HomeMy WebLinkAbout1581 Oak Ave; ; 85-320; Permit.,, z 0 .: C a:: C .J (.) w C .:: i[ (.) a:: w C .... 5 ~ w z 3 0 z 0 .: C .,, z w IL 2 0 (.) .,, a: w ..: a:: 0 3 1[ O I hereby affirm that I am licensed under p••v~ona of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Profeaalons Code, and my license ,s 1n full force and effect lit No ____ _ c1.,, I hereby athrm that I am e•empt lrom ll'le Conlrac· lor s license La* tor lhe IOllowing reason (Sec 7031 5 Business and Protess,ons Code. Any city or county wh1cfl re Q1.11res a permit lo construct_ a11er unprovl! Clernol1sh or repan any slrutlure. prlOC' to ,Is is.suance also rec;uues ~heap· ~:~~Df P~:'a~11t~M~:V~"': :~\:en~'::!c:/! license Law \Chapter 9 commencing w11n Sechon 7000 ol 01v1s1on 3 ol lhe Business and Professions COCle) or 1nat 1s ex empt lherelrom and IM basiS for ine allege<1 exemption An~ IAOlahon ot Set::0n l031.5 by an ,pphtant lor a permd sub j!Cts !tie appliunt lo a ctv1J penally ot not more tnan 11119 hun dred do1tars tSm). I. as owner 011~ property. or my employees wilh w,1ges a, ttle,r sole compensalion Will do rne w-ork. and the st rue· l•re ls not intended or G"ered for sale (Sec. 70.4, Business af'ld Profession~ Code. The Contrac.tOf s licen!>e Law does not apply to an owner ol property who builds or improves !hereon and who does such work h•msell or 1hrough his own employttS provided that such 11Tipr0vemen1s are not interid ed o, (llfe,eci ror sate H, tww.ever tf\t' bulld:no or amprove· men! is sold within one year ot comp1et1on. lhe owoer-bulkSer will have the burden ot prov,nQ that he did nol build or 1m- Pf0\lt tor the purpose ot saleJ I, as owner ol ttie property. am exclusrvety contracting ,.,th license<S cootratlors to cons1ruc1 the projecl (Sec. 70.4 Bus,ness and Pto!essi0ns Code The Con1r41eto(s License Law does not appty to an owner ot property who builds or im- proves !hereon. and who conlracts for each prl)Jects w,th a contrir;tor(s) l,cense pursuanl to the Conlraclor's llcens, I.awl As a home<"'""' I am improving my home. and tile lollCw mg cond1t1ons e,ust I . The work IS being perlormed prior 10 sale 2 I have li"ed m my hOme 1or lwetve monlhs prior to comp!ehoo ot 1his woo· 3 I ha,e not ctaorned lh•• exempt>Ot> during lhe 1as1 three years f"J I am exempl under Sec B & P C for this reason ------------- D I hereby aitflfm that I ha,e a cer11fiCi1le or consent 10 se1t ,nsore o, ii r en1t1Gate ot WOfkers Compensation Insurance. or a cer11t1ed copy thereot (Sec 3800. Labor Code) POLICY NO COMPANY D Copy ,s filed w11h lhe city 0 Cen1t1ed copy 1s hereby lum,snec:i CERTIFICATl OF EX~MPTION FROM WORKERS COM PENSA TOON INSURANCE (This seclton need nol be comoietec, 11 lhe permit 1s tor one hunored dOllars f$100l ,, 1ess1 0 I cen,ty that 1n the perto,mance at lhe wor11. 10, which this perm11 1s issued I shall not employ any person 1n any manner so as to becomf' '\ub1ec1 10 the wono.ers Compens.it,on Uws ot Caulorn,a NOTICE TO APPLICANT If alter mak1nJ lh15 Cer11 f,cilte of E,cemp11on you should become sub1ec1 ,.., tne Wort..ers Compensa11on prov,s,ons ot lhe L.lbOr Code you must forth""''" r.ompty w•lh sucli p,ov1s1ons o, lh1s perm,1 sna1 be deemed ,e•o.._M 0 I hereby 41itt,rm lhat !here 1S a cons1ru( 1,on ,eno1no agency IOf 1ne perlOfmance 01 lhf' ...,on, lo, which this permit 1s ,ssued iSec 3097 C1-..d COdf'J Lenders Name ___________ _ Lenders A<J<Jress ------------ USE r~,u POlllf PEN ONLY & PRESS HARD APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS. -.