HomeMy WebLinkAbout1656 FAIRLEAD AVE; ; CB142131; Permit08-25-2014 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Plumbing/Mechanical/Electrical (PME) Permit Permit No:CB142131 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Reference #: PC #: Project Title: 1656 FAIRLEAD AV CBAD PME oeoeooooDTT Lot #: Status Applied Entered By Plan Approved issued Inspect Area HWANG RES-ADD A/C UNIT TO HOME THAT WAS PREPPED FOR A/G- NO NEW ELECTRIC ISSUED 08/25/2014 RMA 08/25/2014 08/25/2014 Applicant: OAK ISLAND HEATING AND AIR STE 103 1250 PACIFIC OAKS PL ESCONDIDO CA 92029 760 839-8383 Owner Plumbing Fees Electrical Fees Mechanical Fees Other PME Fees $0.00 $0.00 $158.00 $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES $158.00 Total Fees:$158.00 Total Payments To Date:$158.00 Balance Due:$0.00 InspectorL.. FINAL AP Date: -i Clearance: NOTICE Please take NOTICE approval of your project Includes the "Imposition' of fees, dedications, resen/ations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." Veu have 90 days from the date this permit was Issued to protest Imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must foBow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required Information wift the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carisbad Munldpai Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will t)ar any sutwequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIRED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, gratSng or other similar application processing or service fees In connection with this project. NOR DOES fT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have orevlouslv been dven a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previQUSlv othetwlse expired, THE FOLLOWWG APPROVALS REQUREDPRBRTOPEraitT ISSUANCE: □PLANNING □ ENGWEERINQ □bUUHKG DFIRE GHEAL-m □hAZMAT/APCD ^ CITY OF CARLSBAD Building Permit Application 1635 Faraday Ava, Carisbad, CA 92008 Ph; 760^-2719 Fax: 76CF602-8558 email: buildlng@carl8badca.gov www.cHrlsbadca.gov CSiHEst Value manC SWPPP CONSnLTVPE iOcaCROUP JOB ADDRESS 1656 FAIRLEAD AVE msi |«dFUNtr6 TBSIHiRSS® iTfiiMftBdiiNeitNAMECT/HWJECri LOT# ADD A/C TO AN A/C PREPPED HOME - NO ELEC AiR CONDmoNINQYES □no[G FIRE SPRINKLERS YES I |no| I EXISTTNQ proposbjiM'GARAGE (SF)PATIOS (SF)DECKS (SF)FIREPLACE YES[~>. N0| I APPLICANT NAME PituCT Caatatt LES YOUNG PROPERTY OWNER NAME JENNIFER HWANG ADDRESS 1250 PACIFIC OAKS PL #103 ADDRESS 1656 FAIRLEAD AVE CRY ESCONDIDO STATE CA ZIP 92029 criY CARLSBAD STATE CA ZIP 92011 PHONE 760 839-8383 FAX 760 839-8380 PHONE 760 481-5915 FAX EMAIL INFO@OAKISLE.COM EMAIL DEMON PROFESS ONAL CONTRACTOR BUS. NAME OAK ISLAND HEATING AND AIR ADDRESS ADDRESS 1250 PACIFIC OAKS PL #103 CITY STATE ZIP CITY ESCONDIDO STATE CA ZIP 92029 PHONE FAX PHONE 760 839-8383 FAX 760 839-8380 EMAIL EMAIL INFO@OAKISLE.COM 745400 C-20 cnYBUS.IJC.