HomeMy WebLinkAbout1635 FARADAY AVE; ; CB984150; Structural CalculationsFirouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc. a structural analysis end design company STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS PROJECT NAME: REVISED DATE: LOT 106 DECEMBER 15,1998 ENGINEER OF RECORD: FIROUZI CONSULT TABLE OF CONTENTS Design Loads Design Values Vertical Design Tilt-up walls Foundation Design Lateral Design Page 17 - 49 Page 50 - 58 Page 59 - 9 1 16959 Bemardo Center Drive, Suite 201, San Diego, CA 92128 (619)485-6227 (6 4 FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. San Diego, California 92128 16559 Bernard0 Center Drive, Suite 201 Phone (619) 4858227, Fax (619) 4856x)l Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job #: 98244 By: Date: Nov '98 Page 1 DESIGN LOADS Roof Beams & Purlins Above Warehouse: Dead Load Above Office: Dead Load Roof Sub-purlins Dead Load Roof Members Live Load Floor Members Office Light Storage Heavy Storage Roofing Framing Plywood Insulation Misc TOTAL Roofing Framing Plywood Insulation Ceiling Misc TOTAL Roofing Framing Plywood Insulation Misc TOTAL 0 - 200 sq. fl Over 600 sq. ft. Dead Load Partition Load Live Load Concentrated Load Dead Load Live Load Concentrated Load Dead Load Live Load Concentrated Load 201 - 600 Sq. fl 6.0 psf 3.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 13.0 psf 6.0 psf 3.5 1.5 0.5 2.0 1.5 15.0 psf 6.0 psf 1.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 11.0 psf 20 psf 12 psf 45 psf 20 psf 80 psf per usage 45 psf 125 psf per usage 45 psf 250 psf per usage 16 psf FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. San Diego. California 92128 16959 Bemardo Center Drive. Suite 201 Phone (61 9) 4856227, Fax (61 9) -1 Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job# 98244 By: Date: Nov '98 Paae 2 " DESIGN VALUES WOOD MEMBERS DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH 2" to 4" thick, 2" and wider No. I Fb = 1000 PSI F, = 1450 psi No. 2 Fb = 875 psi F, = 1300 psi 5" thick and larger No.1 B&S Fb = 1350 psi F, = 625 psi No.1 P&T Fb = 1200 psi F, = 1000 psi Grades Width No.1 and better 10 12 Stud I14 and widel I 2,3, and 4 I 5and6 GLULAM BEAMS 24F-V4 Bending: Axial: 24F-V8 Bending: Axial: F, = 675 psi F,, I = 625 psi F1 = 575 psi F, I = 625 psi F, = 675 psi F, I = 625 psi F, = 825 psi F,, I = 625 psi F, = 95 psi E = I700000 psi F, = 95 psi E = 1600000 Dsi F, = 85 psi E = 1600000 psi F, = 85 psi E = 1600000 psi Size Factor, C, Fh I 1 " Thickness F, Ft 2"& 3" I 4" 1.5 I 1.5 1.15 1.5 1.4 1 .o 1 .o 1 .I 1 .o 1 .o 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.05 1.2 1.3 1.2 1 .I 1.3 1.3 1.3 1 .I 1.4 1.4 0.9 I I .o 1 0.Q I 0.9 1.1 1.1 I 1 .I I 1.05 I .o I I .o 1.0 I 1 .o Fb (l in T) = 2400 psi Fb (l in C) = 1200 psi E = 1 800000 psi Fl=1150psi Fb (T in T) = 2400 psi Fb (l in C) = 2400 psi E = I800000 psi F1 = 1100 psi F, I = 650 psi F, = 165 psi F, = 1650 psi E = 1600000 psi F, I = 650 psi F, 165 psi F, = 1650 psi E = I600000 psi FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. San Diego, Califwnia 92128 16959 Bemardo Center Drlva. Suite 201 Phone (619) 4858227. Fa (619) 4858201 Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job #: 98244 By: Date: Nov '98 Page 9 DESIGN VALUES, continued Soils Report By: Medall, Aragon, Higley Geotechnical. Inc. Job NO.: 3630-SF Allowable Bearing Pressure = 3000 psf Allowable Passive Pressure = 300 pcf Minimum Footing Depth = 18 in. (continuous) Friction Coefficient = 0.4 Minimum Footing Width = 12 in. (continuous) = 18 in (isolated) = 24 in. (isolated) Active Pressure = 35 pcf (cantilever wall) = 55 pcf (restrained wall) Expansion Potential = Low STEEL Pipe Columns: ASTM A53 Grade 8, Fy=35 ksi, Fp60 ksi Tube Columns: ASTM A500 Grade B, Fy=46 ksi, F,=58 ksi Other Shapes: ASTM A36, Fy=36 ksi CONCRETE Foundation, Slab, 8 Tilt-up Walls: fc = 3000 psi CODE 8 PUBLICATIONS UBC 1994 Edition AISC, Ninth Edition PC1 Design Handbook, Fourth Edition Nelson Stud Welding Handbook for Non-Residential Construction Simpson Strong-Tie Connectors WOOD SHEARWALLS denotes double-sided shearwall (plywood shall be staggered on each side) FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. San Diego, California 92128 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive, Suite 201 Phone (619) 485-6277, Fax (619) 4855ZJI Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job #: 98244 By: Date: Nov '98 Page 4 DESIGN VALUES, continued I HORIZONTAL DIAPHRAGM 112" Thick Structural I rated plywood A// edges supported (except at "e") Nailed at: a) 2" O.C. EN 8 BN, FN at 12" O.C. (3x members req'd) b) 2 1/2" O.C. EN 8 BN, FN at 12" O.C. (3x members req'd) c) 4" O.C. EN 8 BN. FN at 12" O.C. d) 6" O.C. EN 8 BN, FN at 12" O.C. e) 6 O.C. EN 8 BN. FN at 12" O.C. 5/8" Thick Structural I rated plywood All edges supported (excepf at "e") Nailed at: a) 2" O.C. EN 8 BN, FN at 12" O.C. (3x members req'd) b) 2 1/2" O.C. EN 8 BN, FN at 12" O.C. (3x members req'd) d) 6" O.C. EN 8 BN, FN at 12" O.C. e) 6 O.C. EN 8 BN. FN at 12" O.C. C) 4" O.C. EN & BN, FN at 12" O.C. CAPACITY OF HOLDDOWNS FOR CONCRETE TILT-UP PANELS v = 820 #/fl v = 720 #/fl v = 320 #/fl v = 215 #/ft v = 425 #In v = 820 #/fl v = 720 #/ft v = 425 #/ft v = 320 #/fl v = 215 #/fl Detail # SED-1 A B C D E Cap. bar = (1.33)(0.442 in2)(24000 psi) Cap. weld = (2)(4")(1/4'~(0.7)(0.3)(70,000 psi) Cap. bar = (1.33)(0.601 in2)(24000 psi) Cap. weld = (2)(4")(1/4")(0.7)(0.3)(70,000 psi) Cap. bar = (1.33)(0.786 h2)(24000 psi) Cap. weld = (2)(5.5")(1/4")(0.7)(0.3)(70,000 psi) Cap. bar (1.33)(1.0 in2)(24000 psi) Cap. weld = (2)(6'~(1/4")(0.7)(0.3)(70,000 psi) Cap. bar = (1.33)(1.23 in2)(24000 psi) Cap. weld = (2)(6.")(1/4")(0.7)(0.3)(70,000 psi) Detail # 1.3E.D- C D E .I Cap. bar = (2)(1.33)(0.786 in2)(24000 psi) Cap. weld = (4)(5.5")(1/4")(0.7)(0.3)(70,000 psi) Cap. bar = (2)(1.33)(1 .O in2)(24000 psi) Cap. weld = (4)(6")(1/4")(0.7)(0.3)(70,000 psi) Cap. bar = (2)(1.33)(1.23 in2)(24000 psi) Cap. weld = (4)(6.5")(1/4")(0.7)(0.3)(70,000 psi) = 14,108 Ibs = 29,400 Ibs = 19,183 Ibs = 29,400 Ibs = 25,089 Ibs = 40,425 Ibs = 31,920 Ibs = 44,100 Ibs = 39,261 Ibs = 47,775 Ibs = 50,178 Ibs = 80,850 Ibs = 63,840 Ibs = 88,200 Ibs = 78,522 Ibs = 95,550 Ibs FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernard0 Center Drhre, SuLZUl San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 4858227. FaX (619) 4858201 Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job #: 98244 By: Date: Nov '98 Page DESIGN VALUES, continued CHORD CAPACITY Capacity = Area x f. x 1.33 Assumed weld size = 114" Capacity of 114" fillet weld = 3710 Ibs f 46 2-#5 2-#6 2-#7 2" L5x3xla ClOx15.3 Capacity = (.44)(24000)(1.33) = 14044 LBS Weld length required = (.44)(60000)(1.25) I ((2)(3710)) = 4.5 in Capacity = 2(.30)(24000)(1.33) = 19152 LBS Weld length required = (.30)(60000)(1.25) / ((2)(3710)) = 3.0 in Capacity = 2(.44)(24000)(1.33) = 28090 LBS Weld length required = (.44)(60000)(1.25) / ((2)(3710)) = 4.5 in Capacity = 2(.60)(24000)(1.33) = 38304 LBS Weld length required = (.60)(60000)(1.25) I ((2)(3710)) = 6.0 in Capacity = 2(.78)(24000)(1.33) = 49795 LBS Weld length required = (.78)(60000)(1.25) I ((2)(3710)) = 8.0 in Capacity = (3.75)(24000)(1.33) = 119,700 LBS Splice plate capacity = (4 in)(.875 in)(24000)(1.33) = 11 1,720 LBS Splice weld capacity = (15 in)(5570 Ibs) = 83,550 LBS Capacity = (4.49)(24000)(1.33) = 143,320 LBS Splice plate capacity = (8 in)(.625 in)(24000)(1.33) = 159,600 LBS Splice weld capacity = (27.5 in)(5570 Ibs) = 153,175 LBS CAPACITY OF 8" CONCRETE WALL Section 1911.1.1 Vu<+Vn vn = V" + v, V"<+W"+VJ Section 1911.10.3 Shear strength V, at any horizontal section for shear in plane of wall shall not be taken greater than: V, < 10 (f,J0.5 hd < (10)(3000 psi)0.5(8n)(12")(0.8) < 42065 Wfl Section 1911.10.4 For design for horizontal shear forces in plane of wail, d = I, FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. San Diego, California 92128 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive, Suite 201 Phone (619) 4858227, Fax (619) 4858201 Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job #: 98244 By: Date: Nov ‘98 Page 8 Section 1911.10.5 Section 1921.2.7 Section 1921.6.5.1 Section 1909.3 Section 1921 B.2.1 Section 1921.6.2.2 Section 1921.6.2.3 Unless a more detailed calculation is made, shear strength V, shall not be taken greater than: V, = 2 (fJ’.’ hd = (2)(3000 psi)’~’(8’~(12”) = 10516 #/R If Vu > +Va / 2, sheanvall reinforcing shall be per Section 1911.10.9 If V, > +Vu the value of V,=A,fyd/s2 For earthquake loading, the load factors shall be modified to: U=1.4(D+L+E) U = 0.9D + 1.4E The shear strength reduction factor +, shall be per Section 1909.3 Shear strength reduction factor +, shall be 0.85 for shear and torsion Minimum reinforcing ratio = 0.0025 A. (0.0025)(8”)(12”) = 0.24 in2 (#5 at 14“ O.C. each way minimum) Provide two curtains of reinforcement if the in-plane factored shear exceeds 2A cv (PC) 0.5 For one layer of reinforcing: Va,h, = (2)(8”/2 x 12”)(3000 psi)’.’(O.S) = 4207 Ib/ft When Vu in the plane of the wall exceeds Acv(Pc) horizontal reinforcement terminating at the edges of sheaf walls shall have a standard hook engaging the edge reinforcement. Vdh, = (8”/2 x 12”)(3000 psi)’.’ = 2629 IbMt Special transverse reinforcement for shearwalls is not required if maximum extreme fiber stress < 0.2 PC F, = (9)(10516 #/fl)(1’)2/[(12”)(8”)2] = 123 psi 0.2 f, = 0.2 (3000 psi) = 600 psi > 123 psi OK, No boundary member required FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. San Diego, California 92128 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive, Suite 201 Phone (619) 4856227. ax (619) 4856201 Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job #: 98244 By: Date: Nov '98 Page 1- ROOF FRAMING I Sub Purlins Above Office Tributary area (ft') 16 w (Ib I ft) 70 Reaction (lb) 280 Moment (Ib-ft) 560 8'-0" Span Allow Defl. I I )30( Dead Load (ps9 Live Load (ps9 C, CD CF I .25 Allow Defl. (in) 0.40 s req (in3) 3.60 A req (in') 3.54 I req (in") 9.49 Use 2x6 DFL #l at 24" O.C. (Use 4x4 DFL #l at Stram) 10°C)" SDan Span (ft) Fl AIIOW D;; I lxxx Joist Spacing (in) Dead Load (ps9 fb (Psi) Live Load (ps9 f', (psi) 1.15 E (Psi) 1.7E+O6 CF 1.3 CD 1.25 Tributary area (fl') 20 w (Ib I fl) 70 Reaction (lb) 350 Moment (Ib-ft) 875 Allow Defl. (in) 0.50 s req (in3 5.62 A req (in') 4.42 I req (in") 18.53 Use 2x6 DFL #l at 24" O.C. (Use 4x6 DFL #l at Stram) FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernardo Center Drive. Suite 201 San Dkgo, California 52128 Phone (619) 4856227, Fax (619) 4856231 Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job #: 98244 By: Date: Nov ‘98 Page Purlins P-I) P-2) P-3) P-4) P-5) P-6) ROOF FRAMING Span (fl) Dead Load @sf) Spacing (fl) Live Load (psf) Trib Area (fl’) 412 w, (Ib I fl) 248 W, (Ib I fl) 128 Use: 32LH open web steel joists Dead Load (psf) Live Load (psf) 590 %(Ib/ft) 310 w, (Ib I fl) 160 Use: 32LH open web steel joists 1 Use: 18LH open web steel joists Span (fl) Spacing (fl) Dead Load (psf) Live Load (psf) Trib Area (fl’) 285 wn (Ib 1 ft) 31 0 Use: 18LH open web steel joists Span (ft) Spacing (fl) Dead Load (psf) Live Load (psf) Trib Area (fl’) 384 w, (Ib 1 fi) 248 WL, (Ib I ft) 128 Use: 28LH open web steel joists Span (ft) Spacing (ft) Trib Area (ft’) 480 W, (lb 1 ft) 310 Dead Load (psf) Live Load (psf) w, (Ib I fl) 160 Use: 28LH open web steel joists FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 15959 Bernardo Center Drlve, Sub 201 San Diepo, Califomla 92128 Phone (619) 4858227, Fax (61s) u)58201 Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job #: 98244 By: Date: Nov '98 Page &r FRA MlNG FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. SIln Diego. Califomla 92128 IW C~IN DW, SUB MI Plwm (619) 4858227, Fax (6lB) 4858201 Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job #: 98244 By: Date: Nov ’98 Page ~ Revised: Dec ‘98 ROOF FRAMING, continued Girders G-I) G-2) G-3) G-4) G-5) G-5) Trib width (fl) Joist Spacing Trib Area (ft’) Span (fl) 30.25 1989 Use: 480 6N 10.4K Joist Girder Trib Length (A) Trib width (fl) 43.15 Joist Spacing Trib Area (A2) 2215 I%] Use: 52G 6N 12.OK Joist Girder Trib width (fl) Trib Length (fl) 43.15 Joist Spacing Trib Area (ft’) 11 31.5 m Use: 28G 3N 12.OK Joist Girder Trib width (fl) Trib Length (fl) 43.15 Joist Spacing Trib Area (ft’) 1481.5 i] Use: 32G 4N 12.OK Joist Girder Trib width (ft) Trib Length (fl) 43.15 Joist Spacing Trib Area (fl’) 1925 l=iq Use: 48G 5N 12.OK Joist Girder Trib width (fl) Trib Length (A) Joist Spacing Trib Area (f12) 1925 Dead Load (psf) Live Load (psf) # of Joist Soaces 6 Nodal Load (Ibs) 10328 Dead Load (psf) Live Load (psf) # of Joist Spaces 6 Nodal Load (Ibs) 11813 Dead Load @sf) Live Load (psf) # of Joist Spaces 3 Nodal Load (Ibs) 11 81 3 Dead Load (psf) Live Load (psf) # of Joist Spaces 4 Nodal Load (Ibs) 10631 Dead Load (psf) Live Load (psf) # of Joist Spaces 5 Nodal Load (Ibs) 10631 Dead Load @sf) Live Load @sf) # of Joist Spaces 8 Nodal Load (Ibs) 9450 Use: 52G 8N 12.OK Joist Girder FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. San Diego. Califcfnh 92128 18959 Bemardo Centef Driw. Sulte 201 Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job #: 98244 By: Date: Nov '98 Page ~~ Revised: Dec '98 Phone (619) 485-5227. Fax (619) 4856201 ROOF FRAMING, continued Beams B-1) Along Line 3.5 Trib Width (fl) Span (fl) Trib Area (fl') 228 8-2) Along Line 4.7 Trib Width (fl) Trib Area (fl') 135 Span (fi) 8-3) Along Line 5.6 Span (fl) Trib Width (fl) Trib Area (fl') 290 8-4) Along Line F.8 Trib Width (fl) Trib Area (fl') 440 Span (fi) 8-5) Along Line 6 Span (fl) Trib Width (fl) Trib Area (fl') 92 Dead Load @sf) Live Load (psf) % (Ib I fi) wu (Ib I fl) Dead Load (psf) Live Load (psf) 'h (Ib I fl) WLL (Ib I fi) Dead Load (psf) Live Load (psf) h(Ib/fl) w, (Ib I fl) Dead Load (psf) Live Load (psf) w, (Ib I fl) wu (Ib I fl) Dead Load (psf) Live Load (psf) w,(IbIfl) W, (Ib I fl) 248 128 F] 31 5 180 225 116 620 320 280 160 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc Title : Ld 106 Redesign Job # 98244 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 Dsgnr: Date: San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Dercriptlon : Scope : Multi-Span Steel Beam I/ LGeneral Information t Description Roof Beams: 6-1 thru 5 Fy - Yield Stress 36.00 lai Load Duration Factor 1 .00 Ail Spans Considered as Individual Beams lsoan Information End Fixity I Pin-Pin Pin.Pi0 Pin-Pin Pin-Pin Pin-Pi0 Loads I Dead Load wn I 0.25 0.32 0.23 0.20 0.28 Live Load Point X1 DL 0.13 0.18 0.12 0.10 0.16 4.50 LL Point #2 DL LL @X n k 7.500 2.32 k k 4.50 @X 14.500 fl 2.32 Results Mmax @ Cntr k-R fb : Actual 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 MW @ Right End k-fl 0.0 0.0 11.00 5.75 0.0 Max @ Len End k-fl 7.3 14.25 7.50 20.00 @X= n 38.2 13.9 68.2 69.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 psl 4,971.2 2,961.9 8,662.2 14,354.4 3,013.3 Fb : Aiiowable psi 23,760.0 23,760.0 23,760.0 23,760.0 23,780.0 hdiwOK Bending OK &odiopOK BcndinpOK hwOK I keactions & Deflections I Shear @ Lefl Shear @ Right k k 5.36 5.36 3.71 3.71 6.82 6.82 10.12 2.53 10.12 Reactions ... 2.53 DL @ Len LL @ Len k k 3.53 2.36 4.50 1 82 1.35 6.70 1.61 Total @ Len k 5.36 3.71 6.82 2.32 3.42 DL @ Right k 0.92 3.53 2.36 10.12 2.53 LL @ Right k 1.82 1.35 4.50 6.70 Total @ Right 1.61 5.36 k 2.32 Max. Deflection in 3.71 6.82 3.42 0.92 10.12 2.53 -0.301 -0.043 -0.688 -0.410 -0.030 5.75 @X= R 14.25 7.50 20.00 11.00 (C) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:!enercalc~otl06.ecw KW0602755, V5.0.2, 1 Jun-1997 FlROUZl Project: Lot 106 - Revised CONSULTING Job #: 98244 By: ENGINEERS, INC. Date: Nov '98 Page & 16959 Bemardo Center Drive, Sub MI San Oio, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6'227, Fax (619) 485-6201 FLOOR FRAMING Floor Purlins Span (fl) Spacing (fl) LL (psf) DL (psf) WTL Ob I fl) WLL (IbIfl) USE 943 520 943 1219 943 761 520 420 1918 1625 761 420 32LH 761 420 24LH I Floor Girders Trib Joist Floor Beams Trib Span (fl) width (fl) Area (f12) Trib 185 312 126 186 170 60 610 Joist Nodal Load (klps) 22.6 22.6 22.6 46.5 24.7 24.7 20.0 18.3 34.1 36.6 18.9 15.2 ~ 32 WLL (PI9 0.520 0.960 0.420 0.960 0.400 0.680 1.600 wM (PI9 0.423 0.780 0.341 0.780 0.325 0.553 1.300 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc San Diego, California 92128 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: 619) 485-6201 Title : Lot 106 Redesign Dognr: Date: Description : Scope : Job # 98244 ~ ~~~.. .---, --- L Multi-Span Steel Beam 13 LGeneral Information 1 Description Floor Beams Fy - Yield Stress 38.00 hi Load Duration Factor Ail Spans Considered as individual Beams 1 .OO I Span Information Span Steel Shape 28.50 W16X40 26.00 wl4xss 24.00 15.50 12.00 20.00 30.50 15.50 W16XZ6 W18X35 WlOXll WL4X30 wl7X84 End Fixity Pin-Pin Pin-Pin Pin-pin Pn-Pin Pin-Pin Pin-Pm Pin.Pin Pin-F?n WLOXZ6 Loads Dead Load kJfl Live Load 0.52 0.96 0.42 0.96 0.40 0.68 1.60 0.27 Point#l DL 0.42 0.78 0.34 0.78 0.33 0.55 1.30 WR 0.60 k LL k 5.04 4.09 @X fl 1o.m Mmax @ Cntr k-fl 95.7 147.0 54.8 77.6 13.0 61.6 337.2 14.25 13.00 12.00 26.1 Max @ Len End 9.40 k-fl 0.0 0.0 Max @ Right End 6.00 10.00 15.25 7.75 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-R 0.0 0.0 BmdlopOK BRldin.OK RmdinpOK RmdinpOK Beding OK BmdinpOK BmdiopOK Beading OK 23,760.0 23.760.0 23,760.0 23.760.0 23.760.0 23.760.0 23.760.0 23,760.0 Fb: Allowable 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 17,755.1 15,504.0 17,138.6 16.067.5 14,364.7 17,678.7 18,962.2 11,245.6 fb : Actual psi 0.0 @X= n Shear a LeR k 22.62 9.13 16.43 13.44 Shear @ Right k 13.44 4.35 12.33 19.67 4.35 22.62 9.13 12.00 7.96 6.00 10.00 15.25 7.75 -0.271 13.00 4.683 14.25 -0.528 fl -0.460 -0.651 -0.221 -0.217 6.74 -0.932 in 9.13 19.67 4.35 12.33 44.22 Max. Deflection 1.95 5.53 19.62 4.65 22.62 8.82 13.44 k 4.09 Total @ Right 10.14 2.40 6.80 24.40 2.09 6.03 LL @ Right k 10.85 12.33 5.04 9.13 16.43 4.35 44.22 6.74 7.41 12.48 DL @ Righl k 5.53 19.82 4.65 1 .% 13.44 22.62 Total @ Left k 7.36 2.09 10.14 4.09 6.03 5.04 9.07 2.40 6.80 24.40 LL @ Lefl k 7.41 12.48 DL @ Lefl k 12.33 44.22 6.74 Reactions ... 44.22 6.74 @X= (c) 198597 ENERCALC c:bnercaicVotl06.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2. 1-Jun-1997 FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego. California 92128 Phone (619) 4856227. Fax (619) 485.6201 Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job #: 98244 By: Date: Nov '98 Page & COLUMNS Column Size Height of Column Load Section Modulus Area Modulus of Elasticity r 188.8 38.3 17.4 153 2.96 Maximum Deflection (IN) 0.96 e (IN) 2.88 Moment (IN-K) 440.64 fb (KSb 13.39 fa (W 10.63 0.96 2.88 543.744 14.20 10.85 Kllr 63.37 64.86 Fb 21.6 21.6 H 3 Ad L I 417 I 6 I 0.96 2.88 721.728 13.32 13.62 50.00 21.6 59.67 piZ"l 1.7 OK 1.54 < 1.7 OK Tile : Lo1 106 Redesign Description : Scope : 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 Dsgnr: Dale: San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Job # 98244 L Steel Column Base Plate 15 I 1 General Information Description TSlOxlOx1/2 Columns Axial Load 250.60 k X-X Axis Moment 0.00 k-ft Plate Height 18.000 in Plate Width 18.000 in Pier Height Pier Width 72.000 in 72.000 in fc FY 3,000.0 psi LDF 36.00 ksi 1.000 Plate Design Analysis Type Min. Req'd Plate Thick 1.466 in Tension Force per Bolt 0.000 k Bearing Stress 773.46 psi Max Plate Capacity for 3 Allow. Bearing 680.40k Steel Section TS10x10x1/2 Section Depth Section Width 10.000 in 10,000 in Flange Thick 0.500 in Web Thick 0.500 in Anchor Bolt Data Dist. from Plate Edge 1.500 in Tension Capacity Bolt Count per Side 2 2.750 k Bolt Area 0.442 in2 Allow Concrete Bearing PerACI 10.15 Per AlSC J9 2,100.0 psi 3,570.0 psi Plate Thickness 1.5000 in Max Allow Plate Fb 27,000.0 psi Actual fb 25.761.9 Dsi Plate Analysis for Specified Thickness (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC C:\ENERCALC\LOT106,ECW KW-0602755, V5.0.2, I-Jun-1997 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Title : Lot 106 Redesign Jab # 98244 Drgnr: Deseriptlon : Date: Phone: (619) 485-6227 scone ! Fax: (619) 485-6201 "-8". Steel Column Base Plate Description TS8x8x1/2 Columns Axial Load 153.00 k X-X Axis Moment 0.00 k-ft Plate Height 16.000 in Plate Width 16.000 in Pier Height Pier Width 72.000 in 72.000 in fc 3,000.0 psi LDF 36.00 ksi 1.000 FY Plate Design Analysis Type Min. Req'd Plate Thick 1.237 in Tension Force per Bolt 0.000 k Bearing Stress 597.66 psi Max Plate Capacity for 3 Ailow. Bearing 537.60k Steel Section Section Depth Section Width 8.000 in 8.000 in Flange Thick 0.500 in Web Thick 0.500 in TS8xEx112 Anchor Bolt Data Dist. from Plate Edge 1.500 in Tension Capacity Bolt Count per Side 2 2.750 k Bolt Area 0.442 in2 Ailow Concrete Bearing PerACi 10.15 Per AlSC J9 2,100.0 psi 3,570.0 psi Plate Thickness 1.5000 in Max Allow Piate Fb 27.000.0 psi Actual fb 18.360.0 osi Piate Analysis for Specified Thickness (C) 1983-97 ENERCALC C:\ENERCALC\LOTI06,ECW KW-0602755, V5.0.2. 1-Jun-1997 FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. San Diego, California 92128 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive. Suite 201 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-8201 Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job #: 98244 By: Date: Nov '98 Page PANEL DESIGN Wind Load: c,= 1.19 c, = 1.2 q,= 12.6 I = 1.0 Panel Dafa: Panel Designation: Line A, Roof No Openings Parapet Height = ~"~~ - Data Wall Heioht = 14.5 fl Wall Thickness = 8 in Purlinspan= 48 n Ledgerwidth = 3.5 in Reveal Thickness = 0.75 in Roof Dead Load = 15 psf Opening Width = 0 n Roof Live Load = 16 psf Opening Height = 0 n Wall Dead Load = 97 psf 1.5 n Distance to Rebar = 3.625 in Leg Width = 1 ft Calculation e = 7.5 in POL = 360 plf PLL = 384 plf Panel Designation: Line A, Roof: 2"O" Leg Data Wall Height = 14.5 ft Parapet Height Purlin Span Ledger Width Opening Width Opening Height = 0 Leg Width = 2 .. = 1.5 = 48 = 3.5 - 18 - Addt'l. Lateral = 0.0 psf VDL = 0 Plf VLL = 0 Plf Wall Thickness = 8 Distance to Rebar 5.75 in in Reveal Thickness = 0.75 in Roof Dead Load = 15 psf Wall Dead Load = Roof Live Load = 16 psf 97 psf Calculation e = 7.5 in Addt'l. Lateral = 130.5 psf POL = 360 plf VDL 4665 plf PLL = 384 plf VLL= 1728 plf Panel Designation: Line A, Roof 4-0" Leg Data Wall Height = 14.5 ft Wall Thickness = 8 in - Parapet Height = 1 .f Purlin Span = 48 Ledger Width = 3.: Opening Width = 9 Opening Height = 9 Leg Width = 4 - - - - - I, - in ~ ~~~~ ~ Distance to Rebar = 5.75 in ift Reveal Thickness = 0.75 in ~~~ - - i in Roof Dead Load = 15 psf 16 psf - - n Roof Live Load = n - Wall Dead Load = 97 psf H Calculation e = 7.5 in Addt'l. Lateral = 32.6 psf PDL= 360 plf V~L= 1166 plf PLL = 384 plf VLL= 432 plf FlROUZl Project: Lot 106 Redesign CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Job #: 98244 By: Date: Nov '98 Page & 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (61 9) 485-6227, Fax (61 9) 465-6201 - PANEL DESIGN, continued Panel Designation: Line A, Floor: 4'-0 Leg Data Calculation Wall Height Parapet Height Floor Framing Span Roof Framing Span Ledger Width Opening Width Opening Height Leg Width Wall Thickness = 8 Distance to Rebar = 5.75 in in Reveal Thickness = 0.75 in Roof Dead Load = 15 psf Roof Live Load = Floor Dead Load = 65 psf 16 psf Floor Live Load = 80 psf Wall Dead Load = 97 psf e = 7.5 in Addt'l. Lateral = 72.5 psf PLL = 1344 plf VLL= 3360 plf POL = 1140 plf VDL = 4300 plf Panel Designation: Line 1 & 6, Roof: 2-0 Leg Data Calculation Wall Height = 14 ft Roof Framing Span = 10 ft Parapet Height = 1.5 ft Floor Framing Span = 0 n Ledgerwidth = 3.5 in Opening Width 18 fl Opening Height = 9 fl Leg Width = 2 n e = 7.5 in Addt'l. Lateral = 130.5 psf PDL = 75 plf VDL= 3165 plf PLL = 100 plf VLL= 450 plf Calculation Wall Thickness = 8 Distance to Rebar = 5.75 in in Reveal Thickness = 0.75 in Roof Dead Load = 15 psf Roof Live Load = Floor Dead Load = 20 psf 0 PSf Floor Live Load = 0 PSf Wall Dead Load = 97 psf Panel Designation: Line 1 & 6. Floor: 4'-0" Leg Data Wall Height = 16 ff Parapet Height = 0 n Roof Framing Span = 10 ft Floor Framing Span = 6.5 ft Ledger Width = 2.6 in Opening Width = 20 fl Opening Height = 10 fl Leg Width = 4 n Wall Thickness = 8 Distance Io Rebar 5.75 in in Reveal Thickness = 0.75 in Roof Dead Load = 15 psf Roof Live Load = 20 osf ~~ Floor Dead Load = 65 psf Wall Dead Load = Floor Live Load = 80 psf 97 psf r-. e = 6.6 in Addt'l. Lateral = 72.5 psf POL 286 plf VDL= 2166 plf PLL= 360 plf VLL = 900 plf FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego. California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227. Fax (619) 485-6201 Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job #: 98244 Date: Nov '98 Page Lf PANEL DESIGN, continued I Panel Designation: Lines 1 & 6, Floor: No Openings I Data Calculatlon Wall Height Roof Framing Span Parapet Height Floor Framing Span Ledger Width Opening Width Opening Height Leg Width Wall Thickness = a in Distance to Rebar Reveal Thickness Roof Dead Load Roof Live Load = 20 psf Floor Dead Load Floor Live Load Wall Dead Load ~ ~ ~~ ~~ .. r-. . .