HomeMy WebLinkAbout1640 Cormorant Dr; ; CBR2017-2288; PermitPrint Date: 10/10/2017 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: # Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: Project Title: 1640 Cormorant Dr BLDG-Residential 2156500411 $0.00 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Residential Permit www.carlsbadca.gov Work Class: P/M/E Lot#: Reference#: Construction Type: Bathrooms: Orig. Plan Check#: Plan Check#: Description: LAISSON: REPLACE WATER HEATER ( 40 GAL) LIKE FOR LIKE Owner: Status: Applied: Issued: Fina led: Inspector: Contractor: Permit No: CBR2017-2288 Closed -Finaled 09/28/2017 09/28/2017 TRUST LAIBSON JERRY AND IRIS TRUST 09-07-82 CALIFORNIA DELTA MECHANICAL INC PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, AND MECHANICAL PERMIT Total Fees: $98.00 1640 Cormorant Dr CARLSBAD, CA 92011 760-438-6806 Total Payments To Date: $98.00 6056 E Baseline Rd, 155 Mesa, AZ 85206-4803 480-898-0007 Balance Due: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. $98.00 $0.00 SEP/27/2017/WED 01: 13 PM FAX No. P. 002 THE FOLLOWING APPROVALS REQUIRED PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE: QPLAN.NING D ENGINEERlt,/G 0SUILD1NG OARE O IIEALTii D HAZMAT/APCD Ccicyof B"ilding Permit Application Plan Check No.(!_f)R.'o)..o ( 1 -~d- 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, GA 92008 Est. Value ~t ... _ -. Carlsbad Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 Plan Ck. Deposit \ email: building@carlsbadca.gov www.carlsbadca.gov Date ~-g,_~ -\ '"\ 19-.27-17 JOG AIH>RI;$$ 1640 Cormorant Dr SU1Tl!N/SPAC~/\JNIT10 IAPN . . . CT/Pl«JJECH I LOI ~ IP~SEI' r OFun,1-, r EDROOM5 1' aATHROOM~ 1 • onANT ElllSINESS NA.ME I 00NSTR. TYPE I occ. <Sl<UUP DESCRIMION OF YVURK: Include Squar& F<>etof Affem<I Arva(&) replace 40 gal gas water heater like for like EXISTIJ\IG US.E FIREPLACE I PROPOSED USE I GARAGE (SF) PATIOS (SF) I DECKS (SF) YES[)t I AJR CONDITIONING I Flf\C: SPRINKLERS NOD YES0No0 YESONoO APPLICANT NAM!; AJ Diaz PROPERTY OWNER NA!w1E Iris Laibson p..:..--coabc.t ADDRESS ADDRESS 6056 E Baseline Rd, Ste 155 1640 Cormorant Dr CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP Mesa AZ 85206 Carlsbad CA 92011 PJ.iONE I FAX PHONE tAX 866-692-5273 866-692.5275 760-438-6806 EMAIL capermits@deltamechanical.co m EMAIL DESltlN l'IIOFESSIONAL CONTRACTOR BUS. NAME California Delta Mechanical ADDRESS ADDRESS 6056 E Baseline Rd, Ste 155 CITY ~ ,.,. 7'D -· -·--CLT.'< ••. _ -· ----· . ---··-··---~TAT.E --------ZIP---. . --------·· ·-·-Mesa AZ. 85206 PHONE /FAX PHONE I FAX 480-898-0007 480-898-0005 EMAIL EMAIL I STATE UC.# ST'-Tc LIC,il IClASSC36 I Cm BUS. U(.1214281 811114 (Sac. 7031.5 Bu&ln9"s and Profaa&lons COde: Any Qt, of Coun\l' which reQulras e permit to construct. alter, improve. demolish or repair •nr structure, pnor 10 Its Issuance, $ISO tQqui= the app(ic;ant for such p;rmit to file a &ll!nllC! statement that he ls licunsed pursuant lO tile provisions Qf th., Contractor's Llcensa Law (Cheoter 9. commendinl! with Section 7000 or Dlvlslon 3 of th& llV$inqss snct Profes1-ions Cod&I orfua>t ha Is exsm_.llt tnererrom, and t/la basis for the alleged exemp~on. Afr/ violation of Section 7031.S by any opplicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a 01v11 pener.y or not more V,on fivo hundred dollar• {'>500)). .. 