 20 psf 20 psf 24 in Bat Coot Onsets Proj 0 psf B psf 24 in Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Men/nec Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load 'fr/b tutdrh Top Cant Down Rake 16 psf 16 psf 241n act Coot Dorsa Rake 6 psf 6 psf 24 in ALL GENERAL NOTES OPTHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPTI{IS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATTHE Keyniark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT THETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON ThiS SHIll/I MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Crick, Suite 102 THE LOADS, WADING CONOmONS. TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 (KE Y MARK GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build®System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Truss: JobName: Date: System: Page: Report: T59 217 6/21/2016 3:21:29 PM Amcon 6.003 2 of 2 Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 24-6 4.996/12 4 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 6.7 lbs Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(t.Jp) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sian Load Fad Load Trib Width Top 0-0-0 2-4-6 NUp Rake 15.42 paf 15.42 psI 24 in Web 1-4 Cant Right Rate 14.56 psI 4.56 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Trib Width Top 0-0-0 24-6 N Up Rote 19.25 par 19.25 psI 24 in Web 14 Coot Left Rake 16.08 psI 16.08 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Tub Width Top 0.0.0 24.6 N Up Rake 4.2 psI 4.2 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Load End Load Trib Width Top 0-0-0 2.4-6 N Up Rake 77.56 psf 77.56 psI 24 in Web 14 Coot Left R.I. 44.08 psI 44.08 psI 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top 0.0.0 24-6 N Down Rake 8 psI 8 par 24 in Web 14 Coot Right Rake I6psl I6psI 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No toads were defined for this toad case. Automated Load Case LI 0°: USC I 01b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Rot Coot Doses Pcaj to par 10 pal 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No toads were defined for this toad case. This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category II, Mean RoofHeight 43 ft Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prone Region. Load Combinations 6 Load Combo Factor I or 1.000 iiiPLfJLt 1.006 3 Dt+0.6W3 1.000 idoo —' DI + 0.6W9 _1.000 7 Dl +0.45 W3 +0.75 let 1.000 8tT0A5w3 _I ft DI +0.53 El *0.75 Let 1.000 T006DiYO6 I _L000 II 0.601 +0.6 W2 1.000 6DfO6w4 _[000 13 0.6 or +0.7 Ff0.01 1.000 iDLJ0 !p p0 I Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Member ID. ama CSL ama axial farce. (ama canlar force ildifibrent fromamx axial farce) lChd 1-2 0.207 .56 lbs BChd 13A 0.075 -115 lbs Webs IIA 0.042 -88 lbs 1-3 0.039 123 lbs (-19 Itt) 2-3 0.043 99 lbs (-00 lbs) Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID Canted Trots CantngTnrss Caarng0flber Ane 7790 T59 022 3-5-I I 45 deg T59 _G23 3-511 _45dcg GUSSET PLATES fT I1LT1 fP11L11T1 - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord Segment listed underMaterial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6" ofeach panel point. The end ofeveiy chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane of the truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES 0911115 DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThATThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON ThiS SHEET MEETS fl-Itt MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle, Suite 102 THE LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 ( KEYMARK Truss: T60 XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS JobName: 217 GSBuild®System Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:29 PM OS Truss® System: Amcon 6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: 1 of2 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WOT/PLY 3-10-3 5.001/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 113 lbs I 3- 10-3 I I 3-10-3 I 0-10-7 