- - 3.625 in ,- - 0.75 in - 15 osf .. . - - - 65 psf - 80 psf - 97 psf - - e = 7.5 in Addt'l. Lateral = POL' 286 plf PLL= 360 plf VLL 0 Plf 0.0 psf VDL = 0 Plf Panel Designation: Line G. Roof: No Openings Data Wall Heioht = 13 A fl Wall Thickness 8 Distance to Rebar = 3.625 in in Reveal Thickness = 0.75 in Roof Dead Load = 15 osf Roof Live Load = 16 psf Floor Dead Load = 0 Psf r ~. Floor Live Load = 0 PSf Wall Dead Load = 97 psf Calculation e = 7.5 in Addt'l. Lateral = 0.0 psf PDL = 439 plf VDL = 0 Plf PLL = 468 plf VLL = 0 Plf Panel Designation: Line G, Roof: 2"O" Leg Data Wall Height = 13.8 fl Wall Thickness = a Parapet Height = 2.2 ft Distance to Rebar 5.75 in in Roof Framing Span = 58.5 ft Floor Framing Span = 0 Reveal Thickness = 0.75 in ft Ledger Width = 3.5 in Roof Dead Load = 15 psf Roof Live Load = Opening Width = 18 ft 16 psf Floor Dead Load = Opening Height = 9 ft 0 Floor Live Load = PSf Leg Width = 2 0 ft Wall Dead Load = 97 psf PSf Calculation e = 7.5 in Addt'l. Lateral = 130.5 psf PDL = 439 plf v,, = 5019 plf PLL = 468 plf VLL = 2106 plf FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. San Diego, California 92128 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive, Suite 201 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 4856201 Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job #: 98244 Bv: Date: Nov '98 Page 20 PANEL DESIGN, continued I Panel Designation: Line G, Roof: 4-0" Leg Data Calculation Wall Height 13.8 fl Parapet Height = 2.2 fl Roof Framing Span = 58.5 fl Floor Framing Span = 0 fl Ledger Width = 3.5 in Opening Width = 9 fl Opening Height = 9 fl Leg Width = 4 fl Wall Thickness = a in Distance to Rebar Reveal Thickness Roof Dead Load Floor Dead Load Roof Live Load Wall Dead Load Floor Live Load ~.~~. ~ . .- - 5.75 in , = 0.75 in - 15 psf 16 psf 0 PSf Psf 97 psf .. . - - - - - 0 - - e = 7.5 in Addt'l. Lateral = 32.6 psf PDL 439 plf VDL 1255 plf PLL= 468 plf VLL 527 plf Panel Designation: Line G. Floor: 4'-0 Leg (1) Data Wall Height Parapet Height Roof Framing Span Floor Framing Span Ledger Width Opening Width Opening Height Leg Width = 16 fl - - n fl = 20 fl - In ft - - - 4 fl Wall Thickness = 8 Distance to Rebar = 3.625 in in Reveal Thickness = 0.75 in Roof Dead Load = 15 psf Roof Live Load = 16 psf Floor Dead Load = 65 psf Floor Live Load = 80 psf Wall Dead Load = 97 psf Calculation e= 7 in Addt'l. Lateral 72.5 psf PDL= 1089 plf VDL 4172 plf PLL' 1268 plf VLL= 3170 plf Panel Designation: Line G, Floor: 4-0" Leg (2) Data Calculation Wall Height 16 fl Parapet Height = 0 fl Roof Framing Span = 58.5 ft Floor Framing Span = 58.5 fl Ledger Width = 3 Opening Width = 20 ft in Opening Height = 10 fl Leg Width = 4 fl Wall Thickness Distance to Rebar Reveal Thickness Roof Dead Load Floor Dead Load Roof Live Load Wall Dead Load Floor Live Load - - 17 in .- ,- - 9.75 in ... = 0~75 in - - - 15 psf .. . = 87.5 psf - 16 psf - - 100 psf - = 145 psf e= 9 in Addt'l. Lateral = 108.8 psf POL= 2998 plf VDL= 9670 plf PLL= 3393 plf VLL= 8483 plf FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 4856227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job #: 98244 By: Date: Nov '98 Page PANEL DESIGN, continued Panel Designation: Line 8.2, Floor: 2-0 Leg Data Calculation Wall Height = 16 fl Parapet Height = 0 fl Floor Framing Span = 20 ft Roof Framing Span = 20 fl Ledger Width = 3 Opening Width = 8 in fl Opening Height = 12.5 ft Leg Width = 2 n Wall Thickness Distance to Rebar Reveal Thickness Roof Dead Load Roof Live Load Floor Dead Load Floor Live Load Wall Dead Load - - 8 in = 5.75 in = 0.75 in - 15 psf - 16 psf - 65 psf - 80 psf - 97 PSf - - - - - e= 7 in Addt'l. Lateral = 58.0 psf PDL = 800 plf VDL 2277 plf PLL = 960 plf VLL= 1920 plf Panel Designation: Line 8.2, Floor: 8"0 Leg Data Calculation Wall Height Parapet Height Floor Framing Span Roof Framing Span Ledger Width Opening Width Opening Height Leg Width - - 16 ft - 0 ft = 20 ft - 3 in - 8 fl = 12.5 fl - 8 n - = 20 n - - - Wall Thickness = 8 Distance to Rebar = 5.75 in Reveal Thickness = 0.75 Roof Dead Load = 15 Roof Live Load = 16 Floor Dead Load = 65 Floor Live Load = 80 Wall Dead Load = 97 in in - e= 7 in Addt'l. Lateral = 14.5 psf POL 800 plf VDL = 569 plf PLL= 960 plf VLL= 480 plf Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc San Diego, California 92128 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Tltle : Lot 106 Redesign Drgnr: Date: Description : Job # 08244 SCODe ! Fax: (619) 485-6201 Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design 72 L . " LGeneral Information 1 Description Line A, Roof: No Openings Clear Height Thickness Parapet Height Bar Size Bar Spacing Bar Depth Max Defl. Ratio Concrete Weight 14.500 ft 1.500 ft 8.000 in Phi PC 3,000.0 psi Seismic Zone 4 FY 60,000.0 psi 0.900 Min Vert Steel % 0.0020 Min Horiz Steel % 5 0.0012 Width 12.000 in Base Fixity 14.000 in 3.625 in Parapet Weight Counteracts Midd Wall Seismic Factor 0.3000 Parapet Seismic Factor 0.3000 150.0 145.00 pcf Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact. Non-Iterated LL 8 ST Together 0% . 1 Loads i Lateral Loads ~~ Wind Load 18.000 psf Point Load Ibs ... height ... load type Seismic Lateral Load #/It ... distance to top ft ... distance to bot R n Vertical Loads Uniform DL Uniform LL ... eccentricity ~~ ~~ 360.00 #lft 384.00 #/ft 7.500 in Concentric DL Concentric LL Seismic"1" Maanifier 1.000 Wft Wfl ... load type Seismic Wind "I" Magnker 1.000 ~~ [ Wall Analysis 1 Basic Defl wlo P-Delta For Factored Load Stresses For Service Load Deflections Seismic Wind Seismic Wind 0.029 0.022 in 0.024 0 018 in Basic M wlo P-Delta 14,467.5 10,666.6 in# Moment Excess of Mcr 0.0 0.0 0.0 in# 0.0 in# 8,658.7 in# Max. P-Delta Deflection Max P-Delta Moment 19,723.6 14,770.8 in# 13,737.4 10,423.9 in# Maximum Allow Vertical Bar Spacing Maximum Allow Horizontal Bar Spacing 18.000 in 18.000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : SEISMIC 18,000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : WIND 18.000 in Wall Design OK 14.50ft clear height, 1.50n parapet, 8.00in thick with #5 bars at 14.00in on center, d= 3.63in, fc = 3,000.0ps Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-iterated Factored Load Bending : Seismic Load Governs Service Load Deflection : Seismic Load Governs . . . . . . . 11,921.1 2.367 2.408 in 0.024 0.018 in Maximum Iterated Moment : Mu Moment Capacity 35,480.64 in# 58,944.25 in# Maximum iterated Deflection Deflection Limit 0.038 in 1.160 in Mn * Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu @ Mid-Span Applied: Mu @ Top of Wall Max Iterated Service Load Deflection Actual Deflection Ratio Seismic 53,669.54 in-# 19,723.64 in-# 8,360.10 in-# 7,186 : 1 0.02 in I Actual Reinforcing Percentage Allowable Max. Reinf. Percent = 0.5 * Rho Bal 0.0061 0,0128 52,542.60 in-# 14,770.81 in-# 6,816.82 in-# Wind 9,907 : 1 0.02 in 0.0081 0.0128 Allowable Axial Stress = 0.4 fm Actual Axial Stress : (Pw + Po ) IAg 120.00 psi 16.56 psi 16.56 psi 120.00 psi J (c) 198597 ENERCALC c:\enercalcVotl06.ecw kW0602755, V5.0.2. 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc Title : Lot 106 Redesign Job # 98244 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 Dsgnr: Date: San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Description : Scope : Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design 1 Analysis Data E 3,122,018.6 psi n = Es I Ec 9.29 Fr = 273.86 psi Ht I Thk Ratio 21.75 Sgross 128.000 in3 Mcr = S Fr Rho: Bar Reinf Pct 35,054.2 in# 0.0214 Values for Mn Calculation... As:eff= [Pu:tot + AsFyYFy 0.303 in Wind a : (AsFy + Pu)1(.85 PC b) 0.594 in 0.295 in 0.578 in c=a1.85 0.699 in 512.000 in4 0.680 in lcracked 512.00 in4 25.45 in4 25.02 in4 I-eff (ACI methods only) 0.00 in4 Phi: Capacity Reduction 0.00 in4 0.900 Mn = As:eff Fy (d - an) 59.632.82 in# 0.900 58,380.66 in# Seismic tgross [Additional Values 1 Loads used for analysis Wall Weight 96.667 psf Wall Wt *Wall Seismic Factor 29.000 psf Seismic Applied Axial Load 1,041.60 Wind Wall Wt * Parapet Seismic Factor 29,000 psf 867.60 #/ft Lateral Wall Weight 1,184.17 Service Applied Axial Load 744.00 #In Total Lateral Loads 2,225.77 1,755.72#1ft 888.12 #/ft Service Wt @ Max Mom 845.83 #In Total Service Axial Loads 1,589.83 #In Factored Loads ACI 9-1 a 9-2 DL ACi 9-1 8 9-2 LL 1.400 1.700 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor 0.750 UBC 1921.2.7"1.4" Factor 1.400 0.900 UBC 1921.2.7"O.Q'Factor 0~900 ACI 9-1 a 9-2 ST .... seismic = ST* : 1.100 1.700 ACI 9-3 Shoe Term Factor 1.300 (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:knercalcUotl06.ecw KW4602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc San Diego, California 92128 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Title : Lot io6 Redesign Dsgnr: Date: Description : Job # 98244 Smnn. Fax: (619) 485-6201 "_r_. L Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design 24 [General Information I Description Line A, Roof: 2-0 Leg Clear Height 14.500 n rC 3,000.0 psi Seismic Zone Parapet Height 4 Thickness 8.000 in Phi 0.900 0.0020 Min Horiz Steel % Bar Size 5 Width Base Fixity 0% 0.0012 Bar Spacing 12.000 in 11.000 in Bar Depth 5.750 in Parapet Weight Counteracts Midd Wall Seismic Factor 0.3000 Max Defl. Ratio Parapet Seismic Factor 0.3000 150.0 Concrete Weight 145.00 PCf LL 8 ST Together Usina: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact. Non-Iterated 1.500 n FY 60,000.0 psi Min Vert Steel % LLoads I Lateral Loads Vertical Loads Wind Load 18.000 psf Uniform DL 360.00 #/fl Uniform LL 384.00 Wn Point Load ... height ... load type Seismic Concentric DL 4,665.00 wt Concentric LL 1,728.00 #In Ibs ... eccentricity 7.500 in n Lateral Load 130.50 ... distance to top 9.000 n ... distance to bot ... load type Seismic n Wind "111 Magnifier Seismic "111 Magnifier 1.000 1.000 I Wall Analysis t For Factored Load Stresses For Service Load Deflections Seismic Basic Defl w/o P-Delta 0.107 Basic M w/o P-Delta 0.022 in Moment Excess of Mcr Seismic Wind 56,240.7 10,666.6 in# 41,471.6 0,658.7 in# 36.302.0 0.0 in# 15.618.2 0.0 in# 0.080 0.018 in Max. P-Delta Deflection 1.364 1.433 in Max P-Delta Moment .~ ~~~ ..~ .. 0.251 71,356.3 23,151.2 in# 50,672.4 17,723.2 in# Maximum Allow Vertical Bar Spacing 18.000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : SEISMIC 18,000 in Maximum Allow Horizontal Bar Spacing 18,000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : WIND 18.000 in 0.018 in Summary 14.50fl clear height, 1.50fl parapet, 6.00in thick with #5 bars at 11.00in on center, d= 5.75in, fc = 3,000.0ps Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact. Non-Iterated 1 Wall Design OK Factored Load Bending : Seismic Load Governs Service Load Deflection : Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated Moment : Mu Moment Capacity 35,480.64 in# 56,944.25 in# Maximum Iterated Deflection Deflection Limit 0.038 in 1.160 in Mn *Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu @ Mid-Span Applied: Mu @Top of Wall 130.677.66 in-# Seismfc 71,356.25 in-# 8,360.10 in-# ~~ Max Iterated Service Load Deflection 0.25 in Actual Deflection Ratio 692 : 1 Actual Reinforcing Percentage Allowable Max. Reinf. Percent = 0.5 Rho Bal 0.0049 0.0128 124.397.00 in-# Wind 23,151.15 in-# 6,816.82 in-# .. . .. 9,907 : 1 0.02 in 0.0049 0.0128 Actual Axial Stress : (Pw + Po ) /Ag Allowable Axial Stress = 0.4 fm 120.00 psi 83.15 psi 120.00 psi 83.15 psi - (c) 198597 ENERCALC c:\enercaicVotl06.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc San Diego, California 92128 I6959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Title : Lot 106 Redesign Dsgnr: Date: Description : Scope : Job # 98244 .. L Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design I Analysis Data n=Es/Ec Fr = Ht / Thk Ratio Values for Mn Calculation... As:eff= [Pu:tot + AsFy]/Fy a : (AsFy + Pu)/(.85 PC b) c = a I.85 lgross 512.000 in4 lcracked 107.50 in4 I-eff (ACI methods only) 0.00 in4 Phi: Capacity Reduction Mn = As:eff Fy (d - aQ) 145,197.43 in-# I E 3,122,018.6 psi Sgross 9.29 Mcr = S * Fr 128.000 in3 35,054.2 in# 273.86 psi Rho: Bar Reinf Pct 0.0214 21.75 Seismic Wind 0.524 in 0.486 in 1.028 in 0.953 in 1,210 in 512.00 in4 1.121 in 102.34 in4 0.00 in4 138,218.09 in# 0.900 0.900 LAdditional Values I Loads used for analysis Wall Weight 96.667 psf Wall Wt 'Wall Seismic Factor 29,000 psf Applied Axial Load 9,991.80 7,969.05 #/ft Wall Wt * Parapet Seismic Factor 29,000 psf Lateral Wall Weight 1,184.17 Service Applied Axial Load 888.12 #/ft Service Wt @ Max Mom 7,137.00 #/ft Total Lateral Loads 11.175.96 8,857.17#/ft 845.83 #/ft Total Service Axial Loads 7,982.83 #/R Factored Loads Seismic Wind [ ACI Factors (per ACi, applied internally to entered loads) ACI 9-1 a 9-2 DL ACI 9-1 a 9-2 LL 1.700 ACI 9-1 a 9-2 ST I 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor 0.750 UBC 1921.2.7"1.4"Factor 1.400 ACi 9-3 Dead Load Factor 0.900 UBC 1921.2.7"O.Q Factor 0,900 1.700 .... seismic ST *: 1.100 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 1.300 (C) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:knercalc\oiEG.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2. 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc San Diego, California 92128 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Title : Lot 106 Redesign Dsgnr: Date: Description : Job # 98244 SC""C ! Fax: (619) 485-6201 "-8". Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design 26 h L - " \General Information 1 Description Line A, Roof: 4'-0 Leg Clear Height Thickness Parapet Height Bar Size Bar Spacing Max Defl. Ratio Bar Depth Concrete Weight 14.500 n 1.500 n 8.000 in 14.000 in 3.625 in 150.0 5 145.00 DCf PC 3,000.0 psi FY 60,000.0 psi Min Vert Steel 56 0.0020 Seismic Zone 4 Width Phi 0.900 Min Horiz Steel Oh 0.0012 Parapet Weight Counteracts Midd Wall Seismic Factor 0.3000 12.000 in Base Fixity 0% Parapet Seismic Factor 0.3000 Usina: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact. Non-Iterated LL 8 ST Together I Loads I Lateral Loads Vertical Loads Wind Load 18.000 psf Uniform DL Uniform LL Point Load Ibs ... eccentricity 360.00 #/n 384.00 #In 1,168.00 #In ... height n ... load type Seismic Concentric DL Concentric LL 7.500 in Lateral Load 432.00 #/a ... distance to top 9.000 n ... distance to bot ... load type Seismic 32.60 #In n Seismic "111 Magnifier 1.000 Wind 'Io( Magnifier 1.000 I Wall Analysis I For Factored Load Stresses For Service Load Deflections Basic Defl w/o P-Delta Basic M wlo P-Delta - Seismic Wind Seismic Wind 0.049 0.022 in 24.729.6 10.666.6 in# 19.062.9 8 658 7 in4 0.038 0,018 in Moment Excess of Mcr 426.4 0.0 in# Max. P-Delta Deflection 2.413 0.0 0.0 in# Max P-Delta Moment 2.485 in 35,480.6 19,256.9 in# 0.038 22,760.8 0.018 in 12,230.1 in# Maximum Allow Horizontal Bar Spacing 18.000 in Maximum Allow Vertical Bar Spacing 18.000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : SEISMIC 18,000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd :WIND 18.000 in Wall Design OK 14.50ft clear height, 1 Soft parapet, 8.00in thick with #5 bars at 14.00in on center, d= 3.63in, fc = 3,000.0ps Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated Factored Load Bending : Seismic Load Governs Service Load Deflection : Seismic Load Governs .~ ~~~ ... .. Maximum Iterated Moment : Mu Moment Capacity 35,480.64 in# 58,944.25 in# Maximum Iterated Deflection 0.038 in Deflection Limit 1.160 in Mn ' Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu @I Mid-Span Applied: Mu @Top of Wall Max iterated Service Load Deflection Actual Deflection Ratio Seismic 58,944.25 in-# 35,480.64 in-# 8,360.10 in-# 4,565 : 1 0.04 in I Actual Reinforcing Percentage Allowable Max. Reinf. Percent = 0.5 Rho Bal 0.0061 0.0128 56,764.40 in-# 19,256.90 in# 6,816.82 in-# 9,907 : 1 0.02 in Wind 0.0061 0.0128 Actual Axial Stress : (Pw + Po ) / Ag 33.21 psi Allowable Axial Stress = 0.4 * fm 120.00 psi 33.21 psi 120.00 psi " J (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC __ c:\enercalcUott06.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun.1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc San Dieao. California 92128 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 Title : Lot 106 Redesign Job # 98244 Drgnr: Description : Date: Phone: {SiS) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Scope : Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design LAnalysis Data E n=Es/Ec Fr = 273.86 psi Rho: Bar Reinf Pct 0.0214 Ht / Thk Ratio 1 3,122,018.6 psi Sgross 9.29 Mcr = S * Fr 128.000 in3 35,054.2 in# 21.75 Values for Mn Calculation ... As:eff= [Pu:tot + AsFy]/Fy Seismic 0.340 in 0.687 in 0.785 in Wind 0.325 in 0.636 in 0 749 in ... lgross 512.000 in4 lcracked 27.42 in4 I-eff (ACi methods only) 0.00 in4 Phi: Capacity Reduction 0.900 Mn = As:eff Fy (d -an) . . . . - . . . 512.00 in4 26.62 in4 0.00 in4 0.900 65,493.61 in-# 63,071.56 in# Wall Weight 96.667 psf Wall Wt * Wall Seismic Factor 29,000 psf Applied Axial Load 3,278.80 2,642.70 #/ft Wall Wt * Parapet Seismic Factor 29.000 psf Service Applied Axial Load Lateral Wall Weight 1,184.17 888.12 #/ft Service Wt @ Max Mom Total Selvlce Axial Loads 3.187.83 #/ft [ ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) Factored Loads Seismic Wind 2,342.00 #In Total Lateral Loads 4,462.97 3,530.82#/ft 845.83 #In ACI 9-1 8 9-2 DL 1.400 ACI 9-1 8 9-2 LL ACI 9-2 Group Factor 0.750 UBC 1921.2.7"1.4" Factor 1.400 1.700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor 0.900 UBC 1921.2.7"O.Q Factor 0.900 ACI 9-1 8 9-2 ST 1.700 ACi 9-3 Short Term Factor 1.300 I .... seismic= ST': 1.100 (C) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalcUotlOS.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Title : Lot 106 Redesign Dsgnr: Date: Description : scam ! Job # 98244 Fax: (619) 485-6201 . .. ," - L Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design 28 LGeneral Information 1 Description Line A, Floor: 4'-0" Leg Clear Height Parapet Height 16.000 R Thickness 0.000 n 8.000 in Bar Size 5 Bar Spacing Bar Depth 11.000 in 5.750 in Max Defl. Ratio Concrete Weight 150.0 145.00 DCf PC 3,000.0 psi Seismic Zone FY 4 Phi 60,000.0 psi 0.900 Min Vert Steel % 0.0020 Min Horiz Steel % Width 12.000 in 0.0012 Base Fixity Parapet Weight Counteracts Midd Wail Seismio Factor 0.3000 Parapet Seismic Factor 0.3000 Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact. Non-Iterated LL 8 ST Together 0% 1 Loads 1 Lateral Loads Vertical Loads Wind Load 18.000 psf Uniform DL 1,140.00 #In Point Load ... height ... load type Seismic Concentric DL 4,300.00 wn Concentric LL 3,360.00 #/ft Uniform LL Ibs ... eccentricity 1,344.00 #/a 7.000 in a Lateral Load ... distance to top ... distance to bot ... load type Seismic 72.50 #/ft 10.0oo n n Wind "1" Magnifier Seismic "I" Magnifier 1.000 1.000 1 Wall Analysis t For Factored Load Stresses For Service Load Deflections Seismic Basic Defl wlo P-Deita Basic M w/o P-Delta Moment Excess of Mcr - Wind Seismic Wind ~~ 0.118 0.051 in 0.098 0.042 in 49,318.1 21,941.0 in# 39,840.0 39.687.5 6.714.7 in# 18.759.9 18.339.0 in# 0.0 in# Max. P-Deita Deflection 1.666 1.751 in Max P-Deita Moment 74,741.7 41.768.9 in# 53,814.2 0.325 30,483.5 in# 0.042 in Maximum Allow Vertical Bar Spacing 18.000 in Maximum Ailow Horizontal Bar Spacing 18,000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : SEISMIC 18,000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : WIND 18,000 in Wall Design OK 16.00fl clear height, O.OOA parapet, 8.00in thick with #5 bars at 11 .OOin on center, d= 5.75in, fc = 3,OOO.Ops Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated ~ Factored Load Bending : Seismic Load Governs Service Load Deflection : Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated Moment : Mu 35,480.64 in# Moment Capacity 58,944.25 in# Maximum Iterated Deflection Deflection Limit 0.038 in 1.160 in Mn * Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu @ Mid-Span Applied: Mu @Top of Wall 141,417.14 in-# Seismic 134,249.96 in-# 74,741.73 in-# 41,768.94 in-# 24,343.19 in-# 20,374.19 in-# Wind Max Iterated Service Load Deflection 0.33 in Actual Deflection Ratio 590 : 1 Actual Reinforcing Percentage Allowable Max. Reinf. Percent = 0.5 *Rho Bal 0.0049 0.0128 4,568 : 1 0.04 in 0.0049 0.0128 Actual Axial Stress : (Pw + Po ) I Ag Allowable Axial Stress = 0.4 * fm 113.72 psi 113.72 psi 120.00 psi 120.00 psi (C) 1963-97 ENERCALC c:!enercalcUotlO6.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Title: Lot 106 Redesign Dsgnr: Date: Description : Job # 98244 RP""P. Fax: (619) 485-6201 "-r_. Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design 24 h E 3,122,018.6 psi n = Es I Ec 9.29 Fr = 273.86 psi Ht / Thk Ratio 24.00 Values for Mn Calculation... As:eff= IPu:tot + AsFvVFv Seismic 0.593 in Sgross 128.000 in3 Mcr = S Fr Rho: Bar Reinf Pct 35,054.2 in# 0.0214 Wind 0.547 in a : (ASFY + PU)I(.~~ PC bj 1.163 in 1.072 in c=a1.85 1.368 in lgross 1.262 in 512.000 in4 512.00 in4 lcracked 116.00 in4 I-eff (ACI methods only) 110.37 in4 0.00 in4 Phi: Capacity Reduction 0.00 in4 Mn = As:eff Fy (d - an) 157,130.15 in-# 0.900 149,166.62 in# 0.900 [Additional Values 1 Loads used for analysis Wall Weight Wall Wt *Wall Seismic Factor 96.667 psf 29.000 psf Applied Axial Load 14,201.59 11,709.60 #Ifl Wall Wt Parapet Seismic Factor 29,000 psf Service Applied Axial Load 10,144.00 #/fl Lateral Wall Weight 1,082.67 812.00 #Ifl Service Wt @ Max Mom 773.33 #/fl Total Lateral Loads 15,284.26 12,521.60#Ifl Total Service Axial Loads 10,917.33 #/fl LAC1 Factors (per ACI. applied internally to entered loads) Factored Loads Seismic Wind 1 ACI 9-1 a 9-2 DL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-1 a 9-2 LL 1.700 ACI 9-1 a 9-2 ST 0.750 UBC 1921.2.7"1.4" Factor 1.400 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor 1.700 0.900 UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9 Factor 0,900 .... seismic = ST' : 1.100 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 1.300 (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc~otl06.