HomeMy WebLinkAbout1659 JAMES DR; ; CB880363; Permit"' ~ ;:: : ~ u .. 0 0: ~[ 8 0: .. 0 ~ 5 ~ .. z 3 0 z 0 ;:: ~ z .. .. " 0 u "' .. .. " 0: 0 3 ![ O I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provlalona ol Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) ol Division 3 ol the Business and Profaaalona Code, and my license 1s 1n full force and effect I hereby ofl1rm mot I am exempt lrom lhe Conr,ac lar s L,cense law lo, lhe 1011ow1ng reason 1Sec 7031 5 Bus,ness ana Professions CDlle Any crly or county wh1c~ re quares a perm,1 to construe!. alter improve demoi1sr or repair any s1ruc1ure. pr.or to ,ts issuance also reqwres !heap- pl,cant for such permit to l1le a s1aned statement ma1 he 1s licensed Pursuant 10 lhe provisions ol the Con1racrn, s I 1cense law I Chapter g commencing w,th Sewon 7000 o1 Drv1s1on 3 ot the Business and Proless1ons CMe; or that 11 e, empl therefrom and the basis for the a11egeo e,emot1on Any v,01a11on of Section 7031 5 by an appl•cant lor a permit sub 1ects lhe applicant lo a c1v11 penalty of no1 morP. Iha~ li,e "un dred dollars 1$5001 1. as owner of rtie property, or my employees w,10 wages as lhe" sole compensa11un w111 do The wori< an!l the struc lure 1s not 1nlerl!led or oflered tor sale 1sec 1044. Business and Pro1ess,ons Code The Contraclor's License law does not apply 10 an owner or property who builds or 1r,iproves thereon and who does such work h,mselt or through hrs own employees. prov1dM thal such improvements are not mtend ed or oHered for sale 11. however the bu1ldmg or ,mprove menl is sold w1th1n one year 01 comple1,on. the owner-builder will have 1he burden ol prov,ng thal he did no1 bu,ld or ,m prove lor the purpose of saleJ 1. as owner ol the properly am exclusively contracting w.it1 licensed contractors to construct the proiect (Sec 7044 Business aM Professions Code The Con1rac1or s license law does not apply to an owne, of property who builds or ,m oroves !hereon and who contracts for each pro1ects with a contractor(sl license pursuant to the Contractor's License Law) i As a homeowner ram ,mproving my home. and the follow 1ng cond,1,ons e»st 1 The work ,s be,ng perlormed prior to sale ? I have lived 1n my home for twelve montns prior to complet,on of this work I have nol claimed this exemption during the lasl three years for in~: r:~;~r under Sec _____ _ B & PC _ I hereby allirm that I nave a certificate of consent to sell insure or a cer11f1cate ol Workers Compensation In surance or a cert1hed copy 1hereof 1Sec 3800. Labor Code) POLICY NO COMPANY Copy IS filed with the c,ty _ Cert,r1ed copy 1s hereby furn,shed CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE 1Th,s section need not be completed 1f the per,r,1t 1s tor one hundred dOl'a,s ($100) or lf'SSI I cen1fy that 1n the pertormance of the wor~ tor wh•ch lh1s permit 1s issued I shall not employ any person 1n any manner so as to become subject 