2-5-11 2s 0-0-0 0-0-0 3-10-3 3-10-3 Circles indicate llsstenercount in webs. Squares indicate Essieneecoont in chords."Fasteners" indicates the nan*erof AnooniS SS #12 cr9 12 SDS (ARt) #tsrenets required atone end of the octabee. Each solon indicates the nan*terof ttstenets required: (s) indicates the natrberofAatatonl5 SS 412 in be installed no one side of the truss. (b) indicates the nattheeof#I2 SDS (AISI)Io be installed on each side of the ttrass. Where connection plates are called not on this dtosvinE a plate is required on each side of the tests. Relbrto Genetsl Notes for 8snbeeclati8cation. Allowable sttescrperAnaton IS SS #12 rasteneras follows: 27 reds: 402 His: 33 ndts: 544 lbs; 43 mils: 810 lbs: 54 tolls: 1.138 lbs; 68 rats: 1,610 lhs.Allowable shesepce#12 SDS (AISI) tssteneris calculated path c NASPEC 2007 W1Sl SIJPPLEMEN'F#2. Maintain tolcncrspacingsr 5/8" edo. Maintain fitstencredW nastolo at 5/8 rein for each sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed 'IC 0.732 (1-2) TL- 0.04 in L/999 (1.2) L/240 BC 0.450(3.4) LL, 0.02 in L/999 (1.2) L1360 Web: 0.093 (2.3) How TL Sin IC Continuously Braced BC Bracing Spatse Reactions Summary 4 Pin (WL) I I 6 in ItO lbs 4 I 167 lbs , .63 lbs .63 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) I I 2 is 90 lbs 3 I 167 lbs .7 lbs .100 lbs .188 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 2 I 6/n 167 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 2 I 21n 1671b5 4 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 83 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 8 lbs H 3 H Roll (el') 3 I 2 in 77 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 i tOt lbs 4 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in .32 lbs H 3 H Roll (Ii) 4 I 2 in 116 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 90 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 5 I 2 in 90 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 6 I 6 in 90 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 6 I 2 in 90 lbs 4 Pits (WL) 7 I 6 .n 143 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 6 lbs H 3 H Roll (11) 7 I 2 in 138 His 4 Pin (WI.) 8 I 6 in 85 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 6 lbs H 3 H Roll (11) 8 I 2 in 80 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 9 I 6 i 148 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 9 I 2 is 148 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 in 29 lbs 4 Pin (WI.) 10 I 6 in 14 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 10 I 2 i 81bs 4 Pin (WI.) It I 6 in 26 lbs 4 Pin (WI.) II I 6 in 55 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) II I 2 in .7 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 i -63 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 i l95 lbs H 3 H Roll (TI) 12 I 2 in .158 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 13 I 6 i 541b5 3 1 Roll (fl) 13 I 210 54 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 14 I 6i0 128 lbs 3 H Roll (I1) 14 I 2 i 128 lbs Member Material CSI Bracing Max P Web 2.3 13C20 (50 ni) NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Ttib Width Top Coot Down Ptoj 20 psI 20 psI 24 in Bot Coot Doses Proj 0 psI 5 psI 24 in Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Top Cant Doses Rake 16psf 16psf 2410 act Cant Doses Robe 6 psI 6 psf 24 in ALL GENERAL NOTES OFIHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE 11-IAT1115 Keymatic Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT1T{ETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON ThIS SHEET MEETS ml) MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Crate, Suite 102 NE LOADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 KEY ARK GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GSBuiId®System OS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Truss: JobName: Date: System: Page: Report: T60 217 6/21/2016 3:21:29 PM Amcon 6.003 2 of 2 Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 3-10-3 