HomeMy WebLinkAbout160 CHERRY AVE; ; CB160739; PermitCity of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 02-24-2016 Miscellaneous Permit Permit No: CB160739 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: 160 CHERRY AV CBAD MISC Subtype: REROOF Parcel No: 2042310700 Valuation: $2,593.00 Reference #: PC#: Project Title: MCLAIN RES-RE-ROOF-1500 SF COMPOSITION Lot#: 0 Applicant: Owner: Status: Applied: Entered By: Plan Approved: Issued: Inspect Area: ISSUED 02/24/2016 SLE 02/24/2016 02/24/2016 REGAN ROOFING WOODRUFF STEPHEN 1997 TRUST 06-09-97 2510 VIA SORBETE CARSLBAD CA 92010 858-255-7100 Miscelaneous Fee #1 Miscelaneous Fee #2 Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES Total Fees: Inspector: $91.00 883 VIA MENDOZA #N LAGUNA WOODS CA 92637 PERMIT FEE Total Payments To Date: $91.00 FINAL APP~~t Date: "3 .. ;J· '• Balance Due: Clearance: $91.00 $0.00 $0.00 $91.00 $0.00 t\1011CE: Please take f\D11CE that apprCMll of ya.Jr project includes the "lrrp:lsition" of fees, dedicaticns, reservaticns, or ather exacticns hereafter CXJ!Iectively referred to as "fees' exactions." Yru rave 9J days frcrn the date this pemit was issued to protest il"l"lXJSition of these fees' exactions. If yru protest them, ya.J rrust fdi{Mithe protest prcx:edures set forth in G:Nemrrent Cede Section 60020(a), and file the protest and any other required infcmation wth the Oty M:mger fcr proressirg in acrordance wth Carlsl:la:l M.inidfEI Cede Section 3.32.030. Failure to tirrelyfdi{Mithat procedure wlll:xlr any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annLJ their irrp:lsition. Yru are hereby FURTHER f\D11RED trat your right to protest the specified fees'exacticns IJCtS NOT JIPPL Y to water ard seM'Jr cornection fees ard capacity changes, ror plannirg, zonirg, gradirg or ather sinilar application prccessirg or servire fees in cmrection wth this prqect. ~ OC.ES IT APPLY to any fees'exacticnsofW"iidl hav "ousl been ·venat\1011CEsirrilartothis crastolilklidlthestatuteoflirritaticnshas eviCl.ISI atherWsee "red. Cicy lsbad C]ENGfNEERING Building Permit Application 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 760~602-2719 Fax: 760-602·8558 email: building@carlsbadca.gov www.carisbadca.gov []!3UILO!NG f.:JFtRE Remove existing composition shingles, install new layers of synthetic felt and new composition shingle I I r:sot?sa-.. W u, PROPOSED USE GARAGE tSFl PATJOS {Sf1 FIREPLACE YESQI A!ll CONOfnONING F!RE SPRINKLERS! I No[] YES0No0 ·rF.sONoO "····~ .. --·.""""'""'"""-·-"·-···· •1 ~-~:~~-~~T~~-~~~~-~:~,B~_g_9.nJ3.QQJi n9.JI~~: ... -, .. ~--~~-------~-____ J ~w 1', 1826 Magnolia Avenue ~=cc----··· ,., ,,,,,,,,,,, ___ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,, "'''"'·"=·''"'''"'""''''"'''''' '"'·"-'''"''''''''-''''''·I ,,,,,,,,,., .. ____ , ___ ,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,STATi'f"'"-~·-···''"''"' 'zjp"'''"'''''' ...... , . ,,,,,,.,,. , ... , .. , Carlsbad CA 92008 , f"'--""'-'"'--···· .. ···-·-··-·-.. --~--~-----· .............. ,., .. ____ , __ -·-·--··'''''"·"····--· .. ··-···-···,.,··-·b::-~·;c,,···-··~-~~·--~~·"~--~~ .......... IFA:X~-------~-~-· .. --............. 