10 the Workers Com pen sa11on Laws o1 Cal1forn1a NOTICE TO APPLICANT If, after makmg this Cert1f1cate of Exemption you should become sub1ect to the Workers Compensat,on pro,.s1ons of the Labor Code you must 1orthw•1h comply with such prov1s,ons or this permit shall be deemed revoked I hereby affrrm that !here 1s a construction lending agency tort he performance of the work for wh,ch (his per m,t 1s issued (Sec 3097. C1v1I Code) Lenders Name_ Lender's Address u,n. ""LL l"UIIII t'tft UIUT & PRESS HARD APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS. CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PERMIT 2075 Las Palmas Dr .• Carlsbad, CA 92009-1915 (619) 438-1161 JOB A07ZS .:5? -r::r;; ml?"J ~1T.RO. THOMAS BROS NO. OiE:.F q:s~N BUSINESS LICENSE# ii,U7t)O~ PE AMIT NUMBER LOT BLOCK I SU8D1 VISION 1 ASSESso;_4zE.:. N2///-,2,,!;; CONTRACTOR CONTRACTORS PHONE# ZONE { D ~o "'" 3 OWNEFfSNAME •• JI OWNER"SPHONE i':9,QJ~/~ I l)A.v' D I AlrGL,I)) DA Mt:/<,JN/.EiJJ' '11..'I-3750 CON'RACTOR·s AODRESS STATE LICENSE NO. BUILDING so. FOOTAGE OWNER'S MAILING ADDRESS 1/i,,st; -::ri+UG.t "bl!.. CAteLS,13.&l'l DESIGNER OESIGNER-S PHONE DESCRIPTION 2f W'1AK A f1 , ff) j_ , ''Li,,t.,/ a::a Va .. , .... ~,,) Al 1J 11 , la·--OESIGNEA'SADDRESS STATELICENSENO. H ( {';~ :-·.->:er·,;-~. -s-C~. ,_ .. F P F LR ELEV NO QCC GP EDU STORIES 1) ,O ,□ --/ I'-. 3 I CENSUSTRACT IPAP1<;,NGSPAC~ RESUNITS I GRADINGPERMITISSUED !REDEVELOPMENT TYPEf,t! OCCLOAD FIRESPR AREA CONH tO ~ D ,c "'O V, vO NO NotValtdUn~sM~chineCertrfled QTY PLUMBING PERMIT -ISSUE '7~ QTY MECHANICAL PERMIT -ISSUE /5~ SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER ?_ EACH FIXTURE TRAP INSTAll FURN DUCTS UP TO 100 GOO BTU n1J1Lu""' ,._,, . .,Ii uu1-01u-vu v'J·8uCl -_, .Si' EACH BUILOING SEWER OVER 100000 BTU SIGN PERMIT ---001-s;o-00-00-82?1 EACH WATER HEATER ANO QR VENT BOILER,COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HP PLAN CHECK .-.. U... '---J!01-810-00-00·8891 z_u-V EACH GAS SYSTEM 1 TO 4 OUTLETS SOILER:COMPRESSOR 3 1~ HP TOTA .-oo--81'.J-0'.l-00-8222 / ~ EACH GAS SYSTEM~ OR MOR[ MET.Al_ FIREPLACE r-'-.'lc:1 •~CAL .r'\. .JQ".-/J1,J-OV-00-822J .t~ EACHINSTAL ALTER REPAIR WATER PIPE . VEN! f=ANSINGLE DUCT -MECHANICJ':i ('_ \'j0--'001-srn~ao-oo-s224 EACH VACUUM BREAKER MECH EXHAUST HOOD DUCTS MMl~-ff{OMt~il::li:c2,c25'-if---------~ WATER SOFTNER RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE HEATER SOLAR ~;;,:,~~>::::"'-'· c;O_s·8ec2,c26e....,f-----=,-----~ FM;'-1 Ror:,F 1%l.1\ ,:'•J:-;ID'., DRYER VENT ~MOilN -"(.':~-' 380-519-92-33 ;;,r _. TOT.l<L MECHANICAL Flif~!1~Q) • 001-81'.l-00-00-8227 t-___._---:--::--:--::-:-=-c,------r--..__-~-+'-'11 TUIA! Pi UMfllNL I /A . ., AGILITIES FEE 320-81G-:)0-C,0-8740 5 1)0 -BRIDGE FEE 360-810-00-00-8740 QTY ELECTRICAL PERMIT. ISSUE :..,..