HomeMy WebLinkAbout1586 MARBRISA CIR; ; CB133192; PermitCity of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Permit 07-28-2014 Permit NoiSWI30421 Job Atjdress: 1586 MARBRISA CR CBAD Permit Type: SWPPP status: ISSUED Parcel No: 2111300600 Lot#: 0 Applied: 12/23/2013 Reference #: Entered By: LSM CB#: CB133192 Issued: 07/28/2014 Inspect Area: Project Title: GRAND PAC VILLA 59 - NEW 16 Tier: 1 UNIT TIMESHARE BLD 15,531 SF W/ 4,614 SF Priority: L Applicant: Owner: DAN TALANT GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD L P 619-297-8066 X25 Emergency Contact: HOUSTON ARNOLD 760-585-8879 5900 PASTEUR CT #200 CARLSBAD CA 92008 SWPPP Plan Check SWPPP Inspections Additional Fees $0.00 $57.00 $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES $57.00 Total Fees: $57.00 Total Payments To Date: $57.00 Balance Due: $0.00 FINAL APPROVAL SIGNATURE "QILANNING ENGINEERING ^ "3 THE FOLLOWING APPROVALS REQUIRED PRIOR TO PERMft ISSUANCE: BUlLDiNG FIRE • HEALTH nHAZMAT/APCD CITY OF CARLSBAD Building Permit Application 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax:760-602-8558 email: bullding(gcarlsbadca.gov www.carlsbadca.gov Plan Check No. QJ^ 1^-3195 Est.Value IS^S^CO I Plan Ck. Deposit 3u(e>S 'OH / '•^ i3 SWPPP JOBADDRESS . SUITE*/SPACE«/UNIT« 1 APN BLJ^ 3"^ Zl)-)3b 0(« • er^ - CT/PROJECT # PHASES U OF UNITS # BEDROOMS (("BATHROOMS TENANT BUSINESS NAIME CONSTR. TYPE occ. GROUP DESCRIPTiON OF WORK: Inc/ude Square Feet ofAtfected Area(s) is', 531 ^'^ EXISTING USE PROPOSED USE GARAGE (SF) PATiOS (SF) DECKS (SF) FiREPU\CE YES|~|* N0| I AiR CONDiTiONiNG YES QNO I I FiRESPRiNKLERS YES I |NO| I APPySftNT NAME (Primary Contact) APPLICANTNAME (Secondary Contact) ADDRESS ADDRESS CiTY STATE ZiP CiTY STATE ZiP PHONE ^ FAX, EMAiTj 7 \Jt)Qf\ INC. UQr*^ PHOr^E FAX EI^AiL PROPERTir OWNER NAME ^ n. ^ ^ r> ^ , CONTRACTOR BUS. NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS CiTY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZiP PHONE FAX PHOi^E FAX EIWiAiL ARCH/[3ESIGNER NAME & ADDRESS '-' EIWIAIL CITY BUS. LIC.# (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County whicti requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolisti or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicantfor such permitto file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuantto the provisions ofthe Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of [Division 3 ofthe Business and Professions Code) ortnat he is exempt therefrom, and the basis forthe alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicantfor a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500)). 'ORKERS' COMPENSATION Workers' Compensation Declaration: / hereby affirm under pertalty ofpeijuty one ofthe foliowing declarations: HI have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for woriiere' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for tiie perlormance of ttie wori< for wtiicti this permit is issued. 1 have and will maintain woikers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for ttie performanceofttie worit for which this permit is issued. My woriters' coinpensation insurance canier and policy number are: insurance Co. Policy No, Expiration Date Thjs section need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars ($100) or less. I I Ceitificate of Exemption: I certify that in the perfomiance of the worit for which this pennit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Woriters' Compensation Laws of Califomia. WARNiNG: Faiiure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an empioyer to criminal penalties and chril fines up to one hundred thousand doiiars (&100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attomey's fees. JS$ CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE • AGENT DATE O WNEne-BUiLOiR DECLARATION / hereby affirm fhaf / am exempt ftom Contractor's Ucense Law for the following reason: I I I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the worit and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or thraugh his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not buiid or improve for the purpose of sale). I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to constmct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's Ucense Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). • am exempt under Section _ eBusiness and Professions Code for this reason: 1.1 personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. QYes I iNo 2.1 (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the pnjposed work. 3.1 have contracted with the following person (fimi) to provide the proposed constniction (include name address / phone / contractors' license number): 4.1 plan to provide portions of the wortt, but I have hired the foilowing person to cooidinate, supervise and provide the major wortt (include name / address / phone / contractors' license number): 5.1 will provide some of the wori^jMHHwwjxintracted (hired) the following persons to provide the worit indicated (include name / address / phone / type of worit): veTpROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE DATE COMPI LETE THIS SECTION FOR NON- RESIDENTIAI. BUILDINC PERMITS ONLY Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materiais registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505,25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Acf? Yes No Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? Yes No Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? Yes No IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FiNAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERViCES AND THE AiR POLLUTiON CONTROL DISTRiCT. N'S^T R. UCT I ON LEN 0 I N jG .A[<|^E N C Y"" I hereby aflirm that there is a constniction lending agency for the perfonnance of the work this pemiit is issued (Sec. 3097 (1) Civil Code). Lender's Name Lender's Address <| P PLI CANT CER Tl F I C A TIO N I certify that I have lead the applkation and state thatthe alxwe intbimation is coirect and thatthe infbimation on the plans is accuiate. I agree to comply witti all City oidinances and State iaws lelating to building constnictkin. I hereby authorize representative ofthe Gity of Carlsbad to enter upon the above menttoned property for inspectton purposes. I ALSO AGF€E TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CAf^SBAD AGAINST AU. UABILITIES, JUDGIVIENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GFiANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0' deep and demolitbn or constnictton of stmctures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every petmit issued by the Building Oflicial under the provisbns of this Code shall expire by limitatton and become null and void if the building or vrorit authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such peimit or if the M*g or vwrit authorijejl by such pemiit is suspendedor abandoned at any time after the wortt is commenced for a pertod of 180 days (Sectton 106.4.4 Unifonm Building Code). ^gfAPPLICANT'S SIGNATURE' DATE STOP: THIS SECTION NOT REQUIRED FOR BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE. Complete the following ONLY if a Certificate of Occupancy will be requested at final inspection. Fax (760) 602-8560, Email buildlnq(5)carlsbadca.gov or Mail the completed form to City of Carlsbad, Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carisbad, Califomia 92008. C0#: (Office Use Only) CONTACT NAIVIE OCCUPANT NAME ADDRESS BUILDING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE Carlsbad CA PHONE FAX EMAIL OCCUPANT'S BUS. LIC. No. DELIVERY OPTIONS PICK UP: CONTACT (Listed above) OCCUPANT (Listed above) CONTRACTOR (On Pg. 1) MAILTO: CONTACT (Listed above) CONTRACTOR (On Pg. 1) OCCUPANT (Listed above) ASSOCIATED CB#- MAIL/FAX TO OTHER: NO CHANGE IN USE / NO CONSTRUCTION CHANGE OF USE / NO CONSTRUCTION ^APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE Inspection List Permit*: CB133192 Type: COMMIND HOTEL Date Inspection Item Inspector Act 05/22/2015 89 Final Combo PD AP 05/22/2015 89 Final Combo - Rl 04/23/2015 39 Final Electrical PD AP 03/31/2015 31 Underground/Conduit-Wirin PD AP 01/22/2015 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall PD AP 01/15/2015 17 Interior Lath/Drywall PD AP 01/12/2015 84 Rough Combo PD AP 01/05/2015 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall PD AP 12/31/2014 17 Interior Lath/Drywall PD AP 12/30/2014 85 T-Bar PD AP 12/24/2014 17 Interior Lath/Drywall PD PA 12/19/2014 17 Interior Lath/Drywall PD AP 12/18/2014 16 Insulation PY CA 12/11/2014 84 Rough Combo PD AP 12/09/2014 13 Shear Panels/HD's PD AP 12/09/2014 24 Rough/Topout PD AP 12/08/2014 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin PY CA 12/02/2014 13 Shear Panels/HD's PD CA 11/20/2014 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin PD PA 11/17/2014 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin PD PA 11/13/2014 24 Rough/Topout PD AP 11/10/2014 15 Roof/Reroof PY AP 11/10/2014 17 Interior Lath/Drywall PY WC 10/30/2014 34 Rough Electric PD AP 10/30/2014 38 Signs MC PA 10/30/2014 39 Final Electrical MC CO 10/16/2014 13 Shear Panels/HD's PY PA 10/16/2014 13 Shear Panels/HD's PY PA 10/14/2014 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PY AP 10/09/2014 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PY NR 10/07/2014 24 Rough/Topout PY PA 10/07/2014 24 Rough/Topout PY PA 10/06/2014 13 Shear Panels/HD's PY PA 09/30/2014 13 Shear Panels/HD's PY PA 09/08/2014 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PB AP 09/02/2014 31 Underground/Conduit-Wirin PD AP 08/19/2014 21 Underground/Under Floor PD AP 07/29/2014 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD AP GRAND PACIFIC VILLA 59 - BUILD NEW 16 UNIT TIMESHARE BLD 15,531 S Comments AM PLEASE SIGNAGE ONLY, COMPLETE ELECTRICAL deck drains Tuesday, May 26, 2015 Page 1 of 1 INSPECTION RECORD CARLSBAD Building Diunion !3 INSPECTION RECORD CARD WITH APPROVE© PLANS MUST BE KrPTON THE JOe a CAkt BEFORE jUMjBffi ''©B NEXT WORK DAY INSPECTION a FOR BUIUQING INSPECTION CAtJU 7fi0-602-2725 OR CO TO: mmsm^nmsmMiM^m ANO CLICK OM • Request Inspectton" DATB; • '" CB1331S2 1586 WAR!W^C*^ GRAND PACIFK: Vitt*^f„ l-'fs ^-^^ ^ 0CMM!f40 i^OlE- im OAH TALANT RECORD COPY 4SP IP ••YESTV. CHECKED TM*T D«iso«-s *WROvAL IS mmijmm ^'iiS.M.mi^mmm ^^^^^^^^^ ^e^ow, Af^tR IF YOU HAVE ANT QySSTlOHS PLEASE CA^L t« *^^UCABLE *^ Tf.JTO 8roaiMSP«T.OMS©CA«^§«'-OC-*''^^''' ,.LU ««QU«eD APf^«OV^US «S«8£. O..- .AX tO 760-602-S560.. »«*;^/« INSPECTORS C^N BE o« IM A COPY OF T«s CA«o TO: 1635 FARAOA. AVE.. CA 920OT^^^^ «AQ«e0 AT 760-602-2700 BETWEEK 7:30 AM ^ 0:00 AM THE OAV or vou« msmcr^ou. Required Pri«Mr to »«^w8iitffm BMlMtotg Wfwl If CHwcltfeil YES ..memt^itmift:': «29 FINAL STORM WATER •SOO PR€C0MSTRLCT10MMEniNG #603 FOUOW UP INSPECTION «eOS NOTICE TO CIEAN mf mmxmsmm •609 NOTICE OFVIOLATION mm wmM.wmm f/AflNM FIXED EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM ROtGH-l'l wemwmsmmmmmhmtm rwio i!m*ioutsHMS SYSTEM nuAt MEDICAL GAS PRESSURE TEST Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14467 Meridian Parkway Bldg 2A, Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: (951) 653-4999 Fax: (951) 653-4666 Branch: 44917 Golf Center Parkway #1, Indio, CA 92201 Tel: (760) 342-4677 Fax: (760) 342-4525 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 Date Printed: 10/8/2014 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD, L P. Set No.: 14-0541 File No.: Perinit No.: Project No.: Project Name: CB133192 1916109 MARBRISA - VILLA 59 1586 MARBRISA CIRCLE CARLSBAD, CA Age Date Nominal Actual Area Load Strength Type of (Days) Tested Size (Sq. Inch) (lbs.) (psi) Fracture 7 9/16/2014 4X8 12.57 56,460 4,490 Columnar 28 10/7/2014 4X8 12.57 82,040 6,530 Cone & Split 28 10/7/2014 4X8 12.57 81,060 6,450 Cone & Split 28 10/7/2014 4X8 12.57 75,780 6,030 Cone & Split 28 H 10/7/2014 Specified Strength: 4,000 PSI Sampled By: BRYAN DUMAS Location: SLAB ON GRADE ASTMC172 Date Sampled: 9/9/2014 Date Received: 9/10/2014 Concrete Supplier: SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No.: 938P Ticket No.: 122935 Water added at Site: 10.00 gaL By CONTRACTOR Cement Type: II/V Mix Time: 40 Remarks: MIDDLE Concrete Temp: 90 Ambient Temp: 80 °F ASTMC1064 "F ASTMC1064 Slump: 5.00 in. ASTM C143 Tested at: San Diego Distribution: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD, L P. CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. Sam Valdez, R.C.E. 6340 PSI 28-day compression test complies with the specified strength. Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14467 Meridian Parkway Bldg 2A, Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: (951) 653-4999 Fax: (951) 653-4666 Branch: 44917 Golf Center Parkway # 1, Indio, CA 92201 Tel: (760) 342-4677 Fax: (760) 342-4525 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 Date Printed: 10/8/2014 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD, L P. Set No.: 14-0540 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: Project Name: CB133192 1916109 MARBRISA - VILLA 59 1586 MARBRISA CIRCLE CARLSBAD, CA Age Date Nominal Actual Area Load Strength Type of (Days) Tested Size (Sq. Inch) (lbs.) (psi) Fracture 7 9/16/2014 4X8 12.57 56,280 4,480 Columnar 28 10/7/2014 4X8 12.57 76,400 6,080 Cone & Split 28 10/7/2014 4X8 12.57 79,400 6,320 Cone & Split 28 10/7/2014 4X8 12.57 77,700 6,180 Cone & Split 28 H 10/7/2014 Specified Strength: 4,000 PSI Sampled By: BRYAN DUMAS Location: FOOTING - NORTH END OF FOUNDATION ASTMC172 Date Sampled: 9/9/2014 Date Received: 9/10/2014 Concrete Supplier: SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No.: 938P Ticket No.: 122923 Water added at Site: gal. By Cement Type: II/V Mix Time: 40 Remarks: mm. Concrete Temp: 90 Ambient Temp: 75 "F ASTMC1064 °F ASTMC1064 Slump: 5.00 in. ASTM C143 Tested at: San Diego Distribution: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD, L P. CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. Sam Valdez, R.C.E. 6190 PSI 28-day compression test complies with the specified strength. Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14467 Meridian Parkway Bldg 2A, Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: (951) 653-4999 Fax: (951) 653-4666 Branch: 44917 Golf Center Parkway # 1, Indio, CA 92201 Tel: (760) 342-4677 Fax: (760) 342-4525 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 Date Printed: 10/8/2014 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD, L P. File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: Project Name: CB133192 1916109 MARBRISA - VILLA 59 1586 MARBRISA CIRCLE CARLSBAD, CA Set No.: 14-0539 Age Date Nominal Actual Area Load Strength Type of (Days) Tested Size (Sq. Inch) (lbs.) (psi) Fracture 7 9/16/2014 4X8 12.57 52,230 4,160 Columnar 28 10/7/2014 4X8 12.57 79,730 6,340 Cone 28 10/7/2014 4X8 12.57 70,160 5,580 Cone 28 10/7/2014 4X8 12.57 74,690 5,940 Cone 28 H 10/7/2014 Specified Strength: 4,000 PSI Sampled By: BRYAN DUMAS Location: FOOTING - SOUTH END OF FOUNDATION ASTMC172 Date Sampled: 9/9/2014 Date Received: 9/10/2014 Concrete Supplier: SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No.: 938P Ticket No.: 122909 Water added at Site: gaL By Cement Type: II/V Mix Time: 40 Remarks: mm. Concrete Temp: 84 Ambient Temp: 73 "F ASTM C1064 °F ASTMC1064 Slump: 4.50 in. ASTM C143 Tested at: San Diego Distribution: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD, L P. CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. Sam Valdez, R.C.E. 5950 PSI 28-day compression test complies with the specified strength. Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) &ilji^74 _ _ • i _j Branch: 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C, San Diego, CA 92121 WltV Ot GSflSbSCl Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-39'90 Branch: 14467 Meridian Parkway Bldg 2A, Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: (951) 653-4999 Fax: (951) 653-466tf]r'T 1 5 2014 Branch: 44917 Golf Center Parkway #1, Indio, CA 92201 Tel: (760) 342-4677 Fax: (760) 342-4525 Planning Division Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 Date Printed: 10/8/2014 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD, L P. Set No.: 14-0542 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: Project Name: CB133192 1916109 MARBRISA - VILLA 59 1586 MARBRISA CIRCLE CARLSBAD, CA Age Date Nominal Actual Area Load Strength Type of (Days) Tested Size (Sq. Inch) (lbs.) (psi) Fracture 7 9/16/2014 4X8 12.57 51,560 4,100 Columnar 28 10/7/2014 4X8 12.57 71,080 5,660 Columnar 28 10/7/2014 4X8 12.57 73,410 5,840 Cone & Split 28 10/7/2014 4X8 12.57 71,860 5,720 Cone & Split 28 H 10/7/2014 Specified Strength: 4,000 PSI Sampled By: BRYAN DUMAS Location: STAIR FOOTING ASTMC172 Date Sampled: 9/9/2014 Date Received: 9/10/2014 Concrete Supplier: SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No.: 938P Ticket No.: 122948 Water added at Site: gal. By Cement Type: II/V Mix Time: 40 Remarks: SOUTHEAST Concrete Temp: 85 Ambient Temp: 80 °F ASTMC1064 °F ASTMC1064 Slump: 4.00 in. ASTM C143 Tested at: San Diego Distribution: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD, L P. CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. Sam Valdez, R.C.E. 5740 PSI 28-day compression test complies with the specified strength. EsGil Corporation In (PartnersHip witH government for (BuiCding Safety DATE: 6/03/2014 • APPLICANT • JURIS. JURISDICTION: CityofCarlsbad • PLAN REVIEWER • FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 13-3192 SET: IV PROJECT ADDRESS: 1586 Marbrisa Circle PROJECT NAME: MARBRISA RESORT Villa 59 The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. I I The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. [~~| The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. I I The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. r~] The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to fonward to the applicant contact person. I I The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Dan Talant EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. I I EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Dan Talant Telephone #: 619-297-8066x25 Date contacted: (by: ) Email: dant(gnoaainc.com Fax #: Mail Telephone Fax In Person • REMARKS: By: Eric Jensen Enclosures: EsGil Corporation lEl GA • EJ • MB • PC 2/7/2014 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, Califomia 92123 (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 EsGil Corporation In (PartnersHip witH government for (Buifding Safety DATE: 4/14/2014 • APPLICANT MJURIS. JURISDICTION: CityofCarlsbad W>LAN REVIEWER • FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 13-3192 SET; III PROJECT ADDRESS: 1586 Marbrisa Circle PROJECT NAME: MARBRISA RESORT Villa 59 I I The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes. r~l The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. I I The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. ^ The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. i I The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to fonA/ard to the applicant contact person. ^ The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Dan Talant I I EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Dan Talant Telephone #: 619-297-8066x25 Date contacted: (by: ) Email: dant(gnoaainc.com (/^ Fax #: ^JVIaill/^elephonet/^'^ Fax In Person |^ • REMARKS: By: Glen Adamek for David Yao Enclosures: EsGil Corporation K GA • EJ • MB • PC 2/7/2014 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, Califomia 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 City of Carlsbad 13-3192 4/14/2014 NOTE: The items listed below are from the previous correction list. These remaining items have not been adequately addressed. The numbers ofthe items are from the previous check list and may not necessarily be in sequence. THE NOTES IN BOLD UNDERLINED FONT ARE CURRENT REMAINING ITEMS. A) Please make all corrections, as requested in the correction list. Submit FOUR new complete sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (THREE sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL CORRECTIONS • PLAN REVIEW NUMBER: 13-3192 SET: III PLAN REVIEWER: Glen Adamek GENERAL AND ARCHITECTURAL PME ITEMS 29. The final set of corrected drawings to be reviewed for signing and sealing just before the permits are to be issued. Each sheet of the plans must be signed by the person responsible for their preparation, even though there are no structural changes, before the permits are issued. Business & Professions Code. PLUMBING (2010 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE) 33. The Civil Drawings now provided show the 3 inch water line connecting the the North East corner ofthe building and the plumbing plans show the water connection to the building at the North West corner of the building. Please correct to agree. Also, check with the City Planning Department and the Citv Building Department for anv Citv Requirement for separate public water meter for each separate building. Provide the site plumbing plans showing the sizes and locations of the gas meters and water meter; and the sizes, routes, and slopes ofthe building sewer, storm drainage system, site gas lines, and site water lines. City of Carlsbad 13-3192 4/14/2014 35. Please complete & correct the water line sizing calculations on sheet P-4. The new Civil Drawing show this building (Villa 59) and two future buildings (Villa 60 & Villa 61) are servied bv the same V/2 inch public water meter. The following Items still have not been addressed: Provide complete water line sizing calculations: Include the water pressure, pressure loss calculations, water demands, and the developed pipe lengths. CPC 610.0 or Appendix 'A'. A) Please provide the proposed total water demand calculations for the three proposed and future buildings on the VA inch public water meter. B) The Civil drawing seem to show the total developed water pipe length is about 550 feet from the public water meter to the most distant water fixture. Not the onlv 462 feet using in the water line sizing calculations. (The Civil drawing show water pipe length from the water meter to the water heater room is over 340 feet.) Correct the water Iin sizing calcualutions for the longer pipie length to provide lower allowable friction loss per 100 feet of water pipe. C) Provide water demand calculations for the Villa 59 water demand. D) The GPM and velocitv values in the Cold Water Sizing Table on sheet P-4 still do not match the CPC Chart A-4 for copper tubing. Please correct the pipe sizing. E) A complete review ofthe water line sizing calculations and plans to be done when the complete corrected water line sizing is provided. 36. Please show on the plans, the make and model numbers of the proposed gas clothes drvers to be used. Please correct the gas line plans and sizing calculations on sheet P-4 as per the following: Provide the medium prossuro gas line plans and sizing calculations from the public gas meter to the pressure regulator at the building. Please show gas pressures, and existing & new pipe lengths, gas demands and pipe sizing method used. CPC Section 1217.0. A) Still no cut-sheets for the stacked washer/dryer units within the dwelling unit provided for the onlv 10.5 CFH values used and the cut- sheets for the stacked gas drvers for the laundrv room shows the gas demand is 146 CFH for the STT30 dryer unit and 190 CFH for the STT45 dryer unit. Not the only 35 CFH used in the gas line sizing. The gas demands for the clothes dryers of only 10.5 CFH seems to be much too low. Please provide cut-sheets and installation instruction for the gas fired clothes dryers to be instaiied. As per CPC, Table 12-1 the standard gas demand used for gas fired clothes dryers is 35,000 Btu/hr or about 35 CFH. Please correct. Many gas lines are undersized for the larger gas demands. 40. Still no response provided and no details of floors draining to the floor drains. Floors shall slope to the floor drain(s) location(s). Please detail on the architectural floor plans. CPC 411.4 City of Carlsbad 13-3192 4/14/2014 MECHANICAL (2010 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE) 43. As per CBC. Section 508.2.5.2. please detail in the section 3 on sheet A-8 the drywall for wall smoke seal from the floor level of the laundry room the the floor sheathing ofthe room above the laundry room. Or the floor/ceiling over the laundry room must be a one-hour fire rated horizontal assembly. It seems that ceiling rated fire dampers are required for the exhaust fans in the fire rated ceiling membrane of the Second Floor Level Common Laundry Room, as shown on sheet E-2.2. The Mechanical Drawing do not detail this exhaust fan. Please correct. The Review with the architect the locations that require (fire/ceiling radiation/or fire/smoke) damper and/or shaft protection and identify installations on the mechanical plans themselves. See "Architectural PME" items above directly below the PME list heading. 44. The plans now show Fantach Dryer Booster Fans to be used for the clothes dryer venting system. The Cut-sheet provided states: "Unit shall be CSA listed for use as a dryer booster fan. Please provide a copy of the current Listing Standard for the proposed Dryer Booster Fan. (I don't think there is a current listing standard for Dryer Booster Fans.) Please correct. Plans show dryer vent booster fans for the dryer ducting over 14 foot in length and more than 2-90 degree elbows. Please provide the installation instructions, listing data and the cut-sheets for the proposed dryer vent booster fans. A complete review of the dryer venting system to be done then the dryer and dryer booster fan design data and listing standards are provided. Show the required clothes dryer exhaust duct to the exterior. Show duct sizes routes and back-draft dampers on the plans. CMC 504.3. Note: If you have any questions regarding this Plumbing and Mechanical plan review list please contact Glen Adamek at (858) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. • Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: Yes • No • The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Glen Adamek for David Yao at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. EsGil Corporation In (PartnersHip witH government for (BuiCding Safety DATE: 3/4/2014 • APPLICANT ^P<IURIS. JURISDICTION: CityofCarlsbad • PLAN REVIEWER • FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 13-3192 SET: II PROJECT ADDRESS: 1586 Marbrisa Circle PROJECT NAME: MARBRISA RESORT Villa 59 I I The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes. I I The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. I I The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. XI The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. I I The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to fon^/ard to the applicant contact person. A\ The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Dan Talant I I EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Dan Talant Telephone #: 619-297-8066x25 yDate contacted:^|'-| (by:Y5l^ Email: dant(@noaainc.com Fax #: ^^'^ Mail Telephone Fax In Person • REMARKS: By: David Yao Enclosures: EsGil Corporation lEl GA • EJ • MB • PC 2/25 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, Califomia 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 CityofCarlsbad 13-3192 3/4/2014 NOTE: The items listed below are from the previous correction list. These remaining items have not been adequately addressed. The numbers ofthe items are from the previous check list and may not necessarily be in sequence. The notes in bold font are current. Please make all corrections, as requested in the correction list. Submit FOUR new complete sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (THREE sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. 18. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soil report are properly incorporated into the plans (when required by the soil report). See page 17 ofthe soil reoort. No soil engineer review letter was provided. To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. • Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: Yes • No • The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact David Yao at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. City of Carlsbad 13-3192 3/4/2014 PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL CORRECTIONS • PLAN REVIEW NUMBER: 13-3192 SET: II PLAN REVIEWER: Glen Adamek GENERAL AND ARCHITECTURAL PME ITEMS 29. The final set of corrected drawings to be reviewed for signing and sealing just before the permits are to be issued. Each sheet of the plans must be signed by the person responsible for their preparation, even though there are no structural changes, before the permits are issued. Business and Professions Code. 32. No response provided? Where is detail 4 on sheet A-10 being used? Mechanical drawing show no ducting up through the floor/ceiling and/or roof above. If detail 4 on sheet A-10 is not pr be used then omit from the plans. Please correct the detail 4 on sheet A-10 and the mechanical plans to agree and show compliance with CBC, section 709 and/or section 716.6. Show required fire rated shafts and/or fire /smoke dampers. PLUMBING (2010 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE) 33. The response provided states: "CIVIL." There are no Civil Drawings provided in the plan package. Please provide the signed and sealed construction drawings for the private water system, private gas system and the private building sewer system so the plumbing plan review can be completed. Provide the site plumbing plans showing the sizes and locations of the gas meters and water meter; and the sizes, routes, and slopes ofthe building sewer, storm drainage system, site gas lines, and site water lines. 34. The key note 25 on sheet P-1 seems to show no backwater valves required by the Civil drawing are not provided. Please show the upstream sewer manhole rim and finished floor elevations. Provide backwater valves for all fixtures installed on floor levels below the next upstream manhole rim elevation. (Only fixtures installed on floor levels below the next upstream manhole rim elevation may flow through a backwater valve.) UPC 710.1 35. Please complete and correct the water line sizing calculations on sheet P-4 and the water line plans as follows: Provide complete water line sizing calculations: Include the water pressure, pressure loss calculations, water demands, and the developed pipe lengths. CPC 610.0 or Appendix 'A'. A) As per the State of California adopted Plumbing Code Appendix L of the CPC is not part of the State Plumbing Code and is not to be used. Please correct the water line sizing calculations on sheet P-4. City of Carlsbad 13-3192 3/4/2014 B) Show the public water meter size and location on the private water line plans. Check the developed pipe length and water meter pressure loss. C) No hot water sizing table provided on sheet P-4. Correct the water line sizing calculations to show compliance with CPC, Section 610.12: 610.12.1 Copper Tube Systems. Maximum velocities in copper and copper alloy tube and fitting systems shall be limited to a maximum of eight (8) feet per second in cold water and five (5) feet per second in hot water. 610.12.2 Tubing Systems Using Copper Alloy Fittings. Maximum velocities through copper alloy fittings in tubing other than copper shall be limited to a maximum of eight (8) feet per second in cold water and five (5) feet per second in hot water. D) The GPM and velocity values in the Cold Water Sizing Table on sheet P-4 do not match the CPC Chart A-4 for copper tubing. Please correct the pipe sizing. E) A complete review of the water line sizing calculations and plans to be done when the complete corrected water line sizing is provided. 36. Please correct the gas line plans and sizing calculations on sheet P-4 as per the following: Provide the medium pressure gas line plans and sizing calculations from the public gas meter to the pressure regulator at the building. Please show gas pressures, and existing & new pipe lengths, gas demands and pipe sizing method used. CPC Section 1217.0. A) The gas demands for the clothes dryers of only 10.5 CFH seems to be much too low. Please provide cut-sheets and installation instruction for the gas fired clothes dryers to be installed. As per CPC, Table 12-1 the standard gas demand used for gas fired clothes dryers is 35,000 Btu/hr or about 35 CFH. Please correct. Many gas lines are undersized for the larger gas demands. B) Check with SDG&E for the proposed public gas meter location. 37. The gas sediment trap (Dirt Leg) for the water heater in the "Gas Piping Schematic" detail on sheet P-4 is incorrect as per CPC, Section 1212.7 and CPC, Figure 12-1. The gas line into the Dirt Leg must be vertically down from the gas valve and the gas line out of the Dirt Leg must be horizontal and connect to the water heater. Please correct. Include the gas piping sediment trap installed downstream of the appliance shutoff valve as close to the inlet ofthe appliance as practical. Exceptions: Appliances with an internal sediment trap,(or) ranges, clothes dryers, gas fireplaces, and outdoor grilles. CPC 1212.7. City of Carlsbad 13-3192 3/4/2014 40. No response provided and no details of floors draining to the floor drains. Floors shall slope to the floor drain(s) location(s). Please detail on the architectural floor plans. CPC 411.4 41. Provide the following information concerning the water heater: B) No seismic bracing of the water heater detailed on the plumbing drawings. Show that water heater is adequately braced to resist seismic forces. Provide two straps. One strap at top 1/3 ofthe tank and one strap at bottom 1/3 ofthe tank. CPC 508.2 MECHANICAL (2010 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE) 43. It seems that ceiling rated fire dampers are required for the exhaust fans in the fire rated ceiling membrane of the Second Floor Level Common Laundry Room, as shown on sheet E-2.2. The Mechanical Drawing do not detail this exhaust fan. Please correct. The Review with the architect the locations that require (fire/ceiling radiation/or fire/smoke) damper and/or shaft protection and identify installations on the mechanical plans themselves. See "Architectural PME" items above directly below the PME list heading. 44. Plans show dryer vent booster fans for the dryer ducting over 14 foot in length and more than 2-90 degree elbows. Please provide the installation instructions, listing data and the cut-sheets for the proposed dryer vent booster fans. A complete review of the dryer venting system to be done then the dryer and dryer booster fan design data and listing standards are provided. Show the required clothes dryer exhaust duct to the exterior. Show duct sizes routes and back-draft dampers on the plans. CMC 504.3. Note: If you have any questions regarding this Plumbing and Mechanical plan review list please contact Glen Adamek at (858) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. End BUPKETT&WONG MEMO RESPONSE Date: January 29, 2014 Attn: David Yao Esgil Plan Check No: 12-2725 From: C. Colvin RE: Marbrisa Resort Villas 59 Plan Review Comments Description: Below is a summary of the responses to plan review comments. Structural Comments: 19) In hold down summary (N-S direction), P.D7, HD reference used in table in detail 19/S1.3 are presented under "HD type" column, referring to hold down schedule for corresponding hold dovm type. 20) Hold down types in table in detail 19/S1.3 have been changed on plan to match calculation summary. ENGINEERS ,11(1)' lUKAl SNMHf f t'INd I IVIi ( N(tlNI ( HINn •UiMVISYlNt) ( ANI) I'l ANNINfi 3434 Fourth Avenue • San Diego, CA 92103 P 619 299 5550 • F619 299 9934 • www.burkett-wong.com San Diego - Las Vegas EsGii Corporation In (PartnersHip witH government for (BuiCding Safety DATE: 1/15/2014 ayAPPLICANT J2i JURIS. JURISDICTION: CityofCarlsbad *• PLAN REVIEWER • FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 13-3192 SET: I PROJECT ADDRESS: 1586 Marbrisa Circle PROJECT NAME: MARBRISA RESORT Villa 59 I I The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes. I I The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. I I The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. XI The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. I I The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to fonA/ard to the applicant contact person. X The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Dan Talant I I EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. IXI EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Dan Talant Telephone #: 619-297-8066x25 Date contacted: I ffS» (by:Y^^ Email: dant@noaainc.com Fax #: N^Mail Telephone Fax In Person • REMARKS: By: David Yao Enclosures: EsGil Corporation GA H EJ • MB • PC 1/3 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, Califomia 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 City of Carlsbad 13-3192 1/15/2014 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST MULTI-FAMILY PLAN CHECK NO.: 13-3192 JURISDICTION: City of Carlsbad OCCUPANCY: R-2 USE: Timeshare TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VB ACTUAL AREA: 15531/4614(deck) ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA: STORIES: 3 HEIGHT: SPRINKLERS?: Y OCCUPANT LOAD: REMARKS: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: 12/23 ESGIL CORPORATION: 1/3 DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW PLAN REVIEWER: David Yao COMPLETED: 1/15/2014 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the California version of the International Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinance by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Present California law mandates that construction comply with the 2010 edition of the California Building Code (Title 24), which adopts the following model codes: 2009 IBC, 2009 UPC, 2009 UMC and 2008 NEC. The above regulations apply, regardless ofthe code editions adopted by ordinance. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 105.4 of the 2009 International Building Code, the approval ofthe plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e.. plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when vou submit the revised plans. City of Carlsbad 13-3192 1/15/2014 1. Please make all corrections, as requested in the correction list. Submit FOUR new complete sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (THREE sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. . FIRE-RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION 2. Detail how fire-resistive wall construction will be maintained at built-in wall fixtures and behind mailboxes, fire extinguisher cabinets, electric panels exceeding 16 square inches in area, etc. Section 713.3.2. (6/A-10?) 3. Detail on the plans how fire-resistive wall and ceiling protection will be maintained at all duct penetrations, such as at bathroom and kitchen hood fans, laundry room fans and dryer vents. Section 716. (See mechanical corrections too) 4. Fjre dampers shall be installed per Section 716.5 at all duct and air transfer openings of: a) Ceilings of fire-resistive floor-ceiling assemblies or roof-ceiling assemblies. b) Fire barriers, (occupancy separations) (see exception for walls). c) Shaft enclosures. 5. Smoke dampers shall be installed per Section 716.5 at all duct and air transfer openings of: a) Shaft enclosures. b) In California, Section 711.7 was modified for Group A, E, H, I, L and R occupancies, along with high-rise buildings, to state that duct openings in smoke partitions (corridors) shall also be provided with a smoke damper complying with Section 716.3.2. c) In California, Section 716.5.2 was modified for Group A, E, H, I, L and R occupancies, along with high-rise buildings, to state that duct openings in fire barriers shall also be provided with smoke dampers. City of Carlsbad 13-3192 1/15/2014 6. If smoke dampers are required, the plans shall show the locations of the smoke detectors listed in the options of Section 716.3.3.2 ofthe IBC. 7. Provide a note on the plans stating: "Penetrations of fire-resistive walls, floor- ceilings and roof-ceilings shall be protected as required in IBC Section 713." 8. Clearly identify location and hourly fire-resistive rating of vertical shafts on the plans. Provide construction details showing location of fire dampers and how fire resistivity will be maintained at floors and roofs. Section 708. a) In California, Section 708.14.1 was modified for Group A, E, H, I, L and R occupancies, along with high-rise buildings, to require elevator lobbies where an elevator shaft connects more than TWO stories (as opposed to three stories listed in the IBC). 9. An elevator machinery room is required to be separated from the remainder of the building by fire barriers (707) and horizontal assemblies (712) that are not less than the required rating of the hoistway. Please detail how these ratings will be maintained for the mechanical openings shown. Note: This comment does not apply to buildings 4 stories or less above grade plane and the machinery room does not abut the elevator hoistway. CBC 3006.4. . ELEVATORS 10. In buildings having an elevator in California, Group A, E, H, I, L and R occupancies, along with high-rise buildings, at least one gurney-sized elevator shall be provided. The elevator car shall be of such a size and arrangement to accommodate a 24-inch by 84-inch ambulance gurney or stretcher in the horizontal, open position. Section 3002.4. • ROOFS 11. Specify on the plans the following information for the roof /deck materials, per Section 1506.3: a) Manufacturer's name. b) Product name/number. c) ICC approval number, or equal. • DISABLED ACCESS • GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS 12. Note on the site plan that the site shall be planned and developed to keep surface water away from buildings. Plans shall be provided and approved by the City Engineer that show site grading and provide for storm water retention and drainage during construction. BMP's that are currently enforced by the city engineer must be implemented prior to initial inspection by the building department CGC 4.106.3. City of Carlsbad 13-3192 1/15/2014 13. Note on the plans that interior moisture control at slab on grade floors shall be provided by the soil engineer responsible for the project soil report per CGC Section 5.505.2.1, item 3. If a soil engineer has not prepared a soil report for this project, the following is required: A 4" thick base of V^" or larger clean aggregate shall be provided with a vapor barrier in direct contact with concrete, with a concrete mix design which will address bleeding, shrinkage and curling shall be used. 14. Note on the plans that the moisture content of wood shall not exceed 19% before it is enclosed in construction. The moisture content needs to be certified by one of 3 methods specified. Building materials with visible signs of water damage should not be used in construction. The moisture content must be determined by the contractor by one of the methods listed in CGC Section 4.505.3. 15. Note on the plans that bathroom fans shall be Energy Star rated, and vented directly to the outside. CGC 4.506.1. • FOUNDATION 16. Provide a copy of the project soil report prepared by a licensed civil engineer. The report shall include foundation design recommendations based on the engineer's findings. 17. In Seismic Design Categories C, D, E or F, the soils investigation must address liquefaction, and, if retaining walls are proposed, the soils investigation must address increased loading on the walls due to earthquake motions. Section 1803.5.11. 18. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soil report are properly incorporated into the plans (when required by the soil report). • STRUCTURAL 19. The calculation hold down summary (N-S direction) shows HD3 for 3'^'^ and 2"^ along line B, N, C, D, L, M. The shearwall elevation appears to shows HD2. Please check. 20. The calculation hold down summary (E-W direction) shows HDU11 2^^ floor line 10,11. The plan appears to show it. Please check. • ADDITIONAL 21. Please refer to the following corrections for electrical, energy, mechanical, and plumbing items. City of Carlsbad 13-3192 1/15/2014 22. To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. 23. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. • Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: Yes • No • 24. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact David Yao at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. ELECTRICAL and ENERGY COMMENTS PLAN REVIEWER: Eric Jensen ELECTRICAL (2010 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE) 25. Include the tamperproof specification for all receptacle outlets in dwelling 26. Show on the site plans where the service "MSV-5" is located? ENERGY (CALIFORNIA BUILDING ENERGY STANDARDS) 27. Provide a Prescriptive or Performance energy design to show compliance with current 2008 energy efficiency standards. Information and Forms are available at: www.enerqv.ca.qov/title24/2008standards. 28. A complete energy plan check will be preformed when completed and/or corrected energy design has been provided. Note: If you have any questions regarding this Electrical and Energy plan review list please contact Eric Jensen at (858) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. City of Carlsbad 13-3192 1/15/2014 PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL CORRECTIONS • PLAN REVIEW NUMBER: 13-3192 SET: I PLAN REVIEWER: Glen Adamek GENERAL AND ARCHITECTURAL PME ITEMS 29. Each sheet of the plans must be signed by the person responsible for their preparation, even though there are no structural changes, before the permits are issued. Business and Professions Code. The final set of corrected drawings to be reviewed for signing and sealing just before the permits are to be issued. 30. Please correct all the floor plans to show the laundry room locations to agree. 31. Please provide construction details or the proposed furred ceiling systems. Show the required fire rated floor/ceiling systems and roof/ceiling systems. The show the required ceiling rated fire dampers at all duct opening in the fired rated ceiling membranes. 32. Please correct the detail 4 pm sheet A-10 and the mechanical plans to agree and show compliance with CBC, section 709 and/or section 716.6. Show required fire rated shafts and/or fire /smoke dampers. PLUMBING (2013 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE) 33. Provide the site plumbing plans showing the sizes and locations of the gas meters and water meter; and the sizes, routes, and slopes ofthe building sewer, storm drainage system, site gas lines, and site water lines. 34. Please show the upstream sewer manhole rim and finished floor elevations. Provide backwater valves for all fixtures installed on floor levels below the next upstream manhole rim elevation. (Only fixtures installed on floor levels below the next upstream manhole rim elevation may flow through a backwater valve.) UPC 710.1 35. Provide complete water line sizing calculations: Include the water pressure, pressure loss calculations, water demands, and the developed pipe lengths. UPC 610.0 or Appendix 'A'. 36. Provide the medium pressure gas line plans and sizing calculations from the public gas meter to the pressure regulator at the building. Please show gas pressures, and existing & new pipe lengths, gas demands and pipe sizing method used. CPC Section 1217.0. 37. Include the gas piping sediment trap installed downstream of the appliance shutoff valve as close to the inlet of the appliance as practical. Exceptions: Appliances with an internal sediment trap,(or) ranges, clothes dryers, gas fireplaces, and outdoor grilles. CPC 1212.7. City of Carlsbad 13-3192 1/15/2014 38. Detail the gas regulator requirements: An accessible shut-off valve installed upstream ofthe regulator and vented to the exterior. CPC 1209.7 & 1211.10. 39. Showers and tub-shower combinations, control valves must be pressure balance or thermostatic mixing valves. CPC Section 418.0. 40. Floors shall slope to the floor drain(s) location(s). Please detail on the architectural floor plans. CPC 411.4 41. Provide the following information concerning the water heater: a) Show water heater size, type and location on plans. CPC 501.0 b) Show that water heater is adequately braced to resist seismic forces. Provide two straps. One strap at top 1/3 of the tank and one strap at bottom 1/3 ofthe tank. CPC 508.2 c) Show P&T valve on water heater and detail the drain routing to the exterior. It may not be installed upwards from the valve. CPC 506.2/608.3 d) Provide combustion air design: Show opening sizes and routing of ducts. CPC 507.0 e) Detail the water heater vent installation: Size, routing, slope, and termination location (Minimum 8' from vertical surfaces). CPC 510.0 f) An expansion tank or other approved device is required if system pressure relief is not available due to the installation of backflow devices or certain pressure regulators. Please address. CPC 608.3 42. Include the main and overflow roof drainage design: Roof area, rainfall rate, pipe sizing, and drain locations on the plans. CPC 1105.0 MECHANICAL (2013 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE) 43. Review with the architect the locations that require (fire/ceiling radiation/or fire/smoke) damper and/or shaft protection and identify installations on the mechanical plans themselves. See "Architectural PME" items above directly below the PME list heading. 44. Show the required clothes dryer exhaust duct to the exterior. Show duct sizes routes and back-draft dampers on the plans. CMC 504.3. 45. Makeup air shall be provided to replenish air exhausted by the ventilation system. Makeup-air intake shall be located so as to avoid recirculation of contaminated air within enclosures. UMC 505.3 46. Provide the exhaust and make-up air design for the occupancy type listed in Table 4-4. CMC 403.7 47. Detail the primary and secondary mechanical condensate waste design: Pipe sizing, routing, and termination areas. CMC 309.0 & CPC 807.0 City of Carlsbad 13-3192 1/15/2014 48. Residential ventilation requirements: a) Kitchens require exhaust fans (either intermittent/100 cfm or continuous/5 air changes/hour), ducted to the exterior. Detail compliance by including a complying exhaust fan or a ducted range hood to the exterior. Note: CFM and noise rating ("Sone") must be specified on the plans. b) Bathrooms require exhaust fans (minimum 50 cfm) to be ducted to the exterior. Note: CFM and noise rating ("Sone") must be specified on the plans. A bathroom is defined "as a room with a bathtub, shower, or spa or some similar source of moisture". c) Mechanical whole house ventilation must be provided. Include the following information: Fan sizing (cfm), "Sone" specification, and the duct sizing and length. Note: The information must match or exceed the design found on CF-6R-MECH energy forms. • All fans installed to meet the preceding requirements must be specified at a noise rating of a maximum 1 "Sone" (forthe continuous use calculation) or 3 "Sone" (forthe intermittent use calculation) Note: If you have any questions regarding this Plumbing and Mechanical plan review list please contact Glen Adamek at (858) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. City of Carlsbad 13-3192 1/15/2014 PRIVATELY FUNDED MULTI-FAMILY DISABLED ACCESS CORRECTION CHECKLIST 1. The following are the general accessibility requirements: a) In elevator buildings, all units on all floors must be adaptable and accessible. Section 1102A. 3.2. INSIDE THE UNITS • INTERIOR PATHS OF TRAVEL 2. KITCHENS (2/A-12 shows 2"^* floor onlv?.PIease explain.) 3. Base cabinets directly under the kitchen sink counter area, including toe board and shelving shall be removable without special knowledge or tools. Finish flooring shall be provided on the floor beneath the counter top. There is no exception to this requirement. Section 1133A.3. 4. A minimum linear length of 30" of countertop shall be provided for the kitchen sink, and a minimum linear length of 30" of countertop shall be provided for a work surface, both of which shall be designed to enable repositioning to a minimum height of 28 inches. Section 1133A.4. Exceptions: i) Only 5% of covered dwelling units are required to comply with the repositionable countertop requirements. ii) Stone, cultured stone, and tiled countertops may be used without meeting the repositioning requirements. iii) In covered dwelling units, two 15-inch minimum width breadboards may be provided in lieu ofthe required 30 inches of countertop work surface. 5. The following additional provisions shall be met if repositioning of countertops is required: (Section 1133A.4.1) i) Base cabinets, directly under sink and work surface counter areas, shall be removable to provide clearance for a wheelchair. ii) Finished flooring shall be installed on the floor beneath such countertop. iii) The side and back of adjacent cabinets, which may become exposed to moisture or food handling when a countertop is lowered, shall be constructed of durable, nonabsorbent material, appropriate for such uses. City of Carlsbad 13-3192 1/15/2014 • BATHROOMS 6. Bathrooms shall be designed to comply with one of the following options, per Section 1134A.1: (A12? Not all the notes (i.e. reinforced wall to allow grab bar... Etc) a) Option 2. Only one bathroom within the dwelling unit shall be designed to comply with the following: i) Water closets shall comply with Section 1134A.7.(See figure 11A- 9M of2010CBCl End HOUSING ACCESSIBILITY 60" min X. X • I 1 ra 1 P ra E <D 1 12" max. FIGURE 11A-9L—SHOWER WITH WATER CLOSET 36" min. FIGURE 11 A-9l\/i—WING WALL OR CABINET AT WATER CLOSET 458 JANUARY 1, 2011 ERRATA 2010 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE City of Carlsbad 13-3192 1/15/2014 [DO NOT PAY- THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE] VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: CityofCarlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 13-3192 PREPARED BY: David Yao DATE: 1/15/2014 BUILDING ADDRESS: 1586 Marbrisa Circle BUILDING OCCUPANCY: R2 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VB BUILDING PORTION AREA (Sq.Ft.) Valuation Multiplier Reg. Mod. VALUE ($) living 15531 deck 4614 per city 1,593,101 Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE 1,593,101 Jurisdiction Code cb Bldg. Permit Fee by Ordinance Plan Check Fee by Ordinance •j Type of Review: 0 Complete Review • structural Only $5,232.92 $3,401.40 r~l Repetitive Fee Repeats • Other j—j Hourly EsGil Fee Hr. @ $3,030.44 Comments: total Esgil fee=2930.44+(cal-green $100)=3030.44 Sheet 1 of 1 PLAN CHECK Community & Economic CITY OF REVIEW Development Department 1635 Faraday Avenue CARLSBAD TRANSMITTAL Carlsbad CA 92008 www.carlsbadca.gov DATE: 4/15/2014 PROJECT NAIVIE: Grand Pacific Resort: Marbrisa Phase II PROJECT ID:CT 03-02 PLAN CHECK NO: CB 13-3192 SET#: III ADDRESS: 1586 Marbrisa Cr APN: 211-130-06 VALUATION: $1,593,101 SCOPE OF WORK: 16 timeshare units Square footage: 15,531 This plan check review Is complete and has been APPROVED by: LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION Final Inspection by the Construction IVIanagement & Inspection Division is required X Yes No X This plan check review is NOT COMPLETE. Items missing or incorrect are listed below under remarks. Plan Check Comments have been sent to: dant@noaainc.com PUNNING 760-602-4610 ENGINEERING 7|0.60232750 FIRE PREVENTION 760-602-4665 ^ Kathleen Lawrence 760-602-2741 Kathleen.Lawrence@carlsbadca.gov 1x7] Linda Ontiveros |X\| 760-602-2773 Linda.Ontiveros@carlsbadca.gov Remarks: OW/F reinainifig item is the /tad certification release from project inspector, Grant Clavier. CITYOFCARLSBAD QRAOfNG INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR PARTIAL SITE RELEASE RECEIVED CITYOF CARLSBAD JUL Aw^f ! TRANSPORTADON Otf'ARTMENT CM&l DlViSiON PROJECT INSPECTOR ifh. DATE: 7/22.//^ PROJECT ID <^J^/9^'nZ GRADING PERMIT NO. LOTS REQUESTED FOR RELEASE:. N/A = NOT APPLICABLE V = COMPLETE 3. 5^ / (ScoooA (^^v<^ 1st 2nd. / iX X X' x' X / \ 1. Site access to requested lots adequate and logically grouped 2. Site erosion control measures adequate. 3. Overall site adequate for healtti, safety and welfare of pubtic. 4. Letter from Owner/Dev. requesting partial release of specific lots, pads or bidg. 5. 8!4" X 11" site plan (attachment) showing requested lote submitted. 6. Compaction report from soils engineer submitted. (If soils report has been submitted with a previous partial release, a letter from soils engineer referencing the soils report and identifying specific lots for release shall accompany subsequent partial releases). 7. EOW certification of work done with finish pad elevations of specific iots to be released. Letter must state lot (s) is graded to within a tenth (.1) ofthe approved grading plan. 8. Geologic engineer's letter if unusual geologic or subsurface conditions exist 9. Fully functional fire hydrants within 500 feet of building combustibles and an all weather roads access to site is required. Partial release of grading for the above stated lots is approved for the purpose of building permit issuance. Issuance of building permits is still subject to all normal City requirements required pursuant to the building permit process. I I Partial release of the site is denied for the following reasons; •Project Inspector *rpject Inspector 7 tjen Manager Date K M kMSTB^FOn KEVIEWfttian Fnn On rmus OcithiponiflPraira nn|.CUi> OanFjnul Bx »cttM tmmt Date ' PLAN CHECK Community & Economic ^ CITY OF CARLSBAD REVIEW Development Department 1635 Faraday Avenue ^ CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSMITTAL Carlsbad CA 92008 www.carlsbadca.gov DATE: 02/27/2014 PROJECT NAIVIE: Grand Pacific Resort; Marbrisa Phase II PROJECT ID:CT 03-02 PLAN CHECK NO: CB 13-3192 SET#: il ADDRESS: 1586 Marbrisa Cr APN: 211-130-06 VALUATION: $1,593,101 SCOPE OF WORK: 16 timeshare units _ Square footage: 15,531 This plan check review is complete and has been APPROVED by: LAND DEVELOPIVIENT ENGINEERING DIVISION Final Inspection by the Construction IVIanagement & Inspection Division is required X Yes No This plan check review is NOT COMPLETE. Items missing or incorrect are listed on the attached checklist. Please resubmit amended plans as required. Plan Check Comments have been sent to: dant@ noaainc.com PLANNiNG 760-602-4610 ENGINEERING 760-602-2750 FIRE PREVENTION 760-602-4665 7604302^4624 ; Kathleen Lawrence 760-602-2741 Kathleen.Lawrence@carlsbadca.gov /1> 0-130 2-4ot»7J G1 e so ry. R van's c a ri s b a ci c a. go v flififi Fl'lj!? \/ Linda Ontiveros X\ 760-602-2773 Linda.Ontiveros@carlsbadca.gov Ciiicly Wong 760-602-4662 CyrnOia.WongOcarlsbadca.gov '-^-^ Domtni '-' 760-602 . •• Don liniC.Fieri'Ocarlsbadca.gGV Remarks: Grand Pacific Resort: Marbrisa Phase II PLAN CHECK NG# CB 13-3192 Please read brief Instructions: This plan review checklist has outstanding corrections marked with X Items that conform to permit requirements are marked with X -or- are left blank. Repeat comment 1. SITE PLAN Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. North arrow Existing & proposed structures Existing street Improvements Property lines (show all dimensions) X Easements Right-of-way width & adjacent streets Driveway widths Existing or proposed sewer lateral Existing or proposed water service Submit on signed approved plans: DWG No. 428-9G (attached) Show on site plan: On signed grading plans, DWG 428-9G Drainage patterns Building pad surface drainage must maintain a minimum slope of one percent towards an adjoining street or an approved drainage course. ADD THE FOLLOWING NOTE: "Finish grade will provide a minimum positive drainage of 2% to swale 5' away from building". Existing & proposed slopes and topography Size, location, alignment of existing or proposed sewer and water service(s) that serves the project. Each unit requires a separate service; however, second dwelling units and apartment complexes are an exception. Sewer and water laterals should not be located within proposed driveways, per standards. Include on title sheet: / Site address / Assessor's parcel number / Legal description/lot number For commercial/industrial buildings and tenant improvement projects, include: total building square footage with the square footage for each different use, existing sewer permits showing square footage of different uses (manufacturing, warehouse, office, etc.) previously approved. Show all existing use of SF and new proposed use of SF. Example: Tenant improvement for 3500 SF of warehouse to 3500 SF of office. Lot/Map No.: Subdivision/Tract: Reference No(s): M15332 DOC#2006-0311804 CARLSBAD RANCH HOTEL & TIMESHARE DWG 428-9G/DWG 428-9F E-36 Page 2 of 6 REV 6/01/12 Grand Pacific Resort: Marbrisa Phase II PLAN CHECK NO #CB 13-3192 2. DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE / Project does not comply with the following engineering conditions of approval for project no.: N/A 3- DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS Dedication for all street rights-of-way adjacent to the building site and any storm drain or utility easements on the building site is required for all new buildings and for remodels with a value at or exceeding $ 20.000.00 , pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.030. For single family residence, easement dedication will be completed by the City of Carlsbad, cost $605.00. / Dedication required as follows: Lot line adjustment, ADJ 11-04 Recorded 4/25/2012 as doc. No.: 2012-0241017 4. IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS All needed public improvements upon and adjacent to the building site must be constructed at time of building construction whenever the value of the construction exceeds $100,000.00, pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.040. / Public improvements required as follows: Civi! improvement plans, DWG 428-9F Signed/approved: 2/16/2012 Construction of the public improvements must be deferred pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40. Please submit a recent property title report or current grant deed on the property and processing fee nf .$ 441 nn so we may prepare the necessary Neighborhood Improvement Agreement. This agreement must be signed, notarized and approved by the city prior to issuance of a building permit. / Future public improvements required as follows: N/A E-36 Page 3 of 6 Grand Pacific Resort: IVIarbrisa Phase II PLAN CHECK NO # CB 13-3192 5. GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that require a grading permit are found in Section 15.16 of the Municipal Code. Inadequate information available on site plan to make a determination on grading requirements. Include accurate grading quantities in cubic yards (cut, fill, import, export and remedial). This information must be included on the plans. If no grading is proposed write: "NO GRADING" Grading Permit required. NOTE: The qradinq permit must be issued and rough qradinq approval obtained prior to issuance of a buildinq permit. Graded Pad Certification required. (Note: Pad certification may be required even if a grading permit is not required.) All required documentation must be provided to your Engineering Construction Inspector , Grant Clavier 750-602-2780 x7318 . The inspector will then provide the engineering counter with a release forthe building permit. No grading permit required. Minor Grading Permit required. See attached marked-up submittal checklist for project- specific requirements. 6. MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS / RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in city right-of-way and/or private work adjacent to the public right-of-way. Types of work include, but are not limited to: street improvements, tree trimming, driveway construction, tying into public storm drain, sewer and water utilities. Right-of-way permit required for: E-36 Page 4 of 6 REV 6/01/12 Grand Pacific Resort: Marbrisa Phase II PLAN CHECK NO # CB 13-3192 7. * **pY| ONLY*** See Tier 3 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan on file, SWll-41 STORM WATER Construction Compliance Project Threat Assessment Form complete. Enclosed Project Threat Assessment Form incomplete. Requires Tier 1 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. Please complete attached form and return (SW ) Requires Tier 2 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. Requires submittal of Tier 2 SWPPP, payment of processing fee and review by city. ***PYj ONLY*** See Storm Water Management Plan on file, SWMPll-15 Post-Development (SUSMP) Compliance Storm Water Standards Questionnaire complete. Storm Water Standards Questionnaire incomplete. Please make the corrections, re-sign the questionnaire and resubmit with next submittal. Project is subject to Standard Storm Water Requirements. See city Standard Urban Storm Water Management Plan (SUSMP) for reference. http://www.carlsbadca.qov/business/buildinq/Documents/EnqStandsw-stds-vol4-ch2.pdf Project needs to incorporate low impact development strategies throughout in one or more ofthe following ways: Rainwater harvesting (rain barrels or cistern) Vegetated Roof Bio-retentions cell/rain garden Pervious pavement/pavers Flow-through planter/vegetated or rock drip line Vegetated swales or rock infiltration swales Downspouts disconnect and discharge over landscape Other: E-36 Page 5 of 6 REV 6/01/12 . Grand Pacific Resort: Marbrisa Phase II PLAN CHECK NO # CB 13-3192 8. WATER METER REVIEW Domestic (potable) Use What size meter is required? FYI FYI Where a residential unit is required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system, the minimum meter size shall be a 1" meter. NOTE: the connection fee, SDCWA system capacity charge and the water treatment capacity charge will be based on the size of the meter necessary to meet the water use requirements. For residential units the minimum size meter shall be 5/8", except where the residential unit is larger than 3,500 square feet or on a lot larger than one quarter (1/4) acre where the meter size shall be /^". 9. FEES / Required fees have been entered in building permit. See attached Fee Calculation worksheet for preliminary assessment of fees "Fee Calculation sheet is NOT all-inclusive of fees, contact the City of Carlsbad Building division for TOTAL FEES DUE" 10. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: N/A Attachments: Engineering Application Storm Water Form Right-of-Way Application/Info. ./ Reference Documents E-36 Page 6 of 6 REV 6/01/12 r PLAN CHECK PLAN CHECK Community & Economic ^ CITY OF REVIEW Development Department 1635 Faraday Avenue CARLSBAD TRANSMITTAL Carlsbad CA 92008 www.carlsbadca.gov DATE: 01708/14 PROJECT NAME: Grand Pacific Resort: Marbrisa Phase 11 PROJECT ID:CT 03-02 PLAN CHECK NO: CB 13-3192 SET#: I ADDRESS: 1586 /Marbrisa Cr APN: 211-130-06 VALUATION: $1,593,101 SCOPE OF WORK: 16 timeshare units _ Square footage: 15,531 ttgr You may have corrections from one or more of the divisions listed in the table below. To determine status by one or more of these divisions, please contact 760-602-2719. This plan check review is complete and has been APPROVED by: LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION A Final inspection by the Construction IVIanagement & Inspection Division is required Yes X No X This plan check review is NOT COMPLETE. Items missing or incorrect are listed on the attached checklist. Please resubmit amended plans as required. Plan Check Comments have been sent to: dant@noaainc.com PLANNING 760-602-4610 ENGINEERING 760-602-2750 . FIRE PREVENTION 760-602-4665 Kathleen Lawrence 760-602-2741 Kathleen.Lawrence@carlsbadca.gov " f' 6 0 t) (J 2 4 6 (5 3 |\7| Linda Ontiveros k-J 760-602-2773 Llnda.Ontlveros@carlsbadca.gov Cindy Wong 76(>602^4662 DotTiiriic F!€;ri 760-602-4664 Remarks: Grand Pacific Resort: Marbrisa Phase II PLAN CHECK NO « CB 13-3192 STOP mm This plan review checklist has outstanding corrections marked with X Items that conform to permit requirements are marked with •/ -or- are left blank. 1. SITE PLAN Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. North arrow Existing & proposed structures Existing street improvements Property lines (show all dimensions) X Easements Right-of-way width & adjacent streets Driveway widths Existing or proposed sewer lateral Existing or proposed water service Submit on signed approved plans: DWG No. 428-9G (attached) On signed grading plans, DWG 428-9G Show on site plan: Drainage patterns Building pad surface drainage must maintain a minimum slope of one percent towards an adjoining street or an approved drainage course. ADD THE FOLLOWING NOTE: "Finish grade will provide a minimum positive drainage of 2% to swale 5' away from building". Existing & proposed slopes and topography Size, location, alignment of existing or proposed sewer and water service(s) that serves the project. Each unit requires a separate service; however, second dwelling units and apartment complexes are an exception. Sewer and water laterals should not be located within proposed driveways, per standards. Include on title sheet: / Site address / Assessor's parcel number / Legal description/lot number For commercial/industrial buildings and tenant improvement projects, include: total building square footage with the square footage for each different use, existing sewer permits showing square footage of different uses (manufacturing, warehouse, office, etc.) previously approved. Show all existing use of SF and new proposed use of SF. Example: Tenant improvement for 3500 SF of warehouse to 3500 SF of office. Lot/Map No.: Subdivision/Tract: Reference No(s): M15332 DOC#2006-0311804 CARLSBAD RANCH HOTEL & TIMESHARE DWG 428-9G/DWG 428-9F E-36 Page 2 of 6 REV 6/01/12 ' Grand Pacific Resort: Marbrisa Phase II PUN CHECK NO #CB 13-3192 2. DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE / Project does not comply with the following engineering conditions of approval for project no.: N/A 3. DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS Dedication for all street rights-of-way adjacent to the building site and any storm drain or utility easements on the building site is required for all new buildings and for remodels with a value at or exceeding $ 20,000.00 , pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.030. For single family residence, easement dedication will be completed by the City of Carlsbad, cost $605.00. / Dedication required as follows: Lot line adjustment, ADJ 11-04 Recorded 4/25/2012 as doc. No.: 2012-0241017 4. IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS All needed public improvements upon and adjacent to the building site must be constructed at time of building construction whenever the value of the construction exceeds $100,000.00, pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.040. / Public improvements required as follows: Civil improvement plans, DWG 428-9F Signed/approved: 2/16/2012 Construction of the public improvements must be deferred pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40. Please submit a recent property title report or current grant deed on the property and processing fee nf $ 441 nn so we may prepare the necessary Neighborhood Improvement Agreement. This agreement must be signed, notarized and approved by the city prior to issuance of a building permit. / Future public improvements required as follows: N/A E-36 Page 3 of 6 REV 6/01/12 Grand Pacific Resort: Marbrisa Phase II PLAN CHECK NO # CB 13-3192 5. GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that require a grading permit are found in Section 15.16 of the Municipal Code. X Inadequate information available on site plan to make a determination on grading requirements. Include accurate grading quantities in cubic yards (cut, fill, import, export and remedial). This information must be included on the plans. If no grading is proposed write: "NO GRADING" Grading Permit required. NOTE: The qradinq permit must be issued and rough qradinq approval obtained prior to issuance of a buildinq permit. Graded Pad Certification required. (Note: Pad certification may be required even if a grading permit is not required.) All required documentation must be provided to your Engineering Construction Inspector , Grant Clavier 760-602-2780 x7318 . The inspector will then provide the engineering counter with a release for the building permit. No grading permit required. Minor Grading Permit required. See attached marked-up submittal checklist for project- specific requirements. 6. MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in city right-of-way and/or private work adjacent to the public right-of-way. Types of work include, but are not limited to: street improvements, tree trimming, driveway construction, tying into public storm drain, sewer and water utilities. Right-of-way permit required for: E-36 Page 4 of 6 REV 6/01/12 Grand Pacific Resort: Marbrisa Phase II PLAN CHECK NO # CB 13-3192 7. STORMWATER * **pY| ONLY*** See Tier 3 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan on file, SWll-41 ***PY| ONLY*** See Storm Water Management Plan on file, SWMPll-15 Construction Compliance Project Threat Assessment Form complete. Enclosed Project Threat Assessment Form incomplete. Requires Tier 1 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. Please complete attached form and return (SW ) Requires Tier 2 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. Requires submittal of Tier 2 SWPPP, payment of processing fee and review by city. Post-Development (SUSMP) Compliance Storm Water Standards Questionnaire complete. Storm Water Standards Questionnaire incomplete. Please make the corrections, re-sign the questionnaire and resubmit with next submittal. Project is subject to Standard Storm Water Requirements. See city Standard Urban Storm Water Management Plan (SUSMP) for reference. http://www.carlsbadca.aov/business/buildinq/Documents/EnoStandsw-stds-vol4-ch2.pdf Project needs to incorporate low impact development strategies throughout in one or more of the following ways: Rainwater harvesting (rain barrels or cistern) Vegetated Roof Bio-retentions cell/rain garden Pervious pavement/pavers Flow-through planter/vegetated or rock drip line Vegetated swales or rock infiltration swales Downspouts disconnect and discharge over landscape Other: E-36 Page 5 of 6 REV 6/01/12 Grand Pacific Resort: Marbrisa Phase II PLAN CHECK NO # CB 13-3192 8. WATER METER REVIEW Domestic (potable) Use What size meter is required? FYI Where a residential unit is required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system, the minimum meter size shall be a 1" meter. NOTE: the connection fee, SDCWA system capacity charge and the water treatment capacity charge will be based on the size of the meter necessary to meet the water use requirements. FYI For residential units the minimum size meter shall be 5/8", except where the residential unit is larger than 3,500 square feet or on a lot larger than one quarter (1/4) acre where the meter size shall be . 9. FEES / Required fees have been entered in building permit. See attached Fee Calculation worksheet for preliminary assessment of fees "Fee Calculation sheet is NOT all-inclusive of fees, contact the City of Carlsbad Buiiding division for TOTAL FEES DUE** 10. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: N/A Attachments: Engineering Application Storm Water Form Right-of-Way Application/Info, Reference Documents E-36 Page 6 of 6 REV 6/01/12 Preliminary Fee Calculation Worksheet CT 03-02/GR 11-30 "VILLA 59" 16 UNITS TOTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION Prepared by: Linda Ontiveros Address: 1586 Marbrisa Cr Fees Update by: Date: 01/08/2014 Date: Fees Update by: GEO DATA: LFMZ: / B&T: Bldg, Permit #: CB 13-3192 Date: EDU CALCULATIONS: List types and square footages for all uses. Types of Use: Hotel/Timeshare Types of Use: Types of Use: Types of Use: Sq.Ft/Units i.oo edu per unit Sq.Ft./Units Sq.Ft./Units Sq.Ft./Units EDU's EDU's EDU's EDU's 16.00 ADT CALCULATIONS: List types and square footages for all uses. Sq.Ft./Units 8 adt's per unit Sq.Ft./Units Sq.Ft./Units Sq.Ft./Units Types of Use: Hotel/Timeshare Types of Use: Types of Use: Types of Use: FEES REQUIRED: Within CFD: / YES (no bridge & thoroughfare fee in District #1, reduces Traffic Impact Fee) ADT's ADT's ADT's ADT's 128 1. PARK-IN-LIEU FEE: NW QUADRANT ADT'S/UNITS: | X 2. TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE: ADTS/UNITS: 128 | X 3. BRIDGE & THOROUGHFARE FEE: ADT'S/UNITS: 128 | X 4. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT FEE ADT'S/UNITS: 15,531 X 5. SEWER FEE EDU's 16.00 BENEFIT AREA: EDU's I X 6. DRAINAGE FEES: PLDA: ACRES: I X ,7. POTABLE WATER FEES: UNITS CODE NE QUADRANT FEE/ADT: / FEE/ADT: 97.00 DIST.#1 - FEE/ADT: 191 j/ ZONE: 13 FEE/SQ.FT./UNIT: .40 X FEE/EDU: 842 SE QUADRANT I =$ N/A NO IWQUADRANT =$ 12,416 DIST.#2 =$ 24,448 =$ 6,212.40 =$ 13,472 \/ DIST.#3 FEE/EDU: HIGH FEE/AC: CONN. FEE MED METER FEE UM =$ N/A LOW PAID AT MAP SDCWA FEE TOTAL THiS DOES NOT REPRESENT A COMPREHENSIVE LIST OF FEES DUE FOR THIS PROJECT. PLEASE CONTACT THE BUILDING DIVISION AT (760) 602-2719 FOR A COMPLETE LIST OF FEES. ^ Cl rY O f CARLSBAD STORM WATER COMPLIANCE ASSESSMENT B-24 Develooment Services Building Division 1635 FaradayAvenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov I am applying to the City of Carlsbad for the following type(s) of construction permit: • Building Permit • Right-of-Way Permit • My project is categorically EXEMPT from the requirement to prepare a storm water pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) because it only requires issuance of one or more of the following permit types: Electrical Fire Additional Fire Alarm Fixed Systems Mechanical Mobile Home Plumbing Patio/Deck Photo Voltaic Re-Roofing Sign Spa-Factory Sprinkler Water Disdiarge Project Storm Water Threat Assessment Criteria"^ Tier 2 - • No ThreaiAssessment Criteria • My project qualifies as NO THREAT and Is exempt from Ifie requirement lo prepare a stoim water pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) because it meets the 'no threaf assessment criteria on tfie City's Project Threat Assessment Worksheet for Detennination of Construction SWPPP Tier Level. IMy project does not meet any of the High, f^oderate or Low Threat criteria described betow. Low Threat Assessment Criteria My project does not meet any of Ihe Significant or Moderate Threat criteria, is not an exempt permit type (See list above) and the project meets one or more of Ihe following crite/'ia.' • Results In some soil distuitance; and/or • Includes outdoor construction activities (such as saw cutting, equipment washing, material stockpiling, vehicle fueling, waste stockpiling). Moderate Threat Assessment Criteria My project does not meet any of the Significant Threat assessment Criteria described bekw and meets one or more of the following criteria; • Project requires a grading plan pursuant to the Carisbad Grading Ordinance (Chapter 15.16 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); or, • Project will result in 2,500 square feet or more of soils disturt)ance Including any associated construction staging, stockpiling, pavement removal, equipment storage, refueling and maintenance areas and project meets one or more ofthe additional fbllowing criteria: • Located within 200 feet of an environmentally sensitive area or the Pacific Ocean, and/or • Disturtjed area Is located on a slope with a grade at or exceeding 5 horizontal to 1 vertical, and/or • Disturbed area is located atong or within 30 feel of a storm drain inlet, an open drainage channel or watercourse, and/or • Construction will be Initiated during the rainy season or will extend Into the rainy season (Oct 1 through April 30). Significant ThreaiAssessment Criteria project includes clearing, gradinq or other disturbances to the ground resulting in soil disturbance totaling one or more acres including any associated construction staging, equipn^nt storage, stockpiling, pavement removal, refueling and maintenance areas: and/or My project is part of a phased development plan that wil cumulatively result in soil disturbance totaling one or more acres Including any assodated construction staging, equipment storage, refueling and maintenance areas: or, My project is tocated inside or within 200 feet of an environmentally sensitive area (see CHy ESA Proximity map) and has a significant potential for contributing pollutants to nearby receiving waters by way of slorm water runoff or non-storm water discharge(s). Tiers • a / certify (0 tfie bat of my knowledge that the above checked statements are true and correct i understand and acknowledge that even though this project does not require preparation of a constructfon SiVPP, I must still adhere to, and at all times during construction activities for tiie pennit type(s) check above comply with the storm water best management pracdces pursuant to Title 15 ofthe Carlsbad Municipal Code and to City Standards. 'The City Engineer may authorize minor variances from the Storm Water Threat Assessment Criteria in special circumstances where it can be stiown that a lesser or tiiglier Consiruction SWPPP Tier Level is warranted. Praject Address: Assessor Parcel No. >OTier/0wner's Auttiorized Agent Name: j THa: Owner/Owner's Auttiorized Agent Name: Owner/Ovitier's Au(^orized Agept Signature: City Concurrence: • YES QNO By: Date: Date: . Project ID: B-24 Page 1 of 1 Rev.03/09 (^ CITY OF CARLSBAD STORM WATER STANDARDS QUESTIONNAIRE E-34 / Development Services^^^ Engineering Department 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov SECTION 2 SIGNIFICANT REDEVELOPMENT Complete the questions below regarding your redevelopment project: YES NO 1. Projecl results in the disturbance of nfiore lhan 1-acre or more of land and is considered a Pollutant-generating Development Project (see definition in Section 1). If you answered NO, please proceed to question 2. If you answered YES, then you ARE a significant redevelopment and you ARE subject to PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT requirements. Please cfieck the "meets PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT requirements" box in Section 3 below. „ 2. Is the project redeveloping an existing priority project type? (Priority projects are defined in Section 1) If you answered YES, please proceed to question 3. If you answered NO, then you ARE NOT a significant redevelopment and your project is subject to STANDARD STORMWATER REQUIREMENTS. Please check the "does not meet PDP requirements" box in Section 3 below. 