# 1212710 (Sec. 7033-5 BuGlness and Professions Code; Any Crty or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, Impr^ demoSah or hgpalranYst'Octure,Ai rw 1 ♦4T,v» t+w* rtf tf>4a rnntnartY-ir'e 1 irftfwuN 1 ow fTTipnters, cofTinwidtf^wttn Sgction 7000 of Divtelofi 3 ottneapplicant for such permit to file a signed atatamentthat he is Bcensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's Uceraa l^^apW 9, commOTdira with SecOCTi 70K) of DvWon 3 meB^ness and Professions Cod^ or mat he Is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the elle^ exemption. Any violation of Section 703L5 by any appBcantTor a permit subjects the applicant to advTl penalty of not more ttian five hundr^ dolars ($600})^ WotW CompsnrtJon DectaraBon: 1/MBiry aflhn laxJarpefBffy of partly one of fta foinWig dedaraSons:SlhtvemdwIlmilntilnacertBlcitacfconwnttoaelfJnNirBfcfwottare'conipensallorasprovldedbySectai 3700 cf the Latxx Coda, tor Die pertormance of the work for vdJch this penrlt Is Issued.I hm ind wll iBilntita wotkeri" cornianiiflon, as required by Sedlon 3700 of the Labor Code for the performance of #16 worit for vrtch Ws periikt b Issued. My workers'competiaaSor hsiraxa ranter and polity EVEREST NATIONAL IfaURANCE PolcyNa 7800000635141 ExpkBflonDatBnumber are: Inarance Co.nmaois_Bsecdon need not be complated f the pennlt Is Ibr one hundred dolars ($100) or lasi.Certfflcito of Exernptloiu I catlBy that b B» perlnmaica (Xflie wxk Ibr wKch thb pennt b Issued, I Shan not eti|)(oy any paion In any ntsrmer so as 10 becottie subject to the VtakatY Cornporaallori Laws of CaNonla. vtAPWW"' F-Ar^n fn snnrr# wn*«t«'ZATffttr" muMsj-1« md ihjil mhjict m etTTptoyer to crlmlnN psrultlei and dvl ffnae up to one htmdrad thcunnd dolm (8100,000), InaddWon to the cost of cosipsntNlonidoniQeaaepnwI^toJ'In Section 3708 of the Libof coda, IntsrartindsttDniey'sfeai, CAT,JS$ CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE □ AGENT ©m/roaBoBropcLBBii? j^)g(^'tLraTOrgi'u'fl0gi 1 harafy afftm (trt 1 am aiwivf torn OonfiBctor's tAorisa taw for 9)8 fo#oi*v reesorr□ I, as owner of Bie property or my employees rrft wages as the# sole (OTipensatkA ikJ #» rwk and the stnicture Is not jntended or offered for sate (Sec 7044, Busii^ and Professions CodeT^Lkwise Ijw does not apply to an owner of property who buBds or tmprpves IheiBon, and vi4x) doas such work htrnsalf or Srrough his orm employees, picvldad 9iat suoh ImprowmarrtB are not Wended Of oncred torsate. If, horvever, the buMrrg or Imprtjwmak Is sold iHih one year of oompteBon, (ho oernar-buUer ril have the burden of proving that ha (fld not Md or Iniprove for the pupose of sate). I I I, as owner of the property, am exetestvalyconliacanflwIlhlcansadcuiibjUuia to conslnicl the projact (Sec. 7044, ftiskiess and PnAsslons Coda The Co ill aAjr'sLlcatBe Law does not apply to an owner of— property who buJds or hnprwBS thereon, and contracts for such projects w8hconlractDf(s) licensed pureuant to the Corrtractof'slJcanseLmr).I I I an exonpt under Section Business aid Prolessions Code for fib reeson;1.1 personalypbn to provide the UHjor labor and malBriah for constnjcflon of the proposed propeftylmprovBmenL