-QTY MOBILE HOME --..n•-~ PARK-IN-LIEU !ARE.A NfW CONST t.A AMP SW! fJKR CAR PORT /21c,'-' '""<z_-TIF 312-810·00-00-8835 1 PH 3 PH AWNING /_•~ 4' ;,\ LA COSTA TIF 311·810·00-00-8835 ExlST bLOG EA AMP·SWT RKR GARAGE ,..._.. ...... ~' FMF 1 PH :i PH , ..,un .,1.vvv "' LICENSE TAX ao1-s10-oo-oo•s·6:i / REMODEL AL TtR PER CIRCUIT /U M ......... T~,,~~I""~ '-.I MFF 880·519-92-57 • TEMPPO[[ !OOAMPS Cf') crvrr'c.:.-::St:A,71 ....., OVERJOUAMPS \~ ¥ -.•. ·, • .-1, -'/ It MP OCCUPANCY :JO OAYS/ '\_\)'"~ -1, / ,.<»-_,.,,,-.,1/ CREDIT DEPOSIT "-~Y<) / TilTAI ElfCTRILA! I //} _. TOI.Al ~~ TOTAL FEES PAYABLE I ~ft} (IV 1 HAVE CAFfEFULL y EXAMINED THE COMPLETED ··APPLICATION ANO PERMIT. AND 00 HEREBY Expiration Eyery perm,tiasued by the BuildingOH1c1atvnde1 theprov1s1onsofth1s * AN OSHA P£Nif:T IS REOUIAED FOR EXCAVATIONS OVER CERTIFY UNDER PENAL TY OF PERJURY THAT All INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE Code Shall expire by hmilaJion •nd become null and void ti the building or work 5· o·· DEEP AND DEIAOllTJON OR COffSTAUCTIOW Of authorized by such permit 1a not commenced within 180days from the date of suet, DECLARATIONS ARE TAVE AND CORRECT ANO I FURTHER CERT!FY ANO AGREE IF A PERMIT 6 permit. or if the building or work authorized by wch perm,! ,s suspended or STRUCTURES OVER 3 STORIES IN HEtGHT ISSUED TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY COUNlY AND STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON-'7•~••=•~do:::ned7.:~ot~a~o.~1~,m~e::"'a1t~e~,~••=•'-"w£0,~•~•~•~0£0me!!!me!!!!!n,~ed!2-'f~o~•~•E =~•node,,_£Ol!_.!.!180!!LJd~•"'-"'-~➔~=-:,::~~~----------~~"":'----"""I ~~~~c:!~~l~~i~~~Rc~:YEg~~fR~~=:~ A~~~~~-All~B~l~:i1~;.TJ~~~~~~~~~~i~~1 :~g APPUCANT"S SIGNATURE • OWNE~ CONTAACH)fi O AP~PROVED BY ~ DA~E I EXPENSES WHJCH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE AA.A •.. '111iit--, IA,...j • U\,, I~ BY PHONE [] • 1 P, '(Jr Lr GRANTING OF THIS PEAMrT >('" /Jft,,,UI f • .__ Al,,, ,.,...,.....,,, r I LC-'VJ ..,;,/, /; , "' ii: ~ rn 0 0. E w f- D 0 CJ c ro 0 0. 0. <l'. I ~ C Q. 0 m m w ~ ~ <l'. ~ 2 o3 >- w 0 C ro C u.. ~ C w ~ CJ 0 u w 0. ~ C 2' ~ ,: TYPE DATE ~SPECTOR , ------ BUILDING I J cs irs-o-;.c.o 3 FOUNDATION r-5« /__/ FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REINFORCED STEEL 11-✓ y REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES MASONRY GUNITE OR GROUT • INSPECTION REO IF INSPECTORS DATE CHECKED APPROVAL . .' SUB FRAME □ Fl,,OOR □ CEILING SOILS COMPLIANCE SHEATHING ,□ ROOF □ SHEAR -7 .. _:J'¢,;Z i ,__/ .. ' PRIOR TO ' , $? ---✓ //,1/4.-' F-OUNOATION INSP ' -FRAME . . . ., ' EXTERIOR LATH 14.. 1Ah ~ ~'flv~-STR.1.JCTURAL CONCRETE c . OVER 2000 PSI ' . INSULATION I ( PRESTRESSED . . l;:;; ~-.... ' , l':I -1--;. '1' , CONCRETE \ ,.->- INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL I• POST TEN? ;QNED ' . 'f" ·" ' CONCRETE ~--+ ~ .... _r .. PLUMBING ·-.z BS JOI' ~ .· F1E1. 