3. Is the project solelv limited to just one of the followina: • a. Trenching and resurfacing associated with utility work? b. Resurfacing and reconfiguring existing surface parking lots? c. New sidewalk construction, pedestrian ramps, or bike lane on public and/or private existing roads? d. Replacement of existing damaged pavement? y If you answered NO to ALL of the questions, then proceed to question 4. If you answered YES to ANY of the questions then you ARE NOT a significant redevelopment and your project is subject to Standard stormwater Requirements. Please check the "does not meet PDP requirements" box in Section 3 below. j 4. Will your redevelopment project create, replace, or add at least 5,000 square feet of impervious surfaces on an existing development or, be located within 200 feet ofthe Pacific Ocean and (1)create more than 2500 square feet of impermeable surface or (2) increases impermeable surface on the property by more than 10%? / If you answered YES, you ARE a significant redevelopment, and you ARE subject to PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT requirements. Please check the "meets PRIORITY DEVELOPIVIENT PROJECT requirements" box in Section 3 below. If you answered NO, then you ARE NOT a significant redevelopment and your project is subject to STANDARD STORMWATER REQUIREMENTS. Please check the "does not meet PDP requirements" box in Section 3 below. SECTION 3 Questionnaire Results • • My project meets PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (PDP) requirements and must comply with additional stormwater criteria per the SUSMP and must prepare a Storm Water Management Plan for submittal at time of application. My project does not meet PDP requirements and must only comply with STANDARD STORMWATER REQUIREMENTS per the SUSMP. Applicant Information and Signature Box This Box for City Use Only Address: Assessor's Parcel Number(s): Applicant Name: Applicant Title: Applicant Signature: , ^ ^ Date- City Concurrence: YES NO By Date Project ID: E-34 Page 3 of 3 REV 3/23/10 ^ CITY OF CARLSBAD STORM WATER STANDARDS QUESTIONNAIRE E-34 Development Services Engineering Department 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 virww.carlsbadca.gov SECTION 1 NEW DEVELOPMENT PRIORITY PROJECT TYPE Does you project meet one or more of the following criteria: YES 1. Houslna subdivisions of 10 or more dwellina units. Examples: sinale familv homes, multi-family homes, condominium and apartments 2. Commercial- areater than 1-acre. Anv develooment other than heaw Industrv or residential. Examples: hospitals: laboratories and other medical facilities; educational Institutions; recreational facilities; munidpal facilities; commercial nurseries; multi-apartment buildings; car wash facilities; mini-malls and other business complexes; shopping malls; hotels; office buildings; public warehouses; automotive dealerships; airfields; and other llgtit Industrial facilities. y 3. Heaw Industrial / Industrv- areater than 1 acre. Examoles: manufacturinq plants, food processing plants, metal working facilities, printing plants, and fleet storage areas (bus, truck, etc.). / 4. Automotive reoalr shoo. A facilitv cateoorized in anv one of Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes 5013, 5014, 5541, 7532-7534, and 7536-7539 5. Restaurants. Anv facilitv that sells prepared foods and drinks for consumotion. includina stationarv lunch counters and refreshment stands selling prepared foods and drinks for immediate consumption (SIC code 6812), where the land area for development is greater than 5,000 square feet. Restaurants where land development Is less than 5,000 square feet shall meet all SUSMP requirements except for structural treatment BMP and numeric sizing criteria requirements and hydromodification requirements. / 6. Hillside develooment Anv develooment that creates 5.000 sauare feet of Imoervious surface and is located in an area with known erosive soil conditions, where the development will grade on any natural slope that is twenty-five percent (25%) or greater 7. Environmentallv Sensitive Area (ESA>\ All development located within or directly adjacent^ to or discharging directly^ to an ESA (where discharges from the development or redevelopment will enter receiving waters within the ESA), which either creates 2,500 square feet of Impervious surface on a proposed project site or increases the area of imperviousness of a proposed project site to 10% or more of Its naturally occun-ing condition. / 8. Parkina lot Area of 5.000 sauare feet or more, or with 15 or more oarkina soaces, and potentiallv exoosed to urban runoff 9. Streets, roads, hiahwavs. and freewavs. Anv paved surface that is 5,000 square feet or greater used for the transportation of automobiles, tmcks, motorcycles, and other vehicles 10. Retail Gasoline Outlets. Servina more than 100 vehicles oer dav and areater than 5.000 square feet V 11. Coastal Develooment Zone. Anv oroiect located within 200 feet of the Pacific Ocean and (1) creates more than 2500 square feet of Impenneable surface or (2) increases Impermeable surface on property by more than 10%. 12. More than 1-acre of disturbance. Proiect resulte in the disturbance of more than 1-acre or more of land and is considered a Pollutant-generating Development Project*. Biological Significance by the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994) and amendments): water bodies designated with the RARE beneficial use by the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994) and amendments); areas designated as preserves or their equivalent under the Multi Species Conservation Program within the Cities and County of San Diego; and any other equivalent environmentally sensitive areas which have been identified by the Copermittees. 2 'Directly adjacent' means situated wilhin 200 feet of the Environmentally Sensitive Area. 3 'Discharging directly to' means outflow from a drainage conveyance system that is composed entirely of flows from the subject development or redevelopment sKe, and not commingled with flow from adjacent lands. 4 Pollutant-generating Development Prefects are those projects lhat generate pollutants at levels greater than background levels. In general, these indude all projects that contribute to an exceedance to an impaired water body or which create new impervious surfaces greater than 5000 square feet and/or introduce new landscaping areas that require routine use of fertilizers and pesticides. In most cases linear pathway projects that are for infrequent vehicle use, such as emergency or maintenance access, or for pedestrian or bicycle use, are not considered Pollutant-generating Development Projects if they are built with pervious surfaces or if they sheet flow to surrounding pervious surfaces. - Section 1 Results: .If you answered YES lo ANY of the questions above your project is subject to Priority Development Project requirements. Please check the "meets PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT requirements" box in Section 3. A Stonn Water Management Plan, prepared in accordance with City Storm Water Standards, must be submitted at time of application. If you answered NO to ALL of the questions above, then your project is subject to Standard Stormwater Requirements. Please check the "does not meet PDP requirements" box in Section 3. E-34 Page 2 of 3 REV 3/23/10 STORM WATER COMPUANCE FORM TIER 1 CONSTRUCTION SWPPP E-29 Deveiopment Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov STORM WATER COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE ^ My project is not in a category of pennit types exempt from the Construction SWPPP requirements ^ My project is not located inside or within 200 feet of an environmentally sensitive area virith a sigruflcant potential for contributing poiiutants to nearby receiving waters by way of stortti water runoff or non-storm virater discharge{s). My project does not require a grading plan pursuant to the Carlsbad Grading Ordinance (Chapter 15,16 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) My project will not result in 2,500 square feet or more of soils disturbance including any associated construtdion staging, slochpUing, pavement removal, equipment storage, refueling and maintenance areas that meets one or more ofthe additional following crileria: •• located within 200 feet of an environmentally sensitive area or the Pacific Ocean; and/or, • disturbed area is located on a slope with a grade at or exceeding 5 horizontal to 1 vertical; and/or • disturljed area is located along or within 30 feet of a storm drain inlet, an open drainage channel or watercourse; and/or • construction vvilt be initiated during the rainy season or wifl extend into ths rainy season (Oct. 1 through P^tA 30). I CERTIFY TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE THAT ALL OF THE ABOVE CHECKED STATEMENTS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT. 1 AM SUBMITTWG FOR CITY APPROVAL A TIER 1 CONSTRUCTION SWPPP PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF CITY STANDARDS. 1 UNDERSTAND AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I MUST: (1) IMPLEMENT BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPS) DURING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PRACTICABLE TO MINIMIZE THE MOBILIZATION OF POLLUTANTS SUCH AS SEDIMENT AND TO MINIMIZE THE EXPOSURE OF STORM WATER TO CONSTRUCTION RELATED POLLUTANTS; AND, (2) ADHERE TO, AND AT ALL TIMES, COMPLY WITH THIS CITY APPROVED TIER 1 CONSTRUCTION SWPPP THROU6HOUTTHE DURATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES UNTIL THE CONSTRUCTION WORK IS COMPLETE AND APPROVED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. OWNER(S)/OWNER: STORMWATER PQLLUT|ON PREVENTIQN NpT^S 1. ALL NECESSARY EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS SHALL BE AVAILABLE ON SITE TO FACILITATE RAPID INSTALLATION OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS VVHEN RAIN IS EMINENT. 2. THE OWNER/CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES TO WORKING ORDER TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY ENGINEER AFTER EACH RUN-OFF PRODUCING RAINFALL. 3. THE OWNER/CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AS MAy BE REQUIRED BY THE CiTY ENGINEERING OR BUiLDING INSPECTOR DUE TO UNCOMPLETED GRADING OPERATIONS OR UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH MAY ARISE. 4. ALL REMOVABLE PROTECTIVE DEVICES SHALL BE IN PLACE AT THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY WHEN THE FIVE (5) DAY RAIN PROBABILITY FORECAST EXCEEDS FORTY PERCENT (40%), SILT ANO OTHER DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED AFTER EACH f?AlNFALL. 5. ALL GRAVEL BAGS SHALL BE BURLAP TYPE WITH 3/4 INCH MINIMUM AGGREGATE. 6. ADEQUATE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CQNTROL AND PERIMETER PROTECTION BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE MEASURES MUST BE INSTAUED AND MAINTAINED. SPECIAL NOTES PROJECT INFORMATION SiteAddress: Assessor's Parcel Number; "2.1 f" I "S 0'~Q'^» Project ID:. _^ Construction Permit No.V Estimated Construction Start Date Project Duration. Montiis I Erne Emergency Contact: Name ,24 hour Phon- Perceived Threat to Storm Water Quality Medium • Low If medium box is checked, must attach a site plan sheet shovving proposed work area and location of proposed structural BMPs For City Use Only CITY OF CARLSBAD STANDARD TIER 1 SWPPP Approved By:. Date: E-29 Page 1 of 3 REV 4/30/10 XJ/ CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST P-28 Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carl.sbadca.eov DATE: 12/26/13 PROJECTNAME: MARBRISA PROJECT ID: SDP 03-02 PLAN CHECK NO: 13-3192 SET#: 1 ADDRESS: 1586 MARBRISA CIRCLE APN: 211-131-06-00 ^ This plan check review is complete and has been APPROVED by the PLANNING Division. By: CHRISTER WESTMAN A Final Inspection by the PLANNING Division is required ^ Yes • No Vou may also have corrections from one or more of the divisions listed below. Approval from these divisions may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit Resubmitted plans should include corrections from all divisions. [J This plan check review is NOT COIVIPLErE. Items missing or incorrect are listed on the attached checklist. Please resubmit amended plans as required. Plan Check Comments have been sent to: dant@noaainc.com For questions or clarifications on the attached checklist please contact the following reviewer as marked: PLANNING 760-602-4610 ENGINEERING 760-602-2750 FIRE PREVENTION 760-602-4665 X Christer Westman 760-602-4614 Christer.Westman@carlsbadca.gov Kathleen Lawrence 760-602-2741 Kathleen.Lawrence@carlsbadca.gov Q Greg Ryan 760-602-4663 Gregory.Ryan@carlsbadca.gov 1 1 Gina Ruiz 760-602-4675 Gina.Ruiz@carlsbadca.gov 1 1 Linda Ontiveros 760-602-2773 Linda.Ontlveros@carlsbadca.gov Cindy Wong 760-602-4662 Cvnthla.Wong@carlsbadca.gov • • Dominic Fieri 760-602-4664 Domlnic.Fieri@carlsbadca.gov Remarks: REVIEW #: Plan Check No. CB 13-3192 Address 1586 Marbrisa Circle Date 12/26/13 Review # 1 Planner Christer Westman Phone (760) 602- 4614 Type Of Project & Use: TIIVIESHARE Net Project Density:N/A. Zoning: C-T-Q General Plan: T:R Facilities Management Zone: 13 CFD (in) # 1_Date of participation:12/21/93 Remaining net dev acres: ZERO (For non-residential development: Type of land use created by this permit: TIMESHARE) 12 3 Legend: ^ Item Complete • Item Incomplete - Needs your action • • • Environmental Review Required: YES IXI NO fl TYPE MIT NEG DEC DATE OF COMPLETION: 09/01/04 Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: • • • Discretionary Action Required: YES ^ NO • TYPE SDP APPROVAL/RESO. NO. 5686-5691 DATE 09/01/04 PROJECT NO. SDP 03-02 OTHER RELATED CASES: CT 03-02/CDP 03-04/PUD 03-01/CUP 03-01/HDP 03-01 Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: • • • Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Project site located in Coastal Zone? YES El NO • CA Coastal Commission Authority? YES • NO El If California Coastal Commission Authority: Contact them at - 7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 103, San Diego, CA 92108-4402; (619) 767-2370 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt): CDP 03-04 APPROVED 09/01/04 • • • Habitat IVIanagement Plan Data Entry Completed? YES • NO • N/A If property has Habitat Type identified in Table 11 of HMP, complete HMP Permit application and assess fees in Permits Plus (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, HMP Fees, Enter Acres of Habitat Type impacted/taken, UPDATE!) • • • Inclusionary Housing Fee required: YES • NO El (Effective date of Inclusionary Housing Ordinance - May 21, 1993.) Data Entry Completed? YES • NO • (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, Housing Fees, Construct Housing Y/N, Enter Fee, UPDATE!) • • • Housing Tracking Form (form P-20) completed: YES • NO • N/AE P-28 Page 2 of 3 07/11 Site Plan: • • • Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of- Way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines (including all side and rear yard slopes). Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number. City Council Policy 44 - Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines • • • 1. Applicability: YES • NO • • • • 2. Project complies: YES • NOO Zoning: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1. Setbacks: Front: Interior Side: Street Side: Rear: Top of slope: Required Required Required Required. Required 2. Accessory structure setbacks: Front: Interior Side: Street Side: Rear: Structure separation: 3. Lot Coverage: Required Required Required Required Required Required Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown 4. Height: 5. Parking: Required MAX 35 Shown MAX 34 Spaces Required Shown (breakdown by uses for commercial and industrial projects required) Residential Guest Spaces Required Shown Additional Comments OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER CHRISTER WESTMAN DATE 12/26/13 p-28 Page 3 of 3 07/11 ^ CITY OF CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK TRANSMITT Community & Economic Development Department Avenue CA 92008 www.carlsbadca.gov DATE: 1-15-14 PROJECT NAME: Villa 59 PROJECT ID: cbl33192 PLAN CHECK NO: CB133192 SET#: 1 ADDRESS: 1586 Marbrisa Cr. Villa 59 APN: • This plan check review is complete and has been APPROVED by the Flre Division. By: D. Fieri A Final Inspection by the Fire Division is required El Yes • No This plan check review is NOT COIVIPLETE. Items missing or incorrect are listed on the attached checklist. Please resubmit amended plans as required. Plan Check Comments have been sent to: You may also have corrections from one or more of the divisions listed below. Approval from these divisions may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Resubmitted plans should include corrections from all divisions. For questions or clarifications on the attached checklist please contact the following reviewer as marked: "'^--Wi 1 1 Chris Sexton 760-602-4624 Chrls.Sexton@carlsbadca.gov 1 1 Kathleen Lawrence 760-602-2741 Kathleen.Lawrence@carlsbadca.gov 1 1 Greg Ryan 760-602-4663 Gregory.Rvan@carlsbadca.gov Gina Ruiz 760-602-4675 Glna.Rulz@carlsbadca.gov 1 1 Linda Ontiveros 760-602-2773 Llnda.Ontlveros@carlsbadca.gov 1 1 Cindy Wong 760-602-4662 Cynthia.Wong@carlsbadca.gov • • X Dominic Fieri 760-602-4664 Dominic.Fieri@carlsbadca.gov Remarks: Carlsbad Fire Department BLDG. DEP I COPY Plan Review Requirements Category: COMMIND , HOTEL Date of Report: 01-15-2014 Reviewed by: Name: DAN TALANT Address: STE 201 4990 N HARBOR BL SANDIEGO CA 92106 Permit #: CB133192 Job Name: GRAND PACIFIC VILLA 59 - BUILD Job Address: 1586 MARBRISA CR CBAD JMfiftMBhBTB Th>it>M»yw»4aw»«dMiittt»il fn •iiiiiiTnnigi«w»»Mipt>t>p^^»4tertMii>pti^^ Cond: CON0006937 [MET] THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR THE PURPOSES OF ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMIT. THIS APPROVAL IS SUBJECT TO FIELD INSPECTION AND REQUIRED TEST, NOTATIONS HEREON, CONDITIONS IN CORRESPONDENCE AND CONFORMANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS. THIS APPROVAL SHALL NOT BE HELD TO PERMIT OR APPROVE THE VIOLATION OF ANY LAW. Entry: 01/15/2014 By: df Action: AP BLDG. DEPT COPY CORRECTION LIST RECOMMENDED APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS Refer to the five (5) site conditions iisted below Page: 1 of 2 Daryl K. James & Associates, Inc. Re-Checked By: Robert Salgado Plan Check Date: 01/01/2014 APPLICANT NAME (Primary Contact) Dan Talant (619) 297-8066 x 25; dant@noaainc.com JURISDICTION: Carlsbad Fire Department PROJECT NAME: Marbrisa Resort, Villa 59 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1586 Marbrisa Circle PROJECT DESCRIPTION: CB13-3192 - Involves the construction of a new timeshare building. Ground up Type V-B Fully Sprinkled, 3-story, R-2 occupancy, with and overall building area of 20,145 SQ/FT. The design and construction of the building includes the following: Exterior exit balconies and decks/walkways that will serve as part of the means of egress; and new Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing systems (MEP). All fire alarm and detection systems, fire sprinkler systems, and other types of protection equipment and systems will be submitted separately as deferred submittal items. This plan review has been conducted in order to verify conformance to minimum requirements of codes adopted by the Carlsbad Fire Department applicable to the scope of work. The items below require correction, clarification or additional information before this plan check can be approved for permit issuance. RESUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS TO AVOID DELAY IN EXPEDITED RECHECK SERVICES: 1. Corrections or modifications to the plans must be clouded and provided with numbered deltas and revision dates. 2. Provide a written response following each comment, On This Correction List, explaining how and where you've addressed each pian review comment. 3. Provide a copy of Building Department (EsGil) comments. Input fire revisions onto the Building Department plan check. 4. Please direct any questions regarding this review directly to: Robert Salgado at: (951) 541-4380, or to his email address at: flsreview_inspection@roadrunner.com COMMENTS MUST BE SUBMITTED DIRECTLY TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS TO AVOID DELAY: Attn: Robert Salgado 40312 Emery Drive Temecula, CA 92591 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY COMMENTS (non-structural plan review): As part of this conditional approval, the AOR must ensure that the following five site conditions have been reviewed and approved by city of Carlsbad Fire Marshal prior to the start of construction: • 1. FIRE FLOW REPORT: Please provide a letter from the local water department stating that the available water supply is capable of supplying the required fire flow for Villa #59. Any reduction in fire flow or amount of fire hydrants using 2010 CBC Appendix B & C will need to be approved by the Carlsbad Fire Marshal. • 2. HYDRANT AND FDC PLAN: Please provide documentation and/or letter with the CB Application # ] and the date when the following items were approved: Civil drawings and underground fire protection plans indicating locations of current and proposed fire hydrants, back flow prevention devices, sprinkler control valves, and FDC locations. The Fire Fiow requirements for the new square footage added to this site must be determined by the Carisbad Fire Marshal, in accordance with Carisbad Municipal Fire Prevention Code Section 17.04.360. • 3. FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESS PLAN: Please provide documentation and/or letter with the CB Application # ] that has name of fire official and date when the FD Access Plan was approved. The site plan drawing must demonstrate that the approved emergency access and fire apparatus access roads meet the 150'-0" requirement, in accordance with 2010 CFC, Sections 503.1.1 and 504.1. The emergency access/roadway plan must also show no parking fire lanes, as per the Carisbad Municipal Fire Prevention Code 17.04 and the CFC, Section 503.3. All site conditions must be reviewed and approved by the city of Carisbad Fire Marshal. • 4. CIVIL DRAWINGS: Please provide a with CB Application # ] for reference. The approved reference drawing must adhere to the following two requirements: Requirement 1: Underground plans for fire protection must comply with State Codes, National Standards [NFPA 24], and Ordinances adopted by the City of Carisbad Fire Department. Requirement 2: The Civil drawings must have a wet signature signed on the printed seal of the Professional Engineer (PE), as well as the printed stamp and wet signature of the city of Carlsbad Fire Marshal. • 5. BUILDING ADDRESS: Show the location of the proposed numeric address on Villa #59 and provide notes onto the plans detailing the specifications of the sign(s). The Address numbers must meet Carisbad Municipal Fire Prevention Code 17.04.310 minimum 12 inches high with a 1- Vz inch stroke. END OF COMMENTS BLDG. DEPT COPY CORRECTION LIST RECOMMENDED APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS Refer to the five (5) site conditions listed below Page: 1 of 2 Daryi K. James & Associates, inc. Re-Checked By: Robert Salqado Plan Check Date: 01/01/2014 APPLICANT NAME (Primary Contact) Dan Talant (619) 297-8066 x 25; dant@noaainc.com JURISDICTION: Carisbad Fire Department PROJECT NAME: Marbrisa Resort, Villa 59 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1586 Marbrisa Circle PROJECT DESCRIPTION: CBI 3-3192 - Involves the construction of a new timeshare building. Ground up Type V-B Fully Sprinkled, 3-story, R-2 occupancy, with and overall building area of 20,145 SQ/FT. The design and construction of the building includes the following: Exterior exit balconies and decks/walkways that will serve as part of the means of egress; and new Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing systems (MEP). All fire alarm and detection systems, fire sprinkler systems, and other types of protection equipment and systems will be submitted separately as deferred submittal items. This plan review has been conducted in order to verify conformance to minimum requirements of codes adopted by the Carisbad Fire Department appiicable to the scope of work. The items below require correction, clarification or additional information before this plan check can be approved for permit issuance. RESUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS TO AVOID DELAY IN EXPEDITED RECHECK SERVICES: 1. Corrections or modifications to the plans must be clouded and provided with numbered deltas and revision dates. 2. Provide a written response following each comment. On This Correction List, explaining how and where you've addressed each plan review comment. 3. Provide a copy of Building Department (EsGil) comments. Input fire revisions onto the Building Department plan check. 4. Please direct any questions regarding this review directly to: Robert Salgado at: (951) 541-4380, or to his email address at: flsreview_inspection@roadrunner.com COMMENTS MUST BE SUBMITTED DIRECTLY TO THE FOLLOWING AODRESS TO AVOID DELAY: Attn: Robert Salgado 40312 Emery Drive Temecula, CA 92591 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY COMMENTS (non-structural plan review): As part of this conditional approval, the AOR must ensure that the following five site conditions have been reviewed and approved by city of Carisbad Fire Marshal prior to the start of construction: • 1. FIRE FLOW REPORT: Please provide a letter from the local water department stating that the available water supply is capable of supplying the required fire flow for Villa #59. Any reduction in fire flow or amount of fire hydrants using 2010 CBC Appendix B&C will need to be approved by the Carisbad Fire Marshal. • 2. HYDRANT AND FDC PLAN: Please provide documentation and/or letter with the CB Application # ] and the date when the following items were approved: Civil drawings and underground fire protection plans indicating locations of current and proposed fire hydrants, back flow prevention devices, sprinkler control valves, and FDC locations. The Fire Fiow requirements for the new square footage added to this site must be determined by the Carisbad Fire Marshal, in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Fire Prevention Code Section 17.04.360. • 3. FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESS PLAN: Please provide documentation and/or letter with the CB Application # ] that has name of fire official and date when the FD Access Pian was approved. The site plan drawing must demonstrate that the approved emergency access and fire apparatus access roads meet the 150'-0" requirement, in accordance with 2010 CFC, Sections 503.1.1 and 504.1. The emergency access/roadway plan must also show no parking fire lanes, as per the Carlsbad Municipal Fire Prevention Code 17.04 and the CFC, Section 503.3. All site conditions must be reviewed and approved by the city of Carisbad Fire Marshal. • 4. CIVIL DRAWINGS: Please provide a with CB Application # ] for reference. The approved reference drawing must adhere to the following two requirements: Requirement 1: Underground plans for fire protection must comply with State Codes, National Standards [NFPA 24], and Ordinances adopted by the City of Carisbad Fire Department. Requirement 2: The Civil drawings must have a wet signature signed on the printed seal of the Professional Engineer (PE), as well as the printed stamp and wet signature of the city of Carisbad Fire Marshal. • 5. BUILDING ADDRESS: Show the location of the proposed numeric address on Villa #59 and provide notes onto the plans detailing the specifications of the sign(s). The Address numbers must meet Carisbad Municipal Fire Prevention Code 17.04.310 minimum 12 inches high with a 1- Vi inch stroke. END OF COMMENTS PROJECT NUMBER CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTMENT EXPEDITED PLAN CHECK REQUEST I, yourtt^m requesting 'Expedited Plan Check Services' and understand I will .be levied an additional fee assessed at the rate of $90.00 dollars per hour plus $25.00 dollars administration fee. I understand that my plans shali not be released until all fees are paid. I, ^the applicant, am solely responsible for all fees due should the project be withdrawn or otherwise not completed. And by signing below I acknowledge that my plans shall be forwarded by the City of Carlsbad to an independent contractor/consultant. Your Nanw I, ^ acknowledge that the 'first reviev/ time for all expedited Fire plan reviews will be ten- (10) business days from date of submittal. These additional day account for acceptance and delivery of your plans and then the parcel return to our office if recommended for approval. Your Name I, the applicant, acknowledges that corrected or revised plans shall be sent directly to the plan checker, at the address specified on the Correction List, at my cost, parcel post or other means. , acknowledge that a turn-around time for re-submittals is five- (5) business days from the date plans are received at the address specified by the plan checker on the Correction List. Once all corrections are made, your plans are then returned to the Carlsbad Fire Department with a "Recommendation for Approval" based solely on the adopted Codes and Standards. This Is not an approval. Your plans are then forwarded to the Carlsbad Fire Department, and once your plans are received by our office they are subject to an additional review to ensure conformance with Carlsbad Municipal Code. This additional review is subject to an additional review period of seven- (7) 'Government Business' days from date that we receive the plans from the plan reviewer. The Carlsbad Rre Department does not perform 'Over-the-counter'olan review services. Plans submitted to the Carlsbad Flre Department for review by CFD staff shall be checked on a 'first come, first served' basis and could take 10 days or more for 'Firsf review. NO PLEASE CIRCLE YOUR SELECTION Applicant Slenature^^'-^^.^^^^^^g^^^ Date /Z-Z3-I'^ Copy to Building and Fire Prevention file Revised 06/13/2011 (y BURKETT&WONG Engn GEO ENGINEERS Date: Pgj,. /5, ^otij-Structural Engineering • Civil Engineering • Surveying • LandPlanning ' 3434 Fourth Ave. San Diego, CA 92103 Phone (619) 299-5550'Fax (619) 299-9934 Job No: 11132A.7.00 www.burkett-wong.com • info@burkett-wong.com STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR CARLSBAD RANCH RESORT VILLAS 59 CARLSBAD, CA NoGLE ONUFER ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS 2398 SAN DIEGO AVE SAN DIEGO, CA 92110 O BUPKETT&WONG ENGINEERS TABLE OF CONTENTS VILLA 59 DATE- |H. //. a«/<f ENGINEER- C.CoLvm No. //Hx./^^7.60 DESIGN LOADS JOISTS WALLS /POSTS LATERAL ANALYSIS/DRAGS AND CHORD Al Bl-Bf C1-C3 GRADE BEAMS El - E2. Load sheet Material Weight (psf) Roof Tile 10.0 2 X 1/2" Ply. 3.0 Framing 2.5 Insulation 1.0 GWB 6.0 Misc. 2.5 DL= 25.0 LL= 20.0 Floor 1-1/2" Lt. Wt. concrete 15.0 3/4" Ply. 2.5 Framing 3.0 2 layers gyp. 6.0 Misc. 2.5 DL= 29.0 LL= 40.0 Walkway 2-3/4" Normal Wt. concrete 35.0 3/4" Ply. 2.5 Framing 3.0 2 layers gyp. 6.0 Misc. 2.5 DL= 49.0 LL= 60.0 Boise Cascade BC CALC® 3.0 Design Report - US Build 517 Name: r.-jress: City, State, Zip:, Customer: Code reports: ESR-1336 Single 9-1/2" BCI® 6500-1.8 DF 1 span I No cantilevers | 0/12 slope 24 OCS I Non-Repetitive | Glued & nailed construction File Name: Villa 68 Description: Typ BCI Floor Joist Specifier: Designer: Company: Misc: Joist\Typ BCI Floor Joist Monday, September 19, 2011 Bl, 3-1/2" LL 530 Ibs DL 530 Ibs BO. 3-1/2" LL 530 tbs DL 530 Ibs 13 03 00 Total Horizontal Product Length = 13-03-00 Live Dead Load Summary Tag Description Load Type Ref. Start End 100% 90% 1 Standard Load Unf. Area (psf) L 00-00-00 13-03-00 40 40 Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Span Pos Moment 3,273 ft-lbs 93.4% 100% 1 1 - Internal End Reaction 1,060 Ibs 77.1% 100% I 1 - Left End Shear 1.013 Ibs 64.3% 100% i 1 - Left Total Load Defl U369 (0,416") 65.0% 1 1 Load Defl. L/739 (0.208") 48.7% 1 1 , . Defl. 0.416" 41.6% 1 1 Span / Depth 16.2 n/a Vo Allow % Allow Bearinp Supports Dim. (L X W) Value Support Member Material BO Wall/Plate 3-1/2" X 2-9/16" 1,060 lbs n/a n/a Unspecified Bl Wall/Plate 3-1/2" X 2-9/16" 1,060 Ibs n/a n/a Unspecifled Notes Snow Wind 115% 133% Roof Live 125% OCS Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Totai load deflection cnteria. Design meets Code minimum (L/360) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum load deflection criteria. Composite El value based on 23/32" tfiick sheathing glued and nailed to joist 24 Disclosure Completeness and accuracy of input must be verified by anyone who v^ould rely on output as evidence of suitability for particular application Oulput here based on building code-accepled design properlies and analysis methods. Installation of BOISE engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or ask queslions, please call (800)232-0788 before inslallalion. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS'", ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD™, BCI® . BOISE GLULJOIM'". SIMPLE FFV^MING SYSTEM® , VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS®, VERSA-RIM®. VERSA-STRAND®, VERSA-STUD® are trademarks of Boise Cascade Wood Products L.L.C. Page 1 of 1 e©4 B2- Typ Deck Floor Joist 1 1/2" X 5 1/2" 1.6E Solid Sawn Douglas Fir #2 TJ-Dsan*) r> 35 Seiial Numtwr 7C»51026aO user 5 ion5«oo9.0.9,7AM jHIS PRODUCT IVIEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN Page 1 Engine Versicwi 5 35 0 24" o/c CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED 0 ^0 f'io<l<ict Pi.Hjuin ic CoiueiUd.il. LOADS: Analysis is for a Joist Member Primary Load Group - Residential - Living Areas (psf) 40 0 Live at 100 % duration 39 0 Dead SUPPORTS; Input Bearing Vertical Reactions (Ibs) Detail Other Width Length Live/Dead/Uplifl/Total 1 Slud wall 3.50" 3.50" 240/234/0/474 By Others None 2 Slud watt 3 50" 3.50" 240 / 234 / 0/474 By Olhers None DESIGN CONTROLS: t\/1axirnum Design Conlrol Result Location Shear {lbs) 441 -356 990 Passed (36%) Rl end Span 1 under Floor loading Vertical Reaction (lbs) 411 441 2231 Passed (20%) Bearing 2 under Floor loading tvlornenl (Fl-Lbs) 616 616 824 Passed (75%) IvllD Span 1 under Floor loading Live Load Defl (in) 0,053 0 186 Passed (U999+) MID Span 1 under Floor loading Total Load Defl (in) 0 104 0,279 Passed (L/645) MID Span 1 under Floor loading -Deflection Criteris, STANDARD(LL-L/36O,TL;!J240) -Allowable momeni was increased for repeliiive member usage -Bracing(Lu) AH compression edges (top and bottom) mus! be braced at 6' o/c unless detailed otherwise Proper atlBchment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability -The allowable shear stress (Fv) has nol been increased due to the potential of splits, checks and shakes. See NDS for applicability of increase ADDITIONAL NOTES: -IMPORTANTI The analysis presented is output from software developed by iLevel®, iLevel® warrants the sizing of its products by this software will be accompi shsd in aci-orddoce w th iLevel® product design cntena and code accepted design values The speciFic product application, inpul design loads, and stated dimensions have been provided by the software user. This output has nol been reviewed by an iLevel® Associate -Not all products are readily available. Check with your supplier or iLevel® technical representative for product availability THiS ANALYSIS FOR iLevel® PRODUCTS ONLY! PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS. Solid sawn lumber analysis is in ac ord n e wth 7001 NDS methodology Ailov.abI ires"^ D sign niethoclology was used foi Building Code IBC analyzing the solid sawn lumber material Iisted above PROJECT INFORMATION: Villa 53 OPERATOR INFORItflATION: Burkett&Wong Eng Boise Cascade Single 3-1/2" x 9-1/2" VERSA-LAM® 2.0 3100 DF BC CALC® 3 0 Design Report - US Build 517 Name /-\odress: City. Stale. Zip , Customer Code reports ESR-1040 1 span I No cantilevers | 0/12 slope 04-00-00 OCS File Name: Villa 68 Descripiion: FB02 Specifier: Designer: Company: Misc: 65 Floor Header\FB02 Monday, September 19, 2011 BO. 3-1/2 LL 3 702 Ibs DL 1 576 b 10-00-00 81. 3-1/2" LL 2,698 Ibs DL 1.175 Ibs Total Horizontal Product Length = 10-00-00 Live Dead Snow Wind Load Summary TaH Description Load Type Ref. Start End 1007c 90% 1 Standard Load Unf. Area (psO L 00-00-00 10-00-00 100 40 2 Unf. Lin (plf) L 00-00-00 06-00-00 400 160 Controls Suminary Value % Allowable Duration Case Span Pos Moment 11,049 ft-lbs 79.2% 100% 1 1 - Internal End Shear 4.044 Ibs 64.0% 100% 1 1 - Left Total Load Defl U323 (0.355") 74.4% 1 1 Load Defl. U461 (0.248") 78.1% 1 1 . ./ Defl 0.355" 35.5% 1 1 Span / Depth 12.1 n/a % Allow % Allow Bearing Supports Dim. (LxW) Value Support Member Material BO Post 3-1/2" X 3-1/2" 5.278 Ibs n/a 57.5% Unspecified Bl Post 3-1/2" X 3-1/2" 3,873 Ibs n/a 42 2% Unspecified Notes 115% 133% Roof Live OCS Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Tolal load deflection criteria. Design meets Code minimum (L/360) Live load deflection criteria- Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum load deflection criteria. 04-00-00 n/a Disclosure Completeness and accuracy of input must be vefified by anyone wh-j v^ould relj on output as evidence of suitability for particular application. Output here based on building code-accepted design properties and analysis methods Installation of BOISE engineered wood products musl be In accordance wilh current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or ask questions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS~. ALLJOIST® . BC RIM BOARD'". BCI® . BOISE GLULAM'". SIMPLE FRAMING SYSTEM® , VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS® , VERSA-RIM®. VERSA-STRAND®, VERSA-STUD® are trademarks of Boise Cascade Wood Products LLC Page 1 of 1 Typ header al deck - 9'-6" 6 1/2" x 7 1/2" 1.6E Solid Sawn Douglas Fir #1 1 J.Bean>» 6 35 Serial Nunitwr 700S102680 2 10/16/2^ ,o«36AM j^lS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN Psoe 1 Engine Version b35 0 CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED 0 Piodiict ni.Kji.Mn ic Conce()tii,jl. LOADS: Analysis is for a Header (Flush Beam) Member Tributary Load Width: A' Primary Load Group - Residential • Living Areas (psf) 60 0 Live at 100 % duration AO 0 Dead SUPPORTS: 1 Stud waW 2 Stud wall Input Bearing Vertical Reactions (Ibs) Detail Olher Width Length Live/Dead/Uplift/Total 3 50" 150" 1140/ 807 /0/ 1947 By Others None 350" 150" 1140/807 /0/ 1947 By Olhers None DESIGN CONTROLS: Sheai (lbs) Momeni (Fl-Lbsj Live Load Defl (in) Total Load Defl (in) Maximum 1878 4304 Design Control Rosult Location -1571 4675 Passed (34°/) Rt end Span 1 under Floor loading 4304 5801 Passed (74%) MID Span 1 under Floor loading 0,123 0.305 Passed {L/fi93) tulID Span 1 under Floor loading 0.210 0 458 Passed (L/523) MID Span 1 under Floor loading Deflection Cnteria STANDARD(LL 0360,TL IJ240), •Bracing(Lu) All compression edges (lop and bottom) musl be braced at 9' 6" o/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachmenl and positioning of lateral ora. mg i-.. required to achieve mernber stability -The a lovv'ab e slieai stress (Fv) has nol been increased due to the poienlia of splils, checks and shakes. See NDS for applicability of increase ADDITIONAL NOTES: -IMPORTANT! The analysis presented is output from software developed by iLevel® iLeveKgi warrants the sizing of its products by this software will be accomplished in accordance mih iLevel® product design chteria and code accepted design values. The specific product application, inpul design loads, and stated dimensions have been provided by the software user. This output has not been reviewed by an iLevel® Associate, •No! all products are readily available Check with your supplier or iLevel® technical representative for product availability -THIS ANALYSIS FOR iLevel® PRODUCTS ONLY! PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS. Solid sawn lumbei analysis Is in accordance with 2001 NDS methodology -Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Building Code IBC analyzing the solid sawn lumber material listed above. PROJECT INFORMATION: Carlsbad Ranch Villa 53 OPERATOR INFORMATION: Burkett&Wong Eng Header al Ext walk 5'-0" 3 1/2" X 7 1/4" 1.6E Solid Sawn Douglas Fir #2 TJ-Oeaiwei 6 3i Serial Uumaei 7005102660 us« 2 .ai6r.oo9,o50 4iAM THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN Paga 1 Engine Version B 35 0 CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED Piocluct Di.Kji.im is Coiueptti.tl. LOADS: Analysis is for a Header (Flush Beam) Member Tributary Load Width 4' Primary Load Group - Residential - Living Areas (psf) 100 0 Live al 100 % duration 40 0 Dead SUPPORTS: 1 Stud wall 2 Stud wall Input Bearing Vertical Reactions (lbs) Detail Other Width Length Live/Dead/Uplift/Tolal 350" 1.50" 1000/415/0/ 1415 By Olhers None 3 50" 150" 1000/415/0/ 1415 By Others None DESIGN CONTROLS: Sheat (Ibs) Moment (Ft-Lbs) Live Load Defl (in) Total Load Defl (in) IVIaximum 1321 1541 Design Control Result Location -908 304^^ Passed (30/) Rl end Span 1 under Floor loading 1541 2905 Passed (53%) MID Span 1 under Floor loading 0 024 0 15,- Passed (L 999 ) MID Sp.m 1 under Floor loading 0 034 0 233 Passed (L/999+) MID Span 1 under Floor loading Deflection Criteria STANDARD(LL:L/360,TL:L/240) Additional checks follow •TL:0.313" -Biacing(Lu) All compression edges (top and bottom) n= i t b* brared al 5' o/c unless detailed otherwise Propei attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability -The allowable shear stress (Fv) has not been increased due to the potential ol splits, checks and shakes See NDS for applicability ot increase ADDITIONAL MOTES: -IMPORTANT! The analysis presented is output from software developed by iLevel®. iLevel® warrants the sizing ot its products by this software will be accomplished m accordance with iLevel® product design criteria and code accepted design values The specific product application input design loads, and slated dimensions have been provided by Ihe software user This output has not been reviewed by an iLevel® Associate -Nol all products are readily available Check wilh your supplier or iLevel® technical representative for product availability -THIS ANALYSIS FOR iLevel® PRODUCTS ONLY' PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS. Solid sawn lumber analysis is in accordance with 2001 NDS methodology -Allowable Stress Design methodology was used lor Building Code IBC analyzing Ihe solid sav.-n lumber material listed above PROJECT INFORMATION: Villa 53 OPERATOR INFORMATION: Bufketl&Wong Eng Boise Cascade Single 3-1/2" x 9-1/4" VERSA-LAM® 2.0 3100 DF BC CALC® 3.0 Design Report - US Build 517 Name: , .jdress: Cily, State, Zip:. Customer: Code reports: ESR-1040 1 span I No cantilevers | 0/12 slope 04-00-00 OCS File Name: Villa 68 Description: FB05 Specifier: Designer- Company: Misc: B6 Floor Header\FB05 Monday, September 19, 2011 » • i » T T T _T , i . , , i BO, 3-1/2" LL 1,600 Ibs DL 673 Ibs 08 00 00 I Bt. 3-1/2" LL 1,600 Ibs DL 673 Ibs Total Horizontal Product Length = 08-00-00 Load Summary Tag Description 1 Standard Load Load Type Rof. Start End Live 100% Dead Snow Wind 90% 115% 133% Roof Live 125% OCS Unf Area (psO L 00-00-00 08-00-00 100 4J Controls Summary value % Allowablo Duration Case Pos Moment 4,041 ft-lbs 30,4% 100% i 1 - Internal End Shear 1,669 Ibs 27.1% 100% 1 1 - Left Total Load Defl L/1.010 (0.09') 23.8% 1 1 Live Load Defl. U1.435 (0.063") 25.1% 1 1 < Defl. 0.09" 9,0% •1 1 jn / Depth 9.8 n/a Bearing Supports % Allow % Allow Bearing Supports Dim. (LxW) Value Support Member Material BO Post 3-1/2" X 3-1/2" 2,273 Ibs n/a 24.7% Unspecified Bl Post 3-1/2" X 3-1/2" 2,273 Ibs n/a 24.7% Unspecified Notes Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Total load deflection criteria Design meets Code minimum (L/350) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum load deflection criteria. 04-00-00 Disclosure Completeness and accuracy of input must be verified by anyone who would rely on output as evidence of suitability for padicular application. Output here based on building code-accepted design properlies and analysis methods Installation of BOISE engineered wood products must be in accordance with current installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or ask questions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS"", ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD'-, BCI® . BOISE GLULAM~, SIMPLE FRAMING SYSTEM® . VERSA-LAM®. VERSA-RIM PLUS®, VERSA-RIM®, VERSA-STRAND®. VERSA-STUD® are trademarks of Boise Cascade V\/ood Products LLC Page 1 of 1 6©* Boise Cascade BC CALC® 3.0 Design Report - US Build 517 Name: , -dress: Cily, State, Zip: . Customer; Code reports: ESR-1040 Single 3-1/2" x 9-1/2" VERSA-LAM® 2.0 3100 DF 1 span I No cantilevers ] 0/12 slope B7 Floor Beam\FB06 Monday, September 19. 2011 File Name: Villa 68 Description: FB06 Specifier: Designer: Company: Misc; ^* T r + T » T T Jl _T • T • •».. -» .T T » BO, 3-1/2" LL 2 500 Ibs DL 2,543 Ibs Bl, 3-1/2" LL 2,500 Ibs DL 2,543 lbs Total Horizontal Product Length = 10-00-00 Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live Trib. Load Summary Tag Description Load Typo Ref. Start End 100% 90% 1 Standard Load Unf. Area (psf) L 00-00-00 10-00-00 40 40 Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Span Pos. Moment 11,478 ft-lbs 82.2% 100% 1 1 - Internal End vShear 3,950 lbs 62 5% 100% 1 1 - Left Total Load Defl. U304 (0.376") 78.8% 1 1 Live Load Defl Ly614 (0.186") 58.6% 1 1 < Defl. 0.376" 37.6% 1 1 jn / Depth 12.1 n/a Bearing Supports % Allow % Allov; Bearing Supports Dim. (LxW) Value Support Mombor Material BO Post 3-1/2" X 3-1/2" 5,043 Ibs n/a 54.9% Unspecified Bl Post 3-1/2" X 3-1/2" 5,043 Ibs n/a 54.9% Unspecified Notes 115% 133% 125% Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets Code minimum (L/360) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum load deflection criteria. 12-06-00 Disclosure Completeness and accuracy of input musl be verified by anyone who would rely on output as evidence of suitability for particular application Output here based on building code-accepted design properlies and analysis methods Installation of BOISE engineered wood products must be in accordance wilh current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Inslallalion Guide or ask queslions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS"', ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD^, BCI® , BOISE GLULAMT", SIMPLE FRAMING SYSTEM®, VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS® , VERSA-RIM®, VERSA-STRAND®, VERSA-STUD® are trademarks of Boise Cascade Wood Products LLC Page 1 of 1 I<|ylBol8e Cascade BC CALC® Design Report - US Build 2565 Job Name: Villa 59 Address: City, State, Zip: , Customer: Code reports: ESR-1040 Single 5-1/4" x 9-1/2" VERSA-LAM® 2.0 3100 DF Dry I 1 span ( No cantilevers | 0/12 slope File Name: BC Description: Designs\DB01 Specifier: Designer: Company: Misc: BS Floor Beam\ pB] Thursday, November 21, 2013 BO 12-00-00 Total Horizontal Product Length = 12-00-00 Reaction Summary (Down / Uplift) (ibs) Bearinq Live Dead Snow Wind BO, 3-1/2" 3,240/0 1,859/0 Bl, 3-1/2" 3.240/0 1.859/0 Live Dead Load Summary Taq Description Load Type Ref. Start End 100% 90% 1 Standard Load Unf. Area {\bm^2) L 00-00-00 12-00-00 60 33 Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Location Pos. Moment 14.150 ft-lbs 67.6% 100% 1 06-00-00 End Shear 4.178 Ibs 44.1% 100% 1 01-01-00 Total Load Defl. L/306 (0.452") 78.4% n/a 1 06-00-00 Live Load Defl. L/482 (0.287") 74.7% n/a 2 06-00-00 Span / Depth 14.6 n/a n/a 0 00-00-00 Roof Live Snow Wind Roof Live 115% 160% 125% Trib. Bearing Supports BO Notes Dim. (L X W) Value Wall/Plate Wall/Plate % Allow Support % Allow Member Material 3-1/2" X 5-1/4" 3-1/2" X 5-1/4" 5,099 Ibs 5,099 Ibs n/a n/a 37%. 37%, Unspecified Unspecified Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Total load dellection criteria. Design meets Code minimum (L/360) Live load deflection criteria. Calculations assume MeiTibei is Fully Braced. Design based on Dry Service Condition. Deflections less than 1/8" were ignored in the results. 09-00-00 Disclosure Completeness and accuracy of Input musl be verified by anyone who would rely on output as evidence ol suitability for particular application. Oulput here based on building code-accepled design properties and analysis methods. Installation of BOISE engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or ask queslions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® . AJS"^, ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD''^, BCI® , BOISE GLULAM"-', SIMPLE FRAMING SYSTEM® , VER5A-LAt\/l®, VERSA-RIM PLUS®, VERSA-RIM®, VERSA-STRAND®, VERSA-STUD® are trademarks of Boise Cascade Wood Products L.L.C. Page 1 of 1 B-olse Cascade 6C CALC® Design Report - US Build 2565 Job Name: Villa 59 Address: City, State. Zip: , Customer: Code reports: ESR-1040 Single 3-1/2" x 9-1/2" VERSA-LAM® 2.0 3100 DF Dry 11 span | No cantilevers | 0/12 slope File Name: Villa 59 Description: Designs\DB02 Specifier: Designer: Company: Misc: ^7 Floor Beam\ 7=6:^. Thursday. November 21. 2013 EO 09 00-00 Total Horizontal Product Length = 09-00 00 t-1 Reaction Summary (Down / Uplift) (ibs) Bearing Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live BO. 3-1/2" Bl, 3-1/2" Load Summary Tag Description 1,890/0 1,890/0 Load Type 1,078/0 1,078/0 Ref. Start End Live 100% Dead 90% Snow Wind Roof Live 115% 160% 125% Trib. 1 Standard Load Unf. Area {m\^2) L 00-00-00 09-00-00 60 33 Controls Summary Value % Allowable Duration Case Location Pos. Moment 6.015 ft-lbs 43.1% 100% 1 04-06-00 End Shear 2.253 Ibs 35.7%, 100% ' 01-01-00 Total Load Defl. U649 (0.158") 37%. n/a 1 04-06-00 Live Load Defl. L/999 (0.101") n/a n/a 2 04-06-00 Span / Depth 10.8 n/a n/a C 00-00-00 % Allow % Allow Bearing Supports Dlm.(Lx W) Value Support Member Material 80 Wall/Plate 3-1/2" X 3-1/2" 2.968 Ibs n/a 32.3% Unspecified 81 Wall/Plate 3-1/2" X 3-1/2" 2.968 Ibs n/a 32.3% Unspecified Notes Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets Code minimum (L/360) Live load deflection cntena. Calculations assume Member is Fully Braced. Design based on Dry Service Condition. Deflections less than 1/8" were ignored in the results. 07-00-00 Disclosure Completeness and accuracy ol input musl be verified by anyone who would rely on output as evidence of suitability for pariicular applicafion. Output here based on building code accepted design properties and analysis methods. Installation of BOISE engineered wood products musl be in accordance wilh current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To oblain Installation Guide or ask queslions. please call (800)232-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJS"-', ALLJOIST® , BC RIM BOARD"^ BCI® . BOISE GLULAM"-', SIMPLE FRAMING SYSTEM® . VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS© , VERSA-RIM®, VERSA-STRANID®, VERSA-STUD® are trademarks of Boise Cascade Wood Products L.L.C. Page 1 of 1 DATE 9 BURKETT&WONG ENGINEERS ENGR. PROJECT SHEET_ JOB NO_ 4x/ Pe= /-Too ^-c; CfU>^AP^> •7^ zoo DATE. ENGR. PROJECT 9 BURKETT&WONG ENGINEERS SHEET_ JOB NO. C2- 4r Z'O r DATE fj_ ENGR PROJECT % BURKETT&WONG ENGINEERS SHEET., JOB NO. ^= ^4-'F Z^" -f-^ ^ /Too C ^ A/PS) C^^ A/ ('0 Fc' - (f/x<5o )^A>r-)(: /< o) CA uj) CA /; c o.^i^-])c/, o) Seismic design R= h= K= Sds= Sdi= T= 6.5 1 1 1.332 1.246 0.628 0.831 0.419 0.269 8 Cs= Load distribution Floor 0.128 Level A, (ft') W{k) hx (ft) W*hx W*h, IW*hx Vx(k) Roof 3rd 2nd 6130 7698 7698 213.3 277.4 277.4 30 20 10 6399 5548 2774 0.435 0.377 0.188 42.69 37.01 18.51 lSN*h= 14722 IV= 98 Deck Level A, (ft') W(k) hx(ft) W*h, W*h, IW*h, Vx(k) 3rd 2nd 1400 1400 68.6 68.6 20 10 1372 686 0.667 0.333 11.69 5.85 IW*h,= 2058 IV= 18 ® ® © ® I 1 1 I ® JL C)CD) 0 ® (L)(M) JL I I JL © © ® © ® ® JL ® ©(3 J © ® J © -© -© -© -® -® -® -® H© -© 2! ® © I I TL L J 1 I ® C) (D © © © © ® ® © ® TP 1 no © © ® © ® ® ®® ® © I 1 JT 1 1 L) (M Jr © -<3) -® -© -® -© H® -® t shearwall design (N-S direction) Level Line A, (ft') Force(k) Length of wall (ft) Shear/ft Net Shear/ft Min Shear/ft Design Shear/ft 3rd B 406 2.83 15 188 188 240 240 C,D 739 5.15 18 286 286 240 286 E 678.5 4.72 26 182 182 240 240 F,G 793.5 5.53 17 325 325 240 325 H 896 6.24 26 240 240 240 240 l,J 793.5 5.53 17 325 325 240 325 K 678.5 4.72 26 182 182 240 240 L,M 739 5.15 18 286 286 240 286 N 406 2.83 15 188 188 240 240 Total area: 6130 Force/Floor (k): 42.69 Total length of wall: 178 Fv= 0.1662 'D Level Line A, (ft') Force(k) Length of wall (ft) Shear/ft Net Shear/ft IVIin Shear/ft Design Shear/ft 2nd A 392 1.88 22 86 86 167 167 B 798 3.84 15 256 444 407 444 CD 739 3.55 18 197 483 407 483 E 678.5 3.26 26 125 307 407 407 F,G 793.5 3.82 17 224 549 407 549 H 896 4.31 26 166 406 407 407 l,J 793.5 3.82 17 224 549 407 549 K 678.5 3.26 26 125 307 407 407 L.IVI 739 3.55 18 197 483 407 483 N 798 3.84 15 256 444 407 444 k 392 1.88 22 86 85 167 167 Total area: 7698 Force/Floor (k): 37.01 Total length of wall: 222 Fv= 0.1662 •D Level Line A,(ft') Force(k) Length of Shear/ft Net IVIin Design Level Line A,(ft') Force(k) Length of Shear/ft Shear/ft Shear/ft Design A,(ft') Force(k) wall (ft) Shear/ft Shear/ft Shear/ft Shear/ft 1st A 392 0.94 22 43 329 250 250 B 798 1,92 15 128 572 490 572 C,D 739 1.78 18 99 582 490 582 E 678,5 1.63 26 63 370 490 490 F,6 793.5 1.91 17 112 662 490 662 H 896 2.15 26 83 489 490 490 l,J 793.5 1.91 17 112 662 490 662 K 678.5 1.63 26 63 370 490 490 L,M 739 1.78 18 99 582 490 582 N 798 1.92 15 128 572 490 572 k 392 0.94 22 43 129 250 250 Total area: 7698 Force/Floor (k): 18.51 Total length of wall: 222 Fv= 0.1662 •D Holdown design (N-S direction) P3 Level Line Design Shear/ft Tributarv strip (ft) Length of wall (ft) IVIoment arm (ft) T(lb5) C(lbs) 3rd B 240 4 15 14 1980 3426 CD 286 4 18 17 2328 4043 E 240 0 26 25 2494 2494 F,6 325 0 17 16 3454 3454 H 240 0 26 25 2496 2496 l,J 325 0 17 16 3454 3454 K 240 0 26 25 2494 2494 L,M 286 4 18 17 2328 4043 N 240 4 15 14 1980 3425 Wall height: 10 ft Level Line Design Shear/ft Tributary strip (ft) Length of wall (ft) Moment arm (ft) T(lb5) C(lbs) Tcu. (lbs) Ccu. (lbs) 2nd A 167 7 22 21 -266 5494 -256 5494 B 444 13 15 14 2154 9612 4134 13039 C,D 483 13 18 17 2026 10872 4354 14915 E 407 13 26 25 -157 12392 2337 14886 F.G 549 13 17 16 2909 11292 6362 14745 H 407 14 26 25 -494 13020 2001 15516 l,J 549 13 17 16 2909 11292 6362 14745 K 407 13 26 25 -157 12392 2337 14886 L,M 483 13 18 17 2026 10872 4354 14915 N 444 13 15 14 2154 9612 4134 13039 K 167 7 22 21 -266 5494 -266 5494 Wall height: 10 ft Level Line Design Shear/ft Tributary strip (ft) Length of wall (ft) IVIoment arm (ft) T(lbs) C(lb5) Tcu. (lbs) Ccu. (lbs) 1st A 250 7 22 21 607 6367 341 11861 B 572 13 15 14 3524 10983 7658 24022 CD 582 13 18 17 3072 11917 7426 25832 E 490 13 26 25 710 13259 3047 28145 F,G 662 13 17 16 4101 12484 10464 27229 H 490 14 26 25 373 13887 2374 29403 IJ 662 13 17 16 4101 12484 10454 27229 K 490 13 26 25 710 13259 3047 28145 L,M 582 13 18 17 3072 11917 7426 25832 N 572 13 15 14 3524 10983 7658 24022 K 250 7 22 21 607 6367 341 11861 Wall height: 10 ft # BURKETT&VypNG ^ BATi_____ ^ ENGINEEf^S JOI NO l^itUy^nt pif^ i U^A^ >?^^ sfi CA*VH4> T^^f^ ^{'- ^^'^'^ = ''A*^ ^ ^'^-'--^ # BURKETT&WONG ENGINEERS NOJ 7^^Wf»Ky fl^^ • /^r^xi^^n /o*t. T^^^^ciTWy T^ve*^. --(Afo^/^x'x /«^^ »^ O BURKETT&WONG BATi_____ ^ ENGINEERS iHiiT_Ji ^Mfig J©S NO SJiM^i J|^->' -'•^^ /l^/ «^ ^^tJ^i»t^ -f -»4^/»t? « ^^4-^/1. 7^ ^7 Ih!^ CTe^N^> ^ ^5p/aXxrc? - ^^^v/^^?. CU^>C^> C >c»/x;^^/i^ Shearwall and Holdown Summary (N-S direction) 171 3rd 2nd 1st Line Design SW Design SW Design SW Mark Line Shear/ft Type Shear/ft Type Shear/ft Type Mark A 167 6E 250 6E A P 167 6E 250 6E A E 240 6E 407 4E 490 3E B K 240 6E 407 4E 490 3E B H 240 6E 407 4E 490 3E B B 240 6E 444 3E 572 2E C N 240 6E 444 3E 572 2E C C,D 286 4E 483 3E 582 2E C L.M 286 4E 483 3E 582 2E C F,G 325 4E 549 3E 662 2E C I.J 325 4E 549 3E 662 2E C 3rd 2nd 1st Line Design HD HD Design HD HD Design HD HD HD Line Force Type Force Type Force Type Call Out A -266 1 341 1 1 P -266 1 341 1 1 E 2494 2 2337 2 3047 2 2 K 2494 2 2337 2 3047 2 2 H 2496 2 2001 2 2374 2 2 B 1980 3 4134 3 7658 3 3 N 1980 3 4134 3 7658 3 3 CD 2328 3 4354 3 7426 3 3 UM 2328 3 4354 3 7426 3 3 F,G 3454 4 6352 4 10464 4 4 IJ 3454 4 6362 4 10464 4 4 Sheirwall ind Holdown Summiry (i'K^dlractlon) Lint 9rd 2nd lit Lint Dfilfn Shsir/ft SW TVP« Dtilfn Sheir/ft SW TVPt Daiign Shear/ft SW TVPt Mark 3 357 4E 507 3E D 4,5,6,7 8,9 10,11 238 605 60Z. 6E 2E 2E 617 1007 2E 3E2 2E2 851 1241 3E2 2E2 2E2 E E E 6^9 Line 3rd 2nd 1st Line Oesign HD Force HD Type Design HD Force HD Type Design HD Force HD Type HD Call Out 3 N/A MST-37 N/A HDU4 1 4,5,6,7 -3579 N/A •1652 N/A 689 HUD4 2 8,9 10,11 6051 i9aa CMST-12 jLjrT n 109 8716 MST-37 HDUll 2449 11632 HUD4 HDU14 4 4 Shear wall schedule SILL NAILING (S.N.) (b) Mark Plywood thickness GRADE EXPOSURE 1 NAIL SIZE (COMMON WIRE NAILS) "E.N." SPACING "F.N." SPACING SILL BOLTS 5/8" dia. HEADED ANCHOR BOLT "SIMPSON'S LPT4" CLIP SPACING NAILS 1/4" X 4-1/2" SDS SCRES ALLOWABLE SHEAR PLFV,|| REMARKS 6E lS/32" STRUCT-1 8d 6" 12" @)36" O.C. 24" 20d (5) 6" O.C. SDS @ 16" O.C. 280 #/FT (b) 2XSILL 4E 15/32" STRUCT-1 8d 4" 12" (5)24" O.C. 16" 30d (S) 4" O.C. SDS (S) 12" O.C. 430 #/FT (a) (b) 3x SILL 3E 15/32" STRUCT-1 8d 3" 12" @22" o.c. 12" 20d @ 3" O.C. SDS @ 9" O.C. 550 »/FT (a){b) 3x SILL 2E 15/32" STRUCT-1 IQd 2" 12" @18"0.C. 10" 30d @ 3" o.c. SDS @ 6" O.C. 870 #/FT (a) (b) (c) 3x SILL 3E2 15/32" EACH FACE STRUa-1 Sd 3" 12" @11" O.C. 6" N.A. SDS @ 4-1/2" O.C. STAGGER USE MIN. 3- 1/2" RIM OR BLOCKING 1110 #/FT (a) (b) 3xSILL 2E2 15/32" EACH FACE STRUCT-1 lOd 2" 12" @9" O.C. 5" N.A. SDS (5) 3" O.C. STAGGER USE MIN. 3 1/2" RIM OR BLOCKING 1740 #/FT (a)(b) (c) 3xSILL E 15/32" STRUCT-1 8d 6" 12" (E)48" O.C. 32" 20d @ 6" O.C. SDS (5) 16" O.C. N.A. 2x SILL Holdown Schedule BASE 15T TO 2ND FLOOR 2ND TO 3RD FLOOR "HD" CALL OUT FOUNDATION POST dia. A307 A.B. MIN. {in.) EMBEDMENT HOLDOWN DETAILS 2ND FLOOR POST STRAP STRAP CONN, DETAILS BRD FLOOR POST STRAP STRAP CONN. DETAILS 1 4x6 5/8" 8" HOU4-S052.5 4x6 CMST-12 lOd NAILS @ EA, POST N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 2 6x8 5/8" 8" HDU4-SDS2.5 4x6 CMST-12 (^2)104 NAILS @ EA. POST 2x6 MST-48 fjV) 15d NAILS la EA. POST 3 6x8 1" 12" HDU11-SDS25 6 X 8 @ 6x WALLS 4 X 10 @ 4x WALLS CMST-12 lOd NAILS @ EA. POST 2 X 6 @ 6x WALLS 3 X 4 @ 4x WALLS MST-37 (/0)16d NAILS (S EA. POST 4 6x8 1" 12" HDU14-SDS2,5 6 X 8 @ 6x WALLS 4 x 10 @) 4x WALLS HDU14-SDS2.5 HDU @l EA. POST 3 X 6 |S) 6x WALLS 4 X 4 (5) 4x WALLS CMST-12 (^X) lOd NAILS @ EA. POST Ci DATE_ ENGR_ PROJECT 0 BURKETT&WONG ENGINEERS SHEET_ JOB NO. U 1 i i .l Ji - DAT % BURKETT&WONG ENGINEERS SHEET„ ENGR. JOB NO. PROJECT \ : P - (TOOC ^J^)C ^^) { ^ X =u^-f-> = 4t?-cgo /i>j: BATi, ©BUfiKEn&WONG ENGINIERS IHIIL J©l HQ 7-lm t )i FiCF LOCATIONS (AN DiLCO MPERI \LCOIJNn i295 Fems Square iuile C ;an Diego, CA 92121 >l 858 537.3999 •a\ 858 537 3990 DRANGE Cousii rORI'OR.\lEBR,\\CII !992 E La Palma Avenue juilc A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel. 714 632 2999 "ax 714 632 2974 IN'LVND EMPIRF 14467 Mendian Pai"kwav 3uilding 2A Riverside. CA 92518 Pel 951653 4999 -a\ 951653 4666 INOIO M9I 7 Golf Center Pkwy Suite I Indio. CA 92201 Pel 760 342.4677 ^UN 760.342.4525 OC'LA/IiNi VND EMPIRE DISP \ I Cll SOO 491 2990 SAN DIEGO DISI'UCII 388 844 5060 www rnlglmc coin C eo tec h n i c a I E n i n ee ri n ^ Construction Inspection Materials Testing Environmental March 10,2014 Grand Pacific Resorts, Inc. 5900 Pasteur Court, Suite 200 Carlsbad, Califomia 92008 MTGL Project No: 1916A09 MTGL Log No: 14-130 Attention: Mr. Houston Arnold Subject: REVIEW OF FOUNDATION PLANS Marbrisa Resorts - Villa 59 Carlsbad, Califomia Reference: MTGL, Inc. (2011). Geoteciinicai Investigation, Proposed Sales. Activity and Fitness Building, Carlsbad Ranch, Planning Area 5, Marbrisa Piiase II, Carlsbad, California, MTGL Project No. 1916-A08, Log No. 11-1409, November 4. Burkett&Wong (2014). Structural Plans for: Villa 59. Marbrisa Resorts. Carlsbad, California, Febmary 19. Dear Mr. Arnold: Per your request, we have reviewed the Stmctural Drawings prepared by Burkett & Wong for the Villa 59 building located at the Marbrisa Resorts in Carlsbad, Califomia for general conformance to the geotechnical recommendations presented in our referenced report (2011). Based upon our review of the plans, it is our opinion that the geotechnical recommendations presented in the referenced report have been properly incorporated into the plans. We appreciate this opportunity to be of continued service to you. Should you have any questions regarding the information contained herein, please contact us at your earliest convenience. Respectfiilly submitted. RECEIVED APR 0 2 2BH MTGL, Inc. CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDiiMG DIVISION Sam E. Valdez, RCE 56226, RGE 2813 Vice President | Chief Engineering GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Proposed Sales, Activity and Fitness Buildings Carlsbad Ranch, Planning Area 5 MarBrisa Phase n Carlsbad, Califomia Prepared For: Grand Pacific Resorts, Inc. 5900 Pasteur Court, Suite 200 Carlsbad, Califomia 92008 Prepared By: MTGL, Inc. 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C San Diego, Califomia 92121 ProjectNo. 1916-AOS Log No. 11-1409 0 Wcf Locations irangt County :orporat( Brinch; 99Z E, La Palmi Avenue lulteA inahelm, CA 92806 el: 714632.2999 ax 714.632,2974 lan Dlago mperlal County i295 Ferris Square lulte C lan Diego, CA 92121 el: 858.537,3999 ax: 858,537,3990 niand Empire 4467 Meridian Parkway lullding 2A llverside, CA 92518 el: 951,653,4999 ax: 951,653,4666 ndio 4917 Golf Center Parkway iulte 1 ndio, CA 92201 el: 760.342,4677 ax: 760342,4525 )C/LA/lnland Empire )ispatch 100.491.2990 >an Oiego Dispatch 188,844.5060 vww.nntglinc.com i '} V(f n/i/?'* 7ll,f ProjectNo. 1916-A08 Log No. 11-1409 November 4,2011 Grand Pacific Resorts, Inc. 5900 Pasteur Court, Suite 200 Carlsbad, Califomia 92008 Attention: Mr. Bruce Zelenka SUBJECT: Geotechnical Investigation Proposed Sales, Activity and Fitness Buildings Carlsbad Ranch, Planning Area 5 MarBrisa Phase n Carlsbad, California Dear Mr. 2^1enka: In accordance with your request and authorization we have completed a geotechnical investigation at the site for a proposed Sales, Activity and Fitness Buildings including two Swimming Pools at the Carlsbad Ranch, Planning Area 5, MarBrisa Phase n in Carlsbad, CA. We are pleased to present the following report with our conclusions and recommendations. The site for proposed development is located inside the MarBrisa Resort that was previously graded with an elevated pad on the east comer with tennis court. Our report concludes that the proposed improvement and addition would be feasible provided the recommendations presented are incorporated into the plans and specifications. Details related to seismicity, geologic conditions, foundation design, and constmction considerations are included in subsequent sections of this report. We look forward to providing additional consulting services during the planning and constmction of the project. §gle«, Aetivity & Fitneis Buildings Mulrlia&gjerti CMlibfldiJCA If you have any questions regarding our report, appreciate this opportunity to be of service. Respect^Uy submitted, MTGL, Inc. Eduardo C, Dizon, Ri Senior Engineer PreJeetNa \9\6'A0S Lau No. 11.1409 please do not hesitate to contact this offlce, We M.S. (Ben) Lo. RGE Chief Geotechnical Engineer Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings Project No. 1916-A08 MarBrisa Resort. Carlsbad. CA Log No. 11-1409 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION 1 SCOPE 1 SITE DESCRIPTION 2 FIELD EXPLORATION 2 LABORATORY TESTING 3 GEOLOGY 3 REGIONAL GEOLOGY 3 LOCAL GEOLOGY 4 SITE GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS 4 Fill 4 Terrace Deposit 5 GROUNDWATER 5 DISCUSSION OF GEOLOGIC AND SEISMIC HAZARDS 5 FAULTING AND SEISMICITY 5 LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL 6 LANDSLIDE, MUDR.OW AND FLOODING 6 GROUND RUPTURE O 6 SEISMIC SETTLEMENT 6 LATERAL SPREADING 7 TSUNAMIS AND SEICHES 7 SEISMIC DESIGN PARAME;TERS 7 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 8 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 8 EXCAVATION CHARACTERISTICS 8 CUT/FILL TRANSITION CONDITIONS 8 EXPANSION POTENTIAL 8 CORROSIVITY 8 RECOMMEMDATIONS 9 GENERAL 9 SITE GRADING RECOMMENDATIONS 9 Site Preparation 9 Temporary Excavation 9 Site Grading 10 iii Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings Project No. 19I6-A08 MarBrisa Resort. Carlsbad. CA Log No. 11-1409 General Compaction Standard 11 Import Fill Material 11 FOUNDATION 11 LATERAL RESISTANCE 12 SETTLEMENT 12 INTERIOR SLAB-ON-GRADE 12 EXTERIOR CONCRETE SLAB/FLATWORK 13 RETAINING WALL 13 PRELIMINARY PAVEMENT 14 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS 15 Moisture Sensitive SoilsAVeather Related Concerns 15 Drainage and Groundwater Considerations 16 Excavations 16 Utility Trenches 17 SITE DRAIN AGE 17 PLAN REVIEW 17 GEOTECHNICAL OBSERVATION/TESTING 17 LIMITATIONS 18 Figure 1 - Site Location Map Figure 2 - Boring Location Plan Appendix A - References Appendix B - Field Exploration Program Appendix C - Laboratory Testing Procedures Appendix D - Engineering Analysis Appendix E - General Earthwork and Grading Specifications IV Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings Project No. 1916-A08 MarBrisa Resort. Carlsbad, CA Log No. 11-1409 INTRODUCTION In accordance with your request and authorization, MTGL, Inc. has completed a geotechnical investigation for the subject site. The following report presents our findings, conclusions and recommendations based on the results of our investigation, laboratory testing and engineering review. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION A sales building of two to three-story with basement is planned on elevated pad with existing tennis court. Planned grading for the basement level consists of the removal of approximately 12 feet of the existing soil. In addition, site grading is to include the re-construction of the elevated pad slopes to enlarge the existing pad area. The activity and fitness buildings including associated two swimming pools are to be constructed west of the sales building. It is our understanding that the activity and fitness buildings are to include a basement level. Additional related improvements include paved driveway and parking, flatworks, and underground utilities. Future thirteen two- to three-story villas with paved parking are planned around the swimming pools. SCOPE The scope of our Geotechnical services included the following: • Geotechnical investigation consisting of drilling six borings to explore subsurface conditions and to obtain samples for laboratory testing. (See Geotechnical Boring Location Plan, Figure 2, for the location of borings, and Appendix B, Field Investigation, for boring logs). • Laboratory testing of samples (See Appendix C). • Geotechnical engineering review of data and engineering recommendations. • Preparation of this report summarizing our findings and presenting our conclusions and recommendations for the proposed construction. Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings ProjectNo. 1916-A08 MarBrisa Resort. Carlsbad, CA Log No. 11-1409 SITE DESCRIPTION The project site is located on the northwestern portion of the existing MarBrisa Resort on Grand Pacific Drive south of Canon Road in Carlsbad, CA. Existing development at the MarBrisa Resort includes a hotel building, resort conference facility building, restaurant building, sales building, villas, paved driveway and parking, and associated retaining walls and landscaping. Mass grading for the entire MarBrisa Resort including the project site under this investigation was performed in 2005 and 2006 under the observation and testing of Leighton and Associates, Inc. The sales building site located on the southeast comer is elevated with a ground elevation of approximately 215 feet. The site for the planned activity and fitness building including two swimming pools and future villas are located on the gently slopes down to the west with elevation ranging from 198 feet to 186 feet. Currently this area is tilled with partial plants within the southeast. Numerous shallow underground water lines exist on the entire lot for irrigation purposes. The As-Graded Report by Leighton and Associates, Inc. dated August 2, 2006 reveals the tennis court area is mantled by approximately 14 to 18 feet of documented fill. The other area of the site is mantled by varying thickness of documented fill ranging from 2 to 13 feet. Expansive clayey soil was buried at the time of mass grading within the future planned parking lots. FIELD EXPLORATION The subsurface conditions at the project site were explored with six test borings. Two of the borings were drilled within the pool area and four of the borings were drilled within the sales building location. The approximate boring locations are shown on the Boring Location Plan (Figure 2). All borings were advanced with a truck mounted drill rig equipped with an 8" diameter hollow stem auger. The borings were drilled to a depth of between 20 and 50 feet below existing site grades. Samples were obtained with the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and CAL Sampler for geotechnical testing. See Appendix B for further discussion of the field exploration including logs of test borings. Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings Project No. I9I6-A08 MarBrisa Resort. Carlsbad. CA Log No. 11-1409 LABORATORY TESTING The laboratory testing included moisture content of the disturbed and undisturbed samples. The maximum density was determined on selected samples of the near surface soils for compaction and shrinkage calculations. Direct shear and consolidation testing were accomplished for foundation bearing determinations. Soluble sulfates were determined on selected on-site soil samples to determine its degradation on concrete structure. Resistivity and pH testing were performed on representative soil for corrosion potential of buried metals. Index testing including sieve analysis and expansion index were performed on selected soil samples. R-value testing was performed for pavement design analysis. The results and expanded explanation of laboratory testing are presented in Appendix C. GEOLOGY Regional Geology The site lies within the Peninsular Ranges province of Southern California. The Peninsular Ranges are a group of mountain ranges, in the Pacific Coast Ranges, which stretch 1500 km from southern California in the United States to the southern tip of Mexico's Baja California peninsula. They are part of the North American Coast Ranges that run along the Pacific coast from Alaska to Mexico. Elevations range from 500 ft to 11,500 ft. Rocks in the ranges are dominated by Mesozoic granitic rocks, derived from the same massive batholith which forms the core of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California. They are part of a geologic province known as the Salinian Block which broke off the North American Plate as the San Andreas Fauh and Gulf of California came into being. According to Kennedy (1975), the Peninsular Ranges province includes two principal rock units. The underlying basement rocks include igneous and metamorphic rocks and the overlying rock units include sedimentary rocks of a variety types. The basement rocks are structurally complex, metamorphosed volcanics and volcaniclastic rocks and intrusive rocks related in part to emplacement of the Cretaceous age southern California batholith which forms the backbone of the Peninsular Ranges province. The overlying sedimentary rocks were deposited on a high relief surface. Most of the overlying sedimentary rocks are Upper Cretaceous age strata of Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings Project No. 1916-AOS MarBrisa Resort. Carlsbad. CA Log No. 11-1409 marine, lagoonai, and nonmarine origin related to two major transgressive and regressive depositional episodes. The geologic structure of southem California is dominated by right-lateral strike-shp faulting with the movement of two tectonic plates. The San Andreas fault system marks the principal boundary between the Pacific plate and the North American plate. Additional faults that affect the geologic structure of the project vicinity include the Elsinore-Julian Fault and the Rose Canyon Fault. Local Geology The project site is located within a developed area with documented fill. Based upon available geologic map (Tan and Kennedy, 1996, Oceanside, San Luis Rey and San Marcos 7.5' Quadrangles), the underlying natural soil at the site consists of the Pleistocene-aged Terrace deposits. The Terrace deposits are composed of reddish-brown, poorly bedded, poorly- to moderately-indurated sandstone, siltstone and conglomerate. This unit was encountered in all borings below the fill at approximate depth of between 8 and 18 feet below existing site grades. Site Geologic Conditions A brief discussion of the earth materials encountered in the borings is presented in the following sections. Refer to the borings logs in the Appendix B for a more detailed description of these materials. Fill Documented fill material was encountered in all borings ranging in thickness between 7 and 18 feet from the surface. The encountered fill generally consists of brown to orange-brown silty sand, which was generally moist and medium dense to very dense at the time of our exploration. The documented fill in its current condition would be suitable for stmctural support for the proposed development. However, for uniform soil bearing support and to eliminate cut/fill transition conditions within building pad it is recommended that existing soil should be excavated and recompacted to a depth of at least 2 feet below bottom of footings. Lab test results indicate a very low expansion potential for the existing on-site fill soils. Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings Project No. 19I6-A08 MarBrisa Resort. Carlsbad. CA Log No. 11-1409 Terrace Deposits Underlying the fill is Terrace deposits, which extend at least to the maximum explored depth of 50 feet below existing site grade. This encountered deposits generally consists of orange-brown silty sand. At the rime of exploration the deposits were moist and dense to very dense. Expansion potential for this Terrace deposits is very low. Groundwater Groundwater was not encountered within the maximum explored depth of 50 feet below existing grade. Geotechnical reports by Leighton and Associates, Inc. reported localized perched groundwater encountered during their investigation and the subsequent mass grading at elevation between the terrace deposits and the underiying Santiago Formation. During our investigation the underlying Santiago Formation was not encountered. The perched groundwater would have no impact on the proposed development. However, it is possible that transient oversaturated ground conditions at shallower depths could develop at a later time due to periods of heavy precipitation, landscape watering, leaking water lines, or other unforeseen causes. DISCUSSION OF GEOLOGIC AND SEISmC HAZARDS Faulting and Seismicitv Faults are one of the most widespread geologic hazards to development in Califomia. Faults of most concern are those designated as active (less than about 11,000 years since last movement and potentially active (11,000 to about 750,000 years). According to Hart and Bryant, (2007) the site is not within a designated earthquake fault zone. In the event of an earthquake, the closest active fault likely to generate the highest ground accelerations at the site is the Rose Canyon Fault, which mns parallel to and just offshore of the coast from north of Carlsbad to south of Lindbergh Field. The Rose Canyon Fault with a maximum earthquake magnitude (Mw) of 7.2 is located approximately 8.5 km southwest of the project site. A number of other significant faults also occur in the San Diego metropolitan area suggesting that the regional faulting pattem is very complex. Faults such as those offshore are known to be active and any could cause a damaging earthquake. The San Diego metropolitan area has experienced some major earthquakes in the past, and will likely experience future major earthquakes. 5 Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings Project No. I9I6-A08 MarBrisa Resort. Carlsbad, CA Log No. 11-1409 Other active faults which could cause ground shaking at the site include the offshore Newport- Inglewood Fault, located approximately 11.6 km to the northwest and the offshore Coronado Bank Fault, located approximately 21.1 km to the southwest. Liquefaction Potential Liquefaction involves the substantial loss of shear strength in saturated soil, when subjected to impact by seismic or dynamic loading. This usually occurs within a uniform fine-grained soil, with loose relative density, and low confining pressures. Liquefaction potential has been found to be greatest when the groundwater level is within 50 feet from the surface and loose fme sands or silts occur within that depth. Liquefaction potential decreases with increasing grain size, and clay and gravel content, but increases as the ground acceleration and duration of shaking increase. The on-site documented fill is underiain by terrace deposits, in tum, underiain by Santiago Formation. Due to the medium dense to very dense nature of the documented fill and the underlying formation unit, liquefaction potential at the site is negligible. Landslide, Mudflow and Flooding Landslide, mudflow and flooding are not considered a significant hazard at the site due to the absence of ascending slopes, valleys and rivers in the vicinity area. A review of the available Landslide Hazard Maps (DMG Open-File Report 95-04) indicates no mapped landslide within the project site. Ground Rupture No known active or potentially active faults, with known surface traces, cross the site. Therefore, the potential for ground mpture due to faulting is considered to be negligible. Seismic Setdement Saturated and non-saturated granular soils are subject to densification under strong shaking. The lower the density of the soils, the higher the intensity and duration of shaking, results in greater degree of densification. The project site is underlain by very dense formational unit that is Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings MarBrisa Resort, Carlsbad. CA Project No. 1916-A08 Log No. 11-1409 considered not subject to setdement. Based on the anticipated earthquake effect and the stratigraphy of the site, seismically induced settlement is considered negligible. Lateral Spreading Lateral spreading may occur where liquefaction occurs at depth and there is either a nearby free face or there is a general slope of the terrain. The overlying non-liquefiable soils tend to break into blocks, which then may tilt and move laterally over the liquefiable soils. Given the stated low risk potential for liquefaction, we consider the potential for lateral spreading to be negligible. Tsunamis and Seiches Given that the site is located a sufficient distance inland from the coast and due to its elevated location, inundation by tsunamis is considered to be nonexistent. Due to the lack of surface water impoundment in the immediate site vicinity, the seiche potential is also considered to be very low to nonexistent. Earthquake Accelerations / CBC Seismic Parameters The computer program Earthquake Ground Motion Parameters Version 5.1.0 was used to calculate the CBC site specific design parameters as required by the 2010 Califomia Building Code (CBC). Based upon boring data and SPT values, the site can be classified as Site Class D. The spectral acceleration values for 0.2 second and 1 second periods obtained from the computer program and in accordance with Section 1613.5 of the 2007 Califomia Building Code are tabulated below. Ground Motion Parameter Value 2007 CBC Reference Ss 1.252g Section 1613.5.1 s, 0.473g Section 1613.5.1 Site Class D Table 1613.5.2 Fa 1.0 Table 1613.5.3(1) Fv 1.527 Table 1613.5.3(2) SMS 1.252g Section 1613.5.3 SMI 0.722g Section 1613.5.3 SDS 0.835g Section 1613.5.4 SDI 0.48 lg Section 1613.5.4 Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings ProjectNo. 1916-A08 MarBrisa Resort. Carlsbad, CA ^ Log No. 11-1409 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS General Considerations Given the findings of the investigation, the proposed project appears to be feasible from a geologic and geotechnical standpoint, provided the recommendations presented in this report are fully incorporated into the design and constmction of the project. Specific conclusions pertaining to geologic conditions are summarized below: Excavation Characteristics The site is mantled by documented fill, underiain by terrace deposit. Excavation on these materials can be accomplished with the use of conventional constmction equipment. Expansion Potential Generally, the engineered fill and terrace deposits possess a very low expansion potential. As a result, the on-site soils are considered suitable for use as compacted fill within the project site. Cut/Fill Transifion Conditions With the varying thickness of documented fill of between 2 and 18 feet, it is anticipated that proposed buildings and other stmctures to have cut/fill transition conditions. In order to minimize the potential for differential settlement in areas of cut/fill transitions, it is recommended that all proposed buildings and settlement sensitive stmctures to be entirely supported by properly compacted fill. A minimum 2 feet of compacted fill is recommended below bottom of footings. This minimum 2 feet compacted fill requirement should extend across the entire building pad and at least 5 feet beyond building footprint. Corrosivitv Corrosion series tests consisting of pH, soluble sulfates, and minimum resistivity were performed on selected sample of the on-site soils. Soluble sulfate levels for the on-site soil indicate a negligible sulfate exposure for concrete stmcture. As such, no special considerations are required for concrete placed in contact with the on-site soils. However, it is recommended that Type II cement to be used for all concrete. 8 Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings Project No. 1916-A08 MarBrisa Resort, Carlsbad. CA Log No. 11-1409 The corrosion potential of the on-site soil is moderate to high and considered to impact underground ferrous metals. The actual corrosive potential is determined by many factors in addition to those presented herein. MTGL, Inc. does not practice corrosion engineering. Underground metal conduits in contact with the soil need to be protected. We recommend that a corrosion engineer be consulted. RECOMMEMDATIONS General The recommendations presented herein are considered minimum and may be superseded by more conservative requirements of the architect, stmctural engineer, building code, or goveming agencies. The foundation recommendations are based on the load-deformation characteristics and shear strength of the onsite soils. In addition to the recommendations in this section, additional general earthwork and grading specifications are included in Appendix E. Site Grading Recommendations Site Preparation Current improvements within proposed development include tennis court, plants and underground utilities. Prior to the start of any grading, all of these existing improvements should be removed and utilities be relocated. Temporarv Excavation We anticipate temporary excavation for the basement level would not exceed 15 feet below existing grade. Temporary vertical excavations of up to 4 feet deep for the on-site fill and terrace deposits would be generally stable. Excavation beyond 4 feet deep should be benched or sloped back not steeper than 1:1 (horizontal:vertical) up to a maximum height of 15. Beyond 15 feet high temporary slopes should have an inclination of between 1:5:1 and 2:1. The on-site terrace deposits material and fill soil should be classified as Type C soil. Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings ProjectNo. 1916-A08 MarBrisa Resort. Carlsbad, CA Log No. 11-1409 Site Grading Sales Building - Grading of the pad includes cutting approximately 12 feet of the existing soil and the constmction of new fill slopes. The materials anticipated to be used in new fill slope grading consist of the onsite soil derived from the cutting of the site. It is anticipated that the finish fill slope for the building pad to be approximately 10 to 25 feet high. For slope stability purposes, the finished fill slope should have an inclination not steeper than 2:1. Constmction of the new fill slope should include the excavation of key at the toe with a width of at least 8 feet and minimum depth of 2 feet below lowest adjacent grade into firm soil. Benching into the existing slope should be performed simultaneously during the fill slope constmction at a vertical interval of 2 to 4 feet. Additional grading recommendations within proposed building pad is to excavate and recompact the existing soil to a depth of at least 2 feet below bottom of footings for uniform soil bearing support and eliminate cut/fill transition condition. Activity and Fitness Buildings - A cut/fill transition condition could be anticipated within building pads. For uniform soil bearing support and to eliminate cut/fill transition condition, it is recommended that grading for the building to include removal and recompaction of the existing soil to a depth of at least 2 feet below bottom of footing elevation. Future Swimming Pools and Villas - Likewise with the above proposed stmctures, entire foundations are recommended to be supported by properly compacted fill. Existing soil should be removed and recompacted to a depth of at least 2 feet below bottom of footing elevation for uniform soil bearing and eliminate cut/fill transition condition. If highly expansive clay is encountered within building pads, it should be removed and replaced with available onsite soil with low expansion potential. The depth of removal and replacement of highly expansive clay should be at least 3 feet below bottom of footing for buildings and at least 5 feet below bottom of slab for swimming pool. The removal and replacement should extend at least 5 feet beyond stmcture footprint. The lateral limit of grading for all stmctures should extend at least 5 feet beyond building footprint. Prior to recompaction process, the bottom of excavation to receive fill should be scarified to a depth of 6 inches, moisture conditioned and recompacted. 10 Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings Project No. 1916-A08 MarBrisa Resort Carlsbad. CA Log No. 11-1409 General Compaction Standard All fills should be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction. All fill materials should be placed in thin lifts not more than 8 inches and compacted. Material should be moisture- conditioned and processed as necessary to achieve a uniform moisture content at near optimum moisture to achieve adequate bonding between lifts and compaction. Fill surfaces and finished subgrades should not be allowed to dry and should be maintained in a moist condition or scarified prior to placing additional fill. Fill soils outside stmcture and under vehicular pavement should be compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction. However, the top 12 inches of subgrade under all vehicular pavement should be compacted to at least 95 percent relative compaction. Backfill of utilities should be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction. All compaction shall be based on Test Method ASTM D1557. Moisture content of all fill and backfill soil should be at least 2 percent above optimum moisture content. Import Fill Material If required, import fill should consist of non-expansive granular soils, and have a maximum particle size of 1 inch. Import material should have an expansion index (EI) of 20 or less. Where import soils will be in contact with concrete or buried metal pipes a standard corrosion series test should be peri'ormed. Foundation The recommendations and design criteria are "minimum", in keeping with the current standard-of- practice. They do not preclude more restrictive criteria by the goveming agency or stmctural considerations. The project stmctural engineer should evaluate the foundation configurations and reinforcement requirements for actual stmctural loadings. Proposed stmctures are anticipated to be supported by properly compacted fill. Conventional continuous or isolated footings are considered suitable for stmctural support founded on engineered fill. Allowable soil bearing capacity for continuous or isolated footing with a minimum width of 2 feet are the following: 11 Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings Project No. 1916-AOS MarBrisa Resort. Carlsbad. CA Log No. 11-1409 Embedment Below Lowest Adjacent Grade Allowable Soil Bearing Values 2 feet 5,000 psf 3 feet 6,500 psf 4 feet 8,000 psf (maximum) The above allowable bearing values may be increased by one-third where wind or seismic loads are considered in combination with dead and/or live loads. Minimum horizontal setback distance from the face of slopes for all building footings should be H/2, where H is the slope height, with a maximum of 15 feet along 2:1 slopes. This distance is measured from the outside edge of the footing, horizontally to the face of slope. Lateral Resistance Lateral forces may be resisted by friction on the base of foundations, and passive earth pressure on the sides of the portions of foundations or shear keys bearing against competent native formation or compacted engineered fill. The allowable base friction may be calculated using a coefficient of 0.33. The allowable passive pressure may be calculated as equivalent to that of a fluid weighing 350 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) for foundations bearing against compacted engineered fill. Settlement For design consideration, a maximum settlement of at least 1-inch with a differential settlement of 1/2-inch in a span of 40 feet should be incorporated. Interior Slab-On-Grade Interior slab-on-grade should be designed for the actual applied loading conditions expected. The stmctural engineer should size and reinforce slabs to support the expected loads utilizing accepted methods of pavement design, such as those provided by the Portland Cement Association or the American Concrete Institute. A modulus of subgrade reaction of 200 pounds per cubic inch (pci) could be utilized in design. Based on geotechnical consideration, interior slab should be a minimum of 5 inches. Appropriate slab reinforcement should be designed by the project stmctural engineer based upon low expansion potential. 12 Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings ProjectNo. 1916-A08 MarBrisa Resort, Carlsbad, CA Log No. 11-1409 Floor slabs should be underlain by a capillary break material consisting of at least 4 inches thick clean sand. In moisture sensitive flooring areas, such as carpeted or linoleum covered areas, a 10- mil visqueen moisture barrier or equivalent should be installed midheight within the capillary break material. Altematively, a Stego Wrap moisture barrier or equivalent may be installed following manufacturers recommendations. The sand should be moistened just prior to the placing of concrete. Concrete is a rigid britde material that can withstand very little strain before cracking. Concrete, particularly exterior hardscape is subject to dimensional changes due to variations in moisture of the concrete, variations in temperature and applied loads. It is not possible to eliminate the potential for cracking in concrete; however, cracking can be controlled by use of joints and reinforcing. Joints provide a pre-selected location for concrete to crack along and release strain and reinforcement provides for closely spaced numerous cracks in lieu of few larger visible cracks. Exterior Concrete Slab/Flatwork Exterior slabs should be supported by at least 12 inches of properiy compacted fill. Compacted fill should have at least 90 percent relative density based on Test Method ASTM Di557. Exterior concrete slab/flatworks should have a nominal thickness of 4 inches. Reinforcement may be provided for stability purposes. Controlled joints should be provided to eliminate potential for cracking. Retaining Wall Embedded stmctural walls should be designed for lateral earth pressures exerted on them. The magnitude of these pressures depends on the amount of deformation that the wall can yield under load. If the wall can yield enough to mobilize the full shear strength of the soil, it can be designed for "active" pressure. If the wall cannot yield under the applied load, the shear strength of the soil cannot be mobilized and the earth pressure will be higher. Such walls as basement and swimming pools should be designed for the "at rest" conditions. If a stmcture moves toward the soils, the resulting resistance developed by the soil is the "passive" resistance. For design purposes, the recommended equivalent fluid pressure for each case for walls founded above the static ground water table and backfilled with on-site soils (expansion index less than 20) is provided below. Retaining wall backfill should be compacted to at least 90 percent relative 13 Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings MarBrisa Resort. Carlsbad. CA ProjectNo. 1916-AOS Log No. 11-1409 compaction (based on ASTM Test Method D1557). Recommended pressures are tabulated below. Equivalent Fluid Weight (pcf) Condition Level 2:1 fH:V) Slope Active 33 60 At-Rest 55 80 Passive 350 (Maximum of 3 ksf) 150 (Sloping Down) Soil resistance developed against lateral stmctural movement can be obtained from the passive pressure value provided above. Further, for sliding resistance, a friction coefficient of 0.33 may be used at the concrete and soil interface. The passive pressure and the friction of resistance could be combined without reduction. In addition, the lateral passive resistance is taken into account only if it is ensured that the soil against embedded stmctures will remain intact with time. Drainage of backfill behind walls may be provided by a vertical layer of Miradrain 6200 with Mirafi 140 Geofabric, or equivalent, placed at the back of the wall; or by a minimum 12-inch width of 3/4 inch open-graded cmshed gravel enveloped in Mirafi 140 Geofabric. Subdrains should consist of 4-inch diameter Schedule 40, PVC pipe or equivalent, embedded in approximately 1 ft^/linear foot of 3/4-inch down open-graded gravel, enveloped in Mirafi 140 Geofabric Filter or equivalent, with the pipe being 3+ inches above the trench bottom; a gradient of at least 1% being provided to the pipe and trench bottom; discharging into suitably protected outlets. Altematively low-retaining walls (less than 5 feet retained) may use weep holes. Preliminarv Pavement The preliminary pavement sections presented below are based on the R-value of the upper on-site soil (R-value of 25), assumed Traffic Index, and minimum pavement section based on the City of Carlsbad Supplemental Standard GS-17. Final pavement designs should be evaluated based on R- value tests of the actual subgrade material after completion of grading. Where the pavement is subject to repeated tuming stress (i.e. Trash Enclosures Aprons) the pavement should be Portland cement concrete. 14 Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings MarBrisa Resort. Carlsbad. CA Project No. 1916-AOS Log No. 11-1409 Pavement Loading Condition Traffic Index AC Thickness Class II Base Thickness Auto Parking Areas 4.5 4.0 inches 4.0 inches Auto Driveways 5.0 4.0 inches 4.0 inches Light Duty Tmck Driveways 6.0 4.0 inches 9.0 inches Moderate Duty 1 Tmck Driveways 7.0 4.0 inches 11.0 inches All fill under pavement should be compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction with exception of the upper 12 inches. Prior to the placement of base material, the upper 12 inches of pavement subgrade should be scarified; moisture conditioned and compacted to a minimum 95 percent relative compaction based on Test Method ASTM D1557. Aggregate base material should conform to Caltrans Standard Specifications Section 26 (Class 2) or the Standard Specification for Public Works Constmction (Cmshed Aggregate Base or Cmshed Miscellaneous Base) and should be compacted to a minimum 95 percent relative compaction based on Test Method ASTM D1557 prior to placement of the asphaltic concrete. Portland cement concrete pavement sections may incorporate steel reinforcement and to be provided with crack control joints as designed by the project stmctural engineer. Recommended concrete mix should be at least 3,500 psi. It is recommended that Portland cement concrete swales to be designed and constmcted within asphalt pavement areas for drainage of surface water. Fill soils under curb and gutter should be compacted to a minimum 90 percent relative compaction based on Test Method ASTM D1557. Constmction Considerations Moisture Sensitive Soils/Weather Related Concems The soils encountered at the site may be sensitive to disturbances caused by constmction equipment and to changes in moisture content. During wet weather periods, increases in the moisture content of the soil can cause significant reduction in the soil strength and support capabilities. In addition, soils that become wet may be slow to dry and thus significantly retard the progress of grading and 15 Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings ProjectNo. 1916-A08 MarBrisa Resort. Carlsbad. CA Log No. 11-1409 compaction activities. It will, therefore, be advantageous to perform earthwork and foundation constmction activities during dry weather. Much of the on-site soils may be susceptible to erosion during periods of inclement weather. As a result, the project Civil Engineer/Architect and Grading Contractor should take appropriate precautions to reduce the potential for erosion during and after constmction. Drainage and Groundwater Considerations No groundwater was encountered within the maximum explored depth of 50 feet below existing grade. It should be noted, however, that variations in the ground water table may result from fluctuation in the ground surface topography, subsurface stratification, precipitation, irrigation, and other factors that may not have been evident at the time of our exploration. Seepage sometimes occurs where relatively impermeable and/or cemented formafional materials are overlain by fill soils. We should be consulted to evaluate areas of seepage during constmction. Positive site drainage should be designed to reduce infiltration of surface water around and undemeath the building. Finish grades should be sloped away from the building. Excavations It is mandated by federal regulation that excavations, like utility trenches, basement excavation or foundation excavations, be constmcted in accordance with the new OSHA guidelines. It is our understanding that OSHA regulations are being strictly enforced and if not closely followed, the owner and the contractor could be liable for substantial penalties. The contractor is solely responsible for designing and constmcting stable, temporary excavations and should shore, slope, or bench the sides of the excavations as required to maintain stability of both the excavation sides and bottom. The contractor's "responsible person", should evaluate the soil exposed in the excavations as part of the contractor's safety procedures. In no case, should slope height, slope inclination, or excavation depth, including utility trench excavation depth, exceed those specified in local, state, and federal safety regulations. 16 Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings Project No. 1916-AOS MarBrisa Resort. Carlsbad. CA Log No. 11-1409 Utilitv Trenches Except where extending perpendicular under proposed foundafions, utility trenches should be constmcted outside a 1:1 projecUon from the base-of-foundafions. Trenches for utility lines under stmctures should be properly backfilled and compacted. Ufiiities should be bedded and backfilled with approved sand or granular material to a depth of at least 1-foot over the pipe. Sand bedding material should be moisture conditioned and properly compacted. Compaction by jetting is not allowed. The remainder of the backfill may be typical on- site soil or imported soil which should be placed in lifts not exceeding 8 inches in thickness, watered or aerated close to optimum moisture content, and mechanically compacted to at least 95 percent (under stmcture and pavement) and 90 percent (not under stmcture and pavement) of maximum dry density (based on ASTM D1557). Site Drainage Drainage should be designed to collect and direct surface waters away from stmctures to approved drainage facilities. Downspouts, berms, area drains and other drainage controls should be included in constmction considerations to minimize discharging or ponding of water near the foundafion line. For earth areas, a minimum gradient of 1 percent should be maintained and drainage should be directed toward approved swales or drainage facilities. Posifive drainage with a minimum gradient of 2 percent away from all stmctures should be provided and maintained within at least 5 feet from stmcture to reduce any mnoff from infiltrating the soil beneath stmctural foundation. Plan Review The geotechnical and geological consultants should be retained to review grading and foundation plans and specifications to ascertain conformance with site condifions and recommendations presented herein. Geotechnical Observation/Testing The geotechnical and geological consultants should be retained to perform on-site constmction observations and testing to ascertain that condifions correspond to the findings and conclusions presented herein and that constmction conform generally to the recommendations presented herein. 17 Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings Project No. 1916-A08 MarBrisa Resort. Carlsbad. CA Log No. 11-1409 The geotechnical and geological consultants should be called upon for testing and observations as indicated in this report and at least for the following: • During site grading and overexcavafion. • During foundation excavations and placement. • During excavation and backfilling of all utility trenches • Upon completion of any foundation and retaining wall footing excavafion prior to placing concrete • During processing and compaction of the subgrade for the access and parking areas and prior to construcfion of pavement secfions. It is the responsibility of the contractor to coordinate all inspections and testing required by this firm or by other regulatory agencies. LIMITATIONS The analyses, conclusions, and recommendations contained in this report are based on site conditions as they existed at the fime of our investigation and further assume the explorations to be representative of the subsurface conditions throughout the site. If different subsurface conditions are observed during constmction, we should be promptly nofified for review and reconsideration of our recommendafions. This report was prepared for the exclusive use and benefit of the owner, architect, and engineer for evaluaUng the design of the facilities as it relates to geotechnical aspects. It should be made available to prospective contractors for information on factual data only, and not as a warranty of subsurface condifions included in this report. Our investigafion was performed using the standard of care and level of skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by reputable soil engineers and geologists currently pracficing in this or similar localities. No other warranty, express or implied, is made as to the conclusions and professional advice included in this report. 18 o n Mugnoili ffrh 1 Jr Hi|h Sch* , .*• • • t- ,1 • G \n > A .- H E : . •, - . -4; Evans Point P- ^ ISITE LOCATION v«e;i N ! SITE LOCATION MAP SALES, ACTIVITY & FITNESS BUILDINGS Project No. 1916.A08 Date: MTGL, INC. NOV. 2011 FIGURE 1 Legend: B-6 Approximate Location of Boring BORING LOCATION PLAN 4 SALES, ACTIVITY & FITNESS BUILDINGS Project No. 1916-A08 Date: NOV. 2011 FIGURE 2 MTGL. INC. APPENDIX A REFERENCES Blake, Thomas F., 2000, "EQFAULT, A Computer Program for the Deterministic Prediction of Peak Horizontal Acceleration From Digitized California Faults CDMG, California Division of Mines and Geology, 2000, DMG CD 2000-003, Digital hnages of Official Maps of Alquist-Priolo Zones. Bryant, W.A. and Hart, E.W.,2007, Fault Rupture Hazard Zones in Califomia, Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act with Index to Earthquake Fault Zones Maps, California Department of Conservation, Califomia Geological Survey, Special Publication 42. Jennings, C.W., 1994, Fault Activity Map of California and Adjacent Areas, Califomia Division of Mines and Geology. Scale 1:750,000. California Department of Conservafion, Division of Mines and Geology, Geologic Map of the Northwestern Part of San Diego County, Califomia, DMG Open-File Report 96-02. Scale 1:24,000. Califomia Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, Recent Failures, Ancient Landslides, and Related Geology of the North-Central Coastal Area, San Diego County, California by F. Harold Weber, Jr, 1982, DMG Open-File Report 82-12, Scale 1:24,000. U.S. Geological Survey, Topographic Map of the San Luis Rey Quadrangle, Califomia-San Diego County, 7.5-Minute Series (Topographic), 1997, Scale 1:24,000. Califomia Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, 1995, Landslide Hazards in the Northern Part of the San Diego Metropolitan Area, San Diego County, CA, DMG Open-File Report 95-04, Landslide Hazard Identification Map No. 35. Califomia Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, The Rose Canyon Fault Zone , Southem Califomia, 1993, DMG Open-File Report 93-02. Califomia Building Standards Commission, 2007 Califomia Building Code, Califomia Code of Regulations, Title 24, Part 2, Volume 2 of 2. Department of the Navy, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, 1982, Foundations and Earth Stmctures, NAVFAC DM-7.2. Department of the Navy, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, 1982, Soil Mechanics NAVFAC DM-7.1. Leighton and Associates, Inc., 2005, Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed 53-Acre Resort Development - Phase 1, Carlsbad Ranch, Planning Area No. 5, Carlsbad, CA, Project No. 040575-003, April 11,2005. Leighton and Associates, Inc., 2006, As-Graded Geotechnical Report of Rough and Fine Grading, Hotel One, Resort and Conference Facilites, Sales Building, and Villas No. 53 through 56, Lots 10, 11 and A Portion of Lot 1, Grand Pacific Carlsbad, Carlsbad, CA, Project No. 040575-005, August 2, 2006. APPENDIX B FIELD EXPLORATION PROGRAM On October 6, 2010, six exploratory borings were drilled utilizing 6-inch diameter hollow stem auger drilled to a depth of between 20 and 50 feet below existing site grade. Samples were obtained with the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) sampler, CAL Sampler and a bulk sample, as appropriate. The approximate location of the borings are shown on the Boring Location Plan, Figure 2, attached. The field explorafion was performed under the supervision of our Geologist/Engineer who maintained a continuous log of the subsurface soils encountered and obtained samples for laboratory testing. The soils encountered were classified in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (see Key to Logs, Figure B-0). Subsurface conditions are summarized on the Boring Logs, Figures B-1 and B-5. The soils were classified based on field observations and laboratory tests. DEFINITION OF TERMS PRIMARY DiVISIONS SYMBOLS SECONDARY DiVISIONS m 2 < £ Ul s u. o — u. GRAVELS MORE THAN HALF OF COARSE FRACTION IS LARGER THAN NO. 4 SIEVE SANDS MORE THAN HALF OF COARSE FRACTION IS SMALLER THAN NO. 4 SIEVE CLEAN GRAVELS (LESS THAN S% FINES) To .fl GW GRAVEL WITH FINES CLEAN SANDS (LESS THAN S% FINES) SANDS WITH FINES Well graded oravals, flravel-sand mixturea. little or no fines. QP Poorly graded gravels or gravel-sand mixtures, Uttle or no fines. GM Silty gravels, gravel-sand-sHt mixtures, non-plastic fines. GC Clayey gravels, gravel-sand-clay mixtures, plastic fhies. SW Well graded sands, gravelly sands, little or no fines. SP Poorly graded sands or gravelly sands, littie or no fines, SM Slity sands, sand-slit mixtures, non-piastic fines. SC Clayey sandq. sand-clay mixtures, plastic fines. (0 CO ^ UJ ^ Z Z <^ cc ii u. Ui a: a UJ < > 0) 0) w o — o SILTS AND CLAYS LIQUID LIMIT IS LESS THAN 60% ML Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rocit flour, slity or clayey fine sands or clayey silts with alight plasticity. CL 2 o <r z UJ SILTS AND CLAYS LIQUID LIMIT IS GREATER THAN 60% Inorganic clays of low to medium plaatlcity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, lean clays. OL Organic silts and organic silty clays of low plasticity. MH Inorganic slits, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or silty soils, elastic silts. CH Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays. OH Organic clays of medium to high plasticity, organic silts. HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS Pt Peat and other highly organic soils. GRAIN SIZES SILTS AND CLAYS SAND FINE MEDIUM COARSE GRAVEL FINE COARSE COBBLES BOULDERS 200 40 10 4 U.S. STANDARD SERIES SIEVE 3/4' 3' 12' CLEAR SQUARE SIEVE OPENINGS GROUND WATER LEVEL OR GROUND WATER SEEPAGE. LOCATION OF SAMPLE TAKEN USING A STANDARD SPLIT TUBE SAIilPLER, 2- INCH O.O., 1-3/B-iNCH l.D. DRIVEN WITH A 140 POUND HAMMER FALLING 30-INCHES. LOCATION OF SAMPLE TAKEN USING A MODIFIED CALIFORNIA SAMPLER, 3- 1/8-iNCH O.O., WITH 2-1/2-INCH I.O. LINER RINGS, DRIVEN USING THE WEIGHT OF KELLY BAR (LARGE DIAMETER BORINGS) OR USING A 140 POUND HAMMER FALLING 30-iNCHE8 (SMALL DIAMETER BORING).' LOCATION OF SAMPLE TAKEN USING A 3-iNCH O.D. THIN-WALLEO TUBE SAMPLER (SHELBY TUBE) HYDRAULICALLY PUSHED. LOCATION OF BULK SAMPLE TAKEN FROM AUGER CUTTINGS. KEY TO LOGS - UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM (ASTM D-2487) JOB NO. 1916A08 DATE: NOV. 2011 FIGURE: B-0 DATE OBSERVED: LOGGED BY: ECD Oct. 6, 2011 METHOD OF DRILLING: 8" Hollow Stem Auger GROUND ELEVATION: ±188' LOCATION: See Figure 2 M W o n m > BORING NO. B-1 DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST SB-1 SB-2 10 SB-3 15 SS-1 20 SS-2 25 SS-3 30 SS-4 35 40 36 52 76 54 56 49 55 13.5 12.5 9.3 11.8 10.4 13.4 10.4 122.9 120.4 124.1 FILL; Silty Sand (SM), orange-brown, moist, medium dense, trace clay. Grades to dense. Corrosivity R-value Gradation Direct Shear Consolidation TERRACE DEPOSITS: Silty Sand (SM), orange-brown, moist, very dense, mix yellow-brown color, trace clay. Grades with mix grey color. Grades with dark brown color. Grades to dense Grades to very dense. Boring Terminated at 30 Feet. No Groundwater Encountered. Borehole Backfilled on 10/6/2011. Project No.! 1916A08 LOG OF BORING Figure B-1 .A DATE OBSERVED: LOGGED BY: ECD Oct. 6, 2011 METHOD OF DRILLING: 8" Hollow Stem Auger GROUND ELEVATION: ±190 LOCATION: See Figure 2 Oi bl B3 0. 03 3 O m 01 Ou > Oi a o o " D BORING NO. B-2 DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 SB-1 SB-2 38 48 SB-3 65 SS-1 24 SS-2 37 12.1 13.5 13.2 10.2 8.2 124,8 126,2 123,8 FILL; Silty Sand (SM), orange-brown, moist, medium dense to dense, trace clay. Grades to mix orange-brown Silty Sand, TERRACE DEPOSITS: Silty Sand (SM), orange-brown, moist, dense, mix with red-brown color. Max, Density Expansion Index Corrosivity Direct Shear Consolidation Grades to medium dense Grades to dense. Boring Terminated at 20 Feet, No Groundwater Encountered, Borehole Backfilled on 10/6/2011, Project No.: 1916A08 LOG OF BORING Figure B-2 DATE OBSERVED: LOGGED BY: ECD Oct 6, 2011 METHOD OF DRILLING: 8" HollovK Stem Auger GROUND ELEVATION: ±215' LOCATION: See Figure 2 01 S o J n 01 a. > Q M 01 Z Cd Q BORING NO. B-3 DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 SB-1 SB-2 SB-3 SB-4 SS-1 SS-2 SS-3 39 105 36 80 48 45 25 14.3 8.1 11.7 9.4 10.1 9.7 9.3 123 132.8 125.8 131.9 FILL: Silty Sand (SM), orange-brown, moist, medium dense, trace clay. Mix with dark brown color, very dense. R-value Grades to medium dense. TERRACE DEPOSITS; Silty Sand (SM), orange-brown. moist, very dense, trace clay. Grades to dense. Grades to medium dense. Boring Terminated at 30 Feet. No Groundwater Encountered. Borehole Backfilled on 10/6/2011. Project No. : igi6A08 LOG OF BORING Figure B-3 DATE OBSERVED: LOGGED BY: Oct 6, 2011 METHOD OF DRILLING: 8" Hollow Stem Auger ECO GROUND ELEVATION: ±215' LOCATION: See Figure 2 o: w CD > ^ O u H 01 s w Q BORING NO. B-4 DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 SS-1 SS-2 SS-3 SS-4 SS-5 SS-6 SS-7 SS-8 15 22 50/5" 72 37 47 47 45 10.3 11.2 7.4 8.5 8.7 10.2 8.5 9.5 =ILL: Silty Sand (SM), brown, moist, medium dense, trace clay. Grades to mix yellow-brown and orange-brown color. Max. Density Expansion Index Corrosivity Grades to very dense. TERRACE DEPOSITS; Silty Sand (SM), moist, orange- brown, very dense, trace clay. Grades to dense. continuation Figure B-4A ProjectNo.: 1916A08 LOG OF BORING Figure B-4 DATE OBSERVED: LOGGED BY: ECD Oct 6, 2011 METHOD OF DRILLING: 8" Hollow Stem Auger GROUND ELEVATION: ±215' LOCATION: See Figure 2 m M Ou E-t 01 B m 01 u bl > § u S ta " a BORING NO. B-4 DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 SS-8 45 9.5 TERRACE DEPOSITS: Silty Sand (SM), orange-brown, SS-9 57 9.8 moist, dense, trace clay. Grades to gravel inclusions, very dense. SS-10 50/3" 5.7 Boring Terminated at 50 Feet. No Groundwater Encountered. Borehole Backfilled on 10/6/2100. Project No. 1916A08 LOG OF BORING Figure B-4A DATE OBSERVED: Oct. 6, 2011 METHOD OF DRILLING: 8" Hollow Stem Auger LOGGED BY: ECD GROUND ELEVATION: ±215' LOCATION: See Figure 2 Oi 03 3 O J 01 01 Ed J Id > Oi a U Cu Cd ~ Is °' 01 " D BORING NO. B-5 DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 SB-1 SB-2 SB-3 SB-4 SB-5 SS-1 SS-2 SS-3 SS-4 41 47 39 37 50/4" 34 57 60 70 8,2 13,2 13,8 11,6 10.4 10.1 10.4 9.9 7.9 123.5 123.4 123.4 124.6 122.9 FILL: Silty Sand (SM), orange-brown, moist, medium dense, trace clay. Gradation Grades to mix dark brown color. Gradation Direct Shear Consolidation TERRACE DEPOSITS: Silty Sand (SM), moist, orange- brown, very dense, trace clay. Grades to dense. Grades to very dense. Boring Terminated at 40 Feet, No Grounwater Encountered. Borehole Backfilled on 10/6/2011. Proj ect No.: 1916A08 LOG OF BORING Figure B-5 A, Jf 7' i:r :\ DATE OBSERVED: LOGGED BY: ECD Oct 6, 2011 METHOD OF DRILLING: 8" Hollow Stem Auget GROUND ELEVATION: ±215' LOCATION: See Figure 2 Oi Cd m Cd 01 3 O •J o 01 Cd Cd > Qi a Cd S Cd BORING NO. B-6 DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 SB-1 53 SB-2 43 SB-3 35 SB-4 90 SS-1 37 SS-2 55 11.2 12.9 10.8 9.2 9.8 8.6 128.3 122.1 121.4 125,4 FILL: Silty Sand (SM), orange-brown, moist, medium dense fo dense, trace clay. Mix with dark brown color. Max. Density Expansion Index Corrosivity Gradation Direct Shear Consolidation TERRACE DEPOSITS: Silty Sand (SM), orange-brown, moist, very dense, trace clay. Grades to dense. Grades to very dense. Boring Terminated at 30 Feet. No Groundwater Encountered, Borehole Backfilled on 10/6/2011, Project No. : 1916A08 LOG OF BORING Figure B-6 APPENDIX C LABORATORY TESTING PROCEDURES GENERAL The results of laboratory testing are discussed and presented in this appendix. MOISTURE/DENSITY Determinations of in situ moisture content and dry density were performed on selected undisturbed samples. Soil moisture content determinations were performed according to the ASTM D 2216. The dry density of soil was determined on CAL samples in general accordance with ASTM D2937. Results of these tests are presented on the boring logs, Figures B-1 through B-2, in Appendix B. CLASSIFICATION The Unified Soil Classification System was utilized for visual (ASTM D2488) and laboratory (ASTM D2487) classifications of soils encountered. GRADATION The sieve analysis of selected soil samples was performed in accordance with ASTM D422 and results are presented in Figures C-1 to C-5 MAXIMUM DENSITY A maximum density test was performed on a representative bag sample of the near surface soils in accordance with ASTM D1557. The test results are shown below. Location Maximum Dry Density (pcf) Optimum Moisture Content (%) B-2 @ 8'- 12' 130.5 8.3 B-4 @ 8' -12' 134.2 8.5 B-6 @ 5' -9' 131.3 9.7 DIRECT SHEAR Direct shear tests were performed in general accordance with ASTM D3080-98. Direct shear tests were performed on undisturbed soil samples. Test results are as follows. Location Cohesion (PSF) Angle of Intemal Friction (Deg.) B-1 @ 5' 435 38 B-2 @ 10' 1003 40 B-5 @ 15' 1004 35 B-6 @ 15' 66 44 EXPANSION INDEX Expansion Index testing was completed in accordance with ASTM D4829. Test results are presented in the following table. Boring Depth Expansion Index UBC No. (feet) (EI) Potential Expansion B-2 8'- 12' 0 Very Low B-4 8' -12' 0 Very Low B-6 5' -9' 5 Very Low | CORROSIVITY Corrosivity Testing in compliance with Caltrans Test Method 417, 422, & 643. Test results are presented below. Sample Location PH Soluble Sulfates (%) Min. Resistivity (ohm-cm) B-1 @ r-5' 6.8 0.032 1,460 B-2 @ 8'- 12' 6.7 0.021 1,694 B-4 @ 8' -12' 6.6 0.011 1,781 B-6 @ 5' -9' 6.7 0.010 2,080 CONSOLIDATION Consolidation test was performed on representative, relatively undisturbed sample of the underlying soil to determine compressibility characteristics in accordance with ASTM D2435. Test result is presented on Figure C-6 to C-9. R-VALUE R-value testing was performed on existing upper on-site soil within proposed pavement areas. California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Test Method 301 was used to determine exudation and expansion values. Location R- Value B-i@ r-5' 25 B-3 @ r -5' 48 oc LU z us o oc LU Particle Size Distribution Report 100 90 80 70 eo CM * * Si > ..1 50! 40 30 'r • i il i i ' : ili 20: 10 L ^-r-r^!-^- ^^^^ 100 10 GRAIN SIZE - mm. % +3" % Gravel Coarse Fine %Sand Coarse Medium Fine % Fines Silt Pay 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.9 35.7 46.4 16.4 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC* PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (XsNO) .375 100.0 #4 99.4 #10 98.5 #20 94.9 #40 62.8 #60 37.2 #100 24.2 #200 16.4 Material Description PL= Atterbera Limits LL= Pl= Dgo= 0.7318 0=0= 0.3338 DlO= Coefficients D85= 0.6501 D3o= 0.1986 D60= 0.4038 Dl5= Up- uscs= Classification AASHTO= Remarlcs (no specirication provided) Sample Number: B-1 Depth: 5' Date: 10/24/11 MTGL, Inc. Anaheim, CA Client: Project: SALES / HTNESS BUILDING - MARBRISA PHASE 2 Project No: 1916-A08 Fig Ban lure C-1 Tested By: JH_ Checked By: ED. -J^-V!^' ••:-f.n.'- Particle Size Distribution Report GRAIN SIZE • mm. % +3" % Gravel Coarse Fine %Sand Coarse Medium Fine % Fines Silt Clay 0.0 0.0 6.1 3.4 27.1 29.4 34.0 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC* PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) .375 100.0 #4 93.9 #10 90.5 #20 86.6 #40 63.4 #60 46.8 #100 39.2 #200 34.0 Material Description PL= Atterberq Limits LL= Pl= •90= 1.7910 •50= 0.2834 DlO= Coefficients •85= 0.7921 •30= •60= 0.3874 5l5= USCS= Classlficatlon AASHTO= Remarks (no specification provided) Sample Number: B-2 Depth: 10' Date: 10/24/11 MTGL, Inc. Anaheim, CA Client: Project: SALES / HTNESS BUILDING - MARBRISA PHASE 2 ProjectNo; 1916-A08 Figure C-2 Tested By: JH_ Checked By: ED. oc UJ z u. h-z LU o oc m a. Particle Size Distribution Report lOOj go! i } 70; i 60; 50; 40' 30 20 10 0 . . .E . _• ^ .E £ .E .E j< .S • m _ o « 5 U> T- CM IMi, ; ! I li ;l i 100 10 1 0.1 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.01 0.001 %+3" % Gravel Coarse Fine %Sand Coarse Medium Fine % Fines Silt Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.6 49.0 34.4 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC* PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) #4 100.0 #10 100.0 #20 98.9 #40 83.4 #60 59.2 #100 42.8 #200 34.4 Material Description PL= Atterberq Limits LL= Pl= •90= 0,5158 •50= 0.1958 D10= Coefficients •85= 0.4427 •30= •60= 0.2545 D15= USCS= Classificatlon AASHTO= Remarks (no specirication provided) Sample Number: B-4 Depth: 10' Date: 10/24/11 MTGL, Inc. Anaheim, CA Client: Project: SALES / HTNESS BUILDING - MARBRISA PHASE 2 ProjectNo: 1916-A08 ure C-3 Tested By: JH_ Checked By: ED_ Particle Size Distribution Report o o o _ _ « »- CM n s <" 100 90 80 70 CC UJ 60 2 50! UJ O DC UJ 40 30! 20 ioj 1 OL .E .E SI S S S ooo p p o ^ g ! i 100 10 1 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.1 0.01 0.001 %+3" % Gravel Coarse Fine %Sand Coarse Medium Fine % Fines Silt Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 17.7 48.2 33.6 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC* PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X-NO) #4 100.0 #10 99.5 #20 98.4 #40 81.8 #60 59.3 #100 43.4 #200 33.6 Material Description PL= Atterberq Limits Pl= •90= 0.5460 •50= 0.1925 D10= Coefficients •85= 0.4645 D30= •60= 0.2546 D15= USCS= Classification AASHTO= Remarks (no speciflcation provided) Sample Number: B-S Depth: 15' Date: 10/24/11 MTGL, Inc. Anaheim, CA Client: Project: SALES / HTNESS BUILDING - MARBRISA PHASE 2 ProjectNo: 1916-AOS Figure C-4 Tested By: JH_ Checked By: ED_ Particle Size Distribution Report loor 9oj i I 80! ! 70; ' 60 }- 1 I i 50 »• i 30! I i ( I 20 r ioi £ .£ . .E . ^ ^ £ ••ti-;i; Mii i 1 o S 8 § 8 III 4fe « 0l_ 100 10 1 0.1 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.01 0.001 %+3" % Gravel Coarse Fine % Sand Coarse Medium Fine % Fines Silt Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 22.1 52.3 25.2 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC* PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X>NO) #4 100.0 #10 99.6 #20 98.0 #40 77.5 #60 52.5 #100 35.0 #200 25.2 Material Description PL= Atterberq Limits LL= Pl= •90= 0.5952 •50= 0.2359 DlO= Coefficients •85= 0.5127 •30= 0.1156 •60= 0.2941 D15= USCS= Classification AASHTO= / Remarks (no speciflcation provided) Sample Number: B-6 Depth: 15' Date: 10/24/11 MTGL, Inc. Anaheim, CA Client: Project: SALES / HTNESS BUILDING - MARBRISA PHASE 2 ProjectNo: 1916-A08 _Figure^ C-5 Tested By: JH Checked By: ED. 100 CONSOLIDATION TEST REPORT 200 500 1000 2000 Applied Pressure - psf 5000 Natural Sat. Moist. Dry •ens. (pcf) LL PI Sp. Gr. Overburden (psf) (psf) Swell Press, (psf) CIpse. % 4163 0.1 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION USCS AASHTO ProjectNo. 1916-A08 Client: Project: SALES / HTNESS BUILDING - MARBRISA PHASE 2 Source: Sample No.; B-1 ElevTDepth: 5' MTGL, Inc. Anaheim, CA Remarks: Figure C-6 100 CONSOLIDATION TEST REPORT 200 500 1000 2000 Applied Pressure - psf 5000 Natural Sat. Moist. Dry Dens, (pcf) PI Sp. Gr. Overburden (psf) (psf) Cr Swell Press, (psf) CIpse. 1249 0.2 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION USCS AASHTO Project No. 1916-A08 Client: Project: SALES / HTNESS BUILDING - MARBRISA PHASE 2 Source: Sample No.: B-2 EleviDepth: 10' MTGL, Inc. Anaheim, CA Remarks: Figure C-7 100 CONSOLIDATION TEST REPORT 200 500 1000 2000 Applied Pressure - psf 5000 Natural Sat. Moist. Dry Dens, (pcf) LL PI Sp. Gr. Overburden (psf) (psf) Swell Press, (psf) Swell 2693 1108 0.1 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION USCS AASHTO ProjectNo. 1916-A08 Client: Project: SALES / HTNESS BUILDING - MARBRISA PHASE 2 Source: Sample No.: B-5 ElevTDepth: 15' MTGL, Inc. Anaheim, CA Remarks: Figure C-8 -0.5 100 CONSOLIDATION TEST REPORT • 200 500 1000 2000 Applied Pressure - psf 5000 Natural Sat. Moist. Dry •ens. (pcf) LL PI Sp. Gr. Overburden (psf) (psf) Swell Press, (psf) CIpse. 2559 0.1 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION USCS AASHTO ProjectNo. 1916-A08 Client: Project: SALES / HTNESS BUILDING - MARBRISA PHASE 2 Source: Sample No.; B-6 ElevyDepth: 15' MTGL, Inc. Anaheim, CA Remarks: Figure C-9 APPENDIX D ENGINEERING and SEISMIC ANALYSIS General The details of the engineering analyses performed as part of this investigation are discussed in this section. Seismicity Seismic design values were computed based on site coordinates of N33.13199 and Wl 17.31241. The nearest active fault computed by the Thomas Blake EQFAULT program is the Rose Canyon Fault, located approximately 8.5 km southwest of the site. The deterministic analyses are attached. The ground motion values derived from the 2010 Califomia Building Code (CBC), Title 24 were obtained from the Java Ground Motion Parameter Calculator, Version 5.1.0 and is attached. Based upon the results of the exploratory borings, the project site is assigned to Site Class D. CALIFORNIA FAULT MAP Teil Run 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 -- 500 -- -100 400 -- 300 200 - - 100 -- -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 TEST.OUT *********************** it n * EQFAULT * * Version 3.00 * DETERMINISTIC ESTIMATION OF PEAK ACCELERATION FROM DIGITIZED FAULTS JOB NUMBER: 1916-A08 DATE: 10-21-2011 JOB NAME: Sales, Activity & Fitness Buildings CALCULATION NAME: Test Run Analysis FAULT-DATA-FILE NAME: CDMGFLTE.DAT SITE COORDINATES: SITE LATITUDE: 33.1320 SITE LONGITUDE: 117.3124 SEARCH RADIUS: 100 mi ATTENUATION RELATION: 17) Campbell & Bozorgnia (1994/1997) - Alluvium UNCERTAINTY (M=Median, S=Sigma): M Number of Sigmas: 0.0 DISTANCE MEASURE: cdist SCOND: 0 Basement Depth: 5.00 km Campbell SSR: 0 Campbell SHR: 0 COMPUTE PEAK HORIZONTAL ACCELERATION FAULT-DATA FILE USED: CDMGFLTE.DAT MINIMUM DEPTH VALUE (km): 3.0 Page 1 TEST.OUT EQFAULT SUMMARY DETERMINISTIC SITE PARAMETERS Page 1 APPROXIMATE ABBREVIATED FAULT NAME DISTANCE mi (km) MAXIMUM EARTHQUAKE MAG.(Mw) PEAK SITE ACCEL, g EST. SITE INTENSITY MOD.MERC. ROSE CANYON 5. 3( 8. 5) 7 2 0. 435 X NEWPORT-INGLEWOOD (OffsHore) 7. 2( 11. 6) 7 1 0. 373 IX CORONADO BANK 21. 1( 33. 9) 7 6 0. 218 VIII ELSINORE-TEMECULA 24. 3( 39. 1) 6 8 0. 101 VII ELSINORE-JULIAN 24. 3( 39. 1) 7 1 0. 129 VIII ELSINORE-GLEN IVY 35. 4( 57. 0) 6 8 0. 063 VI PALOS VERDES 37. 8( 60. 8) 7 1 0. 075 VII EARTHQUAKE VALLEY 42. 4( 68. 3) 6 5 0. 038 V SAN JACINTO-ANZA 47. 0( 75. 6) 7 2 0. 062 VI SAN JACINTO-SAN JACINTO VALLEY 47. 8( 77. 0) 6 9 0. 047 VI NEWPORT-INGLEWOOD (L.A.Basin) 48. 3( 77. 7) 7 1 0. 055 VI CHINO-CENTRAL AVE. (Elsinore) 49. 8( 80. 2) 6 7 0. 037 V SAN JACINTO-COYOTE CREEK 51. 7( 83. 2) 6 8 0. 039 V WHITTIER 53. 3( 85. 8) 6 8 0. 037 V ELSINORE-COYOTE MOUNTAIN 56. 2( 90. 5) 6 8 0. 035 V COMPTON THRUST 58. 0( 93. 3) 6 8 0. 032 V ELYSIAN PARK THRUST 60. 9( 98. 0) 6 7 0. 028 V SAN JACINTO-SAN BERNARDINO 61. 3( 98. 6) 6 7 0. 028 V SAN JACINTO - BORREGO 64. 9( 104. 5) 6 6 0. 024 V SAN ANDREAS - San Bernardino 65. 7( 105. 7) 7 5 0. 053 VI SAN ANDREAS - Southern 65. 7( 105. 7) 7 4 0. 048 VI SAN JOSE 70. 6( 113. 7) 6 5 0. 019 IV PINTO MOUNTAIN 72. 5( 116. 7) 7 0 0. 030 V SAN ANDREAS - Coachella 73. 3( 117. 9) 7 2 0. 035 V SIERRA MADRE 74. 3( 119. 6) 7 0 0. 027 V CUCAMONGA 74. 6( 120. 1) 7 0 0. 026 V NORTH FRONTAL FAULT ZONE (West) 77. 2( 124. 2) 7 0 0. 025 V BURNT MTN. 78. 0( 125. 6) 6 4 0. 016 IV CLEGHORN 79. 0( 127. 2) 6 5 0. 017 IV EUREKA PEAK 80. 8( 130. 1) 6 4 0. 015 IV SUPERSTITION MTN. (San Jacinto) 81. 0( 130. 4) 6 6 0 018 IV NORTH FRONTAL FAULT ZONE (East) 81. 2( 130. 6) 6 7 0 018 IV SAN ANDREAS - 1857 Rupture 82. 4( 132. 6) 7 8 0 051 VI SAN ANDREAS - Mojave 82. 4( 132. 6) 7 4 0 036 V RAYMOND 82. 5( 132. 8) 6 5 0. 015 IV CLAMSHELL-SAWPIT 84. 2( 135. 5) 6 5 0. 015 IV ELMORE RANCH 84. 7( 136. 3) 6 6 0 017 IV VERDUGO 85. 2( 137. 1) 6 7 0 017 IV SUPERSTITION HILLS (San Jacinto) 85. 7( 138. 0) 6 6 0 017 IV HOLLYWOOD 87. 1( 140. 1) 6 4 0 013 III ESTIMATED MAX. EARTHQUAKE EVENT Page 2 TEST.OUT DETERMINISTIC SITE PARAMETERS Page 2 ABBREVIATED FAULT NAME APPROXIMATE DISTANCE mi (km) ESTIMATED MAX. EARTHQUAKE EVENT MAXIMUM EARTHQUAKE MAG.(Mw) PEAK SITE ACCEL. EST. SITE INTENSITY MOD.MERC. LAGUNA SALADA LANDERS HELENDALE - S. LOCKHARDT SANTA MONICA LENWOOD-LOCKHART-OLD WOMAN SPRGS BRAWLEY SEISMIC ZONE MALIBU COAST JOHNSON VALLEY (Northern) EMERSON So. - COPPER MTN. NORTHRIDGE (E. Oak Ridge) SIERRA MADRE (San Fernando) SAN GABRIEL 4^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ «JU JU JU JU JU JU J^ JU JU JU *U *U JU <^ JU 87.4( 88.1( 89.4( 91.8( 93.1( 94.1( 94.3( 96.1( 96.2( 98.5( 99.0( 99.2( 140.7) 141.8) 143.8) 147.7) 149.8) 151.4) 151.8) 154.6) 154.8) 158.5) 159.3) 159.7) t *********** * 7.0 7.3 7.1 6.6 7.3 6.4 6.7 6.7 6.9 6.9 6.7 7.0 0.023 0.030 0.025 0.014 0.028 0.012 0.015 0.016 0.019 0.016 0.014 0.020 IV V V IV V III IV IV IV IV IV IV -END OF SEARCH- THE ROSE CANYON 52 FAULTS FOUND WITHIN THE SPECIFIED SEARCH RADIUS. FAULT IS CLOSEST TO THE SITE. IT IS ABOUT 5.3 MILES (8.5 km) AWAY. LARGEST MAXIMUM-EARTHQUAKE SITE ACCELERATION: 0.4353 g Page 3 Conterminous 48 States 2005 ASCE 7 Standard Latitude = 33.13199 Longitude = -117.31241 Spectral Response Accelerations Ss and SI Ss and SI = Mapped Spectral Acceleration Values Site Class B - Fa = 1.0 ,Fv = 1.0 Data are based on a 0.01 deg grid spacing Period Sa (sec) (g) 0.2 1.252 (Ss, Site Class B) 1.0 0.473 (SI, Site Class B) Conterminous 48 States 2005 ASCE 7 Standard Latitude = 33.13199 Longitude = -117.31241 Spectral Response Accelerations SMs and SMI SMs = Fa X Ss and SMI = Fv x SI Site Class D - Fa = 1.0 ,Fv = 1.527 Period Sa (sec) (g) 0.2 1.252 (SMs, Site Class D) 1.0 0.722 (SMI, Site Class D) Conterminous 48 States 2005 ASCE 7 Standard Latitude = 33.13199 Longitude = -117.31241 Design Spectral Response Accelerations SDs and SD1 SDs = 2/3 X SMs and SDI = 2/3 x SM1 Site Class D - Fa = 1.0 ,Fv = 1.527 Period Sa (sec) (g) 0.2 0.835 (SDs, Site Class D) 1.0 0.481 (SD1, Site Class D) APPENDIX E GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS APPENDIX E GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS 1. GENERAL These specifications present general procedures and requirements for grading and earthwork as shown on the approved grading plans, including preparation of areas to be filled, placement of fill, installation of subdrains, and excavations. The recommendations contained in the attached geotechnical report are a part of the earthwork and grading specifications and shall supersede the provisions contained herein in the case of conflict Evaluations performed by the Consultant during the course of grading may result in new recommendations, which could supersede these specifications, or the recommendations of the geotechnical report. 2. EARTHWORK OBSERVATION AND TESTING Prior to the start of grading, a qualified Geotechnical Consultant (Geotechnical Engineer and Engineering Geologist) shall be employed for the purpose of observing earthwork procedures and testing the fiDs for conformance with the recommendations of the geotechnical report and these specifications. It will be necessary that the Consultant provide adequate testing and observation so that he may detemiine that the work was accomplished as spedfied. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to assist the Consultant and keep them apprised of work schedules and changes so that he may schedule his . personnel accordingly. It shall be the sole responsibility of tlie Contractor to provide adequate equipment and methods to accomplish the work in accordance with applicable grading codes or agency ordinances, these specifications and the approved grading plans. Maximum dry density tests used to determine the degree of compaction will be performed in accordance with the American Society for Testing and Materials Test Method (ASTM) D1557-91 or later revision. 3. PREPARATION OF AREAS TO BE FILLED Clearing and Grubbing: All brush, vegetation and debris shall be removed or piled and otherwise disposed of. Processing: Tlie existing ground which is determined to be satisfactory for support of fill shall be scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches. Existing ground, whicli is not satisfactory, shall be overexcavated as specified in the following section. Overexcavation: Soft, dry, spongy, highly fractured or otherwise unsuitable ground, extending to such a depth that surface processing cannot adequately improve the condition, shall be overexcavated down to firm ground, approved by the Consultant. Moisture conditioniiig: Overexcavated and processed soils shall be watered, dried-back, blended, and mixed as required to have a relatively uniform moisture content near the optimum moisture content as determined by ASTM D1557. Recompaction: Overexcavated and processed soils, which have been mixed, and moisture conditioned uniformly shall be recompacted to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent of ASTM D1557. Benching: Where soils are placed on ground with slopes steeper than 5:1 (horizontal to vertical), the ground shall be stepped or benched. Benches shall be excavated in firm material for a minimum width of 4 feet. 4- HLL MATERIAL General: Material to be placed as fill shall be free of organic matter and other deleterious substances, and shall t>e approved by the Consultant. Oversize: Oversized material defined as rock, or other irreducible material witli a maximum dimension greater than 12 inches, shall not be buried or placed in fill, unless the location, material, and disposal methods are specifically approved by the Consultant Oversize disposal operations shall be such that nesting of oversized material does not occur, and such that the oversize material is completely surrounded by compacted or densified fill. Oversize material shall not be placed within 10 feet vertically of finish grade or within the range of fuhire utilities or underground construction, unless specifically approved by the Consultant. Import If importing of fill material is required for grading, the import material shall meet the general requirements. 5. nLL PLACEMENT AND COMPACTION Fill Lifts: Approved fill material shall be placed in areas prepared to receive fill in near-horizontal layers not exceeding 6 inches in compacted thickness. The Consultant may approve thicker lifts if testing indicates the grading procedures are such that adequate compaction is being achieved with lifts of gieater thickness. Each layer shall be spread evenly and shall be thoroughly mixed during spreading to attain unifonnity of material and moisture in each layer. Fill Moisture: FiU layers at a moisture content less than optimum shall be watered and mixed, and wet fill layers shall be aerated by scarification or shall be blended with drier material. Moisture conditioning and mixing of fill layers shall continue until the fill material is at uniform moisture content at or near optimum. Compaction of Fill: After each layer has been evenly spread, moisture conditioned, and mixed, it shall be uniformly compacted to not less that 90 percent of maximum dry density in accordance with ASTM D1557. Compaction equipment shall be adequately sized and shall be either specifically designed for soil compaction or of proven reliability, to efficiently achieve the specified degree of compaction. FiU Slopes: Compacting on slopes shall be accomplished, Ln addition to normal compacting procedures, by backrolling of slopes with sheepsfoot rollers at frequent increments of 2 to 3 feet as the fill is placed, or by other methods producing satisfactory results. At the completion of grading, the relative compaction of the slope out to the slope face shall be at least 90 percent in accordance with ASTM D1557. Compaction Testing: Field tests to check the fill moisture and degree of compaction will be performed by the consultant. The location and frequency of tests shall be at the consultant's discretion In general, these tests will be take at an interval not exceeding 2 feet in vertical rise, and/or 1,000 cubic yards of fill placed. In addition, on slope faces, at least one test shall be taken for each 5,000 square feet of slope face and/or each 10 feel of vertical height of slope. 6- SUBDRAIN INSTALLATION Subdrain systems, if required, shall be installed in approved ground to conform to tlie approximate alignment and details shown on the plans or herein. The subdrain location or materials shall not be changed or modified without the approval of the Consultant. The Consultant however, may recommend and, upon approval, direct changes in subdrain line, grade or materials. All subdrains should be surveyed for line and grade affer installation and sufficient time shall be allowed for the surveys, prior to commencement of fill over the subdrain. 7. EXCAVATION Excavations and cut slopes will be examined during grading. If directed by the Consultant further excavation or overexcavation and refilling of cut areas, and/or remedial grading of cut slopes shall be performed. Where fUI over cut slopes are to be graded, unless otherwise approved, the cut portion of the slope shall be made and approved by the Consultant prior to placement of materials for construction of the fill portion of the slope. BUILDING ENERGY ANALYSIS REPORT RECEIVED APR 0 2 2014 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DIVISION PROJECT: Marbrisa Resort Villa 59 1586 Marbrisa Circle Carlsbad, CA 92008 Project Designer: NOAA Group 4990 Harbor Dr. San Diego, CA 92106 619-297-8066 Report Prepared by: Craig J. Moya Engineered Systems PO Box 2186 Spring Valley, CA 91979 619-295-1985 Job Number: 13035 Date: 3/20/2014 The EnergyPro computer program has been used to perform the calculations sumj authorized by the California Energy Commission for use with both the Residen] This program developed by EnergySoft, EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number 3219 RunCode: 2014-6 \:44:01 ID: 13035 TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Page 1 Table of Contents 2 Form CF-1 R Certificate of Compliance 3 Form MF-1R Mandatory Measures Summary 22 EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft Job Number: ID: 13035 User Number: 3219 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE: Residential (Parti of5) CF-1R Project Name Marbrisa Resort Villa 59 Building Type • Single Family • Addition Alone B Multi Family • Existing+ Addition/Alteration Date 3/20/2014 Project Address 1586 Marbrisa Circle Carlsbad California Energy Climate Zone CA Climate Zone 07 Total Cond. Floor Area 15,056 Addition n/a # of Stories 3 FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST • Yes • No HERS Measures -- If Yes, A CF-4R must be provided per Part 2 of 5 of this form. • Yes • No Special Features -- If Yes, see Part 2 of 5 of this form for details. INSULATION Area Special Construction Type Cavity (/f) Features (see Part 2 of 5) Status Slab Unheated Slab-on-Grade None 5.314 Perim = 383' New Wall Wood Framed R-19 8.291 New Door Opaque Door None 360 New Roof Wood Framed Attic R-19 5,314 New FENESTRATION u-Exterior Orientation Area{ff) Factor SHGC Overhang Sidefins Shades Status Left(SE) 8.0 0.650 0.40 none none Bug Screen New Rear(SW) 784.0 0.650 0.40 5.0 none Bug Screen New Front (NE) 203.0 0.650 0.40 8.0 none Bug Screen New Rear(SW) 180.0 0.650 0.40 none 0.0/2.0 Bug Screen New Fmnt(NE) 90.0 0.650 0.40 8.0 3.7/0.0 Bug Screen New Right (NW) 20.0 0.650 0.40 8.0 none Bug Screen New Left(SE) 20.0 0.650 0.40 8.0 none Bug Screen New Right (NW) 8.0 0.650 0.40 none none Bug Screen New Left(SE) 22.5 0,650 0.40 2.0 none Bug Screen New Front (NE) 67.6 0.650 0.40 2.0 none Bug Screen New Rear(SW) 90.0 0.650 0.40 2.0 0.0/2.0 Bug Screen New HVAC SYSTEMS Qty. Heating Min. Eff Cooling Min. Eff Thermostat Status 1 Split Heat Pump 9.20 HSPF Sp//f Heaf Pump 17.8 SEER Setback New 1 Split Heat Pump 8.00 HSPF Split Heat Pump 13.0 SEER Setback New 1 Split Heat Pump 8.00 HSPF Split Heat Pump 13.0 SEER Setback New HVAC DISTRIBUTION Location Heating Cooling Duct Location Duct R-Vaiue Status HP-11A Ducted Ducted Conditioned 4.2 New HP-12 Ducted Ducted Conditioned 4.2 New HP-13 Ducted Ducted Conditioned 4.2 New WATER HEATING Qty. Type Gallons Min. Eff Distribution Status Large Gas 0.84 Recirc/Timer New EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number: 3219 RunCode: 2014-03-20709:44:01 ID: 13035 Page 3 of 24 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE: Residential (Parti of5) CF-1R Project Name Marbrisa Resort Villa 59 Building Type • Single Family • Addition Alone 0 Multi Family • Existing+ Addition/Alteration Date 3/20/2014 Project Address 7586 Marbrisa Circle Carlsbad California Energy Climate Zone CA Climate Zone 07 Total Cond. Floor Area 75,056 Addition n/a # of Stories 3 FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST • Yes • No HERS Measures -- If Yes, A CF-4R must be provided per Part 2 of 5 of this form. • Yes • No Special Features -- If Yes, see Part 2 of 5 of this form for details. INSULATION Construction Type Area Special Cavity jff) Features (see Part 2 of 5) Status FENESTRATION U- Exterior Orientation Area(fl^ Factor SHGC Overhang Sidefins Shades Status Rear(SW) 112.0 0.650 0.40 2.0 Bug Screen New Front (NE) 45.0 0.650 0.40 4.0 3.7/0.0 Bug Screen New Right (NW) 22.5 0.650 0.40 2.0 none Bug Screen New HVAC SYSTEMS Qty. Heating Min. Eff Cooling Min. Eff Thermostat Status Split Heat Pump 8.00 HSPF Split Heat Pump 13.0 SEER Setback New Split Heat Pump 8.00 HSPF Split Heat Pump 13.0 SEER Setback New Split Heat Pump 9.20 HSPF Split Heat Pump 17.8 SEER Setback New HVAC DISTRIBUTION Location Heating Cooling Duct Location Duct R-Value Status HP-14 Ducted Ducted Conditioned 4.2 New HP-15 Ducted Ducted Conditioned 4.2 New HP-15A Ducted Ducted Conditioned 4.2 New WATER HEATING Qty. Type Gallons Min. Eff Distribution Status EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number: 3219 RunCode: 2014-03-20709:44:01 ID: 13035 Page 4 of 24 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE: Residential (Parti of5) CF-1R Project Name Marbrisa Resort Villa 59 Building Type • Single Family • Addition Alone El Multi Family • Existing+ Addition/Alteration Date 3/20/2014 Project Address 7586 Marbrisa Circle Carlsbad California Energy Climate Zone CA Climate Zone 07 Total Cond. Floor Area 15,056 Addition n/a # of Stories 3 FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST • Yes • No HERS Measures -- If Yes, A CF-4R must be provided per Part 2 of 5 of this form. • Yes • No Special Features -- If Yes, see Part 2 of 5 of this form for details. INSULATION Construction Type Area Special Cavity jff) Features (see Part 2 of 5) Status FENESTRATION U- Exterior Orientation Area(ft^ Factor SHGC Overhang Sidefins Shades Status HVAC SYSTEMS Qty. Heating Min. Eff Cooling Min. Eff Thermostat Status Sp//f Heaf Pump 9.20 HSPF Split Heat Pump 17.8 SEER Setback New Split Heat Pump 8.00 HSPF Split Heat Pump 13.0 SEER Setback New Split Heat Pump 8.00 HSPF Split Heat Pump 13.0 SEER Setback New HVAC DISTRIBUTION Location Heating Cooling Duct Location Duct R-Value Status HP-21A Ducted Ducted Conditioned 4.2 New HP-22 Ducted Ducted Conditioned 4.2 New HP-23 Ducted Ducted Conditioned 4.2 New WATER HEATING Qty. Type Gallons Min. Eff Distribution Status EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number: 3219 RunCode: 2014-03-20709:44:01 ID: 13035 Page 5 of 24 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE: Residential (Part lof 5) CF-1R Project Name Marbrisa Resort Villa 59 Building Type • Single Family • Addition Alone H Multi Family • Existing+ Addition/Alteration Date 3/20/2014 Project Address 7586 Marbrisa Circle Carisbad California Energy Climate Zone CA Climate Zone 07 Total Cond. Floor Area 75,056 Addition n/a # of Stories 3 FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST • Yes • No HERS Measures -- If Yes, A CF-4R must be provided per Part 2 of 5 of this form. El Yes • No Special Features -- If Yes, see Part 2 of 5 of this form for details. INSULATION Construction Type Area Special Cavity {f^ Features (see Part 2 of 5) Status FENESTRATION U- Exterior Orientation Areajff) Factor SHGC Overhang Sidefins Shades Status HVAC SYSTEMS Qty. Heating Min. Eff Cooling MIn. Eff Thermostat Status Spfcf Heaf Pump 8.00 HSPF Split Heat Pump 13.0 SEER Setback New Split Heat Pump 8.00 HSPF Split Heat Pump 13.0 SEER Setback New Split Heat Pump 9.20 HSPF Split Heat Pump 17.8 SEER Setback New HVAC DISTRIBUTION Location Heating Cooling Duct Location Duct R-Value Status HP-24 Ducted Ducted Conditioned 4.2 New HP-25 Ducted Ducted Conditioned 4.2 New HP-25A Ducted Ducted Conditioned 4.2 New WATER HEATING Qty. Type Gallons Min. Eff Distribution Status EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number: 3219 RunCode: 2014-03-20709:44:01 ID: 13035 Page 6 of 24 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE: Residential (Parti of5) CF-1R Project Name Marbrisa Resort Villa 59 Building Type • Single Family • Addition Alone (Zl Multi Family • Existing+ Addition/Alteration Date 3/20/2014 Project Address 7586 Marbrisa Circle Carisbad California Energy Climate Zone CA Climate Zone 07 Total Cond. Floor Area 75,056 Addition n/a # of Stories 3 FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST • Yes • No HERS Measures -- If Yes, A CF-4R must be provided per Part 2 of 5 of this form. • Yes • No Special Features -- If Yes, see Part 2 of 5 of this form for details. INSULATION Construction Type Area Special Cavity (ff) Features (see Part 2 of 5) Status FENESTRATION U- Exterior Orientation Area(ft^ Factor SHGC Overhang Sidefins Shades Status HVAC SYSTEMS Qty. Heating Min. Eff Cooling Min. Eff Thermostat Status Split Heat Pump 8.00 HSPF Split Heat Pump 13.0 SEER Setback New Split Heat Pump 8.00 HSPF Split Heat Pump 13.0 SEER Setback New Split Heat Pump 8.00 HSPF Split Heat Pump 13.0 SEER Setback New HVAC DISTRIBUTION Location Heating Cooling Duct Location Duct R-Value Status HP-32 Ducted Ducted Conditioned 4.2 New HP-33 Ducted Ducted Conditioned 4.2 New HP-34 Ducted Ducted Conditioned 4.2 New WATER HEATING Qty. Type Gallons Min. Eff Distribution Status EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number: 3219 RunCode: 2014-03-20709:44:01 ID: 13035 Page 7 of 24 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE: Residential (Part lof 5) CF-1R Project Name Marbrisa Resort Villa 59 Building Type • Single Family • Addition Alone H Multi Family • Existing+ Addition/Alteration Date 3/20/2014 Project Address 7586 Marbrisa Circle Carisbad California Energy Climate Zone CA Climate Zone 07 Total Cond. FioorArea 75,056 Addition n/a # of Stories 3 FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST • Yes • No HERS Measures -- If Yes, A CF-4R must be provided per Part 2 of 5 of this form. • Yes • No Special Features -- If Yes, see Part 2 of 5 of this form for details. INSULATION Construction Type Area Special Cavity (ff) Features (see Part 2 of 5) Status FENESTRATION U- Exterior Orientation Area(^ Factor SHGC Overhang Sidefins Shades Status HVAC SYSTEMS Qty. Heating MIn. Eff Cooling Min. Eff Thermostat Status 1 Split Heat Pump 8.00 HSPF Split Heat Pump 13.0 SEER Setback New HVAC DISTRIBUTION Location Heating Cooling Duct Location Duct R-Value Status HP-35 Ducted Ducted Conditioned 4.2 New WATER HEATING Qty. Type Gallons Min. Eff Distribution Status EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number: 3219 RunCode: 2014-03-20709:44:01 ID: 13035 Page 8 of 24 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE: Residential (Part 2 of 5) CF-IR Project Name Marbrisa Resort Villa 59 Building Type • Single Family • Addition Alone • Multi Family • Existing+ Addition/Alteration Date 3/20/2014 SPECIAL FEATURES INSPECTION CHECKLIST The enforcement agency should pay special attention to the items specified in this checklist. These items require special written justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach. The enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the justification, and may reject a building or design that othenvise complies based on the adequacy of the special justification and documentation submitted. Multiple Dwelling Units are served by a common water heater Verify DHW details. The DHW System Raypak WH3-502B is a non-NAECA large storage gas water heater Verify DHW details. A hot water recirculation systems has been modeled. Verification of type is required. HERS REQUIRED VERIFICATION Items in this section require field testing and/or verification by a certified HERS Rater. The inspector must receive a completed CF-4R form for each of the measures listed below for final to be given. The HVAC System HP-11A has Ducts, Plenums and the HVAC unit located totally within Conditioned space. A certified HERS rater must visually verify the installation ofthe HVAC unit and all Ducts and Plenums. The HVAC System HP-12 has Ducts, Plenums and the HVAC unit located totally within Conditioned space. A certified HERS rater must visually verify the installation ofthe HVAC unit and all Ducts and Plenums. The HVAC System HP-13 has Ducts, Plenums and the HVAC unit located totally within Conditioned space. A certified HERS rater must visually verify the installation of the HVAC unit and all Ducts and Plenums. The HVAC System HP-14 has Ducts, Plenums and the HVAC unit located totally within Conditioned space. A certified HERS rater must visually verify the installation ofthe HVAC unit and all Ducts and Plenums. The HVAC System HP-15 has Ducts, Plenums and the HVAC unit located totally within Conditioned space. A certified HERS rater must visually verify the installation ofthe HVAC unit and all Ducts and Plenums. The HVAC System HP-15A has Ducts, Plenums and the HVAC unit located totally within Conditioned space. A certified HERS rater must visually verify the installation ofthe HVAC unit and all Ducts and Plenums. The HVAC System HP-21A has Ducts, Plenums and the HVAC unit located totally within Conditioned space. A certified HERS rater must visually verify the installation ofthe HVAC unit and all Ducts and Plenums. The HVAC System HP-22 has Ducts, Plenums and the HVAC unit located totally within Conditioned space. A certified HERS rater must visually verify the installation ofthe HVAC unit and all Ducts and Plenums. The HVAC System HP-23 has Ducts, Plenums and the HVAC unit located totally within Conditioned space. A certified HERS rater must visually verify the installation ofthe HVAC unit and all Ducts and Plenums. The HVAC System HP-24 has Ducts, Plenums and the HVAC unit located totally within Conditioned space. A certified HERS rater must visually verify the installation ofthe HVAC unit and all Ducts and Plenums. The HVAC System HP-25 has Ducts, Plenums and the HVAC unit located totally within Conditioned space. A certified HERS rater must visually verify the installation ofthe HVAC unit and all Ducts and Plenums. The HVAC System HP-25A has Ducts, Plenums and the HVAC unit located totally within Conditioned space. A certified HERS rater must visually verify the installation ofthe HVAC unit and all Ducts and Plenums. EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number: 3219 RunCode: 2014-03-20709:44:01 ID: 13035 Page 9 of 24 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE: Residential (Part 2 of 5) CF-1R Project Name Marbrisa Resort Villa 59 Building Type • Single Family • Addition Alone • Multi Family • Existing+ Addition/Alteration Date 3/20/2014 SPECIAL FEATURES INSPECTION CHECKLIST The enforcement agency should pay special attention to the items specified in this checklist. These items require special written justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach. The enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the justification, and may reject a building or design that otherwise complies based on the adequacy of the special justification and documentation submitted. HERS REQUIRED VERIFICATION items in this section require field testing and/or verification by a certified HERS Rater. The inspector must receive a completed CF-4R form for each of the measures listed below for final to be given. The HVAC System HP-32 has Ducts, Plenums and the HVAC unit located totally within Conditioned space. A certified HERS rater must visually verify the installation ofthe HVAC unit and all Ducts and Plenums. The HVAC System HP-33 has Ducts, Plenums and the HVAC unit located totally within Conditioned space. A certified HERS rater must visually verify the installation ofthe HVAC unit and all Ducts and Plenums. The HVAC System HP-34 has Ducts, Plenums and the HVAC unit located totally within Conditioned space. A certified HERS rater must visually verify the installation ofthe HVAC unit and all Ducts and Plenums. The HVAC System HP-35 has Ducts, Plenums and the HVAC unit located totally within Conditioned space. A certified HERS rater must visually verify the installation of the HVAC unit and all Ducts and Plenums. EnergyPro 5.1 bv EnergySoft User Number: 3219 RunCode: 2014-03-20709:44:01 ID: 13035 Page 10 of 24 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE: Residential (Part 3 of 5) CF-1R Project Name Marbrisa Resort Villa 59 Building Type • Single Family 0 Multi Family • Addition Alone • Existing+ Addition/Alteration Date 3/20/2014 ANNUAL ENERGY USE SUMMARY standard Proposed Margin "•"^^ (kBtu/ft^-yr) Space Heating 2.67 3.81 -1.14 Space Cooling 3.93 3.66 0.27 Fans 2.45 2.42 0.02 Domestic Hot Water 20.74 19.13 1.61 Pumps 6.66 6.66 0.00 Totals 36.45 35.68 0.77 Percent Better Than Standard: 2.1 % BUILDING COMPLIES - HERS VERIFICATION REQUIRED Building Front Orientation: Number of Dwelling Units: Fuel Available at Site: Raised Floor Area: Slab on Grade Area: Average Ceiling Height: Fenestration Average U-Factor: Average SHGC: (NE) 62 deg 16.00 Natural Gas 0 5,314 9.0 0.65 0.40 Ext. Walls/Roof (NE) (SE) (SW) (NW) Roof Wall Area 3,596 1,674 3,380 1,674 5,314 TOTAL: Fenestration/CFA Ratio: Fenestration Area 406 51 1,166 51 0 1,673 11.1 % REMARKS No HERS duct leakage testing. STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE This certificate of compliance lists the building features and specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 the Administrative Regulations and Part 6 the Efficiency Standards of the California Code of Regulations. The documentation author hereby certifies that the documentation is accurate and complete. Documentation Author Company Engineered Systems Address P° ^ox 2186 City/State/Zip Spring Valley, CA 91979 Name Craig J. Moya Phone 679-295-^985 3/20/2014 Signed Date The individual with overall design responsibility hereby certifies that the proposed building design represented in this set of construction documents is consistent with the other compliance forms and worksheets, with the specifications, and with any other calculations submitted with this permit application, and recognizes that compliance using duct design, duct sealing, verification of refrigerant charge, insulation installation quality, and building envelope sealing require installer testing and certification and field verification by an approved HERS rater. Designer or Owner (per Business & Professions Code) Company ^OAA Group Address 4990 Harbor Dr Name City/State/Zip San Diego, CA 92106 Phone 619-297-8066 Signed License # Date EneravPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number: 3219 RunCode: 2014-03-20709:44:01 ID: 13035 Paae 11 of 24 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residential (Part 4 of 5) CF-1R Project Name Marbrisa Resort Villa 59 Building Type • Single Family • Addition Alone • Multi Family • Existing+ Addition/Alteration Date 3/20/2014 OPAQUE SURFACE DETAILS Surface Type Area U- Factor Insulation Azm Tilt status Joint Appendix 4 Location/Comments Surface Type Area U- Factor Cavity Exterior Frame Interior Frame Azm Tilt status Joint Appendix 4 Location/Comments Slab 444 0.730 None 0 780 New 4.4.7-A 7 Studio 11 Wall 302 0.074 R-19 752 90 New 4.3.1-A5 Studio 11 Wall 99 0.074 R-19 62 90 New 4.3.1-A5 Studio 11 Door 20 1.450 None 62 90 New 4.5.1-Al Studio 11 Wall 14 0.074 R-19 332 90 New 4.3.1-A5 Studio 11 Wall 63 0.074 R-19 242 90 New 4.3.1-A5 Studio 11 Slab 1,121 0.730 None 0 780 New 4.4.7-A1 Suite 12 Wall 108 0.074 R-19 752 90 New 4.3.1-A5 Suite 12 Wall 190 0.074 R-19 62 90 New 4.31-A5 Suite 12 Door 20 1.450 None 62 90 New 4.5.1-Al Suite 12 Wall 32 0.074 R-19 332 90 New 4.3.1-A5 Suite 12 Wall 162 0.074 R-19 242 90 New 4.3.1-A5 Suite 12 Slab 1,093 0.730 None 0 780 New 4.4.7-A1 Suite 13 Wall 50 0.074 R-19 752 90 New 4.3.1-A5 Suite 13 Wall 222 0.074 R-19 62 90 New 4.3.1-A5 Suite 13 Door 20 1.450 None 62 90 New 4.5.1-Al Suite 13 FENESTRATIO NSUR FACE DETAILS ID Type Area U-Factor' SHGC" Azm status Glazing Type Location/Comments 7 Window 4.0 0,650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 752 New U=0,65SH6C=0.40 Studio 77 2 Window 56.0 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 242 New L/=0.65SHGC=O40 Studio 11 3 Window 77,3 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 62 New C/=0.65SHGC=0.40 Suite 12 4 Window 22.5 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 62 New ty=065SHGC=0.40 Suite 12 5 Window 22.5 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 242 New l/=0.65SHGC=0.40 Suite 12 6 Window 56.0 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 242 New a=0.65SHGC=O40 Suite 12 7 Window 77.3 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 62 New U=0.65SHGC=0.40 Suite 13 8 Window 22.5 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 62 New L/=065SHGC=0.40 Suite 13 9 Window 20.0 0.650 NFRC 0,40 NFRC 332 New L/=0.65SHGC=0.40 Suite 13 70 Window 22.5 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 242 New t;=0.65SHGC=0.40 Suite 13 77 Window 56.0 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 242 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Suite 13 72 Window 77.3 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 62 New U=065 SHGC=0.40 Suite 14 73 Window 22.5 0.650 NFRC 0,40 NFRC 62 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Suite 14 74 Window 20.0 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 752 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Suite 14 75 Window 22.5 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 242 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Suite 14 76 Window 56.0 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 242 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Suite 14 (1) U-Factor Type: (2) SHGC Type: 116-A = Default 116-B = Default Table from Standards, Table from Standards, NFRC = NFRC = Labeled Labeled Value Value EXTERIOR SHADING DETAILS ID Exterior Shade Type SHGC Window Hgt Wd Len Hgt LExt RExt Overhang Left Fin Dist Len Hgt Dist Len Right Fin Hgt Bug Screen 0.76 Bug Screen 0.76 8.0 8.0 5.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 2.5 8.0 0.1 4.0 4.0 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 5.0 8.0 0.1 4.0 4.0 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 5.0 0.0 0.0 3.7 2.0 Bug Screen 0.76 8.0 8.0 5.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 Bug Screen 0.76 4,5 2.5 8.0 0.7 4.0 4.0 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 5.0 8.0 0.1 4.0 4.0 2.5 3.7 0.0 0.0 Bug Screen 0.76 6.7 3.0 8.0 0.1 4.0 4.0 10 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 5.0 0.0 0.0 3.7 2.0 11 Bug Screen 0.76 8.0 8.0 5.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 72 Bug Screen 0,76 4.5 2,5 8.0 0.7 4.0 4.0 73 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 5.0 8.0 0.1 4.0 4.0 2.5 3,7 0.0 0.0 74 Bug Screen 0.76 6.7 3.0 8.0 0 7 4.0 4.0 75 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 5.0 0.0 0.0 3.7 2.0 16 Bug Screen 0.76 8.0 8.0 5.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number: 3219 RunCode: 2014-03-20709:44:01 ID: 13035 Page 12 of 24 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residential (Part 4 of 5) CF-1R Project Name Marbrisa Resort Villa 59 Building Type • Single Family • Multi Family • Addition Alone • Existing+ Addition/Alteration Date 3/20/2014 OPAQUE SURFACE DETAILS Surface Type Area U- Factor Insulation Azm Tilt status Joint Appendix 4 Location/Comments Surface Type Area U- Factor Cavity Exterior Frame Interior Frame Azm Tilt status Joint Appendix 4 Location/Comments Wall 39 0.074 R-19 332 90 New 4.31-A5 Suite 13 Wall 765 0.074 R-19 242 90 New 4.3.1-A5 Suite 13 Slab 7,093 0.730 None 0 780 New 4.4.7-A1 Suite 14 Wall 50 0.074 R-19 332 90 New 4.31-A5 Suite 14 Wall 222 0.074 R-19 62 90 New 4.3.1-A5 Suite 14 Door 20 7.450 None 62 90 New 4.5.1-Al Suite 14 Wall 39 0.074 R-19 752 90 New 4.3.1-A5 Suite 14 Wall 765 0.074 R-19 242 90 New 4.3.1-A5 Suite 14 Slab 7,727 0.730 None 0 780 New 4.4.7-A 7 Suite 15 Wall 708 0.074 R-19 332 90 New 4.3.7-A5 Suite 15 Wall 790 0.074 R-19 62 90 New 4.3.7-A5 Suite 15 Door 20 7.450 None 62 90 New 4.5.7-A 7 Suite 15 Wall 32 0.074 R-19 752 90 New 4.3.7-A5 Suite 15 Wall 762 0.074 R-19 242 90 New 4.3.7-A5 Suite 15 Slab 444 0.730 None 0 780 New 4.4.7-A 7 Studio 15A Wall 302 0.074 R-19 332 90 New 4.3.7-A5 Studio 15A FENESTRATIO NSUR FACE DETAILS ID Type Area U-Factor' SHGC" Azm Status Glazing Type Location/Comments 77 Window 77.3 0,650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 62 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Suite 15 78 Window 22.5 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 62 New l/=0.65SHGC=0.40 Suite 15 79 Window 22.5 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 242 New t/=0,65SHGC=0.40 Suite 15 20 Window 56.0 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 242 New t/=0.65SHGC=0.40 Suite 15 27 Window 4.0 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 332 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Studio ISA 22 Window 56.0 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 242 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Studio 15A 23 Window 4.0 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 752 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Studio 21A 24 Window 56.0 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 242 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Studio 21A 25 Window 77,3 0.650 NFRC 040 NFRC 62 New U=0.65SHGC=0.40 Suite 22 26 Window 225 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 62 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Suite 22 27 Window 22.5 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 242 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Suite 22 28 Window 56.0 0.650 NFRC 040 NFRC 242 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Suite 22 29 Window 77.3 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 62 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Suite 23 30 Window 22.5 0.650 NFRC 0,40 NFRC 62 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Suite 23 37 Window 22.5 0.650 NFRC 0,40 NFRC 242 New U=0.65SHGC=0.40 Suite 23 32 Window 56.0 0.650 NFRC 0,40 NFRC 242 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Suite 23 (1) U-Factor Type: 116-A = Default (2) SHGC Type: 116-B = Def au It Table from Standards, Table from Standards, NFRC = Labeled NFRC = Labeled Value Value EXTERIOR SHADING DETAILS ID Exterior Shade Type SHGC Window Hgt Wd Len Overhang Hgt LExt RExt Left Fin Dist Len Hgt Dist Len Right Fin Hgt 77 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 2.5 8.0 0.1 4.0 4.0 18 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 5.0 8.0 0.1 4.0 4.0 19 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 5.0 0.0 0.0 3.7 2.0 20 Bug Screen 0.76 8.0 8.0 5.0 7.0 2.0 2.0 27 Bug Screen 0.76 22 Bug Screen 0.76 8.0 8.0 5.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 23 Bug Screen 0.76 24 Bug Screen 0.76 8.0 8.0 5.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 25 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 2.5 8.0 0.1 4.0 4.0 26 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 5.0 8.0 0.1 4.0 4.0 27 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 5.0 0.0 0.0 3.7 2.0 28 Bug Screen 0.76 8.0 8.0 5.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 29 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 2.5 8.0 0.1 4.0 4.0 30 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 5.0 8.0 0.1 4.0 4.0 2.5 3.7 0.0 0.0 31 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 5.0 0.0 0.0 3.7 2.0 32 Bug Screen 0.76 8.0 8.0 5.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number: 3219 RunCode: 2014-03-20709:44:01 ID: 13035 Page 13 of 24 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residentiai (Part 4 of 5) CF-1R Project Name Marbrisa Resort Villa 59 Building Type • Single Family IZ Multi Family • Addition Alone • Existing+ Addition/Alteration Date 3/20/2014 OPAQUE SURFACE DETAILS Surface Type Area U- Factor Insulation Azm Tilt Status Joint Appendix 4 Location/Comments Surface Type Area U- Factor Cavity Exterior Frame Interior Frame Azm Tilt Status Joint Appendix 4 Location/Comments Wall 99 0.074 R-79 62 90 New 4.3.7-A5 Studio 15A Door 20 7.450 None 62 90 New 4.5.7-A 7 Studio 15A Wall 74 0.074 R-19 752 90 New 4.3.7-A5 Studio 15A Wall 63 0.074 R-19 242 90 New 4,3,7-A5 Studio 15A Roof 444 0.049 R-19 332 0 New 4.21-A4 Studio 21A Wall 302 0.074 R-19 752 90 New 4.3.1-A5 Studio 21A Wall 99 0.074 R-19 62 90 New 4.3.1-A5 Studio 21A Door 20 1.450 None 62 90 New 4.5.1-Al Studio 21A Wall 74 0.074 R-19 332 90 New 4.3.1-A5 Studio 21A Wall 63 0.074 R-19 242 90 New 4.3.1-A5 Studio 21A Wall 708 0.074 R-19 752 90 New 4.3.1-A5 Suite 22 Wall 790 0.074 R-19 62 90 New 4.3.1-A5 Suite 22 Door 20 1.450 None 62 90 New 4.5.1-Al Suite 22 Wall 32 0.074 R-19 332 90 New 4.3.1-A5 Suite 22 Wall 762 0.074 R-19 242 90 New 4.3.1-A5 Suite 22 Wall 50 0.074 R-19 752 90 New 4.3.1-A5 Suite 23 FENEST RATION SUR FACE DETAILS ID Type Area U-Factor' SHGC^ Azm Status Glazing Type Location/Comments 33 Window 77.3 0.650 NFRC 0,40 NFRC 62 New U=0.65SHGC=O40 Suite 24 34 Window 22.5 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 62 New L/=0.65SH6C=0.40 Suite 24 35 Window 22.5 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 242 New (7=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Suite 24 36 Window 56.0 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 242 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Suite 24 37 Window 77.3 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 62 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Suite 25 38 Window 22.5 0.650 NFRC 0,40 NFRC 62 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Suite 25 39 Window 22.5 0.650 NFRC 0,40 NFRC 242 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Suite 25 40 Window 56.0 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 242 New U=0.65SHGC=0.40 Suite 25 47 Window 4.0 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 332 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Studio 25A 42 Window 56,0 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 242 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Studio 25A 43 Window 22.5 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 752 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Suite 32 44 Window 77.3 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 62 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Suite 32 45 Window 22.5 0,650 NFRC 0,40 NFRC 62 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Suite 32 46 Window 22.5 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 242 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Suite 32 47 Window 56.0 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 242 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Suite 32 48 Window 77.3 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 62 New U=0.6S SHGC=0.40 Suite 33 (1) U-Factor Type: (2) SHGC Type: 116-A = Default 116-8 = Default Table from Standards, Table from Standards, NFRC = Labeled NFRC = Labeled Value Value EXTERIOR SHADING DETAILS ID Exterior Shade Type SHGC Window Hgt Wd Len Overhang Hgt LExt RExt Left Fin Dist Len Hgt Dist Right Fin Len Hgt 33 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 2.5 8.0 0.1 4.0 4.0 34 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 5.0 8.0 0.1 4.0 4.0 2.5 3.7 0.0 0.0 35 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 5.0 0.0 0.0 3.7 2.0 36 Bug Screen 0.76 8.0 8.0 5.