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2. 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc Title : Lot 106 Redesign Job # 98244 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 Dsgnr: Date: San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Description : Scope : L Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design 30 1 I General Information Description Line 1 & 6, Roof: 2-0 Leg Clear Height Thickness Parapet Height Bar Size Bar Spacing Bar Depth Max Den. Ratio Concrete Weight 14.500 ft 1.500 ft PC FY 3,000.0 psi Seismic Zone 4 60,000.0 psi Min Vert Steel % 8,000 in Phi 0.900 0.0020 Min Horiz Steel % 5 0.0012 Width 12,000 in Base Fixity 11.000 in 5.750 in Parapet Weight Counteracts Midd Wall Seismic Factor 0.3000 Parapet Seismic Factor 0.3000 150.0 LL & ST Together 0 % 145.00 DCf Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact. Non-Iterated Lateral Loads Vertical Loads Wind Load 18.000 psf Uniform DL Uniform LL Point Load ... height ... load type Seismic 75.00 Wft 100.00 Wfi 7.500 in 3,165.00 #/ft 450.00 #/ft Ibs ... eccentricity ft Concentric DL Concentric LL Lateral Load 130.50 wn ... distance to top ... distance to bot 9.000 ft ft ... load type Seismic "I" Magnifier 1.000 1.000 Seismic Wind "I" Magnifier I Wall Analysis "" 1 For Factored Load Stresses For Service Load Deflections Seismic Wind Basic Den w/o P-Delta Basic M w/o P-Delta Moment Excess of Mcr Max. P-Delta Deflection Max P-Delta Moment Seismic 0.104 0.016 in 0.075 54,924.0 7,869.5 in-# 0.012 in 39,561.4 28,613.4 6,223.8 in# 0.0 in-# 9,807.3 1.367 1.422 in 0.0 in# 0.201 63,667.6 0.012 in 14,953.7 in# 44,861.6 11,592.8 in# Maximum Allow Vertical Bar Spacing 18,000 in Maximum Allow Horizontal Bar Spacing 18,000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : SEISMIC 18,000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : WIND 18,000 in Wall Design OK 1.50ft parapet, 8.00in thick with #5 bars at 11 .OOin on center, d= 5.75in, fc = 3,OOO.Ops Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated Factored Load Bending : Seismic Load Governs Service Load Deflection : Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated Moment : Mu 35,480.64 in-# Moment Capacity Maximum Iterated Deflection 58,944.25 in# 0.038 in Deflection Limit 1.160 in Mn * Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu @ Mid-Span Applied: Mu @ Top of Wall I Max Iterated Service Load Deflection Actual Deflection Ratio Seismic 117.822.61 in-# 113,574.49 in-# 63,667.61 in-# 14,953.71 in-# 2,385.60 in-# 1,856.70 in-# Wind I Actual Reinforcing Percentage Allowable Max. Reinf. Percent = 0.5 Rho Bal 0.0049 0.0128 0.20 in 864 : 1 0.01 in 13,966 : 1 0.0049 0.0128 Actual Axial Stress : (Pw + Po ) / Ag 48.29 psi Allowable Axial Stress = 0.4 * fm 120.00 psi 46.29 psi 120.00 psi (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:!enercalcUotlO6.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2. 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Title : Lot 108 Redesign Dsgnr: Date: Description : scone ! Job # 98244 Fax: (619) 485-6201 "-r-. Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design I Analvsis Data E n=Es/Ec Fr = Ht / Thk Ratio Values for Mn Calculation ... As:eff= [Pu:tot + AsFyYFy a : (AsFy + Pu)/(.85 fc b) c=a/.85 lgross lcracked I-eff (ACI methods only) Phi: Capacity Reduction Mn = As:eff Fy (d - a/2) 3,122,018.6 psi 9.29 273.86 psi 21.75 I Additional Values Seismic 0.446 in 0.875 in 512.000 in4 1.030 in 96.75 in4 0.00 in4 130,914.01 in# 0.900 Sgross 128.000 in3 Mcr = S * Fr Rho: Bar Reinf Pct 35,054.2 in# 0.0214 Wind 0.421 in 0.826 in 0.972 in 512.00 in4 93.03 in4 0.900 0.00 in4 126,193.88 in# t I Loads used for analysis Wall Weight 96.667 psf Wall Wt * Wail Seismic Factor 29.000 psf Applied Axial Load 5.306.00 4.103.25 Wft Factored Loads Seismic Wind Wail Wt Parapet Seismic Factor 29,000 psf Lateral Wall Weight 1i184.17 Service Applied Awial Load 3,790.00 #/ft Total Lateral Loads 6,490.16 4,991.37#/ft Service Wt @ Max Mom Total Service Axial Loads 4,635.83 #In 845.03 #/ft '888.12 Wrt I ACI Factors (per ACI. applied internally to entered loads) ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL 1.400 ACi 9-2 Group Factor 0.750 UBC 1921.2.7"1.4"Factor 1.400 ACI 9-1 8 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.700 ACi 9-3 Dead Load Factor 0.900 UBC 1921.2.7"0.9" Factor 0,900 1.700 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 1.300 1 .... seismic=ST': 1,100 (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:!enercalcYotl06.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc Title : Lot 106 Redesign Job # 98244 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Dsgnr: Dale: Descrlplion : Scope : Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design 32 \ ____ ~ ~~ I General Information ~ ~ ~~~ 1 Description Line 1 & 6, Floor: 4-0 Leg Clear Height Parapet Height Thickness 8.000 in Bar Size 5 Bar Spacing Bar Depth 11.000 in 5.750 in Max Defl. Ratio Concrete Weight 150.0 145.00 pcf 16.000 n 0.000 n PC 3,000.0 psi Seismic Zone FY 4 Phi 60,000.0 psi 0.900 Min Vert Steel % 0.0020 Min Horiz Steel Oh Width 12.000 in 0.0012 Base Fixity Parapet Weight Counteracts Midd Wall Seismic Factor 0.3000 LL 8 ST Together Parapet Seismic Factor 0.3000 Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact. Non-Iterated 0% i Loads 1 Lateral Loads Wind Load Point Load ... height ... load type Lateral Load ... distance to top ... distance to bot ~~ ~~~~ Vertical Loads 18.000 psf Uniform DL 286.00 #In Uniform LL 360.00 #In ... eccentricity 7.000 in ibs n Seismic Concentric DL 2,168.00 #/ft Concentric LL 900.00 #/n 72.50 #/n 1o.ooo n n Seismic "111 Magnifier 1.000 ... load type Seismic Wind "111 Magnifier 1.000 Wall Analysis t For Factored Load Stresses For Service Load Deflections Seismic y.@ - Seismic ~ Wind Basic Defl w/o P-Delta 0.106 0.029 in 0.080 0.023 in Basic M wlo P-Delta 45,421.4 11,669.9 in-# Moment Excess of Mcr 20,754.2 33,603.1 9,357.8 in# Max. P-Delta Deflection 0.0 in-# 4,253.3 0.0 in# Max P-Delta Moment 55,808.5 20,170.1 in-# 39,307.5 15,014.1 in# Maximum Allow Vertical Bar Spacing Maximum Ailow Horizontal Bar Spacing 18,000 in 18,000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : SElSMiC 18,000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : WIND 18.000 in Wall Design OM ~~~ ~ 1.665 1.722 in 0.155 0.023 in 0.0Oft parapet, 8.00in thick with #5 bars at 11.00in on center. d= 5.75in. fc = 3,000.0ps Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated Factored Load Bending : Seismic Load Governs Service Load Deflection : Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated Moment : Mu Moment Capacity 35,480.64 in# 58,944.25 in-# Maximum Iterated Deflection Deflection Limit 0.038 in 1.160 in Mn * Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu @ Mid-Span Applied: Mu @ Top of Wall Max Iterated Service Load Deflection Actual Deflection Ratio 117,229.40 in-# Seismic 55,808.48 in-# 6,330.80 in-# 1,238 : 1 0.16 in I Actual Reinforcing Percentage 0.0049 Allowable Max. Reinf. Percent = 0.5 Rho Bal 0.0128 1 Actual Axial Stress : (Pw + Po ) / Ag Allowable Axial Stress 0.4 * fm 120.00 Dsi 46.72 psi 113,579.42 in4 Wind 20.170.08 in4 5,315.10 in-# 0.02 in 6,291 : 1 0.0049 0.0128 120.00 osi 46.72 psi (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:knercalcVoll06.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1 Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc Title : Lot 106 Redesign Job # 98244 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 Drgnr: Dale: San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Description : Scope : Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design 21 1 Analysis Data L E 3,122,018.6 psi n = Es / Ec 9.29 Sgross 128.000 in3 Mcr = S * Fr 35.054.2 in# Ht / Thk Ratio Fr = Values for Mn Calculation... As:eff= IPu:tot + AsFvVFv 273.86 psi 24.00 Seismic 0.443 in Rho: Bar Reinf Pct Wind 0 471 in 0.0214 a : (AsF~. + pu)1(.85 Fi bj 0.868 in c~a1.85 0.828 in 1,022 in 0.972 in lgross 512.000 in4 lcracked 96.23 in4 512.00 in4 I-eff (ACI methods only) 0.00 in4 93.03 in4 Phi: Capacity Reduction 0.900 0.00 In4 Mn = As:eff Fy (d - an) 130,254.89 in# 126,199.35 in# 0.900 - . . - . . . . 1 Additional Values - 1 Loads used for analysis Wall Weight 96.667 psf Wall Wt * Wall Seismic Factor 29,000 psf Applied Axial Load 5,196.80 4,181.10 #/A Wall Wt Parapet Seismic Factor 29,000 psf Service Applied Axial Load Lateral Wall Weight 1,082.67 Service Wt @ Max Mom Total Service Axial Loads 4,485.33 wn LAC1 Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) Factored Loads Seismic Wind 3,712.00 wn Total Lateral Loads 6,279.46 4,993.10wA 812.00 #In 773.33 wn 1 ACI 9-1 8 9-2 DL ACI 9-1 8 9-2 LL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor 0.750 UBC 1921.2.7"1.4" Factor 1.400 ACI 9-1 8 9-2 ST 1.700 1.700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 1.300 0.900 UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 0.900 .... seismic= ST': 1.100 (C) 198597 ENERCALC "" c:\enercalcYotl06.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2. 1Jun-I997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc San Diego, California 92128 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Title : Lot 108 Redesign Drgnr: Date: Dercrlpllon : scnnc ! Job # 98244 Fax: (619) 485-6201 "-0". L Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design 34 I General Information 1 Description Line 1 & 6, Floor: No Openings Clear Height Parapet Height 16.000 n fc 3,000.0 psi Seismic Zone 0.000 n 4 Thickness 8.000 in FY 60,000.0 psi Phi 0.900 Min Vert Steel Oh 0.0020 Min Horiz Steel % Bar Size 0.0012 5 Bar Spacing Width 14.000 in 12.000 in Base Fixity 0% Parapet Weight Counteracts Midd Wall Seismic Factor 0.3000 Bar Depth 3.625 in Max Defl. Ratio 150.0 Parapet Seismic Factor 0.3000 Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated LL & ST Together 1 Loads t Lateral Loads Wind Load Point Load Ibs ... height ft ... load type Seismic Concentric DL Concentric LL #/ft Vertical Loads Uniform LL ... eccentricity 7.000 in 18.000 psf Uniform DL 286.00 #/R 360.00 #In #/ft #/R Lateral Load ... distance to too fl ... distance to boi ... load type ~ ~~ ~~ R Seismic "111 Magnifier 1.000 Seismic Wind "111 Magnifier 1.000 [Wall Analysis L For Factored Load Stresses For Service Load Deflections Basic Defl w/o P-Delta 0.041 0.029 in Basic M w/o P-Delta 17.022.9 13 sm n 9 1S7 R in2 11.669.9 in-# Seismic Wind Seismic Wind 0.033 0.023 in Moment Excess of Mcr Max. P-Delta Deflection Max P-Delta Moment , ~~ ~ 0.0 0.0 in# 0.0 0.0 in# 2.876 2.921 in 22,728.4 0.033 16.188.8 in# 15,311.7 0.023 in 11,135.4 in# . -, - - -. - -,--..- ~ .... Maximum Allow Vertical Bar Spacing Maximum Allow Horizontal Bar Spacing 18,000 in 18.000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : SEISMIC 18,000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : WIND 18.000 in Wall Design OK -i 16.00ff clear height, O.OOff parapet, 8.00in thick with #5 bars at 14.00in on center, d= 3.63in. f'c = 3,000.0p~ Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated Factored Load Bending : Seismic Load Governs Service Load Deflection : Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated Moment : Mu 35,480.64 in# Maximum Iterated Deflection Moment Capacity 0.038 in 58,944.25 in# Deflection Limit 1.160 in Mn * Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu @ Mid-Span Applied: Mu @ Top of Wall Seismic 53,098.06 in-# 22.728.37 in-# 6.330.80 in-# Max Iterated Service Load Deflection Actual Deflection Ratio 5,770 : 1 0.03 in Actual Reinforcing Percentage Allowable Max. Reinf. Percent = 0.5 *Rho Bal 0.0061 0.0128 52,098.66 in-# 16,186.75 in-# 5,315.10 in-# Wind 8,291 : 1 0.02 in 0.0061 0.0128 Actual Axial Stress : (Pw + Po ) I Ag 14.78 psi Allowable Axial Stress = 0.4 Pm 120.00 psi 14.78 psi 120.00 psi ____ ~. i (C) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalcYotl06.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2. 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Tltle : Lot 106 Redesign Drgnr: Date: Description : Job # 98244 SEOm? : Fax: (619) 485-6201 ." r- - " Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design LAnalysis Data I E 3,122,018.6 psi n = Es / Ec 9.29 Fr = 273.86 psi Ht / Thk Ratio 24.00 Sgross 128.000 in3 Mcr = S * Fr Rho: Bar Reinf Pct 35,054.2 in# 0.0214 Values for Mn Calculation... As:eff= [Pu:tot + AsFy]/Fy a : (AsFy + Pu)/(.85 fc b) 0.299 in 0.586 in c=a/.85 0.689 in Seismic Wind 0.292 in 0.572 in 0.673 in lgross 512.000 in4 512.00 in4 lcracked I-eff (ACI methods only) 24.84 in4 Phi: Capacity Reduction 0.900 0.00 in4 Mn = As:eff Fy (d - a/2) 0.900 58,997.85 in# 57,887.40 in# 25.23 in4 0.00 in4 1 Additional Values i ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ Loads used for analysls Factored Loads Wall Weight 96.667 psf Seismic Wind Wall Wt *Wall Seismic Factor Wall Wt * Parapet Seismic Factor 29.000 psf 29.000 psf Applied Axial Load 904.40 Lateral Wall Weight 1,082.67 759.30 #/fl Service Applied Axial Load 812.00 #/fl 646.00 #/fl Total Lateral Loads 1.987.07 1,571.30#/ft Service Wt @ Max Mom Total Service Axial Loads 773.33 #/fl 1.419.33 #/ft ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) I ACI 9-1 8 9-2 DL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor 0.750 UBC 1921.2.7"1.4" Factor 1.400 ACI 9-1 8 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 8 9-2 ST 1.700 1.700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 0.900 UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9 Factor 0,900 .... seismic=ST': 1.100 1.300 (e) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:knercalcUotlO6.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2. 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc San Diego, California 92128 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Title : Lot log Redesign Drgnr: Date: Description : scnoe ! Job # 98244 Fax: (619) 485-6201 "-8". Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design 3L h L - " LGeneral Information 1 Description Line G, Roof: No Openings Clear Height Thickness Parapet Height Bar Size Bar Spacing Bar Depth Max Defl. Ratio Concrete Weight 13.800 n 2.200 n 8.000 in 14.000 in 3.625 in 150.0 5 145.00 DCf PC 3,000.0 psi Seismic Zone FY 4 Phi 60,000.0 psi 0.900 Min Vert Steel % 0.0020 Min Horii Steel % Width 12.000 in 0.0012 Base Fixity Parapet Weight Counteracts Midd Wail Seismic Factor 0.3000 Parapet Seismic Factor 0.3000 Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact. Non-Iterated LL 8 ST Together 0% I Loads I Lateral Loads Vertical Loads Wind Load 18.000 psf Uniform DL 439.00 Hn Point Load Uniform LL 468.00 #/it ... height ... load type Seismic Concentric DL #/fl Ibs ... eccentricity 7.500 in n #/n n Concentric LL Lateral Load #/n ... distance to top n ... distance to bot ... load type Seismic Wind "I' Magnifier Seismic "I" Magnifier 1.000 1.000 [Wall Analysis Moment Excess of Mcr 0.0 Max. P-Delta Deflection 2.149 0.0 in# 0.0 0.0 in# 2.189 in Max P-Delta Moment 18,729.2 14,829.1 in# 0.021 13,451.0 0.016 in 10,598.0 in# Maximum Allow Vertical Bar Spacing 18.000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : SEISMIC 18.000 in Maximum Allow Horizontal Bar SDacina 18.000 in Paraoet Bar Soacino Redd : WIND 18.000 in " - I, Wall Design OK 13.8Oft clear height, 2.20ft parapet, 8.00in thick with #5 bars at 14.00in on center, d= 3.63in, fc = 3.000.0ps Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated Maximum Iterated Moment : Mu 35,480.64 in-# Moment Capacity Maximum Iterated Deflection 58,944.25 in-# 0.038 in Deflection Limit 1.160 in Factored Load Bending : Seismic Load Governs Service Load Deflection : Seismic Load Governs Mn Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu @ Mid-Span Applied: Mu @ Top of Wall Max Iterated Service Load Deflection Actual Deflection Ratio Seismic 54,327.20 in-# 18,729.21 in-# 10,702.52 in-# 7,799 ; 1 0.02 in I Actual Reinforcing Percentage Allowable Max. Reinf. Percent = 0.5 Rho Bai 0.0061 0.0128 53,084.23 in-# 14,829.07 in-# 8.598.84 in-# 10,362 : 1 0.02 in 0.0061 0.0128 Wind Actual Axial Stress : (Pw + Po ) / Ag 18.61 psi Allowable Axial Stress 0.4 * fm 120.00 psi 18.61 psi 120.00 psi (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalcVotl06.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Title : Lot 106 Redesign Dsgnr: Date: Description : scone ! Job # 98244 Fax: (619) 485-6201 ." r-. L Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design 31 1 Analysis Data 1 E psi n=Es/Ec 9.29 Fr = 273.86 psi Ht / Thk Ratio 20.70 Sgross 128.000 in3 Mcr = S * Fr Rho: Bar Reinf Pct 35,054.2 in# 0.0214 Values for Mn Calculation ... Seismic As:eff= [Pu:tot + AsFy]/Fy a : (AsFy + Pu)/(.85 fc b) 0.307 in 0.299 in c=a/.85 0.603 in 0.586 in 0.709 in lgross 512.000 in4 512.00 in4 0.689 in lcracked I-eff (ACI methods only) 25.70 in4 25.23 in4 0.00 in4 0.00 in4 Phi: Capacity Reduction 0.900 0.900 Mn = As:eff Fy (d - a/2) 60,363.56 in-# 58,982.48 in# Wind [ Additional Values - 1 Loads used for analysis Wall Weight Factored Loads 96.667 psf Seismic Wail Wt Wall Seismic Factor Wind 29.000 psf Wall Wt * Parapet Seismic Factor 29,000 psf Applied Axial Load 1,269.80 1,057.65 #In Lateral Wall Weight 1,231.53 Service Applied Axial Load 907.00 #In 923.65 #/n Service Wt @ Max Mom 879.67 #/fl Total Lateral Loads 2,501.33 1,981.30#/fl Total Service Axial Loads 1.786.67 #/n I ACI Factors (per ACI. applied internally to entered loads) ~" 1 ACI 9-1 8 9-2 DL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor 0.750 UBC 1921.2.7"1.4" Factor 1.400 ACI 9-1 8 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 8 9-2 ST 1.700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor 1.700 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 1.300 0.900 UBC 1921.2.7"0.9 Factor 0.900 .... seismic = ST : 1.100 (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalcVoll06.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2. 1 Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc Title : Lot 106 Redesign Job # 98244 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Dsgnr: Date: Description : Scope : L Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design 38 1 General Information i Description Line G. Roof: 2-0 Leg Clear Height 13.800 n PC 3,000.0 psi Seismic Zone Parapet Height 2.200 n 4 Thickness 8.000 in FY 60,000.0 psi Min Vert Steel % Phi 0.0020 0.900 Bar Size Min Horiz Steel % 0.0012 5 Bar Spacing 11.000 in Width Parapet Weight Counteracts Midd Wall Seismic Factor 0.3000 12.000 in Base Fixity 0% Bar Depth 5.750 in Max Defl. Ratio Parapet Seismic Factor 0.3000 150.0 Concrete Weight 145.00 DCf LL 8 ST Together Usina: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact. Non-Iterated LLoads 1 Lateral Loads Wind Load Point Load ibs ... height n ... load type Seismic Concentric DL Vertical Loads 18.000 psf Uniform DL 439.00 #/n Uniform LL 468.00 #/R ... eccentricity 7.500 in Concentric LL 2,106.00 #/R 5,019.00 #/ft Lateral Load ... distance to top ... distance to bot n Seismic "I" Magnifier 1.000 ... load type Seismic Wind "I" Magnifier 1.000 130.50 #In 9.000 n 1 Wall Analysis I For Factored Load Stresses For Service Load Deflections &jy& Wind 53,339.7 10,692.1 in# 39,714.4 Basic Defi w/o P-Delta 0.093 0.020 in Basic M w/o P-Delta Moment Excess of Mcr 33,614.5 8,760.0 in# Max. P-Delta Deflection 0.0 in# 14,460.0 1.237 0.0 in# 1.301 in Max P-Delta Moment 0.211 88.668.8 23,286.7 in# 49,514.2 18,281.3 in# 0.016 in Maximum Allow Vertical Bar Spacing 18.000 in Maximum Allow Horizontal Bar Spacing 18,000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : SEISMIC 18,000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : WIND 18.000 in Wall Design OK 13.80fl clear height, 2.20fl parapet, 8.00in thick with #5 bars at 11 .OOin on center, d= 5.7511, fc = 3,000.0ps Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated Factored Load Bending : Seismic Load Governs Service Load Deflection : Seismic Load Governs &jy& Wind 0.070 0.016 in Maximum Iterated Moment : Mu Moment Capacity 35,480.64 in4 58.944.25 in-# Maximum Iterated Deflection Deflection Limit 0.038 in 1.160 in Mn Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu @ Mid-Span Applied: Mu @ Top of Wall Max Iterated Service Load Deflection Actual Deflection Ratio Seismic 134.130.65 in-# 127,339.86 in-# 68,668.78 in-# 23.286.66 in-# 10,702.52 in-# 8,598.84 in-# Wind 0.21 in 786 : 1 I Actual Reinforcing Percentage Allowable Max. Reinf. Percent = 0.5 ' Rho Bal 0.0049 0.0128 10,362 : 1 0.02 in 0.0049 0.0128 Actual Axial Stress : (Pw + Po ) I Ag 92.83 psi Allowable Axial Stress = 0.4 fm 120.00 psi 92.83 psi 120.00 psi (c) 198597 ENERCALC c:\enercaic\lotlOG.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2. 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc Title : Lot 106 Redesign 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 Osgnr: Date: San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Job # 98244 Description : Scope : L Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design 31 1 LAnalysis Data E 3,122,018.6 psi Saross 128.000 in3 n=Es/Ec Fr = Ht I Thk Ratio Values for Mn Calculation ... As:eff= [Pu:tot + AsFyllFy a : (AsFy + Pu)/(.85 fc b) 273.86 psi 9.29 20.70 Seismic 0.546 in 1.071 in Mir = S * Fr Rho: Bar Reinf Pct 0.0214 ~~ ~ 35,054.2 in# Wind 0.504 in 0.988 in c=a/.85 lgross 1.260 in 512.000 in4 1.162 in lcracked 512.00 in4 110.28 in4 I-eff (ACI methods only) 0.00 in4 104.70 in4 Phi: Capacity Reduction 0.00 in4 Mn = As:eff Fy (d - a/2) 149,034.06 in# 141,400.74 in# 0.900 0.900 I Additional Values c Loads used for analysis Wall Weight Wall Wt *Wall Seismic Factor 29.000 psf 96.667 psf Applied Axial Load 11,244.80 9,012.75 #/fl Wail Wt * Parapet Seismic Factor 29,000 psf Service Applied Axial Load 8,032.00 #/fl Lateral Wall Weight 1,231.53 Total Lateral Loads 12,476.33 9,936.40#/fl 923.65 #/fl Total Service Axial Loads Service Wt @ Max Mom 879.67 #/fl 8.911.66 wn Factored Loads Seismic Wind LACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) ~,~ ~.~ ACI 9-1 a 9-2 DL c 1.400 ACI 9-1 8 9-2 LL 1.700 ACI 9-2 Group Factor 0.750 UBC 1921.2.7"1.4 Factor 1.400 ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor 0.900 UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9 Factor 0,900 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 1.300 .... seismic=ST*: 1.100 (C) 1983-97 ENERCALC ". c:\enercalcuotl06.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2. 