·--- CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PERMIT : 1200 Elm, Carlsbad. California 920081989 (619) 438-5525 ~ .OB AOOIHSS _j/ AV ST. RO NEAREST CROSS ST I DA TE OF APPLICA Tl ON I BUSINESS LICENSE It VALUATION PERMIT NUMBER u: \S~ I On. n.~-.-~ ... ,-,s-~ ~~ <19, > ~5-3;10 ;; T&LOCK /lsueo1v1s1o'"J • .... l A5i~RC:RCEL NO CONTRACTOR CONTRACTORS PHONE • ZONE } 0 12.Z. -·--•-A• -..!:l I :)_ • C, 3 a /'OcJJ ,J E ~ E uwNf R·s NAME """fl' I&/. I I 7 z.,;°:-;R; ;o; Q) ~ J-1,,.. f ~1 196,M~ (' J--I - CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS LICENSE NO PLAN I D. It BLOG USE CODE I OWNE.A'S MA 1 11'1(., ADDRESS • u 0 1&11 /l'J.~ A..111: O(S1GNE R L•CENSE II STANDARD PLAN # BUILDING SO FOOTAGE (!) S,~li,w~o,. §Ol&St&IU .i..i,~ oc:c;cRiPTIUN Of WO~K DfSIGNfR·s AOD"fSS OESIGNf,R'S PHONE c -~. a..&>cO: p ~~ ()~!-.a. ... 44DZ '4.,&IMEiC, 9r. ~~-,s-~ ro o , . NO a: F p FLR ELEV ace GP EDU a. l . --JI. Q Q !) +-~ . . . ., ~ --STORIES 71.1.?l~?~UI~ <l:I vO NO I f 1.1 , I' CENSUS TRACT' I _:ip LANO USE I PARKING SPAC~ lAES UNITS I REDEVELOPMENT OCC LOAD nr .. ,.... ...... .-. ... f -11 •L..._ --1 l;-:. ' :><: GRADING PERMIT ISSUED TYPE FIRESPP ' AREA CONST C l YO N D ,o NO vO NO Nor Valid Unlt!H M•chine Certtfttd a: I 7~ QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT · ISSUE QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT · ISSUE 3,_ SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER 0 I . V) EACH FIXTURE TRAP , INSTALL FURN DUCTS uP TO 100 000 BTU BUILDING PERMIT • 01 ·00·00·8220 -l.!e.Lt'. "5"0 V) Q) V) EACH BUI LO ING SEWER I OVER 100.000 BTU SIGN PERM,T 01·00·00·8221 V) ,__ -~ -----------q9_.1_s:: -cl: EACH WATER HEATER ANO OR VENT BOILER COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HP PLAN CHECK 01·00 00-8806 I I--->---------------- EACH GAS SYSTEM 1 TO 4 OUT L.E!_S_~ _ t BOILER COMPRESSOR 3 15 HP TOTAL PLUMBING 01 ·00·00·8222 3: f -,___ -------In~ 0 EACHGASSYSTEM5 0R MORE 1 METAL FIREPI ACE .~ .-ELECTRICAL 01 00-00·82]3 ai -~ -----(,... -EACH INSTA~ AL TEA, REPAIR WATER PIPE VENT FAN SING LE O UCT .~c~_ 01·00·00·8224 >- >--I--->--. --- EACH VACUUM BREAKER MECH EXHAUST HOOD DUCTS MOBILEHOME 01 ·00-00·8225 WATER SOFTNER RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE HEATER MOBlLEHOME PARK INSP <I) ---V) EACH ROOF DRAIN (INS10[) Q) S.OLAR --_ 01-00·00·8226 u ------:~_·1."T 0 TOTAL ME CHANICAL l STRONG MOTION 80·92·33-0519 a: ------=-TOI Al PL UMBINL I --FIRE SPRINi<LERS 01 ·00·00·8227 ro . --"cu s--PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 32·00·00·8930 0 QTY ELECTRICAL PERMIT • ISSUE QTY. SOLAR · ISSUE -~ BRIDGE FEE COLLECTORS Q) NEW CONST EA AMP SWT BKR SCHOOL FEE · DISTRICT 0 --------C 1 PH 3 PH STORAGE TA'IKS Carlsbad ro 80·92·21·0519 C EX IST BLDG EA AMP SWT 'BKR ~ -· ROCK STORAGE Enc1no1as 80·92·22·0519 u. ~ ~ 1 PH 3 PH PUl,IP San D1egu1to 80·92·23·0519 REM ODEL ALTtR P[R CIRCUIT Pl AN CHECK FEE San Marcos I 80·92·24·0519 ---~ C TEMP POLE 100 AMPS Q) -~ OVER 200 AMPS LICENSE TAX 01-00-00-8162 (!) TEMP OCCUPANCY 130 DAYSI MFF 8().92-57-0519 t q C-i .(, ,;-) - CREDIT DEPOSIT 0 TOTAL ELELTRl(Al I TOTAL SOLAR I \ ?lc:2.\, 0 \D .-TOTAL FEES PAYABLE Q) I a V) ..: I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPLICATION AND PERMIT' AND DO HEREBY Exptrat1on Every permit tSSued by the Bu1IC1tng Oft,c1e1 under the prov,,1on! ofth1s * AN OSHA PEAM:T IS REQUIRED FOR EXCAVATIONS 1 ~ I CERT,FY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON 'NCLUDING THE Code shall e•plre by ltm1tat1on and become null and void If trie building or w()rk 5' O" DEEP ANO D£M0t.rT10N OR CONSTRUCTION OF DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND I FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE 1F A PERMIT IS authorized by such permit ,snot commenced within 180 days from the date or such STRUCT\JA£S OVER 3 STORIES IN HEIGHT -B ISSUED TO COMPLY WITH ALL CiCOUNlY AND STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON· ~~~~~n~~t t=~y ~~~:'~Pt.