'WORKERS' C00M·P-ENSATfON . ·-:-----.. -----------. . . ····-----··· -. . : ----------------. . . ______ _.__,_._._____ -. ._ ____ _...... , •""----,......_ _____ .__._._ Workera' Comp011ssdon oec~r.111on: t "8/f!IQatrimi und8f p.;ns/tyofp«JlifY ~ r/!1/1: {()IIC'finv d<lclaraoons: 0 I haw and w~I maintain a e&rtificata ot conlll!nt to s•Jf.lJl!Ul'e !Or wori<an;' COf1llans~on .. plQ'lide;t 1)y Section 3700 of tie Labor Code, for the perform~ of the worl< for wlich Ihle peml IS issuoo. [{] I heV8 and wnl maintain work•ro' comPQ!l•ation, as nK1uirad by Seclbn 3700 Ol llle Latx>r Cod&, 1or lh• parlonnane<1 of ttvi IAA)rl< IOtwhlcli this penn~;. iGsuod. Myworl«!r$' oompens8llc,, imuraoo, canier and policy rPJmoor an,: lnwrance Co. QBE Jn911nnce Corp Poli;;y No. QWCJOOOl39 Expiration Dsra 10.1-17 ~section neeci not oe oom~l:Qd if th• i.,errrit i, for one hurdrad d0Usr1 ($1QO) ()( less. LJ Certificate oiExilllptlon: I certify !het In the perfONnl!J\C$ Oflhe wuri< lorwh:ch !hw permit ls tssiiect, I sMJI not employ any perron In any /ll8nroer so as to beoomo subj9cl ID the WOii<.,..' Compe11Satton Lam of C.!lifOrtlia, WARNING: Failure to secure wori<en,' comp1!11"4tiot1 C<l.....-.ge is unlawful, and shall 91Jbjea •n •111ployer to criminal ponaldes and clV!I ~ntl$ up I<> one hundrod thou68nd dolllll's [&100,000), in a.rlrtltio~ ta the CO$t of ¢Qll\p$!1~tion, d• a • provided In S.ctlo~ 3706 of the Labor code, Interest 1.11d •ttomoiy's fee,;. 2$ CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE I hanlby sfffnn that I em exempt "tl'll Cr:>n~w·s l..ie(J(IS() l aw for the follolting tel!i/On: 0 I, as owner of tt,e properly or ll\Y emp(oyees with wages a; their sole compensation, ,,n do tho m,rk and th<a slruclull ls Ml lnter.ied oroff<lrad for ,ala (Sec. 7044, Business and ~slOns Cade; Th& Contraclllr's UcqnsQ Law~ not apply ID a.n own...-of pltlpeny who bulQS (I( Improves thernon, aoo v.too does a11:h worK hlo1S4~ or !hrou~ his rINn employees, prov',ded !1131 such illl!XlM"Tienl!i are not ln~ec;t or Qf!e<11d tor saia. H, howover, 1/,e bulkllr,g orlmvroverne,,l 1$ $Old within one year of oomplellon, ltie ~r~liildsrn; I ha'l9 !he burden at prooMg lllat I\Q did not build or "1)1tll'S 1or (he pufpo$e ot S31e). D D I, aa owner of Iha property, ~ ~Cl11$1VelY oonb'aciing with licoosod contractcr, lo con51/Wt tM project (Sec. 7044, Business and Proressloo, Coda; The Coolracrlrs License ~ ooes not apply lo an owner of p,wert), ~/ho builds orimllltl'llis thareon. and contra:!3 for such projects with contractor(s) ricensed plll!IIE!flt lO tile cootractors Licsnea Law). l ;rn &"3fllp4 umler Section BU!Jnl!S! and Proressioos Coda fur !his reason: 1. I wsoriallY plan to OrOvid• lh• maier labor ard malarials to, constl\ldion of the proposed property inpmvemeflt Q Y,n; 0No 2 I (ha\/011\3~ nol) sign&<!'"' ~pliGation for a bt.i!dlrg pennlt ror ttie picpo..d wori<. 3. I flaw conltadad with the lo'lowiv person (fillll) tc provide Ille p~ construdion Qncludu risme ll(fare!IS I pnooe I oontractont rcenee numbef1: 4, I plan 1D provi;lo POrtions of tha work, t,.rt I hll\'8 l'ked the roUO',fflQ P&riOn lo coordinam, super<tse an(l provld6 !tNI major work (ii crude nam9 /address / ph0n8 / contracbrs' li::Bnse number): 5, I Wil provioo sam9 afthe l'<JJI(. bul I have cooirac~ (h're<l) tlla fOlov.il'!l persona to plllVide the WOiie In~ (illdude ni>11e / edcress /phone/ l)'J)e orwollQ: f!!f PROPERTY OWNER SIG~ATU~E D AGE~ DATE I SEP/27/2017/WED 01 : 14 PM FAX No. P. 003 ls I/le e~t or Mure bUlj(jj"ll occupant 11>quir&d lo ,ubmit a bu~lnm pllln, acutely haz.