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc San Diego, California 92128 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Title : Lot 106 Redesign Dsgnr: Date: Description : Scope : Job # 98244 I Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design 40) [ General Information 1 Description Line G, Roof: 4-0 Leg Clear Height Thickness Parapet Height Bar Size Bar Spacing Bar Depth Max Defl. Ratio Concrete Weight 13.800 fl 2.200 n fc 3,000.0 psi FY 60,000.0 psi Seismic Zone Min Vert Steel % 4 8.000 in Phi 0.0020 5 Width 12.000 in 0.900 Min Horiz Steel % 0.0012 Base Fixity 14.000 in 3.625 in Parapet Weight Counteracts Midd Wall Seismic Factor 0.3000 Parapet Seismic Factor 0.3000 150.0 145.00 pcf Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact. Non-Iterated LL & ST Together 0% I Loads I Lateral Loads Wind Load Point Load Vertical Loads 18.000 psf Uniform DL 439.00 #/ft Uniform LL ibs ... eccentricitv 468.00 #In 7.500 in ... height ft ... load type Seismic Lateral Load ... distance to top 32.60 #/ft ... distance to bot 9.000 n n Concentric LL Concentric DL 1,255.00 #/ft 527.00 #In Seismic "111 Maanifier 1.000 ... load type Seismic Wind "111 Magnker 1.000 ~~~ I Wall Analysis For Factored Load Stresses For Service Load Deflections Basic Defl wlo P-Deita 0.041 0.020 in Basic M w/o P-Delta 23,214.1 10,692.1 in-# 18.324.4 8.760.0 in# Wind - Seismic 0.033 0.016 in Moment Excess of Mcr 0.0 0.0 in-# 0.0 0.0 in# Max. P-Delta Deflection Max P-Delta Moment 34,166.2 19,398.5 in-# 22,263.3 12,491.5 in# Maximum Allow Vertical Bar Spacing 18,000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : SEISMIC 18.000 in Maximum Allow Horizontal Bar Spacing 18,000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : WIND 18,000 in Wall Design OK 13.80fl clear height, 2.20ft parapet, 8.00in thick with #5 bars at 14.00in on center, d= 3.63in, fc = 3,000.0ps Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated Factored Load Bending : Seismic Load Governs Service Load Deflection : Seismic Load Governs 2.196 2.266 in 0.033 0.016 in ~~ Maximum iterated Moment : Mu Moment Capacity 35,480.64 in-# 58,944.25 in# Maximum Iterated Deflection Deflection Limit 0.038 in 1.160 in Mn * Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu @ Mid-Span Applied: Mu @ Top of Wall Max Iterated Service Load Deflection Actual Deflection Ratio Seismic 60,179.59 in-# 34,166.16 in-# 10,702.52 in-# 4,961 : 1 0.03 in I Actual Reinforcing Percentage Allowable Max. Reinf. Percent = 0.5 *Rho Bal 0.0061 0.0126 57,796.90 in-# 19,398.50 in-# 8.598.84 in-# 10,362 : 1 0.02 in 0.0061 0.0128 Wind Actual Axial Stress : (Pw + Po ) IAg 37.17 psi Allowable Axial Stress = 0.4 fm 37.17 psi 120.00 psi 120.00 psi (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:knercalcUo1106.ecw KW-0602755. V5.0.2. 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc Title : Lot 106 Redesign Job # 98244 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Dsgnr: Date: Description : Scope : Tilt-UD Wall Panel Desian 41 c LAnalysis Data I n=EsIEc 9.29 Mcr = S Fr 35,054.2 in# 128.000 in3 Fr = 273.86 psi Rho: Bar Reinf Pct 0.0214 Ht I Thk Ratio E 3,122,018.6 psi Sgross 20.70 Values for Mn Calculation.. . As:eff= [Pu:tot + AsFyYFy a : (AsFy + Pu)1(.85 PC bl c = a I .85 lgross lcracked I-eff (Act methods only) Phi: Capacity Reduction Mn = As:eff Fv Id - al2) Seismic 0.349 in 0.684 in 0.805 in 512.000 in4 27.87 in4 0.900 0.00 in4 66.866.21 in# Wind 0.332 in 0.651 in 512.00 In4 0.766 in 27.00 in4 0.00 in4 64.218.77 in# 0.900 .. Additional Values " ~~ 1 Loads used for analysis ~ ~ ~~~ Wall Weight Factored Loads 96.667 psf Seismic Wall Wt * Wall Seismic Factor Wind 29.000 osf ADDlied Axial Load 3.764.60 3.047.32 illit Wall Wt * Parapet Seismic Factor 29.000 psf Laieral Wall Weight 1:231.53 Service Applied Axial Load 2,689.00 #Kt 923.65 #lft Service Wt @ Max Mom Total Lateral Loads 4,996.13 3,970.97Wft Total Service Axial Loads 879.67 #In 3,568.67 #lft ~~ ~.~ ~~~ ~ I ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) 1 ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACI 9-1 8 9-2 LL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor 1.700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor 0.750 UBC 1921.2.7"l.Y Factor 1.400 0.900 UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 0,900 1.700 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 1.300 ACI 9-1 a 9-2 ST .... seismic = ST * : 1.100 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc San Diego, California 92128 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Tille : Lot 106 Redesign Dsgnr: Date: Description : Job # 98244 Cmnm. Fax: (619) 485-6201 "-p-. Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design LGeneral Information I Description Line G, Floor: 4'-0" Leg (1) Clear Height 16.000 ft PC Parapet Height 0.000 ft 4 Thickness 8.000 in 60,000.0 psi Min Vert Steel % 0.0020 Phi Bar Size 5 0.900 Min Horiz Steel Oh 0.0012 Bar Spacing Width 11.000 in 12.000 in Base Fixity 0% Bar Depth Parapet Weight Counteracts Midd Wall Seismic Factor 0.3000 5.750 in ParaDet Seismic Factor 0.3000 3,000.0 psi Seismic Zone FY Max Defl. Ratio Concrete Weight 150.0 LL &'ST Together 145.00 pcf Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated I Loads i I I Lateral Loads Vertical Loads Wind Load 18.000 psf Uniform DL Uniform LL Point Load Ibs ... eccentricity 7.500 in 1,089.00 #/ft 1,268.00 #/ft ... height ... load type n Seismic Concentric DL Concentric LL 4,172.00 tvn 3,170.00 #/n Lateral Load ... distance to top 1o.ooo n ... distance to bot n ... load type 72.50 #In Seismic "I" Magnifier 1.000 Wind "I' Magnifier 1.000 Seismic I Wall Analysis I For Factored Load Stresses For Service Load Deflections Seismic - Wind Seismic Wind Basic Defl w/o P-Deita 0.119 0.051 in 0.099 0.042 in Basic M w/o P-Delta Moment Excess of Mcr 49,444.1 38,762.7 22,201.1 in-# 39,984.7 18,576.4 in# 5,980.1 in# Max. P-Deita Deflection 18,335.1 0.0 in# Max P-Delta Moment 73,816.9 1.665 1.749 in 0.323 41,034.4 in# 53,389.3 0.042 in 30,110.4 in# Maximum Allow Vertical Bar Spacing 18.000 in Maximum Ailow Horizontal Bar Spacing 18,000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : SEISMIC 18.000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : WIND 18.000 in Wall Design OK 0.00fl parapet, 8.00in thick with #5 bars at 11 .OOin on center, d= 5.7511, fc = 3,OOO.Ops Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated Factored Load Bending : Seismic Load Governs Service Load Deflection : Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated Moment : Mu Moment Capacity 35.480.64 in-# 58,944.25 in# Maximum Iterated Deflection Deflection Limit 0.038 in 1.160 in Mn * Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu @ Mid-Span Applied: Mu @ Top of Wall 139,820.49 in-# Seismic 73,816.95 in-# 24,748.49 in-# Max Iterated Service Load Deflection 0.32 in Actual Deflection Ratio 595 : 1 Actual Reinforcing Percentage Allowable Max. Reinf. Percent = 0.5 Rho Bal 0.0049 0.0128 I Actual Axial Stress : (Pw + Po ) / Ag Allowable Axial Stress = 0.4 * Pm 109.09 psi 120.00 mi 132.657.00 in-% Wind 41,034.36 in-# 20,701.12 in-# .. . .. 4,522 : 1 0.04 in 0.0049 0.0128 109.09 psi 120.00 nsi Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc Title : Lot IC6 Redesign 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Job # 98244 Dsgnr: Date: Description : Scope : L Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design 43 1 [ Analysis Data E n=Es/Ec Fr = 273.86 psi Ht I Thk Ratio 3,122,018.6 psi Sgross 9.29 24.00 128.000 in3 35,054.2 in# Mcr = S Fr Rho: Bar Reinf Pct 0.0214 Values for Mn Calculation ... Seismic As:eff= [Pu:tot + AsFylIFy 0.583 in Wind a : (AsFy + Pu)I(.85 fc b) 0.538 in c = a I .85 1.142 in 1.055 in 1.344 in lgross 1.241 in 512.000 in4 lcracked 512.00 in4 114.76 in4 I-eff (ACI methods only) 109.26 in4 0.00 in4 Phi: Capacity Reduction 0.00 in4 Mn = As:eff Fy (d - aI2) 155,356.10 in-# 147,618.89 in# 0.900 0.900 LAdditional Values 1 Loads used for analysis Wall Weight 96.667 psf Wall Wt *Wall Seismic Factor 29.000 psf Applied Axial Load 13,578.59 11,182.50 #/R Wall Wt * Parapet Seismic Factor 29,000 psf Service Applied Axial Load 9,699.00 #In Lateral Wail Weight 1,082.67 Total Lateral Loads 14,661.26 11,994.50#/ff 812.00 #/ft Service Wt @ Max Mom Total Service Axial Loads 10,472.33 #In Factored Loads Seismic Wind 773.33 #In 1 ACI Factors (per ACi, applied internally to entered loads) ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor 0.750 UBC 1921.2.7"l.V Factor 1.400 ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.700 1.700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor 0.900 UBC 1921.2.7"0.9 Factor 0.900 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 1.300 t ..seismic = ST : 1.100 (C) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalcVotl06.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2.1Jun-1997 Firouri Consulting Engineers, Inc Title : Lot 106 Redesign 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 Dsgnr: San Diego, California 92128 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Job # 98244 Date: Description : Scope : Phone: (619) 485-6227 L Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design 44 General Information - ..__.__ 1 Description Line G, Floor: 4'-0 Leg (2) Clear Height 16.000 ft PC 3,000.0 psi Seismic Zone Parapet Height 0.000 ft 4 Thickness FY 60,000.0 psi Min Vert Steel % 0.0020 Bar Size 12.000 in 5 Phi 0.900 Min Horiz Steel ?4 0.0012 Width Bar Spacing 12.000 in 11.000 in Base Fixity 0% Parapet Weight Counteracts Midd Wall Seismic Factor 0.3000 Bar Depth Max Den. Ratio 9.750 in Parapet Seismic Factor 0.3000 Concrete Weight 150.0 LL 8 ST Together 145.00 pcf Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated LLoads 1 Lateral Loads Vertical Loads Wind Load 18.000 psf Uniform DL Uniform LC Point Load Ibs ... eccentricity 7.000 in 2,998.00 #Iff 3,393.00 wn ... load type ... height n Seismic Concentric DL Concentric LL 9,670.00 #In 8,483.00 #/n Lateral Load 108.80 #/ft ... distance to top mooo n ... distance to bot ... load type Seismic n Wind "1" Magnifier Seismic "I" Magnifier 1.000 1.000 t For Factored Load Stresses For Service Load Deflections Seismic Wind Basic Den wlo P-Delta - 0.058 0.029 in Seismic Wind 0.052 0.024 in Basic M w/o P-Delta 80,116.1 52,317.8 in# Moment Excess of Mcr 30,809.5 69,576.4 44,737.0 in# 0.0 in# Max. P-Delta Deflection 0.822 23,408.8 0.886 in 0.0 in# Max P-Delta Moment 109,681.5 66,127.5 in# 0.120 0.024 in 102,280.9 65,323.4 in# Maximum Allow Vertical Bar Spacing Maximum Allow Horizontal Bar Spacing 18,000 in 12.917 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : SEISMIC 12.917 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : WiND 12.917 in Wall Design OK . ~~ ~ O.OOft parapet, 12.00in thick with #5 bars at 11.00in on center, d= 9.75in. fc = 3,000.0p Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated Factored Load Bending : Seismic Load Governs Service Load Deflection : Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated Moment : Mu 35,480.64 in4 Moment Capacity Maximum Iterated Deflection 0.038 in 1.160 in 58,944.25 in-# Deflection Limit Mn * Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu @ Mid-Span Applied: Mu @Top of Wall Max Iterated Service Load Deflection Actual Deflection Ratio Seismic 325.800.72 in-# 301,529.24 in-# 109.681.50 in-# 66,127.47 in-# 62.631.77 in-# 52.317.80 in-# Wind 1,603 : 1 0.12 in I Actual Reinforcing Percentage Allowable Max. Reinf. Percent = 0.5 * Rho Bal 0.0029 0.0128 7,864 : 1 0.02 in 0.0029 0.0128 Actual Axial Stress : (Pw + Po ) I Ag Allowable Axial Stress = 0.4 * Prn 178.50 psi 178.50 psi 120.00 psi 120.00 psi I (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercab~otl06.ecw KW.0602755. V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Title : Lot 106 Redesign Dsgnr: Date: Description : Scope : Job # 98244 I Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design 45h Analysis Data t E 3,122.018.6 psi Sgross n=Es/Ec 9.29 Mcr = S * Fr 78,872.0 in# 288,000 in3 Fr = 273.86 psi Rho: Bar Reinf Pd 0.0214 Ht / Thk Ratio 16.00 Values for Mn Calculation ... As:eff= (Pu:tot + AsFyyFy a : (AsFy + Pu)/(.85 fc b) c=a/.85 Seismic 0.938 in 2.164 in 1.839 in lgross 1.728.000 in4 lcracked 541.94 in4 I-eff (ACI methods only) Phi: Capacity Reduction 0.00 in4 Mn = As:eff Fy (d - a/2) 362,000.80 in-# 0.900 Wind 0.833 in 1.632 in 1,728.00 in4 1.920 in 502.39 in4 0.00 in4 335,032.49 in# 0.900 I Additional Values t Loads used for analysis Wall Weight Wall Wt *Wall Seismic Factor 145.000 psf 43.500 psf Wall Wt ' Parapet Seismic Factor 43.500 psf Applied Axial Load 34,361.59 28.443.29 #/n Sewice Applied Axial Load Lateral Wall Weight 1,624.00 1,218.00 #/n 24,543.99 #/ft Sewice Wt @ Max Mom Total Lateral Loads 35,985.59 29,661.29#/fl Total Service Axial Loads 1,160.00 #/ft 25,703.99 #/R Factored Loads Seismic Wind I ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) ACI 9-1 8 9-2 DL 1.400 ACI 9-1 8 9-2 LL 1.700 ACI 9-2 Group Factor 0.750 UBC 1921.2.7"1.4" Factor 1.400 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-1 8 9-2 ST 0.900 UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9' Factor 0.900 .... seismic = ST' : 1.100 1.700 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 1.300 I (c) 198597 ENERCALC ~ c:\enercalc\lotlOG.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2. 1-Jun-1997 Firouri Consulting Engineers, Inc Title : Lot 106 Redesign Job # 98244 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 Dsgnr: Date: San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Description : Scope : L Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design 46 LGeneral Information I Description Line 8.2, Floor: 2""' Leg Clear Height Parapet Height Thickness Bar Size Bar Spacing Bar Depth Max Defl. Ratio Concrete Weight 16.000 n 0.000 n fc FY 60,000.0 psi 4 8.000 in Phi Min Vert Steel % 0.0020 0.900 Min Horiz Steel % 0.0012 11,000 in Parapet Weight Counteracts Midd Wall Seismic Factor 0.3000 5.750 in Parapet Seismic Factor 0.3000 150.0 3,000.0 psi Seismic Zone 5 Width 12.000 in Base Fixity 0% 145.00 pcf Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact. Non-Iterated LL & ST Together LLoads 1 Lateral Loads Wind Load Point Load Ibs ... eccentricity Vertical Loads Uniform LL Uniform DL 800.00 #/ft 960.00 #/ft 7.000 in 18.000 psf ... height n ... load type Seismic Concentric DL Concentric LL 2,277.00 #In 1,920.00 #In Lateral Load 58.00 #/n ... distance to top 12.500 n ... distance to bot n Seismic "111 Magnifier 1.000 ... load type Seismic Wind 'Y Magnifier 1.000 Wall Analysis I Basic Defl wlo P-Deita For Factored Load Stresses For Service Load Deflections Seismic - Wind 0.115 0.042 in Seismic Wind 0.092 0 035 in Basic M wlo P-Delta 47,707.1 17,516.3 in-# 37,545.0 14,444.2 in# Moment Excess of Mcr 28,303.5 0.0 in# 11,091.0 Max. P-Delta Deflection 1.661 0.0 in# 1.727 in Max P-Delta Moment 63,357.8 29,947.0 in-# 0.250 0.035 in 46,145.2 22,297.7 in# Maximum Allow Vertical Bar Spacing 18,000 in Maximum Allow Horizontal Bar Spacing 18,000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : SEISMIC 18,000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : WIND 18,000 in Wall Design OK ~~ . . . . . . " O.OOfl parapet, 8.00in thick with #5 bars at 11 .OOin on center, d= 5.75i1-1, fc = 3,000.0ps Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated Factored Load Bending : Seismic Load Governs Service Load Deflection : Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated Moment : Mu 35,480.64 in# Moment Capacity Maximum Iterated Deflection 58.944.25 in-# 0.038 in Deflection Limit 1.160 in Mn Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu @ Mid-Span Applied: Mu @Top of Wall Max Iterated Service Load Deflection Actual Deflection Ratio Seismic 125,942.73 in-# 121,244.75 in-# 63,357.77 in-# 29,946.96 in-# 17.247.99 in-# 14,447.99 in-# Wind 0.25 in 768 : 1 I Actual Reinforcing Percentage 0.0049 Allowable Max. Reinf. Percent = 0.5 * Rho Bal 0,0128 5,552 : 1 0.03 in 0.0049 0.0128 Actual Axial Stress : (Pw + Po ) / Ag Allowable Axial Stress = 0.4 fm 70.11 psi 120.00 psi 70.11 psi 120.00 psi _I___~ i (C) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalcuotl06.ecw __ .. .. . "_ KW-0602755. V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc San Diego, California 92128 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Title : Lot 106 Redesign Dsgnr: Dale: Descriplion : scooe : Job # 98244 Fax: (619) 485-6201 ." r- - Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design 47 k 1 Analvsis Data i E 3,122,018.6 psi n = Es / Ec Fr = 9.29 273.86 psi Ht I Thk Ratio 24.00 Values for Mn Calculation... As:eff= [Pu:tot + AsFy]/Fy a : (AsFy + Pu)/(.85 PC b) c=a/.85 lgross lcracked I-eff (ACI methods only) Phi: Capacity Reduction Mn = As:eff Fy (d - a/2) Seismic 0.495 in 0.971 in 512.000 in4 1.142 in 103.62 in4 0.00 in4 139,936.36 in# 0.900 Sgross 128.000 in3 Mcr = S * Fr Rho: Bar Reinf Pct 35.054.2 in# 0.0214 Wind 0.467 in 0.915 in 1.077 In 512.00 in4 99.68 in4 0.00 in4 0.900 134,716.39 in# LAdditional Values 1 Loads used for analysis Factored Loads Wall Weight Wall Wt * Wall Seismic Factor 96.667 psf 29.000 psf Applied Axial Load 8,339.80 6,902.85 #/n Wall Wt Parapet Seismic Factor 29.000 psf Service Applied Axial Load Lateral Wall Weight 1,082.67 812.00 #/R 5,957.00 #/n Service Wt @ Max Mom Total Lateral Loads 9,422.46 7.714.85#/R Total Service Axial Loads 6,730.33 wn 773.33 #/n Seismic Wind ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) -~~ I ACI 9-1 8 9-2 DL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor 0.750 UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor 1.400 ACI 9-1 8 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 8 9-2 ST 1.700 1.700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor 0.900 UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 0,900 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor .... seismic = ST *: 1,100 1.300 (c) 198597 ENERCALC c:\enercalc%l106.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2. 1-Jun-1997 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc Title : Lot 108 Redesign San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Dsgnr: Date: Description : Scope : Job # 98244 Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design 4% h L - .I 1 General Information Description Line B.2, Floor: 8""' Leg Clear Height 16.000 n fc 3,000.0 psi Seismic Zone Parapet Height 0.000 n 4 Thickness 8.000 in FY 60,000.0 psi Phi Min Vert Steel % 0.900 0.0020 Min Horiz Steel % Bar Size 5 12.000 in Base Fixity 0% 0.0012 Bar Spacing Width 14.000 in Bar Depth Parapet Weight Counteracts Midd Wall Seismic Factor 0.3000 3.625 in Max Defl. Ratio Parapet Seismic Factor 0.3000 150.0 Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated LL & ST Together I Loads I Lateral Loads Vertical Loads Wind Load 18.000 psf Uniform DL 800.00 #/ft Point Load Uniform LL 960.00 #/n ... height ... eccentricity ... load type Seismic Concentric DL 569.00 #/ft 480.00 #/ft Ibs n 7.000 in Lateral Load Concentric LL 14.50 #/n ... distance to top 12.500 n ... distance to bot n ... load type Seismic Seismic "111 Magnifier Wind "111 Magnifier 1,000 1.000 I For Factored Load Stresses For Service Load Deflections Seismic Wind Basic Defl wlo P-Deita 0.065 0.042 in Basic M w/o P-Delta 26,663.8 17,516.3 in# 22,803.8 Moment Excess of Mcr 6,376.1 14,444.2 in# Max. P-Deita Deflection 2.952 0.0 in# 0.0 0.0 in# 3.037 in Max P-Delta Moment 0.058 41,430.3 0.035 in 29,057.3 in# 27,285.2 18,480.8 in# Maximum Allow Vertical Bar Spacing 18.000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : SEISMIC 18.000 in Maximum Allow Horizontal Bar Spacing 18,000 in Parapet Bar Spacing Req'd : WIND 18.000 in Wall Design OK Seismic - Wind 0.056 0.035 in 0.OOfl parapet, 8.00in thick with #5 bars at 14.00in on center, d= 3.63in, fc = 3,OOO.Ops Using: UBC Sec. 1914.0 method ... Exact, Non-Iterated Factored Load Bending : Seismic Load Governs Service Load Deflection : Seismic Load Governs Maximum Iterated Moment : Mu 35,480.64 in# Maximum Iterated Deflection Moment Capacity 0.038 in 58,944.25 in-# Deflection Limit 1.160 in Mn * Phi : Moment Capacity Applied: Mu @ Mid-Span Applied: Mu @Top of Wall Max iterated Service Load Deflection Actual Deflection Ratio Seismic 60,223.77 in-# 41,430.35 in-# 17.247.99 in-# 3,399 : 1 0.06 in I Actual Reinforcing Percentage Allowable Max. Reinf. Percent = 0.5 * Rho Bai 0.0061 0.0128 Wind 58,064.49 in-# 29,057.31 in-# 14,447.99 in-# 5,552 : 1 0.03 in 0.0061 0.0128 Actual Axial Stress : (Pw + Po ) I Ag 37.32 psi Allowable Axial Stress = 0.4 * fm 120.00 psi 37.32 psi 120.00 psi J (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC - c:\enercalcYot106.ecw "0602755, V5.0.2.1 Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc San Diego, California 92128 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Title : Lo1 106 Redesign Drgnr: Dale: Description : Scope : Job # 98244 .. Tilt-Up Wall Panel Design 49 [Analysis Data ~~~ I E 3,122,018.6 psi n = Es / Ec 9.29 Fr = 273.86 psi Ht / Thk Ratio 24.00 Sgross Mcr = S Fr Rho: Bar Reinf Pct 0.0214 128.000 in3 35,054.2 in# Values for Mn Calculation ... As:eff= [Pu:tot + AsFyYFy a : (AsFy + Pu)/(.85 PC b) c = a / .85 lgross lcracked I-eff (ACI methods only) Phi: Capacity Reduction Mn = As:eff Fy (d - a/2) Seismic 0.349 in 0.685 in 0.806 in 512.000 in4 27.88 in4 0.00 in4 0.900 66,915.30 in# I Additional Values Wind 0.334 in 0.655 in 512.00 in4 0.770 in 27.10 in4 0.00 in4 64.516.10 in# 0.900 h k I Loads used for analysis ~~ ~~~ Wall Weight 96.667 psf Wall Wt * Wail Seismic Factor 29.000 psf Seismic Applied Axial Load 3,932.60 3,273.45 #/ft Wind Wall Wt * Parapet Seismic Factor 29,000 psf Lateral Wall Weight 1.082.67 Service Applied Awial Load 812.00 #/ft Service Wt @ Max Mom Total Service Axial Loads 3,582.33 #/ft Factored Loads 2,809.00 #/ft Total Lateral Loads 5,015.27 4,085.45#/ft 773.33 #/n 1 ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) ACI 9-1 8 9-2 DL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor 1.700 0.750 UBC 1921.2.7"1.4" Factor 1.400 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 0.900 UBC 1921.2.7"O.Q Factor 0.900 1.700 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 1.300 .... seismic = ST' : 1,100 I ACI 9-1 a 9-2 LL (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalcUoIl06~ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2. 1-Jun-1997 FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. San Diego, California 92128 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive, Sub 201 Phone (619) 4854227, Fax (019) 4856201 Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job #: 98244 By: Date: Nov ‘98 Page IEQ FOUNDATION DESlGN Continuous Footings Floor DL = 65 PSF Reduced Floor LL = 50 PSF Weight of Concrete = 145 PCF Alona Line A Wall Thickness = Wall Height = Roof Trib. Width = Floor Trib. Width = Alona Line G Wall Thickness = Wall Height = Roof Trib. Width = Floor Trib. Width = Alona Lines 1 8 6 Wall Thickness = Wall Height = Roof Trib. Width = Floor Trib. Width = 8 32 24 12 8 32 30 30 8 32 5 3.5 Roof DL = 15 PSF Reduced Roof LL = 12 PSF IN FT FT wDL= 4233 PLF FT wLL= 888 PLF IN FT FT wDL= 5493 PLF FT wLL = 1500 PLF IN FT FT wDL= 3396 PLF FT wLL= 175 PLF Spread Footings D B 4.Y5.5. Noor Onlv Rf + Nr 1.5 B B 4BB Line C LineC DB 1.Y2.5 DB 2/3 D 8 4/5 Floor Area (ft’) 100 I 80 80 100 80 80 80 Floor LL (psf) 65 65 I 65 I 65 65 65 65 Floor DL (psf) 1144 1 1144 1 824 683 683 750 624 R = .08(A - 150) 38 48 43 80 80 38 43 R 23.1(1 + D/L) 42 42 42 42 38 38 42 and R < 40 (I-story) and R < 60 (others) R used Reduced Floor LL 50 38 I 40 I I I I I 48 38 50 38 50 60 80 50 40 40 38 Roof Area (ft’) 12 12 0 12 0 0 0 Roof LL (psf) 15 15 0 15 0 0 0 Roof DL (psf) 2288 2288 0 1989 0 0 0 PDL (kips) 40.6 48.8 44.4 74.2 74.4 108.7 74.9 PLL (kips) 31.0 36.0 33.9 - 57.7 L 68.6 96.1 58.4 Total Load (kips) 71.5 84.8 78.3 132.0 143.0 204.8 133.3 - - FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. San Diego. California 92128 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive, Suite 201 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job #: 98244 Bv: Date: Nov ‘98 FOUNDATION DESIGN, continued Spread Footings, continued Lines E a F Floor Area (fl’) 80 Floor LL (psf) 65 Floor DL (psf) 520 R = .08(A - 150) 30 -1 2 R C 23.1(1 + DL) -12 42 -12 #DIV/O! -12 #DIV/O! #D!V/O! #DIV/O! -12 -12 #DIV/O! #DIV/O! and R c 40 (1-stow) and R c 60 (others) R used Reduced Floor LL Roof Area (ft’) Roof DL (psf) Roof LL (psf) PDL (kips) PLL (kips) Total Load (kips) 30 I 1 1 1 1 1 56 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 29.1 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 0.0 62.