5.001/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 113 lbs Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Meniser Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stosi Load End Load Tnb Vvidih Top 0.0.6 3.10.3 NUp Robe 15.4 psi 15.4 psf 2410 Web .4 Coot Right Rake 14.56 psi 14.56 psi 2410 Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Me,rber Location I Location 2 Direction Sptend Stan Lead End Load 1db Walsh Top 0MM 3-10-3 N Up Robe 19.25 psi 19.25 psI 24 in Web 14 Cons Left Rake 16.88 psi 16.88 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Men*er Location I Location 2 Disection Spread Sun Lend End Lend 1db Width Top 0MM 3.10-3 N Up Rake 4.18 psi 4.18 psi 2410 Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Mentser Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Start Lend End Lend 1db Walsh Top 0MM 3-10-3 N lip Rake 77.56 psi 77.56 psi 24 in Web 14 Cons Left Rake 44.00 psI 44.08 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Mesnt,en Location I Location 2 Direction Spsnad Sian Lend End Lend 1db Width Top 0MM 3-10-3 N Down Rake 8 psi 8 psi 24 in Web 14 Cons Right Rake 16 psI 16 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No loads Were defined for this load cane. Automated Load Case LIOn: LJBC 101b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Meseber Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Sian Load End Load 1db Width But Cont Down Pnaj 10 psi to psi 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No toads were defused for this toad case. I) This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance with ASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is Gable/Hip with Building Category H, Mean Roof Height 43 ft Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 It The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not ins Hurricane Prune Region. Load Combinations 8 Lend Contso Factor - DI 1.000 7000 3 Dl +0.6 W3 1.000 4T6 W8 .000 .1 5 Dl +0.6 W9 1.000 6 bf.7Ei L000 7 Dl +0.45 5103+0.75 Let 1.000 = 8 +JW3 l000 9 DI +0.53 El +0.75 Lii 1.000 17000 II 0.6 Dl +0.6 W2 1.000 Ili0.6Dl00.6W4 i:000 13 0.6 Dl ±0.7 EJ0.0I 1.000 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Menisee ID. nun CS!. nato axial ioree. (nato cnnsr iorce iidiEesvni &nmnnsx axial ionte) lChd 1.2 0.732 -92 lbs BChd 34 0.450 -172 lbs Webs 14 0.057 -144 lbs 1-3 0.056 177 lbs (-24 lbs) 2-3 0.095 165 lbs (.144 1bs) Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID Cooled Inass Cantyinglnsss Cns,dngO8bet Angle 1193 160 023 5.6-14 45 deg GUSSET PLATES L5tTP11I1!7I - - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed underMaterial Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6' of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicularto the planeofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OPTh1S COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThAIThE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL K'dONEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT ThE1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Csicle, Suite 102 THE LOADS. WADING CONDmONS, ThUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS hallS) ON Boaldee, Colorado 80301 3 H Roll (ii) I I 2 in 93 lbs 3 4 Pin (WL) 2 I 6 i 173 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 2 I 2 in 173 lbs 4 Pin (WI.) 3 I 6 in 86 lbs 4 pin (WI.) 3 I 6 in 8 lbs H 3 H Roll (Ff) 3 I 2 in 80 Its; 4 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 i 105 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 4 I 6 in -33 lbs H 3 H Roll (Ii) 4 I 2 in 120 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 93 lbs 3 H Roll (TI) 5 I 2 its 93 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 6 I 6 in 93 lbs 3 H Roll (11) 6 I 2 in 93 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 i 148 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 7 I 6 in 6 Its H 3 H Roll (ri) 7 I 2 in 143 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 88 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 6 lbs H 3 H Roll (iT) 8 I 2 in 53 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 9 I 6 in 153 lbs 3 H Roll (ii) 9 I 2 in 153 lbs 4 Pi. (WL) 10 I 6i0 30 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 10 I 6 i l6 lbs H 3 H Roll (il) 10 I 2 in 9 lbs 4 Pin (WI.) II I 6 in 26 lbs 4 Pin (WL) II I 6 in 56 lbs I-I 3 H Roll (iT) II I 2 in -6 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 i -671b1 4 Pin (WL) 12 I 6 i 201 lbsH 3 H Roll (fl) 12 I 2i0 -194 lbs 4 Pin (WI.) IS I 6 in 56 lbs 3 H Roll (il) IS I 2 in 56 lbs 4 Pin (WL) 14 I 6 i 133 lbs 3 H Roll (Ii) 14 I 2 in 133 Its Member Material CSI 173 lbs 173 lbs -6 lbs -194 lbs .194 lbs Max P ( KEYMARK XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I I Truss: I T61 JobName: 217 GSBuild®System I I Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:30 PM GSlruss® I I System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] Page: 1 of2 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 4-0-0 5/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 241n 11.7 lbs 'I_U-U I 4-0-0 I 0-10-7 2-6-7 2s T96 0-0-0 0-0-0 4-0-0 4-0-0 Circles indicate thssenee count in webs. Squares indicate tisslettee count in chords. Fasteners" indicates the soother of AnwoniS SS 512 or4I2 SOS (AOl) fasteners required stone end of the nntthre. Each noIse indicates the outrtherof flssteoets required: (s) indicates the nonber of Autnon IS SS #12 to be installed on one side of the truss. (h) indicates the nanbee of# 2 SOS (AlSO to he installed on each side of the onus. Where connection piston an: called not on this dtosviog a plate is required on each side of the truss. Refeeto General Notes for futnlserclaritcation. Allowable sbearperAocon IS SS #12 lbstrneras follows: 27 odIn: 402 lbs: 33 erOs: 544 lbs; 43 sods: 810 lbs; 54 soils: 1,138 lbs: 68 coIn: 1.610 lbs.Allossable shear per#12 SDS (AISI) firsterseris calculated pee the NASPEC 2007 WITH SuPPLEMENT 112. Maintain tnsleoer spacing at 5/8 edo. Maintain fisstenre edge msin at 5/8' edo foe each sheet of steel connected. CSI Deflection LI (bc) Allowed IC : 0.859(1-2) TI.: 0.04 in L/901 (1-2) L/245 BC : 0.524 (34) LI.: 0.02 in L/999 (1-2) L/360 Web: 0.102 (2-3) Hotzfl.: 0 i IC Continuously Braced BC BtssciogSpatse Reactions NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case Lr1: Still Live Load Distributed Loads Menter Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Tap Cons Down Ptoj 20 psf 28 psf 24 in Bot Cool Onsets Ptoj 5 psf 5 psf 24 in Load Case DI: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Menther Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Load End Load Trib Width Tap Cool Dosstt Rake 16 psf 16 psf 24 in 801 Coot Down Rake 6 psf 6 psf 24 in ALL GENERAL NOTES OPThIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATThE Keyniai* Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS ThE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle, Suite 102 THE LOADS, CONDITIONS. CONDONS. TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS. AND SPANS LISTED ON s SHEET Boulder, Colorado 80301 GS Build®System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] ( GLOBAL SThELSYSTEMS KEYMARK Truss: JobName: Date: System: Page: Report: T61 217 6/21/2016 3:21:30 PM Amcon 6.003 2 of 2 Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 4-0-0 5/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 241n 11.7 lbs Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Mn,thcr Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Slut Load End Load Trib Width Top 0.0.0 4.0.0 N Up Rake 15.41 psi I5.41 psi 24 in Web 1.4 Coat Right Rake 14.56 psi 14.56 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) Distributed Loads Menirer Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stoat Load End Load Tnb Width Top 0.0.0 4-0.0 N Up Rake 19.25 psi 19.25 psi 24 in Web -4 Cont Left Rake 16.88 psi 16.88 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(MaxDn) Distributed Loads Merntcr Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Slut Load Rod Load Trib Vcidlh Top 0-0-0 4-0-0 N Up Rake 4.19 psi 4.19 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stoat Load lad Load Trib Width Top 0.0.0 4.0-0 N Up Rake 77.56 psI 77.56 psI 24 in Web 14 Cant Left Rake 44.08 psi 44.08 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Mctthcr Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Starr Load Rod Load Trib Width Top 0.0.0 4.0.0 N Down Rake 8 psi 8 psi 24 in Web 14 Cant Right Rake 16 psi 16 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) No toads were defined for this toad case. Automated Load Case LI 0*: UBC lOIb Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Merther Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Slut Load Rod Load Trib Width Bat Coat Dana Ptoj lo psi lOpsi 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No loads were defined for this toad case. I) This truss has been designed in accordance with IBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psf bottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is GahlelHip with Building Category II, Mean Roof Height 43 fl, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 fix 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has not been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prune Region. Load Combinations 0 Load Corrbo Factor I Dl 1.008 1.000 —] 3 DI +0.6 000 1.000 5 Di +0.6 W9 1.000 6 PlI 1.008 1 7 Dl + 0.45 1113 +0.75Eel 1.000 = ftTO:43w3_C000_I Dl * 0.53 El * 0.75 Lel 1.000 £=1 =0.6Dl6Wi LOO_________ II 0.601*0.6 W2 1.000 r j06DE6W4 .000 _I 13 0.601 +0.7 E'O.OI 1.000 1.000 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Mctr*snrtD, nato CSL nato axial force. (tratx colr5lc iorce iidiltbreol floor rma axial force) TCbd 1-2 0.859 -96 lbs BCbd 3-4 0.524 478 lbs Webs 14 0.060 -149 lbs 11.3 0.058 182 lbs (-25 lbs) 12-3 0.102 171 lbs (.149 lbs) Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ID Corned Truss Coar7nngTcass CaarylagOft%er Ane Tt95 161 024 4-7-9 _____________ 90 deg M6 5-8-13 lisjleg GUSSET PLATES zP1I1LeI - - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss and placed within 6' ofeach panel point. ç The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane ofthe truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6" ofthe end ofesch chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OFIHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThlS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThAT11{E Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT ThE1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON 11415 SHEET MEETS 1141) MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Cricle, Suite 102 THE WADS, LOADING CONDITIONS. TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS. AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET BasIder, Colorado 80301 H Roll (WL) I I 6 in 242 lbs Pin (WL) 2 I 6 in 449 lbs H Roll (WL) 2 I 6 in 449 lbs Pin (WL) 3 I 6 in 216 lbs H Roll (WL) 3 I 6 in 216 lbs Pin OWL) 4 I 6 in 275 lbs Pin OWL) 4 I 6 in -37 lbs H H Roll (WL) 4 I 6 in 258 lbs Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 258 lbs Pin (WL) 5 I 6 in 37 lbs H 11 Roll (WL) 5 I 6 in 275 lbs Pits (WL) 6 I 6 in 242 lbs H Roll (WL) 6 I 6 in 242 lbs Pin (WL) 7 I 6 i 379 lbs H Roll OWL) 7 I 6 in 378 lbs Pin (WL) 8 I 6 in 222 lbs H Roll OWL) B I 6 in 222 lbs Pin OWL) 9 I 6 in 397 lbs H Roll (WL) 9 I 6 in 397 lbs Pin OWL) 10 I 6 in 40 lbs Pin (WL) lB I 6 i -43 lbs H H Roll (WL) tO I 6 in 34 lbs Pin (WL) II I 6 in 34 lbs Pin (WL) II I 6 in 43 lbs H H Roll OWL) II I 6 is. 40 lbs Pin (WL) 12 I 6 in -280 lbs H Roll (WL) 12 I 6 in -200 lbs Pin (WL) IS I 6 in 145 lbs H Roll (WL) 13 I 6 in 145 lbs Pin OWL) 14 I 6 in 345 lbs H Roll OWL) 14 I 6 in 345 lbs tO I 449 lbs 6 I 449 lbs .3:511155 (KEYMARK I I Truss: T62 XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I I I I JobName: 217 GSBuiId®System I Date: 6/2112016 3:21:30 PM GSlruss® I I System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 78] I Page: I of3 I Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 104-6 4.993/12 9 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 28.4 lbs L11 L-I-I I al-I-I I I 2-7-1 I 5-2-3 I 79.4 I 10-4-6 I I 2-7-1 I 2-7-1 I 2-7-1 I 2-7-1 I I 2-7-1 I 5-2-3 1 7-9-4 I 10-4-6 Circles indicate flattener count in webs. Squares indicate fastener count in chords. Fattenets" indicates the number of Anton IS SS 1112 or #12 SOS (AISt) tssteners required at one end of the reenter. Each snlue indicates the number of ttstenets required: (n) indicates the number ofAnwon IS SS #12 to he installed on one side of the truss. (h) indicates the nurrbcr of# 12 SIDS (AISI) to be installed on each side of the truss. Where connection plates are called out on this drawing, a plate is required on each side of the truss. Refer to General Notes for further clarification. Allowable shear peeAnwon IS SS 812 fastener as follows: 27 toils: 402 lbs: 33 toils: 544 lbs; 43 toils: 810 lbs; 54 mils: 1,138 lbs: 68 toils: 1 .6 10 lbs.Allossnhle shear per 0l2 SDS (AISI) frsstenerin calculated per the NASPEC 2007 Wt11-I SUPPLEMENT #2. Maintain fastener spacing at 5/8 mm. Maintain flotener edge noroin at 5/8' min for each sheet of steel connected. Reactions Cs' IC : 0.304 (4.5) BC : 0.166 (7-0) Web: 0.216(1-9) IC Continuously Braced BC BtncingSpusne Deflection LI (bc) Allowed TL' 0.03 in L/999 (1-2) 1,/240 LL, O.0I in L/999 (1-2) L/360 Horn it 0.01 in 5 NOTE: Web crippling calculation assume truss is fastened to support. Loads Summary Load Case LrI: Std Live Load Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Stan Loud End Load Trib Width Top Coot Down Proj 20 psI 20 psf 24 in Bns Cent Down Proj 0 psI 0 psI 24 in ALL GENERAL NOTES OPIHIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART 0F1141S COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE ThATll4E Keyniark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SrAL INDICATES ONLY THAT TIIE1RUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHOES' MEETS THE MINIMUMAPPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Winchester Crick, Suite 102 THE WADS, LOADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS US'I1ID ON THIS SHEEt Boulder, Colorado 80301 ( KEYM A R K WX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS GS Build® System GS Truss® Version: 5.009 [Build 78] • Truss: T62 JobName: 217 Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:30PM System: Amcon 6.003 Page: 2of3 Rennrt Pns, Pint SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHP PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 104-6 4.993/12 9 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 28.4 lbs Load Case Dl: Std Dead Load Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Di-lion Spread Star Lord End Lord Ttib Width Top Coot Down R.I. 16 psi 16 psi 2410 Bot Coot Down Rake 6 psi 6 psi 24 in Automated Load Case WI: MWFRS-Left(Up) Distributed Loads Monitor Location t Location 2 Direction Spread Star Lord Sod Lead Tnh Width Top 0-0.0 5-2-3 N Up Rote 15.43 psi 15.43 pti - 24 in Top 5-2-3 10.4-6 N Up Rote 19.25 psi 19.25 psi 24 in Web 1-10 Coot Ridtt Rote 14.56 psi 14.56 psi 24 in Web 5-6 Cont Right Rake 16.88 psi 16.88 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W2: MWFRS-Right(Up) - Distributed Loads Member Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Star Load End Load Ttib Width Top . 0-0-0 - 5-2-3 N Up Rake 19.25 psi 19.25 psi 24 in Top 5-2-3 104-6 N Up R.I. 15.43 psi 15.4.3 ptf 24 in Web 1-10 Coot Loft Rote 16.88 psi 16.88 psi 24 in Web 5-6 Coot Left Rate 14.56 psi 14.56 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W3: MWFRS-(Max Dn) Distributed Loads Monitor Location I Location 2 Direction Sprout Star Lord End Lord mb Width Top 0.0.0 5-2-3 N Up Rake 4.21 psi 4.21 psi 24 in Top 5-2-3 104.0 N lip Rake 4.21 psi 4.21 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W4: C&C(Suction) Distributed Loads Monitor Location I Location 2 - Direction Spread Star Lord End Lord Ttib Width Top 0.0-0 5-2-3 N Up R.I. 60.28 pnf 68.28 psi 24 in Top 5-2-3 104.6 N Up Rake 68.28 psi 60.28 psi 24 in Web I-tO Cont Loft Rake 38.62 psi 38.62 psi 24 in Web 5.6 Cont Right Rate 38.62 psi 38.62 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W8: MWFRS-Left(Min) Distributed Loads Member- Location I Location 2 Direction Sprout Star Lord Sod Lord Ttih Width Top 0-0-0 5-2-3 N Down Rate 0 psi 8 psi 24 in Web 1-10 Cont Right Rate 16 pni 16 psi 24 in Automated Load Case W9: MWFRS-Right(Min) Distributed Loads - Monitor Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Star Lord End Lord Trib Width Top 5-2-3 10.4.6 N Down Rake ft psi ft psi 24 in Web 5-6 Coot Leo Rake 16 psi 16 psi 24 in Automated Load Case L10°:-UBC 101b Live Load on Bottom Chord Distributed Loads Monitor Location I Location 2 Direction Spread Star Lord End Lord Trib Width Bar Coot Down Proj 10 psi tO psi 24 in User-defined Load Case El: Seismic No leads were defused for this load case. I) This truss has been designed in accordance with LBC -2012. This truss has been designed for the effects due to 10 psfbottom chord live load plus dead loads. This truss has been designed in accordance withASCE7 - 10, 110 mph Ultimate, Exposure C. The building is GablelHip with Building Category H, Mean RoofHeight 43 ft, Overall Building Dimensions of 140 ft x 63 ft, Enclosure Class: Enclosed, CC Zone Width 6.3 ft The left end vertical has been exposed to wind. The right end vertical has been exposed to wind. This truss is an End Zone Truss. This truss is not in a Hurricane Prune Region. Load Combinations 0 Lord Conito Factor I Dl 1.000 - t.8i6....... 3 01+0.6 W3 - 1.000 4Dtts6Wit :600 DI +0.6 W9 1.000 7 DI +0.45 W3 *0.75 Let 1.000 1.000 9 Dl +0.53 El +0.75Let .000 jI9 6DiT :.000 -------------------J II 0.6 Dl +0.6 W2 1.000 I2 0.6DTTOTW4 I .O6O 13 0.6 Dl +0.7 P10.0! 1.000 1.000 i Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Member to, onto CS!, nun axial terse, (nun canrr intro iidifforont from nun stir! intro) TChd 11.2 0.304 -550 lbs 12-3 0.212 484 lbs 134 - 8.212 404 lbs 14-5 ft 504 0.216 527 lbs (-292 lbs) 3-8 0.160 201 lbs (.165 Ibs) 5-7 0.216 527 lbs(-292 0.075 -146 lbs 4-8 0.122 136 lbs (-119 Ibs) 5-6 0.174 .437 lbs ALL GP14tiRAL NOTES OTiS-US DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSFDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFThIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE 114AT11tE Keymark Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY THAT ThETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6787 Winchester Cricle, Suite 102 7148 WADS. WADING CONDITIONS, TRUSS MEMBER CONFIGURA11ONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON ThIS SHEET. Boulder, Colorado 80301 ( KEYMARK I I Truss: T62 XX GLOBAL STEEL SYSTEMS I JobName: 217 GSBuild®System I Date: 6/21/2016 3:21:30PM GSlmss® I System: Amcon6.003 Version: 5.009 [Build 781 Page: 3 of 3 Report: Eng Plot SPAN PITCH QTY OHL OHR PLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 104-6 4.993/12 9 0-0-0 0-0-0 I 24 in 28.4 lbs GUSSET PLATES tT 1I1LT1 1 ,I1LT1 - - - - - - - - - - - Additional Notes: At least one chord segment ofthis truss has been designed assuming sparse bracing. Each chord segment listed under Material Summary as Bracing: Sparse requires placement of lateral braces installed perpendicular to the plane of the truss and placed within 6 of each panel point. The end of every chord segment shall be braced laterally perpendicular to the plane of the truss. Lateral braces shall be installed within 6 ofthe end of each chord segment. ALL GENERAL NOTES OF THIS DRAWING PACKAGE SHALL BE CONSIDEREDAS AN INTEGRAL PART OFTHIS COMPONENT DESIGN DOCUMENT. NOTE THATIHE Keymalic Enterprises, LLC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SEAL INDICATES ONLY ThAT THETRUSS ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MEETS THE MINIMUM APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR 6707 Wü,cbcstcr Cicte, Suite 102 THE WADS, WADING CONDITIONS, muss MEMBER CONFIGURATIONS, AND SPANS LISTED ON THIS SHEET BoutdeL Colondo 80301