~~C:~,::~~e~le~~~~ r~~~1~fsr~~~~ OJ .c STRUCTION WHETHE'1 SPECIFIED REIN OR NOT I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND AP~SIGN~ •_7,(R[; CONTRACTt~ AJROVED BY t 0-,:1,~. 3 KEEP HARW.LESS THE CITY OF c_A L: BAD AGAINST ALL i.JABILITIES. JUDGMENTS. COSTS AND -1 : OA • ~ .J .. 0 EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY' WAY\CCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT --.,...,~ BY PHONi::,..,,.... l 7j I ~-1 ., .,,,-" --,_ -. ~ TYPE DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING I -~ FOUNDATION , I _I --~ {.../L_ u ll REINFORCED STEEL . . . \ . . F. " ~ -...... --· ... MASONRY I r ....---:., GUNITE OR GROUT FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME SHEATHING [B""ROOF D SHEAR r~-1-rrft. P( ~ FRAME //-'21'-;. ~ EXTERIOR LA TH . . '.:..,'-.\ INSULATION ' 11-J.J~ vL . • --;. .. INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL -. PLUMBING SEWER AND BUCO UP UCO UNDERGROUND D WASTE _J WATER TOP OUT D WASTE 0 WATER --~ ~ - TUB AND SHOWER PAN GAq TEST 0 WATER HEATER D SOLAR WATER . " 1 -~ ELECTRICAL "' . D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND 0 UFFER ROUGH ELECTRIC //~Ir ~ ., v-- D ELECTRIC SERVICE D TEMPORARY D BONDING D POOL \ ·-j .,,,., MECHANICAL ... D DUCT & PLEM., D REF. PIPING /;{ HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS V L VENTILATING SYSTEMS CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIA T.. ITEMS ABOVE HAVE BEEN APPROVED. FINAL PLUMBING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL GAS BUILDING SPECIAL CONDITIONS FIELD INSPECTION RECORD \ SOILS COMPLIANCE PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSP FIELD WELDING HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS SPECIAL MASONRY PILES CAISSONS '-· '-,. ~. I ''"5 . "3 ::::v --------, • .-... ' • I D \ X City of Carlsbad 1200 ELM, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 • TEL. (619) 438-5525 ,l"Job Address /581 (!)A,~ Avt=: Owner~ ~ :~.... s. fRA-t/-f A'"S ..,., L-LC'!l Mai long Address /,.5 & / OAL City I Zip Tel 1-:J'il. 7 f3,t0 // Contractor Address City I Zip Tel State Lie. City S Class,f Uc. No. COMPLETE FOR PLAN CHECK ONLY LEGAL DESCRIPTION (!1 1'2.7-l'All.LS8Ar> i.Avi,s . J.A,4p //ol,,,, I ASSESSORS PARCEL NO -.. ,s"t. -212.-0~ DESCRIPTION OF WORK r:: },( Ti?A.J D I<', T. J JJa:,,t. tJ.oo, Tl .,,,v l'J,-rA#ILV e{.if, t./J 1-16 PLAN ID NO. J?~ ! )-0 DESIGNER ADDRESS 4J/oZ i.&:A..JOFt/;'°~ 57, SA u Pt Ft;i), PHONE 2fo-/So~ CONT ACT PERSON ~ (="r,(U,{£ i?. ~J-#µ I;,- ti!L S,g,,ature of Applicant Date 'zf/~:: I \.. MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPT MISCELLANEOUS FEE RECEIPT 0 • PLAN CHECK FEE 01-00-00-8806 I .. I ,, D VALUATION ,;r-I _, ./ e:J D DEMOLITION D HOUSE MOVING D PARKS AND RECREATION FEE D PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE D SCHOOL FEE -DISTRICT D Carlsbad D Encinitas D San Diego D San Marcos D CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY n n n n D D D D D D D TOTAL FEE • ~ 11 I r -,,.. -,~ $ -- 'WARNING: PLAN CHECK FEES WHERE NO ACTION IS TAKEN BY THE APPLICANT IN 180 DAYS AND NO BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. ARE