0 \/VE 1~DING I ,-._:;.,-~- □ SEWER AND BL/CO 0 PL/CO --I ------HIGH ST;,E"-lG~H BO~ Ts UNDERGROUND □ WASTE □ WATER TOP OUT □ WASTE D WATER SPECIAL MASONqy ~---,-. TUB AND SHOWER PAN GAS TEST P1u=s CAISSO"-i'.:" D WATER HEATER D SOLAR WATER -----\-~--------t------. ·-. ELECTRICAL ' D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND DUFFER / -- ROUGH ELECTRIC ,fi", t.f? ·3J'· ,,,{-, -------~---~-----·--- D ELECTRIC SERVICE D TEMPORARY f ~ --·----~------------ D BONDING D POOL ->---. MECHANICAL ----· -~-------~ J . D DUCT & PLEM., D REF. PIPING ----~ HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS o/-/15' ~ ,L -- VENTILATING SYSTEMS ' .• . CALL FOR FINAL INSPECT/ON WHENALL·APPROPRIA1'E . ITEMS ABOVE HA VE BEEN APPROVED. FINAL . ' . . ·-. ; -.. PLUMBING ' . - ELECTRICAL I . MECHANICAL . / ~ I , . . GAS A -A • I BUILDING 1-/1 'D ' /,,.._, ,_,,.~/ SPECIAL CONDITIONS / v- (i) . • . DEVELOPMENT PROCESSING SERVICES DIVISION 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009-4859 (619) 438-1161 MISCELLANEOUS FEE RECEIPT Applicant Please Print And FIii In Shaded Area Only i~iREss I ll51 :J°A-M e<;, ~1<.1 vE-< ~ ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. L, -~ t f -d-? owNER 04v Io A M13t,,1 klo,\- OWNER'S MAILING ADDRESS ~ V\z.. CITY CONTRACTOR ZIP TEL. PLAN ID NO. ~0-36~ ~'ta ;J=t;,7 VAL~Wl.r ~rfi~i 05Hisc■ 240-00 CONTRACTOR'S AMDADILRINESGS '':] ""C" cc; 1::!.LLD,, • \ PLAN CHECK FE 001-810-00-000821 Cl' l _ :i.J.4t-r r71="5V r-J E -o --u/P -________ ...:____:.~----------1 IF THE APPLICANT TAKES NO ACTION WITHIN 180 DAYS, PLAN CHECK FEES CITY CA\{21 SPA o ZIP q~ S TEL. l.f3;t/ WILL BE FORFEITED. STATE LICENSE NO. BUSINESS LICENSE NO. SUBDIVISION------LOT(S)---------t-------------------- LEGAL DESCRIPTION UJT -fP-lb ~ M w CHECK IF SUBMITTED: □ 2 ENERGY CALCS □ 2 1987 ENERGY CALCS FOR NON RESIDENTIAL BLDGS DESCRIPTION OF WORK 0 n,0/J □ 2 STRUCTURAL CALCS 0 2 SOILS REPORTS □ 2 SELF ADDRESSED ENVELOPES DATE GIVEN/ SENT TO APPLICANT DATE CONT ACT PERSON MG t., 1 J Dk-l,,lf, , k.J /.fa 1 LA COST A LETTER CITY C A{l..l.J. 641'.) ZIP APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE White -FIie Yellow -Appllcant Pink -Finance Gold -Assessor FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION PLAN CHECK NUMBER: 88-0363 DATE: 2-16-89 PROJECT NAME:------------------------------- ADDRESS: 1659 James Drive PROJECT NO.: _______ UNIT NUMBER: _______ PHASE NO.: ______ _ TYPE OF UNIT: __ R_e_s_ld_e_n_t_la_l_A_d_d_l_tl_o_n __ NUMBER OF UNITS: CONTACT PERSON: __ D_a_v_i_d_M_c_K_in_l_e~y _____________________ _ CONTACT TELEPHONE: __ 4_3_4_-_3_7_5_0 _______________________ _ LDG, PLNG, ENG, WATER, FIRE INSPECTED X)~ BY: ___ ____:_f-..J.