GYes [_Jfo 2.1 (have / have not) signed an applcaflon for a buDdhg perm* tor 9i8 proposed work.31 have contracted wtfli the tokrwlng pereon ((km) to provide the proposed construcflon (Include name address / phone / cotUractors'Icense number):4.1 plai to prtMde porttoru of the vrork, but I have htred #» tollowtog paioii to ooottSnate, supervise and provide the major work (include nane / adtkess / phone / conkactors" Bcense number): 5.1 win provide some of Ihe rvork, but 1 have conbacled (hkad) 9ie foDowlrg persons to provide Ihe wortdndcated (kidude name / adtkass / phone / type of work): jCTpROPERTY OWNBl SIGNATURE □AGBfT DATE (g®Tr'KI'Dg SBCg^JtrPtSG!! M©tSQ'ffil38DBfglSyD^[}> I5(II0[!iSDC!](S''[P'QS[LpQ'ir'B ©[flUiy ' : ' b Ihs applcant (rlubira bUUhg ocaqunt teqiJnsd to subnA a butbuts plan, acutdy hazanVm miteriib reglrtafcn {jnn or rtik nwiagemsnt and prevenSon program under Sscflons 25505, S533 or 25534 of tn Redey-TannerHazanjouaSulvtanca Account Act? QYea CD No bfiieapplcantcrfutnbuIUkifloccupantiBqultedtDobtainapennKtoniSnalrpoluDoncontroldkttctoreirqualtynanagsmentdldict? ClYes QNo b the to lie comtructedwlttbi 1,000 feet of the outer l)oundaryo( a school ana? □Yes ONo F ANY OF THE ANSWBIS ARE YES, A FWAL (XRTFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APfUCAHT HAS NET OR IS lETHO THE RBMROBfTS OF TIE OFFKE Of= aiEROSKY SERVICES AHD THE AR POUjmON CONTROL tltSTRKT. @®[BS'i7tB[S]e'iflI®GD tBIIl'SUli}® £i®S(a'tgT7 , • , • ■ • I hereby aSnn that there is a (xnstnicion lending agency for tie perfonnance of fie work this pennB is Issued (Sec 3097 (I) CM Codo). Lentlei's Name Lentlet's Addreee ./atPipBDcg^ia'u' eBiBgagntgfii'ffD®m / - . ^ ' , . ' \ IcaMyifaalJhewiBetlfiBijsiliaillraLaadilalaSiatlliBalwBlnfcinialfcinbconeutaBdlliilfgblbniiaaononlhBplaaibacaBrtalaceelDCOinplytitaiaaaVuiJiianiesmidStalBlwinalallnstolildifcigconrtuclloa. I hereby autntre lepiesentaOw of tie (3y of Carisbad to enter linn fie sinve ineiVlGned pR^eity for inspeclcn punnees. I ALSO AGRS TO SAVE, ICem FY AND KBEP HARM£SS THE CTTY CF cms^ AGAWST AU. UAaUTlES, JUDtaefre, COSTB AND 0<P9JSES Vmi MAY W WAY ACCRUE AQAB^Srr SAC CITY IN ODNSBllBtCE OF THE GRAttTWG CF "MS PSaWT.OSHA: An OSHA peiret Is leqiAed tr enavafons over ^ deep and demoBon or oonskudon ofstuctuies over 3 states In heighL EXF>fWKYb penrt beued by tie Buldbig OtkU lie omMons (ffib shal expire by bitlalon and beooTO nid and vdd ffie buidtig or VHJtt autnibed ty Eucli perntt b not160 days tiri tie (teirfsudipemit orfftie btWnggienk aulw^ by such pemttbsuspended or itoidoned at any tme alter fwiwrksoonwiencedtbraperiDd of 180 days (Secllon1t364>tl>t^ vCrAPPUCANrS StONATURE r- Inspection List Permit#: CB142131 Type; PME HWANG RES-ADD A/C UNIT TO HOME THAT WAS PREPPED FOR A/C- NO Date Inspection Item . Inspector _Act Comments 09/03/2014 43 AirCond/Furnace Set - Ri 2^ PLS 09/03/2014 43 AirCond/Fumace Set PY AP 09/03/2014 49. Final Mechanical - Ri 2-4 PLS 09/03/2014 49 Final Mechanical PY AP Monday, September 08, 2014 Page 1 of 1