FORFEITED TO THE CITY. COMMENTS: White -Applicant Yellow -File Pink -(1) Finance (2) Data Process Gold -Assessor " .J PLAN CHECK NUMBER J>r--'? r6 ADDRESs_/_s-:;_r;_1_@._~ ________ oA r ~S- TYPE OF STRUCTURE 4::z -~ PLANNING: ZONE: ----- a:: uJ 3 uJ -uJ > .... uJ < ~ Q a:: uJ 3 L&.I -u.l > .... L&.I c§ CY. .... L&.I ua:: L&.I - ; SCHOOL FEES: SAN DIEGUITO --------ENCINITAS -------- CARLSBAD --------SAN MARCOS -------- REQUIRED SETBACKS -----% COVERAGE ------------ BU IL DING HEIGHT ----------FENCES/WALLS __________ _ TWO CAR GARAGE ·----------- ::::_T~==:6=:=·ts::======== REAR --------~ CO:ViMENTS: -------------~-------------- REDEVEL0~1ENT A?PROVAL REQUIRED: -----------------:-- LANDSCAPE PLAN CO~ENTS: ----------------- rnv rnm:M:NTAL REQU IREP: -------------------~ -----------------------------~-- ADDITIONAL COMi'-1ENTS: --------~------- DATE: ---------- ENGitiEEl11NG LEGAL DESCRIPTION VERIFIED? ___ A.P.N. CHECKED?_ P.F .F ·-------PARK IN LIEU ------------------ R.0.1~:_.. IMPROVEMENTS:------------------ ---------~--------E.D.U: ---------~----: SEWER: LATERAL: DRIVEWAY ~ GRADING PERMIT: DRAINAGE: EASEMENTS: ---+-tl~o_t-f_e_· ______ ADDITIONAL C0""1ENTS: ------~ .o -co ~so · ~ ~:,,::V1 <!z-11~~ ua:: OK TO ISSUE: ~-~ DATE: ____ ~--1-l:.'--~--o--:::, ______ -; * ENGINEERING INSPECTION RE~EO: ________ ·---------- PUBLIC lo!ORKS INSPECTOR: _________________ _ FINAL OK: ------------DATE: __________ _ * IF THIS ITEM IS NOT CHECKED, BUILDING DEPARlMENT WILL MAKE ALL INSPECTIONS (DRIVEWAYS. CURB CUT, DRAINAGE, E'rC.) PL . ~ I 0 __ ---,fi~,-:.~---?-,c.__-,,-0_ .• J ~DR ES S_~J>._._Cn.....w.+/---la--.::...c:11tt;;:....:..___~ __ _ CITY OF CARLS~AD BUILDING DEPARTMENT -ROOM ADDITION CORRECTION LIST CORRECTIONS CHECKED BELOW ARE TO BE MADE ON PLANS Two identical sets of plans drawn to scale with the following information are required: A. Dimensioned plot plan showing all existing and proposed buildings, legal description, job address, earth slope, driveway slope and lot drainage. B. pl and foundation details. Sh fou aation plans and foundation details. 2. Provid 6 x 6 -10 x 10 wire mesh in slab, 4"clean sand, vapor barrier and 2 -# ·rebars continuous in footings. 3. Show foundation details per attached soils report or furnish current ~e-6' ml .. r p rt . ~ . 6 ~, . ~ . ~T-§e:. :A /1..L-/cerA P~fHJr -'1-0011:: f?oa ~JJ. -s-~ C. x e r--1 r at 1 on s · V ~ o exterior elevations. ~ ndow sizes, door sizes and locations.,Ot:-'-..).- ater1a s used on exter1or. roof pitch and roofing materials used. -, w adequate bracing. A r l'f:!:~"=::-''-e-o ~@-0 ~DD F ,,1 ~ I~ tJ ,J o f\J &J-e ct ion t!,'-E..v~,J~ ~,-tdl.u) ~K.-, ·, 1. complete structural framing details, material sizes,_ header sizes, rafter izes, joist sizes and connection to existing building. 2. Show materials used -on the interior -floors, walls and ceiling. 3. Show required insulation per state law -R-11 for exterior walls, R-19 for ceiling. 4. Provide R-19 insulation in attic of existing building if addition is 30% of existing building area. 5. Two story additions require structural calcs for vertical and horizontal loads. They shal1 be signed by a California licensed engineer or architect. E. Floor Plan 1. Show use of new addition and existing adjacent room(s). 2. Show heating provided for new addition. If electric, Title 24 calcs. 3. Show what has happened to the light and ventilation in adjacent rooms. 4. Fireplace: If metal show ICBO number. Show dimensions and square footage for room addit~ and adjacent rooms. Provide exterior lighting at exterior doors. {)~'1,),-- Provide adequate electrical receptacles. 