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc San Diego, California 92128 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Title : Lot 106 Redesign Drgnr: Dats: Description : Scone ! Job # 98244 Fax: (619) 485-6201 __.p_. I General Footing Analysis & Design cy7 L ~ - w- LGeneral Information - I Description Continuous Footings Along Lines A, 1 & 6 Allowable Soil Bearing 2,000.0 psf Short Term Increase Dimensions ... Base Pedistal Height 0.000 in 1.330 in Width along X-X Axis 3.500 n Length along Y-Y Axis 1.000 fl Seismic Zone 4 Footing Thickness 18.00 in Overburden Weight Live & Short Term Combined 9.00 in 12.00 in fc Concrete Weight 0.00 psf Coi Dim. Along X-X Axis Coi Dim. Along Y-Y Axis FY 3,000.0 psi 145.00 pcf 60,000.0 psi Min Steel 0.0014 Rebar Cover 3.00 in I Loads "" __- ~ t Applied Vertical Load ... Dead Load 4.230 k Live Load 0.890 k Short Term Load k ... ecc along X-X Axis 0.000 in ... ecc along Y-Y Axis 0.000 in Creates Rotation about Y-Y Axis Creates Rotation about X-X Axis Applied Moments ... (pressures @ left & right) (pressures @top & bot) Dead Load Live Load Short Term k-n k-ft k-n k-n k-n k-n Creates Rotation about Y-Y Axis Creates Rotation about X-X Axis (pressures @ lefl & right) (pressures @top & bot) Applied Shears... Dead Load Live Load Short Term k k k k k k ." - ." - " Footing Design OK 3.50 fl X 1 .OO fl Footing, 18.0 in Thick, w19.00 x 12.00 in column 0.0 in high DL+LL DL+LL+ST Max Soil Pressure 1,680.4 1,680.4 psf Max Mu/Phi 2.229 k-ft 0.252 in2 "X Ecc, of Resultant 0.000 in 0.000 in Vu : 1-Way "Y' Ecc, of Resultant 0.000 in 0.000 in Vu ~ 2-Way 2.037 93.113 psi 2.083 186.226 psi X-X Min. Stability Ratio ggg,ooo:1 1.500 :I Y-Y Min. Stability Ratio ggg.000:1 &&I Allowable Allowable 2,000.0 2,660.0 psf Required Steel Area (C) 1983-97 ENERCALC __ ~" c:knercabYoll06.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2. 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc Title : Lot 106 Redesign Job # 98244 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Scope : Fax: (619) 485-6201 Dsgnr: Date: Description : - L General Footing Analysis & Design " 53 1 Footing Design 1 Shear Forces m-lm Vn * Phi Two-way Shear 2.08 2.01 1.07 psi 186.23 psi One-way Shears ... Vu/Phi @ Left 2.04 1.97 1.05 VulPhi @ Right 2.04 1.97 1.05 93.11 psi VulPhi @ Top 0.00 0.00 93.11 psi 0.00 VulPhi @ Bottom 0.00 0.00 0 00 93.11 psi 93.11 psi Moments Mu/Phi Cil Left 2.23 2.15 1.14 k-ft " Ru - As Rea'd 9.9 psi 0.25 in2 Mu/Phi 6 Right 2.23 2.15 1.14 9.9 Mu/Phi @ Top 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 Mu/Phi @ Bottom 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.02 I Soil Pressure Summary Sewice Load Soil Pressures Left Right DL + LL 1,680.36 TOP Bottom 1.680.36 DL+LL+ST 1,680.36 1,680.36 1,680.36 psf 1,680.36 1,680.36 1,680.36 psf ACI Eq. 9-1 2,428.79 2.428.79 2,428.79 ACI Eq. 9-2 2,428.79 psf ACI Eq. 9-3 2,352.50 1,283.46 2,352.50 2,352.50 2,352.50 psf 1.283.46 1.283.46 1,283.46 psf Factored Load Soil Pressures -~ I ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) 1 ACI 9-1 8 9-2 DL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor 0.750 UBC 1921.2.7"1.4 Factor 1.400 ACI 9-1 8 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 8 9-2 ST 1.700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor 1.700 1.400 UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 0.900 ACi 9-3 Short Term Factor 1.400 .... seismic = ST * : 1.100 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc Tltle : Lot 106 Redesign Job # 98244 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Dsgnr: Date: Description : scope : L ._._____ General Footing Analysis & Design 5t [General Information ~ ~ 1 Description Continuous Footings Along Line G Allowable Soil Bearing 2,000.0 psf Short Term Increase 1.330 in Width along X-X Axis 4.500 n Base Pedistal Height 0.000 in Length along Y-Y Axis 1.000 ft Seismic Zone 4 Footing Thickness 18.00 in Overburden Weight 0.00 psf Live 8 Short Term Combined 12.00 in 12.00 in Dimensions... Col Dim. Along X-X Axis Col Dim. Along Y-Y Axis fc 3,000.0 psi FY Concrete Weight 60,000.0 psi Min Steel 145.00 pcf Rebar Cover 0.0014 3.00 in [Loads L Applied Vertical Load ... Dead Load 5.500 k ... ecc along X-X Axis 0.000 in Short Term Load Live Load 1.500 k ... ecc along Y-Y Axis 0.000 in k Creates Rotation about Y-Y Axis Creates Rotation about X-X Axis Applied Moments ... (pressures @ left 8 right) (pressures @top 8 bot) Dead Load k-fl k-ft Live Load Short Term k-ft k-n k-ft k-ft Creates Rotation about Y-Y Axis Creates Rotation about X-X Axis Applied Shears ... (pressures @ lefl8 right) (pressures @top & bot) F- Dead Load k Live Load Short Term k k k k k Summary ~ ~.__ Footing Design OK 4.50 ft x 1.00 ft Footing, 18.0 in Thick, w112.00 x 12.00 in column 0.0 in high Max Soil Pressure 1,773.1 1,773.1 psf Max Mu/Phi 3.874 k-ft DL+LL DL+LL+ST Actual Allowable Allowable 2,000.0 2,660.0 psf Required Steel Area 0.252 in2 "x' Ecc, of Resultant 0.000 in 0.000 in Vu : I-Way "Y' Ecc, of Resultant 6.840 0.000 in 93.113 psi 0.000 in Vu ~ 2-Way 3.013 186.226 psi X-X Min. Stability Ratio ggg.o00:1 Y-Y Min. Stability Ratio ggg.000 :I 1.500 : 1 (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:!enercalcUollOG.ecw " KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Title : Lot 106 Redesign Dsgnr: Description : Scope : Job # 98244 Date: ___. Footino Desion , - I Shear Forces Two-way Shear 3.01 2.88 1.46 psi 186.23 psi Vn Phi One-way Shears ... VulPhi @ Len VulPhi @ Right 6.84 6.84 6.54 3.31 93.11 psi VulPhi @ Top 0.00 6.54 3.31 93.11 psi VulPhi @ Bottom 0.00 MulPhi @ Left 3.87 3.70 1.87 k-ft As Rea'd MulPhi @ Right 3.87 3.70 1.87 17.2 psi 0.25 in2 MulPhi @ Top 17.2 0.00 0.25 MulPhi @ Bottom 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.00 93.11 psi 0.00 0.00 93.11 psi Moments &!&!- Ru - - ~ ~~ ~~ [soil Pressure Summary Service Load Soil Pressures Left Right DL + LL 1.773.06 TOP Bottom 1,773.06 DL+LL+ST 1,773.06 1,773.06 1,773.06 1,773.06 psf 1,773.06 1,773.06 psf ACI Eq. 9-1 2,582.28 2,582.28 2,582.28 2,582.28 psf ACI Eq. 9-2 2,482.28 ACI Eq. 9-3 2,482.28 2,482.28 2,482.28 psf 1,295.75 1,295.75 1,295.75 1,295.75 psf 1 Factored Load Soil Pressures ~- I ACI Factors (per ACI. applied internally to entered loads) b L ACI 9-1 8 9-2 DL ACI 9-1 8 9-2 LL 1.400 1.700 ACI 9-2 Group Factor 0.750 UBC 1921.2.7"1.4" Factor 1.400 ACI 9-1 8 9-2 ST ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor 1.400 UBC 1921.2.7"O.Q Factor 0.900 1.700 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 1.400 .... seismic = ST' ; 1.100 I (C) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalcWoll06.ecw KW-0602755. V5.0.2. 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: 1619) 485-6201 Title : Lot 106 Redesign Dsgnr: Date: Dercriptlon : Scope : Job # 98244 .. 1 General Information Description Total Load < 85 kips Dead Load 48.800 k Live Load 36.000 k Short Term Load 0.000 Seismic Zone 4 Overburden Weight Concrete Weight LL 8 ST Act Seperately Load Duration Factor 1.330 Column Dimension 8.00 in 0.000 psf 145.00 pcf Thickness Footing Dimension 24.00 in 7.500 fl #of Bars Bar Size 6 6 Rebar Cover fc 3.250 FY 3,000.0 psi Allowable Soil Bearing 2,000.00 psf 60,000.0 psi 1 General I Rebar Requirement Actual Rebar"d depth used 20.375 in 2OO/Fy As to USE per foot of Width 0.342 in2 As Req'd by Analysis 0.0006 in2 Min Allow % Reinf 0.0014 2.567 in2 Min. Reinf % to Req'd 0.0033 Total As Req'd 0.0014 % ___ ~ "" Footing OK 7.50ft square x 24.0in thick with 6- #6 bars Max. Static Soil Pressure Allow Static Soil Pressure 1,797.56 psf Actual 1-Way Shear 22.40 psi Allow Short Term Soil Pressure 2,660.00 psf Max. Short Term Soil Pressure 1,157.56 psf Actual 2-Way Shear Allowable 2-Way Shear 69.80 psi 219.09 psi 2,000.00 psf Allow. 1-Way Shear 109.54 psi Mu I Phi : Actual Mn : Capacity 17.57 k-ft Alternate Rebar Selections ... . 35.25 K-ft (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC - ~ ~ c:\enercalc~oll06.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc San Diego, California 92128 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Title : Lot 106 Redesign Job # 98244 Dsgnr: Date: Description : Scope : I Sauare Footing Desian K7 c Description Total Load > 85 kips Total Load c 143 kips Dead Load 74.400 k Footing Dimension Live Load 10.000 ft Short Term Load 0.000 # of Bars Thickness 24.00 in 7 Seismic Zone 4 Bar Size 7 Overburden Weight 0.000 psf Rebar Cover 3.250 Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf fc 3,000.0 psi LL & ST Act Seperately FY 60,000.0 psi Load Duration Factor 1.330 Allowable Soil Bearing 2,000.00 psf Column Dimension 8.00 in 68.600 k [ General - 1 Rebar Requirement Actual Rebar "d depth used 20.313 in As to USE per foot of Width 2OO/Fy 0.0033 Total As Req'd 3.779 in2 0.378 in2 As Req'd by Analysis Min. Reinf % to Req'd 0.0012 in2 Min Allow % Reinf 0.0016 % 0.0014 - Footing OK 10.00fl square x 24.0in thick with 7- #7 ban Max. Static Soil Pressure Allow Static Soil Pressure 1,720.00 psf Actual 1-Way Shear 37.52 psi 109.54 psi Max. Short Term Soil Pressure 1,034.00 psf Allow Short Term Soil Pressure 2,660.00 psf Actual 2-Way Shear 126.23 psi Allowable &Way Shear 219.09 Dsi 2,000.00 psf Allow. 1-Way Shear Mu / Phi : Actual Mn : Capacity 31.62 k-fl 41.79 k-ft Alternate Rebar Selections ... 19 #4's 13 #5s 9 #6's 7 #7'S 5 #0s 4 #9's 3 #lo's (C) 1983-97 ENERCALC ~ ~- c:\enercalcUotl06.ecw "0602755. V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc San Diego, California 92128 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Title : Lot 106 Redesign Dsgnr: Date: Description : Scope : Job # 98244 I General Information Description Total Load > 143 kips Total Load < 205 kips Dead Load Live Load Footing Dimension Thickness 12.000 R Short Term Load 0.000 # of Bars 24.00 in 12 Seismic Zone 4 Bar Size 7 Overburden Weight 0.000 psf Rebar Cover 3.250 Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf fc 3,000.0 psi LL 8 ST Act Seperately FY 60,000.0 psi Load Duration Factor 1.330 Allowable Soil Bearing 2,000.00 psf Column Dimension 8.00 in 108.700 k 96.100 k I General "___ I Rebar Requirement Actual Rebar "d depth used 2OO/Fy 20.313 in As to USE per foot of Width 0.557 in2 0.0033 Total As Req'd As Req'd by Analysis 6.688 in2 0.0017 in2 Min. Reinf % to Rea'd 0.0023 % Min Allow% Reinf 0.0014 ~~ ~~ Footing OK 12.00ft square x 24.0in thick with 12- #7 bars Max. Static Soil Pressure Allow Static Soil Pressure 1,712.22 psf 2,000.00 psf Actual 1-Way Shear Allow. 1-Way Shear 49.82 psi 109.54 psi Max. Short Term Soil Pressure 1,044.86 psf Allow Short Term Soil Pressure 2,660.00 psf Allowable 2-Way Shear Actual 2-Way Shear 219.09 psi 183.88 psi Mu / Phi : Actual Mn : Capacity 46.33 k-fl 59.17 k-fl Alternate Rebar Selections ... 34 #4's 22 #5's 16 #6's 12 #7's 9 #8's 7 #9s 6 #lo's (c) 198597 ENERCALC __ "" ~~~ c:knercalc\io1106.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2. 1-Jun-1997 FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. San Diego, California 92128 16959 Bernardo Center Drive. sune 201 Phone (619) 485-6227. Fax (619) 485.6201 Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job #: 98244 By: Date: Nov '98 Page Z? LATERAL ANALYSIS Seismic Coefficient 2 = 0.4 C= 2.75 I = 1.0 R, = 6 V = 0.183 x Weight Transverse Direction Tributary Roof Dead Loads Roof DL = (I 5 ps9(136 fl) - Wall DL = (97 psf)(9 fl)(2 walls) - 2040 PLF - 1746 W, = 3786 PLF - w; = (W, X 168') - - 984.4 KIPS DL of end wall = 2(97 psf)(l36 fl)(9 ft) - - 237.5 KIPS Total DL Trib. to Roof = 1221.8 KIPS Tributary Floor Dead Loads 2nd Floor DL = (70 PW36 fl) - - 9520 PLF Wall DL = 2@7 PSW fl) + (145 psf)(8 ft)) - - 3872 W3 = 13392 PLF W2) = (W3 x 260') - - 3481.9 KIPS DL of end wall = Z(136 ft)((97 psf)(8 fl) + (145 psf)(8 fl)) = 526.6 Total DL Trib. to 2nd Floor = 4008.5 KIPS Seismic Table Basic Shear, V = ,183 x X(wJ = 957.2 KIPS story hx Fpx I wpx Fx I wx Fx wxhx wx R 32 1221.8 957.2 103234 5230.3 0 0.183 0.148 594.6 641 36 1 4008.5 0.297 0.297 362.5 16 2 39098 Diaphragm Loads w1,2,3 = (15 psf)(l36 fl) + (97 psf)(9 f1)(2 walls) = 3786 plf w, = (90 psf)(60') + (65 psf)(76') + 2[(97 psf)(8) + (145 psf)(8)] = 14212 plf we = (65 psf)(l36 fl) + 2[(97 psf)(8 ft) + (145 psf)(8 ft)] = 12712 plf W5 = (45 psf)(20') + (62.5 psf)(20') + (65 psf)(ll6') + 2((97 psf)(8') + (145 psf)(8')] 13562 Plf FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego. California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485.6201 Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job #: 98244 By: Date: Nov '98 Page 60 LATERAL ANALYSIS, continued Lonoitudinal Direction Tributary Roof Dead Loads Roof DL = (15 psf)(260 fl) - 3900 PLF Wall DL = (97 psf)(9 fl)(2 walls) - - 1748 - WI = 5646 PLF W,' = (Wl x 136') - - 767.9 KIPS DL of 2 end walls = (97 psf)(260 f1)(9 fl) - - 201.8 KIPS Total DL Trib. to Roof = 969.6 KIPS Tributary Floor Dead Loads 2nd Floor DL = (70 ~sO(260 fll - - 18200 PLF Wall DL = 2[(97 ps&3 it) +(I45 psf)(8 fl)] - - 3872 W,= 22072 PLF WZ' = (W, x 136') - - 3001.8 KIPS DL of 2 end walls = ((97 psf)(8 fl) + (145 psf)(8 fl))(260 fl) = Total DL Trib. to 2nd Floor 3505.2 KIPS 503.4 Seismic Table Basic Shear, V = .I 83 x X(wJ = 818.9 KIPS story R hx FX wxhx WX 1 2 Fpx I wpx Fx I Wx 32 969.6 818.9 87110 4474.8 0 0.183 0.150 527.2 56082 3505.2 0.301 16 0.301 291.7 31 028 Diaphragm Loads w, = (15 psf)(260 ft) + (97 psf)(9 fl)(2 walls) = 5646 plf Wa = (70 psf)(260 fl) + 2((97 psf)(8 ft) + (145 psf)(8 fl)) = 22072 plf FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. San Diego. Califomla 92128 16959 Bemardo Center Drive, Suite 201 Phonc (619) 4858227, Fax (819) 4955201 Project: Lot 108 Redesign Job #: 98244 By: Date: Nov '98 Page@/ DIAPHRAGMS FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bemardo Center Drtva, Suite 201 San Dkgo. Califwnh 92128 Phons (61 9) 4858221. Flu (819) 4656201 Project: Lot 108 Redesign Job #: 98244 By: Date: Nov '98 Page a2 DIAPHRAGMS I I Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc San Diego, California 92128 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Title : Lot 106 Redesign Dsgnr: Date: Description : scope : Job # 90244 L Horizontal Plywood Diaphragm 61 [ General Information Description Roof I Diaphragm 1 North-South Length 136.00 fl Ease-West Length Diaphrgm Weight 130.00 fl Seismic Factor 0.2970 Nort-South Chord 136.00 fl Diaphragm is Blocked East-West Chord 130.00 fl Blockino Direction North-South 0.00 psf - Boundary Loads Acting North & South t #1 3,786.00 #/fl from 0.000fl to 0.000 ft #2 #3 #4 #/fl from o.ooon to #lfl from o.oooft to #lfl from o.oooft to 0.000 fl 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 1 Boundary Loads Acting East & West 1 #1 #/ft o.ooon to 0.000 fl #2 from from #3 0.000R to 0.000 fl #4 wft O.OOOR to 0.000 n from 0.000 fl #In #/ft from o.ooon to Shear Zone Spacing Value Distance in At North Wall 2x 112 2nd zone 2x Structural I 112“ 3rd zone 2x 112” Structural I Structural I Center zone 2x 112” 3rd zone 2x 112” Structural I 2nd zone 2x Structural I 112“ At South Wall 2x 112 Structural I Structural I 1 Od in 2,3,12 #/fl fl 10d 730.0 2.5,3.12 0.00 1 Od 640.0 4,6,12 0.00 425.0 1 Od 0.00 6,6,12 1 Od 320.0 4,6,12 425.0 1 Od 2.5,3,12 0.00 640.0 1 Od 2.3.12 730.0 0.00 0.00 Design Data 8 Nailing Requiremen Framing At West Wall 2x 2nd zone 3rd zone 2x 2x 3rd zone Center zone 2x 2x 2nd zone 2x At East Wall 2x Thickness in 1 I2 112” 112” 112” 112” 112” 1P Grade Structural I Structural I Structural I Structural I Structural I Structural I Structural I Nail Size 10d 1Od 10d 1Od 1 Od 1 Od 1 Od Spacing in 2,3,12 2.5,3,12 6,6,12 4,6,12 2.5,3,12 4,6,12 2,3,12 Shear Value #lfl 640.0 730.0 425.0 320.0 425.0 640.0 730.0 Distance Zone fl 0.00 14.04 26.52 26.52 14.04 0.00 I I .~ __ LShear 8 Chord Forces __~___ Diaphragm Shears ... North - South Total Shear 0.Olbs 73,088.71bs East 73,088.7 Ibs Shear per Foot o.oo#/ft o.oo#/n 537.42#1fl 537.42 #In @ 114 * Length 13,029.41bs @ 112 * Length 0.Olbs @ 314 * Length 17,466.1 Ibs 13,169.1 Ibs 0.Olbs 0.Olbs - 0.Olbs West Chord Forces ... Length / Width Ratio 1.046 Firouri Consulting Engineers, Inc Title : Lot 106 Redesign Job # 98244 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 Drgnr: San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Date: Description : Scope : Horizontal Plywood Diaphragm LZ h LGeneral Information Description Roof I Diaphragm 2 North-South Length 136.00 n Diaphrgm Weight 0.00 psf Ease-West Length 62.50 n Seismic Factor 0.2970 Nort-South Chord 136.00 n Diaphragm is Blocked East-West Chord 62.50 fl Blocking Direction North-South I Boundary Loads Acting North &South 1 #1 #2 3.786.00 #lft from o.ooon to o.ooo n from o.ooon to 0.000 ft #In #3 #4 #If! from #/ft from o.ooon to o.ooo n o.ooon to o.ooo n I Boundary Loads Acting East & West 1 #1 #lft from o.ooon to 0.000 ft #2 #4 #3 #lft from o.ooon to 0.000 n #lft from from 0.000ft to 0.000 ft #In o.ooon to 0.000 ft I Framing Thickness in Grade At North Wall 2x 2nd zone 2x 1 /2 112 Structural I 3rd zone Structural I 2x Center zone 2x 112" Structural I 3rd zone In" Structural I 2x 2nd zone 1 12 2x Structural I 112" At South Wall 2x 1 /2 Structural I Structural I Nail Size 1 Od 1 Od 1 Od 10d 1 Od 1 Od 1 Od Spacing in 2,3,12 2.5,3.12 4.6.12 6,6,12 2.5.3,12 4,6,12 2.3.12 Shear Value #lft 730.0 640.0 425.0 320.0 425.0 640.0 730.0 Distance Zone ft 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Design Data & Nailing Requiremen Shear 7one 1 Framing Thickness Grade Nail Size Spacing Value Distance in At West Wall 2x 1 I2 Structural I 2nd zone 2x 1 Od 2,3,12 112 Structural i 1 Od 2.5,3,12 730.0 0.00 3rd zone 2x 1 12 640.0 0.00 Structural I Centerzone 2x 10d 112" 4,6.12 425.0 Structural I 10d 0.00 6,6,12 3rd zone 2x 1 /2 Structural I 1 Od 4,6,12 425.0 320.0 0.00 At East Wall 2nd zone 2x 112 2x 112 Structural I 1 Od 2.5,3,12 Structural I 1 Od 2,3,12 730.0 640.0 0.00 0.00 in #Ift n I "" I Shear 8 Chord Forces Diaphragm Shears ... - North Total Shear O.Olbs 0.Olbs 35.138.8ibs 35,138.8 ibs Shear per Foot o.oo#/n o.oo#/n z58.37#1n 250.37 #In @ 114 Length 3,011.61bs @ 1/2 * Length 0.Oibs @ 3/4 * Length 4,031.1 Ibs 3,043.9ibs O.Olbs 0.Olbs - East Chord Forces ... Length I Width Ratio 2.176 (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercaicYotl06.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2. 1-Jun-1597 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Title : Lot 106 Redesign Drgnr: Dale: Descrlptlon : Scope : Job # 98244 L Horizontal Plywood Diaphragm 63 I LGeneral Information Description Roof 1 Diaphragm 3 North-South Length 136.00 n Ease-West Length Diaphrgm Weight Nod-South Chord 136.00 n Diaphragm is Blocked East-West Chord 67.50 n Blockina Direction North-South 67.50 n Seismic Factor 0.2970 0.00 psf - L Boundary Loads Acting North & South t #1 3,786.00 #/ft from o.ooon to 0.000 n #2 #3 #4 #/n from #/n from o.ooon to o.ooon to 0.000 n #/n from o.ooon to 0.000 n 0.000 ft I Boundary Loads Acting East & West 1 #1 wn from o.ooon to 0.000 n #2 #3 #4 #In from o.ooon to 0.000 n #In wn o.ooon to 0.000 n from from o.ooon to 0.000 n Design Data 8 Nailing Requiremen Thickness Grade in At North Wall 2x 112” 2nd zone Structural I 3rd zone 2x 112” Structural I 2x 1 12” Structural I Center zone 2x 3rd zone 1P 2x Structural I 2nd zone 112” Structural I 2x At South Wall 2x 112” 1 12” Structural I Structural I - Nail Size 1 Od 1 Od 1 Od 1 Od 1 Od 10d 1 Od Spacing in 2.3,12 2.5,3,12 6,6,12 4,6,12 2.5,3,12 4,6,12 2,3.12 Value Shear Distance Zone #/ft n 730.0 640.0 0.00 425.0 0.00 0.00 320.0 425.0 640.0 0.00 730.0 0.00 0.00 Framing At West Wall 2x 2nd zone 3rd zone 2x 2x 3rd zone Center zone 2x 2x 2nd zone 2x At East Wall 2x Thickness in 1 12” 1 12” 1W 112” 112” 112” 1 12” Grade Structural I Structural I Structural I Structural I Structural I Structural I Structural I Nail Size 1 Od 1 Od 10d 1 Od 10d 1 Od 1 Od Spacing in 2,3,12 2.5,3,12 6,6.12 4,6,12 2.5,3,12 4,6,12 2.3,12 Shear Value #In 730.0 640.0 425.0 320.0 425.0 640.0 730.0 Distance Zone 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 n I LShear 8 Chord Forces - ~. t Diaphragm Shears ... - North - yy@ South Total Shear O.Olbs 37,949.91bs 37,949.9 Ibs Shear per Foot o.oo#/n o.oo#/n 279.04#/n 279.04 #/n 0.Olbs m Chord Forces... @ 114 * Length @ 112 Length 3,512.71bs @ 314 Length 3,550.41bs 4,708.91bs Length I Width Ratio 2.015 0.Olbs 0.Olbs O.Olbs (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:!enercalcUotl06.ecw W-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1597 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc Title : Lot 106 Redesign 16959 Bemardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Job # 98244 Dsgnr: Date: Description : Scope : Fax: (619) 485-6201 L Horizontal Plywood Diaphragm 64 I General Information Description Floor I Diaphragm 4 North-South Length 136.00 n Diaphrgm Weight Ease-West Length 130.00 n Seismic Factor 0.1830 Nort-South Chord 136.00 n Diaphragm is Blocked East-West Chord 130.00 n Blocking Direction North-South 0.00 psf 1 Boundary Loads Acting North 8 South I #1 5,000.oo #In #2 5,000.oo #In from o.ooon to from #3 4,212.00 wn #4 #In from from 0.000 n o.ooon to 0.000 n o.ooon to 0.000 n o.ooon to 0.000 n Boundary Loads Acting East & West I #1 wn from o.ooon to 0.000 n #2 #3 wn wn ~ ~~~ ~ from o.ooon to from o.ooon to 0.000 n 0.000 n #4 #In from o.ooon to 0.000 n Shear Zone At North Wall 2nd zone 3rd zone 3rd zone 2nd zone At South Wall Center zone in 2x 2x 112" 112" Structural II 2x 112" Structural II 2x Structural II 2x 1/2" Structural II 1/2" 2x 1 R" Structural II 2x Structural II 1R" Structural II Design Data 8 Nailing Requiremen 1 Od in 1 Od 2,3,12 1 Od 2.5,3,12 1 Od 4,612 1 Od 6,6.12 1 Od 4.6,12 2.5,3,12 1 Od 2,3,12 Framing At West Wail 2x 2nd zone 3rd zone 2x 2x 3rd zone Center zone 2x 2x 2nd zone At East Wall 2x 2x Thickness in 112" 1R" 1/2" 1 R" 1 R" 112" 112" Grade Structural II Structural II Structural II Structural II Structural II Structural II Structural II Nail Size 1 Od 1 Od 1 Od 1 Od 1Od 1 Od 1 Od Spacing in 2,3,12 2.5,3,12 6,6,12 4.6,12 2.5,3,12 4,6,12 2,3,12 655.0 575.0 385.0 290.0 385.0 575.0 655.0 #In Shear Value #In 655.0 575.0 385.0 290.0 385.0 575.0 655.0 n 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Zone Distance 35.36 45.24 49.92 49.92 45.24 35.36 n I I I Shear 8 Chord Forces Diaphragm Shears... Total Shear O.0lbs 169051.7ibs 169051.7 Ibs Shear per Foot o.oo#/n o.oo#/n 1,243.03#Ift 1,243.03 #In @ 114 * Length @ 1R Length @ 314 Length South 0.Olbs - - East Chord Forces. .. 30,136.61bs 40,398.41bs O.Olbs 0.Olbs 30,459.71bs O.Olbs Length I Width Ratio 1.046 (c) 198597 ENERCALC c:!enercalcVotl06.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2. 