-oous mete~als reglS(ratlOn lonn or risk maiagement end t)(e'J$ntion irogrilll under Seclions 2550,'j, 2553J or 25~34 of Ille Presley-Tanner Hazaroous SubB1snoe Accoun. A<j_7 D Yes Cl No Is the applicant or~ 001101ng occupam r,,quired to obtlin a permlttrQm tne air pollution oontrol a·~ctor 61rqu611t)' manil!ilemenldslrict? o Yes D No I• ih• faciify to be conall\JOOld wi1h!n 1,000 feet or l'le ~ boundary r:i a school slie? O Ye• r:::J No II' A)(Y Of' TliE ANSWERS ARe Y~3, A f!NAL CERT/FICA TE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED Ul'4.ESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS !IEETING THE REOUIREIIIOOS OF 'OlE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES ANO TI1!:AJR PQLLUTJON CONTROL DISTRICT. I certKy tllatr flavll read th8 •DPlil>lfion and Elate that the abooe lAAlrrmlion is COIT6Ctand tha~(he ~1lJl!ttlon on the plallli is aa:u1B' .... l 6~to C()mp/yl'.1th al en;, ordinances and Suite lifflS ~ilting tc buld!ng conslruetion. I heraby auV,oriza re,crerenl.etve of Ire Ciy of Girls~ kl eolsr up;m I/le above rnen6ooed po~ tir i'lspecijon ,»poses. I M.SO AGREE TO SAVI; INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY()' CARI.OOAD Ac:;a,JNST All UABILfTIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AM:> EXPENSES WHICH MJ...Y IN ANYWAY ACCRUE~NST SAK) OTY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRAN'i'ING CFTHIS PE.R~JT. OSHA: Pl! OSHAperrmlis lllCplired fcra;o;avatonsowSO'deep and dGmoli!ion ortll~nofsbuctures 01'0(3 stories in height. E)Q',RATJON: Everyparmiti5wed by1ne !,J,'ldi'ig Official unci!rlhe pnl'J&lllS ofU\is eodesha! exp'niby lmilation and become nul aoo l'Okl K1h9 building or v.Qr1<,oo"1orized by such permt is notrorrmenced~lhi1 1B0di3Yo tom llledateof S1Jd1 peimfor iflhe bul(lig orv...:irl< ~rizal by stdl pe1mlt lssuspnledorabanr;bledatany Ume aflGttiQ v,cri; is r;,:,nmerioed ~a penoo of100days (Section 106.441..Moon i}Jll:!lng Dxte). A'5° A?PJ.IC#lf'S SIGNATURE 0.ATE q -1--I . . PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY REPORT (CBR2017-2288) Permit Type: Work Class: Status: Scheduled Date BLDG-Residential P/M/E Closed -Finaled Actual Start Date Inspection Type Application Dato: 09/28/2017 Owner: Issue Date: 09/28/2017 Subdivision: Expiration Date: 04/09/2018 Address: IVR Number: 6622 Inspection No. Inspection Status Primary Inspector 10/10/2017 10/1012017 BLDG-25 Water HeaterNents 037104-2017 Passed Chris Renfro October 10, 2017 BLDG-Final Inspection Checklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency 037105-2017 Checklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency BLDG-Plumbing Final BLDG-Mechanical Final BLDG-Structural Final BLDG-Electrical Final COMMENTS Passed Chris Renfro COMMENTS TRUST LAIBSON JERRY AND IRIS TRUST 09-07-82 CARLSBAD TCT#90-14 1640 Cormorant Dr Carlsbad, CA 92011-4004 Reinspection Complete Complete Passed Yes Complete Passed Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1 of 1