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 37 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 2.5 8.0 0.1 4.0 4.0 38 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 5.0 8.0 0.1 4.0 4.0 39 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 5.0 0.0 0.0 3.7 2.0 40 Bug Screen 0.76 8.0 8.0 5.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 41 Bug Screen 0.76 42 Bug Screen 0.76 8.0 8.0 5.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 43 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 5.0 2.0 1.0 4.0 4.0 44 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 2.5 2.0 1.0 4.0 4.0 45 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 5.0 2.0 1.0 4.0 4.0 46 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 5.0 2.0 1.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 3.7 2.0 47 Bug Screen 0.76 8.0 8.0 2.0 1.0 4.0 4.0 48 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 2.5 80 0.1 4.0 4.0 EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number: 3219 RunCode: 2014-03-20709:44:01 ID: 13035 Page 14 of 24 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residentiai (Part 4 Of 5) CF-1R Project Name Marbrisa Resort Villa 59 Building Type • Single Family • Addition Alone Ea Multi Family • Existing+ Addition/Alteration Date 3/20/2014 OPAQUE SURFACE DETAILS Surface Type Area U- Factor Insulation Azm Tilt Status Joint Appendix 4 Location/Comments Surface Type Area U- Factor Cavity Exterior Frame Interior Frame Azm Tilt Status Joint Appendix 4 Location/Comments Wall 222 0.074 R-19 62 90 New 4.3.7-A5 Suite 23 Door 20 1.450 None 62 90 New 4.5.7-A 7 Suite 23 Wall 39 0.074 R-19 332 90 New 4.3.7-A5 Suite 23 Door 20 1.450 None 332 90 New 4.5.7-A 7 Suite 23 Wall 765 0.074 R-19 242 90 New 4.3.7-A5 Suite 23 Wall 50 0.074 R-19 332 90 New 4.3.7-A5 Suite 24 Wall 222 0.074 R-19 62 90 New 4.3.7-A5 Suite 24 Door 20 1.450 None 62 90 New 4.5.7-A 7 Suite 24 Wall 39 0.074 R-19 752 90 New 4.3,7-A5 Suite 24 Door 20 1.450 None 752 90 New 45,7-A 7 Suite 24 Wall 765 0.074 R-19 242 90 New 43,7-A5 Suite 24 Wall 708 0.074 R-19 332 90 New 4,3,7-A5 Suite 25 Wall 790 0.074 R-19 62 90 New 4.3.7-A5 Suite 25 Door 20 1.450 None 62 90 New 4.5.7-A 7 Suite 25 Wall 32 0.074 R-19 752 90 New 4.3.7-A5 Suite 25 Wall 762 0.074 R-19 242 90 New 4.3.7-A5 Suite 25 FENESTRAT 0 NSUR FACE DETAILS ID Type Area U-Factor' SHGC^ Azm Status Glazing Type Location/Comments 49 Window 22.5 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 62 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Suite 33 50 Window 22.5 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 242 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Suite 33 57 Window 56.0 0.650 NFRC 0,40 NFRC 242 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Suite 33 52 Window 77.3 0.650 NFRC 0,40 NFRC 62 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Suite 34 53 Window 22.5 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 62 New U=0,65SHGC=0.40 Suite 34 54 Window 22.5 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 242 New t/=0.65SHGC=0,40 Suite 34 55 Window 56.0 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 242 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Suite 34 56 Window 22.5 0,650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 332 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Suite 35 57 Window 77.3 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 62 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Suite 35 58 Window 22.5 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 62 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Suite 35 59 Window 22.5 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 242 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Suite 35 60 Window 56.0 0.650 NFRC 0.40 NFRC 242 New U=0.65 SHGC=0.40 Suite 35 (1) U-Factor Type: (2) SHGC Type: 116-A = Default Table from Standards, NFRC = Labeled Value 116-B = Default Table from Standards, NFRC = Labeled Value EXTERIOR SHADING DETAILS ID Exterior Shade Type SHGC Window Overhang Left Fin Right Fin ID Exterior Shade Type SHGC Hgt Wd Len Hgt LExt RExt Dist Len Hgt Dist Len Hgt 49 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 5.0 4.0 7.0 4.0 4.0 2.5 3.7 0 0.0 0.0 0 50 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 5.0 2.0 7,0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0 3.7 2.0 0 57 Bug Screen 0.76 8.0 8.0 5.0 7,0 2.0 2.0 52 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 2.5 8.0 0,7 4.0 4.0 53 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 5.0 4.0 7.0 40 4.0 2.5 3.7 0 0.0 0.0 0 54 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 50 2.0 7.0 40 4.0 0.0 0.0 0 3.7 2.0 0 55 Bug Screen 0,76 8.0 80 5.0 7.0 2.0 2,0 56 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 50 2.0 7.0 4.0 4,0 57 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 25 2.0 7.0 4.0 4.0 58 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 5.0 2.0 7.0 4.0 4.0 59 Bug Screen 0.76 4.5 5.0 2.0 7,0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0 3,7 2.0 0 60 Bug Screen 0.76 8.0 8.0 2.0 7,0 40 4.0 EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number: 3219 RunCode: 2014-03-20709:44:01 ID: 13035 Page 15 of 24 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residential (Part 4 Of 5) CF-1R Project Name Marbrisa Resort Villa 59 Building Type • Single Family Si Multi Family • Addition Alone • Existing+ Addition/Alteration Date 3/20/2014 OPAQUE SURFACE DETAILS Surface Type Area U- Factor Insulation Azm Tilt Status Joint Appendix 4 Location/Comments Surface Type Area U- Factor Cavity Exterior Frame Interior Frame Azm Tilt Status Joint Appendix 4 Location/Comments Roof 444 0.049 R-19 332 0 New 4.2.7-A4 Studio 25A Wall 302 0.074 R-19 332 90 New 4.3.7-A5 Studio 25A Wall 99 0.074 R-19 62 90 New 4.3.7-A5 Studio 25A Door 20 7.450 None 62 90 New 45 7-A 7 Studio 25A Wall 74 0.074 R-19 752 90 New 43,7-A5 Studio 25A Wall 63 0.074 R-19 242 90 New 43.7-A5 Studio 25A Roof 7,727 0.049 R-19 332 0 New 4.2.7-A4 Suite 32 Wall 378 0.074 R-19 752 90 New 4.3.7-A5 Suite 32 Wall 790 0.074 R-19 62 90 New 4.3.7-A5 Suite 32 Door 20 7.450 None 62 90 New 4.5.7-A 7 Suite 32 Wall 32 0.074 R-19 332 90 New 4.3.7-A5 Suite 32 Wall 762 0.074 R-19 242 90 New 4.3.7-A5 Suite 32 Roof 1,093 0.049 R-19 332 0 New 4.Z1-A4 Suite 33 Wall 50 0.074 R-19 752 90 New 4.3.1-A5 Suite 33 Wall 222 0.074 R-19 62 90 New 4.3.1-A5 Suite 33 Door 20 7.450 None 62 90 New 4.5.1-A1 Suite 33 FENEST RATIO NSUR FACE DETAILS ID Type Area U-Factor SHGC^ Azm Status Glazing Type Location/Comments (1) U-Factor Type: (2) SHGC Type: 116-A = Default Table from Standards, NFRC = Labeled Value 116-B = Default Table from Standards, NFRC = Labeled Value EXTERIOR SHADING DETAILS ID Exterior Shade Type SHGC Window Hgt Wd Len Hgt LExt RExt Overhang Left Fin Dist Len Hgt Dist Len Right Fin Hgt EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number: 3219 RunCode: 2014-03-20709:44:01 ID: 13035 Page 16 of 24 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residential (Part 4 of 5) CF-1 R Project Name Marbrisa Resort Villa 59 Building Type • Single Family • Addition Alone 0 Multi Family • Existing+ Addition/Alteration Date 3/20/2014 OPAQU E SURFACE DETAILS Surface Type Area U- Factor Insulation Azm Tilt Status Joint Appendix 4 Location/Comments Surface Type Area U- Factor Cavity Exterior Frame Interior Frame Azm Tilt Status Joint Appendix 4 Location/Comments Wall 59 0.074 R-19 332 90 New 4.3.7-A5 Suite 33 Wall 765 0,074 R-19 242 90 New 4.31-A5 Suite 33 Roof 7,093 0.049 R-19 332 0 New 4.2.1-A4 Suite 34 Wall 50 0.074 R-19 332 90 New 4.3.1-A5 Suite 34 Wall 222 0.074 R-19 62 90 New 4.3.1-A5 Suite 34 Door 20 7.450 None 62 90 New 4.5.1-Al Suite 34 Wall 59 0.074 R-19 752 90 New 4.3.1-A5 Suite 34 Wall 765 0.074 R-19 242 90 New 4.3.1-A5 Suite 34 Roof 7,727 0.049 R-19 332 0 New 4.2.1-A4 Suite 35 Wall 378 0.074 R-19 332 90 New 4.3.1-A5 Suite 35 Wall 790 0.074 R-19 62 90 New 4.3.1-A5 Suite 35 Door 20 7.450 None 62 90 New 4.5,7-A 7 Suite 35 Wall 32 0.074 R-19 752 90 New 4.3.7-A5 Suite 35 Wall 762 0.074 R-19 242 90 New 4.3.7-A5 Suite 35 FEN ESTRATIO NSUR FACE DETAILS ID Type Area U-Factor' SHGC" Azm Status Glazing Type Location/Comments (1) U-Factor Type: (2) SHGC Type: 116-A = Default Table from Standards, NFRC = 116-B = Default Table from Standards, NFRC = Labeled Value Labeled Value EXTERIOR SHADING DETAILS ID Exterior Shade Type SHGC Window Hgt Wd Len Hgt LExt RExt Overhang Left Fin Dist Len Hgt Dist Len Right Fin Hgt EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number: 3219 RunCode: 2014-03-20709:44:01 ID: 13035 Page 17 of 24 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residential (Part 5 Of 5) CF-1R Project Name Marbrisa Resort Villa 59 Building Type • Single Family • Addition Alone IZI Multi Family • Existing+ Addition/Alteration Date 3/20/2014 BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION System Name Zone Name New Floor Area (ftT Existing Altered Removed Volume Year Built HP-11A Studio 5911A 444 3,993 HP-12 Suite 5912 1,121 10,087 HP-13 Suite 5913 1,093 9,834 HP-14 Suite 5914 1,093 9,834 HP-15 Suite 5915 1,121 10,087 HP-15A Studio 5915A 444 3,993 HP-21A Studio 5921A 444 3,993 HP-22 Suite 5922 1,121 10,087 HP-23 Suite 5923 1,093 9,834 HP-24 Suite 5924 1,093 9,834 HP-25 Suite 5925 1,121 10,087 HP-25A Studio 5925A 444 3,993 HP-32 Suite 5932 1,121 10,087 HP-33 Suite 5933 1,093 9,834 HP-34 Suite 5934 1,093 9,834 Totals 75,056 HVAC SYSTEMS System Name Qty. Heating Type Min. Eff. Cooling Type Min. Eff. Thermostat Type Status HP-11A Split Heat Pump 9.20 HSPF Split Heat Pump 178 SEER Setback New HP-12 Split Heat Pump 8.00 HSPF Split Heat Pump 13.0 SEER Setback New HP-13 Split Heat Pump 8.00 HSPF Split Heat Pump 13.0 SEER Setback New HP-14 Split Heat Pump 8.00 HSPF Split Heat Pump 13.0 SEER Setback New HP-15 Split Heat Pump 8.00 HSPF Split Heat Pump 13.0 SEER Setback New HVAC DISTRIBUTION System Name Heating Cooling Duct Location Duct R-Value Ducts Tested? Status HP-77A Ducted Ducted Conditioned 4.2 • New HP-72 Ducted Ducted Conditioned 4.2 • New HP-73 Ducted Ducted Conditioned 4.2 • New HP-74 Ducted Ducted Conditioned 4.2 • New HP-7 5 Ducted Ducted Conditioned 42 • New WATER HEATING SYSTEMS System Name Qty. Type Distribution Rated Input (Btuh) Tank Cap. Energy Factor or RE Standby Loss or Pilot Ext. Tank Insul. R- Value Status Raypak WH3-502B Large Gas Central System 500,000 1 0.84 0.00% 0.0 New MULTI-FAMILY WA ER HEATING DETAILS HYDRONIC HEATING SYSTEM PIPING Control Qty. HP Hot Water Piping Length Plenum Outside Buried c . g is m -a = < s System Name Pipe Length Pipe Diameter Insul. Thick. Temperature 1.0 65 280 0 m • • EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number: 3219 RunCode: 2014-03-20709:44:01 ID: 13035 Page 18 of 24 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residential (Part 5 of 5) CF-1R Project Name Marbrisa Resort Villa 59 Building Type • Single Family • Addition Alone IZ! Multi Family • Existing+ Addition/Alteration Date 3/20/2014 BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION Floor Area (ftT System Name Zone Name New Existing Altered Removed Volume Year Built HP-35 Suite 5935 1,121 10,087 Totals 75,056 HVAC SYSTEMS System Name Ql Heating Type Min. Eff. Cooling Type Min. Eff. Thermostat Type Status HP-75A Sp//'f Heaf Pump 9.20 HSPF Split Heat Pump 178 SEER Setback New HP-2 7 A Spfff Heaf Pump 9.20 HSPF Split Heat Pump 178 SEER Setback New HP-22 Split Heat Pump 8.00 HSPF Split Heat Pump 13.0 SEER Setback New HP-23 Split Heat Pump 8.00 HSPF Split Heat Pump 13.0 SEER Setback New HP-24 Split Heat Pump 8.00 HSPF Split Heat Pump 13.0 SEER Setback New HVAC DISTRIBUTION System Name Heating Cooling Duct Location Duct R-Value Ducts Tested? Status HP-75A Ducted Ducted Conditioned 4.2 • New HP-27>A Ducted Ducted Conditioned 4.2 • New HP-22 Ducted Ducted Conditioned 4.2 • New HP-23 Ducted Ducted Conditioned 4.2 • New HP-24 Ducted Ducted Conditioned 42 • New WATER HEATING SYSTEMS System Name Qty. Type Distribution Rated Input (Btuh) Tank Cap. Energy Factor or RE Standby Loss or Pilot Ext. Tank Insul. R- Value Status MULTI-FAMILY WA ER HEATING DETAILS HYDRONIC HEATING SYSTEM PIPING Control Qty. HP Hot Water Piping Length Plenum Outside Buried c . g is •D ^ -o W < s System Name Pipe Length Pipe Diameter Insul. Thick. • EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number: 3219 RunCode: 2014-03-20709:44:01 ID: 13035 Page 19 of 24 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residential (Part 5 of 5) CF-1R Project Name Marbrisa Resort Villa 59 Building Type • Single Family IZI Multi Family • Addition Alone • Existing* Addition/Alteration Date 3/20/2014 BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION Floor Area (fFf System Name Zone Name New Existing Altered Removed Volume Year Built Totals 75,056 HVAC SYSTEMS System Name Q Heating Type Min. Eff. Cooling Type Min. Eff. Thermostat Type Status HP-25 Sp//f Heaf Pump 8.00 HSPF Split Heat Pump 13.0 SEER Setback New HP-25A Split Heat Pump 9.20 HSPF Split Heat Pump 17.8 SEER Setback New HP-32 Split Heat Pump 8.00 HSPF Split Heat Pump 13.0 SEER Setback New HP-33 Split Heat Pump 8.00 HSPF Split Heat Pump 13.0 SEER Setback New HP-34 Split Heat Pump 8.00 HSPF Split Heat Pump 13.0 SEER Setback New HVAC DISTRIBUTION System Name Heating Cooling Duct Location Duct R-Value Ducts Tested? Status HP-25 Ducfecf Ducted Conditioned 4.2 • New HP-25A Ducted Ducted Conditioned 4.2 • New HP-32 Ducted Ducted Conditioned 4.2 • New HP-33 Ducted Ducted Conditioned 4.2 • New HP-34 Ducted Ducted Conditioned 4.2 • New WATER HEATING SYSTEMS System Name Qty. Type Distribution Rated Input (Btuh) Tank Cap. Energy Factor or RE Standby Loss or Pilot Ext. Tank Insul. R- Value Status MULTI-FAMILY WATER HEATING DETAILS HYDRONIC HEATING SYSTEM PIPING Control Qty. HP Hot Water Piping Length i!tl_ Plenum Outside Buried c . g is •D < S System Name Pipe Length Pipe Diameter Insul. Thick. • • • EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number: 3219 RunCode: 2014-03-20709:44:01 ID: 13035 Page 20 of 24 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residential (Part 5 of 5) CF-1 R Project Name Marbrisa Resort Villa 59 Building Type • Single Family • Addition Alone d Multi Family • Existing+ Addition/Alteration Date 3/20/2014 BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION System Name Zone Name Floor Area (fr") Volume Year Built System Name Zone Name New Existing Altered Removed Volume Year Built Totals 75,056 > 0 0 0 HVAC SYSTEMS System Name Qty. Heating Type Min. Eff. Cooling Type Min. Eff. Thermostat Type Status HP-35 7 Sp/;f Heaf Pomp 8.00 HSPF Sp/;'f Heaf Pump 13.0 SEER Setback New HVAC DISTRIBUTION System Name Heating Cooling Duct Location Duct R-Value Ducts Tested? Status HP-35 Ducfed Ducted Conditioned 42 • New • • • • WATER HEATING SYSTEMS System Name Qty. Type Distribution Rated Input (Btuh) Tank Cap. (gal) Energy Factor or RE Standby Loss or Pilot Ext. Tank Insul. R- Value Status MULTI-FAMILY WAI FERH EATING DETAI LS HYDR ONIC SEATING SYSTEM PIPING Control Hot Water Piping Length (ft) Add V2" Insulation System Name Pipe Length Pipe Diameter Insul. Thick. Control Qty. HP Plenum Outside Buried Add V2" Insulation System Name Pipe Length Pipe Diameter Insul. Thick. • • • • • EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number: 3219 RunCode: 2014-03-20709:44:01 ID: 13035 Page 21 of 24 MANDATORY MEASURES SUMMARY: Residential (Page 1 of 3) MF-1R Project Name Date Marbrisa Resort Villa 59 3/20/2014 NOTE: Low-rise residential buildings subject to the Standards must comply with all applicable mandatory measures listed, regardless of the compliance approach used. More stringent energy measures listed on the Certificate of Compliance (CF-1 R, CF-1 R-ADD, or CF- 1 R-ALT Form) shall supersede the items marked with an asterisk (*) below. This Mandatory Measures Summary shall be incorporated into the permit documents, and the applicable features shall be considered by ali parties as minimum component performance specifications whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or in this summary. Submit all applicable sections of the MF-1 R Form with plans. Building Envelope Measures: §116(a)1: Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces are manufactured to limit air leakage. §116(a)4: Fenestration products (except field-fabricated windows) have a label listing the certified U-Factor, certified Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC), and infiltration that meets the requirements of §10-111 (a). §117: Exterior doors and windows are weather-stripped; all joints and penetrations are caulked and sealed. §118(a): Insulation specified or installed meets Standards for Insulating Material. Indicate type and include on CF-6R Form. §118(i): The thermal emittance and solar reflectance values of the cool roofing material meets the requirements of §118(i) when the installation of a Cool Roof is specified on the CF-1 R Form. *§150(a): Minimum R-19 insulation in wood-frame ceiling or equivalent U-factor. §150(b): Loose fill insulation shall conform with manufacturer's installed design labeled R-Value. *§150(c): Minimum R-13 insulation in wood-frame wall or equivalent U-factor. *§150(d): Minimum R-13 insulation in raised wood-frame floor or equivalent U-factor. §150(f): Air retarding wrap is tested, labeled, and installed according to ASTM El677-95(2000) when specified on the CF-1 R Form. §150(g): Mandatory Vapor barrier installed in Climate Zones 14 or 16. §150(1): Water absorption rate for slab edge insulation material alone without facings is no greater than 0.3%; water vapor permeance rate is no greater than 2.0 perm/inch and shall be protected from physical damage and UV light deterioration. Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances and Gas Log Measures: §150(e)1A: Masonry or factory-built fireplaces have a closable metal or glass door covering the entire opening of the firebox. §150(e)1 B: Masonry or factory-built fireplaces have a combustion outside air intake, which is at least six square inches in area and is equipped with a with a readily accessible, operable, and tight-fitting damper and or a combustion-air control device. §150(e)2: Continuous burning pilot lights and the use of indoor air for cooling a firebox jacket, when that indoor air is vented to the outside of the building, are prohibited. Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures: §110-§113: HVAC equipment, water heaters, showerheads, faucets and all other regulated appliances are certified by the Energy Commission. §113(c)5: Water heating recirculation loops serving multiple dwelling units and High-Rise residential occupancies meet the air release valve, backflow prevention, pump isolation valve, and recirculation loop connection requirements of §113(c)5. §115: Continuously burning pilot lights are prohibited for natural gas: fan-type central furnaces, household cooking appliances (appliances with an electrical supply voltage connection with pilot lights that consume less than 150 Btu/hr are exempt), and pool and spa heaters. §150(h): Heating and/or cooling loads are calculated in accordance with ASHRAE, SMACNA or ACCA. §150(1): Heating systems are equipped with thermostats that meet the setback requirements of Section 112(c). §150(j)1 A: Storage gas water heaters rated with an Energy Factor no greater than the federal minimal standard are externally wrapped with insulation having an installed thermal resistance of R-12 or greater. §150(j)1 B: Unfired storage tanks, such as storage tanks or backup tanks for solar water-heating system, or other indirect hot water tanks have R-12 external insulation or R-16 internal insulation where the internal insulation R-value is indicated on the exterior of the tank. §150(j)2: First 5 feet of hot and cold water pipes closest to water heater tank, non-recirculating systems, and entire length of recirculating sections of hot water pipes are insulated per Standards Table 150-B. §150(j)2: Cooling system piping (suction, chilled water, or brine lines),and piping insulated between heating source and indirect hot water tank shall be insulated to Table 150-B and Equation 150-A. §150(j)2: Pipe insulation for steam hydronic heating systems or hot water systems >15 psi, meets the requirements of Standards Table 123-A. §150(i)3A: Insulation is protected from damage, including that due to sunlight, moisture, equipment maintenance, and wind. §150(j)3A: Insulation for chilled water piping and refrigerant suction lines includes a vapor retardant or is enclosed entirely in conditioned space. §150(i)4: Solar water-heating systems and/or collectors are certified by the Solar Rating and Certification Corporation. EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number: 3219 RunCode: 2014-03-20709:44:01 ID: 13035 Page 22 of 24 MANDATORY MEASURES SUMMARY: Residential (Page 2 of 3) MF-1 R Project Name Marbrisa Resort Villa 59 Date 3/20/2014 §150(m)1: All air-distribution system ducts and plenums installed, are sealed and insulated to meet the requirements of CMC Sections 601, 602, 603, 604, 605 and Standard 6-5; supply-air and return-air ducts and plenums are insulated to a minimum installed level of R- 4.2 or enclosed entirely in conditioned space. Openings shall be sealed with mastic, tape or other duct-closure system that meets the applicable requirements of UL 181, UL 181 A, or UL 181B or aerosol sealant that meets the requirements of UL 723. If mastic or tape is used to seal openings greater than 1/4 inch, the combination of mastic and either mesh or tape shall be used §150(m)1: Building cavities, support platforms for air handlers, and plenums defined or constructed with materials other than sealed sheet metal, duct board or flexible duct shall not be used for conveying conditioned air. Building cavities and support platforms may contain ducts. Ducts installed in cavities and support platforms shall not be compressed to cause reductions in the cross-sectional area of the ducts. §150(m)2D: Joints and seams of duct systems and their components shall not be sealed with cloth back rubber adhesive duct tapes unless such tape is used in combination with mastic and draw bands. §150(m)7: Exhaust fan systems have back draft or automatic dampers. §150(m)8: Gravity ventilating systems serving conditioned space have either automatic or readily accessible, manually operated dampers. §150(m)9: Insulation shall be protected from damage, including that due to sunlight, moisture, equipment maintenance, and wind. Cellular foam insulation shall be protected as above or painted with a coating that is water retardant and provides shielding from solar radiation that can cause degradation of the material. §150(m)10: Flexible ducts cannot have porous inner cores. §150(o): All dwelling units shall meet the requirements of ANSl/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2007 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings. Window operation is not a permissible method of providing the Whole Building Ventilation required in Section 4 of that Standard. Pool and Spa Heating Systems and Equipment Measures: §114(a): Any pool or spa heating system shall be certified to have: a thermal efficiency that complies with the Appliance Efficiency Regulations; an on-off switch mounted outside of the heater; a permanent weatherproof plate or card with operating instructions; and shall not use electric resistance heating or a pilot light. §114(b)1: Any pool or spa heating equipment shall be installed with at least 36" of pipe between filter and heater, or dedicated suction and return lines, or built-up connections for future solar heating. §114(b)2: Outdoor pools or spas that have a heat pump or gas heater shall have a cover. §114(b)3: Pools shall have directional inlets that adequately mix the pool water, and a time switch that will allow all pumps to be set or programmed to run only during off-peak electric demand periods. §150(p): Residential pool systems or equipment meet the pump sizing, flow rate, piping, filters, and valve requirements of §150(p). Residential Lighting Measures: §150(k)1: High efficacy luminaires or LED Light Engine with Integral Heat Sink has an efficacy that is no lower than the efficacies contained in Table 150-C and is not a low efficacy luminaire as specified by §150(k)2. §150(k)3: The wattage of permanently installed luminaires shall be determined as specified by §130(d). §150(k)4: Ballasts for fluorescent lamps rated 13 Watts or greater shall be electronic and shall have an output frequency no less than 20 kHz. §150(k)5: Permanently installed night lights and night lights integral to a permanently installed luminaire or exhaust fan shall contain only high efficacy lamps meeting the minimum efficacies contained in Table 150-C and shall not contain a line-voltage socket or line- voltage lamp holder; OR shall be rated to consume no more than five watts of power as determined by §130(d), and shall not contain a medium screw-base socket. §150(k)6: Lighting integral to exhaust fans, in rooms other than kitchens, shall meet the applicable requirements of §150(k). §150(k)7: All switching devices and controls shall meet the requirements of §150(k)7. §150(k)8: A minimum of 50 percent of the total rated wattage of permanently installed lighting in kitchens shall be high efficacy. EXCEPTION: Up to 50 watts for dwelling units less than or equal to 2,500 ftzor 100 watts for dwelling units larger than 2,500 ft2 may be exempt from the 50% high efficacy requirement when: all low efficacy luminaires in the kitchen are controlled by a manual on occupant sensor, dimmer, energy management system (EMCS), or a multi-scene programmable control system; and all permanently installed luminaries in garages, laundry rooms, closets greater than 70 square feet, and utility rooms are high efficacy and controlled by a manual-on occupant sensor. §150(k)9: Permanently installed lighting that is internal to cabinets shall use no more than 20 watts of power per linear foot of illuminated cabinet. EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number: 3219 RunCode: 2014-03-20709:44:01 ID: 13035 Page 23 of 24 MANDATORY MEASURES SUMMARY: Residential (Page 3 of 3) MF-1R Project Name Marbrisa Resort Villa 59 Date 3/20/2014 §150(k)10: Permanently installed luminaires in bathrooms, attached and detached garages, laundry rooms, closets and utility rooms shall be high efficacy. EXCEPTION 1: Permanently installed low efficacy luminaires shall be allowed provided that they are controlled by a manual-on occupant sensor certified to comply with the applicable requirements of §119. EXCEPTION 2: Permanently installed low efficacy luminaires in closets less than 70 square feet are not required to be controlled by a manual-on occupancy sensor. §150(k)11: Permanently installed luminaires located in rooms or areas other than in kitchens, bathrooms, garages, laundry rooms, closets, and utility rooms shall be high efficacy luimnaires. EXCEPTION 1: Permanently installed low efficacy luminaires shall be allowed provided they are controlled by either a dimmer switch that complies with the applicable requirements of §119, or by a manual- on occupant sensor that complies with the applicable requirements of §119. EXCEPTION 2: Lighting in detached storage building less than 1000 square feet located on a residentiai site is not required to comply with §150(k)11. §150(k)12: Luminaires recessed into insulated ceilings shall be listed for zero clearance insulation contact (IC) by Undenwriters Laboratories or other nationally recognized testing/rating laboratory; and have a label that certifies the lumiunaire is airtight with air leakage less then 2.0 CFM at 75 Pascals when tested in accordance with ASTM E283; and be sealed with a gasket or caulk between the luminaire housing and ceiling. §150(k)13: Luminaires providing outdoor lighting, including lighting for private patios in low-rise residential buildings with tour or more dwelling units, entrances, balconies, and porches, which are permanently mounted to a residential building or to other buildings on the same lot shall be high efficacy. EXCEPTION 1: Permanently installed outdoor low efficacy luminaires shall be allowed provided that they are controlled by a manual on/off switch, a motion sensor not having an override or bypass switch that disables the motion sensor, and one of the following controls: a photocontrol not having an override or bypass switch that disables the photocontrol; OR an astronomical time clock not having an override or bypass switch that disables the astronomical time clock; OR an energy management control system (EMCS) not having an override or bypass switch that allows the luminaire to be always on EXCEPTION 2: Outdoor luminaires used to comply with Exceptioni to §150(k)13 may be controlled by a temporary override switch which bypasses the motion sensing function provided that the motion sensor is automatically reactivated within six hours. EXCEPTION 3: Permanently installed luminaires in or around swimming pool, water features, or other location subject to Article 680 of the California Electric Code need not be high efficacy luminaires. §150(k)14: Internally illuminated address signs shall comply with Section 148; OR not contain a screw-base socket, and consume no more than five watts of power as determined according to §130(d). §150(k)15: Lighting for parking lots and carports with a total of for 8 or more vehicles per site shall comply with the applicable requirements in Sections 130, 132, 134, and 147. Lighting for parking garages for 8 or more vehicles shall comply with the applicable requirements of Sections 130, 131, 134, and 146. §150(k)16: Permanently installed lighting in the enclosed, non-dwelling spaces of low-rise residential buildings with four or more dwelling units shall be high efficacy luminaires. EXCEPTION: Permanently installed low efficacy luminaires shall be allowed provided that they are controlled by an occupant sensor(s) certified to comply with the applicable requirements of §119. EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number: 32 79 RunCode: 2014-03-20709:44:01 ID: 13035 Page 24 of 24 VENDED Speed Queen Stack Tumble Dryers 30 lb Tumble Dryer 45 Ib Tumble Dryer Speed Queeii» RECEIVED AP4 0 9, ?ni4 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DIVISION ^3 VENDEDISTACK TUMBLE DRYERISPECIFICATIONS Control Option Dry Capacity - Ib (kg) Filling Ratio - Ib (kg) Width - In (mm) Depth - in (mm) Height - in (mm) Cylinder Diameter - in (mm) Cylinder Depth - in (mm) Cylinder Volume - cu. ft. (liters) Door Opening Size - in (mm) Airflow - cfm (liter/sec) Air Outiet Diameter - In (mm) Energy Data Electrical Specifications Motor Size-HP (W) Plumbing Connections Sliipping Dimensions Approx. - In (mm) Net Weight-ib (kg) Shipping Weight - ib (kg) Agency Approvals Fan Cylinder Width Depth Height STT30 Gold, MDC 2 ©30 (13.6) 20il =33(15,1) 31 1/2" (800) 42 7/8" (1086) 76 1/4" (1937) 30" (762) 26" (660) 10.6(301) 22 5/8" (576) 60 Hz: 400 (189) 50 HZ; 340 (160) 1 X 8" (203) Gas Models: 146,000 Btu/hr (42.8 kW) total Steam Models; At 100 psi (6.9 bar); 3,2 BHP 111,000 Btu/hr (32.6 kW) Electric Models; 21 kW Oas and Steam Models; 120/208-240/60/1; 2W/3W+G 100/200-220/60/1; 2W+Q 100/200/50/1; 2W+G 230-240/50/1; 2W+Q 200-208/240/60/3; 3W+6 380/60/3; 3W+G 200/50/3; 3W+G 230-240/50/3; 3W+G 380/400-415/50/3; 3W+G 460-480/60/3; 3W+Q Electric Models; 20O-208/60/3; 3W+G 200/50/3; 3W+G 230-240/50/3; 3W+G* 240/60/3; 3W+6 380/60/3; 3W+6 380/50/3; 3W-^G 400-415/50/3; 3W+G 460-480/60/3; 3W+G 1/4(187) 1/4(187) Gas Models; 1/2" - NPT One manifold gas connection. Steam Models; 3/4" - NPT 32 1/2" (825) 47" (1194) 81" (2057) 544 (247) 582 (264) Gas Models; CSA stor, CSA Flame, cCSAus, CE, Australia Gas Electrical & Steam Models; cCSAus, CE sn45 Gold, MDC 2 ©45(20,4) 20;1 =46(21.1) 34 1/2" (876) 48 6/8" (1236) 81 1/16" (2059) 33" (838) 30" (762) 14,8(421) 28 7/8" (683) 60 Hz; 600 (283) 50 Hz; 600 (236) 1 XlO" (254) Gas Models; 190,000 Btu/hr (55.6 kW) total - 60Hz 174,000 Btu/hr (61,0 kW) total - 60 Hz Gas Models Only; 200/60/1; 2W+Q 208-240/60/1; 3W-(-G 200-208/240/60/3; 3W-HG 200/60/1; 2W-(-G 230-240/60/1; 2W-hG 1/2(375) 1/2(375) Gas Models: l/2" - NPT One manifold gas connection, 35 1/2" (902) 54" (1372) 85" (2159) 673 (306) 718(326) Gas Models; CSA Star, CSA Flome, cCSAus, CE, Australia Gas *Not available in EU Tumble dryer models are mode to suit a variety of electrical service characteristics. See your Speed Queen distributor for specifications. For furttier details on Installation, refer to instollotlon. Operation and Maintenance Instructions supplied wltti the tumble dryer. Amperage ratings available In Installation Manual. For me most accurate Information, the Installation guide should be used for oil design and construction puiposes. Due to continuous product Improvements, design and specifications subject to change without notice. The quality nnanagement system of Alliance Laundry Systems' Ripon faclUly has been registered to ISO 9001:2000. speedqueen.com DEDICATED TO A HIGHER STANDARD LARGE DOOR OPENINGS Load and unload laundry with ease. DUAL CONTROLS Designed for individual operation and greater reliability DUAL OOIN VAULTS Enjoy a greater capacity for revenue INDUSTRY S LARGEST UNT DRAWER Minimize your maintenance and reduce labor time. PATENTED CYUNDER HOLES Designed to harmlessly pass drywall screws that standard cylinder holes cannot. AXIAL AIRFLOW Ensures fabrics receive the most concentratea drying possible — saving you money TWO 30 LB OR 45 LB CAPACITY CYLINDERS Provides more capacity per sq ft of floor space than any other coin tumbler on the market DOOR HINGES Extra wide hinges evenly distribute force on the door, so that it can stand up to heavy usage. SINGLE TO" VENT Both pockets join in a singular vent that will save money on installation costs. ELECTRONIC IGNITION Energy-efticient operation, with faster response-controlled gas usage. SEPARATE FAN MOTORS Each delivers 600 cfm for energy efficient drying SINGLE GAS AND ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS Save money on installation costs INDIVIDUAL DRIVE MOTORS Providing precise control of cylinder rotation. INSTALLATION DEPTH OF 46 LB TUMBLE DRYERS Comparable to many 30 Ib stack tumblers. BUILT FOR RELIABLE PERFORMANCE. 100 years. It's a long time for any company to be at the forefront of an industry. And you'd think that a company that's been able to lead for that long must have a finely honed craft — a premier product. Well, you'd be right. For more than a century, Speed Queen has built a legacy on pr oviding equipment that stands up t o any commercial laundry challenge. We make no compromises in performance. We refuse to be outdone in reliability and efficiency. Our commitment to quality is only matched by our commitment to your success. The result? The most profitable machines in the industry — bar none. Some of our competitors may think that a r esidential machine wrapped in a rugged ext erior passes for commercial grade. We believe that strength comes from within. Speed Queen machines are built specifically for the commercial environment. We use metal where others use plastic. Our world-class Test Lab rigorously pushes our products far beyond the conditions they'll face in the field. We believe in being there when our customers need us most. And w e go the extra mile at every point of our manufacturing process to ensure that our machines reflect that belief. Q Speed Queen LAUNDRY IT'S ALL WE DO. As the world's largest commercial laundry company, we help you achieve profitability with more laundry services than anyone else in the industry. LAUNDRY DESIGN From selecting the right location to choosing a layout, and everything in between. GLOBAL NETWORK OF DISTRIBUTORS Our global network is stocked with true laundry experts, partnering with y ou to offer comprehensive guidance, service and support. CUSTOMER ONE We're committed to delighting our customers at every point of interaction. GENUINE PARTS Same design. Same reliability. The perfect maintenance solution. FINANCING Experience. Knowledge. Guidance. Speed Queen Financial Services has the tools to define a viable financial strategy, whether you're a first time investor or sophisticated entrepreneur See for yourself how our progressive programs, successful track record and unbeatable laundry expertise can help you succeed. Visit SpeedQueen.com/finance to learn more. QUANTUlVl"GOLDl CONTROLS. Picture a world in which you actually run your business, rather than your business running you. Imagine the freedom of controlling your laundry facility from home, on the road or wherever you want to be. Such a world does exist. And it's powered by Quantum'" Gold. This revolutionary technology unites equipment controls, programming and store management into one versatile system, giving you total control over your business from any remote location. With Quantum Gold, you can adjust your cost structure, reduce your utility costs and maximize your revenue — from any computer, anywhere in the world. INCREASE REVENUE With at least 25 percent of the average vended laundry's profit coming from tumble dryers, it's important to maximize this revenue stream. Quantum Gold's Advanced Monitoring Capabilities mean that you can track performance up to the minute, and get daily profit reports on your mobile device or computer. Time of Day Pricing can optimize profits during peak hours or increase traffic on slow days with variable pricing options. Quantum DECREASE COSTS Quantum Gold doesn't just help make you money — it helps save you money. Reduce your utility costs with the ability to adjust your dry cycle times right down to the second for maximum efficiency and profitability. Quantum Gold Networking and Remote Programming significantly reduce labor hours spent manually programming machines. You can also monitor pocket usage and motivate your customers to use the lower cylinder, with more dry time or lower vend prices to encourage even wear on both pockets. DELIVER THE ULTIMATE CUSTOMER SERVICE Quantum Gold doesn't stop at making your life easier. An intuitive design and User-Friendly Controls allow customers to seamlessly select the ideal wash setting, while the Lucky Cycle adds fun and an incentive to return. MOVE FORWARD WITH CONFIDENCE Quantum Gold Networking gives you the freedom to program and manage your stores from any computer, while keeping you updated on any potential service issues with Email Notification. These features, like all of Quantum Gold's revolutionary offerings, give you the freedom to run your facility on your terms — anytime and from anywhere. Speed Queen Q Speed Queen © 2011 Alliance Laundry Systems LLC ACll-0121 DBF4XLT Dryer Booster Fan SUBMITTAL DATA • Unit shall be CSA listed for use as a dryer booster fan. • Unit shall be designed to meet CSA ILL. No. G-48. FIVE YEAR WARRANTY Unit shall include remote-mount, low voltage indicator panel capable of displaying: normal operation, no power, blocked duct, locked motor rotor and low speed conditions. Fantech ' Dryer booster fan shall be capable of maintaining an air velocity of 1200 fpm with an equivalent duct length of 130 feet of 4 inch rigid steel duct. ' The dryer booster fan shall be capable of exhausting air up to 75PC ' Unit shall have a five year warranty. ' Motor shall be a permanently lubricated, enclosed, external rotor design. ' The blower wheel shall be a self cleaning backward curvej impeller design. ' The dryer booster fan shall have a galvanized steel housi with powder coat finish, A 50 foot cable shall be provided to connect the remote mount indicator panel to the dryer booster fan. Unit shall be provided with a 5-1/2 foot long 120 Vac power cord. Dryer booster fan is to be provided with inlet and outlet flanges for connection to 4" duct. Quick disconnect duct clamp to be provided. Galvanized mounting bracket and hardware are to be provided. Unit shall be provided with 18" of pressure sensing tubing with mounting grommet. Air delivery shall be as shown below. Fan Max Max 1 Static Pressure in Inches W.G, 1 Max Duct Model RPM Volts Watts Amps 0" .125" .25" .375" .5" .75" 1.0" 1.25" 1.5" Ps Dia. DBF4XLT 2800 115 83 0.73 195 181 167 153 141 120 101 81 55 2.05" 4" Project: Architect: Submitted by: Contractor: Engineer: Date: SPECIFICATIONS Fan Position Model No. APR n9 ?nu CFM SP RPM nrn \j £ tUlT Watts/HP Max Amps Qty CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING L;1VIS!0N Optional Equipment WARNING! DO NOT USE IN HAZARDOUS ENVIRONMENTS where fan's electrical system could provide ignition to combustible or flamj materials unless it is specifically built for hazardous environments. Fantech, Inc. reserves the right to substitute material or change product specificatid! ^ COMMUNITY ^^t^ CA/^ii iTicc Development Services FACILITIES Building Division ^ CITY OF DISTRICT NO. 1 1635 Faraday Avenue f^ARI SRAD NON-RESIDENTIAL 760-602-2719 »I—•JL'/VI—^ 6-32 www.carlsbadca.gov NON'RESIDENTIAL CERTIFiCATE: Non-Residential land owner, please read this option carefully and be sure you thoroughly understand before signing. The option you chose will affect your payment of the developed Special Tax assessed on your property. This option is available only at the time of the first building permit issuance. Property owner signature is required before signing. Your signature is confirming the accuracy of all information shown. GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD LP 760-585-8879 Name of Owner Telephone 2900 PASTEUR CT 1586 MARBRISA CR Address Project Address CARLSBAD CA 92008 CARLSBAD CA 92008 City, State Zip City, State Zip 211-130-06-00 Assessor Parcel Number(s) or APN(s) and Lot Numbers(s) if not yet subdivided by County Assessor CBI 33192 Building Permit Number(s) As cited by Ordinance No. NS-155 and adopted by the City of Carlsbad, Califomia, tlie City is authorized to levy a Special Tax in Community Facilities District No. 1. All non-residential property, upon the issuance of a building permit, shall have the option to (1) pay the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX ONE TIME or (2) assume the ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - DEVELOPED PROPERTY for a period not to exceed twenty-five (25) years. Please Indicate your choice by initializing the appropriate line below: OPTION (1): I elect to pay the SPECIAL TAX - ONE TIME now, as a one-time payment. Amount of One-Time Special Tax: $ 13,185.82 Owner's Initials . OPTION (2): I elect to pay the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX ANNUALLY for a period not to exceed twenty-five (25) years. Maximum annual Speciai Tax: $ 1,820.96 Owner's Initials -Hv^ . I DO HEREBY CERTIFY UNPER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THE UNDERSIGNED IS THE PROPERTY OWNER OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY ANtfTriAT I UNDERSTAND AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE PROVISION AS STATED ABOVE. Title PhntNarne * Date The City of Carisbad has not independently verified the information shown above. Therefore, we accept no responsibility as to the accuracy or completeness of this information. Land Use HOTEL Imp.Area 2 FY 13/14 Annex date 12/93 Factor .8490 X 15,531 Square FL = $13,185.82 B-32 Page 1 of 1 Rev. 07/09 SAN DIEGO REGIONAL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS QUESTIONNAIRE OFFICE USE ONLY UPFP#. HV« BP DATE / / Business Name Susfness Contacl Telephone # Pr6iecl Address Cijy State Zip Code WaTnng Address City Slate Zip Code Plan Fite# Project Contacl Telephone # / \ Tha following questions represent the ^cility's activities, NOT the speciflc project description. PART \: FIRE PgPARTMENT- HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION: OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: Indicate by circling the item, whether your business will use, process, or store any of Ihe foltowing hazanious materiais. If any of the items are circted. aWJHcant must contact the Fire I'aitection jApency with jurisdiction prior to plan submittal. Facility's Square Footage (including proposed project): ^2.j.^rt3Q Occupancy Rating: A- /o 1. Explosive or Blasting Agents 5. Organic Peroxides 9. Water Reaclives 13. Corrosives 2. Compressed Gases 6. Oxidizers 10. Cryogenics 14. Otiier Healtli Hazards 3. Flammable/Comljustib/e Liquids 7. Pyrophorics 11. iHighly Toxic or ToxiclVlatsrials IS. None of These. 4. Flammabie Solids 8. Unstable Reactives 12. F?adioactives PART il: SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMIENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH - HAZARDOUS M/^TERIALS DIVISIONS (HMD): If tha answer lo any of the questions is yes, applicant must contact the County of San Diego Hazardous Materials Division, 5500 Overiand Ave., Suite 110, San Diego, CA 92123. Call (858) 505-6700 prior to the issuance of a building permit. FEES ARS REQUIRED. Project Completion Date: I \ . / 1^ Expected Date of Occupancy: '2- /I /l^ ^ CalARP Exempt NO (for new construciion or remodeling projects) YES 1. • 2, • 3. • 4. • 5. • 6. • 7. • / Date Initials • CalARP Required I Dale Initials • CalARP Complete L Date Initials Is your business listed on the reverse side of this form? (check all that apply). Will your business dispose of Hazardous Substances or Medical Waste in any amount? Will your business stora or handle Hazardous Substances in quantities equal to or greater Dian 55 gallons, 500 pounds 200 cubic feet, or carcinogens/reproductive toxins in any quantity? Will your business use an existing or install an underground storage tank? Wil! your business store or handle Regulated Substances (CalARP)? Will your business use or instail a Hazardous Waste Tanl< System (Title 22, Article 10)7 Will your business store petroleum in tanks or containers al your fecility with a tolal storage capacify equal to or greater than 1,320 gallons? (Califomia's Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act). PART III; SAN DIEGO COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRiCT; If Ihe answer to any of the questions below is yes, applicant must conlact the Air Pollution Contro) District (APCD). 10124 Old Grove Road, San Diego, CA 92131-1649, telephone (858) 586-2600 prior to Ihe issuance of a building ordemoliUon permii. Note: if the answer to queslions 4 or 5 is yes, applicant must also submit an asbestos notlficattan form to the APCD at least 10 worthing days prior to commencing demollHon or renovation, except demolition or renovation of residential structures of four units or less. Contacl the APCD for more informalfon. YES • 0 Will the subject facility or construction activities include operations or equipment that emil or are capable of emitting an air contaminant? (See the APCD factsheet at http://vww.sdaocd.orp/info/facts/penTiits.pdf. and the ilst of typical equipment requiring an APCD permit on the reverse side of this from. Contact APCD if you hava any questions), (ANSWER ONLY IF QUESTION 1 IS YES) Will the subject faciRty be located wilhin 1,000 feel of the ouler boundary of a school (K through 12)? (Search the California School Directory at http://www.cdg.ca.aov/re/sd/ for public and private schools or conlact the appropriate school district). Has a survey been performed to determine Ihs presence of Asbestos Containing Materials? Will there be renovatfon that involves iiandling of any friable asbestos materials, or disturbing any material that contains non-friable asbestos? WiH there be demolilion involving the removal of a load supporting structural member? Briefly describe business activities: Briefly describe proposed project; ^^d^^^^^^^penali^^^^^^^oi Name of Owner or Authorized Agent ' lest of my knowfedge and belief the responses made FIRE DEPARTMENT OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION:. BY: Signature of,p*rt5rj)f«<Sittiorized Agent FOR OFFICIAL flSE ONLY: Date DATE: / EXEMPT OR NO FURTHER IKFORMATION REQUtFJED RELHAS6D FOR BUILDING PERMIT BUT NOT FOR OCCUPANCY RELEASED FOR OCCUPANCY COUNTY-HMD* APCD COUNTY-HMD APCD COUNTY-HMD APCD CITY OF CARLSBAD PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL WORKSHEET B-18 Deveiopment Services Buitding Division 1635 FaradayAvenue 760-602-2719 www.carisbadca.gov Project Address: Permit No.: 13-3192 information provided below refers to work being done on the above mentioned permit o«^. This form mvsf he tompleted and rettirne J fo ihe BgildiMH Pivision before the ptrttiif tan be issued. Building Dept. Fax: (760) 602-85S8 Number of new or relocated fixtures, traps, or floor drains „. New building sewer line? Ves *^ No Numt>er of new roof drains? ^ Install/alter water line? - Number of new water heaters? ~ / Number of new, relocated or replaced gas outlets? Number of new hose bibs? - Residentiai Permits: New/expanded service: Number of new amps: Minor Remodel onfy: Ves No Commerdol/Industriot: Tenant Improvement: Number of existing amps involved in this proiecb Number of new amps involved in this proiect; New Construction: Amps per Panel: Single Phase - Number of new ampere5_ Three Phase.... Number of new ampere$_ Three Phase 480 Number of new ampere$_ 600 amps Number of new fumaces, A/C. or heat pumps? New or relocated duct worh? Ves Jl No Number of new fireplaces? ^ Number of new exhaust fans? - J^^T Relocate/install went? -^^^ Number of new exhaust hoods? - ^ Number of new boilers or compressors? Number of HP ^ 8-18 Page 1 of 1 Rev. 03/09 City of Carlsbad Permit No: I'S- Site- Address VALUATION WORKSHEET Building Division Assessor Parcel No. Date By Type of Work Area of Work Multiplier VALUE SFD and Duplexes $110.17 $0.00 Residential Additions $131.73 $0.00 Remodels / Lofts $57.48 $0.00 Apartments & IVIulti-family $98.20 $0.00 Garages/Sunrooms/Solariums $28.74 $0.00 Patio/Porch/Carport $9.58 $0.00 Enclosed Patio $15.51 $0.00 Decks/Balconies/Stairs 4,614 $15.57 $71,839.98 Retaining Walls, concrete,masonry $19.16 $0.00 Pools/Spas-Gunite $40.72 $0.00 Tl/Stores, Offices $37.12 $0.00 Tl/Medical, restaurant, H occupancies $50.30 $0.00 Photovoltaic Systems/ # of panels $400.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 HOTEL VB 15,531 $89.81 $1,394,839.11 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Fire Sprinkler System 15,531 $3.11 $48,301.41 Air Conditioning - commercial 15,531 $5.03 $78,120.93 Air Conditioning - residential $4.19 $0.00 Fireplace/ concrete, masonry $3,855.98 $0.00 Fireplace/ prefabricated IVIetal $2,621.34 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL Valuation: $1,593,101 Comm/Res (C/R): C Building Fee $5,232.92 Plan Check Fee $3,663.04 Strong Motion Fee $335.00 Green Bldg. Stand. Fee $60.00 Green Bldg PC Fee $150.00 License Tax/PFF $55,758.55 License Tax/PFF (in CFD) $28,994.45 CFD 1st hour of Plan ciieckFire Expedite Plumbing TBD Mechanical TBD Electrical TBD $1,593,101.43 CFD 0 Yes (PFF=1.82%) Ea No (PFF = 3.5%) Land Use: Density: Improve. Area: Fiscal Year: Annex. Year: Factor: Explanation: CREDITS PFF and/orCFD INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT SCREENING SURVEY Date Business Name_ Street Adclress_ Email Address PLEASE CHECK HERE IF YOUR BUSINESS IS EXEh/IPT: {ON REVERSE SIDE CHECK TYPE OF BUSINESS) Check all below that are present at your facility: Acid Cleaning Assembly Automotive Repair Battery Manufacturing Biofuel Manufacturing Biotech Laboratory Bulk Chemical Storage Car Wash Chemical Manufacturing Chemical Purification Dry Cleaning Electrical Component Manufacturing Fertilizer Manufacturing Film / X-ray Processing Food Processing Glass Manufacturing Industrial Laundry Ink Manufacturing Laboratory Machining / Milling Manufacturing Membrane Manufacturing (i.e. water filter membranes) Metal Casting / Fomning Metal Fabrication Metal Finishing Electroplating Electroless plating Anodizing Coating (I.e. phosphating) Chemical Etching / Milling Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing Metal Powders Forming Nutritional Supplement/ Vitamin Manufacturing Painting/Finishing Paint Manufacturing Personal Care Products Manufacturing Pesticide Manufacturing / Packaging Pharmaceutical Manufacturing (including precursors) Porcelain Enameling Power Generation Print Shop Research and Development Rubber Manufacturing Semiconductor Manufacturing Soap / Detergent Manufacturing Waste Treatment / Storage SIC Code(s) (if known): Brief description of lousiness activities (Production / Manufacturing Operations): Description of operations generating wastewater (discharged to sewer, hauled or evaporated): Estimated volume of industrial wastewater to be discharged (gal / day): List hazardous wastes generated (type / volume): Date operation began/or will begin at this location: Have you applied for a Wastewater Discharge Permit from the Encina Wastewater Authority? Yes No If yes, when: Site Contact Signatur ENCINA Title Phone No. yio ^SBS-^Q^^f Y. 6200 Avenida Encinas Carisbad, CA 92011 (760)438-3941 FAX: (760)476-9852 ^ CITY CARLSBAD O F CERTIFICATION OF SCHOOL FEES PAID B-34 Development Services Building Department 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov This form must be completed by the City, the applicant, and the appropriate school districts and returned to the City prior to issuing a building permit. The City will not issue any building permit without a completed school fee form. Project Name Building Permit Plan Check Number: Project Address: A.P.N Project Applicant (Owner Name): GRAND PACIFIC VILLA 59 Proiect ID: CT/MS: CBI 33192 1586 MARBRISA CR 211-130.06.00 GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD LP Project Description: TIMESHARE BUILDING Building Type Residential: Second Dwelling Unit: Residential Additions: NEW DWELLING UNIT(S) Square Feet of Living Area in New Dwelling/s Square Feet of Living Area In SDU Net Square Feet New Area Commercial/Industrial: 15,531 Net Square Feet New Area City Certification of t/ i A, Applicant Information^^yyai^^^^ WnQO^ Date 02/21/2014 SCHOOL DISTRICTS WITHIN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ^ Carlsbad Unified School District 6225 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92009 (760-331-5000) n Vlsta Unified School District 1234 Arcadia Drive Vista CA 92083 (760-726-2170) r~] San Marcos Unified School District 255 Pico Ave Ste. 100 San Marcos, CA 92069 (760-290-2649) Contact: Nancy Dolce (By Appt. Only) "T'l Encinitas Union School District 101 South Rancho Santa Fe Rd Encinitas, CA 92024 (760-944-4300x1166) 1 1 San Dieguito Union High School District-By Appointment Only 684 Requeza Dr. Encinitas, CA 92024 (760-753-6491 x5514) Certification of Applicant/Owners. The person executing this declaration ("Owner") certifies under penalty of perjury that (1) the information provided above is correct and true to the best of the Owner's knowledge, and that the Owner wiil file an amended certification of payment and pay the additional fee if Owner requests an increase in the number of dwelling units or square footage after the building permit is issued or if the initial determination of units or square footage is found to be incon-ect, and that (2) the Owner is the owner/developer of the above described project(s), or that the person executing this declaration is authorized to sign on behalf ofthe Owner. Signature: B-34 Date: J-^S^J^ Page 1 of 2 Rev. 03/09 SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL FEE CERTIFICATION (To be completed by the school district(s)) THIS FORM INDICATES THAT THE SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROJECT HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE SATISFIED. SCHOOL DISTRICT: The undersigned, being duly authorized by the applicable School District, certifies that the developer, builder, or owner has satisfied the obligation for school facilities. This is to certify that the applicant listed on page 1 has paid all amounts or completed other applicable school mitigation determined by the School District. The City may issue building pemnits for this project. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICIAL TITLE 6225 EL CAMINO nCAL CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRIi NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 DATE PHONE NUMBER B-34 Page 2 of 2 Rev. 03/09 CB133192 1586 MARBRISA CR GRAND PACIFIC VILLA 59 - BUILD //ir/itf (utijf d^^^ ^ ..lie/ -inal Inspe Finpl Inspection required Pian 4* Approved Fire ISSUED Date BUILDING PLANNING ENGINEERING /'^gerr FIRE Expedite? N '^7 zWil> AFS Checked by: to >0F HazMat APCD Health Forms/Fees Sent Rec'd Due? Encina Fire HazHealthAPCD PE&M School Sewer Stormwater Special Inspection CFD: ^ N LandUse: Density: lmpArea:(3^ ^•^^j/c^^""^'^- i2^3//3 By 23: Factor: PFF: Comments Date Date Date Date Building ^li H-i I'i Planning Engineering 2/17/ Fire Need? 11-05-2014 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Plan Check Revision Permit No:PCRl4149 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Reference #: PC #: Project Title: 1586 IVIARBRISA CR CBAD PCR 2111300600 Lot#: 0 $0.00 Construction Type: NEW CB133192 GRAND PACIFIC VILLA 59 REVISED IVIECHANICAL SPLIT SYSTEM TO VTAC // ADJUST SHEAR Status: Applied: Entered By: Plan Approved: Issued: Inspect Area: ISSUED 08/05/2014 SKS 11/05/2014 11/05/2014 Applicant: TALANT DAN BOX 329 1220 ROSECRANSST SAN DIEGO CA 92106-2694 619-297-8066 Owner: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD L P 5900 PASTEUR CT #200 CARLSBAD CA 92008 Plan Cliecl< Revision Fee Fire Expedited Plan Review Additional Fees $750.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Fees: $750.00 Total Payments To Date: $750.00 Balance Due: $0.00 Inspector: FINAL APPROVAL Date: Clearance: NOTICE: Please tal<e NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest Imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must foiiow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and fiie the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad iiunicipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely foiiow that procedure wiil bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have previousiv been given a NOTICE simiiar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previouslv otherwise expired. PLAN CHECK REVISION Development Services Building Division ^ CITY OF APPLICATION 1635 Faraday Avenue CARLSBAD B-15 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov Plan Check Revision No. l_Original Plan Check No.^ Project Address Mf\^^-^t^<>Si• 0^^6L.^£ Date- Contact Z^/^/i/ ^w/v r Ph /^'/f-Fax Email <::/C'I^'^&/^MIJ[JC. Co/h Contact Address ^220 ^inOij^rS' srj City S^r^/ Dl€Lt> Zip 'JtlbL General Scope of Work P/^yi'ii£h /^f^Cj-j/^t^K/^i" 9/ST^n^^ S^IEm i^^LL.f> ^j, ^LECTZiC/IL Cooj^AJJ9T)Qi\J Original plans prepared by an architect or engineer, revisions must be signed & stamped by that person. 1 • Elements revised: 0^Plans 0^Calculations • Soils Q^nergy • Other 2. Describe revisions in detail 3. List page(s) whiere eacli revision is sinown 4. List revised siieets that replace existing siieets C^t^L<S> /fent^rM\cA^ ^XLot^ ^PLiT >YSte«^v 1:2, X/rAc- /?'a?u^<rtAS^..i=>->r5> fee?. lHtscJ^^A^/VCAL- /^HA»vi-^<^*^- 5. Does this revision, in any way, alter the exterior of the project? • Yes 6. Does this revision add ANY new floor area(s)? • Yes T. Does this revision affect any fire related issues? • Yes 8. Is this a complete set? IZl^Yes • No ^Signature "^^^^^^^.^c^^^^-^^ 0^r No 0^0 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph; 760-602- 2719 fax: 760-602-8558 Email: building@carlsbadca.gov vvww.carlsbadca.gov EsGil Corporation In PartnersHip witH government for (Buiding Safety DATE: 11/3/2014 • APPLICANT • JURIS. JURISDICTION: CityofCarlsbad • PLAN REVIEWER • FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 13-3192 rev(PCR14-149) SET: II PROJECT ADDRESS: 1586 Marbrisa Circle PROJECT NAME: Marbrisa Resort Revisions I I The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes. ^ The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies Identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. I I The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. I I The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. I I The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. I I The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. I I EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone #: Date contacted: (by: ) Email: Fax #: Mail Telephone Fax In Person 3 REMARKS: Set 11 is 11 slip-sheets (EN-1, EN-2jyi-1, IVl-^ M-3, IVI-4, P-1, P-2, P-3, P-4, & P-5) to be slip-sheeted into the Set I packages. By: David Yao Enclosures: original approved plan B13-3192 EsGil Corporation lEl GA • EJ • MB • PC 10/23/2014 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, Califomia 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 EsGil Corporation In (PartnersHip witH government for (Buifding Safety DATE: 8/20/2014 • APPLICANT a<iuRis. JURISDICTION: CityofCarlsbad ^PLANREVIEWER • FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 13-3192 rev(PCR14-149) SETI PROJECT ADDRESS: 1586 Marbrisa Circle PROJECT NAME: Marbrisa Resort Revisions I I The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes. I I The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. I I The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. XI The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. I I The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. ^ The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Dan Talant I I EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Dan Talant Telephone #: 619-297-8086 /Date contacted:^ IZ-j (by\|^^ Email: dant@noaainc.com Fax #: Telephone Fax In Person • REMARKS: By: David Yao Enclosures: EsGil Corporation IE! GA • EJ • MB • PC 8/12 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, Califomia 92123 • (858)560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 City of Carlsbad 13-3192 rev(PCR14-149) 8/20/2014 GENERAL PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION: CityofCarlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 13-3192 rev(PCR14-149) PROJECT ADDRESS: 1586 Marbrisa Circle DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY DATE REVIEW COMPLETED: ESGIL CORPORATION: 8/12 8/20/2014 REVIEWED BY: David Yao FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the International Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. The approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. • To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans. • Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans. Have changes been made not resulting from this list? • Yes • No City of Carlsbad 13-3192 rev(PCR14-149) 8/20/2014 1. Please make all corrections, as requested in the correction list. Submit FOUR new complete sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (THREE sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL CORRECTIONS • PLAN REVIEW NUMBER: B13-3192 Rev (PCR14-149) SET: I PLAN REVIEWER: Glen Adamek GENERAL AND ARCHITECTURAL PME ITEMS 1. The final set of corrected drawings to be reviewed for signing and sealing just before the permits are to be issued. Each sheet of the plans must be signed by the person responsible for their preparation, even though there are no structural changes, before the permits are issued. Business and Professions Code. PLUMBING (2013 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE) 2. Please reroute the condensate waste lines to not drain onto the concrete patios. Show condensate drainage discharge to planted landscape areas or drywells. MECHANICAL (2013 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE) 3. Please explain the "Condensing Unit Detail" on sheet M-4, detail #1. This is for split system heat pumps, but drawings show all package heat pump units? 4. The proposed new FanTech dryer booster fan model #DBF4XLT-705 is not approved to be used with gas clothes dryers. Please correct the dryer venting systems to comply with installation instructions and listing data. 5. The New Energy Designs for the proposed changes in HVAC & envelope must be registered. Please provided the Registered Copies of the new energy designs. Note: If you have any questions regarding this Plumbing and Mechanical plan review list please contact Glen Adamek at (858) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. City of Carlsbad 13-3192 rev(PCR14-149) 8/20/2014 ^DO NOT PAY- THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE] VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: CityofCarlsbad rev(PCR14-149) PREPARED BY: David Yao PLAN CHECK NO.: 13-3192 DATE: 8/20/2014 BUILDING ADDRESS: 1586 Marbrisa Circle BUILDING OCCUPANCY: BUILDING PORTION AREA ( Sq. Ft.) Valuation Multiplier Reg. Mod. VALUE ($) revisions Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code Cb Bldg. Permit Fee by Ordinance Plan Check Fee by Ordinance Type of Review: CD By Ordinance Complete Review $750.00 • Structural Only Jll^epetitive Fee Repeats Based on hourly rate • Other ^ Hourlv EsGil Fee $100.00 Hrs. @ $600.00 Comments: Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc + ^ CITY OF CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK REVIEW W TRANSMITTAL BLUU. t^i ^^^i,;,,^^ Community & Economic lartment ^ay Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008 www.carlsbadca.gov DATE: 8-20-14 PROJECT NAIVIE: IVIarbrisa Resort PROJECT ID: PLAN CHECK NO: PCR 14149 SET#: Rev. 7-31-14 ADDRESS: 1586 Marbrisa Circie APN: • This plan check review is compiete and has been APPROVED by the Flre Division. By: D. Fieri A Final Inspection by the Fire Division is required ^ Yes • No This plan check review is NOT COMPLETE. Items missing or incorrect are listed on the attached checklist. Please resubmit amended plans as required. Plan Check Comments have been sent to: Vou may also have corrections from one or more of the divisions listed below. Approval from these divisions may be required prior to the Issuance of a building permit. Resubmitted plans should include corrections from all divisions. For questions or clarifications on thie attached checklist please contact the following reviewer as marked: 766^02-4610 ENGINEERING 760^02-2750 1 1 Chris Sexton 760-602-4624 Chris.Sexton@carlsbadca.gov 1 1 Kathleen Lawrence 760-602-2741 Kathleen.Lawrence@carisbadca.gov 1 1 Greg Ryan 760-602-4663 Gregorv.Rvan@carlsbadca.gov 1 1 Gina Ruiz 760-602-4675 Gina.Rulz@carlsbadca.£ov 1 1 Linda Ontiveros 760-602-2773 Linda.Ontiveros@carlsbadca.gov 1 1 Cindy Wong 760-602-4662 Cvnthia.Wong@carlsbadca.gov • • X Dominic Fieri 760-602-4664 Dominic.Fieri@carlsbadca.gov Remarks: Carlsbad Fire Department BLDG. DEPT COPY Plan Review Requirements Category: PCR Date of Report: 08-20-2014 Reviewed by: Name: Address: TALANT DAN BOX 329 1220 ROSECRANS ST SAN DIEGO CA 92106-2694 Pennit #: PCR14149 Job Name: GRAND PACIFIC VILLA 59 REVISED Job Address: 1586 MARBRISA CR CBAD (COMPLEl^ Tli^i*^ you have tiuBlhiit^ for review islncoIt»pkte. At thil tii3fei^is office cS^not adeqh^tely condlbt a revie^bsletennine^ompliMis^with the ajtolicabl^^des anolbr standards. Rleas^ieyie\ carefull^nU commfents attached. Fl»i^e resubmit the neN^ry pla^js and/or^^£ific\ions, wim^a^es "ciS^jde^", to this offic^Jcr re-^w and approval. s: Cond: CON0007595 [MET] THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR THE PURPOSES OF ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMIT. THIS APPROVAL IS SUBJECT TO FIELD INSPECTION AND REQUIRED TEST, NOTATIONS HEREON, CONDITIONS IN CORRESPONDENCE AND CONFORMANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS. THIS APPROVAL SHALL NOT BE HELD TO PERMIT OR APPROVE THE VIOLATION OF ANY LAW. Entry: 08/20/2014 By: df Action: AP group 4990rN Harbor DHVgf ^ San QiegOfCA ^^'^^^^ fax: 61?-297-80d« The following notes pertain to the changes made to the permitted Villa 59 drawings for the related plan changes. Sheets: A-l Information has been added to the Scope of Work to identify the changes that are a part of this set of drawings. A-2 No Changes. A-3 Unit 5914 was voluntarily upgraded to a fully compliant ADA unit under the 2013 code, even though this building is not plan checked under the 2013 code. Closets were reworked in each unit to accommodate the new VTAC mechanical system throughout the building. A-4 Closets were reworked in each unit to accommodate the new VTAC mechanical system throughout the building. A-5 No changes. A-6 No Changes. A-7 Dimensions changed slightly to accommodate the new VTAC closets. ADA restrooms enlarged plan was added to show clearances. A-8 No Changes. A-9 No Changes. A-10 No Changes. A-11 No Changes. A-12 Door Schedule was changed per the owner's client. No door hardware changes occur. A-13 No Changes. A-14 No Changes. NED NUTTER ELECTRICAL DESIGN, INC ELECTRICAL DESIGN CONSULTANTS AN ENGINEERING CORPORATION July 6,2014 ESGIL CORPORATION Subject: ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING CHANGES TO GPR VILLA 59 To Whom it may concem. We have provided new electrical drawings for the Grand Pacific Resorts Villa #59 as follows: 1) Sheet E2.1: Removed all exterior heat pumps and panels feeding there circuits. 2) Sheet E2.1: Removed all ceiling mount fan coils from inside living units. 3) Sheet E2.1: Added vertical heat pumps in living unit closets. 4) Sheet E2.2: Added vertical heat pumps in living unit closets. 5) Sheet E3.1: Added vertical heat pumps in living unit closets. 6) Sheet E3.1: Revised living unit panel schedules and load calcs to show added vertical heat pumps fed from these panels. Increased panel A to 125AMP. 7) Sheet E4.2: Removed house panels that fed removed heat pumps on grade. 8) Sheet E4.2: Revised electrical load calcs to show added vertical heat pumps in living units. 9) Sheet #4.2: Increased unit panel "A" circuit breaker and feeder wire from lOOA to 125A. 10) Sheet E4.3: Revised equipment schedule to show new vertical heat pump system. Sincerely, Nutter Electrical Design, Inc. 3103 FALCON STREET, SUITE J • SAN DIEGO, CA 92103 (619) 278-0076 • FAX (619) 278-0078 BURKETT&WONG ENGIN E ERS Carlsbad Ranch Resort Villa 59 - Revision Narrative August 2014 Sheet No. Change S1.3 Detail 4/S3.1: Omitted. Detail 6/S3.1: New detail for perforated shearwall. Detail 13/83.1: Modified shearwall elevations and added perforated shearwall elevation. Detail 17/83.1: Removed double sided shearwall from schedule. Detail 19/83.1: Modified holdown schedule. 82.1 Modified shearwall callout on Line B, C, I, and J. Removed shearwall on Line 9 between Line E and G. Added perforated shearwall on Line 12 between Line D and E, and between Line G and H. 82.2 Modified shearwall callout on Line B, C, 1, and J. Removed shearwall on Line 9 between Line E and G. Added perforated shearwall on Line 12 between Line D and E, and between Line G and H. Added framing for new wall openings on Line 5, 6, 9, 11, B, and J. Modified framing on Line E and G between Line 1 and 5. 82.3 Modified shearwall callout on Line C, and I. Removed shearwall on Line 9 between Line E and G. Added perforated shearwall on Line 12 between Line D and E, and between Line G and H. Added framing for new wall openings on Line 5, 6, 9, 11, B, and J. Modified framing on Line E and G between Line 1 and 5. 82.4 Added framing for new wall openings on Line 5, 6, 9, 11, B, and J. Modified framing on Line E and G between Line 1 and 5. Villa 59 Revision summary Mechanical Sheet M-1 1. Removed FC-02, FC-11 A, FC-12, FC-13, FC-14, FC-15 and FC-15A and all associated ductwork, including outside air ducts and inlets. 2. Removed all heat pump outdoor units and the associated refrigerant piping. 3. Added vertical packaged terminal heat pumps HP-02, HP-1 lA, HP-12-1, HP-12- 2, HP-13-1, HP-13-2, HP-14-1, HP-14-2, HP-15-1, HP-15-2 and HP-15A. 4. Added and revised supply air ductwork and air distribution devices as required by the new heat pumps. 5. Added access panels with retum grilles at all heat pump locations. Sheet M-2 6. Removed FC-21 A, FC-22, FC-23, FC-24, FC-25 and FC-25A and all associated ductwork, including outside air ducts and inlets. 7. Removed all associated refrigerant piping. 8. Added vertical packaged terminal heat pumps HP-21A, HP-22-1, HP-22-2, HP- 23-1, HP-23-2, HP-24-1, HP-24-2, HP-25-1, HP-25-2 and HP-25A. 9. Added and revised supply air ductwork and air distribution devices as required by the new heat pumps. 10. Added access panels with retum grilles at all heat pump locations. Sheet M-3 11. Removed FC-32, FC-33, FC-34 and FC-35 and ali associated ductwork, including outside air ducts and inlets. 12. Removed all associated refrigerant piping. 13. Added vertical packaged terminal heat pumps HP-32-1, HP-32-2, HP-33-1, HP- 33-2, HP-34-1, HP-34-2, HP-35-1 and HP-35-2. 14. Added and revised supply air ductwork and air distribution devices as required by the new heat pumps. 15. Added access panels with retum grilles at all heat pump locations. Sheet M-4 16. Replaced Split System Air Conditioner & Heat Pump Schedule with Packaged Terminal Heat Pump Schedule. Plumbing Sheets P-l, P-2 and P-3 1. Removed references to deleted fan coil units and removed associated condensate drain piping. 2. Indicated condensate drain piping for the new vertical packaged heat pumps. Serena Schlosser From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Janet Altar on behalf of Building Monday, August 11, 2014 9:10 AM Serena Schlosser FW: Villa 59 Narratives - PCR 14149 ARCHITECTURAL PLAN CHANGES.pdf; ELECTRICAL CHANGES TO GPR VILLA 59.pdf; STRUCTURAL PLAN CHANGES.pdf; Villa59MPrevsummary.pdf Janet" From: Dan Talant [mailto:dant@noaainc.com] Sent: Monday, August 11, 2014 8:26 AM To: Building Subject: Villa 59 Narratives - PCR 14149 Attached are the detailed narratives explaining the plan changes for this project to clearly identify these changes for Esgil. Thanks, Dan Talant Please note new addresses below: N A group Visit: 4990 Nortli Harbor Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, CA 92106 IVIail: 1220 Rosecrans Street, Box 329 San Diego, CA 92106-2674 TELEPHONE: 619-297-8066x25 FAX: 619-297-8066 CELL: 858-736-1508 EMAIL: dantcS) noaainc.com Engn CEC ij^ BURKETT&WONG ENGINEERS Date: August 5, 2014 Structural Engineering • Civil Engineering • Surveying • LandPlanning 3434 Fourth Ave. San Diego, CA 92103 Phone (619) 299-5550'Fax (619) 299-9934 Job No: 11132A.7.00 www.burkett-wong.com • info@burkett-wong.com STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR CARLSBAD RANCH RESORT VILLAS 59 CARLSBAD, CA RECEIVED AUG 0 5 ZOH CITY OF CARLSBAD BUiLDING DiVISION NoGLE ONUFER ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS 2398 SAN DIEGO AVE SAN DIEGO, CA 92110 O BURKETT&WONG ENGINEERS TABLE OF CONTENTS VILLA 59 DATE- AUGUST 5,2014 ENGINEER- C.COLVIN JOB No. 11132A.7.00 BASIS OF DESIGN DESIGN CRITERIA AND LOAD DISTRIBUTION GRID LINE SYSTEM LATERAL ANALYSIS N-S DIRECTION LATERAL ANALYSIS E-W DIRECTION PERFORATED SHEARWALL Al Bl B2 C1-C3 D1-D5 E1-E13 Al it^ BURKETT&WONG ENGINEERS Carlsbad Ranch Resort Villa 59 - Basis of Design August 2014 Structural ChanRe Description The mechanical units in this project were changed to VTAC, which requires a 22" wide X 32 Yi" deep openings in the shearwall listed: • Shearwall on Line A and Line P was reduced from 22'-0" to 19'-0". • Shearwall on Line 9 and Line 11 consisted of two 5'-0" conventional shearwall, and two 13'-0" perforated shearwall. Please see following calculations for revised lateral analysis. Seismic design R= le= Fa= Sds= Sdi= T= TL= Cs= Load distribution Floor 6.5 1 1 1.332 1.246 0.628 0.831 0.419 0.269 8 0.128 Level A,(ft') W(k) h,(ft) W*h, W*h. Vx(k) Roof 3rd 2nd 6130 7698 7698 213.3 277.4 277.4 30 20 10 6399 5548 2774 0.435 0.377 0.188 42.69 37.01 18.51 IW*h,= 14722 IV= 98 Deck Level A. (ft') W(k) K (ft) Wh, ZWh, Vx(k) 3rd 2nd 1400 1400 68.6 68.6 20 10 1372 686 0.667 0.333 11.69 5.85 IW*h,= 2058 IV= 18 ® ® 1= TL L Jl ® I \ IP i Jf i Tl © © ® (5) ® (D® I I ® r ® JT J 1 I (L)(M) © -<J) -® -® -® -® -<ja) -© Shearwall design (N-S direction) Level Line Force (k) Length of wall (ft) Shear/ft Net Shear/ft Min Shear/ft Design Shear/ft 3rd B 406 2.83 14 202 202 243 170 C,D 739 5.15 18 286 286 243 200 E 678.5 4.72 26 182 182 243 170 F,6 793.5 5.53 17 325 325 243 228 H 896 6.24 26 240 240 243 170 l,J 793.5 5.53 17 325 325 243 228 K 678.5 4.72 26 182 182 243 170 L,M 739 5.15 18 286 286 243 200 N 406 2.83 14 202 202 243 170 Total area: 6130 Force/Floor (k): 42.69 Total length of wall: 176 Fv= 0.1163 •D 0^ Cl Level Line A, (ft') Force(k) Length of wall (ft) Shear/ft Net Shear/ft IVIin Shear/ft Design Shear/ft 2nd A 392 1.88 19 99 99 173 121 B 798 3.84 14 274 476 415 333 C,D 739 3.55 18 197 483 415 338 E 678.5 3.26 26 125 307 415 291 F.G 793.5 3.82 17 224 549 415 385 H 896 4.31 26 166 406 415 291 l,J 793.5 3.82 17 224 549 415 385 K 678.5 3.26 26 125 307 415 291 L,M 739 3.55 18 197 483 415 338 N 798 3.84 14 274 476 415 333 P 392 1.88 19 99 99 173 121 Total area: 7698 Force/Floor (k): 37.01 Total length of wall: 214 Fv= 0.1163 •D Level Line Mft') Force (k) Length of wall (ft) Shear/ft Net Shear/ft Min Shear/ft Design Shear/ft 1st A 392 0.94 19 50 149 259 182 B 798 1.92 14 137 613 502 429 C,0 739 1.78 18 99 582 502 407 E 678.5 1.63 26 63 370 502 351 F,G 793.5 1.91 17 112 662 502 463 H 896 2.15 26 83 489 502 351 l,J 793.5 1.91 17 112 662 502 463 K 678.5 1.63 26 63 370 502 351 L,M 739 1.78 18 99 582 502 407 N 798 1.92 14 137 613 502 429 P 392 0.94 19 50 149 259 182 Total area: 7698 Force/Floor (k): 18.51 Total length of wall: 214 0.1163 •D Holdown design (N-S direction) C2- Level Une Design Shear/ft Tributary strip (ft) Length of wall (ft) Moment arm (ft) T(lbs) C (Ibs) 3rd B 170 4 14 13 915 2121 C,D 200 4 18 17 1022 2547 E 170 0 26 25 1236 1236 F,G 228 0 17 16 1692 1692 H 170 0 26 25 1236 1236 I.J 228 0 17 16 1692 1692 K 170 0 26 25 1236 1236 L,M 200 4 18 17 1022 2547 N 170 4 14 13 915 2121 Wall height: 10 ft Level Une Design Shear/ft Tributary strip (ft) Length of wall (ft) Moment arm (ft) T(lbs) C(lbs) Tcum (lbs) C,„„(lhs) 2nd A 121 7 19 18 -260 3559 -260 3559 B 333 13 14 13 900 6231 1816 8353 C,D 338 13 18 17 470 7209 1493 9757 E 291 13 26 25 -773 8788 463 10024 F,G 385 13 17 16 930 7317 2622 9009 H 291 14 26 25 -995 9302 241 10538 l,J 385 13 17 16 930 7317 2622 9009 K 291 13 26 25 -773 8788 463 10024 L,IVI 338 13 18 17 470 7209 1493 9757 N 333 13 14 13 900 6231 1816 8353 P 121 7 19 18 -260 3559 -260 3559 Wall height: 10 ft Level Une Design Shear/ft Tributary strip (ft) Length of wall (ft) Moment arm (ft) T(lbs) C (Ibs) T,„™(lbs) Cc>„{lbs) 1st A 182 7 19 18 188 4006 -72 7565 B 429 13 14 13 1623 6955 3439 15307 C,D 407 13 18 17 982 7722 2475 17478 E 351 13 26 25 -332 9229 131 19254 F,G 463 13 17 16 1514 7901 4136 16910 H 351 14 26 25 -555 9742 -314 20280 U 463 13 17 16 1514 7901 4136 16910 K 351 13 26 25 -332 9229 131 19254 L,M 407 13 18 17 982 7722 2475 17478 N 429 13 14 13 1623 6955 3439 15307 P 182 7 19 18 188 4005 -72 7565 Wall height: 10 ft Shearwall and Holdown Summary (N-S direction) C3. 3rd 2nd 1st Line Design sw Design SW Design SW Mark Line Shear/ft Type Shear/ft Type Shear/ft Type Mark A 121 6E 182 6E A P 121 6E 182 6E A E 170 6E 291 4E 351 4E B K 170 6E 291 4E 351 4E 8 H 170 6E 291 4E 351 4E B B 170 6E 333 4E 429 4E C N 170 6E 333 4E 429 4E C C,D 200 6E 338 4E 407 4E C L.M 200 6E 338 4E 407 4E C F,G 228 6E 385 4E 463 3E C I.J 228 6E 385 4E 463 3E C 3rd 2nd 1st Line Design HD HD Design HD HD Design HD HD HD Line Force Type Force Type Force Type Call Out A -260 1 -72 1 1 P -260 1 -72 1 1 E 1236 2 463 2 131 2 2 K 1236 2 463 2 131 2 2 H 1236 2 241 2 -314 2 2 B 915 3 1816 3 3439 3 3 N 915 3 1816 3 3439 3 3 CD 1022 3 1493 3 2475 3 3 L,M 1022 3 1493 3 2475 3 3 F,G 1692 4 2622 4 4136 4 4 l,J 1592 4 2622 4 4136 4 4 DATE ^ FNr,rNFFR<; SHEET BURKETT&WONG ENGINEERS ENGR JOB NO. PROJECT /t4fiy^l^^e^>^ l/fJC*^^ euf^ETT&vyoNG PROJECT DATE___ ^ ^ ENGINEERS ^HEET ENGR__ JOB NO T^ri^vW^w -pc^^ /ir'xS-'^ /o&v ij^y^ (t,i V/L ^ /^=_^h2.pj^ <4& DATE.. ENGR. # BURKETT&WONG ENGINEERS SHEET_ P5 JOB NO- PROJECT I/(MC^ ^ OATE ^ BURKETT&WONG ENGINEERS SHEET. VHL ENGR JOB NO PROJECT r/i"^Y x-/^ - o./y: yo.g-ij) X x'X/^ 7- -T-j^ifl- 7= L^-JH-K/o - rc7.^-c^./(^s:i>ox •v'•^>'-7^^^/^ DATE . ENGR % BURKETT&WONG ENGINEERS SHEET. pr JOB NO PROJECT HP . r= C^^f}- co.(>- o.i(^ Sp, >>|. V^) A |/= Si^o^ ih(. 7= Ik Company Designer Job Number Model Name Carlsbad ranch villa 59 WP3 (In-Plane) July 31, 2014 Checked By._ GENERAL Code Design Method : Wall Material Panel Schedule : Optimize HD HD Manufacturer: HD Eccentricity : GEOMETRY MATERIALS AF&PA NDS-12: ASD Total Height : 10 ft Description Material 'Size FTAO Total Length : 13 ft Top PI DF/SPine 2-2X6 DF/SPine Wall H/W Ratio : 0.77 Sill fep/SPine 2X6 0.469 (lOd) Panel Gro.. IWall Stud J DF/SPine 2X6 Yes Chord DF/SPine 2-2X6 SIMPSON 3 in /2t»^ I \. - i IS- • ' R3 i E^NVELOPED RESULTS Shear IShear Panel |UC Shear I Strap ] Strap LC f Force (k) LC ii Chord UC IChord'JStud LC UC 'Stud :LC SI_15/32_10d@4|0.985 2(S) Not Req'd iNot Req'd i0.149 2(S) ! 0.197 ll DESIGN DETAILS Shear Stiffness Adjustment Factor : 1.00 Wall Capacity Adjustment Factor (2w/h): 1.00 WALL DEFLECTIONS WALL RESULTS: Elastic: : .011 in Governing LC 2 (Seismic) HD: : 0 in Total Shear 2.19 k Shear: : .173 in Max Unit Shear : .502 k/ft Total: : .184 in Shear Ratio : .985 SELECTED SHEAR PANEL S1^ 15/32 10d@4 (5£; Panel Grade : St-I Nail Size^—^ : 10d Num Sides : One Panel Thick : 0.469 in Reqd Pen 1.500 in Over Gyp Brd. : No Reqd. Spacing 4 in Shear Capacity : 0.510 k/ft Adjusted Cap : 0.510 k/ft NOTE: AF&PA NDS-12 defines a 10d nail as being: 3.0' X 0.1480" common, or 3.0" X 0.122" galvanized box RISA-3D Version 12.0.0 [M:\...\...\...\CALCS\Perf orated sheanvall.rSd] Page 1 Company Designer Job Number Model Name Carlsbad ranch villa 59 WALL STRAPS (Governing Tension) None required WP3 CHORDS STUDS Max Comp Force: 2.52 k Required Cap 1.447 k Comp Capacity : 16.943 k Provided Cap 7.35 k Comp Ratio .149 Ratio .197 Gov Comp LC 2 Governing LC 1 Max Tens Force : Ok Gov Region 1 Tens Capacity 13.031 k Spacing 16 Tens Ratio : 0 Gov Tens LC N/A in July 31, 2014 Checked By:_ CROSS SECTION DETAILING Chord Force = 0.803-k (LC1)(C) A S1_15/32 10d@4 Chord Force = 2.520-k (LC2)(C) RISA-3D Version 12.0.0 [M:\...\...\...\CALCS\Perforated sheanwalLrSd] Page 2 Company Designer Job Number Model Name CRITERIA Code Wall Type Carlsbad ranch villa 59 WPS: HI July 31, 2014 Checked By:_ AF&PA NDS-12: FTAO GEOMETRY ASD Opening Height: 4.5 Opening Width : 7 h/w ratio : .643 ft ft MATERIALS Description Material Header iSill DF/SPine [ 6x8 DF/SPine ^X6 Note: No header design for load combinations containing seismic or wind categories. GOVERNING LC DIAGRAMS (Header) FTAO Max: 2.131 at Oft MIn:-2.13 at 7 ft Min: 0 at 7 ft M k-ft Max: 1.451 at 2.45 ft ® ® ® S2 1 (D S5 J y Psa 0 S8 c sn ® r •= ® ® Note: axial forces are not considered In the design of the member. DESIGN DETAILS OPENING STRAPS Name Location SI S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 SB Bottom, Left Upper, Left Upper, Right Bottom, Rlgfi^ Bottom, Left Upper, Left Upper, Right Horizontal 0.4 4 Horizontal -1.6 4 Horizontal 1.0 2 Horizontal -0.9 2 Vertical 0.5 4 Vertical 0.2 1 Vertical 0.6 2 Vertical -0.8 2 GovLC ANALYSIS SUMMARY Block # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Unit Shear (k/ft) -0.221 0.139 -0.106 0.360 0.066 0.502 0.096 0.432 h/w Ratio 0.833 1.500 1.000 0.429 1.000 1.500 0.833 0.357 RISA-3D Version 12.0.0 [M:\...\...\...\CALCS\Perforated shean«all.r3d] Page 1 Company Designer Job Number Model Name Carlsbad ranch villa 59 HEADER Max Bending Check 0.335 Location 2.45 ft Equation 3.9-3 WP3 ; HI July 31, 2014 Checked By:_ Max Shear Check Location Gov LC 0.540 (y) Oft 1 (shear) CD 0.900 Cr 1.000 Fbr Fv' (ksi) 1.08 .149 RB 4.487 Cm 1 ct 1 CL 1.000 CF 1 Le-Bending 7ft RISA-3D Version 12.0.0 [M:\...\...\...\CALCS\Perforated sheantfall.r3d] Page 2 Company Designer Job Number Model Name Carisbad ranch villa 59 WP2 (In-Plane) July 31, 2014 Checked By:_ GENERAL Code Design Method Wall Material Panel Schedule Optimize HD HD Manufacturer: SIMPSON HD Eccentricity : 3 in GEOMETRY AF&PA NDS-12:ASD Total Height FTAO Total Length DF/SPine Wall H/W Ratio 0.469 (lOd) Panel Gro... Yes MATERIALS 10 13 0.77 ft ft [ . R3 ,4 3rt| ENVELOPED RESULTS IShear • Shear ^Shear Panel UC LC ,S1_15/32_1 Od®2|0.870 2 (S) Strap Force (k)^ Not Req'd ! Strap LC Chord i'uc Not Req'd ,0.378 DESIGN DETAILS Shear Stiffness Adjustment Factor : i.OO Wall Capacity Adjustment Factor (2w/h): 1.00 1 Chord jj Stud 'Stud LC UC |LC I2 (S)„ l0-365_ jr WALL DEFLECTIONS WALL RESULTS: Elastic: : .017 in Governing LC 2 (Seismic) HD: : 0 in Total Shear 4.099 k Shear: : .148 in Max Unit Shear : .757 k/ft Total: : .165 in Shear Ratio .87 SELECTED SHEAR PANEL SI _15/32 10d®2 UB) Panel Grade : St-I Nail Size^—^ : lOd Num Sides : One Panel Thick : 0.469 in Reqd Pen 1.500 in Over Gyp Brd. : No Reqd. Spacing 2 in Shear Capacity : 0.870 k/ft Adjusted Cap : 0.870 k/ft NOTE: AF&PA NDS-12 defines a lOd nail as being: 3.0" X 0.1480" common, or 3.0" X 0.122" galvanized box RISA-3D Version 12.0.0 [M:\...\...\...\CALCS\Perforated shean«all.r3d] Page 1 Company Designer Job Number Model Name Carlsbad ranch villa 59 WP2 July 31, 2014 Checked By;_ WALL STRAPS (Governing Tension) None required CHORDS STUDS Max Comp Force: 6.408 k Required Cap Comp Capacity : 16.943 k Provided Cap Comp Ratio : .378 Ratio Gov Comp LC : 2 Governing LC Max Tens Force : .06 k Gov Region Tens Capacity :23.166 k Spacing Tens Ratio : .003 Gov Tens LC : 4 2.681 k 7.35 k .365 1 1 16 in CROSS SECTION DETAILING Chord Force = •0.060-k (LC4)(T) Chord Force = 6.408-k (LC2)(C) S1_15/32_10d@2 RISA-3D Version 12.0.0 [M:\...\...\...\CALCS\Perforated sheanvall.rSd] Page 2 Company Designer Job Number Model Name CRITERIA Code Wall Type Carlsbad ranch villa 59 AF&PA NDS-12: ASD FTAO WP2 ; HI GEOMETRY Opening Height: 4.5 Opening Width : 7 h/w ratio : .643 MATERIALS El July 31, 2014 Checked By;_ ft ft Description Material Size t DF/SPIne | 6x8 Header Sill DF/SPine 2X6 Note: No header design for load combinations containing seismic or wind categories. GOVERNING LC DIAGRAMS (Header) FTAO Max: 2.504 at 0 ft Min: -2.503 at 7 ft Min: 0 at 7 ft M Max: 1.184 at 2.8 ft ® ® © S2~l S5 r~s3 © S8 sn ® r 0 r"s4 © Note: axial forces are not considered in the design of the member. DESIGN DETAILS OPENING STRAPS Name Location Direction Re 'd Cap (k) Gov LC SI Bottom, Left Horizontal 1.2 4 S2 Upper, Left Horizontal -1.5 4 S3 Upper, Right Horizontal 1.5 2 S4 Bottom, Righ Horizontal -1.5 2 S5 Bottom, Left Vertical 0.9 4 S6 Upper, Left Vertical -0.7 2 S7 Upper, Right Vertical 0.4 4 S8 Bottom, Righ Vertical -1.9 2 ANALYSIS SUMMARY Block # Unit Shear (k/ft) h/w Ratio 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -0.159 0.505 -0.107 0.645 0.066 0.757 0.059 0.723 0.833 1.500 1.000 0.429 1.000 1.500 0.833 0.357 RISA-3D Version 12.0.0 [M:\...\...\...\CALCS\Perforated shean«all.r3d] Page 1 Company Designer Job Number Model Name Carlsbad ranch villa 59 HEADER Max Bending Check 0.273 Location 2.8 ft Equation 3.9-3 WP2:H1 July 31, 2014 Checked By:_ Max Shear Check 0.634 (y) Location 0 ft Gov LC 1 (shear) CD Cr Fbi' Fv' 0.900 1.000 RB 4.487 Cm Ct 1.08 1 .149 1 CL 1.000 CF 1 Le-Bending 7ft RISA-3D Version 12.0.0 [M:\...\...\...\CALCS\Perforated shean«ail.r3d] Page 2 Company Designer Job Number Model Name Carlsbad ranch villa 59 WPI (In-Plane) Juiy31, 2014 Checked By:_ GENERAL Code Design Method Wall Material Panel Schedule Optimize HD HD Manufacturer: SIMPSON HD Eccentricity : 3 in GEOMETRY AF&PA NDS-12:ASD Total Height FTAO Total Length DF/SPine Wall H/W Ratio 0.469 (lOd) Panel Gro... Yes 10 13 0.77 ft ft MATERIALS Description ^Material Size ;R4 Rl R3 (Top PI ^Sill DF/SPine 2-2X6 Wall Stud Chord DF/SPine :2X6 DF/SPine j2X6^ DF/SPine 12-2X6 zJi ^ F.F. ENVELOPED RESULTS^ ! • jShear Shear Panel UC ! SI _15/32_10d ©2 0.972 'Shear iLC |2(S) Hold-down 'Hold-down ^Chord Chord Istud UC I Hold-down HDU2-SDS2.5 DF 0.593 DESIGN DETAILS Shear Stiffness Adjustment Factor : 1.00 Wall Capacity Adjustment Factor (2w/h): 1.00 LC^ ir, uc !LC UC 0.652 2(S) 10.533 Stud LC 1 WALL DEFLECTIONS WALL RESULTS: Elastic: : .019 in Governing LC 2 (Seismic) HD: : .04 in Total Shear 5.051 k Shear: : .166 in Max Unit Shear : .846 k/ft Total: : .225 in Shear Ratio .972 SELECTED SHEAR PANEL SI 15/32 10d@2 (z^ Panel Grade : St-I Nail Size — : lOd Num Sides : One Panel Thick : 0.469 in Reqd Pen : 1.500 in Over Gyp Brd. : No Reqd. Spacing 2 in Shear Capacity : 0.870 k/ft Adjusted Cap : 0.870 k/ft NOTE: AF&PA NDS-12 defines a lOd nail as being: 3.0" X 0.1480" common, or 3.0" X 0.122" galvanized box RISA-3D Version 12.0.0 [M:\...\...\...\CALCS\Perforated sheanAfall.r3d] Page 1 Company Designer Job Number Model Name Carlsbad ranch villa 59 WPI SELECTED HOLD-DOWN: HDU2-SDS2.5_DF July 31, 2014 Checked By:_ Raised No Fastener Size : SDS25212 Reqd Chord Thk 3.00 in AB Diameter 0.625 in Num Fasteners : 6 Reqd Chord Mat Douglas Fir Base Capacity 1.922 k CD factor 1.6 CHORDS STUDS HOLD-DOWNS Max Comp Force 11.041 k Required Cap 3.915 k Required Cap 1.824 k Comp Capacity 16.943 k Provided Cap 7.35 k Provided Cap 3.075 k Comp Ratio .652 Ratio .533 Ratio .593 Gov Comp LC 2 Governing LC 1 Governing LC 4 Max Tens Force 1.806 k Gov Region 1 Tens Capacity 23.166 k Spacing 16 in Tens Ratio .078 Gov Tens LC 4 CROSS SECTION DETAILING Chord Force = -1.806-k (LC4)(T) HD Force = 1.824-k(LC4) A S1_15/32_10d@2 Chord Force = 11.041-k (LC2)(C) HD Force = 1.824-k(LC4) RISA-3D Version 12.0.0 [M:\...\...\...\CALCS\Perforated shean«all.r3d] Page 2 Company Designer Job Number Model Name Carlsbad ranch villa 59 WPI : HI July 31, 2014 Checked By;_ CRITERIA Code Wall Type AF&PA NDS-12: FTAO GEOMETRY ASD Opening Height: 4.5 Opening Width : 7 h/w ratio : .643 ft ft MATERIALS Description I Material ' Size Header Sill DF/SPine i 6x8 DF/SPine 2X6 Note: No header design for load combinations containing seismic or wind categories. GOVERNING LC DIAGRAMS (Header) FTAO Max: 3.302 at 0 ft Min: -3.301 at 7 ft Min: Oat7ft M Max: 1.364 at 2.45 ft ® 0 0 fl S2"1 S5 A / \ rs3 58 L snr © (D rs4 ® Note: axial forces are not considered in the design of the member. DESIGN DETAILS OPENING STRAPS Name Location Direction Re 'd Cap (k Gov LC SI Bottom, Left Horizontal 0.9 4 S2 Upper, Left Horizontal -1.4 4 S3 Upper, Right Horizontal 1.4 2 S4 Bottom, Righ Horizontal -1.0 2 S5 Bottom, Left Vertical 1.9 4 S6 Upper, Left Vertical -0.5 1 S7 Upper, Right Vertical -0.7 2 S8 Bottom, Righ Vertical -3.2 2 ANALYSIS SUMMARY Block # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Unit Shear (k/ft) 0.307 0.743 0.034 0.691 0.143 0.846 0.426 0.476 h/w Ratio 0.833 1.500 1.000 0.429 1.000 1.500 0.833 0.357 RISA-3D Version 12.0.0 [M:\...\...\...\CALCS\Perforated sheanvall.rSd] Page 1 Company Designer Job Number Model Name Carlsbad ranch villa 59 HEADER Max Bending Check 0.314 Location 2.45 ft Equation 3.9-3 WPI : HI July 31, 2014 Checked By:_ Max Shear Check 0.836 (y) Location 0 ft Gov LC 1 (shear) CD Cr 0.900 1.000 RB 4.487 CL 1.000 Fbi' [ Iks!) . Cm ct CF Fbi' [ 1.08 1 , ;^ 1 FV [ .149 1 , 1 Le-Bending 7f1 RISA-3D Version 12.0.0 [M:\...\...\...\CALCS\Perlorated shean«all.r3d] Page 2 DATE 7?///^ <r. 1>- 0 BURKETT&WONG ENGIN E E RS SHEET. g/2- ENGR JOB NO PROJECT 3hd i^^ /i - (o..b~ o-l T~ 2Jrvb ltr DATE % BURKETT&WONG ENGINEERS SHEET. -g/< ENGR JOB NO iUk-e^: /' 7Mh lbs CERTIFICATE OF COMPLiANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 59 Calculation Date/Time: 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, 2014 ^ Q Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: 35villa59T24a.xml CF1R-PRF-01 Page 1 of 18 O GENER AL INFORMATION —15 ffl 01 Project Name Villa 59 02 Calculation Descriptton Title 24 Analysis 03 Project Location 1566 Marbrisa Circle 04 A City Carlsbad 05 standards Version eerhf^iiance 2014 06 Zip code 92008 07 Compilance Manager Version BEMCmpMgr 2013-2 (595b) ^ 08 Ciimate Zone CZ7 09 Software Version EnergyPro 6.2 fl 10 Building Type Multifeimily 11 Front Orientation (deg/Cardlnal) 120 l'^' 12 Project Scope Newly Constructed 13 Number of Dwelling Units 16 14 Total Cond. Floor Area (FT^) 15055.8 15 Number of Zones 16 \l] 16 Slab Area (FT^) 5314.4 17 Number of Stories 3 Jjk 18 Addition Cond. Floor Area NA 19 Natural Gas Available Yes 20 Addition Slab Area (FT^) NA 21 Glazing Percentage (%) 10.8% Vj COMPUANCE RESULTS 01 Building Complies with Computer Performance 02 This building Incorporates features that require field testing and/or verification by a certified HERS rater under the supervision of a CEC-approved HERS provider. 03 This building Incorporates one or more Special Features shown below ENERGY USE SUMMARY 04 05 06 07 08 ^ Energy Use Standard Proposed Compliance Percent (kTDV/ft) Design Design Margin Improvement Space Heating 0.19 0.99 -0.80 -421.1% Space Cooling 8.05 7.21 0.84 10.4% lAQ Ventilation 2.42 2.42 0.00 0.0% Water Heating 25.71 13.17 12.54 48.8% Photovoltaic Offset — 0.00 0.00 — Compliance Energy Total 36.37 23.79 12.58 34.6% Totai Energy (*lncludlng AMEU) 107.31 94.73 12.58 11.7% ' calculated Appliances and Miscellaneous Energy Use Registration Number: 2l4-NOloo592A-ooooooooo-ciooo CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration Date/Tinne: 2014-10-2116:56:30 Report Version - CFlR-07302014-595b CERTiFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 59 Calculation Date/Time: 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, 2014 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: 35villa59T24a.xml CF1R-PRF-01 Page 2 of 18 REQUIRED SPECIAL FEATURES The fbllowing are features that must be installed as condition fbr meeting the modeled energy perfbrmance for this computer analysis. • Non-standard roof reflectance • Window overhangs and/or fins • Exposed slab floor tn conditioned zone • No cooling system Included PROJECT HERS FEATURES The fbllowing are project-level features that must be flekl-verlfied as a condition for meeting the modeled energy performance for this computer analysis. These, plus any additional HERS features iisted in the building components tables bek)w requre field verification by a certified HERS Rater. Checic the Individual building component sections below fbr any required HERS verification requirements. BUILDING - FEATURES INFORMATION 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Project Name Conditioned Floor Area (sft) Number of Dwelling Units Number of Bedrooms Number of Zones Number of Ventilation Cooling Systems Number of Water Heating Systems Villa 59 15055.8 16 28 16 0 1 Registration Number: 2i4-NOlo0592A-ooooooooo-oooo CA Buiiding Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration Date/Time: Report Version - CFlR-07302014-595b 2014-10-21 16:56:30 HERS Provider: CalCERTS Inc. Report Generated at: 2014-07-30113:25:17 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLiANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLiANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 59 Calculation Date/Time: 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, 2014 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: 35villa5gT24a.xml CF1R-PRF-01 Page 3 of 18 ZONE INFORMATION 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Zone Name Zone Type HVAC System Zone Floor Area (ft^) Avg. Celling Height Water Heating System 1 Water Heating System 2 Studio 11 Conditioned HP-11A1 443.7 9 DHW Sys 1 Suite 12 Conditioned HP-122 1120.8 9 DHW Sys 1 Suite 13 Conditioned HP-133 1092.7 9 DHW Sys 1 Suite 14 Conditioned HP-144 1092.7 9 DHW Sys 1 Suite 15 Conditioned HP-155 1120.8 9 DHW Sys 1 Studio 15A Conditioned HP-15A6 443.7 9 DHW Sys 1 Studfo 21A Conditioned HP-21A7 443.7 9 DHW Sys 1 Suite 22 Conditioned HP-228 1120.8 9 DHW Sys 1 Suite 23 Conditioned HP-239 1092.7 9 DHW Sys 1 Suite 24 Conditioned HP-2410 1092.7 9 DHW Sys 1 Suite 25 Conditioned HP-2511 1120.8 9 DHW Sys 1 Studio 25A Conditioned HP-25A12 443.7 9 DHW Sys 1 Suite 32 Conditioned HP-3213 1120.8 9 DHW Sys 1 Suite 33 Conditioned HP-3314 1092.7 9 DHW Sys 1 Suite 34 Conditioned HP-3415 1092.7 9 DHW Sys 1 Suite 35 Condltbned HP-3516 1120.8 9 DHW Sys 1 Registration Number: 214-NQIOO592A-OOOOOOOOO-OOOO CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration Date/Time: 2014-10-2116:56:30 Report Version - CFlR-07302014-595b HERS Provider: CalCERTS Inc. Report Generated at: 2014-07-30113:25:17 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 59 Calculation Date/Time: 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, 2014 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: 35villa59T24a.xml CF1R-PRF-01 Page 4 of 18 OPAQUE SURFACES 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 Name Zone Construction Azimuth Orientation Gross Area (ft^) Window Area (ft^) Tllt(deg) SWall Studio 11 R-19 Wall 210 Left 306 4 90 EWall Studio 11 R-19 Wall 120 Front 119.3 0 90 NWall Studio 11 R-19 Wall 30 Right 13.5 0 90 WWall Studfo 11 R-19 Wall 300 Back 119.3 56 90 S Wall 2 Suite 12 R-19 Wall 210 Left 108 0 90 E Wall 2 Suite 12 R-19 Wall 120 Front 243.8 33.795 90 N Wall 2 Suite 12 R-19 Wall 30 Right 31.5 0 90 W Wall 2 Suite 12 R-19 Wall 300 Back 240 78.5 90 S Wall 3 Suite 13 R-19 Wall 210 Left 49.5 0 90 E Wall 3 Suite 13 R-19 Wall 120 Front 276 33.795 90 N Wall 3 Suite 13 R-19 Wall 30 Right 58.5 0 90 W Wall 3 Suite 13 R-19 Wall 300 Back 243.8 78.5 90 N Wall 4 Suite 14 R-19 Wall 30 Right 49.5 0 90 E Wall 4 Suite 14 R-19 Wall 120 Front 276 33.795 90 S Wall 4 Suite 14 R-19 Wall 210 Left 58.5 0 90 W Wall 4 Suite 14 R-19 Wall 300 Back 243.8 78.5 90 N Wall 5 Suite 15 R-19 Wail 30 Right 108 0 90 E Wall 5 Suite 15 R-19 Wall 120 Front 243.8 33.795 90 S Wall 5 Suite 15 R-19 Wall 210 Left 31.5 0 90 W Wall 5 Suite 15 R-19 Wall 300 Back 240 78.5 90 N Wall 6 Studio 15A R-19 Wall 30 Right 306 4 90 E Wall 6 Studio ISA R-19 Wall 120 Front 119.3 0 90 S Wall 6 Studio 15A R-19 Wall 210 Left 13.5 0 90 WWall 6 Studio 15A R-19 Wall 300 Back 119.3 56 90 S Wall 7 Studfo 21A R-19 Wall 210 Left 306 4 90 E Wall 7 Studfo 21A R-19 Wall 120 Front 119.3 0 90 N Wall 7 Studfo 21A R-19 Wall 30 Right 13.5 0 90 W Wall 7 Studfo 21A R-19 Wall 300 Back 119.3 56 90 Roof Studfo 21A R-38 Roof 443.7 S Wall 8 Suite 22 R-19 Wall 210 Left 108 0 90 Registration Number: 2l4-NOlo0592A-ooooooooo-oooo Registration Date/Time: 2014-10-21 16:56:30 HERS Pro vider: CalCERTS Inc. CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Report Version - CFlR-07302014-595b Report Generated at: 2014-07-30X13:25:17 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPUANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 59 Calculation Date/Time: 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, 2014 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input Fiie Name: 35villa59T24a.xml CF1R-PRF-01 Page 5 of 18 E Wall 8 Suite 22 R-ig Wall 120 Front 243.8 33.795 90 N Wall 8 Suite 22 R-19 Wall 30 Right 31.5 0 90 W Wall 8 Suite 22 R-19 Wall 300 Back 240 78.5 90 S Wall 9 Suite 23 R-19 Wall 210 Left 49.5 0 90 E Wall 9 Suite 23 R-19 Wall 120 Front 276 33.795 90 N Wall 9 Suite 23 R-19 Wall 30 Right 58.5 0 90 WWall 9 Suite 23 R-19 Wall 300 Back 243.8 78.5 90 NWall 10 Suite 24 R-19 Wall 30 Right 49.5 0 90 EWall 10 Suite 24 R-19 Wall 120 Front 276 33.795 90 S Wall 10 Suite 24 R-19 Wall 210 Left 58.5 0 90 W Wall 10 Suite 24 R-19 Wall 300 Back 243.8 78.5 90 NWall 11 Suite 25 R-19 Wall 30 Right 108 0 90 EWall 11 Suite 25 R-19 Wall 120 Front 243.8 33,795 90 SWall 11 Suite 25 R-19 Wall 210 Left 31.5 0 90 W Wall 11 Suite 25 R-19 WaU 300 Back 240 78.5 90 N Wall 12 Studio 25A R-19 Wall 30 Right 306 4 90 EWall 12 Studio 25A R-19 Wall 120 Front 119.3 0 90 SWall 12 Studio 25A R-19 Wall 210 Left 13.5 0 90 WWall 12 Studio 25A R-19 Wall 300 Back 119.3 56 90 Roof 2 Studio 25A R-38 Roof 443.7 SWall 13 Suite 32 R-19 Wall 210 Left 400.5 22.5 90 EWall 13 Suite 32 R-19 Wall 120 Front 243.8 33.795 90 NWall 13 Suite 32 R-19 Wall 30 Right 31.5 0 90 WWall 13 Suite 32 R-19 Wall 300 Back 240 78.5 90 Roof 3 Suite 32 R-38 Roof 1120.8 S Wall 14 Suite 33 R-19 Wall 210 Left 49.5 0 90 E Wall 14 Suite 33 R-19 Wall 120 Front 240.1 33.795 90 N Wall 14 Suite 33 R-19 Wall 30 Right 58.5 0 90 WWall 14 Suite 33 R-19 Wall 300 Back 243.8 78.5 90 Roof 4 Suite 33 R-38 Roof 1092.7 NWall 15 Suite 34 R-19 Wall 30 Right 49.5 0 90 EWall 15 Suite 34 R-19 Wall 120 Front 240.1 33.795 90 SWall 15 Suite 34 R-19 Wall 210 Left 58.5 0 90 Registration Number: 2i4-NOioo592A-ooooooooo-oooo CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration Date/Time: Report Versfon - CF1R-07302014-S95b 2014-10-21 16:56:30 HERS Provider: CalCERTS Ino. Report Generated at: 2014-07-30113:25:17 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 59 Calculation Date/Time: 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, 2014 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis input File Name: 35villa59T24a.xml CF1R-PRF-01 Page 6 of 18 WWall 15 Suite 34 R-19 Wall 300 Back 243.8 78.5 90 Roof 5 Suite 34 R-38 Roof 1092.7 NWall 16 Suite 35 R-19 Wall 30 Right 400.5 22.5 90 EWall 16 Suite 35 R-19 Wall 120 Front 243.8 33.795 90 SWall 16 Suite 35 R-19 Wall 210 Left 31.5 0 90 WWall 16 Suite 35 R-19 Wall 300 Back 240 78.5 90 Roof 6 Suite 35 R-38 Roof 1120.8 ATTIC 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Name Construction Roof Rise Roof Reflectance Roof Emittance Radiant Barrier Coot Roof Attic Attic Roof Cons 0 0.1 0.85 Yes No Registration Number: 214-N0100592A-000000000-0000 CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration Date/Time: 2014-10-21 16:56:30 Report Version - CFlR-07302014-595b HERS Provider: CalCERTS inc. Report Generated at: 2014-07-30113:25:17 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 59 Calculation Date/Time: 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, 2014 Calculation Description-. Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: 35v)lla59T24a.xmt CF1R-PRF-01 Page 7 of 18 WINDOWS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Name Type Surface (Ortentatlon-Azlmuth) Wldth(ft) Height (ft) Multtpti er Area (ft^) U- factor SHG C Exterior Shading Window Window SWall(Left-210) 2.0 2.0 1 4.0 0.65 0.40 Door Window W Wall (Back-300) 8.0 8.0 0.875 56.0 0.65 0.40 Window 1 Window EWall2(Front-120) 2.5 4.5 1.004 11.3 0.65 0.40 Window 2 Window E Wall 2 (Front-120) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Window 3 Window W Wall 2 (Back-300) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Door 2 Window WWall 2 (Back-300) 8.0 8.0 0.875 56.0 0.65 0.40 Window 1 2 Window E Wall 3 (Front-120) 2.5 4.5 1.004 11.3 0.65 0.40 Window 2 2 Window E Wall 3 (Front-120) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Window 4 Window WWall3 (Back-300) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Door 3 Window WWall 3 (Back-300) 8.0 8.0 0.875 56.0 0.65 0.40 Window 1 3 Window E Wall 4 (Ront-120) 2.5 4.5 1.004 11.3 0.65 0.40 Window 2 3 Window E Wall 4 (FrDnt-120) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Window 5 Window W Wall 4 (Back-300) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Door 4 Window WWall 4 (Back-300) 8.0 8.0 0.875 56.0 0.65 0.40 Window 1 4 Window E Wall 5 (Front-120) 2.5 4.5 1.004 11.3 0.65 0.40 Window 2 4 Window EWall 5 (Front-120) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Window 6 Window W Wall 5 (Back-300) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Door 5 Window W Wall 5 (Back-300) 8.0 8.0 0.875 56.0 0.65 0.40 Window 7 Window N Wall 6 (Right-30) 2.0 2.0 1 4.0 0.65 0.40 Door 6 Window W Wall 6 (Back-300) 8.0 8.0 0.875 56.0 0.65 0.40 Window 8 Window SWall7(Left-210) 2.0 2.0 1 4.0 0.65 0.40 Door 7 Window W Wall 7 (Back-300) 8.0 8.0 0.875 56.0 0.65 0.40 Window 1 5 Window E Wall 8 (Front-120) 2.5 4.5 1.004 11.3 0.65 0.40 Window 2 5 Window E Wall 8 (Front-120) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Window 9 Window W Wall 8 (Back-300) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Door 8 Window W Wall 8 (Back-300) 8.0 8.0 0.875 56.0 0.65 0.40 Window 1 6 Window EWall 9 (Front-120) 2.5 4.5 1.004 11.3 0.65 0.40 Window 2 6 Window EWall 9 (Front-120) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Window 10 Window W Wall 9 (Back-300) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Registration Number: 214-NOIOO592A-OOOOOOOOO-OOOO CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration Date/Time: 2014-10-21 16:56:30 Report Version - CF1R-07302014-S95b HERS Provider: CalCERTS Inc. Report Generated at: 2014-07-30113:25:17 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 59 Calculation Date/Time: 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, 2014 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: 35villa5gT24a.xml CF1R-PRF-01 Page 8 of 18 Door 9 Window WWall 9 (Back-300) 8.0 8.0 0.875 56.0 0.65 0.40 Window 1 7 Window EWall 10 (Front-120) 2.5 4.5 1.004 11.3 0.65 0.40 Window 2 7 Window E Wall 10 (Front-120) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Window 11 Window W Wall 10 (Back-300) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Door 10 Window W Wall 10 (Back-300) 8.0 8.0 0.875 56.0 0.65 0.40 Window 1 8 Window EWall 11 (Fronf-120) 2.5 4.5 1.004 11.3 0.65 0.40 Window 2 8 Window EWall 11 (Front-120) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Window 12 Window WWall 11 (Back-300) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Door 11 Window WWall 11 (Back-300) 8.0 8.0 0.875 56.0 0.65 0.40 Window 13 Window N Wall 12 (Right-30) 2.0 2.0 1 4.0 0.65 0.40 Door 12 Window WWall 12 (Back-300) 8.0 8.0 0.875 56.0 0.65 0.40 Window 14 Window SWall 13(Left-210) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Window 15 Window EWall 13 (Front-120) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Window 16 Window EWall 13 (Front-120) 2.5 4.5 1.004 11.3 0.65 0.40 Window 17 Window WWall 13 (Back-300) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Door 13 Window WWall 13 (Back-300) 8.0 8.0 0.875 56.0 0.65 0.40 Window 18 Window E Wall 14 (Front-120) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Window 19 Window EWall 14 (Front-120) 2.5 4.5 1.004 11.3 0.65 0.40 Window 20 Window WWall 14 (Back-300) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Door 14 Window W Wall 14 (Back-300) 8.0 8.0 0.875 56.0 0.65 0.40 Window 21 Window EWall 15 (Front-120) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Window 22 Window EWall 15 (Front-120) 2.5 4.5 1.004 11.3 0.65 0.40 Window 23 Window WWall 15 (Back-300) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Door 16 Window WWall 15 (Back-300) 8.0 8.0 0.875 56.0 0.65 0.40 Window 24 Window N Wall 16 (Right-30) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Window 25 Window EWall 16 (Front-120) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Window 26 Window E Wall 16 (Front-120) 2.5 4.5 1.004 11.3 0.65 0.40 Window 27 Window WWall 16 (Back-300) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Door 16 Window WWall 16 (Back-300) 8.0 8.0 0.875 56.0 0.65 0.40 Registration Number: 214-N0100592A-000000000-0000 CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration Date/Time: 2014-10-2116:56:30 Report Versfon - CFlR-07302014-595b HERS Provider: CalCERTS Inc. Report Generated at: 2014-07-30113:25:17 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD CF1R-PRF-01 Project Name: Villa 59 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Calculation Date/Time: 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, 2014 Input Fiie Name: 35villa59T24a.xml Page 9 of 18 DOORS 01 02 03 04 Name Side of Building Area (ft^) U-factor Door 17 EWall 20.0 1.00 Door 18 E Wall 2 20.0 1.00 Door 19 E Wall 3 20.0 1.00 Door 20 N Wall 3 20.0 1.00 Door 21 E Wall 4 20.0 1.00 Door 22 S Wall 4 20.0 1.00 Door 23 E Wall 5 20.0 1.00 Door 24 E Wall 6 20.0 1.00 Door 25 E Wall 7 20.0 1.00 Door 26 E Wall 8 20.0 1.00 Door 27 E Wall 9 20.0 1.00 Door 28 N Wall 9 20.0 1.00 Door 29 EWall 10 20.0 1.00 Door 30 S Wall 10 20.0 1.00 Door 31 EWall 11 20.0 1.00 Door 32 E Wall 12 20.0 1.00 Door 33 EWall 13 20.0 1.00 Door 34 E Wall 14 20.0 1.00 Door 35 E Wall 15 20.0 1.00 Door 36 E Wall 16 20.0 1.00 Registration Number: 2i4-NOioo592A-ooooooooo-oooo CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration Date/Time: 2014-10-21 16:56:30 Report Version - CFlR-07302014-595b HERS Provider: CalCERTS Inc. Report Generated at: 2014-07-30713:25:17 CERTiFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 59 Calculation Date/Time: 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, 2014 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: 35villa59T24a.xml CFIR-PRF-OI Page 10 of 18 OVERHANGS AND FINS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 1 08 09 10 11 1 12 13 14 Overhang Left Fin Right Fin Window Depth Dist Up Left Extent Right Extent Flap Ht. Depth Top Up DistL Bot Up Depth Top Up DistR Bot Up Window 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Door 5 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 1 8 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 2 8 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3.7 0 Door 2 5 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 1 2 8 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 2 2 8 0.1 4 4 0 3.7 0 2.5 0 0 0 0 0 Window 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3.7 0 Door 3 5 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 1 3 8 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 2 3 8 0.1 4 4 0 3.7 0 2.5 0 0 0 0 0 Window 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3.7 0 Door 4 5 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 1 4 8 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 2 4 8 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3.7 0 Door 5 5 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Door 6 5 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Door 7 5 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 1 5 8 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 2 5 8 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3.7 0 Door 8 5 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 1 6 8 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 2 6 8 0.1 4 4 0 3.7 0 2.5 0 0 0 0 0 Registration Number: 2l4-NOlo0592A-ooooooooo-oooo CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration Date/Time: 2014-10-2116:56:30 Report Versfon - CFlR-07302014-595b HERS Provider: CalCERTS Inc. Report Generated at: 2014-07-30713:25:17 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 59 Calculation Date/Time: 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, 2014 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: 35villa59T24a.xml CFIR-PRF-OI Page 11 of 18 Window 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3.7 0 Door 9 5 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 1 7 8 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 2 7 8 0.1 4 4 0 3.7 0 2.5 0 0 0 0 0 Window 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3.7 0 Door 10 5 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 1 8 8 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 2 8 8 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3.7 0 Door 11 5 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Door 12 5 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 14 2 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 15 2 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 16 2 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 17 2 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3.7 0 Door 13 2 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 18 4 1 4 4 0 3.7 0 2.5 0 0 0 0 0 Window 19 6 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 20 2 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3.7 0 Door 14 5 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 21 4 1 4 4 0 3.7 0 2.5 0 0 0 0 0 Window 22 8 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 23 2 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3.7 0 Door 15 5 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 24 2 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 25 2 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 26 2 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 27 2 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3.7 0 Door 16 2 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Registration Number: 214-N0100592A-O00oooooo-O000 CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration Date/Time: 2014-10-21 16:56:30 Report Versfon - CFlR-07302014-595b HERS Provider: CalCERTS inc. Report Generated at: 2014-07-30713:25:17 CERTIFICATE OF COMPUANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 59 Calculation Date/Time: 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, 2014 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: 35villa59T24a.xml CFIR-PRF-OI Page 12 of 18 OPAQUE SURFACE CONSTRUCTIONS 01 02 03 04 05 06 Constructton Name Surface TVpe Construction Type Framing Total Cavity R-vatue Assembly Layers Attic Roof Cons Attic Roofs Wood Framed Ceiling 2x4 Top Chord of Roof 7russ @ 24 in. O.C. Roofing: Light Roof (Asphalt Shingle) • Above Deck Insulation - no insulation - • RoofDedc Wood Siding/sheathing/decldng • Cavity: - no insuiation - • Inside Finish: - select inside finish - R-19 Wall Exterior Walls Wood Framed Wail 2x6 @ 16 in. O.C. R 19 • Inside Finish: Gypsum Board • Sheathing/Insulation: - no sheathing/insui. - Cavity: R 19 • Sheathing/insulation: - no sheathing/insul. - Exterior Finish: Wood Siding/sheathing/decking R-38 Roof Ceilings (below attic) Wood Framed Ceiling 2x4 @ 24 in. O.C. R38 • Attic Floor: - no attic floor - CaWfy; R 38 • Sheathinginsulation - no sheathlng/insui. - • Inside Finish: Gypsum Board SLAB FLOORS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Name Zone Area (ft^) Perimeter (ft) Edge Insul. R-value& Depth Carpeted Fraction Heated Carpeted Slab Studfo 11 331.1 62 None 1 No Tiled Slab Studfo 11 112.6 0.1 None 0 No Carpeted Slab 2 Suite 12 847 65.9 None 0 No 7iled Slab 2 Suite 12 273.8 0.1 None 0 No Carpeted Slab 3 Suite 13 759.9 63.8 None 1 No 7iled Slab 3 Suite 13 332.8 0.1 None 1 No Carpeted Slab 4 Suite 14 753.5 63.8 None 1 No 7iled Slab 4 Suite 14 339.2 0.1 None 0 No Carpeted Slab 5 Suite 15 847 65.9 None 1 No Tiled Slab 5 Suite 15 273.8 0.1 None 0 No Carpeted Slab 6 Studio 15A 331.1 62 None 1 No Tiled Slab 6 Studio 15A 112.6 0.1 None 0 No Registration Number: 214-N0100592A-000000000-0000 CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration Date/Time: 2014-10-2116:56:30 Report Version - CFlR-07302014-59Sb HERS Provider: CalCERTS Inc. Report Generated at: 2014-07-30713:25:17 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 59 Calculation Date/Time: 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, 2014 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: 35villa59T24a.xml CF1R-PRF-01 Page 13 of 18 BUILDING ENVELOPE - HERS VERIFICATION 01 02 03 04 Quality Insulation Installatlon(QII) Quality Installation of Spray Foam Insulation Buttding Envelope Air Leakage ACH @ 50 Pa Not Required Not Required Required 14001.9 WATER HEATING SYSTEMS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 OS 09 Name System Type Number tn Building Multi-Family Distribution Type Water Heater Recirculation Loop Recirculation Pump Power (bhp) Recirculation Pump Efficiency (%) Sotar Fraction (%) DHW Sys 1 Pipe Insulation, All Lines 1 None None Yes Annual WATER HEATERS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 Name Heater Element Type Tank Type lank Volume (gal) Energy Factor or Efficiency input Rating Tank Exterior Insulation R-value Standby Loss (Fraction) DHW Heater 1 Natural Gas Large Instantaneous 1.4 0.84 500000-Btu/hr 0 0 WATER HEATING - HERS VERIFICATION 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Name Pipe insulation Parallel Piping Compact Distribution Polnt-of Use Recirculation wtth Manual Control Recirculation with Sensor Controt DHW Sys 1-hers-dhw n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Registration Number: 2l4-NOlooS92A-ooooooooo-oooo CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration Date/Time: 2014-10-21 16:56:30 Report Version - CFlR-07302014-595b HERS Provider; CalCERTS Inc. Report Generated at: 2014-07-30713:25:17 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 59 Calculation Date/Time: 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, 2014 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: 35villa59T24a.xml CF1R-PRF-01 Page 14 of 18 HVAC SYSTEMS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Name System Type Heating System Name Ducted Cooling System Name Ducted Distribution System Fan System Floor Area Served HP-11A1 Heat Pump Heating and Cooling System Heat Pump System 1 No Heat Pump System 1 No HP-IIAI-dist HP-11A1-fan 443.7 HP-122 Heat Pump Heating and Cooling System Heat Pump System 2 No Heat Pump System 2 No HP-122-dist HP-122-fen 1120.8 HP-133 Heat Pump Heating and Cooling System Heat Pump System 3 No Heat Pump System 3 No HP-133-dist HP-133-fan 1092.7 HP-144 Heat Pump Heating and Cooling System Heat Pump System 4 No Heat Pump System 4 No HP-144-dist HP-144-fan 1092.7 HP-155 Heat Pump Heating and Cooling System Heat Pump System 5 No Heat Pump System 5 No HP-155-dist HP-155-fan 1120.8 HP-15A6 Heat Pump Heating and Cooling System Heat Pump System 6 No Heal Pump System 6 No HP-15A6-dist HP-15A6-fan 443.7 HP-21A7 Heat Pump Heating and Cooling System Heat Pump System 7 No Heat Pump System 7 No HP-21A7-dist HP-21A7-fan 443.7 HP-228 Heat Pump Heating and Cooling System Heat Pump System 8 No Heat Pump System 8 No HP-228-dist HP-228-fan 1120.8 HP-239 Heat Pump Heating and Cooling System Heat Pump System 9 No Heat Pump System 9 No HP-239-dist HP-239-fan 1092.7 HP-2410 Heat Pump Heating and Cooling System Heat Pump System 10 No Heat Pump System 10 No HP-2410-dist HP-2410-fan 1092.7 HP-2511 Heat Pump Heating and Cooling System Heat Pump System 11 No Heat Pump System 11 No HP-2511-dist HP-2511-fan 1120.8 HP-25A12 Heat Pump Heating and Cooling System Heat Pump System 12 No Heat Pump System 12 No HP-25A12-dist HP-25A12-fan 443.7 HP-3213 Heat Pump Heating and Cooling System Heat Pump System 13 No Heat Pump System 13 No HP-3213-dist HP-3213-fen 1120.8 HP-3314 Heat Pump Heating and Cooling System Heat Pump System 14 No Heat Pump System 14 No HP-3314-dist HP-3314-fan 1092.7 HP-3415 Heat Pump Heating and Cooling System Heat Pump System 15 No Heat Pump System 15 No HP-3415-dist HP-3415-fan 1092.7 HP-3516 Heat Pump Heating and Cooling System Heat Pump System 16 No Heat Pump System 16 No HP-3516-dist HP-3516-fan 1120.8 Registration Number; 2l4-NOioo592A-ooooooooo-oooo CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration Date/Time: 2014-10-21 16:56:30 Report Version - CFlR-07302014-595b HERS Provider: CalCER7S Inc. Report Generated at: 2014-07-30713:25:17 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 59 Calculation Date/Time: 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, 2014 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input Flie Name: 35villa59T24a.xml CFIR-PRF-OI Page 15 of 18 HVAC - HEATING SYSTEMS: Heat Pumps 01 02 03 1 04 05 06 07 Name Type Heating HSPF/COP Cap 47 Cap 17 Cooling SEER EER Heat Pump System 1 RoomHeatPump - Heating side of non-central room A/C system 9.12 8200 6800 12 10.5 Heat Pump System 2 RoomHeatPump - Heating side of non-central room A/C system 8.16 10700 8200 12 10.7 Heat Pump System 3 RoomHeatPump - Heating side of non-central room A/C system 8.16 10700 8200 12 10.7 Heat Pump System 4 RoomHeatPump - Heating side of non-central room A/C system 8.16 10700 8200 12 10.7 Heat Pump System 5 RoomHeatPump - Heating side of non-central room A/C system 8.16 10700 8200 12 10.7 Heat Pump System 6 RoomHeatPump - Heating side of non-central room A/C system 9.12 8200 6800 12 10.5 Heat Pump System 7 RoomHeatPump - Heating side of non-central room A/C system 8.16 10700 8200 12 10.7 Heat Pump System 8 RoomHeatPump - Heating side of non-central room A/C system 8.16 10700 8200 12 10.7 Heat Pump System 9 RoomHeatPump - Heating side of non-central room A/C system 8.16 10700 8200 12 10.7 Heat Pump System 10 RoomHeatPump - Heating side of non-central room A/C system 8.16 10700 8200 12 10.7 Heat Pump System 11 RoomHeatPump - Heating side of non-central room A/C system 8.16 10700 8200 12 10.7 Heat Pump System 12 RoomHeatPump - Heating skJe of non-central room A/C system 8.16 10700 8200 12 10.7 Heat Pump System 13 RoomHeatPump - Heating side of non-central room A/C system 7.52 15500 14250 12 10 Heat Pump System 14 RoomHeatPump - Heating side of non-central room A/C system 7.52 15500 14250 12 10 Heat Pump System 15 RoomHeatPump - Heating side of non-central room A/C system 7.52 15500 14250 12 10 Heat Pump System 16 RoomHeatPump - Heating side of non-central room A/C system 7.52 15500 14250 12 10 Registration Number: 2i4-NOioo592A-ooooooooo-oooo CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration Date/Time: 2014-10-21 16:56:30 Report Version - CFlR-07302014-595b HERS Provider; CalCERTS inc. Report Generated at: 2014-07-30713:25:17 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 59 Calculation Date/Time: 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, 2014 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: 35villa59T24a.xml CF1R-PRF-01 Page 16 of 18 HVAC COOLING • HERS VERIFICATION 01 02 03 04 05 06 Name Verified Airflow Airflow Target Verified EER Verified SEER Verified Refrigerant Charge Heat Pump System 1-hers-cool Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Heat Pump System 2-hers-cool Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Heat Pump System 3-hers<ool Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Heat Pump System 4-hers-cool Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Heat Pump System 5-hers-cool Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Heat Pump System 6-hers-cool Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Heat Pump System 7-hers-cool Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Heat Pump System 8-hers-cool Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Heat Pump System 9-hers-cool Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Heat Pump System 10-hers-cool Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Heat Pump System 11-hers-cool Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Heat Pump System 12-hers-cool Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Heat Pump System 13-hers-cool Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Heat Pump System 14-hers-cool Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Heat Pump System 15-hers-cool Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Heat Pump System 16-hers-cool Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Registration Number; 2i4-NOioo592A-ooooooooo-oooo CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration Date/Time; 2014-10-21 16:56:30 Report Version - CFlR-07302014-595b HERS Provider: CalCERTS Inc. Report Generated at; 2014-07-30713:25:17 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 59 Calculation Date/Time: 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, 2014 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: 35villa59T24a.xml CFIR-PRF-OI Page 17 Of 18 lAQ (Indoor Air Quality) FANS 01 02 03 04 05 Name lAQCFM lAQ Fan Type lAQ Recovery Effecttveness(%) HERS Verification Dwelling Unit #1 lAQ Fan 28 Exhaust 0 Required Dwelling Unit #2 lAQ Fan 56 Exhaust 0 Required Dwelling Unit #3 lAQ Fan 55 Exhaust 0 Required Dwelling Unit #4 lAQ Fan 55 Exhaust 0 Required Dwelling Unit #5 lAQ Fan 56 Exhaust 0 Required Dwelling Unit #6 lAQ Fan 28 Exhaust 0 Required Dwelling Unit #7 lAQ Fan 28 Exhaust 0 Required Dwelling Unit #8 lAQ Fan 56 Exhaust 0 Required Dwelling Unit #9 lAQ Fan 55 Exhaust 0 Required Dwelling Unit #10 lAQ Fan 55 Exhaust 0 Required Dwelling Unit #11 lAQ Fan 56 Exhaust 0 Required Dwelling Unit #12 lAQ Fan 28 Exhaust 0 Required Dwelling Unit #13 lAQ Fan 56 Exhaust 0 Required Dwelling Unit #14 lAQ Fan 55 Exhaust 0 Required Dwelling Unit #15 lAQ Fan 55 Exhaust 0 Required Dwelling Unit #16 lAQ Fan 56 Exhaust 0 Required Registration Number: 2l4-NOioo592A-ooooooooo-oooo CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration Date/Time; 2014-10-2116:56:30 Report Version - CFlR-07302014-595b HERS Provider: CalCERTS inc. Report Generated at: 2014-07-30713:25:17 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: VHIa 59 Calculation Date/Time: 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, 2014 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis ~ Input File Name: 35vllla59T24a.xml CFIR.PRF-01 Page 18 of 18 DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR'S DECLARATION STATEMENT 1.1 certify that this Certificate of Compliance documentatfon is accurate and complete. Documentatfon Author Name: Craig Moya Documentaton Author^nature: Company: Engineered Systems Signature Datex^ 2014-10-21 16:56:30 Address: POBox 2186 CEA/HERS Certification Identification (If applicable): Clty/State/Zlp: Spring Valley. CA 91979 Phone: 619-825-7516 RESPONSIBLE PERSON'S DECLARATION STATEMENT f certify the following under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California: 1. 1 am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professfons Code to accept responsibility for the building design identified on this Certificate of Compliance. 2. 1 certify that the energy features and performance specifications Identified on this Certificate of Comptiance conform to the requirements of Title 24, Part 1 and Part 6 of the California Code of Regulations. 3. The building design features or system design features identified on this Certifteate of Compliance are consistent with the information provided on other applicable compliance documents, worksheets, calculations, plans and specifications submitted to the enforcement agency for approval with this building permit applicatfon. Responsible Designer Name: ResponslbleDeslgner Signature: Company: Date Signed; Address; Ucense: Clty/State/Zlp: Phonn; Digitally signed by CalCERTS. This digital signature is provided in order to secure the content of this registered document, and in no way implies Registration Provider responsibility fdr the accuracy of the Information. Registration Number: 214-N0100592A-000000000-0000 CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residentlal Compliance Registration Date/Time: 2014-10-21 16:56:30 Report Version - CFlR-07302014-595b HERS Provider: CalCERTS Inc. Report Generated at: 2014-07-30T13:25:17 BUILDING ENERGY ANALYSIS REPORT RECEIVED 0 5ZOH CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DIVISION PROJECT: Marbrisa Resort Villa 59 1586 Marbrisa Circle Carlsbad, CA 92008 Project Designer: NOAA Group 4990 Harbor Dr. San Diego, CA 92106 619-297-8066 Report Prepared by: Craig Moya Engineered Systems PO Box 2186 Spring Valley, CA 91979 619-825-7516 Job Number: 13035 Date: 7/30/2014 The EnergyPro computer program has been used to perform the authorized by the Caiifornia Energy Commission for use with bi 7his program developed EnergyPro 6.2 by EnergySofl User Number: 3219 ^ ID: m)35 TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Page 1 Table of Contents 2 Form CF-1 R Certificate of Compliance 3 Form RMS-1 Residential Measures Summary 21 Form MF-1 R Mandatory Measures Summary 27 EnergyPro 6.2 by EnergySoft job Number: ID: 13035 User Number: 3219 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTiAL PERFORMANCE COMPLiANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 59 Caicuiation Date/Time; 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, 2014 Calcuiation Description: Title 24 Analysis input File Name: 35villa59T24a.xml CFIR-PRF-OI Page 1 of 18 GENERAL INFORMATION 01 Project Name Villa 59 02 Calculation Description Title 24 Analysis 03 Project Location 1586 Marbrisa Circle 04 A City Carlsbad 05 Standards Version Compliance 2014 06 Zip code 92008 07 Compliance Manager Version BEMCmpMgr 2013-2 (595b) 08 Climate Zone CZ7 09 Software Version EnergyPro 6.2 10 Building Type Multifemily 11 Front Orientation (deg/Cardinal) 120 12 Project Scope Newly Constructed 13 Number of Dwelling Units 16 14 Total Cond. Floor Area (FT^) 15055.8 15 Number of Zones 16 16 Slab Area (FT^) 5314.4 17 Number of Stories 3 18 Addition Cond. Floor Area NA 19 Natural Gas Available Yes 20 Addition Slab Area (FT^) NA 21 Glazing Percentage (%) 10.8% COMPLIANCE RESUL7S 01 Building Complies with Computer Performance 02 This building incorporates features that require field testing and/or Verification by a certified HERS rater under the supervision of a CEC-approved HERS provider. 03 This building incorporates one or more Special Features shown below ENERGY USE SUMMARY 04 05 06 07 08 Energy Use Standard Proposed Compliance Percent (l<TDV/ft) Design Design Margin Improvement Space Heating 0.19 0.99 -0.80 -421.1% Space Cooling 8.05 7.21 0.84 10.4% lAQ Ventilation >. 2.42 2.42 0.00 0.0% Water Heating 25.71 13.17 12.54 48.8% Photovoltaic Offset * — 0.00 0.00 — Compliance Energy Total 36.37 23.79 12.58 34.6% Total Energy ('including AMEU) 107.31 94.73 12.58 11.7% ' calcuiated Appliances and Miscellaneous Energy Use Registration Number: > { CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residentiai Compiiance Registration DateAime: Report Version - CFlR-D7302014-595b HERS Provider: Report Generated at: 2014-07-30713:24:57 1 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 59 Calcutation Date/Time: 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, 2014 Caicuiation Description: Title 24 Analysis input Fiie Name: 35villa59T24a.xml CFIR-PRF-01 Page 2 of 18 REQUIRED SPECIAL FEATURES The following are features that must be installed as condition for meeting the modeled energy performance for this computer analysis. • Non-standard roof reflectance • Window overhangs and/or fins • Exposed slab floor in conditioned zone • No cooling system included PROJECT HERS FEATURES The following are project-level features fhat must be field-verified as a condition for meeting the modeled energy performance for this computer analysis. These, plus any additional HERS features listed In the bullding components tables below requre field verification by a certified HERS Rater. Check the individual building component sections below for any required HERS verification requirements. BUILDING - FEATURES INFORMATION 01 02 03 04 OS 06 07 Project Name Conditioned Floor Area (sft) Number of Dwelling Units .:""^:a Numberof Bedrooms Number of Zones Number of Ventilation Cooling Systems Number of Water Heating Systems Villa 59 15055.8 16 28 16 0 1 Registration Number: CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration DateAime: Report Version - CFlR-07302014-595b HERS Provider: Report Generated at: 2014-07-30T13:24:57 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 59 Calculation Date/Time: 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, 2014 Caicuiation Description: Title 24 Analysis input File Name: 35villa59T24a.xml CFIR-PRF-01 c Page 3 of 18 ZONE INFORMATiON 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Zone Name Zone Type HVAC System Zone Floor Area (ft^) Avg. Ceiling Height Water Heating System 1 Water Heating System 2 Studio 11 Conditioned HP-11A1 443.7 9 DHW Sys 1 Suite 12 Conditioned HP-122 1120.8 9 DHW Sys 1 Suite 13 Conditioned HP-133 1092.7 9 DHW Sys 1 Suite 14 Conditioned HP-144 1092.7 9 DHW Sys 1 Suite 15 Conditioned HP-155 1120.8 9 DHW Sys 1 Studio 15A Conditioned HP-15A6 443.7 9 DHW Sys 1 Studio 21A Conditioned HP-21A7 443.7 9 DHW Sys 1 Suite 22 Conditioned HP-228 1120.8 9 DHW Sys 1 Suite 23 Conditioned HP-239 1092.7 9 DHW Sys 1 Suite 24 Conditioned HP-2410 1092.7 9 DHW Sys 1 Suite 25 Conditioned HP-2511 1120.8 9 DHW Sys 1 Studio 25A Conditioned HP-25A12 443.7 9 DHW Sys 1 Suite 32 Conditioned HP-3213 1120.8 9 DHW Sys 1 Suite 33 Conditioned HP-3314 1092.7 9 DHW Sys 1 Suite 34 Conditioned HP-3415 1092.7 9 DHW Sys 1 Suite 35 Conditioned HP-3516 1120.8 9 DHW Sys 1 Registration Number: CA Buiiding Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residentiai Compliance Registration DateAime: Report Version - CFlR-07302014-595b HERS Provider: Report Generated at: 2014-07-30713:24:57 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 59 Calcutation DateAime: 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, 2014 Caicuiation Description: Title 24 Analysis input Fiie Name: 35villa59T24a.xml CFIR-PRF-01 ^ Page 4 of 18 OPAQUE SURFACES 01 02 03 04 OS 06 07 08 Name Zone Construction Azimuth Orientation Gross Area (ft^) Window Area (ft^) 7llt(deg) SWall Studio 11 R-19 Wall 210 Left 306 4 90 EWall Studio 11 R-19 Wall 120 Front 119.3 0 90 NWall Studio 11 R-19 Wall 30 Right 13.5 0 90 WWall Studio 11 R-19 Wall 300 Back 119.3 56 90 S Wall 2 Suite 12 R-19 Wall 210 Left 108 0 90 E Wall 2 Suite 12 R-19 Wall 120 Front 243.8 33.795 90 N wail 2 Suite 12 R-19 Wall 30 Right 31.5 0 90 WWall 2 Suite 12 R-19 Waii 300 Back 240 78.5 90 8 Wall 3 Suite 13 R-19 Waii 210 Left 49.5 0 90 E Wall 3 Suite 13 R-19 Waii 120 Front 276 33.795 90 N Wall 3 Suite 13 R-19 Waii 30 Right 58.5 0 90 W Wall 3 Suite 13 R-19 WaH 300 Back 243.8 78.5 90 N Wall 4 Suite 14 R-19 Wall 30 Right 49.5 0 90 E Wall 4 Suite 14 R-19 Wall 120 Front 276 33.795 90 S Wall 4 Suite 14 R-19 Wall 210 Left 58.5 0 90 W Wall 4 Suite 14 R-19 Wall 300 Back 243.8 78.5 90 N W^I15 Suite 15 R-19 Wall 30 Right 108 0 90 E Wall 5 Suite 15 R-19 Wall 120 Front 243.8 33.795 90 S Wall 5 Suite 15 R-19 Wall 210 Left 31.5 0 90 WWall 5 Suite 15 R-19 Wall 300 Back 240 78.5 90 N Wall 6 Studio 15A R-19 Wall 30 Right 306 4 90 E Wall 6 Studio 15A R-19 Wall 120 Front 119.3 0 90 S Wall 6 Studio 15A R-19 Wall 210 Left 13.5 0 90 W Wall 6 Studio 15A R-19 Wall 300 Back 119.3 56 90 S Wall 7 Studio 21A R-19 Wall 210 Left 306 4 90 E Wall 7 Studio 21A R-19 Wall 120 Front 119.3 0 90 N W&II7 Studio 21A R-19 Wall 30 Right 13.5 0 90 W Wall 7 Studio 21A R-19 Wall 300 Back 119.3 56 90 Roof Studio 21A R-38 Roof 443.7 S Wall 8 Suite 22 R-19 Wall 210 Left 108 0 90 Registration Number: CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration DateAime: Report Version - CFlR-07302014-595b HERS Provider: Report Generated at: 2014-07-30713:24:57 CERTiFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 59 Calcuiation DateAime: 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, 2014 Caicuiation Description: Title 24 Analysis input Fiie Name: 35villa59T24a.xml CFIR-PRF-01 r Page 5 of 18 E Wall 8 Suite 22 R-19 Wall 120 Front 243.8 33.795 90 NV\fall8 Suite 22 R-19 Wall 30 Right 31.5 0 90 W\/\fall8 Suite 22 R-19 Waii 300 Back 240 78.5 90 S Wall 9 Suite 23 R-19 Waii 210 Left 49.5 0 90 E Wall 9 Suite 23 R-19 Wail 120 Front 276 33.795 90 NWall 9 Suite 23 R-19 Wail 30 Right 58.5 0 90 WWall 9 Suite 23 R-19 Wall 300 Back 243.8 78.5 90 NWall 10 Suite 24 R-19 Wall 30 Right 49.5 0 90 EWall 10 Suite 24 R-19 Wall , 120 Front 276 33.795 90 SWall 10 Suite 24 R-19 Wall 210 Left 58.5 0 90 WWall 10 Suite 24 R-19 Wall 300 Back 243.8 78.5 90 NWall 11 Suite 25 R-19 Wall 30 Right 108 0 90 EWall 11 Suite 25 R-19 Wall 120 Front 243.8 33.795 90 S Wall 11 Suite 25 R-19 Wall 210 Left 31.5 0 90 WWall 11 Suite 25 R-19 WaU 300 Back 240 78.5 90 NWall 12 Studio 25A R-19\AftHI 30 Right 306 4 90 EWall 12 Studio 25A R-19 Wall 120 Front 119.3 0 90 SWall 12 Studio 25A R-19 Wall 210 Left 13.5 0 90 WWall 12 Studio 25A R-19 Wall 300 Back 119.3 56 90 Roof 2 Studio 25A R-38 Roof 443.7 SWall 13 Suite 32 R-19 Wall 210 Left 400.5 22.5 90 EWall 13 Suite 32 R-19 Wall 120 Front 243.8 33.795 90 NWall 13 Suite 32 R-19 Wall 30 Right 31.5 0 90 WWall 13 Suite 32 R-19 Wall 300 Back 240 78.5 90 Roof 3 Suite 32 R-38 Roof 1120.8 SWall 14 Suite 33 R-19 Wall 210 Left 49.5 0 90 EWall 14 Suite 33 R-19 Wall 120 Front 240.1 33.795 90 NWall 14 Suite 33 R-19 Wall 30 Right 58.5 0 90 WWall 14 Suite 33 R-19 Wall 300 Back 243.8 78.5 90 Roof 4 Suite 33 R-38 Roof 1092.7 NWall 15 Suite 34 R-19 Wall 30 Right 49.5 0 90 EWall 15 Suite 34 R-19 Wall 120 Front 240.1 33.795 90 SWall 15 Suite 34 R-19 Wall 210 Left 58.5 0 90 Registration Number: CA Buiiding Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compiiance Registration DateAime: Report Version - CFlR-07302014-595b HERS Provider: Report Generated at: 2014-07-30713:24:57 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 59 Calcuiation DateAime: 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, 2014 Caicuiation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input Fiie Name: 35villa59T24a.xml CF1R-PRF-01 r Page 6 of 18 WWall 15 Suite 34 R-19 Wail 300 Back 243.8 78.5 90 Roof 5 Suite 34 R-38 Roof 1092.7 NWall 16 Suite 35 R-19 Wall 30 Right 400.5 22.5 90 EWall 16 Suite 35 R-19 Wall 120 Front 243.8 33.795 90 SWall 16 Suite 35 R-19 Wall 210 Left 31.5 0 90 WWall 16 Suite 35 R-19 Wall 300 Back 240 78.5 90 Roof 6 Suite 35 R-38 Roof 1120.8 ATTIC 01 02 03 04 OS 06 07 Name Construction Roof Rise Roof Reflectance Roof Emittance Radiant Barrier Cool Roof Attic Attic Roof Cons 0 0.1 0.85 Yes No Registration Number: CA Buiiding Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residentiai Compiiance Registration DateAime: Report Version - CFlR-07302014-595b HERS Provider: Report Generated at: 2014-07-30713:24:57 CERTIFiCATE OF COMPLiANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 59 Calcuiation DateAime: 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, 2014 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input Fiie Name: 35villa59T24a.xml CF1R-PRF-01 Page 7 of 18 WINDOWS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Name Type Surface (Orientation-Azimuth) Width(ft) Height (ft) Multipli er Area (ft^) U- factor SHG C Exterior Shading Window Window SWall (Left-210) 2.0 2.0 1 4.0 0.65 0.40 Door Window W Wall (Back-300) 8.0 8.0 0.875 56.0 0.65 0.40 Window 1 Window EWall 2 (Front-120) 2.5 4.5 1.004 11.3 0.65 0.40 Window 2 Window EWall 2 (Front-120) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Window 3 Window WWall 2 (Back-300) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Door 2 Window WWall 2 (Back-300) 8.0 8.0 0.875 56.0 0.65 0.40 Window 1 2 Window EWall 3 (Front-120) 2.5 4.5 1.004 11.3 0.65 0.40 Window 2 2 Wndow EWall 3 (Front-120) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Window 4 Window WWall 3 (Back-300) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Door 3 Window WV\fall 3 (Back-300) 8.0 8.0 0.875 56.0 0.65 0.40 Window 1 3 Window EWall 4 (Front-120) 2.5 4.5 1.004 11.3 0.65 0.40 Window 2 3 Window EWall 4 (Front-120) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Window 5 Window WWall4(Back-300> 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Door 4 Wndow WWall 4 (Back-300) 8.0 8.0 0.875 56.0 0.65 0.40 Window 1 4 Window EWall 5 (Front-120) 2.5 4.5 1.004 11.3 0.65 0.40 Window 2 4 Wndow EWall 5 (Front-120) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Window 6 Wndow WWall 5 (Back-300) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Door 5 Wndow W WaM 5 (Back-300) 8.0 8.0 0.875 56.0 0.65 0.40 Window 7 Wndow N V\fell 6 (Right-30) 2.0 2.0 1 4.0 0.65 0.40 Door 6 Window WWall 6 (Back-300) 8.0 8.0 0.875 56.0 0.65 0.40 Window 8 Wndow SWall 7 (Left-210) 2.0 2.0 1 4.0 0.65 0.40 Door 7 Window WWall 7 (Back-300) 8.0 8.0 0.875 56.0 0.65 0.40 Window 1 5 Wndow EWall 8 (Front-120) 2.5 4.5 1.004 11.3 0.65 0.40 Window 2 5 Wndow EWall 8 (Front-120) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Window 9 Wndow WWall 8 (Back-300) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Door 8 Wndow WWSII 8 (Back-300) 8.0 8.0 0.875 56.0 0.65 0.40 Window 1 6 Wndow EWall 9 (Front-120) 2.5 4.5 1.004 11.3 0.65 0.40 Window 2 6 Wndow EWall 9 (Front-120) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Window 10 Wndow WWall 9 (Back-300) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Registration Number: CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residentiai Compliance Registration DateAime: Report Version - CFlR-07302014-595b HERS Provider: Report Generated at: 2014-07-30T13:24:57 CERTiFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 59 Calcuiation DateAime; 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, 2014 Caicuiation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: 35vllla59T24a.xml CF1R-PRF-01 Page 8 of 18 Door 9 Wndow WWall 9 (Back-300) 8.0 8.0 0.875 56.0 0.65 0.40 Wndow 1 7 Wndow EWall 10 (Front-120) 2.5 4.5 1.004 11.3 0.65 0.40 Wndow 2 7 Wndow EWall 10 (Front-120) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Wndow 11 Wndow WWall 10 (Back-300) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Door 10 Wndow WWall 10 (Back-300) 8.0 8.0 0.875 56.0 0.65 0.40 Wndow 1 8 Wndow EWall 11 (Front-120) 2.5 4.5 1.004 11.3 0.65 0.40 Window 2 8 Wndow EWall 11 (Front-120) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Wndow 12 Wndow WWall 11 (Back-300) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Door 11 Wndow WWall 11 (Back-300) 8.0 8.0 0.875 56.0 0.65 0.40 Window 13 Wndow NWall 12 (Right-30) 2.0 2.0 1 4.0 0.65 0.40 Door 12 Wndow WWall 12 (Back-300) 8.0 8.0 0.875 56.0 0.65 0.40 Wndow 14 Wndow SWall 13 (Left-210) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Wndow 15 Wndow EWall 13 (Front-120) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Wndow 16 Wndow EWall 13 (Front-120) 2.5 4.5 1.004 11.3 0.65 0.40 Wndow 17 Window WWall 13 (Back-300) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Door 13 Wndow WWall 13 (Back-300) _ 8.0 8.0 0.875 56.0 0.65 0.40 Wndow 18 Wndow EWall 14 (Front-120) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Wndow 19 Wndow EWall 14 (Front-120) 2.5 4.5 1.004 11.3 0.65 0.40 Wndow 20 Wndow WWall 14 (BaClt-300) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Door 14 Wndow WWall 14(B«ck-300) 8.0 8.0 0.875 56.0 0.65 0.40 Wndow 21 Wndow EWall 15 (Front-120) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Window 22 Wndow EW&M 15 (Front-120) 2.5 4.5 1.004 11.3 0.65 0.40 Window 23 Wndow WWsll 15 (Back-300) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Door 15 Wndow WWall 15 (Back-300) 8.0 8.0 0.875 56.0 0.65 0.40 Wndow 24 Wndow NV\fall 16 (Right-30) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Wndow 25 Window EWall 16 (Front-120) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Wndow 26 Wndow EWall 16 (Front-120) 2.5 4.5 1.004 11.3 0.65 0.40 Wndow 27 Wndow WWall 16 (Back-300) 5.0 4.5 1 22.5 0.65 0.40 Door 16 Wndow WWall 16 (Back-300) 8.0 8.0 0.875 56.0 0.65 0.40 Registration Number: CA Buiiding Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residentiai Compliance Registration DateAime: Report Version - CFlR-07302014-595b HERS Provider: Report Generated at: 2014-07-30713:24:57 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTiAL PERFORMANCE COMPLiANCE METHOD CF1R-PRF-01 Project Name: Villa 59 Caicuiation Description; Title 24 Analysis Calculation DateAime; 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, 2014 input Fiie Name: 35villa59T24a.xml Page 9 of 18 DOORS 01 02 03 04 Name Side of Building Area (ft^) U-factor Door 17 EWall 20.0 1.00 Door 18 E Wall 2 20.0 1.00 Door 19 E Wall 3 20.0 1.00 Door 20 N Wall 3 20.0 1.00 Door 21 E Wall 4 20.0 1.00 Door 22 S Wall 4 20.0 1.00 Door 23 E Wall 5 20.0 1.00 Door 24 EWall 6 20.0 1.00 Door 25 EWall? 20.0 1.00 Door 26 EWall 8 20.0 1.00 Door 27 E Wall 9 20.0 1.00 Door 28 N Wall 9 20.0 1.00 Door 29 EWall 10 20.0 1.00 Door 30 SWall 10 20.0 1.00 Door 31 E Wall 11 20.0 1.00 Door 32 EWall 12 20.0 1.00 Door 33 EWall 13 20.0 1.00 Door 34 EWall 14 20.0 1.00 Door 35 E\Afall15 20.0 1.00 Door 36 E\Afall16 20.0 1.00 Registration Number: CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residentiai Compliance Registration DateAime: Report Version - CFlR-07302014-595b HERS Provider: Report Generated at: 2014-07-30713:24:57 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 59 Caicuiation DateAime; 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, 2014 Caicuiation Description: Title 24 Analysis input Fiie Name; 35villa59T24a.xml CF1R-PRF-01 Page 10 of 18 OVERHANGS AND FINS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 Overhang Left Fin Right Fin Window Depth Dist Up Left Extent Right Extent Flap Ht. Depth Top Up DistL Bot Up Depth Top Up DistR Bot Up Wndow 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Door 5 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wndow 1 8 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 2 8 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wndow 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3.7 0 Door 2 5 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wndow 1 2 8 0.1 4 4 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 2 2 8 0.1 4 4 0 3.7 0 2.5 0 0 0 0 0 Wndow 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3.7 0 Door 3 5 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 1 3 8 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wndow 2 3 8 0.1 4 4 0 3.7 0 2.5 0 0 0 0 0 Wndow 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3.7 0 Door 4 5 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wndow 1 4 8 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 2 4 8 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wndow 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3.7 0 Door 5 5 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wndow 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Door 6 5 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wndow 8 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Door 7 5 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wndow 1 5 8 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wndow 2 5 8 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 9 0 , , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3.7 0 Door 8 5,.'>,/' 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wndow 1 6 8 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wndow 2 6 8 0.1 4 4 0 3.7 0 2.5 0 0 0 0 0 Registration Number: " CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration DateAime: Report Version - CFlR-07302014-595b HERS Provider: Report Generated at: 2014-07-30713:24:57 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLiANCE METHOD Project Name; Villa 59 Calculation DateAime: 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, 2014 Caicuiation Description: Title 24 Analysis input Fiie Name: 35villa59T24a.xml CF1R-PRF-01 Page 11 of 18 Wndow 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3.7 0 Door 9 5 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wndow 1 7 8 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wndow 2 7 8 0.1 4 4 0 3.7 0 2.5 0 0 0 0 0 Wndow 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3.7 0 Door 10 5 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wndow 1 8 8 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wndow 2 8 8 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wndow 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3.7 0 Door 11 5 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Door 12 5 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wndow 14 2 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wndow 15 2 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wndow 16 2 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wndow 17 2 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3.7 0 Door 13 2 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wndow 18 4 1 4 4 0 3.7 0 2.5 0 0 0 0 0 Wndow 19 8 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wndow 20 2 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3.7 0 Door 14 5 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wndow 21 4 1 4 4 0 3.7 0 2.5 0 0 0 0 0 Wndow 22 8 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wndow 23 2 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3.7 0 Door 15 5 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wndow 24 2 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wndow 25 2 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wndow 26 2 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wndow 27 2 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3.7 0 Door 16 2 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Registration Number: CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration DateAime: Report Version - CFlR-07302014-595b HERS Provider: Report Generated at: 2014-07-30713:24:57 CERTiFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 59 Calculation DateAime: 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, 2014 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: 35villa59T24a.xml CFIR-PRF-01 Page 12 of 18 OPAQUE SURFACE CONSTRUCTIONS 01 02 03 04 05 06 Construction Name Surface Type Construction Type Framing Total Cavity R-value Assembly Layers Attic Roof Cons Attic Roofs Wood Framed Ceiiing 2x4 Top Chord of Roof Truss @ 24 in. O.C. Roofing: Light Roof (Asphalt Shingle) Above Deck Insulation - no insulation - Roof Deck: Wood Siding/sheathing/decking Cavity: - no insulation - Inside Finish: - select inside finish - R-19 Wail Exterior Walls Wood Framed Wall 2x6 @ 16 in. O.C. R 19 Inside Finish: Gypsum Board Sheathing/Insulation: - no sheathing/insul. - Cavity: R 19 Sheathing/Insulation: - no sheathing/insul. - Exterior Finish: Wood Siding/sheathing/decking R-38 Roof Ceilings (below attic) Wood Framed Ceiling 2x4 @ 24 in. O.C. R38 Attic Floor - no attic floor - Cavity: R 38 Sheathinginsulation - no sheathing/insul. - Inside Finish: Gypsum Board SLAB FLOORS 01 02 03 04 OS 06 07 Name Zone Area (ft^) Perimeter (ft) Edge Insul. R-value& Depth Carpeted Fraction Heated Carpeted Slab Studio 11 331.1 62 None 1 No Tiled Slab Studio 11 112.6 0.1 None 0 No Carpeted Slab 2 Suite 12 847 65.9 None 0 No 7iled Slab 2 Suite 12 273.8 0.1 None 0 No Carpeted Slab 3 Suite 13 759.9 63.8 None 1 No 7iled Slab 3 Suite 13 332.8 0.1 None 1 No Carpeted Slab 4 Suite 14 753.5 63.8 None 1 No 7iled Slab 4 Suite 14 339.2 0.1 None 0 No Carpeted Slab 5 Suite 15 847 65.9 None 1 No 7iied Slab 5 Suite 15 273.8 0.1 None 0 No Carpeted Slab 6 Studio 15A 331.1 62 None 1 No 7iled Slab 6 Studio 15A 112.6 0.1 None 0 No Registration Number: CA Buiiding Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration DateAime: Report Version - CFlR-07302014-595b HERS Provider: Report Generated at: 2014-07-30713:24:57 CERTiFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTiAL PERFORMANCE COMPLiANCE METHOD Project Name; Villa 59 Calculation DateAime: 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, 2014 Caicuiation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name; 35vllla59T24a.xml CF1R-PRF-01 Page 13 of 18 BUILDING ENVELOPE - HERS VERIFICATION 01 02 03 04 Quality Insulation tnstallation(Qli) Quality Installation of Spray Foam Insulation Building Envelope Air Leakage ACH @ 50 Pa Not Required Not Required Required 14001.9 WATER HEATING SYSTEMS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Name System Type Number in Building Multi-Family Distribution 7ype Water Heater Recirculation Loop Recirculation Pump Power (bhp) Recirculation Pump Efficiency (%) Solar Fraction (%) DHW Sys 1 Pipe Insulation, Ail Lines 1 None None Yes Annual WATER HEATERS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 Name Heater Element Type Tank Type Tank Volume (gal) Energy Factor or Efficiency Input Rating Tank Exterior Insulation R-value Standby Loss (Fraction) DHW Heater 1 Natural Gas Large Instantaneous 1.4 0.84 500000-Btu/hr 0 0 WATER HEATING - HERS VERIFICATION 01 02 03 04 OS 06 07 Name Pipe Insulation Parallel Piping Compact Distribution Point-of Use Recirculation with Manual Control Recirculation with Sensor Control DHW Sys 1-hers-dhw n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Registration Number: CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration DateAime: Report Version - CFlR-07302014-595b HERS Provider: Report Generated at: 2014-07-30T13:24:57 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTiAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 59 Calculation DateAime; 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, Caicuiation Description; Title 24 Analysis input File Name; 35villa59T24a.xml 2014 CFIR-PRF-01 Page 14 of 18 HVAC SYSTEMS 01 02 03 04 OS 06 07 Name System Type Heating System Name Ducted Cooling System Name Ducted Distribution System Fan System Floor Area Served HP-11A1 Heat Pump Heating and Cooling System Heat Pump System 1 No Heat Pump System 1 No HP-IIAI-dist HP-11A1-fan 443.7 HP-122 Heat Pump Heating and Cooiing System Heat Pump System 2 No Heat Pump System 2 No HP-122-dlst HP-122-fan 1120.8 HP-133 Heat Pump Heating and Cooling System Heat Pump System 3 No Heat Pump System 3 No HP-133-dist HP-133-fan 1092.7 HP-144 Heat Pump Heating and Cooling System Heat Pump System 4 No Heat Pump System 4 No HP-144-disf HP-144-fan 1092.7 HP-155 Heat Pump Heating and Cooiing System Heat Pump System 5 • No Heat Pump System 5 No HP-155-dist HP-155-fan 1120.8 HP-15A6 Heat Pump Heating and Cooling System Heat Pump System 6 No Heat Pump System 6 No HP-15A6-dist HP-15A6-fen 443.7 HP-21A7 Heat Pump Heating and Cooling System Heat Pump System 7 No Heat Pump System 7 No HP-21A7-dist HP-21A7-fan 443.7 HP-228 Heat Pump Heating and Cooiing System Heat Pump System 8 No Heat Pump System 8 No HP-228-dist HP-228-fan 1120.8 HP-239 Heat Pump Heating and Cooiing System Heat Pump System 9 No Heat Pump System 9 No HP-239-dist HP-239-fan 1092.7 HP-2410 Heat Pump Heating and Cooling System Heat Pump System 10 No Heat Pump System 10 No HP-2410-dist HP-2410-fan 1092.7 HP-2511 Heat Pump Heating and Cooling System Heat Pump System 11 No Heat Pump System 11 No HP-2511-dist HP-2511-fan 1120.8 HP-25A12 Heat Pump Heating and Cooiing System Heat Pump System 12 No Heat Pump System 12 No HP-25A12-dist HP-25A12-fan 443.7 HP-3213 Heat Pump Heating and Cooiing System Heat Pump System 13 No Heat Pump System 13 No HP-3213-dist HP-3213-fan 1120.8 HP-3314 Heat Pump Heating and Cooling System Heat Pump System 14 No Heat Pump System 14 No HP-3314-dist HP-3314-fan 1092.7 HP-3415 Heat Pump Heating and Cooiing System Heat Pump System 15 No Heat Pump System 15 No HP-3415-dist HP-3415-fan 1092.7 HP-3516 Heat Pump Heating and Cooling System Heat Pump System 16 No Heat Pump System 16 No HP-3516-dist HP-3516-fan 1120.8 Registration Number: CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compiiance Registration DateAime: Report Version - CFlR-07302014-595b HERS Provider: Report Generated at: 2014-07-30T13:24:57 CERTIFICATE OF COMPUANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name; Villa 59 Caicuiation DateAime; 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, 2014 Caicuiation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input Fiie Name; 35villa59T24a.xml CFIR-PRF-01 Page 15 of 18 HVAC - HEATING SYSTEMS: Heat Pumps 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Name Type Heating HSPF/COP Cap 47 Cap 17 Cooling SEER EER Heat Pump System 1 RoomHeatPump - Heating side of non-central room A/C system 9.12 8200 6800 12 10.5 Heat Pump System 2 RoomHeatPump - Heating side of non-central room A/C system 8.16 10700 8200 12 10.7 Heat Pump System 3 RoomHeatPump - Heating side of non-central room A/C system 8.16 10700 8200 12 10.7 Heat Pump System 4 RoomHeatPump - Heating side of non-central room /VC system 8.16 10700 8200 12 10.7 Heat Pump System 5 RoomHeatPump - Heating side of non-central room NC system 8.16 10700 8200 12 10.7 Heat Pump System 6 RoomHeatPump - Heating side of non-central room /VC system 9.12 8200 6800 12 10.5 Heat Pump System 7 RoomHeatPump - Heating side of non-central room NC system 8.16 10700 8200 12 10.7 Heat Pump System 8 RoomHeatPump - Heating side of non-central room A/C system 8.16 10700 8200 12 10.7 Heat Pump System 9 RoomHeatPump - Heating side of non-central room NC system 8.16 10700 8200 12 10.7 Heat Pump System 10 RoomHeatPump - Heating side of non-central room A/C system 8.16 10700 8200 12 10.7 Heat Pump System 11 RoomHeatPump - Heating side of non-central room A/C system 8.16 10700 8200 12 10.7 Heat Pump System 12 RoomHeatPump - Heating side of non-central room NC system 8.16 10700 8200 12 10.7 Heat Pump System 13 RoomHeatPump - Heating side of non-central room NC system 7.52 15500 14250 12 10 Heat Pump System 14 RoomHeatPump - Heating side of non-central room NC system 7.52 15500 14250 12 10 Heat Pump System 15 RoomHeatPump - Heating side of non-central room A/C system 7.52 15500 14250 12 10 Heat Pump System 16 RoomHeatPump - Heating side of non-central room NC system 7.52 15500 14250 12 10 Registration Number: CA Buiiding Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration DateAime: Report Version - CFlR-07302014-595b HERS Provider: Report Generated at: 2014-07-30713:24:57 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name; Villa 59 Calcuiation DateAime: 10:32, Wed. Jul 30, 2014 Calcuiation Description; Title 24 Analysis Input Fiie Name; 35villa59T24a.xml CFIR-PRF-01 Page 16 of 18 HVAC COOLING - HERS VERIFICATION 01 02 03 04 05 06 Name Verified Airflow Airflow Target Verified EER Verified SEER Verified Refrigerant Charge Heat Pump System 1-hers-cool Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Heat Pump System 2-hers-cool Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Heat Pump System 3-hers-cool Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Heat Pump System 4-hers-cool Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Heat Pump System 5-hers-cool Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Heat Pump System 6-hers-cool Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Heat Pump System 7-hers-cool Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Heat Pump System 8-hers-cool Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Heat Pump System 9-hers-cool Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Heat Pump System 10-hers-cool Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Heat Pump System 11-hers-cool Not Required Not Required Nof Required Not Required Heat Pump System 12-hers-cool Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Heat Pump System 13-hers-cool Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Heat Pump System 14-hers-cool Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Heat Pump System 15-hers-cool Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Heat Pump System 16-hers-cool Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Registration Number: CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration DateAime: Report Version - CFlR-07302014-595b HERS Provider: Report Generated at: 2014-07-30T13:24:57 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTiAL PERFORMANCE COMPLiANCE METHOD Project Name; Villa 59 Caicuiation DateAime; 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, 2014 Calculation Description; Title 24 Analysis Input File Name; 35villa59T24a.xml CFIR-PRF-01 Page 17 of 18 lAQ (Indoor Air Quality) FANS 01 02 03 04 OS Name lAQ CFM lAQ Fan Type lAQ Recovery Effectiveness(%) HERS Verification Dwelling Unit #1 lAQ Fan 28 Exhaust 0 Required Dwelling Unit #2 lAQ Fan 56 Exhaust 0 Required Dwelling Unit #3 lAQ Fan 55 Exhaust 0 Required Dwelling Unit #4 lAQ Fan 55 Exhaust 0 Required Dwelling Unit #5 lAQ Fan 56 Exhaust 0 Required Dwelling Unit #6 lAQ Fan 28 Exhaust 0 Required Dwelling Unit #7 lAQ Fan 28 Exhaust 0 Required Dwelling Unit #8 lAQ Fan 56 Exhaust 0 Required Dwelling Unit #9 lAQ Fan 55 Exhaust 0 Required Dwelling Unit #10 lAQ Fan 55 Exhaust 0 Required Dwelling Unit #11 lAQ Fan 56 Exhaust 0 Required Dwelling Unit #12 lAQ Fan 28 Exhaust 0 Required Dwelling Unif #13 lAQ Fan 56 Exhaust 0 Required Dwelling Unit #14 lAQ Fan 55 Exhaust 0 Required Dwelling Unit #15 lAQ Fan 55 Exhaust 0 Required Dwelling Unit #16 lAQ Fan 56 Exhaust 0 Required Registration Number: CA Buiiding Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compiiance Registration DateAime: Report Version - CFlR-07302014-595b HERS Provider: Report Generated at: 2014-07-30T13:24:57 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTiAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Villa 59 Caicuiation DateAime; 10:32, Wed, Jul 30, 2014 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis input Fiie Name; 35vllla59T24a.xml CFIR-PRF-01 Page 18 of 18 DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR'S DECLARATION STATEMENT 1.1 certify that this Certificate of Compliance documentation is accurate and complete. Documentation Author Name: Craig IVIoya Documentation Author Signature: Company: Engineered Systems Signature Date: 7/30/2014 Address: PO 60x2186 CEA/HERS Certification identification (if applicable): City/State/Zip: Spring Valley, CA 91979 Phone: 619-825-7516 RESPONSIBLE PERSON'S DECLARATION STATEMENT 1 certify the following under penalty of perjury, under the iaws ofthe State of California: 1. 1 am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the buiiding design identified on this Certificate of Compliance. 2. 1 certify that the energy features and performance specifications identified on this Certificate of Compliance conform to the requirements of Title 24, Part 1 and Part 6 of the California Code of Regulations. 3. The building design features or system design features identified on this Certificate of Compliance are consistent with the infbrmation provided on other applicable compliance documents, worksheets, calculations, plans and specifications submitted to the enforcement agency for approval with this buiiding permit application. Responsible Designer Name: ResponslbleDeslgner Signature: Company: NOAA Group Date Signed: Address: 4990 Harbor Dr. License: City/State/Zip: San Diego. CA 92106 Phone: 619-297-8066 Registration Number: CA Buiiding Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residentiai Compliance Registration DateAime: Report Version - CFlR-07302014-595b HERS Provider: Report Generated at: 2014-07-30T13:24:57 RESIDENTIAL MEASURES SUMMARY RMS-1 Project Name Marbrisa Resort Villa 59 Building 7ype • Single Family • Addition Alone • Multi Family • Existing+ Addition/Alteration Date 7/30/2014 Project Address 7586 Marbrisa Circle Carlsbad Califomia Energy Climate Zone CA Climate Zone 07 7otal Cond. Floor Area 75,056 Addition n/a # of Units 76 INSULATION Area Construction Type Cavity (fr) Special Features Status Slab Unheated Slab-on-Grade -no insulation 5,314 Perim = 383' New Wall Wood Framed R19 17,140 New Door Opaque Door -no insulation 400 New Roof Wood Framed Attic R38 5,314 New FENESTRATION Total Area: 1,633 Glazing Percentage: 10 8 % New/Altered Average U-Factor: 065 Orientation Area(^) U-Fac SHGC Overhang Sidefins Exterior Shades Status Left (Sl^ 8.0 0.650 0.40 none none Bug Screen New Rear(NW) 784.0 0.650 0.40 5.0 none Bug Screen New Front (SE) 203.0 0.650 0.40 8.0 none Bug Screen New Rear(NW) 180.0 0.650 0.40 none 0.00/2.00 Bug Screen New Front (SE) 90.0 0.650 0.40 8.0 3.70/0.00 Bug Screen New Right (NE) 8.0 0650 0.40 none none Bug Screen New Left (SW) 22.5 O650 0.40 2.0 none Bug Screen New Front (SE) 67.6 0650 040 2.0 none Bug Screen New Rear(NW) 90.0 0650 0.40 2.0 0.00/2.00 Bug Screen New Rear(NW) 112.0 O650 0.40 2.0 none Bug Screen New Front (SE) 45.0 0.650 0.4O 4.0 3.70/0.00 Bug Screen New Right (NE) 22.5 0650 040 2.0 none Bug Screen New HVAC SYSTEMS Qty. Heating Min. Eff Cooling Min. Eff Thermostat Status Room Heaf Pump 3.60 COP Room PTAC without Sk 10.5 EER Setback New Room Heat Pump 3.30 COP Room PTAC without Sk 10.7 EER Setback New Room Heat Pump 3.30 COP Room PTAC without Sk 10.7 EER Setback New HVAC DISTRIBUTION Location Heating Cooling Duct Location Duct R-Value Status HP-11A Ducted Ducted Conditioned 8.0 New HP-12 Ducted Ducted Conditioned 8.0 New HP-13 Ducted Ducted Conditioned 8.0 New WATER HEATING Q*y- Type Gallons Min. Eff Distribution Status indirect Gas 0.84 All Pipes ins New EnergyPro 6.2 by EnergySofl User Number 3219 RunCode: 2014-07-30T11.15:02 ID: 13035 Paae 21 of 29 RESIDENTIAL MEASURES SUMMARY RMS-1 Project Name Marbrisa Resort Villa 59 Building 7ype • Single Family • Addition Alone d Multi Family • Existing+ Addition/Alteration Date 7/30/2014 Project Address 7586 Marbrisa Circle Carlsbad Califomia Energy Climate Zone CA Climate Zone 07 7otal Cond. Floor Area 75,056 Addition n/a # of Units 76 INSULATION Construction Type Cavity Area JftfL. Special Features Status FENESTRATION Orientation Areajif) 7otai Area: r,633 Glazing Percentage: ^0-8 ^ New/Altered Average U-Factor: 065 U-Fac SHGC Overhang Sidefins Exterior Shades Status HVAC SYSTEMS Qty. Heating Min. Eff Cooling Min. Eff Thermostat Status Room Heal Pump 3.30 COP Room PTAC wilhoul Sk 10.7EER Setback New Room Heal Pump 3.30 COP Room PTAC wilhoul Sk 10.7 EER Setback New Room Heal Pump 3.60 COP Room PTAC without Sk 10.5 EER Setback New HVAC DISTRIBUTION Location Heating Cooling Duct Location Duct R-Value Status HP-14 Ducted Ducted Conditioned 8.0 New HP-15 Ducted Ducted Conditioned 8.0 New HP-15A Ducted Ducted Conditioned 8.0 New WATER HEATING Qty. Type Gallons Min. Eff Distribution Status EnergyPro 6.2 by EnergySoft User Number 3219 RunCode: 2014-07-30T11:1S:02 ID: 13035 Page 22 of 29 RESIDENTIAL MEASURES SUMMARY RMS-1 Project Name Marbrisa Resort Villa 59 Building 7ype • Single Family • Addition Alone 0 Multi Family • Existing+ Addition/Alteration Date 7/30/2014 Project Address 7586 Marbrisa Circle Carlsbad California Energy Climate Zone CA Climate Zone 07 7otal Cond. Floor Area 75,056 Addition n/a # of Units 76 INSULATION Construction Type Cavity Area Special Features Status FENESTRATION 7otai Area: r,633 Glazing Percentage: 10-^ % \ New/Altered Average U-Factor: 065 Orientation Areajlf) U-Fac SHGC Overhang Sidefins Exterior Shades Status HVAC SYSTEMS Qty. Heating Min. Eff Cooling Min. Eff Thermostat Status Room Heat Pump 3.30 COP Room PTAC without Sk 10.7EER Setback New Room Heal Pump 3.30 COP Room PTAC without Sk 10.7 EER Setback New Room Heal Pump 3.30 COP Room PTAC without Sk 10.7 EER Setback New HVAC DISTRIBUTION Location Heating Cooling Duct Location Duct R-Value Status HP-21A Ducted Ducted Conditioned 8.0 New HP-22 Ducted Ducted Conditioned 8.0 New HP-23 Ducted Ducted Conditioned 8.0 New WATER HEATING Qty- Type Gallons Min. Eff Distribution Status EnergyPro 6.2 by EnergySofl User Number 3219 RunCode: 2014-07-30T11.15:02 ID: 13035 Page 23 of 29 RESIDENTIAL MEASURES SUMMARY RMS-1 Project Name Marbrisa Resort Villa 59 Building 7ype • Single Family • Addition Alone Si Multi Family • Existing+ Addition/Alteration Date 7/30/2014 Project Address 7586 Marbrisa Circle Carlsbad California Energy Ciimate Zone CA Climate Zone 07 7otal Cond. FioorArea 15,056 Addition n/a # of Units 76 INSULATION Construction Type Cavity Area Special Features Status FENESTRATION 7otal Area: 1,633 Glazing Percentage: ^0-8 ^ | New/Altered Average U-Factor: 065 Orientation Area(lf) U-Fac SHGC Overhang Sidefins Exterior Shades Status HVAC SYSTEMS Qty. Heating Min. Eff Cooling Min. Eff Thermostat Status Room Heal Pump 3.30 COP Room PTAC without Sk 10.7 EER Setback New Room Heal Pump 3.30 COP Room PTAC without Sk 10.7 EER Setback New Room Heat Pump 3.30 COP Room PTAC without Sk 10.7EER Setback New HVAC DISTRIBUTION Location Heating Cooling Duct Location Duct R-Value Status HP-24 Ducted Ducted Conditioned 8.0 New HP-25 Ducted Ducted Conditioned 8.0 New HP-25A Ducted Ducted Conditioned 8.0 New WATER HEATING Qty- Type Gallons Min. Eff Distribution Status EnergyPro 6.2 by EnergySofl User Number 3219 RunCode: 2014-07-30711:15:02 ID: 13035 Paae 24 of 29 RESIDENTIAL MEASURES SUMMARY RMS-1 Project Name Marbrisa Resort Villa 59 Building 7ype • Single Family • Addition Alone B Multi Family • Existing+ Addition/Alteration Date 7/30/2014 Project Address 7586 Marbrisa Circle Carlsbad California Energy Climate Zone CA Climate Zone 07 7otal Cond. Floor Area 75,056 Addition n/a # of Units 76 INSULATION Construction Type Cavity Area Special Features Status FENESTRATION Orientation Area(ff^) 7otal Area: f,633 Glazing Percentage: 10.8% New/Altered Average U-Factor: 065 U-Fac SHGC Overhang Sidefins Exterior Shades Status HVAC SYSTEMS Qty. Heating Min. Eff Cooling Min. Eff Thermostat Status Room Heaf Pump 3.10 COP Room PTAC without Sk 10.0 EER Setback New Room Heal Pump 3.10 COP Room PTAC wilhoul Sk 10.0 EER Setback New Room Heat Pump 3.10 COP Room PTAC without Sk 10.0 EER Setback New HVAC DISTRIBUTION Location Heating Cooling Duct Location Duct R-Value Status HP-32 Ducted Ducted Conditioned 8.0 New HP-33 Ducted Ducted Conditioned 8.0 New HP-34 Ducted Ducted Conditioned 8.0 New WATER HEATING Qty. Type Gallons Min. Eff Distribution Status EnergyPro 6.2 by EnergySofl User Number 3219 RunCode: 2014-07-30711:15:02 ID: 13035 Page 25 of 29 RESIDENTIAL MEASURES SUMMARY RMS-1 Project Name Marbrisa Resort Villa 59 Building 7ype • Single Family • Addition Alone • Multi Family • Existing+ Addition/Alteration Date 7/30/2014 Project Address 7586 Marbrisa Circle Carlsbad California Energy Climate Zone CA Climate Zone 07 7otal Cond. Floor Area 75,056 Addition n/a n of Units 76 INSULATION Construction Type Cavity Area Special Features Status FENESTRATION Orientation Ar&ajlf) 7otal Area: f,633 Glazing Percentage: 10-^ ^ New/Altered Average U-Factor: 065 U-Fac SHGC Overhang Sidefins Exterior Shades Status HVAC SYSTEMS Qty. Heating Min. Eff Cooling Min. Eff Thermostat Status Room Heaf Pump 3.10 COP Room PTAC without Sk 10.0 EER Setback New HVAC DISTRIBUTION Location Heating Cooling Duct Location Duct R-Value Status HP-35 Ducted Ducted Conditioned 8.0 New WATER HEATING Qty. Type Gallons Min. Eff Distribution Status EnergyPro 6.2 by EnergySoft User Number 3219 RunCode: 2014-O7-30T11:15:02 ID: 13035 Page 26 of 29 MANDATORY MEASURES SUMMARY: Residential (Page 1 of 3) MF-IR Project Name Date Marbrisa Resort Villa 59 7/30/2014 NOTE: Low-rise residential buildings subject to the Standards must comply with all applicable mandatory measures listed, regardless of the compliance approach used. More stringent energy measures listed on the Certificate of Compliance (CF-1 R, CF-1 R-ADD, or CF- 1 R-ALT Form) shall supersede the items marked with an asterisk (*) below. This Mandatory Measures Summary shall be incorporated into the permit documents, and the applicable features shall be considered by all parties as minimum component performance specifications whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or in this summary. Submit all applicable sections of the MF-1 R Form with plans. Building Envelope Measures: §110.6(a)1: Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces are manufactured to limit air leakage. §110.6(a)4: Fenestration products (except field-fabricated windows) have a label listing the certified U-Factor, certified Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC), and infiltration that meets the requirements of §10-111(a). §110.7: Exterior doors and windows are weather-stripped; all joints and penetrations are caulked and sealed. §110.8(a): Insulation specified or installed meets Standards for Insulating Material. Indicate type and include on CF-2R Form. §110.8(i): The thermal emittance and solar reflectance values of the cool roofing material meets the requirements of §110.8(i) when the installation of a Cool Roof is specified on the CF-1 R Fonn. *§150.0(a): Minimum R-30 (R-19 for Additions/Alterations) insuiation in wood-frame ceiling or equivalent U-factor. §150.0(b): Loose fill insulation shall conform with manufacturer's installed design labeled R-Value. *§150.0(c): Minimum R-13 insulation in 2x4 wood-frame wall (R-19 in 2x6) or equivalent U-factor. *§150.0(d): Minimum R-19 insulation in raised wood-frame floor or equivalent U-factor. §150.0(f): Air retarding wrap is tested, labeled, and installed according to ASTM £1677-95(2000) when specified on the CF-1 R Form. §150.0(g): Mandatory Vapor barrier installed in Climate Zones 14 or 16. §150.0(1): Water absorption rate for slab edge insulation material alone without facings is no greater than 0.3%; water vapor permeance rate is no greaterthan 2.0 perm/inch and shall be protected from physical damage and UV light deterioration. §150.0(q) Fenestration Products. Fenestration separating conditioned space from unconditioned space or outdoors shall meet the requirements of either Item 1 or 2 below: 1. Fenestration, including skylight products, must have a maximum U-factor of 0.58. 2. The weighted average U-factor of all fenestration, including skylight products, shall not exceed 0.58. EXCEPTION to Section 150.0(q)1: Up to 10 square feet of fenestration area or 0.5 percent of the Conditioned Floor Area, whichever is greater, is exempt from the maximum U-factor requirement. §150.0(r) Solar Ready Buildings. Shall meet the requirements of Section 110.10 applicable to the building project. Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances and Gas Log Measures: §150.0(e)1 A: Masonry or factory-built fireplaces have a closable metal or glass door covering the entire opening of the firebox. §150.0(e)1 B: Masonry or factory-built fireplaces have a combustion outside air intake, which is at least six square inches in area and is equipped with a with a readily accessible, operable, and tight-fitting damper and or a combustion-air control device. §150.0(e)2: Continuous burning pilot lights and the use of indoor air for cooling a firebox jacket, when that indoor air is vented to the outside ofthe building, are prohibited. Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures: §110.0-§110.3: HVAC equipment, water heaters, showerheads, faucets and all other regulated appliances are certified bythe Energy Commission. §110.3(c)5: Water heating recirculation loops serving multiple dwelling units and High-Rise residential occupancies meet the air release valve, backflow prevention, pump isolation valve, and recirculation loop connection requirements of §110.3(c)5. §110.5: Continuously burning pilot lights are prohibited for natural gas: fan-type central furnaces, household cooking appliances (appliances with an electrical supply voltage connection with pilot lights that consume less than 150 Btu/hr are exempt), and pool and spa heaters. §150.0(h): Heating and/or cooling loads are calculated in accordance with ASHRAE, SMACNA or ACCA. §150.0(1): Heating systems are equipped with thermostats that meet the setback requirements of Section 110.2(c). §150.0(j)1A: Storage gas water heaters rated with an Energy Factor no greater than the federal minimal standard are extemally wrapped with insulation having an installed thermal resistance of R-12 or greater. §150.0(j)1 B: Unfired storage tanks, such as storage tanks or backup tanks for solar water-heating system, or other indirect hot water tanks have R-12 external insulation or R-16 intemal insulation where the internal insulation R-value is indicated on the exterior of the tank. EnergyPro 6.2 by EnergySofl User Number 3219 ID: 13035 Page 27 of 29 MANDATORY MEASURES SUMMARY: Residential {Page 2 of 3) MF-IR Project Name Date Marbrisa Resort Villa 59 7/30/2014 §150.0(j)2A: All domestic hot water system piping conditions listed beiow, whether buried or unburied, must be insulated per TABLE 120.3-A. i. The first 5 feet (1.5 meters) of hot and cold water pipes from the storage tank. ii. All piping with a nominal diameter of 3/4 inch (19 millimeter) or larger iii. All piping associated with a domestic hot water recirculation system regardless of the pipe diameter. iv. Piping from the heating source to storage tank or between tanks. V. Piping buried below grade. vi. All hot water pipes from the heating source to the kitchen fixtures. §150.0(j)2: Pipe insulation for steam hydronic heating systems or hot water systems >15 psi, meets the requirements of Standards Table 120.3-A. §150.0(j)3A: Insulation is protected from damage, including that due to sunlight, moisture, equipment maintenance, and wind. §150.0(j)4: Solar water-heating systems and/or collectors are certified by the Solar Rating and Certification Corporation. §150.0(m)1: All air-distribution system ducts and plenums installed, are sealed and insulated to meet the requirements of CMC Sections 601, 602, 603, 604, 605 and Standard 6-5; supply-air and return-air ducts and plenums are insulated to a minimum installed level of R-6 or enclosed entirely in conditioned space. Openings shall be sealed with mastic, tape or other duct-closure system that meets the applicable requirements of UL 181, UL 181 A, or UL 181B or aerosol sealant that meets the requirements of UL 723. if mastic or tape is used to seal openings greater than 1/4 inch, the combination of mastic and either mesh or tape shall be used §150.0(m)1: Building cavities, support platforms for air handlers, and plenums defined or constructed with materials other than sealed sheet metal, duct board or flexible duct shall not be used for conveying conditioned air. Building cavities and support platforms may contain ducts. Ducts installed in cavities and support platforms shall not be compressed to cause reductions in the cross-sectional area of the ducts. §150.0(m)2D: Joints and seams of duct systems and their components shall not be sealed with cloth back rubber adhesive duct tapes unless such tape is used in combination with mastic and draw bands. §150.0(m)7: Exhaust fan systems have back draft or automatic dampers. §150.0(m)8: Gravity ventilating systems serving conditioned space have either automatic or readily accessible, manually operated dampers. §150.0(m)9: Insulation shall be protected from damage, including that due to sunlight, moisture, equipment maintenance, and wind. Cellular foam insulation shall be protected as above or painted with a coating that is water retardant and provides shielding from solar radiation that can cause degradation ofthe material. §150.0(m)10: Flexible ducts cannot have porous inner cores. §150.0(n)1: Systems using gas or propane water heaters, whether tank or on-demand, to serve individual dwelling units shall include all the following components : A. A120V electrical receptacle that is within 3 feet from the water heater and accessible to the water heater with no obstructions; B. A Category 111 or IV vent, or a Type B vent with straight pipe between the outside termination and the space where the water heater is installed; C. A condensate drain that is no more than 2 inches higher than the base of the installed water heater, and allows natural draining without pump assist, D. A gas supply line with a capacity of at least 200,000 Btu/hr. §150.0(o): All dwelling units shall meet the requirements of ANSl/ASHRAE Standard 62.2 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings. Window operation is not a permissible method of providing the Whole Building Ventilation required in Section 4 of that Standard. Pool and Spa Heating Systems and Equipment Measures: §110.4(a): Any pool or spa heating system shall be certified to have: a themial efficiency that complies with the Appliance Efficiency Regulations; an on-off switch mounted outside of the heater; a permanent weatherproof plate or card with operating instructions; and shall not use electric resistance heating or a pilot light. §110.4(b)1: Any pool or spa heating equipment shall be installed with at least 36" of pipe between filter and heater, or dedicated suction and return lines, or built-up connections for future solar heating. §110.4(b)2: Outdoor pools or spas that have a heat pump or gas heater shall have a cover §110.4(b)3: Pools shall have directional inlets that adequately mix the pool water, and a time switch that will allow all pumps to be set or programmed to run only during off-peak electric demand periods. §150.0(p): Residential pool systems or equipment meet the pump sizing, flow rate, piping, filters, and valve requirements of §150.0(p). Residential Lighting Measures: §150.0(k)1A: Installed luminaires shall be classified as high-efficacy or low-efficacy for compliance with Section 150.0(k) in accordance with TABLE 150.0-A or TABLE 150.0-B, as applicable. §150.0(k)1C: The wattage of permanently installed luminaires shall be detennined as specified by §130.0(c). §150.0(k)1 D: Ballasts for fluorescent lamps rated 13 Watts or greater shall be electronic and shall have an output frequency <= 20 kHz. §150.0(k)1 E; Pennanently installed night lights and night lights integral to installed luminaires or exhaust fans shall be rated to consume no more than five watts of power per luminaire or exhaust fan as determined in accordance with Section 130.0(c). Night lights shall not be required to be controlled by vacancy sensors. EnergyPro 6.2 by EnergySofl User Number 3219 ID: 13035 Page 28 of 29 MANDATORY MEASURES SUMMARY: Residential (Page 3 of 3) MF-IR Project Name Marbrisa Resort Villa 59 Dale 7/30/2014 §150.0(k)1F: Lighting integral to exhaust fans, in rooms other than kitchens, shall meet the applicable requirements of §150.0(k). §150.0(k)2: All switching devices and controls shall meet the requirements of §150.0(k)2. §150.0(k)3: A minimum of 50 percent of the total rated wattage of permanently installed lighting in kitchens shall be high efficacy. EXCEPTION: Up to 50 watts for dwelling units less than or equal to 2,500 ft' or 100 watts for dwelling units larger than 2,500 ft' may be exempt from the 50 percent high efficacy requirement when all lighting in the kitchen is controlled in accordance with the applicable provisions in Section 150.0{k)2, and is also controlled by vacancy sensors or dimmers. §150.0(k)4: Permanently installed lighting that is internal to cabinets shall use no more than 20 watts of power per linear foot of illuminated cabinet. §150.0{k)5: Lighting installed in bathrooms shall meet the following requirements: A. A minimum of one high efficacy luminaire shall be installed in each bathroom; and B. All other lighting installed in each bathroom shall be high efficacy or controlled by vacancy sensors. §150.0(k)6: Lighting installed in attached and detached garages, laundry rooms, and utility rooms shall be high efficacy luminaires and controlled by vacancy sensors. §150.0(k)7: Lighting installed in rooms or areas other than in kitchens, bathrooms, garages, laundry rooms, and utility rooms shall be high efficacy, or shall be controlled by either dimmers or vacancy sensors. EXCEPTION 1: Luminaires in closets less than 70 square feet. EXCEPTION 2: Lighting in detached storage building less than 1000 square feet located on a residential site. §150.0(k)8: Luminaires recessed into insulated ceilings shall be listed for zero clearance insulation contact (IC) by Undenwriters Laboratories or other nationally recognized testing/rating laboratory; and have a label that certifies the luminaire is airtight with air leakage less than 2.0 CFM at 75 Pascals when tested in accordance with ASTM E283; and be sealed with a gasket or caulk between the luminaire housing and ceiling. §150.0(k)9A: For single-family residential buildings, outdoor lighting permanently mounted to a residential building or other buildings on the same lot shall be high efficacy, or may be low efficacy if it meets all ofthe following requirements: i. Controlled by a manual ON and OFF switch that does not override to ON the automatic actions of items ii or Ili below; and ii. Controlled by a motion sensor not having an override or bypass switch that disables the motion sensor, or controlled by a motion sensor having a temporary override switch which temporarily bypasses the motion sensing function and automatically reactivates the motion sensor within 6 hours ill. Controlled by one of the following methods: a. Photocontrol not having an override or bypass switch that disables the photocontrol; or b. Astronomical time clock not having an override or bypass switch that disables the astronomical time clock, and which is programmed to automatically turn the outdoor lighting OFF during daylight hours; or c. Energy management control system which meets all of the following requirements: At a minimum provides the functionality of an astronomical time clock in accordance with Section 110.9; meets the Installation Certification requirements in Section 130.4; meets the requirements for an EMCS in Section 130.5; does not have an override or bypass switch that allows the luminaire to be always ON; and. Is programmed to automatically tum the outdoor lighting OFF during daylight hours. §150.0(k)9A: For low-rise multi-family residential buildings, outdoor lighting for private patios, entrances, balconies, and porches; and outdoor lighting for residential parking lots and residential carports with less than eight vehicles per site shall comply with one of the following requirements: i. Shall complywith Section 150.0(k)9A; or ii. Shall complywith the applicable requirements in Sections 110.9,130.0,130.2,130.4,140.7, and 141.0. §150.0(k)9: For low-rise residential buildings with four or more dwelling units, outdoor lighting not regulated by Section 150.0(k)9B or Section 150.0(k)9D shall complywith the applicable requirements in Sections 110.9,130.0, 130.2,130.4,140.7, and 141.0. §150.0(k)9D: Outdoor lighting for residential periling lots and residential carports with a total of eight or more vehicles per site shall complywith the applicable requirements in Sections 110.9,130.0,130.2, 130.4, 140.7, and 141.0. §150.0(k)10: Internally illuminated address signs shall comply with Section 140.8; OR not contain a screw-base socket, and consume no more than five watts of power as determined according to §130.0(d). §150.0(k)11: Lighting for residential partying garages for eight or more vehicles shall complywith the applicable requirements for nonresidential garages in Sections 110.9,130.0,130.1, 130.4,140.6, and 141.0. §150.0(k)12A. In a low-rise multi-family residential building where the total interior common area in a single building equals 20 percent or less of the floor area, permanently installed lighting for the interior common areas in that building shall be high efficacy luminaires or controlled by an occupant sensor. §150.0(k)12B. In a low-rise multi-family residential building where the total interior common area in a single building equals more than 20 percent of the floor area, permanently installed lighting in that building shall: i. Complywith the applicable requirements in Sections 110.9,130.0,130.1,140.6, and 141.0; and ii. Lighting installed in corridors and stairwells shall be controlled by occupant sensors that reduce the lighting power in each space by at least 50 percent. The occupant sensors shall be capable of turning the light fully On and Off from all designed paths of ingress and egress. EnergyPro 6.2 by EnergySofl User Number 3219 ID: 13035 Page 29 of 29 PCR14149 1586 MARBRISA CR GRAND PACIFIC VILLA 59 REVISED MECHANICAL SPLIT SYSTEM TO VTAC // ADJUST S^l^foji^ ^^^^ tui^t^ ^rjv^^/ OvPN^-^^^T- «^.(oW'^^^y^Y Final Inspection required by: • Plan • CM&I SW QlSSUED acv. Approved, ^ Date By BUILDING /Tj^ftSfc^^ pu PLANNING Lf" ENGINEERING FIRE Expedite? Y N Of- DIGfTAL FILES Required? Y N KJ f HazMat APCD Health Forms/Fees sent Reed Due? By Encina Y N Fire Y N HazHealthAPCD Y N PE&M Y N School Y N Sewer Y N Stormwater Y N Special Inspection Y N CFD: Y N LandUse; Density: ImpArea: FY: Annex: Factor: PFF: Y N Comments Date Date Date Date Building Planning Engineering Fire Need? / • Done City of Carlsbad 05-26-2015 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Plan Check Revision Permit No:PCR14190 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Reference #: PC #: Project Title: 1586 MARBRISA CR CBAD PCR 2111311100 Lot#: 0 $0.00 Construction Type: 58 CB133192 GRAND PACIFIC: DEFERRED TRUSS status: Applied: Entered By: Plan Approved: Issued: Inspect Area: ISSUED 11/12/2014 JMA 11/20/2014 11/20/2014 Applicant: TIM TAYLOR Owner: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD L P 619-458-4488 5900 PASTEUR CT #200 CARLSBAD CA 92008 Plan Check Revision Fee Fire Expedited Plan Review Additional Fees $187.50 $0.00 $0.00 Total Fees: $187.50 Total Payments To Date: $187.50 Balance Due: $0.00 Inspector: FINAL APPROVAL Date: Clearance: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition' of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was Issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth In Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030, Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their Imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees In connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have previouslv been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previouslv otherwise expired. Ccity of Carlsbad PLAN CHECK REVISION APPLICATION B-15 Development Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov Plan Check Revision IMo. .Original Plan Check No. Project Address Q^/aj£,(W\>l>,4,^A?azy? Date /ij/z/// ~j:^1^Ue^ Ph ^1^ Fax 4,|9-V/5^93^ Contact Email Contact Address General Scope of Work City, dif' Zip Original plans prepared by an architect or engineer, revisions must be signed & stamped by that person. 1 • Elements revised: • Plans ^^Calculations • Soils • Energy • Other. 2. Describe revisions in detail 3. List page(s) where each revision is shown 4. List revised sheets that replace existing sheets 5. Does this revision, in any way, alter the exterior of the project? • Yes 6. Does this revision add ANY new floor area(s)? Q Yes S'No T. Does this revision affect any fire related issues? Q Yes "^tMSIo"? 8. Is this a complete setjj ^res IQ'I^ ^Signature. 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsba^ 92008 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax; 760-602-8558 EnTaitbuilding@carlsbadca.gov www.carlsbadca.gov EsGll Corporation In (Partnersfiip witH government for (BuiCtfing Safety DATE: 11/19/2014 • APPUCANT • JURIS. JURISDICTION: CityofCarlsbad • PLAN REVIEWER • FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 13-3192 rev#2(PCR14-190) SET: I PROJECT ADDRESS: 1586 Marbrisa Circle PROJECT NAME: Marbrisa Resort Villa 59 Truss Package ^ The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. I I The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. I I The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. I I The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. I I The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. I I The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. I I EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone #: Date contacted: (by: ) Email: Mail Telephone Fax In Person • REMARKS: By: David Yao Enclosures: approved plan 13-3192 EsGil Corporation • GA • EJ • MB • PC 11/12 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, Califomia 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 City of Carlsbad 13-3192 rev#2(PCR14-190) 11/19/2014 [DO NOT PAY- THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE] VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE PLAN CHECK NO.: 13-3192 JURISDICTION: CityofCarlsbad rev#2(PCR14.190) PREPARED BY: David Yao BUILDING ADDRESS: 1586 Marbrisa Circle BUILDING OCCUPANCY: DATE: 11/19/2014 BUILDING PORTION AREA { Sq. Ft.) Valuation Multiplier Reg. Mod. VALUE ($) truss Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code c #N/A Bldg. Permit Fee by Ordinance •J Plan Check Fee by Ordinance Type of Review: I I JZljlepetitive Fee Repeats ' Based on hourly rate Comments: 3 Complete Review • Other g Hourly EsGil Fee $187.50 • Structural Only 1.5 $100.00 Hrs. (g $150.00 Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc + Empire Truss, Inc. ROOF TRUSS CALCULATIONS RECEIVED NOV 1 2 2014 GIT'f O Project Name: Project Number: Jobsite Location: E.O.R.: Design Engineer: Date: "MARBRISA VILLAS - 59" R1549X Carlsbad, California Burkett & Wong Engineers Ed Salazar November 6, 2014 BUILDI J3 DIVISION CARLSBAD The bound truss drawings having an electronic seal and signature printed on each page have been reviewed and approved by the truss designer (truss design engineer) as indicated by the engineer's wet seal and signature on the inside cover page. This review and approval applies solely to the attached truss design drawing OP^f^B^"""^ together. City Buildinq Division NOV 2 0 2014 APPROVED BY: Ql ISSUED BY <A7yff 1850 Atlanta Avenue • Riverside, California 92507 • (951 Pcre.iM '\90 ^ ^^^^^ Table of Content • Certificate of Quality • ANSI/TPI Standard responsibilities • ICCES ESRI 118 Evaluation report on ITW Connector Plates • Inland Empire Truss Inc. General Truss Details • BCSI - BCSI Bl Summary Sheet Bracing Recommendations • Truss Placement Plan • Truss Drawings /• 7^: BURKOT&WONO ^ ENGINEERS •^No B(c=pMons Tak.n • ^«vis« and rMubmit tJ Fur, i- las noted • Rejected This review is oniy tor genera) compliance wim me design concept of me project and g««ra. compliar:.. wrj, the information given in m. contra, documents Commenw made on me.oe o,-«..,ng» do not relieve me contractor from compliance wrth me requirements of thr p;ans a.^d specifications Contractor s responsibility shall cover fabncauon processes, means and memods of construciion, and coordination of work witiii o'm^^i^dVs"'" and coordination of work °^ f (L^L-V^ DATE 1 y I I j 2^YA J Table of Content.doc 2/15/2012 CERTIFICATE OF QUALITY NAT'OMAL. INSPPCTIOfs! A S SOCi Ar< lOH. 'NC yuALiTY SYS TEMS MANAGEMfc:.Ni, thso. AN ACCREDITED AGENCY P.O. Box 34.26 GILLETTE, WY 82717-3426 (307) 685-6331 OFFICE fSiA&{.^.UMIJ£jfih£K.LOB WE ARE AN AUDITING / INSPECTION AGENCY RECOGNIZED BY THE INTERNATIONAL CODE CONFERENCE AND THE INTERNATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE, INC. THAT AUDITS / INSPECTS THE FABRICATION OF METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSS FABRICATORS, UNDER LA.S. R-EPORT rstuMBER AA-B83. THIS is To VERIFY THAT : INLAND EM Pi RE TRUSS, SNC. R; V E RS 1D E / £ 1' OCT"0 Sv, C A IJ FO R KU A is UNDER OUR AUDITED QUALITY CONTROL PROGRAM AND HAVE BEEN SINCE: ASE SEt. I../- TE S Coiv;Fi_e:TED INSPECTION FOR CONTINUED CERTIFICATION WE AUDIT THE FABRICATION ACCORDING TO NIA AC Ot, UNDER THE FOLLOWING: U.B.C, l.B.C, l.R.C. CODES. AND ANSI NATIONAL STANDARDS L.ATES"' RlSViSIONS NATIONAL INSPECTION ASSOCIATION, INC. FINDS THROUGH OBSERVANCE, THAT THE ABOVE MENTIONED FACILITY IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH OR EXCEEDS ALL MINIMUM CONFORMANCE TO THE STANDARDS. INLAND EMP?B.E TRUSS, JWC. FABRICATOR KEITH H. ANDERSON PRINCIPAL TPI 1-2007 REQUIREMENTS OF THE TRUSS DESIGNER AND MANUFACTURER 2.3.5 Requirements ofthe truss design engineer. Preparation of truss design drawings The Truss Design Engineer shall supervise the preparation of the truss design drawings based on the truss design criteria and requirements set forth in the construction documents or as otherwise set forth in writing by the registered design professional for the building as supplied to the truss design engineer by the contractor through the truss manufacturer. Single truss component design The Truss Design Engineer shall be responsible for the single truss component design depicted on the truss design drawing Truss design drawing seal and signature Each Individual truss design drawing shall bear the seal and signature of the Truss Design Engineer. Excepjtion: when cover/truss index sheet is used, it is the only document required to be singed and sealed by the Truss Design Engineer. Truss placement diagram When the Truss Placement Diagram serves only as a guide for truss installation, it does not require the seal ofthe truss design engineer. Information on truss design drawings Truss design drawings shall indude, a minimum, the Information speafied beiow: 1. Building code used for design, unless specified on cover/truss index sheet. 2. Slope or depth, span and spacing. 3. Location of all Joints and support locations 4. Number of plies if greater than one 5. Required bearing widths 6. Design loads as applicable, including: a. top chord live load (for roof trusses, this shall be the controlling case of live load or snow load); b. top chord dead load c. bottom chord live load d. bottom chord dead load e. additional loads and locations f. environmental load design criteria (wind speed, snow seismic and all applicable factors as required to calculate tiie truss loads); g. other lateral loads, Including drag strut loads 7. Adjustments to wood member and metal connector plate design values for conditions of use. 8. Maximum reaction force and direction, including maximum uplift reaction forces where applicable 9. Metal connector plate type, manufacturer, size and thickness or gauge and the dimensioned location of each metal connector plate except where symmetrically located relative to the joint interface 10. Size, species and grade for each wood member 11. Truss to truss connection and truss field assembly requirements 12. Calculated span to deflection ratio and/or maximum vertical and horizontal deflection for live and total load and KCR as applicable 13. Maximum axial tension and compression forces in the truss members 14. Fabrication tolerance per TPI-1 Section 6.4.10 15. Required pemianent individual truss member restraint location and the method of restraint/bracing to be used per TPI-1 Section 2.3.3 Responsibility exemptions The Truss Design Engineer is responsible for items listed in TPI-1 Section 2.3.5 and is not responsible for the requirements of other parties specified outside of TPI-1 Section 2.3.5 2.3.6 Requirements of the truss manufacturer Truss design criteria and requirements The Truss Manulacturer shall obtain the truss design criteria and requirements form the construction documents Communication to Truss Design Engineer The Truss Manufacturer shall communicate the truss design criteria and requirements to the Truss Design Engineer Altemate truss designs If an altemative or partial set of truss design(s) shall be sent to and reviewed by the Registered Design Professional for the building prior to manufacturing. These altemative set of design(s) do not require the seal of the Truss Design Engineer until accepted by the Registered Design Professional for the building, whereupon these alternative truss design drawings shall be sealed by the Truss Design Engineer. Truss placement diagram Where required by the construction documents or contract, the Truss Manufacturer shall prepare the Truss Placement Diagram that identifies the assumed location for each individually designated truss and references the corresponding Truss Design Drawing. The Truss Placement Diagram shall be permitted to include identifying marks for other products including stnjctural elements, so that they may be more easily identified by the contractor during field erection. When the placement diagram serves only as a guide for truss installation and requires no engineering input, it does not require the seal of any Truss Design Engineer or Registered Design Professional. Required documents The Truss Manufacturer shall supply to the contractor the truss submittal package, including the Truss Design Drawings sealed by a Truss Design Engineer, a Truss Placement Diagram, if required by the contract documents or contrad, and the required permanent individual truss member restraint and the method to be used per TPI-1 Section 2.3.3 Spedal application conditions The Truss Manufacturer shall be allowed to provide detail drawings to the contractor to document special application conditions. Truss submittal packages Where required by the construction documents or contract, legal requirements or the Building Official, the Truss Manufacturer shall provide the appropriate truss submittal package to one or more of the following: Building Offidal; Registered Design Professional for the building and/or Contractor for review and/or approval per TPI-1 Section Reliance on construction documents The Truss Manufacturer shall be permitted to rely on the accuracy and completeness of information fumished in the Construction Documents or otherwise fumished in writing by the Registered Design Professional fbr the building and/or contractor Fabrication tolerance The Truss Manufacturer shall determine the value for the fabrication tolerance to be used in the design of the trusses Manufacturer quality criteria The Truss Manufacturer shall manufacture the trusses in accordance with the final Truss Design Drawings, using the quality criteria is provided by the owner in writing or through the construction documents. in-plant truss inspections Tmss inspections, as required by the jurisdiction, shall be performed at the manufacturer's facility using the manufacturer's in-plant quality assurance program monitored by an inspection agency approved by the jurisdiction, and shall satisfy any quality control/quality assurance requirements for the tmsses, and shall satisfy any designated in-plant special inspection requirements for the trusses. responsibility exemptions The Truss Manufacturer is responsible fbr items listed in TPI-1 Section 2.3.6 manpoiiismfbjBeibmtimi Jmamy-1. Wis. trnmatk MM tUMWiob. mjanes; AND I OMifuifiLI s*tpo»::mirit tiaiyriaitieiiitiii WMMI Tnin« nwBUuma^ajincMEiRswnep wc. 24inMI!c:SitiiiN«'n^ m BTAUMTimi suBjeer: M aMUMnONSGOPE CofRplNHMMii'Wi ttii'lolfBirinB' tmA&ti a 201(2 amt ZIXW W>mBiawi>BcaWi8:Codil*<BC] ••rapeffir «N4u*l»d: jitiucftffii io dJowectof^ooeiponeBltrof^fel wttocf flwiw msMs. ijiTDfiasiiimeR The Mx* (Mr* mW MM iiannMtiir pMw *ra ni«iaMUi4 tan NA^ lOr Ml* tUHmmt }tmst,mit M« S»««tr 40^ «lh * «M» grtiijlrtiin <»«lit« THTwSi'i^kafca liaMlli 1l«M-«atlffiDOat^ (D.019 <MiA.i)ida^ « eMitikMaM IntfiillifilfflWiSlljttiMel^^ ili fi Hiil uiiilliliu Miiiili ji^^flatKuil^^fl^^eMift l^^ilitiifitt'tAH^Hl^Si-^Biloldipac irtaiil ••:itMldilitfH^M'lW''tiM^<M BHtfi-.a'V!''8|ti^lNMli1b4HM| .ilBft Mfcli art':IL^ Null l>»aMIM>»l«fc,'*»%*jrt«ii»<p»^ aw Mift (LSZ mnr tun utll otief In • <t«u««> in ««c« iM HB^aons: ei «• i«K um •e.WtKM tuts mm) Imm M Canlaf «f Dw row, (aauKng m an tndiMktn or •tme* pritom wllhin aach row « aloK th* WiiAl4^ aSk* mm) incwniajfc at bati awtund langft. Saa Figiim l«0(<Malt. 3.1 nvrBCOHandSemnactwnatMi rrwaCG H ana 6 ctirtnatim ptaa aia minufaiefcKBd In tMQ fefttK knewi\ aa H IHIsh Sffaiipsi). and S (Sopat saiwiglh) tam Mft 20 gagt rvMimra 0.^^ iiidi (0.904 i KIal anil Ms. Ifr giga ImMmum ftOMS««h (t^tt Ihm} <«knM4, (aspaciMy, aM tm^M mtti ASTM A8S3 HSUS Sr«i»;eo. im-fi-^m^mmtUtt tillllit |a.Qa076«ch (0 Ota mm)^ BMoiaaa OK^fael) aida), an* ffiMwim Daia- maM IMelaiaina 0034) kitliiatBI amt OLlMSI inch {t.l« mmit iwp*eM^, Tia; M ahdS pHtH ai« also ««iMHIIft«iliv«Q)B9aDaS«« on •Mfr atdal {gahntthg M aptM^ «»Ikwna nMn^ baavAMal t*Stnma slaal a> a))adiatf tr «» QSO calMAadH and S (MM. Pali* S( atlit«y>0^-l«Gl; a 82 dy Mn) MDi^ p«il^llii««ndUlar ta th* (3 lw inm) aigf il •l»ii^a. jhMM» am apaoK* 0.«7S wtii <aa,» «•») apart >»nw»r'ltlji|B>ha. aofc aw tjwapartte aiilitB>lhrr.-«i».i|Mhiatai!iMWi»<*>'Mr Hcta tpiKaid Ojtas Hefi (7 J*' m*4 wttt on amar 0.437$ Ml IIUI n»!S liiniiiiB>. SMt alob an apaead 4.S«C tiAas p»3t iMt^ tfirt bii iiwte vMiWnM iNaie «• ft97 tM{h par «qiia« tnd> {1 i)B 4eMMon^ tf pW*. Ttaih MMNiMU on «w and an^ AAahapdd kr aoMMittn. ^ ji V daM*. 3.3 nWOeaKenaactarPWa: nw B60 K'0Jaiac|^.)dMMa'ai^:inaMiilii6|wiW fttim No. f6 vg>{irMhi8n«J«»HHelr (V« aM »1Ba^crtM>^^^*l<^^^lM^P»^g%M»»>«* gahMaioft pqfitMf HtSjKWieii gliOU Mm) VlMndat on MOntti add-'* inltt«um tpaamaW (MoMaa tf 04»S incH 0i*t mm). Pm tt M/ViafKSm^ 9tss m(n>MM^4M^J|wp4lKP*^^M<U•r» ^ plana tfn»)MHtMi^«MMa«M4)>^<64hBh and a333 men (8.48 mn^ tfi canar tcrsat M widdi. Iaia*ig- 4S7 tiijfe'-.pw Iwh ((Ol taatlfein'). Ad|acadt 4lBb acnaa dia aMdi am oHiHt. Inch <B.3S Mi<i) tengdMea, TMitiat* paMad^ akapnd in craM aacdoa ^ FHtoiiiS fordaUa. KmlsMiAiiilliai] EgB.1«» I M(»tf >Ma»»:<CBBP«ad<wi7i«««ari Pagg 2 ot 7 M nwac6Tiiulo»CoanacteTWiMai Tndoc daft Mto-M nitt iron Mb 2B Mfa tiMnum aessSMndh |».«MM <M Mdmaa^ aiaal oomplyins «« Asnii Arao^w «, vithrt-en sriiAMdMton ceaH |0.aBB8->Kti (aOT8 mm) tddiiaai on anch aWH andaml»ai«iliMpwWIM»nM»«ratl3»^ mm). T)«Titi)o«CgMI«d»rnaldli)itttM*«pMa inmitiui Maaral laMft,^ a-.1314KMk«Mar (3.a» mm) naWlO hate itpaead 1 Mi (2&4 mm) on crnHw luimdiiiiiM «nd o.iHi7 Ml mm) on eaniv «H«MtML Afaodal Maa aina tw langA ant «(i«gend 0:333 Ml <»JB mm} ufd»iaifa. 'may K« 1J lidlaa (mr ttuaw-Mi 90. WiMin tf PMa; ttW Mdn«^ wood w«i uptfatutji applad naUt. tuch «a l.STSMv long (3«.93 mm). NOL 11 gaga dMtaiar (9.1205 Mi (lOft mivH. a«>li# «i«t* buac ndk, or aimlar. Tha Tnioc naa pMaH-WMWWk^M* palHm andtia hok tf any imagraiilMK swngtm4(ardBiaih. rrw8ee2«y4Mia*flWi»awffladatf No. IB gage tminlnwRt IKIMilMildll (1.18 mn4 Mat (Mdaiaiai) aiaM complying wWi AStM A653 SS Stpda 37, iMth a 060 galmnUdM coMHg {OJISDS Mi^ (0013 mm] ihWoww on aaSi aU^ and • Matan btmNaalal iWcm^i tf dJOtSi Ml (1.16 aim). Tt* Ntagt Ptala eannaclDr coMlctftitg Z#4>liieH(n.ty'rf<nRl)inalal pMas. ovadappad by 1 inalt(2S.4 dH4«ndgrammaaad togadar wIBi a IMfd anManat-faBiiglHrttpiml^ IMB In each pMd. for,adGh#te tf iNd fwjBdJplMa, VmMi-iiOM tf afghl pafrs a( MH par low air Mtliad paipondMar le »• plane tf M^plHlt.«Kft ^ialrttMng a K1My«i604neh (2.E tiy ia2.nai4 At In fie pMd: The itobiwa apaead 1 iMh'tzs mn$ iipait oa caMir MngWMM M 0:25 Meh t4.2 mm).apdit on canlK'vtfdfcpiiBlet laai^iig 48 laaOi on sacb aide tf dm IA«*. ie, *.tiW tf St laadi per Plato. EetttaiDt l»aMtf«9 ttNi^ft1»in« (SiO inra} <nm the a4«oai*alDb. Tarib aM.pi«nM dn «e and and v- Vopad t>«>oa* aacSon. SMftpae $ Ibr deMb. 4.0 mSTAUATION daiNMlt nw'#e6 Mtok H, $. X and-fAnge ti^niPMaa ai» pmdM ««o'«W'««d»:t«r'^^^ Mft lay li]riaai4fe>!.pa0daee^-pnaum8Bfrpmeiei^'O^fola^'ineaea or 6ypMfaQgie»««toaB»»feon»'yid»irt»dML .OaAjn:. wliiaet.ato«n.:ib' fw<wi<fcajjit>ii-i«nit»dwianl: aiw ¥Ha.-iarvqsi!maMiEv,;pMpMpeipnpiad8^^^f^^ iiiaaidi thai we MM adibaiieit-'Mgmad tw M- tff**dft|IPfel*Pd!fctf:l|iwWi^^ isHf fid|Mi»itMW'WMa^^ jiHiHK'' Mt''iiidd hmmmt-t iWioi»lii|Sf jl8it;-tM#i «i|iaH 18.inciya|ffg^|iyp>^tta^^ t^maa esnt CM^r^aiMt *c IIM PiM Conn*<M«i«9l TBiiaM, a* dlidan )i) «aeten 3 tf MStTTPt 149S7, ttetonal t)e««|n ntridM «br MaHT Ftale «oiiniicWS Wbod Jim 4.2 Maaieiw eiiigiiWiiae; 4X1 nw aes'WIM, Hi S and K Tnm Phleat *loMile»a)gn»i1iili1»TTW8C&wave,H SandK TmnPMeCtaKWcmmmdintliadetigntf iniiW|i)«« cmifscjM amod lotfendfiaoFlmaaad ela.atimwiln TaUn 1 ano ^ • Movmpm ddivi vaniaa etv appBcapm wian tne coonoGlfafiia mada^tfVi Identical pbiai on opposite sidae tf dm ^ 1)ie UaStP. l><*iMMi««; and ManaOdn tf frtMM amiliayiAg Vm WiM pMta fflutf eemply w«h IBC SeoGon'2303.4 Of IRe SeG«ans RSBLtl and R«&.10, as applicaWa. 4^2 nw BCG 'nuloii Tnaa Ptate Connector: Vr\% comactar it » naH piile using sapaitfaly applied ntfl«, EnactwaMlenaion atangdi iMoa miwt be deienninao tiaaad on oceapted daaign iidneiMa ltf Meet. Mlo««^ «M shear da^ vdluea «m ttmm m TatXe 2. Uleiai nMMeneevalixnmuM'iie'datamiMl in aecordenee *^ M dk«jn VdMe (or nans In die AF&PA (Monel Oeaign SpMlKMkin ter WMd Coratwdion. AlowUM detlsn Vdtwara api«caiile wlwi s<e sonnecHon it node wHh MdM Pfcaat and naMng panems 0,1 oopoaae sides of «2.3 rrw KS »«ige PCHr. The alhmaMe design vMiee' M nw 8EB MnseiTnia* Plaie Cwweaore in •^tk»[:'ltmiifiBi>i^ oon^^irassio<v are shown <n TaU« 3. tiiHiuaeU fore^tf ttie. joiiit and lA^Mn the tnjss coi^tnlrig -»W^ili!tieiiM;.ee'aelBnnined using a sHbBiitf nWdet taM 3 ^ tf Ha tiiga ioMt kKeSon. Afcwable desien values «m dptMUe Mmi die ctfmiteddft Is madb <m a i-4nch ps;* mm), tf tfiBler. 9^ between Vr» ^w wood menjlwm^ .tf die xonneedun. TKe dasign toed due lo saailbiMtfmiirtfid OMsl loads mini not eebsed ttie afamiMe loed aftig die Hamdnson tonmila *s foltows: P.S P. tftwe: P. - (mpocad cdmliined sheer and ex>at load. « AHJiiMile CTtfiined sliea' and axial lo«l * " #.xP.>ltp, it {«n 9 )'> * (P, *(«»!» f)), F> 3 iRipGaed axial ltinB.b. i\ s tnpasi>dshatf»Ma.it>. P. = Alliiiaible ai#i biWi b.- (In ounptesto as tanaion conssoonfiig 10 ftnposeit sxtal foros). P^ ' atoweHstfieariaad.ih e <diei^ « angle SatMenFoanddie length tf Bie pws. 5.« COmNtKMS OP U^ T1W nw Beo (iiefat cooneMtf plates deaoribed in SKs ••port dompiir win, tf ntfiitiible itManiatm to what s apaedMh iMasdodee.laibltin Section l.i>o^inis «pofi atf^:«i te;ldloiHtngtfmcN^ tLl 'nib eyaiMed ntta^rtd tile lii^^ aihan mgelmd'tqf M,tf>dd'tNidM, idM be sobmiRM at die tinw tf;i^e)iiil<appl^eddn. In the ^ven! tf % esnSct beMMW 9» inemiliKH^'s pubMied hstateddn insdwiSbne end this mpst «)>s report goveoK. Eidi MtfkadiAi'ttf -s^^fe^^ ua'ng mess Inn'-^M donneiXiR must be aocampentecl by aileiiWruiifcdd^ ditf -1^ dea^Bn. mantfactum. end pfopoeed 'metallsliqn uailkiiiim witti di^. mqtit^ements tf tN> apliilfeaMa' Bid».:T1ii- tuioiteaB* miat be orepsmU by «.>ai|itoediMBa^ tfii^lMBMnst wtiere reduiisd by the sfdMtetf we junsdiction in whk^ the pn^^ i'l iM'.i'g'l.'.'l'i'ii'n 1, oe oonsmcieQ $.3 TtH:iepciH:eiMM^ ftsms iitfommri^ txy tliis mpoft sudi SB tnjss desi^ f^iliattiK ttiM^:esei»nce and lnsoe^i«), refer to AMSl?TP^ t. eii^neiifing drawings aind 8« wnflkxHe code> 5.4 ilie des^ vAj(ni(Wersl lesislanoe vel^ tsn^ii strength tsiSos, end ^tf%!!&ve shear j^isisnce mtios) used in die design tf misses using rrw BCG W^ffl. H, S snd K mel^ truss ccinnector ptstes nust »30f? ntf eHoMd dioee Med In TaUes 1 snd 2. The sheer maiaUMie oBoe used In dm design tf misseK taing nw 8^ Tnilax Tniae ntft Comedfats most not eaiaeeis Kose iaiad In 2. The sheer, tension andTcompnaaalon loeda <iaed In tha deagn tf tnjsses using nw BGO Htige Tt«** PMa Conneotor nwst not «Mceu Md* Mad «i Tebla i. load eambmadon mdudoiis ntuatt* m aocpidtnoe wMi dm eppteeUe oede. S.S >9tuiitarii«edhli»1M9«ii)ntfkiiase8tisingmv BC6 Tmes PMa Gbnoadon must be graded >n oomplMoivWidi 'the apitWdhti bUdhg code end must tm »moiaium ontsnt ntf to tfioeed ia peiteiit tf idy liM tf mmU). iMt semtee laoian torn XMSirm 1.2M7 Seeflmi ft4.6 (ANSim*! 1- zan^SifdaoA 6.-L5) mutt M dppM to «» table «akieviahen«» MM nMlH«eeiiM:eiM0s 10 peeaent A^ijaatfc jMa dtwwn In Kid Wee et Ws iapdtt la^ ittdt^'lligKcible- ta mgut txtnimclur ptetes embedded to a)^ tk»HMedanl-«meled luniber or pnaapMihtM'lddlid tuAt&ei^ S.« MetalttiaicanneAirpttleaandhngeplBtasmustbe MaM-In pak* on oppaiilbfeeeB tf kuts members. 5.7 (MhaMead Geo and GW metal trasa plate eoaneetom ootieet to eoTOsiim emmnmanis must be piplatted in accordance tnAi Sectton 6.S of ANSirrp)i. Wote; CondlHtiia M ttngstgft &» iptOy to ITW BCO s.8 AKMble toed vaha* for Rwnvy SCO Hilge Plates am applaMe to ^Nnge jMe :{iain inetaM on oppoato (aees- and poaMied in the .lao-degms (unben^podidon in (» tat Mabbontf dm tuss^ 5.9 The aleiiWila eempiymlen toed gUrnn in TdWe 3 ts vaM tor appleelBne. .wMie itieediing is aDMied to the loiaetfmd maintaaeanMiing dw metal hnge plaits, and Mial li>i)aladan^»B(M dm joiM is nMMH'Qy ViV-tTMii)nfn||Miw fnnBmrconnnuowy acin»'^ lofcft »^1V|ima9 by, olher imam acemabft*tt t» eotHi eflcMi Htnae pMe cdnneclommuat>vitf beiuaed to tronaliar efiy toads tn e d^BCfion pefpendldular to ttie plane tf Om buss, soeb as tot (Mgn 01. toad (wnsler et )olnls sf unijidclted dtapliiagAts. S.nt GUe to 8« mtddon pravided at the joint of the fTW BC(> Hinga nates, the tons de^ must be rnadeisd wKh a til tf toe htige ioint 1oca«on. In the Stiel msfalMiiamffiiw. iNer ioadttmustbe-tqipliedwWn Uietfitnfetfva tringe ptato. tf a'9l>4iaoraeangia to ditf Ions aixis^ S.t1 OaStgn tf dMeagme »^ thissea mand^^ (tie (TW BCG't«n^:nBto% ocMide «w tf«ipe tf Ws repttl 8.l2 Al0MUe d*rign iokni givrni. tii TaMa 3 tor ITW ttsG HMgi-F^ato'tfihiid^ ttid OWinaeBeB' is laiede iiiiBi e Inhtft mm), or smattor,' gap.beiiMBen'dto liiw.^widd'iOendMntf ttie CQfittoCdo^^ No tfQostoietds tor 'faaid ditoiion em peiTa^todr s.i3iMe tf tw im ace nito is itnitod to pnitot>Med.4nAei«i:rie(d M^talMi lii pniNbiied. RSi».i't''Mtfm^ift:mi appM*)i».:i*'e<Wra<i^ S.1 DMa kt addMddnee die Halionid Detign aahdeni tor Metol Fttto iSdiettctod Vitoad Tnss Cotii^dxSdt^ AN^tPi 1 tor: Alpihe («iS«r tTW BC(3) Vikvd, HI S, K end Tiiite metal bus piate Qonnectors; e,2 Bis^Mettog faliineiV. tf plBie tf^tfaiia. taUe of design vetoed ^mpat^ liy Mj^ne ^ngineuiod ftxaoA. inc. (niiw Tfw B^Ung CtmViitoenls Snop, lnd>a^)ned, seetod and daM Septetnber 17, 1999. m •ibndtoctumr'edaeciiirtlimtlemwre. a.4 Data iii eoisdidance wAh ilie KiX^ Accet^snce Ctaofto.ttf tlM^-JHinge PldW iSoitoebtom ltf VVind TniMl "tfiSagSi. iS>m Ktxin^^ 20ai» (edNcMly ii9«MI'$Btiitembtf ^11) ttf Alpine Nnsra lAitoliaa^.lbbnne<etois. 7.0 IOEHTM«ATIbN See figums i-«,)tf id»(ii^iing pattems. iSSave Plates'" am MMed by die tfiUn ddubtotftoet stot ptfteirn. tt atid S. piaieS'tf* idisiiiNI-% die endtoiiaed symbdl 'Aliiine' iaiid eHher-liSirtf Sir tor the B tfid S ptatos, nasilMMy. K pltfM are Ided^tod liy tod embossed sytiM' Hinge pkMs an' Idaii^' by, .tiie pramntldisd tdnge end dtoqimb^ls *Atolne> tf t1P2s&.>. -Each siiiplng.^jdiiiitellitf' ITW. 906. tifse' Plate Cofinaclbni:is ineitM i^^^ SuK^ Goiittoneiits Group, toe. namd andftar bademaitt. and toe mAoAtin raport liumbtf ^OT-Tt18). gSR-Wg I Most WtWKAmepttefand rtusftitf Page * et 7 , TABLE 1t-rrw 8<»1«««PUTE", H, S »ID K PtATES Ati.OIIABIjeUtEIHl.MMlTMCEVAI.IIES ewto>tATe)' nwtoee PUktE TPfAkEABASB irynwinji;4>UTEt( BHffiMaEttT iM-IKS* SIIIGl£«ASSItOLLEP 1 iSMSDlMMtV«C«ES' nwtoee PUktE TPfAkEABASB AA BK (£-AA EA ee vwve Gtte$SA%A (ir<h«t»ff' edQiedWanoea^ SiPtoe 2e« ise 1»S 17C 178 143 153 vwve Gtte$SA%A (ir<h«t»ff' edQiedWanoea^ I>i)m.fik<tarch m . m 1«3 179 141 ISd 135 vwve Gtte$SA%A (ir<h«t»ff' edQiedWanoea^ Hann* W4 m 106 IH 134 99.7 363 110 vwve Gtte$SA%A (ir<h«t»ff' edQiedWanoea^ . 8Pf. . 1S8 109 ioe na 130 sa<7 IS.S 105 vwve , wi5tAB6A (VoBdttrsdge aMsHtfij ' ».ftie: •m 1»S 1«3 170 239 177 153 vwve , wi5tAB6A (VoBdttrsdge aMsHtfij ' ttoUBflMBreli m t« 14S isa 239 177 12S taa vwve , wi5tAB6A (VoBdttrsdge aMsHtfij ' rtamflf .m 13« IOB IW 170 11* se.5 110 vwve , wi5tAB6A (VoBdttrsdge aMsHtfij ' m toe lit. 170 115 B6.S i «05 H' MeTiWgA : a Mi',- Jg 4MM'MM*1 VP ta 122 tta 147 m 31 112 H' MeTiWgA : a Mi',- Jg 4MM'MM*1 tli>ug.:m4<a)t(l 1S7 ta m 11* 147 IW W m H' MeTiWgA : a Mi',- Jg 4MM'MM*1 fn fSLJS «,7 117 «ii .67.1 H' MeTiWgA : a Mi',- Jg 4MM'MM*1 .SPP w «4.1 •IS VZ.T 114 ao.7 66.4 s' NETAREA ('Vor'Vtfidtr ei^edwsniiSS) ,S.'-P»w,-, • its 173 1SB 19S 182 133 120 • 105 ' s' NETAREA ('Vor'Vtfidtr ei^edwsniiSS) Ootig,:l=lr4ii<^. zw 173 158 13S m MS 120 105 s' NETAREA ('Vor'Vtfidtr ei^edwsniiSS) nem*r i«i IP 117 112 99 91 sr s' NETAREA ('Vor'Vtfidtr ei^edwsniiSS) a?F i»i IS? 117 112 m n 91 l«TArtEA ffe'tf'wimdstr ediiettthineei^ SPI: MS It9 It* 103 fofsi-.ioet'd.etPe, Vstaes BNW tnTitile i am BftMal,ai Irtwai feaiatanow ot the nie!8lmiwe<iv gime )ee9t^ei(pni¥$ojinpotir^t>«$ou^)fv:7itilpl8i!> c s iligis piMe tdoiMe pMiis'iin bodi hms <i<Mn Sfiplltig >o <^ on only on? i»c«). To K>*9I» WWM, pistM rmtt bn t oii#H«eMsstfiiiiiit . .. ^^MMeidmntoTabiB:! eiiebMad en die iMnd^esaJgncd speiMe gravis for Hie IUT^MK npedes zor-ffr.nfior.^ ^:«a- & P'r.r. e - ^.s euiijj tii*!**© »ii«tfh*i»*tS »iwis«* ii'mi. 'AA«'PMttitowMrito*g«wsodamtTI>eM eA -J^il<^;iJeii!*aeg»ij:|^ A£ *:P1atc ttbts^eialMtdfanBi ifltfafgiein ^ftowte^ lo tosd. EE •Pta#«lspeitfiii«etoitotoad.wod«Mnp«i^^ totssd. ttw 8C» tl and S lllBltft iln M'dUanoetf^MiippHSltirihe AAoTien»lOT^ tMm^diOtKc m wc. svn^ fu'itv E 'rrw BCG K ^Iste; Xn and 81 "(a in* tor ttw AA oi<anuoon,andsngnd (tswflce flf % Incti ajfrSei: Ibr riip EA rjrlp-JatipR. TABi.ei-nwBt» iit«ye PtATE"", H, * K AND TRULOX PLATES EFFECTtVe iSHdiatrJMSItEAIt ItEnsTAttCE MJL<>WABI.C OesOM VlkLUES PHOPBtPr* (TWB»tiiWE PtATti" nw8icisMlik«rlE rrwacQSPiATE iTWSCGKOtATE nWSCG TRULOX i PLATE PHOPBtPr* 'iWto' . "PMie natoi l»jgr« ttoiito ;l8f«lrtf eidK-y Kalis i>tea«lr<>f nmt emev Rsdo PIKpalrof; PlalM TSoiddnetf. a$i3 aes 11.710 1784 0.73S 2M4 0.531 1534 TSnil(»e30' • -. -0j«11 1337 0,321 1378 • TenswnSW' --• 0289 931 . 0.393 103S TeiWoitVW* 0.483 m: 784 ., SOS) iMse 1204 - Siitfr«ttf ad83 0,433 856 8.S88 1133 . 0Ji39 949 L 0.711 3M»iB<3a' ttSd .m «J20 «(«» 0.732 leao 0.538 391 0.S32 73- ft832 9»'. . &«t« 12» 3.941 1877 0-tS0» t»4 0.7M S2S ' dhe«reid> turn , SS7' ' l»S1T 780 IXS42 f2St a3S2 672 o.ess T75 snevQizir o^w 3!S 4*8 oars 1027 tl.»7S 838 0227 265 stcM-eiso* <ttn S5S 0.412 S22 0.418 S3< 0.4S4 61? 0,147 17! FOTSE 1 »>*1ch" 0.17SWn»n. 11nen "35.4 mm. ESB.1118 I MwtMWAeiawlisdendTruiaBi) Petie S tf 7 TABtE 3-tTW BCO HRtSEPiATe ALLCMfABtE DEStSN VALUES''' PftOPHPTY JUi.0W«SI.£ SBiSM VAt.DE (8* Siiear 388 Tension 810 Conmsaion tn For SI: 1ft« 4.448 N. "Oeiign values delermned using SPF hJfi^. 'vawialed desian Muss >mtf nol be iteMnaa liy any load <iin!^ Ili ii" 1 r 0.1* ki w> J i r S12 f*» 13.05 n**» fmtir AviiLASlC IK !NC»CWr».'TS or S in .-SSl n»1 f1.*iT 4Bav£ !.> * JN S 3 IR. MS ™ » 7»3 FIGURE 1-nv» BCG WAVE PLATE E15H-1118 I Woa<Wito))fAee«p«»de/>rfrfi«il»tf Page 6 of 7 I t. I ""-'v. i E. i1»riw8ceti»naSaleiessiesitfseiii»»iJmi^eiiiwiao(iVMi'iai!33 31! endlRigai laaemiwlttf i,7S Inciiis (44.4 nm! Ti« itoning sham aize 140303 or <2.«3S s 3.S incAcsV <E7 < ss mmt FtemtE 2i.^mM Brio R ANO % PUTES !S.67 ,r> 21/5? w e » 9.47 A 33.44 w M.3* or 1 S31S5 m . t, 1J125 In . 1 1 3-ia nn l/B.ln. rr.^ cir> 1 > CTD C=3 crz>" CZD cn> err) cm cm Th* K jUMf Is ilvtiiiiH! lfl J«h >irf iwnts of iiifi w H *»/ Imglfi Ircrrnrnts of 32UI4 * tl-S/!i Mi, TWS A-Ol** isti*** «1» K3£K r"fr K 5e*l «*. 3 » 3-KPlS W. '"1 ESR-ms i Most wae» Aweptetf end T/uslec) Page 7 OtT 0 am- in to 164 M) win- lliicketftss 0.131 in a 33 rUi in (i 23 ») O-c. e<l^ Oictaftictt Jz-a in 1*16 ? mni s.c. , l^'S in (9.47 M) O C. ^Ot*Mt 0.5 in (12 7 1.11) o.c l^d^e distjMie« I in '.25.4 «n) o.c. 0.3 »« (12.7 »1 bot«i?es5 fcoifNS and dist, (typ 1 PUTE kiuttsiB w immms OF i JM ijs .t IJM). PUTE SHOW ABOifl ts «, 2X4 (2 I». It * W . Sl »• X 101 w.) nsuRS 4-iTw acG TRULOX PUITE fiHO'^WCT UKASS. i.n. • S.3')}''! THROUE'.H ' 0.;?' orpSCT .scTvcEs AO.!.--i-tNT H.0TS, T"!'. JA- SLOT LE'«"-rw if- c.:* SLOT TT?, i ^ T i = ..oms- -•'p. nr.. TO fcor 4:m'i~;'l7i" DISTtlCE iLQ%G -LITE SE'VSE?! illir M3«' CEWTEfiLiNES t BtAte EJiUS FIGURE 5~rrW BCG MINQE M.ATS rrPICAL COMMON OR SIRPER TRUSS TRUSS PER PLAN CONNECTION TO SUPPORT BELOM BY OTHERS SHIM AS F5EQUIRED - BEARINS PER PLAN ( - BEARINS PER PLAN • MINIMUM SHIM I7IMENSIONS TO MATCH SUPPORT BELOIN AND TRUSS WIDTH ABO-/E. (SIRDER TRUSS or plywood Shim c-rushing capacities Trvsft Files, 2x4 wall fibs.; 2x6 wall Clbs.; 1 2360 3TIO 2 4120 T420 3 TO<tO III40 4 <1450 I4650 5 ll&IO I&560 Solid K>iood Shim crushing capacities Truss Plies 2x4 wait (lbs,; 2x6 wall 1 32&I 5I60 2 6563 I03I0 S <ia44 154-ro 4 13125 20620 5 I6406 25T»0 Netesi 1. THIS I7ETAIL IS t*:7T INTENt7EC> TO SUPERSEDE ARCHITECTUI^L OR STRUCT\)RAL DETAILS AND DliAI^IN&S. 2. SABLE TFSLISSES MAY BE SHIMED AS RE<3UII?ED TO ALLOW FOR CEILIN& PLANINS 3. SHIM TO BE SOLID tNOOD. PLYtNOOD OR OSB 4. HOLDDOySN BY OTHERS SHIM TRU55 TO SUPPORT Empir* T#u«, Inc. •BV HI sneiar maame lew^JWiaa wiau JULY 18. 2013 DETAIL MAXIMUM OVERHANG LENGTH FOP OUTLOOKERS GRADE SIZE DESIGN LOADS (PSF.) HF#2 2X4 36 40 44 48 HF#2 2X4 t'-6" r-6" r-3" r-3" HF#2 2X5 1 '-9" r-9" r-9" r-6" DF#2 2X4 r-8" r-6" r-5" r-3" DF#2 2X6 2'-0" r-ll" r-10" r-9" DESIGN MEETS: AMSI/AF&PA IID5-2005 FIRST COMMON TRUSS EE STRUCTURAL DRZ-WINGS FOR END NAILING OUTLQOKER DETAIL DETAIL A-A NOTCHES FOR OUTLOOKERS l(tAX. 1 1/2" DEEP 2X3 OR 2X4 STUDS PER TRUSS DRAWING Notes: 1. SEE ARCHITECTURAL OR STRUCTURAL PLANS FOR f=ROPER M^sTERI-VL AND NAILINS PATTERN FOR ROOF SHEATHINS. 2. THIS DET.AIL IS t*PT INTENDED TO SUPERSEDE ARCHITECTURAL OR STRUCTURAL DETAILS AND DRAWINSS. 3. «• REFER TO SEALED TRUSS DRA»«ilN<5 OR DETAIL REF ASCET-OS-SABIOOIS ("DkSS NO. AIOOI5050IO«i; OR REF ASCET-05-SABI0030 CCWSS NO. AIOO30050:0=l) ALLO^^ADLE (S-ADLE OUTLOOKER LENi&THS ^^^^ Empk9 Tntns, Inc. MAY 2, 2013 DETAIL J DE5ISN .A55(;MPTI0N5: i;MAXIt4UM UNSUPPORTED SABLE VERTICAL LENSTH OF 41- lUMAXIMUM TOTAL SABLE VERTICAL LENSTH IS 12 FEET l|i;<10MPH ASCE T-05 l = LO EXPOSURE C KZT=I O iv;30' MEAN ROOF HEISHT v;SABLE VERTICALS AT I6'' O.C. PIA&CTtAL BRACE SPACINiS 40" O.O. BRACE MAT EXTENP UF TO RCCf= Dt>V»HRAM, AS S+*3WN. OR OOY^ TO CEILIN© PIAPHPAM -2X3 OR 2XA KCBS • 16" O.C. SPF STUD 6RAIPE OR BETTER 2X3 OR 2XA :2X4 BRACINS STRUCTURAL SUPPORT BACKING DBTA\Uopt\or\a\) SECTION A-A ATTACH BAC<IN& MEM^K TO VBinCAL KCB WITX lod (Oi2»'dba. X 3.0-J NAILS THROUSH VERTtC-AL >iEB INTO BACtClNft AT 4" OXii Notes: L THIS PETAIL IS NOT INTENDED TO Slff^RSEDE ARCHITECTURAL OR STRUCTURAL DETAILS AND DRAHIN<=.5 2. ALL BRACINS MEM^RS TO BE DF-L *2 OR BETTER U.N.O. 3. PROVIDE CONNECTION OE DiAc&ONAL BRACE TO LATERAL LOAD RESISTINS SYSTEM FOR 5feO«. 4. DIA(&ONAL BRACE MAY EXTEND DOW4 TOkSARD THE CEILiN& DIAPHRAM 5. ATTACH TRUSS TO fWALER I^ITH (3J lOd BOX (0.\2&"<P X 3.0V NAILS THROUGH FRONT FACE Or TRUSS INTO INHALER. IN LIEU OF FACE NAILING USE (3> \Od BOX TOE-NAILS OUT OF PLANE BRACINS^ OF c3ABLE ENP VERTICAL HEBS PUE TO HINP PRESSURE Entplt9 Tnt99, Inc. FIRST COMMON TRUSS STEP UP HIP TRUSS SINGLE OR DOUBLE HIP TRUSS GIRDER TOP PLATE PER PLAN' 2X4 RAFTERS H-YERS TRUSS CHORD LATERAL BRACING (3'. 16d TOE-NAILS (r. FRONT SIDE AND (2) BACK SIDE DETAIHE) rriDETAIL ^= 'ALTERNATE HIP r.:tNNECT)ON? DETAIL r5) Notes: ^ 1. THIS DETAIL IS NOT INTENDED TO SUPERSEDE ARCHITECTURAL OR STRUCTURAL DETAILS AND DRAWINSS. 2. USE THIS DETAIL AS AN ALTERNATE TO THE CLB REPORTED ON THE SEALED TRUSS DRAkNINS. 3. ALTERNATE BRACINS TO BE DF-L SAME SRADE AS BRACED I^B, 4 CENTER BRACE ON I^IEB. 5. WHERE TWO BRACES ARE SPECIFIED APPLY ONE BR,ACE TO EACH OPPOSITE FACE 6. MAXIMUM UNSiJPPORTED CORNER RAFTER SPAN IS 5'-T'>^" AS PROJECTED ALONS THE HORIZON''AL PLANE HIP CONNECTION Empire Truss, Ine. JUNE 12.2013 DETAIL LEDGER: NAIL TO STUDS W/2-16d O EA. STUD OMIT PRESSURE BLOCK PRESSURE BLOCK BET*EEM JACKS, oMrr IF JACK HAS VERTICAL *EB PRESSURE BLOCK BETWEEN JACKS ENO JACK PER PLAN. TYP. 2X4 DF-L STD. OR BTR. CONTINUOUS LEDGER. NAH. LEDGER TO STRUCTURAL SUPPORT BT OTHERS 2-1W TOENAILS PER SIDE AND 2-16d IN EACH PRESSURE BLOCK -BEAM OR RIM JOIST 4-16d PER BLOCK. (BLOCK EACH BAY) SECTION A-A -EACH TFUSS IS NAILED TO BEAM TEMPORARILY */2-16<l TOENAILS. THEN PRESSURE BLOCKS ARE ADDED SECTION B-B Notgs. 1. see ARCHITECTURAL OR STRUCTURAL PLANS FOR PROPER MATERIAL AND NAILIN* PATTERN FOR ROOF SHEATHN*. 2. THS DETAIL IS NOT IKTENPEP TO SiJPERSEPE ARHCITECTVRAL OR STWCTVRAL DETAILS AND DRAWINiSS. S. I6d NAILS TO BE MIN. O.I4©' PIA. X 33' LONS 4. MAXMIW LOADIN©. TCU-s 20p»f TOPL. ZSpsf BCDL. lOpsf TOTAL LOAP. SOpsf PRESSURE BLOCK DETAILS OCT. 24.2011 DETAiL 3-9 3-3 3-3 3-3 PLATFORM FOR F.Ai^. Ifed NAILS • 12" O.C. PLATFORM FOR F.A.II. rALTERNATE; NOTE 4 15 PLATFORM FOR FA.U. \ea NAILS • J2" o.c. - ^ . _ NOTE 4*5 PLATFORM FOR F.A.U. ^ALTERNATE; Notes; 1. SEE ARCHITECTURAL OR STRUCTURAL PLANS FOR PROPER MATERIAL AND NAILIN* PATTERN FOR ROOF SHEATHIN*. 2. THIS DETAIL IS NOT INTENPEP TO SUPEl^SEPE ARHCITECTURAL OR STRUCTURAL DETAILS AND DRAININ&S. 3. TRUSS BOTTOM CHORP MUST BE LOAPEP FOR THE CORTOCT FAil. LOAP 4. 2X APP-ON TO BE PROPERLY BLOC*II? TO PREVENT ROTATION. 5. BLOCKING TO BE MIH 1X4 6RAPEP UMBER I^ITH MIN. C2> I6P SINICER NAILED THROUSH THE 1X4 INTO THE ENP ©RAIN OF THE APP-ON. F.A.U. PLATFORM PETAILS Emphm Truss, Inc. JUNE U. 2011 DETAIL EIC LADDER FRAMING: 2X4 BETteEN TRUSSES O TDP AND BOTTOM CHORDS, NAIL */ 2-16<l EA. END OYP) TO BE SUPPUED BY OTHERS. ROOF TRUSSES 1. SS. ARCHITECTURAL OR STRUCTURAL PLANS FOR PROPER MATERIAL ANP NAILIN© PATTERN FOR ROOF SHEATHIN©. 2. THIS PETAIL IS NOT INTENPEP TO SUPERSEPE ARHCITECTURAL OR STRUCTURAL PETAILS ANP PRAK>IIN©S. 3. SINCE THE SOFFIT IS PESISNED TO CARRY CEILIN© LOAD ONLY IT IS CONSIDEREP NON-STRUCTURAL. 4. NON-STRUCTURAL l-CJ.ULKL. MAY BE FIHJ? ALTEREP AS REOUIRED ANP WILL NOT EI=FECT THE STWUC1WRAL INTESRITY OF THE BASIC TRUSS. 5. SOPFIT U*eER SHOULP BE ©RAPED U*«ER, FOR 2X4 HJ=. «2 MAX SPAN. t. SPAOIN© OF SOFFIT VERTICALS ARE 46" O.C. MAX. ANP AT BOTTOM CHORP JOINTS. T. (") ATTAOH vmncALS TO BOTH TWSS ANP SOFFIT TTHRU VERTICAL INTO CHORP ANP SOFFIT WITH lOD BOX (OX2»« X 30') NAILS 6. MIN PLATE SIZE FOR CHORP TO FILL ANP FILL TO FILL IS 15X3. ^. O; I6d SINKERS MAY BE USEP IN LIEU OF PRESSEP PLATES. FIELD APPLIEP FRAMIN© IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS. SOFFIT t LAPPER FRAMING PETAILS Empire Truss, Inc. JAN 21. 2013 DETAIL EI2 'J CAP TRUSS Q) l»d SINKmS - TOENAIL M eowrwuote wrroKr BKACINS. ATTAOH TO TOP CHORDS (TOP 9100 OP SUPPORT TPUSS WITH tt) led SWKBPS. AF TRUSS SEE NOTE 5 SUPPORT TRUSS PETAIL "A' > PRA© CONhECTION ' MAXIMUM PRA© LOAP, 340 plf »d r-2" OA. (TfFj STA(&<5ERED t ALTBRNATS SIPES eosser EACH siDEBnrBi LATmAL BRACIN» CAP TRUSS • ,-4 •comiwojs LATERAL BRAINS PER DETAIL BASE TRUSS SECTION A-A SUPPORT TRUSS CAP TRUSS ttl Ifrd SIMCERS - TOEMAILED I NON-PRA6 CONNECTION CAP TRUSS - 3x4 CONrlHJOUS SUPFORT BRACINS. ATTACH TO TOT CHORDS fTOP SISEI OP suppoitr TRtes iwm (3) iM SINKERS. DETAIL "B" (3) led SINKERS - TOENAIL -2«4 CONTINUOUS SUPPORT BRAdNfr. ATTACH TO TOP CHOI«DS (TOP SIDCI OP SUPPORT Twss nrm a) isd SINKERS. PETAIL "B' Notas. I. SSE ARCHITECTURAL OR STRUCTUIRAL PLANS FOR PRUPkH MATERIAL ANP NAILIN© PATTERN FOR ROOF SHEATHIN©. J. THIS PETAIL IS NOT INTENPEP TO SUPERSEPE ARHCITECTURAL OR STRUCTURAL I^TAiLS AND DRAWINSS 3. ROOF SHEATHIN© MUST OVERLAP CAP TRUSS TO BASE TRUSS JUNCTION. 4. BASE TRUSS MUST BE ADEQUATELY BRACED BY SfCATHIN© OR TORLINS. BUILDIN© DESISNER SHALL PROVIDE DIA©ONAL BRACIN© OR ANY OTHER SUITABLE ANCHORASE TO PERMANENTLY REATRAIN TORLIN5, AND LATH*AL BRCIN© FOR OUT OF PLANE LOADS OVB? ©ABLE ENDS 5. SCAB IS 4'-0" LON© PF-L "I OR BETTER ATTACH SCAB TO ONE FACE WITH lOd NAILS AT 4" oc. STAilxbLW-P. CENTER SCAB ON CAP TO BAS TRUSS JUNCTION. NAILS TO BE MIN.: I6d 5INI«RS O.I46" PIA. X 3S" Sd O.II3" DIA. X 25" GAP TRUSS TO BASE TRUSS y^\TH PRA& LOAP CONNECTION Rnphw Tiuss, Inc. ROOF SMEATHIKJG PER Pt>W ^ r WIND SPEED: <!0 MPH TCU.: 20 psf TCDL. 16 psf Notasi I. SS AISCHITECTIRAL OR STRUCTIRAL PLANS FOR PROPER MATERIAL AND NAILIN© PATTERN FOR ROOF SHEATHIN©. J2. THIS CETAIL IS NOT INTENDED TO SiiTOiSEPE ARHCITECTURAL OR STRUCTURAL DETAILS AND DRAWINSS. RAFTW6 TO BE MIN. 2x4 DF-L «2 OR BEI ItiK. 3. RIDSE BEAM TO BE MIR-2x6 DF-L *2 OR BbTlbK. 4. VALLEY PAD TO BE-2x6 Sf^ADED DF-L. ATTACH PAD THROUSH ROOF SHEATHINS TO ROOF T5?USSES 5. BSLOW WITH (3; I6d to.l46" PIA. X 3.0"; NAILS PER TRUSS. 6. RID©E PAD TO BE 4'-3" LON© 2X4 SIRADED DF-L BEVH.ED. SET BEVELED PAD ONTO ROOF SfiEATHINS YKW. BEVELED B7SE DOWN. CENTER RIDSE PAD ON CRIPPLE FROM RIDSE BEAM. TOE-NAIL RIDSE PAD THROUSH ROOF SHEATHINS TO TRUSSES BB-OW WITH C2; \<Ki TOE-NAILS EACH TRUSS. T. CONNECT EACH CRIPPLE TO RIPSE BEAM OR RAFTER ABOVE WITH &) I6d FACE NAILS. 6. CONNECT EACH CRIPPLE AND RAFTER TO PAD WITH &t \b<i TOE-NAILS TO PAD. 1. DETAIL DESI©NED PER CB&-20I0 AND ASCET-05 CALIFORNIA VALLEY FILL FRAMINS- BR*CE MUY 8E APPLIED TO EIWER M»RRO* WE, IKS MEMBER 2X3 OR 2X4 2X3 OR 3X4 2X6 2X6 2X8 2X5 ROfe . _ OR T- of geisl BRACINC Tm 2 RO#S 1 RO* 2 RO*S 1 RO* 2 RO*S 2X4 2XS 2X4 2X6 2X4 2X6 L- OR T-8RACE TRUSS *EB T-BRACE OR L-BRACE BRUCE MAY BE APPUED TO CriHER #IOE FACE *EB MEM9B! SgE ixs w m 2X3 OR ZX* 2X6 2X6 2X8 2XS liUMBCII y— Rote OF CLB(51 1 m 2 RO*S 1 RO* 2 RO*S 1 ROW 2 R0*5 SCAB BRACE Notas. I. THIS I7ETAIL IS NOT INTENDED TO SUPEf^SEDE ARHCITECTIKAL OR STRUCTURAL DETAILS AND DRAWINSS. 2. USE THIS DETAIL AS AN ALTBWATE TO THE CLS REPORTED ON THE SEALED TRUSS DRAWINS. 3. BI?ACINS MB-BER TO BE DF-L SAME SRADE AS BRACED WEB. 4. CENTER BRACE ON WEB. 5. BRACE LENSTH TO BE A MINIMUM OF SO* OF THE BRAOEP 1"^. b. n&S. TWO BI?ACES ARE SPECIFIED APPLY i3NE BRACE TO EACH OPPOSITE FACE CLB >^EB BRACE 5UB5TITUTICN W A R N T N I BCSI-Bl SUMMARY SHEET - GUIDE FOR HANDLING, INSTALLING, RESTRAINING AN0 BRi«eTISIG 0FTK^ WW n FV 8^ A \JB „ Spans over 60'may require complex permanent bracing. Please always consult a Professional Engmeer. . GENERAL NOTES NOTAS GENERALES tmrnOKiktmrm/miatMlr usMmaoc tVoMMMMItaUKMeailB, The omeqwnm of MipiBiw hmdhij^ cnct- in a ooMpK or tfte Kroowc er Mwse; serious deun tertm deta k Benlki9 and tnnsiMBs taw sM^ edges, gtowec wtien handttig and safety SMsses wihGn cueing bMdkig. Ecnpaoues r placas dc mclBl lienen tMnles aAbdoi. UM QuaMtt V fefta pniedDfies aantto HANDUNG — MANEIO I ^ AWU Wml bendbig. - EvKe la fleddn latef>l. Use spedal care in utacecmdado «rin(V weather Of cTspcdiri en tfas near poMCf Unes ventosos O ccrc^] dc cables ettcthcM 0 <K aeroptJCiTos, : fMU UVANTU PAQIIEnS OE ^ Wtonlng> oont oterlud the nne. iM<feftenda< iNo sobrecar^ la grva* ^0 "ever use banding ahme to Bft a buntfle. OonotnagrcMiorMiMuaiybandRlbundiK. Hunca vse s6tD los cflipaques para tevantar un paouete. No levante tm grupo de pattuetes empaqueandos inOvidudncnces. A iMigie lifi. pwrn m:»¥ '»'• ixw' for tHUKBes — with rruHWi up tP 'iS' 1\« (Itt ports rii.Ty tn- TMMl for b.tiwJtrs Wlh uw at least 3 t!t portr- for bvic^v- wnti tru5SKr. (Jfoatcr Uian 60' Pxxnk: xivif Wl noto h'tF'' <li' Viwrnim fvo;) Puedc 'jsat rto* (Kinio<. ite irvomw tv«a 'f"^ ivn^h-si"-1 PMWifcs ^Tsm 60 pirs- 'estr?w.-^. Us*" por kj IKHOS Ires txr^rri rt"' l*?v.inrw ;»;s.i ;aQuct« m*4 de 63 INSTiOtATION OF SINGLE TRUSSES BY HAND INSTALAadtt OE TltU^ES IltOIVIOUALES POR LA MANO /K Mrrmgj OonotmerloedsupporQnQ structure with truK bunOc. i*J«wtef»ca! Mo sobrwatgue la estnictura apoysda con e( sequete dc lnFS«cs. 0' '•— or : ODTl ill ? R7] T'tcsc-i IC Ol -4- TASKS up to 2(r | Tmsses hasta ?0 ptes ' STEPS TO SETTING-muSSES LAS MEDIDAS DE LA ZNSTALAa6N DE LOS TRUSSES Dlosii* ground bTDonq, 3) fh« triw .•«! aitxh securely'to ground taovj. 3>Sct iwvr -i '~ tnKses ™m ShftiT member tmiporBfv Utoal resraint {«» below). -iJ Inst:* top chofrt ctwowvii taaciii^ (sw betotv). S) In^ail inA nvTtnUer pbnp dtaqoivV bracing ta M.-iW>i«-the Aftt fw tnK.w (UTC bPfclw). 6) IrtSt.-** boUOm cnOfr) tornporery Utet^ f(S3ifl<fH: MW ikCQOoal hrfKHig (W bric:r) ?) Repeat firoa?w ofi qiouus of ton tnw*s AB rmvw nfc i) livjah; lfl!; anioflrt-: ai? tirtia 3) InstiVeH i>ink>ro UiifS y Me<«cii*ria(n(>iwr AI nrruMi^ fV- tif«ri.i. 1) l<M,Hr te prtiwcB t top rpstncnon Otcal temporal mrtnbm rwxt; (v<\i .-)t<n)0}, ffKtair r;! x^vytrf iMttorvi do In ciicreji nuperlnr (vCii .*a)r*). 5> Ifv.lak; .irrtr>5tiv (hoqcavJ i>a<a l0< [!(.-»»»>; &• los mi«Wv« secunOarior. para e«ah*:c >r^ t*orye>o? Cf^.rt tius^cs ('^^ ShxfO) 6) tfwti*! tl iffliiccion Ww-it tefBowal y ;ioioflrp AKjonal [VW.T |» rmisd/i infrrior (vc3 .ib<i)o).'/) B^pil.i •iitr OforedirtMcnlo C" i»nipo<. dr ru.Hro I'n*:^ tiws.-i fpif rotliv; le;; xnx'."-. eMtn irKi;tf3*« RESTRAINT/mACDtG R>R ALL PUUies OF TRUSSES RECTRIcaONf ARRIOSntE nuu T0O05 PUM06 DE TRUSSES \^ it.'rif.>nW A 'jrarincj iiwfhotl is to' alt ini^v, except TitJ. xvi -in? ;viT*-;lk't ilir^d Si ii'-.'^'. i'sltf irx^oOo *^ iCNl'intdn V Orrio^lrc i^. p.va ifitte t'Vff^W^ rror'n <J^ ni(.'r(tn r-T'.'*'ltT. 1} TOP CHORD - CUEROA SUraont RESntAIirr ft RRACntG FOR 3x2 ANO 4x2 PARM.LEL CHORD TRUSSES RESTOCadtt V ARRIOSTRE PARA TMISSES OE CUERDA5 PARAtElAS 3X2 V 4X2 ^RefeftoBCSfcOE ffisoftrai Bradng SW^OL^KCt 1B-W1?* -j:^ I Rtpca! QijqonBl Br^:inB ft!ac*D9iot£at9(ieL for n^prp mfOfrnjitrovi W» 1^ r^sumwi 8C51,- ^rioaTC .Ifcniporat ¥_P(3Tr)anc«e pam XrvssKSji? CutTdas Pwntetas'" psm rr<«ffifermMTWi, vertical <WK nt End ol cartftif srt st (K'jnnq M Lateral Re5»f*rts toc^Kinrit tispti at lenst twn trusses. •Top cftwtTtoipofjry lateral Rcifrairr! Tpatir^it' -• 10" o.c. mw, tor art rtorft and IS' o.c, tor ii2 cso'*; INSTALLING - INSTALACION 1^ Trusses up to 30' Thisscs hasta 30 pies HOISmUG OF SINGLE TMSSES — LEVANTAMIENTO tX TRUCES XNDIVXDUALES reccMng, untoadkig and storing the busMs at the jobste. Warning' using a single pick-point at ttw peak can damacfc the truss. m Uv: ptcpn rkj Uw t:(pi<y) tprntB-k; tjnj ijraJ txrtto^ p^if fcwantiir <• 0 If tiMMy m tft be Moreil Nnteonuikr, place OkKtong luffirtonr hi-igM bencaHi thi; ««* nf ;niMe>8' u 10* on cnHer. kr tiuswr. siaed nw; «wft nnt! wc*. to*!! lx«KBe$ ttt prr-vwnt itmiMinQ qnin btit to BtSLOijrtc lU-ClWl.prW'CC Handling. inftaHiMb EK!itraKii)ici.$..9niciiin (nr rnore iMa4ed miannMion pcnainiAq to h.-m*y) iwl jobiAr <4oragp of hoi-ar. $• !os Hii^!^. istnr.jn guwdiRins iKXiTnn- li'ilnii^^, inn^ii tilrW)iiP«rtr<o A: i ira sufncite' d^trfc b pda dr* los tnjw. i f: ta-tn IC 3K-i on M tMitift. Pwa ftiiS«» QUiittlKk* (wr <nA> <fc U(ip atiniento iwmecUii pco pcfw.! n-rtti- W.M lt*C*t> BTSI Gi»:i dC Bucna Praofei DJfs d M-mep. (nra!!KK5«i,.iiesifi<;ci6o y A| rioscerfe.tps Tf*Kes dc (ladt^jitOfictMiios, Cnn.PtacaijfcMBia!''' para Mammon mjs ricUBarfd sot?i? iTuncjo y abnaccnwto rie to$ tnissGii on irca de tjAbMO HOgnWC REODHMEWDATIOWS FOR SWSl-E i PARALEVAirrAR TRUSSES TraasSpan LotigitiHf 4e Tramo Too OwrdTcmporanr La*er*l Rutiaiwt (TCTlR) SpMmg EcpadanMOite W Arrfpctt* Tcmpsril «e b Cuerdi Sivertor upto3ir Hasta 30 IMS IVOLC rnax. 10 pics iiiawiiKt 30 a 45 pies BTo^ max. 8 flies miMfcno 45'tow 45a copies 6^ tKC max, & pies nwKlmo GO" to Str* «0a8Dates* 4*ox. maa. 4 pes ifididniQ •Consult a Piotasional Engineer (br trusses longer than 60". 'Consulte a unlngenterpPrrfesion^ para trusses mis de " U\ Rt3l B' - rijoi r,c; epr.mnei; rte it.nJI. Refer to 8CStB3.SiiW: ^ (DaaS(!eift.-:.annaoait ftetr!!if»©GIMfl.oCChpr^ W!b..1^<TO6jKS*'" rprtSiMc End Frame restraint^racing/ nrtnfofcemcnt mtomwhon. Para inrormacl^n sobrc festrtociWarTiosoe/feMerTO psra Armaiones Hastiales wa d reswnen BCSI-KJ. -.BwSTioiicsaiaiestnj fSiTOwcnteALCwwias.y, MifirohDiS«WD*«305."' CARGA DE COKSTRUCaON 'No (vocetb con \A construccion hasta que [odas l0(. rcstn'c- cioncs iMeralcs y tos nmostrr«: c«*(in codbcndos on fornin <iprppiad» V segiira. ®Oo no! exceed rr.ndmum stack heights. Refer to BCSI-B^ SoT"; Ttary. Sheet r ConsiniCtion.t.Oadi'ig'"* for rnore tntormsSon, Ko exceoa 'as altiirijs m^Kirriat. tie monto^, d resting* f'CSI:W.Caigi\jJc..Con5t)vrclpn''' pnta masinfetmacioti. Ground bracing not shovm tor clarity TEMPORARY RESTRAINT & BRAUNG RESTRICAON Y ARRIOSTRE TEMPORAL A; 0 Rcpitn tos .trtisiMrcs <(ot)ori»IO!: •Kirn cnrtr cttipri iln 2) wa MEMBER PUWE - PLANO DC IDS MtEMBROS SEQfNDARIOS ^ trus-tcs. LATERAL RESTRAINT & DIAGONAL BRAaNG ARE VERY IMPORTANT iLA RESTRICCI6N LATERAL Y EL ARRIOSTRE DIAGONAL SON MUY IMPORTANTES! iPv Do nof overload snwB g«WiK or Sngie lr No solxecarque pcaiwws grupos o tnrsses ind^idiiale^ NuTK-i nnwitorx; \iofi matcnatc; f erca *• un pl< '"nr.o lii3fK oif - .1'. iii,mv tiv-iw cr? iio'.'i'Nc, veaeiiBUimnaSdK^^ para nds MonnKiAn. lK.itt- ground brace; for hrjt iniss dtref.tl¥ in line vfith rows 0( tO) Ctwrtf twipo-ary tat i^.ii reMraiot ("Wi loWe in the nrsit mtomn) CtisxaK los anWitiVS dc borr.i para pl liner lues rNrcCMncDtG en (nen coo cadfi i-vui <*- fcs f*)s de restnorion bti^rit t«npnr<^ A- b cueid-^ superior {VM IB tn!*! m la prconnw CQturmM), V®: No camifK cn tnRScs Brace Ar^ truss sccur«hr before erection ot irtfUWonai Iwrt h-vi.i. <;nt)n.-1. IS J. ALTERATIONS — ALTERAOONES ' . . Vea el resMfflen BCSl-BS.Ogftos c!cJn'?s<»..(W'r'CKinprs cri ifl.Otpa y Eri^^ ®0o rwt ei.it, sHer, or ctriit .-my -itaicnirat "lembcr of n truss unt^ stXKifirafly permitted by t^i? Truss IXsign t>r3iNirv|. No corte, attere o perforc tnngun mlcmbro CStnjOura! tJc un f us,-:, a n»ef»os que «pecrHcKiywc porrrntitfo en OHwjo def DisefiO del TruM. /l^ Thjss^ tt»l have twen m^oatJext tkilf>g conrtructiofi w sit'fod wHtioot the Tnii^'Sianu'actv" prior appfwal may render the Truss ManufiWurcfs limited warranty null and voW. 3) BOTTOM CHMO—CUERDA imRIOR Lateral Rcstralntj - 2x4x17 or preatcr lapped over two durante ia constroow o tw> sklo aketados S"i '.i a pfwfa det fttjricpnte de ThHse?, p^iedcn lacer nufo y sir> e'en© g-irantla irwtDda de! Frhrir.i de Trusses. IW ban » <«MMM (Bmi. The iBe*o*i _ . „ Wthnqsn (Bifcirl w« W trvEJ« <W Bfaec SATtlT. CwffJW. TtaL WTCA wm ntnKiV AWMH .vir nniwy>»iy fv dmot TRUSS PLATE mSTTTUTE TnVW-lOlCi • •vww.mmst.an) I I; K li I! I 2 2 ? 2T-II l3'-3i" OC. ROOF TRUSS PLACEMENT PLAN Based on construction documonts dated l<9/iq/2C?ll. LOT5: 6'-qi" UNITS THIS LAYOUT IS TO ASSIST WITH TRUSS PLACEMENT ONLY. IT IS NOT A STRUCTURAL FRAMING PLAN. PLEASE CHECK WITH E.O.R. FOR BRACING AND CONNECTION DETAILS. NOTES: • Recommended hanger sizes noted are to be "Simpson" type nangers, and are supplied by others. •« Indicates uplift reaction. Refer to truss placement plan for all truss to truss connections. Refer to construction documents and E.O.R. for all truss to plate connections. <(ffy> Refers to loose cut rafter, hip, valley, ^ California and Jack, fill areas. RI54qx- JOBSITE LOCATICtJ CARLSBAP, CA. DATE 15 OCTO^R 20I4 DFWW^J BY ED SALAZAR SCALE 3/32".|'-0" PUVTE HEIGHT lO'-l" ROOF PITCH a/L2 CEILING PITCH FLAT TRUSSHEELHEIGHT IO" TYPICAL SPACING 24' O.C. TYHCAL OVERHANG 4xft TAILS (gf OfflERS; ROOF MATERAL TILE FAU IN ATTIC NO in < CQ < Empin Truss 1755 Brown Avenue Riverside, CA 92509 Phone: (951)300-1758 , Fax: (951)300-1769^ PLAN / ELEVAHON A eJob Cover Sheet Page 1 of 1 >^LPINE Engineering eJob 11/6/2014 This eJob is prepared exclusively for: Inland Empire Truss inc. (6852) 1850 Atlanta Avenue Riverside, CA 92507 Work Order: r1549_es Job Customer: Job Name: Job Address: Alpine ID: T472938.J500329 I hereby verify that this document was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer. I am responsible for the design of each component detail only -- not for the proper manufacture of the components. This document is no longer valid if any modifications are made to it. Alpine, a division of ITW Building Components Group Inc. 2820 N. Great Southwest Pkwy. Grand Prairie, TX 75050 800-521-9790 file:///C:/Users/esalazar/AppDatayLocal/Temp/rad07D 1 C.tmp.O. .eJob/eJob%20Cover%20... 11/6/2014 eJob Table of Details Page 1 of 1 ^^^^ \mmmj^^^^ \ ^^^^ ^.m^ Required Details* Engineering eJob 11/6/2014 other Available Details* http://www.itwbcg.com/trussconnections.php "Sealed versions of these details are available upon request. Alpine, a division of ITW Building Components Group Inc. 2820 N. Great Southwest Pkwy. Grand Praihe, TX 75050 800-521-9790 file:///C:/Users/esalazar/AppData/Local/Temp/rad07D 1 C.tmp.O. .eJob/eJob%20Details%20... 11/6/2014 eJob Scope of Work Statement Page 1 of 1 >^LPINE Engineering eJob 11/6/2014 Truss Engineer Design Responsibilities The engineer's signature on this design certifies that the individual component depicted, if built with the materials and to the placements and tolerances specified, will bear the loads shown on the drawing. Users of the component are responsible for determining that any as-built component conforms to the design. The loading and dimensions specified have been provided by others and have not been verified by the signing engineer. The building designer is responsible for determining that the dimensions and loads for each component match those required by the plans and by the actual use of the individual component. The building designer is responsible for ascertaining that the loads shown on the designs meet or exceed applicabie building code requirements and any additional factors required in the particular application. The engineer's seal on the attached component designs indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for the design ofthe individual component assuming that the loading and dimension requirements are as represented to the engineer. The suitability and use of this component for any particular building is the responsibility of the building designer in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1 Chapter 2. The engineer certifying this component is not responsible for anything beyond the specific scope of work set forth above, including but not limited to, the loading factors used in the design of the component, the dimensions of the component, the transfer of lateral loads from the roof and/or forward to the shear walls down to the foundation, connection of the components to the bearing support, the design of the bearing supports, the design and connection to the shear walls, the design of temporary or permanent building bracing required in the roof and/or floor systems, transfer of vertical loads down to the foundation, the design of the foundation or analysis in connection with the roof and/or floor diaphragms of the building. This is a high quality facsimile of the original engineering document. A wet or embossed seal copy of this engineering document is available upon request. Alpine, a division of ITW Building Components Group Inc. 2820 N. Great Southwest Pkwy. Grand Prairie, TX 75050 800-521-9790 file:///C:/Users/esalazar/AppData/Local/Temp/rad07DlC.tmp.0..eJob/eJob%20Scope%20o... 11/6/2014 Job Name: Truss ID: 1A Qty: BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REOD 1 0- 1-12 583 3.50" 1.60" 2 13- 1-4 21 1.50" 1.50" 3 13- 1-4 598 HGR 1.60" BRG HANGER/CLIP NOTE 3HUS26 Support Connectton(s)/Hanaer(s) are not designed for horizontal loads. SEE SIMPSON CATALOG FOR ADDITIONAL INSTALLATION NOTES MAX DEFLECTION (span): Lfi84 MEM 5-6 (LIVE) LC 62 L=-0.23" D=-0.18" T=-0,41" ===== Joint Localions ===== 1 0-0-0 5 0-0-0 2 6-1-0 6 8-11-0 3 11-6-0 7 13-2-0 4 13-2-0 CRITICAL MEMBER FORCES. TC COMP.fDUR.)/ TENS.rpUR,) CSI 1-2 -413(1.261/ 0.17 1- 2 -1000(1.25)/ 316(1.60)0.18 2- 3 -830(1.26)1 150(160)0.20 34 -37(1.26)/ 6(1.60)0.19 4-0 -1(1.26)/ 1(1.60)0.00 BC COMPJDUR.)/ TENS.(DUR.) CSI 6-6 -448(1.60)/ 932(1.25)0 58 6- 7 -155(1.60)/ 297(1.26)0.42 7- 0 0(1.25)/ 0(1.60)0.00 WB C0MP.(PURJ/ TENS.CDUR ) 2- 6 -442(1 .S)/ 286(1.60)0 11 3- 6 -97(1.60)/ 523(1,23 0 21 3-7 -651(1.25)/ 339(1.60)0.16 SLDRL -924(1,25)/ 356(1,60)0,07 CSI TC 2x4 DFL #1 & Btr, BC 2x4 DFL #1 & Btr, WEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD SLIDER 2x6 DFL #2 Plating is based on quality control lactore Cq = 0,92 for wide face and Cq = 0,92 fbr narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for individuai joints on the Joint Report, Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL, Loaded for 200# non-concurrent moving BCLL, Instail interior support(s) before erection, PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES, Not designed for attic storage unless noted otheiwise. Designed per ANSI/TP11-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8,0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the iesser of the truss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings, Kcr (creep factor) = 2,00 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sheets for Cq factors and Rotational Tolerances, IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported in ESR-1118 Mark ail interior bearing locations. Shim bearings (if needed) for req support. Required bearing widths and bearing areas apply when truss not supported in a hanger UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -29 Ib 2 -5 Ib -22 Ib 3 -72 Ib HORIZONTAL REACTION(S): support 1 191 Ib support 3 191 Ib This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specificafion Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location ~ End Zone Exp Category = C BldgLenfih= 65,00 ft Bldg Width = 40,00 ft Mean roof height = 21,91 ft, mph = 110 Occupancy Category II, Dead Load = 14,4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Components and Cladding Tributaiy Area - 26 sqft 13,00 15X3 3X10 0-10-0 B1 W:308 R:583 U:-29 All connector plates are Alpine Wave 20 ga,, unless preceded by "H" for High Strength 20 ga,, "S" for Super Strength 18 ga. Plates are to be positioned per Joint Detail Reports. 11/6/2014 AN ITW COMPANY 2820 N. GKat SWPIavy- OrandPrtlrle, TX750S0 TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.5.20 **WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **lMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING ro ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLBRS. Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handling, sliipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow ttie latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Safety Information, b/ TPI and WTCA) for safety practices prior to performing ttiese fiinctions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI, Unless noted othenvise, top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached rigid ceiling. Locations shown for pemianent lateral restraint of webs shall have bradng jnltalled per BCSI sections B3, B7 or BIO, as applicable, >\pply plates to each lace of truss and position as shown above and on the Joint Details report, unless noted otherwise, Alpine, a division of ITW Buildng Components Group Inc., shall not be responsible for any deviation from ttiis drawing, any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI/TP11, or for handling, shipping, installation & twadng of trusses, A seal on this drawing or cover page llstlrjg this drawing, Indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely tbr the design shown. The suitability and use of this drawing for any structure isthe responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TP11 Sec.2 For more infbfmation see this job's general notes page and these web sites: ALPINE: www alpineilw com: TPI: »amJlliiaLaig;WTCA: jjjlHLSbansiiiBnuag. ICCi www ieesafe oro Cust: DIR: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00005_J00001 WO: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00 Dsgnr: #LC= 62 WT: 73# TC Live 20,00 psf TC Srm/(Pf) 0,00 psf TCDead 16,00 psf BC Live 0,00 psf BCDead 8,00 psf Bldg Code: IBC-2012 LiveDur L=1 25 P=1 25 SnowDur L=1 15 P=1 15 Rep Mbr Bnd,/ Comp / Tens 1 15/1,10/1 10 D C Spacing 2-0-0 DEFL RATIO: L/240 TC: L/180 Job Name: Truss ID: 1AA Qty: BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 0- 1-12 1298 3,50" 1,50" 2 13-0-4 1617 HGR 1,50" BRG HANGER/CLIP NOTE 2 HHUS26-2 Support Connection(s)/Hanger(s) are not designed for horizontal loads, SEE SIMPSON CATALOG FOR ADDITIONAL INSTALLATION NOTES MAX DEFLECTION (span): L/999 MEM 5-6 (LIVEjLC 2 L=-0,10" D=-0,29" T=-0.38" EX,WB DEF CRITERIA:L/120 IN MEM 7-4;T= 0,00" ===== Joint Localions ===== 1 0-0-0 6 0-0-0 2 8-0-0 6 8-0-0 3 10-6-10 7 13-2-0 4 13-2-0 CRITICAL MEMBER FORCES: TC COMP,(pUR,y TENS,(DUR,) CSI 1-2 -719(1.&)/ 0,31 1- 2 -2372(155)/ 144(1,60)0,32 2- 3 -2250(1.25)/ 171(1.60)0.12 14 -40(f .60)/ 64(1.60) 0,09 BC COMP,[DUR0/ TENS,(DUR,) CSI 5- 6 -228(1.60)/ 2237(1.26)0 63 6- 7 -170(1.60)/ 1346(1,26)0,39 WB COMP,(DUR,)/ TENS,(DUR,) CSi 2- 6 -409(1,25)/ 217(1,60)0,03 3- 6 -91(1.60)/ 1270(1,25)0,26 3- 7 -1928(1.25)/ 167(1.6(i) 0,20 4- 7 -202(1,26)/ 65(1,60)0,07 SLDRL -1766(1,25)/ 467(1,60)0,07 2-10-0 TC 2x4 DFL #2 BC 2x4 DFL #1 & Btr, WEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD SLIDER 2x6 DFL #2 GBL BLK 2x4 DFL STANDARD Kcr (creep factor) = 2,00 Refer to Joint CX; Detail Sheets for Cq factors and Rotational Tolerances, IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported in ESR-1118, Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL, Loaded for 200# non-concurrent moving BCLL, ^^ + ^ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Nail pattern shown is fbr PLF loads and point loads converted to PLF loads only. Concentrated loads shall be distributed to each ply equally. Multi-ply with hangers are based on hanger nails using 3,0" nails min into the carrying member. If shown, use additional fasteners for point loads from the back plys, distributed symm, in the chords, within 12" of hanger flarige, IF 2,5" GUN NAILS ARE USED, ANYhfAILCLUSTER AMOUNTS SHOWN shall BE INSTALLED FROM THE FRONT AND BACK FACE EQUALLYfTOTAL NAILS = DOUBLE THE AMOUNT SHOWN), 3 PLY OR LESS, 10d = 10d NAILS, SDS = Simpson SDS screws or equivalent substitute, (') = Special Connection Req, (by others) NAIL pattern shown is based on: lOd BOX = 0 128" dia, x 3,0" iong nail Designed per ANSl/TPl 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8,0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the tmss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings. Plating Is based on quality control factors Cq = 0,92 for wide face and Cq = 0,92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for individual joints on the Joint Report, Gable studs are required ONLY in the truss ply that iwill have siding/sheathing attached and are used only for that attachement as norvstructural members. Drainage shall be provided to avoid ponding. Permanent bracing is required to prevent rotation/toppling. See BCSl and ANSI/TPI 1, PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES, End verticals are designed fbr axial loads only, unless noted othenwise, 2-PLYl Nailw/10d BOX, staggered (per NDS) in: TC-2 BC-2 WEBS-2 ^''PER FOOTI" Not designed for attic storage unless noted othen/vise. UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -44 Ib 2 -66 Ib HORIZONTAL REACTiON(S) support 1 188 Ib support 2 188 Ib This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 65,00 ft, Bldg Width = 40,00 ft Mean root height = 21,42 ft, mph = 110 Occupancy Category II, Dead Load = 14 4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Components and Cladding Tributary Area = 66 sqft Vertical membere exposed to wind: 7-4 LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS Dir LPIf L,Loc RPlf RLoc LL/TL TCVert 72,00 0-0-0 72,00 8-0-0 0,56 TCVert 174,75 8-0-0 174,75 13-2-0 0,56 BCVert 38,83 0-0-0 38,83 13-2-0 0,00 „,Type„, Ibs XLoc LL/TL TCVert 319,0 8-0-0 1,00 TCVert 256,2 8-0-0 0,00 BC Vert 360 0 4- 0- 0 0,66 :; >AJ:t!l f)|:,iins:i' r 1 ll Bl W:308 R 1298 U -44 All connector plates are Alpine Wave 20 ga,, unless preceded by "H" for High Strength 20 ga,, "S" for Super Strength 18 ga Plates are to be positioned per Joint Detail Reports, STUB 11/6/2014 AN ITW COI\^ANY 2B20 N. (SfBX SWPHxy. Grand Prairie, TX 75050 TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER; T6.5.20 **WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. Trusses require extreme care in taliricatrng. handling, shipping, installing and tiracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSl (Building Component Safety Information, tiy TPI and WTCA) for safety practices priorto performing these iunctians. Installers shall prwide temporary bracing per BCSl, Unless noted othenvise, top chord shall have properiy attaclied stnjctural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached rigid ceiling. Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bradng installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or BIO, as applicable. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown abcve and on the Joint Details report, unless noted otherwise, Alpine, a divisiai of HW Buildng Components Group Inc, shell not be responsible for any deviation Irom this drewing, any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI/TP11, or for handling, shipping, installation & bradng of trusses, A seal on this drawing or cover page listing this drawing. Indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely forthe design shown. The suitability and use of this drawing for any structure fs the responslblllty of the Building Designer per ANSIfTP11 Sec.2 For more information see this job's general notes page end these web sites: ALPINE: BrMrw,alDineihw,com: TPI: www,tDinst.ora: WTCA: www,sbeindustp/,giai. iCC: www,iccsalB,org Cust: DIR: Drive_a_r1549_es_L00005_J00001 WO: Drive_Q__r1549_es__L00 Dsgnr: #LC = 57 WT 79# TC Live 20,00 psf TCSnow(Pf) 0,00 psf TCDead 16,00 psf BC Live 0,00 psf BC Dead 8,00 psf Bldg Code: IBC-2012 LiveDUT L=1,25 P=1 25 SnowDur L=1 15 P=1 15 Rep Mbr Bnd / Comp / Tens 1 00/1 00/ 1 00 D C Spacing 2- 0- 0 DEFL RATIO L/240 TC: L/180 Job Name: Truss ID: 1AB Qty: BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REOD 1 0- 1-12 579 3.50" 1,50" 2 13-0-4 679 HGR 1,60" BRG HANGER/CLIP NOTE 2HUS26 Support Connectlon(s)/Hanger(s) are not designed for horizontal loads, SEE SIMPSON CATALOG FOR ADDITIONAL INSTALLATION NOTES MAX DEFLECTION (span): L/999 MEM 6-6 (LIVE) LC 45 L=-0,14" D=-0,10" T=-0,24" EX WB DEF CRITERIA: U120 IN MEM 7- 4; T= 0,00" ===== Joint Locations ===== 1 0-0-0 6 0-0.0 2 7-6-0 8 7-5-0 3 10-1-12 7 13-2-0 4 13-2-0 CRITICALMEMBER FORCES: TC COMP.(DUR.)/ TENS.(PUR,) CSI 1-2 -288(1.»)/ 0,18 1-2 -940(1.25)/ 271(1.60)0 24 TC 2x4 DFL #2 2x4 DFL #1 & Btr, 1-2 BC 2x4 DFL #1 & Btr WEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD SLIDER 2x6 DFL *2 Kcr (creep factor) = 2,00 Refer to Joint QC; Detail Sheets for Cq factors and Rotational Tolerances, IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported in ESR-1118, Drainage shall be provided to avoid ponding. PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES, End verticals are designed for axial loads only, unless noted othenwise. Not designed for attic storage unless noted othenwise. Designed per ANSI/TPI 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8 0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the tmss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings Plating Is based on quality control factors Cq = 0,92 for wide face and Cq = 0,92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for individual joints on the Joint Report Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL. Loaded fbr 200# non-concurrent moving BCLL, Continuous lateral restraint attached to flatTC as indicated. Lumber shall be structural grade Brace @ 24" o c, unless noted. 2-3 -840(1.25)/ 256(1.80)0.23 3^ -35(1.60)/ 47(1.80)0,09 BC COUPJBUR.)! TENS.(DUR.) CSI 6-6 -354(1.60)/ 866(1.25)0,60 6-7 -286(1,60)/ 578(1,25)0,44 WB COMP,(DUR.)/ TENS,(DUR,) CSI 2- 6 -99(1.25)/ 106(1.60)0.03 3- 6 -62(1 .eoy 370(1.25)0,15 3- 7 -730(1.26)/ 318(1.80)0,18 4- 7 -95(1.26)/ 70(1,60)0,11 SLDRL -970(1,25)/ 354(1,60)0,07 This design based on chord bracing applied per the fbllowing schedule: max o,c, from to TC 48,00" 6-9-9 13-2-0 UPLIFT REACTION(S) ; Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -40 Ib 2 -47 Ib HORIZONTAL REACTION(S) support 1 1461b support 2 1461b This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specificaiion Bldg Enctosed = Yes, Truss Locatton = End Zone Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 65.00 ft, Bldg Width = 40 00 ft Mean roof height = 21,66 ft, mph = 110 Occupancy Category 11, Dead Load 14,4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - L(w-rise and Components and Cladding Tributaiy Area = 26 sqft Vertical members exposed to wind: 7-4 9-11-11 3 00 3 5-2-0 3-3-15 3X10 0-10-0 81 W:308 R:579 U:-40 3-3-15 2-6-6 SHIP B2 HUS26 W:308 R:579 U:-47 13-2-0 0-1-8 STUB All connector plates are Alpine Wave 20 ga,, unless preceded by "H" for High Strength 20 ga,, "S" for Super Strength 18 ga. Plates are to be positioned per Joint Detail Reports, 11/6/2014 ANITWCOIM'ANY 212011. OreHSWPKuy. eialtdPrairie, TXTSOSO TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.5.20 **WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. Trusses require extranie care in fabricating, handling, shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Safety Infbrmation, by TPI and WTCA) for safMy practices prior to performing these tuncHctis, Installers shall provide temporary bradng per BCSl, Unless noted otheiwise, top chord shall have properiy attached strudural sheathing and bottotn chord shaK have a properly rtteched rigid ceiling. Locations shtmn for permanent lateral restraint of webs sliall have bradng installed per BCSl sections B3, B7 or B10, as applicable, /\pply plates to each face of truss and positton as shown above and on the Joint Details repoit, unless noted otherwise, Alpine, a dhiision of ITW Building Components Group inc., shaH not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any failure to build the truss in confdnrisnce with ANSl/TPl 1. or for handling, shipping, installation & bradng of trusses, A seal on thts drawing or cover page tteting this drawing, int^f cafes acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suitability and use of thts drawing for any structure ts the responsibility ofthe Building Designer per AN&i/TP11 Sec.2 For more information see this job's general notes page and these web sites: ALPINE: jfltgw alpinelhw com' TPI: www,tDinst org WTCA: www,sfacindustn/ QISL ICC: iggw,icc5afe,ora Cust: DIR: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00005_J00001 WO: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00 Dsgnr: #LC= 57 WT: 78# TC Live 20,00 psf TC Snow{Pf) 0,00 psf TCDead 16,00 psf BC Live 0,00 psf BC Dead 8,00 psf Bldg Code: IBC-2012 LiveDur L=1 25 P=1 25 SnowDur L=1,15 P=1,15 Rep Mbr Bnd / Comp / Tens 1 10/1 10/1,10 O C Spacing 2-0-0 DEFL RATIO: L/240 TC: L/180 Job Name: Truss ID: 1AC Qty: BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 O- 1-12 579 3,50" 1,60" 2 13-0-4 579 HGR 1,50" BRG HANGER/CLIP NOTE 2HUS26 Support Connectlon(s)/Hanger(s) are not designed for horlzontalToads SEE SIMPSON CATALOG FOR /ADDITIONAL INSTALLATION NOTES MAX DERECTION (span): L/679 MEM 5-6 (LIVE) LC 46 L=-0,23" D=-0,18" T=-0,41- EX WB DEF CRITERIA: L/120 IN MEM 7-4,T= 0,01" ===== Jdnt Localions ===== 10-0-0 6 O-O-O 2 6-1-0 6 8-11-0 3 12-0-0 7 13-2-0 4 13-2-0 CRITICAL MEMBER FORCES: 1-2 )(1,2S)/ -983(1,25)/ 293(1,60)017 -625(1,26)/ 166(1,60)0 1 8 -62(1,60)/ 69(1.60)0,06 BC COMP.fDUR,)/ TENS.(DUR,) CSI 5- 6 -382(1 .&)/ 915(1 25)0 60 6- 7 -187(1,60)/ 339(1,26)0,44 WB COMP,(DUR.)/ TENS.(DUR,) CSI 2- 6 -423(1.»)/ 224(1.60)0,10 3- 6 -62(1.60)/ 490(1.2S 0,20 3- 7 -587(1.a)/ 234(1,60)0,14 4- 7 -81(1,26)/ 48(1,80)0,22 SLDRL -912(1,25)/ 367(1 60)0,07 TC 2x4 DFL #2 2x4 DFL #1 & Btr 1-3 BC 2x4 DFL #1 8, Btr, WEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD SLIDER 2x6 DFL #2 Kcr (creep factor) = 2,00 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sheets for Cq factors and Rotational Tolerances, IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSl/TPl and are reported In ESR-1118, Drainage shall be provided to avoid ponding. End verticals are designed for axial loads only, unless noted otheiwise Designed per ANSI/TPI 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8,0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the tmss chord lumber value or 625 for all tiearings. Plating Is based on quality control factors Cq = 0,92 for wide face and Cq = 0,92 for narrow face Any alterations to this are shown for individual joints on the Joint Report Loaded for 10 PSF non-concun-ent BCLL, Loaded for 200* non-concurrent moving BCLL, PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES Not designed for attic storage unless noted otherwise. UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -42 lb 2 -60 lb HORIZONTAL REACTION(S) support 1 234 lb support 2 234 Ib This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind specification Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 65,00 ft, Bldg Width = 40 00 ft Mean roof height = 21 91 ft mph = 110 Occupancy Category ll. Dead Load = 14 4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Low/-rlse and Components and Cladding Tributary Area = 26 sqft Vertical members exposed to wind 7- 4 11-11-11 13 00 5X16 l3 4 I 1-2-0 I 1,5X3 3-9-15 3X10 0-10-0 Bl W:308 R 579 U -42 B2 HUS26 W:308 R:579 U:-60 13-2-0 I 0-1-8 ' STUB All connector plates are Alpine Wave 20 ga,, unless preceded by "H" for High Strength 20 ga,, "S" for Super Strength 18 ga. Plates are to be positioned per Joint Detail Reports, 11/6/2014 AN/rw CO/WAN Y 2620N. BreatSWPKyry. CrannPrairie, TXTSOSO TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.5 20 **WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. Trusses require extreme care in fabhcating, handling, shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and foHtw the latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Safety Information, by TPI and WTCA) ftx safety practices prior to performing these fonctions, InstoBers shall provide temporary bradng per BCSl Unless noted otheiwise, top chord shall have property attached strudural sheathing and bottom chord shall have e properly attached ricpd ceiling, Locarioos shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bradng Installed per BCSl sections 83, B7 or BIO, as applicable. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown abme and on the Joint Details laport, unless noted otherwise, /Mpine, a dh/isicn of ITW Buildng Components Group tne, shall nt< be responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any lailure to build the truss in confonnance with ANSI/TP11, or for handling, shipping, installation & bradng of trusses, A seal on this drawing or cover page listing this drawittg, indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely forthe design shown. The suitability and use of this drawing for any structure Isthe responslblllty of the Building Designer per ANSI/TP/1 Sec.2 For more infomiation see this job's general notes pege and these web sites: ALPINE: www,alDineitw cagLTPI: www tnin^,Qro: WTCA: www,sfacindusinf gEg,, ICC: !ttHW,iccsafe,org Cust: DIR: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00005_J00001 WO: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00 Dsgnr: #LC= 57 WT: 31# TC Live 20,00 psf TC Snow(Pf) 0,00 psf TCDead 16,00 psf BC Live 0,00 psf BC Dead 8,00 psf Bldg Code: IBC-2012 LiveDur L=1 25 P=1 25 SnowDur L=1 15 P=1 15 Rep Mbr Bnd / Comp / Tens 1 10/1 10/1 10 D C Spacing 2- 0- 0 DEFL RATIO L/240 TC L/180 Job Name: Truss ID: 1B Qty: BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REOD 1 (V-2-12 1676 5.60" 1.79" 2 37-10-4 1676 HGR 1,79" BRG HANGER/CLIP NOTE 2HUS26 Support CDonnectlon(s)/Hanger(s) are not designed for honzontal loads, SEE SIMPSON CATALOG FOR ADDITIONAL INSTALLATION NOTES MAX DEFLECTION (span): L/999 MEM 4-5 (LIVE) LC 1 L=-0,29" D=-0.65" T=-0,94" EX WB DEF CRITERIA: L/120 IN MEM 17-9',T= 0,00" ===== Jdnt Locations ===== 1 0-0-0 10 0-0-0 2 4-6-4 11 6.6-3 3 9-7-8 12 13-6-12 4 13-6-12 13 18-1-0 5 20-0-6 14 20-0-8 6 2&6-4 15 26-6-4 7 30-6-6 16 33-6-13 8 36-6-12 17 38-1-0 9 38- 1-0 CRITIC/U. MEMBER FORCES: TC COMP.IDUR.)/ TENS.(DUR,) CSI 1-2 -350(1.26)/ 68(1.60)0.76 1- 2 -3964(1.25)/ 792(1.01)0 86 ... ,60)0.93 '1.60) 0.49 '1.60)0.45 1.60)0.30 694(1.60)0,36 42(1.60)0,14 BC COMP.(DUR.)/ TENS.(pUR.) CSI 10- 11 -701(1,60)/ 3728(1.26)0.68 11- 12 -733(1.60)/ 40651.26)0.70 12- 13 -677(1.60)/ 3746(1.25)0.53 13- 14 -677(1.60)/ 3746(1,26)0,49 14- 16 -696(1,60)/ 3461(1,25)0,52 15- 16 -eSSI-HI)! 3437(1.26)0,54 16- 17 -475(1,60)/ 2128(1,25)0,34 WB COMP.(DUR.)/ TENS.(DUR.) CSI 2- 11 / 323(1.29 0.13 3- 11 -233(1.26)/ 106(1.26)0.08 3- 12 -391(1.26y 112(1.80)0,16 4- 12 -7(1.6(«/ 438(1.2a0.ie 4-14 -1006(1.25)/ 213(1.60)0.97 6-14 -11()(1.«»/ 974(1.26)040 6-14 -661(1.25)/ 166(1,60)0,64 6- 15 / 268(1.29 0.11 7- 15 -70(1.25)/ 110(1,26)004 7- 16 -693(155)/ 173(1.60)0.22 8- 16 -»n.60)/ 969(1.25)0.39 8- 17 -2868(128)/ 572(1.60)0.40 9- 17 -37(1.26)/ 28(1.6(n(S,02 SLDRL-3733(1,26)/ 740(1,60)0,34 TC 2x4 DFL #1 & Btr, BC 2x6 OFL #2 WEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD SLIDER 2x6 DFL #2 Plating is tiased on quality control factors Cq = 0,92 for wide race and Cq = 0,92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown fbr Individual joints on the Joint Report Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL, Loaded for 200# non-concurrent moving BCLL, PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES Not designed for attic storage unless noted otheiwise. Designed per ANSl/TPl 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8,0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the truss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings, Kcr (creep factor) = 2,00 Refer to Joint QC; Detail Sheets for Cq factors and Rotational Tolerances IRC/lBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSl/TPl and are reported in ESR-1118, Heel plates analyzed for eccentricity UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -89 lb 2 -77 Ib This truss Is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = C Bltig Length = 65,00 ft, Bldg Width = 40,00 ft Mean roof height = 22,92 ft, mph = 110 Occupancy Category 11, Dead Load = 14 ,4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting Systetn - Low-rise and Components and Cladding Tributary Area = 76 sqft Vertical members exposed to wind 17- 9 20-0-8 18-0-8 300 -3,00 6X8 5-10-2 4X10 8X8 I 0-10-0 Bl W:508 R,1676 U:-89 1,5X3 1-4-0 38-1-0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 '''' STUB All connector plates are Alpine Wave 20 ga,, unless preceded by "H" fbr High Strength 20 ga,, "S" for Super Strength 18 ga, Plales are to be positioned per Joint Detail Reports, 11/6/2014 AN ITW COMPANY 2B20N. Great SWPlMiy. eiandPrairie, TXTSOSO TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.5.20 **V\^ARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. Trusses require eiAreme care in fatificating, handling, shipping, installing and tnacing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Bujiding Component Safety Information, tiy TPI and WTCA) for safMy practices prior to performing these bncbans. Installers shall provide temporary bradng per BCSl, Unless noted othenvise, top chord shall have properiy attached strudural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached ripd ceiling. Locations shown for pemianent lateral restraint of webs shall have bradng installed per BCSl seclions B3, 87 or B10, as applicable. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown aliove and on Itie Joint Details report, unless noted otherwise, Alpine, a division of ITW Buitifing Ctimponents Group Inc, ihatl not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any failure to build the truss in confonnance with ANSI/TP11, or for handling, shipping, installation & bradng of trusses, A seal on this drawing or cover page listing this drawing, indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely forthe design shown. The suitabiiity and use of this drawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Bullding Designer per ANSI/TP11 Sec.2 For more information see this job's general notes page and these web sites: ALPINE: mt».«lBmwW.tllfIi; TPI: ffY|iff,IClnil.gf« WTCA: www.sbcinduslni om ICC: www iccsafe pro Cust: DIR: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00005_J00001 WO: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00 Dsgnr: #LC= 82 WT, 277# TC Live 20,00 psf TC Snow(Pf) 0,00 psf TCDead 16,00 psf BC Live 0,00 psf BC Dead 8,00 psf Bldg Code: IBC-2012 LiveDur L=1,25 P=1,25 SnowDur L=1,15 P=1,15 Rep Mbr Bnd / Comp / Tens 1,10/1,10/1,10 OC,Spacing 2-0-0 DEFL RATIO: L/240 TC: L/180 Job Name: Truss ID: 1BA Qty: BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 0-2-12 4469 5,50" 1,50" 2 39-10-4 4466 5,50" 1,50" MAX DEFLECTION (span): L/868 MEM 4-5 (LIVE) LC 1 L=-0,55" D=-1,28" T=-1,82" ===== Joint Locations ===== 1 O-O-O 11 8-0-0 2 8-0-0 12 10- 1-0 3 12-9-13 13 12-9-13 4 17-7-10 14 17-7-10 5 22-5-6 1 5 20-1-0 6 27-3-3 1 6 22-5-6 7 28-0-0 1 7 27-3-3 8 32- I- 0 1 8 32- 1- 0 9 40-1- 0 19 40- 1- 0 10 0-0-0 C RrtlCAL MEMBERFORCES: TC CCMP.(DUR,)/ TENS.(DURJ CSl 1- 2 -11381(1.26)/ 612(1.60) O Sd 2- 3 -16270(1.25)/ 954(1,60)030 3- 4 -1B19W1.26)/ 101S(1.6m0.26 4- 5 -18206(1,26)/ 1019(1,60)0,30 6-6 -18206(1.25)/ 1019(1,60)0 26 6- 7 -16278(1.25)/ 9S3(1,KI)a21 7- 8 -16278(1,26)/ 953(1.60)0,39 8- 9 -11384(1.25)/ 609(1.60)080 BC COMP.(DUR,)/ TENS,(DURJ CSI 10.11 -516(1.60)/ 10904(1.25)0.59 • 633(1.60)/ 10972(1.29 0.51 ;i.60)/ 10872(1.2^0,37 '}t 18534(1.25)0,33 )/ 18311(1 25)0,39 933(1.60)/ 18311(1 25)0,39 877(1.60)/ 16637(1,29 0 35 528(1.60)/ 10976(1,29 0,61 16.19 -513(1,60)/ 10907(1,25)0,59 WB C0MP,(DUR)/ TENS.(DUR,) CSI 2-11 -664(1.25)/ 212(1,6(» 0,03 2- 13 -363(1,60)/ 6925(1.25)0,60 3- 13 -1861(1,25)/ 166(1,60)0,06 3- 14 -124(1,60)/ 1899(1,26)019 4- 14 -806(1,25)/ 112(1 60)003 4- 16 -256(1.25)/ 142(1,26)0,02 5- 16 -792(1,25)/ 102(1,60)0,03 6- 16 -130(1.60)/ 1889(1.25)019 6-17 -1822(1,25)/ 156(1,60)0,06 6-17 - 364(1,60)/ 5930(1,25)060 8-18 - 863(1,25)/ 213(1,60)0,03 TC 2x4 DFL #2 2x4 DFL #1 8, Btr, 2-7 BC 2x6 DFL SS WEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD WEDGE 2x6 DFL #2 GBL BLK 2x4 DFL STANDARD Kcr (creep factor) = 2,00 Refer to Joint cac Detail Sheets tbr Cq Victors and Rotational Tolerances, IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSl/TPl and are reported in ESR-1118, Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL, Loaded for 200# non-concurrent moving BCLL, + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ^. + + Nail pattern shown Is for PLF loads and point loads converted to PLF loads only. Concentrated loads shall be distributed to each ply equally. Multi-ply with hangers are based on hanger nails using 3,0" nails min into tiie carrying member. If shown, use additional fasteners for point loads from the back plys, distributed symm in the chords, wtthin 12" of hanger flarige, IF 2,5" GUN NAILS ARE USED, ANY NAIL CLUSTER AMOUNTS SHOWN shall BE INSTALLED FROM THE FRONT AND BACK FACE EQUALLY(TOTAL NAILS = DOUBLE THE AMOUNT SHOWN), 3 PLY OR LESS, 10d = 10d NAILS, SDS = Simpson SDS screws or equivalent sutistitute, (') = Special Connection Req, (by others) NAIL pattern shown Is tsased on: lOd BOX = 0 128" dia X 3,0" long nail 4-PLYS REQUIRED 8-0-0 Designed per ANSI/TP11-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8,0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the tnjss chord lumber value or 626 for all bearings. Plating Is based on quality control factors Cq = 0,92 for wide face and Cq = 0,92 for narrow face Any alterations to this are shown for individual jolnls on the Joint Report, Gable studs are required ONLY in the truss ply that will have sldlng/sheathlng attached and are used only fbr mat attachement as non-sttuctural members. Heel plates analyzed for eccentricity Drainage shall be provided to avoid ponding Permanent bracing is required to prevent rotation/toppling See BCSl and ANSI/TPI 1, PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES 4-PLYi Nail w/10d BOX, staggered (per NDS) in: TC- 2 BC- 3 WEBS- 2 "PER FOOTI" Nail In layers as each ply Is attached 1/2" ttiru-bolts (or Simpson SDS or USP WS6] 1/4"x6" wood screws at 48" o c or at each panel point (whichever is greater) shall be installed In addition to nailing (only In chords with tie-in trusses or framing Minimum of one) Cluster screws. If shown, are 6 0" long Not designed for attic storage unless noted otherwise 24-1-0 8-0-0 3,00 574# 6 7 S=4X4 574# 1 -3,00 5X8 3X4 3X4 15X3 3X4 5X8 Bl W:508 R:4469 U S=6X6 350# 350# 40-1-0 This truss Is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 65,00 ft, Bldg Width = 40 00 ft Mean root height = 21,42ft, mph = 110 Occupancy Category ll. Dead Load = 14 4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Components and Cladding Tributaiy Area = 203 sqft LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS Dir L Plf L Loc R Plf R Loc LL/TL TCVert 72,00 0-0-0 72,00 8-0-0 0,56 TCVert 180,00 8-0-0 18000 32- 1-0 0 66 TCVert 72,00 32- 1-0 7200 40- 1-0 0 56 BCVert 40,00 0-0-0 40 00 40- 1-0 0 00 „Type lbs XLoc LL/TL TCVert 319,0 8-0-0 1,00 TCVert 255,2 8-0-0 0,00 TCVert 319 0 32- 1-0 1,00 TCVert 2562 32- 1-0 0,00 BCVert 360,0 4- 0-0 0,56 BCVert 360,0 36-0- 0 0 56 I J I ob t n I \-r> 1 If t r- re t t jC 4 "i 8X8 I 6X8 2-10-0 I isHIP 0-10-0 82 W:508 R:4466 U: 10 11 12 14 15 16 TYPICAL PLATE : 1,5X3 All connector plates are Alpine Wave 20 ga,, unless preceded by "H" tor High Strengtti 20 c Strength 18 ga. Plates are to be positioned per Joint Detail Reports, , "S" for Super 11/6/2014 ANITWCOHS'ANY 2620 N- Great swpftwy. Grand Prairie, TXTSOSO TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.5.20 **WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handling, shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the letest edition of BCSl (Building Component Safety Information, by TPI and WTC/\) for safety practices prior to performing these fijnctions. Installers shall provide temporary bradng per BCSl, Unless noted otherwise, top diord shaH have properiy ettached strudural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached rigd ceiling. Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of wetn shall have bredng installed per BCSl sections 83, B7 or BIO, as applicable. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on Ihe Joint Details report, unless noted otharwise, Alpine, a division of ITW Buicfng Components Group Inc, shaR not tie responsitile fbr any devietion Irom this drawing, any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSl/TPl 1, or for handling, shipping, installation & bradng of trusses, A seal on this drawing or cover page listing this drawing, indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suitability and use of this drawing for any structure Isthe responsibility of the Buitding Designer per ANSI/TP11 Sec.2 For more infonnation see ttits job's general notes page and these web sites: ALPINE: www aloineitw,coni;.TPl: imMJaoajig: WTCA: mnyjligndusliv oro: ICC: mmjiSSSSLSSS. Cust: DIR: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00005_J00001 WO: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00 Dsgnr: #LC= 81 WT: 271# TC Live 20,00 psf TC Snow(Pf) 0,00 psf TCDead 16,00 psf BC Live 0,00 psf BC Dead 8 00 psf BldgC:ode: IBC-2012 LiveDur L=1 25 P=1,25 SnowDur L=1 15 P=1,15 Rep Mbr Bnd / Comp / Tens 1 15/110/1 10 OCSpacing 2-0-0 DEFL RATIO: L/240 TC: L/180 Job Name: Truss ID: 1BB Qty: 1 BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 0-2-12 1763 6,50" 1,88" 2 39-10-4 1764 5,50" 1,88" MAX DERECTION (span): L/838 MEM 5-6 (LIVE) LC 1 L=-0.57- D=-1.38" T=-1,95" ===== Jdnt Locations ="=== 1 0-0-0 11 ao-0 2 5-0-0 12 6-0-0 3 9-6-0 13 9-6-0 4 16-0-4 14 10- 1-0 6 20-0-8 15 16-0-4 6 26-0-12 16 20-0-8 7 27-6-0 1 7 26-0-12 8 30-8-0 IS 30-8-0 9 36-1-0 19 35-1-0 10 40-1-0 20 40-1-0 CRmCALMEHBER FORCES: TC C0MP.(PUR.)/ TENS,(DUR,) CSI 1-2 -515(1.§/ 100(1.6^078 WB COMP.(DUR.)/ TENS.(DUR.) CSI 2-12 -2^a(1iS|l 97(1.60)0,03 2- 13 -87(1.8())/ 651(1.26)0,26 3- 13 -15(1.25)/ 180(1.2510.07 3- 15 -307(1-60)/ 1680(1.25)068 4- 15 -614(1.26)/ 182(1.80)0,09 4- 16 -68(1.et))/ 483(1.25)0^ 5- 16 -IZKi^Sy 73(160)0.06 6- 16 -66(1.60)/ 481(1.26)0.20 6.17 -61$(1.2S)/ 181(1.6in0.09 6-17 -307(1-60)/ 1878(1.25)068 8- 18 -15(1.26)/ 181(1.26)0,07 9- 18 -97(1.8ffl/ 651(1.25)0.26 9-19 -219(1.26)/ 97(1.60)0,03 SLDRL -37aS(1,29/ 796(1.60)0 34 SLDRR -37(16(1 25)/ 796(1 .Sl) 0 34 TC 2x4 DFL #1 & Btr, BC 2x6 DFL *2 WEB 2X4 DFL STANDARD SLIDER 2x6 DFL #2 Plating Is based on quality control factois Cq = 0,92 for wide race and Cq = 0 92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for Individual joints on ttie Joint Report Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL, Loaded for 200# non-concurrent moving BCLL Continuous lateral restraint attached to ftat TC as Indicated, Lumber shall be sttuctural grade. Brace @ 24" o,c, unless noted. Designed per ANSl/TPl 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8 0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the truss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings, Kcr (creep factor) = 2,00 Refer to Joint QC; Detail Sheets for CcTfactors and Rotational Tolerances, IRC/IBC ttuss plate values aie based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI andaiB reported In ESR-1118, Drainage shall be provided to avoid ponding, PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES Not designed for attic storage unless noted otherwise This design based on chord bracing applied per the following schedule: max o,c, from to TC 27,00" 9-11-11 30-1-0 UPLIFT REACTION(S): Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -6 lb 2 -6 Ib This truss Is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = C Bldg Lengtti = 65,00 ft Bldg Width = 40 00 ft Mean roof height = 21,66 ft, mph = 110 Occupancy Categoiy ll, Dead Load = 14,4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Components and Cladding Tributaiy Area = 80 sqft 9-11-11 9-11-11 3,00 4 5 20-1-0 6 7 10 -3,00 4X10 5X12 3-3-15 8X8 i I 0-10-0 B1 W:508 R:1763 U:-6 3X4 1,5X3 S=3X10 3X4 5X12 ttJ • • iB-^ W —Ml 3X8 H0715 3X8 3X4 1 5X4 S=6X6 3-3-15 1 J_SH1P 0-10-0 B2 W:508 R:1764 U:-6 40-1-0 12 1314 15 16 18 19 20 All connector plates are Aiplne Wave 20 ga,, unless preceded tiy "H" for High Strength 20 ga,, "S" for Super Strengtti 18 ga. Plates are to be positioned per Joint Detail Reports, 11/6/2014 AN ITW COMPANY 2820 N. Great SWPHwy. Oianrl Prakle, TX 75050 TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER; T6.5.20 **WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO AU CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTAUERS. Trusses require ntreme care in fatxiceting, handhng, dipping, instaKng and bracing. Refer to and foUow the latest edition ot BCSt (Bu'Ming Component Satety Information, tiy TPI and WTC^A) for safety practices prior to perfbrrning these fancttons. Installers stiall provide temporary bradng per BCSI, Unless noted othenvise, top chord shall have properly attachad structural sheathing and bottom chord shaH have a properly attached ri^d ceiling. Locations shown tor pemianent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3, 87 or BIO, as applicable, /^pply plates to eech face of truss snd position as shown alxrve and on the Joint Details lepoit, unless noted otherwise, AJpina, a division ot ITW Buildng Cofnponants (aroup Inc, shel net tie responsitjie tor any devietion from this drawing, any tailure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI/TP11, or fbr handing, shipping, installation & bracing of trusses, A seai on this drawing or cover page listing this drawing, indicates acceptance of professional engineering responslblllty solely forthe design shown. The suitabiiity and use of this draewing for any structure Is the responsibility of the Buiiding Designer per ANSITTP11 Sec.2 For more mfomalion see this job's genarsl notes page and these web sites: ALPINE: mafwatoinwilw cflaL TPI: www tpjnd.oro: WTCA: www sbcindurtn/,Qfa: ICC: www,iccsafe,OftL Cust: DIR: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00005_J00001 WO: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00 Dsgnr: #LC= 81 WT 287# TC Live 20 00 psf TCSnow(Pf) 0 00 psf TCDead 16 00psf BC Live 0,00 psf BC Dead 8 00 psf Bldg Code: IBC-2012 LiveDur L=1 25 P=1,25 SnowDur L=1 15 P=1,15 Rep Mbr Bnd / Connp / Tens 1 10/1,10/1,10 OCSpacing 2-0-0 DEFL RATIO: L/240 TC L/180 Job Name: Truss ID: 1BC Qty: BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REOD 1 0-2-12 1764 5,60" 1,88" 2 39-10-4 1764 6,60" I SS" MAX DEFLECTION (span): L/943 MEM 6-7 (LIVE) LC 1 L=-0,50" D=-1,20" T=-1,71" ===== Joint Locations ===== 1 0-0-0 11 40-1-0 2 3-11-4 12 0-0-0 3 7-8- 1 13 5-5-7 4 10-9-12 14 10- 1-0 5 15-4-4 16 10-9-12 6 20-0-8 1 6 20-0-8 7 24- 6-12 17 29- 3-4 9 29-3-4 18 34 7-9 9 32-4-16 1 9 40-1-0 10 36- 1-12 CRITICAL MEMBER FORCES: TC C0MP,pUR,)/ TENS,(DUR,) CSI 1- 2 - 3712(1.26)/ 613(1.60)0,89 2- 3 - 3841(1.25)/ 811 1.60)0 70 34 -4547(1.2W 958(1.60)0,38 4- 5 -4520(1.25)/ 953(1.60)0.71 5- 6 - 5752(1.25)/ 1138(1.60)0 98 6- 7 -5748(1.25)/ 1138(1.60)097 7- 8 -4519(1.25)/ 954(1,90)0.71 8- 9 -4647(1.25)/ 956(1,80)036 9- 10 -3842(1,25)/ 810(1,61)) 0,70 10- 11 -3712(1.25)/ 813(1,6d) 0,89 BC COMP,(DUR,)/ TENS,(DUR,) CSI 12- 13 -741(1.60)/ 3492(1,25)0 73 13- 14 -860(1.60)/ 4314(1.26)0.79 14- 16 -860(1.60)/ 4314(1.25)0.40 15- 16 -1072(1,81))/ 5434(1,25)0,47 16- 17 -1072(1,60)/ 5434(1,25)0,47 17- 18 -850(1,60)/ 4314(1,25)0,79 18- 19 -740(1.60 / 3493(1,25)0,73 WB 2- 13 3- 13 3- 16 4- 15 6- 16 5- 16 6- 16 7- 16 7- 17 8- 17 9- 17 9- 16 10- 18 COMP.(0UR.)/ TENS,(DUR,) CSI -26(1,60)/ 335(1.25)0,14 -861(1.K)/ 22li(t,6<i)0,17 -57(1,25)/ 160(1.26)0,06 -12«1,60)/ eW(1.»)0.36 -1lfflS(1.25)/ 277(1,60)056 -4(1,60)/ 436(1 2a 0.18 -3(S(1,25)/ 7*1.6()) 0,06 -3(1,60/ 433(1,2a 0,18 -lOSWiiS)/ 276(1,60)058 -124(1.60)/ 862(1,25)0.36 -58(1,25)/ 159(1.25)0.06 •861(1,25)/ 220(1,6(i>0,17 26(lio!/ 335(1 26)0,14 TC 2x4 DFL #1 & Btr BC 2x6 DFL SS WEB 2X4 DFL STANDARD WEDGE 2x8 DFL #2 Plating Is based on (quality control factors Cq = 0,92 for wide face and Cq = 0,92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for individual joints on the Joint Report, Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL, Loaded for 200# non-concurrent moving BCLL Drainage shall be provided to avoid ponding, PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES Not designed for attic storage unless noted othenvise. Designed per ANSI/TPI 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8,0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of ttie tnjss chord lumtser value or 626 forall bearings, Kcr (creep factor) = 2,00 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sheets for Cq factors and Rotational Tolerances IRC/IBC ttuss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSl/TPl and are reported In ESR-1118 Heel plates analyzed for eccentricity. Continuous lateral resttalnt attached to flatTC as Indicated Lumber shall be structural grade. Brace @ 24" o c unless noted 3,00 6 17-3-8 -3,00 40-1-0 This design teased on chord bracing applied per the following schedule: max o,c from to TC 30,00" 11-4- 7 28- 8-4 UPLIFT REACTION(S): Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -7 lb 2 -7 1b This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = C Bkig Lengtti = 66,00 ft, Bldg Width = 40,00 ft Mean roof height = 21,84 ft, mph = 110 Occupancy Category It, Dead Load = 14 ,4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Components and Cladding Tributary Area = 80 sqft 10 11 6X10 3-8-2 J J_SHIP 0-10-0 10X10 B2 W:508 R:1764 U -7 13 TYPICAL PLATE : 10X10 1415 16 18 19 All connector plates are Alpine Wave 20 ga,, unless preceded by "H" for High Strength 20 ga "S" for Super Strengtti 18 ga. Plates are to be positioned per Joint Detail Reports, 11/6/2014 AN ITW COMPANY 2920 N. Great swptmry. Grantf Prairie, TX 75050 TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6,5,20 **WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. Trusses require eidreme care in fabricating, handling, shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSl (Building Component Safety Informetion, by TPI and WTCA) fcr safaty pradicas prior to performing these bncUons, Installers shall provide temporary bredng per BCSl, Unless noted othenvise, top chont sheH have properiy attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a property attached ri^d ceiling, Locabofis shown for permanent Iaterel restraint of webs stiall have bradng installed per BCSl sections B3, B7 or B10, as applicable, /^pply plates to each face of truss and position as shown abme and on the Joint Details report, unless noted otherwise, Alpine, a division of ITW BuHdng Components (3roup Inc, shsH not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSl/TPl 1, or tor handNng, shipping, instslahon & bradng of trusses, A seal on this drawing or cover page listing this drawing, indicates acceptance of professionai engineering responsibiiity solely fbr the design shown. The suitability and use of this drawing for any structure Is the responslblllty of the Buildina Designer per ANSinPil Sec.2 For more information see this job's general notes page and these web sites: ALPINE: www alpineilw ,cgnL TPI: www toinst org- WTCA: www,sbcindustrv,s£g;, ICC: www iccsafe nrq Oust: DIR: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00005_J00001 WO: Dnve_Q_r1549_es_L00 Dsgnr: #LC= 81 WT 291# TC Live 20,00 psf TC Snow(Pf) 0,00 psf TCDead 16,00 psf BC Live 0,00 psf BCDead 8 00psf Bldg Code: IBC-2012 LiveDur L=1 25 P=1 25 SnowDur L=1 15 P=1 15 Rep Mbr Bnd / Comp / Tens 1 10/1 10/1 10 OCSpacing 2-0-0 DEFL RATIO: L/240 TC L/180 Job Name: Truss ID: 1BD Qty: 1 BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REOD 1 0-2-12 1764 5.50" 1,88" 2 39-10-4 1764 5,50" 188" MAX DEFLECTION (span): L/943 MEM 6-7 (LIVE) LC 1 L=-0.50" 0-1,20" T=-1,71" ===== Joint Locations ===== 1 0.0-0 11 40-1-0 2 3-11-4 12 0-0-0 3 7-8-1 13 5-5-7 4 10-9-12 14 10-1-0 6 15-4-4 16 10-6-12 6 20-0-8 16 20-0-8 7 24-8-12 1 7 28-3-4 8 29-3-4 1 8 34-7-9 9 32-4-16 19 40- 1-0 10 36-1-12 CRITICAL MEMBER FORCES. TC COMP.(DUR.)/ TENS.(OUR,) CSI 1- 2 -3712(1.^ 816(1.60)0,89 2- 3 - 3841(1.25)/ 816(1.60)0.70 34 -4647(125)/ 881(1.60)0.38 4- 6 -4520(1.26)/ 979(1 er 5- 6 -6752(1 26)/ 1179(1.61 6- 7 -6748(1.25)/ 1178(1.( 7- 6 -4520(1.2Sy 976(1 .f 6-9 -4547(1.25)/ 981(1.C 9- 10 -3842(1.29/ 816(1.6 10- 11 -3713(1.25)/ 818(1.6 BC COMP.(DUR.)/ TENS,(PUR,) CSI 12- 13 -752(1.60)/ 3492(1.26)0 73 13- 14 -856(1.60)/ 4314(1.25)0 79 14- 15 -866(1.60)1 4314(1.25)0,40 15- 16 -1112(1.60)/ 5434(1,260,47 16- 17 -1112(1.60)/ 5434(1.2S0,47 17- 18 -866(1,60)/ 4314(1,25)0,79 18- 19 -751(1,60)/ 3493(1,25)0,73 WB COMP.(DUR.)/ TENS,(DUR ) CSI 2-13 -25(1.6(!)/ 336(125) 014 " 961(12^ 223(1.6(1)0,17 •57(1.261/ 160(1.25)0,06 IMP.(DUR.)/ TENl 5(1.6(1)/ 336(121 !1(12^ 223(1.« 7(1.26)/ 160(1.2! ^ _ _ -145(1.60)/ 883(1.^0,36 .10M(1.2S)/ 31(1(1.61)) 0,58 -2(1.60)/ 436(1,290,18 -306(125)/ 82(1.61)) 0,05 -1(1.6(1)/ 433(1,2a 0,16 .1086(1.&)/ 31)9(1.60)066 -145(1,60)/ 862(1.26)036 58(1.25)/ 169(1,25)0 06 221(1 60)0,17 3-13 3- 15 4- 16 5- 16 5- 16 6- 16 7- 16 7-17 6-17 9-17 , ^ 9- 18 -961(1,24)/ 10- 18 -26(160)/ 335(1,26)0,14 TC 2x4 DFL #1 8, Btr, BC 2x6 DFL SS WEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD WEDGE 2x8 DFL #2 Plating Is based on quality control factors Cq = 0 92 for wide facs and Cq = 0,92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for Individual joints on the Joint Report, Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL, Loaded for 200# non-concurrent moving BCLL, Drainage shall be provided to avoid ponding, PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES Not designed for attic storage unless noted otherwise. Designed per ANSl/TPl 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8,0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the tnjss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings Kcr (creep factor) = 2,00 Refer to Joint QC; Detail Sheets for Cq factors and Rotational Tolerances IRC/IBC ttuss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSl/TPl and are reported In ESR-1118, Heel plates analyzed for eccentricity Continuous lateral resttalnt attached to flat TC as Indicated, Lumber shall be structural grade Brace @ 24" o c, unless noted. This design based on chord bracing applied per the tollowing schedule: max o.c, from to TC 30,00" 10- 2-5 28- 8-4 UPLIFT REACTlON{S) : Support Main Wind NorvWlnd 1 -8 lb 2 -8 lb This truss Is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = C BI(igLen#ti= 65.00 ft, Bldg Width = 40 00 ft Mean roof height' 21,98 ft, mph = 110 Occupancy Category ll. Dead Load = 14,4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Components and Cladding Tributaiy Area = 80 sqft 12-5-11 12-5-11 3,00 6 17-3-8 10 -3 001 6X12 4X4 1,5X3 4X4 6X12 3-11-7 1 5X3 i I 6X10 0-10-0 Bl 10X10 W508 R:1764 U:-8 3X4 3=5X6 6X8 H0612 40-1-0 3X10 3X4 10X10 B2 W:508 R:1764 U:-8 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 TYPICAL PLATE : 10X10 All connector plates are Alpine Wave 20 ga,, unless preceded tiy "H" tor High Strength 20 ga,, "S" for Super Strength 18 ga. Plates are to be positioned per Joint Detail Reports. 11/6/2014 ANITWCOf^ANY 2020N. GrealSWPIniy. erandPraine, TXTSOSO TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.5.20 **WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. Trusses require eiarame care in fabricating, handling, shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSl (Building Component Safety Information, tiy TPi and WTCA) for satety practices prior to performing these fiinctions, Instsllers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSl, Unless noted othenvise. top chord stiall have propefty attached structural sheathing and btittom chord shall have a properly attached rigd ceiling. Locations shown for pemianent lateral restraint ofwebs stiall have bradng instaled per BCSl sections B3. B7 or B10. as applicable, /^pply plates to each face of truss and position as shown abcwe and on the Joint Details report, unless noted otherwise. Alpine, a division of ITW BuHdng Components Qrmip Inc., shaR not be responsitile for any devialian from this drawing, any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI/TP11, or for handling, shipping, installation & bradng of tnjsses, A seai on this drawing or cover page listing this drawing, indicates acceptance of professional engineering responslblllty solely fbr the design shown. The suitabiiity and use of this drawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Bullding Designer per ANSinPi 1 Sec.2 For more information see this job's genaral notes page end these web sites: ALPINE: www alpineilw.com: TPI: BMy,toinst,orQ: WTCA: www,Bbcindustiv ICC: www,iccsale,org, Cust: DIR: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00005_J00001 WO: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00 Dsgnr: #LC= 81 WT 296# TC Live 20,00 psf TC Snow(Pf) 0,00 psf TCDead 16,00 psf BC Live 0,00 psf BCDead 8,00 psf Bldg Code: IBC-2012 LiveDur L=1 25 P=1,25 SnowDur L=1 15 P=1 15 Rep Mbr Bnd / Comp / Tens 1 10/1 10/1,10 OCSpacing 2-0-0 DEFL RATIO: L/240 TC L/180 Job Name: Truss ID: 1BE Qty: BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 0-2-12 1676 5,50" 1 79" 2 37-10-4 1676 HGR 1,79" BRG HANGER/CLIP NOTE 2HUS26 Support Connectton(s)/Hanger(s) are not designed for horlzontalToads, SEE SHilPSON CATALOG FOR ADDITIONAL INSTALLATION NOTES MAX DEFLECTION (span): L/999 MEM 4-5 (LIVE) LC 2 L=-0.33" D=-0.75" T=-1,09" EX,WB DEF CRITERIA:L/120 IN MEM 18-9; T= 0,00" ===== Joint Lotrations ===== 1 0-0-0 10 O-O-O 2 4-6-4 11 66-3 3 9-7-8 12 13-8-8 4 13-8.8 13 15-0-0 5 20-0-8 14 16- 1-0 6 26-4-8 15 20-0.8 7 30-5-8 1 6 26-4-6 8 35-6-12 1 7 33-613 9 38-1-0 1 8 36- 1-0 CRITICAL MEMBER FORCES: TC COMP.(DUR,)/ TENS,(DUR,) CSI 1-2 -413(1.60)/ 87(1.601074 - . 876(160)0 84 868(1,60)0,95 1- 2 -3! 2- 3 -4085(1.25)/ 34 -3831(125)/ 4- 5 -4235(1.251/ 5- 6 -4236(125)/ " 3602(1.261/ 3080(1.26)/ 902(1.60)0 36 990(1.60)0,96 990(1.60)0,97 836(1,60) 0.23 (1.60)0.35 8-9 -213(1.80)/ 224(1.60)013 BC COMP^DUR,)/ TENS,(PUR.) CSI 10- 11 -784(1.60)/ 3700(1,25)0,66 11- 12 -888(1.60)/ 4095(1.25)0 70 12- 13 -1663(1.60)/ 5823(1,60)0.58 13- 14 -1853(1.80)/ 6823(1,60)0,69 14- 15 -1663(1,60)/ 5823(1.6()) 0.68 15- 16 •TOm .mi 3471(1.26)0.63 16- 17 -728(1,60)/ 3445(1.26)0,64 17- 18 -522(1.60)/ 2122(1,25)0.34 WB CqMP.(pUR.!/_TENS.(DUR,) CSI 3-11 ' ' -671(1.60)/ 271(1.60)0,27 -17(1.60)/ 448(1.26)0.18 -703(1.60)/ 1201 (1,60) 0,66 -545(1.25)/ 213(1,60)0.13 -634(1,60)/ 1448(1,60)050 441(1,60)0,14 581(1,60) 0,21 222(1,60)0,28 971(1,26)0,39 631 (1,6(i) 0,40 - - 27(1,60)0 02 SLDRL-3739(1,26)/ 822(1,60)0,34 -341(1.60)/ 722(1.60)023 -611(1.60)/ 428(1 60)0 19 tt-lti -^1i)(1.BU)/ 7-16 -624(1.60)/ 7-17 -710(125)/ 6-17 -148(1,60)/ 6-18 -2651(1,2S/ TC 2x4 DFL #1 8. Btr, BC 2x6 DFL #2 WEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD SLIDER 2x6 DFL #2 Plating Is based on quality control factors Cq = 0,92 for wide face and Cq = 0,92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for Individual joints on the Joint Report Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL, Loaded for 2Q0# non-concurrent moving BCLL Drainage shall be provided to avoid ponding PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES, *.* + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Designed for 6,3 K lbs drag load applied horizontally in eittier direction to the top chord panel points, with dead -t- 0 % live loads using load duration = 1,60, Partial continuous bearing (PB) horizontal reaction = 420 Plf Max Connection by others -i--t--f + -f-t--i--t--f-f-(--i--t--(.-f-r-f-i--f-f-t-t-PB(1)from 0-0-0 to 15-0-0 Designed per ANSI/TPI 1-2007 Fabncatlon Tolerance = 8,0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the truss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings Kcr (creep factor) = 2,00 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sheets for Cq factois and Rotational Tolerances IRC/IBC ttuss plate values are tiased on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported in ESR-1118 Heel plates analyzed for eccentricity Continuous lateral resfraint attached to flat TC as Indicated, Lumber shall be structural grade. Brace @ 24" o c unless noted. Not designed for attic storage unless noted othetwise This design based on chord bracing applied per the tollowing schedule: max o,c, from to TC 33,00" 14-3-3 26-9-8 UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -31 Ib 2 -131b This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = C Bldg Lengtti = 65,00 ft, Bldg Width = 40 00 ft Mean root height = 22,20 ft, mph = 110 Occupancy Category II, Dead Load = 14 4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Lovi^rlse and Components and Cladding Tributary Area = 76 sqft Vertical members exposed to wind 18- 9 14-3-3 12-3-3 300 11-6-0 -3,00 5X12 4X4 5X12 4X10 4-4-13 1,5X3 8X8 I 0-10-0 Bl W:508 R-1676 U:-31 All connector plates are Alpine Wave 20 ga,, unless preceded by "H" for High Strength 20 ga,. Strength 18 ga. Plates are to be positioned per Joint Detail Reports, 'S" for Super 11/6/2014 ^— ™ AN ITW COMPANY 2120 N. GreatSWPIary. GrandPraine, TXTSOSO TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.5,2Q **WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **lMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTAUERS. Trusses require ejdreme care In labricating, handling, shipping, installing and bracing Refer to end toUrw the latest edition of BCSl (Bulldlng Component Safety Information, by TPI andl/VTCA) fbr safety prectices prior to performing these fijnctions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI, Unless noted othenwise, top chord shall have properly attaclied structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly ettached ri^d celling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint ofwebs shall hava bradng installed per BCSl sections B3, B7 or 810. as applicable. Aijply plates to each tece of truss and position as shown above and on the Joint Details report, unless norted otherwise, Alpine, a d'rvision of ITW Buildng Components Group Inc. shaH not be responsible for any deviabon from this drawing, any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI/TP11, or for handling, shipping, installation 6> bradng of tnjsses, A seal on this drawing or cover page listing this drawing, indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely forthe design sitown. The suitability and use of thts drawing for any structure is the responslblllty of the Bulldlng l^slgner per ANSirrPl 1 Sec.2 For more information see this job's general notes page and these web sites: ALPINE: aBg elDineitw,coin: TPI: ii[Hiff,tDind,ofQ: WTCA: www sfacindijslnf n^g,^ ICC: www,lccsafe,ori? Cust: DIR: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L0OO05_JO00D1 WO: Drive_Q_r1549_es_LO0 Dsgnr: #LC= 84 WT 276# TC Live 20,00 psf TC Snow(Pf) 0,00 psf TCDead 16,00 psf BC Live 0,00 psf BC Dead 8,00 psf Bldg Code: IBC-2012 LiveDur L=1 25 P=1 25 SnowDur L=1 15 P=1 15 Rep Mbr Bnd / Comp / Tens 1 10/1 10/1 10 OCSpacing 2-0-0 DEFL RATIO, L/240 TC: L/180 Job Name: Truss ID: 1BF Qty: BRG X-LCX; REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 0-2-12 1676 5,50" 1 79" 2 37-10-4 1676 HGR 1 79" BRG HANGER/CUP NOTE 2HUS26 Suppoit Connection(sVHanget(s) are not designed for horizontal loads SEE SmilPSON CATALOG FOR ADDITIONAL INSTALLATION NOTES MAX DEFLECTION (span): L/999 MEM 4-5 (UVE) LC 2 L=-0.33- D=-0.75- T=-1.09" EX.WB DEF CRITERIA L/120 IN MEM 17-9;T= 0.00" ===== Joint Locatiofis ===== 1 0-0-0 10 O-O-O 2 4-6-4 It 6-6-3 3 9-7-8 12 13-8-8 4 13-8-8 13 18- 1-0 5 20-0-8 14 20-0-8 6 26-4-8 16 26-4-8 7 30-6-8 16 33-6-13 8 36-6-12 17 38- t o 9 3S- t o CRITICAL MEMBER FORCES: TC eoup.muR.v TENS,(DUR ) csi • - -«1.60)0.74 78(1.60)0,84 94(1,60) 0B5 870(1.60) 0 23 873(1.60 0.36 42(1,60)0,13 BC CCIMP.((XIR.)/ TENS.(PUR,) CSI 10- 11 •TISn.emi 3700(1.25)066 11- 12 -880(1.60)/ 4095(126)0,70 12 13 -820(1.60)/ 3810(126)0,66 13- 14 -820(1.60)/ 3810(1.26)0,53 14- 16 -ToajLemi 3471(125)0.53 n/ 3445(1.26)0,54 WB COMP.(DUR.)/ TENS.(OUR.) C 2- 11 / 360(1,26)0.14 3- 11 -240(126)/ 107(1.25)008 3- 12 -388(12»/ 104(1.60)0,16 4- 12 -6(1.60)/ 448(1.2^0.18 4-14 -194(1.80)/ 478(1.25)0.19 5.14 -545(1.26)/ 258(1.60)0,13 6.14 .267(1.60y 860(1.26)0,36 6- 15 / 274(1.29 0.11 7- 16 -68(1.25)/ 111(126)0.06 7- 16 -710(125)/ 219(1.81)) 023 8- 16 -1«(1.6())/ 971(1.25)0,39 8- 17 -2661(1.25)/ 633(1.6(i) 0,40 9- 17 -38(1.26)/ 28(1.6010.02 SLDRL -3738(1.25)/ 826(1 60)0,34 TC 2x4 DFL #1 & Btr, BC 2x6 DFL #2 WEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD SLIDER 2x6 DFL #2 Plating Is based on quality control factois Cq = 0,92 for wide face and Cq = 0,92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for individual joints on ttie Joint Report, Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL, Loaded tor 200# non-concurrent moving BCLL, Drainage shall be provided to avoid ponding, PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES, Not designed for attic storage unless noted otherwise. Designed per ANSl/TPl 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8,0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of ttie tnjss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings, Kcr (creep factor) = 2.00 Refer to Joint QC; Detail Sheets for Cq factors and Rotational Tolerances, IRC/IBC ttuss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported In ESR-1118, Heel plates analyzed for eccentricity. Continuous lateral restraint attached to flat TC as Indicated, Lumber shall be structural grade. Brace @ 24" o c unless noted 16-3-3 14-3-3 3,00 5 11-6-0 -3,00 6X12 6X12 3X4 Bl W508 R:1676 U:-54 3X4 S=5X6 3X10 38-1-0 3X4 4X4 This design based on chord bracing applied per the tollowing schedule: max o,c, from to TC 33,00" 13- 1- 1 25-9-8 UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -54 lb 2 -37 lb This truss Is (designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specificafion Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Categoty = C Bkig Lengtti = 65,00 ft, Bldg Width = Mean roof height = 22 ,45 ft, mph ' Occupancy Category ll. Dead Load = 14,4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Components and Cladding Trltmtary Area = 76 sqft Vertical members exposed to wind 17- 9 40,00 ft 110 1,5X3 4-10- I 1-1-0 1 6X6 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 All connector plates are Alpine Wave 20 ga,, unless preceded by "H" for High Strength 20 ga,, "S" for Super Strength 18 ga. Plates are to be positioned per Joint Detail Reports. 11/6/2014 ANITWCOiVFANY 2020 N. Great SWPfnry. Grand Praine, TXTSOSO TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.5.20 **WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handling, shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest editian of BCSl (Building Comfionent Safety Information, tiy TPI and WTCA) for saf^ practices prior to performing these bncdons, Instsllers shall provlda temporary bradng per BCSI, Unless noted otherwise, top chord shall have properiy attached structural shealhing and bottom chord shall hava a properly attached rigid ceiling. Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint ofwebs shal) have bradng instaled per BCSl sections 83. 67 or BIO. as applicable, iVpply plates to each face of truss and posihon as shown above and on ths Joint Details report, unless noted otherwise, Alpine, a division of ITW BuHdng Components Group Inc.. shal not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any failure to build the truss in confonnance with >\NSI/TP11. or for handling, shipping. Installation ft bradng of trusses, A seai on this drawing or cover page listing this drawing. Indicates acceptance of professionai engineering responsibiiity solely forthe design shown. TTie suitability and use of this drawing for any structure Isthe responslblllty of the Bulldlng Designer per ANSI/TPI ) Sec.2 For more intormatlon see this job's general notas (lege and these web sites: ALPINE: MBw jflpineilw egm^ TPI: www Ipinst oro WTCA: www.sbcindustn. Qig^ ICC: www,iccsatB org, Oust: DIR: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00005_J00001 WO: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00 Dsgnr: #LC= 82 WT 2B3# TC Live 20 00 psf TCSnow(PO 0,00 psf TCDead 16,00 psf BC Live 0 00 psf BC Dead 8 00 psf Bldg Code: IBC-2012 LiveDur L=1,25 P=1 25 SnowDur L=1 15 P=1 15 Rep Mbr Bnd / Comp / Tens 1 10/1 10/1 10 OCSpacing 2-0-0 DEFL RATIO L/240 TC: L/18 Job Name: Truss ID: 1BG Qty: 1 BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 0-2-12 1676 5,50" 1,79" 2 37-10-4 1676 HGR 1,79" BRG HANGER/CLIP NOTE 2 HUS26 Support Connectlon(s)/Hanger(s) are not designed for horlzontalToads, SEE SmifPSON CATALOG FOR ADDITIONAL INSTALLATION NOTES MAX DEFLECTION (span): L/999 MEM 5-6 (LIVE) LC 1 L- -0,28- D= -0.63" T= -0,91" EX.WB DEF CRITERIA: L/120 IN MEM 19-10; T= 0,00" ===== Joint Locabtms ===== 1 0-0-0 11 0-0-0 2 4-6-4 12 66-3 3 9-7 -8 13 13-6-12 4 13-6-12 14 17 -B 8 5 17-8-8 16 16- 1-0 6 22-4-8 1 6 22-4-8 7 26-6-4 1 7 26-6-4 8 30-5-8 1 8 33-6-13 9 35-6-12 19 38- 1- 0 10 38-1-0 CRITICAL MEMBER FORCES: TC COMP.JDUR.)/ TENS,(DUR 1-2 -316(1.26)1 1- 2 -3927(1,25)/ 2- 3 -4071(125)/ 34 -3896(125)/ 4-5 - 3368(1.25)/ 6-6 -3188(1.25)/ - 3266(1,25)/ 6-7 7-8 -3570(1.25)/ _ _ 1, ...^ 6-9 i(l.25)/ 3-10 -23(1,60)/ 63(1,60) 0,74 870(1,60) 0.83 666(1,60) 0.93 908(1.60)0,38 863(1,60)0,22 836(1,60) 1,00 843(1.60) 021 844(1.60)0,26 668(1.60)0,31 <I2(1.60)0,12 BC COMP.(DUR.)/ TENS.(PUR,) CSI 11- 12 -778(1,60)/ 3699(1.25)0,66 12- 13 -872(1.60)/ 4100(1,25)0.69 13- 14 -799(1,60)/ 3711(125)049 14- 16 -721(160)/ 3264(1,25)0,42 15- 16 -721(1.60)/ 3284(1.25)0.44 16- 17 -691(1.60)/ 3417(1.25)0 43 17- 18 -729(1.60)/ 3446(1,25)0,54 18- 19 -517(1.60)/ 2122(1.25)0,34 WB COMP.(DUR.)/ TENS.(DUR.) CSI 2- 12 / 366(1.2610,14 3- 12 -237(1,26)/ 112(1.25)0,08 3- 13 -453(1.26y 120(1.60)0,19 4- 13 -27(1,60)/ 459(1.25)0 19 4- 14 -663(1.25)/ 114(1.60)0.34 5- 14 -35(1.80)/ 526(1.25)0.21 5- 16 -216(1.25)/ 98(1-60)0.17 6- 16 -40(1.60)/ 445(1.25)0,18 7- 16 -412(1.25)/ 90(1.60)021 7- 17 -5(1.60)/ 270(1,2fflO,11 8- 17 -94(1.^/ 104(1.60)0,04 8- 16 - 700(t2Sy 216(1,(0)023 9- 19 -141(1.601/ 961(1.25)0.40 9- 16 -2650(1.26)/ 626(1,60)0.40 10- 19 -42(1.25)/ 29(1.60)0.02 SLDRL -3741(1,26)/ 818(1,60)0 34 TC 2x4 DFL #1 & Btr 2x4 OFL #2 5-6 BC 2x6 DFL #2 WEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD SLIDER 2x6 DFL #2 Kcr (creep factor) = 2,00 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sheets for Cq factors and Rotational Tolerances IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported in ESR-1118 Heel plates analyzed for eccenfriclty. Continuous lateral restraint attached to flat TC as Indicated Lumber shall be sttuctural grade. Brace @ 24" o c, unless noted Designed per ANSl/TPl 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8 0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the tnjss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings. Plating Is tiased on quality confrol factors Cq = 0,92 for wide face and Cq = 0,92 for narrow face Any alterations to this are shown for Individual joints on the Joint Report, Loaded tor 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL Loaded for 200# non-concurrent moving BCLL Drainage shall be provided to avoid ponding PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES, Not designed for attic storage unless noted otiierwise 18-3-3 16-3-3 3 00 -3,00 I 5X12 5-4-13 8X8 I 0-10-0 Bl W 508 R 1676 U -73 3X4 3X4 3X4 S=5X6 3X8 3X4 4X4 This design based on chord bracing applied per the following schedule: maxcc from to TC 34,00" 18-3-3 21-9-8 UPLIFT REACTION(S): Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -73 lb 2 -58 lb This ttuss Is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = C Bkig Length = 65,00 ft, Bldg Width = 40 00 ft Mean roof height = 22,70 ft, mph = 110 Occupancy Category 11, Dead Load = 14 4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Lov^rlse and Components and Cladding Tributary Area = 76 sqft Vertical memtiers exposed to wind 19-10 9 10 1X8 15X3 38-1-0 145 All connector plates are Alpine Wave 20 ga,, unless preceded by "H" for High Strength 20 ga,, "S" for Super Strengtti 18 ga. Plates are to be positioned per Joint Detail Reports, 18 11/6/2014 AN ITW COlyFANY 2S20II GreatSWPKwy. GrandPralrie, TXTSOSO TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6,5,20 **WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO AU CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTAUERS. Trusses recfuire ei4rame cere in fabricating, handling, shipping, installing and tiracing. Refer to end toUow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Safety Information, tiy TPI and WTCA) for safety practices prior to performing these ftjnctions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSl, Unless noted otherwise, top chord ShaH have properiy attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shaH have a properly attached rigd ceiling. Locations shown tor permenent lateral restraint ofwebs stall heve bradng instaHed per BCSl sections 83, 87 or BIO. as applicable, fi^ipi^ plates to each face of truss and position es shown above and on the Joint Details rapoit, unless noted otherwise, AJpine, e divisian of ITW Buidng Components tSroup Inc, sheH not be responsitile for any deviation trom this drawing, any failure to build the truss rn conformance with ANSi/TPl 1. or fbr handling, shijtping, instaHation & bradng of trusses, A seai on this drawing or cover page listing this drawing, indicates acceptance of professional engineering responslblllty solely forthe design shown. The suitability and use of this drawing for any structure Is the responsibility of the Bullding Designer per ANSi/TPl 1 Sec.2 For more intomiahon see this job's general notes page and these web sites: ALPINE: wwwaloinaitw,sfliD,.TPI: www,toinst,ooLWTCA: www,sbcindustrv,oro: ICC: www,icc^feom Oust: DIR: Drive__Q_r1549_es_L00005_J00001 WO: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00 Dsgnr: #LC= 82 WT 290# TC Live 20,00 psf TCSnow(Pf) OOO psf TCDead 1600 psf BC Live 0,00 psf BCDead 8 00psf BldgC^ode: IBC-2012 LiveDur L=1 25 P=1 25 SnowDur L=1 15 P=1 15 Rep Mbr Bnd / Comp / Tens 1 10/1 10/1 10 O C Spacing 2- 0- 0 DEFL RATIO L/240 TC, L/IS Job Name: Truss ID: 1C Qty: 1 BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REQD 1 0-2-12 1809 HGR 1,93" 2 40-10-4 1989 5.50" 2,12" BRG HANGERCLIP NOTE 1 HUS26 Support Connedlon(s)/Hanger(s) are not designed for horizontal loads SEE SIHilPSON CATALOG FOR ADDmONAL INSTALLATION NOTES M/VX DEFLECTION (span): L/999 MEM 3-4 (LIVE) LC 91 L=-0,36" D=-081" T=-1 16" MAX DEFLECTION (cant): L/442 MEM 19-20 (LIVE) LC 91 L= 0,06" 0= 0,10'' T= 0 16" ===== Joint Locations =- === 1 0-0-0 11 0-0-0 2 4-3-10 12 6-6-3 3 8-7-8 13 11-1-0 4 16- 1-14 14 13-4-4 5 21-6-8 15 21.6.6 6 26-11- 2 16 27- 1-0 7 33-S-8 17 29-8-12 8 38-6-12 18 36-6-13 9 40-11-4 19 40-11-4 10 43-1-0 20 43- 1-0 CRITICALMEMBER FORCES: TC COMP.ffiUR.y TENS,(DUR,) CSI 1- 2 -4406(1%)/ 846(1.60)0.46 2- 3 -4418(1^5)/ 814(1,80)0.40 34 -4358(1.25)/ 824(1,6m 0.50 4-5 -32«1.^ 706(1.60)0,32 6- 7 -3927(1.25)/ 7- 8 -3281(1 ! 9-10 746(1.60)0,61 571(1,60) 0,43 -116(1,60)/ 188(1,25)0,20 -118(1.61%/ 191(1.25)020 BC COMP.(DUR.)/ TENS.(PUR.] CSI 11- 12 -766(1.60)/ 4179(1.25)0 95 12- 13 -755(1-60)/ 4483(1 25)0.98 13- 14 -765(1.eW 4483(1,25)0,68 14- 15 -658(1.60)/ 3888(1.25)0,56 15- 16 -614(1.60)/ 3658(1,25)0.56 16- 17 -614(1.60)/ 3658(1.25)0,51 17- 18 -829(1.60)/ 3779(1^5)0.56 18- 19 -380(1.60)/ 2274(1.25)0.38 19- 20 -162(125)/ 106(1.60)014 WB COMP.(DUR.)/ TENS nXJR.) CSI 2- 12 / 174(1.25)0,07 3- 12 -314(155)/ 117(1.60)0.10 3- 14 -391(1.25)/ 144(1.60 0.16 4- 14 -33(1.em/ 549(1.25)0 22 4-16 -998(1.21)/ 244(1.61)) 065 6-15 -168(1.80y 1211(1.25)0.49 6-15 -699(125y 193(1.60)0.60 6- 17 / 325(1.26)0.13 7- 17 -74(1.251/ 112(125)0.05 7- 18 -886(1.25)/ 209(1.6I»029 8- 18 -124(1,60)/ 1081(1,26)0,44 8- 19 -279S(1.K)/ 496(1.60)0.46 9- 19 -177(1.25)/ 114(1.60)0,04 TC 2x4 DFL #2 2x6 DFL #2 1-2 2X4 DFL #1 & Btr 2-5 BG 2x6 DFL #2 WEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD WEDGE 2x4 DFL #2 Kcr (creep factor) = 200 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sheets for Cq factors and Rotational Tolerances, IRC/IBC ttuss plate values are based on testing and apprcrval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSl/TPl and are repotted In ESR-1118, PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES, Not designed for attic storage unless noted otherwise Designed per ANSl/TPl 1-2007 Fabncatlon Tolerance = 8,0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser ofthe tnJss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings Plating Is based on quality conttol factors Cq = 0 92 for wide face and Cq = 0,92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for Individual joints on the Joint Report Loaded tor 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL Loaded for 200# norvconcurrent moving BCLL, Heel plates analyzed for eccentricity. Required bearing widths and bearing areas apply when truss not supported in a hanger UPLIFT REACTION(S): Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -88 lb 2 -1151b This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 65,00 ft Bldg Width = 40 00 ft Mean root height = 23,11 a mph = 110 Occupancy Category 11, Dead Load = 14 ,4 psf Designed as Main Wflnd Force Resisting System - Lowr-rise and Components and Cladding Tributary Area = 86 sqft 6-2-10 I 0-10-0 21-6-8 21-6-8 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 |3,00 |3,00 -3 00| 5X10 6X8 3X4__5=^=====^ 3X4^^5S=='^^^^^^5^ 6X6 - 3X4 =5:=:~:^_4X4 4X4 5j^X12 Ifcsiii LU 6-2-10 SHIP 3X8 Bl HUS26 W:508 R:1809 U:-88 I 11 3X4 S=6X8 3X4 3X10 43-1-0 S=5X6 3X4 4X4 B2 W:508 R:1989 U:-115 6X8 T 0-10-0 I 2-0-0 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ISO All connector plates are Alpine Wave 20 ga,, unless preceded by "H" for High Strength 20 ga,, "S" for Super Strength 18 ga. Plates are to be positioned per Joint Detail Reports, 11/6/2014 AN TTW COMPANY 21)2011. Greatswpmy. GrandPralrie, TXTSOSO TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.5.20 *WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO AU CONTRACTORS IN<XUDING THE INSTAUERS. Trusses leriuire ejdreme care in fabricating, handling, shipping, instaMng andbtacing. Refer to end foiow the latest edition of BCSI (BuHding Component Safety Intormetbn, by TPI and WTCA) for safety practices prior to perfrirming these bnctians. Installers stiall pravide temporary tiradng per BCSl, Unless noted othenwise, top chord shaH have property attached structural sheathing and botiom chord ShaH have a property attached ri^d ceing Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs st»ll have bradng instaUed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or BIO, as appHcatile /ipfjiy plates to each face of truss and positian as shown above and on the Joint Details repoit, unless noted otherwise, Alpine, a divisian or ITW BuHding Componente Group Inc, shaH not be responsitile for any deviation fiom this drawing, any faHure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI/TP11, or for handling, shipping, InstaUation & bracing of ttusses, A seai on this drawing or cover page listing this drawing, indicates acceptance of professionai engineering responsibility solely fbr the design stiown. The sultatiillty and use of this drawing for any structure is the responsibiiity of the Building Designer per ANSi/TPl 1 Sec.2 For more HifOfmation see this job's general ncrtes page and these web sites: ALPINE: WWW.alCln«ilW.CBm: TPI: WWW tpinsl om: WTCA: WWW,Sbc|nlluslnf org; ICC: mmjS^bJSa. Cust: DIR: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00005_JD0001 WO: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00 Dsgnr: #LC= 91 WT 306« TC Live 20,00 psf TC Snow(Pf) 0,00 psf TC Dead 16,00 psf BC Live 0,00 psf BCDead 8,00 psf Bldg Code: IBC-2012 LiveDur L=1,25 P=1 25 SnowDur L=1 15 P=1 15 Rep Mbr Bnd / Comp / Tens 1 15/110/1 10 OCSpacing 2-0-0 DEFL RATIO, L/240 TC L/180 Job Name: Truss ID: 1C1 Qty: BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE 1 1 4-8-12 1694 5,50" 1,81" 2 42-9-4 1694 5,60" 1,81" tAAX DEFLECTION (span): L/999 MEM 5-6 (LIVE) LC 2 L= -0,30" D= -0.68" T= -0,98" EX WB DEF CRITERIA:U120 IN MEM 9-1;T= 0,00" ===== Joint Locations ===== 1 0-0-0 9 0-0-0 2 5- 1-6 10 2-0-3 3 11-7-14 11 8-10-4 4 17-0-0 12 17-0-0 5 22-4-2 1 3 20-0-0 6 29-10 8 14 25- 1-12 7 34-3-4 1 5 31-11-13 8 38-6-0 1 6 38-6-0 CRITICALMEMBER FORCES: TC COMP.(DUR,)/ TENS,(DUR,) C 1- 2 -1383(1.25)/ 268(1.60)0,29 2- 3 -3056(125)/ 612(1 60)0 37 34 -285!, 4- 5 -2858(125)/ 5- 6 - 3962(1.25} 6- 7 -4096(1.25)/ 7- 8 -4107(1.25)/ 1.60)0,33 -,-(1,60)0,32 761(1.60^ 0,46 762(1,60) 0,36 798(1.60) 0,43 BC COMP.[DUR.)/ TENS,(PUR,) CSI 9- 10 -61(1,60)/ 90(1.60)0,13 10- 11 -634(1.60)/ 2533(1.25)0,44 11- 12 -669(1.605/ 3011(1.25)0,54 12- 13 -1259(1.«i)/ 5053(1,60)0,53 13- 14 -1268(1.60)/ 5053(1.60)0.56 14- 15 -1663(1.60)/ 6129(1.60)0,92 15- 16 -753(1,60)/ 3892(1.25)0,89 WB COMP,(DUR,)/ TENS.(DUR,) CSI 1-9 -1676(1.25)/ 361(1.60)0.21 1- 10 -306(1.60)/ 1781(1.25)0,72 2- 10 -1672(1.26)/ 385(1.60)0.54 2-11 -479(1.60)/ 1061(1.60)034 -479(1.60)/ 3-11 -617(1.60)/ 492(1,60)0,30 1. - J-. — .1, 5pjo B1 3-12 - 977(1.61 604(1. 4- 12 -140(1.6* 1018(1,25)0,41 5- 12 -1008(1,M)/ 246(1,-"' ' 5-14 -60(1,60)/ 742(1,6 246(1,60) 1,00 0,24 6-14 -e53(1.ed)/ 454(1,6d) 0,34 6- 15 - 719(1,60)/ 524(1,60)0,23 7- 15 -462(1,60)/ 589(1,60)0,19 TC 2x4 DFL #1 8, Btr, 2x6 DFL #2 7-8 BC 2x6 DFL #2 WEB 2X4 DFL STANDARD WEDGE 2x4 DFL #2 Kcr (creep factor) = 2,00 Refer to Joint QC- Detail Sheets for Cq factors and Rotational Tolerances, IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported In ESR-1118, PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES, + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + * Designed for 6,3 K lbs drag load applied horizontally In either dlrectton to ttie top chord panel points, with dead -i- 0 % live loads using load duratton = 1,60, Partial continuous beanng (PB) horizontal reaction = 478 Plf Max (Connection by ottiers, +++++++++++**+++++++++ PB(1)ti^om 29-10-Oto 43-0-0 Designed per ANSl/TPl 1-2007 Fabncatlon Tolerance = 8,0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of ttie truss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings. Plating Is based on (luallty confrol factors Cq = 0,92 for wide face and Cq = 0,92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for Individual joints on the Joint Report Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL, Loaded for 200# non-concurrent moving EBCLL End verticals are designed for axial loads only, unless noted otherwise Not designed for attic storage unless noted othenwlse UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -71 lb 2 -901b This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location ~ End Zone Exp Category = C Bldg Lengtti = 65,00 ft, Bldg Width = 40,00 ft Mean roof height = 23,10 ft mph = 110 Occupancy Category 11, Dead Load = 14 4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Components and Cladding Tnbutary Area = 77 sqft Vertical members exposed to wind 9- 1 17-0-0 21-6-0 3,00 -3 00 -3,00 I 6X6 6-2-8 4X6 T 1-11-8 W 508 R 1694 U -71 5X10 6X6 6-2-8 SHIP 2X3 3X4 3X10 3X4 5X8 4X6 4-6-0 S=6X6 38-6-0 3X8 I 0-10-0 B2 W:508 R:1694 U -90 STUB 10 12 13 15 16 All connector plates are Alpine Wave 20 ga,, unless preceded by "H"for High Strength 20 ga,, "S"for Super Strength 18 ga Plates are to be positioned per Joint Detail Reports, 11/6/2014 AN ITW COMPANY 2820 N. Great SW Plavy. Grand Prairie, TX 75050 TRUSPLUS 6-0 VER; T6.5,20 **WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT'^ FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO AU CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTAUERS. Trusses require eidreme care in fabricating, haniling. shipping, ifistaning and bracing. Refer to and foHow the letest edition of BCSl (BuHding Component Safety Inrormotion. tiy TPI and WTCA) Iiir safbty practices piior to performing these Itjnctaons, hlstaSers shall prcwide temporary bradng per BCSI, Unless noted othenvise. top chord shaR have prtiperiy attachad structural sheathing and bottom chord shaH hiwe a property attached ri^d ceHing LocaUcns shown for permanent lateral redraint ofwebs shall have bradng installed per BCSI sections B3. 87 or BIO, as applicatile, /^pply plates to each lace ot truss and position as shown above and on the Joint Details report, unless noted otherwise, Alpine, a divisiai of ITW BuHtjng Components Group Inc. shaH not tie responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any failure to buHd the truss in conformance with ANSI/TP11, or for handling, dipping, in^allatton 8. bracing of trusses, A seal on this drawing or cover page listing this drawing. Indicates acceptance of professionai engineering responsibility solely forthe design sttwm. Ttie suitabiiity and use of this drawing for any structure Isthe responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSl/TPi 1 Sec.2 For more infbrmation see this job's general notes pege and these web sites: ALPINE: igyw alpinwitw.sflnLTPI: www toinst oig, WTCA: .wvwv.sfacindustnr om ICC www,iccsalii-Qra Cust: DIR: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00005_J00001 WO: Drive_Q_r1549_es_LO0 Dsgnr: #LC= 64 WT 277# TC Live 20,00 psf TCSnow(Pf) 0 00 psf TC Dead 16,00 psf BC Live 0 00 psf BC Dead 8 00 psf Bidg Code: IBC-2012 LiveDur L=1 25 P=1 25 SnowDur L=1 15 P=1 15 Rep Mbr Bnd / Comp / Tens 1 10/1 10/1 10 O C Spacing 2- 0- 0 DEFL RATIO L/240 TC L/18 Job Name: Truss ID: 1C2 Qty: BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REOD 1 4-8-12 1694 5,50" 181" 2 42-9-4 1694 5,50" 1.81" MAX. DEaECTION (span): L/999 MEM 5-6 (LIVE) LC 2 L=-0.30" D=-0.68- T=-0 98" EX WB DEF CRITERIA:L/120 IN MEM 9-1;T= 0.00" *'=== Joint Locations ==«« 1 0-0-0 10 2-0-3 2 5-1-8 11 8-10-4 3 11-7-14 12 12-&0 4 17-0-0 13 17- 0- 0 5 22- 4- 2 14 20- 0- 0 6 28-10-8 15 21-5-8 7 34-3-4 1 8 25-1-12 6 38-6-0 17 31-11-13 9 0-0-0 18 38-6-0 CRmCAL MEMBER FORCES: TC COMP.(DUR.)/ TENSYDUR ) CSI 9- tO -61(1 10- 11 -sr-11- 12 ' 12- 13 -! . 13- 14 -1272(1, 14- 15 -1272(1 15- 16 -1272(1.60 16- 17 -786(1.60)/ 4128(1.25)082 17- 16 -753(1.60)/ 3893(126)0.89 WB C(}MP.(DUR.)/ TENS,(DUR) CSI 1-9 -1876(125)/ 361(1.80)0^1 1- 10 •30«t.m 1781(1.25)0.72 2- 10 -1672(1 iS)/ 385(1.60) 054 2- 11 -474(1.60)/ 1057(1.80)0.34 3- 11 -614(1.60)/ 489(1.60)0.29 3- 13 -974<1.60y 601(1.60)0,61 4- 13 -14()(1,60y 1018(125)0 41 5- 13 -101)8(126)1 246(1,60) 099 6- 16 -S3<1.eO)/ 735(1 BO) 0.23 6-16 -621(1.e(S)' 6- 17 - 648(1.6q 7- 17 -41)6(1.60^ 422(1.8())0 32 454(1.60) 0 20 533(1.60)0,17 TC 2x4 DFL *1 & ar, 2X6 DFL #2 7-8 BC 2x6 DFL #2 WEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD WEDGE 2x4 DFL #2 Kcr (creep factor) = 2,00 Refer to Joint CC Detail Sheets for Cq factors and Rotattonal Toterances, IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSl/TPl and are reported In ESR-1118 PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES, + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + * + Designed for 6,3 K lbs drag load applied horizontally In either direction to ttie top chord panel points, witii dead -i- 0 % live loads using load duratton = 1,60, Partial continuous bearing (PB) horizontal reactton - 666 Plf Max Connectton by ottiers + + * + + + + + + * + + + + PB(1)from 15-6-0to 25-11-8 Designed per ANSl/TPl 1-2007 Fabricatton Tolerance = 8,0% Beanngs designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of ttie tmss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings. Plating Is t)3Sed on (luality conttol factors Cq = 0,92 for wide race and Cq = 0,92 for narrow face. Any alterattons to tills are shtjwn for Individual Joints on the Joint Report, Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL, Loaded for 200# non-concurrent moving BCLL End verttoals are designed for axial loads only, unless noted ottienivise Not designed for attic storage unless noted otherwise. UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -71 lb 2 -90 lb This truss Is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Speclflcaflon Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = C Bk% Length = 65,00 ft, Bldg Width = 40 00 ft Mean root height = 23,10ft mph = 110 Occupancy Cate^ry II, Dead Load = 14,4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Components and Cladding Tritiutaiy Area = 77 sqft Vertical members exposed to wind: 9- 1 17-0-0 21-6-0 3,00 -3 00 7 8 -3,00 6X6 6-2-8 4X6 T 1-11-8 X 2X3 B1 4X6 W:508 R:1694 U:-71 4-6-0 5X10 6X6 6-2-8 SHIP I 0-10-0 3X8 B2 W:508 R:1694 U:-90 -I-38-6-0 STUB 10 12 13 14 15 16 All connector plates are Alpine Wave 20 ga,, unless preceded by "H" for High Strengtti 20 ga, "S" for Super Strength 18 ga. Plates are to be positioned per Joint Detail Reports, 11/6/2014 AN ITW COMPANY 2920 N. Great SWPkwy. Grand Prairie, TX 75050 TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.5.20 **WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO AU CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTAUERS. Trusses require ejdreme care in fabricating, handling, shipping, installing end tjracing. Refer to and foUoM the latest etlition of BCSI (BuHding Component Safety Infoimation. tiy TPI and WTCA) for safety practices prior to perfbrming these fijnctions, InstaHers shall [irovide temporary tiracing per BCSl, Unless noted othenivise. top chord shai hava property attached structural sheething and bottonn chord shaH have a property attached rigd ceiling, Locetions shown for permanent lataral restraint of webs shall have bracing Installed per BCSI sections B3.B7orB10,as appHcable Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Joint Details repoit, unless notad otherwise, Alpine, a division of ITW BuHcing Components Group Inc, shsH not be responsible for any de\iation fiom this drawing, any faHure to buHd the truss in conformance with ANSl/TPl 1, or ttir handling, shipping, instaHation & tradng of trusses, A seal on this drawing or cover page listing this drawing. Indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibiiity solely for the design shown. The suitability and use of this drawing for any stnicture Is the responsibility of the Bullding Designer per ANSI/TT^ 1 Sec.2 for more informetion see this Job's general notes page end these web sites: ALPINE: www aloineitw.cgpL TPI: ttMW,tolnst,orQ: WTCA: www sbcindurtrv,gig;. ICC: flaw iccsafe,om Cust: DIR: Drive_Q_r1549_es_^L00005_J00001 WO: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00 Dsgnr: #LC= 84 WT: 278# TC Live 20 00 psf TCSnow(Pf) 0,00 psf TCDead 16 00psf BC Live 0 00 psf BC Dead 8 00 psf Bldg Code: IBC-2012 LiveDur L=1 25 P=1 25 SnowDur L=1,15 P=1 15 Rep Mbr Bnd / Comp / Tens 1 10/1,10/1 10 OCSpacing 2-0-0 DEFL RATIO L/240 TC: L/180 Job Name: Truss ID: 1C3 BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REOD 1 4-8-12 1694 5,50" 1,81" 2 42-9-4 1694 5,50" 1,81" M/«( DEFLECTION (span): L/999 MEM 5-6 (LIVE) LC 2 L= -0,30" D= -0,68" T= -0,98" EX,WB DEF CRITER1A;U120 IN MEM 9- 1;T= 0,00" ===== Joint Locations ===== 1 0-0-0 9 0-0-0 2 5-1-8 10 2-0-3 3 11-7-14 11 6-10 4 4 17-0-0 12 17-0-0 5 22-4-2 1 3 20-0-0 6 28-10- 8 14 25-1-12 7 34-3-4 1 5 31-11-13 8 38-6-0 1 6 36-6-0 CRmCAL MEMBER FORCES; TC COMP.(DUR.)/ TENS.(DUR,) CSI 1.25)/ 268(1.60)0.28 1.25)/ 612(1.60)0.36 125)/ 639(1.60)0,31 640(1.60)0.31 761(1.60)0.44 782(1.60) 0,37 798<1,60) 0,42 BC C0MP,(DUR,)/ TENS,(DUR,) CSI .^TL". •?1<.V.''?).(. 90(1.60)012 1.25)0,43 1.60)/ 3011(1,2» 0,53 1,60)/ 3495(1,25)0,51 1/ 3495(125)0,54 1/ 4128(1,25)0,90 / 3892(1,26)0 87 WB COMP,(DUR,)/ TENS.(DUR,] CSI 1-9 -1676(li5)/ 361(1.60)0,21 1- 10 -306(1.60)/ 1781(1.26)072 2- 10 -1672(125)/ 385(1.60)054 2- 11 -27(1.60)/ 476(1.26)0.19 3- 11 -192(1.25)/ 93(125)0,09 3- 12 -377(1.25)/ 144(1.01)0.32 4- 12 -140(1.60^ 1018(1.25)0,41 5.12 -1008(li6)/ 246(1.60)0.85 5- 14 -36(1.60)/ 559(1.25)0.23 6- 14 -426(126)/ 16(i(1,6d) 0,17 6- 15 -257(1,25)/ 108(1,26)0,08 7- 16 / 151(1,26) 0,()6 TC 2x4 DFL #1 & Btr 2x6 DFL #2 7-8 BC 2x6 DFL #2 WEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD WEDGE 2x4 DFL #2 Kcr (creep factor) = 2,00 Refer to Joint CC Detail Sheets for Cq factors and Rotational Tolerances IRC/IBC ttuss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported in ESR-1118 PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES Not designed for attic storage unless noted otherwise Qty: Designed per ANSl/TPl 1-2007 Fabncation Tolerance = 8,0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the tnjss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings Plating Is based on tiuallty confrol factors Cq = 0 92 for wide face and Cq = 0 92 for narrow face Any alterattons to this are shown for individual joints on the Joint Report, Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL Loaded for 200# non-concurrent moving BCLL End verticals are designed for axial loads only, unless noted ottienMse, UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -71 lb 2 -90 lb This truss Is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enctosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 65,00 ft, Bldg Width = 40 00 ft Mean roof height = 2310 ft. mph = 110 Occupancy Category ll. Dead Load = 14,4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Lowr-rise and Components and Cladding Tributary Area = 77 st^ft Vertical members exposed to wind 9- 1 17-0-0 21-6-0 3 00 -3 00 -3,00 6X6 6-2-8 4X6 1-11-X Bl W508 R 1694 U -71 2X3 5X10 6X6 6-2-8 SHIP 4X6 I 0-10-0 3X8 B2 W:508 R:1694 U:-90 4-6-0 38-6-0 STUB 10 12 13 15 16 All connector plates are Alpine Wave 20 ga,, unless preceded by "H" for High Strength 20 ga "S" for Super Strengtti 18 ga. Plates are to be positioned per Joint Detail Reports, 11/6/2014 AN ITW COMPANY 2920n Great SWPInty. GrandPralrie, TXTSOSO TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.5.20 **WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO AU CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTAUERS. Trusses require eidieme cere in tabricating handling, shipping, InstaHing and bracing. Refer to end foHow the latest edition of BCSl (Building Component Safety Informetion, by TPI end WTCA) for safaty practices prior to periorming these functions, InstaHers shall provide temporary bradng per BCSI, Unless noted othenivise, top chord ShaH hava prtiperiy attaclied structural shaathlng and tiottom chord shaH have a properly attached rigd celling. Locations shown for pemianent lateral restraint ofwebs shall have bradng sistalted per BCSI secbons B3, 87 or 610, as appHcable, /^pply plates to each face of truss and position as shown atiove and on the Joint Details repoit, unless noted otherwise, Alpine, a division of ITW BuHding Components Group Inc, ShaH not be responsible for any deviabon from this drawing, any faHure to build the truss in confonnance with ANSI/TP11. or for handling, shipping, InstaHation 8. bradng of trusses, A seai on this drawing or cover page listing this drawing. Indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely fbr the design shown. TTie suitabiiity and use of this drawing for any structure is the resrionsibiilty of the Buildina Designer per ANSI/TPI1 Sec.2 For more rformetion see this job's general notes page and these weti sites: ALPINE: w1ffW.alpinfitW,wm^TPI: alffiy.Ipinst org WTCA: www,sfacinduJrv org,. ICC: Bay iccsale.on? Oust: DIR: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00005_J00001 WO: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L0O Dsgnr: #LC= 82 WT 277# TC Live 20,00 psf TCSnow(Pf) 000 psf TCDead 1600 psf BC Live 0,00 psf BCDead 8,00 psf BldgC^ode: IBC-2012 LiveDur L=1 25 P=1 25 SnowDur L=1 15 P=1 15 Rep Mbr Bnd / Comp / Tens 1 15/1 10/1 10 OCSpacing 2-0-0 DEFL RATIO: L/240 TC L/18 Job Name: Truss ID: 1C4 Qty: 8RG X-LOC REACT SIZE REOD 1 4-8-12 1854 5 50" 198" 2 42-9-4 1842 5.60" 1.96" MAX DEFLECTION (span): L/999 MEM 5-6 (LIVE) LC 1 L=-0,28" 0=-O TB- T=-1,07" EX WB DEF CRITERIA:U120 IN MEM 9-1; T= 0.00" ===== Jant Locations ===== 1 0-0-0 9 0-0-0 2 6-1-8 10 2-0-3 3 11-7-14 11 8-10-4 4 17-0-0 12 17-0-0 5 22-4-2 13 20-0-0 6 28-10-8 14 25-1-12 7 34-3-4 1 5 31-11-13 83S-6.0 16 38-6-0 CRmCAL MEMBER FORCES: TC C0MP.(DUR.)/ TENSJDUR) CSI BC C0MP.(DUR.)/ TENS.pUR.) CSI 9-10 -166(1.60)/ 165(1.60)0.08 — •• y 2800(125)0.31 , I)/ 3369(155)0.38 1.80)/ 3912(1.25)0.37 1.60)/ 3912(1-26)0.39 339(1.60)/ 4662(1.25 0,70 377(1.80)/ 4248(1.25)0.68 WB COMP.(DUR.l/ TENS.(DUR ) CSI 1- 9 -1831(1.25)/ 202(1.60)0.23 110 -123(1,6py 1960(1.^)0.80 2- 10 -1856(1.2^/ 201(1.60)0.60 2- 11 -400(1.my 1136(1.60)036 3- 11 -6es(i.eqy 433(i.e<j)o.32 3- 12 -100e(1.6(n/ 564(1.60)084 4- 12 -47(1.60)/ 1111(1.25)045 5- 12-1121(155)/ 134(1.60)0.94 5- 14 -29(1.60)/ 762(1.60)0 24 6- 14 -eS2l1.mi 432(1.^033 6- 15 - 761(1 60y 413(1.60)0.24 7- 15 - 396(1,60)/ 568(1,60)0,18 TC 2x4 DFL #1 & Btr, 2x6 OFL #2 7-8 BC 2x6 DFL SS WEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD WEDGE 2x4 DFL #2 GBL BLK 2x4 DFL STANDARD Plating is tiased on quality control Actors Cq = 0,92 tor wide face and Cq = 0,92 tor narrow face Ajiy alterations to ttits are shtjwn for Individual joints on ttie Joint Report, If^/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required l» IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are repotted In ESR-1118 Building designer shall verify gable loads and eave toads, if apf>licable, [-tj gable bracing required @ 42* Inten/als, if exposed to wind toad applied to face. See ITWBCG's Gable Bracing Details, + ^- + + + + + + .*. + + + * + + + + + + + + + Designed for 6,3 K Ibs drag load applied horizontally in eittier direction to the top chord panel points, with dead -r 0 % live loads using load duratton = 1 60, Continuous bearing horizontal reaction = 164 Plf Max, Connection by others, -f+ + -i--i- + -i--i--i--t--t--i- + -f-i- + -i--t- + + + -r Web bracing required at each location shown Refer to BCSl tor proper required lateral restraint For alternative web bracing, see ITWBCG's standard details. Designed per ANSl/TPl 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8,0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the tmss chord lumber value or 625 (or all bearings KCT (creep factor) = 2,00 Refer to Joint cac Detail Sheets tor Cq factors and Rotattonal Tolerances, Loaded for 10 PSF non-concutrent BCLL, Loaded for 200# non-concurrent moving BCLL, Permanent bracing Is required to prevent rotation/toppling. See BCSl and ANSl/TPl 1, PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES End verticals are designed for axial loads only, unless noted otherwise Not designed for attic storage unless noted otherwise UPLIFT REACTION(S): Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -34 lb 2 -34 Ib This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Ltxjation = End Zone Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 65,00 ft, Bldg Width = 40,00 ft Mean roof height = 23 10ft mph = 110 Occupancy Category 11, Dead Load = 14,4 psf Oesigt>ed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Components and Cladding Tributaiy Area = 84 sqft Vertical members exposed to wind: 9- 1 LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS Dir L PIf L LOC R Plf R Loc LL/TL TCVert 72,00 4-6-0 88,00 21-6- 0 0 56 TCVert 88,00 21-6-0 72,00 43-0-0 0 45 BCVert 16,00 4-6-0 16,00 43-0-0 0 00 1 rus>- Jt'-ign- J fr' « rp ' 'c na ?' rl r-lgr I n i ^1 ^ 1 4 raiu'H -,1' I 17-0-0 21-6-0 3 00 -3 00 -3 00 6X6 6-2-8 5X8 6-2-8 SHIP 2X3 B1 5X6 W:508 R:1854 • -34 I 0-10-0 3X8 B2 W:508 R:1842 U:-34 4-6-0 -+-38-6-0 STUB 10 12 13 15 16 TYPICAL PLATE : 1,5X3 All connector plates are Alpine Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "H" for High Strengtti 20 ga,, "S" for Super Strengtti 18 ga. Plates are to be positioned per Joint Detail Reports. 