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Title : Lot 106 Redesign Drgnr: Date: Dercrlption : Job # 98244 scnne ! Fax: (619) 4854201 "_r_. Horizontal Plywood Diaphragm LS h L - Y- LGeneral Information I Description Floor Diaphragm 5 North-South Length 136.00 fl Diaphrgm Weight Ease-West Length 62.50 fl Seismic Factor Nort-South Chord 136.00 n Diaphragm is Blocked East-West Chord 62.50 fl Blockina Direction North-South 0.00 psf 0.1830 - 1 Boundary Loads Acting North 8 South 1 #1 5,000.00 #/fl from o.ooon to 0.000 n #2 5,ooo.oo #In from O.OOOfl to #3 3,562.00 #lfl from 0.000 n #4 wfl from 0.000fl to o.ooon to 0.000 n 0.000 n Boundary Loads Acting East &West I #1 #lfl from 0.000fl to 0.000 fl #2 #3 wfl from #Ifl from o.ooon to 0.000 n o.ooon to 0.000 n #4 wn from 0.000fl to 0.000 fl At North Wall 2nd zone 3rd zone 3rd zone 2nd zone At South Wall Center zone in 2x 112' 2x 2x 1 R" 2x 112" a 1 /2" 2x 1 lr' 112" 2x 112" in Structural II 1 Od 2,3,12 Structural II 1 Od Structural II 2.5,3,12 1 Od 4,6,12 Structural II Structural I1 1 Od 1 Od 6,6,12 Structural II 1 Od 2.5,3.12 4,6,12 Structural II 1 Od 2,3,12 #Iff 655.0 fl 575.0 0.00 385.0 0.00 0.00 290.0 385.0 0.00 575.0 655.0 0.00 0.00 Design Data 8 Nailing Requiremen Shear Zone Framing At West Wall 2x 2nd zone 3rd zone 2x 2x Center zone 2x 3rd zone 2x 2nd zone At East Wall 2x 2x I [Shear & Chord Forces I Diaphragm Shears ... Total Shear 0.Olbs O.Olbs 77.557.71bs 77,557.7 Ibs Shear per Foot O.OO#lfl o.oown 570.28#lfl 570.28 wn - North - South &&t East Thickness 1M" in 112 1 /2" 1M" 112e 112" 112" Grade Structural II Structural I1 Structural II Structural II Structural /I Structural II Structural II Nail Size 1 Od 1 Od 1 Od 1 Od 1 Od 1 Od 1 Od Spacing in 2.3,12 2.5,3,12 4,6,12 6,6,12 2.5,3,12 4,6.12 2,3,12 Value Distance #lfl 655.0 fl 575.0 0.00 10.25 385.0 290.0 15.50 385.0 15.50 655.0 575.0 10.25 0.00 Chord Forces... @? 114 Length @? in Length 6,647.21bs 8,910.61bs @? 314 Length 6,718.41bs Length I Wldth Ratio 2.176 O.Olbs 0.Olbs O.Olbs (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercaic~otl06.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-IS97 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc San Diego, California 92128 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 Fax: (6191 485-6201 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Title : Lot 106 Redesign Drgnr: Date: Description : Scope : Job # 98244 I Horizontal Plywood Diaphragm uh I General Information I Description Floor Diaphragm 6 North-South Length 136.00 fl Diaphrgm Weight 0.00 psf EaseWest Length 67.50 ft Seismic Factor 0.1830 Nort-South Chord 136.00 fl Diaphragm is Blocked East-West Chord 67.50 fl Blocking Direction North-South I Boundary Loads Acting North 8 South I #1 #2 5,000.00 #/fl from 0.ooofl to 0.000 fl from 0.000ft to #3 2,712.00 #lfl from 0.000fl to 0.000R #4 #lft from 0.000fl to 0.000 fl 0.000 fl 5,ooo.oo wft I Boundary Loads Acting East 8 West I #I wft from 0.ooott to #2 wfl #3 #Iff from 0.000fl to 0.000 fl from 0.000fl to 0.000 ft 0.000 n #4 #lfl from 0.oooft to 0.000 n Design Data 8 Nailing Requiremen mina Thickness Grade Nail Size SDacino Value Distance Shear Zone At North Wall 2nd zone 2x 2x 3rd zone 2x Center zone 2x 3rd zone 2nd zone 2x At South Wall 2x 2x 1R" in 1R" 112" 112" 112' 1R" 1R" __ Structural II Structural II Structural II Structural I1 Structural II Structural II Structural ii I 1 Od in 2,3,12 1 Od 2.5,3,12 1 Od 1 Od 4,6,12 6,6,12 1 Od 1 Od 4,6,12 2.5.3,12 10d 2,3,12 #/a 655.0 ft 0.00 575.0 0.00 385.0 290.0 0.00 385.0 0.00 655.0 575.0 0.00 0.00 Deslgn Data 8 Nailing Requiremen Shear Zone Framing At West Wall 2x 2nd zone 2x 3rd zone 2x Center zone 2x 3rd zone 2nd zone 2x At East Wall 2x 2x Shear 8 Chord Forces Thickness in 1P 1 I2 1R" 112 1R" 112 1M" Nail Size 1 Od 1 Od 1 Od 1 Od 1 Od 1 Od 1 Od Spacing Value Distance in #Ifl 2,3,12 655.0 fl 0.27 2.5,3,12 575.0 4,6,12 385.0 11.34 6,6,12 17.01 290.0 2.5,3,12 4,6,12 385.0 17.01 2,3,12 575.0 655.0 11.34 0.27 1 Grade Structural It Structural II Structural II Structural II Structural Ii Structural II Structural II Diaphragm Shears ... - North Total Shear O.Olbs 78,512.5ibs 78,512.5 Ibs O.Olbs Shear per Foot O.OO#/ft O.OO#lft 577.30#/fl 577.30 #/ft y&t - East Chord Forces... @ 114 * Length 7,267.31bs @ 1R Length 9,741.91bs @ 314 Length 7,345.21bs Length I Width Ratio 2.015 0.Olbs 0.Olbs 0.Oibs (C) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:!mercalcVotl06.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc Title : Lot 106 Redesign Job # 98244 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Dsgnr: Date: Description : Scope : Fax: (619) 485-6201 L Horizontal Plywood Diaphragm 67 i - General Information Description Roof 1 Diaphragm 7 North-South Length 136.00 n Ease-West Length Diaphrgm Weight 260.00 ft Seismic Factor 0.3000 Nort-South Chord 136.00 ft Diaphragm is Blocked East-West Chord 260.00 n Blocking Direction North-South 0.00 psf [ Boundary Loads Acting North & south^ 1 #1 #In from 0.000ft to 0.000 n #2 #In from #3 #4 o.ooon to #/ft 0.000 ft from o.ooon to from o.ooon to 0.000 n #In 0.000 n ” __ [ Boundary Loads Acting East 8 West 1 #1 5.646.00 #/ft from o.ooon to o.ooo n #2 #3 #In from 0.000ft to 0.000 ft #Ift from 0.000R to 0.000 ft #In from o.ooon to 0.000 n Design Data 8 Nailing Requiremen Thickness Grade Nail Size Spacing Value Distance Shear Zone At North Wall 2nd zone 2x 2x 3rd zone 2x Center zone 2x 3rd zone 2nd zone 2x At South Wall 2x 2x 112 in 112 1 /2 1 /2 112’ 1 /2 1 I2 Structural i in 10d Structural I 2,3,12 1 Od Structural I 1 Od 2.5,3,12 Structural I 1 Od 4,6.12 6,6,12 Structural I 10d Structural I 1 Od 4.6,12 Structural I 10d 2.5,3.12 2,3,12 #/ft 730.0 ft 0.00 640.0 425.0 3.26 19.04 320.0 425.0 640.0 19.04 3.26 730.0 0.00 Design Data 8 Nailing Requiremen Shear Zone Thickness in 1 /2 1 I2 1/2” 112 112 1 /2 112 Grade Structural I Structural I Structural I Structural I Structural I Structural I Structural I Nail Size 10d 1 Od 1 Od 1 Od 1 Od 1 Od 10d Spacing Value in 2,3,12 2.5,3,12 730.0 640.0 4,6,12 6,6,12 425.0 320.0 4,612 425.0 2.5,3,12 640.0 2,3,12 730.0 #/n Distance 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 n 1 Framing At West Wall 2nd zone 2x 2x 3rd zone 2x Center zone 2x 3rd zone 2nd zone 2x At East Wall 2x 2x I -~ .1 [ Shear & Chord Forces Diaphragm Shears... - South && - East North Total Shear 115178.41bs 115178.41bs O.Olbs - 0.0 Ibs Shear per Foot 442.99#/n 442.99#/ft o.oo#/n 0.00 #/ft Chord Forces ... @ 114 *Length 0.Olbs @ 112 Length O.Olbs @ 314 * Length 0.Olbs Length I Width Ratio 1.912 11,235.91bs 15.061.81bs 11.356.31bs (c) 198597 ENERCALC c:!enercalcUot106.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2. 1 Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc Title : Lot 108 Redesign Job # 98244 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 4854227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Dsgnr: Date: Description : scope : L Horizontal Plywood Diaphragm Description Floor Diaphragm 8 North-South Length 136.00 n EaseWest Length 260.00 n Diaphrgm Weight 0.00 psf Seismic Factor 0.1 830 Nort-South Chord 136.00 n Diaphragm is Blocked East-West Chord 260.00 n Blocking Direction North-South 1 Boundary Loads Acting North 8 South 1 #1 #/ft from o.ooon to 0.000 n #2 #3 #4 #I& from 0.000 ft #/R from o.ooon to 0.000 n #/n from o.ooon to 0.oooft to 0.000 n ~~~ I Boundary Loads Acting East 8 West ~ ~~~ ~ 1 #1 5,000.00 #/ft from o.ooon to 0.000 n #2 5,ooo.oo #/n from 0.oooft to 0.000 n #3 5,ooo.oo wn #4 7,072.00 #In from o.ooon to o.ooon to 0.000 R 0.000 n from Design Data 8 Nailing Requiremen Framing Thickness Grade Nail Size Spacing Shear Zone Value Distance in At North Wall 2x 1 /2” Structural iI 1 Od 2nd zone 2.3,12 2x 655.0 lL? 31.01 Structural I1 1 Od 2.5.3,12 3rd zone 2x 112” Structural II 1 Od 575.0 43.52 4,6,12 Center zone 2x 385.0 1 /2” 49.50 Structural II 3rd zone 2x lL? Structural II 4,6,12 385.0 1 Od 6,6,12 1 Od 290.0 2nd zone 49.50 2x 112” Structural I1 At South Wall 2x 1 Od 112 Structural ll 2.5,3.12 575.0 I Od 2,3,12 655.0 43.52 31.01 in #In n Design Data 8 Nailing Requiremen Framing At West Wall 2x 2nd zone 3rd zone 2x 2x 3rd zone Center zone 2x 2x 2nd zone 2x At East Wail 2x Thickness In’ in 1n‘ 1P 1P 1P 112” In‘ Grade Structural II Structural I1 Structural II Structural II Structural It Structural II Structural II Nail Size 1 Od 10d I Od 1 Od 1 Od 1 Od I Od Spacing in 2,3,12 2.5,3,12 4,6,12 6,6,12 2.5.3,12 4,612 2,3,12 LLl Shear Diaphragm 8 Chord Shears. Forces .. Total Shear 274664.0ibs 274664.01bs @JL7 West 0.Olbs - East 0.0 Ibs Shear Value #In 655.0 575.0 385.0 290.0 385.0 575.0 655.0 Distance Zone R 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Shear per Foot 1,056.40#lft 1,056.4O#lft o.oo#/n 0.00 #Ift Chord Forces ... @ 114 * Length 0.Olbs @ 112 Length @ 314 * Length 0.Olbs O.Olbs Length I Width Ratio 1.912 26,794.01bs 35,917.61bs 27.081.3ibs (C) 198597 ENERCALC c:\enercaic~otl06.ecw KW-0602755. V5.0.2, 1Jun-I997 FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. San Diego, Califwnia 92128 16959 Bemardo Center Dh, Suite 201 Phone (61 9) 4858227. Fan (619) 4858201 Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job#: 98244 By: SUBDIAPHRAGM DESIGN WALL ANCHORAGE Along Line.., C. wall 1 EL 6. Roof I A EL 0, Roof 0.3 0.3 C, parapet Height of Wall (ft) Height of Parapet (ft) Thickness of Wall (In) Weight of Concrete (pd) Center one half Increase Force per foot (Ibs) Anchor Force at 8' O.C. (Ibs) 473 3785 Use I See Purlin Design I Not Used Anchor Force at 4' O.C. (Ibs) 1892 Use Not Used 12.75 13.5 3.25 145 145 1.5 424 3393 1097 1 L I Use PA 20 J At center one half of diaphragm: Force per foot 710 630 Anchor Force at 8' O.C. (Ibs) 5077 5090 Anchor Force at 4' O.C. (Ibs) Use I See Purlin Design I 2838 Not Used Use Not Used 2545 1 I Use PA 20 J CROSS-TIES Depth of Diaphragm (ft) Width of Diaphragm (ft) 48 I Diap. Ratio 34 Max. Diap. Ratio 4.0 0.2 10 48 Total Shear (Ibs) 1.4 4.0 J 2365 10179 Shear per foot (plf) 49 Allowable Shear per foot @lf) 320 Chord Force flbd 299 320 I 172 ama OK I SeeRoof Plan I ." "1"" At center one half of diaphragm: Depth of Diaphragm (ft) 48 I 48 Width of Diaphragm (ft) 10 Diap. Ratio 48 0.2 Max. Diap. Ratio 1 .o 4.0 Total Shear (Ibs) 3548 4.0 Shear per foot (plf) 15269 74 Allowable Shear per foot (plf) I 320 318 Chord Force (Ibs) 320 185 381 7 Use I See Roof Plan I F I I L OK FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. San Diego. California 92128 16959 Bernardo Center Drive. Suite 216 Phone (619) 485-6227. Fax(619) 465-6201 Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job #: 98244 By: Date: Nov '98 Page 71 LATERAL ANALYSIS, continued I Drag and Chord Forces ROOF: Line 1 8 6 Chord Force = 15,062 I bs USE (2) #5 Bars Line 3.5 Drag Force = 61,000 I bs Line 4.7 Drag Force = 56,000 I bs Line A & G Chord Force = 17.467 Ibs USE (2) #5 Bars FLOOR: Line I & 6 Chord Force = 35,918 Ibs USE L 5x3~112 Line 3.5 Drag Force = 138,719 I bs Line 4.7 Drag Force = 101,561 I bs Line A & G Chord Force = 40,399 Ibs USE L 5x3~112 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc Tltle : Lot 106 Rederlgn Job # 98244 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #202 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Dsgnr: Date: Description : scope : Timber Ledger Design I General Information Description ... Critical Case Ledger Width Ledger Depth 3.500in Uniform Load ... 5.500in Dead Load Dead Load 0.00lbs 75.00 #/ft Ledger is Bolted to Concrete Live Load Bolt Diameter 100.OO#/ft Live Load 0.001bs Spacing 0.00 ft Bolt Spacing 24.000in Horizontal Shear 537.42#/ft Offset 0.OOin Load Duration Factors ... Point Load ... 314" Live Load 1.250 Fb Allowable 1,000.0 psi Short Term 1.330 Fv Allowable 85.0 psi [Ledger Stresses 1 DL + LL DL + ST DL+LL+ST Maximum Moment Bending Stress 700.00 in# 39.67 psi Stress Ratio 0.032 MaximumShear 252.47 Ibs Shear Stress 13.12 psi Stress Ratio 0.123 300.00 in# 0.013 17.00 psi 108.20 Ibs 5.62 psi 0.050 700.00 in# 39.67 psi 0.030 252.47 Ibs 0.116 13.12 psi - Bending & Shear OH DL + LL Max. Vertical Load 350.00 Ibs DL + ST DL+LL+ST 150.00 Ibs 350.00 Ibs Allow Vertical Load 1,137.50 Ibs 1,210.30 Ibs Max. Horizontal Load 0.00 Ibs 1,210.30 Ibs Allow Horizontal Load 1,074.84 Ibs 1,787.50 Ibs 1,074.84 Ibs 1,901.90 Ibs 1,901.90 Ibs Angle of Resultant 90.0 degrees Diagonal Component 350.00 Ibs Allow Diagonal Force 1,137.50 Ibs 1,130.39 Ibs 1,803.12 Ibs Final Stress Ratlo 0.308 : 1.00 0.577 : 1.00 0.627 : 1.00 7.9 degrees 18.0 degrees 1,oa5.26 Ibs 1,881.36 Ibs __ (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:knercaicVotlO6,ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc Tltle : Lot 106 Redesign Job # 98244 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 Dsgnr: Date: San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Description : Scope : 72 1 General Information I Description Roof Drag Beam Along Line 3.5 Between C & D Steel Section W14X61 F Column Height 28.500 n End Fixity Live 8 Short Term Loads Not Combined Y-Y Unbrace Duration Factor 1.330 36.0 ksi X-X Sidesway : Restrained Y-Y Sidesway : Restrained Kxz 1.000 Pin-Pin X-X Unbrace KYY 1.000 28.500 n 8.000 n I Loads 1 Axial Load ... Dead Load k Live Load Short Term Load 61.00 k Ecc. for X-X Axis Moments in in k Ecc. for Y-Y Axis Moment Distributed lateral Loads. .. - DL - LL ST Start && Along Y-Y wn s in Along X-X 0.248 0.128 wn 3 28.500 in Column Design OM Section : W14X61, Height = 28.50RAxial Loads: DL = 0.00, LL = 0.00 ST = 61.00k. Ecc. = 0.000inU Combined Stress Ratios DL + LL DL + Short AlSC Formula H1 - 1 AlSC Formula H1 - 2 AlSC Formula H1 - 3 0.523 0.000 0.792 0.538 I Stresses 1 Allowable B Actual Stresses Des DL + LL DL + Short Fa : Allowable 17.70 ksi 17.70 ksi fa : Actual 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 17.70 ksi 0.00 ksi 23.54 ksi 3.41 ksi Fb:m : Allow [F1-6] 23.76 ksi 23.76 ksi Fb:m: Allow [Fl-71 8 [Fl-81 23.76 ksi 23.76 ksi 23.76 ksi 23.76 ksi 31.60 ksi 31.60 ksi fb : xx Actual 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi Fb:yy : Allow [Fl-61 Fb:% : Allow [F1-7]8 [Fl-81 27.00 ksi 27.00 ksi 27.00 ksi 27.00 ksi 27.00 ksi 27.00 ksi 35.91 ksi 35.91 ksi fb : yy Actual 14.11 ksi 7.28 ksi 21.40 ksi 14.11 ksi 1 Analysis Values F'ey : DL+LL F'ex : DL+LL 45,648 psi Cm:x DL+LL 0.60 Cb:x DL+LL 96,859 psi 1.75 Cm:y DL+LL F'ex : DL+LL+ST 1 .oo 60,712 psi Cb:y DL+LL 1 .oo Cm:x DL+LL+ST 0.60 F'ey : DL+LL+ST 128,822 psi Cm:y DL+LL+ST 1 .oo Cb:y DL+LL+ST 1.00 Cb:x DL+LL+ST 1.75 Max X-X Axis Deflection 0.000 in at 0.000 R Max Y-Y Axis Deflection -1.799 in a 14.250 ft (C) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:knercalc\otl06.ecw KW-0602755. V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 San Dieao. California 92128 Title : Lot 106 Redesign Job # 98244 Dsgnr: Description : Dale: Phone: &i9) 485-6227 Scope : Fax: (619) 485-6201 L 73 t 1 General Information Description Roof Drag Beam Along Line 4.7 Between 8.3 8 C Steel Section W10X36 F Duration Factor 1.330 Column Height 15.000fl End Fixity Pin-Pin X-X Unbrace 15.000 fl Live B Short Term Loads Not Combined Y-Y Unbrace 36.0 ksi X-X Sidesway : Restrained Y-Y Sidesway : Restrained Kxx 1.000 KY Y 1.000 8.000 n 1 Loads h Axial Load ... Dead Load Live Load k k Short Term Load 56.00 k Ecc. for X-X &is Moments in Ecc. for Y-Y Axis Moment in Distributed lateral Loads ... DL - LL - ST - Start End Along Y-Y wn 3 in Along X-X 0.315 0.180 wit 3 15.000 in Column Design OK Section : W16X36. Height = 15.00flAxiai Loads: DL = 0.00, LL = 0.00, ST = 56.00k. Ecc. = O.WOinU Combined Stress Ratios Dead DL + LL DL + Short - AlSC Formula H1 - 1 0.707 AlSC Formula H1 - 2 0.608 AlSC Formula H1 - 3 0.564 0.000 0.887 Stresses ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ Allowable 8 Actual Stresses Fa : Allowable 17.11 ksi Live 17.11 ksi DL + LL 17.11 ksi DL + Short 22 76 ksi - fa : Actual 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 5.28 ksi Fb:xx : Allow [F1-61 Fb:xx: Allow [Fl-71 8 [F1-8] 21.60 ksi 21.60 ksi 21.60 ksi 21.60 ksi 21.60 ksi 21.60 ksi 28.73 ksi 28.73 ksi fb : xx Actual 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi Fb:yy : Allow [Fl-6] 27.00 ksi Fb:m : Allow (Fl-718 (Fl-81 27.00 ksi 27.00 ksi 27.00 ksi 27.00 ksi 27.00 ksi 35.91 ksi 35.91 ksi fb : yy Actual 15.23 ksi 8.70 ksi 23.94 ksi 15.23 ksi ". . . I Analysis Values t F'ex : DL+LL 194,360 psi Cm:x DL+LL 0.60 F'ey : DL+LL 37,299 psi Cm:y DL+LL 1 .oo Cb:x DL+LL 1.75 Cb:y DL+LL F'ex : DL+LL+ST 1 .oo F'ey : DL+LL+ST 258,499 psi 49,607 psi Cm:x DL+LL+ST Cm:y DL+LL+ST 0.60 1.00 Cb:x DL+LL+ST 1.75 Cb:y DL+LL+ST 1.00 Max X-X Axis Deflection 0.000 in at 0.000 fl Max Y-Y Axis Deflection -0.797 in a 7.500 ft (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:knercalc\lotlO6.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Title : Lot IC6 Redesign Dsgnr: Date: Descriptfon : Scope : Job # 98244 L 7t 1 I General Information Description Roof Draa Beam Along Li& 4.7 Between C & D Steel Section Wl2X53 F 36.0 ksi Duration Factor 1.330 X-X Sidesway : Restrained Y-Y Sidesway : Restrained End Fixity Column Height 28.500 n Ioo( 1.000 Pin-Pin Live 8 Short Term Loads Not Combined Y-Y Unbrace X-X Unbrace 28.500 n KYY 1.000 8.000 n I Loads 1 Axial Load... Dead Load k Ecc. for X-X Axis Moments Live Load k in Short Term Load Ecc. for Y-Y Axis Moment 47.30 k in Distrlbuted lateral Loads ... - DL - LL - ST Start End Along Y-Y Along X-X 0.315 0,180 wn wn 3 in 4 15.000in Column Design OK Section : WlW53, Height = 28.50ftAxial Loads: DL = 0.00, LL = 0.00, ST I 47.30k. Ecc. I 0.000inlJ Combined Stress Ratios Dead DL + LL DL + Short AlSC Formula H1 - 1 AiSC Formula H1 - 2 AlSC Formula H1 - 3 0.446 0.000 0.701 0.470 Stresses Allowable 8 Actual Stresses Dead Fa : Allowable 16.89 ksi 16.89 ksi 16.89 ksi 22.46 ksi DL + LL DL + Short fa : Actual 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 3.03 ksi Fb:m : Allow [FI-61 23.76 ksi 23.76 ksi Fb:m : Allow [Fl-71 8 [F1-8] 23.76 ksi 23.76 ksi 23.76 ksi 23.76 ksi 31.60 ksi 31.60 ksi fb : xy Actual 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi Fb:yy : Allow [Fl-61 27.00 ksi 27.00 ksi 27.00 ksi Fb:m : Allow [Fl-718 [F1-8] 35.91 ksi 27.00 ksi 27.00 ksi 27.00 ksi 35.91 ksi fb : yy Actual 12.04 ksi 6.88 ksi 18.93 ksi 12.04 ksi ~~ ~ I Analysis Values I F'ey : DL+LL F'ex : DL+LL 34.783 psi Cm:x DL+LL 0.60 99,506 psi Cb:x DL+LL Cm:y DL+LL 1.75 F'ex : DL+LL+ST 46,261 psi 1.00 F'ey : DL+LL+ST 132,343 psi Cm:x DL+LL+ST 0.60 Cb:x DL+LL+ST 1.75 Cm:y DL+LL+ST 1 .oo Cb:y DL+LL+ST 1.00 Max X-X Axis Deflection 0,000 in at 0.000 n Max Y-Y Axis Deflection -1.443 in a 13.300 ft 1 .oo Cb:y DL+LL (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lotlOB.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2. 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc Title : Lot 106 Redesign Job # 98244 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 Dsgnr: Date: San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Description : Scope : L 7s I I General Information Description Floor Drag Beam Along Line 3.5 Between C & D Steel Section W14X99 F 36.0 ksi X-X Sidesway : Restrained Duration Factor 1.330 Y-Y Sidesway : Restrained Column Height End Fixity Pin-Pin X-X Unbrace Live 8 Short Term Loads Not Combined Y-Y Unbrace 8.000 n 28.500 n Kxx 1.000 28.500 n KY Y 1.000 I Loads Axial Load ... Dead Load k Live Load Short Term Load 139.70 k Ecc. for X-X Axis Moments in in k Ecc. for Y-Y Axis Moment Distributed lateral Loads... DL - LL - ST Start End Along Y-Y uft ”> in Along X-X 0.520 0.423 kffl ”> 28.500 in Section : W14X99. Height = 28.50RAxiai Loads: DL = 0.00, LL = 0.00, ST = 139.70k. Ecc. = O.WOinU Combined Stress Ratios Dead DL + LL AlSC Formula HI - 1 DL + Short 0.527 AlSC Formula HI - 2 0.487 AlSC Formula H1 - 3 0.425 0.000 0.771 Stresses h I I Allowable 8 Actual Stresses &.& Live DL + LL DL + Short Fa : Allowable fa : Actual 17.87 ksi 17.87 ksi 17.87 ksi 23.76 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 4.80 ksi Fb:xx: Aliow[F1-6] 23.76 ksi Fb:xx : Allow [Fl-7) 8 [Fl-81 23.76 ksi 23.76 ksi 23.76 ksi 23.76 ksi 31.60 ksi 23.76 ksi 31.60 ksi fb : xx Actual 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi Fb:yy : Allow [F1-6] 27.00 ksi 27.00 ksi 27.00 ksi 35.91 ksi Fb:xx : Allow [F1-7]& [F1-8] 27.00 ksi 27.00 ksi 27.00 ksi 35.91 ksi fb : yy Actual 11.46 ksi 9.34 ksi 20.81 ksi 11.48 ksi I Analysis Values F’ex : DL+LL 48.700 psi Cm:x DL+LL Cb:x DL+LL 1.75 F‘ey : DL+LL 0.60 223,842 psi F‘ex : DL+LL+ST Cm:y DL+LL 1.00 Cb:y DL+LL 64,771 psi 1.00 Cm:x DL+LL+ST F‘ey : DL+LL+ST 297,710 psi 0.60 Cm:y DL+LL+ST 1 .oo Cb:x DL+LL+ST 1.75 Cb:y DL+LL+ST 1.00 Max X-X Axis Deflection 0.000 in at 0.000 fl Max Y-Y Axis Deflection -1.201 in a 14.250 ft (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercalc\lotlOG.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1 Jun-1997 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc San Diego, California 92128 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Title : Lot 106 Redesign Dsgnr: Dale: Description : scope : Job # 98244 I 76 h 1 General Information - 1 ~ Description Floor Drag Beams Along Line 3.5 Between A & C Steel Section W12X79 F 36.0 ksi X-X Sidesway : Restrained Column Height 24.000 ft Ioo( 1.000 Y-Y Sidesway : Restrained End Fixity Live 8 Short Term Loads Not Combined Y-Y Unbrace Pin-Pin X-X Unbrace 24.000 ft KYY 1.000 Duration Factor 1.330 8.000 ft Loads Axial Load ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load 87.10 k 1 k Ecc. for X-X Axis Moments in k Ecc. for Y-Y Axis Moment in Distributed lateral Loads... - DL L - ST - Start End Along Y-Y Along X-X wn 0.520 0.423 wft -2 In 4 28.500 in Column Design OK Section : WlW79, Height = 24.00flAxial Loads: DL = 0.00, LL = 0.00, ST = 87.10k, Ecc. = 0.000inU Combined Stress Ratios Dead & DL + LL DL + Short AlSC Formula H1 - 1 0.513 AISC Formula H1 - 2 0.481 AISC Formula H1 - 3 0.465 0.000 0.844 Stresses 1 Allowable 8 Actual Stresses Dead Fa : Allowable 18.00 ksi 18.00 ksi 18.00 ksi 23.94 ksi DL + LL DL + Short fa : Actual 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 3.75 ksi Fb:m : Allow [FI-61 Fb:xx: Aiiow [F1-7]& [FM] 23.76 ksi 23.76 ksi 23.76 ksi 23.76 ksi 23.76 ksi 23.76 ksi 31.60 ksi 31.60 ksi fb : xx Actual 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi Fb:yy : Allow [Fl-61 27.00 ksi 27.00 ksi 27.00 ksi Fb:xx : Allow [Fl-71 & [F1-8] 27.00 ksi 27.00 ksi 27.00 ksi 35.91 ksi 35.91 ksi fb : yy Actual 12.56 ksi 10.22 ksi 22.70 ksi 12.56 ksi [ Analysis Values F'ex : DL+LL Fey : DL+LL 150,860 psi 51,373 psi Cm:x OL+LL 0.60 Cb:x DL+LL 1.75 Cm:y DL+LL 1 .oo F'ex : DL+LL+ST Cb:y DL+LL 68,326 psi 1 .oo F'ey : DL+LL+ST Cm:x DL+LL+ST 0.60 200,644 psi Cb:x DL+LL+ST 1.75 Cm:y DL+LL+ST 1 .oo Cb:y DL+LL+ST 1.00 Max X-X Axis Deflection 0.000 in at 0.000 ft Max Y-Y Axis Deflection -1.124 in a 12.000 ft (C) 1983-97 ENERCALC " c:knercalcUo~6.