1 h=,, _______ ........................................ ~ ......... k .......................................................... ~ ......... ,. .... -+.iMI<u~~:.,?SS-71 OO ___ ..... L ... 3.& .. Q:~E~7 :.Q~2~ ............... _ -~~ l demery@regan-roofing.com 1 ~-~-~-~---------.. ~~--.. ~-.. -··------............... "''"";~·:=;:--;;-~··-------.;SlAfE uc.ii----.. .. ...... Ci:'ASS __ ,...... CITY BUS .. UC.ff --------~ C-39 1233900 ' (Sec, 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Ar1y City or County Which requires a permit to construct-alter "" rove, demolish or repair any s applicant tor sutJ1 permit to file aS< nea statement tliat he is licensed pursuam to the provisions of se Law {Cnapter 9, Business ano Professions Code>! .. Section 7031.5 by Wol'!<ers' Compensation Declarallon: I heu1by affirm unrJer penaltt of {Jfl1}ury one <lillie following de<:iara!lons: CJ.whave and will maintaln a c~rtifieate of consent to self·lnsuro !orwori.Bnf compenrMltion as provitled by Section 3700 of the Ulbor Code. lor ·the !X'crlormance ol tM work !Or which 111is permit is issued. iiJ1 have and will maintain workers' compensation. a~ renulrod bq Setlioo 37ll0 of the labor Code. for the perfnnnancH oi the work for which this permit IS issued. My workers comf)I!Mation insurnnco Mrrier and po!!cy number am: Insurance eo .. Redwood Eke .. .&.CasualtyJ.nsCo .. Policy No. HE.WCill12_904 .................... ~ Expiration Date .. _0 .. 6l0112Ql5.... . .. . ')!!~section nood no! ba is fm one hundred dollan; ($100) or less. L.J Certificate of Exemption: lilt; p!lr!mmanr.e of !he work lor V;ll!/:fl1hi$ permit I~ ~;sued, I >hail not om ploy My person in any manner 00 r1s to llflt<lme subject to IM Wor<ers· Comp<msa!bnl.aws of Califomia. WARNING: Failure to secure work$1$' eomp~nsatlon coverage Is uniawftll, and shaU subject an employer to criminal penaltillll and civil !int;s up to one hundred thousand dollars {&100,000), In ndditlon to th~ cost of liamag~s as !)Mvided for in Section 3706 of the labor tode. int~rest and attorney's fees. Ji!5 CONTRACTOR SiGNATURE I1Je1eby alfitm lilat lam e~empt from Comractors Ucanse t.~w lor th& fOllowing ma.~on: D D D as own~r olthe prop!!!ly or my employ;ms with Vl!l9~SilS !!Wir soln comp;;ngat•on, will do the Wtlrk and lhr; ~lfuel1Ua is not intended or offered for sole {SL'C .. 1'044, Businegs m1d Professirm~ Godn: Th11 Contmctof'!, Law does not apply to an rlwnor of prof)l!rty 11.110 builds or imprrwns thereon, Hnd wM does ouch work himseil or through his own employees, ~vovided that such improvements arello!lrllendad or offered far saio. ii hOwever. tho bulidlnn or lmprowlmBnt is sold witl>in one year ai t'Ompletlon, lhe owner·tlullder will !lave me burdefl <lf proving that he did not build or improve lor the purpose of sale). 1 am exempt under Secfllln ......... Business and Prol!IS.siom; Cooe lor this maoon: 7044. !lusinass and Protess:ons Code: The Contractorsl.Jcens!' taw does not apply to an owner vt the Contractor's License Law). i personaUy ~an io prc~.•ide the labor a~tl mat~lia!s for oon~tnJClrOfl o! the ompdS$tj pn;~rt:; 1mprov9~t1t Oves 0No 1. l (!'laval have: not} signed art appEcation fm a bulid!ng perm1t tor th<: pmpost...J work. 3 1 have-contracu~d with the fcliDwing person tffrm) to provide the proposed construction {include name t;tidmss 1 phone t contractors· license numbt1r}: 4. 1 ~an to provide portions of the wotk but I have hired !ne following p<;rson to coordinate. supeNise and pmvde: the major 11/0tk {mcrude -nam~ i address 1 phone; contrnctorsj !1cense number}: 5. I will provide some or th~ work, but I have con!racted (hired) Its iotlotllng persons to provide the work indicated (include name 1 addrnss i phone I type ot work): J!5 PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE OATE OATE 2/24/2016 STOP: THIS SECTION NOT REQUIRED FOR BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE. Complete the following ONLY if a Certificate of Occupancy will be requested at final inspection. Fax {160) 602·856!l, Mall the completed lorm to Crty ot Carlsbad, Building Division 1635 Faraday AVenue, Cartsbad, California 92008 OPTlONS UP: CONTACT (Listed above) CONTRACTOR (On Pg. ll CONTACT \LiSWd above) CO!IlTRACTOI'< !On Pfl. 1) fAX TO OTHER: . OCCUPANT (Listed above) OCCUPANT iLislod iJilovel US110nly) liP CA NO CHANGE IN USE I NO CONSTRUCTION CHANGE Of USE/ NO CONSTRUCTION DATE B-10 REROOFING SUPPLEMENTAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 1. JOBADDRESS:_1~6~0~C~h~er~rywA~v~e~n~ueL------------------------------- 2. TYPE OF BUILDING: RESIDENTIAL ¥ COMMERCIAL'---- 3. ROOF SLOPE: RISE 4 INCHES IN 121NCHES 4. NUMBER OF EXISTING ROOF COVERING (CIRCLE ONE) 1 2 @ 5. TYPE OF EXISTING ROOF COVERING Composition Shingle SHEATHING7/16 OSB ' *6. NEW ROOF MATERIAL Composition Shingle CLASS_A __ WEIGHT PER SCl.3oo 1m! 1. NUMBER OF SQUARES:....1.4..Z8.._ B. TRADE NAME TruDefinition Duration MANUFACTURER Owens Corning 9. ROOF SYSTEM LISTING: Ul NO. ER2453-01 I UL790 I.C.C.E.S. Report #_,_,AC=4..:.::3=8 ___ _ ASTM E108 1 O.IS THE EXISTING STRUCTURAL DESIGN SUFFICIENT TO SUSTAIN THE WEIGHT OF THE PROPOSED ROOF? @ NO All roof coverings are required to be CLASS A. Combustible roof coverings of any type or classification are prohibited. I understand the following inspections are required: 1. Tear Off/Pre-lnspecticm prior to install new roof covering 2. Final Inspection_ I agree to provide a ladder extending at least 2 rungs above the roof for inspection. Signature ________________ .Date ________ _ Contractor~Owner ____ Contractor Name Regan Roofing. Inc. *6. Rolled Roofing, Standard/lite Tile, Asphalt/Camp fiberglass, Built Up, Othe·r Page4of4 Rev. 02/11 I n Li Permit#: CB160739 Date _lt:~~~~!~()_t:'J!~m 03/15/2016 19 Final Structural 03/15/2016 19 Final Structural 03/07/2016 15 Roof/Reroof 03/07/2016 15 Roof/Reroof 03/03/2016 15 Roof/Reroof 03/03/2016 15 Roof/Reroof 03/03/2016 15 Roof/Reroof 02/29/2016 15 Roof/Reroof 02/29/2016 15 Roof/Reroof Tuesday, March 15, 2016 Type: MISC REROOF MCLAIN RES-RE-ROOF-1500 SF COMPOSITION Inspector Act Comments PO PO PO PO PO PO Rl AP Rl AP Rl co co co co AM PLEASE Covered COVERED no one on site,no activity no one on site,no activity Page 1 of 1