-J __ ,_ \.A....,'--- DATE INSPECTED: FEB. 2 1 :ua APPROVED INSPECTED BY: _________ _ INSPECTED BY: _________ _ DATE INSPECTED: DATE INSPECTED: CC\$ta Real Municipal Water District COMMENTS: E · . r1911 ree1 mg Department (619) 438-3367 APPROVED APPROVED / DISAPPROVED __ _ DISAPPROVED __ _ DISAPPROVED __ _ Rev. 1/86 WHITE: Suspense BLUE: GREEN: Engineering CANARY: Utilities PINK: Planning GOLD: Fire " FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION PLAN CHECK NUMBER: 88-0363 DATE: 2-16-89 PROJECT NAME: ADDRESS: 1659 James Drive PROJECT NO.: UNIT NUMBER: PHASE NO.: TYPE OF UNIT: Residential Auc.ltlon NUMBER OF UNITS: CONTACT PERSON: David McKinley CONTACT TELEPHONE: 434-3750 !..'-J ,f "'• AT , FIi t INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED DISAPPROVED INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED DISAPPROVED INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED DISAPPROVED COMMENTS: ---------------------------------- Rev. 1/86 WHITE: Suspense BLUE: Water District CANARY: Utilities PINK: Planning GOLD: Fire FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION PLAN CHECK NUMBER: 88-03 3 DATE: 2-16-89 PROJECT NAME: --------------------------------- ADDRESS: PROJECT NO.: ________ UNIT NUMBER: ________ PHASE NO.: _______ _ TYPE OF UNIT: CONTACT TELEPHONE: ___ 3_4_-_3_7_5_0 _______________________ _ INSPECTED ~ BY: ___ __..~~-f-~--- INSPECTED BY: _________ _ INSPECTED BY: _________ _ f:;:ECTEDc # APPROVED /DISAPPROVED --- DATE INSPECTED: DATE INSPECTED: APPROVED APPROVED DISAPPROVED __ _ DISAPPROVED __ _ COMMENTS:---------------------------------- i' Rev. 1/86 WHITE: Suspense BLUE: Water District GREEN: Engineering CANARY: Utlllt es PINK: Planning OLD: Fire FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION PLAN CHECK NUMBER: 8 -0363 DATE: 2-16-9 PROJECT NAME: --------------------------------- ADDRESS: PROJECT NO.: ________ UNIT NUMBER: ________ PHASE NO.: CONTACT TELEPHONE: __ 'l_!_-_3_7_S_O _______________________ _ * .. ,, INSPECTED fl~ BY: -----l--~~---- INSPECTED BY: _________ _ INSPECTED BY: _________ _ I • t ~NAST~ECTED: ¼Yi APPROVED Al /I.-, DISAPPROVED -- DATE INSPECTED: DATE INSPECTED: APPROVED APPROVED __ _ DISAPPROVED __ _ DISAPPROVED __ _ COMMENTS: ---------------------------------- Rev. 1186 WHITE: Suspense BLUE: Water District GREEN: Engineering CANARY: Utilities PINK: Plan ng DATE: ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., St.:ITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 560-1468 ua •1 -.... , -PI I JURISDICTION: PLAN CHECK NO: Co -J'i' -.5t.;.5 SET: ,:a: PROJECT ADDRESS: l{R5q ,Jqme.s J)r. PROJECT NAME:_~.$~t=~FZ--~(o;'J=~e~S~kir~g'--'-A=d=d~·~) ____ _ D • D D D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified b~lo.J are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check The plans plans are list transmitted herewith is for your information. are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. O The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: ■ Esgil staff did not advise the~,,_...,_.icant contact person that plan check has been comple . O Esgil staff did been completed. Date contacted: check has --------,-rr---· -- fl _______ _ ■ REMARKS: :c-+-:::..,,,C~'-'"-=.!..!,rd--'-'fl.J'-?"