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1 Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc Title : Lot 106 Redesign Job # 98244 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 Dsgnr: Date: Description : Scope : L [General Information I Description Floor Drag Beam Along Line 4.7 Between C & D Steel Section W14X90 F Column Height End Fixity Live 8 Short Term Loads Not Combined Y-Y Unbrace Duration Factor 1.330 36.0 ksi X-X Sidesway : Restrained Y-Y Sidesway : Restrained 28.500 n w Pin-Pin X-X Unbrace Kyy 1.000 1.000 28.500 n 8.000 n I Loads I Axial Load ... Dead Load k Live Load k Ecc. far Y-Y Axis Moment Ecc. for X-X Axis Moments in Short Term Load 101.60 k in Distributed lateral Loads ... - DL - LL - ST Along Y-Y Along X-X un 0.420 2 in 0.341 un 3 28.500 in Summary 1 Column Design OK Section : W14X90. Height = 28.50ftAxial Loads: DL = 0.00. LL = 0.00, ST = 101 Bok, Ecc. 0.000inU Combined Stress Ratios - Dead - Live AlSC Formula H1 - 1 DL + LL DL + Short 0.451 AiSC Formula H1 - 2 0.419 AlSC Formula H1 - 3 0.380 0.000 0.689 ,ek Stresses I I Allowable B Actual Stresses Fa : Allowable 17.84 ksi fa : Actual 0.00 ksi 17.84 ksi 17.84 ksi 0.00 ksi 23.72 ksi 0.00 ksi 3.83 ksi Fb:xx : Allow (Fl-61 23.76 ksi Fb:xx : Allow [Fl-71 8 [Fl-81 23.76 ksi 23.76 ksi 23.76 ksi 23.76 ksi 23.76 ksi 31.60 ksi 31.60 ksi fb : =Actual 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi Fb:yy : Allow [Fl-61 Fb:xx : Allow (Fl-718 (Fl-81 27.00 ksi 27.00 ksi 27.00 ksi 27.00 ksi 35.91 ksi 27.00 ksi 27.00 ksi 35.91 ksi fb : yy Actual 10.26 ksi 8.33 ksi 18.59 ksi 10.26 ksi DL + LL DL + Short I Analysis Values t F'ex : DL+LL 48,130 psi Cm:x DL+LL Fey : DL+LL 221,346 psi Cm:y DC+LL 0.60 Cb:x DL+LL 1 .oo Cb:y DL+LL 1.75 F'ex : DL+LL+ST 1.00 64,013 psi Fey : DL+LL+ST 294,390 psi Cm:y DL+LL+ST Cm:x DL+LL+ST 0.60 1 .oo Cb:x DL+LL+ST 1.75 Cb:y DL+LL+ST 1.00 Max X-X Axis Deflection 0.000 in at 0.000 R Max Y-Y Axis Deflection -1.076 in a 14.250 R (C) 1983-97 ENERCALC c:\enercaicVotl06.ecw KW-0602755, V5.0.2, 1 Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc Title : Lot 106 Redesign Job # 98244 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 Dsgnr: Date: San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Description : Scope : Fax: (619) 485-6201 L 78 1 General Information I Description Floor Drag Beam Along Line 4.7 Between D & E Steel Section W12X58 F Duration Factor 1.330 Column Height End Fixity Pin-Pin 20.000 ft lea X-X Unbrace 20.000 ft Live 8 Short Term Loads Not Combined Y-Y Unbrace 8.000 ft 36.0 ksi X-X Sidesway : Restrained Y-Y Sidesway : Restrained 1.000 Kyy 1.000 I Loads I Axial Load. .. Dead Load k Live Load Short Term Load 68.30 k Ecc. for X-X Axis Moments in in k Ecc. for Y-Y Axis Moment Distributed lateral Loads.. . - DL - LL - ST - Start Along Y-Y Wft s in Along X-X 0.420 0.341 uft s 28.500 in Column Design OK Section : W12X58. Height = 20.00ftAxial Loads: DL = 0.00, LL = 0.00, ST i. 68.30k, Ecc. I 0.000inU Combined Stress Ratios "e- DL + LL DL + Short AlSC Formula H1 - 1 0.499 AlSC Formula H1 - 2 0.468 AlSC Formula H1 - 3 0.437 0.000 0.791 " Stresses Allowable 8 Actual Stresses Fa : Allowable 18.75 ksi 18.75 ksi 18.75 ksi fa : Actual 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 24.93 ksi 4.02 ksi Fb:xx : Allow [Fl-61 Fb:xx : Allow [Fl-71 8 [F1-8] 23.76 ksi 23.76 ksi 23.76 ksi 23.76 ksi 23.76 ksi 23.76 ksi 31.60 ksi 31.60 ksi fb : xx Actual 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi Fb:yy : Allow [F1-6] 27.00 ksi 27.00 ksi 27.00 ksi Fb:m : Aiiow [Fl-718 [F1-8] 27.00 ksi 35.91 ksi 27.00 ksi 27.00 ksi 35.91 ksi fb : yy Actual 11.79 ksi 9.57 ksi 21.36 ksi 11.79 ksi DL + LL DL + Short Analysis Values 1 F'ex : DL+LL 72,439 psi Cm:x DL+LL 0.60 Cb:x DL+LL F'ey : DL+LL 101,987 psi 1.75 Cm:y DL+LL 1 .oo F'ex : DL+LL+ST Cb:y DL+LL 96,344 psi 1.00 Cm:x DL+LL+ST F'ey : DL+LL+ST 135,642 psi 0.60 Cm:y DL+LL+ST 1 .oo Cb:x DL+LL+ST 1.75 Cb:y DL+LL+ST 1.00 Max X-X Axis Deflection 0.000 in at 0.000 ft Max Y-Y Axis Deflection -0.883 in a 10.000 ft (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC "" c:\enercaicVoll06.ecw KW-0602755. V5.0.2, 1-Jun-1997 Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc San Diego, California 92128 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: 6191 485-6201 Title : Lot 106 Redesign Dsgnr: Date: Description : scope : Job # 98244 1 General Information t Description Floor Drag Beam Along Line 4.7 Between E & G Steel Section W12X53 F Duration Factor 1.330 Column Height 20.0oo ft Kxx 1.000 End Fixity Pin-Pin X-X Unbrace 20.000 ft KYY 1.000 Live 8 Short Term Loads Not Combined Y-Y Unbrace 36.0 ksi X-X Sidesway : Restrained Y-Y Sidesway : Restrained 8.000 ft I Loads I Axial Load ... Dead Load k Live Load k Short Term Load 45.90 k Ecc. for X-X Axis Moments in Ecc. for Y-Y Axis Moment in Distributed lateral Loads ... - DL L LL - ST Start End Along Y-Y Along X-X wn 0.420 0.341 wn -a 28.500 in in -2 Column Design OK Section : W12yS3. Height = ZO.OWU\xial Loads: DL = 0.00, LL = 0.00, ST = 45.90k. Ecc. = 0.000inU Combined Stress Ratios Dead - DL + LL DL + Short AlSC Formula H1 - 1 AlSC Formula H1 - 2 AlSC Formula H1 - 3 0.487 0.000 0.882 0.484 I Allowable 8 Actual Stresses Dead Fa : Allowable fa : Actual DL + LL DL + Short 18.70 ksi 18.70 ksi 18.70 ksi 24.87 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 2.94 ksi Fb:xx : Allow [F1-6] 23.76 ksi 23.76 ksi 31.60 ksi Fb:xx : Allow [F1-7] 8 [F1-8] 23.76 ksi 23.76 ksi 23.76 ksi 23.76 ksi 31.60 ksi fb : xx Actual 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi Fb:yy : Allow [F1-6] Fb:xx : Allow [Fl-71 8 [F1-8] 27.00 ksi 27.00 ksi 27.00 ksi 27.00 ksi 27.00 ksi 27.00 ksi 35.91 ksi 35.91 ksi fb ', yy Actual 13.15 ksi 10.67 ksi 23.82 ksi 13.15 ksi Analysis Values _" ~ _.___ 1 F'ey : DL+LL Fex : DL+LL 70,631 psi Cm:x DL+LL 0.60 99,506 psi Cm:y DLtLL 1 .oo Cb:x DL+LL 1.75 Cb:y DL+LL Fex : DL+LL+ST 93,939 psi Cm:x DL+LL+ST 0.60 Cb:x DL+LL+ST 1.75 1 .oo F'ey : DL+LL+ST 132,343 psi Cm:y DL+LL+ST 1.00 Cb:y DL+LL+ST 1.00 Max X-X Axis Deflection 0.000 in at 0.000 ft Max Y-Y Axis Deflection -0.986 in a 10.000 ft (c) 1983-97 ENERCALC ____ ." c:\enercalcVot106.ecw MN-0602755, V5.0.2, 1 Jun-1997 ~- FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. San Diego. California 92128 16959 Bemardo Center Drlve, Suite 201 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax(619) 485-6201 Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job #: 98244 By: Date: Nov '98 Page 0 SHEARWALLS I Panel Designation: Line I, Roof Panel Thickness (1) = Total Shealwall Length (LJ = Roof Seismic Load (Vd = 60000 PSI Floor Seismic Load (V,J = LBS 0.85 Panel Length (Lp) = Area of Horiz. Bars (Avh) = Height of Panel (HJ = Number of Layers (n) = Horiz. Bar Spacing (sh) = IN Horizontal Reinforcing: s2 = +f,&,nd/(vd-+Vc) = -31 .I IN Ph = A,n/(tsh) = 0.0028 > 0.0025, OK Area of Vert. Bars (&) =[-\INz Number of Layers (n) =I1 Vedica/Reinforcing: pv = .0025+.5(2.5-Hp/Lp)(ph-.0025) = 0.0027 > 0.0025, a Sq = Awnl(tpv) = 14.114 FLOOR Height of Lateral Force (Hv, Hfpd = Framing Length (LP, Lip) = ml Height of Opening (H,) = FT Length of Opening (Lpo) = FT Framing Dead Load (W,, W,) = 11 0 PSF Panel Length Available for Shear (LPJ =(/FT OT = (VmHrps + VIJ"pA 365444 LB-FT RM = [(145)(t/12)(H,Lp-XH,L,)Lp+X(.5),L,L,L,112 390810 LB-FT UPL = (OT - .85RM)/L, = 1386 LBS Check Section 1921.6.5: A, = tLps/2 = 1152 INZ p., = .IOA,f, = 345600 LB V", = 3/,h(f,).5 = 15774 PLF > Vd. pu = (OT+RM)/(.8Lp) 39388 LB < Pus, Summary: - Use #5 (H) at 14" O.C. & #5 (Vj at 14" O.C., MIN. - Use (1) #5 Bar for Holdown - No boundary members required FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. San Diego, Califomb 92128 16959 Bemardo Center Driva. Suite 201 Phone (619) 485-5227, Fax (619) 4858201 Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job #: 98244 By: Date: Nov '98 Page ml SHEARWALLS, continued Panel Designation: Line 1, Floor (L Roof Panel Thickness (t) = Total Sheatwall Length (L) = f, = Roof Seismic Panel Length (b) = Area of Horiz. Bars (A,,.) = Height of Panel (Hp) = Number of Layers (n) = Horiz. Bar Spacing (sh) = IN Horizontal Reinforcing: ~2 = +f&nd/(v&Vc) = -355.8 IN Pa= 4h~(tsiJ = 0.0028 > 0.0025, OK Area of Vert. Bars (A,.,) =[llNz Number of Layers (n) =[- Vemcal Reinforcing: pv = .0025+.5(2.SHp/Lp)(h-.0025) = 0.0027 > 0.0025, OK st = o/(tpv) = 14.588 FLOOR Height of Lateral Force (HV, Hfp) = Framing Length (Lrp, 4p, = mr Height of Opening (HA = 6.75 FT Length of Opening (Lpo) = FT Framing Dead Load (W,, W,) = 11 45 PSF Panel Length Available for Shear (Lp) =vlFT OT = OImH, + VhHfp)Lpfl-. 1258179 LEFT RM = [(145)(t/l2)(H,b-~H,~b+~(.5)~Lrpbb~2 646370 LE-FT UPL = (OT - .85RM)/l, 29532 LBS Check Section 1921.6.5 : & = tW2 = 1152 INz P, = .lO&f, = 345600 LB V, = 31,h(fJ.5 = 15774 PLF > v,, p, = (OT+RM)/(.8Lp) c 99195.2 LB < p,, Summary: - Use #5 (H) at 14" O.C. & #5 01) at 14" O.C., MIN. - Use (2) #8 A706 Bars per Detail 13C/SD1 - No boundary members required FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. San Diego. California 92128 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive. Suite 201 Phone (619) 485-5227. Fax (619) 485-6201 Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job #: 98244 By: Date: Nov '98 Page & SHEARWALLS, continued Panel Designation: Line 3.5, Roof Panel Thickness (1) = Total Shearwall Length (LJ = r, = Roof Seismic Load (V,J = fy=/ 6:r50 ~ /PSI Floor Seismic Load N,.) = $= ." I Panel Length (Lp) = Height of Panel (Hp) = Area of Horiz. Ban (Ad = Number of Lavers fn\ = Horiz. Bar Spacing (shi =1Y/IN Area of Vert. Bars (A,) =TlIN2 Number of Layers (n) =IT] Vertical Reinforcing: pv = .0025+.5(2.5-Hp/Lp)(p,-.0025) = 0.0054 > 0.0025, OK Sf = &n/(tpv) = 14.302 ROOF FLOOR Height of Lateral Force (Hm, H,"J =I 15 I n I FT I~ - Framing Length (Lrp, Lfp) = 0 Length of Opening (L,)'= FT 0 0 Height of Opening (Hp) = FT 0 8 FT 0 Framing Dead Load (W,, W,) = PSF 0 11 Panel Length Available for Shear (Lps) =~IFT OT = (VrsHrpr + VfsHfpJLpsk = 811710 LE-FT RM = [(145)(W12)(HpLp-~HpoLpo)Lp+Z(.5)~L,pLpLp]/2 = 504972 LB-FT UPL = (OT - .85RM)/Lp = 14711 LBS P", = .lOA,f, = 374400 LE V", = 3/,h(fJ5 = 15774 PLF > Vd, OK Check Section 1921.6.5: A, = tLp*/2 = 1248 IN2 pu = (OT+RM)/(.8Lp) = 63302 LB < Pus, Summary: - Use (2) #5 (H) at 14" O.C. & (2) #5 (V) at 14" O.C.. MIN. - Use (1) #7 Bar for Holdown - No boundary members required FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. San Diego, California 92128 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive, Suite 201 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job #: 98244 By: Date: Nov ‘98 Page SHEARWALLS, continued Panel Designation: Line 3.5, Roof & Floor Panel Thickness (1) = FT 52 Total Shearwall Length (LJ IN 12 Roof Seismic Load (V,) = LBS 246610 Floor Seismic Load (Vk) = LBS 108228 d =[ 12 ]IN +Vc = +2(f‘J5dt = 13408 PLF Vd 1.4(Vm+V~/(0.8LJ = 11942 PLF < +Vc, Q!S Panel Length (Lp) = FI;; Area of Horiz. Bars (&) = Height of Panel (Hp) = Number of Layers (n) = Horiz. Bar Spacing (sh) HINZ IN Horizontal Reinforcing: s2 = $f&nd/(vd-+V,) = -258.7 IN Ph = A,qJl/(tSh) = 0.0037 > 0.0025, OK Area of Vert. Ban (Aw) =IllN2 Number of Layen (n) =TI Vedical Reinforcing: pv = .0025+.5(2.5-Hp/Lp)(ph-,0025) = 0.0036 s, = A,.,n/(tpJ = 14.221 ROOF FLOOR Height of Lateral Force (HV, Hfp3 = 8 I AS FT FraminD Length (Lm. Ld = 16 FT 31 - - . .-. Height of Opening (HP) = 0 FT 0 .r. Length of Opening (LP) = FT 0 0 Framing Dead Load W,. WJ = PSF 11 I An - . .. .. .- I Panel Length Available for Shear (L,) =l-IFT OT = WnHrps + VkHtpskpsk = 7300828 RM = ((145)(t/12)(HpLp-~HwLP)Lp+~(.5)~LrpLpLp]/2 = 6312488 UPL = (OT - .85RM)/Lp = 37216 Check Section 1921.6.5: A, = tLps/2 = 3744 IN2 P, = .lOAsfF = 11 23200 LB V”, = 3f,h(fJ5 = 23662 PLF > vd, Pu = (OT+RM)/(.8Lp) = 327243 LB < Pum OK Summary: - Use (2) #5 (H) at 1.I“ O.C. & (2) #5 (V) at 14“ O.C., MIN. - Use (2) #8 A705 Bars per Detail 13CISDI - No boundary members required > 0.0025, OK LB-FT LB-FT LBS FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. San Diego. California 92128 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive. SuRe M1 Phone (61 9) 4856227. Fax (61 9) 4856201 Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job #: 98244 By: Date: Nov '98 Page B SHEARWALLS, continued I Panel Designation: Line 4.7, Roof Panel Thickness (t) = Total Shearwall Length (L,) = ~I~T !TIIN 3000 PSI Roof Seismic Load (V,) = 73089 LBS = 60000 PSI Floor Seismic Load (V,$) = LBS 0.85 f" WC = +2(fJ5dt = 8939 PLF Vd = 1.4(V,+V&/(0.8Ls) = 5814 PLF < +V,. E Panel Length (Lp) = Area of Horiz. Bars (Avh) = Height of Panel (H,) = Number of Layers (n) = Horiz. Bar Spacing (sh) = IN Horizontal Reinforcing: s2 = +ffivhnd/(vd-,+,vc) -60.7 IN Ph = Avhn/(tsh) = 0.0028 > 0.0025, OK Height Area of Vert. Bars (A,) =r/lN2 Number of Layers (n) =TI ROOF FLOOR of Lateral Force (HIPS, HIP) = FT n 8.5 Height of Opening (H,) = FT 0 8 Framing Length (LIP, Lfp) = FT 0 15 Length of Opening (L,) = Framing Dead Load (Wr, W,) = Panel Length Available for Shear (Ld =mFT OT = (Vdrps + Vd~ps)Lps/Lr = 1096335 LE-FT RM = [(145)(t/12)(HpLp-~H,Lw)Lp+X(.5),L,pLpLp]/2 = 512211 LE-FT UPL = (OT - .85RM)/Lp = 23775 LBS P", = .lOAgfc = 400320 LB V", = 3/,h(rJ5 = 15774 PLF > Vd, E Check Section 1921.6.5 : 4 = tLp,/2 = 1334.4 IN2 pu = (OT+RM)/(.BLp) = 72327 LB P,,, OK Summary: - Use #5 (H) at 14" O.C. & #5 (V) at 14" O.C., MIN. - Use (1) #8 Bar for Holdown - No boundaly members required FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Sen Diego. California 92128 16959 Bemardo Center Drive, Suite 201 Phone (619) 485-6227. Fax (619) 485-6201 Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job #: 98244 By: Date: Nov '98 Page fi SHEARWALLS, continued 1 Panel Designation: Line 4.7, Roof & Floor Panel Thickness (t) = rl; LI;"IIN Total Shearwall Length (L,) = 37.5 f, = 3000 PSI Roof Seismic Load (VJ = 73089 LBS f, = 60000 PSI Floor Seismic Load (VIS) = 156071 LBS 0.85 $vc = $2(fJ5dt = 13408 PLF Vd = 1 .4(V,,+Vls)/(0.8L3 = 10694 PLF < $V,, OK Panel Length (L,) = Area of Horiz. Bars (4 = Height of Panel (Hp) = Number of Layers (n) = Horiz. Bar Spacing (sh) = IN Area of Vert. Bars (A,) =TlIN2 Number of Layers (n) =TI Height of Lateral Force (Hrps, HIPS) Framing Length (L,,, LIP) Height of Opening (Hpo) Length of Opening (L,) Framing Dead Load (W,, Wl) ROOF FLOOR - - 30 14 FT - - 8 FT 5.25 - - FT Id Q 19.5 I , ~. .- I - - 19.5 14.3 FT - - 11 I 45 PSF Panel Length Available for Shear (LpJ =r]FT OT = (VmHrp + v181ps)LpJLs = 4377664 LB-FT RM = [(145)(t/12)(HpLp-~Hp,Lpo)Lp+~(.5),L,L,L,]/2 = 2481 100 LB-FT UPL = (OT - .85RM)/L, = 52761 LBS P", = .I OA,f, = 928800 LB vu, = 3iwh(rJ5 = 23662 PLF > Vd, OK Check Section 192 1.6.5 : A, = tL,/2 = 3096 IN2 pu = (OT+RM)/(.BLp) = 199383 LB < pus, Summary: - Use (2) #5 (H) at 14" O.C. & (2) #5 (V) at 14" O.C., MIN. - Use (2) #8 A706 Bar per Detail 13DISDI - No boundary members required FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. San Diego. California 92128 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive. Suite 201 Phone (619) 485-6227. Fax (619) 485-6201 Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job #: 98244 By: Date: Nov '98 Page & SHEARWALLS, continued Panel Designation: Line 6, Roof Panel Thickness (1) = Total Shearwall Length (LJ = Roof Seismic Load (VJ = 60000 PSI Floor Seismic Load (V,) = LBS 0.85 $V, = $2(fJ5dt = 8939 PLF Vd = l.4(V,+V~)/(0)1(o.8L,) = 2460 PLF +v0, OK Panel Length (L,) = Area of Horiz. Bars (A,,,,) = Height of Panel (H,) = Number of Layers (n) = Horiz. Bar Spacing (sh) = IN Horizonfal Reinforcing: s2 = $f&nd/(vd-QVc) = -29.3 IN Pn = Avhn/(fSh) = 0.0028 > 0.0025, OK Area of Vert. Bars (AJ =TlIN2 Number of Layers (n) =- Veflical Reinforcing: pv = .0025+.5(2.5-Hp/Lp)(p,.0025) = 0.0027 Sq = Ad/(t&) = 14.347 ROOF FLOOR Height of Lateral Force (Hw, HfpJ = Framing Length (LrP, Lfp) =ml Height of Opening (Hpo) = 6.75 FT Length of Opening (Lpo) = FT Framing Dead Load (W,, W,) = 11 PSF Panel Length Available for Shear (Lpa) =(]FT OT = (VmHrps + VfsHf&& = 168666 RM = [(145)(t/i2)(HpLp-~H,Lpo)Lp+~(.5),L,pL,L,]/2 = 158033 UPL = (OT - .85RM)/Lp = 21 46 Check Section 1921.6.5: A, = tL,/2 = 768 IN2 P", = .IOA,f, = 230400 LB V", = 3l,h(fJ5 = 15774 PLF > vd, OK pu (OT+RM)/(.BLp) = 25523 LB P,,, OK Summary: - Use #5 (H) at 14" O.C. & #5 o/) at 14" O.C., MIN. - Use (1) #6 Bar for holdown - No boundary members required > 0.0025, OK LB-FT LB-FT LBS FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. San Diego, California 921 28 16S59 Bernard0 Center Drive, Suite 201 Phone (619) 4858227, ax (619) 4856201 Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job #: 98244 Bv: Date: Nov '98 -I Page SHEARWALLS, continued Panel Designation: Line 6, Roof (L Floor Panel Thickness (t) = Total Shearwall Length (w = Roof Seismic Load (V,,) 37949.9 LBS 60000 PSI Floor Seismic Load (Vh) = 78513 LBS += 0.85 +VC= @(fJ5dt= 8939 PLF Vd = 1.4(Vn+Vh)/(0.8L,) = 3919 PLF +Vc, OK Panel Length (Lp) = Area of Horiz. Bars (u = Height of Panel (HJ = Number of Layers (n) = Horiz. Bar Spacing (s,J = IN Horizontal Reinforcing: s;! = +f,&nd/(vd-+VJ = -37.8 IN Ph = &ilwts,J = 0.0028 > 0.0025, OK Area of Vert. Bars (A,.,) =TlIN2 Number of Layers (n) =TI FLOOR Height of Lateral Force (HW, Hfp) = Framing Length (b, 4p, = Height of Opening (Hd = FT Length of Opening = FT Framing Dead Load (W,. W,) = 11 45 PSF Panel Length Available for Shear (m =I 16 IFT OT = (ViaH, + vhhp$Lp$L = 700194 RM = 1(145)(1/12)(H,l,-~H,LdL,+~(.5),L~~l,]/2 = 494247 UPL = (OT - .85RM)/l, 17505 Check Seclion 1921.6.5: 4 = 'U2 = 768 IN2 P", = .lOAJ0 = 230400 LB V, = 3/&(fJ5 = 15774 PLF > v,, pu (OT+RM)/(.8Lp) = 93318 LB < P,, OK Summary: - Use #5 (H) at 14" O.C. & #5 (V) at 14" O.C., MIN. - Use (I) #7 A706 Bar per Detail 5B/SDI - No boundary members required LB-FT LB-FT LBS FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone (619) 485-6227, Fax (619) 485-6201 Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job #: 98244 By: Date: Nov '98 Page Sg SHEARWALLS, continued Panel Designation: Line A, Roof Panel Thickness (1) = Total Shearwall Lenath (L.) = Roof Seismic Floor Seismic Load (V,) = r, = =LFl~sl f, =)600001PSI @VC= @(f'J5dt = 8939 PLF Vd = 1 .4(V,,+V1,)/(O.8Ls) = 2290 PLF < $vc, OK Panel Length (Lp) = Fl;; Area of Horiz. Bars (kh) = Height of Panel (Hp) = Number of Layers (n) = Horiz. Bar Spacing (s,J = #" IN Horizontal Reinforcing: s2 = +f&nd/(vd-@VC) = -28.5 IN Pn = A*n/(tSh) 0.0028 > 0.0025. OK Area of Vert. Bars (A,) =TIIN* Number of Layers (n) =- ROOF FLOOR Height of Lateral Force (Hrps. HIP,) - Framing Length (LW, Lfp) imr Height of Opening (H,) = FT Length of Opening (Lpo) = FT Framing Dead Load (W,, Wl) = 11 0 PSF Panel Length Available for Shear (Lp6) =rjFT OT = (VmHrps + VIshp&psk = 151 826 RM = [(145)(t/12)(HpLp-ZHpoLpo)Lp+Z(.5)~LrpLpLp]/2 21 1725 UPL = (OT - .85RM)/Lp = -1655 Check Section 1921.6.5: A, = tL,/2 = 816 INZ Pua = . 1 OA,f = 244800 LB V". = 3/,.,h(fJ5 = 15774 PLF > Vd, OK Pu = (OT+RM)/(.BLp) = 26732 LB < Pun, OK Summary: - Use #5 (H) at 14" O.C. 8 #5 (v) at 14" O.C., MIN. - No holdown required - No boundary members required > 0.0025, LB-FT LB-FT LBS FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 16959 anmardo Center ~rivs, Suite MI san ~iego, canrcmb 921 28 Phone (6t9) 4858227. Fu (619) 4858201 Project: Lot I06 Redesign Job #: 98244 By: Date: Nov '98 Page a1 SHEARWALLS, continued Panel Designation: Line A, Roof it Floor Panel Thickness (1) Total Sheatwall Length (LJ Roof Seismic Load (VR) Floor Seismic Load (Vd Panel Length (L& = Height of Panel (HJ = Horizonta/ Reinforcing: ~2 = +f,A.,,nd/(v.,-+V~ = Ph = &lw%J = Area of Vert. Bars (L) =I 0.31 I IN2 f, = =pF$s1 += PLF 7376 PLF < +Vc, OK Area of Horiz. Bars (A,,,,) = Number of Lavers In) = -121.4 IN 0.0028 > 0.0025, OK Number of Lavers In) -TI . ... - . .I Vertical Reinforcing: pv = .0025+.5(2.5-Hp/Lp)@,-.o025) = 0.0027 St = &ll/(tpv)= 14.449 ROOF FLOOR Height of Lateral Force (H Framing Length (L,,,, L,J = FT Height of Opening (Hd = 8.75 FT Length of Opening (L,J = 18 20 FT Framing Dead Load (W,, W,) = 45 PSF Panel Length Available for Shear (Lp) =mFT OT = OImH, + vhHtp)Lp/L. = 582674 RM [(145)(ffl2)(H,b-CH,~~+C(.5)~~b~/2 = 1092658 UPL (OT - .85RM)/b = -12360 Check Section 192 1.6.5 : 4 = tw2 = 1344 IN2 P, = .IO%f, = 403200 LB V, = 3/,h(fa5 = 15774 PLF > v,, pu = (OT+RM)/(.8Lp) = 74792 LB < P,, a Summary: - Use #5 (H) at 14" O.C. & #5 (V) at 14" O.C., MIN. - No holdowns required - No boundaly members required > 0.0025, OK LSFT LB-FT LBS FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. San DL. Cdifomla 921 28 16959 Bemardo Center Drhre, Sule 201 PhMe (619) 485BpI. FU (619) 4858201 Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job #: 98244 By: Date: Nov '98 Page BO SHEARWALLS, continued Panel Designation: Line 0, Roof Panel Thickness (1) = Total Sheatwall Length (LJ = 3000 PSI Roof Seismic Load (Vd = 80000 PSI Floor Seismic Load (Vh) = LBS 0.85 +VC = @(fJ5dt = 8939 PLF Vd = 1 .4(Vm+Vh)/(0.8LJ = 2879 PLF < +Vc, OK Panel Length (LJ = Area of Horiz. Bars (m = Height of Panel (HJ = Number of Layers (n) = Horiz. Bar Spacing (sd = IN Area of Verl. Bars (AJ =-IN2 Number of Layers (n) =- Ve&al Reinforcing: pv = .oo25+.5(2.~~p/~p)(~-.oo25) = 0.0028 Si = &ll/(tpv) = 14.049 ROOF FLOOR Height of Lateral Force (HP, H,J = Framing Length (b, L,J =mF Height of Opening (Hd = 6.75 FT Length of Opening (L,.J = FT Framing Dead Load (W,. W,) = 11 PSF Panel Length Available for Shear (Lp) =~FT OT = (VmHrp + V&pJLp/L. 227066 RM [(145)(1/12)(H,~-~H,L,.J~*~(.5)~~~~~ = 567989 UPL = (OT - .85RM)/Lp = -9133 Check Section 1921.6.5 : A,, = tu2 = 1344 IN2 P, = .1oA,,r0 = 403200 LB V". = 3l&(fJ5 = 15774 PLF > Vd, OK pu= (OT+RM)/(.8Lp)= 35494 LB < P,, a Summary: - Use #5 (H) at 14" O.C. & #5 01) at 14" O.C., MIN. - No holdowns required - No boundary members required > 0.0025, LB-FT LBFT LBS FlROUZl CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. San Olego, Califomla 92128 113959 Bsrrurdo Canter Drive, Sub 201 Phone (619) 4@562?7. Fax (819) 4858p1 Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job #: 98244 By: Date: Nov '98 Page gP( SHEARWALLS, continued Panel Designation: Line 0, Roof (L Floor Panel Thickness (1) = Total Shearwall Length R) = Roof Seismic Load (V,J = Floor Seismic Load (Vh) = rc =Rab"Sl = fV =("IPS1 0 'L 0.85 Panel Length (Lp) = Area of Horiz. Bars (A,,,) = Height of Panel (H,,) = Number of Layers (n) = Horiz. Bar Spacing (sh) = IN Horizontal Reinforcing: ~2 = $f,&nd/(vC$VJ = -140.3 IN h= A,+Jl/(tsh) = 0.0028 =. 0.0025, OK Area of Vert. Bars (A,.,) =lTlIN2 Number of Layers (n) =TI ROOF FLOOR Height of Lateral Force (lip, H& = Framing Length (Lrp, L,J =mi:: Height of Opening (HPO) = Fr Length of Opening (Ld = Fr Framing Dead Load (VUr, W,) = 45 PSF Panel Length Available for Shear (Lp) =18Ifl OT = WmHp + V&&LplL = 600309 RM = [(145)(W12)(Hpb-~H,~b+~(.~,LrpL,~/2 = 1419586 UPL = (OT - .85RM)/L, = -21655 Check Section 1921.6.5: A, = '42 = 1344 INz P, = .I OAJ, = 403200 LB V, = 3/Jl(f3.5 = 15774 PLF > v.,, pu = (OT+RM)/(.8Lp) = 90174 LB C P,, Summary: - Use #5 (H) at 14" O.C. 8 #5 o/) at 14" O.C., MIN. - No holdowns required - No boundary members required > 0.0025, OK LB-FT LB-FT LBS FlROUZl CONSULTING ! ENGINEERS, INC. 1- Bemardo Center Drlva, Sub 201 San Dlego. CaUfornh 92126 Ph (619) 4854227, Fax (610) 4858201 I .i Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job Y: 98244 By: Date: Nov ‘98 Page& I DESIGN VALUES, continued SOIL Soils Report By: Christian Wheeler Engineering Job No.: CWE 198.125.1 Allowable Bearing Pressure = 1830+210(2’)+60(2.75’) = 2400 psf (continuous) = U00+210(2’)+50(4.5’) = 2800 psf (isolated) = 24 in. (isolated) Minimum Footing Width = 24 in. (continuous) Expansion Index = 94 I STEEL Pipe Columns: ASTM A53 Grade E, Fy=35 ksi, F.40 ksi Tube Columns: ASTM A500 Grade B, F~46 ksi, F,=58 ksi Other Shapes: ASTM A36, F,=36 ksi CONCRETE Foundation, Slab, & Tilt-up Walls: CODE 8 PUBLICATIONS PC = 3000 psi UBC 1994 Edition AISC, Ninth Edition PC1 Design Handbook, Fourth Edition Nelson Stud Welding Handbook for Non-Residential Construction Simpson Strong-Tie Connectors I WOOD SHEARWALLS I denotes double-sided sheatwall (plywood shall be staggered on each side) FIROUZI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 1- Eerwdo Center D~ive. Sub 201 Sm Dm, California 92128 Pho~ (619) 4858221. Fax (619) 4858201 Project: Lot 108 Redesign Job 08244 By: Date: Nov'98 Page g@ FOUNDATION DESIGN Continuous Footings Floor DL = 56 PSF Reduced Floor LL = 50 PSF Weight of Concrete = 145 PCF blona Line 4 Wall Thickness = Wall Height = Roof Trib. Width = Floor Trib. Wdth = Alona I ine G Wall Thickness = Wall Height = Roof Trib. Width = Floor Trib. Width = Alono Lines 1 & 6 Wall Thickness = Wall He$ht = Roof Trib. Wth = Floor Trib. Wdth = 8 32 24 12 8 32 30 30 8 32 5 3.5 IN Fr Fr Fr IN Fr Fr Fr IN Fr Fr Fr Roof DL = 15 PSF Reduced Roof LL 12 PSF WW= 4125 PLF wU= 8aa PLF WW= 6223 PLF WU= 1500 PLF WW' 3364 PLF W== 176 PLF Spread Footings D 6 5.5, Floor Only Rf + Flr 1.56 8 488 LhC UneC 081.52.5 06213 0645 Floor Area (e) 80 100 100 80 80 80 Floor LL (ps9 80 56 67.5 67.5 56 56 56 56 Floor DL (ps9 936 1144 1144 683 683 750 624 R = .08(A - 150) 38 48 43 43 80 80 63 R < 23.1(1 + DL) 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 and R < 40 (1-stow) and R 60 iotherij R used 38 I 39 I 39 I 39 I 39 I 39 I I Reduced Floor LL 50 49 49 49 61 61 49 39 Roof Area (f?) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Roof LL (ps9 15 15 0 15 0 0 0 Roof DL (ps9 2288 2288 0 1989 0 0 0 PDL (kips) 34.9 42.0 38.2 68.1 77.2 111.5 86.7 PLL (kips) U! 3s 3x3 3x3 45.7 Total Load (kips) 65.9 78.6 71.6 101.4 147.0 181.3 132.4 - FlROUZl ENGINEERS, INC. 18959 Bemardo C& Dfive, Sub 201 Sari Diego. Callfomio 92128 CONSULTING Ph (619) 4858227, FaX (619) 4E-6201 Project: Lot 106 Redesign Job #: 98244 w Date: Nov'98 Page a FOUNDATION DESIGN, continued Spread Footings, continued Floor DL (p$ Floor LL (ps9 R c 23. l(1 + DL) and R c 40 (I-story) and R c 60 (others) Reduced Floor LL R used Roof Area (ft) Roof DL (ps9 Roof LL (ps9 R = .08(A - 150) PDL (kips) PLL (kips) Total Load (kips) UnesE8F Floor Area Cf?) 520 56 80 30 -12 39 -12 #DIV/OI -12 #DM01 -12 #DIV/OI -12 #DIV/OI #DIV/OI -12 #DIV/Ol 1 30 I I 1 1 1 1 I 56 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2Itl !u ep !22Q !u e;e Q9 58.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 'Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc Title: LaIiWRedsoion Job # 98244 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 4854227 Fax: (619) 4854201 Dsgnr: Date: mscripuon : swp : General Footing Analysis 81 Design K5-7- [General Information I Description Continuous Footings Along Lines A, 1 8 6 Allowable Soil Bearing 2,400.0 psf Dimensions. .. Short Term Increase 1.330 in Width along X-X Axis 2.750 ft Base Pedistal Height 0.000 in Length along Y-Y Axis 1.000n Seismic Zone 4 Footing Thickness 15.00 in Overburden Weight 0.00 psf Col Dim. Along X-X Axis Live 8 Short Term Combined 9.00 in Coi Dim. Along Y-Y Ads 12.00 in Min Steel 0.0014 Rebar Cover 3.00 in rc FY 3,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 145.00 pcf Concrete Weight r Loads h Applied Vertical Load... Dead Load Live Load 4.230 k ... ecc along X-XAxis 0.000 in 0.890 k Short Term Load k ... ecc along Y-Y Axis 0.000 in Creates Rotation about Y-Y Axis Creates Rotation about X-X Axis Applied Moments... (pressures @ left 8 right) Dead Load Live Load k-n k-fl Short Term k-ft k-ft k-ft (pressures @ top 8 bot) k-ft Creates Rotation about Y-Y Axis Creates Rotation about X-X Axis Applied Shears... (pressures @ left & right) (pressures @top 8 bot) Dead Load k Live Load k Short Term k k k k Footing Design OM 2.75 R x 1 .OO R Footing, 15.0 in Thick, w/B.OO x 12.00 in column 0.0 in high I Max Soil Pressure DL+LL DL+LL+ST 2.043.1 2.043.1 DSf Max Mu/Phi 1.501 k-fl Actual Allbwable Allowable 2,400.0 3i192.0 prf Required Steel Area 0.202 in2 "X' Ecc, of Resultant 0.000 in 0.000 in "Y' Ecc. of Resultant Vu : 1-Way 0.000 in 0.000 in 2.623 186.226 psi 0.000 Vu : 2-Way 93.113psi X-X Min. Stability Ratio ggg,ooo:1 Y-Y Min. Stability Ratio gQg,ooo:1 1.500 :1 (c) i-7 ENERCALC c:\awrcak\btiOE.aw Kw480275.5, V5.0.2,i Jun-1997 1 'Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16969 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 4864227 Fax: (619) 4864201 General Footing Analysis 8 Design LFooting Design Shear Forces Two-way Shear 2.62 2.53 1.34 psi 186.23 psi One-Way Shea rs... Vu/Phi @ LeR 0.00 0.00 0.00 Vu/Phi @ Right 93.11 psi 0.00 0.00 Vu/Phi @ Top 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 93.11 psi 93.11 psi VulPhi @ Bottom 0.00 0.00 0.00 93.11 psi Vn * Phi Moments As Rw'd MulPhi @ LeR 1 .so 1.45 0.77 k-R 10.4 Dd 0.20 in2 AG!B BL MulPhi 6 Right 1 SO 1.45 0.77 MulPhi @ Top 0.00 10.4 0.20 0.00 MulPhi @ Bottom 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.02 0.00 0.0 0.02 1 Soil pressure Summary 1 Service Load Soil Pressures Left Rioht Ton Bottom DL + LL DL+LL+ST 2,043.07 2,Gh7 2,043.07 2,04i07 2,043.07 2,043.07 psf 2,043.07 2,043.07 psf .. - -. . -. . . Factored Load Soil Pressures ACI Eq. 9-1 2,957.39 ACI Eq. 9-2 2,957.39 2,860.30 2,860.30 2,95739 2,957.39 psf 2,860.30 ACI Eq. 9-3 1,547.49 1,547.49 1,547.49 1,547.49 psf 2,860.30 psf ACI Factom (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) 1 ACI 9-1 a 9-2 DL ACI 9-1 a 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 a 9.2 ST 1.700 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor 0.750 UBC 1921.2.7"1.4" Factor 1.400 1.700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor 1.400 UBC 1921.2.7"O.Q Factor 0.900 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 1.400 .... seismic = ST : 1.100 (c) 198597 ENERCALC c:!mmrcakuotlW.&w lWJXO275.5, VS.O.2.1 Jun-1997 ' Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc ntk : Ld 103 Rddgn Job X W244 16969 Bernard0 Center Drive f201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 4864227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 DS.Jnr: D.1.: DuuipUon : scope : L General Footing Analysis & Design Description Continuous Footings Along Line 0 Allowable Soil Bearing Short Term Increase 2,400.0 psf Dlrnenslons ... 1.330 in Width along X-X Axis 3.250 R Base Pedistal Height 0.000 in Length along Y-Y Axis 1.000 R Seismic Zone 4 Footing Thickness 15.00 in Overburden Weight Live 8 Short Term Combined Col Dim. Along Y-Y Axis fC 12.00 in FY 60,000.0 psi 3,000.0 psi Concrete Weight 145.00 pd Min Steel Rebar Cover 0.00 psf Col Dim. Along X-X Axis 12.00 in 0.0014 3.00 in I Loads 1 Applied Vertical Load ... Deed Load 5.223 k ... ecc along X-X Axis 0.000 in Live Load 1.500 k Short Term Load k ... ecc along Y-Y Axis 0,000 in Applied Moment.... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Applied Shears... Dead Load Live Load Sholt Term Creates Rotation about Y-Y Axlp (pressures @D left 8 right) k-fl k-ft Creates Rotation about Y-Y Axis (pressures @ left 8 right) k-ft k k k Creates Rot etion about X-X Axis (pressures @top 8 bot) k-ft k-R k-R Creates Rotation about X-X Axis (pressures @top 8 bot) k k k .. .. Footing Design 01 1 3.25 fl x 1.00 fl Footing, 15.0 in Thick, w/12.00 x 12.00 in column 0.0 in high Max Soil Pressure QL& DL+LI +ST 2,249.9 2,249.9 psf Max Mu/Phi 2.131 k-ft A&&& Allowable Allowable 2,400.0 3,lW.O psf Required Steel Area 0.202 in2 "Y' Ecc, of Resultant "X' Ecc, of Resultant 0.000 in 0.000 in Vu : 1-Way 3.314 93.113psi 0.000 in 0.000 in Vu : 2-Way 3.261 186.228 psi X-X Min. Stability Ratio ggg,ooo:1 Y-Y Min. Stability Ratio ggg.000 :1 1.500 :l ! (C) 198597 ENERCALC c:\enMcakuo1lo6..m KW-0807.755, V5.0.2,l Jun-IW7 ' Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc San Diego, California 92128 16959 Bemardo Center Drive X201 Title : Lot 108 Rdaign Job# 08244 DuJnr: Dercrlption : Date: LFooting Design Shear Forces W" Two-way Shear 3.26 3.11 1.55 psi 186.23 psi Vn Phi One-way Shea rs... Vu/Phi @ Lett 3.31 3.10 1.59 Vu/Phi @ Right 3.31 1.59 93.11 psi Q3.11 psi Vu/Phi @Top 3.10 0.00 0.00 VulPhi Bottom 0.00 93.11 psi 0.00 0.00 0.00 93.11 psi Moments " AS ReQ'd AGE3 5L Mu/Phi @ Lett 2.13 2.03 1.02 k-R 14.8 psi 0.20 in2 Mu/Phi 6 Right 2.13 2.03 Mu/Phi @Top 0.00 1.02 0.00 14.8 0.20 0.00 MulPhi @ Bottom 0.0 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.02 Service Load Soil Pressures Lett DL + LL 2,249.87 2,249.87 Right TOP 2.249.87 Bottom 2,249.87 psf DL+LL+ST 2,249.87 2,249.87 2,249.87 2,249.87 psf 3,288.27 3,149.81 3,288.27 3,288.27 3.149.81 3,288.27 psf 3,149.81 1,809.49 1,609.49 1,609.49 3,149.81 pd 1,609.49 psf Factored Load Soil Pressures ACI Eq. 9-1 ACi Eq. 9-2 ACI Eq. 9-3 I ACI Facton (per ACI. epplied internally to entered loads) 1 ACi 9-1 8 9-2 DL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor 0.750 UBC 1921.2.7"1.4" Factor 1.400 ACi 9-1 8 9-2 LL 1.700 ACI 9-1 a 9-2 ST 1.700 ACi 9-3 Dead Load Factor 1.400 UBC 1921.2.7"O.V' Factor 0,900 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 1.400 .... seismic = ST *: 1.100 (c) 198397 ENERCALC c:~rcalcuotl08.sm Kw"755, V5.0.2.1.Jun-1987 . Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bernard0 Center Drive #201 1 San Diego, California 92128 i 1 Fax: (619) 4854201 I ! Square Footing Design Phone: (619) 4854227 oeop : I General Information Description Total Load e 78.6 kips Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load 0.000 # of Bars 7 Seismic Zone 4 Bar Sue 5 Overburden Weight 0.000 psf Rebar Cover 3.250 Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf rc 3,000.0 psi LL 8 ST Act Seperately FY 60,000.0 psi Load Duration Factor 1.330 Allowable Soil Bearing 2,800.00 psf Column Dimension 6.00 in 42.000 k Footing Dimension 36.600 k Thickness 6.000 R 24.00 in I General 1 Rebar Requirement Actual Rebar "d" depth used 20OlFy 20.438 in 0.0033 As to USE per foot of Width 0.343 in2 Total As Req'd As Req'd by Analysis 2.060 in2 0.0005 in2 Mln. Relnf % to Req'd 0.0014 % Min Allow % Reinf 0.0014 6.00fl square x 24.0111 thick with 7- #5 bars Allow Static Soil Pressure Max. Static Soil Pressure 2.473.33 psf Actual 1-Way Sheer 2,800.00 psf Allow. 1-Way Shear 17.41 psi 109.54 psi Allow Short Term Soil Pressure 3,724.00 psf Max. Short Term Soil Pressure 1,456.67 psf Actual 2-Way Shear 57.93 psi Allowable 2-Way Shear 219.09 psi Mu I Phi : Actual Mn : Capacity 14.88 k-fl 36.31 k-fl Alternate Rebar Selections ... 11 #4's 7 #Ss 5 #ts 4 #7's 3 #ts 3 Xg's 2 #lo3 (c) 1-97 ENERCALC c:hwcakWlC8.&w Kw46on55. V5.0.2,l Jub1997 ! . Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc Mb: LotlOgRedesJgn Job # 98244 16959 Bemardo Center Drive #201 Dlgnr: 0.1.: San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 0.sc.rlptlon : : Fax: (619) 485-6201 scope : 1 i ! L Square Footing Design E57 1 General Information I Description Total Load > 78.6 kips Total Load < 101.4 kips Dead Load 68.100 k Live Load 33.300 k Short Term Load 0.000 Overburden Weight Seismic Zone 4 Concrete Weight 145.00 pd LL 8 ST Act Seperately Load Duration Factor 1.330 Column Dimension 8.00 in 0.000 psf Footing Dimension Thickness #of Bars 24.00 in 6 Bar Size 6 Rebar Cover 3.250 3,000.0 psi Allowable Soil Bearing 2,800.00 psf 60,000.0 psi 7.000 rt rc FY LGeneral I Rebar Requirement Actual Rebar “d“ depth used 2OO/Fy 20.375 in As to USE per foot of Width 0.342 in2 As Req’d by Analysis 0.0033 Total As Req’d 0.0007 in2 2.396 in2 Min Allow % Reinf Min. Reinf % to Rea’d 0.0014 % 0.0014 Footing OK 7.00fl square x 24.0in thick with 6- #6 bars Max. Static Soil Pressure 2,359.39 psf Allow Static Soil Pressure 2,800.00 psf Actual %Way Shear Allow. 1-Way Shear 24.78 psi 109.54 psi Max. Short Term Soil Pressure 1,679.80 psf Allow Short Term Soil Pressure 3,724.00 psf Actual 2-Way Shear 77.45 psi Allowable 2-Way Shear 219.09 DSi Mu I Phi : Actual Mn : Capacity 1 ! (C) 1-97 ENERCALC c:”lOg.ecw KWo6M755. V5.0.2,l JwlXl7 ! . Firouzi Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bemardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 4854227 Fax: (619) 4854201 W: LotlCSRedsrlgn Dsgnr: kdpUon : Job I 98244 Date: scope : Square Footing Design [ General Information Deacrlptlon Total Load > 102 kips Total Load < 147 kips Dead Load 77.200 k Live Load Short Term Load 89,800 k 0.000 Overburden Weight Seismic Zone 0.000 psf 4 Concrete Weight LL 8 ST Act Seperately 145.00 pcf Load Duration Factor 1.330 Thickness Footing Dimension 24.00 in 8.000 ft # of Bars 8 Bar Size 8 Rebar Cover CC 3.250 3,000.0 psi FY Allowable Soil Bearlng 2,800.00 psf 60,000.0 psi Column Dimension i.OO in I General 1 Rebar Requlrement Actual Rebar "d depth used 20.375 in As to USE per foot of Width 0.351 in2 20OlFy As Req'd by Analysis 2.808 in2 Min. Reinf % to Req'd 0.0014 % 0.0033 Total As Req'd 0.0011 in2 Min Allow % Reinf 0.0014 Footing OK 8.00fl square x 24.0in thick with 6- #8 ban Max. Static Soil Pressure Allow Static Soil Pressure 2,586.87 psf Actual 1-Way Shear 2,800.00 psf 37.41 psi Allow. 1-Way Shear 109.54 psi Allow Short Term Soil Pressure 3,724.00 psf Max. Short Term Soil Pressure 1,496.25 psf Actual 2-Way Shear Allowable 2-Way Shear 219.09 psi 117.34 psi Mu I Phi : Actual Mn : Capacity 29.49 k-ft 33.08 k-ft Alternate Rebar Selections ... 15 #4's 10 #Ss 7 #E's 5 #7's 4 #8's 3 #9s 3 #lo's I . Firourl Consulting Engineers, Inc 16959 Bemardo Center Drive #201 San Diego, California 92128 Phone: (619) 485-6227 Fax: (619) 485-6201 &op : Square Footing Design - . . . . . " . . . . - . . . "" -. . I Description Total Load > 147 kips Total Load < 182 kips Dead Load 111.500k Footing Dimension Live Load 8.750 R Short Term Load Thickness 24.00 in # of Barn 7 Seismic Zone 4 Bar Sua 7 Overburden Weight 0.000 psf Rabar Cover 3.250 Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf fC LL 8 ST Act Seperataly 3,000.0 psi Load Duration Factor 1.330 Allowable Soil Bearing 2,800.00 psf Column Dimension 8.00 in 69.800 k 0.000 FY 60,000.0 psi Rebar Reauirement Actual Rebar "d" depth used 20.313 in 20OlFv 0.0033 As Riq'd by Analysis 0.0013 In2 Min. Reinf % to Req'd 0.0018 % 8.75R square x 24.0in thick with 7- #7 bars Allow Static Soil Pressure Max Static Soil Pressure 2,658.00 psf 2,800.00 psf As to USE per foot of Width Total As Raq'd Min Allow % Reinf 0.434 in2 3.798 in2 0.0014 Footing OK Actual 1-Way Shear Allow. 1-Way Shear 45.29 psi 109.54 psi Max. Short Term Soil Pressure 1,746.33 psf Allow Short Term Soil Pressure 3,724.00 psf Actual 2-Way Shear Allowable 2-Way Shear 219.09 DSi 145.04 psi Mu I Phi : Actual Mn : Capacity Alternate Rabar Selections ... 36.25 k-R 47.62 k-R 19 X4's 13 t5's 9 #6's 7 xrs 5 #as 4 #Qs 3 (C) 198397 ENERCALC c:bnercakbtl06.w KW-OW2755, V5.0.2,l Jun-1097 SmithConsu ItingArchitects September 28, 1999 Tim Phillips 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009 RE: 1635 FARADAY AVENUE Dear Tim, CITY OF CARLSBAD - BUILDING INSPECTIONS It has come to my attention that questions have arisen regarding fire rating of the elevator shaft enclosure top at the project referenced above. The following is an explanation. The Tenant Improvement drawings indicate an elevator located in a non-rated lobby, serving Two floors with a penetration through only One (1) floor. Also indicated are shaft walls to be constructed per 'Wall Type 'C' - One Hour Partition Wall' to consist of 6, 24 gauge metal studs at 16 O.C. with 518" type 'x' gypsum board each side. Per 1997 UBC Section 711.2, rated enclosures are not required to be enclosed at the top, if the shaft extends to or through the underside of the roof sheathing, deck or slab. Furthermore, 1997 UBC Section 711.3, allows a Special Provision, wherein openings that penetrate only one floor and are not connected with openings communicating with other stories or basements need not be enclosed. Please contact me should you require additional information or wish to discuss further. Respectfully, Andrew Tarango ARTlart Cc: Bruce Smits, Lusardi Construction Attachment 709.7 4 7N.3 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE I be confirmed that the fire-resistive integrity of the wall is main- tained in accordance with UBC Standard 7-1. 709.8 Joints. The protection of joints shall comply with the re- quirements of Section 706. SECTION 710 - FLOOR CEILINGS OR ROOF CEILINGS 710.1 General. Fire-resistive floors, floor-ceiling or roof- ceiling assemblies shall be assumed to have the fire-resistance rat- ings set forth in Table 7-C. When materials are incorporated into an otherwise fire-resistive assembly that may change the capacity for heat dissipation, fire test results or other substantiating data shall be made available to the building official to show that the re- quired fire-resistive time period is not reduced. resistive floor-ceiling or roof-ceiling assemblies is not adequate to Where the weight of lay-in ceiling panels used as part of fire- resist an upward force of 1 pound per square foot (0.048 kN/m2), #ire holddowns or other approved devices shall be installed above rhe panels to prevent vertical displacement under such upward force. 710.2 Through Penetrations. 710.2.1 General. Through penetrations of fire-resistive horizon- tal assemblies shall be enclosed in fire-resistive shaft enclosures in accordance with Section 711.1 or shall comply with Section 710.2.2 or 710.2.3. vents, concrete, or masonry pCWfraling items that penetrate a single EXCEPTIONS: 1. Steel, ferrous or copper conduits, pipes, tubes, fire-rakd floor assembly where the annular space is protected with materials that prevenl the passage of flame and hot gases sufficienl to ignite cotton waste when subjected to UBC Standard 7-1 lime-temper- ature fire conditions under a minimum positive pressure differential of 0.01 inch of water column (2.5 Pa) at the location of the penetration far penetrated. Penetrating items with a maximum 6-inch (152 mm) nami- the time pcriod equivalent to the fire-resistive rating of the construction nal diameter shall not be limiled to the penetration of a single-fire-re- sistive floor aascmbly, provided lhal thc area of the penetration does no1 exceed 144 square inches in any 100 square feet (100 000 mmZ in 10 m2) of floor area. 2. Penetrations in a single concrete floor by sleel, ferrous or copper conduits, pipes, lubes and vents with a maximum 6-inch (152 mm) nominal diameter provided concrele, grout or mortar is installed thc full thickness of the tloor or the thickness required Io maintain the fire- mm) nominal diametcr shall not he limiled to the penetration of a single resistive rating. The penetrating items with a maximum 6-inch (152 concrele floor, pruvidcd that the area of tbc penetration does not exceed 144 square inches (Y2 903 mm’). 3. Electrical outlet boxes of any material are permitted provided that such boxes are tested for use in fire-rcsistive assemblies and installed in accordance wilh the tested assembly. 710.2.2 Fire-rated assemblies. Penetrations shall be installed as tested in the approved UBC Standard 7-1. 710.2.3 penetration firestop system. Penetration shall be pro- tected by an approved penetration firestop system installed as tested in accordance with UBC Standard 7-5. The system shall than the required rating of the floor penetrated. have an F rating and a T rating of not less than one hour but not less cavity of a wll do not require il T rating. EXCEFTION: Flour penetrations contained and located within the 710.3 Membrane Penetrations. Penetrations of membranes that are part of a fire-resistive horizontal assembly shall comply with Section 710.2. per conduits, electrical outlet boxes, pipes, tubes, vents, concrete, or EXCEPTIONS: 1. hlembrsnr penetrations of steel, ferrous or cop- masonry penetrating items where the annular space is protected in accordance with Section 709.6 or 710.2 or is protected to prevenl the free passage of flame and the products of combustion. Such penetra- tions shall not exceed an aggregale area of I00 square inches in any 100 square feet (694 mmzlm2) of ceiling area in assemblies tested without penetrations. are permitted, provided that such boxes are tested for use in fire-resis- 2. Membrane penetrations far eleclrical outlet boxes of any material Live assemblies and installed in accordance with the tested assembly. 3. The annular space created by the penelration of a fire sprinkler shall be permitted lo be unprotected. provided such space is covered by a metal escutcheon plate. 710.4 Roofs. Fire-resistive roofs may have unprotected open- ings. See Chapter 24 for skylight construction. 710.5 Wiring in Plenums. Wiring in plenums shall comply with the Mechanical Code. 710.6 Joints. The protection of joints in fire-resistive floors and roofs shall comply with the requirements of Section 706. I SECTION 711 -SHAFT ENCLOSURES 711.1 General. Openings through floors shall be enclosed in a shaft enclosure of fire-resistive construction having the time peri- od set forth in Table 6-A for “shaft enclosures” except as permitted in Sections 711.3, 711.5 and 711.6. See also Section 304.6 for shafts in Group B Occupancies, Section 306.6 for shafts in Group F Occupancies, Sections 307.6 and 307.1 1.2.3 for shafts in Group and Section 311.6 for shafts in Group S Occupancies. H Occupancies, Section 309.6 for shafts in Group M Occupancies 711.2 Extent of Enclosures. Shaft enclosures shall extend from the lowest floor opening through successive floor openings and shall be enclosed at the top and bottom. the roof sheathing. deck or slab need not be enclosed at the top. 4 EXCEPTIONS: 1. Shafts extending through or to the underside of 2. Shafts need no1 be encloscd $11 thc bottom when protected by fire dampers conforming Io approved rccognirrd standards, installed at thc lowest floor level within thc shaft enclosure. Shaft enclosures shall be constructed to continuously maintain the required fire-resistive integrity. 711.3 Special Provision. In other than Group I Occupancies, openings that penetrate only one floor and are not connected with openings communicating with other stories or basements and that are not concealed within building construction assemblies need not be enclosed. Section 1005.3.3. Exit enclosures shall conform to the applicable provisions of cies, gas vents, ducts, piping and factory-built chimneys that ex- In one- and two-story buildings other than Group 1 Occupan- tend through not more than two fioors need not be enclosed, provided the openings around the penetrations are firestopped at each floor. EXCEPTION: BW gas vents installed in accordance wilh their Gas vents and factory-built chimneys shall be protected as re- quired by the Mechanical Code. Walls containing gas vents or noncombustible piping that pass through three floors or less need not provide the fire-resistance rat- ing specified in Table 6-A for “shaft enclosures,” provided the an- nular space around the vents or piping is filled at each floor or ceiling with noncombustible materials. EXCEPTION BW gar vents installed in accordance with their Openings made through a floor for penetrations such as cables, cable trays, conduit, pipes or tubing that are protected with ap- proved through-penetration fire stops to provide the same degree listing. listing. 1-72 Visual Selection Performance Selection 1 .?. c i .I. c 180 TWhLine Il-B(uI-CEILINGS I 3 09/62/1999 18:32 7607399393 GR&NI ESCONDIDO PAGE 61 Suprafine 9/16 exposed tee systems Phvsical Data yI)*l mlasw" b / / ,' Color Selection