8. Provide GFI at all outside, bathroom and garage electrical receptacles. 9. Show room ceiling and passageway heights. 10. Provide adequate emergency exit from sleeping rooms , 20 11 clear width, 5.7 s of area, not more than 44 11 from floor, 24" clear height. 11. Pr ide smoke detectors for existing and/or new bedrooms. one exterior electrical receptacle (GFI) if none existing. ovide backflow preventer for any new hose bibbs. roper attic and underfloor ventilation. indow into carport must be fixed glass. Show area of addition and area of new glazing and area of glass removed. Check with La Costa, Ponderosa Homes or Coastal Commission for their requirements. CLIMATE ZONE 7 REQUIREMENTS FOR RESIDENTIAL ADDITIONS TO COMPLY WITH THE 1982 STATE MANDATED TITLE 24 ENERGY CONSERVATION REGULATIONS • i.. • 2. • 3. FLOOR, INSULATIO~: a. Raised Floor: R-11 b. Slab Floor: None r.r.AZING AREA is limited to 161 of the additions floor area plus the interior glazing area that was removed as a result of the addition. CEILING INSULATION: R-30 (where framing penetrates the insulation) • 4. WALL INSULATION: R-11 (where framing penetrates the insulation) 5 .. ~ GLAZING -(total including skylights) a. Maximum U value 1.10 (single pane). b. Maximum glazing area is 161 of the conditioned floor area. (plus any interior glazing removed as a result of the addition). c. For single glazed skylights, mult iply actual area by 1.6. 6. SHADING: "NOT REQUIRED" 7. INF! LTRATION CONTROL: • d. • a. • b. • c. d. ,4,-e . Doors and windows fully weather- stripped. Openings caulked and sealed, i.e • around joints in windows, wall sole plates, openings for utility piping and wiring, etc. Manufactured doors and windows shall meet applicable ANSI standards and be so labeled. Back draft dampers on exhaust fans and other exhaust systems. Masonry and factory-built fireplaces must have tight fitting, closeable metal or glass doors covering firebox openings. Combustion air intake ducts are required 16 sq. in. minimum) with tight fitting dampers. Tight fitting fl ue dampers are required. l>l:CTS : ~. liuLlt ~u r Chapter 10, Uniform Mt.:chanical Code. Sl'/\CI:: CONDITIONING P.QUIPMENT SIZING: a. Gas furnaces are sized to 1.3 x design heat loss+ 10 Btuh per square foot of conditioned floor area or seasonal efficiency exceeds 67\--Sy 11 for each 7,000 Btuh over design loss Q!: output is less than 45,000 Btuh. b. Heating and cooling units are to be sized using ASHRAE calculations. 10. • 11. 12. ll. 14. 15. SETBACK THERMOSTATS: Thermostats must have automatic setback capability for two periods during 24 hours IN/A for heat pumps). WATER HEATING SYSTEM INSULATION: a. R-12 o~ greater insulation wrapping on exterior of storage type water heaters. b. R-3 insulation wrapping on first 5 feet of piping in unconditioned space. PIPE INSULATION! KP.circulating and steam pipes --50 Btuh per foot maximum loss for 2" diameter and less; 100 Btuh per foot maximum loss for larger sizes. SWIMMING POOL HEATING1 a. On/off switch on heater. b. Weather proof card on the heater, easily readable giving, instruction for the energy efficient operation of the swimming pool. c. Plumbing to allow tor future solar by providing 36" pipe length between filter and heater. d . 