~u..'-.!_,__...,,_-"-~"7--"='-""<=r_.,,w,:::a.J:,e.__,,,v,;=,i<:'-t,...._ By: 5AOP.= ESGIL CORPORATION --1_,, Enclosures:_=b~~~n~"-=-------- ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SL'ITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 56(>-1468 DATE: /.11uc:h --?~ LJAPPLICANT JURISDICTION: PLAN CHECK NO: C.p 8£-:>CPS SET: J:.. PROJECT ADDRESS: \ /_p6 ") ,J:a r"Y\, :;, 1:) r • PROJECT NAME: -~:S~F_R.~1 ~_..(..__o-""-'-n'""e.'----';:5_~..,,~'.,..0,,_,a..-=.o ... d ....... -.,,.)~--- D D D • D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien-cies identified _____________ are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check The plans pli:inS are list transmitted herewith is for your information. are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. ■ The applicant's copy of the check list has been ,Ja,,.,~.s :Dr. sent to: ,, Cb . I t1et,ada. 1-1c.1<,nl,v t{R:59 I O Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed . • Esgil staff did been completed. advise applicant that the plan check has Person contacted: 1'/flwde.-Mc fc,,..,/,,.t I Date contacted:_--' __ 3~-~,"'i~.._t-~f=x' ___ Telephone fl <-/¢'-I -.37So REMARKS: _________________________ _ By : :5Af:::> E:.E ESGIL CORPORATION ..3-..l'-' _'Ji Enclosures:~f....~4-)0~,~------- JUR!SO!Cl ION: (a, I::, b,._J Date ,3-.$;,-i$ • ROJECT A!lOR( 55: I I f 5 S 0f1 "'< 'a 'µY • ·v, M,1,~6·"-Mc.. \c,.._1~0 ,19 ....... e2 U-<;, CB. 1 Lp54 (a_ . "'~~~:z PLAN CORRECTION SHEET 'l an! Check No., __ Ct::,=='-..::-_<1,::.~.::;J_-..:5::.. ~=!,:c....:('"':t--'-')- roREWORO: PLEASE READ Plan check is limited to technical requirements contained in the Unirorm Building Code, Unirorm Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating ener9r conservation, noise attenuation and access for the handicapped. The plan check is based on regulations enforced by the Building Inspection Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The items circled below need clarification, modirication or change. All circled items have ta be satisried berare the plans will be in conrormance with-the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. ,o, (c), or the Unirarm Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. A.~ Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets or prints, and any arlginal plan sets that may have been returned ta you by the Jurisdiction, to: cs~,\ Gi,f. C\e..:io CJ,"s,.,f>e+-"-<- ":Dr· r ~'k , ~08, ;'.>.D · r G. · To rac-ilitetc rcc;hcckln9, ple■~c Jdcntiry, next to each circled item, the :sheet or the plan~ upon ~hlch each correction on this 3hcet h:,s been 111:,de and return this chcc~ ~hcct with tho revised plans. /. The following items have not been resolved from previous plan reviews. The original correction number has been given for your reference. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding these items. