HomeMy WebLinkAbout1581 MARBRISA CIR; ; CB142413; Permit11-24-2014 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Reference #: CB#: Project Title: City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Permit Permit No:SW140338 1581 MARBRISA CR CBAD SWPPP 2111311300 CB142413 GRAND PACIFIC VILLA BLDG 66 Applicant: DAN TALANT 4990 N HARBOR DR SAN DIEGO CA 92106 619-297-8066X25 Emergency Contact: HOUSTON ARNOLD Status: ISSUED Lot#: 0 Applied: 09/18/2014 Entered By: SKS Issued: 11/20/2014 Inspect Area: Tier: 1 Priority: M Owner: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD L P 5900 PASTEUR CT #200 CARLSBAD CA 92008 760 585-8879 SWPPP Plan Check SWPPP Inspections Additional Fees $53.00 $224.00 $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES $277.00 Total Fees: $277.00 Total Payments To Date: $277.00 Balance Due: $0.00 HNAL APPROVAL SIGNATURE (2^^ ^C) i Sl 9 z_ THE FOLLOWING APPROVALS REQUIRED PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE: ILDING • HEALTH • HAZMAT/APCD if""" a r Builciing Permit Application City or 1035 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 -l/ J Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax:760-602-8558 ^^2LL J.SD2.C1 email: building(gcarlsbadca.gov , www.carlsbadca.gov Plan Check No. 0^ / ^2 Q i 3> if""" a r Builciing Permit Application City or 1035 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 -l/ J Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax:760-602-8558 ^^2LL J.SD2.C1 email: building(gcarlsbadca.gov , www.carlsbadca.gov Est. Value /,^h;?^0C^d if""" a r Builciing Permit Application City or 1035 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 -l/ J Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax:760-602-8558 ^^2LL J.SD2.C1 email: building(gcarlsbadca.gov , www.carlsbadca.gov Plan Ck. Deposit 3i (j'^^ *^ if""" a r Builciing Permit Application City or 1035 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 -l/ J Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax:760-602-8558 ^^2LL J.SD2.C1 email: building(gcarlsbadca.gov , www.carlsbadca.gov Date 7/W/V ^PP /C/,05^yi JOB ADDRESS — 1 ^ SUITE#/SPACE#/UNIT# APN / CT/PROJECT # LOT # PHASE # # OF UNITS # BEDROOMS # BATHROOMS TENANT BUSINESS NAME CONSTR. TYPE OCC. GROUP Go^'^ PAUTIC &S»><?T5 V/ti P-'X DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Include Square Feet of Affected Area(s) ^ lOtW Z '^^i \/ILXJ\ BO EXISTING USE PROPOSED USE GARAGE (SF) PATIOS (SF) DECKS (SF) FIREPLACE AIRCONDITIONING FIRESPRINKLERS YES|~|» N0| 1 YES QNO Q YES| | N0| | APPLICANT NAME >-> Primary Contact ll^Jflf^ l^/fr^TT PROPERTVOWNERNAME yj Ql^D /%c/fiC ii-^>anjrs ADDRESS ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX PHONE FAX EMAIL 1 EMAIL 1 DESIGN PROFESSIONAL CONTRACTORBUS.NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX PHONE FAX EMAIL EMAIL STATE LIC. # STATE LIC.# CL*SS CITY BUS. LIC.# a) (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its Issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuantto the provisions ofthe Contractor's License Law (Cnapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 ofthe Business and Professions Code) or that he Is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500)). WORKERS' COMPENSATION Workers' Compensation Dec\ira6on: I hereby affirm under penalty ofpeijuiy one of ttie follomng declaratioris: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' coinpensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain worlters' compensatian, as required by Section 3700 oi the Labor Code, for the perfonnance of the work for which this permit is issued. Uy workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Co. Policy No. Expiration Date This section need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars ($100) or less. I I Certificate of Exemption: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure worlters' compensation coverage Is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars (&100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attomey's fees. JS^ CONTRACTORSIGNATURE • AGENT DATE OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION • • / tiereby atfinn that I am exempt from Contractor's License Law for the foltowing reason: I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not Intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). 1, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to constmct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Prafessions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). i am exempt under Section Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1.1 personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property lmprovemen^.,^F^j]|es I iNo 2.1 (have / have not) signed an application for a building pemiit for the proposed work. 3.1 have conlracted with the following person (fimi) to provide the proposed constmction (include name address / phone /contractors' license number): 4.1 plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone / contractors' license number): 5.1 win provide some of the work, bfit-ilSteSisjiacleii (hired) the following persons to provide the wort( indicated (include name / address / phone / type of wort(): I PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE GENT DATE \\\2o\['i 01W*»tiTE THIS SECTION FOR N O N - R E $ i D E N T i A I. B UILO INQ PERMITS ONLY Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505,25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? Yes No Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management districf? Yes No Is the facility to be constmcted within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? Yes No IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. CNITIU CTION LEND!NG A G E NCY I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work this pennit is issued (Sec. 3097 (i) Civil Code). Lender's Name Lender's Address PPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certiVUiatl have read the application atxl state that the alxwe infbrmation is conect and that ttie infbrinatlon on the plans Is accurate. I agree to comp I hereby authorize representative ofthe City of Cartsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property Ibr inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEH^NIFY AND KEEP HARH^LESS THE CfTY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST Aa LIABILITIES, JUDGHflENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH H^AY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGMNSJ SAID CfTr' IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERIWlfr. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required fbr excavations over 5'0' deep and demolition or constmction of stmctures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every pemiit issued by the Building Oflicial under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and beoome null and void if the building or mk authorized by such pennit is not commenced within 180 days ftom Ihe date of such permit or if the buikiing or wori< authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the wort< is commenced fbr a period of 180 days (Sectbn 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). veTAPPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE STOP: THIS SECTION NOT REQUIRED FOR BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE. Complete the following ONLY if a Certificate of Occupancy will be requested at final inspection. Fax (760) 602-8560, Email builciina(S)carlsbadca.aov or Mall the completed form to City of Carisbad, Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carisbad, Califomia 92008. C0#: (Office Use Only) CONTACT NAME OCCUPANT NAME ADDRESS BUILDING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP Carlsbad CA PHONE FAX EIVIAIL OCCUPANT S BUS. LIC. No. DELIVERY OPTIONS PICK UP: CONTACT (Listed above) OCCUPANT (Listed above) CONTRACTOR (On Pg. 1) MAILTO: CONTACT (Listed above) OCCUPANT (Listed above) CONTRACTOR (On Pg. 1) MAIL/FAX TO OTHER: ASSOCIATED CB# NO CHANGE IN USE / NO CONSTRUCTION CHANGE OF USE / NO CONSTRUCTION ASSOCIATED CB# NO CHANGE IN USE / NO CONSTRUCTION CHANGE OF USE / NO CONSTRUCTION ^APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE Inspection List Permit*: CB142413 Type: COMMIND HOTEL Date Inspection Item Inspector Act 06/29/2015 89 Final Combo PD AP 06/29/2015 89 Final Combo - Rl 04/29/2015 85 T-Bar PD AP 04/24/2015 17 Interior Lath/DiTwall PD AP 04/24/2015 17 Interior Lath/Drywall PD AP 04/17/2015 17 Interior Lath/Drywall PB AP 04/15/2015 85 T-Bar PD AP 04/13/2015 17 Interior Lath/Drywall PD AP 04/13/2015 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall PD AP 04/07/2015 17 Interior Lath/Drywall PD AP 04/06/2015 17 Interior Lath/Drywall PD CA 04/03/2015 14 Frame/Steel/BoltingA/Veldin PB AP 03/31/2015 17 Interior Lath/Drywall PD AP 03/27/2015 13 Shear Panels/HD's PD PA 03/19/2015 84 Rough Combo PD AP 03/18/2015 84 Rough Combo PD AP 03/16/2015 13 Shear Panels/HD's PD AP 02/19/2015 15 Roof/Reroof PD AP 02/04/2015 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall PD AP 01/15/2015 17 Interior Lath/Drywall PD AP 01/13/2015 24 Rough/Topout PD AP 12/02/2014 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD AP 12/01/2014 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers MC PA 11/26/2014 21 Underground/Under Floor PD AP GRAND PACIFIC VILLA 66 - BUILD NEW 12 UNIT TIMESHARE BLD 13,969 S Comments AM COMPLETE OUTER SLAB DOWELS Tuesday, June 30, 2015 Page 1 of 1 A CARLSBAD INSPECTION RECORD Building Division • i^i^ i%i5%*Wi^l-f m INSPECTION RECORD CARD WfTH APPROVED PLANS MUST BE KEPT ON THE JOB 0 CALL BEFORE 3:30 pm FOR NEXT WORK DAY INSPECTION 0 FOR BUILDING INSPECTION CALL: 760-602-2725 OR GO TO: www.Cartsbadca.qov/Buildinq AND CLICK ON "Request/Inspection" DATE: IllJb//y CB142413 1581 MARBRISA CR GRAND PA , .-IC VILLA 66 - BUILD NEW 12 •. r TIMESHARE BLD 13,432 SF WITH 3,670 SF DECK/VV". KWAYS COMM;;, HOTEL Lot#. DAN TALANT RECORD COPY JG IN A COPY REQUIRED PRIOR.TO REQUESTING A piNAL BUILDING iNyPtC 1 ION, .E DIVISIONS AT THE PHONE NUMBERS PROVIDED BELOW. AFTER S02-S56O, EiMAlL TO BLpiilNSPirCTiC OR :ARLSBAD, CA 92008. BUILDING INSPECTORS CAN BE REACHED • YOUR INSPECTION. NO YES Required Prior to Requesting Building Final If Checlced YES Oate Inspector Notes Planning/Landscape 760-944-8463 Allow 48 hours CM&l (Engineering Inspections) 760-438-3891 Call before 2 pm Fire Preverstion 760-602-4660 Allow 48 hours 1 Type of Inspection Type of Inspection COOE #• BUILDING Date Inspector C&DE # Inspector #11 FOUNDATION #31 • ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND OUFER #12 REINFORCED STEEL #34 ROUGH ELECTRIC #(>(> MASONRY PRE OltOUT #33 O ELECTRIC SERVICE DTEMPORARY • GROUT D WALL DRAINS #3S PHOTOVOLTAIC #10 TILTPANELS #39 FINAL ^•11 POUR STRIPS CODE* MECH/yNICAL #11 COLU MN FOOTINGS #41 UNDERGROUND DUCTS & PIPINQ «14 SUBFRAME • FLOOR • CEIUNG n #44 •DUCT&PLENUM • REF.PIPING »li> ROOFSHEATHING ^ • LS *7 ^ #43 HEAT-AIR COND. SYSTEMS #13 EXT. SHEAR PANELS * •••• #49 FINAL #16 INSUUTION /) cocE« COMBO INSPECTION #18 EXTERIOR UTH #81 UNDERGROUND (11,12,21,31) #17 INTERIOR UTH & DRYWAU f #82 ORYWALLEXT UTH, GAS TES (17,18,23) #51 POOLEXCA/STEEL/BOND/FENCE #&a ROOFSHEATING,EXTSHEAR(13,15) #55 PREPLASTER/FINAL #84 FRAME ROUGH COMBO (14,24,34,44) #19 FINAL #85 T-Sar (14,24,34,44) COOE » PLUMBING Date Inspector #89 HNAL OCCUPANCY (19,29,39,49) #22 • SEWER & BL/CO • PL/CO , ''I FIRE Date Inspector #21 UNDERGROUND DWASTE • WTR #24 TOP OUT OWASTE OWTR A/S UNDERGROUND VISUAL \ \ \ #27 TUB & SHOWER PAN A/S UNDERGROUND HYDRO #23 OGAS TEST • GAS PIPING ^ A/S UNDERGROUND FLUSH x •\ #25 WATER HEATER A/S OVERHEAD VISUAL #28 SOUR WATER A/S OVERHEAD HYDROSTATIC #29 FINAL A/S FINAL coDE# STORMWATER F/A ROUGH-IN #600 PRE-CONSTRUCnON MEETING F/AFINAL #603 FOLLOW UP INSPECTION FIXED EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM ROUGH-IN / / #605 NOTICE TO CLEAN FIXED EXTING SYSTEM HYDROSTATIC TET / / #607 Vi'RITTEN WARNING II II 1 |. „ „.,,, , „„ , „, , y FIXED EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM FINAL / "I #609 NOTICE OF VIOUTION MEDICAL GAS PRESSURE TEST / #610 VERBALWARNING MEDICAL GAS FINAL / / / www.mtglinc.com MTGL Project #:_ Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Ave. Ste. A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 Dispatch: 800.491.2990 San Diego/Imperial County 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 Dispatch: 888.844.5060 Inland Empire: 14467 Meridian Pkw., Bldg. 2-A Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: 951.653.4999 Fax: 951.653.4666 Dispatch: 800.491.2990 Indio: 44917 Golf Center Pkwy, #1 Indio, CA 92201 Tel: 760.342.4677 Fax: 760.342.4525 Dispatch: 800.491.2990 Permit # Report #_ DAILY INSPEOfOii^^ File #:. REPORT PG_ .IAN 2 6 DSA/OSHPD APPL DSA/LEA« Special Inspection Reports nnust be distributed to the parties listed below within 14 days of the inspectiou.. RepofteeSijgnjDpp^li^lQiNtii Separate reports shall be prepared for each t/pe of special Inspection, on a dally basis. Each report shalffiWiarnpfeted and signed by the spe itions must be distributed immediately, special inspector conducting the inspection. TIME ARRIVED / ^ PROJECT NAME 7 V TIME DEPARTED INSPECTION ADDRESS TRAVEL TIME LUNCH Tl SUB CONTRACTOR ADDRESS OF PROJECT TYPE OF INSPECTION EIMGIIMEERED FILL FOUNDATION BACK FILL BATCH PLANT PT CONCRETE SHOTCRETE CONCRETE MASONRY HIGH STRENGTH BOLTING WELDING SHOP WELD ;j FIREPROOFING V: ANCHOR/DOWEL ::: NDE FIELD _ NDE SHOP DSA/OSHPD/PROJECT: APPROVED DOCUMENTS: AVAILABLE: APPROVED PLANS Y. SOIL REPORT Y.-^N: SPECS: Yl^NU APPROVED SHOP DRAWING Y[ I Ni .lATEBmUUSm BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NB\ OR MATERIAL TEST REPORT^ / If / , fl A /} ^/l W ^ REMARKS, INCLUDIHG MEETINGS: REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY: PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETE: THE WORK WAS L< WAS NOT ; inspected In accordance with the requirements of the DSA/OSHPD/PROJECT approved documents. MATERIAL SAMPLING WAS : WAS NOT: N/A Performed in accordance with DSA/OSHPD/PROJECT approved documents. cc Project Architect Contractor Structural Engineer Building Department DSA Regional Office Owner School District THE WORK INSPECTED MET Z^DID NOT MEET i : The requirements of the DSA/OSHPD/PROJECT approved documents. Samples takei}.^ Weather: s takec^s Signature of Special Inspector bignature oi bpeciai inspector Certification #: Verified by Print Name PROJ NAME DATE 3 MfuIyA^O^ydlA PROJ NO. _JL3JAJ^ ^ TESTER RESULTS FOR BOLT/ANCHOR/PIN LOAD/TORQUE TESTING Bldg. Level Area # Instld % Test #Pass #Fail Retest Type Ld/Tork • Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14467 Meridian Parkway Bldg 2A, Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: (951) 653-4999 Fax: (951) 653-4666 Branch: 44917 Golf Center Parkway #1, hidio, CA 92201 Tel: (760) 342-4677 Fax: (760) 342-4525 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 Date Printed: 1/9/2015 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD, L P. Set No.: 14-0788 File No.: Perniit No.: Project No.: Project Name: 1916L09 MARBRISA RESORT - VILLA 66 1594 MARBRISA CIRCLE CARLSBAD, CA Age Date Nominal Actual Area Load Strength Type of (Days) Tested Size (Sq. Inch) (Ibs.) (psi) Fracture 7 12/15/2014 4X8 12.57 44,560 3,550 Cone & Split 28 1/5/2015 4X8 12.57 73,690 5,860 Cone & Split 28 1/5/2015 4X8 12.57 76,400 6,080 Cone & Shear 28 1/5/2015 4X8 12.57 77,210 6,140 Cone & Split 28 H 1/5/2015 Specified Strength: 4,000 PSI Sampled By: MIKE DUTEMPLE Location: FOOTING - VILLA 66 ASTMC172 Date Sampled: 12/8/2014 Date Received: 12/9/2014 Concrete Supplier: SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No.: 938P Ticket No.: 1811367 Water added at Site: gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: 28 Remarks: Concrete Temp: 70 Ambient Temp: 59 °F ASTM C1064 °F ASTM C1064 Slump: 5.00 in. ASTM €143 Tested at: San Diego Distribution: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD, L P. CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. Sam Valdez, R.C.E. 6030 PSI 28-day compression test complies with the specified strength. Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14467 Meridian Parkway Bldg 2A, Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: (951) 653-4999 Fax: (951) 653-4666 Branch: 44917 Golf Center Parkway #1, Indio, CA 92201 Tel: (760) 342-4677 Fax: (760) 342-4525 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD, L P. Set No.: 14-0791 File No, Permit No, Project No.: Project Name: pU«-D>NGON.S.ON Date Printed: 1/8/2015 1916L09 MARBRISA RESORT - VILLA 66 1594 MARBRISA CIRCLE CARLSBAD, CA Age Date Nominal Actual Area Load Strength Type of (Days) Tested Size (Sq. Inch) (Ibs.) (psi) Fracture 7 12/15/2014 4X8 12.57 44,790 3,560 Cone & Split 28 1/5/2015 4X8 12.57 69,630 5,540 Cone & Split 28 1/5/2015 4X8 12.57 70,140 5,580 Cone & Split 28 1/5/2015 4X8 12.57 69,410 5,520 Cone & Split 28 H 1/5/2015 Specified Strength: 4,000 PSI Sampled By: MIKE DUTEMPLE Location: FOOTING - VILLA 66 Concrete Supplier: SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No.: 938P Ticket No.: 1811442 Water added at Site: gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: 55 min. Remarks: ASTMC172 Date Sampled: 12/8/2014 Date Received: 12/9/2014 Concrete Temp: 71 Ambient Temp: 68 "F ASTM C1064 "F ASTM C1064 Slump: 6.00 in. ASTM C143 Tested at: San Diego Distribution: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD, L.P. CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. Sam Valdez, R.C.E. 5550 PSI 28-day compression test complies with the specified strength. Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14467 Meridian Parkway Bldg 2A, Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: (951) 653-4999 Fax: (951) 653-4666 Branch: 44917 Golf Center Parkway #1, Indio, CA 92201 Tel: (760) 342-4677 Fax: (760) 342-4525 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD, L P. Set No.: 14-0791 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: Project Name Date Printed: 12/18/2014 MARBRISA RESORT - VILLA 66 1594 MARBRISA CIRCLE CARLSBAD, CA Age Date Nominal Actual Area Load Strength Type of (Days) Tested Size (Sq. Inch) (Ibs.) (psi) Fracture 7 12/15/2014 4X8 12.57 44,790 3,560 Cone & Split 28 1/5/2015 28 1/5/2015 28 1/5/2015 28 H 1/5/2015 Specified Strength: 4,000 PSI Sampled By: MIKE DUTEMPLE Location: FOOTING - VILLA 66 ASTMC172 Date Sampled: 12/8/2014 Date Received: 12/9/2014 Concrete Supplier: SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No.: 938P Ticket No.: 1811442 Water added at Site: gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: 55 Remarks: Concrete Temp: 71 Ambient Temp: 68 °F ASTM C1064 °F ASTMC1064 Slump: 6.00 in. ASTM C143 Tested at: San Diego Distribution: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD, L P. CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. Sam Valdez, R.C.E. Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14467 Meridian Parkway Bldg 2A, Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: (951) 653-4999 Fax: (951) 653-4666 Branch: 44917 Golf Center Parkway #1, Indio, CA 92201 Tel: (760) 342-4677 Fax: (760) 342-4525 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 Date Printed: 12/18/2014 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD, L P. Set No.: 14-0790 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: Project Name: 1916L09 MARBRISA RESORT - VILLA 66 1594 MARBRISA CIRCLE CARLSBAD, CA Age Date Nominal Actual Area Load Strength Type of (Days) Tested Size (Sq. Inch) (lbs.) (psi) Fracture 7 12/15/2014 4X8 12.57 53,930 4,290 Cone & Shear 28 1/5/2015 28 1/5/2015 28 1/5/2015 28 H 1/5/2015 Specified Strength: 4,000 PSI Sampled By: MIKE DUTEMPLE Location: FOOTING - VILLA 66 ASTMC172 Date Sampled: 12/8/2014 Date Received: 12/9/2014 Concrete Supplier: SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No.: 938P Ticket No.: 1835337 Water added at Site: gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: 53 Remarks: mm. Concrete Temp: 72 Ambient Temp: 66 "F ASTM C1064 "F ASTMC1064 Slump: 5.50 in. ASTM C143 Tested at: San Diego Distribution: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD, L.P. CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. Sam Valdez, R.C.E. Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14467 Meridian Parkway Bldg 2A, Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: (951) 653-4999 Fax: (951) 653-4666 Branch: 44917 Golf Center Parkway # 1, Indio, CA 92201 Tel: (760) 342-4677 Fax: (760) 342-4525 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 Date Printed: 12/18/2014 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD, L P. Set No.: 14-0789 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: Project Name: 1916L09 MARBRISA RESORT - VILLA 66 1594 MARBRISA CIRCLE CARLSBAD, CA Age Date Nominal Actual Area Load Strength Type of (Days) Tested Size (Sq. Inch) (Ibs.) (psi) Fracture 7 12/15/2014 4X8 12.57 45,760 3,640 Columnar 28 1/5/2015 28 1/5/2015 28 1/5/2015 28 H 1/5/2015 Specified Strength: 4,000 PSI Sampled By: MIKE DUTEMPLE Location: FOOTING - VILLA 66 ASTMC172 Date Sampled: 12/8/2014 Date Received: 12/9/2014 Concrete Supplier: SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No.: 938P Ticket No.: 1811390 Water added at Site: gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: 50 Remarks: Concrete Temp: 70 Ambient Temp: 63 °F ASTMC1064 °F ASTM C1064 Slump: 5.00 in. ASTM C143 Tested at: San Diego Distribution: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD, L P. CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. Sam Valdez, R.C.E. Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14467 Meridian Parkway Bldg 2A, Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: (951) 653-4999 Fax: (951) 653-4666 Branch: 44917 Golf Center Parkway #1, hidio, CA 92201 Tel: (760) 342-4677 Fax: (760) 342-4525 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 Date Printed: 12/18/2014 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Ghent: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD, L.P. Set No.: 14-0788 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: Project Name: 1916L09 MARBRISA RESORT - VILLA 66 1594 MARBRISA CIRCLE CARLSBAD, CA Age Date Nominal Actual Area Load Strength Type of (Days) Tested Size (Sq. Inch) (Ibs.) (psi) Fracture 7 12/15/2014 4X8 12.57 44,560 3,550 Cone & Split 28 1/5/2015 28 1/5/2015 28 1/5/2015 28 H 1/5/2015 Specified Strength: 4,000 PSI Sampled By: MIKE DUTEMPLE Location: FOOTING - VILLA 66 ASTMC172 Date Sampled: 12/8/2014 Date Received: 12/9/2014 Concrete Supplier: SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No.: 938P Ticket No.: 1811367 Water added at Site: gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: 28 Remarks: Concrete Temp: 70 Ambient Temp: 59 °F ASTM C1064 °F ASTM C1064 Slump: 5.00 in. ASTM C143 Tested at: San Diego Distribution: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD, L P. CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. Sam Valdez, R.C.E. www.mtglinccom Project #:. Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Ave. Ste. A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 Dispatch: 800.491.2990 San Diego/Imperial County 6295 Ferris Square. Suite C San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 Dispatcti: 888.844.5060 Inland Empire: 14467 Meridian Pkw., Bldg. 2-A Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: 951.653.4999 Fax: 951.653.4666 Dispatch: 800.491.2990 Indio: 44917 Golf Center Pkwy, #1 Indio, CA 92201 Tei: 760.342.4677 Fax; 760.342.4525 Dispatch: 800.491.2990 MTGL Permit # DAILY INSPECTION REPORT DSA/CITY File #:_ Report*. P(3. OF. OSA/OSHPO APPL DSA/LEA #: Special Inspection Reports must be distributed to the parties listed below within 14 days of the inspection. Reports of non-compliant conditions must be distribited Immediately. Separate reports shall be prepared for each type of special inspection, on a daily basis. Each report shall be completed and signed by the special inspector conducting ttie inspection. mi ARCHITECT nME ARRIVED TIME o ENSINEEl TRAVEL TIME LUHCHTIME COHTRACfOR SUBCOHTRACT] flOJECT INSPECTimi ADDRESS . . _ . ADDRESS OF PROJECT TYPE OF INSPECTION O ENGINEERED FILL • FOUNDATION • BACK FILL • 8ATCH PLANT n PT CONCRETE D SHOTCRETE N5d;0NCRETE • MASONRY • HIGH STRENGTH BOLTING n WELDING u SHOP WELD C FIREPROOFING LJ ANCHOR'DOWEL n NDE FIELD n NOE SHC • CEILING WIRE • • • DSA/OSHPD/PROJECT: APPROVED DOCUMENTS: lAipiALS USED By CONTRACTOR (II AVAILABLE: APPROVED PLAN (IMClUD^t^EARCH R^ SOIL REPORT YQ NO SPECS: APPROVED SHOP DRAWING YD Nn R MATERIALES STREPORTSl' CONTRACTS EOU^^^j|t^iP0WER USED AREA.GRIDIINES,PJECESIWSPECTED: ~, ^tZ-^TTI ~X - ^/ STRUCTURAl NOTES, OETAIL OR RFI&USM:. REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY: THE WORK WAS*jLwASNOTn Inspected in accordince witti the requirements of ttie DSA/OSHPD/PROJECT approved documents. MATERIAL SAMPLING WAS^ WASNOT J N/AD Performed in accordance v/itfi6sA/0SHPD/PROJECT approved documents. cc Project Architect Contractor Structural Engineer Building Department DSA Regional Oflice Owner School District PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETE: THE WORK INSPECTED ME The requirements ofj Samples takep:. Weather;.^ DID NOT MEET • HPD/PROJECT approved documents. Temp:. iatuu^S|2BCial-lnspector |gnat] Print Name Certification 9: Verified bv: . 'j/^y* Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14467 Meridian Parkway Bldg 2A, Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: (951) 653-4999 Fax: (951) 653-4666 Branch: 44917 Golf Center Parkway #1, Indio, CA 92201 Tel: (760) 342-4677 Fax: (760) 342-4525 City of Carlsbad OCT 2 2 2014 BUILDING DIVISION Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 Date Printed: 10/15/2014 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD, L P. Set No.: 14-06188 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: 1916L09 Project Name: MARBRISA RESORT - VILLA 66 1594 MARBRISA CIRCLE CARLSBAD, CA Age Date Nominal Actual Area Load Strength Type of (Days) Tested Size (Sq. Inch) (Ibs.) (psi) Fracture 7 10/14/2014 4X8 12.57 46,010 3,660 Columnar 28 11/4/2014 28 11/4/2014 28 11/4/2014 28 H 11/4/2014 Specified Strength: 4,000 PSI Sampled By: FELIPE CISNEROS Location: ELEVATOR PIT - VILLA 66 ASTMC172 Date Sampled: 10/7/2014 Date Received: 10/8/2014 Concrete Supplier: SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No.: 938P Ticket No.: 1839631 Water added at Site: 10.00 gal. By CONTRACTOR Cement Type: II/V Mix Time: 51 Remarks: Concrete Temp: 82 Ambient Temp: 81 "F ASTMC1064 °F ASTM C1064 Slump: 5.00 in. ASTM C143 Tested at: San Diego Distribution: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD, L P. CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. Sam Valdez, R.C.E. www.mtglinc.com Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Ave. Ste. A Anaheim. CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 Dispatch; 800.491.2990 MTGL Project #:. San Diego/Imperial Count/ 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 Dispatch: 888.844.5060 Inland Empire: 14467 Meridian Pkw., Bldg. 2-A Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: 951.653.4999 Fax: 951.653.4666 Dispatch: 800.491.2990 Indio: 44917 Golf Center Pl<w/y,#1 Indio, CA 92201 Tei; 760.342.4677 Fax; 760.342.4525 Dispatch; 800.491,2990 Permit r Report?, PG J0fj_ DAILY INSPECTION REPORT DSA/CITY RIe ?,; DSA/OSHPD ArPL#:, DSA/LEA#: _ Special inspection Reports musl be distributed to the parties iisted belovi; wit|-iin 14 days ofthe inspect on. Reports of non-compliant conditiors must be distributed immediately. Separate reports shall be prepared for each type of special inspection, on a daily basis. Each report sha I be completed and signed by the sped il inspector conducting the inspection. PROJECT NAK€ 1 . ^ T I ' " TiMEARRaED TIME IEPARTED ^ ' ARCHITECT ENGIKEER TRAVEL TI^E LUNCI- TIME CONTRACTOR SUB CONTn ;CTOR liSPECTiOMADDPESS ADDRESS 0= PROJECT TYPE OF INSPECTION : ENGINEERED FILL r FOUNDATION I BACK FILL r BATCH PLANT Z PT CONCRETE Z SHOTCRETE Z. CONCRETE C MASONRY Z HIGH STRENGTH BOLTING Z WELDING Z SHOP WELD Z FIREPROOFING Z ANCHOR/DOWEL Z NDE FIELD Z NDESHOP r CEILING WIRE DSA/OSHPD/PROJECT; APPROVED DOCUMENTS: AVAILABLE; APPROVED PLANS HyC SOIL REPORT YZ N; SPECS; Y^N Z APPROVED SHOP DRAWINC Y; MATERIA^ USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT WO. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED: •WHUCTURAL HOTES, DETAIL, OR RFIS USED: REMARKS, INCLUDING MCETINBS: REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY: PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETE: THE WORK WA^s-WASNOTZ Inspecfed in accordance with the requirements of the DSA/OSHPO/PROJECT approved documents, MATERIAL SAMPLING WASZ WAS NOT Z N/AZ Performed in accordance w/ith DS/VOSHPD/PRGJECT approved documents, cc Project Architect Contractor Sfructural Engineer Building Department DSA Regional Office Ovjner School District THE WOR (INSPECTED MET^DID NOT MEET 1 The requir3ments of the DSA/^HPD/PROJECT £ oproved documents. Samples tiken;. samples i iKen: j Weather jVirt^^^ioj^/^V Temp; "Zy*^ Signature of Spedal I ispector Print Name Certif icaticn; Verified by. Corporate: Branch: Branch: Branch: 2992 E, La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C, San Diego, CA 92121i Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (85 14467 Meridian Parkway Bldg 2A, Riverside, CA < Tel: (951) 653-4999 Fax: (951) 653-4666 44917 Golf Center Parkway #1, Indio, C A 92201 OCT 2 4 7Hi A Tel: (760) 342-4677 Fax: (760) 342-4525 '^^ Commtinirv -> f., / It) Djz-zy/t ;ify«f Carisbad Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 0/22/2014 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD, L P. A Set No.: 14-0632 File No.: Perinit No.: Project No.: Project Name: 1916L09 MARBRISA RESORT - VILLA 66 1594 MARBRISA CIRCLE CARLSBAD, CA Age Date Nominal Actual Area Load Strength Type of (Days) Tested Size (Sq. Inch) (lbs.) (psi) Fracture 7 10/21/2014 4X8 12.57 47,280 3,760 Cone & Split 28 11/11/2014 28 11/11/2014 28 11/11/2014 28 H 11/11/2014 Specified Strength: 4,000 PSI Sampled By: MIKE DUTEMPLE Location: VILLA 66 - ELEVATOR SHAFT FOOTING WALLS ASTMC172 Date Sampled: 10/14/2014 Date Received: 10/15/2014 Concrete Supplier: SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No.: 938P Ticket No.: 1846055 Water added at Site: 5.00 gal. By CONTRACTOR Cement Type: II/V Mix Time: 80 Remarks: Concrete Temp: 80 Ambient Temp: 72 °F ASTM C1064 °F ASTM C1064 Slump: 6.00 in. ASTM C143 Tested at: San Diego Distribution: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD, L P. CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. Sam Valdez, R.C.E. iSBBBi^BBBBK^BBt www.mtglinc.com MTQL Project #:_ Permit* v.,; Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Ave. Ste, A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel; 714.632.2999 Fax; 714.632^974 Dispatch; 800.491.2990 Sm Diego/Imperial Couniy 6295 Ferris Stjuare, Suite C San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858,537,3990 Dispatch: 888.844.5080 iQland Empire: 14467 IWeridian Pkw., Bldg. 2-A Riverside, CA 92518, Tel: 951.653.4999 Fax: 951.653.4666 Dispatch; 800.491.2990 Indio: 44917 Golf Center PIcwy, #1 Indio, GA 92201 Tel: 750.342.4677 Fax: 760.342.4525 Dispatch: 800.491.2990 DAILY INSPECTION REPORT DSA/Gir/Flle#;. Report #_ OF. DSA/OSHPD APPL #;. DBA/LEA #, Special Inspection Reports must be distributed tb the parties listed below witliin 14 ds^fs ot the inspection, Reports of non-compliant conditions must be distributed Immediately, Separate reports shall fae prepared for each type of special inspection, on a daily basis. Each report shall be compteted and signed t>y the special Inspector conducting the inspection. tetei PROJECT NAI DATE ARCHITECT TIME ARRIVED TIMEDEPAR33 ENGINEER TRAVEL TIME LUHCHTIME COKTRACTOR SUBCONTRACTOR IMSPEGTIQNAgpREgS ADDRESS OF PROJECT TYPEOFINSPECnOW • ENGINEEREDHLL • FOUNDATION • BACKFILL , • BATCH ?\Jm • PT CONCRETE • SHOTCRFTE BOWCRETE • MASONRY • HISH STRENBTH BOLTING • WELDING • • SHOP WELD • FIREPROOFING • Ai\ICHOR/DOWEL • MDERELD • NDE SHOP • CEILIiSGWIRE • SPECS' ^bsjTfj 5 APPROVffiSHOPDRAWING YD ND DSA/OSHPD/PBOJECT: APPROVED DOCUMENTS: AVAILABLE: APPROVED PLAMS-^H U SOiL REPORT YD ND MATERIALS USED BYpONTRACTOR ONO-UOE RESEARCH BEPORT HQ. QR MATERIAL TEST REPOl CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT / MAMPOWER USED: AREA, GRID UN ^ IS, PIECES HljSPEGTI STRUCTtll URAL NOTES. I^A(L,DR,RHS USED: ^ ^ j REiMRXs, mauase mmos: iL-m L/C REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY; PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETE:' THE WORK WAS.^WASNOTa' Inspected in accorclnce with the requirements of the DSA/OSHPD/PROJECT, approved documents. MATERIAL SAMPUNG WA^Jfi/AS WOTD -N/AQ Performed in acoordance wraDSVOSHPD/PROJECT approved documents. cc Project Architect- Contractor Structural Engineer Building Department DSA Regional Office Owner ^Schoor District THE WqRKINSPECTED METp^'DlD NOT IVIEETQ The.req'|ilreraerits ofthe DSA/(«HPD/PF10JECT approved documents., Sam'plei taken: *^ S£eclaLj£lS.pector/ fnf Mima • Vecifiedi'byi' Name www.mtglinc.com MTGL Project # /'^ZL Z-^f Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Ave, Ste, A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel; 714.632.2999 Fax; 714.632.2974 Dispatch; 800.491.2990 San Diego/Imperial County 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C San Diego, CA 92121 Tel; 858.537.3999 Fax; 858.537.3990 Dispatch; 888.844.5060 Inland Empire: 14467 IVIeridian Pkw., Bldg. 2-A Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: 951.653.4999 Fax: 951.653.4666 Dispatch; 800.491.2990 India: 44917 Golf Center Pkwy, #1 Indio, CA 92201 Tel: 760.342.4677 Fax; 760.342.4525 Dispatch; 800.491.2990 Permit ii Reports PG. yoF_^ DAILY INSPECTION REPORT DSA/CITY File #: DSA/OSHPD APPL #; DSA/LEA #; Special Inspection Reports must be distributed to the parties listed below within 14 days of the inspection. Reports of non-compiiant conditions must be distributed immediately. Separate reports shali be prepared for each type of special inspection, on a daily basis. Each report shall be completed and signed by the special inspector conducting the inspection PROJECT NAME DATE ARCHITECT ^^4^ LJ A/^^g TIME ARRIVED TIME DEPARTED ENGINEER TRAVEL TIME LUNCH TIME CONTRACTOR SUB Cl i CONTRACTOR , INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT TYPE OF INSPECTION U ENGINEERED FILL • FOUNDATION • BACK FILL r: BATCH PLANT I J PT CONCRETE : J SHOTCRETE -<f*t CONCRETE ' i IVIASONRY L HIGH STRENGTH BOLTING r , WELDING L i SHOP WELD FIREPROOFING ANCHOR/DOWEL NDE FIELD NDESHOP • CEILING WIRE I"" 1 U " DSA/OSHPD/PROJECT: APPROVED DOCUMENTS: AVAILABLE: APPROVED PLANS Y/ N L SOIL REPORTHI SPECS; N U APPROVED SHOP DRAWING Y [1 N i J MATERIALS US^BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): ""N CONTRACTORS EQUIPM^ffT / M)»IPOWER USED: Z/^ AREA, GRID LII^S, PIECES INSPECTED: STRUCTURAL NOTES, DETAIL, OR RFISiJSED: / , REMAmS. INCLUDING MEETiNGS: y) ^ //'•/ jl REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY: PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETE: THE WORK WAS/; WAS NOT T Inspected in accomance with the requirements of the DSA/OSHPD/PROJECT approved documents, MATERIAL SAMPLING WAS i/WAS NOT LI N/A G Performed in accordance withT)SA/OSHPD/PROJECT approved documents. THE WORK INSPECTED MET^ DID NOT MEET; 1 The requirements of the DSA/OSHPD/PROJECT approved documents. Samples taken: / JVr/ o/" " V^^' Weather: c/ou^. M^yl^ Temp: <gp 'pi Project Architect Structural Engineer DSA Regional Office School District Contractor Building Department Owner iture of Special Inspector Signature of Special Inspector Certification Verified by; Print Name Corporate: 2992 E, La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14467 Meridian Parkway Bldg 2A, Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: (951) 653-4999 Fax: (951) 653-4666 Branch: 44917 Golf Center Parkway #1, Indio, CA 92201 Tel: (760) 342-4677 Fax: (760) 342-4525 NOV 1 7 2014 Cor'- Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: Project Name: R Date Printed: 11/12/2014 COPY 1916L09 MARBRISA RESORT - VILLA 66 1594 MARBRISA CIRCLE CARLSBAD, CA Client: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD, L P. Set No.: 14-0632 Age Date Nominal Actual Area Load Strength Type of (Days) Tested Size (Sq. Incli) (Ibs.) (psi) Fracture 7 10/21/2014 4X8 12.57 47,280 3,760 Cone & Split 28 11/11/2014 4X8 12.57 71,900 5,720 Shear 28 11/11/2014 4X8 12.57 71,890 5,720 Cone & Shear 28 11/11/2014 4X8 12.57 70,250 5,590 Shear 28 H 11/11/2014 Specified Strength: 4,000 PSI Sampled By: MIKE DUTEMPLE Location: VILLA 66 - ELEVATOR SHAFT FOOTING WALLS ASTMC172 Date Sampled: 10/14/2014 Date Received: 10/15/2014 Concrete Supplier: SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No.: 938P Ticket No.: 1846055 Water added at Site: 5.00 gal. By CONTRACTOR Cement Type: II/V Mix Time: 80 Remarks: Concrete Temp: 80 Ambient Temp: 72 °F ASTM C1064 "F ASTM C1064 Slump: 6.00 in. ASTM C143 Tested at: San Diego Distribution: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD, L P. CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. Sam Valdez, R.C.E. 5680 PSI 28-day compression test complies with the specified strength. Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14467 Meridian Parkway Bldg 2A, Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: (951) 653-4999 Fax: (951) 653-4666 Branch: 44917 Golf Center Parkway # 1, Indio, CA 92201 Tel: (760) 342-4677 Fax: (760) 342-4525 City of Carlsbad NOV 0 7 2014 BUILDING DIVISION Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD, L.P. Set No.: 14-0618B Date Printed: 11/6/2014 File No Permit No.: Project No.: Project Name RECORD COPY 1916L09 MARBRISA RESORT - VILLA 66 1594 MARBRISA CIRCLE CARLSBAD, CA Age Date Nominal Actual Area Load Strength Type of (Days) Tested Size (Sq. Inch) (lbs.) (psi) Fracture 7 10/14/2014 4X8 12.57 46,010 3,660 Columnar 28 11/4/2014 4X8 12.57 70,590 5,620 Cone & Split 28 11/4/2014 4X8 12.57 70,280 5,590 Cone & Split 28 11/4/2014 4X8 12.57 74,970 5,970 Cone & Split 28 H 11/4/2014 Specified Strength: 4,000 PSI Sampled By: FELIPE CISNEROS Location: ELEVATOR PIT - VILLA 66 Concrete Supplier: SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No.: 938P Ticket No.: 1839631 Water added at Site: 10.00 gaL By CONTRACTOR Cement Type: II/V Mix Time: 51 min. Remarks: ASTMC172 Date Sampled: 10/7/2014 Date Received: 10/8/2014 Concrete Temp: 82 Ambient Temp: 81 °F ASTMC1064 "F ASTMC1064 Slump: 5.00 in. ASTM C143 Tested at: San Diego Distribution: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD, L P. CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. Sam Valdez, R.C.E. 5730 PSI 28-day compression test complies with the specified strength. Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14467 Meridian Parkway Bldg 2A, Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: (951) 653-4999 Fax: (951) 653-4666 Branch: 44917 Golf Center Parkway #1, Indio, CA 92201 Tel: (760) 342-4677 Fax: (760) 342-4525 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD, L.P. Set No.: 14-0618A Date Printed: 11/6/2014 RECORD COPY File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: Project Name: 1916K09 MARBRISA RESORT - VILLA 65 1594 MARBRISA CIRCLE CARLSBAD, CA Age Date Nominal Actual Area Load Strength Type of (Days) Tested Size (Sq. Inch) (Ibs.) (psi) Fracture 7 10/14/2014 4X8 12.57 46,010 3,660 Columnar 28 11/4/2014 4X8 12.57 70,590 5,620 Cone & Split 28 11/4/2014 4X8 12.57 70,280 5,590 Cone & Split 28 11/4/2014 4X8 12.57 74,970 5,970 Cone & Split 28 H 11/4/2014 Specified Strength: 4,000 PSI Sampled By: FELIPE CISNEROS Location: ELEVATOR PIT - VILLA 65 ASTMC172 Date Sampled: 10/7/2014 Date Received: 10/8/2014 Concrete Supplier: SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No.: 938P Ticket No.: 1839631 Water added at Site: 10.00 gal. By CONTRACTOR Cement Type: II/V Mix Time: 51 Remarks: Concrete Temp: 82 Ambient Temp: 81 »F ASTM C1064 °F ASTMC1064 Slump: 5.00 in. ASTM C143 Tested at: San Diego Distribution: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD, L P. CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. Sam Valdez, R.C.E. 5730 PSI 28-day compression test complies with the specified strength. EsGil Corporation In (Partnersfiip witti Qovemment for (BuiCcCing Safety DATE: 11/14/2014 • APPUCANT • JURIS. JURISDICTION: CityofCarlsbad • PLAN REVIEWER • FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 14-2413 SET: III PROJECT ADDRESS: 1581 Marbrisa Circle PROJECT NAME: Marbrisa Resort Villa 66 XI The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes. I I The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. I I The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. I I The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. I I The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. I I The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Dan Talant I I EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. IXI EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Dan Talant Telephone #: 619-297-8066x25 Date contacted: (by: ) Email: dant@noaainc.com Fax #: Mail Telephone Fax In Person ^ REMARKS: Applicant to hand carry plans back to City. City Set II to be slip sheeted back at City. By: Eric Jensen Enclosures: EsGil Corporation • GA lEl EJ • MB • PC 11/14/slipsheeted 9320 Chesapeake Dr^, Suite 208 • San Diego, Califomia 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 EsGil Corporation In (PartnersHip witH government for (BuiCding Safety DATE: 11/3/2014 • APPLICANT ^a^Ris. JURISDICTION: CityofCarlsbad ^ • PLAN REVIEWER • FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 14-2413 SET. II PROJECT ADDRESS: 1581 Marbrisa Circle PROJECT NAME: Marbrisa Resort Villa 66 r~] The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes. I I The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. I I The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. IXI The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. I I The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. IXI The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Dan Talant I I EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Dan Talant Telephone #: 619-297-8066x25 Date contacted: \[-b (by:(>6^) Email: dant@noaainc.com Fax #: ^ Mail K Telephone ^ Fax In Person • REMARKS: By: David Yao Enclosures: EsGil Corporation • GA K EJ • MB • PC 10/27 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, Califomia 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 CityofCarlsbad 14-2413 11/3/2014 NOTE: The items listed below are from the previous correction list. These remaining items have not been adequately addressed. The numbers ofthe items are from the previous check list and may not necessarily be in sequence. The notes in bold font are current. Please make all corrections, as requested in the correction list. Submit FOUR new complete sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (THREE sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, and ENERGY COMMENTS PLAN REVIEWER: Eric Jensen MECHANICAL (2013 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE) 1. The kitchen fan has too high of a sone rating for continuous duty. Why 12 hours/day? Detail control compliance when using the outside air for the mechanical equipment as your ventilation supply. 2. Provide a dryer exhaust duct design that complies with the general requirements of CMC 504.3.1.2 (14 feet maximum length w/ (2) 90°'s) or provide the manufacturers installation instructions detailing the allowable duct design. If using the manufacturers installation instructions, the dryer manufacturers model number to be on the plans. Different duct lengths shown please address. 3. I have a Note about a dryer booster fan on sheet E3.1. Please detail the installation if this is the case. Note: The listed FanTech booster fan is for electric dryers only. Note remains. ELECTRICAL (2013 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE) 4. Include the electrical specifications for the heat pumps specified: The only hard spec I can find is the electric heat. / need the outdoor compressor electrical, the fan coil, and the electrical heat electrical load summary. City of Carlsbad 14-2413 11/3/2014 5. Sheet E1.1 references building 69 for the sen/ice describes 68? ENERGY (2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING ENERGY STANDARDS) 6. Hotels/Motel guest rooms shall have captive card key controls, occupancy sensing controls, or automatic controls with the ability to change the temperature set points a maximum of 30 minutes after the room has been vacated and controlling 50%+ ofthe receptacle outlets. ES 120.2(e) 4 & ES 130.5(d) No response. Note: If you have any questions regarding this Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical, and Energy plan review list please contact Eric Jensen at (858) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. EsGil Corporation In (PartnersHip witH government for (BuiCding Safety DATE: 10/3/2014 • APPLICANT ja<iURis. JURISDICTION: CityofCarlsbad • PLAN REVIEWER • FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 14-2413 SET: I PROJECT ADDRESS: 1581 Marbrisa Circle PROJECT NAME: Marbrisa Resort Villa 66 I I The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes. I I The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. I I The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. ^ The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. I I The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. X The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Dan Talant I I EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Dan Talant Telephone #: 619-297-8066x25 Date contacted:^ ^I(j} (by:|^^^ Email: dant@noaainc.com Fax #: "tlVlail Telephone Fax in Person • REMARKS: By: David Yao Enclosures: EsGil Corporation • GA lEI EJ • MB • PC 9/22 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, Califomia 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 City of Carlsbad 14-2413 10/3/2014 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST MULTI-FAMILY PLAN CHECK NO.: 14-2413 JURISDICTION: City of Carlsbad OCCUPANCY: R-2 USE: Timeshare TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VB ACTUAL AREA: ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA: STORIES: 3 HEIGHT: SPRINKLERS?: Y OCCUPANT LOAD: REMARKS: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: ESGIL CORPORATION: 9/22 DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW PLAN REVIEWER: David Yao COMPLETED: 10/3/2014 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the California version of the International Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinance by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Present California law mandates that construction comply with the 2013 edition ofthe California Building Code (Title 24), which adopts the following model codes: 2012 IBC, 2012 UPC, 2012 UMC and 2011 NEC. The above regulations apply, regardless ofthe code editions adopted by ordinance. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 105.4 of the 2012 International Building Code, the approval ofthe plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e.. plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. CityofCarlsbad 14-2413 10/3/2014 Please make all corrections, as requested in the correction list. Submit FOUR new complete sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (THREE sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. • GENERAL 1. All sheets of the plans and the first sheet of the calculations are required to be signed by the licensed architect or engineer responsible for the plan preparation. California State Law. • SITE PLAN 2. Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Sec. 107.2. Include the following: a) Clearly dimension building setbacks from property lines, street centerlines, and from all adjacent buildings and structures on the site plan. 3. Clearly designate any side yards used to justify increases in allowable area based on Section 506.2. • LOCATION ON PROPERTY 4. When two or more buildings are on the same property, the buildings shall have an assumed property line between them for the purpose of determining the required wall and opening protection and roof cover requirements, per Section 705.3. An exception is provided if the combined area ofthe buildings is within the limits specified in Chapter 5 for a single building. If this exception is used, show how the building(s) will comply. Section 503.1.2. • BUILDING AREA 5. The area analysis on sheet A-1 for If appears to be wrong. Please check it. Table 503. City of Carlsbad 14-2413 10/3/2014 • ROOFS 6. A Class A roof covering is required, (city policy) Note 1 on sheet A-4 shows class B min. (?). • FOUNDATION 7. Provide a copy of the project soil report prepared by a licensed civil engineer. The report shall include foundation design recommendations based on the engineer's findings. 8. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soil report are properly incorporated into the plans (when required by the soil report). • STRUCTURAL 9. Please provide schematic to show the location of all floor beams and headers. The framing plan appears to not quite mach the calculation Please check. 10. Provide input data for the RISA run for the balcony support beams. • ADDITIONAL 11. Please refer to the following for mechanical, plumbing, electrical and energy items. 12. To speed up the review process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. 13. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please brieflv describe them and where they are located in the plans. Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: • Yes • No 14. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact David Yao at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. CityofCarlsbad 14-2413 10/3/2014 PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, and ENERGY COMMENTS PLAN REVIEWER: Eric Jensen PLUMBING (2013 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE) 1. For backwater valve review, please show the upstream sewer manhole rim and finished floor elevations. CPC 710.0 Backwater valves are: • Mandatory: Fixtures installed on a floor level below the next upstream manhole cover require backwater protection. • Optional: Fixtures installed on a floor level below the next upstream manhole cover however they (the fixtures) are not below the manhole cover. • Not Allowed: For waste systems with fixtures installed on a floor level above the next upstream manhole cover. 1. Detail the required Suds Relief. "Drainage connections shall not be made into a drainage piping system within eight feet of any vertical to horizontal change of direction of a stack containing subs-producing fixtures." (Bathtubs, laundries, washing machine stand pipes, kitchen sinks, and dishwashers shall be considered suds-producing fixtures). CPC 711.0 2. Each apartment of dwelling of more than one family shall have the water supply capable of being shut-off from the remainder of the building. Detail how this is accomplished: Unit full way valves or individual fixture shut-offs (include fixture stop style for bath/showers). CPC 606.3. 3. Hot water is required for public use washing fixtures such as lavatories. Please provide. CPC 601.1. 4. Describe the method of compliance for temperature limitations for the public use lavatories (limited to 110 degrees). Note: The water heater thermostat may not be used for compliance with this Code section. CPC 421.2. Energy Standards 110(C) 3. 5. Provide the following information concerning the water heater: a. Show P&T valve on water heater and detail the drain routing to the exterior. It may not be installed upwards from the valve. CPC 608.5 b. Detail the requirements for the attic installation of water heaters: access opening sizing, passageway description (available height, maximum length and minimum width, walkway material type, platform sizing, the light and receptacle placement, and the overflow protection. CPC 507.4 & 508.4 c. Provide combustion air design: Show opening sizes and routing of ducts. CPC 506.0 CityofCarlsbad 14-2413 10/3/2014 d. Detail the water heater vent installation: Size, routing, slope, and termination location (Minimum 8' from vertical surfaces). CPC 509.0 6. Hot water recirculating loop systems requirements (Not single family homes): 2013 CEC 110.3 • Detail the following: a. The installation of an air release valve on the inlet side ofthe recirculation pump, within 4' of the pump. b. A check valve is required between the recirculating pump and the water heating equipment to prevent the hot water from flowing backwards through the recirculation loop. c. A check valve is required on the cold water supply line between the hot water system and the next closest tee on the cold water supply line. (See CPC 608.3 for expansion tank requirements.) 7. A boiler shall be protected for backflow by a double check or RPP backflow device. See CPC Table 603.2 for applicability. CPC 603.5.10. 8. Plumbing fixtures to comply with the following water flow rates: • Residential Lavatories: 1.5 GPM • Residential kitchen faucets: 1.8 GPM. CGreenCode Table 5.303.6 & CPC 403.0 MECHANICAL (2013 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE) 9. Explain the common exhaust fan duct design: Both will require backdraft dampers and the larger fan will make the smaller fan inoperable? 10. The kitchen fan has too high of a sone rating for continuous duty. Why 12 hours/day? 11. Provide a dryer exhaust duct design that complies with the general requirements of CMC 504.3.1.2 (14 feet maximum length w/ (2) 90°'s) or provide the manufacturers installation instructions detailing the allowable duct design. If using the manufacturers installation instructions, the dryer manufacturers model number to be on the plans. 12.1 have a Note about a dryer booster fan on sheet E3.1. Please detail the installation if this is the case. Note: The listed FanTech booster fan is for electric dryers only. ELECTRICAL (2013 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE) 13. Review all electrical sheets and correct all Villa desiginators. 14. Include the electncal specifications for the heat pumps specified: The only hard spec I can find is the electric heat. 15. Sheet E-4.2: MSB-8 "new" or existing"? Described both ways. City of Carlsbad 14-2413 10/3/2014 ENERGY (2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING ENERGY STANDARDS) 16. For plans submitted for plan check on or after 7/1/14, provide a Prescriptive or Performance energy design, demonstrating compliance with current 2013 energy efficiency standards. Information and Forms are available at: www.enerqv.ca.qov/title24/2013standards. 17. Current Performance energy design versions are: a. CBECC-ComV2 1. http://www.bees.archenergy.com/software.html b. IES Virtual Environment 2013 Title-24 1. Feature Pack 1 (VE2013 Title-24 FPA) 2. http://www.iesve.com/software/title24 18. A complete energy plan check will be preformed after completed and/or the corrected energy design has been provided. 19. On the plans clearly show the wall and roof insulation locations, thickness, and R-values, as per the energy design. 20. Hot water piping is required to be insulated as follows: 1" pipe size or less: 1" thick insulation, larger pipe sizes require 1 /4" thick insulation. See Table 120.3- A. ES 120.3 21. Lighting installed in corridors, stairwells, and common areas of hotels/motels and high rise dwellings shall be controlled by occupant sensing controls that separately reduce the lighting power by at least 50% when the space is unoccupied. ES 130.1c (7) A. 22. All exterior lighting must be controlled by a photocell and an automatic scheduling control device. EM 130.2(c) 23. Hotels/Motel guest rooms shall have captive card key controls, occupancy sensing controls, or automatic controls with the ability to change the temperature set points a maximum of 30 minutes after the room has been vacated and controlling 50%+ ofthe receptacle outlets. ES 120.2(e) 4 & ES 130.5(d) Note: If you have any questions regarding this Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical, and Energy plan review list please contact Eric Jensen at (858) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. City of Carlsbad 14-2413 10/3/2014 [DO NOT PAY- THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE] VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: CityofCarlsbad PREPARED BY: David Yao BUILDING ADDRESS: 1581 Marbrisa Circle BUILDING OCCUPANCY: R2 PLAN CHECK NO.: 14-2413 DATE: 10/3/2014 BUILDING PORTION AREA ( Sq. Ft.) Valuation Multiplier Reg. Mod. VALUE ($) living 13969 117.70 1,644,151 deck 3670 18.66 68,482 Air Conditioning 13969 6.03 84,233 Fire Sprinklers 17639 3.73 65,793 TOTAL VALUE 1,862,660 Jurisdiction Code cb By Ordinance Bldg. Permit Fee by Ordinance Plan Check Fee by Ordinance Type of Review. 0 Complete Review Repetitive Fee ^ 1 Repeats I • Other J—J Hourly EsGil Fee • Structural Only Hr. @ * $5,250.88 $3,413.07 $2,940.49 Comments: review. In addition to the above fee, an additional fee of $86 is due for the CalGreen Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc + ^ CITY OF CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK REVIEW TRANSMITTAL Community & Economic Development Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008 www.carlsbadca.gov DATE: 9/30/2014 PROJECT NAME: Grand Pacific Resort: Marbrisa Phase II PROJECT ID:CT 03-02 PLAN CHECK NO: CB 14-2413 SET#: l ADDRESS: 1581 Marbrisa Cr, VILLA #66 APN: 211-13 VALUATION: $1,541,432 ^^^^OPE OF WORK: 12 timeshare units _ Square footage: 13,432 This plaittheck review is complete and has been APPROVED by: . LAND DEVELOPIVIENT ENGINEERING DIVISION Final Inspection by the Construction Management & Inspection Division is required X Yes No This plan check review is NOT COMPLETE. Items missing or incorrect are listed below under remarks. Plan Check Comments have been sent to: dant@noaainc.com PLANNING 760-602-4610 ENGINEERING 760-602-2750 FIRE PREVENTION 760-602-4665 Chris.Sexton ," I badc34'ov Gltlci ?-\\\L 780-^602^4675 Gina.Riiiz'i'carlsbadca.gov Kathleen Lawrence 760-602-2741 Kathleen.Lawrence@carlsbadca.gov X Linda Ontiveros 760-602-2773 Linda.Ontiveros@carlsbadca.gov Greg Ryan 7€>0-602^4663 G r e g o r y. R y a 11 * £ c a r I s b a d c a, go V Cindy Wong 76O602-4662 C yn t h i a. Wo n g@c a r i s b a cl ca, go v Dominic Fieri 760-602-4664 Dominic.Fieri@carlsbadca.gov Remarks: Only remaining item is the pad certification release from project inspector, Grant Clavier. Grand Pacific Resort: IVIarbrisa Phase II PLAN CHECK NO # CB 14-2413 Please read brief instructions: This plan review checklist has outstanding corrections marked with X Items that conform to permit requirements are marked with ^ -or- are left blank. 1. SITE PI AN Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. North arrow Existing & proposed structures Existing street improvements Property lines (show all dimensions) Easements Right-of-way width & adjacent streets Driveway widths Existing or proposed sewer lateral Existing or proposed water service Submit on signed approved plans: DWG No. 428-9G (attached) Siiow on site plan: Drainage patterns Buiiding pad surface drainage must maintain a minimum slope of one percent towards an adjoining street or an approved drainage course. :ADD THE FOLLOWING NOTE: "Finish grade will provide a minimum positive drainage of 2% to swale 5' away from building". Existing & proposed slopes and topography ; Size, location, alignment of existing or proposed sewer and water service(s) that serves the project. Each unit requires a separate service; however, second dwelling units and apartment complexes are an exception. Sewer and water laterals should not be located within proposed driveways, per standards. Include on title stieet: / = Site address / Assessor's parcel number / Legal description/lot number For commercial/industrial buildings and tenant improvement projects, include: total building square footage with the square footage for each different use, existing sewer permits showing square footage of different uses (manufacturing, warehouse, office, etc.) previously approved. Siiow all existing use of SF and new proposed use of SF. Example: Tenant improvement for 3500 SF of warehouse to 3500 SF of office. Lot/Map No.: M15332 DOC#2006-0311804 Subdivision/Tract: CARLSBAD RANCH HOTEL & TIIVIESHARE Reference No(s): 428-9G/DWG 428-9F E-36 Page 2 of 6 REV 6/01/12 Grand Pacific Resort: Marbrisa Phase II PLAN CHECK NO #CB 14-2413 2. DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE / Project does not comply with the following engineering conditions of approval for project no. N/A 3. DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS Dedication for all street rights-of-way adjacent to the building site and any storm drain or utility easements on the building site is required for all new buildings and for remodels with a value at or exceeding $ 20,000.00 , pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.030. For single family residence, easement dedication will be completed by the City of Carlsbad, cost $605.00. / Dedication required as follows: Lot line adjustment, ADJ 11-04 Recorded 4/25/2012 as doc. No.: 2012-0241017 4. IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS All needed public improvements upon and adjacent to the building site must be constructed at time of building construction whenever the value of the construction exceeds $100.000.00, pursuantto Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.040. / Public improvements required as follows: Civil improvement plans, DWG 428-9F Signed/approved: 2/16/2012 Construction of the public improvements must be deferred pursuant to Carlsbad IVlunicipal Code Section 18.40. Please submit a recent property title report or current grant deed on the property and processing fee of_$_MiI!0 so we may prepare the necessary Neighborhood Improvement Agreement. This agreement must be signed, notarized and approved by the city prior to issuance of a building permit. / Future public improvements required as follows: N/A E-36 Page 3 of 6 REV 6/01/12 Grand Pacific Resort: IVIarbrisa Phase II PLAN CHECK NO # CB 14-2413 5. GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that require a grading permit are found in Section 15.16 of the Municipal Code. Inadequate information available on site plan to make a determination on grading requirements. Include accurate grading quantities in cubic yards (cut, fill, import, export and remedial). This information must be included on the plans. If no grading is proposed write: "NO GRADING" Grading Permit required. NOTE: The grading permit must be issued and rough qradinq awrma\ obtained prior to issuance of a building permit. raded Pad Certification required. (Note: Pad certification may be required even if a grading permit is not required.) All required documentation must be provided to your Engineering Construction Inspector , Grant Clavier 760-602-2780 x7318 . The inspector will then provide the engineering counter with a release for the building permit. No grading permit required. Minor Grading Permit required. See attached marked-up submittal checklist for project- specific requirements. 6. MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS / RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in city right-of-way and/or private work adjacent to the public right-of-way. Types of work include, but are not limited to: street improvements, tree trimming, driveway construction, tying into public storm drain, sewer and water utilities. Right-of-way permit required for: E-36 Page 4 of 6 REV 6/01/12 Grand Pacific Resort: Marbrisa Phase II PLAN CHECK NO # CB 14-2413 7. STORM WATER * **FYI ONLY*** See Tier 3 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan on file, SWll-41 Construction Compliance Project Threat Assessment Form complete. Enclosed Project Threat Assessment Form incomplete. Requires Tier 1 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. Please complete attached form and return (SW ) Requires Tier 2 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. Requires submittal of Tier 2 SWPPP, payment of processing fee and review by city. ***FYI ONLY*** See Storm Water Management Plan on file, SWMPll-15 Post-Development (SUSMP) Compliance Storm Water Standards Questionnaire compiete. Storm Water Standards Questionnaire incomplete. Please make the corrections, re-sign the questionnaire and resubmit with next submittal. Project is subject to Standard Storm Water Requirements. See city Standard Urban Storm Water Management Plan (SUSMP) for reference. http://www.carlsbadca.gov/business/buildinq/Documents/EnqStandsw-stds-vol4-ch2.pdf Project needs to incorporate low impact development strategies throughout in one or more of the following ways: Rainwater harvesting (rain barrels or cistern) ! Vegetated Roof ! Bio-retentions cell/rain garden Pervious pavement/pavers j Flow-through planter/vegetated or rock drip line i Vegetated swales or rock infiltration swales Downspouts disconnect and discharge over landscape Other: E-36 Page 5 of 6 REV 6/01/12 Grand Pacific Resort: Marbrisa Phase II PLAN CHECK NO # CB 14-2413 8. WATER METER REVIEW 1.5" meter shown per signed/approved improvement plan, DWG 428-9F sheet 4 Domestic (potable) Use / j What size meter is required? FYI FYI Where a residential unit is required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system, the minimum meter size shall be a 1" meter. NOTE: the connection fee, SDCWA system capacity charge and the water treatment capacity charge will be based on the size of the meter necessary to meet the water use requirements. For residential units the minimum size meter shall be 5/8", except where the residential unit is larger than 3,500 square feet or on a lot larger than one quarter (1/4) acre where the meter size shall be 9. FEES / Required fees have been entered in building permit. 10. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: N/A Attachments: Engineering Application Storm Water Form RIght-of-Way Application/Info. Reference Documents E-36 Page 6 of 6 REV 6/01/12 Preliminary Fee Calculation Worksheet ENGINEERING DIVISION CT 03-02/GR 11-30 "VILLA 66" 12 UNITS TOTAL Prepared by: Linda Ontiveros Date: 09/25/2014 GEO DATA: LFMZ: / B&T: Address; 1581 Marbrisa Cr Bldg. Permit #; CB 14-2413 Fees Update by: Date; Fees Update by: Date: EDU CALCULATIONS: List types and square footages for all uses. Types of Use: Hotel/Timeshare Sq.Ft./Units 1.00 edu per unit EDU's 12.00 Types of Use: Sq.Ft./Units EDU's Types of Use: Sq.Ft./Units EDU's Types of Use: Sq.Ft./Units EDU's ADT CALCULATIONS: List types and square footages for all uses. Types of Use: Hotel/Timeshare Sq.Ft./Units 8 adt's per unit ADT's 96 Types of Use; Sq,Ft./Units ADT's Types of Use; Sq.Ft./Units ADT's Types of Use; Sq, Ft/Units ADT's FEES REQUIRED: Within CFD: / YES (no bridge & thoroughfare fee in District #1, reduces Traffic Impact Fee) NO 1. PARK-IN-LIEU FEE: NW QUADRANT NE QUADRANT : SE QUADRANT iW QUADRANT ADT'S/UNITS: X FEE/ADT: =$ N/A 2.TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE: ADT'S/UNITS: 96 X FEE/ADT; 104 =$ 9,984 3. BRIDGE & THOROUGHFARE FEE: : ,;DIST#I DIST .#2 ; / DIST.#3 ADTS/UNITS: 96 X FEE/ADT: 200 =$ 19,200 4. FACIUTIES MANAGEMENT FEE ZONE; 13 ADT'S/UNITS: 13,432 X FEE/SQ.FT./UNIT: .40 =$ S372.80 5. SEWER FEE EDU's 12.00 X FEE/EDU; 842 =$ 10,104 BENEFIT AREA: EDU's X FEE/EDU; =$ N/A 6. DRAINAGE FEES; PLDA; HIGH MED UM :LOW ACRES; X FEE/AC: =$ PAID AT MAP 7. POTABLE WATER FEES: UNITS CODE CONN. FEE METER FEE SDCWA FEE TOTAL 1 D1.5 16,707 574.50 14,400 31,681.50 THIS DOES NOT REPRESENT A COMPREHENSIVE LIST OF FEES DUE FOR THIS PROJECT. PLEASE CONTACT THE BUILDING DIVISION AT (760) 602-2719 FOR A COMPLETE LIST OF FEES. CITYOFCARLSBAD GRADING INSPECTfON CHECKUST FOR PARTIAL SITE RELEASE PROJECT INSPECTOR: (2^\Kir A. C/A\/I#£ DATE: /^/^//^ PROJECT ID d'f ^3-02. GRADING PERMIT NO /l^d>Zo LOTS REQUESTED FOR RELEASE: N/A = NOT APPLICABLE >f = COMPLETE Ist 2nd. 1. Site access to requested lots adequate and logically grouped 2. Site erosion control measures adequate. 3. Overall site adequate for health, safety and welfare of public. 4. Letter from Owner/Dev. requesting partial release of specific lots, pads or bldg. 5. 814" X 11" site plan (attachment) showing requested lote submitted. 6. Compaction rspoil from soils engineer submitted. {If soils report has been submitted with a (devious partial release, a i^er from soils engineer referencing the soils report and identifying specific iots for release shall accompany subsequent partial releases). 7. EOW certification of worl< done with finish pad elevations of specific lots to be released. Letter must state lot (s) is graded to within a tenth (. 1) of the ai^roved grading plan. 8. Geologic engineer's tetter if unusual geologic or subsurface conditions exist 9. Fully functional flre hydrants within 600 feet of building combustibles and an aii weather roads access to site is required. Partial release of grading for the above stated iots is approved for the purpose of building permit issuance. Issuance of building permits is stiil subject to all normal City requirements required pursuant to the building permit process, 0 I—I I I Partial release of the site is denied for the following reasons; tlUkiAfru FoniiiviEvmi«ctrNmiiiri'maii()«<«>i<ni«n^iniii.ciMD«tr«uiiiii>*t«>rii«ii«t cr o3-o^ CITY OF CARLSBAD STORM WATER COMPLIANCE FORM TIER 1 CONSTRUCTION SWPPP E-29 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov STORM WATER COMPUANCE CERTIFICATE «^ My project is not in a category of permit types exempt from the Construction SWPPP requirements My project is not located inside or within 200 feet of an environmentally sensitive area with a significant potential for contributing pollutants to nearby receiving waters by way of storm water runoff or non-stonn water discharge(s). «^ My project does not require a grading plan pursuant to the Carlsbad Grading Ordinance (Chapter 15.16 ofthe Carlsbad Municipal Code) <^ My project will not result in 2,500 square feet or more of soils disturbance including any associated construction staging, stockpiling, pavement removal, equipment storage, refueling and maintenance areas that meets one or more of the additional following criteria: • located within 200 feet of an environmentally sensitive area or the Pacific Ocean; and/or, • disturt>ed area is located on a slope with a grade at or exceeding 5 horizontal to 1 vertical; and/or • disturbed area is located along or within 30 feet of a storm drain inlet, an open drainage channel or watercourse; and/or • construction will be initiated during the rainy season or will extend into the rainy season (Oct. 1 through April 30). I CERTIFY TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE THAT ALL OF THE ABOVE CHECKED STATEMENTS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT. I AM SUBMITTING FOR CITY APPROVAL A TIER 1 CONSTRUCTION SWPPP PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF CITY STANDARDS. I UNDERSTAND AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I MUST: (1) IMPLEMENT BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPS) DURING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PRACTICABLE TO MINIMIZE THE MOBILIZATION OF POLLUTANTS SUCH AS SEDIMENT AND TO MINIMIZE THE EXPOSURE OF STORM WATER TO CONSTRUCTION RELATED POLLUTANTS; AND, (2) ADHERE TO, ANO AT ALL TIMES, COMPLY WITH THIS CITY APPROVED TIER 1 CONSTRUCTION SWPPP THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES UNTIL THE CONSTRUCTION WORK IS COMPLETE AND APPROVED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. OWNER(S)/OWNER'S AGENT NAME (PRINT) 5ER(S)/0WNB^'S AGENT NAME (SIGNATURE) DATE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION NOTES 1. ALL NECESSARY EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS SHALL BE AVAILABLE ON SITE TO FACILITATE RAPID INSTALLATION OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS WHEN RAIN IS EMINENT. 2. THE OWNER/CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES TO WORKING ORDER TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY ENGINEER AFTER EACH RUN-OFF PRODUCING RAINFALL. 3. THE OWNER/CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE CmC ENGINEERING OR BUILDING INSPECTOR DUE TO UNCOMPLETED GRADING OPERATIONS OR UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH MAY ARISE. 4. ALL REMOVABLE PROTECTIVE DEVICES SHALL BE IN PLACE AT THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY WHEN THE FIVE (5) DAY RAIN PROBABILITY FORECAST EXCEEDS FORTY PERCENT (40%). SILT AND OTHER DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED AFTER EACH RAINFALL. 5. ALL GRAVEL BAGS SHALL BE BURLAP TYPE WITH 3/4 INCH MINIMUM AGGREGATE. 6. ADEQUATE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL AND PERIMETER PROTECTION BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE MEASURES MUST BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED. SPECIAL NOTES PROJECT INFORMATION Site Address: Assessor's Parcel Number: Project ID: CR-hf-^ZHX^ S\^ I Construction Permit No.: JiH{J Estimated Construction Start Date ////"^//V Project Duration Months Emergency Contact: Name: ji^Ly<rd^ ^i^^^. 24 hour Phone: Yi^ 0 ^S>S B^l"^ Perceived Threat to Storm Water Quality CD Medium Q^^w If medium box is checked, must attach a site plan sheet showing proposed work area and location of proposed structural BMPs For City Use Only CITY OF CARLSBAD STANDARD TIER 1 SWPPP Approved By: Date: E-29 Page 1 of 3 REV 4/30/10 Erosion Control BMPs Sediment Control BMPs Best Management Practice (BMP) Description -> Geotextiles & Mats Wood Mulching Earth Dikes and Drainage Swales Slope Drains Silt Fence Sediment Trap Check Dam Fiber Rolls Gravel Bag Bemi Street Sweeping and Vacuuming Sandbag Barrier Stomi Drain Inlet Protection Stabilized Construction Ingress/Egress Stabilized Construction Roadway Water Conservation Practices Paving and Grinding Ooerations Potable Water/Irrigation Vehicle and Equipment Cleanina Material Delivery and Material Use Stockpile Management Spill Prevention and Control jsl CO c § i > c 1 s o <S OT S Hazardous Waste Concrete Waste CASQA Designation Construction Activity EC-7 EC-8 EC-9 EC-11 SE-1 SE-3 SE-4 SE-5 SE-6 SE-7 SE-8 SE-10 TR-1 TR-2 NS-1 NS-3 NS-7 NS-8 WM-1 WM-2 WM-3 WM-4 WM-5 WM-6 WM-8 v/ Grading/Soil Disturbance Trenching/Excavation J Stockpiling y Drilling/Boring Concrete/Asphalt Saw cutting Concrete flatwork Paving J Conduit/Pipe Installation , Stucco/Mortar Work Waste Disposal Staging/Lay Down Area Equipment Maintenance and Fueling Hazardous Substance Use/Storage Dewatering J Site Access Across Dirt / Other (list): Tracking Control BIMPs Non-Storm Water Management BMPs Waste Management and Materiais Pollution Controi BMPs Instructions: Begin by reviewing the list of construction activities and checking the box to the left of any activity that will occur during the proposed construction. Add any other activity descriptions in the blank activity description boxes provkled for that purpose and place a check in the box Immediately to the left of the added activity description. For each activity descnribed, pick one or more best management practices (BMPs) from the list located along the top ofthe fomi. Then place an X in the box at the place where the activity row intersects with the BMP column. Do this for each activity that was checked off and for each of the selected BMPs selected from the list. For Example - If the project includes site access across dirt, then check the box to the left of "Site Access Across Dirt". Then review the list for something that applies such as "Stabilized Construction Ingress/Egress" under Tracking Control. Follow along the "Site Access Across Dirf row until you get to the "Stabilized Construction Ingress/Egress" column and place an X in the box where the two meet. As another example say the project included a stockpile that you intend to cover with a plastic sheet. Since plastic sheeting is not on the list of BMPs, then write in "Cover with Plastic" in the blank column under the heading Erosion Control BMPs. Then place an X in the box where the "Stockpiling" row intersects the new "Cover with Plastic" column. To leam more about what each BMP description means, you may wish to review the BMP Reference Handout prepared to assist applicants in the selection of appropriate Best Management Practice measures. The reference also explains the Califbmia Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) designation and how to apply the various selected BMPs to a project. E-29 Page 2 of 3 REV 4/30/10 t /£ ' STORM WATER Development Services ^ CITY OF CARLSBAD COMPLIANCE EXEMPTION B-24 Building Department 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov am applying to the City of Carlsbad for the following type(s) of construction permit: • Building Permit • Right-of-Way Permit • My project is categorically EXEMPT from the requirement to prepare a storm water pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) because it only requires issuance of one or more of the following permit types: Electrical Fire Additional Fire Alarm Fixed Systems Mechanical Mobile Home Plumbing Patio/Deck Re-Roofing Sign Spa-Factory Sprinkler Water Discharge Project Storm Water Threat Assessment Criteria* No Threat Assessment Criteria • My project qualifles as NO THREAT and is exempt from the requirement to prepare a storm water pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) because it meets ttie "no ttireat" assessment criteria on tfie City's Project Ttireat Assessment Worl^sfieet for Determination of Construction SWPPP Tier Level. My project does not meet any of tfie High, Moderate or Low Threat criteria descritied below. Tierl • Low Threat Assessment Criteria • My project does not meet any of the Significant or Moderate Threat criteria, is not an exempt permit type (See list above) and the project meets one or more of the following criteria: • Results in some soil disturbance; and/or • Includes outdoor construction activities (such as roofing, saw cutting, equipment washing, material stockpiling, vehicle fueling, waste stockpiling). Tier 2 • Moderate Threat Assessment Criteria • My project does not meet any of the Significant Threat assessment Criteria described below and meets one or more of the following criteria: • Project requires a grading plan pursuant to the Carlsbad Grading Ordinance (Chapter 15.16 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); or, • Project will result in 2,500 square feet or more of soils disturbance including any associated constmction staging, stockpiling, pavement removal, equipment storage, refueling and maintenance areas and project meets one or more of the additional following criteria: • Located within 200 feet of an environmentally sensitive area or the Pacific Ocean, and/or • Disturbed area is located on a slope with a grade at or exceeding 5 horizontal to 1 vertical, and/or • Disturbed area is located along or within 30 feet of a storm drain inlet, an open drainage channel or watercourse, and/or • Construction will be initiated during the rainy season or will extend into the rainy season {Oct. 1 through April 30). Tier 3 - Significant Threat Assess/nenf Criteria • My project includes clearing, grading or other disturbances to the ground resulting in soil disturbance totaling one or more acres including any associated construction staging, equipment storage, stockpiling, pavement removal, refueling and maintenance areas: and/or • My project is part of a phased development plan that will cumulatively result in soil disturbance totaling one or more acres including any associated construction staging, equipment storage, refueling and maintenance areas: or, • My project is located inside or within 200 feet of an environmentally sensitive area (see City ESA Proximity map) and has a significant potential for contributing pollutants to nearby receiving waters by way of storm water runoff or non-storm water discharge{s). / certify to tfie best of my /rnow/edge that the above checl(ed statements are true and correct. I understand and acltnowledge that even though this project does not require preparation of a construction SWPP, I must still adhere to, and at all times during construction activities for the permit type(s) check above comply with the storm water best management practices pursuant to Title 15 ofthe Carlsbad Municipal Code and to Citv Standards. 'The City Engineer may authorize minor variances from the Storm Water Ttireat Assessment Criteria in special circumstances where it can be shown that a lesser or higher Construction SWPPP Tier Level is warranted. Project Address: Assessor Parcel No. Owner/Owner's Authorized Agent Name: Title: Owner/Owner's AultiorizedAgeot Signature: Dale: i i City Concurrence: By: >Date: j • YES QNO /^'VV/ /V cm 2m 3 B-24 Page 1 of 1 Rev.03/09 CITY OF CARLSBAD STORM WATER STANDARDS QUESTIONNAIRE E-34 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 FaradayAvenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov INSTRUCTIONS: To address post-development pollutants that may be generated from development projects, the City requires that new development and significant redevelopment priority projects incorporate Permanent Storm Water Best Management Practices (BMP's) into the project design per the City's Standard Urban Stormwater Management Plan (SUSMP). To view the SUSMP, refer to the Engineering Standards (Volume 4, Chapter 2) at www.carlsbadca.aov/standards. Initially this questionnaire must be completed by the applicant in advance of submitting for a development application (subdivision, discretionary permits and/or construction permits). The results of the questionnaire determine the level of storm water standards that must be applied to a proposed development or redevelopment project. Depending on the outcome, your project will either be subject to 'Standard Stonnwater Requirements' or be subject to additional criteria called 'Priority Development Project Requirements'. Many aspects of project site design are dependent upon the storm water standards applied to a project. Your responses to the questionnaire represent an initial assessment of the proposed project conditions and impacts. City staff has responsibility for making the final assessment after submission of the development application. If staff determines that the questionnaire was incorrectly filled out and Is subject to more stringent storm water standards than initially assessed by you, this will result in the return of the development application as incomplete. In this case, please make the changes to the questionnaire and resubmit to the City. If you are unsure about the meaning of a question or need help in determining how to respond to one or more of the questions, please seek assistance from Land Development Engineering staff. A separate completed and signed questionnaire must be submitted for each new development application submission. Only one completed and signed questionnaire is required when multiple development applications for the same project are submitted concurrently. In addition to this questionnaire, you must also complete, sign and submit a Project Threat Assessment Form with construction pemiits for the project. Please start by completing Step 1 and follow the instructions. When completed, sign the form at the end and submit this with your application to the city. STEP1 TO BE COMPLETED FOR ALL PROJECTS To determine if your project is a priority development project, please answer the following questions: YES NO 1. Is your project LIMITED TO constructing new or retrofitting paved sidewalks, bicycle lanes or trails that meet the following criteria: (1) Designed and constructed to direct storm water runoff to adjacent vegetated areas, or other non-erodible permeable areas; OR (2) designed and constructed to be hydraulically disconnected from paved streets or roads; OR (3) designed and constructed with permeable pavements or surfaces in accordance with USEPA Green Streets guidance? / 2. Is your project LIMITED TO retrofitting or redeveloping existing paved alleys, streets, or roads that are designed and constructed in accordance with the USEPA Green Streets guidance? If you answered "yes" to one or more ofthe above questions, then your project is NOT a priority development project and therefore is NOT subject to the storm water criteria required for priority development projects. Go to step 4, mark the last box stating "my project does not meet PDP requirements" and complete applicant Information. If you answered "no" to both questions, then go to Step 2. E-34 Page 1 of 3 Effective 6/27/13 CITY OF CARLSBAD STORM WATER STANDARDS QUESTIONNAIRE E-34 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 FaradayAvenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov STEP 2 TO BE COIVIPLETED FOR ALL NEW OR REDEVELOPIWENT PROJECTS To determine If your project is a priority development project, please answer the following questions: YES NO 1. Is your project a new development that creates 10,000 square feet or more of impervious surfaces collectively over the entire project site? This includes commercial, industrial, residential, mixed-use, and public development projects on public or private land. y 2. Is your project creating or replacing 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire project site on an existing site of 10,000 square feet or more of impervious surface? This includes commercial, industrial, residential, mixed-use, and public development projects on public or private land. y 3. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire project site and supports a restaurant? A restaurant is a facility that sells prepared foods and drinks for consumption, including stationary lunch counters and refreshment stands selling prepared foods and drinks for immediate consumption. y 4. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire project site and supports a hillside development project? A hillside development project includes development on any natural slope that is twenty-five percent or greater y 5. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire project site and supports a parking lot. A parking lot is a land area or facility for the temporary parking or storage of motor vehicles used personally for business or for commerce. y 6. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire project site and supports a street, road, highway freeway or driveway? A street, road, highway, freeway or driveway is any paved impervious surface used for the transportation of automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, and other vehicles. / 7. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates or replaces 2,500 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire site, and discharges directly to an Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA)? "Discharging Directly to" includes flow that is conveyed overland a distance of 200 feet or less from the project to the ESA, or conveyed in a pipe or open channel any distance as an isolated flow from the project to the ESA (i.e. not commingles with flows from adjacent lands).* / 8. Is your project a new development that supports an automotive repair shop? An automotive repair shop is a facility that is categorized in any one of the following Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes: 5013, 5014, 5541, 7532-7534, or 7536-7539. 9. Is your project a new development that supports a retail gasoline outlet (RGO)? This category includes RGO's that meet the following criteria: (a) 5,000 square feet or more or (b) a project Average Daily Traffic (ADT) of 100 or more vehicles per day. / 10. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that results in the disturbance of one or more acres of land and are expected to generate pollutants post construction? / 11.1s your project located within 200 feet of the Pacific Ocean and (1) creates 2,500 square feet or more of impervious surface or (2) increases impervious surface on the property by more than 10%? If you answered "yes" to one or more of the above questions, you ARE a priority development project and are therefore subject to implementing structural Best Management Practices (BMP's) in addition to implementing Standard Stonn Water Requirements such as source control and low impact development BMP's. A Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) must be submitted with your application(s) for development. Go to step 3 for redevelopment projects. For new projects, go to step 4 at the end of this questionnaire, check the "my project meets PDP requirements" box and complete applicant information. If you answered "no" to all of the above questions, you ARE NOT a pnority development project and are therefore subject to implementing only Standard Storm Water Requirements such as source control and low impact development BMP's required for all development projects. A Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) is not required with your application(s) for development Go to step 4 at the end of this questionnaire, check the "my project does not meet PDP requirements" box and complete applicant information. E-34 Page 2 of 3 Effective 6/27/13 ^sj^ CITY OF CARLSBAD STORM WATER STANDARDS QUESTIONNAIRE E-34 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 FaradayAvenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov TO BE COMPLETED FOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS THAT ARE PRIORITY DEVELOPEMENT PROJECTS ONLY Complete the questions below regarding your redevelopment project: YES NO Does the redevelopment project result in the creation or replacement of impervious surface in an amount of less than 50% ofthe surface area ofthe previously existing development? If you answered "yes," the structural BMP's required for Priority Development Projects apply only to the creation or replacement of impervious surface and not the entire development. Go to step 4, check the "my project meets PDP requirements" box and complete applicant information. If you answered "no," the structural BMP's required for Priority Development Projects apply to the entire development. Go to step 4, check the "my project meets PDP requirements" box and complete applicant information. CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX AND COMPLETE APPLICANT INFORMATION My project meets PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (PDP) requirements and must comply with additional stormwater criteria per the SUSMP and I understand I must prepare a Storm Water Management Plan for submittal at time of application. I understand flow control (hydromodification) requirements may apply to my project. Refer to SUSMP for details. My project does not meet PDP requirements and must only comply with STANDARD STORMWATER REQUIREMENTS per the SUSMP. As part of these requirements, I will incorporate low impact development strategies throughout my project. Applicant Information and Signature Box Accessor's Parcel Number(s): leant Name:^ . Applicant Title: Date: This Box for City Use Only City Concurrence: YES NO By: Date; Project ID: * Environmentally Sensitive Areas include but are not limited to all Clean Water Act Section 303(d) impaired water bodies; areas designated as Areas of Special Biological Significance by the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994) and amendments); water bodies designated with the F^RE beneficial use by the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994) and amendments); areas designated as preserves or their quivalent under the Multi Species Conservation Program within the Cities and County of San Diego; and any other equivalent environmentally sensitive areas which have been identified by the Copermittees. E-34 Page 3 of 3 Effective 6/27/13 ^ CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST P-28 Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov DATE: 09/22/14 PROJECT NAIVIE: MARBRISA PROJECT ID: SOP 03-02 PLAN CHECK NO: 14-2413 SET#: 1 ADDRESS: 1581 MARBRISA CIRCLE APN: 211-131-07-00 ^ This plan check review is complete and has been APPROVED by the PLANNING Division. By: CHRISTER WESTMAN A Final Inspection by the PLANNING Division is required ^ Yes • No you may also have corrections from one or more of the divisions listed below. Approval from these divisions may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Resubmitted plans should include corrections from all divisions. • This plan check review is NOT COIVIPLETE. Items missing or incorrect are listed on the attached checklist. Please resubmit amended plans as required. Plan Check Comments have been sent to: dant@noaainc.com For questions or clarifications on the attached checklist please contact the following reviewer as marked: PLANNING 760-602-4610 ENGINEERING 760-602-2750 FIRE PREVENTION 760-602-4665 X Christer Westman 760-602-4614 Christer.Westman@carlsbadca.fiov 1 1 Kathleen Lawrence 760-602-2741 Kathleen.Lawrence@carlsbadca.gov Greg Ryan 760-602-4663 Gregorv.Rvan@carlsbadca.gov 1 1 Gina Ruiz 760-602-4675 Gina.Ruiz@carlsbadca.gov 1 1 Linda Ontiveros 760-602-2773 Linda.Ontiveros@carlsbadca.gov Cindy Wong 760-602-4662 Cvnthia.Wong@carlsbadca.gov • • Dominic Fieri 760-602-4664 Dominic.Fieri@carlsbadca.gov Remarks: Plan Check No. CB 14-2413 Address 1581 Marbrisa Circle Date 09/2214 Review # 1 Planner Christer Westman Phone (760) 602- 4614 Type of Project & Use: TIMESHARE Net Project Density:N/A. Zoning: C-T-Q General Plan: T^R Facilities Management Zone: 13 CFD (in) # LDate of participation:12/21/93 Remaining net dev acres: ZERO (For non-residential development: Type of land use created by this permit: TIMESHARE) REVIEWS: 12 3 Legend: [El Item Complete • Item Incomplete - Needs your action • • • Environmental Review Required: YES ^ NO • TYPE MIT NEG DEC DATE OF COMPLETION: 09/01/04 Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: • • • Discretionary Action Required: YES |3 NO • TYPE SDP APPROVAL/RESO. NO. 5686-5691 DATE 09/01/04 PROJECT NO. SDP 03-02 OTHER RELATED CASES: CT 03-02/CDP 03-04/PUD 03-01/CUP 03-01/HDP 03-01 Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: n n D Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Project site located in Coastal Zone? YES El NO • CA Coastal Commission Authority? YES • NO M If California Coastal Commission Authority: Contact them at - 7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 103, San Diego, CA 92108-4402; (619) 767-2370 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt): CDP 03-04 APPROVED 09/01/04 n • • Habitat Management Plan Data Entry Completed? YES • NO • N/A If property has Habitat Type identified in Table 11 of HMP, complete HMP Permit application and assess fees in Permits Plus (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar. Screens, HMP Fees, Enter Acres of Habitat Type impacted/taken, UPDATE!) n D • Inclusionary Housing Fee required: YES • NO IE1 (Effective date of Inclusionary Housing Ordinance - May 21, 1993.) Data Entry Completed? YES • NO • (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar. Screens, Housing Fees, Construct Housing Y/N, Enter Fee, UPDATE!) • • • Housing Tracking Form (form P-20) completed: YES • NO • N/A^ p-28 Page 3 of 4 07/11 Site Plan: • • • Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of- way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines (including all side and rear yard slopes). Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number. City Council Policy 44 - Neighborhood Architectural Design Guideiines • • • 1. Applicability: YES • NO • • • • 2. Project complies: YES • NOO Zoning: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1. Setbacks: Front: Interior Side: Street Side: Rear: Top of slope: Required Required Required Required Required 2. Accessory structure setbacks: Front: Interior Side: Street Side: Rear: Structure separation: 3. Lot Coverage: Required. Required. Required. Required. Required. Required. Shown Shown. Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown 4. Height: 5. Parking: Required MAX 35 Shown MAX 34 Spaces Required Shown (breakdown by uses for commercial and industrial projects required) Residential Guest Spaces Required Shown Additional Comments OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER CHRISTER WESTMAN DATE 09/22/14 p-28 Page 4 of 4 07/11 PLAN CHECK PLAN CHECK Community & Economic CITY OF REVIEW Development Department 1635 FaradayAvenue CARLSBAD TRANSMITTAL Carlsbad CA 92008 www.carlsbadca.gov DATE: 10/8/14 PROJECTNAME: marbrissa resort, villa 65 BJ3l@jiDEPT COPY PLAN CHECK NO: cbl42415 SET#: I ADDRESS: 1573 marbrisa circle APN: Q This plan check review is complete and has been APPROVED by the flre Division. By: cwong A Final Inspection by the Division is required |^ ves • No ^ This plan check review is NOT COMPLETE. Items missing or incorrect are listed on the attached checklist. Please resubmit amended plans as required. Plan Check Comments have been sent to Ybi/ may a/so have corrections from one or more of the divisions listed below. Approval from these divisions may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit Resubmitted plans should Include corrections from all divisions. For questions or clarifications on the attached checklist please contact the following reviewer as marked: 1 1 Chris Sexton 760-602-4624 Chris.Sexton@carlsbadca.gov 1 1 Kathleen Lawrence 760-602-2741 Kathleen.Lawrence@carlsbadca.gov 1 1 Greg Ryan 760-602-4663 Grefiory.Rvan@carlsbadca.gov 1 1 Gina Ruiz 760-602-4675 Gina.Ruiz@carlsbadca.gov 1 1 Linda Ontiveros 760-602-2773 Linda.Ontlveros@carlsbadca.gov X Cindy Wong 760-602-4662 Cvnthia.Wonfi@carlsbadca.gov • • 1 1 Domlnlc Fieri 760-602-4664 Dominic.Fieri@carlsbadca.gov Remarks: **** Please call 760-602-4662 to schedule an OTC to add the required notes to BOTH Owner and CITY Sets*** Page 1 of2 The following Approval is not valid without the FLS Comments added. **APPROVED: THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR THE PURPOSES OF ISSUEANCE OF A BUILDING PERIVIIT. THIS APPROVAL IS SUBJECTTO FIELD INSPECTIONS, ANY REQUIRED TESTS, FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTATIONS, CONDITIONS IN CORRESPONDENCE AND COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES AND REGULATIONS. THIS APPROVAL SHALL NOT BE HELD TO PERMIT OR APPROVE ANY VIOLATION OF THE LAW. Page 2 of 2 Carlsbad Fire Department Plan Review Requirements Category: COMMIND , HOTEL Date of Report: 10-08-2014 Reviewed by: (^A^iJ Name: DAN TALANT Address: STE 201 4990 N HARBOR BL SANDIEGO CA 92106 Permit #: CBI42415 Job Name: GRAND PACIFIC VILLA 65 - BUILD Job Address: 1573 MARBRISA CR CBAD INCOMPLETE The item you have submitted for review is incomplete. At this time, this office cannot adequately conduct a review to determine compliance with the applicable codes and/or standards. Please review carefully all comments attached. Please resubmit the necessary plans and/or specifications, with changes "clouded", to this office for review and approval. Conditions; Cond: CON0007747 [NOT MET] **** Please call 760-602-4662 to schedule an OTC to add the required notes to BOTH Owner and CITY Sets*** The following Approval is not valid without the FLS Comments added. ** APPROVED: THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR THE PURPOSES OF ISSUEANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT. THIS APPROVAL IS SUBJECT TO FIELD INSPECTIONS, ANY REQUIRED TESTS, FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTATIONS, CONDITIONS IN CORRESPONDENCE AND COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES AND REGULATIONS. THIS APPROVAL SHALL NOT BE HELD TO PERMIT OR APPROVE ANY VIOLATION OF THE LAW. Entry: 10/08/2014 By: cwong Action: CO BLDG. DEPl COPY RECOMMENDED APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS Refer to the two (2) items listed below. Page: 1 of 1 Daryl K. James & Associates, Inc. Re-Checked By: Robert Salgado Plan Check Date: 09/26/2014 APPLICANT NAME (Primary Contact) Dan Talant (619) 297-8066 x 25; dant@noaainc.conn JURISDICTION: Carlsbad Fire Department PROJECT NAME: Marbrisa Resort, Villa 65 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1573 Marbrisa Circle PROJECT DESCRIPTION: CB142415 involves the construction of a new timeshare building. Ground up Type V-B Fully Sprinkled, 3-Story, 12 Unit, R-2 occupancy, with an overall floor area of 13,432 SQ/FT plus 3,670 SQ/FT of exterior exit balconies and decks/walkways, which will serve as part of the means of egress. The design and construction of this building also includes the following: New Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing systems (MEP). All fire alarm and detection systems, fire sprinkler systems, and other types of protection equipment and systems will be submitted separately as deferred submittal items. This plan review has been conducted in order to verify conformance to minimum requirements of codes adopted by the Carlsbad Fire Department applicable to the scope of work. The items below require correction, clarification or additional information before this plan check can be approved for permit issuance. FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY COMMENTS (non-structural plan review): • 1. UPDATE THE DOOR SCHEDULE, TO SHOW ("call-out") HOURLY RATINGS OF OPENINGS IN ONE-HOUR WALLS. • 2. ADD SMOKE ALARM NOTES ONTO THE ELECTRICAL FLOOR PLANS. END OF COMMENTS Carlsbad Fire Department mJKTOEPTXxjrr Plan Review Requirements Category: COMMIND , HOTEL Date ofReport: 11-18-2014 Reviewed by: Name: Address: DAN TALANT STE 201 4990 N HARBOR BL SANDIEGO CA 92106 Permit #: CB142413 Job Name: GRAND PACIFIC VILLA 66 - BUILD Job Address: 1581 MARBRISA CR CBAD Cond: CON0007746 [NOT MET] **** Please call 760-602-4662 to schedule an OTC to add the required notes to BOTH Ovraer and CITY Sets*** The following Approval is not valid without the FLS Comments added. THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR THE PURPOSES OF ISSUEANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT. THIS APPROVAL IS SUBJECT TO FIELD INSPECTIONS, ANY REQUIRED TESTS, FIRE'DEPARTMENT NOTATIONS, CONDITIONS IN CORRESPONDENCE AND COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES AND REGULATIONS. THIS APPROVAL SHALL NOT BE HELD TO PERMIT OR APPROVE ANY VIOLATION OF THE LAW. Entry: 10/08/2014 By: cwong Action: CO Cond: CON0007863 [MET] APPROVED: THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR THE PURPOSES OF ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMIT. THIS APPROVAL IS SUBJECT TO FIELD INSPECTION AND REQUIRED TEST, NOTATIONS HEREON, CONDITIONS IN CORRESPONDENCE AND CONFORMANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS. THIS APPROVAL SHALL NOT BE HELD TO PERMIT OR APPROVE THE VIOLATION OF ANY LAW. Entry: 11/18/2014 By: df Action: AP ii^ BURKETT&WONG ENGINEERS Structural Engineering • Civil Engineering • Surveying • LandPlanning 3434 Fourth Ave. San Diego, CA 92103 Phone (619) 299-5550 • Fax (619) 299-9934 www.burkett-wong.com • info@burkett-wong.com Engn C.Colvin Date; Sep 9, 2014 Job No: 11132A.8.00 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR CARLSBAD RANCH RESORT VILLA 66 CARLSBAD, CA RECEIVED SEP 1 8 2014 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DIVISION NOAA GROUP 2398 SAN DIEGO AVE SAN DIEGO, CA 92110 Basis of Design O BURKETT&WONG ENGINEERS Structural & Civil Engineers & Surveyors 3434 Fourth Ave. San Diego, CA 92103-4941 Phone (619) 299-5550 • Fax (619) 299-9934 Location: Carlsbad Ranch Resort Date: September 10, 2014 Carlsbad, CA Project Villa 66 Job No: 11132A.8.00 A. REFERENCE CRITERIA 2013 California Building Code B. MATERIALS Concrete Reinforcing Steel Structural Steel C. INTENT OF DESIGN and its references F'c= 3000 PSI, UON Grade 60 A992, Gr. 60, UON This structure is identical to Villa 70 of the Carlsbad Ranch Resort in which Burkett and Wong provided the structural design on. The following calculations have already been approved for use by the City of Carlsbad for Villa 70, but have been updated as necessary for Villa 66. 0 BURKETT&WONG ENGINEERS TABLE OF CONTENTS VILLA 6 6 DATE- SEP 9, 2014 ENGINEER- C.COLVIN JOB No. 11132A.8.00 DESIGN LOADS AND DESIGN CRITERIA Al -A2 JOISTS Bl -B13 WALLS /POSTS Cl -C6 LATERAL LOAD DISTRIBUTION / KEY PLAN Dl -D5 SHEARWALLS /HOLDOWNS El -E5 PERFORATED SHEARWALLS Fl -F6 GRADE BEAMS Gl -G2 Loads Material Weight (psf) Roof Tile 10.0 2 X 1/2" Ply. 3.0 Framing 2.5 Insulation 1.0 GWB 6.0 Misc. 2.5 DL= 25.0 LL= 20.0 Floor Framing 15.0 3/4" Ply. 6.0 Misc. 4.0 DL= 25.0 LL= 40.0 Corridor Framing 15.0 3/4" Ply. 6.0 Misc. 4.0 DL= 25.0 LL= 100.0 ^ BURKETT&WONG DATE ENGR - T>. ENGINEERS SHEET. JOB NO PROJECT Afifyrk^Sc^ VUC^ ^ ^ ^ d-sr c M-i^ --^-c^^- L^iUL.. ) C<. iAj. .^d. -- = 0^032^ (^^i V^' -7^ /^H-/- /, O /gk/^t^ ^We- __ v4-i:/2p 2f 4^ i'^^^ao l^s^-- CMa^yiy^tAi.^^ Boise Cascade BC CALC® 3 0 Design Report - US Build 517 Name r.-jress City, Slate. Zip , Customer: Code reports ESR-1336 Single 9-1/2" BCI® 6500-1.8 DF 1 span I No cantilevers | 0/12 slope 24 OCS I Non-Repetitive | Glued & nailed consiruction File Name Villa 68 Joist\Typ BCI Floor Joist Descnption: Typ BCI Floor Joist Specifier: ' Designer Company Misc: Fl : 1 BO 3-1/2" LL 530 lbs 13-03-00 IS B1. 3-1/2" LL 530 Ibs DL 530 Ibs DL 530 Ibs Total Honzontal Product Length = 13-03-00 Live Dead Snow Wind Load Summary Tag Description Load Type Ref. Start End 100V. 90% 1 Standard Load Unf Area (psf) L 00-00-00 13-03-00 40 40 Controls Summary Value '/. Allowable Duration Case Span Pos Moment 3.273 ft-lbs 93 4% 100% 1 1 - Internal End Reaction 1,060 lbs 77.1% 100% 1 1 - Left End Shear 1,013 Ibs 64.3% 100% 1 1 - Left Total Load Defl. L/369 (0 416") 65.0% 1 1 Load Defl. L/739 (0.208") 48.7% 1 1 . . Defl. 0.416" 41 6% 1 1 Span / Depth 16.2 n/a Bearing Supports % Allow */. Allow Bearing Supports Dim. (LxW) Value Support MemtMr Material BO Wall/Plate 3-1/2" X 2-9/16" 1,060 Ibs n/a n/a Unspecified B1 Wall/Plate 3-1/2" X 2-9/16" 1.060 Ibs n/a n/a Unspecified Notes 115% 133% Roof Live 125% OCS Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Total load deflection cnteria Design meets Code minimum (U360) Live load deflection criteria Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum load deflection criteria Composite El value based on 23/32" thick sheathing glued and nailed to joist 24 Disclosure Completeness and accuracy of input musl be verified by anyone who would rely on oulput as evidence of suitability for particular appllcalion Output here based on building code-accepted design properties and analysis methods Installation of BOISE engineered wood products must be m accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes To obtain Installation Guide or ask questions please call (800)232-0788 before installation BC CALC®. BC FRAMERiSl. AJS'", ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD"'. BCI® . BOISE GLULAM^", SIMPLE FRAMING SYSTEM® , VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS® . VERSA-RIM®, VERSA-STRAND®. VERSA-STUD® are trademarks of Boise Cascade Wood Products L L C Page 1 of 1 • Typ Deck Floor Joist 1 1/2" x 5 1/2" 1 .BE Solid Sawn Douglas Fir #2 @ 24" o/c THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED CD fio<liict Di.uji.ini is Co»ce|)tii.>l. LOADS: Analysis is for a Joist Member Primary Load Group - Residenlial - Living Areas (pst) 40 0 Live al 100 % duration 39 0 Dead SUPPORTS; Input Bearing Vertical Reactions (lbs) Oetail Other Width Length Live/Dead/Uplift/Total 1 Stud wall 3 50" 3 50" 240/234 /0/474 By Others None 2 Stud wail 3 50" 3 50" 240/234/0/474 By Olhers None DESIGN CONTROLS: Maximum Design Control Result Location Shear (lbs) 441 -356 990 Passed (36%) Rt end Span t under Floor loading Vertical Reaction (Ibs) 441 441 2231 Passed (20%) Bearing 2 under Floor loading Moment (Ft-Lbs) 616 616 824 Passed (75%) MID Span 1 under Floor loading Live Load Defl (in) 0 053 0 186 Passed (L/999+) MIO Span 1 under Floor loading Total Load Defl (in) 0 104 0 279 Passed (L/645) MID Span 1 under Floor loading -Deflection Cntena STANDARD(IL U360,TL U240) -Allowable moment was increased for repetitive member usage -Bracing(Lu) All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced at 6' o/c unless detailed otherwise Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability -The allowable shear stress (Fvl has not been increased due to the potential of splits, checks and shakes See NDS for applicability of increase ADDITIONAL NOTES: -IMPORTANT' The analysis presented is output from software developed by iLevel® iLeveKS warrants the sizing of its products by this software will be accomplished in accordance with iLevet® product design cntena and code accepted design values The specific product application, input design loads and stated dimensions have been provided by Ihe software user This output has not tjeen reviewed by an iLevel® Associate -Nol all products are readily available Check with your supplier or iLevel® (echnical representative for product availability THIS ANALYSIS FOR iLevel® PRODUCTS ONLYi PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS Solid sawn lumber analysis is in accordance with 2001 NDS methodology -Allowable Stress Design meihodology was used for Building Code IBC analyzing Ihe solid sawn lumber material listed above PROJECT INFORMATION: Villa 53 OPERATOR INFORMATION: Bur1<ett&Wong Eng Boise Cascade Single 3-1/2" x 9-1/2" VERSA-LAM® 2.0 3100 DF 153 Floor Header\FB02 BC CALC® 3 0 Design Report - US Build 517 Name ^udress City Stale. Zip . Customer Code reports ESR-1040 1 span I No cantilevers | 0/12 slope 04-00-00 OCS File Name: Villa 68 Descripiion. FB02 Specifier: Designer: Company MISC r J 10-00 00 BO 3 1/2" LL 3 702 Ibs Bl. 3-1/2' LL 2.698 Ibs DL 1 576 Ibs DL 1.175 Ibs Total Honzontal Product Length = 10-00-00 Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live OCS Load Summary Tag Description Load Type Ref. Start End 100% 90% 115% 133% 125% Standard Load Unf Area (psO Unf. Lin (plf) 00-00-00 10-00-00 100 40 00-00-00 06-00-00 400 160 Controls Summary vaiue % Allow/able Duration Case Span Pos Moment End Shear Total Load Defl Load Defl , .A Defl, Span / Depth 11,049 ft-lbs 4.044 Ibs U323 (0 355") U461 (0.248") 0.355" 12 1 79.2% 64 0% 74.4% 78 1% 35.5% n/a 100% 100% 1 - Internal 1 - Left Bearing Supports Dim. (LxW) Value % Allovw Support % Allow Member Material BO Post B1 Post 3-1/2" X 3-1/2" 3-1/2" X 3-1/2" 5.278 Ibs 3,873 Ibs n/a n/a 57.5% 42.2% Unspecified Unspecified Notes Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets Code minimum (U360) Live load deflection crileria Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum load deflection criteria 04-00-00 n/a Disclosure Completeness and accuracy of inpul must be venfied by anyone who would rely on output as evidence of suitability for particular application. Output here based on building code-accepted design properties and analysis methods Installation of BOISE engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and appiicable building codes To obtain Installation Guide or ask questions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS"". ALUOIST® , BC RIM BOARD'", BCI® BOISE GLULAM™. SIMPLE FRAMING SYSTEM® . VERSA-LAf^, VERSA-RIM PLUS® . VERSA-RIM®. VERSA-STRAND®. VERSA-STUD® are trademarks of Boise Cascade Wood Produds L L C Page 1 of 1 6* Typ header al deck - 9'-6" 5 1/2" X 7 1/2" 1.6E Solid Sawn Douglas Fir #1 THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED a y 0- Pio<luct Pi.ujiani is Conce|>tu.il, LOADS: Analysis is for a Header (Flush Beam) Member Tributary Load Width 4' Primary Load Group - Residential - Living Areas (psf) 60 0 Live al 100 % duration 40 0 Dead SUPPORTS: Input Bearing Vertical Reactions (Ibs) Detail Other Width Length Live/Dead/Uplift/Total 1 Studvi/all 3 50" 150" 1140/ 807/0/ 1947 By Others None 2 Stud wall 3 50" 150" 1140/807 /0/ 1947 By Others None DESIGN CONTROLS: Maximum Design Control Result Location Shear (lbs) 1878 •1571 4675 Passed (34%) Rt end Span 1 under Floor loading Moment (Fl-Lbs) 4304 4304 5801 Passed (74%) MID Span 1 under Floor loading Live Load Defl (in) 0 123 0 306 Passed (U893) MID Span 1 under Floor loading Totai Load Defl (in) 0 210 0 458 Passed (^523) MID Span 1 under Floor loading Deflection Criteria STANDARD(LL U360,TL LJ'240) •8facing(Lu) All compression edges (top and bottom) musl be braced at 9' 6" o/c unless detailed otherwise Proper attachmenl and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability -The allowable shear stress (Fv) has not been increased due to Ihe potential of splits. checl<s and shakes See NDS for applicability of increase ADDITIONAL NOTES: -IMPORTANTi The analysis presented is output from software developed by iLeveHS iLevel® warrants the sizing of its products by this software will be accomplished in accordance with iLevel® product design criteria and code accepted design values The specific product application input design toads, and stated dimensions have been provided by the software user This output has nol been reviewed by an iLevel® Associate -Not all products are readily available Check with your supplier or iLeve® technical representative for product availability -THIS ANALYSIS FOR iLeveK® PRODUCTS ONLYi PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS Solid sawn lumber analysis is in accordance with 2001 NDS methodology -Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Building Code IBC analyzing the solid sawn lumber material listed above PROJECT INFORMATION: Carlsbad Ranch Villa 53 OPERATOR INFORMATION: Burkett&Wong Eng Header al Ext walk 5'-0' 3 1/2" X 7 1/4" 1.6E Solid Sawn Douglas Fir #2 THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED 0^ PiorliKt Di.xji Jill is Coiiceptinl. LOADS: Analysis is for a Header (Flush Beamr Member Tributary Load Width 4' Primary Load Group - Residential - Living Areas (psf) IOO 0 Live at 100 % duration 40 0 Dead SUPPORTS: 1 Stud wall 2 Stud wall Input Width 3 50" 3 50" Bearing Length 1 50" 1 50" Vertical Reactions (Ibs) Live/Dead/Uplift/Total Detail Other 1000/415/0/ 1415 By Olhers None 1000/415/0/ 1415 By Olhers None Design Control Result Location -908 3045 Passed (307o) Rt end Span 1 under Floor loading 1541 2905 Passed (53%) MID Span 1 under Floor loading 0 024 0 156 Passed (L/999+) MIO Span 1 under Floor loading 0 034 0 233 Passed (L/999-I-) MID Span 1 under Floor loading DESIGN CONTROLS: Maximum Shear (Ibs) 1321 Moment (Ft-Lbs) 1541 Live Load Defl (in) Tolal Load Defl (in) Deflection Criteria STANDARD(LL U360,TL;L/240) Additional checks follow -TL 0 313" -Bracing(Lu) All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced at 5' o/c unless detailed othenwise Proper attachmenl and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability -The allowable shear stress (Fv) has not been increased due to the potential of splits, checks and shakes See NDS for applicability of increase ADDITIONAL NOTES: -IMPORTANTI The analysis presented is output from software developed by iLevel® iLevel® warrants the sizing of its products by this software will be accomplished in accordance with iLevel® product design critena and code accepted design values The specific product application input design loads, and stated dimensions have been provided by the software user This output has not been reviewed by an iLevel® Associate -Nol all products are readily available Check with your supplier or iLeve® technical representative for product availability -THIS ANALYSIS FOR iLeveKS PRODUCTS ONLY' PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS Solid sawn lumber analysis is in accordance with 2001 NDS methodology -Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Building Code IBC analyzing Ihe solid sawn lumber material Iisted above PROJECT INFORMATION: Villa 53 OPERATOR INFORMATION: Burkett&Wong Eng Boise Cascade Single 3-1/2" x 9-1/4" VERSA-LAM® 2.0 3100 DF St Floor Header\FB05 BC CALC® 3 0 Design Report • US Build 517 Name . ...dress: City, State, Zip Customer Code reports ESR-1040 1 span I No cantilevers j 0/12 slope 04-00-00 OCS File Name: Villa 58 Description: FB05 Specifier: Designer: Company: Misc: BO. 3-1/2" LL 1.600 Ibs DL 673 lbs Bl. 3-1/2" LL 1.600 ibs DL 673 lbs Tolal Honzontal Product Length = 08-00-00 Live Dead Load Summary Tag Description Load Type Ref. Start End 100% 90% 1 Standard Load Unf Area (psO L 00-00-00 08-00-00 100 40 Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Span Pos Moment 4,041 ft-lbs 30 4% 100% 1 1 - Internal End Shear 1,669 Ibs 27.1% 100% ] 1 - Left Total Load Defl L/1,010 (0 09") 23.8% ' 1 Live Load Defl U1,435 (0.063") 25 1% 1 1 < Defl. 0.09" 9 0% 1 1 jn / Depth 98 n/a 1 V. Allow % Allow Bearing Supports Dim. (L X W) Value Support Memt>er Material BO Post 3-1/2" X 3-1/2" 2.273 Ibs n/a 24.7% Unspecified Bl Post 3-1/2" X 3-1/2" 2,273 Ibs n/a 24.7% Unspecified Notes Snow Wind 115% 133% Roof Live 125% OCS Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Total load deflection criteria Design meets Code minimum (L/360) Live load deflection criteria Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum load deflection criteria. 04-00-00 Disclosure Completeness and accuracy ot input must be verified by anyone who would rely on output as evidence of suitability for particular application Output here based on building code-accepled design properties and analysis methods Installation of BOISE engineered wood products musl be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes To obtain Installation Guide or ask questions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® . AJS"*. ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD™. BCI® BOISE GLULAM™, SIMPLE FRAMING SYSTEM® , VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS® , VERSA-RIM®. VERSA-STRAND®, VERSA-STUD® are trademarks of Boise Cascade Wood Products LLC Page 1 of 1 Boise Cascade BC CALC® 3 0 Design Report - US Build 517 Name . -dress City, State. Zip. , Customer: Code reports. ESR-1040 Single 3-1/2" x 9-1/2" VERSA-LAM® 2.0 3100 DF 1 span I No cantilevers | 0/12 slope Floor Beam\FB06 File Name: Villa 68 Descnption: FB06 Specifier Designer Company Misc: 10 00-00 BO 3-1/2" LL 2 500 Ibs DL 2,543 Ibs Bl, 3-1/2" LL 2.500 Ibs DL 2.543 lbs Total Horizontal Product Length = 10-00-00 Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live Trib. Load Summary Tag Description Load Type Ref. Start End 100% 90% 1 Standard Load Unf Area (psf) L 00-00-00 10-00-00 40 40 Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Span Pos Moment 11.478 ft-lbs 82,2% 100% 1 1 - Internal End Shear 3.950 Ibs 62 5% 100% 1 1 - Left Total Load Defl U304 (0 376") 78 8% 1 1 Live Load Defl. U614 (0 186") 58,6% 1 1 Defl. 0.376" 37,6% 1 1 jn / Depth 12 1 n/a % Allow % Allow Bearing Supports Dim. (LxW) Value Support Member Material BO Post 3-1/2" X 3-1/2" 5,043 lbs n/a 54 9% Unspecified Bl Post 3-1/2" X 3-1/2" 5,043 Ibs n/a 54 9% Unspecified Notes 115% 133% 125% Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Totai load deflection critena Design meets Code minimum (L/360) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum load deflection criteria 12-06-00 Disclosure Completeness and accuracy of input must be verified by anyone who would rely on oulput as evidence of surtabilily for particular application Output here based on building code-accepted design properties and analysis methods Installation of BOISE engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes To obtain Installation Guide or ask questions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS"*. ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD"-. BCI® . BOISE GLULAM"*. SIMPLE FRAMING SYSTEM®. VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS®. VERSA-RIM®. VERSA-STRAND®, VERSA-STUD® are trademarks of Boise Cascade Wood Products LLC. Page 1 of 1 Party wall header 3'-0" 5 1/2" x 5 1/2" 1.6E Solid Sawn Douglas Fir #1 THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED F'l odiici DM(JI .llll IS Coiice|>t(i.il. LOADS: Analysis IS for a Header |Flush Beam) Member Tributary Load Width 25'6" Primary Load Group - Residential - Living Areas (psf) 40 0 Live al 100 % duration, 25 0 Dead 15 0 Partition SUPPORTS: 1 Slud wall 2 Stud wall Input Bearing Vertical Reactions (lbs) Detail Other Width Length Live/Dead/Uplift/Total 3 50' 1 50' 1530 / 1541 / 0 / 3071 By Others None 3 50 150 1530 / 1541/0 / 3071 By Others None DESIGN CONTROLS: Shear (It)sj Moment (Ft-Lbs- Live Load Defl (in Tolal Load Defl (m i Maximum 2730 1820 Design 1535 1820 0010 0 019 Control 3428 3120 0 089 0 133 Result Passed (457o) Passed (58%) Passed (U999-<-) Passed (L/999+) Location Rt end Span 1 under Floor loading MID Span 1 under Floor loading MID Span 1 under Floor loading MID Span 1 under Floor loading Deflection Cntena STANDARD(LL U360.TL L/240). Additional checks follow -TL 0 313" -Bracing(Lu) All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced al 3" o/c unless detailed othenvise Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability -The allowable shear stress (Fv) has not been increased due lo Ihe potential of splits, checks and shakes See NDS lor applicability of increase ADDITIONAL NOTES: -IMPORTANT" The analysis presented is output from software developed by iLevel® iLevel® warrants the sizing of its products by this software will be accomplished m accordance with iLeve® product design criteria and code accepted design values The specific product application input design loads and staled dimensions have been provided by the software user This output has not been reviewed by an iLeveKS) Associate -Nol all products are readily available Check with your supplier or iLeveKS technical representative for product availability -THIS ANALYSIS FOR iLevel® PRODUCTS ONLYi PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS. Solid sawn lumber analysis is in accordance with 2001 NDS methodology -Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Building Code IBC analyzing Ihe solid sawn lumber matenal listed above PROJECT INFORMATION: Carlsbad Ranch Villa 53 OPERATOR INFORIVIATION: Burkett&Wong Eng DATE ^ BURKETT&WONG ENGIN E E RS SHEET. JOB NO. 8l« BWE CEC Curved Beam Villa SK-1 balcony curved support r3d BWE CEC Curved Beam Villa 6-^ SK-2 balcony curved support r3d Company Designer Job Number BWE CEC rved Beam Villa 68 Checi<ed By. Basic Load Cases BLC Description DL LL Category None None X..Gravity..XOrayity _ 2Gravity Joint Point Distributed Area(Me , Surface{P,, 3 i ] Joint Bounda Conditions Joint Label X LKiinJ -..yMoi... -z im\ 1 N1 Reaction 1 Reaction ! Reaction 2 N5 Reaction Reaction 1 Reaction 3 N3 Reaction j Reaction 1 Reaction 4 N6 Reaction Reaction 1 Reac ion 5 N10 Reaction Reaction Reaction L 6....... N12 1 Reaction Reaction Reaction 7 N8 Reaction ! Reaction 1 Reaction 8 Nil Reaction Reaction R action X_RoUk-ft/rad] Y Rot [k Foijliiig Member AISC 13th 360-05 : ASD Steel Code Checks LC Member Shape UC Max Loc[ft] Shear UC iocLftl Dir Pnc/om [kj Pnt/om (kJ Mn^ om Mnzz/ m Cb Eqn 1 1 Ml HSS8X6X4 .137 7 984 038 8 094 151 354 184 269 31 72 42 129 1 377 HI-1b 2 1 M2 HSS8X6X4, ,137 7 984 ,038 8 094 y 151 354 184 269 31 72 42 129 1 377 h|1-1b 3 1 M3 010X20 .567 12 5 047 25 y 4 693 126 754 3 78 10 44 1 097 Hl-lb 4 1 M4 HSS8X6X8i .322 6021 037 8 021 y 189 776 250 023 44.811 54 728 1 376 H1-1b 5 1 M5 HSS8X6XB ,322 8 021 037 8 (D21 y 189 776 250 023 44 811 54 728 1 376 Hl-lb Joint Coordinates and Tem eratures Labe X[ftl Y[ft Z It!) TemR.^[Fl Detach From Diap 1 Nl 0 0 0 0 2 N2 0 105 0 0 3 N3 25 0 0 0 4 N4 25 10 5 0 0 5 N5 0 8 0 0 6 N6 25 8 0 Q 7 N7 8 10,5 0 0 8 N8 8 4.5 0 0 9 N9 17 10 5 0 0 10 N10 17 4 5 0 0 11 Nil 8 -3 5 0 0 1 12 N12 ; 17 ...j':^ 0 ^ ~r' ^ ^' 1 ioint Deflections LC Joint Label XlLnJ X Rotation [rad] Y, Rota tion Irad] 2 Rotation, [rad] 1 1 N1 0 0 0 8,259e-4 0 0 2 1 N2 0 0 -069 -2.502e-3 0 0 3 1 N3 0 0 0 8 259e-4 0 0 4 1 N4 0 0 -069 -2.502e-3 0 0 5 1 N5 0 0 0 -1 71e-3 0 0 6 1 N6 0 0 0 -1 71e-3 0 0 7 1 N7 0 0 - 381 -2 502e-3 1,79e-3 0 8 1 N8 0 0 0 -3. 14e-3 1.79e-3 0 9 1 N9 0 0 - 381 -2 502e-3 -1 79e-3 0 10 1 N10 0 0 0 -3.014e-3 -1 79e-3 0 11 1 N11 0 0 0 0 1.79e-3 0 12 1 N12 0 0 0 0 -1 79e-3 0 RISA-3D Version 9 1 0 [M:\ \ \CALCS\balcony curved suppoil r3d) Page 1 Company Designer Job Number BWE CEC Curved Beam Villa 68 Checked By _ Joint Reactions 8 K Combination LC JoinLLabe XikJ Y[k] MX [KJtJ MY im MZ [k-ftj 1 1 N1 0 0 -721 0 0 0 2 1 N5 0 0 3,02 0 LOCKE, 0 3 1 N3 0 0 -.721 0 0 4 1 N6 0 3.029 0 LOCKED 0 5 1 N10 0 0 5,162 0 0 0 6 N12 0 0 -2 212 0 7 1 N8 0 0 .162 0 0 8 1 N11 0 0 -2 212 0 0 9 1 Totals 0 0 10 516 10 1 GOG ftj X 12 5 Y 105 Z 0 Load Combinations Descnption D+L S I Y SR BLC Factor BL Factor BLC Factor BLC Factor BLC Factor BLC Factor BLC Factor BLC 1 1 2 i 1 ' Facto Member Distributed Loads BLC 1: DL 1 2 3 Member Ua M M3 M Direction St3njyiagnitude[k/ft d Z - 168 Z .096 Z 096 End Maani(ude[k/ft d - 168 -096 - 096 Start Location[ft, 0 17 0 End Lo ation[ft ° J b 25 8 Member Distributed Loads BLC 2 : LL Membe M M3 M3 La Directi n Start Magnitude[k/ft d End M t de[k/n d Start Lo_catiojiift ] End Location[ft,% Z - 14 14 0 0 Z - 08 - 08 0 8 Z - 08 08 17 25 RISA-3D Version 9.1 0 [M:\ .\ ,,\,. \CALCS\balcony curved support,r3d] Page 2 ^ BURKETT&WONG DATE ENGINEERS SHEET. ENGR V - P-JOB NO /> Y -Tfrr /o Column: Ml Shape: 3X4 Material: DF Length: 10 ft 1 Joint: Nl J Joint: N2 LC 1: IBC 16-12 (a) Code Checic: 0.382 (bending) Report Based On 100 Sections Dy in -.453 at 5.051 ft Dz in 1.048 at Oft A ^l^Hi k 1.027 at 10 ft .153 at Oft VT lr 1.048 at Oft A ^l^Hi k 1.027 at 10 ft "y —^^-^ -.153 at 10 ft VZ R T If ft Mz k-ft -.382 at 5.051 ft Mu If ff 1 K-Tl Mz k-ft -.382 at 5.051 ft IViy K-Tl .12 at Oft fa ^^HH^^mi^^^llll^ ksi .117at10ft .899 at 5.051 ft fc ^^^^^^1^^^^^ ksi ft ^^^^m^^^^ ksl -.899 at 5.051 ft AF&PA NDS'12: ASD Code Check Max Bending Check 0.382 Location 4.949 ft Equation 3.9-3 CD 1.6 RB 3.666 Cr 1 Cfu 1.1 FC Ft' Fbr Fb2' Fv' E' 2.395 1.62 2.395 2.64 .288 1700 Cm Ct Max Shear Check Location Max Defl Ratio CL .998 CP .868 CF 1.15 A3 1.5 1.5 0.091 10ft L/265 (y) Lb ie/d Sway y-y 2ft 9.6 No z-z 2ft 6.857 No Le-Bending Top 2 ft Le-Bending Bot 2 ft ^3 Column: M2 Shape: 2X6 Material: DF Length: 10 ft 1 Joint: N3 J Joint: N4 LC 1: IBC 16-12 (a) Code Checic: 0.303 (bending) Report Based On 100 Sections Dy ^^'^^\^^^^^^^^^^^^ -.195 at 5.051 ft Dz in 1.047 at Oft A ilH^^l^l k 1.027 at 10 ft .153 at Oft Vfu 1 r- L-\JT lr 1.047 at Oft A ilH^^l^l k 1.027 at 10 ft vy -'^^ K -.153 at 10 ft vz K T ie tt Mz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ k-ft -.382 at 5.051 ft I K-n Mz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ k-ft -.382 at 5.051 ft my K-u .127 at 0 ft fa BBmB^BBiB ksi .124 at 10 ft .607 at 5.051 ft fc ^^^^^ilil^^^^ ksi ft ^^^^^^^^^ ksi -.607 at 5.051 ft AF&PA NDS-12: ASD Code Check Max Bending Checic 0.303 Location 4.949 ft Equation 3.9-3 CD Cr Fc' Ff Fbi' Fb2' Fv' E' 1.6 1 RB Cfu Xksii 1.552 1.404 2.06 2.392 .288 1700 7.659 1.15 Cm Ct Max Shear Check Location Max Defl Ratio CL .99 CP .588 CF _ 1.1 1.3 11 ^ 1.3 0.097 (y) 10ft U616 Lb le/d Sway Le-Bending Top Le-Bending Bot y-y 2ft 16 No z-z 2ft 4.364 No 2ft 2ft DATE. ENGR. PROJECT # BURKETT&WONG ENGINEERS SHEET_ JOB NO. 4x/ 2C 3^ zoo OATE. ENGR. PROJECT BURKETT&WONG ENGINEERS SHEET_ JOB NO. (X CJ. - A/ pJ, r DATE. ENGR. PROJECT BURKETT&WONG ENGINEERS SHEET_ a JOB NO. •pt /4oo C ^ A/PS) C^^ A/ /f^ 4/. XT rls^ •77 fO CC^)(C+)(CT)(CO = A>.«»=. w,\ 0. fr-iiEjl Rcc.xc^KC^)(Cj.xc:,xcr) Seismic design R= Sds= Sdi= 6.5 1 1.041 1.558 1.195 0.689 0.796 0.459 Cs= Load distribution Floor 0.122 Level A,(ft') W„aii(k) W(k) Mft) Vx(k) v(psf) Level A,(ft') W„aii(k) W(k) Mft) Vx(k) v(psf) Roof 5192 23 152 30 4569 0.452 20.3 "3.9" 3rd 5466 45 182 20 3633 0.360 16.2 3.0 2nd 5466 54 190 10 1902 0.188 8.5 IW= 524 l\N*h = 10104 IV= 45 Deck Level At (ft') W„3ii(k) W(k) h,(ft) Vx(k) v(psf) Level At (ft') W„3ii(k) W(k) h,(ft) Vx(k) v(psf) 3rd 1385 -34.6 20 693 0.637 4.05 2.9 2nd 1578 -39.5 10 395 0.363 2.30 1.5 74.1 IW*h,= 1087 IV= 6.3 # BURKETT&WONG DATE . ENGR ENGINEERS SHEET. JOB NO PROJECT /y(^^ i/rJL^ 6^ S-r (9,C^,- - ;tc?. Z^- A/ rf 1—— jta. - —I 1— r ' rf ^ - —I 1— r ' > ^7^/ c/^]fhX^^-h)^ Si ^ BURKETT&V/ONG DATE ENGINEERS SHEET- ENGR JOB NO PROJECT A/^^^^-^ \AMP^ 6r UJ l/= Bm lip CO E 1/=- fL^^ ' "/Le^. • ^-^ 1/= 6i2y:> Cy^uj^i^. = c?.j p^-f- y cyXi£.^v^<^ = 5. o ^ ^ BURKETT&WONG DATE ENGR PROJECT ENGINEERS SHEET. Jit JOB NO. PJ6^. w A// V = 2^£]^ lb ( /9 / @ o—- (5)*—— - • ©—- ©— @ ^0 ^ W =j V® 0^ -© r ly 1^—© Shearwall design (N-S direction) Roof 3.9 psf 3rd 3.0 psf 2nd 1.5 psf Level Line A.(ft') Force (k) Length of wall (ft) Shear/ft Net Shear/ft Min Shear/ft Design Shear/ft Roof A/IVl B/L 340 1.3 13 102 102 118 118 C/K 470 1.8 9.5 194 194 118 194 D/J 530 2.1 30 69 69 118 118 E/l 520 2.0 18 113 113 118 118 F/H 510 2.0 10 210 210 118 210 G 450 1.8 12 147 147 118 147 Total area: 5,192 Total length of wall: 172 Level Line A,(ft') Force (k) Length of wall (ft) Shear/ft Net Shear/ft Min Shear/ft Design Shear/ft 3rd A/M 240 0.7 20 35 35 96 96 B/L 655 1.9 13 149 251 214 251 C/K 615 1.8 9.5 191 385 214 385 D/J 585 1.7 30 58 127 214 214 E/l 545 1.6 18 89 203 214 214 F/H 550 1.6 10 171 381 214 381 G 530 1.6 12 131 277 214 277 Total area: 6,851 Total length of wail: 212 Level Line A,(ft') Force (k) Length of wall (ft) Shear/ft Net Shear/ft Min Shear/ft Design Shear/ft 2nd A/M 340 0.5 20 26 62 147 147 B/L 655 1.0 13 78 329 265 329 C/K 615 1.0 9.5 100 485 265 485 D/J 585 0.9 30 30 157 265 265 E/l 545 0.8 18 47 249 265 265 F/H 550 0.9 10 90 471 265 471 G 530 0.8 12 68 346 265 346 Total area: 7,044 Total length of wall: 212 Holdown design (N-S direction) (0.6-0.14*SDS)= (1.0+0.14*SDS)= 0.5 l.l Level Line Design Shear/ft Tributary strip (ft) Length of wall (ft) T(lbs) C(lbs) Roof A/M B/L C/K D/J E/l F/H G 118 194 118 118 210 147 7 13 13 13 13 13 13 9.5 30 18 10 12 665 1,194 -1,200 -275 1,361 551 2,355 3,626 6,600 4,495 3,784 3,551 Wall height: 10 ft Level Line Design Shear/ft Tributary strip (ft) Length of wall (ft) T(lbs) C (ibs) Tcum (lbs) Ccum (lbs) 3rd A/M B/L C/K D/J E/l F/H G 96 251 385 214 214 381 277 7 13 13 13 13 13 13 20 13 9.5 30 18 10 12 131 1,461 3,107 -245 680 3,072 1,857 2,831 4,906 5,539 7,555 5,450 5,495 4,857 131 2,126 4,301 -1,446 405 4,434 2,408 2,831 7,261 9,165 14,154 9,945 9,279 8,408 Wall height: 10 ft Level Line Design Shear/ft Tributary strip (ft) Length of wall (ft) T(lbs) C(lbs) Tcum (lbs) Ccum (lbs) 2nd A/M B/L C/K D/J E/l F/H G 147 329 485 265 265 471 346 7 13 13 13 13 13 13 20 13 9.5 30 18 10 12 645 2,241 4,109 269 1,194 3,968 2,540 3,345 5,686 6,541 8,069 5,964 6,391 5,540 776 4,367 8,409 -1,177 1,599 8,402 4,949 6,176 12,947 15,705 22,223 15,909 15,669 13,949 Wall height: 10 ft Shearwall design (E-W direction) Roof 3.9 psf 3rd 3.0 psf 2nd 1.5 psf Level Line A. (ft') Force (k) Length of wall (ft) Shear/ft Net Shear/ft Min Shear/ft Design Shear/ft Roof 4,5 10,12 2,596 2,596 10.2 10.2 48 54 212 188 212 188 199 199 212 199 Total area: Total length of wall: 5,192 102 Level Line A, (ft') Force (k) Length of wall (ft) Shear/ft Net Shear/ft Min Shear/ft Design Shear/ft 3rd 4,5 10,12 4,118 2,733 12.2 8.1 48 54 254 150 465 338 398 398 465 398 Total area: Total length of wall: 6,851 102 Level Line A. (ft') Force (k) Length of wall (ft) Shear/ft Net Shear/ft Min Shear/ft Design Shear/ft 2nd 4,5 10,12 4,311 2,733 6.7 4.2 48 54 139 78 604 416 505 505 604 505 Total area: Total length of wall: 7,044 102 Holdown design (E-W direction) (0.6-0.14*SDS)= (1.0+0.14*Sos)= 0.5 1.1 Level Line Design Shear/ft Tributary strip (ft) Length of wall (ft) T(lbs) C (lbs) Roof 4,5 10,12 212 199 17 17 12.0 13.5 871 590 4,951 5,180 Wall height: 10 ft Levei Line Design Shear/ft Tributary strip (ft) Length of wall (ft) T(lbs) C (lbs) Tcum (lbs) Ccum (lbs) 3rd 4,5 10,12 465 398 20 17 12.0 13.5 3,187 2,576 7,987 7,166 4,057 3,166 12,937 12,346 Wall height: 10 ft Level Line Design Shear/ft Tributary strip (ft) Length of wall (ft) T(lbs) C(lbs) Tcum (lbs) Ccum (lbs) 2nd 4,5 10,12 604 505 20 17 12.0 13.5 4,576 3,644 9,376 8,234 8,634 6,811 22,314 20,581 Wall height: 10 ft Shearwall and Holdown Summary (N-S direction) Roof 3rd 2nd 1 inp Design SW Design SW Design SW Mark kll IC Shear/ft Type Shear/ft Type Shear/ft Type iviai i\ A/M --96 6E 147 6E A B/L 118 6E 251 6E 329 4E B C/K 194 6E 385 4E 485 3E C D/J 118 6E 214 6E 265 6E D E/l 118 6E 214 6E 265 6E D F/H 210 6E 381 4E 471 3E C G 147 6E 277 6E 346 4E B Roof 3rd 2nd 1 inp Design HD HD Design HD HD Design HD HD Mark l>lllC Force Type Force Type Force Type •Vial i\ A/M --131 MSTA30 776 HDU2 1 B/L 665 MSTA30 2,126 CMST12 4,367 HDU5 3 C/K 1,194 MSTA30 4,301 CMST12 8,409 HDUll 5 D/J -1,200 MSTA30 -1,446 MSTA30 -1,177 HDU2 2 E/l -275 MSTA30 405 MSTA30 1,599 H0U2 2 F/H 1,361 MSTA30 4,434 CMST12 8,402 HDUll 5 G 551 MSTA30 2,408 CMST12 4,949 HDU5 3 Shearwall and Holdown Summary (E-W direction) Roof 3rd 2nd Line Design Shear/ft SW Type Design Shear/ft SW Type Design Shear/ft SW Type Mark 4,5 10,12 212 199 6E 4E 465 398 3E 2E 604 505 2E 2E E G Roof 3rd 2nd Line Design HD Force HD Type Design HD Force HD Type Design HD Force HD Type Mark 4,5 10,12 871 590 MSTA30 MSTA30 4,057 3,166 CMST12 CMST12 8,634 6,811 HDUll HDU8 5 4 Company Designer Job Number Model Name Burkett & Wong Engineers J.D. Carlsbad ranch villa 65 WP1 (In-Plane) Septs, 2014 Checked By: GENERAL GEOMETRY MATERIALS Code : AF&PA NDS-12:ASD Total Height : 10 ft Description Material Size Design Method : FTAO Total Length : 13 ft Top PI DF/SPIne 2-2X6 Wall Material : DF/SPine Wall H/W Ratio : 0.77 Sill DF/SPine 2X6 Panel Schedule : 0.469 (8d) Panel Group Wall Stud DF/SPine 2X6 Optimize HD : Yes Chord DF/SPine 2-2X6 HD Manufacturer: SIMPSON HD Eccentricity : 4.313In ENVELOPED RESULTS iShear Shear Panel UC 1 Shear LC Hold-down Hold-down UC Hold-down LC Chord UC Chord LC Stud UC Stud LC S1_15/32_8d@2 0.891 2(S) HDU2-SDS2.5_D... 0.559 4(8) 0.508 2(S) 0.399 1 DESIGN DETAILS Shear Stiffness Adjustment Factor : 1.00 Wall Capacity Adjustment Factor (2w/h): 1.00 WALL DEFLECTIONS WALL RESULTS: Elastic: : .014 in Governing LC HD: : .038 in Total Shear Shear: : .176 in Max Unit Shear Total: : .228 in Shear Ratio SELECTED SHEAR PANEL SI 15/32 8d@2 <^ Panel Grade : St-I Nail Size Panel Thick : 0.469in Reqd Pen Reqd. Spacing NOTE: AF&PA NDS-12 defines a 8d nail as being: : 2 (Seismic) |: .651 km I : 8d Num Sides' : 1.375 in Over Gyp Brd. : 2 in Shear Capacity Adjusted Cap 2.5" X 0.1310" common, or 2.5" X 0.113" galvanized box One No 0.730 k/ft 0.730 k/ft RISA-3D Version 12.0.0 [M:\...\...\...\CALCS\Perforated sheanwalLrSd] Page 1 Company Designer Job Number Model Name Burkett & Wong Engineers J.D. Carlsbad ranch villa 65 WPI Septa, 2014 Checked By:. SELECTED HOLD-DOWN HDU2-SDS2.5 DF-SP Raised No Fastener Size : 16d Reqd Chord Thk 3.00 in AB Diameter 0.500 in Num Fasteners : 8 Reqd Chord Mat Douglas Fir Base Capacity 1.922 k CD factor 1.6 CHORDS STUDS HOLD-DOWNS Max Comp Force 8.61 k Required Cap : 2.93 k Required Cap 1.719 k Comp Capacity 16.943 k Provided Cap : 7.35 k Provided Cap 3.075 k Comp Ratio .508 Ratio : .399 Ratio .559 Gov Comp LC 2 Governing LC : 1 Governing LC 4 Max Tens Force 1.687 k Gov Region : 1 Tens Capacity 23.166 k Spacing : 16 in Tens Ratio .073 Gov Tens LC 4 CROSS SECTION DETAILI Chord Force = -1.687-k (LC4)(T) HD Force = 1.719-k (LC4) Y. Chord Force = 8.610-k (LC2)(C) HD Force = 1.719-k (LC4) SI 15/32 8d@2 RISA-3D Version 12.0.0 [M:\...\...\...\CALCS\Perforated sheanwall.rSd] Page 2 Company Designer Job Number Model Name Burkett & Wong Engineers J.D. Carlsbad ranch villa 65 WP2 (In-Plane) Septa, 2014 Checked By:_ T3 GENERAL Code Design Method Wall Material Panel Schedule Optimize HD HD Manufacturer HD Eccentricity : 4.313in AF&PA NDS-12:ASD FTAO DF/SPine 0.469 (8d) Panel Group Yes SIMPSON GEOMETRY Total Height Total Length Wall H/W Ratio MATERIALS 10 13 0.77 ft ft Description Material Size Top PI Sill WaJIStud Chord DF/SPine I DF/SPIne DF/SPine DF/SPine 2-2X6 2X6 2X6 2-2X6 ENVELOPED RESULTS Shear Panel Shear UC Shear LC Strap Force (k) Strap LC Chord Chord UC iLC Stud UC Stud LC S1_15/32_8d@2 0.802 2(S) 0.366 4(S) 0.294 2 (S) 0.265 1 DESIGN DETAILS Shear Stiffness Adjustment Factor : 1.00 Wall Capacity Adjustment Factor (2w/h): 1.00 WALL DEFLECTIONS Elastic: : .013 in HD: : 0 In Shear: : .158 in Total: : .171 in SELECTED SHEAR PANEL SI Panel Grade : St-I Panel Thick : 0.469 in WALL RESULTS: Governing LC : 2 (Seismic) Total Shear ,:3^03Jt_ Max Unit Shearl : .585 k/ft Shear Ratio 15/32 8d@2 Or2- Nail Size Reqd Pen Reqd. Spacing NOTE: AF&PA NDS-12 defines a 8d nail as being: : .802 : 8d Num Sides : 1.375 in Over Gyp Brd. : 2 In Shear Capacity Adjusted Cap 2.5" X 0.1310" common, or 2.5" X 0.113" galvanized box One No 0.730 k/ft 0.730 k/ft RISA-3D Version 12.0.0 [M:\...\...\...\CALCS\Per1orated sheanwall.rSd] Page 1 Company Designer Job Number Model Name Burkett & Wong Engineers J.D. Carlsbad ranch villa 65 WP2 Septa. 2014 Checked By: WALL STRAPS (Governing Tension) Strap Force .366 k Strap LC : < CHORDS STUDS Max Comp Force: 4.986 k Required Cap Comp Capacity : 16.943 k Provided Cap Comp Ratio : .294 Ratio Gov Comp LC : 2 Governing LC Max Tens Force : .366 k Gov Region Tens Capacity :23.166 k Spacing Tens Ratio : .016 Gov Tens LC : 4 1.945 k 7.35 k .265 1 1 16 in CROSS SECTION DETAILING •. - y y: J\ Chord Force = -0.366-k (LC4)(T) i Chord Force = 4.986-k (LC2)(C) SI 15/32 8d@2 RISA-3D Version 12.0.0 [M:\...\...\...\CALCS\Perforated sheanwall.rSd] Page 2 Company Designer Job Number Model Name Burkett & Wong Engineers J.D. Carlsbad ranch villa 65 WP3 (In-Plane) Septa, 2014 Checked By: GENERAL Code Design Method Wall Material Panel Schedule Optimize HD HD Manufacturer HD Eccentricity AF&PA NDS-12:ASD FTAO DF/SPine 0.469 (8d) Panel Group Yes SIMPSON 3 in GEOMETRY Total Height Total Length Wall H/W Ratio 10 13 0.77 MATERIALS Description 'Top PI Sill Material Size Wall Stud Chord DF/SPine DF/SPine DF/SPine DF/SPine 2-2X6 2X6 2X6 2-2X6 ENVELOPED RESULTS Shear Shear Strap Strap Chord Chord Stud Stud Shear Panel UC LC /orce (k) LC UC LC UC LC S1_15/32l8d@4 0.836 2(S) 'Not Req'd Not Req'd 0.114 2(S) 0.131 1 DESIGN DETAILS Shear Stiffness Adjustment Factor : 1.00 Wall Capacity Adjustment Factor (2w/h): 1.00 WALL DEFLECTIONS Elastic: : .008 in HD: : 0 in Shear: : .2 in Total: : .208 in SELECTED SHEAR PANEL SI Panel Grade : St-I Panel Thick : 0.469in WALL RESULTS: Governing LC : 2 (Seismic) Total Shear : 1.785 k . Max Unit Shear : .359 k/ft Shear Ratio 15/32 8d@4 Nail Size Reqd Pen Reqd. Spacing 8d 1.375 in 4 in Num Sides Over Gyp Brd. Shear Capacity Adjusted Cap One No 0.430 k/ft 0.430 k/ft NOTE: AF&PA NDS-12 defines a 8d nail as being: 2.5" X 0.1310" common, or 2.5" X 0.113" galvanized box RISA-3D Version 12.0.0 [M:\...\...\...\CALCS\Perforated sheanwall.rSd] Page 1 Company Designer Job Number Model Name Burkett & Wong Engineers J.D. Carlsbad ranch villa 65 WP3 Septa. 2014 Checked By:. WALL STRAPS (Governing Tension) None required CHORDS STUDS Max Comp Force 1.937 k Required Cap .96 k Comp Capacity 16.943 k Provided Cap 7.35 k Comp Ratio .114 Ratio .131 Gov Comp LC 2 Governing LC 1 Max Tens Force Ok Gov Region 1 Tens Capacity 13.031 k Spacing 16 Tens Ratio 0 Gov Tens LC N/A m CROSS SECTION DETAILING Chord Force = 0.537-k (LC1)(C) Chord Force = 1.937-k (LC2){C) SI 15/32 8d@4 RISA-3D Version 12.0.0 [M:\...\...\...\CALCS\Perforated sheanvall.rSd] Page 2 BURKETT&WONG DATE ENGINEERS SHEET. 0ll ENGR JOB NO /Il6ywj^hj<_ s:o.iC beA^x^ jry^o^ CA^&PJ = ^-toco j^r^ ( 2.if-" y ^'ij 3C 6 - di:>c^y ii^ BURKETT&WONG DATE ENGINEERS SHEET. ENGR > P-JOB NO ill ijecw^ A. ^1 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Proposed Sales, Activity and Fitness Buildings Carlsbad Ranch, Planning Area 5 MarBrisa Phase n Carlsbad, Califomia Prepared For: Grand Pacific Resorts, Inc. 5900 Pasteur Court, Suite 200 Carlsbad, Califomia 92008 Prepared By: MTGL, Inc. 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C San Diego, Califomia 92121 RECEIVED OCT 2 3 2014 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILBiK^G DiViSiON Project No. 1916-AOS Log No. 11-1409 Office Locations Orange County Corporate Branoh: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tei: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 San Diego Imperial County 6295 Ferris Square Suite C San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 Inland Empire 14467 Meridian Parl<v/ay Building 2A Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: 951,653.4999 Fax: 951.653.4666 India 44917 Goif Center Partway Suite 1 indio, CA 92201 Tei: 760.342.4677 Fax: 760.342.4525 OC/LA/lnland Empire Dispatch 800.491.2990 San Diego Dispatcti 888.844.5060 www.mtglinc.com Project No. 1916-AOS Log No. 11-1409 November 4, 2011 Grand Pacific Resorts, Inc. 5900 Pasteur Court, Suite 200 Carlsbad, Califomia 92008 Attention: Mr. Bruce 2felenka SUBJECT: Geotechnical Investigation Proposed Sales, Activity and Fitness Buildings Carlsbad Ranch, Planning Area 5 MarBrisa Phase II Carlsbad, California Dear Mr. Zelenka: In accordance with your request and authorization we have completed a geotechnical investigation at the site for a proposed Sales, Activity and Fitness Buildings including two Swimming Pools at the Carlsbad Ranch, Planning Area 5, MarBrisa Phase n in Carlsbad, CA. We are pleased to present the following report with our conclusions and recommendations. The site for proposed development is located inside the MarBrisa Resort that was previously graded with an elevated pad on the east comer with tennis court. Our report concludes that the proposed improvement and addition would be feasible provided the recommendations presented are incorporated into the plans and specifications. Details related to seismicity, geologic conditions, foundation design, and construction considerations are included in subsequent sections of this report. We look forward to providing additional consulting services during the planning and construction of the project. Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings MarBrisa Resort. Carlsbad. CA Project No, 19I6-A08 Log No. 11-1409 If you have any questions regarding our report, please do not hesitate to contact this office. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service. Respectfully submitted, MTGL, Inc. Eduardo C. Dizon, R<tE Senior Engineer M.B. (Ben) Lo, RGE Chief Geotechnical Engineer Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings Project No. 1916-AOS MarBrisa Resort. Carlsbad, CA Log No. 11-1409 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION 1 SCOPE... 1 SITE DESCRIPTION 2 FIELD EXPLORATION 2 LABORATORY TESTING 3 GEOLOGY 3 REGIONAL GEOLOGY 3 LOCAL GEOLOGY 4 SITE GEOLOGIC CONDETIONS 4 Fill 4 Terrace Deposit 5 GROUNDWATER 5 DISCUSSION OF GEOLOGIC AND SEISMIC HAZARDS 5 FAULTING AND SEISMICITY 5 LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL 6 LANDSLIDE, MUDFLOW AND FLOODING 6 GROUND RUPTURE O 6 SEISMIC SETTLEMENT 6 LATERAL SPREADING 7 TSUNAMIS AND SEICHES 7 SEISMIC DESIGN PARAMETERS 7 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 8 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 8 EXCAVATION CHARACTERISTICS 8 CUT/FILL TRANSITION CONDITIONS 8 EXPANSION POTENTIAL 8 CORROSIVITY 8 RECOMMEMDATIONS 9 GENERAL 9 SITE GRADING RECOMMENDATIONS 9 Site Preparation 9 Temporary Excavation 9 Site Grading 10 iii Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings Project No. 1916-AOS MarBrisa Resort, Carlsbad. CA Log No. 11-1409 General Compaction Standard 11 Import Fill Material II FOLWDATION 11 LATERAL RESISTANCE 12 SEITLEMENT 12 INTERIOR SLAB-ON-GRADE 12 EXTERIOR CONCRETE SLAB/FLATWORK 13 RETAINING WALL 13 PRELIMINARY PAVEMENT 14 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS 15 Moisture Sensitive SoilsAVeather Related Concems 15 Drainage and Groundwater Considerations 16 Excavations 16 Utility Trenches 17 SITE DRAINAGE 17 PLAN REVIEW 17 GEOTECHNICAL OBSERVATION/TESTING 17 LIMITATIONS 18 Figure 1 - Site Location Map Figure 2 - Boring Location Plan Appendix A - References Appendix B - Field Exploration Program Appendix C - Laboratory Testing Procedures Appendix D - Engineering Analysis Appendix E - General Earthwork and Grading Specifications IV Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings Project No. 1916-AOS MarBrisa Resort. Carlsbad, CA Log No. 11-1409 INTRODUCTION In accordance with your request and authorization, MTGL, Inc. has completed a geotechnical investigation for the subject site. The foliowing report presents our findings, conclusions and recommendations based on the results of our investigation, laboratory testing and engineering review. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION A sales building of two to three-story with basement is planned on elevated pad with existing tennis court. Planned grading for the basement level consists of the removal of approximately 12 feet of the existing soil. In addition, site grading is to include the re-constmction of the elevated pad slopes to enlarge the existing pad area. The activity and fitness buildings including associated two swimming pools are to be constructed west of the sales building. It is our understanding that the activity and fitness buildings are to include a basement level. Additional related improvements include paved driveway and parking, flatworks, and underground utilities. Future thirteen two- to three-story villas with paved parking are planned around the swimming pools. SCOPE The scope of our Geotechnical services included the foilowing: • Geotechnical investigation consisting of drilling six borings to explore subsurface conditions and to obtain samples for laboratory testing. (See Geotechnical Boring Location Plan, Figure 2, for the location of borings, and Appendix B, Field Investigation, for boring logs). • Laboratory testing of samples (See Appendix C). • Geotechnical engineering review of data and engineering recommendations. • Preparation of this report summarizing our findings and presenting our conclusions and recommendations for the proposed construction. Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings Project No. 1916-AOS MarBrisa Resort. Carlsbad. CA ] Log No. 11-1409 SITE DESCRIPTION The project site is located on the northwestern portion of the existing MarBrisa Resort on Grand Pacific Drive south of Canon Road in Carlsbad, CA. Existing development at the MarBrisa Resort includes a hotel building, resort conference facility building, restaurant building, sales building, villas, paved driveway and parking, and associated retaining walls and landscaping. Mass grading for the entire MarBrisa Resort including the project site under this investigation was performed in 2005 and 2006 under the observation and testing of Leighton and Associates, Inc. The sales building site located on the southeast comer is elevated with a ground elevation of approximately 215 feet. The site for the planned activity and fitness building including two swimming pools and future villas are located on the gently slopes down to the west with elevation ranging from 198 feet to 186 feet. Currently this area is tilled with partial plants within the southeast. Numerous shallow underground water lines exist on the entire lot for irrigation purposes. The As-Graded Report by Leighton and Associates, Inc. dated August 2, 2006 reveals the tennis court area is mantled by approximately 14 to 18 feet of documented fill. The other area of the site is mantled by varying thickness of documented fill ranging from 2 to 13 feet. Expansive clayey soil was buried at the time of mass grading within the future planned parking lots. FIELD EXPLORATION The subsurface conditions at the project site were explored with six test borings. Two of the borings were drilled within the pool area and four of the borings were drilled within the sales building location. The approximate boring locations are shown on the Boring Location Plan (Figure 2). All borings were advanced with a truck mounted drill rig equipped with an 8" diameter hollow stem auger. The borings were drilled to a depth of between 20 and 50 feet below existing site grades. Samples were obtained with the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and CAL Sampler for geotechnical testing. See Appendix B for further discussion of the field exploration including logs of test borings. Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings Project No. 1916-A08 MarBrisa Resort. Carlsbad. CA Log No. 11-1409 LABORATORY TESTING The laboratory testing included moisture content of the disturbed and undisturbed samples. The maximum density was determined on selected samples of the near surface soils for compaction and shrinkage calculations. Direct shear and consolidation testing were accomplished for foundation bearing determinations. Soluble sulfates were determined on selected on-site soil samples to determine its degradation on concrete structure. Resistivity and pH testing were performed on representative soil for corrosion potential of buried metals. Index testing including sieve analysis and expansion index were performed on selected soil samples. R-value testing was performed for pavement design analysis. The results and expanded explanation of laboratory testing are presented in Appendix C. GEOLOGY Regional Geology The site lies within the Peninsular Ranges province of Southern Califomia. The Peninsular Ranges are a group of mountain ranges, in the Pacific Coast Ranges, which stretch 1500 km from southern Califomia in the United States to the southem tip of Mexico's Baja California peninsula. They are part of the North American Coast Ranges that mn along the Pacific coast from Alaska to Mexico. Elevations range from 500 ft to 11,500 ft. Rocks in the ranges are dominated by Mesozoic granitic rocks, derived from the same massive batholith which forms the core of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California. They are part of a geologic province known as the Salinian Block which broke off the North American Plate as the San Andreas Fault and Gulf of California came into being. According to Kennedy (1975), the Peninsular Ranges province includes two principal rock units. The underlying basement rocks include igneous and metamorphic rocks and the overlying rock units include sedimentary rocks of a variety types. The basement rocks are structurally complex, metamorphosed volcanics and volcaniclastic rocks and intmsive rocks related in part to emplacement of the Cretaceous age southern California batholith which forms the backbone of the Peninsular Ranges province. The overlying sedimentary rocks were deposited on a high relief surface. Most of the overlying sedimentary rocks are Upper Cretaceous age strata of Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings Project No. 1916-A08 MarBrisa Resort, Carlsbad. CA Log No. 11-1409 marine, lagoonai, and nonmarine origin related to two major transgressive and regressive depositional episodes. The geologic stmcture of southem Califomia is dominated by right-lateral strike-slip faulting with the movement of two tectonic plates. The San Andreas fault system marks the principal boundary between the Pacific plate and the North American plate. Additional faults that affect the geologic stmcture of the project vicinity include the Elsinore-Julian Fault and the Rose Canyon Fault. Local Geology The project site is located within a developed area with documented fill. Based upon available geologic map (Tan and Kennedy, 1996, Oceanside, San Luis Rey and San Marcos 7.5' Quadrangles), the underiying natural soil at the site consists of the Pleistocene-aged Terrace deposits. The Terrace deposits are composed of reddish-brown, poorly bedded, poorly- to moderately-indurated sandstone, siltstone and conglomerate. This unit was encountered in all borings below the fill at approximate depth of between S and 18 feet below existing site grades. Site Geologic Conditions A brief discussion of the earth materials encountered in the borings is presented in the following sections. Refer to the borings logs in the Appendix B for a more detailed description of these materials. Fill Documented fill material was encountered in all borings ranging in thickness between 7 and 18 feet from the surface. The encountered fill generally consists of brown to orange-brown silty sand, which was generally moist and medium dense to very dense at the time of our exploration. The documented fill in its current condition would be suitable for stmctural support for the proposed development. However, for uniform soil bearing support and to eliminate cut/fill transition conditions within building pad it is recommended that existing soil should be excavated and recompacted to a depth of at least 2 feet below bottom of footings. Lab test results indicate a very low expansion potential for the existing on-site fill soils. Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings Project No. 1916-AOS MarBrisa Resort. Cartsbad. CA Log No. 11-1409 Terrace Deposits Underlying the fill is Terrace deposits, which extend at least to the maximum explored depth of 50 feet below existing site grade. This encountered deposits generally consists of orange-brown silty sand. At the time of exploration the deposits were moist and dense to very dense. Expansion potential for this Terrace deposits is very low. Groundwater Groundwater was not encountered within the maximum explored depth of 50 feet below existing grade. Geotechnical reports by Leighton and Associates, Inc. reported localized perched groundwater encountered during their investigation and the subsequent mass grading at elevation between the terrace deposits and the underlying Santiago Formation. During our investigation the underlying Santiago Formation was not encountered. The perched groundwater would have no impact on the proposed development. However, it is possible that transient oversaturated ground conditions at shallower depths could develop at a later time due to periods of heavy precipitation, landscape watering, leaking water lines, or other unforeseen causes. DISCUSSION OF GEOLOGIC AND SEISMIC HAZARDS Faulting and Seismicity Faults are one of the most widespread geologic hazards to development in Califomia. Faults of most concem are those designated as active (less than about 11,000 years since last movement and potentially active (11,000 to about 750,000 years). According to Hart and Bryant, (2007) the site is not within a designated earthquake fault zone. In the event of an earthquake, the closest active fault likely to generate the highest ground accelerations at the site is the Rose Canyon Fault, which mns parallel to and just offshore of the coast from north of Carlsbad to south of Lindbergh Field. The Rose Canyon Fault with a maximum earthquake magnitude (Mw) of 7.2 is located approximately 8.5 km southwest of the project site. A number of other significant faults also occur in the San Diego metropolitan area suggesting that the regional faulting pattem is very complex. Faults such as those offshore are known to be active and any could cause a damaging earthquake. The San Diego metropolitan area has experienced some major earthquakes in the past, and will likely experience future major earthquakes. 5 Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings Project No. 1916-AOS MarBrisa Resort. Carlsbad, CA Log No. 11-1409 Other active faults which could cause ground shaking at the site include the offshore Newport- Inglewood Fault, located approximately 11.6 km to the northwest and the offshore Coronado Bank Fault, located approximately 21.1 km to the southwest. Liquefaction Potential Liquefaction involves the substantial loss of shear strength in saturated soil, when subjected to impact by seismic or dynamic loading. This usually occurs within a unifonn fine-grained soil, with loose relative density, and low confining pressures. Liquefaction potential has been found to be greatest when the groundwater level is within 50 feet from the surface and loose fine sands or silts occur within that depth. Liquefaction potential decreases with increasing grain size, and clay and gravel content, but increases as the ground acceleration and duration of shaking increase. The on-site documented fill is underlain by tenrace deposits, in tum, underlain by Santiago Formation. Due to the medium dense to very dense nature of the documented fill and the underlying formation unit, liquefaction potential at the site is negligible. Landslide, Mudflow and Flooding Landshde, mudflow and flooding are not considered a significant hazard at the site due to the absence of ascending slopes, valleys and rivers in the vicinity area. A review of the available Landslide Hazard Maps (DMG Open-File Report 95-04) indicates no mapped landslide within the project site. Ground Rupture No known active or potentially active faults, with known surface traces, cross the site. Therefore, the potential for ground mpture due to faulting is considered to be negligible. Seismic Settlement Saturated and non-saturated granular soils are subject to densification under strong shaking. The lower the density of the soils, the higher the intensity and duration of shaking, results in greater degree of densification. The project site is underlain by very dense formational unit that is Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings MarBrisa Resort. Carlsbad. CA Project No. 1916-AOS Log No. 11-1409 considered not subject to settlement. Based on the anticipated earthquake effect and the stratigraphy of the site, seismically induced settlement is considered negligible. Lateral Spreading Lateral spreading may occur where liquefaction occurs at depth and there is either a nearby free face or there is a general slope of the terrain. The overiying non-liquefiable soils tend to break into blocks, which then may tilt and move laterally over the liquefiable soils. Given die stated low risk potential for liquefaction, we consider the potential for lateral spreading to be negligible. Tsunamis and Seiches Given that the site is located a sufficient distance inland from the coast and due to its elevated location, inundation by tsunamis is considered to be nonexistent. Due to the lack of surface water impoundment in the inunediate site vicinity, the seiche potential is also considered to be very low to nonexistent. Earthquake Accelerations / CBC Seismic Parameters The computer program Eeuthquake Ground Motion Parameters Version 5.1.0 was used to calculate the CBC site specific design parameters as required by the 2010 Califomia Building Code (CBC). Based upon boring data and SPT values, the site can be classified as Site Class D. The specU-al acceleration values for 0.2 second and 1 second periods obtained from the computer program and in accordance with Section 1613.5 of the 2007 Califomia Building Code are tabulated below. Ground Motion Par^eter Value 2007 CBC Reference Ss 1.252g Section 1613.5.1 s, 0.473g Section 1613.5.1 Site Class D Table 1613.5.2 Fa 1.0 Table 1613.5.3(1) Fv 1.527 Table 1613.5.3(2) SMS 1.252g Section 1613.5.3 SM! 0.722g Section 1613.5.3 SDS 0.835g Section 1613.5.4 SDI 0.48 lg Section 1613.5.4 Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings Project No. 1916-A08 MarBrisa Resort, Carlsbad. CA Log No. 11-1409 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS General Considerations Given the findings of the investigation, the proposed project appears to be feasible from a geologic and geotechnical standpoint, provided the recommendations presented in this report are fully incorporated into the design and constmction of the project. Specific conclusions pertaining to geologic conditions are summarized below. Excavation Characteristics The site is mantled by documented fill, underlain by terrace deposit. Excavation on these materials can be accompUshed with the use of conventional constmction equipment. Expansion Potential Generally, the engineered fill and terrace deposits possess a very low expansion potential. As a result, the on-site soils are considered suitable for use as compacted fill within the project site. Cut/Fill Transition Condifions With the varying thickness of documented fill of between 2 and 18 feet, it is anticipated that proposed buildings and other stmctures to have cut/fill transition conditions. In order to minimize the potential for differential settlement in areas of cut/fill transitions, it is reconunended that all proposed buildings and settlement sensitive stmctures to be entirely supported by properly compacted fill. A minimum 2 feet of compacted fill is recommended below bottom of footings. This minimum 2 feet compacted fill requirement should extend across the entire building pad and at least 5 feet beyond building footprint. Corrosivitv Corrosion series tests consisting of pH, soluble sulfates, and minimum resistivity were performed on selected sample of the on-site soils. Soluble sulfate levels for the on-site soil indicate a negligible sulfate exposure for concrete stmcture. As such, no special considerations are required for concrete placed in contact with the on-site soils. However, it is recommended that Type n cement to be used for all concrete. 8 Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings Project No. 1916-A08 MarBrisa Resort, Carlsbad. CA Log No. 11-1409 The corrosion potential of the on-site soil is moderate to high and considered to impact underground ferrous metals. The actual corrosive potential is detennined by many factors in addition to those presented herein. MTGL, Inc. does not practice conosion engineering. Underground metal conduits in contact with the soil need to be protected. We recommend that a conosion engineer be consulted. RECOMMEMDATIONS General The recommendations presented herein are considered minimum and may be superseded by more conservative requirements of the architect, stmctural engineer, building code, or goveming agencies. The foundation recommendations are based on the load-deformation characteristics and shear strength of the onsite soils. In addition to the recommendations in this section, additional general earthwork and grading specifications are included in Appendix E. Site Grading Recommendations Site Preparation Cunent improvements within proposed development include tennis court, plants and underground utilities. Prior to the start of any grading, all of these existing improvements should be removed and utilities be relocated. Temporarv Excavafion We anticipate temporary excavafion for the basement level would not exceed 15 feet below exisfing grade. Temporary vertical excavations of up to 4 feet deep for the on-site fill and tenace deposits would be generally stable. Excavation beyond 4 feet deep should be benched or sloped back not steeper than 1:1 (horizontal:vertical) up to a maximum height of 15. Beyond 15 feet high temporary slopes should have an inclination of between 1:5:1 and 2:1. The on-site tenace deposits material and fill soil should be classified as Type C soil. Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings Project No. 1916-A08 MarBrisa Resort. Carlsbad, CA ; Log No. 11-1409 Site Grading Sales Building - Grading of the pad includes cutting approximately 12 feet of the exisfing soil and the constmcfion of new fill slopes. The materials anficipated to be used in new fill slope grading consist of the onsite soil derived from the cutting of the site. It is anticipated that the finish fill slope for the building pad to be approximately 10 to 25 feet high. For slope stability purposes, the finished fill slope should have an inclination not steeper than 2:1. Constmction of the new fill slope should include the excavation of key at the toe with a width of at least 8 feet and minimum depth of 2 feet below lowest adjacent grade into firm soil. Benching into the existing slope should be performed simultaneously during the fill slope constmction al a vertical interval of 2 to 4 feet. Additional grading recommendations within proposed building pad is to excavate and recompact the existing soil to a depth of at least 2 feet below bottom of footings for uniform soil bearing support and eliminate cut/fill transition condition. Activity and Fitness Buildings - A cut/fill transition condition could be anticipated within building pads. For uniform soil bearing support and to eliminate cut/fill transition condition, it is recommended that grading for the building to include removal and recompaction of the existing soil to a depth of at least 2 feet below bottom of footing elevation. Future Swimming Pools and Villas - Likewise with the above proposed stmctures, entire foundations are recommended to be supported by properiy compacted fill. Existing soil should be removed and recompacted to a depth of at least 2 feet below bottom of footing elevation for uniform soil bearing and eliminate cut/fill transition condition. If highly expansive clay is encountered within building pads, it should be removed and replaced with available onsite soil with low expansion potential. The depth of removal and replacement of highly expansive clay should be at least 3 feet below bottom of footing for buildings and at least 5 feet below bottom of slab for swimming pool. The removal and replacement should extend at least 5 feet beyond stmcture footprint. The lateral Umit of grading for all stmctures should extend at least 5 feet beyond building footprint. Prior to recompaction process, the bottom of excavation to receive fill should be scarified to a depth of 6 inches, moisture conditioned and recompacted. 10 Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings Project No. 1916-A08 MarBrisa Resort. Carlsbad, CA Log No. 11-1409 General Compaction Standard All fills should be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction. All fill materials should be placed in thin lifts not more than 8 inches and compacted. Material should be moisture- conditioned and processed as necessary to achieve a uniform moisture content at near optimum moisture to achieve adequate bonding between lifts and compaction. Fill surfaces and finished subgrades should not be allowed to dry and should be maintained in a moist condition or scarified prior to placing additional fill. Fill soils outside stmcture and under vehicular pavement should be compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction. However, the top 12 inches of subgrade under all vehicular pavement should be compacted to at least 95 percent relative compaction. Backfill of utilities should be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent relative compacfion. All compaction shall be based on Test Method ASTM D1557. Moisture content of all fill and backfill soil should be at least 2 percent above optimum moisture content. Import Fill Material If required, import fill should consist of non-expansive granular soils, and have a maximum particle size of 1 inch. Import material should have an expansion index (EI) of 20 or less. Where import soils will be in contact with concrete or buried metal pipes a standard conosion series test should be performed. Foundation The recommendations and design criteria are "minimum", in keeping with the cunent standard-of- practice. They do not preclude more restrictive criteria by the goveming agency or stmctural considerations. The project stmctural engineer should evaluate the foundation configurations and reinforcement requirements for actual stmctural loadings. Proposed stmctures are anticipated to be supported by properiy compacted fill. Conventional continuous or isolated footings are considered suitable for sdoictural support founded on engineered fill. Allowable soil bearing capacity for continuous or isolated footing with a minimum width of 2 feet are the following: 11 Sales, Activity & Fitness B uildings Project No. 1916-AOS MarBrisa Resort. Carlsbad. CA Log No. 11-1409 Embedment Below Lowest Adiacent Grade Allowable Soil Bearing Values 2 feet 5,000 psf 3 feet 6,500 psf 4 feet 8,000 psf (maximum) The above allowable bearing values may be increased by one-third where wind or seismic loads are considered in combination with dead and/or live loads. Minimum horizontal setback distance from the face of slopes for all building footings should be H/2, where H is the slope height, with a maximum of 15 feet along 2:1 slopes. This distance is measured from the outside edge of the footing, horizontally to the face of slope. Lateral Resistance Lateral forces may be resisted by friction on the base of foundations, and passive earth pressure on the sides of the portions of foundations or shear keys bearing against competent native formation or compacted engineered fill. The allowable base friction may be calculated using a coefficient of 0.33. The allowable passive pressure may be calculated as equivalent to that of a fluid weighing 350 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) for foundations bearing against compacted engineered fill. Setdement For design consideration, a maximum settlement of at least 1-inch with a differential settlement of 1/2-inch in a span of 40 feet should be incorporated. Interior Slab-On-Grade Interior slab-on-grade should be designed for the actual applied loading conditions expected. The stmctural engineer should size and reinforce slabs to support the expected loads utilizing accepted methods of pavement design, such as those provided by the Portland Cement Association or the American Concrete Institute. A modulus of subgrade reaction of 200 pounds per cubic inch (pci) could be utilized in design. Based on geotechnical consideration, interior slab should be a minimum of 5 inches. Appropriate slab reinforcement should be designed by the project stmctural engineer based upon low expansion potential. 12 Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings ProjectNo. I916-A08 MarBrisa Resort. Carlsbad, CA Log No. 11-1409 Floor slabs should be underlain by a capillary break material consisting of at least 4 inches thick clean sand. In moisture sensitive flooring areas, such as carpeted or linoleum covered areas, a 10- mil visqueen moisture barrier or equivalent should be installed midheight within the capillary break material. Altematively, a Stego Wrap moisture banier or equivalent may be installed following manufacturers recommendations. The sand should be moistened just prior to the placing of concrete. Concrete is a rigid brittie material that can withstand very littie strain before cracking. Concrete, particularly exterior hardscape is subject to dimensional changes due to variations in moisture of the concrete, variations in temperature and applied loads. It is not possible to eliminate the potential for cracking in concrete; however, cracking can be controlled by use of joints and reinforcing. Joints provide a pre-selected location for concrete to crack along and release strain and reinforcement provides for closely spaced numerous cracks in lieu of few larger visible cracks. Exterior Concrete Slab/Flatwork Exterior slabs should be supported by at least 12 inches of properly compacted fill. Compacted fill shouid have at least 90 percent relative density based on Test Method ASTM D1557. Exterior concrete slab/flatworks should have a nominal thickness of 4 inches. Reinforcement may be provided for stability purposes. Controlled joints should be provided to eliminate potential for cracking. Retaining Wall Embedded stmctural walls should be designed for lateral earth pressures exerted on them. The magnitude of these pressures depends on the amount of deformation that the wall can yield under load. If the wall can yield enough to mobilize the full shear strength of the soil, it can be designed for "active" pressure. If the wall cannot yield under the applied load, the shear strength of the soil cannot be mobilized and the earth pressure will be higher. Such walls as basement and swimming pools should be designed for the "at rest" conditions. If a stmcture moves toward the soils, the resulting resistance developed by the soil is tiie "passive" resistance. For design purposes, the recommended equivalent fluid pressure for each case for walls founded above the static ground water table and backfilled with on-site soils (expansion index less than 20) is provided below. Retaining wall backfill should be compacted to at least 90 percent relative 13 Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings MarBrisa Resort. Carlsbad, CA ProjectNo. 1916-AOS Log No. 11-1409 compaction (based on ASTM Test Method D1557). Recommended pressures are tabulated below. Eauivalent Fluid Weight (pcf) Condition Level 2:1 (H:V) Slooe Active 33 60 At-Rest 55 80 Passive 350 (Maximum of 3 ksf) 150 (Sloping Down) Soil resistance developed against lateral stmctural movement can be obtained from the passive pressure value provided above. Further, for sliding resistance, a friction coefficient of 0.33 may be used at the concrete and soil interface. The passive pressure and the friction of resistance could be combined without reduction. In addition, the lateral passive resistance is taken into account only if it is ensured that the soil against embedded stmctures will remain intact with time. Drainage of backfill behind walls may be provided by a vertical layer of Miradrain 6200 with Mirafi 140 Geofabric, or equivalent, placed at the back of the wall; or by a minimum 12-inch width of 3/4 inch open-graded cmshed gravel enveloped in Mirafi 140 Geofabric. Subdrains should consist of 4-inch diameter Schedule 40, PVC pipe or equivalent, embedded in approximately 1 ftVlinear foot of 3/4-inch down open-graded gravel, enveloped in Mirafi 140 Geofabric Filter or equivalent, with the pipe being 3+ inches above the trench bottom; a gradient of at least 1 % being provided to the pipe and trench bottom; discharging into suitably protected outlets. Altematively low-retaining walls (less than 5 feet retained) may use weep holes. Preliminarv Pavement The preliminary pavement sections presented below are based on the R-value of the upper on-site soil (R-value of 25), assumed Traffic Index, and minimum pavement section based on the City of Carlsbad Supplemental Standard GS-17. Final pavement designs should be evaluated based on R- value tests of the actual subgrade material after completion of grading. Where the pavement is subject to repeated tuming stress (i.e. Trash Enclosures Aprons) the pavement should be Portland cement concrete. 14 Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings MarBrisa Resort. Carlsbad. CA Project No. I916-A08 Log No. 11-1409 Pavement Loading Condition Traffic Index AC Thickness Class n Base Thickness Auto Parking Areas 4.5 4.0 inches 4.0 inches Auto Driveways 5.0 4.0 inches 4.0 inches Light Duty Tmck Driveways 6.0 4.0 inches 9.0 inches Moderate Duty Tmck Driveways 7.0 4.0 inches 11.0 inches All fill under pavement should be compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction with exception of the upper 12 inches. Prior to the placement of base material, the upper 12 inches of pavement subgrade should be scarified; moisture conditioned and compacted to a minimum 95 percent relative compaction based on Test Method ASTM D1557. Aggregate base material should conform to Caltrans Standard Specifications Section 26 (Class 2) or the Standard Specification for Public Works Constmction (Cmshed Aggregate Base or Cmshed Miscellaneous Base) and should be compacted to a minimum 95 percent relative compaction based on Test Method ASTM D1557 prior to placement of the asphaltic concrete. Portland cement concrete pavement sections may incorporate steel reinforcement and to be provided with crack control joints as designed by the project stmctural engineer. Recommended concrete mix should be at least 3,500 psi. It is recommended that Portland cement concrete swales to be designed and constmcted within asphalt pavement areas for drainage of surface water. Fill soils under curb and gutter should be compacted to a minimum 90 percent relative compaction based on Test Method ASTM D1557. Constmction Considerations Moisture Sensitive Soils/Weather Related Concems The soils encountered at die site may be sensitive to disturbances caused by constraction equipment and to changes in moisture content. During wet weather periods, increases in the moisture content of the soil can cause significant reduction in the soil strength and support capabilities. In addition, soils that become wet may be slow to dry and thus significantly retard the progress of grading and 15 Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings Project No. 1916-A08 MarBrisa Resort. Carlsbad. CA Log No. 11-1409 compaction activities. It will, therefore, be advantageous to perform earthwork and foundation constmction activities during dry weather. Much of the on-site soils may be susceptible to erosion during periods of inclement weather. As a result, the project Civil Engineer/Architect and Grading Contractor should take appropriate precautions to reduce the potential for erosion during and after constmction. Drainage and Groundwater Considerations No groundwater was encountered within the maximum explored depth of 50 feet below existing grade. It should be noted, however, that variations in the ground water table may result from fluctuation in the ground surface topography, subsurface stratification, precipitation, inigation, and other factors that may not have been evident at the time of our exploration. Seepage sometimes occurs where relatively impermeable and/or cemented formational materials are overlain by fill soils. We should be consulted to evaluate areas of seepage during constmction. Positive site drainage should be designed to reduce infiltration of surface water around and undemeath the building. Finish grades should be sloped away from the building. Excavations It is mandated by federal regulation that excavations, like utility trenches, basement excavation or foundation excavations, be constmcted in accordance with the new OSHA guidelines. It is our understanding that OSHA regulations are being stiicdy enforced and if not closely followed, the owner and the contractor could be liable for substantial penalties. The contractor is solely responsible for designing and constmcting stable, temporary excavations and should shore, slope, or bench the sides of the excavations as required to maintain stability of both the excavation sides and bottom. The contractor's "responsible person", should evaluate the soil exposed in the excavations as part of the contractor's safety procedures. In no case, should slope height, slope inclination, or excavation depth, including utility trench excavation depth, exceed those specified in local, state, and federal safety regulations. 16 Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings Project No. 1916-A08 MarBrisa Resort. Carlsbad. CA Log No. 11-1409 Utility Trenches Except where extending perpendicular under proposed foundations, utility trenches should be consuticted outside a 1:1 projection from the base-of-foundations. Trenches for utility lines under stmctures should be properly backfilled and compacted. Utilities should be bedded and backfilled with approved sand or granular material to a depth of at least 1-foot over the pipe. Sand bedding material should be moisture conditioned and properly compacted. Compaction by jetting is not allowed. The remainder of the backfill may be typical on- site soil or imported soil which should be placed in lifts not exceeding 8 inches in diickness, watered or aerated close to opfimum moisture content, and mechanically compacted to at least 95 percent (under stmcture and pavement) and 90 percent (not under stmcture and pavement) of maximum dry density (based on ASTM D1557). Site Drainage Drainage should be designed to collect and direct surface waters away from stmctures to approved drainage facilities. Downspouts, berms, area drains and other drainage controls should be included in constmction considerations to minimize discharging or ponding of water near the foundation line. For earth areas, a minimum gradient of 1 percent should be maintained and drainage should be directed toward approved swales or drainage facilities. Positive drainage with a minimum gradient of 2 percent away from all stmctures should be provided and maintained within at least 5 feet from stmcture to reduce any mnoff from infiltrating die soil beneath stmctural foundation. Plan Review The geotechnical and geological consultants should be retained to review grading and foundation plans and specifications to ascertain conformance with site conditions and recommendations presented herein. Geotechnical Observation/Testing The geotechnical and geological consultants should be retained to perform on-site constmction observations and testing to ascertain that condifions correspond to die findings and conclusions presented herein and that constmction conform generally to the recommendations presented herein. 17 Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings Project No. 1916-AOS MarBrisa Resort, Carlsbad. CA Log No. 11-1409 The geotechnical and geological consultants should be called upon for testing and observations as indicated in diis report and at least for the following: • During site grading and overexcavafion. • During foundation excavafions and placement. • During excavation and backfilling of all utility trenches • Upon completion of any foundation and retaining wall footing excavation prior to placing concrete • During processing and compaction of the subgrade for the access and parking areas and prior to constmction of pavement sections. It is the responsibility of the contractor to coordinate all inspections and testing required by this firm or by other regulatory agencies. LIMITATIONS The analyses, conclusions, and recommendations contained in this report are based on site conditions as they existed at the time of our investigation and further assume the explorations to be representative of the subsurface conditions throughout the site. If different subsurface conditions are observed during constmction, we should be promptly notified for review and reconsideration of our recommendations. This report was prepared for the exclusive use and benefit of the owner, architect, and engineer for evaluating the design of the facilities as it relates to geotechnical aspects. It should be made available to prospective contractors for informafion on factual data only, and not as a wananty of subsurface conditions included in this report. Our investigation was performed using the standard of care and level of skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by reputable soil engineers and geologists cunently practicing in this or similar localities. No other wananty, express or implied, is made as to the conclusions and professional advice included in this report. 18 / '1/ ../V SITE LOCATION MAP SALES, ACTIVITY & FITNESS BUILDINGS Project No. I916-A08 Date: NOV. 2011 FIGURE 1 MTGL, INC. 9 B-6 Approximate Location of Boring BORING LOCATION PLAN 4 SALES, ACTHTTY & FITNESS BUILDINGS Project No. 1916-A08 Date: NOV. 2011 FIGURE 2 MTGL, INC. APPENDIX A REFERENCES Blake, Thomas F., 2000, "EQFAULT, A Computer Program for die Detenninistic Prediction of Peak Horizontal Acceleration From Digitized Califomia Faults CDMG, Califomia Division of Mines and Geology, 2000, DMG CD 2000-003, Digital Images of Official Maps of Alquist-Priolo Zones. Bryant, W.A. and Hart, E.W.,2007, Fault Rupture Hazard Zones in Califomia, Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act with Index to Earthquake Fault Zones Maps, Califomia Department of Conservation, Califomia Geological Survey, Special Publication 42. Jennings, C.W., 1994, Fault Activity Map of Califomia and Adjacent Areas, Califomia Division of Mines and Geology. Scale 1:750,000. Califomia Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, Geologic Map of the Northwestern Part of San Diego County, Califomia, DMG Open-File Report 96-02. Scale 1:24,000. Califomia Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, Recent Failures, Ancient Landslides, and Related Geology of the North-Central Coastal Area, San Diego County, Califomia by F. Harold Weber, Jr, 1982, DMG Open-File Report 82-12, Scale 1:24,000. U.S. Geological Survey, Topographic Map of die San Luis Rey Quadrangle, Califomia-San Diego County, 7.5-Minute Series (Topographic), 1997, Scale 1:24,000. Califomia Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, 1995, Landslide Hazards in the Northem Part of the San Diego Metropolitan Area, San Diego County, CA, DMG Open-File Report 95-04, Landslide Hazard Identification Map No. 35. Califomia Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, The Rose Canyon Fault Zone , Soudiem Califomia, 1993, DMG Open-File Report 93-02. Califomia Building Standards Commission, 2007 Califomia Building Code, Califomia Code of Regulations, Title 24, Part 2, Volume 2 of 2. Department of the Navy, Naval Facilifies Engineering Command, 1982, Foundations and Earth Stiiictures, NAVFAC DM-7.2. Department of die Navy, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, 1982, Soil Mechanics NAVFAC DM-7.1. Leighton and Associates, Inc., 2005, Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed 53-Acre Resort Development - Phase 1, Carlsbad Ranch, Planning Area No. 5, Carlsbad, CA, Project No. 040575-003, April 11,2005. Leighton and Associates, Inc., 2006, As-Graded Geotechnical Report of Rough and Fine Grading, Hotel One, Resort and Conference Facilites, Sales Building, and Villas No. 53 through 56, Lots 10, 11 and A Portion of Lot 1, Grand Pacific Carlsbad, Carlsbad, CA, Project No. 040575-005, August 2, 2006. APPENDIX B FIELD EXPLORATION PROGRAM On October 6, 2010, six exploratory borings were drilled utilizing 6-inch diameter hollow stem auger drilled to a depth of between 20 and 50 feet below existing site grade. Samples were obtained with the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) sampler, CAL Sampler and a bulk sample, as appropriate. The approximate location of the borings are shown on the Boring Location Plan, Figure 2, attached. The field exploration was performed under the supervision of our Geologist/Engineer who maintained a continuous log of the subsurface soils encountered and obtained samples for laboratory testing. The soils encountered were classified in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (see Key to Logs, Figure B-0). Subsurface conditions are summarized on the Boring Logs, Figures B-1 and B-5. The soils were classified based on field observations and laboratory tests. DEFINITION OF TERMS PRIMARY DIVISIONS SYMBOLS SECONDARY DIVISIONS GRAVELS MORE THAN HALF OF COARSE FRACTION IS LARGER THAN NO. 4 SIEVE CLEAN GRAVELS . u GW Well grad«d gravsis, grav«l-s«nd mlxturss, lltti* or no fInsB. _j ec o — UI o O t-ci GRAVELS MORE THAN HALF OF COARSE FRACTION IS LARGER THAN NO. 4 SIEVE (LESS THAN 5% FINES) •'. QP Poorly graded gravels or gravel-aand mixturea. little or no fines. O u. Z UI GRAVELS MORE THAN HALF OF COARSE FRACTION IS LARGER THAN NO. 4 SIEVE GRAVEL rl GM Silty graveli. gravat-aand-allt mixturea, non-plaatic fines. OARSE QRAINE RE THAN HALF Ol IS LARGER THAN SIEVE SIZ GRAVELS MORE THAN HALF OF COARSE FRACTION IS LARGER THAN NO. 4 SIEVE WITH FINES QC Clayey gravels, gravel-sand-ciay mixtures, plastic fines. OARSE QRAINE RE THAN HALF Ol IS LARGER THAN SIEVE SIZ SANDS MORE THAN HALF OF COARSE FRACTION IS SMALLER THAN NO. 4 SIEVE CLEAN SANDS • • SW Well graded sands, gravslly sanda, IKtle or no finea. OARSE QRAINE RE THAN HALF Ol IS LARGER THAN SIEVE SIZ SANDS MORE THAN HALF OF COARSE FRACTION IS SMALLER THAN NO. 4 SIEVE (LESS THAN 6% FINES) • • • SP Poorly graded sands or gravelly aanda, little or no tines. OARSE QRAINE RE THAN HALF Ol IS LARGER THAN SIEVE SIZ SANDS MORE THAN HALF OF COARSE FRACTION IS SMALLER THAN NO. 4 SIEVE SANDS SM Slity sands, sand-silt mixtures, non-pl«stlc fines. SANDS MORE THAN HALF OF COARSE FRACTION IS SMALLER THAN NO. 4 SIEVE WITH FINES \ SC Clayey sandq. sand-clay mixturea. piaatic finaa. RAINED SOILS THAN HALF OF AL IS SMALLER 3.200 SIEVE SIZE SILTS AND CLAYS LIQUID LIMIT IS LESS THAN 60% ML Inorganic silts and very fine eanda, rock flour, silty or clayey fine aands or clayey slits with alight plaatlcity. RAINED SOILS THAN HALF OF AL IS SMALLER 3.200 SIEVE SIZE SILTS AND CLAYS LIQUID LIMIT IS LESS THAN 60% w CL Inorganic clays of low td medium plaetlclty. gravelly clays, sandy clays, lean ciaya. RAINED SOILS THAN HALF OF AL IS SMALLER 3.200 SIEVE SIZE SILTS AND CLAYS LIQUID LIMIT IS LESS THAN 60% 1 OL Organic silts and organic silty clays of low plaatlcity. RAINED SOILS THAN HALF OF AL IS SMALLER 3.200 SIEVE SIZE SILTS AND CLAYS LIQUID LIMIT IS MH inoraanic silts, micaceous or dlstomaceoua fine aandy or slity soils, elastic slits. IE G ORE TERI N Nl SILTS AND CLAYS LIQUID LIMIT IS V/ / CH Inorganic clays of high plaatlcity. fat ciaya. '/IA '1/ 'ffi 't/i ! 0" Organic clays of medium to l)lgh plaatlcity, organic aiits. Pt Peat and other highly organic aoiia. Peat and other highly organic aoiia. GRAIN SIZES SILTS AND CLAYS SAND FINE MEDIUM COARSE GRAVEL FINE COARSE COBBLES BOULDERS 200 40 10 4 U.S. STANDARD SERIES SIEVE 3/4* 3* 12' CLEAR SQUARE SIEVE OPENINGS GROUND WATER LEVEL OR GROUND WATER SEEPAGE. LOCATION OF SAMPLE TAKEN USING A STANDARD SPLIT TUBE SAMPLER, 2- INCH O.D., 1-3/B-INCH l.D. DRIVEN WITH A 140 POUND HAMMER FALLING 30-iNCHES. LOCATION OF SAMPLE TAKEN USING A MODIFIED CALIFORNIA SAMPLER. 3- 1/8-INCH O.D., WITH 2-1/2-INCH i.O. LINER RINGS, DRIVEN USING THE WEIGHT OF KELLY BAR (LARGE DIAMETER BORINGS) OR USING A 140 POUND HAMMEB FALLING 30-INCHE8 (SMALL DIAMETER BORING).' LOCATION OF SAMPLE TAKEN USING A 3-INCH O.D. THIN-WALLED TUBE SAMPLER (SHELBY TUBE) HYDRAULICALLY PUSHED. LOCATION OF BULK SAMPLE TAKEN FROM AUGER CUTTINGS. KEY TO LOGS - UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM (ASTM D-2487) JOB NO. 1916A08 DATE: NOV. 2011 FIGURE: B-0 DATE OBSERVED: Oct. 6, 2011 METHOD OF DRILLING: 8" Hollow Stem Auger LOGGED BY: ECD GROUND ELEVATION: ±188' LOCATION: See Figure 2 (0 m s o 0. > Q z Q, 7 05 a w BORING NO. B-1 DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST SB-1 SB-2 10 SB-3 15 SS-1 20 SS-2 25 SS-3 30 SS-4 35 40 36 52 76 54 56 49 55 13.5 12.5 9.3 11.8 10.4 13.4 10.4 122.9 120.4 124.1 FILL: Silty Sand (SM), orange-brown, moist, medium dense, trace clay. Grades to dense. Corrosivity R-value Gradation Direct Sliear Consolidation TERRACE DEPOSITS: Silty Sand (SIVI), orange-brown. moist, very dense, mix yellow-brown color, trace clay. Grades with mix grey color. Grades with dark brown color. Grades to dense Grades to very dense. Boring Terminated at 30 Feet. No Groundwater Encountered. Borehole Backfilled on 10/6/2011. ProjectNo.: 1916A08 LOG OF BORING Figure B-1 DATE OBSERVED: Oct. 6, 2011 METHOD OF DRILLING: 8" Hollow Stem Auger LOGGED BY : ECD GROUND ELEVATION: ±190 LOCATION: See Figure 2 DEPTH (FEET) | SAMPLE NUMBER BLOWS/FOOT DRIVE SAMPLES BULK SAMPLE MOISTURE CONTENT (%) IN-PLACE DRY DENSITY (PCF) BORING NO. B-2 DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST 0 ^LL: Silty Sand (SM), orange-brown, moist, medium dense to dense, trace clay. SB-1 38 12.1 124.8 Grades to mix orange-brown Silty Sand. s SB-2 48 13.5 126.2 V / TERRACE DEPOSITS: Siltv Sand (SMI. oranae-brown. Max. Density Y moist, dense, mix with red-brown color. Expansion Index 10 SB-3 65 A 13.2 123.8 Ckirrosivity Direct Shear Consolidation 15 SS-1 24 10.2 Grades to medium dense 20 SS-2 37 8.2 Grades to dense. Boring Terminated at 20 Feet. No Groundwater Encountered. Borehole Backfilled on 10/6/2011. 25 30 35 40 Project No.: 1916A08 LOG OF BORING Figure B-2 DATE OBSERVED: Oct. 6,2011 METHOD OP DRILLING: 8" Hollow Stem Auger LOGGED BY: ECD GROUND ELEVATION: ±215' LOCATION: See Figure 2 a Ot 8 OJ ffl 01 g ii 3B n. " BORING NO. B-3 DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST SB-1 SB-2 10 SB-3 15 SB-4 20 SS-1 25 SS-2 30 SS-3 35 40 39 105 36 80 48 45 25 14.3 8.1 11.7 9.4 10.1 9.7 9.3 FILL: Silty Sand (SM), orange-brown, moist, medium 123 132.8 dense, trace clay. Mix with dark brown color, very dense. R-value 125.8 Grades to medium dense. TERRACE DEPOSITS: Silty Sand (SM), orange-brown. 131.9 moist, very dense, trace clay. Grades to dense. Grades to medium dense. Boring Terminated at 30 Feet. No Groundwater Encountered. Borehole Backfilled on 10/6/2011. Project No. ; 1916A08 LOG OF BORING Figure B-3 DATE OBSERVED: LOGGED BY: ECD Oct 6, 2011 METHOD OF DRILLING: 8" Hollow Stem Auger GROUND ELEVATION: ±215' LOCATION: See Figure 2 Cd u [d <-> S M ^ (-1 BORING NO. B-4 DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST SS-1 10 SS-2 15 SS-3 20 SS-4 25 SS-5 30 SS-6 35 SS-7 40 SS-8 15 22 50/5' 72 37 47 47 45 10.3 11.2 7.4 8.5 8.7 10.2 8.5 9.5 FILL: Silty Sand (SM), brown, moist, medium dense. trace clay. Grades to mix yellow-brown and orange-brown color. Max. Density Expansion Index Corrosivity Grades to very dense. TERRACE DEPOSITS; Silty Sand (SM), moist, orange- brown, very dense, trace clay. Grades to dense. continuation Figure B-4A Project No. : 1916A08 LOG OF BORING Figure B-4 DATE OBSERVED: LOGGED BY: ECD Oct. 6, 2011 METHOD OF DRILLING: 8" Hollow Stem Auger GROUND ELEVATION: ±215' LOCATION: See Figure 2 o: .3 CB g ffl w a BORING NO. B-4 DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST 40 SS-8 45 45 SS-9 57 50 SS-10 50/3" 55 60 65 70 75 80 9.5 9.8 5.7 TERRACE DEPOSITS: Silty Sand (SM). orange-brown. moist, dense, trace clay. Grades to gravel inclusions, very dense. Boring Terminated at 50 Feet. No Groundwater Encountered. Borehole Backfilled on 10/6/2100. Project No.: 1916A08 LOG OF BORING Figure B-4A DATE OBSERVED: Oct. 6, 2011 LOGGED BY: ECD METHOD OF DRILLING: 8" Hollow Stem Auger GROUND ELEVATION: ±215' LOCATION: See Figure 2 u m Cd 03 ffl (d > Q (d 9 I BORING NO. B-5 DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST SB-1 SB-2 41 47 10 SB-3 39 15 SB-4 37 20 SB-5 50/4' 25 SS-1 34 30 SS-2 57 35 SS-3 60 40 SS-4 70 -ILL: Silty Sand (SM), orange-brown, moist, medium dense, trace clay. 8.2 13.2 123.5 123.4 Gradation 13.8 123.4 Grades to mix dark brown color. 11.6 124.6 Gradation Direct Shear Consolidation TERRACE DEPOSITS: Silty Sand (SM), moist, orange- brown, very dense, trace clay. 10.4 122.9 10.1 Grades to dense. 10.4 Grades to very dense. 9.9 7.9 Boring Terminated at 40 Feet. No Grounwater Encountered. Borehole Backfilled on 10/6/2011. Project No.: 1916A08 LOG OF BORING Figure B-5 DATE OBSERVED: Oct 6, 2011 METHOD OF DRILLING: 8" Hollow Stem Auger LOGGED BY: ECD GROUND ELEVATION: ±215' LOCATION: See Figure 2 Bi Cd m Cd 03 S o ffl CO [d Oi a Cd * tn Si 8 BORING NO. B-6 DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 SB-1 SB-2 SB-3 SB-4 SS-1 SS-2 53 43 35 90 37 55 11.2 12.9 10.8 9.2 9.8 8.6 128.3 122.1 121.4 125.4 FILL: Silty Sand (SM), orange-brown, moist, medium dense to dense, trace clay. Mix with dark brown color. Max. Density Expansion Index Corrosivity Gradation Direct Shear Consolidation TERRACE DEPOSITS: Silty Sand (SM), orange-brown. moist, very dense, trace clay. Grades to dense. Grades to very dense. Boring Terminated at 30 Feet. No Groundwater Encountered. Borehole Backfilled on 10/6/2011. Project No.: 1916A08 LOG OF BORING Figure B-S APPENDIX C LABORATORY TESTING PROCEDURES GENERAL The results of laboratory testing are (iiscusseij and presented in this appendix. MOISTURE/DENSITY Detenninations of in situ moisture content and dry density were performed on selected undisturbed samples. Soil moisture content determinations were perfonned according to the ASTM D 2216. The dry density of soil was determined on CAL samples in general accordance with ASTM D2937. Results of these tests are presented on the boring logs, Figures B-1 through B-2, in Appendix B. CLASSMCATION The Unified Soil Classification System was utilized for visual (ASTM D2488) and laboratory (ASTM D2487) classifications of soils encountered. GRADATION The sieve analysis of selected soil samples was perfonned in accordance with ASTM D422 and results are presented in Figures C-1 to C-5 MAXIMUM DENSITY A maximum density test was performed on a representative bag sample of the near surface soils in accordance with ASTM D1557. The test results are shown below. Location Maximum Dry Density (pcf) Optimum Moisture Content (%) B-2 @ 8'- 12' 130.5 8.3 B-4 @ 8' -12' 134.2 8.5 B-6 @ 5' -9' 131.3 9.7 DIRECT SHEAR Direct shear tests were performed in general accordance with ASTM D3080-98. Direct shear tests were performed on undisturbed soil samples. Test results are as follows. Location Cohesion (PSF) Angle of Internal Friction (Deg.) B-1 @ 5' 435 38 B-2 @ 10' 1003 40 B-5 @ 15' 1004 35 B-6 @ 15' 66 44 EXPANSION INDEX Expansion Index testing was completed in accordance with ASTM D4829. Test results are presented in the following table. Boring Depth Expansion Index • UBC y, No. (feet) (EI) Potential Expansion B-2 8'- 12' 0 Very Low B-4 8'-12' 0 Very Low B-6 5' -9' 5 Very Low coRROsivrrY Corrosivity Testing in compliance with Caltrans Test Method 417, 422, & 643. Test results are presented below. 1 Sample Location PH Soluble Sulfates (%) Min. Resistivity (ohm-cm) B-1 @ l'-5' 6.8 0.032 1,460 B-2 @ 8'-12' 6.7 0.021 1,694 B-4 @ 8'-12' 6.6 0.011 1,781 B-6 @ 5' -9' 6.7 0.010 2,080 CONSOLIDATION Consolidation test was performed on representative, relatively undisturbed sample of the underlying soil to determine compressibility characteristics in accordance with ASTM D2435. Test result is presented on Figure C-6 to C-9. R-VALUE R-value testing was performed on existing upper on-site soil within proposed pavement areas. Califomia Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Test Method 301 was used to determine exudation and expansion values. Location R- Value B-l@ l'-5' 25 B-3 @ l'-5' 48 Particle Size Distribution Report 0.001 GRAIN SIZE - mm. % +3" */e Gravel Coarse Fine % Sand Coarse Medium Fine % Fines Silt Clay 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.9 35.7 46.4 16.4 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC* PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) .375 100.0 #4 99.4 #10 98.5 #20 94.9 #40 62.8 #60 37.2 #100 24.2 #200 16.4 Material Description PL= Atterberq Umits LL= Pl= D9Q= 0.7318 D5o= 0.3338 DlO= Coefficients •05= 0.6501 •30= 0.1986 •60= 0.4038 USCS= Classification AASHTO= Remarks (no specification provided) Sample Number: B-1 Depth: 5' Date: 10/24/11 MTGL, Inc. Anaheim, CA Client: Project: SALES / HTNESS BUILDING - MARBRISA PHASE 2 Project No: 1916-A08 Figure C-1 Tested By: JH Checked By: ED. Particle Size Distribution Report 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE - mm. % +3" % Gravel Coarse Fine % Sand Coarse Medium Fine % Fines Silt Clay 0.0 0.0 6.1 3.4 27.1 29.4 34.0 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC* PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) .375 100.0 #4 93.9 #10 90.5 #20 86.6 #40 63.4 #60 46.8 #100 39.2 #200 34.0 Material Description PL= Atterberq Limits LL= Pl= DQO= 1.7910 •50= 0.2834 DlO= Coefficients •85= 0.7921 D30= 0|j= •60= 0.3874 USCS= Classification AASHTO= Remarks {no specification provided) Sample Number: B-2 Depth: 10' Date: 10/24/11 MTGL, Inc. Anaheim, CA Client: Project: SALES / HTNESS BUILDING - MARBRISA PHASE 2 ProjectNo: 1916-A08 Figure C-2 Tested By: JH_ Checked By: ED_ Particle Size Distribution Report £ • • C CD n t>t y~ ^ § s 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 ' , 100 10 0.1 0.01 0.001 % +3" 0.0 GRAIN SIZE - mm. % Gravel Coarse 0.0 Fine 0.0 % Sand Coarse 0.0 Medium 16.6 Fine 49.0 % Fines Silt Clay 34.4 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC* PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) #4 ^ 100.0 #10 100.0 #20 98.9 #40 83.4 #60 59.2 #100 42.8 #200 34.4 Material Description PL= Atterberq Limits LL= Pl= •90= 0.5158 •50= 0.1958 •10= Coefficients •85= 0.4427 D30= •60= 0.2545 ^15= USCS= Classification AASHTO= Remarks (no specification provided) Sample Number: B-4 Depth: 10' Date: 10/24/11 MTGL, Inc. Anaheim, CA Client: Project: SALES / HTNESS BUILDING - MARBRISA PHASE 2 ProjectNo: 1916-AOS Figure C-3 Tested By: JH_ Checked By: ED. Particle Size Distribution Report ooo o o ^ o % +3" GRAIN SIZE - mm. % Gravel Coarse Fine % Sand Coarse Medium Fine % Fines Silt 0.001 Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 17.7 48.2 33.6 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC* PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) #4 100.0 #10 99.5 #20 98.4 #40 81.8 #60 59.3 #100 43.4 #200 33.6 Material Description PL= Atterberq Limits Pi= •90= 0.5460 •50= 0.1925 DlO= Coefficients •85= 0.4645 •30= •60= 0.2546 Br USCS= Ciasstfication AASHTO= Remarks (no specification provided) Sample Number: B-5 Depth: 15' Date: 10/24/11 MTGL, Inc. Anaheim, CA Client: Project: SALES / HTNESS BUILDING - MARBRISA PHASE 2 ProjectNo: 1916-A08 Figure C-4 Tested By: _JH_ Checked By: ED. Particle Size Distribution Report S .S .S E S eo CVl - * * OOQ o V es 1- 1- CVJ GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.001 % +3" % Gravel Coarse Fine % Sand Coarse Medium Fine % Fines Siit Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 22.1 52.3 25.2 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC* PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) #4 100.0 #10 99.6 #20 98.0 #40 77.5 #60 52.5 #100 35.0 #200 25.2 Material Description PL= Atterberq Limits LL= Pl= •90= 0.5952 •50= 0.2359 •10= Coefficients •85= 0.5127 •30= 0.1156 Cu= •60= 0.2941 •15= USCS= Classification AASHTO= Remarks (no specification provided) Sample Number: B-6 Depth: 15' Date: 10/24/11 MTGL, Inc. Anaheim, CA Client: Project: SALES / HTNESS BUILDING - MARBRISA PHASE 2 ProjectNo: 1916-A08 Figure C-5 Tested By: _JhL Checked By: ED_ -0.4 100 CONSOLIDATION TEST REPORT 200 500 1000 2000 Applied Pressure - psf 5000 Natural Sat. Moist. Dry Dens, (pcf) LL PI Sp. Gr. Overburden (psf) (psf) Swell Press, (psf) CIpse. 4163 0.1 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION USCS AASHTO ProjectNo. 1916-A08 Client: Project: SALES / HTNESS BUILDING - MARBRISA PHASE 2 Source: Sample No.: B-1 Elev./Depth: 5' MTGL, Inc. Anaheim, CA Remarks: Figure C-6 10Q CONSOLIDATION TEST REPORT 200 500 1000 2000 Applied Pressure - psf 5000 Natural Sat. Moist. Dry Dens. (pcf) LL PI Sp. Gr. Overburden (psf) (psf) Cr Swell Press, (psf) CIpse. % 1249 0.2 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION USCS AASHTO ProjectNo. 1916-A08 Client: Project: SALES / HTNESS BUILDING - MARBRISA PHASE 2 Source: Sample No.: B-Elev./Depth: 10' MTGL, Inc. Anaheim, CA Remarks: Figure C-7 100 CONSOLIDATION TEST REPORT 200 500 1000 2000 Applied Pressure - psf 5000 Natural Sat, Moist. Dry Dens, (pcf) LL PI Sp. Gr. Overburden (psf) Pc (psf) Swell Press, (psf) Swell 2693 1108 0.1 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION USCS AASHTO ProjectNo. 1916-A08 Client: Project: SALES / HTNESS BUILDING - MARBRISA PHASE 2 Source: Sample No.: B-5 EievyOepth: 15' MTGL, Inc. Anaheim, CA Remarks: Figure C-8 100 CONSOLIDATION TEST REPORT 200 500 1000 2000 Applied Pressure - psf 5000 Natural Sat. Moist. Dry Dens, (pcf) LL PI Sp. Gr. Overburden (psf) Pc (psf) Swell Press, (psf) CIpse. % 2559 0.1 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION USCS AASHTO ProjectNo. 1916-A08 Client: Project: SALES / HTNESS BUILDING - MARBRISA PHASE 2 Source: Sample No.: B-6 Elev7Depth: 15' MTGL, inc. Anaheim, CA Remarks: Figure C-9 APPENDIX D ENGINEERING and SEISMIC ANALYSIS General The details of the engineering analyses performed as part of this investigation are discussed in this section. Seismicity Seismic design values were computed based on site coordinates of N33.13199 and Wl 17.31241. The nearest active fault computed by the Thomas Blake EQFAULT program is the Rose Canyon Fault, located approximately 8.5 km southwest of the site. The detenninistic analyses are attached. The ground motion values derived from the 2010 Califomia Building Code (CBC), Title 24 were obtained from the Java Ground Motion Parameter Calculator, Version 5.1.0 and is attached. Based upon the results of the exploratory borings, the project site is assigned to Site Class D. CALIFORNIA FAULT MAP Test Run 1100 1000 900-- 800 -- 700 -- 600 500 -- 400 300 200 100 0 -- -100 ' I I I I I I I -400 -300 -200 -100 100 200 300 400 500 600 TEST.OUT *********************** * * * EQFAULT * * * * Version 3.00 * * * *********************** DETERMINISTIC ESTIMATION OF PEAK ACCELERATION FROM DIGITIZED FAULTS JOB NUMBER: 1916-A08 DATE: 10-21-2011 30B NAME: Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings CALCULATION NAME: Test Run Analysis FAULT-DATA-FILE NAME: CDMGFLTE.DAT SITE COORDINATES: SITE LATITUDE: 33.1320 SITE LONGITUDE: 117.3124 SEARCH RADIUS: 100 mi ATTENUATION RELATION: 17) Campbell & Bozorgnia (1994/1997) - Alluvium UNCERTAINTY (M=Median, S=Sigma): M Number of Sigmas: 0.0 DISTANCE MEASURE: cdist SCOND: 0 Basement Depth: 5.00 km Campbell SSR: 0 Campbell SHR: 0 COMPUTE PEAK HORIZONTAL ACCELERATION FAULT-DATA FILE USED: CDMGFLTE.DAT MINIMUM DEPTH VALUE (km): 3.0 Page 1 TEST.OUT EQFAULT SUMMARY DETERMINISTIC SITE PARAMETERS Page 1 ESTIMATED MAX. EARTHQUAKE EVENT APPROXIMATE ABBREVIATED DISTANCE MAXIMUM PEAK EST. SITE FAULT NAME mi (km) EARTHQUAKE SITE INTENSITY MAG.(Mw) ACCEL, g MOD.MERC. ROSE CANYON 5.3( 8. 5) 7.2 0.435 X NEWPORT-INGLEWOOD (Offshore) 7.2( 11.6) 7.1 0.373 IX CORONADO BANK 21.1( 33. 9) 7.6 0.218 VIII ELSINORE-TEMECULA 24.3( 39. 1) 6.8 0.101 VII ELSIN0RE-3ULIAN 24.3( 39. 1) 7.1 0.129 VIII ELSINORE-GLEN IVY 35.4( 57. 0) 6.8 0.063 VI PALOS VERDES 37.8( 60. 8) 7.1 0.075 VII EARTHQUAKE VALLEY 42.4( 68. 3) 6.5 0.038 V SAN 3ACINT0-ANZA 47.0( 75. 6) 7.2 0.062 VI SAN JACINTO-SAN JACINTO VALLEY 47.8( 77. 0) 6.9 0.047 VI NEWPORT-INGLEWOOD (L.A.Basin) 48.3( 77. 7) 7.1 0.055 VI CHINO-CENTRAL AVE. (Elsinore) 49.8( 80. 2) 6.7 0.037 V SAN JACINTO-COYOTE CREEK 51.7( 83. 2) 6.8 0.039 V WHITTIER 53.3( 85. 8) 6.8 0.037 V ELSINORE-COYOTE MOUNTAIN 56.2( 90. 5) 6.8 0.035 V COMPTON THRUST 58.0( 93. 3) 6.8 0.032 V ELYSIAN PARK THRUST 60.9( 98. 0) 6.7 0.028 V SAN JACINTO-SAN BERNARDINO 61.3( 98. 6) 6.7 0.028 V SAN JACINTO - BORREGO 64.9( 104. 5) 6.6 0.024 V SAN ANDREAS - San Bernardino 65.7( 105. 7) 7.5 0.053 VI SAN ANDREAS - Southern 65.7( 105. 7) 7.4 0.048 VI SAN JOSE 70.6( 113. 7) 6.5 0.019 IV PINTO MOUNTAIN 72.5( 116. 7) 7.0 0.030 V SAN ANDREAS - Coachella 73.3( 117. 9) 7.2 0.035 V SIERRA MADRE 74.3( 119. 6) 7.0 0.027 V CUCAMONGA 74.6( 120. 1) 7.0 0.026 V NORTH FRONTAL FAULT ZONE (WeSt) 77.2( 124. 2) 7.0 0.025 V BURNT MTN. 78.0( 125. 6) 6.4 0.016 IV CLEGHORN 79.0( 127. 2) 6.5 0.017 IV EUREKA PEAK 80.8( 130.1) 6.4 0.015 IV SUPERSTITION MTN. (San Jacinto) 81.0( 130. 4) 6.6 0.018 IV NORTH FRONTAL FAULT ZONE (East) 81.2( 130. 6) 6.7 0.018 IV SAN ANDREAS - 1857 Rupture 82.4( 132. 6) 7.8 0.051 VI SAN ANDREAS - Mojave 82.4( 132. 6) 7.4 0.036 V RAYMOND 82.5( 132. 8) 6.5 0.015 IV CLAMSHELL-SAWPIT 84.2( 135 5) 6.5 0,015 IV ELMORE RANCH 84.7( 136 3) 6.6 0.017 IV VERDUGO 85.2( 137 1) 6.7 0.017 IV SUPERSTITION HILLS (San Jacinto) 85.7( 138 0) 6.6 0.017 IV HOLLYWOOD 87.1( 140 1) 6.4 0.013 III Page 2 TEST.OUT DETERMINISTIC SITE PARAMETERS Page 2 ESTIMATED MAX. EARTHQUAKE EVENT APPROXIMATE ABBREVIATED DISTANCE MAXIMUM PEAK EST. SITE FAULT NAME mi (km) EARTHQUAKE SITE INTENSITY MAG.(Mw) ACCEL, g MOD.MERC. LAGUNA SALADA ~~87T4(~i4077) TTO 07023~~ IV LANDERS 88.1( 141.8) 7.3 0.030 V HELENDALE - S. LOCKHARDT 89.4( 143.8) 7.1 0.025 V SANTA MONICA 91.8( 147.7) 6.6 0.014 IV LENWOOD-LOCKHART-OLD WOMAN SPRGS 93.1( 149.8) 7.3 0.028 V BRAWLEY SEISMIC ZONE 94.1( 151.4) 6.4 0.012 III MALIBU COAST 94.3( 151.8) 6.7 0.015 IV JOHNSON VALLEY (Northern) 96.1( 154.6) 6.7 0.016 IV EMERSON So. - COPPER MTN. 96.2( 154.8) 6.9 0.019 IV NORTHRIDGE (E. Oak Ridge) 98.5( 158.5) 6.9 0.016 IV SIERRA MADRE (San Fernando) 99.0( 159.3) 6.7 0.014 IV SAN GABRIEL 99.2( 159.7) 7.0 0.020 IV ******************************************************************************* -END OF SEARCH- 52 FAULTS FOUND WITHIN THE SPECIFIED SEARCH RADIUS. THE ROSE CANYON FAULT IS CLOSEST TO THE SITE. IT IS ABOUT 5.3 MILES (8.5 km) AWAY. LARGEST MAXIMUM-EARTHQUAKE SITE ACCELERATION: 0.4353 g Page 3 Conterminous 48 States 2005 ASCE 7 Standard Latitude = 33.13199 Longitude = -117.31241 Spectral Response Accelerations Ss and SI Ss and SI = Mapped Spectral Acceleration Values Site Class B - Fa = 1.0 ,Fv = 1.0 Data are based on a 0.01 deg grid spacing Period Sa (sec) (g) 0.2 1.252 (Ss, Site Class B) 1.0 0.473 (SI, Site Class B) Conterminous 48 States 2005 ASCE 7 Standard Latitude = 33.13199 Longitude = -117.31241 Spectral Response Accelerations SMs and SMI SMs = Fa X Ss and SMI = Fv x SI Site Class D - Fa = 1.0,Fv = 1.527 Period Sa (sec) (g) 0.2 1.252 (SMs, Site Class D) 1.0 0.722 (SMI, Site Class D) Conterminous 48 States 2005 ASCE 7 Standard Latitude = 33.13199 Longitude = -117.31241 Design Spectral Response Accelerations SDs and SDI SDs = 2/3 X SMs and SDI = 2/3 x SMI Site Class D - Fa = 1.0 ,Fv = 1.527 Period Sa (sec) (g) 0.2 0.835 (SDs, Site Class D) 1.0 0.481 (SDI, Site Class D) APPENDIX E GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIHCATIONS APPENDIX E GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECieCATIONS 1. GENERAL These specifications present general procedures and requirements for grading and earthwork as shown on the approved grading plans, including preparation of areas to he filled, placement of fill, installation of subdrains, and excavations. The recommendations contained in the attached geotechnical report are a part of the earthwork and grading specificatiore and shall supersede the provisions contained herein in the case of conflict Evaluations performed by the Consultant during the course of grading may result in new recominendatjons, which could supersede ttiese specifications, or the recommendations of the geotechnical report. 2. EARTHVyORK OBSERVATION AND TIESTING Prior to the start of grading, a qualified Geotechnical Consultant (Geotechnical Engineer and Engineering Geologist) shall be employed for the purpose of olwerving earthwork procedures and testing the fiDs for conformance with the recommendations of the geotechnical report and these specifications. It will be necessary that the Consultant provide adequate testing and olwervation so that he may determine that the work was accomplished as spedfied. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to assist the Consultant and keep them apprised of work schedules and changes so that he may schedule his . personnel accordingly. It shall be the sole responsibility of tlie Contractor to provide adequate equipment and methods to accomplish the work in accordance with applicable grading codes or agency ordinances, these specifications and the approved grading plans. Maximum dry density tests used to determine the degree of compaction will be performed in accordance with the American Society for Testing and Materials Test Method (ASTM) D1557-9] or later revision. 3. PREPARATION OF AREAS TO BE FILLED Clearing and Grubbing: All brush, vegetation and debris shall be removed or piled and otherwise disposed of. Processing: Tlie existing ground which is determined to be satisfactory for support of fill shall be scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches. Existing ground, which is not satisfactory, shall be overexcavated as specified in the following section. Overexcavation: Soft, dry, spongy, highly fractured or otherwise unsuitable ground, extending to such a depth that surface processing cannot adequately improve the condition, shall be overexcavated down to firm giound, approved by the Consultant. Moisture conditioning: Overexcavated and processed soils shall be watered, dried-back, blended, and mixed as required to have a relatively uniform moisture content near the optimum moisture content as determined by ASTM D1557. Recompaction: Overexcavated and processed soils, which have been mixed, and moisture conditioned uniformly shaH be recompacted to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent of ASTM DISS?. Benching: Where soils are placed on ground with slopes steeper than 5:1 (horizontal lo vertical), the ground shall l>e stepped or benched. Benches shall be excavated in firm material for a minimum width of 4 feel. 4- HLL MATERIAL General: Material to be placed as fill shall be free of organic matter and other deleterious substances, and shall be approved by the Consultant. Oversize: Oversized material defined as rock, or other irreducible material witli a maximum dimension greater than 12 inches, shall not be buried or placed in fill, unless Uie location, material, and disposal methods are specifically approved by the Consultant. Oversize disposal operations shali be such that nesting of oversized material does not occur, and such that the oversize material is completely surrounded by compacted or densified fill. Oversize material shall not be placed within 10 feet vertically of finish grade or within the range of future utilities or underground construction, unless specifically approved by the Consultant. Imporb If importing of fill material is required for grading, the import material shall meet the general requirements. 5. HLL PLACEMENT ANP COMPACTION Fill LifIs'. Approved fill material shall be placed in areas prepared to receive fill in near-horizontal layers not exceeding 5 inches in compacted thickness. The Consultant may approve thicker lifts if testing indicates the grading procedures are such that adequate compaction is being achieved with lifts of greater thickness. Each layer shall be spread evenly and shall be thoroughly mixed during spreading to attain uniformity of material and moisture in each layer. Fill Moisture: Fill layers at a moisture content less than optimum shall be watered and mixed, and wet fill layers shall be aerated by scarification or shall be blended with drier material. Moisture conditioning and mixing of fill layers shali continue until the fill material is atimiform moisture content at or near optimum. Compaction of Fill: After each layer has l>een evenly spread, moisture conditioned, and mbeed, il shall be uniformly compacted to not less that 90 percent of maximum dry density in accordance with ASTM D1557. Compaction equipment shall be adequately sized and shall be either specifically designed for soil compaction or of proven reliability, to efficiently achieve the specified degree of compaction. Fill Slopes: Compacting on slopes shaD be accomplished, in addition lo normal compacting procedures, by backrolling of slopes with sheepsfoot rollers at frequent increments of 2 to 3 feet as the fill is placed, or by other methods producing satisfactory results. At the completion of grading, the relative compaction of the slope out to the slope face shall he at least 90 percent in accordance with ASTM Dl 557. Compaction Testing: Field tests to check the fill moisture and degree of compaction will be performed by the consultant- The location and frequency of tests shall be at the consultant's discretion. In general, these tests ivill be take at an interval not exceeding 2 feet in vertical rise, and/or 1,000 cubic yards of fill placed. In addition, on slope faces, at least one lest shall be taken for each 5,000 square feet of slope face and/or each 10 feel of vertical height of slope. 6. SUBDRAIN INSTALLATION Subdrain systems, if required, shall t>e installed in approved ground to conform to tlie approximate alignment and details shown on the plans or herein. The subdrain location or materials shall not be changed or modified without the approval of the Consultant. The Consultant, however, may recommend and, upon approval, direct changes in subdrain line, grade or materials. All subdrains should be surveyed for line and grade after installation and sufficient time shall be allowed for the surveys, prior to commencement of fill over the subdrain. 7- EXCAVATION Excavations and cut slopes wiD be examined during grading. If directed by the Consultant, further excavation or overexcavation and refilling of cut areas, and/or remedial grading of cut slopes shall be performed. Where fUI over cut slopes are lo be graded, unless otherwise approved, the cut portion of the slope shall t>e made and approved by the Consultant prior to placement of materiak for construction of the fill portion of the slope. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE • RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 66 - Calculation Date/Time: 11:13, Wed, Oct 22, 2014 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: 28villa66rev2.xml CF1R-PRF-01 Page 1 of 13 GENERAL INFORMATION 01 Project Name Villa 66 02 Calculation Description Title 24 Analysis 03 Project Location 1581 Marbrisa Circle 04 A City Carlsbad 05 Standards Version Compliance 2014 06 Zip code 92008 07 Compiiance Manager Version BEMCmpMgr 2013-3 (651) 08 Ciimate Zone CZ7 09 Software Version EnergyPro 6.3 10 Building Type Multlliamlly 11 Front Orientation (deg/Cardinai) 198 12 Project Scope Newly Constructed 13 Number of Dwelling Units 14 Totai Cond. Floor Area (FT^) 13501.400000000001 15 Number of Zones 3 16 Slab Area (FT^) 4770.4 17 Number of Stories 3 0CT2s?ni4 18 Addition Cond. Floor Area N/A 19 Natural Gas Avaiiabie Yes 20 Addition Slab Area (FT^) N/A 21 Glazing Percentage (%) 16.1% 'y'Xr "^'''--''^'^^ COMPUANCE RESULTS 01 Building Complies with Computer Performance 02 This buiiding incorporates features that require fieid testing and/or verification by a certified HERS rater under the supervision of a CEC-approved HERS provider. 03 This building incorporates one or more Speciai Features shown below ENERGY USE SUMMARY ^ 04 OS 06 07 08 / Energy Use Standard Proposed Compliance Percent (kTDV/ft) Desjgn Design Margin improvement Space Heating 0.06 1.23 -1.17 -1950.0% Space Cooling 11.78 8.12 3.66 31.1% lAQ Ventilation 2.54 2.54 0.00 0.0% Water Heating 28.10 23.81 4.29 15.3% Photovoltaic Offset — 0.00 0.00 — L \ Compliance Energy Totai 42.48 35.70 6.78 16.0% LRegiCr*on Number: 214-N0122944A-000000000-0000 Re ' Bdming Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Re ivider: CalCERTS Inc. lenerated at: 2014-10-22 11:16:26 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 66 Calculation Date/Time: 11:13, Wed, Oct 22, 2014 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: 28villa66rev2.xml CF1R-PRF-01 Page 2 of 13 REQUIRED SPECIAL FEATURES The following are features lhal must be installed as condition for meeting the modeled energy performance for this computer analysis. • Window overhangs and/or fins • Exposed slab floor In conditioned zone HERS FEATURE SUMMARY The following Is a summary of the features that must be field-verified by a certifled HERS Rater as a condition for meeting the modeled energy performance for this computer analysis. Additional detail is provided in the building components tables below. Building-level Verifications: • lAQ mechanicai ventilation Cooling System Verifications: • -None- HVAC Distribution System Verifications: • - None ~ Domestlc Hot Water System Verifications: • - None ~ ENERGY DESIGN RATING This is the sum of the annual TDV energy consumption for energy use components included in the performance compliance approach for the Standard Design Building (Energy Budget) and the annual TDV energy consumption fbr lighting and components not regulated by Title 24, Part 6 (such as domestic appliances and consumer electronics) and accounting for the annual TDV energy offset by an on-site renewable energy system. Reference Energy Use Energy Design Rating Margin Percent improvement Total Energy (kTDVAf2)* 133.24 126.46 6.78 5.1% * includes calculated Appliances and Miscellaneous Energy Use (AMEU) BUlLDiNG - FEATURES INFORMATION 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Project Name Conditioned Fioor Area (sft) Numtier of Dwelling Units Number of Bedrooms Number of Zones Number of Ventilation Cooiing Systems Number of Water Heating Systems Villa 66 13501.4 22 12 3 0 22 Registration Number: 2i4-Noi22944A-ooooooooo-oooo CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration DateAime: 2014-10-22 11:44:08 Report Version - CFlR-10172014-651 HERS Provider: CalCERTS inc. Report Generated at: 2014-10-22 11:16:26 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 66 Calculation Date/Time: 11:13, Wed, Oct 22,2014 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input Flle Name: 28villa66rev2.xml CF1R-PRF-01 Page 3 of 13 DWELLING UNIT INFORMATiON 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Dwelling Unit Name Zone CFA (sft) Number of Bedrooms HVAC System DHW System lAQ Vent Fan Studios 11A-14A 1/10 eqp 1/1 Studios 395.9 0 Studios HVACSys DHW Sys 1 Defeult Studios 11A-14A 2/10 eqp 1/1 Studios 395.9 0 Studios HVACSys DHW Sys 1 Default Studios 11A-14A 3/10 eqp 1/1 Studios 395.9 0 Studios HVACSys DHW Sys 1 Default Studios 11A-14A 4/10 eqp 1/1 Studios 395.9 0 Studios HVACSys DHW Sys 1 Default Studios 11A-14A 5/10 eqp 1/1 Studios 395.9 0 Studios HVACSys DHW Sys 1 Default Studios 11A-14A 6/10 eqp 1/1 Studios 395.9 0 Studios HVACSys DHW Sys 1 De^ult Studios 11A-14A 7/10 eqp 1/1 Studios 395.9 0 Studios HVACSys DHW Sys 1 Default Studios 11A-14A 8/10 eqp 1/1 Studios 395.9 0 Studios HVACSys DHW Sys 1 Default Studios 11A-14A 9/10 eqp 1/1 Studios 395.9 0 Studios HVACSys DHW Sys 1 De^ult Studios 11A-14A 10/10 eqp 1/1 Studios 395.9 0 Studios HVACSys DHW Sys 1 Default Suites 11-14 1/8 eqp 1/1 1st & 2nd Floor Suites 795.2 1 1st & 2nd Floor Suites HVACSys DHW Sys 1 Deteult Suites 11-14 2/8 eqp 1/1 1st & 2nd Floor Suites 795.2 1 1st & 2nd Floor Suites HVACSys DHW Sys 1 Default Suites 11-14 3/8 eqp 1/1 1st & 2nd Floor Suites 795.2 1 1st & 2nd Floor Suites HVACSys DHW Sys 1 Deteult Suites 11-14 4/8 eqp 1/1 1st & 2nd Floor Suites 795.2 1 1st & 2nd Floor Suites HVACSys DHW Sys 1 De^ult Suites 11-14 5/8 eqp 1/1 1st & 2nd Floor Suites 795.2 1 1st & 2nd Floor Suites HVACSys DHW Sys 1 DeteM Suites 11-14 6/8 eqp 1/1 1st & 2nd Floor Suites 795.2 1 1st & 2nd Floor Suites HVACSys DHW Sys 1 De^ult Suites 11-14 7/8 eqp 1/1 1st & 2nd Floor Suites 795.2 1 1st & 2nd Floor Suites HVACSys DHW Sys 1 Default Suites 11-14 8/8 eqp 1/1 1st & 2nd Floor Suites 795.2 1 1st & 2nd Floor Suites HVACSys DHW Sys 1 De^ult Suites 31-34 1/4 eqp 1/1 3rd Floor Suites 795.2 1 3rd Floor Suites HVACSys DHW Sys 1 Default Suites 31-34 2/4 eqp 1/1 3rd Floor Suites 795.2 1 3rd Floor Suites HVACSys DHW Sys 1 Defeult Suites 31-34 3/4 eqp 1/1 3rd Floor Suites 795.2 1 3rd Floor Suites HVACSys DHW Sys 1 Defeult Suites 31-34 4/4 eqp 1/1 3rd Floor Suites 795.2 1 3rd Floor Suites HVACSys DHW Sys 1 DefauH Registration Number: 214-N0122944A-000000000-0000 CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration Date/Time: 2014-10-22 11:44;08 Report Version - CF1R-10172014-6S1 HERS Provider: CalCERTS inc. Report Generated at: 2014-10-22 11:16:26 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 66 Calcuiation Date/Time: 11:13, Wed, Oct 22, 2014 Calcuiation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: 28villa66rev2.xml CF1R-PRF-01 Page 4 of 13 OPAQUE SURFACES 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 Name Zone Construction Azimuth Orientation Gross Area (ft^) Window Area (ft^) Tllt(deg) NWall Studios R-19 Wall 198 Front 1331.8 0 90 WWall Studios R-19 Wall 108 Right 944.3 8 90 SWall Studios R-19 Wall 18 Back 1321.8 624.99 90 EWall Studios R-19 Wall 288 Left 944.3 8 90 Roof Studios R-30 Roof Attic 1589.8 N Wall 2 1st & 2nd Floor Suites R-19 Wall 198 Front 2110 80 90 WWall 2 1st & 2nd Floor Suites R-19 Wall 108 Right 733.2 84 90 S Wall 2 1st & 2nd Floor Suites R-19 Wall 18 Back 2110 751.992 90 E Wall 2 1st & 2nd Floor Suites R-19 Wall 288 Left 733.2 84 90 N Wall 3 3rd Floor Suites R-19 Wall 198 Front 265 40 90 W Wall 3 3rd Floor Suites R-19 Wall 108 Right 641.6 60 90 S Wall 3 3rd Floor Suites R-19 Wall 18 Back 1055 375.996 90 E Wall 3 3rd Floor Suites R-19 Wall 288 Left 641.6 60 90 Roof 2 3rd Floor Suites R-30 Roof Attic 3180.8 ATTIC 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Name Construction Roof Rise Roof Reflectance Roof Emittance Radiant Barrier Cool Roof Attic Attic Roof Cons 0 0.1 0.85 No No Registration Number: 2l4-NOl22944A-ooooooooo-oooo CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration Date/Time: 2014-10-22 11:44:08 Report Version - CFlR-10172014-651 HERS Provider: CalCERTS inc. Report Generated at: 2014-10-22 11:16:26 CERTIFiCATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPUANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 66 Calculation Date/Time: 11:13, Wed, Oct 22, 2014 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: 28villa66rev2.xml CF1R-PRF-01 Page 5 of 13 WINDOWS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Name Type Surface (Orientation-Azimuth) Wldth(ft) Height (ft) Multiplier Area (ft^) U-factor SHGC Exterior Shading Window Window WWall (Right-108) 2.0 2.0 1 4.0 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Window 2 Window WWall (Right-108) 2.0 2.0 1 4.0 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Door Window 8 Wall (Back-18) 8.3 7.5 1.004 62.5 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Door 2 Window SWall (Back-18) 8.3 7.5 1.004 62.5 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Door 3 Window SWall (Back-18) 8.3 7.5 1.004 62.5 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Door 4 Window SWall (Back-18) 8.3 7.5 1.004 62.5 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Door 5 Window S Wall (Back-18) 8.3 7.5 1.004 62.5 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Door 6 Window S Wall (Back-18) 8.3 7.5 1.004 62.5 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Door 7 Window 8 Wall (Back-18) 8.3 7.5 1.004 62.5 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Door 8 Window SWall (Back-18) 8.3 7.5 1.004 62.5 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Door 9 Window SWall (Back-18) 8.3 7.5 1.004 62.5 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Door 10 Window 8 Wall (Back-18) 8.3 7.5 1.004 62.5 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Window 3 Window E Wall (Left-288) 2.0 2.0 1 4.0 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Window 4 Window E Wall (Left-288) 2.0 2.0 1 4.0 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Window 5 Window N Wall2(Front-198) 2.5 4.0 1 10.0 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Window 6 Window NWall2(Front-198) 2.5 4.0 1 10.0 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Window 7 Window NWall2(Front-198) 2.5 4.0 1 10.0 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Window 8 Window NWall2(Front-198) 2.5 4.0 1 10.0 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Window 9 Window NWall2(Front-198) 2.5 4.0 1 10.0 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Window 10 Window NWall2(Front-198) 2.5 4.0 1 10.0 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Window 11 Window NWall2(Front-198) 2.5 4.0 1 10.0 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Window 12 Window NWall2(Front-198) 2.5 4.0 1 10.0 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Door 11 Window WWall 2 (Right-108) 3.0 7.0 1 21.0 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Door 12 Window WWall 2 (Right-108) 3.0 7.0 1 21.0 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Door 13 Window WWall 2 (Right-108) 3.0 7.0 1 21.0 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Door 14 Window WWall 2 (Right-108) 3.0 7.0 1 21.0 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Window 13 Window 8 Wall 2 (Back-18) 7.0 4.5 1 31.5 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Door 15 Window 8 Wall 2 (Back-18) 8.3 7.5 1.004 62.5 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Window 14 Window SWall 2 (Back-18) 7.0 4.5 1 31.5 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Registration Number: 2i4-NOi22944A-ooooooooo-oooo CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration Date/Time: 2014-10-22 11:44.08 Report Version - CFlR-10172014-651 HERS Provider: CalCERTS inc. Report Generated at: 2014-10-22 11:16:26 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 66 Calculation Date/Time: 11:13, Wed, Oct 22, 2014 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input Flle Name: 28villa66rev2.xml CF1R-PRF-01 Page 6 of 13 Door 16 Window S Wall 2 (Back-18) 8.3 7.5 1.004 62.5 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Window 15 Window SWall 2 (Back-18) 7.0 4.5 1 31.5 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Door 17 Window S Wall 2 (Back-18) 8.3 7.5 1.004 62.5 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Window 16 Window SWall 2 (Back-18) 7.0 4.5 1 31.5 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Door 18 Window SWall 2 (Back-18) 8.3 7.5 1.004 62.5 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Window 17 Window SWall 2 (Back-18) 7.0 4.5 1 31.5 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Door 19 Window SWall 2 (Back-18) 8.3 7.5 1.004 62.5 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Window 18 Window SWall2 (Back-18) 7.0 4.5 1 31.5 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Door 20 Window SWall 2 (Back-18) 8.3 7.5 1.004 62.5 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Window 19 Window 8 Wall 2 (Back-18) 7.0 4.5 1 31.5 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Door 21 Window 8 Wall 2 (Back-18) 8.3 7.5 1.004 62.5 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Window 20 Window SWall 2 (Back-18) 7.0 4.5 1 31.5 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Door 22 Window 8 Wall 2 (Back-18) 8.3 7.5 1.004 62.5 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Door 23 Window E Wall 2 (Left-288) 3.0 7.0 1 21.0 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Door 24 Window E Wall 2 (Lefl-288) 3.0 7.0 1 21.0 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Door 25 Window E Wall 2 (Left-288) 3.0 7.0 1 21.0 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Door 26 Window EWall 2 (Left-288) 3.0 7.0 1 21.0 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Window 21 Window NWall3(Front-198) 2.5 4.0 1 10.0 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Window 22 Window NWall3(Front-198) 2.5 4.0 1 10.0 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Window 23 Window N Wall 3 (Front-198) 2.5 4.0 1 10.0 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Window 24 Window NWall3(Front-198) 2.5 4.0 1 10.0 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Door 27 Window WWall 3 {Right-108) 3.0 7.0 1 21.0 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Door 28 Window WWall 3 (Right-108) 3.0 7.0 1 21.0 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Window 25 Window WWall 3 (Right-108) 4.0 4.5 1 18.0 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Window 26 Window 8 Wall 3 (Back-18) 7.0 4.5 1 31.5 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Door 29 Window 8 Wall 3 (Back-18) 8.3 7.5 1.004 62.5 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Window 27 Window SWall 3 (Back-18) 7.0 4.5 1 31.5 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Door 30 Window SWall 3 (Back-18) 8.3 7.5 1.004 62.5 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Window 28 Window 8 Wall 3 (Back-18) 7.0 4.5 1 31.5 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Door 31 Window 8 Wall 3 (Back-18) 8.3 7.5 1.004 62.5 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Window 29 Window 8 Wall 3 (Back-18) 7.0 4.5 1 31.5 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Door 32 Window 8 Wall 3 (Back-18) 8.3 7.5 1.004 62.5 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Door 33 Window E Wall 3 (Left-288) 3.0 7.0 1 21.0 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Registration Number: 214-NOI22944A-OOOOOOOOO-OOOO CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration Date/Time: 2014-10-22 11:44:08 Report Version - CFlR-10172014-651 HERS Provider: CalCERTS inc. Report Generated at: 2014-10-22 11:16:26 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 66 Calculation Date/Time: 11.13, Wed, Oct 22,2014 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: 28villa66rev2.xml CF1R-PRF-01 Page 7 of 13 Door 34 Window EWall 3 (Left-288) 3.0 7.0 1 21.0 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) Window 30 Window E Wall 3 (Left-288) 4.0 4.5 1 18.0 0.65 0.40 Insect Screen (default) DOORS 01 02 03 04 Name Side of Buiiding Area (fl^) U-factor Door 35 NWall 210.0 1.00 Door 36 N Wall 2 168.0 1.00 Door 37 N Wall 3 84.0 1.00 Registration Number: 2l4-NOi22944A-ooooooooo-oooo CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration Date/Time: 2014-10-22 11:44:08 Report Version - CFlR-10172014-651 HERS Provider: CalCERTS Inc. Report Generated at: 2014-10-22 11:16:26 CERTIFICATE OF COMPUANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPUANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 66 Calculation Date/Time: 11:13, Wed, Oct 22, 2014 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input Fiie Name: 28vllla66rev2.xml CF1R-PRF-01 Page 8 of 13 OVERHANGS AND FINS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 Overhang Left Fin Right Fin Window Depth Dist Up Left Extent Right Extent Flap Ht. Depth Top Up DistL Bot Up Depth Top Up DistR Bot Up Window 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 Window 2 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 Door 4 1 4 4 0 4.5 0 2.3 0 4.5 0 2.3 0 Door 2 4.5 1 2 2 0 5.3 0 2.3 0 4.5 0 0.1 0 Door 3 4 1 4 4 0 4.5 0 2.3 0 4.5 0 2.3 0 Door 4 4.5 1 2 2 0 4.5 0 0.1 0 5.3 0 2.3 0 Door 5 4.5 1 2 2 0 4.5 0 0.1 0 5.3 0 2.3 0 Door 6 4 1 4 4 0 4.5 0 2.3 0 4.5 0 2.3 0 Door 7 4.5 1 2 2 0 5.3 0 2.3 0 4.5 0 0.1 0 Door 8 4 1 4 4 0 4.5 0 2.3 0 4.5 0 2.3 0 Door 9 4 1 4 4 0 4.5 0 2.3 0 4.5 0 2.3 0 Door 10 4 1 4 4 0 4.5 0 2.3 0 4.5 0 2.3 0 Window 3 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 Window 4 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 Window 5 12.5 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 6 12.5 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 7 12.5 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 8 12.5 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 9 12.5 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 10 12.5 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 11 12.5 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 12 12.5 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Door 11 12.5 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 12.5 0 0.5 0 Door 12 12.5 1 4 4 0 12.5 0 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 Door 13 12.5 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 12.5 0 0.5 0 Door 14 12.5 1 4 4 0 12.5 0 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 Window 13 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 Door 15 4.5 1 2 2 0 5.8 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 Registration Number: 2i4-NOi22944A-ooooooooo-oooo CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration Date/Time: 2014-10-22 11:44:08 Report Version - CFlR-10172014-651 HERS Provider; CalCERTS Inc. Report Generated at: 2014-10-22 11:16:26 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 66 Calculation Date/Time: 11:13, Wed, Oct 22, Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: 28villa66rev2.xml 2014 CF1R-PRF-01 Page 9 of 13 Window 14 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 Door 16 6 1 2 2 0 5.8 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 Window 15 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 Door 17 6 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 1 0 Window 16 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 Door 18 4.5 1 2 2 0 6.6 0 1.4 0 5.8 0 0.1 0 Window 17 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 Door 19 4.5 1 2 2 0 5.8 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 Window 18 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 Door 20 6 1 2 2 0 5.8 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 Window 19 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 Door 21 6 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 1 0 Window 20 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 Door 22 4.5 1 2 2 0 6.6 0 1.4 0 5.8 0 0.1 0 Door 23 12.5 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 12.5 0 0.5 0 Door 24 12.5 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 12.5 0 0.5 0 Door 25 12.5 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 12.5 0 0.5 0 Door 26 12.5 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 12.5 0 0.5 0 Window 21 2 2.5 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 22 2 2.5 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 23 2 2.5 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 24 2 2.5 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Door 27 2 2.5 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 12.5 0 0.5 0 Door 28 2 2.5 2 2 0 12.5 0 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 Window 25 2 2.5 2 2 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 Window 26 2 2.5 2 2 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 Door 29 2 2.5 2 2 0 5.8 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 Window 27 2 2.5 2 2 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 Door 30 2 2.5 2 2 0 5.8 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 Window 28 2 2.5 2 2 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 Door 31 2 2.5 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 1 0 Window 29 2 2.5 2 2 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 Door 32 2 2.5 2 2 0 6.6 0 1.4 0 5.8 0 0.1 0 Registration Number: 2i4-Noi22944A-ooooooooo-oooo CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration Date/Time: Report Version - CFlR-10172014-651 2014-10-22 11:44:08 HERS Provider: CalCERTS Inc. Report Generated at: 2014-10-22 11:16:26 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 66 Calculation Date/Time: 11:13, Wed, Oct 22, 2014 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: 28vllla66rev2.xml CF1R-PRF-01 Page 10 of 13 Door 33 12.5 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 12.5 0 0.5 0 Door 34 2 2.5 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 12.5 0 0.5 0 Window 30 2 2.5 2 2 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 OPAQUE SURFACE CONSTRUCTIONS 01 02 03 04 05 06 Construction Name Surface Type Construction Type Framing Totai Cavity R-vaiue Assembly Layers Attic Roof Cons Attic Roofe Wood Framed Celling 2x4 Top Chord of Roof Truss @ 24 in. O.C. none • Cavity / Frame: no insul. / 2x4 Top Chrd • Roof Deck: Wood Sidmg/sheathing/decking • Roofing: Ught Roof (Asphalt Shingle) R-19 Wail Exterior Walls Wood Framed Wall 2x6 @ 16 In. O.C. R 19 • Inside Finish: Gypsum Board • Cavity/Frame: R-19/2x6 • Exterior Finish: Wood SIdlng/sheathlng/decking R-30 Roof Attic Ceilings (below attic) Wood Framed Ceiling 2x4 @ 16 in. O.C. R22 • Inside Finish: Gypsum Board • Cavity / Frame: R-9.1 / 2x4 • Over Floor Joists: R-12.9 Insul. SLAB FLOORS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Name Zone Area (ft^) Perimeter (ft) Edge insul. R-value& Depth Carpeted Fraction Heated Carpeted Slab Studios 1068.8 60.1 None 1 No Tiled Sfab Studios 520.8 0.1 None 0 No Carpeted Slab 2 1st & 2nd Floor Suites 2072.4 67.9 None 1 No Tiled Slab 2 1st & 2nd Floor Suites 1108.4 0.1 None 0 No BUILDING ENVELOPE - HERS VERIFICATION 01 02 03 04 Quality Insuiation installation (QII) Quality installation of Spray Foam insulation Buiiding Envelope Air Leaioge ACH @ 50 Pa Not Required Not Required Not Required ~ WATER HEATING SYSTEMS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Name System Type Number of Systems in Building Multi-Family Distribution Type Water Heater Number of Water Heaters/System Solar Fraction (%) DHW Sys 1 Pipe Insulation, All Lines 22 No Control DHW Heater 1 1 Annual Registration Number: 2i4-N0i22944A-ooooooooo-oooo CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration Date/Time: 2014-10-22 ii:44:08 Report Version - CFlR-10172014-651 HERS Provider: CalCERTS inc. Report Generated at: 2014-10-22 11:16:26 CERTiFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLiANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 66 Calculation Date/Time: 11:13, Wed, Oct 22, 2014 Calculation Description: Titte 24 Analysis Input File Name: 28vllla66rev2.xml CF1R-PRF-01 Page 11 of 13 WATER HEATERS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 Name Heater Element Type Tank Type Tank Volume (gal) Energy Factor or Efficiency input Rating Tank Exterior insuiation R-vaiue Standby Loss (Fraction) DHW Heater 1 Natural Gas Large Instantaneous 1.4 0.84 500000-Btu/hr 0 0 WATER HEATING - HERS VERIFICATION 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Name Pipe insulation Parailei Piping Compact Distribution Point-of Use Recirculation Control Central DHW Distribution DHW Sys 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A HVAC SYSTEMS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Name System Type Heating System Name Ducted Cooling System Name Ducted Distribution System Fan System Floor Area Served Studios HVACSys Heat Pump Heating and Cooling System Heat Pump System 1 No Heat Pump System 1 No None ~ 3959 1st & 2nd Floor Suites HVACSys Heat Pump Heating and Cooling System Heat Pump System 2 No Heat Pump System 2 No None ~ 6361.6 3rd Floor Suites HVACSys Heat Pump Heating and Cooling System Heat Pump System 3 No Heat Pump System 3 No None -3180.8 HVAC - HEATING SYSTEMS: Heat Pumps 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Name Type Heating HSPF/COP Cap 47 Cap 17 Cooling SEER EER Zonally Controlled Multispeed Compressor HERS Verification Heat Pump System 1 RoomHeatPump 8.16 10700 8200 12 10.7 No No Heat Pump System 1 -hers-cool Heat Pump System 2 RoomHeatPump 9.12 8200 6800 12 10.5 No No Heat Pump System 1-hers-cool Heat Pump System 3 RoomHeatPump 8.16 10700 8200 12 10.7 No No Heat Pump System 1-hers-cool Registration Number: 2i4-NOl22944A-ooooooooo-oooo CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration Date/Time: 2014-10-22 11:44:08 Report Version - CFlR-10172014-651 HERS Provider; CalCERTS inc. Report Generated at: 2014-10-22 11:16:26 CERTIFICATE OF COMPUANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPUANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 66 Calculation Date/Time: 11:13, Wed, Oct 22, 2014 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: 28villa66rev2.xml CF1R-PRF-01 Page 12 of 13 HVAC HEAT PUMP COOLING - HERS VERIFICATION 01 02 03 04 05 Name Verified Airflow Verified EER Verified SEER Verified Refrigerant Charge Heat Pump System 1-hers-cool Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Heat Pump System 2-hers-cool Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Heat Pump System 3-hers-cool Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required lAQ (indoor Air Quality) FANS 01 02 03 04 05 06 Name lAQ CFM lAQWatts/CFM lAQ Fan Type lAQ Recovery Effectiveness(%) HERS Verification 8tudios11A-14A 26.877 0.25 Default 0 Required Suites11-14 38.856 0.25 Default 0 Required Sultes31-34 38.856 0.25 Default 0 Required Registration Number: 214-N0122944A-000000000-0000 CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration Date/Time: 2014-10-22 ii:44:08 Report Version - CF1R-10172014-6S1 HERS Provider: CalCERTS inc. Report Generated at: 2014-10-22 11:16:26 CERTIFICATE OF COMPUANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 66 Calculation Date/Time: 11:13, Wed, Oct 22,2014 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysts - Input File Name: 28vi«a66rev2.xml CF1R-PRF-01 Page 13 of 13 DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR'S DECLARATION STATEMENT 1.1 certify that this Certificate of Compliance documentation Is accurate and complete. Documentation Author Name: Craig Moya Documentation Au^^ Slgpatne: Company: Engineered Systenns Signature Date: ' ' 2014-10-2211:44:08 Address: POBox 2186 CEA/HERS Certification IdenUfication (If applicable): Clty/State/Zlp: Spring Valley, CA 91979 Phone: 619-825-7516 RESPONSIBLE PERSON'S DECLARATION STATEMENT 1 certify the following under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California: 1. 1 am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility fbr the building design Identified on this Certificate of Compliance. 2. 1 certify that the energy features and peribrmance speclfteatlons identified on this Certificate of Compliance conform to the requirements of TiUe 24, F>art 1 and Part 6 of the California Code of Regulations. 3. The bullding design features or system design features identified on this Certificate of Compliance are consistent with the information provided on other applicable compliance documents, worksheets, calculations, plans and specifications submitted to the enforcement agency for approval with this building permit application. Responsible Designer Name: Responsible Designer Signature: Company: Date Signed: Address: License: Clly/State/ZIp: Phone: Digitally signed by CalCERTS. This digital signature is provided in order to secure the content of this registered document, and in no way implies Registration Provider responsibility for the accuracy of the information. Registration Number: 214-N0122944A-ooooooooo-oooo CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration Date/Time: Report Version - CFlR-10172014-651 2014-10-2211:44:08 HERS Provider: CalCERTS inc. Report Generated at: 2014-10-22 11:16:26 COMMUNITY Development Services Building Division FACILITIES Development Services Building Division CITY OF DISTRICT NO. 1 1635 FaradayAvenue CARLSBAD NON-RESIDENTIAL B-32 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov NON-RESIDENTIAL CERTIFICATE: Non-Residential land owner, please read this option carefully and be sure you thoroughly understand before signing. The option you chose will affect your payment of the developed Special Tax assessed on your property. This option is available only at the time of the first building permit issuance. Property owner signature is required before signing. Your signature is confirming the accuracy of all information shown. GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD LP 619-297-8066 Name of Owner 5900 PASTEUR CT, #200 Telephone 1581 MARBRISA CR Address CARLSBAD CA 92008 Project Address CARLSBAD CA 92008 City, State 211-131-13-00 Zip City, State Zip Assessor Parcel Number(s) or APN(s) and Lot Numbers(s) if not yet subdivided by County Assessor CB142413 Building Permit Number(s) As cited by Ordinance No. NS-155 and adopted by the City of Carlsbad, Galifornia, the City is authorized to levy a Special Tax in Community Facilities District No. 1. All non-residential property, upon the issuance of a building permit, shall have the option to (1) pay the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX ONE TIME or (2) assume the ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - DEVELOPED PROPERTY for a period not to exceed twenty-five (25) years. Please indicate your choice by initializing the appropriate line below: OPTION (1): I elect to pay the SPECIAL TAX - ONE TIME now, as a one-time payment. Amount of One-Time Special Tax: $ 12,113.92 Owner's Initials . "jCOPTION (2): I elect to pay the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX ANNUALLY for a period not to exceed twenty-five (25) years. Maximum annual Special Tax: $ 1,672.93 Owner's Initials "jj^ I DO HEREBY CERTIFY UNDER,J»ENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THE UNDERSIGNED IS THE PROPERTY OWNER OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND T^AT I UNDERSTAND AND WILL COiVIPLY WiTH THE PROVISION AS STATED ABOVE. Signanjfe Sf'PrtSpert? Title ts ( Print Name Date The City of Carlsbad has not independently verified the information shown above. Therefore, we accept no responsibility as to the accuracy or completeness of this information. Land Use: HOTEL Imp.Area II FY 14/15 Annex date: 12/1993 Factor: .8672 X Square Ft : 13,969 = $12,113.92 B-32 Page 1 of 1 Rev. 07/09 SAN DIEGO REGIONAL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS QUESTIONNAIRE OFFICE USE ONLY UPFP# HV# BP DATE / / Businesj; Name 6g>tf-T) PAC<^>C <^i>af> Business Contact Telephone # Project Address City state Zip Code APN# IVIaJling Address Project Contact City state Zip Code Plan File# Teleohone # The following questions represent the facility's activities, NOT the specific project description. PART I: FiRE DEPARTMENT - HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIViSION: OCCUPANCY CLASSIFiCATiON: Indicate by circling the item, whether your business will use, process, or store any of the following hazardous materials. If any of the items are circled, applicant must contact the Fire Protection Agency with jurisdiction prior to plan submittal. Facility's Square Footage (including proposed project): Occupancy Rating: 1. Explosive or Blasting Agents 5. Organic Peroxides 9. Water Reactives 13. Corrosives 2. Compressed Gases 6. Oxidizers 10. Cryogenics 14. Other Health Hazards 3. Flamnaable/Combustlble Liquids 7. Pyrophorics 11. Highly Toxic or ToxicMaterials 15. None of These. 4. Flammable Solids 8. Unstable Reactives 12. Radioactives PART 11: SAN DiEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH - HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DiViSIONS (HMDl: If the answer to anv of the questions is yes, applicant must contact the County of San Diego Hazardous Materials Division, 5500 Overland Ave., Suite 110, San Diego, CA 92123. Call (858) 505-6700 prior to the issuance of a building permit. FEES ARE REQUIRED. Project Completion Date: / / Expected Date of Occupancy: • CalARP Exempt I Date Initials • CalARP Required / Date Initials • CalARP Complete / Date Initials YES NO (for new construction or remodeling projects) 1. D 0^ Is your business listed on the reverse side of this form? (check all that apply). 2. • Will your business dispose of Hazardous Substances or Medical Waste in any amount? 3. • !• Will your business store or handle Hazardous Substances in quantities equal to or greater than 55 gallons, 500 pounds, 200 cubic feet, or carcinogens/reproductive toxins in any quantity? 4. • • Will your business use an existing or install an underground storage tank? 5. • •^Will your business store or handle Regulated Substances (CalARP)? 6. • Will your business use or install a Hazardous Waste Tank System (Title 22, Article 10)? 7. • Q^Will your business store petroleum in tanks or containers at your facility with a total storage capacity equal to or greater than 1,320 gallons? (Califomia's /yjoveground Petroleum Storage Act). PART iii: SAN DiEGO COUNTY AiR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT: If the answer to any of the questions below is yes, applicant must contact the Air Pollution Control District (APCD), 10124 Old Grove Road, San Diego, CA 92131-1649, telephone (858) 586-2600 prior to the issuance of a building or demolition permit. Note: if the answer to questions 4 or 5 is yes, applicant must also submit an asbestos notification form to the APCD at least 10 working days prior to commencing demolition or renovation, except demolition or renovation of residential structures of four units or less. Contact the APCD for more infonnation. YES NO^ [3 Will the subject facility or construction activities include operations or equipment that emit or are capable of emitting an air contaminant? (See the APCD factsheet at http://www.sdapcd.orq/info/facts/permits.pdf. and the list of typical equipment requiring an APCD permit on the reverse side ^ of this from. Contact APCD if you have any questions). Er (ANSWER ONLY IF QUESTION 1 IS YES) Will the subject facility be located within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school (K through 12)? .(Search the California School Directory at http://viww.cde.ca.qov/re/sd/ for public and private schools or contact the appropriate school district). S3i Has a survey been performed to determine the presence of Asbestos Containing Materials? Will there be renovation that involves handling of any friable asbestos materials, or disturbing any material that contains non-friable asbestos? Q Will there be demolition involving the removal of a load supporting structural member? • • • • Briefly desjcrige business activities: here I declare under penaltyof perjury that to the best of my knowledge and beJisMhe-respons] <f?^A/ "TJi^rJT -^^^-^rv^ ^^^^^ Name of Owner or Authorized Agent SrgTlature of Owner or Authorized Agent Briefly describe proposed project: re true and correct. Date ' FIRE DEPARTMENT OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION:. BY; FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: DATE: EXEMPT OR NO FURTHER INFORNIATION REQUIRED RELEASED FOR BUILDING PERMIT BUT NOT FOR OCCUPANCY RELEASED FOR OCCUPANCY COUNTY-HMD* APCD COUNTY-HMD APCD COUNTY-HMD APCD *A stamp in this box oniv exempts businesses from completing or updating a Hazardous Materials Business Plan. Other permitting requirements may still apply. HM-9171 (02/11) County of San Diego - DEH - Hazardous Materials Division Ccityof Carlsbad CERTIFICATION OF SCHOOL FEES PAID B-34 Development Services Building Department 1635 FaradayAvenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov This form must be completed by the City, the applicant, and the appropriate school districts and returned to the City prior to issuing a building permit. The City will not issue any building permit without a completed school fee form. Project Name Building Permit Plan Check Number: Project Address: A.P.N Project Applicant (Owner Name): GRAND PACIFIC RESORTS CB142413 1581 MARBRISA CR 211-131-13-00 GRAND PACIFIC RESORTS Project Description: NEW 12 UNIT TIMESHARE Building Type Residential: NEW DWELLING UNIT(S) Square Feet of Living Area in New Dwelling/s Second Dwelling Unit: Residential Additions: Square Feet of Living Area in SDU Net Square Feet New Area Commercial/Industrial: 13,969 Net Square Feet New Area '^"^ ~ 75^3.2^ City Certification of Cyj^ Applicant Infonnation; (~XiPuuLhllS/^ Date 10/07/2014 SCHOOL DISTRICTS WITHIN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ^ Carlsbad Unified School District 6225 El Camino Real Carlst)ad CA 92009 (760-331-5000) • Vista Unified School District 1234 Arcadia Drive Vista CA 92083 (760-726-2170) 1 1 San Marcos Unified School District 255 Pico Ave Ste. 100 San Marcos, CA 92069 (760-290-2649) Contact: Nancy Dolce (By Appt. Only) 1 1 Encinitas Union School District 101 South Rancho Santa Fe Rd Encinitas, CA 92024 (760-944-4300x1168) 1 ) San Dieguito Union High School District-By Appointment Only 684 Requeza Dr. Encinitas, CA 92024 (760-753-6491 X 5514) Certification of Applicant/Owners. The person executing this dedaration ("Owner") certifies under penalty of perjury that (1) the information provided above is correct and true to the best of the Owner's knowledge, and that the Owner will file an amended certification of payment and pay the additional fee if Owner requests an increase in the number of dwelling units or square footage after the building permit is issued or if the initial detennination of units or square footage is found to be incorrect, and that (2) the Owner is the owner/developer of the above described project(s), or that the person executing this declaration Is authorized to sign on behalf ofthe Owner. Signature: B-34 Date: I'O' \ti H Page 1 of 2 Rev. 03/09 (To be completeci by the school district(s)) ********************************************************* THIS FORM INDICATES THAT THE SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROJECT HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE SATISFIED. SCHOOL DISTRICT: The undersigned, being duly authorized by the applicable School District, certifies that the developer, builder, or owner has satisfied the obligation for school facilities. This is to certify that the applicant listed on page 1 has paid all amounts or completed other applicable school mitigation determined by the School District. The City may issue building pemnits for this project. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICIAL TITLE NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT DATE PHONE NUMBER CARLSBAD UNIRED SCHOOL DISTRICT 6225 EL CAMINO RFAt. CARLSBAD.CA 92009 B-34 Page 2 of 2 Rev. 03/09 City of Carlsbad Permit No: Address Valuation Worksheet Assessor Parcel No. Date Building Division By Type of Work Area of Work Multiplier VALUE SFD and Duplexes $132.05 $0.00 Residential Additions $157.88 $0.00 Remodels / Lofts* $68.98 $0.00 Apartments & Multi-family $117.70 $0.00 Garages/Sunrooms/Solariums $34.45 $0.00 Patio/Porch/Carport $11.48 $0.00 Enclosed Patio* $18.66 $0.00 Decks/Balconies/Stairs 3,670 $18.66 $68,482.20 Retaining Walls, concrete,masonry $22.96 $0.00 Pools/Spas-Gunite $48.80 $0.00 Tl/Stores, Offices $43.32 $0.00 Tl/Medical, restaurant, H occupancies $60.29 $0.00 Photovoltaic Systems/ # of panels $400.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 HOTEL TYPE VB 13,432 $107.65 $1,445,954.80 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Fire Sprinkler System $3.73 $0.00 Air Conditioning - commercial $6.03 $0.00 Air Conditioning - residential $5.02 $0.00 Fireplace/ concrete, masonry $4,621.70 $0.00 Fireplace/ prefabricated Metal $3,141.89 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL Valuation: $1,514,437 Comm/Res (C/R): C Building Fee $4,558 36 Plan Check Fee $3,190 85 Strong Motion Fee $318 00 Green Bldg. Stand. Fee $60 00 Green Bldg PC Fee $150 00 License Tax/PFF $53,005 30 License Tax/PFF (in CFD) $27,562 75 CFD 1st hour of Plan CheckFire Expedite Plumbing Mechanical Electrical TBD TBD TBD $1,514,437.00 CFD 0 Yes (PFF=1.82%) 0 No (PFF = 3.5%) Land Use: Density: Improve. Area: Fiscal Year: Annex. Year: Factor; CREDITS PFF and/orCFD Explanation: INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT SCREENING SURVEY Date Business Name_ Street Adclress_ Email Address PLEASE CHECK HERE IF YOUR BUSINESS IS EXEMPT: (ON REVERSE SIDE CHECK TYPE OF BUSINESS) |^ Check all below that are present at your facility: Acid Cleaning Assembly Automotive Repair Battery Manufacturing Biofuel Manufacturing Biotech Laboratory Bulk Chemical Storage Car Wash Chemical Manufacturing Chemical Purification Dry Cleaning Electrical Component Manufacturing Fertilizer Manufacturing Film / X-ray Processing Food Processing Glass Manufacturing Industrial Laundry Ink Manufacturing Laboratory Machining / Milling Manufacturing Membrane Manufacturing (i.e. water filter membranes) Metal Casting / Forming Metal Fabrication Metal Finishing Electroplating Electroless plating Anodizing Coating (i.e. phosphating) Chemical Etching / Milling Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing Metal Powders Forming Nutritional Supplement/ Vitamin Manufacturing Painting / Finishing Paint Manufacturing Personal Care Products Manufacturing Pesticide Manufacturing / Packaging Pharmaceutical Manufacturing (including precursors) Porcelain Enameling Power Generation Print Shop Research and Development Rubber Manufacturing Semiconductor Manufacturing Soap / Detergent Manufacturing Waste Treatment / Storage SIC Code(s) (if known):. Brief description of business activities (Production / Manufacturing Operations): Description of operations generating wastewater (discharged to sewer, hauled or evaporated): DT qpi Estimated volume of industrial wastewater to be discharged (gat/day): ^//i List hazardous wastes generated (type / volume): /y/^ Date operation began/or will begin at this location: Have you applied for a Wastewater Discharge Pennit from the Encina Wastewater Authority? Yes No If yes, when: Site Contact ^ojyA/J /^/^<'<<h Siqnature ^^^^ ENCINA WA^ " ^Title ^.g^^/C/A/ r£A/^>? i\/T Phone No. ATER AUTHORITY, 6200 Avenida Encinas Carlsbad, CA 92011 (760) 438-3941 FAX: (760)476-9852 CB142413 1581 MARBRISA CR GRAND PACIFIC VILLA 66 - BUILD 1/1,0 11^ i/j ^^ Final Inspection required by: • Plan • CM&f • Fire a Approved . ^. ^ fJ Date •cv. BUILDING PLANNING trovcd . ^ y '-J Pate, ENGINEERING FIRE Expedite? DIGrrAL FILES Required? Y N (( -5^ HazMat APCD Health Forms/Fees Sent Rec'd Encina Fire HazHealttiAPCD PE&M School Sewer Stonnwater Specialjijspection ecialjqsi CFD^; N I //f/i^/f I 'rn^^ LandUse; Density: ImpArea: FY: Annex; Factor; lo Due? By I \zz>t'if PFF: Comments Date ate Building Planning Engineering Fire /o Date Oate Need? Done • Done City of Carlsbad 02-19-2015 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Plan Check Revision Permit No:PCR15009 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Reference #: PC #: Project Title: 1581 MARBRISA CR CBAD PCR 2111311300 Lot#: $0.00 Construction Type: GRAND PACIFIC RESORTS: DEFERRED TRUSS 5B status: Applied: Entered By: Plan Approved: ISSUED 02/05/2015 JMA 02/19/2015 Issued: 02/19/2015 Inspect Area: Applicant: TIM TAYLOR Owner: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD L P 619-458-4488 5900 PASTEUR CT #200 CARLSBAD CA 92008 Plan Check Revision Fee Fire Expedited Plan Review Additional Fees $125.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Fees: $125.00 Total Payments To Date: $125.00 Balance Due: $0.00 Inspector: FINAL APPROVAL Date: Clearance: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have previouslv been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previouslv otherwise expired. %^ City of Carlsbad PLAN CHECK REVISION APPLICATION B-15 Development Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov Plan Check Revision No. Original Plan Check No. CB142413 Project Address 1581 Marbrisa Circle, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Date 2/5/2015 Contact Tim Taylor Ph 619-458-4488 Fax 619-445-9340 Email tt@accelfra.eom Contact Address 2733 Alpine Blvd. Suite 100 City Alpine Zip 91901 General Scope of Work Deferred Truss Original plans prepared by an architect or engineer, revisions must be signed & stamped by that person. 1. Elements revised: I I Plans [•] Calculations • Soils • Energy Q Other 2. Describe revisions In detail List page(s) where each revision is shown 4. List revised sheets that replace existing sheets Deferred Truss 5 • Does this revision, in any way, alter the exterior of the project? • Yes 6. Does this revision add ANY new floor area{s)? • Yes 0 No 7. Does this revision affect any fire related issues? • Yes [•] No 8. Is this a complete se^ • Yes [•] No ^Signature- IZI No 1635 FaradayAvenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Efa: 760-602-2719 £ax: 760-602-8558 EmaiLbuilding@carlsbadca.gov vwwv.carlsbadca.gov EsGil Corporation In (Partnersfiip •witH Qovemment for (BuiCtfing Safety DATE: 2/11/2015 • APPLICANT • JURIS. JURISDICTION: CityofCarlsbad • PLAN REVIEWER • FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 14-2413 rev(PCR15-09) SET: I PROJECT ADDRESS: 1581 Marbrisa Circle PROJECT NAME: Marbrisa Resort Villa 66 Truss Package XI The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. I I The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. I I The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. I I The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. I I The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. I I The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: IXI EsGii Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. I I EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone #: Date contacted: (by: ) Email: Mail Telephone Fax In Person • REMARKS: By: David Yao Enclosures: approved plan EsGil Corporation • GA • EJ • MB • PC 2/9 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, Califomia 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 City of Carlsbad 14-2413 rev(PCR15-09) 2/11/2015 [DO NOT PAY- THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE] VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE PLAN CHECK NO.: 14-2413 JURISDICTION: CityofCarlsbad rev(PCR15-09) PREPARED BY: David Yao BUILDING ADDRESS: 1581 Marbrisa Circle BUILDING OCCUPANCY: DATE: 2/11/2015 BUILDING PORTION AREA ( Sq. Ft.) Valuation Multiplier Reg. Mod. VALUE ($) truss package Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code cb By Ordinance Bldg. Permit Fee by Ordinance Pian Cliecl< Fee by Ordinance Type of Review: LU • Repetitive Fee \^ ] Repeats Complete Review • Other [3 Hourly EsGil Fee $125.00 • Structural Only 1 $100.00 Hr. $100.00 * Based on hourly rate Comnnents: Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc + RECEIVED FEB 05 2015 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DIVISION Empire Truss, Inc ROOF TROSS CALCOLATIONS Project Name: Project Number: Jobsite Location: E.O.R.: Design Engineer: Date: "IViARBRISA VILLAS - 65/66" R1549 Carlsbad, California Burkett & Wong Engineers Ed Salazar January 22, 2015 The bound truss drawings having an electronic seal and signature printed on each page have been reviewed and approved by the truss designer (truss design engineer) as indicated by the engineer's wet seal and signature on the inside cover page. This review and approval applies solelv to the attached truss design drawing pages that are bound together. City of Carisbad Building Division FEB 19 2015 APPROVED BY: £ ISSUED BY: ©BURKETT&WONG ENCJINEERS No Exceptions Tak«n • Fun.ish as notad • Raviss and rssubmit • R«ject»d This review is only fbr general compliance with the design concept of the project and general connplianoe witti the information given in the contract documents Comments made on these drawings do not relieve the contractor from compliance with the requirements ofthe plans and specifications Contractor's responsitxiity shall cover, but shall not tw limited to. elevationa. dimensions, quantities, information pertaining lo fabrication processes, means and methods of construction, and coonjination of work with all othar BY: 1850 Atlanta Avenue • Riverside, California 92507 • (951) 30 DATE 1758 • Fax: {951)300-1769 f etc IvT- Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside. CA 92507 Phone; (951) 300-1758 Fax: (951)300-1768 RE: California requirements for v^et and electronically applied seals and si.qnatures: To whom it may concern: The Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors in the State of California has discussed the usage of electronic transfers of legal documents bearing the seal and signature of a duly registered engineer. The current applicable rule is: Title 16, Division 5 Section 411 (e) The seal shall be capable of leaving a permanent ink representation, an opaque and permanent impression, or an electronically-generated representation on the documents. The signature may be applied to the documents electronically. Basically what this means is that it is acceptable for a registered engineer in California to use electronically produced seals and signatures to approve engineering drawings, such as truss drawings. There is no requirement for "Wet Seals" from the State. Further, it is also acceptable to use packages of drawings, bound together and signed only on the coversheet. This practice is described in the Business and Professions Code, section 6735. Sincerely, GaIek, PE ++ The bound truss design drawing having an electronic seai and signature printed on each page have been reviewed and approved by the truss designer (truss design engineer) as indicated by engineer's wet signatures on this cover page. This review and approval applies solely to the attached truss design drawings pages that are bound together. Table of Content • Certificate of Quality • ANSI/TPI Standard responsibilities • ICCES ESRI 118 Evaluation report on ITW Connector Plates • Inland Empire Truss Inc. General Truss Details • BCSI - BCSI Bl Summary Sheet Bracing Recommendations • Truss Placement Plan • Truss Drawings •TableofContent.doc 2/15/2012 'XK I CERTIFICATE OF QUALITY NT t O H A L i H S P ECT t O H A & SOC 5 .A "f f O H , } N C QUALITY Bymr&mB WiAmMmmmH-i, INC. AH ACCREDfTEll AaENCY P.O. Box 3426 GILLETTE, WY 82717-3426 (.3G7> 685-633 t OPFfCE i:i}JiSiU:£rrMMil£^.J^m. WE ARE AN AuprTlNa / iNSPECTiON ACSENCY RECQGHIZEO BY iNTERNATtONA CODE CONFERENCE AND THE iNTeRNATfONAL ACCRE^^ INC. THAT AUDITS / INSPEGTS THE FABRIGATtPN OF METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSS FABRICATORS, UNDER hA.&, RCPOf?T NUMfeER THIS is To VERIFV THAT : INLAND Ef^PIRiH TRUSS, iNC IS UNDER OUn AUDITED QUALITV CONTROL PROGRAM ANO HAVE ©EEN SINCE: .iANy^f^Y (, 2 ooe PIEASE SEE LATEST COMPL-ETED INSPECTION FOR CONT!W-UKD CURTIFICATION WE AUDIT TME FABRICATION ACCO«DING to NIA AC 01 , UNDER THE FOLLOWING: U.B.C., LB.C, t.R.C. CODES. AND ANSI NATIONAL STANDARDS L,A TES T R e Vi S i O N B NATIONAL INSPECTION ASSGCtATrON, INC. FINDS THROUGH OBSERVANCE, THAT THE ABOVE MENTIONED FACILITY IS IN ACCORDANCe WITH QR EXCEED-S ALL MINIMUM CONFORMANCE TO TME STANDARDS. INLAND EwFtRK Tnuss, (NC F/VBRtGATOR KEITH H. ANUERSON PRINCIPAL w—NIA—-K BOARD OF BUILDING AND SAFETY COMMISSIONERS HELENA JUBANY PRESIDENT VAN AMBATIELOS VICE-PRESIDENT E. FELICIA BRANNON VICTOR H. CUEVAS GEORGE HOVAGUIMIAN CITY OF LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY 201 NORTH FIGUEROA STREET LOS ANGELES, CA 90012 RAYMOND S. CHAN, C.E., S.E. GENERAL MANAGER ERIC GARCETTI MAYOR ITW Building Components Group, Inc. 2400 Lake Orange Dr, Suite 150 Orlando, FL 32837 Attn: Stuart L. Lewis (800) 755-6001 RESEARCH REPORT: RR 24201 (CSI 06 17 53) BASED UPON ICC EVALUATION SERVICE REPORT NO. ESR-lllS REEVALUATION DUE DATE: June 1,2016 Issued Date: June 1, 2014 Code: 2014 LABC GENERAL APPROVAL -Reevaluation/Clerical Modification - Alpine Wood Truss Connector Plates. DETAILS The above assemblies and/or products are approved when in compliance with the use, description, design, installation, conditions of approval, and identification of Report No.ESR- 1118, reissued November 1, 2012, Revised February 2014, of the ICC Evaluation Service, Incorporated. The report, in its entirety, is attached and made part of this general approval. The approval is subject to the foUowing conditions: 1. Trusses utilizing these connector plates shall be fabricated in the shop of a licensed fabricator, approved by the Department. 2. All member ends to be connected shall be accurately cut and tightly fitted. 3. The plates shall be installed in pairs on opposite faces of members connected. 4. Each connector plate shall be identified as required by TPI 1 on Section 7 of Report No. ESR-lllS. RR 24201 Page 1 of3 LADBS G-5 (Rev.04/30/2014) AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY - AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER ITW Building Components Group, Inc RE: Alpine Wood Truss Connector Plates 5. Trusses and connectors shall be designed in accordance with recognized engineering principles by a civil or structural engineer or architect licensed by the State of Califomia. Plans and calculations shall be submitted to Structural Plan Check for their approval. 6. Connector size and location with respect to the edges and ends of wood members connected at each joint shall be completely detailed on the approved plans for each job. 7. Allowable lateral resistance values for the metal connector plates installed at the heel joint of a truss must be reduced in accordance with Sections 2303.4.6 and 2306.1 of the 2014 Los Angeles City Building Code. Heel joint applications shall be limited to trusses up to a maximum 35 foot span and a maximum truss spacing of 24 inches on center. 8. For use of the connectors on trusses with clear spans exceeding 38 feet, the allowable load of the connectors shall be two-thirds (%) of the values indicated in Table No. I of Evaluation Report No. ESR-lllS. The connectors shall not be installed in members of trusses with clear spans exceeding 50 feet. 9. Stresses on the net steel section of the steel material of the plate shall not exceed the allowable stress in tension or shear, as permitted in Chapter 22 of the 2014 Los Angeles City Building Code. 10. The allowable connector loads for directions of load at angles between Cf to 9(f, with respect to the length of the plate, may be established by linear interpolation between the values for (f and 9(f. DISCUSSION The Clerical Modification is to update the address and phone number of the report holder. The report is in compliance with 2014 Los Angeles Building Code. This report is based on tests and analyses in accordance with the National Design Standard for Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Construction, ANSI/TPI 1 and the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Metal Hinge Plate Connectors for Wood Trusses (AC283), dated February 2008. This general approval will remain effective provided the Evaluation Report is maintained valid and unrevised with the issuing organization. Any revisions to the report must be submitted to this Department, with appropriate fee, for review in order to continue the approval of the revised report. Addressee to whom this Research Report is issued is responsible for providing copies of it, complete with anv attachments indicated, to architects, engineers and builders using items approved herein in design or construction which must be approved by Department of Building anyd.Safet\^ Engineers and Inspectors. RR 24201 Page 2 of 3 LADWfe^Rev.04/30/2014) AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY - AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER ITW Building Components Group, Inc RE: Alpine Wood Truss Connector Plates This general approval of an equivalent altemate to the Code is only valid where an engineer and/or inspector of this Department has determined that all conditions of this Approval have been met in the project in which it is to be used. ALLEN PEERY, Chief Engineering Research Section 201 N. Figueroa St., Room 880 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Phone-213-202-9812 Fax-213-202-9943 vc RK2420l/MSWord2010 R05/04/I4 5D/2303/2304.4.2/2306.1 Attachment: ICC ES Report No. ESR-1118 (7 Pages) RR 24201 P^ge3:|)f3 LADBS G-5 (Rev.04/30/2014) ^==;;=^^QUAL EMPLOYMEWTOPPORTtmirr-"APPtRMATIVgAeTtOW-gMPtOYER^— — TPI 1-2007 REQUIREMENTS OF THE TRUSS DESIGNER AND MANUFACTURER 23.5 Requirements of the truss design engineer. Preparation of truss design drawings ^ Th^ Truss I3esign Engineer shall supervise the preparation ofthe truss design drawings based on ttie truss design aiteria and requirements set forth in the construction documents or as otherwise set forth in writing b/ the registered design professional for the buiiding as supplied to the truss design engineer by the contractor through the truss manufacturer. Single truss component design The Truss Desigrt Engineer shall be responsible for the single truss component design depicted on the truss design drawing Truss design drawing seal and signature Each individual truss design drawring shall bear the seal and signature of the Truss Design Engineer. Exception: when cover/truss index sheet is used, it is the only document required to be singed and sealed by the Truss Design Engineer. Truss placement diagram When tiie Truss Placement Diagram serves only as a guide for truss installation, it does not require the seai ofthe truss design engineer. Information on truss design drawings Truss design drawings shall include, a minimum, the information specified below: 1. Building code used for design, unless specified on cover/truss Index sheet. 2. Slope or depth, span and spacing. 3. Location of ali joints and support locations 4. Number of plies if greater than one 5. Required bearing widths 6. Design loads as applicable, including: a. top chord live load (for roof trusses, this shall be the controlling case of live load or snow load); b. top chord dead load c. bottom chord live load d. bottom chord dead load e. additional loads and locations f. environmental load design criteria (wind speed, snow seismic and all applicable Actors as required to calculate the truss loads); g. other lateral loads, including drag strut loads 7. Adjustments to wood member and metal connector plate design vatues for condftions of use. 8. Maximum reaction force and direction, including majdmum uplift reaction forces where applicable 9. Metal connector plate type, manufacturer, size and thickness or gauge and the dimensioned location of each metal connector plate except where symmetrically located relative to the Joint interface 10. Size, species and grade for each wood member 11. Truss to tmss connection and truss field assembly requirements 12. Calculated span to deflection ratio and/or maximum vertical and horizontal deflection for live and total load and KCR as applicable 13. Maximum axial tension and compression forces in the truss nvembers 14. Fabrication tolerance per TPI-1 Sectton 6.4.10 15. Required permanent individual truss member restraint location and the method of restralnt^racing to be used per TPI-1 Section 2.3.3 Responsibility exemptions The Truss Design Engineer is responsible for items listed in TPI-1 Section 2.3.5 and is not responsible for the requirements of other parties specified outside of TPI-1 Section 2.3.5 2.3.6 itequirements ofthe truss manufacturer Truss design criteria and requirements The Truss Manufacturer shall obtain the truss design criteria and requirements form the construction documents Communication to Truss Design Engineer The Tnjss Manufacturer shall communicate the truss design criteria and requirements to the Truss Design Engineer Altemate truss designs If an alternative or partial set of truss de5ign(s) shall be sent to and reviewed by the Registered Design Professional for the buflding prior to manufacturing. These altemative set of design(s) do not require the seal of the Truss Design Engineer until accepted by the Registered Design Professional for the budding, whereupon these altemative truss design drawings shall be sealed by the Truss Design Engineer. Truss placement diagram Where required by the construction documents or contract, the Truss Manufticturer shall prepare the Truss Placement Diagram that identifies the assumed location for each Nidividually designated truss and references Hie corresponding Truss Design Drawing. The Truss Placement Diagram shall be permitted to include identff^ng nartcs for other products mcluding structural elements, so that they may be more easily identified by the contractor during field erection. When the placement diagram serves only as a guide for truss installation and requires no engineering Input, it does not require itie seal of any Truss Design Engineer or Registered Design Professional. Required documents The Truss Manufacturer shall supply to the contractor the tmss submittal package, including the Truss Design Drawings sealed by a Truss Design Engirieer, a Truss Placement Diagram, if required by the contract documents or contract, and ihe required permanent individual truss member restraint and the method to be used per TPI-i SecSon 2.3.3 Special appllcatkm conditions The Truss Manufacturer shall be allowed to provide detail drawings to the contractor to document special application conditions. Truss submittal packages Where required by the construction documents or contract, legal requirements or the Building Official, the Truss Manufacturer shaH provide the appropriate truss submittal package to one or nrwre of the folk>wing: Building Official; Registered Design Professional for the building and/or Contractor for review and/or approval per TPI-1 Section 2.3,4.2 Reliance on construction documents The Truss Manufecturer shall be permSted to rely on the accuracy and completeness of infomnation fumished in the Construction Documents or otherwise fumished in writing by the Registered Design Professtonal forthe building and/or contractor Fabrication tolerance The Truss Manufacturer shall determine the value for tiie ^brlcation tolerance to be used in the design of the trusses Manufacturer qualHy crtteria The Truss Manufacturer shall manufacture ttte trusses in accordance with the final Truss Design Drawings, using the quality criteria is provided by the owner in writing or through the constructton documents. in-plant truss Inspections Truss inspections, as required by Bie jurisdiction, shall be performed at the manufacturer's facility using the manufacturer's in-plant quality assurance program monitored by an inspection agency approved by the jurisdiction, and shall satisfy any quality control/qualit/ assurance requirements for the trusses, and shall satisfy any designated in-plant special inspection requirements for the tnjsses. responsibility exemptions The Truss Manufacturer is responsible for items listed in TPI-1 Section 2.3.6 £^ ICC EVALUATION SERVICE MostWi 1 3cly Accepted and Trusted ICC-ES Evaluation Report ESR-1118 Reissued January 2015 This report is subjed to renewal January 2017. PLASTICS AND ihoivFabricated Wood Tnisses IfBUMMNG COMPONafTS GROUP INC. > LAKE ORANGE DRIVE, SUITE ISO MDO,FLORDA3^7 I (800) 423-6587 | .(562) 699-0543 A Subskliary of the Intemathnal Code Coundl* BCG WAVE, H, S, TRULOX, AND HINGE PLATE . CONNECTOR PLATES FOR WOOD TRUSSES e with the fbUtMring codes: 12 and 2009 Intemational BuHding Cods* (IBC) I ^0^2 and 2009 Intemational Residential Code'ORC) ^evaluated: ll USES BCG Truss Plate Connectors are used as joint components of light wood frame tnJSses. iSCRIPTION i IITWBCG Wave PlatB»Tniss Plate Connecton Wave Plate™ metal truss connector plates are ired from No. 20 gage [minknum 0.03S6 inch mm) total thidcness] steel complying with ASTM SS Grade 40, with a G60 galvanization coaling 15-inch (0.013 mm) ttiickness on each side], and a t>ase-(nelal SUckness of 0D346 inch (0.879 mm). Wave PMe is also available wKh G90 p).0008-inch 9 mm) thickness on each side] and G185 10.0016- |(0.040 mm) thKkness on each side] galvanizing levels to the same minimum l)ase.inet^ Mckness steel specified for the G60 galvanized Wave Plate. Pairs of are punched Ibmiing slots which are 0.12 inch (3l&|mm) vride and 0.50 inch (12.7 mm) king, are aligned p«)aiel to the plate lengtti. and are spaced 0.25 inch raj35 mm) on center across the wkSh of the plate and |[i|{0 ifKh (25.4 mm) on center along the length of ttie plate. teetti are staggered along ttw lengtti of ttie f 0.06 Inch (1.52 mm) trom each ottier in a dout)ie lUng pattern. resuWng in ttvee stot positkins: J in ttie row; 4-0.06 inch (1.52 mm) from ttie center of ttie row; and .0.06 incti (1.52 mm) from ttie center of ttie TOW, lesultiflg in an undulating or "wave' pattem wittiin each row of slots. The Wave Plate™ is available in 1-incli (25.4 mm) Increments of botti wkltti and length. See Figure 1 fordetaiis. 3.2 nw BCG Hands Connector Platas: rrw BCG H and S connector plates are manutactured in two fonns known as H (High Strength) and S (Super High Strengtti) fmm No. 20 gage [minimum 0.0356-inch (0.904 mm) total ttiickness] and No. 18 gage [minimum 0.04664ich (1.18 mm) tctal thkdmess], respectively, steel complying witti ASTM A653 HSLAS Grade 60, witti a 090 galvanlzattan coattng |0.00075-<nch (0.019 mm) ttik^kness on each sMe], and minimum base-metal ttiKknesses of 0.0341 inch (0.866 mm) and 0.0451 inch (1.146 mm), respecttvely. The H and S plates are also availalile with G60 [0.0005-inch (0.013 mm) ttikdoiess on each skle] galvanizing level applied to the same mMmum basemetal ttikAness steel as spedSed for the G90 gahfanized H and S plates. Pairs of 0.115-by-0.327-inch (2.92 by 8.31 mm) teeth are punched perpendkailar to ttie plane of Uie plate, each pair leaving a 0.11S-by4).49Hnch (2.92 by 12.45 mm) skit in ttie plate. The skits are s|»ced 0.875 inch (22.23 mm) apart on center lengttiwlse. Slots are grouped in sets of four, with each set consisting of four skits spaced 0.3125 kich (7.94 mm) apart on center wkittiwise. Adjacent sksis across the widtti are staggered 0.4375 kwh (11.11 mm) lengttiwise. Sets of skits are spaced 1.3125 inches (33.34 mm) apart on center wkittiwise. There are 6.97 teetti per square inch (1.08 teettVcm^) of plate. Teetti are pointed on ttie end and V-shaped ki cross sectton. See Rgure 2 for details. 3.3 nw BCG Trulox Connector Plate: Tnikix nail platas are made from No. 20 gage [minknum 0.0356Hnch (0.904mm) total ttikdoies^ steel complying witti ASTM A653 SS Grade 40, witti a G60 galvanizatton coattng (0.0005-inch (0.013 mm) ttiickness on each skle], and a minimum base-metal ttiickness of 0.0346 inch (0.879 mm). The Tnikix Connector Plate is a flat nailing plate wittiout kitegral teetti, uritti 0.131-inch-diameter (3.33 mm) naakig holes spaced 1 kich (25.4 mm) on canter lengthwise and 0.667 Inch (16.94 mm) on center widttntise. Adjacent holes along the length are staggered 0.333 kich (8.38 mm) wktthwise. There are 1.5 holes per square kich (645.16 mm') of plate. Plates are connected to wood witti separately applied naHs, such as 1.375-incli- long (34.93 mm). No. 11 gage diameter [0.12O5 inch (3.06 mm)], spkal shank truss nails, or simiar. The Tnikix nan plate is klentined by its hole pattern and ttie lack of any kitegral teetti. See Figure 3 for details. KKfSSh>al»alimll^omwtitol»beeaulimtd.B frleBiigarctlitrmaturtiitUartpcri.oratlomiypnAacomvdhylhenpOfl. 3.4 rrw BCG Hinge Plate: ITW BCG 2-by-8 Hkige Plates are made of No. 18 gage [minimum 0.0466-kich (1.18 mm) total ttik:kness] steel complyHig witti ASTM A653 SS Grade 37, witti a G60 galvanizatton coattng [0.0005 inch (0.013 mm) thickness on each skle], and a minimum base-metal thtekness of 0.0456 inch (1.16 mm). The Hkige Plate connector consists of two 2-by4.5-inch (51 by 114 mm) metal plates, overiapped by 1 kich (25.4 mm) and grommetted togettier with a brass grommet through a punclied hole In each piate. For each skle of the hkige plate, three rows of eight peks of teetti per row are punched perperxttcular to ttie plane of the plate, each pak- leavkig a 0.10-byO.6(Mnch (2.5 by 15.2 mm) skit ki the plate. The stots are spaced 1 inch (25 mm) apart on center lengthwise and 0.25 inch (4.2 mm) apart on center wklthwise, leaving 48 teeth on each skle of ttie hkige, i.e., a total of 96 teetti per plate. Each skit is offset akmg its lengtti 0.12 kwh (3.0 mm) ftom the a(4acent slots. Teeth are pointed on ttie end and V-shaped in cross sectton. See Figure 4 fbr details. 4.0 INSTALLATION 4.1 General: ITW BCG Wave, H, S and Hkige Tmss Plates are pressed kito the wood tor ttie ful depth of ttiek' teeth by liydraulk: presses, pneumattc presses, or rolier presses or by passing ttie unit through a statkmary rder press. •esign values shown fbr liydrauHoplaten embedment are valid fbr hydiauic, pneumatic presses, multiple roller presses that use part^ embedment fottowed by full- embedment roOeis, or comlikiattons of partial embedment roller presses and hydraulk>platen presses ttiat feed toisses kito a stationaiy finish nillor press. Oesign values shown for single pass roller presses are valkl for rollers 18 inches (457.2 mm) or larger ki diameter. Tnisses must be assembled wittiki ttie toterances provkled by TPI's Quality Criteria for Metal Plate Connected Wood Tmsses, as shown in Sectton 3 of ANSI/TPI 1-2007, Nattonal Design Standard fOr Metal Ptate Connected Wood Truss Constructton. 4.2 Allowable Design Values: 4.2.1 rrw BCG Wave, H and S Truss Plates: Aitowable design vakies fbr ITW BCG Wave, H and S, Tmss Plate Connectors used in the design of metal plate connected wood roof and floor busses are shown ki Tables 1 and 2. Allowable design values are appttcabte when the connectton is made witti klenScal plates on opposite skies of the joint The design, manutacture, and kstallatton of ttusses empkiying ttie ttuss plates must comply witti IBC Sectton 2303.4 or IRC Secttons R502.11 and R802.10. as applkable. 4.2.2 rrw BCG Tnilox Truss Plate Connector This connector is a nan plate using separately applied nails. Efiecttve steel tenston sttength ratkis must be determined based on accepted design principles for steel. Aitowable steel shear design vakies are shown ki Table 2. I.ateral resistance values must be determkied in accordance witti Uie design vakies for nals In ttie AF&PA Nattonal Design Spedficatton Ibr Wood ConsttucUoa Alowable design values are applkable when the connectton Is made wkh klenttcal plates and naikig p^tems on opposite skies of ttie jokit 4.2.3 ITW BCG Hinge Plate: The aitowable design vakies of ITW BCG Hkige Truss Plate Connectors ki shear, tenskm and compresston are shown ki Table 3. Imposed forces at ttie joint and wtthin the tmss contekiing ttie joint must be detennined uskig a sttuctural model witti a Dkl al the hkne tokit tocatton. Alkiwatile desnn vetoes are applk:able when the connectton Is made with a 1-inch (25.4 mm), or smaller, gap between ttie two vrood members at ttie connectton. The design load due to combined stiear and axial loads must not exceed the alkiwatile load uskig the Hankinson fonnula as follows: F.SP. where: Fe = Imposed oombkied stiear and axial toad, lb = (F.'*F,')'«' i Pg = Aitowable combkied shear and axial load, lb = (P.x P,y((P. X (sto 8 )^ + (P. X (cos 0 f)). Fa = knposed aidal force, lb. F, = Imposed shear force, Ib. P. = Aitowable axial force, ll. (In compresston or tenskxi conespondkig to knposed axial force). P. = aitowable shear toad. Ib. e(Rieta) - angle between F« and ttie lengtti of ttie plate. SLO coNomoNs OF USE The rrw BCG metal connector plates desctilied ki this report comply witti, or are suitable altemattves to what is specified ki, those codes Isled ki SecSon 1.0 of ttiis report, subject to ttie fbltowing condittons: i 5.1 This evaluatton report and ttie instellatton kistmcttons, when requkad by the code offtoial, must be submitted at the ttme of permit appltoatton. In the event of a confltot between the manufecturer's published uistellation kistmcttons and this report, this report governs. 5.2 Each appltoatton for a buttdkig pemiit uskig ttiese truss plate connectors must be accompanied by catoulattons, details and ottier documentaUon showkig ttiat ttie design, manufacture, and proposed kistallaton confonns vritti the requirements of the appltoable code. The catoulaUons must be prepared bf a registered design professtonal where requked by ttie statutes of the jurisdtofion In wlitoh the project is to be constmcted. 5.3 This report establishes plate design vakies only. For items not covered by ttiis report such as tmss design, tabricatton, quality assurance and inspectton, refer to ANSirrPI 1, engtoeering drawings and ttie appltoable code. 5.4 The design vakies (lateral resistance values, effective tenston sttength rattos, and effective shear resistence rattos) used ki Uie design of busses uskig fTW BCG wave, H and S metel buss cofmedor plales must not exceed ttxise Isted to Tables 1 and 2. The shear iBsistence rattos used to ttie design of trusses uskig nw BCG Tmkn Tmss Plate Connectors must not exceed ttiose listed to Tabte Z The shear, tenston and compresston toads used to ttie design of trusses ustog rtW BCG Hkige Tmss Plate Conneclor must not exceed ttiose listed in Tabte 3. Load combination reductions must be n accordance wtth ttie appticabte code. 5.5 All lumber used to the teixicatton of tnisses ustog rrw BCG Tmss Plate Connedois must be graded in compliance witti ttie appitoabto buldtog code and must have a moisture content not to exceed 19 percent at ttie ttme of assenMy. Wet senrice tactors liom ANSI/TPI 1-2007 Secfion 6.4.6 (ANSI/TPI 1-2002 Sectton 6.4.5) must be applied to ttie table values wlien the lunilier moisture content exceeds mi. ESR-1118 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 3 of 7 19 percent Allowabte toads shown in the tebtes of tills report are not applkable k> metal connector plates emtiedded to eittier fire-retardant-trsated lumber or preservative-treated lumber. 5.6 Metel tmss connector plates and hinge plates must be toslalled In pairs on opposite faces of ttuss members. 5.7 Galvanized G60 and 690 metel buss plate connectors subject to corrosive environmente must be protected to accordance wkh Section 6.5 of ANSI/TPII. Note: Condlllons 5.8 thmugh 5.13 apply to nw BCG Hinge Plate metaf connectors onfy: 5.8 Altowabte toad values for ttie ITW BCG Hinge Plates are appitoabto to htoge plate pairs instaled on opposite bees and positioned to ttm 180-degree (unbent) positton to ttie final instaUatton of ttw tmss. 5.9 The altowabte compression load given to Table 3 is valid for appltoattons where sheattitog is attached to ttw buss ctiord members containing the metal htoge plales, and lateral translation across ttw joint Is tohibited by ttie sheatting betog tostaled oonttnuously across the jotot as prescribed by code or by other means acceptable to the code offkiai. Hinge plate connectors must not be used to transfer any toads to a direction perpendtoular to the plane of the truss, such as lor design of load bansfer at joints of unbtocked diaphragms. 5.10 Due to ttw rotation provkjed at the joint of ttie ITW BCG Htoge Plates, the truss design must be modeled witti a pin at ttie hinge joint tocatton. In the ftoal toslalled conditton, shear toads must be applied wittito ttw plane of ttw hinge plate, at a 90-degrse angte to the long axis. 5.11 Design of diaplvagms witti busses manufactaired with ffie ITW BCG Hinge Plate is outskle ttw scope of ttiis report 5.12 Altowabte design values given to Table 3 fbr ITW BCG Hinge Rate connedois are appltoable wtwn the connecfon is made witti a 1-inch (25.4 mm), or smaller, gap between the two wood members at ttie connection. No adjustments fbr load duratton are permitted. 5.13 Use of ttie ITW BCG Htoge Plate Is limited to prefabricated trusses. Field kistallaUon Is prohibited. Compliance witti IBC Section 2303.4 or IRC Sections R502.11 and 1^802.10, as appllcaUe, is required. 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMnTED 6.1 Data in acconlance wMh the Nattonal Design Standard for Metal Plate Connected Wood Tmss Consbudton, ANSim>l 1 fbr Alptoe (now ITW BCG) Wave, H, S and Tmtox metel tmss plate connectors. 62 Engineertog summary of plate properties, table of design vakies, prepared by Alptoe En^neered Products, Inc., (now nw Bulding Components Group, Inc) signed, seated and dated September 17, 1999. S4 Manufacturers descriptive literature. 6.4 Oate to accordance Mitti ttw ICC-ES Acceptence Criteria for Melal Htoge Ptate Connectors fbr Wood Tmsses (AC283). dated Febmary 2008 (editorially revised September 2011) for Alptoe hinge plate metal connectors. 7.0 IDENTIFICATION See Figuies 1 through 4 for identtfying pattems. Wave Plates™ are klentttied by ttw unh)ue double-ofliset slot pattem. H and S plates are klenSlied by the embossed symbol "Alpine" and eittier "H20" or S18" (or Uw H and S plales, respectively. Hhige plales are klenttfied by the grommetted hinge and ttw symbols "Alpine" or 'HP288.*. Each sliipping contatoer of fTW BCG Tmss Plate Connectors is marked wtth ttie ITW Buildtog Components Group, Inc. name andfor trademark, and the evaluation report number(ESR-1118). ESR-1118 I Most Widely Accepted and Tnjsted Page 4 of 7 TABLE 1—ITW BCG WAVE PLATE™, H and S PLATES ALLOWABlf LATERAL RESISTANCE VALUES (IbAn'/PLATE)' nWBCG PLATE TPI AREA BASIS LUMBER* HYDRAUUC-PLATEN EMBEDMENT VALUES' SINGLE-PASS ROLLER EMBEDMENT VALUES* nWBCG PLATE TPI AREA BASIS LUMBER* AA EA AE EE AA EA AE EE WAVE GROSS AREA (ff'end KIT e<^ dtstancss) S. Pirie 206 158 163 170 179 143 142 153 WAVE GROSS AREA (ff'end KIT e<^ dtstancss) Doug. Fir-Larch 206 156 14S 153 179 141 126 138 WAVE GROSS AREA (ff'end KIT e<^ dtstancss) Hem-Rr 164 109 106 124 134 96.7 86.5 110 WAVE GROSS AREA (ff'end KIT e<^ dtstancss) SPF 159 109 108 118 130 96.7 86.S 105 WAVE NET AREA (Va" end & 0" edge distances) S.Pkie 275 195 163 170 239 177 142 153 WAVE NET AREA (Va" end & 0" edge distances) Doug. Flr4jvch 275 195 145 153 239 177 126 138 WAVE NET AREA (Va" end & 0" edge distances) Hem-Fir 208 134 106 124 170 119 86.5 110 WAVE NET AREA (Va" end & 0" edge distances) SPF 208 130 106 118 170 115 863 105 H' NET AREA (Vor "/j,"end SO" edge distances) S.Pme isr 128 122 123 147 118 91 112 H' NET AREA (Vor "/j,"end SO" edge distances) Doug. Fk--Larch 197 128 120 115 147 116 89 104 H' NET AREA (Vor "/j,"end SO" edge distances) HenvFir 143 • 84.7 82.5 92.7 117 81.2 67.1 88.9 H' NET AREA (Vor "/j,"end SO" edge distances) SPF 141 84.1 81.6 92.7 114 80.7 68.4 88.9 S" NET AREA ('/«• or "/aj" end & 0" edge dislances} S.Ptoe 236 173 156 136 182 133 120 105 S" NET AREA ('/«• or "/aj" end & 0" edge dislances} Doug. Fo'-Larch 236 173 156 136 182 133 120 105 S" NET AREA ('/«• or "/aj" end & 0" edge dislances} HenvFir 161 127 117 112 126 99 91 87 S" NET AREA ('/«• or "/aj" end & 0" edge dislances} SPF 161 127 117 112 126 99 91 87 For 51:1 psi = 6.9 kPa. Values ^ven in Table 1 are allowaUe lateial resistances of the metal connector ptate teeth, aqpressed in pounds per square inch of ):4ate for a single plate (double fbr plates on botti faces when applyinQ to area on only one face). To acMeve values, plates must be insbAed on opposite sides of Joint Values given in Table 1 are based on the fbllowifv assignad specific gravities fbr the lumber species combinations iisted: S. Pine G = 0.55, Doug fir-larch G » 0.50, hem-lir G « 0^, SPF G > 0.42. 'PMe orientation designatlons: AA = Ptate slots paraRei to load, wood grain parallel to toad. EA => Plate sicrts perpencycular to load, wood grain parallel to load. AE = Plate slots parallel lo load, wood grain perpencficular to load. EE - Plate slots perpendicuJar to load, wood grain perpendicular to toad, ^nrw BCG H and S r^tes: an end distance of'/»inch am>lles for the AA orientafion. and an end distanoe of "in inch appli^ for the EA orientation. TABLE BCG WAVE PLATE™, H. S AND TRULOX PLATES EFFECTIVE TENSION AND SHEAR RESISTANCE ALLOWABLE DESIGN VALUES PROPERTY & FORCE DIRECTION ITW BCG WAVE PLATE™ rrw BCG H PLATE rrw BCG SPLATE rrw BCG TRULOX PLATE PROPERTY & FORCE DIRECTION EfficV Ratio pN/tnlrof Plates ElBc'y Ratto plVpairor Plates EfHcV RaUo ptVpalrof Plales EfRcV Ratto PB/palrof PMa* Tension @0* 0.512 895 0.710 1784 0.735 2444 -- Tension@3Q" ----OJ*11 1367 -- Tension @ 60" ----0.289 981 -Tension® 90° 0.486 849 0.300 754 0.269 894 -- Shear@0* 0.563 656 0.435 656 0.568 1133 0.711 829 Shear® 30° 0.738 861 0.720 1086 0.752 1500 0.632 737 Shear® 60° 0.832 969 0.810 1223 0.941 1877 0.708 825 Shear@90° 0.487 567 0.517 780 0.642 1281 0.68S 775 Shear® 120° 0.4S4 529 0.330 498 0.515 1027 0.227 265 Shear® 150° 0.477 556 0.412 622 0.418 834 0.147 171 For SI: 11hfinch = 0.175 mmm. 11nch = 25.4 mm. 1118 m Widely landTi IPageS TABLE 3-rrW BCG HH4GE PLATE ALLOWABLE DESIGN VALUES'-* PROPERTY ALLOWABLE DESIGN VALUE (b) Shear 566 Tension 810 Compresston 810 For Si: 1 lbs 4.448 N. 'Design values determined using SPF lumber. tabulated design values must not be incFeased t>y any load di^tton factor. ii ii jj- c c c J y t > r——> ( ) ( ) ( > D C (. C J I > ( ) { ) c c c c ( > ( ) I ) t > ( ) J £0,375 in <95 r»n5 tooth length T" L r (6.35 nn) o.c. betfteen slots r _j OJS in (3115 nn) r-^f^\^ h- H Slot .atn 0.06 m (1.53 nn> 05 ^ (12.7 nn> offset between sioi length odjocpnl slots PLATE AVAILABLE IN iNCREtCNTS Or I Ih (SS.* «r*>. PLATE SHOVN ABOVE IS A ?X3 <2 IN X 3 IH SaS npt X 76.2 nfi>. -0J0356 in (0.904 niO rin. thickf^ss FIGURE 1—rrw BCG WAVE PLATE Trusm ige 6 oP T WBTS if • V (4 76 rw> -1 fT.94 fv»»^- i I n i I i I ihknir h—H ^ 0327 i_l r The ITW BCG H wid S plates are available in width inoements of l^/ieinch (33.3 mm) and length increments of 1^/4 inches (44.4 mm) This drawing shows size H02D3 or S0203 (^1% x %% inches) (67 x 89 mm) FIGURE 2-4TW BCG H AND£ PLATES 0.0356 in (D.904 nm) ===== r 0.131 ia (3.33 l>M)diaili. cX-^ in (4.23 u) o.c. *— edse distance r 2>'3 in (16.9 am) o.c. 1^3 in (8.47 u) o.c. offset [ 0.5 in (12.7 ms) o.c. i_edge distance 1 in (25.4 Ml) o.c. O.S in (12.7 u) betveen holes end dist. (typ.) PUTE MAILABLE 1)1 nKXEMEMTS OF 1 IH (25.4 lOf). PUTE SBOm UOVE IS A 2X4 (2 IH. X 4 51 an X 101 an). FIGURE »-rTW BCG TRULOX PtATE GRDMMET (BRASS, I.D. •= 0.39f> THRau(}H aS' DIAM. HDLES IN PLATES 0.12' OFFSET SETWEEl* ADJACENT SLOTS TYP. -It- aes' TYP. D.C. i-OieS* TYP. nc. TD EDGE r DISTANCE ALCRMG PLATE BETVEEN SUDT RDV CENTERLINES t. PLATE ENDS FIGURE 4—rrw BCG HINGE PLATE .SMXIMUM OVERHANG LENGTH FOR OUTLOOKERS GRADE SIZE DESIGN LOADS (PSF.) Hf§2 2X4 36 40 44 48 Hf§2 2X4 l'-6" I'-e" r-3" r-3" Hf§2 2X6 !'-9" 1'-9" 1'-9" l'-6" Df§2 2X4 r'-8" 1'-5" 1'-6" l'-3" Df§2 2X6 Z'-O" r-to" l'-9" DESIGN MEETS: ANSI/AF&PA NDS-?0n5 FIRST COMMON TRUSS- SEE STRUCTURAL •DRAWINGS FOR END NAILING OUTLQOKER DETAIL DETAIL A-A NOTCHES FOR OUTLOOKERS MAX. 1 t/2" DEEP 2X5 OR 2X4 STUDS FER TRUSS DRAWING '• fS.'t!^'"'^"''"'^ °^ STWJCTURAL PLANS FOR PROPSR MATERIAL ANP NAILINS PATT3?N FOR ROOF 2. THIS DETAIL IS NOT INTENt^D TO StJPSRSEUE ARCHITECTORAL OR STRU&T»KAL II^AILS AND ORAWINSS 3. REFER TO SEALS? TRUSS DRAWINS OR DETAIL REF ASCET-OS-SASIOOIS (tJWS NO AIOOI5iSOIO«0 " OR RS' ASCB1-aS-&AB\0050 fDW© NO. AlOCSOOSOW ^^-wio/^.- ALLOViABLE OABLE OUTLOOKER LENGTHS MAY2.20I3 OgA«. ^MAXIMUM UNSUPPORTED ©ASLE VH^TICAL UEN&TH OF 41" liJMAXIMUM TOTAL (SABLE VERTICAL LEH&TH IS 12 FEET m;<?oMPH ASOE --05 \=\JO EXPOSURE lv;30' MEAN ROOP HEISHT V;SABLE VERTICALS AT 16" 0£.. TWB* TOP etWRO. OASaiM. BRACE Srf£MS Af OC BRACE KW Exmc OP TO ROOF tP(APHR«t (•fiJtajW^ (5R DOW TOeOJN» » OR .2X4 •2X* RSJ^ SUWKm raise 2XA BRA£:iN& IMBACKJIW B.ACKIN6 ISgTAIL/opttonal) ATTAOH BACKIm MB«Bt TO VEKKM. MEB HTW Od tO-iat'oa. X 3.0*J HAILS T>1ROU»H VSKT10AL ¥n INTO SASKJNS AT *• OC. SECTION A-A r AND DRAMINSS. 1. THIS DETAIL IS NOT IWBMDE? TO SUPERKDE ARHOITECTORAL OR STRUOTJRAL DETAILS , 2. ALL KVOIN© MB-1BER5 TO BE DF-L »2 OR Bib I I cK UXO 3. PROVIDE OONhecTION OF DIAGONAL BRACE TO LATS?AL LOAD RESISTING SYSTEM FOR 360a 4. DIASONAL BRACE MAY EXTaiD DOWN TOIW^D IVE OEILINS DIAPHRAM 5. ATTAOH TRUSS TO »4ALER WITH 0) lOd BOX fO.I2a"* X 3.0-; NAILS TTIROUSH FRONT FACE OF TRUSS INTO WHALER. IN LIEU OF FACE NAILINS USE (S) tOd BOX TOE-NAILS OUT or PLANE BRACme Of SABLE ENP VERTICAL y^BS PUE TO /<INP PRESSURE «AY1,2013 3 SHAPED BLOCK 2" X 6" HIP (3)16d NAILS JACK TOP CHORD FIRST COMMON TRUSS (5) 16d TOC-NAILS (1) FRONT SIDE: AND (2) BACK SIDE DETAIL ^ALTERNATE: HIP CONNE;CTIONS DETAIL (3) Notes; 1. THIS DETAIL IS NOT INTENPEP TO SUPERSEPE ARHCITECTURAL OR STRUCTURAL PETAILS ANP PRAHIN&S 2. USE THIS PETAIL AS AN ALTERNATE TO THE CLB REPORTEP ON THE SEALEP TRUSS PRAWINfi' 3. ALTERNATE BRACING TO BE PF-L SAME GRAPE AS BRACEP nEB. 4. CENTER BRACE ON HEB. 5. HHERE THO BRACES ARE SPECIFIEP APPLY ONE BRACE TO EACH OPPOSITE FACE HIP CONNECTION ISC : I \ are Bmplr» Trmm, Ine. f^no. f30^..* ^B-4T» Pfwo l»OK 85!-*T»T MAY 2,2013 DETAII. BT / V unSGER: NNL TO STUDS W/2-16d « EA. STUD OMIT PRESSURE SLOCK -PRESSURE BLOCK BETWEEN JACKS. OMIT IF JACK HAS VERTICAL WEB PRESSURE SLOCK -BETWEEN JACKS END JACK PER PLAN. TYP. 2X4 DF-L STD. OR BTS. CONTINUOUS LEDGER. NAIL LEDGER TO STRUCTURAL SUPPORT BY OTHERS I 4- 2-1 Sd TOENAILS PER SIDE AND 2-16d IN EACH PRESSURE SLOCK -BEAM OR RIM JOIST 4-15d PER BLOCK. (BLOCK EACH BAY) -EACH TRUSS IS NAILED TO BEAM TEMPORARILY W/2-16d TOENAILS. THEN PRESSURE BLOCKS ARE ADDED SECTION A-A SECTION B-B 1. SEE ARCHITECTURAL OR STRUCTTJRAU PLANS FOR PROPER MATS^IAL AND NAILINS PATTERN FOR ROOF SHEATHINS. 2. THIS DETAIL IS NOT INTENt^ TO SUPWSEDE ARHCITECTURAL OR STRUCTURAL DETAILS AND DRAWNSS 3.16d NAILS TO BE MIN. 0.i4e" DIA. X 33" LCWS 4. MAXIMUM LOADINS. TCLL. 20p»f TCDL. 2Spsf SCDL: lOpsf TOTAL LOAD: SSpsf PRESSURE BLOCK DETAILS 3-3 3^ 3-3 3-3 PLATFORM FOR F.A.U. I6el NAILS « 12" 0:C. PLATFORM FOR F.A.U. CALTERNATE; • NOTE 4 £ 5 PLATFORM FOR F.A.U. Ifed NAILS • 12" 0£.. NOTE 4 4 5 PLATFORM FOR F.A.U. (ALTERNATE; Notes: 1. SSE ARCHITECTURAL OR STRUCTURAL PLANS FOR PROPS? MATERIAL AND NAILINS PATTERN FOR ROOF SItATHlNS. 2. TWIS DETAIL IS NOT INTENDED TO SUPERSEDE ARHCITECTURAL OR STRUCTURAL DETAILS AND DRAMINSS 3. TRUSS BOTTOM CHORD MJST SE LOADED FOR THE CORRECT FA.U. LOAD 4. 2X ADD-ON TO BE PROPERLY BLOCKED TIO PREVEfTT ROTATION. 5. SLOC<INS TO BE MIR 1X4 SRADED LW«ER WITH MIN. fa; l*D SINKER NAILED TWRCMSH TI-E ix-4 INTO TrS END SRAIN OF THE ADD-ON. F.A.U. PLATFORM PETAILS oerAB. EiO y^ ifiPDER FRAMING: 2X4 eeWEEN TDUSSES e TOP AHO BOTTOM CHOHOS. NML W/ 2-15d EA. EIO OYP) TO 8E SUPPUEO Br OTHEfe. - ROOF TRUSSES Notasi I. SEE ARCHITECTURAL OR STRUCTURAL PLANS FOR PROPER MATERIAL AND NAILINS PATTBW FOR ROOF SfCATHINS. 3. THIS DETAIL IS NOT INTENDS? TO SUPERSEDE A.RHCITK.TURAL OR ST1«UCTURAL DETAILS AND DRAVNINSS. 3. SINCE THE SOFFIT IS DESISNED TO CARRY «^ILIN& LOAD OH.Y IT IS CONSIDERED NON-STRUCTURAL. 4. NON-STRUCTWSAL t-fSMBERS MAY BE FIELD ALTB^ AS raaUIRED AND WILL NOT S=FECT THE STRUCTURAL lOtTESRlTY OF THE BASIC TRUSS. 5. SOFFIT LIMBER SHCOLD BE SRADED lUKEER, FOR 2X4 H.F. «2 MAX SPAN. e. SPACINS OF SOPFIT VBSITICALS ARE 4S" 0&. MAX. AND AT BOTTOt^ CHORD JOINTS. ^. C"J ATTACH VERTICALS TO BOTH TRUSS AND SOFFIT THRU VERTICAL INTO CHORD AND SOFFIT WITH (3) \00 SOX to.l2&* X 5.0"; NAILS ft. MIN PLATE SIZE FOR CHORD TO FILL AND FILL TO FILL IS I5». ©; IfiwS SI»«ER& MAY BE USED !N LIEU OF PRES6ED PLATES. Fiaj3 APPLIED FRAMINS IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS. SOFFIT $ LAPPER FRAMING PETAILS CAP TRUSS a) IM SNeTO - TOBNAIU 3*4 cormuoas SWTORT SRACINS. ATTAOM TP TOP CMmS tTOF SlUg) OP SUTFORT Tmss MTH CS! IW SINKERS. TRUSS SEE NOTE 3 SUPPORT TRUSS DETAIL "A' V PRAS CONNgCTION ' MAXIMUM DRAS LOAD: 3<10 plf -(iAPTRUE© Bde S' oa. fTTPj STASeeRED t ALTEFJNATE SICSS eA(SH SIDEBETVCEN LATBVJ. SRACINS CAP TRUSS * CONTINUOUS LATERAL SRACIN6 PB« DETAIL BASE TtSUSS ACTION A-A SUPPORT TRUSS- CAP TRUSS <M ISd SINceRS - TOENAILED NON-PRAiS CON^eCTION •CAP TRUSS - J!K4 eOKtlNUeUS SUPPORT BRACINS. ATTAOH Te> TOP CHORUS (TOP SCO OF suFTORiTRUss wm C» i*ei smasRS. DETAIL "B" ca leC SIMOERS - TOENAIL 2x4. COHTMJOUS SUPPORT BRAOM6. ATTACH TXS TOP OHOBOS (TOP SIOS OF SUPPORT Tmss mH (2) I6d SltKERS. DETAIL "B' Notes-. 1. ARCHITECTURAL OR STRUCTURAL PLANS FOR PROPER MATS?IAL Ahtt? NAILINS PATTERN FOR ROOF S^eATHINS. 2. THIS DETAIL IS NOT INTENE^D TO SUTCRSEDE ARHCITECTURAL OR STRUCTURAL DETAILS AND DRAWINSS. 3. ROOF SICATHINS MUST OVERLAP CAP TRUSS TO BASE TRUSS JUNCTION. 4. BASE TRUSS MUST BE ADBOUATELY BRACED BY SHEATHINS OR PURLINS. BUILDIN© DESISNER SHALL PROVIDE DIASONAL BRACINS OR ANY OTI«R SUITABLE ANCHORASE TO PERMANENTLY REATRAIN PURLINS, AND LATERAL BRCINS FOR OUT OF PLANE LOADS OVER SABLE BOS. 5. SCAB IS 4'-0" LONS DF-L «l OR BETTER. ATTAOH SCAB TO ONE PACE WITH lOd NAILS AT 4" o.c. STASSEraD. CENTER SCA© ON CAP TO BAS TRUSS JUNCTION. NAILS TO ffi MIN.r ISd SINKERS O.I4S" DIA. X 3S" 8d O.II3' DIA X 25' CAP TRUSS TO BASE TRUSS mXW VIRAS LOAP CONNECTION WIND a=SED. ^O MPH TCLL: 20 psf TCDL: Ife psF —T——r——1- I •r—ia^ u ^iBfci^-ROOF TRUSSES SELOW Notes: 1. Sffi ARCHITECTURAL OR STRUCTURAL PLANS POR PROPER MATERIAL AND NAILINS PATTERN FOR ROOF SHEATHINS. 2. THIS rerAlL IS NOT INTENDED TO SOFSRSEDE ARHCITECTURAL OR STRUCTURAL DETAILS AND DRAWINSS. RASTERS TO BE MIN. 2x4 DF-L *2 OR BETTER. 3. RIDSE ^AM TO BE MIN. 2x6 DF-L <Q OR SETrTER. 4. VALLET- PAD TO BE 2xb SRAOB3 DF-U ATTACH PAD THRCOSH ROOF S^EA^HINS TO ROOF T1RUSSES 3. BELOW WITH (S>) \t>A (0.\4&' DIA. X 3a') NAILS PER TRUSS. 6. RIDSE PAD TO BE 4'-3" LONS 2X4 SRADED DF-L SEVB^. SET KVELED PAD ONTO ROOF SHEATHINS MITH BEVaS> B>6S DOWN. CENTS? RII7SE PAJ7 ON CRIPPLE FROM RlOSe BEAM. TCS-NAIL RID^ PAD THRCUSH ROOF SHEATHINS TO TRUSSES BEUm WITH (3) 16d T««-NA1LS EACH TRUSS. 1. CONNECT EACH CRIPPLE TO RIDSE ^AM OR RAFT^ ABOVE WITH <S) I6d FACE NAILS. 8. CONNECT EACH CRIPPLE MP RAFTER TO PAP WITH C3} I6el TOE-NAILS TO PAD. fl. DETAIL DESISfeD PB? CBC-20I0 AND AS<^T-Ce < • CALIFORNIA VALLEY PILL FRAMING S BRACE UAY BE APRUEO TO EITHER NARROW FACt. NuVlfitB of L- OR T- ( SIZE SO*S OF ClBfS) SRACING i 2X5 OR 2X4 ' RO* 2X4 ( 2X3 OR 2X4 2 ROWS 2X6 ! 2X6 1 R0# 2X4 1 2X6 2 ROWS 2X6 1 2X3 1 ROW 2X4 2XS 2 RC*S 2X6 ! L- OR T-RRACE T-BRACE OR L-8RACE BRACE MA,T BE APPUED TO EITHER WIDE FACE wes mesa MJMeen w— SCiiB sat ROWS OF CLBtS) SRACMC 2XJ OR 2x4 1 RO* (1) 2X4 2X3 OR 2X4 2 ROWS (2) 2X4 2XS 1 ROW (1) 2X5 2X6 2 ROWS (2) 2X4 2XS 1 ROW (1) 2X8 2xe 2 ROWS (2) 2X6 SCAB BRACE Nofces: I. THIS DETAIL IS NOT INTENi:«D TO SCPERSBEC ARHCITECTWSAL OR STRUCTURAL DETAILS AND DRAWINSS. 2. USE THIS DETAIL AS AN ALTHWATE TO TTC CLB REPORTED ON THE SEALED TT?USS DRAWINS. 3. BRACINS ^«MBER TO BE DF-L SAME SRADE AS BRACBO 1«E3. 4. CENTER BRACE ON 5. BRACE LENSTH TO SE A MINIMUM OF »0» OF THE BRACED WS. 6. yVEPE TWO BRACES ARE SPECIFIED APPLY ONE BRACX TO EACH OPPOSITE FACE OLB i^lEB BRACE SUBSTITUTION BCSI-Bl SUMMARY SHEET - GUIDE FOR HANDLING, INSTALLING, RESTRAINING AND BRACING OF TRUS;^^ Spans over SO' may require complex permanent bracing. Please always consult a Professional Engineer: ^ GENERAL NOTES NOTAS GENERALES t VMMS IO tsth\ MMMQB dft flhsAn nods ciue r martNnL AKv to the acSb k> • OiWtt tht itrwWK, or MOTK scrtaus pemmrmMverdeith. ser Is ditto de to eatuoM e tOn peoil MnOot o i tandng and tniss pines haw tfiaip edges. Wear ^''^ T!!^'!^?'*^ *^'"'^ Enpsuucs y ptocas ife metal Mnen tjordcs allidoi. Uew guarm r >Bte pratectaret cMndo HANDUNG — ^4ANE30 ^ Awld tatcnl bendbiQ. - CvOe la flodte bum. tKeipcdaicai«in UKliceendada ¥(indyv«eatheror espedat en dbs nSWpcmcrUncs wenusos o ecru tie afldairparts. cables tfdctncot ode avoptictoi. y^vifcffitnyDetft4 Mdvertencta! iNBtofaracarguetogrta! Newer use banding aloMvBft a Midto, tenotMtagrauporMMdMiybandadbuncles. MMQ tjce t6l» los empaqucf para levQntsr un paouele. No lemnte un grupo de Mquetes cmpaqueandos ly^ A «bi(|le Mt pom may lie useri for hndcK withirnsseiupto«• IWo pot^ may be vtctf rw bufwtits with wvsstsuptoW. tXW at toiKSt 3 Gh pOiMN to bunrtlc!: Mth Tnn5t» (jfcoter than 60". Pucdc v«at un soto k^r cle imwilar (una pa(|ueti!S (K mHSc^tvsta 4!< (MPS. Pued« utat dos puntoKdc levantar pau paquetti; MStn (io Bi». Utl* pM to menos tres pmrn; lc«^t<tr para paoueun niAs tfe M pk!*. INSTAUATION OF SXNGIC TRUSSES BY HAND ZMSTALACldMDETItUKESXflDIVXDUALKPORLAMANO ^ Wsmlns^Oo not (Mcr toad lupporting structum wUt inns tNmdte. iAdmtmcw Nosobcocacguc la eslruciura vjoyada con el paquete dc tnsset. tlniic )ii>rxte-s in-tat*" pcwhon. iWBMn^ urtoadng snd AiriHg the trusses attheJobrtK de ^ ir ttvna jra to bo ftorm hartaoKsfr. [Jim bloddng of •Mfficiont hdgM benuttt tt« stack of (tuBis at 8* lo l<r on center. Nir tnaern mrod Air moRi than one wRck. cover t)Kvai»P>pnym HMtebn{pinbut J!aoi>rfArKMKatior> MM n W:ajadl«.l6J@9MU^r](aig^ HaodloB. ioMhieh AestiMir^ of MeR«.Ptoh!.opnooQlni.«iMcl lEnnM"'' liv mofe iHMed Mimutien pertaMng to hundBog and jDbMtP storage or imsM m to'^owWHUW^ Qu!H<diKlmi horlmn- i<*iH.iit& ponga bloquiWMfo dc aRura stfioatK dAfe lie lw piu A; lot mmc;, <i n Iwsta wpKneneiccntnt. ftimtrasietguaxMospoc mft^fkunA sermna, itAr4 lo^ pviuebK JXN pctvcnlr •KimcMa <le hunvdari pcro pomla tttoln, Vffa 4 MEM K5I Cm de.6ui»iiprdait{i. pao.cl. ^meiO. InsjMxlAP. .Se«iQCf6n y rio3ti!e.d9,los .ThesQ.4ejeta(iecg< OHWados. cmOKKM-VeBi"' P9« lnfcroiac*6n roAs detaltoda sobre cl inarKjo r I'maoertado dc HOX5TING Of SUICU TRUCES — LEVANTAMXEIffTO OE TRUSSES INDIVZDUALE5 r"7| llohl each truK m pcKtttan Mih Qw cnxtton equipment unfit tnp ^Jmrri tcmtm-Mv lftU!>iil iRMfMirtc Li.< itm«(vriiMijindth>:iTiosi£.ras(niicdlot>ipboant«upon<^ So5tcnft» ci>da truss CA potictoii con equipo ik gtu-t hdstn que Li ristriraOii IODTAI uvnixwal (It- lo fixydtt <upc«w vMMwid y el truss tS^ aicgiirado m tes ntpor^. A Wmrtgi tMng a single pieli-point at the poak can ilamage the truss. .-ts^" rAdweHMid^f Bun deuR 5010 lugar mei "^j pico pofDlevantarpuedehaccr Alio al truss. I S PJUU LEVAMTAR TRUSSES TEMPORARY RESTRAINT & BRAaNG RESTRICaON Y ARRIOSTRE TEMPORAL pan ffl^ iirfoRn9o4n* 0locate groiml braces Ibr M'tmss tfiQcny kt Ine w4h al (OWS or top ctun] tanworary M- crd reairaM (see tatfe m the not cohimn). Cotoqw IW aritosttes do Nonro para el printer ttw dbociwnwte err ftwacoft coda wta^ l35 IRDS dc "Kbtocion tatemi tonporiAl dc IA cucnb supernr (yea to uMi en ta prdxintD aAmm}. STEPS TD SETTING TRUSSB LAS MEDIDAS DE LA INSTAUaON DE LOS TRUSSES 0 1) IkstaS ground bracing. 2) Set Arst bVK and attadt seoMV to gn^ tfufSKS with 0oa rnciTrtxT tcnvorary lateral resttoM bracing (vs bfknv). S} InftaB web nwmbcr plane diaaanal bradng to stnbOiie the Am (iw trusstr. (Re« betow). 6} IrwtoR bottom ehoMI tcnvoRiry Mant resMM and (kaoenal tatonq (»e brfcmr). RqMM |>rtxes« on groups of four hwses uMl aR Irtntcs are m. l}Instol<ftn):anlO!ares<)oUerra 2) litstSt'dpnnwrohiesyatesegiirMnenMBlwnaslterir ticnn. 3) Iftiiralt* tas rtrntrtnioS 4 trusses cxmintTKXipnl^^ abnjo). 4) |ftAatF^ srrinstre diagonM de lr> aada superior (vea a&ajn). 5} InMMe amosb-e tluQonni itar!' tor. planof At los mtemhw seciindarta& pani tsatiOm ms printeme cineo trusw;; {vM> tHiap). 6) Instttk! <a rntritxidn WMH tcmpora) y aniosire (fiagonsi pma la QVtIa )rif^>r)or (vc3 abaje). 7) Aeoits fhw proecdtnHemo cn grupcs dr; cuaeo tnKses. hasta oic taifrK'ios uu!^ "lor more para R^nUINT/BMCING rox AU PIAHES OF TRUSSES Rfisi RmJUH/jawiosTtte PARATOOOS njuios ne TRUSSES Tte rcaritini fi twacWq nifSftort «s lor 4» trwsB 6st« »iwi«te * «!Strttci6n y arrtostrp cs pao> lodo Irosscs wwpto twefi do cwydK parairrtos Stt y-1x2. 1) ^ Refer tt a3:£ZJ5U(DR»V.£4m.rJ&ussJi^^ tf^onrnabon. TnmSpM LmOkMl 4e Tnmo Top OM Teaiportnr MMal RlsblM {icait) Stadng EnKMieM>M<filMnTEim>onlail>clarfaSiw>to usnw 10 pies (iriKBDo 30-Buy »afit«s Spies fflMrno «860«K otosniAno ecrtosir 4'O.e.fflitK' 4oletmAAno •COnsiAa Piflfesstomd 'ConsuBe a tin ingentoie Ibr trvssestonger than ~ 'para trusses mkde CO I D?SrcK5l:H?.'*' forTCURoptions. *ad BCSfcM*" paraKKOpHonesdcTCTlR. A Rc^lo6CSIdS3..SHn: iMaJftaxrJamatwnt. ywb,hi(nihcis'"* for Gable End Rame fettaint/bQClng/ *aci*estirfien^^8J. Pctto*QCfSt.^)lXviCBJ«j_y, ®Do net viaik on unbraced No rsiAine en busses Braeo first truss securely txfbrc erection of addMonat trtoses. Paw WomtaddnsBbre _ _ _ fCStr«cei6n/arftesB«/KAierco "^-^ ^-.-'TTI Repeat ««90«at braces <br ead) set of 4 trusses. Ground bradng not sttotm (6r dahtv^ srrhmtrcs diMienalcs pitra cad.t grupo tte 2) WgEWEMBE»PUaft—WAWOWlliSlOgMlWSSeCUHPAWOS itnisscs. LATERAL RESTRAINT & DIAGONAL BRAONG ARE VERY IMPORTANT iLA REsnucadN LATERAL Y EL ARRIOSTRE DIAfiONAL SON MUY IMPORTAWTES! A Some choni and web members not shown lor dart^ 3) BOTTOH CHOKD - OIERM WraWNt Lafieral ftestrabib • ZicWZ or greater lapped over two l»tn»S9>oes(2Crn Some ttioirfttid wob moptiers l»nMNT & BM^Km 3x2 AW RBIRICCI6N Y ARAXtlSTItE PAM TmiSSES OE CtlERDAS PARAlfUS 3X2 Y 4X3 Oiagord Rracing IffarW 1 Repeal ObgeiatSradrq every IS (nre; spaces A Itc^toKSdEVL ^feadreswnenBCSI; . , BZj:.iteti:kpdrif Apply mqonaeraee to *OPSJniJtowaf. verticil-ebs Hanoi {.gcrniageneJEm. nmieverandiibeMRt M Latent f^snwes Sussesucte;Gucn$i5 tocaSons. l»ppe(fulcas(h«o»in»s. ^^tt»*"tan •TbpeMrtfc»peraryLilwalI»oIr»iJ>tipwiitBilr3llfce mss «rormaoon. ig. mn,wtaaitrts mi 15' B.e. lor ii2 c«mB. INSTALLING — INSTALACION FS^HE™ j for Outyif-rt.VW. CONSTRUCTION LOADING - CARGA OE CONSTRUCOdN A Do not proceed wfth conj«t)aiOr> urttB aS lateral rcstr^ snd * bradng is securely and properly in place. No proceda con to consbucdte hrata que todast Lis rc£tric> Mrtes lateratos Y tos ariMstitis esbin cotocados cn fbrma apropiadayscguTQ. >Oo not exceed matdmura stack hclgnts. Ocfcr to DCS^BdL&W: mKy Sfeeet^QOfSOWIkwJUjaiS^ tor more infonnaMDn. No meda )K alturas rp&xiinas (te monlon. ^ d resumcn eCS:«SjCB«a A,Coji5WMCOWt"" ' para mis intenwcttn. rfogte Susses ' no sobrecargue PCOUcAos grupos e tnmcs mdhnchialcs. iTv Never sat^ matertais nnr a peak. Munca amontonc Ws materiales ccrca de un pico. Place bods oww w many uwfcs as po^^iWc — Toioniie tas aufyis sobrc tnntm ttvssP5 como ftw pcsiWc. HPosibon tomb (V<vr- lond bnarmg w^.. 't CotoQtH* Lt:; aifgat sobre pinedrA iJiport.int'-K. | ALTERATIONS - ALTERACIONES Refifr to BCSld5JSu<mKtti5bfie^ Veael rcsurww BCSl:BS.tJaitostJjitJlajS«SJte^^ Oo not cut, alter, or drill any s^wcbxal fficfltber of a t(^ISS uRles sc^^ Truss Design Drawing. No corte; allei« o perlbre ningun niiembw esbvcturat de un truss, a menos que ec(6 espedficsmenie pcrmiMo en d Dlbu}o dd DIseAoddlhSB. L IHjsses that ham beert overloaded Airing cori!Xnxlto or prior appnwi rnay render the 1h«M8>n/factiircr%>ntitcd*r9(iantyrHd IhHsesquegehansobrecarBado dtKontetoconsb-ucdinohansldoalteradasfniaauwrtfaeion prevto dd nbriOHAe dc iVusses, pi«oen haeer nuto V sto efecto to gatantja tim^ de Theses, 1bff^MlSl<SlSw<*BtedBCI^^ fcT^ft>BW>«l»eMWW<TlwOt<p«trw»»WtPi.*w^WMOgt>iilaWJ«BW»»W^^ <«i«ni»i-flhM»aiMOSirw»«iuiil<^"B*swrrHwy*rt>»a»m«<if^»wpw)^ iww>a<raw«w«tSwi>'«twt«wwMMd> wrt^l>^lul>«w^^^•^c^lit^w^ir^c«l^Jl^l*^lwp^««»»CT i»tiHH»<r<i>LWMii n*tH B^i*iwi»ii'W«nnNiiwiMi*initi—ji»it»w»ww»pawsyH,r TRUSS PLATClKSTllUlfi 3ia K. St, SK. )12 • HicMinAa. VA ZSl-t JfOMS-IMD • «nmii.lpln««q A B2 A2 A2 D2 A ROOF TRUSS PLACEMENT FLAN Based on construction documents doted-=f/l6/2CI4. HAN&ER CALLOUT PER HALF BLP& 16 HUS26-.2 :2 BLOCKS PER BLP&. SPACER -2x4x .22 T/16" RIDSE .2X-4X J22 T/16" VEMT 22 T/16" BEVEL. 3/12 JSxIO'x .22 T/16' SPACER -2x4x .22 T/16" 34 o (T)300 BEVEL: 9/12 .2x14 l/2"x .22 T/16' <1> 2& LOT5: THIS UYOUT IS TO ASSIST WITH TRUSS PLACEMENT ONLY. IT IS NOT A STRUCTURAL FRAMING PLAN. PLEASE CHECK WITH E.O.R. FOR BRACING AND CONNECTION DETAILS. NOTES: • Recommended hanger sizes noted are to be "Simpson" type hangers, and are supplied by others. *• Indicates uplift reaction. Refer to truss placement plan for all truss to truss connections. Refer to construction documents and E.CR. for all truss to plate connections. \jfy Refers to loose cut rafter, hip, valley, ^ CaUfomia and jack fill areas. ^ PROJECT* ^ RI54qx- JOesiTE LOCATION CARL&BAP, C-A. DATE: 30 OCTOBER 20i4 DFUVW BY: a? SALAZAR SCALE 3/32"=I'-O" PVATC HE6HT: lo'-r ROOFRTCH 3/12 CeUNG RTCH: FLAT TRUSS HKLHeOTT: IO" TYRCAL SPAONG 24" O.C. TYPICAL CWERHANO 4x8 TAILS (BY OTtiERS; HOOF MATERIAL TILE f A.U IN ATHC NO lil < < o U- < o CQ CQ _i < < Baifibe TniSB 1755 Brown Avenue Riverside, CA 92509 Phone: (951) 300-1758 / ' 'ly Fax:(951)300-1769 VILLA Job Natne: Truss ID: 1A B X-LOC REACT SIZE BEQ'D 1 0- 1-12 583 3.50" 1.50" 2 13- 1- i 21 1.50" 1.50" 3 13- 1- i 598 HOI 1.50" BRG HANGER/CLIP HOTE 3 iros26 Support Connectian(5)/Haiiger(s) are not designed £o,^„horizontal loads. SES SIMPSON CATALOQ FOR ADDITIONAL n^TALLATION NOTES TC FORCE AXL END CSI 1-2 -413 0.00 0.17 0.17 1-2 -1000 0.01 0.17 0.18 2-3 -630 0.00 0.20 0.20 3-4 -37 0.00 0.19 0.19 4-0 -1 0.00 0.00 0.00 BC FORCE AXL BND CSI 5-6 932 0.08 0.50 0.58 6-7 297 0.03 0.39 0.42 7-0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 .^lEB FORCE CSI FORCE CSI 2-6 -442 0 .11 3-7 -651 0.16 3-6 523 0 .21 SLDRL -924 0.07 TC BC VIEB SLIDER 2x4 2x4 2X4 2X6 DFL DFL DFL DFL #1 i Btr. #1 £ Btr. STANDARD #2 Plating is based on quality control factors Cq = 0.92 for wide face and Cq = 0.92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for individual joints on tbe Joint Report. IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval aa required by XBC 1703 and ANSI/IFI and are reported in available documents as ER-1607 and ESR-lllS. Install interior support(s) before erection. PLAXINO BASED OH OREEN LUMBER VALUES. 20 psf bottom chord live load HOI required on this truss, per IBC/IRC requireanents for attics with limited storage. Designed per ANSI/TPI 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8.0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the truss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings. Kcr (creep factor) =2.00 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sbeet for Maximum Rotational Tolerance used THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESin.T OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL. Loaded for 200 lb non-concurrent moving BCLL. Mark all interior bearing locations. Shim bearings (if needed) for req. support. Hanger nail points that protrude through the back face of the girder sball be clinched or covered for safety. Required bearing widths and bearing areas apply when truss not supported in a hanger. UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -29 lb 2 -5 lb -22 lb 3 -72 lb HORIZONTAL REAiCTiaH(S) : support 1 191 lb support 3 191 lb This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Ves, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = c Bldg Length = 65.00 ft, Bldg Width = 40.00 ft Mean roof height = 21.91 ft, nph = 110 Occupancy Category II, Dead Load = 14.4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Ccmponents and Cladding Tributary Area — 26 sqft MAX DEFLECTION (Span) : L/684 MQd 5-6 (LIVE) LC 52 L= -0.23" 1)= -0.18" T= -0.41" 6-1-0 5-4-0 1-9-0 6-1-0 11-5-0 13-2-0 4-1-8 =s Joint Locations =s= 0-0-0 5 0- 0- 0 6-1-0 6 8-11- 0 11- 5-0 7 13- 2- 0 13- 2- 0 B2 W:108 R:21 U:-22 4-1-8 13-2-0 B3 HUS26 W:108 R:598 U:-72 8-11-0 4-3-0 8-11-0 All connector plates are Truswal 20 ga. or Wave 20 ga., uniess preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded by "MX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 ga. from Truswal, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. 13-2-0 OVER 3 SUPPORTS Scale: 11/3r = r INLAND Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNiNG Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specitications provided by the corrponent menufactiser and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assiMnedfordimensioivl accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or txjilding designer prior to fabrication. The buildtng designer must ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed tiy ttie local txjilding code and the pajlicular applicatioa The design assunes that the top chord is lateraily braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing miterial directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lataral support of conrtponents metrbers only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any envirormient that wDI cause the moistire cor<ent ofthe wood to exceed 19% ancVor cause connector plate corrosion Fabricate, handle, install and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detaii Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSI/TP11', 'WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Desi^i Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COHIPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSI) and 'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA andTPL The Tnjss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 218 N. Lee Street Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. The American For«st and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 111119th Street, NW, Ste BOO, Washingtor\ DC 2003G. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1549 ES Oate: 1/22/2015 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.2S RepMbrBnd 1.15 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec iBC-2012 SeqnT6.5.20- 104013 Job Name: Truss ID: 1AA Page 1 of 2 , a. 8-0-0 2-6-10 2-7-6 8-0-0 10-6-10 13-2-0 2-10-0 2-10-0 1.5X3 Bl W:308 ^ ^rtre, ^-Cv R:1298 4-0-0 3S0« 13-2-0 B2 HHUS26-2 W-.308 R:1617 8-0-0 5-2-0 7 , 0-#-S5 8-O-0 13-2-0 STUB All connector plates are Truswal 20 ga. or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded by "MX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 ga. from Truswai, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswai software, uniess noted. INLAND iS>'"S>'>C?l Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNING Read ail notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This dasiflri is for an individual builifing component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the cotiponent manufacttrer and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is asstjmed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified l>y the component manufacturer and/or btjilding designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads UtiHzed on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particiiar applicition. The design assumes that ttie top ctiord is lateraily braced by the roof or floor stieathing and the bottom chord is laAaraily braced l>y a rigid stieathing mtf erial drectly attache4 unless otherwise noted. Bradiig siiown is for lateral si^iport of cornpciieritsrneriibers only to reduce budiling length. This component shall net be placed in any environment that wHI cause the moisture content ofthe wood to exceed 19% and'or cause connector plate corrosioti. Fabricate, harxile, instail and brace this truss in accordance with the fallowing standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output Ircm Truswal software, 'ANSt/TP11', 'WrCA 1' • Wbod Tnjss Council of America Stsidard Deslfp Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSI) and 'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPL The Tmss Plata Institule (TPI) is located at 21S N. Lee Street Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 111119th Street, NW Ste 800, Wasfiington, DC 20036. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TCLive 20.00psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1S49 ES Date: 1/22/2015 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 SeqnT6.5.20- 104014 Job Name: Truss ID: 1AA Page 2 of 2 BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE BEQ'D 1 0- 1-12 1298 3.50" 1.50" 2 13- 0- i 1617 Hot. 1.50" BRG HANSER/CLIP NOTE 2 HHUS26-2 Support Connecticn(s)/Hange]r(s) are not-designed for horizontal loads. SEE SIMPSON CMSfjOG FOR ADDITIONAl'TttSTALLATION NOTES TC FORCE AXL BND CSI 1-2 -718 0.00 0.31 0.31 1-2 -2372 0.01 0.31 0.32 2-3 -2250 0.01 0.10 0.12 3-4 54 0.00 0.09 0.09 BC FORCE AXL BND CSI 5-6 2237 0.14 0.49 0.63 6-7 1345 0.09 0.31 0.39 HE FORCX AXL BND CSI 7-4 -202 0.00 0.06 0.07 T^EB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-6 -409 0 03 4-7 -202 0.07 3-6 1270 0 26 SLDRL -1766 0.07 3-7 -1928 0 20 DFL #2 DFL #1 S Btr. DFL STAHDABD DFL #2 TC 2x4 BC 2x4 REB 2x4 SLIDER 2x6 QBL BLK 2x4 DFL STANDARD Kor (creep factor) =2.00 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sheet £or Maximum Rotational Tolerance used THIS DESION IS THE C<3MPOSITE RESULT OF MOLTXFLE LOAD CASES. Oable studs are retiuired ONLX in the truss ply that will have siding/sheathing attached and are used only for that attachement as non-structural members. Loaded for 200 lb non-concurrent moving BCLL. Permanent bracing is required (by others) to prevent rotation/toppling. See BCSI and ANSI/TPI 1. 2-ELY! Nail w/lOd BOX, staggered (per NDS) in: TC- 2 BC- 2 MEBS- 2 **PER FOOT!** Cluster screws, if shovni, are 3" long. Hanger nail points that protrude through the back face of the girder shall be clinched or covered for safety. KORXZONTAL RZACTtOH(S) : support 1 188 lb support 2 188 lb 20 psf bottcm chord live load NOT reguired on this truss, per IBC/IRC requirements for attics with limited storage. Designed per ANSI/TPI 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8.0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the truss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings. Plating is based on quality control factors <;q = 0.92 for wide face and Cq = 0.92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shewn for individual joints on tbe Joint Report. IRC/XBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as reijuired by IBC 1703 and ANSX/TPI and are reported in available documents as ER-1607 and ESR-lllS. Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUtdBER VALUES. End verticals are designed for axial loads only unless noted otherwise. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) bave been designed for loads indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at the end of the extensions bave not been considered unless shown. A drop-leg to an otherwise unsupported wall may create a hinge effect that reijuires additional design consideration (by others). This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 wind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = c Bldg Length = 65.00 ft, Bldg Width = 40.00 ft Mean roof height = 21.42 ft, mph = 110 Occupancy Category XX, Dead Load = 14.4 psf Designed as Main wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Ccmponents and Cladding Tributary Area = 66 st^ft Vertical members exposed to wind: 7-4 Aii connector plates are Truswal 20 ga. or Wave 20 ga., uniess preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded by "MX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 ga. from Truswai, positioned per Joint Detaii Reports available from Truswal software, uniess noted. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Nail pattern shown is for PLF loads and point loads converted to PLF loads only. Concentrated loads MUST be distributed to each ply equally. Multi-ply with hangers are based on banger nails using 3.0" nails min. into the carrying member. Xf shown, use additional fasteners for point loads as indicated from the back plys, distributed S3^mmetrically around the hanger. Use any other approved detail (by others) . lOd = lOd NAILS, SDS = sin^son SDS screws or etjuivalent substitute. (*) = Special Connection Req. (by others) @ = Indicates load is evenly distributed (no additional fasteners req.) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + NAXL pattern shown is based on: lOd BOX = 0.128" dia. X 3.0" long nail lOd caHKOn = 0.148" dia. x 3.0" long nail 16d BOX = 0.135" dia. x 3.5" long nail 16d CdMDN = 0.162" dia. x 3.5" long nail + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support Main wind Non-Wind 1 -44 lb 2 -55 lb LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS L.Plf L.Loc R.Plf 72.00 0- 0- 0 72.00 174.75 8- 0- 0 174.75 38.83 0- 0- 0 38.83 lbs X.Loc LL/TL 319.0 8- 0- 0 1.00 255.2 8- 0- 0 0.00 350.0 4-0-0 0.56 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 tmt 5-6 (LIVE) LC L= -0.10" D= -0.29" D= - EX.WB DEP CRITERIA:L/120 IN MEM 7- 4; T= 0.00" Dir TC Vert TC Vert BC Vert •• Type.. TC vert TC Vert BC Vert R. 8- 13- 13- Loc 0- 0 2- 0 2- 0 LL/TL 0.56 0.56 0.00 2 0.38" s=== Joint Locations === 1 0- 0- 0 5 0- 0-0 2 8- 0- 0 6 8- 0-0 3 10- 6-10 7 13- 2- 0 4 13- 2- 0 INLAND rvx\^\^ Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of It to the Erecting Contractor. This design is for an individual buiiding component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the convonent manufacturer and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed tiy the local builrfing code and the particular application. The design assumes th« the top chord is laterally braced by the roof cr floor sheathing and the bottom chord is latarally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components merrbers only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any environment that wUl cause the tnotstis-e content ofthe wood to exceed 19% andTor cause connector plate corrosioa FabncHe, handle, install and brace this truss in accordance with the fdlowing standards: 'Jcint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Tmswal sofMare, 'ANSI/TP11'. •WrrCA 1' - Wood Tmss Council of America Standard Desi^ Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSI) and 'BCSl SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI The Tmss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 218 N. Lae Street Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 111119th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TCLive 20.00 psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1549 ES Date: 1/22/2015 DurFacs L=1.2S P=1.2S RepiVlbrBnd 1.00 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 SeqnT6.5.20- 104014 Job Name: Truss ID: 1AB Page 1 of 2 o 7-5-0 2-8-12 3-0-4 7-6-0 10-1-12 13-2-0 9-11-11 3-3-15 3X10 T 0-10-0 1 1 2-6-6 3-3-15 SHIP 13-2-0 B2 HUS26 W:308 R:579 7-5-0 5-9-0 7 0-116-47 7-5-0 13-2-0 •^ STUB Aii connector plates are Truswal 20 ga. or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded by "MX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 ga. from Truswal, posttloned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. INLAND IV/'"S>'"S>^ Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNING Read ali notes on this sheet and give a copy of It to the Erecting Contractor. This deslvi Is for an individual building component not truss systam. it has been tiased cn specifications provided by the component manufacturer anddonelnaccordancewkhthectjtrentversiansofTPIandAFPAdesignstaiidards. No responsibility Is assumed fbr dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified tiy the compcnent manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The bulltNng designer must ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meet or exceed the loaiJing imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assunes that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof cr floor sheathing and the bottom chord is later^ly braced by a rigid sheathing rmterial drectly attachec^ unless othenvise noted. Bradrig shown is tor lateral stpport of components members only to reduce buckling length. This conponent shall not lie placed in any environment thtf wll causethemoistirecortent ofthe wood to exceed 19% andfor cause connector plate corrosion Fsbricate, handle, instsll and brace this truss in accordance wHh the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as outpu from Truswal software, 'ANSI/TP11', 'WTCA 1' - Wbod Truss Council of America Standard Desi^i Responsibilities, 'BUILDINS COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSI) and 'BCSl SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPL The Tmss Plata Institute (TPI) is located at 218 N. Lee Street Suite 312, Alexandria, VA22314. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 leth Street, NW Ste 800, IAtashingtoi\ DC 20038. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TCLive 20.00psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1549 ES Oate: 1/22/2015 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Nbr Bnd 1.10 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 Seqn T6.5.20 - 104039 Job Name: Truss ID: 1AB Page 2 of 2 BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 0- 1-12 579 3.50" 1.50" 2 13- 0- i 579 HSl 1.50" BRG HAMGER/CLIP NOTE 2 HUS26 Support Connection (s)/Hanger (s) are not designed for horizontal loads. SEE SIMPSON CATALOG FOR ADDITIONAL INSTAIXATION NOTES TC FORCE AXL BND CSI 1-2 -288 0.00 0.18 0.18 1-2 -940 0.01 0.23 0.24 2-3 -840 0.11 0.12 0.23 3-4 47 0.00 0.09 0.09 BC FORCE AXL BND CSI 5-6 866 0.07 0.43 0.50 6-7 576 0.04 0.40 0.44 HB FORCE AXL END CSI 7-4 -95 0.02 0.09 0.11 VEB FORCE CSI VEB FORCE CSI 2-6 108 0 .03 4-7 -95 0.11 3-6 370 0 .15 SLDRL -970 0.07 3-7 -730 0 .18 TC 2x4 DFL #2 2x4 DPL #1 S Btr. 1-2 BC 2x4 DFL #1 £ Btr. nEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD SLIDER 2x6 DFL #2 Kcr (creep factor) =2.00 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sheet for Maximum Rotational Tolerance used THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL. Loaded for 200 lb non-concurrent moving BCLL. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES. Hanger nail points tbat protrude through the back face of the girder sball be clinched or covered for safety. HORIZONTAL REACTiaN(S) : support 1 146 lb support 2 146 lb Designed per ANSI/TPI 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8.0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of tbe truss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings. Plating is based on quality control factors Cq = 0.92 for wide face and Cq = 0.92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for individual joints on tbe Joint Report. IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported in available documents as ER-1607 and ESR-1118. Continuous lateral restraint attached to flat TC as indicated. Lumber must be structural grade. Brace S 24" o.c. unless noted. This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 wind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 65.00 ft, Bldg Width = 40.00 ft Mean roof height = 21.66 ft, mph - 110 Occupancy Category II, Dead Load = 14.4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Cco^ionents and Cladding Tributary Area = 26 sqft Vertical members exposed to wind: 7-4 All connector plates are Truswal 20 ga. by "MX" for TWIVIX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded ga. from Truswal, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. End verticals are designed for axial loads only unless noted otherwise. Extensions above or below tbe truss profile (if any) bave been designed for loads indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at the end of the extensions have not been considered unless shown. A drop-leg to an otherwise unsupported wall may create a hinge effect that requires additional design consideration (by others). This design based on chord bracing applied per the folloiring schedule: max o.c. from to TC 48.00" 6- 9- 9 13- 2- 0 UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -40 lb 2 -47 lb 20 psf bottcm chord live load N(3T required on this truss, per IBC/IRC requirements for attics with limited storage. MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 5-6 (LIVE) LC 45 L= -0.14" I>= -0.10" 1^ -0.24" EX.WB DEF CRITERIA:L/120 IN MEM 7-4; T= 0.00" ===== Joint Locations ==—= 1 0-0-0 5 0-0-0 2 7- 5- 0 6 7- 5-0 3 10- 1-12 7 13- 2- 0 4 13- 2- 0 ^t<l>K INLAND Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This desi^i is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer and done in accordance with the cunent versions of T PI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assisned for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or txjilding designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meat or exceed the loading inposed by the local building code and the particular application The design assumes that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally tKaced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. TNs component shall not be placed in any environment that wpl cause the moistu-e content ofthe wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace this tmss in accordance with the following standards; 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Tmswal software, 'ANSI/TPI 1', 'WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Desl^ Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSI) and 'BCSl SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPL The Tmss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 218 N. Lee Street Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 111119th Street, NW, SteSm, VMshington, DC 20036. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1S49 ES Date: 1/22/2015 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 RepiVlbrBnd 1.10 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 Seqn T6.5.20 - 104039 Job Name: Truss ID: 1AC Page 1 of 2 .cv 6-1-0 S-11-0 1-2-0 3-9-15 3X10 T 0-10-0 1 1 ^ ,R:579 J:-42 3-9-15 3-6-6 3HIP 13-2-0 B2 HUS26 W:308 R:579 8-11-0 4-3-0 7.0-1^fe-6° 8-11-0 13-2-0 STUB All connector plates are Truswal 20 ga. by "MX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded ga. from Truswal, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. INLAND rv>^"V<^"S>1 Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNiNG Read aii notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This desi^i is fbr an individual buiiding component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided tiy the component marsifactirer anddonein accordancawiththecurrent veraionsofTPIandAFPAdesignstandards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by ths component monutelurer and/or building designer prior to ftdxication The building designer must ascertain that the loads UtiHzed on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by ttie local building code and the particiiar application. The design assunes that the top chord is latsfsliy braced by tha roof cr floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing erial drectly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral siwiort of compcnenumeirbers only to reduce buckling length. TNs component shell not be placed in any environment that wUl cause the moisture content ofthe wood to exceed 19% antVor cause connector piate conosion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace this tmss in aceordarKS with the following standards: 'Jcint and Cutting Detdl Reports' available as output frcm Truswd software, •ANSI/TP11', 'WTCA I'-VttiodTruss Council of AmertcaStandvd Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- (BCSI) and 'SCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Tmss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 21S N. Lee Street Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. The American Forest and Paper Associaiion (AFPA) is located at 1111 igth Street, NW Ste 800. Wfenhington, DC 20036. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TCLive 20.00psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1549 ES Date: 1/22/2015 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep M>r Bnd 1.10 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 SeqnT6.5.20- 104040 Job Name: Truss ID: 1AC Page 2 of 2 BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 0- 1-12 579 3.50" 1.50" 2 13- 0- 4 579 HGR 1.50" BRG HANSER/CLIP NOTE 2 HUS26 Support Connection(s)/Hanger(s} are not designed for horizcsntal loads. SEE SIMPSON CATALOG FOR ADDITIONAL INSTALLATION NOTES TC 2x4 2x4 BC 2x4 WEB 2x4 SLIDER 2x6 Kcr (creep factor) DFL #2 DFL #1 S Btr. DFL #1 & Btr. DFL STANDARD DFL #2 2.00 TC FORCE AXL BND CSI 1-2 -409 0.00 0.17 0.17 1-2 -983 0.01 0.17 0.17 2-3 -625 0.00 0.18 0.18 3-4 69 0.00 0.06 0.06 BC FORCE AXL END CSI 5-6 915 0.08 0.52 0.60 6-7 339 0.03 0.41 0.44 WB FORCE AXL BND CSI 7-4 -81 0.01 0.21 0.22 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-6 -423 0 .10 4-7 -81 0.22 3-6 490 0 .20 SLDRL -912 0.07 3-7 -587 0 .14 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sheet for Maximum Rotational Tolerance used THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL. Loaded for 200 lb non-concurrent moving BCLL. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. Hanger nail points that protrude through the back face of the girder shall be clinched or covered for safety. 20 psf bottcm chord live load NOT required on this truss, per IBC/IRC requirements for attics with limi ted storage. Designed per ANSI/TPI 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8.0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the truss chord Imober value or 625 for all bearings. Plating is based on (quality control factors Cq = 0.92 for wide face and Cq = 0.92 for neirrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for individual joints on the Joint Report. IRC/IBC truss plai:e values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported in available dotzuments as ER-1607 and ESR-lllS. PLATING BASED ON QREEN LUMBER VALUES. This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 65.00 ft, Bldg Width = 40.00 ft Mean roof height - 21.91 ft, mph = 110 Occupancy Category II, Dead Load = 14.4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Ccn^onents and Cladding Tributary Area = 26 sqft Vertical members exposed to wind: 7-4 End verticals are designed for axial loads only unless noted otherwise. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) have been designed for loads inilicated only. Horizontal loads applied at the end of the extensions have not been considered unless shown. A drop-leg to an otherwise unsupported wall may create a hinge effect that retjuires additional design consideration (by others). UPLIFT REACTION (S) : Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -42 lb 2 -60 lb HORIZONTAL REACTION(S) support support 234 lb 234 lb MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/679 nm S-6 (LIVE) LC 46 L= -0.23" D= -0.18" 0*= -0.41" EX.WB DEF CRITERIA:L/120 IN MEM 7-4; T= 0.01" == Joint Locations == 1 0-0-0 5 0-0-0 2 6-1-0 6 8-11- 0 3 12- 0-0 7 13- 2- 0 4 13- 2- 0 All connector plates are Truswal 20 ga. by "MX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" lot SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded ga. from Truswal, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. INLAND IV^>>V"S>1 Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This design is for an individual building component not truss system, it has been based on specifications provided by the corrponent manufactu-er and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assisned fbr dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assunes that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheatNng material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components memtiers only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any environment that will cause the moistue coi«ent of the wood to exceed 19% and'or causa connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, tnsttril and brace this tmss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Tmswal software, 'ANSI/TP11', 'WTCA 1' - V*3od Tmss Council cf America Standard Desi^ Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COIVIPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSl) and 'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Tmss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 218 N. Lee Street Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 111119th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1S49 ES Date: 1/22/2015 DurFacs L=1.2S P=1.25 RepMbrBnd 1.10 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 SeqnT6.S.20- 104040 Job Name: Truss ID: 2BA Page 1 of 2 ;0 2-5-0 13-7-0 B2 W:508 R:2303 U:-72 6-4-0 6-4-0 6-4-0 13-7-0 TYPICAL PLATB: 1.5X3 All conne<:tor plates are Truswal 20 ga. or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded by "IVIX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 ga. from Truswal, positioned per Joint Detail Reports avaiiabie from Truswal software, unless noted. ^I<I>I^ WARN 1N G Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This desiyi is fbr an Imlividual building component not truss system. It has bsen based on specifications provided by the conponent manufactuer and dona in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified tiy die component manufactiFer ami/or building designer prior to fabricatien. The buildnig designer must ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assunes that the top chord is laterally brteed by the roof or tloor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally brsced by a rigid sheathing material lirectly attached, unlass otherwise noted. Bradng fliiown is fbr Iaterai support of components memtiers only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any environment thaH w91 cause the moistue content ofthe wood to exceed 19% and'or cause connector plate corrosion Fatiricate, handle, install and brace this tmss in accordance wHh the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output frcm Truswal software, •ANSl/TPi 1', 'WTCA 1' - Wood Tmss Council of America Standard Deslj^ Responslbilitiss. 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSI) and 'BCSl SUMMARY SHEETS' by VI/TCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 218 N. Lee Street Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 111119th Street, NW Ste SOO, WMiington, DC 20038. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: WO: R1549_ES Date: 1/22AZ01S INLAND IV/'>wy>»^ Emoire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. 1 Riverside, CA 92507 WARN 1N G Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This desiyi is fbr an Imlividual building component not truss system. It has bsen based on specifications provided by the conponent manufactuer and dona in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified tiy die component manufactiFer ami/or building designer prior to fabricatien. The buildnig designer must ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assunes that the top chord is laterally brteed by the roof or tloor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally brsced by a rigid sheathing material lirectly attached, unlass otherwise noted. Bradng fliiown is fbr Iaterai support of components memtiers only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any environment thaH w91 cause the moistue content ofthe wood to exceed 19% and'or cause connector plate corrosion Fatiricate, handle, install and brace this tmss in accordance wHh the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output frcm Truswal software, •ANSl/TPi 1', 'WTCA 1' - Wood Tmss Council of America Standard Deslj^ Responslbilitiss. 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSI) and 'BCSl SUMMARY SHEETS' by VI/TCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 218 N. Lee Street Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 111119th Street, NW Ste SOO, WMiington, DC 20038. TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 RepMbrBnd 1.00 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 Seqn T6.5.20- 104017 Job Name: Truss ID: 2BA Page 2 of 2 TC 2x4 DFL #2 BRS X-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D BC 2x4 DFL #1 S Btr. 1 0- 2-12 2303 5.50" 1.50" WEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD 2 13- i- i 2303 5.50" 1.50" SLIDER 2x6 DFL #2 QBL BLK 2x4 DFL STANDARD TC 1- 2 •1-2 2- 3 3- i 3-4 BC 5- 6 6- 7 7- 8 2- 6 3- 6 3-7 FORCE -1147 •-4164' -3908 -4149 -1140 AXL SMD CSI 0.00 0.83 0.83 0.05 0.83 0.88 0.04 0.29 0.33 O.OS 0.82 0.88 0.00 0.82 0.83 FORCE AXL END CSI 3941 0.25 0.59 0.84 3870 0.25 0.20 0.45 3926 0.25 0.59 0.84 FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 641 0.13 SLDRL -3259 0.13 239 0.05 SIDRR -3251 0.13 606 0.12 Kcr (creep faotor) =2.00 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sheet for Maximum Rotational Tolerance used THIS DESION IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Oable studs are required ONLY in the truss ply that will have siding/sheathing attached and are used only for that attachement as non-structural members. Loaded for 200 lb non-concurrent moving BCLL. Permanent bracing is required (by others) to prevent rotation/toppling. See BCSI and ANSI/TPI 1. UPLIFT REACTION (S) : Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -72 lb 2 -72 lb 20 psf bottom chord live load N(3T required on this truss, per IBC/IRC requirements for attics with limited storage. Designed per ANSI/TPI 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8.0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the truss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings. Plating is based on quality control factors cq = 0.92 for wide face and Cq = 0.92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for individual joints on the Joint Report. IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported in available documents as ER-1607 and ESR-lllS. Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. PLATINO BASED ON OREEN LUMBER VALUES. 2-PLX! Nail w/lOd BOX, staggered (per NDS) in: TC- 2 BC- 2 MEBS- 2 **PER FOOT!** Cluster screws, if shovm, are 3" long. This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 nind Specification Bltlg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location — End Zone Exp Category = c Bltlg Length = 65.00 ft, Bldg Width = 40.00 ft Mean roof height = 21.21 ft, n^ih = 110 Occupancy Category II, Dead Load = 14.4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Ccmponents and Cladding Tributary Area = 105 sqft All connector plates are Truswal 20 ga. or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for I^S 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded by "MX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H"for 16 ga. from Truswal, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Nail pattern shown is for PLF loads and point loads converted to PLF loads only. Concentrated loads MUST be distributed to eacih ply etjually. Multi-ply with hangers are based on hanger nails using 3.0" nails min. into the carrying toember. If shown, use additional fasteners for point loads as indicated from the back plys, distributed symmetrically around the hanger. Use any other approved detail (by others) . lOd = lOd NAXLS, SDS = slo^son SDS screws or equivalent substitute. (•) = Special Connection Req. (by others) li = Indicates load is evenly distributed (no additional fasteners req.) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + NATL pattern shown is based on: lOd BOX = 0.12S" dia. X 3.0" long nail lOd C(»M0N = 0.148" dia. X 3.0" long nail 16d BOX - 0.135" dia. x 3.5" long nail 16d COtMON = 0.162" dia. x 3.5" long nail + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + -LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS Dir L.Plf L Loc R.Plf R Loc LL/TL TC Vert 72.00 0-0- 0 72.00 6-4- 0 0.56 TC Vert 150.00 6-4- 0 150.00 7-3- 0 0.56 TC Vert 72.00 7-3- 0 72 .00 13-7- 0 0.56 BC vert 213.33 0-0- 0 213.33 13-7- 0 0.47 Type. lbs X.Loc LL/TL TC Vert 182 9 6- 4-0 1.00 TC Vert 146 3 6- 4-0 0.00 TC Vert 182 9 7- 3-0 1.00 TC Vert 146 3 7- 3-0 0.00 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/973 MEM 7-8 (LIVE) LC 1 L= -0.16" D= -0.33" T= -0.49" === Joint Locations == 1 0-0-0 5 0-0-0 2 6-4-0 6 6-4-0 3 7-3-0 7 7-3-0 4 13- 7-0 8 13- 7- 0 INLAND IV/'>v>^"<^ Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of It to the Erecting Contractor. This desi^i is for an inilividual builtling component not truss system. It hi» been based on specifications prodded by the corrponent marsjfacturer anddonein accordance with the cunent versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibiiity is assuned for dimensiorul accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads utilized on tNs design meet or exceed the loading irrposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assisnes that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material drectly attached, unless othenvise noted. Bracing shown is for iaterel support of components members only to reduce buckling length. TNs component shall not be placed in any environment tlut wHi cause the moistire cortent of the wood to exceed 19% andTor cause connector plalte corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' availatileas output from Truswai software, 'ANSI/TP11', 'WTCA I'-Wfood Truss Council of America Standard Desi^i Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- (BCSI) and 'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by VITTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 218 N. Lee Street Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. The American Forest end Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 111119th Street, NW, Ste 800, Wtestiington, DC 20036. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TC Uve 20.00 psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1S49 ES Date: 1/22/2015 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 RepMbrBnd 1.00 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 SeqnT6.5.20- 104017 Job Name: Truss ID: 2C X-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 0- 2-12 1144 5 50" 1 .50" 2 25- 9- 4 1144 5 50" 1 .50" TC FORCE AXL END CSI 1-2 -445 0.00 0.68 0.68 1-2 -2567 0.05 0.68 0.73 2-3 -2367 ,0J.0 0.64 0.75 3-1 "••-2368 ,0.10 0.64 0.74 4-5 -2569 Ja.)05 0.68 0.73 4-5 -437 •0.00 0.68 0.68 BC FORCE AXL END CSI 6-7 2420 0.25 0.62 0.88 7-8 1927 0.23 0.38 0.62 8-9 1927 0.15 0.57 0.72 9-10 2422 0.18 0.47 0.65 14EB FORCE ZSl HEB FORCE CSI 2-7 -228 0 .05 4-9 -230 0.05 3-7 513 0 .21 SIDRL -2457 0.22 3-9 513 0.21 SIDRR -2447 0.22 TC BC WEB SLIDER 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x6 DFL DFL DFL DFL DFL #1 £ Btr. #2 #1 £ Btr. STANDARD #2 Kcr (creep factor) s 2.00 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sheet for Maximum Rotational Tolerance used THIS DESION XS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Loaded for 10 PSF non-<»ncurrent BCLL. Loaded for 200 lb non-concuxrent moving BCLL. PLATINO BASED OH QREEN LUMBER VALUES. 20 psf bottcm chord live load NOT retiuired on this truss, per IBC/IRC requirements for attics with limited storage. Designed per ANSI/TPI 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8.0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the truss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings. Plating is based on quality control factors Cq = 0.92 for wide face and Cq = 0.92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for individual joints on the Joint Report. IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported in available documents as ER-1607 and ESR-lllS. UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -53 lb 2 -53 lb This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bltlg Enclosed =• Xes, Truss Location = End Sone Exp Category « C Bldg Length = 65.00 ft, Blclg Width = 40.00 ft Mean roof height 22.04 ft, mph = 110 Occupancy Category II, Dead Load « 14.4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Ccmponents and Cladding Tributary Area = 52 sqft MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/876 MQI 8-9 (LIVE) LC 52 L= -0.35" I>= -0.66" T= -1.01" — Joint Locations 0-0-0 6 0- 0- 6- 6- 0 13- 0- 0 19- 6- 0 26- 0- 0 T 4-1-0 1 10X10 Xo-10-0 Bl W:S08 R:1144 U:-53 M-O 1 6-6-0 , 6-6-0 , 6-6-0 , 6-6-0 13-0-0 19-6-0 26-0-0 13-0-0 13-0-0 '1 2 '3 4 5' 1 3.00 13-4:13'-— 6X8 1.5X3^-^ ^^^^==;:~-^^^r5X3 3X10 ^ 3X10 ^:::^^^oxio T 4-1-0 I SHIP 3X4 Io-1()i B2 W:S08 R:1144 U:-53 26-0-0 10 8-8-0 8-8-0 8-8-0 17-4-0 8-8-0 26-0-0 All connector plates are Truswal 20 ga. or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded by "IVIX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 ga. from Truswal, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: S/32" = r ^1<1>K INLAND IVy'^^XXl Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of It to the Erecting Contractor. This dostffi is for an feidivtdud building componsnt not truss systam. It has baan basad on spacificattons providad by tha component manufacttrer WKl dona in accordanca with tha currant varsions of TPI and AFPA dasign standards. No rasponsibility is assumad for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions ara to ba vwlfied by the component manuhuturer and/or building designer prior to fabricatioa The bUlcRng designer must ascartatn th^ tha loads UtiHzed on ttiis dasign meat or exceed the loading imposed by tha local building code and tha particiiar application. The design assumes that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and ttw bottom chord is laterally t)raced by a ri^d sheathing material directiy attached, unless otharwise noted. Bradng shown is for lateral support of components mambars only to reduce buckling length. This component shall fMt be placed in any environment that will causa the moistire cortent ofthe wood to exceed 19% and'or causa connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace tNs truss in accordance with the follomng standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports* annulable as output from Truswal software, 'ANSI/TP11', V/rCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of Amorica Standard DesiTi Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION- - (BCSI) and 'SCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Tnjss Plate Instituta (TPI) is located at 218 N. Lee Street Suite 312, Alexandria. VA 22314. The American Forest and Pi^r Association (AFPA) is located at 111119th Street, HW, Ste 800, Wtahington, DC 20036. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: WO: R1549_ES Date: 1/22J201S TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 RepMbrBnd 1.10 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 SeqnT6.S.20- 104018 BBG 1 2 TC 1-2 1- 2 2- 3 3- i 4- 5 5- 6 6- 7 6-7 Job Name: Truss ID: 2CA X-LOC 0- 2-12 25- 9- i FORCE -365 -5607 •--6692 -7660 -7660 -6694 -5600 -385 BIJICT SIZE BEQ'D 2570 5.50" 1.50" 2570 5.50" 1.50" AXL 0.00 O.OS O.IS 1% 0.15 0.03 0.00 BND CSI 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.98 0.66 0.81 0.27 0. 0.27 0. 0.65 0. 0.90 0. 0.90 0. .16 .46 .80 .98 .90 BC FORCE AXL BND CSI 8- 9 9- 10 10- 11 11- 12 12- 13 13- 14 14- 15 NEB 2-9 2- 10 3- 10 3- 12 4- 12 5- 12 5235 5243 6653 6553 6553 5238 5229 0.46 0.40 0.87 0.46 0.27 0.73 0.58 0.11 0.69 0.42 0.08 0.50 0.42 0.09 0.50 0.33 0.22 0.55 0.33 0.31 0.64 FORCE CSI 18G 0.04 1385 0.28 -281 0.02 1228 0.25 -885 0.07 1228 0.25 WEB FORCE CSI 5- 13 -277 0.02 6- 13 1391 0.28 6-14 178 0.04 SUJRL -5475 0.26 SLDBR -5446 0.25 TC BC WEB SLIDER GBL BLK 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x6 2x4 DPL DPL DPL DPL DFL DPL #2 #2 #1 £ Btr. #2 STAHD&BD Lumber shear allowables are per NDS. Kcr (creep factor) =2.00 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sbeet for Maximum Rotational Tolerance used IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported in available documents as ER-1607 and ESR-lllS. Loaded for 10 PSP non-concurrent BCLL. Loaded for 200 lb non-concurrent moving BCLL. Permanent bracing is required (by others) prevent rota tion/toppling. See BCSI and AHSI/TPI 1. UPLIPT REACTION(S) : support Main Wind Non-Hind 1 -26 lb 2 -26 lb 20 psf bottcm chord live load NOT required on this truss, per IBC/IRC requirements for attics with limi ted storage. to 4-0-0 4-0-0 Designed per ANSI/TPI 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8.0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the truss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings. Plating is based on quality control factors Cq = 0.92 for wide face and Cq = 0.92 for narrow faoe. Any alterations to this are shown for individual joints on the Joint Report. THIS DESION IS THE CC»lPOSITE RESULT OP MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Qable studs are required ONLY in the truss ply that will have siding/sheathing attached and are used only for that attachement as non-structural members. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. PLATINO BASED ON OREEN LUMBER VALUES. 2-ELY! Nail w/lOd BOX, staggered (per NDS) in: TC- 2 BC- 2 WEBS- 2 ''PER FOOT!** Cluster screws, if shown, are 3" long. This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = c Bldg Length = 65.00 ft, Bldg Width = 40.00 Mean roof height = 21.42 ft, n^h = 110 Occupancy Category II, Dead Load = 14.4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Ccn^onents and Cladding Tributary Area = 117 sqft 5-0-0 5-0-0 4-0-0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Nail pattern shown is for PLP loads and point loads converted to PLF loads only. Concentrated loads MUST be distributed to each ply equally. Multi-ply with hangers are based on hanger nails using 3.0" nails min. into the carrying member. If shown, use additional fasteners for point loads as indicated from the back plys, distributed symmetrically around the hanger. Use any other approved detail (by others) . lOd = lOd HAXLS, SDS = sin^son SDS screws or equivalent substitute. (*) = Special Connection Req. (by others) e = Indicates load is evenly distributed (no additional fasteners req.) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + NAXL pattern shown is based on: lOd BOX " 0.128" dia. X 3.0" long nail lOd CObMON = 0.148" dia. X 3.0" long nail 16d BOX = 0.135" dia. X 3.5" long nail 16d COMMON = 0.162" dia. X 3.5" long nail + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + -LOAD CASE #1 DESION LOADS 4-0-0 8-0-0 8-0-0 13-0-0 18-0-0 22-0-0 26-0-0 8-0-0 Dir TC Vert TC Vert TC Vert BC Vert ...Type. TC Vert TC Vert TC Vert TC Vert L.Plf 72.00 180.00 72.00 40.00 lbs 319.0 25S.2 319.0 255.2 L.Loc 0- 0- 0 8- 0- 0 18- 0- 0 0- 0- 0 X.Loc 8- 0- 0 8- 0- 0 18- 0- 0 18- 0- 0 R. Plf 72.00 180.00 72.00 40.00 LL/TL 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 R. Loc LL/TL 8-0- 0 0.56 18-0- 0 0.56 26-0- 0 0.56 26-0- 0 0.00 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MQd 3-4 (LIVE) LC 1 lr= -0.23" D= -0.54" T= -0.78" Joint Locations == 10X10 T 2-10-0 lo-ioi^""' 1.5X3 3X4 Bl W:508 R:2570 U:-26 S=4X8 3X8 26-0-0 3X4 1.5X3 1 0-0-0 9 4-0-0 2 4-0-0 10 8-0-0 3 8-0-0 11 10-0-0 4 13-0-0 12 13-0-0 5 18-0-0 13 18-0-0 6 22-0-0 14 22-0-0 7 26-0-0 15 26-0-0 8 0-0-0 B2 W:508 R:2S70 U:-26 10 4-0-0 4-0-0 11 S-0-0 12 4-0-0 8-0-0 13-0-0 S-0-0 13 18-0-0 4-0-0 14 15 4-0-0 22-0-0 26-0-0 All connector plates are Truswal 20 ga. by "MX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded ga. from Truswal, positioned per Joint Detail Reports avaiiable from Truswai software, unless noted. Scale: S/32" = 1' INLAND Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This desi^i Is for an individual building camponant not truss systam. It has been basad on specifications providad by the component manufacturer and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading inposed by the local building code and the particular appiicetlon. The design assunes that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material drectly attache^ unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral st4]port of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any environment thK will cause the moistire content ofthe wood to exceed 19% and'or cause conneclor plate corrosioa Fabricate, handle, install and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, •ANSl/TPl 1', 'WTCA 1'-Wood Truss Council of America Standard Oesl^ Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- (BCSl) and 'BCSl SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 218 N. Laa Street Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 111118th Street, NW Ste SOO, Washington DC 20036. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1549 ES Date: 1/22/2015 DurFacs L=1.2S P=1.25 RepMbrBnd 1.00 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 Seqn T6.5.20- 104019 Job Name: Truss ID: 2CB 1 2 TC 1-2 1- 2 2- 3. 3- 4 4- 5 5- 6 6- 7 6-7 BC 8- 9 9- 10 10- 11 11- 12 12- 13 WEB 2- 9 3- 9 3- 11 4- 11 5- 11 X-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 0- 2-12 1144 5.50" 1.50" 25- 9- 4 1144 5.50" 1.50" FORCE AXL END CSI -263 0.00 0.54 0.54 -2418 0.04 0.54 0.58 —2449 0^06 0.48 0.54 -2661 a.78 0.21 1.00 -2661 tf:78 0.21 1.00 -2448 0.06 0.47 0.53 -2419 0.04 0.54 0.58 -256 0.00 0.54 0.54 FORGE AXL BND CSI 2262 0.24 0.45 0.68 2349 0.26 0.52 0.78 2349 0.19 0.36 0.55 2348 0.19 0.40 0.59 2263 0.17 0.34 0.51 TC 2x4 2x4 BC 2x4 2x4 nEB 2x4 SLIDER 2x6 Kcr (creep factor) DFL #1 £ Btr. DFL #2 3-5 DFL #2 DFL #1 i Btr. 10-13 DFL STANDARD DFL *2 = 2.00 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sheet for Maximum Rotational Tolerance used THIS DESXOH XS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL. Loaded for 200 lb non-concurrent moving BCLL. Continuous lateral restraint attached to flat TC as indicated. Lumber must be structural grade. Brace S 24" o.c. unless noted. Designed per ANSI/TPI 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8.0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the truss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings. Plating is based on quality control factors Cq = 0.92 for wide face and Cq = 0.92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for individual joints on the Joint Report. IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSI/IPX and are rq>orted in available documents as ER-1S07 and ESR-lllS. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. PLATINQ BASED ON OREEN LUMBER VALUES. 20 psf bottcm chord live load NOT required on this truss, per IBC/IRC requirements for attics with limited storage. FORCE CSI 210 0.09 222 0.09 400 0.16 -260 0.05 402 0.16 VEB FORCE CSI 5- 12 222 0.09 6- 12 209 0.08 SLDRL -2421 0.22 SIDRR -2414 0.22 This design based on chord bracing applied per the following schedule: max o.c. from to TC 44.00" 9-11-11 16- 0- 0 UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -26 lb 2 -26 lb This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enclosed >• Zes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category » C Bldg Length = 65.00 ft, Bldg Width = 40.00 ft Mean roof height = 21.66 ft, mph = 110 Occupancy Category II, Dead Load = 14.4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Cco^onents and Cladding Tributary Area — 52 stjft MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 Mm 9-10 (LIVE) LC 49 L= -0.18" D= -0. 42" T= -0 s^=s= Joint Locations 1 0-0-0 8 0-0- 0 2 4- 5-13 9 6-4-13 3 10- 0- 0 10 10-0- 0 4 13- 0- 0 11 13-0- 0 5 16- 0- 0 12 19-7- 3 6 21- 6- 3 13 26-0- 0 7 26- 0- 0 4-5-13 5-6-3 3-0-0 .3-0-0 S-6-3 4-5-13 T 3-3-15 10X10 3-3-15 -P I SHIP _Lo-ioi 3X4 S=4X8 Bl W:508 R:1144 U:-26 3X6 26-0-0 3X4 B2 W:S08 R:1144 U:-26 6-4-13 &4-13 10 6-7-3 11 12 13 6-7-3 13-0-0 19-7-3 6-4-13 26-0-0 All connector plates are Truswal 20 ga. by "MX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded ga. from Truswal, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: S/32" y^ INLAND rs>'>wX">^ Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This design is fdr an Individual bulldlng component not truss system. It has baen based on specifications provided by the component manufactu'er anddonein accofdancewiththecurrantvefsiansDfTPlandAFPAdasign standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabricatioa The building designer must asceriain that tha ioads utilzed on this design meet or exceed the loading iir^Mised by the local building code and tha particular appllcitflon. The dasign assunes that the top chord is laterally braced by tha roof or floor shealhing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless othenvise rrated. Bradng shown is for lataratst^iiMNt of components members only to reduca budding length. This component shall not b* placed in any environment thai wfll cause the moisture content ofthe wood to exceed 10% andlor causa connector plate corrosion Fabricate, handle, install and brace this truss in accordance with the fdlowing standanls: 'Jdnt and Cutting Detail Reports' avaflabla as output from Truswal software, 'ANSVTPl 1', 'WTCA 1' - Vlbod Tmss Council of America Standard Desilt Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSI) and 'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPL The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located al 218 N. Lee Street Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 111119th Street, NV( Ste 800, Washingtor^ DC 20036. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1549 ES Date: 1/22/2015 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 RepiVlbrBnd 1.10 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 Seqn T6.5.20- 104020 Job Name: Truss ID: 2CC BRG " "1 2 TC 1-2 1- 2 2- 3 • 3- 4 4- 5 5- 6 6- 7 6-7 BC 8- 9 9- 10 10- 11 11- 12 12- 13 .VEB 2- 9 3- 9 3- 11 4- 11 5- 11 X-LOC REACT SIZE BEQ'D 0- 2-12 1144 5.50" 1.50" 25- 9- 4 1144 5.50" 1.50" TC BC FORCE -263 -2418 -2449' -2661 -2661 -2448 -2419 -256 FORCE 2262 2349 2349 2348 2263 AXL BND CSI 0.00 0.54 0.54 0.04 0.54 0.58 0.06 0.48 0.54 0.7P 0.21 1.00 0.78 0.21 1.00 0.06 0.47 0.53 0.04 0.54 0.58 0.00 0.54 0.54 AXL BND CSI 0.24 0.45 0.68 0.26 0.52 0.78 0.19 0.36 0.55 0.19 0.40 0.59 0.17 0.34 0.51 2x4 DFL #1 £ Btr. 2x4 DFL #2 3-5 2x4 DFL #2 2x4 DFL #1 £ Btr. 10-13 WEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD SLIDER 2x6 DFL #2 Kcr (creep faotor) =2.00 Refer to Joint QC Detail sheet for Maximum Rotational Tolerance used THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL. Loaded for 200 lb non-concurrent moving BCLL. Continuous lateral restraint attached to flat TC as indicated. Lumber must be structural grade. Brace e 24" o.c. unless noted. Designed per ANSI/TPI 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance - 8.0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the truss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings. Plating is based on quality control factors Cq = 0.92 for wide face and Cq = 0.92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for individual joints on the Joint Report. IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSX/TPI and are reported in available documents as ER-1607 and ESR-lllS. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES. 20 psf bottcm chord live load NOT required on this truss, per IBC/IRC requirements for attics with limited storage. FORCE CSI 210 0.09 222 0.09 400 0.16 -260 0.05 402 0.16 WE3 FOEICE CSI 5- 12 222 0.09 6- 12 209 0.08 SIDRL -2421 0.22 SICRR -2414 0.22 This design based on chord bracing applied per the following schedule: max o.c. from to TC 44.00" 8- 9- 9 16- 0- 0 UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -44 lb 2 -44 lb This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category — C Bldg Length = 65.00 ft, Bldg Width = 40.00 ft Mean roof height = 21.91 ft, mph = 110 Occupancy Category II, Dead Load = 14.4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Components and Cladding Tributary Area = 52 sqft MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 9-10 (LIVE) LC 49 L= -0.18" D= -0.42" T= -0.60" Joint Locations == 4-5-13 5-6-3 3-0-0 ,3-0-0 5-6-3 4-5-13 1 0-0- 0 8 0-0- 0 2 4-5-13 9 6-4-13 3 10-0- 0 10 10-0- 0 4 13-0- 0 11 13-0- 0 5 16-0- 0 12 19-7- 3 6 21-6- 3 13 26-0- 0 7 26-0- 0 T 3-9-15 3-9-15 10X10 I SHIP B1 W:508 R:1144 U:-44 3X4 S=4X8 3X6 26-0-0 3X4 Io-ioi B2 W:508 R:1144 U:-44 6-4-13 6-4-13 10 11 6-7-3 , 13-0-0 12 13 6-7-3 19-7-3 6-4-13 26^-0 All connector plates are Truswal 20 ga. by "MX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded ga. from Truswal, posKioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 5/32" = r INLAND Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of It to the Erecting Contractor. This design is for an individual building component not truss system, it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufactu-er and done In accordance with the current versions of T Pi and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed fbr dimensional accuracy. Diniensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. Tha building designer must ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular appiic^on. The design assunes that the top chord is laterdly braced by the roof or fioor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material drectly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bradng shown is for iaterd si^iport of components members only to reduce buckling length. This corrponent shdl not be placed in any environment that will cause the moisture content ofthe wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion Fabricate, handle, instdl and brace this truss in accordance with the fdlowing standards; 'Jdnt and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSI/TP11'. "WTCA 1' - VfoodTruss Coutxil of America Standard Desi^i Responsibilities. 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSI) and 'SCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Tmss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 218 N. Les Street Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. The American Forest and Paper Associatton (AFPA) is located at 111119th Street, NW, Ste 800, Wastiington, DC 20036. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1549 ES Date: 1/22/2015 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 RepMbrBnd 1.10 O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec IBC-2012 Seqn T6.5.20- 104021 tl I Job Name: Truss ID: 2CD X-LOC REACT SIZE BEQ'D 1 0- 3- 8 1136 4.00" 1 .50" 2 25- 9- 4 1141 5.50" 1 .50" TC FORCE AXL BND CSI 1-2 -1755 0.32 0.29 0.61 2-3 -2589 0.69 0.2E 0.95 3-4 -•-2418 Oreo 0.24 0.84 4-5 -2475 Q';t)5 0.42 0.47 5-6 -2415 'o:fl4 0.54 0.58 5-6 -243 0.00 0.54 0.54 BC FORCE AXL BHD CSI 7-8 147 0.00 0.46 0.46 8-9 1858 0.21 0.40 0.61 9-10 1858 0.15 0.19 0.34 10-11 2627 0.21 0.32 0.53 11-12 2267 0.18 0.27 0.45 12-13 2266 0.26 0.26 0.52 NB FORCE AXL BtlD CSI 7-1 -1098 0.07 0.14 0.21 TIIEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-7 -1098 0 .21 3-11 -316 0.20 1-8 1983 0 .81 4-11 234 0.10 2-8 -835 0 .13 5-11 228 0.09 2-10 827 0 .34 5-12 201 0.08 3-10 -306 0 .05 SIDRL -2331 0.21 #1 & Btr. #2 #1 S Btr. STANDARD *2 TC 2x4 DFL BC 2x4 DFL 2x4 DFL MEB 2x4 DFL SLIDER 2x6 DFL Kcr (creep factor) =2.00 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sheet for Maxinum Rotational Tolerance used THIS DESION IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL. Loaded for 200 lb non-concurrent moving BCLL. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. PLATINQ BASED ON OREEN LUMBER VALUES. KORXZONTAL RZiu:iiaN(S) : support 1 -190 lb support 2 -190 lb This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location ~ End Zone Exp Category C Bldg Length = 65.00 ft, Bldg Width = 40.00 Mean roof height = 21.91 ft, mph - 110 Occupancy Catiegory II, Dead Load — 14.4 psf Designed as t^in Wind Force Resisting system - Low-rise and Ccn^onents and Cladding Tributary Area — 52 sqft Vertical members - exposed to wind: 7-1 Designed per AHSI/TFI 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance — 8.0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the truss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings. Plating is based on quality control factors Cq = 0.92 for wide face and Cq = 0.92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for individual joints on the Joint Report. IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported in available documents as ER-1607 and ESR-lllS. Continuous lateral restraint attached to flat TC as indicated. Lumber must be structural grade. Brace 6 24" o.c. unless noted. 20 psf bottom chord live load NOT required on this truss, per IBC/IRC requirements for attics with limited storage. End verticals are designed for axial loads only unless noted otherwise. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) have been designed for loads indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at the end of the extensions have not been considered unless shown. A drop-leg to an otherwise unsupported wall may create a hinge effect that requires additional design consideration (by others). This design based on chord bracing applied per the following schedule: max o.c. TC 46.00" UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support Main wind 1 -66 lb 2 -37 lb from 0- 1- 8 to 16- 0- MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 not 3-4 (LIVE) LC 1 1.= -0.17" D= -0.39" T= -0.56" EX.WB DEF CRITERIA:L/120 IN MEM 7- 1; T= -0.01" =5= Joint Locations === 5-6-9 5-6-5 5-4-9 4-5-0 5-0-0 1 0- 0- 0 8 5- 6- 9 2 5- 6- 9 9 9-10- 8 3 11- 0-15 10 11- 0-15 4 16- 5- 8 11 16- 5- 8 5 20-10- S 12 20-10- 8 6 25-10- 8 13 25-10- 8 7 0- 0- 0 T 3-8-15 3-9-15 10X10 I SHIP B2 W:508 R:1141 U:-37 25-10-8 0-1-8 10 11 12 STUB S-6-9 5-6-5 S-4-9 4-5-0 S-0-0 13 S-6-9 11-0-15 16-5-8 20-10-8 25-10-8 All connector plates are Truswal 20 ga. or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded by "MX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 ga. from Truswal, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: S/32" = V INLAND rs>"S>0^ Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This desi0i Is for an Individual building component not truss system, it has been based on specifications provided l3y the component manufacturer anddonein accordance with the ctment versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assuned for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions ara to be verified by ttie compcnent manufactiyer anrVor building dedgnar prior to fabrication. The buildmg designer must ascertdn that the loads utilized on tNs design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local bulldlng code and the particular application. The design assisnes that tha top chord is latarally braced by tha roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing materid drectly attached, unless othenrise noted. Bradng shown Is for Iaterd si^iport of components metrbers only to reduce buckling length. This component shdl rut be placed in any environment that wiil cause the moistiFe content ofthe wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosioa Fabricate, handle, instdl and brace this truss in accordance with the fdlowing standards: 'Jdnt and Cutting Detdl Reports' availat>le as output from Truswd software, 'ANSI/TPI r, 'WTCA 1- - Wbod Tmss Coundl of America Standard Desi^i Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSI) and 'BCSl SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPL The Tmss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 218 N. Lee Street Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. The American Forest and P^r Association (AFPA) is located at 111 119th Street. NW, Ste BW, Whshington, DC 20036. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TCLive 20.00psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead S.OO psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1549 ES Date: 1/22/2015 DurFacs L=1.2S P=1.25 RepMbrBnd 1.10 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 SeqnT6.5.20- 104022 Job Name: Truss ID: 2CE BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE EEQ'D 1 0-3-8 1136 4.00" 1.50" 2 25- 9- 4 1141 5.50" 1.50" TC FORCE AXL BND CSI 1-2 -1755 0.32 0.29 0.61 2-3 -2589 0.69 0.26 0.95 ;3-4' - -2418' 0.60 0.24 0.84 4-5 -2475 0.05 0.42 0.47 5-6 -2415 0.04 0.54 0.58 5-6 -243 0.00 0.54 0.54 BC FORCE AXL BMD CSI •7-8 147 0.00 0.46 0.46 8-9 1858 0.21 0.4O 0.61 9-10 1858 0.15 0.19 0.34 10-11 2627 0.21 0.32 0.53 11-12 2267 0.18 0.27 0.45 12-13 2266 0.26 0.26 0.52 NB FORCE AXL BSD CSI 7-1 -1098 0.07 0.14 0.21 NEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-7 -1098 0 21 3-11 -316 0 20 1-8 1983 0 81 4-11 234 0 10 2-8 -835 0 13 5-11 228 0 09 2-10 827 0 34 5-12 201 0 .08 3-10 -306 0 05 SLDRL -2331 0 21 TC 2x4 DFL #1 & Btr. BC 2x4 DFL #2 2x4 DPL #1 £ Btr. 9-13 WEB 2x4 DFL STANDABD SLIDER 2x6 OFL #2 Kcr (creep factor) =2.00 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sbeet for Maximum Rotational Tolerance used THIS DESION IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL. Loaded for 200 lb non-concurrent moving BdiL. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. PLATINQ BASED OH OREEN LUMBER VALUES. HORIZONTAL REACTIQN(S) : support 1 -190 lb support 2 -190 lb This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 wind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Xes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 65.00 ft, Bldg Width = 40.00 Mean roof height = 21.66 ft, mph = 110 Occupancy Category II, Dead Load = 14.4 psf Designed as l^in Wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Ccmponents and Cladding Tributary Area = 52 sqft Vertical members exposed to wind: 7-1 Designed per ANSI/TPI 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8.0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the truss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings. Plating is based on quality control factors Cq = 0.92 for wide face and Cq = 0.92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for individual joints on the Joint Report. IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported in available documents as ER-1607 and ESR-lllS. Continuous lateral restraint attached to flat TC as indicated. Lumber must be structural grade. Brace 6 24" o.c. unless noted. 20 psf bottcm chord live load NOT required on this truss, per IBC/IRC requirements for attics with limited storage. End verticals are designed for axial loads only unless noted otherwise. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) have been designed for loads indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at the end of the extensions have not been considered unless shown. A drop-leg to an otherwise unsupported wall may create a hinge effect that requires additional design consideiration (by others) . This design based on chord bracing applied per the following schedule: max o.c. frcm 0- 1- 8 TC 46.00" UPLIFT REACTION(S) Support Main Wind 1 -78 lb 2 -25 lb to 16- 0- Non-Wind MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 3-4 (LIVE) LC 1 L= -0.17" I>= -0.39" !P= -0.56" EX.WB DEF CRITERIA:L/120 IN MEM 7- 1; T= -0.01" 5-6-9 5-6-5 5-4-9 4-5-0 S-0-0 Joint Locations 0- 0- 0 5- 6- 9 11- 0-15 16- 5- 8 20-10- 8 25-10- 8 0- 0- 0 T 10X10 3-3-1S -P I SHIP J.0-1<)i B2 W:508 R:1141 U:-2S 25-10-8 0-1-8 STUB 5-6-9 S-6-S 9 10 11 12 5-4-9 5-6-9 11-0-15 16-5-8 4-5-0 20-10-8 5-0-0 13 25-10-8 All connector plates are Truswal 20 ga. by "MX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded ga. from Truswal, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 5/32" = 1' INLAND r\X\X\yi Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNiNG Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This design is tor an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the conponent manufacturer anddonein accordancawiththecurrent versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code aixl the particular application. The design assisnes that the top chord is lateraily braced by the roof or fioor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shali not be placed in any environment that will cause the moisture cortent ofthe wood to exceed 19% ancVor cause connector plate corrosioa Fabricate, handle, install and brace this tmss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Tmswal software, 'ANSI/TP11', 'WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Desi^ Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSI) and 'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPL Tho Tmss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 218 N. Lee Street Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 111119th Street, NW; Ste 800, Vfeshington. DC 20036. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TCLive 20.00psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1549 ES Date: 1/22/201S DurFacs L=1.2S P=1.25 RepMbrBnd 1.10 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 Seqn T6.5.20- 104023 Job Name: Truss ID: 2CF Page 1 of 2 4-6-0 3-6-0 2-10-0 10X10 2-10-0 SHIP 2S-10-8 10 11 12 13 14 15 4-6-4 4-6-0 4-6-4 9-0-4 -H 4-6-0 4-4-4 4-6-0 3-6-0 13-6-4 17-10-8 22-4-8 25-1 Alt connector plates are Truswal 20 ga. or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded by "MX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 ga. from Truswal, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. ^1<1>K INLAND rv/'X/SI/'l Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This fleslTi Is fbr an individual tHjilding component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the corrponent manufacturer anddonein accordanca with tha currant versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by tha cofnponent manufactuiar and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads utIRzed on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building coda and the particular application. The design assisnes that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and tha bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted Bracing shown is for lateral si^iport of componer<sm«il4>e(S only to reduce txjcMinglengtK TNs convonent shall not be placed in any environment thit will cause the moisture content ofthe wood to exceed ^9% andlor cause connector plate corrosion Fabricate, handle, install and t>race this tmss in accordance with the fallowing standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' avaiiable as output from Truswal software, 'ANSI/TP11', TVTCA1' - Wbod Tmss Coundl of/Vmerica Standard DeslTi Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSl) and 'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPL Ths Tmss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 218 N. Les Street Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 111119th Street, NW; Ste 800, WMiington, DC 20036. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1549 ES Date: 1/22/2015 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 RepMbrBnd 1.00 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 Seqn T6.S.20 - 104024 Job Name: Truss ID: 2CF Page 2 of 2 BBG X-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 0-3-8 2811 4.00" 1.50" 2 25- 9- 4 2468 5.50" 1.50" TC FORCE AXL BND CSI 1- 2 2- 3" 3- 4 4- 5 5- 6 6- 7 6-7 -3937 -63'77 -7140 -6196 -6429 -5232 -280 0.04 0.24 0.28 d.,68 0.22 0.30 0.i2 0.17 0.29 0.07 0.15 0.23 0.15 0.51 0.66 0.07 0.75 0.81 0.00 0.75 0.75 BC FORCE AXL BSD CSI 8- 9 9- 10 10- 11 11- 12 12- 13 13- 14 14- 15 WB 8-1 142 4201 6516 6516 7166 4871 4866 FORCE -2732 0.00 0.22 0.22 0.37 0.08 0.45 0.58 0.06 0.63 0.41 0.07 0.49 0.45 0.06 0.52 0.31 0.16 0.47 0.31 0.23 0.54 AXL BHD CSI 0.27 0.00 0.23 WEB FORCE CSI 1-8 -2732 0.23 1- 9 4601 0.93 2- 9 -2215 0.16 2- 10 2545 0.52 3- 10 -1153 0.08 3-12 729 0.15 WEB FORCE CSI 4-12 4- 13 5- 13 6- 13 6-14 SLDRL -217 0.02 1116 0.14 398 0.08 1447 0.29 219 0.04 5175 0.24 WEB SLIDER OBL BLK 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x6 2x4 DFL DFL DFL DFL DFL DFL DFL #2 #1 S Btr. #2 #1 £ Btr. STANDARD #2 STANDARD Lumber shear allowables are per NDS. Kcr (creep factor) =2.00 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sbeet for Maximum Rotational Tolerance used IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and axe reported in available documents as ER-1607 and ESR-lllS. Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. Penoanent bracing is required (by others) to prevent rotation/toppling. See BCSI and ANSI/TPI 1. 2-PLY! Nail w/lOd BOX, staggered (per NDS) in: TC- 2 BC- 2 WEBS- 2 •*PER FOOT!** Cluster screws, if shown, are 3" long. UPLIFT REACTION (S) : Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -33 lb 2 -25 lb This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = c Bldg Lengtb = 65.00 ft, Bldg width = 40.00 Mean roof height = 21.42 ft, nqph — 110 Occupancy Category II, Dead Load = 14.4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Ccn^onents and Cladding Tributary Area = 121 sq^t Vertical members exposed to wind: 8-1 Designed per ANSI/TPI 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8.0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of tbe lesser of the truss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings. Plating is based on quality control factors cq = 0.92 for wide face and Cq = 0.92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for individual joints on the Joint Report. THIS DESIQN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Gable studs are required ONLY in the truss ply that will have siding/sheathing attached and are used only for that attachement as non-structural metiibers. Loaded for 200 lb non-concurrent moving BCLL. PLATINO BASED ON OREEN LUMBER VALUES. End verticals are designed for axial loads only unless noted otherwise. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) have been designed for loada indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at the end of the extensions have not been considered unless shown. A drop-leg to an otherwise unsupported wall may create a hinge effect that requires additional design consideration (by others). All connector plates are Truswal 20 ga. or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded by "MX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 ga. from Truswal, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Nail pattern shown is for PLF loads and point loads converted to PLF loads only. Concentrated loads MUST be distributed to each ply equally. Multi-ply with hangers are based on hanger nails using 3.0" nails min. into the carrying member. If shown, use additional fasteners for point loads as indicated from the back plys, distributed symmetrically around the hanger. Use any other approved detail (by others) . lOd = lOd NAXLS, SDS = Simpson SDS screws or equivalent substitute. (*) = Special Connection Req. (by others) @ = Indicates load is evenly distributed (no additional fasteners req.) + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + NAIL pattern shown is based on: lOd BOX = 0.128" dia. X 3.0" long nail lOd C(»M0N = 0.148" dia. X 3.0" long nail 16d BOX = 0.135" dia. X 3.5" long nail 16d CObMON = 0.162" dia. X 3.5" long nail + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + HORJZONTAL REACTION(S) : support 1 -182 lb support 2 -182 lb 20 psf bottcm chord live load NOT required on this truss, per IBC/IRC requirements for attics with limited storage. LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS Dir L.Plf L.Loc R.Plf R.Loc TC Vert 174.75 0- 1- 8 174.75 18- 0- 0 TC Vert 72.00 18- 0- 0 72.00 26- 0- 0 BC Vert 38.83 0- 1- 8 38.83 26- 0- 0 . . .Type. . . lbs X.Loc LL/TL TC Vert 319.0 18- 0-0 1.00 TC Vert 255.2 18- 0- 0 0.00 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 3-4 (LIVE) LC LL/TL 0.56 0.56 0.00 L= -0.17" D= -0. 41" T= -0 EX.WB DEF CRITERIA: L/120 IN MEM 8-1; T= 0.00" = Joint Locations 1 0- 0-0 9 4- 6-4 2 4- 6-4 10 9- 0-4 3 9- 0-4 11 9-10-8 4 13- 6-4 12 13- 6-4 5 17-10-8 13 17-10-8 6 22- 4-8 14 22- 4-8 7 25-10-8 15 25-10-8 8 0- 0-0 X1>K INLAND Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufactirer anddonein accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assuned for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particiiar application. The design assisnes that the top chord is iateraily braced by the roof or fioor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral si^port of components merrbers only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any environment that will cause the moisture cortent ofthe wood to exceed 19% andfor cause connector plate corrosiorL Fabricate, handle, install and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal softwars, 'ANSI/TP11', 'WTCA r - Wbod Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSl) and 'BCSl SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 218 N. Lee Street Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 111119th Street, NW, Ste 800, W^ington, DC 20036. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1549 ES Date: 1/22/2015 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 RepMbrBnd 1.00 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 Seqn T6.5.20 - 104024 Job Name: Truss ID: 2DA Page 1 of 2 6-9-12 B3 HQUS26-2 W:508 R:2298 i U:-47 6-9-12 16-0-0 All connector plates are Truswal 20 ga. by "MX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded ga. from Truswal, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. OVER 3 SUPPORTS INLAND l\XX^"V^l Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside; CA 92507 WARNiNG Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. TNs design is fbr an incfividual building component not truss system. It has been basad on specifications providad by the conponent manufactiFer anddonein aecordancowlththecurrentvsrslonsofTPIandAFPAdesjgnstandards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions ara to be verified by the component manufacturer wnUor bulldlng designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads utlfized on this design mast or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assunes that the top chord is laterally braced by Hie roof or fioor sheathing and tho bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheattiing material drectty attached unless otherwise noted. Bracing siiown is fbr lateral sipport of ootnponents merrbers only to reduce budding length. This componsnt shall not be placed in any enMronment thd wHI cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion Fabricate, hancfle, install and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards; 'Joint wid Cutting Detail Reports' available as output Irom Tnjswal software, 'ANSI/TP11', 'WTCA 1' - Wbod Truss Council of America Standard Desiir Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSl) and 'BCSl SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPL The Tmss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 218 N. Lee Street Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. The American Forest and Paper/Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 igth Street, NWl Ste 800, W^ngton, DC 20036. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TCLive 20.00psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1549 ES Date: 1/22/2015 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 Seqn T6.5.20 - 104025 Ki i Job Name: Truss ID: 2DA Page 2 of 2 REQ'D 1.50" 1.64" 1.50" C X-LOC 1 0- 2-12 2 9-2-4 3 15- 9- 4 BRG HANSER/CLIP 3 HGUS26-2 Support Connecticn(s)/Hanger(s) are not designed for horizontal loads. SEE SIMPSON CATALOG FOR ADDITICalAL INSTALLATION NOTES REACT SIZE 796 5.50" 3075 3.50" 2298 KCR NOTE TC FORCE AXL BND CSI 1-2 -1293 0.01 0.27 0.27 2-3 -1222 0.01 0.09 0.10 3-4 -1747 0.01 0.30 0.31 4-5 -1688 0.01 0.40 0.41 BC FORCE AXL BND CSI 6-7 1195: 0.03 0.12 0.14 7-8 1393 0.05 0.60 0.65 8-9 1603 0.06 0.60 0.66 WEB FORCE CSI T^EB FOICE CSI 2-7 -661 0 .04 3-8 1290 0.26 3-7 -778 0 .08 4-8 -755 0.05 2x4 DFL #2 2x6 DPL SS 2x4 DFL STANDARD 2x4 DPL #2 2x4 DFL STANDARD TC BC WEB NEDOE GBL BLK LmUber sbear allowables are per NDS. Kcr (creep factor) = 2.00 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sheet for Maximum Rotational Tolerance used THIS DESIQN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OP MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Qable studs are required ONLX in the truss ply that will have siding/sheathing attached and are used only for that attachement as non-structural menibers. Heel plates analyzed for eccentricity. Marie all interior bearing locations. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. Pemanent bracing is required (by others) to prevent rotation/toppling. See BCSI and ANSI/TPI 1. Hanger nail points that protrude through the back face of the girder shall be clinched or covered for safety. UPLIPT REACTION(S) : Support Main Hind Non-Hind 1 -16 lb 2 -63 lb 3 -47 lb Designed per ANSI/TPI 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance - 8.0* Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the truss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings. Plating is based on quality control factors Cq = 0.92 for wide face and Cq — 0.92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for individual joints on the Joint Report. IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as retiuired by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported in available documents as ER-1607 and ESR-1118. Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL. Loaded for 200 lb non-concurrent moving BCLL. Install interior support(s) before erection. PLATINQ BASED ON QREEN LUMBER VALUES. 2-PLY! Nail w/lOd BOX, staggered (per NDS) in: TC- 2 BC- 4 MEBS- 2 **PER FOOT!** Cluster screws, if shown, are 3" long. Required bearing widths and bearing areas apply when truss not supported in a hanger. This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 65.00 ft, Bldg width = 40.00 Mean roof height = 21.34 ft, mph = 110 Occupancy Category II, Dead Load = 14.4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Components and Cladding Tributary Area = 140 sqft All conne<:tor plates are Truswal 20 ga. by "MX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded ga. from Truswal, positioned per Joint Detaii Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Nail pattern shown is for PLF loads and point loads converted to PLF loads only. Concentrated loads MUST be distributed to each ply equally. Multi-ply with hangers are based on hanger nails using 3.0" nails min. into the carrying member. If shown, use additional fasteners for point loads as indicated from the back plys, distributed symmetrically around the hanger. Use any other approved detail (by others) . lOd - lOd NAXLS, SDS = siii^>son SDS screws or equivalent substitute. (*) = Special Connection Req. (by others) e = Indicates load is evenly distributed (no additional fasteners req.) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + -f + + + + + + + + + NAIL pattern shown is based on: lOd BOX = 0.128" dia. X 3.0" long nail lOd COKMON = 0.148" dia. X 3.0" long nail 16d BOX = 0.135" dia. X 3.5" long nail 16d C0M40N = 0.162" dia. X 3.5" long nail + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 20 psf bottom chord live load NOT required on this truss, per IBC/IRC requirements for attics with limi ted storage. LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS Dir L. Plf L. Loc R.Plf R LOC LL/TL TC Vert 72 .00 0-0- 0 72.00 7-6- 0 0.56 TC Vert 171 .00 7-6- 0 171.00 8-6- 0 0.56 TC Vert 72 .00 8-6- 0 72.00 16-0- 0 0.56 BC Vert 38 .00 0-0- 0 38.00 9-2- 4 0.00 BC Vert 523 .00 9-2- 4 523.00 16-0- 0 0.52 Type. lbs X.Loc LL/TL TC Vert 274 3 7- 6-0 1.00 TC Vert 219 5 7- 6-0 0.00 TC Vert 274 3 8- 6-0 1.00 TC Vert 219 5 8- 6-0 0.00 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 Mm 8-9 (LIVE) LC 57 L= -0.07" D= -0.12" 1!= -0.19" === Joint Locations — 1 0-0-0 6 0-0-0 2 7-4-8 7 7-4-8 3 8-7-8 8 9-2-4 4 9-2-4 9 16-0-0 5 16-0-0 INLAND PvX"V^TV/i Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of It to the Erecting Contractor. This design is for an individual buiiding component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer and done in accordance with the cun-ent versions of TPi and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain tlutf the loads utilized on tNs design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor shealhing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material drectly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any environment that will cause the motstu-e content of the wood to exceed 19% andlor cause conrMctor plate corrosion Fabricate, handle, install and brace this tmss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detaii Reports' available as output from Truswal sottware, 'ANSI/TPI 1', 'WrCA 1' - Wood Tmss Coundl of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSI) and 'BCSl SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPL The Tmss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 218 N. Lee Street Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 111119th Street, NW; SteSm, Washlngtorv DC 20036. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1549 ES Date: 1/22/2015 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 Seqn T6.5.20- 104025 I Job Name: Truss ID: 2E BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'O 1 2-11-12 1298 5.50" 1.50" 2 32- 0- 4 1298 5.50" 1.50" TC FORCE AXL BND CSI 1-2 -2225 0.06 0.33 0.39 PJ!4 0.16 0.20 3-4 -2175 0.24 0.28 4-5 -2175 ECbi 0.24 0.28 5-6 -3052 fr.07 0.17 0.24 6-7 -3027 0.08 0.50 0.58 7-8 -2709 0.05 0.55 0.59 7-8 -330 0.00 0.55 0.55 BC FORCE AXL BND CSI 9-10 65 0.00 0.43 0.43 10-11 2270 0.24 0.65 0.89 11-12 2270 0.17 0.48 0.66 12-13 2672 0.21 0.49 0.69 13-14 2525 0.19 0.46 0.64 NB FORC£ AXL BND CSI 9-1 -1264 0.15 0.00 0.15 TC BC HEB SLIDER 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x6 DFL DFL DFL DFL DFL #1 £ Btr. #2 #1 & Btr. STANDABD #2 1-9 1- 10 2- 10 3- 10 3- 12 4- 12 FORCE CSI -1264 0.15 2192 0.89 -321 0.05 -173 0.05 -238 0.16 634 0.26 VEB FCStCE 5-12 -707 5- 13 472 6- 13 -341 7- 13 440 SIDRL -2733 CSI 0.49 Lustber shear allowables are per NDS. Kcr (creep factor) =2.00 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sheet for Maximum Rotational Tolerance used THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL. Loaded for 200 lb non-concurrent moving BCLL. This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enclosed •> Zes, Truss Location » End Zone Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 65.00 ft, Bldg Hidth = 40.00 Mean roof height = 22.43 ft, iiq>h = 110 Occupancy Category II, Dead Load = 14.4 psf Designed as Main Nind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Ccmponents and Cladding Tributary Area = 59 sqft Vertical members exposed to wind: 9- 1 Designed per ANSI/TPI 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8.0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the truss chord limiber value or 625 for all bearings. Plating is based on quality control factors Cq = 0.92 for wide face and Cq <s 0.92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for individual joints on the Joint Report. IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and AMSI/TPI and are reported in available docimients as ER-1607 and BSR-1118. PLATINO BASED ON OREEN LUMBER VALUES. 20 psf bottcm chord live load NOT required on this truss, per IBC/IRC requirements for attics with limited storage. End verticals are designed for axial loads only unless noted otherwise. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) have been designed for loads indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at the end of the extensions have not been considered unless shown. A drop-leg to an otherwise unsupported wall may create a hinge effect that requires additional design consideration (by others). UPLIFT REACTION (S) : Support Main wind Non-Wind 1 -54 lb 2 -70 lb MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MQf 10-11 (LIVE) LC 51 L= -0.25" D= -0.37" 0*= -0.63" EX.WB DEF CRITERIA:L/120 IN MEM 9- 1; T= 0.00" == Joint Locations 1 0- 0- 0 8 29-6- 0 2 5- 4-12 9 0-0- 0 3 8- 0- 4 10 5-4-12 4 13- 4- 8 11 9-6- 0 5 18- 8-12 12 13-4- 8 6 21- 4- 4 13 21-4- 4 7 25- 5- 2 14 29-6- 0 T 4-10-6 10X10 4-10-6 I SHIP lo-io^g. Bl W:508 R:1298 U:-S4 2X3 H1019 S=H0312 3X8 3X8 B2 W:508 R:1298 U:-70 29-6-0 2-9-0 10 11 12 13 14 STUB 5-4-12 5-4-12 7-11-12 13-4-8 7-11-12 21-4-4 8-1-12 29-6-0 All conne<:tor plates are Truswal 20 ga. or Wave 20 ga., unless pre<»ded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded by "MX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 ga. from Truswal, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 5/32" = r INLAND l>t/\X>C?1 Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of It to the Erecting Contractor. TNs desj^i Is for an individual bulldlng component not truss systam. It has baen based on specifications provided t>y the conponent manufacturer and done in accotdance with tha cunrent wralcns of TPI and AFPA dasign standards. No responsitxiity is assumed for dlmetislonal accuracy. Dimensions ara to be vefified by the component manutacturer and/or buiiding designer prior to fabrication. The tujilding designer must ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local bullding code and the particiiar application. The design assumes that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor shsathing and tha bottom chord Is latarally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bradng ahown Is fbr lateral stppoil of components members only to reduce buckling length. This componsnt shall not bs placed in any en^ronment that will cause the molstu'e content ofthe wood to exceed 19% tndlor cause connector plate corrosion Fabricate, handle, install and lirace tNs ttuss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports* available as output from Truswal soltware. 'ANSOTP11', -WTCA 1' - Wbod Tmss Council of America Standard Desi^ Responsibilities. 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSI) and 'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPL The Tmss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 218 N. Lee Street Suite 312. Alexandria, VA 22314. Tho American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 111119th Street, N W, Ste BW, Wtashington, DC 20036. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1549 ES Date: 1/22/2015 DurFacs L=1.2S P=1.25 RepMbrBnd 1.10 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 Seqn T6.5.20 - 104026 Job Name: Truss ID: 2E1 Page 1 of 2 5-1-12 2-7-8 5-4-4 5-4-4 2-7-8 4-0-14 4-0-14 4-10-6 T 1-7-0 ± ± 5X6 4-10-6 SHIP 10X10 2X3 3X10 Jo-10-(i^ B2 W:508 R:1292 U:-70 29-3-0 10 5-1-12 5-1-12 11 12 7-11-12 , 13-1-8 13 7-11-12 21-1-4 14 8-1-12 29-3-0 TYPICAL PLATB: 1.5X3 All <x>nnector plates are Truswal 20 ga. by "MX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded ga. from Truswal, positioned per Joint Detaii Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. INLAND rs>'~V<'''"S>1^ Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNiNG Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of It to the Erecting Contractor. Thisdesi^isforan individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacttrer anddonein accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or bujiding destgner prior to fabrication. The tHiilding designer must ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meat or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the partic^ar applicdion. The design assumes that the top chord is lateraily braced by the roof or fioor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheatNng material drectly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for Iaterel si^jport of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall net be placed in any environment that wHI cause the moisture cortent ofthe wood to exceed 19% andlor cause connector plate corrosion Fabricate, handle, instdl and brace this truss in accordance with the fallowing standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detaii Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSI/TP11', 'WrCAl'-Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities. 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- (BCSl) and 'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WfTCA and TPL The Tmss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 218 N. Les Street Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 111119th Street, NW. Ste 800, VKishington, DC 20036. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1549 ES Date: 1/22/2015 DurFacs L=1.2S P=1.25 RepMbrBnd 1.10 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 Seqn T8.5.20 - 104027 Job Name: Truss ID: 2E1 Page 2 of 2 BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 3- 2-12 1292 5.50" 1.50" 2 32- 0- 4 1292 5.50" 1.50" TC 1-2 -2-3— 3- 4 4- 5 _ 5- 6 6- 7 7- 8 7-8 BC 9-10 10- 11 11- 12 12- 13 13- 14 HB 9-1 NEB 1-9 1- 10 2- 10 3- 10 3- 12 4- 12 FORCE -2117 -2131 -2135 -2135 -3017 -3700 -2683 -492 FORCE 554 2199 2199 2636 2500 FORCE -1262 AXL SSD CSI 0.05 0.29 0.34 0TO3 0.14 0.17 0.24 0.28 0.24 0.28 0.17 0.24 0.49 0.57 0.54 0.58 0.54 0.54 0.07 0.08 0.04 0.00 AXL END CSI 0.00 0.42 0.42 0.24 0.63 0.87 0.17 0.47 0.64 0.20 0.49 0.69 0.19 0.45 0.64 AXL END CSI 0.15 0.00 0.15 FORCE CSI -1262 0.15 2564 0.85 -336 0.05 -891 0.26 -1064 0.73 615 0.25 WEB FCRCE 5-12 -1227 5- 13 845 6- 13 -340 7- 13 1248 SIDRL -3114 CSI 0.84 TC 2x4 DFL #1 £ Btr. BC 2x4 DFL #2 2x4 DFL #1 S Btr. 11-14 WEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD SLIDER 2x6 DFL #2 OBL BLK 2X4 DFL STANDABD Lumber shear allowables are per NDS. Kcr (creep factor) = 2.00 Re£er to Joint QC Detail Sheet for Maximum Rotational Tolerance used IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as retjuired by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported in available documents as ER-1607 and ESR-lllS. Oable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 20 psf live load and 16 psf dead load. Adtlitional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [+] indicates the ret^uirement for lateral restraint (designed by others) perpendicular to tbe plane of the meoiiber at 42" intervals. This restraint is a result of wind load applied to meidber. (Combination axial plus bending) . Refer to BCSI for proper reguired lateral restraint. This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. Designed per ANSI/TPI 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8.0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the truss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings. Plating is based on quality control factors Cq = 0.92 for wide face and Cq a 0.92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for Individual joints on the Joint Report. THIS DESION IS THE COMFOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Loatled for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL. Loaded for 200 lb non-concurrent moving BdiL. PLATINO BASED ON OREEN LUMBER VALUES. UPLIFT REACTION (S) : Support Main Hind Non-Wind 1 -52 lb 2 -70 lb 20 psf bottcm chord live load NOT required on this truss, per IBC/IRC requirements for attics with limited storage. All txmnector plates are Truswal 20 ga. or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded by "MX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 ga. from Truswal, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. + + + + End verticals are designed for axial loads only unless noted otherwise. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) have been designed for loads indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at the end of the extensions have not been considered unless shown. A drop-leg to an otherwise unsupported wall may create a hinge effect that requires additional design consideration (by others). + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Designed for 6.3 K lbs drag load applied evenly along the top chord to the bottom chord continuously, concurrently with dead loads and 0 % live load. Durationarl. 60. Continuous bearing reaction = 215 Plf. Connection (by others) must transfer etjual load to each ply (or add-on) shown. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = c Bldg Length = 65.00 ft, Bldg width = 40.00 ft Mean roof height » 22.43 ft, o^h — 110 Occupancy Category II, Dead Load = 14.4 psf Designed as hbin Wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Ccn^onents and Cladding Tributary Area = 59 sqft Vertical members exposed to wind: 9-1 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MDI 10-11 (LIVE) LC 53 L= -0.25" D= -0.36" !P= -0.60" EX.WB DEF CRITERIA:L/120 IN MEM 9- 1; T= 0.00" I" Joint Locations 1 0-0- 0 8 29-3- 0 2 5-1-12 9 0-0- 0 3 7-9- 4 10 5-1-12 4 13-1- 8 11 9-3- 0 5 18-5-12 12 13-1- 8 6 21-1- 4 13 21-1- 4 7 25-2- 2 14 29-3- 0 INLAND l\X\xS>^ Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This design is for an Individual buildaig component not tnss systaiTL It has been based on specifications pravided by the component manufacturer and dona in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions ara to be verified by the component marajfacturer and/or building designer prior to fabricatioa The building designer must ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the partlcUar application. The design assumes that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottiHn chord Is latarally braced by a rigid stieathing material tf ractly attached, unless otheiwise noted. Bracing siiown is fbr lateral st^iport of coinponents members only to rsduce budding lengtti. This corrponant shaii not be placed In any environment that will cause the moisture content ofthe wood to exceed 19% andlor cause connector plate corrosioa Fabricate, handle, install and brace this truss In accordance with the following standartis: 'Joint and Cutting Detaii Reports'avaiable as output from Trtjswal software, •ANSI/TP11', •WrcAl' -WbodTniss Coundl of America Standard Desl^i Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSl) and 'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WrCA and TPL The Tmss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 218 N. Lee Street Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 igth Street, NW Ste 800, Washingtoa DC 20036. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1549 ES Date: 1/22/2015 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 RepMbrBnd 1.10 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 SeqnT6.5.20- 104027 Job Name: Truss ID: 2E2 X-LCC REACT SIZE BEQ'D t- 8-12 1221 5.50" 1.50" 32- 0- 4 1221 5.50" 1.50" TC FORCE AXL BND CSI 1-2 -1476 0.02 0.13 0.14 2-3 -1470 0.01 0.15 0.16 3-4., -1898, 0,.,03 0.22 0.26 4-5 -1897 0,03 0.24 0.27 5-6 -2808 0.06 0.16 0.22 6-7 -2785 0.07 0.45 0.53 7-8 -2525 0.04 0.50 0.54 7-8 -330 0.00 0.50 0.50 BC FORCE AXL END CSI 9-10 74 0.00 0.43 0.43 lO-ll 1769 0.19 0.61 0.80 11-12 1769 0.14 0.45 0.59 12-13 2423 0.19 0.48 0.67 13-14 2354 0.18 0.46 0.64 WB FORCE AXL BND CSI 9-1 -1204 0.15 0.00 0.15 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-9 -1204 0 15 5-12 -731 0 50 1-10 1581 0 64 5-13 484 0 20 2-10 -199 0 04 6-13 -331 0 05 3-10 -558 0 17 7-13 386 0 16 3-12 139 0 06 SLDRL -2544 0 23 4-12 525 0 21 TC 2x4 DFL #1 & Btr. BC 2x4 DFL #2 2x4 DFL #1 S Btr. 11-14 WEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD SLIDER 2x6 DFL #2 Kcr (creep factor) % 2.00 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sheet for Maximum Rotational Tolerance used THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL. Loaded for 200 lb non-c:oncurrent moving BCLL. PLATINQ BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES. HORIZONTAL RE2^TI0N(S) : support 1 -103 lb support 2 -103 lb 20 psf bottcm chord live load NOT required on this truss, per IBC/IRC requirements for attics with limited storage. Designed per ANSI/TPI 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8.0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the truss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings. Plating is based on quality control factors Cq = 0.92 for wide face and Cq = 0.92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for individual joints on the Joint Report. IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported in available documents as ER-1607 and ESR-lllS. This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category » c Bldg Length = 65.00 ft, Bldg Width = 40.00 ft Mean roof height = 22.43 ft, mph = 110 Occupancy Category II, Dead Load = 14.4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Ccmponents and Cladding Tributary Area = 56 sqft Vertical members exposed to wind: 9-1 End verticals are designed for axial loads only unless noted otherwise. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) have been designed for loads indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at the end of the extensions have not been considered unless shown. A drop-leg to an otherwise unsupported wall may create a hinge effect that requires additional design consideration (by others). UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -45 lb 2 -71 lb MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 12-13 (LIVE) LC 57 L= -0.24" D= -0.34" 1= -0.58" EX.WB DEF CRITERIA:L/120 IN MEM 9- 1; T= 0.00" Joint Locations 3-7-12 3-7-12 11-7-8 5-4-4 5-4-4 11-7-8 16-11-12 J 4-0-14 i 2ZS-2 4-0-14 27-9-0 18-1-8 T 4-10-6 i 3X8 T 1-11-8 Bl W:S08 R:1221 U:^5 1 0- 0- 0 8 27-9- 0 2 3- 7-12 9 0-0- 0 3 6- 3- 4 10 3-7-12 4 11- 7- 8 11 7-9- 0 5 16-11-12 12 11-7- 8 6 19- 7- 4 13 19-7- 4 7 23- 8- 2 14 27-9- 0 T 10X10 4-10-6 I SHIP 2X3 4X10 I. 1-1 oi S=4X8 3X8 3X8 B2 W:S08 R:1221 U:-71 27-9-0 4-6-0 STUB 9 -I 3-7-12 10 3-7-12 11 12 7-11-12 I 11-7-8 13 14 7-11-12 19-7-4 8-1-12 27-9-0 All connetrtor plates are Truswal 20 ga. by "MX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. trom Alpine; or preceded ga. from Truswal, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 5/32" = 1' ^1<1>K INLAND PvXXy^X^I Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This desiiyi is for an individual building component not truss systam. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertMn that the loads utilized on this design meat or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particiiar application. The design assunes that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or fioor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing mSerial directly attached, unless othenrise noted. Bracing shown is tor lateral st^iport of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any environment that will cause the moisture content ofthe wood to exceed 19% andTor cause connector plate con-osion Fabricate, handle, instdl and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Oetail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSI/TP11', 'WrCA 1' - Wood Tmss Council of America Standard Desipi Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSl) and 'BCSl SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPL The Tmss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 218 N. Lee Street Suite 312, Alexandria. VA 22314. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located 111119th Street, N W, Ste 800, Washingtoa DC 20036. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1549 ES Date: 1/22/2015 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 RepMbrBnd 1.10 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 Seqn T6.5.20 - 104028 Job Name: Truss ID: 2E3 BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 4- 8-12 1113 5.50" 1.50" 2 29- 6-12 1113 5.50" 1.50" TC FORCE AXL BHD CSI TC BC WEB 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 DFL DFL DFL DFL #1 & Btr. #2 #1 & Btr. STANDABD 10-13 1- 2 2- 3 3- 4- 4- 5 5- 6 6- 7 BC 8- 9 9- 10 10-11 11^12 12- 13 VIB 8-1 13- 7 -1331 -1325 -1618 -1617 -1967 -1995 FORCE 105 1568 1568 1864 -107 0.01 0.01 0Te2 0fJ2 :o;ti3 0.05 12 0.14 15 0.17 22 0.24 23 0.26 20 0.22 37 0.42 -1096 -1073 AXL BND CSI 0.00 0.42 0.42 0.17 0.47 0.64 0.12 0.47 0.59 0.15 0.46 0.61 0.00 0.38 0.38 AXL BND CSI 0.14 0.00 0.14 0.12 0.00 0.12 Plating is based on quality control factors Cq = 0.92 for wide face and Cq * 0.92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for individual joints on the Joint Report. IRC/IBC truss plate valuea are based on testing and s^roval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and axe rq>orted in available documents as ER-1607 and ESR-lllS. HORIZONTAL REACTICN(S) : support 1 -134 lb support 2 -134 lb 20 psf bottcm chord live load NOT required on this truss, per IBC/IRC requirements for attics with limited storage. HEB FORCE CSI 1-8 1- 9 2- 9 3- 9 3- 11 4- U -1096 1423 -198 -463 113 423 0.14 0.58 0.04 0.14 0.07 0.17 WEB FOBCE CSI 5-U -396 0.27 5- 12 196 0.08 6- 12 -328 0.05 7- 12 1940 0.79 7-13 -1073 0.12 3-7-12 3-7-12 11-7-8 Designed per ANSI/TPI 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8.0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the truss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings. Kcr (creep factor) =2.00 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sheet for Maximian Rotational Tolerance used THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL. Loaded for 200 lb non-concurrent moving BCLL. PLATINQ BASED ON OREEN LUMBER VALUES. This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 wind Specification Bldg Enclosed » Yes, Truss Location — End Zone Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 65.00 ft, Bldg Width = 40.00 ft Mean roof height = 22.43 ft, mph = 110 Occupancy Category II, Dead Load — 14.4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Cce^nents and Cladding Tributary Area 51 sqft Vertical members exposed to wuid: 8- 1, 13- 7 End verticals are designed for axial loads only unless noted otherwise. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) have been designed for loads indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at the end of the extensions have not been considered unless shown. A drop-leg to an otherwise unsupported wall may create a hinge effect that requires additional design consideration (by others). UPLIFT REA<::TIOH(S) : Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -48 lb 2 -59 lb MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MQtl 11-12 (LIVE) LC 57 L= -0.20" D= -0.21" 0^ -0.42" EX.WB DEF CRITERIA:L/120 IN MEM 13- 7; T= 0.00" 5-4-4 5-4-4 11-7-8 16-11-12 Joint Locations 5-8-4 25-3-8 13-8-0 4-10-6 3X8 T 1-11-8 Bl W:S08 R:1113 U:-48 4-6-0 1 0- 0- 0 8 0-0- 0 2 3- 7-12 9 3-7-12 3 6- 3- 4 10 5-3- 8 4 11- 7- 8 11 11-7- 8 5 16-11-12 12 19-7- 4 6 19- 7- 4 13 25-3- 8 7 25- 3- 8 S=3X6 3X8 2X3 I 4-10-6 SHIP 1-5-6 B2 W:508 R:1113 U:-59 STUB I 8 -I 3-7-12 :s-3-8 10 11 12 3-7-12 7-11-12 11-7-8 7-11-12 19-7-4 . 2-6-8 5-8-4 ' 25-3-8 STUB All connector plates are Truswal 20 ga. or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded by "MX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 ga. from Truswal, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 3/16" = 1' WARN ING Read ali notes on this sheet and give a copy of It to the Erecting Contractor. This desi9i is fOr an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component menufactirer and done in accordance with the currant versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or bujiding designer prior to Marlcatloa The bulldfaig designer must asosrtain that ths loads utlBzad on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by Ihe local building cods and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord is latarally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the txrttom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attacheti unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral si4>port of components memtiers only to reduce budding length. This component shall not be placed in any anwronment thit wHl cause the molstu-e cortent ofthe wood to exceed iS% andlor cause connector plate corrosioa Fabricate, handle. Install and braes this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' avaiiabie as output from Truswal software, -ANSI/TP11', 'VlfTCA 1' - Wbod Tmss Council of America Standard Deslip Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSI) and 'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Tmss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 218 N. Lee Street Suite 312, Alexandria. VA 22314. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 111119th Street, NW Ste 800, Wbshingtoa DC 20036. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: WO: R1549_ES Date: 1/22/2015 INLAND Emoire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARN ING Read ali notes on this sheet and give a copy of It to the Erecting Contractor. This desi9i is fOr an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component menufactirer and done in accordance with the currant versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or bujiding designer prior to Marlcatloa The bulldfaig designer must asosrtain that ths loads utlBzad on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by Ihe local building cods and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord is latarally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the txrttom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attacheti unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral si4>port of components memtiers only to reduce budding length. This component shall not be placed in any anwronment thit wHl cause the molstu-e cortent ofthe wood to exceed iS% andlor cause connector plate corrosioa Fabricate, handle. Install and braes this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' avaiiabie as output from Truswal software, -ANSI/TP11', 'VlfTCA 1' - Wbod Tmss Council of America Standard Deslip Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSI) and 'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Tmss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 218 N. Lee Street Suite 312, Alexandria. VA 22314. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 111119th Street, NW Ste 800, Wbshingtoa DC 20036. TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.10 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 SeqnT6.S.20- 104029 Job Name: Truss ID: 2E4 Page 1 of 2 3-7-12 2-7-8 3-7-12 6-3-4 11-7-8 5-4-4 5-4-4 2-7-8 54-4 11-7-8 16-11-12 19-7-4 13-8-0 25-3-8 ^ STUB TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5X3 All connector plates are Truswal 20 ga. or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded by "MX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 ga. from Truswal, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswai software, unless noted. INLAND IV^"S>''"V^ Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This desi^ is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer anddonein accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsitMlity is assisned for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particiiar applicatioa The design assisnes that the top chord is laterally braced t>y the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is latarally braced by a rigid sheathing material lirectly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral si4>port of components merrbere only to reduce buckling length. This component shall r>ot be placed in any enMronment that wHI cause the moistire cortent ofthe wood to exceed 19% amVor cause connector plate corrosioa Fabricate, handle, install and brace this tmss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output Irom Truswal software, 'ANSI/TPI 1*. "WTCA 1' - Vtood Tmss Council of America Standa-d Desi^i Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSI) and 'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPL The Tmss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 21S N. Lee Street Suite 312, Alexandria. VA 22314. The Americen Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 Idth Street, NW, Ste 800, Whshingtoa DC 20036. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TCLive 20.00 psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1S49 ES Date: 1/22/2015 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 RepMbrBnd 1.10 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 Seqn T6.5.20 - 104030 Job Name: Truss ID: 2E4 Page 2 of 2 X-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 4- 8-12 1356 5.50" 1 .50" 2 29- 6-12 1356 5.50" 1 .50" IC FORCE AXL END CSI 1-2 -1428 0.01 0.12 0.14 -T32b o7'6i 0.15 0.17 3-1 -1618 :C0D2 0.22 0.24 4-5 -1656 0.02 0.23 0.26 5-6 -1967 0.03 0.20 0.22 6-7 -2392 0.05 0.37 0.42 BC FORCE AXL BSD CSI 8-9 -454 0.00 0.42 0.42 9-10 1568 0.17 0.47 0.64 10-11 1568 0.12 0.47 0.59 11-12 1864 0.15 0.46 0.61 12-13 708 0.00 0.38 0.38 WB FORCE AXL BMD CSI 8-1 -1342 0.14 0.00 0.14 13-7 -1316 0.12 0.00 0.12 ^fEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-8 -1342 0 14 5-11 -1342 0.92 1-9 2057 0 65 5-12 904 0.29 2-9 -265 0 04 6-12 -394 0.05 3-9 -1213 0 36 7-12 3081 0.98 3-11 -1233 0 84 7-13 -1316 0.12 4-11 423 0 17 TC 2x4 DFL #1 S Btr. BC 2x4 DFL #2 2x4 DFL #1 £ Btr. 10-13 WEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD OBL BLK 2x4 DFL STANDABD Kcr (creep factor) = 2.00 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sbeet for Maxlmm Rotational Tolerance used THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE REStILT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Loaded fox 1.0 ?3S non-concuzxent BCLL. Loaded for 200 lb non-<x>ncurrent moving BCLL. Oable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 20 psf live load and 16 psf dead load. Additional design consitlerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [+] indicates the requirement for lateral restraint (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 42" intervals. This restraint is a result of wind load applied to member. (Cambination axial plus bending) . Refer to BCSI for proper required lateral restraint. This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by ot:hers, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in tbe truss plane and creating sbear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. Designed per ANSI/TPI 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8.0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp -value of the lesser of the truss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings. Plating is based on quality control factors Cq = 0.92 for wide face and Cq s 0.92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for individual jointis on t:be Joint Report. IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as retiuired by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported in available documents as ER-1607 and ESR-1118. PLATINO BASED ON OREEN LtJMBER VALUES. UPLIFT REACTION (S) : Support Main Hind Non-Wind 1 -48 lb -141 lb 2 -59 lb -141 lb HORIZONTAL REACTIOH(S) : support 1 -134 lb support 2 -134 lb 20 psf bottcm chord live load NOT required on this truss, per IBC/IRC requirements for attics with limi ted storage. All connector plates are Truswal 20 ga. or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded by "IVIX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 ga. from Truswal, posKioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. End verticals are designed for axial loads only unless noted otherwise. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) have been designed for loads indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at the end of the extensions have not been considered unless shown. A drop-leg to an otherwise unsupported wall may create a hinge effect tbat requires additional design consideration (by others). •»--»--»--»- + + + + + + + + + + + -l--i- + + + + + Designed for 6.3 K lbs drag load applied evenly along the top chord to 1:be bottcm chord continuously, concurrently with dead loads and 0 % live load. Duration=l.60. continuous bearing reaction = 249 Plf. Connection (by others) must transfer equal load to each ply (or add-on) shown. + + + + + + -f + + + + + + + + + + -f-f + + + Tbis truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 65.00 ft, Bldg Width = 40.00 ft Mean roof height = 22.43 ft, mph = 110 Occupancy Category II, Dead Load = 14.4 psf Designed as Main wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Ccn^nents and Cladding Tributary Area 51 s<ift Vertical members exposed to wind: 8- 1, 13- 7 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 tan 11-12 (LIVE) LC 59 L= -0.20" D= -0.21" 1= -0.42" EX.WB DEF CRITERIA:L/120 IN MEM 13- 7; T= 0.00" Joint Locations 1 0- 0- 0 8 0-0- 0 2 3- 7-12 9 3-7-12 3 6- 3- 4 10 5-3- 8 4 11- 7- 8 11 11-7- 8 5 16-11-12 12 19-7- 4 6 19- 7- 4 13 25-3- 8 7 25- 3- 8 INLAND rw^\^"<^ Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNiNG Read all notes on tliis sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This dsslgn Is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufactu-er anddonein accordancewiththecuirantvM-sionsofTPlandAFPAdesignstandards. No responsibility is assumad for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions ara to tw verified by the componertf manufacturer and/or building deeigner prior to fabricatioa The building designer must ascertain that ttw loads utilized on this dssign meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the partlcitar application. The design assumes that the top chord is iateraily braced by the roof or fioor shsathing and the tiottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bradng stxnvn is for lateral stfipon of oxiiponentsnwniiaisofily to raduca budding latigth. This conponent shall not be placed in any environment that wHl cause the moistu-e content of the wood to exceed 19% andfor causs connector plate con-osioa Fat>ricat^ handle, install and brace this truss In accordance with the fbllowing standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' avaH^e as output from Tmswid sottware, 'ANSI/TP11', -WTCA 1' - Wood Tmss Council of America Standard 0esi(^ Rssponslbilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (SCSI) and 'BCSl SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPL The Tmss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 218 N. Lae Street Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. The American Forest end Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 ISth Street, NW, Ste SM, Washingtoa DC 20036. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1549 ES Date: 1/22/2015 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.2S RepMbrBnd 1.10 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 Seqn T6.5.20 - 104030 Job Name: Truss ID: 2E5 8RG X-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 3- 2-12 1287 HGR 1.50" 2 32- 0- 4 1287 5.50" 1.50" BRG HANGER/CLIP NOTE 1 HUS26 Support Connection (s) /Hanger (s) are not designed for horizontal loads. SEE SIMPSON CATALOG FOR ADDITIONAL XNSTALLATIOH HOTES 2x4 DFL #1 £ Btr 2x4 DFL #2 2x4 DPL #1 & Btr 2x4 DPL STANDABD 2x6 DFL #2 ^, TC FORCE AXL BND CSI 1-2 -2117 0.05 0.29 0.34 2-3 -2131 0.03 0.14 0.17 3-4 -2135 0.04 0.24 0.28 4-5 -2135 0.04 0.24 0.28 5-5 -3017 0.07 0.17 0.24 6-7 -2992 0.08 0.49 0.57 7-8 -2683 0.04 0.54 0.58 7-8 -326 0.00 0.54 0.54 BC FORCEi AXL BND CSI 9-10 66 0.00 0.42 0.42 10-11 2199 0.24 0.63 0.87 11-12 2199 0.17 0.47 0.64 12-13 2636 0.20 0.49 0.69 13-14 2500 0.19 0.45 0.64 WB FORCE AXL BND CSI 9-1 -1255 0.15 0.00 0.15 WEB FORCE CSI VEB FORCE CSI 1-9 -1255 0 15 5-12 -711 0 49 1-10 2099 0 85 5-13 475 0 19 2-10 -301 0 05 6-13 -340 0 05 3-10 -232 0 07 7-13 432 0 18 3-12 -205 0 14 SLDRL -2706 0 24 4-12 615 0 25 TC 8C 11-14 WEB SLIDER Ltnuber shear allowables are per NDS. Kcr (creep factor) =2.00 Refer to Joint QC Detail sheet for Maximum Rotational Tolerance used THIS DESIQN IS THE COMFOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL. Loaded for 200 lb non-concurrent moving BCLL. Hanger nail points that prot:rude through the back face of tbe girder shall be clinched or covered for safety. Designed per ANSI/TPI 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8.0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the truss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings. Plating is based on quality control factors Cq = 0.92 for wide face and Cq = 0.92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for individual joints on the Joint Report. XRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported in available documents as ER-1607 and ESR-lllS. PLATINO BASED ON OREEN LUMBER VALUES. 20 psf bottcm chord live load NOT required on this truss, per IBC/IRC requirements for attics with limi ted storage. 5-1-12 5-1-12 5-4-4 5-J-4 ^ 13-1-8 18-5-12 J. 4-0-14 4-0-14 25-2-2 29-3-0 13-1-8 16-1-8 End verticals are designed for axial loads only unless noted otherwise. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) have been designed for loads indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at the end of the extensions have not been considered unless shown. A drop-leg to an otherwise unsupported wall may create a hinge effect that requires additional design consideration (by others). UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -52 lb 2 -70 lb This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 wind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = c Bldg Length = 65.00 ft, Bldg Width = 40.00 ft Mean roof height = 22.43 ft, mph = 110 Occupancy Category II, Dead Load = 14.4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Ccinponents and Cladding Tributary Area = 59 sqft Vertical members exposed to wind: 9-1 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 10-11 (LIVE) LC 51 L= -0.25" D= -0.36" T= -0.60" EX.WB DEF CRITERIA:L/120 IN MEM 9- 1; T= 0.00" == Joint Locations == T 1 0-0- 0 8 29-3- 0 2 5-1-12 9 0-0- 0 3 7-9- 4 10 5-1-12 4 13-1- 8 11 9-3- 0 5 18-5-12 12 13-1- 8 6 21-1- 4 13 21-1- 4 7 25-2- 2 14 29-3- 0 10X10 4-10-6 I SHIP Io-io-j_ Bl HUS26 W:508 R:1287 U:-52 2X3 5X16 S=H0312 3X8 3X8 B2 W:508 R:1287 U:-70 29-3-0 3-0-0 10 11 12 13 STUB 5-1-12 14 5-1-12 7-11-12 13-1-8 7-11-12 21-1-4 8-1-12 29-3-0 All connector plates are Truswal 20 ga. by "MX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded ga. from Truswal, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: S/32" = 1' INLAND l\X"S>"*»^ Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component marufactis-er and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assuned for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer end/or building designer prior to fefarication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meet or exceed the ioeding imposed by the local building code and the particiiar application. The design assisnes that the top chord is lateraily braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is lateraily braced by a rigid sheathing mtterial cf rectly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral si4>port of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any environment that will cause the moisture cortent ofthe wood to exceed 19% andlor cause connector plate corrosioa Ft^cate, handle, instdl and brace this tmss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Tmswal software, 'ANSl/TPl 1', 'WTCA 1' - V*jod Tmss Council of America Standard Desl^ Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSI) and 'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPL The Tmss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 218 N. Lee Street Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 111119th Street, NW; Ste 800, Washingtoa DC 20036. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1549 ES Date: 1/22/2015 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 RepMbrBnd 1.10 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 Seqn T6.5.20 - 104031 Job Name: Truss ID: 2EA Page 1 of 2 Jo 5-11-8 7-5-0 5-11-8 13-4-8 7-5-0 ^ 2-5-8 , 20-9-8 23-3-0 3-1-13 T 1-6-4 1 5X6 T 3.1-13 2-4-12 i SHIP 23-3-0 S-11-8 7-5-0 7-5-0 '° 2-5-8 " ^ 5-11-8 13-4-8 20-9-8 23-3-0 -I STUB TYPICAL PLATB: 1.5X3 All connector plates are Truswal 20 ga. or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded by "MX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 ga. from Truswal, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. OVER SUPPORT AS SHOWN INLAND rs.y^N^xTI Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. TNs daatgn Is for an Individual buildhig ccmponent not truss system. It has baen based on spscifications provjded by the component manufactiFer and dona In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA dasign standards. No responsibility is assuned for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be veiified by the component manufacturer end/or building designer prior to fabrication. The bulldaig designer must ascertain dial the loads titlHzed on tNs design meet or exceed the loading impossd by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord Is latarally braced t>y the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheatNng nMarial drectly attache^ unless otherwise noted. Bracing siiown Is for lateral support of componsnts mamlMrs oNy to reduce budding length. TNs component shall not ba placed in any environment thtf wHl cause the moisture cortent ofthe wood to exceed 19% andror causa connector plate conosioa Fabricate, handle. Install and brace tNs truss In accordanca with the following standards: 'Joint and CiStlng Detail Reports' avaiiabie as output from Truswal soltware, •ANSI/TP11', 'WTCA 1' - Wbod Tmss Council of America Standard Oesign Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSI) and 'BCSl SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPL The Tmss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 218 N. Lee Street Suile 31% Alexandria, VA 22314. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 111119th Street, NW Ste 800, V\hshlngtoa DC 20036. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1549 ES Date: 1/22/2015 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.10 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 SeqnT6.5.20- 104032 Job Name: Truss ID: 2EA Page 2 of 2 BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 2-10-12 881 3 50" 1 50" 2 4- 8-13 209 3 50" 1 50" 3 6- 8-11 204 3 50" 1 50" 4 8- a- 8 620 3 50" 1 50" 5 10- 6-12 210 3 50" 1 50" 6 12- 5- 0 - 217 3 50" 1 50" 7 14- 3- 4 [ •220 3 50" 1 50" 8 16- 1- 8 "537 3 50" 1 50" 9 17- 5- 4 194 3 50" 1 50" 10 18- 9- 0 185 3 50" 1 50" 11 20- 4- 3 211 3 50" 1 50" 12 21-11- 5 200 3 50" 1 50" 13 23- 6- 8 1813 3 50" 1 50" 14 24- 9- 4 150 3 50" 1 50" IS 25-10- 4 1912 3 50" 1 50" TC FORCE AXL BND CSI 1-2 -1347 0 16 0 30 0.46 2-3 -2633 0 81 0 18 0.99 3-4 -2624 0 81 0 13 0.94 4-5 1419 0 18 0.26 0.44 BC FORCE AXL END CSI 6-7 0 0 00 0 05 0.05 7-8 o: 0 00 0 06 0.06 8-9 0 0 00 0 04 0.04 9-10 0 0 00 0 06 0.06 10-11 0 0 00 0 04 0.04 WB FORCE AXL BND CSI 6-1 -867 0 22 0 00 0.22 11-5 1964 0 62 0 00 0.62 MEB FORCE CSI HEB FORCE CSI 1-6 -867 0.22 4-8 1430 0.45 1-7 2142 0.68 4-10 -509 0.10 2-7 -534 0.09 5-10 -2285 0.71 2-8 1486 0.47 5-11 1964 0.62 3-8 -647 0.10 2x4 DFL #2 2x4 DFL #1 £ Btr. 2 -4 2x4 DFL #2 2x4 DFL #1 £ Btr. 6 -9 2x4 DFL STANDARD 2x4 DFL SXANDARD WEB QBL BLK Plating is based on quality control factors Cq = 0.92 for Hide face and Cq = 0.92 for narrow face. Any alterations to tbis are shatm for individual joints on the Joint Report. THIS DESIGN IS TKE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL. Loaded for 200 lb non-concurrent moving BCLL. Install interior support(s) before erection. Oable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of unifonn load at 20 psf live load and 16 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached, [-f] indicates the requirement for lateral restraint (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 42" intervals. This restraint is a result of wind load applied to member. (Combination axial plus bending) . Refer to BCSI for proper required lateral restraint. This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. 1 Web bracing required at each location shown. I Refer to BCSI for proper required lateral restraint. For alternative web bracing, see ITWBCO's standard details. Designed per ANSI/TPI 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8.0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the truss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings. Kcr (creep factor) = 2.00 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sheet for Maximum Rotational Tolerance used IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and ^>proval as retjuired by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported in available documents as ER-1607 and ESR-lllS. Mark all interior bearing locations. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. Continuous lateral restraint attached to flat TC as indicated. Lumber must be structural grade. Brace @ 24" o.c. unless noted. UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -45 lb -684 lb 4 -71 lb -109 lb 8 -48 lb 9 -6 lb 13 -123 lb -1288 lb 15 -24 lb -1954 lb This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Hind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Xes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 65.00 ft, Bldg width = 40.00 ft Mean roof height = 21.57 ft, mph = 110 Occupancy Category II, Dead Load = 14.4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Ccmponents and Cladding Tributary Area = 47 sqft Vertical members exposed to wind: 6- 1, 11- 5 All connector plates are Truswal 20 ga. by "MX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded ga. from Truswal, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal sottware, unless noted. PLATINO BASED ON QREEN LUMBER VALUES. End verticals are designed for axial loads only unless noted otherwise. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) have been designed for loads inciicated only. Horizontal loads applied at the end of the extensions have not been considered unless shown. A drop-leg to an otherwise unsupported wall may create a hinge effect that requires additional design consideration (by others). •l--l--l- + + + + + + + -F + -f + + -f-f + + + + + Designed for 6.3 K lbs drag load applied evenly along the top chord to the bottom (diord continuously, concurrently with dead loads and 0 % live load. Duration=l.60. Continuous bearing reaction = 271 Plf. Connection (by others) must transfer equal load to each ply (or add-on) shown. •f + + + -l- + + + + + + -f + + + + + -l--l- + -f-i- This design based on chord bracing applied per the following schedule: max o.c. from to TC 48.00" 9- 3- 3 22-11- 8 HORIZONTAL REACTION (S) : support 1 807 lb support 4 -262 lb support 8 -627 lb 398 lb 333 lb 20 psf bottcm chord live load NOT required on this truss, per IBC/IRC requirements for attics with limited storage. MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 3-4 (LIVE) LC 2 L= -0.13" D= -0.20" 1= -0.33" EX.WB DEF CRITERIA:L/120 IN MEM 11- 5; T= 0.00" =^= Joint Locations support 13 support 15 1 0- 0-0 7 5-11-8 2 5-11-8 8 13- 4-8 3 13- 4-8 9 16- 0-0 4 20- 9-8 10 20- 9-8 5 23- 3-0 11 23- 3-0 6 0- 0-0 >1<l>v INLAND rs.^"S.«^"V/n Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This desi^i is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specitications provided by the component manufacttxer and done in accordance with the current versions ol T Pl and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions ere to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or txjilding designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that tha loads utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the partictJar application. The design assunes that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheatNng material directly attache^ unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any environment that will cause the moistu-e content ofthe wood to exceed 19% andlor cause connector plate corrosioa Ft^cata, hantfie, instdl and brace this truss in accordance with tha following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' avaiiabie as output from Truswal software, 'ANSI/TPI r, "WTCA 1'. Wood Truss Council of America Standard DesiTi Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COIUPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSl) and 'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Tmss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 218 N. Lee Street Suits 312. Alexandria, VA 22314. The American Forest tsid Paper Association (AFPA) is located «111119th Street, NW; Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1S49 ES Date: 1/22/2015 DurFacs L=1.2S P=1.2S RepMbrBnd 1.10 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 Seqn T6.5.20 - 104032 Job Name: Truss ID: 2EB X-LOC 2-11-12 REACT 1023 SIZE 5.50" REQ'D 1.50" 2 25- 9- 4 1023 5. 50" 1.50" TC FORCE AXL BND CSI 1-2 -1788 0.04 0.38 0.43 2-3 -2353 0.44 0.52 0.97 3-4 -2353 0.44 0.52 0.97 4-5' • -766 0.03 0.08 0.11 ;0 BC FORCE i AXL BND CSI 6-7 -133 0.00 0.38 0.38 7-8 1649 0.14 0.45 0.S9 8-9 638 0.06 0.35 0.41 9-10 638 0.09 0.55 0.64 10-11 125 0.00 0.45 0.45 UB FORCE AXL END CSI 6-1 -985 0.09 0.02 0.12 11-5 -1043 0.08 0.09 0.17 HEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-6 -985 0 .12 4-8 1791 0.73 1-7 1742 0 .71 4-10 -683 0.11 2-7 -277 0 05 5-10 1082 0.44 2-8 736 0 .30 5-11 -1043 0.17 3-8 -613 0 09 TC 2x4 DFL #2 2x4 DFL #1 i Btr. 2-4 BC 2x4 DFL #2 2x4 DFL #1 S Btr. 6-9 HEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD Kcr (creep factor) =2.00 Refer to Joint QC Oetail Sheet for Maximum Rotational Tolerance used THIS DESIGN IS THE COUBOSZIZ RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL. Loaded for 200 lb non-concurrent moving BCLL. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. PLATINQ BASED ON OREEN LUMBER VALUES. HORIZONXAL REACTION (S) : support 1 162 lb support 2 162 lb This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Zes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 65.00 ft, Bldg Width = 40.00 Mean roof height • 21.82 ft, n^h = 110 Occupancy Category II, Dead Load = 14.4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Ccnq^onents and Cladding Tributary Area =: 47 sqft Vertical members exposed to wind: 6- 1, 11- S-11-8 Designed per ANSI/TPI 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8.0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the truss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings. Plating is based on quality control factors Cq = 0.92 for wide face and Cq s: 0.92 for narrow face. Any alterations to.this are shown for individual joints on the Joint Report. IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported in available dociments as ER-1607 and ESR-lllS. Continuous lateral restraint attached to flat TC as indicated. Limber must be structural grade. Brace 6 24" o.c. unless noted. 20 psf bottcm chord live load NOT required on this truss, per IBC/IRC requirements for attics with limited storage. End verticals are designed for axial loads only unless noted otherwise. Extensions above or below tbe truss profile (if any) have been designed for loads indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at the end of the extensions have not been considered unless shown. A <lrop-leg to an otherwise unsupported wall may create a hinge effect that requires additional design consideration (by others). This design based on chord bracing applied per the following schedule: max o.c. TC 43.00" UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support Main Wind 1 -32 lb 2 -36 lb from B- 1- 1 Non-Wind to 22-11- 8 ft MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 tmt 7-8 (LIVE) LC 51 L= -0.20" D= -0.28" T= -0.47" EX.WB DEF CRITERIA:L/120 IN MEM 11- 5; T= 0.00" T 3-7-13 i — Joint Locations == 1 0- 0- 0 7 5-11-8 2 5-11- 8 8 13- 4-8 3 13- 4- 8 9 16- 0-0 4 20- 9- 8 10 20- 9-8 5 23- 3- 0 11 23- 3-0 6 0- 0- 0 23-3-0 2-9-0 10 11 STUB 5-11-8 7-5-0 7-5-0 5-11-8 13-4-8 20-9-8 6-3-0 ITUB fi) All connector plates are Truswal 20 ga. by "MX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded ga. from Truswal, positioned per Joint Oetail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 3/16" = r INLAND Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This desl9l is fbr an individual building component not trms system. It has been based on specifications provided by the corrponent manufactuer and dona in accordance with the current varsions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to tie verified by the compcnertf manulacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The bujiding designer must ascertNn that the loads utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed t}y the local building code and tha particiiar application. The design assumes that the top chord is laterdly braced by tha roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material drectly attached, unless othenvise noted. Bradng ahown Is for lateral si4)port of components msfrbers only to reduce buckling length. TNs conponent shall not be placed in any environment that wHl causa the moistue content of the wood to exceed 19% andlor cause connector plate conosion Fabricate, handle. Install and brace this truss in accordance with the foliowing standards: 'Joint and Ctitting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSI/TP11'. WCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSl) and 'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPL Tha Tnjss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 218 N. Lee Street Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. The American Forest end Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 igth Street, NW, Ste 8m, Washington, DC 20036. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1549 ES Date: 1/22/2015 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 RepMbrBnd 1.10 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 Seqn T6.S.20 - 104033 All connector plates are Truswal 20 ga. by "MX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 . or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded ga. from Truswal, positioned per Joint Detail Reports avaiiabie from Truswal software, unless noted. y^ INLAND IXXXy^^C^ 'Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This design is for an individual building component not truss system, it has been based on specifications provided by the conijonent manufactiser and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA dasign standards. No rasponsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions ore to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particiiar appiicetlon. Tha design assunes that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof cr floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is Metally braced by a rigid shsathing mderial drectly attachad unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral sivpoit of components members only to rsduce buckling iength. TNs conponent shtil not be placed in any environment that wtl cause the moistue content of the wood to exceed 19% andlor cause connector plate conosion F*ricata, hmfle, instdl and brace this truss in accordence wilh the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detaii Reports' available as output fi-om Tnjswal software, 'ANSI/TP11', 'WrCAl' -Wfood Truss Council of America Standard Desi^i Responsifailities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSI) and 'BCSl SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Tmss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 218 N. Lee Street Suite 312, Alexandria, VA22314. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 111119th Street, NW Ste 800, WSshington, DC 20036. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1549 ES Date: 1/22/2015 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 RepMbrBnd 1.10 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 SeqnT6.5.20- 104034 Job Name: Truss ID: 2EC Page 2 of 2 BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE 1 2-11-12 1023 5 50" 2 25- 9- 4 1023 5 50" TC FORCE AXL I 3ND CSI 1-2 -1636 0.03 0 33 0.37 2-3 . .. -1689 0J12 0 28 0.30 3-4 -1311 0 73 0.94 4-5 -1413 .oCbi 0 41 0.43 BC FORCE AXL I SND CSI 6-7 -132 0.00 0 31 0.31 7-8 1610 0.12 0 31 0.43 8-9 1621 0.13 0 42 0.56 9-10 1621 0.18 0 39 0.57 10-11 124 0.00 0 55 0.55 WB FORCE AXL BMD CSI 6-1 -983 0.09 0 02 0.12 11-5 -983 0.09 0 09 0.18 REQ'D 1.50" 1.50" WEB FORCE CSI 1-6 -983 0.12 1- 7 1603 0.65 2- 7 -348 0.05 2- 8 -144 0.06 3- 8 249 0.10 WEB FORCE CSI 3-10 -381 0.41 1-10 -219 0.06 5-10 1418 0.58 5-11 -983 0.18 TC 2x4 DFL #1 & Btr. 2x4 DFL #2 4-5 BC 2x4 DFL #2 2x4 DFL #1 £ Btr. 6-9 nEB 2x4 DFL STSNDKRD Kcr (creep factor) =2.00 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sbeet for Haximum Rotational Tolerance used THIS DESIQN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL. Loatled for 200 lb non-concurrent moving BCLL. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. PLKFINO BASED ON QREEN LUMBER VXOJZS. HOKIZON!I!%L laSACTIOH(S) : support 1 160 lb support 2 160 lb Tbis truss is designed using tbe ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location » End Zone Exp Category = C Bldg Lengtb = 65.00 ft, Bldg Width = 40.00 Mean roof height = 22.07 ft, mph = 110 Occupancy Category IX, Dead Load = 14.4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting system - Low-rise and Components and Cladding Tributary Area = 47 sqft Vertical menibers exposed to wind: 6- 1, 11- Designed per AHSI/TFI 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8.0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the truss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings. Plating is based on quality contjrol factors Cq = 0.92 for wide face and Cq = 0.92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for Individual joints on the Joint Report. IRC/IBC truss plat:e values are based on testing and approval as reguired by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported in available documents as ER-1607 and ESR-lllS. Continuous lateral restraint attached to flat TC as indicated. Lumber must be structural grade. Brace 6 24" o.c. tmless noted. 20 psf bottcm chord live load NC3T required on this truss, per IBC/IRC ret^uirements for attics with limited storage. End verticals are designed for axial loads only unless noted otherwise. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) have been designed for loads intlicated only. Horizontal loads applied at the end of the extensions have not been considered unless shown. A drop-leg to an otherwise unsupported wall may create a hinge effect that retjuires additional design consideration (by others). This design based on chord bracing applied per the following schedule: max o.c. frcm to 13- 3- 3 18-11- 8 TC 48.00" UPLIFT REACTION(S) Support Main Wind 1 -34 lb 2 -34 lb Non-Wind MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MQl 3-4 (LIVE) LC 1 L= -0.25" D= -0.43" 1^ -0.68" EX.WB DEF CRITERIA:L/120 IH MEM 11- 5; T= 0.00" = Joint Locations - 1 0- 0- 0 7 5- 4-12 2 5- 4-12 8 9-11- 8 3 9-11- 8 9 16- 0- 0 4 16- 9- 8 10 16- 9- 8 5 23- 3- 0 11 23- 3- 0 6 0- 0- 0 All connector plates are Truswal 20 ga. by "MX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded ga. from Truswal, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. r^1<I>N INLAND IV^"V/S!7I Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This desi^i is for an intlividual tniildlng component not truss systam. It has been bassd on specllicatlons provided by the component manufacturer anddonein accordance with the currant versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assuned for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufaettjrer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the ioads utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading impossd by the local building code and the paitic Jar application. The design assumes that the top chord is laterally braced by tha roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is latarally tiraced by a rigid sheathing material directly attaehetl unless othenvise noted. Braciiigahawnis1brl«teral8i4>piilttifooinpoiientsrnenr4>ersonlytoreducebucklinglength. This component shsil not tM placed In any enwronment thtf wm cause the moistij-econtentof the woodto exceed 19% andlor cause connector plate corrosion Fatiricate, handle, install and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSI/TP11', 'WTCA 1'-Wbod Truss Council of America Stt>idardOesi|ri Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- (BCSl) and 'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Tniss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 218 N. Lae Street Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. The American Forest and Paper AssociaUon (AFPA) is located at 1111 igth Street, NW; Ste 800, Whshingtorv OC 20036. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1S49 ES Date: 1/22/2015 DurFacs L=1.2S Psi .25 RepMbrBnd 1.10 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Oesign Spec IBC-2012 Seqn T6.5.20 - 104034 Job Name: Truss ID: 2ED Page 1 of 2 5-4-12 4-6-12 6-10-0 6-5-8 5-4-12 9-11-8 16-9-8 23-3-0 12-6-3 9-0-3 4-7-13 3X8 T 1-6-4 1 1 T 2-4-12 i 4-7-13 SHIP 2X3 S=4X4 5X8 2X3 23-3-0 5-4-12 4-6-12 9 10 11 6-10-0 6-5-8 5-4-12 9-11-8 16-9-8 23-3-0 B2 HUS26 W:S08 R:1023 U:-36 6-3-0 STUB All connector plates are Truswal 20 ga. by "MX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded ga. from Truswal, positioned per Joint Detail Reports avaiiabie from Truswai software, unless noted. ^t<l>K INLAND Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNING Read ali notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This desi^ is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufactu-er and done in accordence with the current versions of Tn and AFPA design standards. No responsitMlity is assisned for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or builcfing designer prior to fabrication. The tHjilding designer must ascertain that the loads utilized on this design mert or exceed the loading irrposed by the local building code and the particular applicdion. The design assisnes that the top chord Is laterally braced by the roof or floor shealhing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid shealhing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral si^iport of components members only to reduce budding length. This component shdl not be placed in any environment thtf w^l cause the moisture content ofthe wood to exceed 19% andlor cause connector plate corrosion FAricate, hendle, instdl and brace tNs truss in accordance with the fallowing standards: 'Joint and Cutting Oetail Reports' available as output from Tmswal software, *ANSin-Pl 1','WrCAI*-Wood Truss Councii of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- (BCSl) and 'BCSl SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI The Tmss Plate Institute (TPI) is locitted at 218 N. Lee Street Suite 312, Alexaixiria, VA 22314. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 111119th Street, NV^ Ste 800, W^ington, DC 20036. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1549 ES Date: 1/22/2015 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 RepMbrBnd 1.10 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 SeqnT6.5.20- 104035 Job Name: Truss ID: 2ED Page 2 of 2 BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE KEQ'D 1 2-11-12 1023 5.50" 1.50" 2 25- 9- 4 1023 HSl 1.50" BRG HANSER/CLIP NOTE 2 HUS26 Sl^port Connecticn(s)/Kanger(s) are not deisigiied for horizontal loads. SEX SIMPSON Ct^jQ/OG FOR ADDITIONAL INSTALLAUON NOTES 4-5 TC FORCE AXL BSD CSI 1-2 -1636 0.03 0 .33 0.37 2-3 -1689 0.02 0 .28 0.30 3-4 -1311 0.21 0 .73 0.94 4-5 -1413 0.01 0 .41 0.43 BC FORCE AXL SND CSI 6-7 -120 0.00 0 .31 0.31 7-8 1610 0.12 0 .31 0.43 8-9 1621 0.13 0 .42 0.56 9-10 1621 0.18 0 .39 0.57 10-11 112 0.00 0 .55 0.55 HB FORCE AXL END CSI 6-1 -983 0.11 0 .00 0.11 11-5 -983 0.08 0 .09 0.17 NEB FORCE CSI WEB FOBCE CSI 1-6 -983 0 11 3-10 -381 0.41 1-7 1603 0 65 4-10 -219 0.05 2-7 -348 0 05 5-10 1418 0.58 2-8 -144 0 06 5-11 -983 0.17 3-8 249 0 10 TC 2X4 DFL #1 S Btr. 2x4 DFL #2 BC 2x4 DFL #2 2X4 DFL #1 £ Btr. 6-9 WEB 2X4 DFL STAHDABD Kcr (creep factor) •> 2.00 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sbeet for Maximum Rotational Tolerance used THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Loaded for 10 PSF non-conciirrent BCLL. Loaded for 200 lb non-concurrent moving BCLL. Drainage must be provitied to avoid ponding. PIATINa B2^ED ON OREEN LUMBER 'VALUES. Hanger nail points tbat protrude tbrougb the back face of the girder sball be clinched or coirered for safety. KORIZOHTAL REACTION (S) : support 1 149 lb support 2 149 lb Designed per ANSI/TPI 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8.0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the truss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings. Plating is based on quality control factors Cq = 0.92 for wide face and Cq = 0.92 for narrov face. Any alterations to this are shown for individual joints on the Joint Report. IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as retjuired by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported in available docimients as ER-1607 and ESR-lllB. Continuous lateral restraint attached to flat TC as Indicated. Lumber must be structural grade. Brace g 24" o.c. unless noted. This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = c Bldg Length = 65.00 ft, Bldg Width = 40.00 ft Mean roof height = 22.32 ft, n^h = 110 Occupancy Ca-tegory II, Dead Load » 14.4 psf Designed as Main wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Cc«ponents and Cladding Tributary Area = 47 sqft Vertical members exposed to wind: 6- 1, 11- 5 End verticals are designed for axial loads only unless noted otherwise. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) have been designed for loads indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at the end of the extensions have not been considered unless shown. A drop-leg to an otherwise unsupported wall may create a hinge effect that requires additional design consideration (by others). This design based on chord bracing applied per the following schedule: max o.c. from to TC 48.00" 12- 1- 1 18-11- 8 UPLIFT REACTION (S) : Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -54 lb 2 -36 lb 20 psf bottom chord live load NOT retjuired on this truss, per IBC/IRC reijuirements for attics with limited storage. MAX DEFLECTION (Span) : L/999 MEM 3-4 (LIVE) LC 1 L= -0.25" D= -0.43" T= -0.68" EX.WB DEF CRITERIA:L/120 IN MEM 11- 5; T= 0.00" == Joint Locations == 1 0- 0- 0 7 5- 4-12 2 5- 4-12 8 9-11- 8 3 9-11- 8 9 16- 0- 0 4 16- 9- 8 10 16- 9- 8 5 23- 3- 0 11 23- 3- 0 6 0- 0- 0 All connetrtor plates are Truswal 20 ga. by "MX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by"HS"for HS 20 ga., "S"forSS 18ga. from Alpine; or preceded ga. from Truswal, positioned per Joint Detail Reports avaiiabie from Truswal software, unless noted. INLAND rs^\>^\^ Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This dsslip Is fdr an Individual btaldmg component not truss system. It has been based on specifications providad by the component manufactiFer anddonelnaccordancewiththecurrentverslansirfTPIandAPPAdeslgnstandards. No responsiiillty is assisned for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions ara to IM verified by the component manufocturer end/or buildUig designer prior to falirication. The tiuilding tleslgner must ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by Itw local building code and the particiiar application. The design assunes that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directiy attachat^ unlass otherwiss noted. Bracing siiown Is fbr lataral si^aport of components menibers only to reduce budding length. This component shsll not be placed In any environment that wHl causa the molsttae content ofthe wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion Fabricate, handle. Install and brace this truss in accordance wtth the fcilowing standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Repoits' available as output from Trusvral software, 'ANSI/TPI r, -WTCA 1' • Wood Tmss Council of America StHiderd DesliFi Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSl) and 'BCSl SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 218 N. Lee Street Suite 31% Alexandria. VA 22314. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA)ls located at 1111 igth Street, NW^ Ste 800, yibshingtoi\ DC2003S. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1S49 ES Date: 1l22l2(ns DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.2S Rep Mbr Bnd 1.10 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 Seqn T6.S.20 - 104035 Job Name: Truss ID: 2EE Page 1 of 2 &4-12 S-3-4 S-5-0 5-5-0 3-3-0 4-9-0 8X8 4-9-15 SHIP J^O-IO-li B2 W:S08 R:3151 U:-61 All connector plates are Truswal 20 ga. or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded by "MX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 ga. from Truswal, positioned per Joint Detail Reports avaiiable from Truswal software, unless noted. INLAND rvxxxx^l Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riversi(de, CA 92507 WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications pro>Aded tiy the component manufacturer anddonein accordance with the cunent versions of TPI and AFPA design starKlards. No responsibiiity is assisned for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local buiiding code arxl the particular application. The design assisnes that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral si^iport of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any environment thtt wiil cause the moistis-e cortent ofthe wood to exceed 19\ andlor cause connector plate conosion Fabricate, handle, install and brace this truss in accordance with the following starulards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' svaHabie as output from Truswal software, 'ANSI/TPI 1', 'WTCA 1' - Wbod Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSl) and 'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Tmss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 218 N. Lee Street Suite 312, Aiexarxiria, VA 22314. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 111119th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1S49 ES Date: 1/22/2015 DurFacs L=1.2S P=1.2S RepMbrBnd 1.00 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 SeqnT6.S.20- 104036 Job Name: Truss ID: ZEE Page 2 of 2 S X-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 2-11-12 1770 5.50" 1.50" 2 32- 0- 4 3151 HGR 1.68" BRG HANGER/CLIP NOTE 2 Hanger TBE* *HANSER(S) TO BE ENSIREERED Support Connection (s)/Hanger (s) are not designed horizontal loads. TC FORCE ' AJCL BHD CSI 1- 2 2- 3 3- 4 4- 5 5- 6 6- 7 6-7 BC 8- 9 9- 10 10- 11 11- 12 12- 13 13- 14 14- 15 -3130 -3662 -4479 -4575 -7106 -7863 -876 FORCE 52 3134 3134 3504 6833 7335 7419 0.03 0.17 0.03 0.11 0.11 0.33 0.04 0.11 0.12 0.64 0.12 0.87 0.00 0.87 AXL BND CSI 0.00 0.23 0.23 0.17 0.22 0.39 0.12 0.16 0.28 0.13 0.19 0.33 0.43 0.25 0.68 0.27 0.66 0.94 0.28 0.20 0.47 WB FORCE AXL BND CSI 8-1 -1728 0.16 0.00 0.10 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-8 -1728 0 10 4-12 718 0. 15 1-9 3104 0 63 5-12 -2746 0. 40 2-9 -744 0 06 5-13 1326 0. 27 2-11 427 0 09 6-13 -446 0. 05 3-11 164 0 03 6-14 1188 0. 24 3-12 1128 0 23 SIDRL -7205 0. 35 TC 2x4 DFL #1 & Btr. 2x4 DFL #2 3-4 BC 2x4 DFL #2 2x4 DFL #1 & Btr. 10-13 2x6 DET. SS 13-15 WEB 2x4 DFL STANDiVRD SLIDER 2x6 DFL #2 Lumber sbear allowables axe per NDS. Kcr (creep factor) = 2.00 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sheet for Maximum Rotational Tolerance used IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported in available documents aa ER-1607 and ESR-lllS. Drainage must be provitied to avoid ponding. Continuous lateral restraint attached to flat TC as indicated. Lumber must be structural grade. Brace @ 24" o.c. unless noted. 2-ELX! Nail w/lOd BOX, staggered (per NDS) in: TC- 2 BC- 2 WEBS- 2 **PER FOOT!** Cluster screws, if shown, are 3" long. This design based on chord bracing applied per tbe following schedule: max o.c. from to TC 48.00" 12- 9- 9 18- 3- 0 Retjuired bearing widths and bearing areas apply when truss not supported in a hanger. This truss is designed using the ASCB7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Xes, Truss Loc^atlon = End Zone Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 65.00 ft, Bldg Width = 40.00 Mean roof height = 22.41 ft, n^b = 110 Occupancy Category XX, Dead Load = 14.4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting system - Low-rise and Ccmponents and Cladding Tributary Area = 112 sqft Vertical members exposed to wind: 8-1 Designed per ANSI/TPI 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8.0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the truss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings. Plating is based on quality control factors Cq = 0.92 for wide face and Cq = 0.92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for individual joints on the Joint Report. THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Loaded for 10 PSF non-cx>ncurrent BCLL. Loaded for 200 lb non-c»>ncurrent moving BdiL. Permanent bracing is required (by others) to prevent rotation/toppling. See BCSI and ANSI/TPI 1. PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES. End verticals are designed for axial loads only unless noted otbezwise. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) have been designed for loads indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at the end of the extensions have not been considered unless shown. A drop-leg to an otherwise unsupported wall may create a hinge effect that requires additional design consideration (by others). 20 psf bottom chord live load NOT required on tbis truss, per IBC/IRC retjuirements for attics with limi ted storage. All connector plates are Truswal 20 ga. or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded by "MX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 ga. from Truswal, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Nail pattern shown is for PLF loads and point loads converted to PLF loads only. Concentrated loads MUST be distributed to each ply equally. Multi-ply with hangers are based on banger nails using 3.0" nails min. into the carrying member. If shown, use additional fasteners for point loads as indicated from the back plys, distributed symmetrically around the hanger. Use any other approved detail (by others) . lOd = lOd NAILS, SDS = Simpson SDS screws or equivalent substitute. (*) = Special Connection Req. (by others) S = Indicates load is evenly distributed (no additional fasteners req.) + + + -f + + + + + -f + + + ++ + -t--t--V-V-t--(- + -i- + + + + + + + -t + + + + + + + -i--f-f-i- + NAIL pattern shown is based on: lOd BOX = 0.128" dia. x 3.0" long nail lOd COMMON = 0.148" dia. X 3.0" long nail 16d BOX = 0.135" dia. X 3.5" long nail 16d COl««3H = 0.162" dia. X 3.5" long nail •f-l- + + + + -i- + + + -l- + + -l- + -i- + + -»- + + + Hanger tiail points that protrude through the back face of the girder shall be clinched or covered for safety. UPLIFT REACTION (S) : Support Main Wind Non-wind 1 -34 lb 2 -61 lb LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS Dir TC Vert BC Vert . . .T3^e. . BC Vert L.Plf L.LOC R.Plf R.Loc LL/TL 72.00 2- 9- 0 72.00 32- 3- 0 0.56 16.00 2- 9- 0 16.00 32- 3-0 0.00 lbs X.Loc LL/TL 2325.0 26- 1- 8 0.56 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 Mm 5-6 (LIVE) LC 2 L= -0.21" D= -0.40" 3^ -0.61" EX.WB DEF CRITERIA:L/120 IN MEM 8- 1; T= 0.00" - Joint Locations 1 0-0- 0 9 5-4-12 2 5-4-12 10 7-6- 0 3 10-8- 0 11 10-8- 0 4 16-1- 0 12 16-1- 0 5 21-6- 0 13 21-6- 0 6 24-9- 0 14 24-9- 0 7 29-6- 0 15 29-6- 0 8 0-0- 0 ^<1X INLAND [^y^^^Z7\ Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to ttie Erecting Contractor. This design Is for an Individual building compotwit not truss system. It has been basad on specilicaitions proviiJed l>y the coir^onent manufacturer and dona In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meat or exceed the loading Imposed by die local building code and the particiiar application. The design assumes that the lop chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material drectly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral st4>port of components msmbers only to reduce budding length. Thjs component shall not be placed in any enMronment that wHl causs the moistire content ofthe wood to exceed 19% anchor cause connector plate conosion Fabricate, handle, install and brace this truss in accordance with the loilowing standards: 'Joint and Cutting Oetail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSI/TP11', IIVTCA1'-Wood Truss Council of America Standard Desi^ Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- (BCSI) and 'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPL The Tmss Plata Institute (TPI) is located at 218 N. Lee Street Suite 312. Alexandria, VA 22314. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 igth Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20035. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1549 ES Date: 1/22/2015 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 RepMbrBnd 1.00 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec iBC-2012 Seqn T6.5.20 - 104036 Job Name: Truss ID: 2F Page 1 of 2 4-6-0 2-3-8 2-3-8 4-6-0 4^0 6^-8 9-1-0 13-7-0 T 0-10-0 1 B2 W:508 R:5184 U:-158 1-11-8 SHIP 13-7-0 TYPICAL PLATB: 1.5X3 All connector plates are Truswal 20 ga. by "MX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 . or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded ga. from Truswal, positioned per Joint Detaii Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. INLAND rsVSVS^ Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This desi^i is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the conponent manufactu-er and done In accordance with the current versions of TPi and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assisned for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by die local buiiding code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chonl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheatNr^ material directly attached unless otherwise noted. Bradng shown is for Iaterel support of components members only to reduce tHJCkling length. TWs component shdl not be placed In any environment that wHl cause the moisture content ofthe wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate conosion Fttricate, handle, instdl and brace tNs truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' avaiiabie as output from Truswal software, 'ANSVTPl 1', "WTCA I'-Wtood Tmss Council of America Standard Desi^i Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSI) and 'BCSl SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI The Trass Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 218 N. Lee Street Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. The Americen Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 111119th Street, NV^ Ste 800. Washington, DC 20036. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1549 ES Date: 1/22/2015 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 RepMbrBnd 1.00 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 SeqnT6.5.20- 104037 Job Name: Truss ID: 2F Page 2 of 2 KG X-LOC REACT SIZE BEQ'D 1 0- 2-12 5184 5.50" 2.76" 2 13- 4- 4 5184 5.50" 2.76" TC FORCE AXL BHD CSI 1- 2 -9579 0.26 0.56 0.83 2- 3 -9201 0.22 0.22 0.44 3- 4 -9202 0.22 0.22 0.41 4- 5 -9579 0.26 0.56 0.83 BC FORCE AXL BND CSI 6- 7 9215 0.28 0.57 0.86 7- 8 9563 0.29 0.58 0.87 8- 9 9215 0.28 0.57 0.86 HEB FORCE CSI 2- 7 2170 0.44 3- 7 -434 0.04 WEB FORCE CSI 3- 8 -434 0.04 4- 8 2170 0.44 TC BC WEB PLT BLK GBL BLK 2x4 2x8 2x4 2X4 2x4 DFL DFL DFL DFL DFL #2 SS STANDABD #2 STANDARD LiuDber sbear allowables are per NDS. Kcr (creep factor) = 2.00 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sbeet for Maximum Rotational Tolerance used THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Qable studs are required ONLY in tbe tiruss ply tbat will bave siding/sbeatblng attached and are used only for tliat attat^heooent as non-structural meatiexs. Drainage must be provitied to avoid ponding. Pemanent bracing is retjuired (by others) to prevent rotation/toppling. See BCSI and ANSI/TPI 1. UPLIFT REACTION (S) : Su^ort Main Wind Non-wind 1 -158 lb 2 -158 lb 20 psf bottcm chord live load NOT required on this truss, per IBC/IRC requirements for attics with limited storage. Designed per ANSI/TPI 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8.0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the truss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings. Plating is based on quality control factors Cq = 0.92 for wide face and cq = 0.92 for narrow face. Any alteratiions to this are shown for individual joints on the Joint Report. IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported in available documentis as ER-1607 and ESR-lllS. Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL. Loaded for 200 lb non-concurrent moving BCLL. PLATINO BASED ON GREEN LUMBER 'VALUES. 2-PLY! Nail w/lOd BOX, Staggered (per NDS) in: TC- 2 BC- 5 MEBS- 2 **PER FOOT!** Cluster screws, if shown, are 3" long. This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind specification Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 65.00 ft, Bldg Width = 40.00 ft Mean roof height = 20.98 ft, sph = 110 Occupancy Category II, Dead Load = 14.4 psf Designed as Main Nind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and CcBsponents and Cladding Tributary Area = 236 sqft All connector plates are Truswal 20 ga. or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded by"MX"forTWMX20ga. or "H" for 16 ga. from Truswal, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. + + -i- + + + + + + + + + + -i- + + + -f + + + -i- Nail pattern shown is for PLF loads and point loads converted to PLF loads only. Concentrated loads MUST be distributed to each ply etjually. Multi-ply with hangers are based on banger nails using 3.0" nails min. into the carrying member. If shown, use additional fasteners for point loads as indicated £zam the back plys, tiistributed synnnetrically around the hanger. Use any other approved detail (by others). lOd = lOd NAXLS, SDS = sijapson SDS screws or equivalent substitute. (*) " Special Connection Req. (by others) e = Indicates load is evenly distributed (no additional fasteners req.) + -f + + -t- + -l--V + +-t- + + + +-l- + -V-l--f-t--t- + + + + + -f + + + + + -f + + + + -f-f + -f + -f- NAIL pattern shown is based on: lOd BOX = 0.128" dia. x 3.0" long nail lOd COtdMON = 0.148" dia. X 3.0" long nail 16d BOX = 0.135" dia. x 3.5" long nail 16d COMOH = 0.162" dia. x 3.5" long nail •l--t- + + -i--l--f + -)- + + -f + -l- + + + + + + -f-l- -LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS Dir L.Plf L.Loc R.Plf R LOC LL/TL TC vert 72.00 0-0- 0 72.00 4-6- 0 0.56 TC Vert 117.00 4-6- 0 117.00 9-1- 0 0.56 TC vert 72.00 9-1- 0 72.00 13-7- 0 0.56 BC vert 656.00 0-0- 0 656.00 13-7- 0 0.54 Type. lbs X.LOC LL/TL TC vert 76 0 4- 6-0 1.00 TC Vert 60 8 4- 6-0 0.00 TC Vert 76 0 9- l-0 1.00 TC vert 60 8 9- 1-0 0.00 MAX DEFLECTIOH (span) : L/795 MEM 7-8 (LIVE) LC 1 L= -0.20" D= -0.34" 1= -0.S4" Joint Locations = 1 0-0-0 6 0-0-0 2 4-6-0 7 4-6-0 3 6-9-8 8 9-1-0 4 9-1-0 9 13- 7- 0 5 13- 7- 0 INLAND l\y^\X\>^ Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNING Read all notes on this stieet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This dasign is fdr an individual bullding component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA dasign standards. No responsibility is assisned for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or bullding destgner prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meet or exceed the loatling imposed by the local building code and the particular appiicetlon. Tha design assumes that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheatNng and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material drectly attache^ unless otherwise noted. Bradng stiown is fbr lataral sipport of components msmbers only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any environment that will cause the molstiTe cortent ofthe wood to exceed 19% and'or cause connector plate corrosion Fabricate, handle, install and brace this tmss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' availalile as output from Traswal software, 'ANSI/TP11', •WTCA 1' - Wood Trass Council of America Standtrd Dasign Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSl) and 'BCSl SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPL The Trass Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 218 N. Lee Street Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. Engineering: Riverside Salesman: Designer: TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1549 ES Date: 1/22/2015 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 RepMbrBnd 1.00 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 Seqn T6.5.20- 104037 Job Name: Truss ID: 2JA BRG 1 2 TC 1-2 1- 2 2- 3 3- 4 4- 5 4-5 BC 6-7 7^8 8-9 WEB 2- 7 3- 7 3-8 X-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 0- 1-12 554 3.50" 1.50" 10- 2- 4 554 3.50" 1.50" FORCE -35 -733 -746 -744 -733 -44 AXL BND CSI 0.00 0.31 0.31 0.01 0.25 0.26 0.10 0.24 0.34 q-JjiO 0.24 0.34 ,0.01 0.25 0.26 O.OO 0.31 0.31 FORCE AXL BND CSI 595 0.07 0.15 0.22 1322 0.12 0.20 0.32 595 0.07 0.15 0.22 FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 436 0.18 4-8 435 0.18 -614 0.15 SIDRL -832 0.09 -614 0.15 SLDRR -832 0.09 TC 2X4 DFL #2 BC 2x4 DFL #1 i Btr. WEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD SLIDER 2x4 DFL #2 SCAB 2x4 DFL #1 S Btr. Kcr (creep factor) = 2.00 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sheet for Maximum Rotational Tolerance used THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL. Loaded for 200 lb non-concurrent moving BCLL. SCAB(s) (cross-hatched area) to be same size and grade as chord to which it is attached. Use 2 scabs (1 ea. face) if indicated. Use lOd BOX - 0.128" dia. x 3.0" long nails @ 3" O.C. staggered, per NDS, plus clusters if shown. Do not splice scab unless noted otherwise. PLATINQ BASED ON GREEN LUMBER 'VALUES. Designed per ANSI/TPI 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8.0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp -value of the lesser of the truss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings. Plating is based on equality control factors Cq = 0.92 for wide face and Cq = 0.92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for individual joints on the Joint Report. IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported in available documents as ER-1607 and ESR-lllS. Drainage must be provitied to avoid ponding. Pezmanent bracing is required (by others) to prevent rotation/toppling. See BCSI and ANSI/TPI 1. Continuous lateral restraint attached to flat TC as indicated. Lumber must be structural grade. Brace 6 24" o.c. unless noted. This design based on chord bracing applied per the following schedule; max o.c. from to TC 48.00" 2-11-11 8- 1-12 UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support CSC Wind Non-Wind 1 -256 lb 2 -256 lb This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location — Bnd Zone Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 65.00 ft, Bldg width = 40.00 ft Mean roof height = 21.04 ft, mph = 110 Occupancy Category II, Dead Load - 14.4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Ccn^onents and Cladding Tributary Area = 25 sqft 20 psf bottom cbt>rd live load NOT required on this truss, per IBC/IRC requirements for attics with limited storage. 1-10-1 3-3-15 3-3-15 1-10-1 1-10-1 2-11-11 S-2-0 8-5-15 1<M-0 2-11-11 —LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS - Dir L.Plf L. Loc R.Plf R Loc LL/TL TC Vert 72.00 0-0- 0 72.00 3-0- 0 0.56 TC Vert 90.00 3-0- 0 90.00 7-4- 0 0.56 TC vert 72.00 7-4- 0 72.00 10-4- 0 0 .56 BC vert 20.00 0-0- 0 20.00 10-4- 0 0 . 00 Type. lbs X.Loc LL/TL TC Vert 21 8 3- 0- 0 1.00 TC Vert 17 5 3- 0- 0 0.00 TC Vert 21 8 7- 4- 0 1.00 TC Vert 17 5 7- 4- 0 0.00 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 7-8 (LIVE) LC 45 L= -0.09" D= -0.11" T= -0.19" Joint Locations 0- 0-0 6 1- 10- 1 7 5-2-0 8 8- 5-15 9 10- 4- 0 Bl W:308 R:554 U:-256 10-4-0 B2 W:308 R:554 U:-256 1-10-1 6-7-14 1-10-1 1-10-1 8-5-15 1(M-0 All connector plates are Truswal 20 ga. or Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "HS" for HS 20 ga., "S" for SS 18 ga. from Alpine; or preceded by "MX" for TWMX 20 ga. or "H" for 16 ga. from Truswai, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 7/16" = r INLAND IV^"V^"N^1 Empire Truss 1850 Atlanta Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 WARNING Read all notes on this slieet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has baen based on specifications provided by the component manufacttrer and done in accordence with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particiiar application. The design assisnes that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless othenvise noted. Bradng shown is for lateral sipport of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any environment thtf wili cause the moisture content ofthe wood to exceed 19% and'or cause connector plate conosion Fabricate, handle, install and brace this trass in accordanoewiththe following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Traswal software, 'ANSI/TPI 1','WrCAI'-Wood Trass Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- (BCSI) and 'SCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPL The Trass Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 218 N. Lee Street Suite 312. Alexandria, VA 22314. The Amencan Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 111119th Street, NW; ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. Engineering: Riverside Salesinan: Designer: TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 16.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf TOTAL 44.00 psf WO: R1549 ES Date: 1/22/2015 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.2S RepMbrBnd 1.00 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec IBC-2012 Seqn T6.5.20 - 104038