11/6/2014 AN ITW COMPANY 2820 N. Great SW Pliwy. Grand PraMe, TX 75050 TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.5.20 **WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO AU CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTAUERS. Trusses ret^ire etfreme care in tabnealsig, handling, shipping, instaWng and bracing. Refer to and foHow the latest edSion of BCSl (Building Component Safaty Infbrmation, by TPI and WTCA) for safety practicas prior ts perfonning these fiinctions. Installers sliall pravide temporary tiradng tier BCSI Unless noted otherwise, top chord shaH have properly attachad structural sheathing and bottom chord shaH have a properly attached n^d ceHing, Locations shown tor pernienent lateral restraint ofwetis sliall have bradng InstaRed per BCSl sections B3, B7 or BIO, ss eppHcatile, Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown at»ve and on the Joint Details repoit, unless noted otherwise, Alpine, a division oi ITW BuHting Componente Group Inc, shaH not be responsible for any deviabon from this drawing, any teHure to buHd the truss in conformance with /UMSI/TPl 1, or for hendting, dipping, instaHation & bradng of trusses, A seai on this drawing or cover page listing this drawing, indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely Ibr the design shown. The suitability and use of this drawing for any structure Is the responsibility ofthe Building Designer per ANSirrP11 Sec.2 For more Informetion see ttiis job's general notes page and these web sites: ALPINE: Mttw atoineilw egm: TPI: Bttw.toinst.Qra: WTCA: www Actndustnr.gaL ICC: gflrw-iccsafe oro Cust: DIR: Dnve_Q_r1549_es_L00005_J00001 WO: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00 Dsgnr: #LC= 84 WT: 408# TC Live 20 00 psf TCSnow(Pf) 000 psf TCDead 16 00 psf BC Live 0 00 psf BC Dead 8 00 psf Bldg Code: IBC-2012 LiveDur L=1,25 P=1 25 SnowDur L=1 15 P=1 15 Rep Mbr Bnd / Comp / Tens 1 00/1 00/1,00 OCSpacing 2-0-0 DEFL RATIO L/240 TC: L/18 Job Name: Truss ID: 1CA Qty: BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REOD 1 0-2-5 412 4,68" 1,50" 2 1-7-9 187 3,50" 1,50" 3 3-3-2 206 3,50" 150" 4 4-10-10 193 3,50" 1,50" 5 6-6-3 784 3,50" 1,50" 6 8-0-7 179 3,50" 1,50" 7 9-6-12 209 3,50" 1,50" 8 11- 1-0 163 3,50" 1,50" 9 12-3-8 186 3.50" 1 50" 10 13-6-0 588 3.50" 160" 11 15- 1-10 196 3.50" 1.50" 12 16-9-4 203 3.50" 1,50" 13 18-4-14 212 3.50" 1,50" 14 20-0-8 453 3.50" 1 50" 15 21-8-13 208 3,50" 1 So-le 23-5-2 214 3,50" 1,50" 17 25- 1-7 197 3,50" 1,50" 18 26-9-12 307 3 50" 1,50" 19 28-0-4 149 3,60" 1,50" 20 29-2-12 776 3.50" 1.50" 21 31-0-8 197 3.50" 1,50" 22 32-10-5 204 3,50" 1,50" 23 34-8- 1 215 3.50" 1,50" 24 36-5-13 692 3.50" 1,50" 25 38- 1-10 196 3,50" 1,50" 26 39-9-7 204 3.50" 1.50" 27 41-5-3 196 3.50" 1.50" 28 42-10-11 407 4,68" 1,50" MAX DEFLECTION (span): L/999 MEM 5-6 (LIVE) LC 1 L=-0,12" D=-0,20" T=-0,31" ===== Joint Locations ===== 1 0-0-0 11 0-0.0 2 4-3-10 12 6-6-3 3 9-7-8 13 11-1-0 4 13-6-0 14 13-6-0 5 20-0-8 15 20-0-8 6 26-9-12 16 26-11-8 7 29- 2-12 17 27-1- 0 6 33-4-6 1 8 29-2-12 9 38-10-4 18 36-5-13 10 43- 1-0 20 43-1-0 CRITICAL MEMBER FORCES: TC COMP.(DUR.V TENS,{DUR,) CSI 1- 2 -560(1.60)/ 225(1.60)0.15 2- 3 -115(1.60)/ 134(1.60)0,27 34 -733(1.60)/ 587(1.60)0.30 1-5 -637 1.80)/ 487(1,60)0,35 5-6 -571(1.60)/ 422(1.60)0,63 5-7 -664(1.60)/ 693(1.60)027 7-8 -536(1.60)/ 666(1.60)0,27 B-9 -30(1.60)/ 153(1 26)0.32 9-10 -578(1,— 1(1,60)/ 304(1,60)013 BC C0MP.(DUR.)/ TENS.(DUR,) CSI 11- 12 -597(1,60)/ 798(1.60)0,24 12- 13 / 0.03 1314 / 0,02 14- 15 / 0,03 15- 16 / 0,03 1617 / 0,02 17- 18 / 0,02 18- 19 / 0.04 19- 20 / 0,25 WB COMP.(OUR.)/ TENS.dXJR ) CSI 2-12 -WnSsjl 185(1,60) 0,07 751(1.60) 0.36 126(1,60) 013 755(1.60 0.73 fl.era 0.26 1.60) 0.67 1.80) 0.06 1.60) 0.27 1.60)0 06 657(1,60) 0,40 771(1,60)0,33 193(1,60)0,08 4- 15 5- IS 616 6- 16 618 7- 18 B-18 -977(1 8- 19 -1036(1.61))/ 9- 19 -454(1.25)/ TC 2x4 DFL «2 2x6 DFL #2 1-2, 9-10 2x4 DFL #1 S, Btr 2-5, 7-9 BC 2x6 DFL #2 WEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD PLT BLK 2x4 DFL #2 GBL BLK 2x4 DFL STANDARD Kcr (creep factor) ==2,00 Refer to Joint QC; Detail Sheets for Cq factors and Rotattonal Tolerances, IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported In ESR-1118 Install Interior support(s) before erectton. Permanent bracing Is required to prevent rotatton/toppling. See BCSl andANSl/Tfil 1, PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES, + + + .*. + + + + + + + + + .*. + + + + + + + + Designed for 6,3 K lbs drag load applied horizontally In eltfier direction to the top chord panel points, wrth dead -t- 0 % live loads using load duration = 1,60, Continuous bearing horizontal reaction = 146PlfMax, Connection by others, ++++++++++++++++++++++ Not designed for attic storage unless noted othenwise 20-0-8 •nPM]=PLATE MONITOR USED-See Joint Report-Designed per ANSl/TPl 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8,0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser ofthe tmss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings Plating Is tiased on quality conttol factors Cq = 0,92 for wide face and Cq = 0,92 for narrow face Any alterations to this are shown for individual joints on the Joint Report, Loaded tor 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL, Loaded for 200# non-concurrent moving BCLL, Martt all intertor bearing locations. Drainage shall be provided to avoid jxinding Buitding designer shall verify gable loads and eave toads, if applicable, [+] gable bracing required @ 42" Inten/als, If exposed to wind load applied to face. See ITWBCG's Gable Bracing Details This truss Is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = C Bldg Lengtti = 65,00 ft, Bldg Width = 40,00 ft Mean roof height = 22,92 ft. mph = 110 Occupancy Category ll. Dead Load = 14 ,4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Components and Cladding Tributary Area = 94 sqft UPLIFT REACTION(S) Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -401b -1161b 2 125 lb 5 -551b -249 lb 10 -84 lb 14 -17 lb 18 -23 lb -3 lb 20 -118 lb 24 -56 to -244 Ib 27 -131 Ib 28 -40 to -141 lb HORIZONTAL REACTION(S) support 1 566 lb support 2 795 lb support 5 106 lb support 10 -364 lb support 14 -363 lb support 18 -671 lb support 20 4191b support 24 180 lb support 27 -833 lb support 28 -595 lb LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS Dir L PIf L Loc RPlf R Loc LL/TL TCVert 72,00 0-0-0 8800 20-0-8 0,66 TCVert 88,00 20-0-8 72,00 43- 1-0 0,54 BCVert 16,00 0-0-0 1600 43- 1-0 0 00 ]'r:!SS d9-innr^d tn f^unpc;^ I'^r^ :,hO"l ;- I r'-^ ' hng a::d cladding '03:i • c c,-.vr':-' P:-' : and 2'i' s;53^ C'PpGStt.^ '^le 1 •^•"•: i.(.t-:l" '":" 6-9-4 -I F-14-4-15 \300 \3.00 6X8 6 7 -3 001 yiO-p 5X8 -3,00 9 10 3!ool 5-10-2 I 0-10-0 5X6 5X6 5-10-2 SHIP 3X4 S=8X8 3X8 8X8 3X4 I 0-10-0 3X4 3X8 43-1-0 12 13 14 15 157 16 19 20 TYPICAL PLATE 1 5X3 OVER CONTINUOUS SUPPORT All connector plates are Alpine Wave 20 ga,, unless preceded by "H" for High Strengtti 20 ga , "S" for Super Strength 18 ga. Plates are to be posrtloned per Joint Detail Reports, 11/6/2014 AN ITW CONPANY 2820H GreatSWPIMy. GrandPralrie. TXTSOSO TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.5.20 **WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO AU CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTAUERS. Trusses require eidreme care in fabricating. hantHing shipping. instaKng and bracing. Refer to and foSow the latest edition of BCSl (Building Component Safety Infoimation. by TPI and WTCA) fbr safaty practices prior to performing tiiese Hinctims, InstaHeis shall provide temporary bradng per BCSI, Unless noted otiierwise. top chord shall have protiedy attaclied stiuctural sheething and tjottrsn chord shall have a properly attached ngd ceiling. Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of wetis stiall have bradng instaHed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or BtO, as appHcable, /Vpply (llates to each face of buss and position as shown above and on the Joint Details repoit. unless noted otherwise Alpine. B division of ITW BuHdng Componente Group Inc. ShaH not be responsible fOr any deviation trom this drawing, any faHure to build the truss in confonnance with ANSl/TPl 1, or tor liandliTig, shipping, installation B< bracing of trusses, A seal on this drawing or cover page listing this drawing, indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely forthe design siiown. The suit^tlty and use of this drawing for any structure Is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSirTP11 Sec.2 for more nformation see this job's general notes [lage and these web sites: ALPINE: iwww,aloinaitw coflLTPI: www Ipinst nry WTCA: www,sbcindustni,qig;. ICC: www,iccsalB,orQ. Oust: DIR: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00005_JOOO01 WO: Drive_Q_r1549^es_L00 Dsgnr: #LC= 86 WT: 436# TC Live 20,00 psf TCSnow(Pf) 0,00 psf TC Dead 16,00 psf BC Live 0 00 psf BCDead 8 00 psf Bldg Code: iBC-2012 LiveDur L=1 25 P=1 25 SnowDur L=1 15 P=1 15 Rep IVlbr Bnd / Comp / Tens 1 00 /1 00 /1 00 OCSpacing 2-0-0 DEFL RATIO: L/240 TC L/18 Job Name: Truss ID: 1CB Qty: 1 BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REOD 1 0-2-12 1809 HGR 193" 2 40-10-4 1989 5,50" 2,12" BRG HANGER/CLIP NOTE 1 HUS26 Support Connection(s)/Hanger(5) are nt>t designed for horizonlalloads, SEE SIMPSON CATALOG FOR ADOmONAL INSTALLATION NOTES MAX DEFLECTION (span): L/999 MEM 5-6 (Livf) Lt: 91 L=-0.40" D=-0,86" T=-1 26" MAX DEFLECTION (cant): L/432 MEM 21-22 (LIVE) LC 91 L- 0.06" D= O lCr T= 0 16" ==«* Joint Locations ===== 1 0-0-0 12 0-0-0 2 4-3-10 13 6-6-3 3 9-7-8 14 11- 1- 0 4 t3-6-0 15 13-6-0 520-0-8 16 20-0-8 6 26-8-12 17 26-10-8 7 29-2-12 18 27- 1-0 8 33-4-8 1 9 29-2-12 9 3S-5-12 20 36-fr13 10 40-11-4 21 40-11-4 11 43-1-0 22 43- 1-0 CRITICAL MEMBER FORCES: TC C0MP.(DUR.)/ TENSJDUR.) CSl ... 0.60 0.33 0.46 0.82 0.36 0.25 0,36 0.16 i)017 WS COMP.(DUR.)/ TENS.mUR ) CSl TC 2x4 DFL #1 & Btr 2x6 DFL #2 1-2 2x4 DFL «2 6-7 BC 2x6 DFL #2 WEB 2X4 DFL STANDARD WEDGE 2x4 DFL #2 PLT BLK 2x4 DFL #2 Plating is based on quality control tiactors Cq = 0,92 for wide face and Cq = 0,92 tor narrow face. Any alterations to ttiis are stiown for individual Joints on ttie Joint Report I RC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSl/TPl and are reported in ESR-1118, Drainage shall be provided to avoid ponding. Not designed for attto storage unless noted otherwise 20-0-8 3 00 3,00 5-10-2 5X10 6X8 I I 0-10-0 3X4 S=6X8 S(X8 HUS26 W:50B R:1809 U:-86 I 12 13 15 Web bracing required at each location shown. Refer to BCSl for proper required tateral restraint For alternative web bracing, see ITWBCG's standard details, "[PM|=PLATE MONITOR USED-See Joint Report-Designed per ANSl/TPl 1-2007 Fabricatton Tolerance = 8,0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of ttie tmss chord lumber value or 625 for all tiearings, Kcr (creep factor) = 2,00 Refer to Joint QC; Detail Sheets for Cq factors and Rotattonal Tolerances, Loaded for 10 PSF non-concunent BCLL, Loaded tor 200# non-concurrent moving BCLL, Heel plates analyzed for eccentrterty, PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES Required beanng widths and bearing areas apply wtien truss not supported in a hanger UPLIFT REACTION(S): Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -86 lb 2 -120 to This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Locatton = End Zone Exp Categoiy = C Bldg Length = 65,00 ft Bldg Width = 40,00 ft Mean TOOf height = 22 92 ft, mph = 110 Occupancy (^atisgory 11, Dead Load = 14,4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting Systerr - Low-rise and Components and Cladding Tributaiy Area = 86 sqft -H ^ H 16-4-15 6 7 -3,001 -|-11-(j) 9 tDI -3,00 6X8 6X10 4X10 1,5X4 5X6 5-10-2 I SHIP 6X^ B2 W:508 I 2-0-0 R 1989 U:-120 I 0-10-0 43-1-0 16 ^78 19 20 2212 All connector plates are Alpine Wave 20 ga,, untess preceded by "H" for High Strengtti 20 ga,, "S" for Super Strengtti 18 ga. Plates ate to be positioned per Joint [Retail Reports, 11/6/2014 AN ITW CONPANY 2820 H. Great SV/ Pftwy. Grantf Prairie, TX TSOSO TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.5.20 **WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO AU CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTAUERS. Trusses require eidreme care in fabricating, handbig, shipping, instaHing and bracing. Refer to and foiiow the latest edition of BCSl (BuHding Component Safety Information, by TPI and WTCA) for safety practices prior to performing tties« Hjncticns, InstaHers stiall provide temporary bradng per BCSl, Untess noted ottieoKlse, top chord shaH hme iMopeity attached struebirel sherthing and bottom chord s^aS have a prc^rty attached ngd celling, Localions shown for permanent lateral restraint of wetis shall have bradng instaHed per BCSl sections 83, B7 or BIO, as applicatite. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Joint Details report, unless noted otherwise, Alpine, a divlsicsi of ITW BuHdng Componente Group Inc.. shaB not be responsitlie fbr any deviation from this drawing, any failure to buHd the buss in conformance with ANSI/TP11. or fbr handling, shipping, instaHation & bradng of trusses, A seal on this drawing or cover page listing this drawing, indicates acceptance of professionai engineering responsibility solely for Oie design shown. The suitability and use of this drawing for any structure is the respryisiblilty of the Buiiding Designer per ANSi/TPl 1 Sec.2 for nKKe informetion see this job's general notes pege and these web sites: ALPINE: iagw jkiineite,eom: TPI: www,tainsl org- WTCA: www,sbclndu^,Qig.. ICC: www,iccsefii org Oust: DIR: Drive_Q r1549_es_L00005_J00001 WO: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00 Dsgnr: #LC= 91 WT 325# TC Live 20 00 psf TC Snow{Pf) 0 00 psf TCDead 16,00 psf BC Live 0,00 psf BCDead 8 00 psf Bldg Code: IBC-2012 LiveDur L=1 25 P=1 25 SnowDur L=1 15 P=1 15 Rep Mbr Bnd / Comp / Tens 1 10/1,10/1 10 O C Spacing 2- 0- 0 DEFL RATIO: L/240 TC: L/180 Job Name: Truss ID: 1CC Qty: BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REOD 1 0-7-4 1793 HGR 1,91" 2 40-10-4 1973 5,50" 2,10" BRG HANGER/CLIP NOTE 1 HUS26 Support Connectton(s)/Hanger(s) are not desigried for horlzontalToads, SEE SIMPSON CATALCX3 FOR ADDITIONAL INSTALLATION NOTES MAX DEFLECTION (span): L/999 MEM 14-15 (LIVE) LC 90 L=-0,31" D=-0,75^ T=-1,07" MAX DEFLECTION (cant): L/482 MEM 21-22 (LIVE) LC 90 L= 0,06" D= 0,09'' T= 0,15" ===== Joint Locations ===== 1 0-0-0 12 42- 8- 8 2 3-11-2 13 O-O-O 3 9- 3-0 14 6- 1-11 4 13- 1- 8 15 10- 8-6 5 18- 0-12 16 13- 1- 8 6 21-2-0 17 21-2-0 7 24-3-4 1 8 26-98 8 29-1-9 1 9 29-1-8 9 33-0-0 20 36-1-5 10 38-1-4 21 40-612 11 40-612 22 42-8-8 CRITICAL MEMBER FORCES: TC COMP.(DUR.)/ TENS.(DUR,1 CSI 3991(1.25)/ 662(1,60)0,60 1. g43,,jo<o55 950(1,60) 0,32 *"',1,60)0,24 ---.1.60)0,95 _-, 933(1.60)0 95 '1.25)/ 941(1,60)0,16 3907(1.25)/ 896(1,60)0,26 9- 10 -3264(1,25)/ 675(1.60)033 10- 11 -121(1.60/ 146(1,26)015 11- 12 -124(1.60)/ 149(1.26)013 BC COMP.(DUR.)/ TENS.(DUR) CSI 13-14 -787(1.60)/ 3750(1.25)0 63 1/ 4253(1.25)066 1/ 4253(1.2510,41 1/ 3616(1.25)0,34 1/ 3471(1,25)0,34 1/ 3471(1,25)0.30 1/ 3711(1.26)0.34 14- 16 -854(1.e 15- 16 - 16-19 -712(1 19- 20 -7' 20- 21 -457(1.60] 21- 22 —^ --' WB COMP.(DUR.)/ TENS.IDUR ) CSl ' 243(1,26)0,10 , 1)1 2317(1.25)0,24 126(155)/ 112(160)0,09 2- 14 3- 14 3- 16 4- 16 5- 16 5-17 617 7-17 7- 19 8- 19 9- 19 9- 20 10- 20 178(1.60)0,16 115(1,60)0,08 -218(1-25)/ 110(1 60)0.06 -115(1.60)/ 755(1.26)0.31 -67(1 .sail 256(1.25) 0,10 -331(125)/ 170(1.6())0.13 -114(1.60V 411(1,26)0,17 -72(1.60)/ 458(126)0.19 -241(125)/ 116(1.60)006 -4M1.25)/ 141(1.26)0,06 -eS(t2S)/ 229(1,60)0,27 -146(1,«))/ 1003(125)0,41 10- 21 -2912(1,25)/ 566(1,60)0,48 11- 21 -166(1,25V 111(1,60)0.04 TC 2x4 DFL #1 & Btr 2x6 DFL #2 1-2 2x4 DFL #2 5-7 BC 2x6 DFL SS WEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD WEDGE 2x4 DFL #2 Kcr (creep factor) = 2,00 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sheets tor Cq factors and Rotational Tolerances, IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSl/TPl and are reported In ESR-1118 Drainage shall be provided to avoid ponding, PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES Not designed for attic storage unless noted otherwise Designed per ANSl/TPl 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8,0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the tnjss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings Plating Is based on quality confrol factors Cq = 0,92 for wide face and Cq = 0,92 for narrow face Any atteratlons to this are shown for Individual joints on the Joint Report Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL, Loaded for 200# non-concurrent moving BCLL Heel plates analyzed for eccentricity. Continuous lateral resfraint attached to fiat TC as Indicated Lumber shall be structural grade Brace @ 24" o c unless noted This design based on chord bracing applied per the following schedule, max o,c from to TC 36,00" 18-4-15 24- 7-12 UPLIFT REACTION(S) Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -65 lb 2 -92 lb This truss Is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enctosed = Yes, Truss Locatton = End Zone Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 65,00 ft, Bldg Width = 40 00 ft Mean roof height = 22 72 ft, mph = 110 Occupancy Category 11, [Dead Load = 14,4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Ckimponents and Cladding Tributary Area = 85 sqft 18-0-7 18-4-15 3 00 1,5X3 5 6 7 I 6-2-8 , 5X12 ''^^^ 5X16 -3 00 5-5-4 6X10 I 0-11-2 Bl HUS26 W:508 R 1793 U:-65 0-4-8 42-8-8 STUB 15 16 18 19 20 222 All connector plates are Alpine Wave 20 ga , unless preceded by "H" tor High Strength 20 ga,, "S" for Super Strength 18 ga. Plates are to be posrtioned per Joint Detail Reports 11/6/2014 ANITWCOI^ANY 2820 N. Great SWPkvry. Grand PraMe, TXTSOSO TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.5.20 **WARNINGI** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO AU CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTAUERS. Trusses racfuire extreme care in fatMicating, handHng. shipping. instelUng and bracing. Refer to and foUorr the latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Satety Information, tiy TPI and WTCA) fiir safety practices prior to performing these Iunctians, InstaHers shall provide temporary bradng per BCSl, Unless noted otiienwise. top choni shaH have properiy attectied structural sheathing and bottom chord shaH have a properly attached rigd ceiling Locations shown for pemianent lateral restraint ofwebs shall have bradng instaHed per BCSI sections 83. B7 or BIO, as appHcable, /Vpply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on tile Josit Details report, unless noted otherwise, Alpine, a division of ITW BuHdng Componente CSroup Inc. shaU net be responsitile foi any deviation from this drawing, any failure to buHd the buss in conformance with ANSI/TPI t, or for handHng, shipping. instaHation & bracing of busses A seal on this drawing or cover page listing this drawing, indicates acceptance of professionai engineering responsibility solely fbr the design shown. The suitability and use of this drawing for any structure is the responsibiiity of the Building Designer per ANSI/TP11 Sec.2 for mcxe information see this job's general notes page and these web sites TPI: MoaoiLtBioaLgEaL WTCA: www siicindusliv org ICC www,iccsafe,orQ Oust: DIR: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00005_J00001 WO: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00 Dsgnr: #LC= 90 WT 318# TC Live 20,00 psf TC Snow(Pt) 0,00 psf TCDead 1600 psf BC Live 0 00 psf BC Dead 8.00 psf Bldg Code IBC-2012 LiveDur L=1 25 P=1 25 SnowDur L=1 15 P=1 15 Rep Mbr Bnd / Comp / Tens 1 10/1 10/1 10 OCSpacing 2-0-0 DEFL RATIO: L/240 TC" L/180 Job Name: Truss ID: 1CD Qty- 1 BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REOD 1 0-7-4 1793 HGR 1,91" 2 40-10-4 1972 5,50" 2.10" BRG HANGER/CLIP NOTE 1 HUS26 Suppoit Connectton(s)/Hanger(s) are not designed for horizontal toads, SEE SIMPSON CATALOG FOR ADDITIONAL INSTALLATION NOTES MAX DEFLECTION (span): L/993 MEM 15-16 (LIVE) LC 90 L=-0.32- D=-0.75" T=-1.0r MAX DEaECnON (cant): L/475 MEM 22-23 (LIVE) LC 90 L= 0.06- 0= 0.09^ T= 0 15" ===== Joint Locatiotis ===== 1 0-0-0 13 42- 6. 8 2 3-11-2 14 0-0-0 3 9-3-0 15 6 1-11 4 13-1-8 16 10-8-8 5 18-0-12 17 13- 1-6 6 21- 2- 0 16 21- 2- 0 7 24-3-4 1 9 26-B6 6 28-1-9 20 29-1-8 9 33-0-0 21 36-1-5 10 35-911 22 40-6-12 11 38- 1-4 23 42- 6 6 12 40-612 CRITICAL MEMBER FORCES: TC COMP.(DUR.)/ TENS.(DUR.) CSl 1- 2 -3881(1.25)/ 825(1.60)0.60 2- 3 -4042(1.25)/ 801(1.60)0 55 3.4 -4263(1^6)/ 4- 5 -4248(1.25)/ 5- 6 -3747(1.25)/ 6- 7 -3747(1.26)/ 7- 8 -3898(1.25)/ 3907(1.: 884(1.60)032 821(1.60)0.24 881(1 60)095 881 1.60) 0.95 871(1.60) 0.19 834(1.60)0-27 (06(1.80)0.32 9.10 -3219(1.25)/ ^ _ 10- 11 -3262(1,25)/ 82j(1.«i)0.43 11- 12 -120(1.60)/ 147(1,26)0.20 12- 13 -123(1.60)/ 150(1.26)017 BC COMP.(DtJR.)/ TENS.(DUR.) CSl 14- 15 -764(1'.( 15- 16 -788(1.1 16- 17 -7r— • 17- 1B -690(1.( 16-19 -871(1 19- 20 -671(1 20- 21 -89S 21- 22 ll 3750(125)0.63 1/ 4263(125)0.66 1/ 4253(1,25)0,41 1/ 3616(1.25)0.34 1/ 3470(1.25)0.34 -)/ 3470(125)0,30 '1.60)/ 3711(125)0.34 1/ 2316(125)024 22-23 -127(1.25)/ 111(1.80)0.09 WB COMP.(DUR.)/ TENS.(DUR.) CSl 2- 15 / 243(1.2 3- 16 — 3- 17 4- 17 6- 17 5- 18 6- 18 7- 16 7- 20 8- 20 9- 20 9-21 11-21 25)0.10 188(1.60)0,16 -^™i.401l 110(1.60)0,08 -218(125)/ 61(1.60)0.06 •104(1.60)/ 75S(1.£)031 -78(1.«»/ 2^1290 .10 331(126)/ 179(1.6(1)013 -124(1.60)/ 411(1.25)0,17 -63(1.60)/ 458(126)019 -240(125)/ 86(1.60)0.06 -43(1.25)/ 142(1.25)0.06 -828(125)/ 217(1.«)) 0.27 -134(1.611)/ 1001(1.25)0.41 11- 22 -2813(1.25)/ 534(1.60)0.48 12- 22 -161(1.26)/ 109(1,60)0,03 TC 2x4 DFL #2 2x6 DFL #2 1-2 2x4 DFL #1 & Btr 2-5, 7-10 BC 2x6 DFL SS WEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD WEDGE 2x4 DFL #2 Kcr (creep factor) = 2,00 Refer to Joint QC Detaii Sheets for Cci factors and Rotattonal Tolerances, IRC/IBC truss plate values are tiased on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSl/TPl and are reported In ESR-1118, Drainage shall be provitjed to avoid ponding, PLAT1|5G BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES Not designed for attto storage unless noted othenwse Designed per ANSl/TPI 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8,0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of fhe lesser of Oie tnjss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings Plating Is based on quality confrol factors Cq = 0,92 for wide face and Cq = 0,92 for narrow face Any alterattons to this are shown for individual joints on the Joint Report, Loaded tor 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL Loaded for 200# non-concurrent moving BCLL, Heel plates analyzed for eccentrtolty Continuous lateral restraint attached to flat TC as Indicated Lumber shall be structural grade Brace @ 24" o c, unless noted. This design based on chord bracing applied per the tollowing schedule max o c, from to TC 36,00" 17-2-13 24- 7-12 UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -85 lb 2 -1121b This truss Is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specificaf on Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = C Bkfe Lengtti = 66,00 ft, Bldg Width = 40 00 ft Mean roof height = 22,97 ft mph = 110 Occupancy Category It, Dead Load = 14,4 psf Designed as Main Wfind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Components and Cladding Tributary Area = 85 sqft 20-0-7 20-4-15 3 00 [3,00 5 6 7 1,5X3 9 10 11 TES -3,00 £r'^^®4X17 5-11-4 SHIP 0-4-8 42-6-8 STUB 15 16 17 18 19 20 Bl HUS26 W:508 R:1793 U:-85 All connector plates are Alpine Wave 20 ga., unless preceded by "H" for High Strengtti 20 ga,, "S" for Super Strengtii 18 ga. Plates ate to be positioned per Joint Detail Reports, 21 "m B2 W:508 R:1972 U:-112 11/6/2014 AN ITW COMPANY 2920 M Great SWPImy. GrandPralrie, TXTSOSO TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.5.20 **WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO AU CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTAUERS. Trusses require ejtrame cara in fabricating, handing, shipping IntfaHing and bracing. Refer to and foflow the latest edition of BCSl (BuHding Component Safety Information, by TPI and WTCfii fer safaty practices prior to perfbrming these functions, kistaleis shall provirje temporary bradng per BCSl, Unless noted ottienwise. top chord shaN have proparty attectied stnjctural sheathing and bottom chord shaR have a properly atteched ngld ceHing, Locations shown rOr permanent lateral restraint of webs stiall have tiradng installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or BIO, as applicatile, J^pply pletes to each face of truss and position as shown abcwe and on the Joint Deteils reptirt, unless noted otherwise, Alpine, a divisian of ITW BuHring Componente Group Inc, shell not be responsitile for any devietion trom tiiis drawing, any faHure to build the truss in confonnance witti ANSl/TPl 1, or for handting, shipping, instaHation & bradng of trusses, A seai on this drawing or cover page listing this drawing, indicates acceptance of professionai engineering responsibility solely forthe design shown. The suitability and use of this drawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TP11 Sec.2 for mora infbrmation see tNs job's general notes pageand these websites' ALPINE: www akiineitw cqnL TPI: B]By,toinst.orQ: WTCA: www.sfaeindmtiv.Qig,. ICC: www,iccsafe pig Oust: DIR: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00005J00001 WO: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00 Dsgnr: #LC= 90 m 326# TC Live 20,00 psf TC Snow(Pf) 0,00 psf TCDead 16,00 psf BC Live 0 00 psf BCDead 8 DO psf Bldg Code: IBC-2012 LiveDur L=1 25 P=1 25 SnowDur L=1 15 P=1 15 Rep Mbr Bnd / Comp / Tens 1 10/1 10/1 10 OCSpacing 2-0-0 DEFL RATIO, L/240 TC: L/180 Job Name: Truss ID: 1D Qty: BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REOD 1 0-2-12 6796 5,50" 2,42" 2 13-5-4 6795 5.50" 2,42" MAX DEFLECTION (span): L/B29 MEM 3-4 (LIVE) LC 1 L=-0.25" D=-0,41" T=-0,66" ===== Joint Locations ===== t 0-0-0 7 O-O-O 2 2-3-8 6 2-3-6 3 6-3-4 9 6-3-4 4 6-4-12 10 B4-12 5 11-4-8 11 11-4-6 6 13-8-0 12 13-8-0 CRITICAL MEMBER FORCES: TC COMP.(DUR,)/ TENS,(DUR ) CSl 1- 2 -9615(125)/ 0.59 2- 3 -18652(1.25)/ 0,66 34 -18746(1.25)/ 0.82 4-5 -18746(1.25)/ 0.66 6- 6 -8777(1.25y 0.56 BC COMP.(DUR.)/ TENSJDUR ) CSl 7- 8 / 8051(1,25)0.54 6-9 / 6193(1.2^0,60 9- 10 / 19694(1,26)078 10- 11 / ^84(1,25)0,64 11- 12 / 8210(1,25)0,52 WB COMP.(pUR,)/ TENS,(DUR,) CSI 2-8 -698(1.»)/ 0.03 / 11028(1.25) 0,65 108(1,25)/ 178(1,60)0,02 -163(1.25)/ 20a,1.26)0,03 TC 2x4 DFL #2 BC 2x6 DFL SS WEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD 2x4 DFL #2 2-9, 10-5 WEDGE 2x6 DFL #2 Kcr (creep factor) = 2,00 Reter to Joint CX; Detail Sheets for Cq factors and Rotational Tolerances, IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSl/TPl and are reported In ESR-1118. Heel plates analyzed for eccenfrtolty. Drainage shall be provided to avoid ponding Permanent bracing Is required to Sevent rotatton/toppling. See 3S1 and ANSl/TPl 1, PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES, 3-PLYl Nail w/IOd BOX, staggered (per NDS) in: TC- 2 BC- 8 WEBS- 2 "PER FOOTI" Nail in layers or from each face. Cluster screws. If shown, are 4,5" long. Not designed for attic storage unless noted othenvise 2- 9 3- 9 3- 10 4- 10 5- 10 5-11 289(1.60)0,03 / 10916(1,25)0,64 •365(1,25)/ 22(1,60)0,01 Designed per ANSl/TPl 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8,0% Beanngs designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the truss chord lumber value or 625 for all tiearings Plating Is based on quality conttol factors Cq = 0,92 for wide face and Cq = 0,92 for narrow face. Any alterattons to this are shown for Individual joints on the Joint Report Loaded for 10 PSF non-concuirent BCLL, Loaded for 200# non-concurrent moving BCLL + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Nail pattern shoswi is for PLF toads and point loads converted to PLF toads only. Concentrated toads shall be distributed to each pty equally. Multiply with hangers are based on hariger nails using 3,0" nails min into the carrying member If shown, use additional fasteners for point loads from the back plys, disttibuted symm. In the chords, within 12" of hanger flange IF 2,5" GUN NAILS ARE USED, ANY NAIL CLUSTER AMOUNTS SHOWN shall BE INSTALLED FROM THE FRONT AND BACK FACE EQUALLY(TOTAL NAILS = [X3UBLE THE AMOUNT SHOWN), 3 PLY OR LESS, lOd = lOd NAILS, SDS = Simpson SOS screws or equivalent sub^itute, (•) = Special Connectton Req, (by others) NAIL pattem shown Is based on: lOd BOX = 0,128" dia, X 3 0" tong nail lOd COMMON = 0 148" dia, x 3 0" long nail 16d BOX = 0 135" dia X 3 5" long nail 16d COMMON = 0,162" dia, x 3,5" long nail -^-•^ + -t•-^-•^-•^•f-^--^••^-^•-f•^-•f•^•^ + + •f•f-^ UPLIFT REACTION(S) Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -197 lb 2 -197 Ib This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enctosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 65,00 ft, Bldg Width = 40 00 ft Mean roof height = 20,70 ft mph = 110 C>:cu|3ancy Category ll. Dead Load = 14 4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Components and Cladding Tributary Area = 309 sqft LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS Dir LPIf LLoc RPK RLoc LL/TL TCVert 72,00 0-0-0 72 00 2-3-8 0,56 TCVert 77,25 2-3-8 77,25 11-4-8 0 56 TCVert 72,00 11-4-8 72 00 13-8-0 0 56 BCVert 917,17 0- 0-0 917,17 13- 8- 0 0 55 „Type„, lbs XLoc LL/TL TCVert 6,7 2-3-8 100 TCVert 5,3 2-3-8 0 00 TCVert 6,7 11-4-8 1 00 TCVert 5 3 11-4-8 0 00 fil hipaiiT et a J }acl<s o'''^ r t3 g 1 1 1 1 on ^ =; 1 (5 T 1 1 = 3-PLYS REQUIRED [300 8X8 12# 8X10 ~|~ 6X8 1-4-14 "T j 0-10-0 Bl W:508 R6796 U-197 F 1 SHIP 13-8-0 B2 W:508 R:6795 U:-197 10 12 TYPICAL PLATE : All connector plates are Alpine Wave 20 ga,, unless preceded by "H" for High Strength 20 ga,, "S" for Super Strength 18 ga. Plates are to be positioned per Joint Detail Reports, 11/6/2014 ANITWCOnPANY 2920N. ereatSWPlMy. GrandPralrie, TXTSOSO TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.5.20 **WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO AU CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTAUERS. Trusses require eidreme care in fatiricating. handling, shipping. instaHing and bracing, Reter to and tollow the letest edition of BCSI (BuUding Component Satety Intormetion. by TPl and WTCA) ftf safaty practices prior to peitoiming tiiese functions, InstaHeis stiall provide temporaiy biadng per BCSl, Unless noted othenvise. top chord shaH have properly attectied structural sheathing end bottom chord shafl have a pioperty atteched rigid ceding. Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs stiall have bradng instaHed pel BCSl sections 83. B7 or 810. as appHcatile, Apply plates to each face of buss and position as shown abwe and on the Joint Deteils leport. unless noted otherwise. /Mpine, a divisicn of ITW Buildng Componente Group Inc., shaU not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any teHure lo buHd the truss in conformance witii ANSI/TP11. or for handHng, shipping, installation & bradng of busses, A seai on this drawing or cover page listing this drawing. Indicates acceptance of professional engineering responslblllty solely fior the design shown. The suitabiiity and use of this drawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TP) 1 Sec.2 For more siformation see tliis job's general notes page and these web sites: ALPINE: gyw alDineitw.com: TPI: www toinst otg;WTCA:www,sbcindustpr,or9: ICC: www iccsafe^ Cust: DIR: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00005_J00001 WO: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00 Dsgnr: #LC= 54 WT 106# TC Live 20,00 psf TCSnow(Pf) 0,00 psf TCDead 16 00 psf BC Live 0,00 psf BC Dead 8 00 psf Bldg Code: IBC-2012 LiveDur L=1 25 P=1 25 SnowDur L=1 15 P=1 15 Rep Mbr Bnd / Comp / Tens 1 15/1 10/1 10 O C Spacing 2- 0- 0 DEFL RATIO: L/240 TC: L/18 Job Name: Truss ID: 1EA Qty: BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REOD 1 0- 2-12 6707 5,50" 2,38" 2 14-2-8 6784 5,50" 2,41" MAX DEFLECTION (span): L/808 MEM 7-8 (LIVE) LC 2 L=-0.2r D=-0.35" T=-0 55" EX.WB DEF CRITERIA: L/120 IN MEM 10-5;T= 0.00" ===== Joint Locations ===== 1 0-0.0 6 0-0.0 2 4-6.8 7 4-6-8 3 7-8-5 8 7-8-5 4 10-11-16 9 10-11-15 5 14-5-4 10 14-6-4 CRITICAL MEMBER FORCES: TC C0MP.(DUR.)/ TENS.(pUR ) CSl 1- 2 -11069(125)/ 0 78 2- 3 -10638(1.25)/ 0,40 34 -14573(125)/ 035 4-5 -9810(1.25)/ 0,23 BC COMP.(DUR.)/ TENS,(DUR,) CSI 67 / 10814(125) 0 70 7- 8 / 14224(125) 0.79 8- 9 / 10450(126)0.39 9- 10 -25(1.60)/ 91(1.60)013 WB COMP.(DUR.)/ TENS.(DUR) CSl 2 7 / 2B38(t.25) 0 38 3- 7 -4068(1.25)/ 0.27 3- 8 / 1476(1,29 0,20 4- 8 / 4701(1 25)0,64 4- 9 - 2704(1,25V 0,10 5- 9 / 11091(1,25)0,65 5-10 -6394(1,26)( 0,22 TC 2x4 DFL #2 BC 2x6 DFL SS WEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD 2x4 DFL #2 9-5 WEtXSE 2x6 DFL #2 Kcr (creep factor) = 2,00 Refer to Joint CK Detail Sheets for Cq factors and Rotational Tolerances, IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as requited by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported in ESR-1118, Heel plates analyzed for eccenttteity, Diainage shall be provitJed to avoid ponding. Permanent bracing Is required to prevent rotatton/toppling. See BiCSlandANa/TP11 PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES, End verticals are designed for axial toads only, unless noted otheiwise, 3-PLYl Nail wtflOd BOX staggered (per NDS) In: TC- 2 BC- 7 WEBS- 2 ''PER FOOTI" Nail in layers or ftom each tace. Cluster screws. If shovm, are 4,5" long. Not designed for attic storage unless noted othemvlse Designed per ANSl/TPl 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8,0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of ttte truss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings. Plating Is based on quality confrol factors Cq = 0 92 for vflde face and Cq = 0,92 for narrow face Any alterattons to this are shown tor individual joints on the Joint Report Loaded tor 10 PSF non-concun-ent BCLL, Loaded for 200# non-concurrent moving BCLL, ++++++++++++++++++++++ Nail pattern shown is for PLF loads and point loads converted to PLF toads only. Concentrated loads shall be dtsfrlbuteci to each ply equally, MultFply with hangers are based on hanger nails using 3,0" nails min, into the carrying member. If shown, use additional fasteners for point toads from the back plys. dlsfritmted symm. In the chords, within 12" of hanger flange IF 2,5" GUN NAILS ARE USED, ANY NAIL CLUSTER AMOUNTS SHOWN shall BE INSTALLED FROM THE FRONT AND BACK FACE EQUALLYfTOTAL NAILS = tXJUBLE THE AMOUNT SHOWN), 3 PLY OR LESS lOd = lOd NAILS, SDS = Simpson SDS screws or equivalent substitute, (*) = Special Connection Req (by others) NAILjiattem shown is based on: lOd BOX = 0 128" dia X 3,0" long nail lOd COMMON = 0,148" dia, X 3 0" long nail 16d BOX = 0,135" dia, x 3,5" long nail 16d COMMON = 0 162" dia, x 3 5" long nail •^--^ + + + + -|, + + + +-^•^ + + + -^ + ^ 8X1 OR Bl W:508 R 6707 U -175 14-5-4 TYPICAL PLATE : 8X10 All connector plates are Alpine Wave 20 ga,, unless preceded by "H"for High Strengtii 20 ga,, "S" for Super Strength 18 ga. Plates are to be positioned per Joint Detail Reports, UPLIFT REACTION(S) Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -1751b 2 -177 to HORIZONTAL REACTION(S) support 1 115 lb support 2 115 lb This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enclosed " Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = C Bkfe Length = 65 ,(X) ft, Bldg Width = 40 00 ft Mean root height = 20,98 ft, mph = 110 Occupancy Category ll. Dead Load = 14,4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting S^tem - Low-rise and Components and Cladding Tributaiy Area = 307 sqft Vertical members exposed to wind: 10- 5 -LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS - Dir L PIf LLoc R,Plf R Loc LL/TL TCVert 72.00 0-0-0 7 2 00 4-6-8 0 56 TCVert 112.50 4-6-8 11250 14-5-4 0,56 BC Vert 825,00 0-0-0 825,00 14-5- 4 0 54 „,Type„, Ibs XLoc LL/TL TCVert 77,9 4-6-8 1,00 TCVert 623 4-6-8 0,00 T!^:& Xn.Ss. i? OifS s'rov.n ff fhe59 . :n :;':!rrectiy 'sbrK not i^e rppsr-Tri, #1 hip :!9siyn-''11-^ ?: n.' •A'eb^ ir. op^ fi:^:^- •;;i:=. havon.val'f J -'iK 'o: t:ii =r-,rl- !t:oi:? ':ti3r,;<= 'f •I^T'^Tge- cr •:1F.'^'! 1-1 •10 2X3 B2 W508 R6784 U:-177 10 11/6/2014 AN ITW COWANY 2e2l>M GreatSWPKwy. Grand Prairie. TXTSOSO TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.5.20 **WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO AU CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTAUERS. Trusses require ejtframe cere in tetiricating, haniiling, shipping instaHing and tiracing. Refer to and toHow the tetest etitian of BCSl (Buikling Component Safety Information, tiy TPI and WTCA) for safaty practices prior to perfbrming tiiese functions, InstaHers shall provide temporaiy bradng per BCSI Unless noted othetwise. top chord shaH have property Attectied structural sheathing and tioltom chord shaH have a properly atteched n^d ceHing, Locations shown fijr pemianent lateral restraint of wetis stwii have bradng HidaHed per BCSl sections 83. B7 or BIO. as appHcable, Apply plates to eech face of buss and position as shown atiove and on the Joint Deteils raport. uniess noted otharwise. Alpine, a divisian of ITW BuHdng Componente Group Inc.. sheH not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any teHure to buHd the buss in conformance with ANSI/TP11. or for handing, shipping, installation 8> bradng oflrusses, A seal on this drawing or rxverpage listing this drawing, indicates acceptance of professionai engineering responsibiiity solely Ibr the design shown. The suitability and use of this drawing for any structure is the responslblllty of the Bulldlng Designer per ANSirrPi 1 Sec.2 for more infbrmation see this job's general notes page and these web sites: ALPINE: Mgw.aaiineitw.com: TPI: www,toinrt,oro- WTCA: www,sbcindustnr,gta. ICC: www,iecsafe,orq Oust: DIR: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00005_J00001 WO: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00 Dsgnr: #LC= 58 WT: 102# TC Live 20,00 psf TCSnow(PO aoo psf TCDead 16,00 psf BC Live 0,00 psf BCDead 8 00psf Bldg Code: IBC-2012 LiveDur L=1 25 P=1 25 SnowDur L=1 15 P=1 15 Rep Mbr Bnd / Comp / Tens 1 15/1 10/1 10 OCSpacing 2-0-0 DEFL RATIO, L/240 TC L/180 Job Name: Truss ID: 1FA BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REC 1 0- 1-12 453 3,50" 1,50" 2 7-9-12 453 3.50" 1,60" MAX DEFLECTION (span): L/999 MEM 2-3 (LIVE) LC 55 L=-0,04" D=-0,06" T=-0,10" EX WB DEF CRITERIA:L/120 IN MEM 8-4;T= 0,00" ===== Joint Locations ===== 1 O-O-O 5 0-0-0 2 2-4- 1 6 2-4-1 3 5-7-7 7 5-7-7 4 7-11-8 6 7-11-6 CRITICAL MEMBER FORCES: TC C0MP.(DUR,)/ TENS.(DUR,) CSl 1- 2 -623(1.a)/ 244(1.60)0.15 2- 3 -551(1.25)/ 237(1.60)0,42 34 -623(1.25)/ 244(1.60)0,15 BC COMP,(pUR,)/ TENSrOUR ) CSl 5- 6 -33(1,(01/ 37(1.60)0,16 6- 7 -199(1,60)/ 561(1.25)0,36 7- 8 -33(1,60)/ 37(1.60)0,18 WB C0MP.(PUR.)/ TENS.(DUR,) CSl 1-5 -432(1,»)/ (90(1,60)0,07 1- 6 -212(1,60)/ 590(1,26)024 2- 6 -107(1,25)/ 91(1,60)0,03 3- 7 -107(1,25)/ 91(1,60)0,03 4- 7 -212(1,60)/ 590(1,25)0 24 4-8 -432(1,26)/ 190(1,60)0,07 TC 2x4 DFL #2 BC 2x4 DFL #2 WEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD Plating Is based on quality control factors Cq = 0 92 for wide face and Cq = 0,92 tor narrow face Any alterations to this are shown for individual joints on the Joint Report Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL, Loaded for 200# non-concurrent moving BCLL Drainage shall be provided to avoid ponding. Continuous lateral restraint attached to flat TC as Indicated, Lumtier shall be sfructural grade. Brace @ 24" o,c, unless noted. Not designed for attic storage unless noted ottierwise Qty: Designed per ANSI/TPI 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance - 8 0% Beanngs designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of ttie truss chord lumtier value or 625 for all bearings, Kcr (creep factor) = 2,00 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sheets for Cq factors and Rotational Tolerances IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSl/TPl and are reported in ESR-1118 Permanent bracing Is required to prevent rotation/toppling See BCSl and ANSl/TPl 1 PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES UPLIFT REACTION(S) Support CSiCWlnd Non-Wind 1 -235 lb 2 -235 lb This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enctosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = C Blijg Lengtti = 65.00 ft, Bldg Width = 40,00 ft Mean roof height = 21 14ft mph = 110 Occupancy Category 11, Dead Load = 14 4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Lowr-rise and Ctomponents and Cladding Tributary Area = 21 sqft Vertical members exposed to wind: 5-1, 8-4 LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS Dir L PIf L.Loc R Plf R Loc LL/TL TC Vert 72 00 0-0-0 72,00 3- 6-0 0 66 TCVert 99,00 3-6-0 99 00 4- 5-8 0 56 TCVert 72,00 4-5- 8 72 00 7-11- 8 0 56 BCVert 22,00 0-0-0 22,00 7-11-8 0 00 ,„Type, lbs X,Loc LL/TL TCVert 36,5 3-6-0 1,00 TCVert 29,2 3-6-0 0,00 TCVert 36,5 4-5-8 1 00 TCVert 29 2 4-5- 8 0 00 3-5-11 3-5-11 5 00 2-7-0 -5,00 2-3-6 3X4 T 0-10-0 1 Bl W308 R 453 U -235 B2 W:308 R:453 U:-235 All connector plates are Alpine Wave 20 ga,, unless preceded by "H" tor High Strengtti 20 ga "S" for Super Strength 18 ga. Plates are to be positioned per Joint Detail Reports, 11/6/2014 AN rrw COMPANY 2920H GreatSWPHuy. GrandPralrie, TXTSOSO TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.5.20 **WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANV* FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO AU CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTAUERS. Trusses require entreme cere in tebrieating hanifing shipping instaHing and bracing. Reter to and foHow the latest edition or BCSI (Building Component Satety Information, by TPI and VI/TCA) tor safety practices prior ta perfbrming tiiese liinctions, InstaHers shsll provide temporary bradng per BCSI, Unless noted otiienvlse. top chord shaH have properiy atteched stiuchjrat shatthmg and bottom chord shaH have a properly attached rigd cefling Locations shown tor permanent leteral restraint of webs shall have bradng instaHed per BCSI sections B3. B7 or BIO, as appHcable, Apply plates to each face of buss and position as shown above and on tiie Joint Deteils report, unless noted otherwise, Alpine, a division of ITW BuHdng Componente Group lno, ShaH not be responsible fdr any deviation from tills drawing, any teHure to buHd the buss in conformance with ANSl/TPl 1, or for handing, shipping, instaHation & bradng of busses, A seal on this drawing or cover page listing this drawing, indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely fbr the design shown. The suitabiiity and use of this drawing for any stnjcture isthe responsibilitv of the Buildina Designer per ANSVTPl 1 Sec.2 " For mora information see this job's general notes page and these web sites; ALPINE: BBgJtaiiitiJgm: TPI; ininir,lllitl«,grtt,WTCA: aapu sbclnduaiv ICC: www iccsefe org Cust: DIR: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00005_J00001 WO: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00 Dsgnr: #LC = 55 WT, 48# TC Live 20,00 psf TC Snow(Pf) 0,00 psf TCDead 1600 psf BC Live 0 00 psf BCDead 8 00 psf BldgC:ode: IBC-2012 LiveDur L=1 25 P=1 25 SnowDur L=1 15 P=1 15 Rep Mbr Bnd / Comp / Tens 1 00/1 00/1 00 OCSpacing 2-0-0 DEFL FIAT 10: L/240 TC: L/180 Job Name: Truss ID: 1J1 Qty: BRG X-LCX; REACT SIZE REOD 1 4-8-12 1764 5 50" 188" 2 44-4-4 1764 5,50" 1 88" MAX DEFLECTION (span) U999 MEM 6-7 (LIVE) LC 1 L=-0,34" D=-0,78" T=-1,12" EX.WB DEF CR1TERIA:L/120 IN MEM 10- 1; T= 0.00" ==»> Joint Locationa ===== 1 O-O-O 10 0-0-0 2 5-1-8 11 ^0-3 3 11-7-14 12 8-10-4 4 17-0-8 13 17-0-6 5 22- 5- 2 14 20- 3- G 6 24-6-12 1 6 26-2-12 7 26-11-8 16 32-0^13 8 34-0-12 17 40-1-0 9 40-1-0 CRmCAL MEMBER FORCES: TC COMP.tDUR.y TENSiDUR.) CSl 1-2 -1444(1,26)/ 278(1,80)0.29 BC C0MP.(DUR.)/ TENS.(DUR.) CSI 10-tl -1704(1.60)/ 1704(1.6010,17 i53(1.60)/ 2660(1.25)0.45 1/ 3189(125)0.56 1/ 3827(1.26)0.58 1/ 3827(12^0,60 1/ 4840(125)080 1/ 5336(1,25)0,86 WB COMPYOUR.)/ TENSJOUR ) CSl 10-1 -1746(126)/ 372(1.9010.22 1- 11 -319(1.6())/ 1862(1.25)0.76 2- 11 -1751(12^/ 397(1.60)057 2- 12 -403(1.60)/ 1040(1.60)033 3- 12 -600(1 .eov 433(1.6b) 029 3- 13 -918(1.60)/ 579(1.60)0,77 4- 13 -154(1.60)/ 1112(1.») 0.46 5- 13 -1176(126)/ 2ra(1.60^1.00 5-16 -64(1.60)/ 741(1.26)030 7-15 - 774(1.25)/ 201(1 60)0.35 463(1.25)019 207(1.60) 0,07 15 -774(1.25)/ 16 -179(1.60)/ 16 -490(1.60)/ TC 2x4 DFL «1 & Btr, 2x4 DFL #2 4-6 8C 2x6 DFL #2 FILL CHD 2x4 DFL STANDARD WEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD Designed per ANSI/TPI 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8,0% Plating Is tiased on quality control factors Cq = 0,92 tor wide face and Cq = 0 92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown tor Individual joints on the Joint Report IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported In ESR-1118, End verticals are designed for axial toads only, unless noted othetwise. Not designed for attto storage unless noted otherwise. Web bracing required at each location shown Refer to BCSl for proper required lateral restraint For alternative web bracing, see ITWBCG's standard deteils. Plates outside the truss perimeter are designed for ttie locatton shown only. Trim to match profile If necessary. Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the tosser of ttie tmss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings, Kcr (creep factor) = 2,00 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sheets for Cq factors and Rotattonal Toterances, Loaded tor 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL Loaded tor 200# non-concurrent moving BCLL, PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES, •^-•^••^-•f•^-^-t••^•f-^•^-•t-•^-^-^--f-^-•f-^-^- + + Designed tor 6 3 K lbs drag load appltod horizontally in either direction to the top chord panel points, with dead -i- 0 % live loads using toad duration = 1,60, Partial continuous bearing (PB) horizontal reaction = 430 Plf Max Connection by others, +++++++++++++*++++++++ PB(1)from 29-10-Oto 44-6-0 UPLIFT REACTION(S) Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -72 lb 2 -95 lb HORIZONTAL REACTION(S): support 1 1703 lb support 2 -1121b This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 VKind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = C BkJg Lenrth = 65.00 ft. Bldg Width = 40 00 ft Mean roof height = 23,11 ft mph = 110 0;cupancy Category ll. Dead Load =^ 14 4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Components and Cladding Tributary Area = 80 sqft Vertical members exposed to wind, 10- 1 17-0-8 23-0-8 5 6 |3,00 -3,00 6X6 6-2-10 R4X6 T 1-11- B1 W 508 R:1764 U:-72 4-6-0 3X6 3X10 5X6 0-3-f 8=5X6 40-1-0 1,5X3 W:508 R:1764 U:-95 STUB 10 12 13 14 15 All connector plates are Alpine Wave 20 ga,, unless preceded tiy "H" for High Strength 20 ga,, "S" for Super Strength 18 ga. Rates ape to be positioned per Joint Detail Reports, 11/6/2014 AN ITW COMPANY 2920 N. Great SW Pinwy. Gland Prairie, TX TSOSO TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.5.20 **WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO AU CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTAUERS. Trusses require eidreme care si tetiricating, handHng, shiplling InstaHing and bracing, Reteito and tciKow the latest edHion of BCSl (BuHding Component Satety Infoimation. tiy TPI and WTC^ fa safaty practices prior to performing tiiese hncticns, InstaHers stiall provide temporary bradng per BCSl, Unless noted ottienwlse. top chord shaH have properiy atteched stiuctural sheatiiing and bottom chord shaH have a properly atteched rigd ceHing, Locations shown for pemianent lataral restraint of webs shall have bradng IntfaHed per BCSl sections B3. B7 or BIO. as i^ipHcable. iVpply plates to each face of tiuss and ptisition as shown atiove and on the Joint Deteils raport unless noted otherwise. Airline, a divisian of ITW BuHding Componente Group Inc., shsH not be responsitite for any deviation from ttiis drawing, any failure to buHd the tiuss in confonnance with ANSI/TP11, or for handing, shipping, InstaHation & bradng oflrusses, A seal on this drawing or cover page listing this drawing, indicates actxptance of professionai engineering resprynsibiiity solely for the design shown. The suitat>llity and use of this drawing for any structure Is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TP11 Sec.2 for mor. information see this job's general notes page and these web sites; ALPINE: latgy einiiieite corii. TPI: www.toinsl.ora: WTCA: www,sbclndusliv oro ICC: www iccsafe oio Oust: DIR: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00005_J00001 WO: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00 Dsgnr: #LC= 86 WT: 281# TC Live 20,00 psf TCSnow(Pf) 000 psf TCDead 1600 psf BC Live 0,00 psf BC Dead 8,00 psf Bldg Code: IBC-2012 LiveDur L=1 25 P=1 25 SnowDur L=1 15 P=1,15 Rep Mbr Bnd / Comp / Tens 1 10/1 10/1 10 OCSpacing 2-0-0 DEFL RATIO: L/240 TC: L/180 Job Name: Truss ID: 1J2 Qty: BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REOD 1 4-8-12 1764 5,50" 1,88" 2 44-4-4 1764 5,50" 1,88" MAX DEFLECTION (span): L/999 MEM 5-7 (LIVE) LC 2 L=-0,34" D=-0,78" T=-1,12" EX.WB DEF CRITERIA:L/120 N MEM 10- 1;T= 0,00" :== Joint Locations ===== 1 0-0-0 II 2-0-3 2 5-1-B 12 BIO-4 3 11-7-14 13 12-0-0 4 17-0-9 t4 17- 0- 8 5 22- 5- 2 15 20- 3- 8 6 24-6-12 1 6 21-5-8 7 28-11- 8 17 26- 2-12 9 34-0-12 18 32-0-13 40- 1- 0 19 40- 1-0 10 0-0-0 CRmCAL MEMBER FORCES: TC COMP.(DUR.)/ TENS,(DUR,) CSl 1- 2 -1444(1,25)/ 278(1,60)0 29 2- 3 -3218(126)/ 636(1,60)0 36 34 -3065(1.25)/ 672(1.60)0.33 4- 5 - 3064(1.26)/ 672(1.60 0 43 5- 6 -4332(1,251/ 829(1.60 0,59 6- 7 -4410(1,25)/ 819(1.60)0,52 7 8 -5253(1.25)/ 946(1.60)0.53 8-9 -5553(1.25)/ 1028(1,6()) 069 BC COMP.(DUR.)/ TENS.(DUR,) CSl 10- 11 -^1,60)/ 103(1,60)0,13 11- 12 -653(1.60)/ 2650(1.25)0.45 12- 13 -597(1.60)/ 3189(1 25)0.52 13- 14 -697(1.60)/ 3189(1.25)0.55 14- 15-1288(1.61))/ 5443(1.60)0,58 15- 16 -1288(1,60)/ 5443(1.6Qa60 16- 17 -1288(1.60)/ 5443(1.60)0.60 17- 18 -898(1-60)/ 4840(1 26)090 18- 19 -995(1.60)/ 5336(1.25)085 WB COMP.(0UR 10-1 -1746(1.26)/ -319(1 .mil 1761(1,25)/ —!1,60)/ 1,60)/ 921(1,60)/ •154(1,60)/ 1176(1.25)/ -64(1,60)/ -774(1.25)- .)/ TENS,(DUR,) CSI 372(1,60) 022 1862(1,26)076 397(1,60)057 1042(1,60)033 " ,29 7B 8-18 -4841 74(1.26)/ 73(1.60)/ 84(1.60)/ 436(1.60) 0. 582(1.6010 1112(1,26) 0.4S 273(1,60) 1.00 741(1,25)0,30 201(1,60) 0,35 463(1,25) 0,19 201(1 60) 0,07 TC 2x4 DFL #1 & Btr 2x4 DFL «2 4-6 BC 2x6 DFL #2 FILL CHD 2x4 DFL STANDARD WEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD Designed per ANSl/TPl 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8,0% Plating Is based on tiuallty control factors Cq = 0,92 for wide face and Cq = 0,92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for Individual joints on ttie Joint Report IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSl/rpi and are reported in ESR-1118 End verticals are designed for axial toads only, unless noted otherwise. Not designed for attic storage unless noted otherwise Web braclrig required at each location shown. Refer to B(5S1 tor proper required lateral restraint For alternative web bracing, see ITWBCG's standard details Plates outside the truss perimeter are designed for tiie location shown only Trim to mateh profile necessary Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of ttie tmss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings Kcr (creep factor) = 2,00 Refer to Joint OC Detail Sheets for Cq factors and Rotational Tolerances, Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL, Loaded for 200# non-concurrent moving BCLL, PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES, + ++ + * + ^ + + + + + + + + + ^*+.\. + + Designed tor 6,3 K lbs drag load applied horizontally In either direction to the top chord panel points, with dead -i- 0 % live loads using load duration = 1 60 Partial continuous bearing (PB) horizontal reaction - 666 Plf Max, Connection by others, + ++ + + + .*. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + .^ PB(1)from 16-6-Oto 25-11-8 This design based on chord bracing applied per the following schedule: max o c, from to TC 24,00" 41-11-10 44- 7-0 UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -72 lb 2 -95 lb HORIZONTAL REACTION(S): support 1 -1121b support 2 -1121b This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enctosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 65,00 ft Bldg Width = 40 00 ft Mean roof height = 23,11 ft, mph = 110 Occupancy Category 11, Dead Load = 14 4 psf Designed as Main VVind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Components and Cladding Tributary Area = 80 sqft Vertical members exposed to wind: 10- 1 17-0-1 23-0-8 5 6 3 00 -3 00 I 6X6 S=3X8 6-2-10 R4X6 T 1-11-8 Bl W-508 R 1764 U -72 4-6-0 15X3 1,5X3 6-2-10 1,5X3 2X5 3X4 5X6 0-^-8 -F- 8X16 3X4 S=H0510 40-1-0 3X4 4X12 Bg-5-8 W:508 R:1764 U:-95 SHIP STUB 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 19 All connector plates are Alpine Wave 20 ga,, unless preceded by "H" for High Strengtti 20 ga , "S" for Super Strength 18 ga Plates are to be positioned per Joint Detail Reports, 11/6/2014 AN ITW COI/PANY 2920H. GreatSWPkivy. GrandPralrie, TXTSOSO TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.5.20 **WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TOAU CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTAUERS. Trusses require ei4reme care in tebricating. handHng. shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and foHow the latest edition of BCSl (BuHding Component Satety Information, tiy TPI and Vi/TCA) fcr safbty practices prior to performing these functions, InstaHers shall pravide temporary bradng per BCSl, Unless noted othenwise. top chord shaH have properiy atteched structural sheathing and bottom chord shaH have a properly atteched n^d celHng, Locations shown for permenent lateral restraint ofwebs shell have bradng instaHed per BCSl sections B3. 67 or BiO. as appHcable, Apply plates to each tece of tiuss and position as shown abcwe and on tiie Joint Oetails report, unless noted otherwise, Alpine, a divisicn ot ITW BuHding Componente Group Inc. shaH not be responsible for any deviation from tiiis drawing, any teHure to build the tiuss in conformance with ANSl/TPl 1. or for handHng shipping, instaHation & bradng of busses A seal on this drawing or cover page listing this drawing, indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibiiity solely fbr the design stiown. The suitability and use of this drawing for any structure isthe responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPt 1 Sec.2 For more inftirmation see tNs job's general notes pege and these web sites; ALPINE; mepv.elDineitei,com: TPI; www,toinri org' WTCA; www,sbcinduanr,a£g,. ICC; www,iccsafe,org Cust: DIR: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00005_J00001 WO: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00 Dsgnr: #LC= 86 WT 285# TC Live 20,00 psf TCSnow{Pf) 0,00 psf TCDead 16,00 psf BC Live 0,00 psf BCDead 8,00 psf Bldg Code: IBC-2012 LiveDur L=1 25 P=1 25 SnowDur L=1,15 P=1 15 Rep Mbr Bnd / Comp / Tens 1 10/1 10/1 10 OCSpacing 2-0-0 DEFL RATIO L/240 TC: L/180 Job Name: Truss ID: 1J3 Qty: BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REOD 1 4-8-12 1764 5,50" 188" 2 44-4-4 1764 5,50" 1 88" MAX DEFLECTION (span): L/999 MEM 6-7 (LIVE) LC 1 L=-0.34" D=-0,78' T=-1,12" EX WB DEF CRITERIA: L/120 INMEM10-1;T= 0,00" ===== Joint Locations ===== 1 0-0-0 10 9-0-0 2 5-1-8 11 2-0-3 3 11-7-14 12 8-10-4 4 17-0-8 13 17-0-8 5 22- 5- 2 14 20- 3^ 8 6 24-612 IS 25-2-12 7 28-11-8 IS 32- 0-13 8 34-0-12 17 40- 1- 0 9 40-1-0 CRmCALMEMBER FORCES: TC C0MP.(DUR.)/ TENSiDUR.) CSl 1-2 -1444(125)/ 278(1.60)029 - ''i2|y :i26)( 126y ;i.Mj/ 1.25)/ 1026(1.1 BC C0MP.(DUR.)/ TENS/DUR ) CSl 53(1, 553(1 697(1 737(1 737(1 t6-16 -898(1.60)/ 16^17 -885(1.60)/ 10- 11 11- 12 12- 13 13- 14 14- 15 -_i1.8m0,13 1/ 2660(1.25)0.45 \l 3188(125)0.56 1/ 3827(125)0.58 1/ 3827(125)060 126)080 '1.25)085 WB C0MP.(pUR.)f TENS.(OUR.) CSl 10-1 -1748(126)/ 372(1.60)0.22 1- 11 -319(1.6())/ 1882(1.25)076 2- 11 -1751(123/ 387(160iO57 2- 12 -35(1.60)/ 521(126)021 3- 12 -231(126)/ 114(1.60)0.11 3- 13 -346(125)/ 146(1.60)0.28 4- 13 -154(1 .eS/ 1112(125)0.46 5- 13 -1178(1.25)/ 273(1.60)1.00 5- 16 -64(1.60)/ 741(125)0 30 7-15 -774(1.K)/ 201(1.613)0.31 7-16 -27(1.60)/ 463(1.26)0.19 6- 16 -337(125)/ 161(1.81)005 TC 2x4 DFL #1 8, Btr 2x4 DFL #2 4-6 BC 2x6 DFL *2 FILL CHD 2x4 DFL STANDARD WEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD Plating is tiased on quality control factors Cq = 0 92 tor wide face and Cq = 0 92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for individual joints on the Joint Report IRCVIBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 a nd ANSl/TPl and are reported In ESR-1118 End verticals are designed for axial toads only, unless noted othenivise Plates outside the truss perimeter are designed for tiie location shown only Trim to match profile if necessary Designed per ANSl/TPl 1-2007 Fatxicatton Tolerance = 8,0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of the truss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings, Kcr (creep factor] = 2,00 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sheets for Cq factois and Rotettonal Toterances Loaded for 10 PSF non-concun-ent BCLL, Loaded for 200# non-concurrent moving BCLL, PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES, Not designed for attic storage unless noted othenivise This design tiased on chord tiracing applied per the following schedule: maxoc, from to TC 24,00" 39-11-10 44- 7-0 UPLIFT REACTION(S): Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -72 Ib 2 -951b HORIZONTAL REACTION(S) support 1 -1121b support 2 -1121b This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specif toation Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = C Bkig Length = 65,00 ft, Bldg Width = 40 00 ft Mean roof height = 23,11 ft, mph = 110 Occupancy Category 11, Dead Load = 14 4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Low-rise and Components and Cladding Tributary Area = 80 sqft Vertical members exposed to wind: 10- 1 17-0-8 23-0-8 300 -3 00 6X6 6-2-10 R4X6 T 1-11-8 X Bl W:508 R:1764 U:-72 4-6-0 2X5 3X4 3X10 3X4 3X4 5X6 S=5X6 40-1-0 4X12 STUB 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 All connector plates are /Mplne Wave 20 ga,, unless preceded by "H" for High Strength 20 ga,, "S" for Super Strengtti 18 ga. Plates are to be positioned per Joint Detail Reports, 11/6/2014 ANITWCOlyPANY 2820 N. Great SW Pkwy. GrandPralrie, TXTSOSO TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.5.20 **WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO AU CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTAUERS. Trusses retiulre ei4rame care in tetiricating, hanifing, shipping mstaUing and tiracing. Rater to and foHow the latest edition of BCSl (Building Component Safety Information, tiy TPI and VVTCA) for safbty practices prior to performing these functions, InstaHers shall provide temporary tiradng per BCSI, Uniess noted otiierwise, top chord sheH have properly atteched structural sheiahing end bottom chord sheH have a properly atteched ligd ceing Locetions shown for permanent leteral restraint of webs shall have bradng Instaled per BCSI sections B3, B7 or BIO, es sppHcalile, Apply plates to each tece of truss and position as shown above and on the Joint Deteils repoit, unless noted otherwise, Alpine, a divisian of ITW BuHdng Componente Group Inc, ShaH not tie responsHlte for any deviation from this drawing any teHure to build the fruss in conformsnce with ANSl/TPl 1, or fdr handling, shipping, instaHation & bradng oflrusses, A seal on this drawing or cover page listing this drawing. Indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for ffie design shown. The suitability and use of this drawing for any structure ts the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSirrP11 Sec.2 For mora inftirmation see tNs job's general notes page and these web sites: ALPINE; www etoineitujom^TPl: gaarJBnjLatgiWTCA; i|nm,^in*aillJ;rg>lCC; gww iccsah om Cust: DIR: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00005_JOOO01 WO: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00 Dsgnr: #LC= 84 WT 286# TC Live 20,00 psf TC Snow(Pf) 0,00 psf TCDead 16 00 psf BC Live 0,00 psf BC Dead 8,00 psf Bldg Code: IBC-2Q12 LiveDur L=1,25 P=1 25 SnowDur L=1 15 P=1,15 Rep Mbr Bnd / Comp / Tens 1 10/1 10/1,10 OCSpacing 2-0-0 DEFL RATIO L/240 TC L/180 Job Name: Truss ID: 1J4 Qty; BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REOD 1 4-8-12 1764 5,50" 188" 2 44-4-4 1764 5,50" 1,88" MAX DEFLECTION (span): L/999 MEM 6-7 (LIVE) LC 1 L=-0,34" 0-0,78" T=-1,12" EX WB DEF CRITERIA: L/120 IN MEM 10- 1; T= 0,00" ===== Joint Locations ===== 1 0-0-0 10 0-0-0 2 5-1-8 11 2-0-3 3 11- 7-14 12 8-10-4 4 17-0-8 13 17-0-8 5 22-5-2 14 20-3-8 6 24-6-12 16 26-2-12 7 28-11-8 16 32-013 8 34- 0-12 17 40- 1- 0 9 40-1-0 CRITICAL MEMBER FORCES: TC COMP,(DUR,)/ TENStDUR ) CSl 1-2 -1444(126)/ 278(1.60)0.29 2-3 -3218(125)/ 34 -3066(1.25)/ 4- 5 -3066(125)/ 5- 6 -4333(125y 6- 7 -4410(125)/ 7- 8 -5263(125)/ 69 -5653(1,26)/ (1,60)0,38 672(1,60) 0 33 672(1.60) 0.43 629(1.60) 0.59 818(1.60)0.52 848(1,60) 0 64 1028(1,60)0,69 BC COMP^DUR.)/ TENS.(OUR,) CSl •-~l/ 103(1.60)0,13 - - -, ---')/ 2650(1,25)0,45 587(1.60)/ 3189(1.25)0 56 737(1.60)/ 3827(1.25)0,58 737(160)/ 3627(1.26)0,60 I, 60)/ 4840(1,25)0,80 II. 60)/ 5336(1.25)0,85 »(B C0MP.(PUR.)/ TENS.(DUR ) CSl 10-1 -1746(125)/ 372(1 60)0.22 1- 11 -3ia(1.6())/ 1862(1.25)076 2- 11 -1751(125)/ 39711.60)057 2- 12 -35(1.60)/ 521(1.25)021 3- 12 -231(126y 114(1.60)0.11 3- 13 - 346(1.2^ 146(1.60)0.29 4- 13 -154(1.63/ 1112(1.25)0,46 5- 13 -1176(126)/ 273(1.60)1,00 5-15 -64(1.6()j/ 741(1.25)0,30 7-15 -774(125y 201(1.60)0.31 7- 16 -27(1.60)/ 463(1.25)0,19. 8- 16 - 337(1,25y 161(1,6(1)0,05 TC 2x4 DFL #1 8, Btr 2x4 DFL #2 4-6 BC 2x6 DFL #2 FILL CHD 2x4 DFL STANDARD WEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD Plating is based on quality control factors Cq = 0,92 for wide race and Cq = 0,92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for individual joints on ttie Joint Report IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported In ESR-1118, End verticals are designed for axial loads only, unless noted otherwise. Plates outside the truss perimeter are designed for the locatton shown only Trim to mateh profile if necessary Designed per ANSl/TPl 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8,0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of Oie tmss chord lumber value or 625 for ali bearings Kcr (creep factor) = 2 00 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sheets for Cq factors and Rotattonal Tolerances Loaded tor 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL, Loaded for 200# non-concurrent moving BCLL PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES Not designed for attic storage unless noted otherwise This design based on chord bracing applied per the following schedule: max o,c from to TC 24,00" 37-11-10 44- 7-0 UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -72 Ib 2 -95 lb HORIZONTAL REACTION(S): support 1 -112 lb support 2 -1121b This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category = C BWg Length = 65,00 ft, Bldg Width = 40 00 ft Mean roof height = 23 11 ft, mph = 110 Occupancy Category 11, Dead Load = 14 ,4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Lov^rise and Components and Cladding Tributary Area = 80 sqft Vertical members exposed to wind 10-1 17-0-6 23-0-8 5 6 3 00 6X6 6-2-10 -3 00 I 3?4 1,5X3 R4X6 T 1-11-8 J. 81 W 508 R 1764 U -72 4-6-0 1,5X3 4X12 6-2-10 SHIP 2X5 3X4 3X10 3X4 3X4 5X6 S=5X6 40-1-0 I B§-5-8 W508 R:1764 U:-95 STUB 12 13 14 15 16 17 TYPICAL PLATE 1 5X3 All connector plates are Alpine Wave 20 ga,, unless preceded by "H" tor High Strength 20 ga,, "S" for Super Strengtti 18 ga Plates are to be positioned per Joint Detail Reports, 11/6/2014 AN ITW COMPANY 2920 H Great SWPlMy. Grand Prairie, TX 75050 TRUSPLUS 6-0 VER: T6,5-20 **WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO AU CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTAUERS. Trusses require eidreme cara in tetiricating handling, shipping instaHing and bracing, Reter to and foHow the tetest edition of BCSl (BuHding Component Satety Information, t^ TPI and VVTCA) tor safety practices prior to performing these lunctions, InstaHers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSl Unless noted othenvise, top choid shaH have piofieriy atteched stiuctural sheathing and bottom choid shaH have a prt^erly atteched rigid ceiHng, Locations shown for permanent lateral rastraint ofwebs sliall have bredng instsHed pel BCSl sections B3, B7 oi BIO. as appHcable, Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and cm the Joint Details report, unless noted otherwise, Alpine, a division of ITW BuHdng Componente Group Inc. ShaH net be responsitite tor any deviation from this drawing, any tailure to build the tiuss in conformance witii ANSl/TPl 1, oi tol handHng, shipping, instaltetion & bradng of busses, A seai on this drawing or cover page listing this drawing, indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suitabiiity and use of this drawing for any structure Is the responslblllty of the Bulldlng Designer per ANSI/TP11 Sec.2 for more intormetion see INs job's general notes page and these web sites; ALPINE; WmH,«lBilllim,tgtIL TPI; agaiJiaiajiaLWTCA; www sbcindustrv om ICC, www,iccsafc,om Oust: DIR: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00005_J00001 WO: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00 Dsgnr: #LC= 84 WT 290# TC Live 20,00 psf TCSnow(Pf) OOO psf TCDead 16 00 psf BC Live 0 00 psf BC Dead 8 00 psf Bldg Code: iBC-2012 LiveDur L=1 25 P=1 25 SnowDur L=1 15 P=1 15 Rep MPr Bnd / Comp / Tens 1 10/1 10/1 10 O C,Spacing 2- 0- 0 DEFL RATIO L/240 TC: L/18 Job Name: Truss ID: 1J5 Qty: BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REOD 1 4-8-12 1764 5,50- 188" 2 44-4-4 1764 5.50- 1 88" MAX DEFLECTION (span) L/999 MEM 6-7 (LIVE) LC 1 L=-0.34- D=-0.7'8" T=-1,12" EX WB DEF CRITERIA:L/120 IN MEM 10- 1; T= O OC" ===== Joint Locations ===== 1 0-0-0 10 0-0-0 2 5-1-8 11 2-0-3 3 11-7-14 12 8-10-4 4 17-0-8 13 17-0-8 5 22-5-2 14 20-3-8 6 24-6-12 15 25-M2 7 28-11-8 16 32-0-13 8 34-0-12 17 40-1-0 8 40-1-0 CRmCAL MEMBER FORCES; TC C0MP.(PUR.)/ TENS^OUR.) CSl 1- 2 -lAMIIXy 278(1.00)0.29 2- 3 -3218(125)/ 638(1.60)0.38 3- 4 -3065(12Sy 672(1.60)0.33 4- 5 -3086(12Sy 672(1.60)0.43 » -4333(12Sy 828(1 60)0 69 6- 7 -4410(129/ 819(1.60)0.52 7- 8 -5253(1.2a/ 948(1.60)0.64 8- 9 -5553(125)/ 1028(1.6I>) 0.69 BC COMP.(DUR.)/ TENS.PUR.) CSl 10- 11 -ssiisati I03(i.6in.a.i3 11- 12 -553(1.61!)/ 2660(125)0.45 12 13 -587(1.80)/ 3188(125)0.56 1314 -737(1.60)/ 3827(125)0.58 14-15 -737(1.60)/ 3827(1.25)060 16-16 -898(1.60)/ 4840(1.25)0,80 16-17 -995(1,60)/ 5336(125)0 85 WB COMP,(DUR.)/ TENSIDUR ) CSl 10.1 -1746(125)/ 372(1.60)022 1- 11 -319(1.601/ 1882(1.25)076 2- 11 -1761(125)/ 397(1.60)0.57 2- 12 -35(1.60)/ 521(126)021 3- 12 -231(125y 114(1.8d)0.11 3- 13 -348(125)/ 146(1.60)0,29 4- 13 -154(1-60y 1112(125)0.45 5- 13 -1176(1.25)/ 273(1.60)1.00 5-15 -64(1.60)/ 741(1.25)0 30 7-15 -774(1-25V 201(1.60)0.31 7- 16 -27(1.61))/ 463(126)0.19 8- 16 -337(1.25y 161(1,6()) 0,05 TC 2x4 DFL #1 & Btr, 2x4 DFL #2 4-6 BC 2x6 DFL #2 FILL CHD 2x4 DFL #2 WEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD Plating Is based on (luality control factois Cq = 0,92 tor wide face and Cq = 0,92 tor narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for individual joints on ttie Joint Report IRC/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required t^ IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported in ESR-1118 End verticals are designed for axial toads only, unless noted otfieiwise Plates outside the truss perimeter are designed for the tocatton shown only Trim to match profile if necessary Designed per ANSl/TPl 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8,0% Bearings designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of Itie tmss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings, Kcr (creep factor) = 2,00 Refer to Joint CX Detail Sheets for Cq factors and Rotattonal Tolerances, Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL. Loaded for 200# non-concurrent moving BCLL, PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES Not designed for attic storage unless noted otherwse. This design based on chord bracing applied per the tollowing schedule: max o,c, from to TC 24,00" 35-11-10 44- 7-0 UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -72 lb 2 -961b HORIZONTAL REACTION(S) support 1 -1121b support 2 -112 to This truss is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Speciffcation Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location - End Zone Exp Category = C Bk^ Length = 65,00 ft, Bkig Width = 40 00 ft Mean roof height = 23,11 ft, mph = 110 Oicupancy Category ll. Dead Load = 14 4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting S^em - Lov^rise and Components and Cladding Tributary Area = 80 sqft Vertical members exposed to wind: 10-1 17-0-8 23-0-6 5 6 3 00 -3 001 6X6 S=3X8 6-2-10 3X4 15X3 R4X6 T 1-11-8 X Bl W508 R:1764 U:-72 4-6-0 4X12 6-2-10 SHIP 2X5 3X4 3X10 3X4 3X4 5X6 0-3-1 S=5X6 40-1-0 I B§-5-8 W:508 R:1764 U:-95 STUB 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 TYPICAL PLATE : 1,5X3 Ail connector plates are Alpine Wave 20 ga,, unless precected by "H" for High Strength 20 ga,, "S" for Super Strengtti 18 ga. Plates are to be positioned per Joint Detail Reports, 11/6/2014 AN irW COMPANY 2820At. GreatSWPIeny. GrandPralrie. TXTSOSO TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.5.20 **WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TOAU CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTAUERS. Trusses require eidreme care in fabricating, handling, shipping, instaHing and bracing. Rafer to and foBow tha latest edition of &CSt (Building Component Safety Informatton, tiy TPI and WTC^ fa saWy practicas prior to performing these bncbons Installers shad pravide temporary bradng per BCSI. Unless noted othenvise, top chord shad hava properiy attached structural sheathing and b^om chord shaN have a property attached rispd ceiling. Localions shown for permanent lateral restraini of webs shall have bradng installed per BCSI sections B3. B7 or 610, as applicatile. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown abme and on the Joint Details report, unless noted othervrise, Alpine, a division of ITW Building Components C^oup Inc., shaH not be responsibie for any delation from this drawing, any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSl/TPl 1, or for tiandling. stlippiiig. installation & txadng oflrusses, A seal on this drawing or cover page listing this drawing. Indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely fbr the design shown. The suitability and use of this drawing for any structure isthe responsibiiity of the Building i:>eslgner fjer ANSl/TPi 1 Sec.2 for more inrbrmatiOfi see tNsjob's general notes page and ttiese web sites: ALPINE: nmy alnineiM eoQi. TPI: www.tpina.oro: WTCA: www .sbcindustrv oro ICC, www iccsafe oro , Cust: DIR: Drive_Q_Tl549_es_L00005_J00001 WO: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00 Dsgnr: #LC= 84 WT: 294# TC Live 20,00 psf TC Snow(Pf) 0 00 psf TCDead 16,00 psf BC Live 0 00 psf BCDead 8,00 psf Bldg Code: IBC-2012 LiveDur L=1 25 P=1 25 SnowDur L=1 15 P=1,15 Rep Mbr Bnd / Comp / Tens 1,10/1 10/1 10 O CSpacing 2- 0- 0 DEFL RATIO L/240 TC: L/180 Job Name: Truss ID: 1J6 Qty: BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 4-8-12 1911 5,50" 2,04" 2 44-4-4 1911 6,50" 2,04" MAX DEFLECTION (span): L/999 MEM 6-7 (LIVE) LC 1 L=-0,35" D=-0,80" T=-1,15" EX WB DEF CRITERIA: U120 IN MEM 10- 1;T= 0,00" ===== Joint Locations ===== 1 0.0-0 10 0.0-0 2 5-1-8 11 3.0-3 3 11-7-14 12 8-10.4 4 17-0-8 13 17- 0. B 6 22- 6- 2 14 20- 3- e 6 2t- S-12 15 25- 2-12 7 28-11-8 16 32-0-13 8 34-0-12 17 40- 1-0 9 40-1-0 CRmCAL MEMBER FORCES: TC CI7MP.(DUR.l/ TENS.(DUR.) CSl •- -'"'1.251/ 300(1.60)0.35 1.2Sy 691(1.60)0 51 1.25)/ 728(1 .em 0.41 ;i26V .728(1.6010.54 4777(1 1,251/ 898(1,6010,84 *1.25i/ 887(1 60)0.73 1201 1026(1.90)0.71 1.26)/ 1112(1,60)059 59 BC COMP.(DUR.)/ TENS.(DUR.) CSl 10- 11 -6e(t.e())/ ii2(t.6mo.08 11- 12 -599(1.60)/ 2869(1.^)0.31 12- 13 -647(1.60)/ 3453(1.25)0.38 13- 14 -798(1.60)/ 4145(1.25)0,39 14- 15 -798(1.601/ 4145(1.25)0,40 15- 16 -972(1.60)/ 6236(1.26)0.57 16- 17 -1077(1.61))/ 5771(1.25)0 61 WB C0MP.(PUR,)/ TENS,(DUR,) CSl 10-1 -1888(155)/ 402(1.60)0,23 1- 11 •345(1.6())/ 2014(126)082 2- 11 -1898(1.25)/ 431(1.60)061 2- 12 -38(1.60)/ 565(1.25)0.23 3- 12 -251(126V 3- 13 4- 13 5^15 -69(l'.e0)7 902({.26)'0.33 7-15 -631(1.25)/ 216(1,80)0,33 7- 16 -28(1,60)/ 474(1,25)0,19 8- 16 -371(1,2SV 176(1,60)0,06 TC 2x4 DFL #1 8, Btr 2x4 DFL #2 4-6 BC 2x6 DFL SS FILL CHD 2x4 DFL #1 8, Btr, WEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD Designed per ANSl/TR 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8,0% Plating is tiased on quality control tactors Cq = 0 92 for wide face and Cq = 0,92 for narrow face. Any alterations to this are shown for individual joints on the Joint Report IRC/iBC truss plate values are txised on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSl/TPl and are reported In ESR-1118 End verticals are designed for axial loads only, unless noted otherwise Web braclrig required at each location shown. Refer to BCSl fcir proper required lateral restraint For alternative v«b bracing, see ITWBCG's standard details. Plates outside the truss perimeter are designed for ttie location stiown only Trim to match profile If necessary Beanngs designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser ofthe tmss chord lumber value or 625 for all bearings Kcr (creep factor) = 2,00 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sheets for Cq factors and Rotational Tolerances Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL Loaded for20O# non-concurrent moving BCLL PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES Not designed for attic storage untess noted otherwise UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 -78 lb 2 -103 1b HORIZONTAL REACTION(S): suppoit 1 -1221b suppoit 2 -1221b This truss Is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specificaffon Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Locafion = End Zone Exp Category = C BWg Length = 65,00 ft Bldg Width = 40 00 ft Mean roof height = 23 11 ft mph = 110 Occupancy Category 11, Dead Load = 14 4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Low-nse and Componente and Cladding Tributary Area = 87 sqft Vertical members exposed to wind: 10- 1 17-0-8 23-0-8 5 6 |3,00 -3 00 6X6 6-2-10 4-6-0 40-1-0 STUB 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 TYPICAL PLATE : 1 5X3 All connector plates are Alpine Wave 20 ga,, unless preceded by "H" for High Strength 20 ga,, "S" for Super Strength 18 ga. Plates are to be positioned per Joint Detail Reports, 11/6/2014 AN ITW COMPANY 2820N. GreatSWPKwy. GrandPralrie, TX75050 TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.5.20 **WARNING!** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO AU CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTAUERS. Trusses require eidreme care in falxicatlng, handling, sliipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and ttillow ttie latest edition of BCSl (Building Component Safety Information, tty TPI and WTCA) fcr safety practices prior to performing these fijnctians, InstaHers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSl, Unless noted othenivise. top chord shaH have propefty attached structural sheathing and tiottom chord shaH have a properly attached ri^d ceHlng, Locations shown for pemianent lateral resttalnt of webs shall have bradng InstaHed pet BCSl sections 83, 87 or B10. as applicable, /^pply plates to each face of truss and position as stiown above and on the Joint Details report, unless noted otherwise, /Mpine, a divisicn of ITW BuHdng Components Group Inc, stiaH not be responsible fcir any deviation from Ihis drawing, any failure to build the truss in conformance with /VNSI/TPl 1, or for handHng, shipping, installation & txacing of trusses A seai on this drawing or cover page listing this drawing. Indicates acceptantx of professional engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suitability and use of this drawing for any structure is the responslblllty of the Building Designer per ANSl/TPl 1 Sec.2 for more information see this job's general notes page and these web sites: ALPINE: ggwjloitnitw.ttni: TPI: gggjaisUia;WTCA: www sticindyaaji^ www ieesafe oro Cust: DIR: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00005_J00001 WO: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00 Dsgnr #LC= 84 WT: 299# TC Live 20,00 psf TCSnow(Pf) 0,00 psf TCDead 16 00 psf BC Live 0 00 psf BCDead 8,00 psf Bldg Code: IBC-2012 LiveDur L=1 25 P=1 25 SnowDur L=1 15 P=1 15 Rep Mbr Bnd / Comp / Tens 1 00/1 00/1,00 O C Spacing 2- 2- 0 DEFL RATIO L/240 TC L/180 Job Name: Truss ID: 1J7 Qty: BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REOD 1 4-7-12 651 3.50" 1.50" 2 6-6-3 316 3.50" 1.50" 3 8-2-11 209 3.50" 1.50" 4 9-11-4 215 3.50" 1.50" 5 11-7-12 200 3.50" 1.50" 6 13-4-4 602 3.50" 1,50" 7 14-11-14 213 3,50" 1 50" 8 16-7-9 195 3.50" 1.50" 9 18-3-3 204 3.50" 1.50" 10 19-10-14 212 3.50" 1,50" 761 3.50" 1,50" 209 3,50" 1,50" 207 3.50" 1.50" 189 3.50" 1 50" 212 3.50" 1.50" 611 3.50" 1,50" 193 3.50" 1 50" 213 3.50" 1.50" 213 3.50" 150" 709 3.60" 1.50" 206 3.50" 1 50" 211 350" 1 50" 11 21-6-8 12 23-2-0 13 24-9-8 14 26-5-4 15 28- 1- 0 16 29-8-12 17 31-5-4 18 33- 1-13 19 34-10-5 20 36-6-13 21 38-3-4 22 39-11-11 23 41-8-2 24 43-11-13 233 3.50- 1 50" 43914.43" 150" MAX DERECTION (span): L/999 MEM 6-7 (LIVE) Lc: 2 L=-0,06" D=-0.11" T=-0,17" EX.WB DEF CRITERIA:L/120 IN MEM 10- 1;T= 0.00" ===== Joint Localions ===== 1 0-0-0 10 0-0.0 2 5-1-8 11 2-0-3 3 11-7-14 12 8-10-4 4 17- 0- 8 13 17- 0- 8 5 22- 5- 2 14 20. 3- 8 6 24- 6-12 15 25 M2 7 26-11- 8 16 32- 0.13 8 34-0-12 1 7 40-1-0 9 40-1-0 CRITICAL MEMBER FORCES: TC coup.muK.y TENS.(OUR ) csi 1- 2 -224(1.«D)/ 215(1.60)0.35 2- 3 -489(1.60)/ 478(1.60)038 3- 4 -909(1.60)/ 476(1.6010.37 4- 5 -440(1.60)/ 41l«1.60)05l 56 -353(1.60)/ 39«1.60)0S3 6- 7 -394(1.60)/ 376(1.60)0.36 7- 8 -44(155)/ 104(1.2a0.37 8- 8 -788(1.01)/ 476(1.611)0.20 BC COMPYDUR.)/ TENS.(DUR ) CSl 10- 11 ) 0.04 11- 12 / 0.04 12- 13 / 0.03 13- 14 / 0.04 14- 16 / 0.03 1516 / 0.04 16-17 / 0.19 WB CaMP.(DUR.)/ TENS (IXJR.) CSl 10-1 -63B(1.S- — ' 1- 11 -77S;i.6( 2- tl -937(1.61 2- 12 -925(1.61 3- 12 .791 il3 -941, 4- 13 -392(1.25)/ 513 -91 , . 515 -824/1 .e 7-16 -981(1.61^ .... ^ 7-16 -1076(1.60)/ 681 ^1.6ti) 0.34 9 0,30 1)0.36 )0^8 , 1)0.80 ill .em 0.23 717(1.80) 0.81 lil.aai OAO 669(1.60)0 39 8-16 -467(125V 162(1,60)0,07 TC 2x4 DFL #1 Sl Btr, 2x4 DFL #2 4-6 BC 2x6 DFL #2 FILL CHD 2x4 DFL #1 8i Btr WEB 2x4 DFL STANDARD GBL BLK 2x4 DFL STANDARD Plating is tiased on qttality control factore Cq = 0,92 fbr wide face and Cq = 0,92 for narrow face, Arty alterations to this are shown fbr individual joints on ttie Joint Report Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL, Loaded for 200# non-concurrent moving BCLL Mark all interior beanng locations. Permanent braclrig is required to prevent rotation/toppling. See BCSl and ANSI/TPI 1 PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES End verticals are designed for axial loads only, unless noted othenvise This truss Is designed using the ASCE7-10 Wind Specification Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Truss Location = End Zone Exp Category - C Bldg Lengths 65,00 ft, Bldg Width = 40.00 ft Mean roof height = 23,11ft, mph = 110 Occupancy Category 11, Dead Load = 14,4 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System - Lovrf-rise and Components and Cladding Tntxjtary Area = 87 scfl Vertical memtiers exposed to wind: 10-1 17-0-8 Plates outside the truss perimeter are designed for ttie location shown only Trim to match profile If necessary Designed per ANSl/TPl 1-2007 Fabrication Tolerance = 8,0% Beanngs designed for an FcPerp value of the lesser of ttie truss chord lumber value or 625 for all beanngs, Kcr (creep factor) = 2 00 Refer to Joint CXD Detail Sheets for Cq factors and Rotational Tolerances IR(D/IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSl/TPl andane reported in ESR-1118 Install Interior suppod(s) before erection. Building designer shall verify gable loads and eave loads, if applicable, 1-1-1 gable bracing required @ 42" inten/als. If exposed to wind load applied to face. See ITWBCG's Gable Bracing Details * + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Designed fbr 6,3 K Itis drag load applied horizontally in either direction to the top chord panel points, with dead -t- 0 % live loads using load duration = 1 60, Continuous bearing horizontal reaction = 157 Plf Max, Connection by others ++++++++++++++++++++++ Not designed for attic storage uniess noted othenMse 23-0-8 This design tiased on chord bracing applied per the fbltowing schedule max o,c, from to TC 24,00" 31-8-10 44- 7-0 UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support Main Wind Non-Wind 1 2 6 11 16 20 22 23 24 -121b -38 lb -92 lb -31 Ib -75 lb -67 lb -475 lb -140 lb -8 lb -94 lb 106 lb -1 lb -34 lb HORIZONTAL REACTION(S): support 1 158 lb suppoit 2 595 Ib support 6 -288 lb suppoit 16 2101b support 20 305 lb support 23 833 lb support 24 -551 lb LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS Dir L PIf L Loc R Plf R Loc LL/TL TCVert 72,00 4-6-0 88,00 23-0-8 0,66 TCVert 88,00 23-0-8 72,00 44-7-0 0 54 BCVert 16,00 4-6-0 16,00 44-7-0 0 00 •russiiesitjnRdtosuuy ::ng ^nr cl>'!o:na ii.^i'i ^ find 24' ?pa'- orijcsi'? ' .1(1 • 5 6 3 00 -3 00 R4X6 S=4X4 6-2-10 3X4 T 1-11-8 X 4-6-0 40-1-0 STUB 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 TYPICAL PLATE : 1,5X3 OVER SUPPORT AS SHOWN All connector plates are Alpine Wave 20 ga,, unless preceded by "H" for High Strength 20 ga,, "S" for Super Strength 18 ga. Plates are to be positioned per Joint Detail Reporte, 11/6/2014 AN ITW COMPANY 2820N. Great SWPkrry. GrandPralrie, TXTSOSO TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.5.20 **WARNtNGl** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO AU CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTAUERS. Trusses require eidreme care in labiicating, handling, sliipping, installing and bracing Refer to and tbflow the letast edition of BCSl (BuHding Component Safety Information, tiy TPI and WTCA) ter saMy practices prior to performing these Unctions, hstaflers shall fKovitie temporary tiracing per BCSI, Unless noted othenvise, top chonl stiaH have property attached structural sheathing and botiom chord shaH have a properly attached ri^d ceUing Locations shown tor permanent iaterai rastraini of wetis shall hava bracing InstaHed per BCSl sections B3, 87 or BtO, as applicatile, iVpply (ilates to each face of truss and positton as stiown atiove and on the Joint Details report, unless noted otherwise, Alpine, a division of ITW BuHdng Components Group Inc, shaR not be responsible for any deviation trom this drawing, any faHure to buHd the truss in conformance with ANSI/TP11, or tbr liandKng, atiiptiing, instaHation & tracing oflrusses, A seal on this drawing or cover page listing this drawing, indicates acceptance of professionai engineering responsibility solely forthe design stiown. The suitability and useof (*ils drawing for any structure Is the responsibility of Ore Building Designer per AN^/TP11 Sec.2 for more infbmiation see this job's general notes page and these web sites: ALPINE: giflw alpineilw com- TPI: B]flrw,lpinrf,orQ: WTCA: Bam sfacindustnr om ICC: www ieesafe ori^ Cusl: DIR: Drive_Q_r1549_es_L00005_J00001 WO: Drive_a_r1549_es_L00 Dsgnr: #LC= 86 WT: 434# TC Live 20,00 psf TC Snow(Pf) 0 00 psf TCDead 16,00 psf BC Live 0 00 psf BC Dead 8 GO psf Bldg Code: IBC-2012 LiveDur L=1 25 P=1 25 SnowDur L=1 15 P=1,15 Rep Mbr Bnd / Comp / Tens 1 00/1,00/1,00 OCSpacing 2-0-0 DEFL RATIO: L/240 TC: L/180