751 thermal efficiency for gas heate r. c. Pool cover if heated. f. Time clock on recirculating pump. y. Directional water inlets. GAS COOKING APPLIANCES: Must have an intermittent ignition device and be certified by the California Ene rgy Commission. Exemptions: a . LPG Models and b. Single Pilot (less than 150 Btuh) Models with no electrical line voltage. LIGHTING: General lighting in kitchens and bathrooms must provide 25 lumens per watt or more (e.g., fluorescent). Execptions: Kitchen counter or sink; Dining table; Bathroom mirror. STA'l'E 1::~ll::RGY COM.'1ISS ION DOCUMENTS lo order ducum~ntation furnished by the ~tate En~rgy Corr~1ssion use the following .1ddress: California Energy Commission Publications Unit 1516 Ninth Street MS 13 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 324-3014 0 400-81 -00S -New Residential Building Standards. ?400-BJ-007-Energy Conservation Manual. Title 24-RE-8-83 I r I I 1979 EDITION 3203-3205 Built-up roofing on slopes exceeding 3 inches to 12 inches shall be installed with plies laid parallel to the slope of the deck, and the surfacing material _,, 2. Asphalt shingles laid with double coverage may be ins1alled on slo~ as was 2 inches to 12 inches, provided the shingles are approved self-se~ling 1 shall be other than gravel or slag. ~ f.,~ are hand-sealed and are installed with an underlaymem consisting of two / ~yers of Type 15 felt applied shingle fashion. ' ) -..,, J . '\ 3. Asbestos cement shingles may be installed on slopes as low as 3 inches 10 12 inches where the underlayment consists of two layers of Type 15 asbestos felt applied shingle fashion. 4. Wood shakes may be installed on a slope not less than 3 inches in 12 inches when installed over an underlayment of not less than Type 15 felt and when approved by the building official. · 5. Interlocking roof tiles may be installed on slopes below 3:12 where J underlayment consists of two layers of Type 15 felt or heavier applied shingle f fashion and solid-mopped together with approved cementing material be-' tween the plies. J Roof Insulation Sec. 3204. The use of combustible roof insulation shall be permitted, provided it is covered with approved roof covering applied directly there- -to. For foam plastic, see Section 1717. , ., . t ' ... Insulation shall be of a rigid type suitable for application of a roof·· ~,·, . covering . Where fire-retardant roof coverings are required, insulations shall be a type approved for the type of deck and the built-up roofing applied. Where built-up roofing is to be applied, vapor barriers shall be installed between the deck and the insulation where the average January temperature is below 45 °F. or where excessive moisture conditions are an- ticipated within the building. Attics: Access, Draft Stops and Ventilation Sec. 3205. (a) Access. An attic access opening shall be provided in the ceiling of the top floor of buildings with combustible ceiling or roof con- struction. The opening shall be located in a corridor or hallway of buildings of three or more stories in height and readily accessible in buildings of any height. The opening shall be not less than 22 inches by 30 inches. Thirty-inch minimum clear head room shall be provided above the ac- cess opening. Attics with a maximum vertical clear height of less than 30 inches need not be provided with access openings. (b) Draft Stops. J;_nclosed attic spaces formed of combustible construc- tion shall be divided into horizontal areas not exceeding 3000 square feet by partitions extending from the ceiling to the roof. Such partitions shall be not less than Vi-inch-thick gypsum wallboard, or I-inch nominal thickness tight-fitting wood, Ya-inch-thick plywood, or approved noncombustible material adequately supported. 491 .... I f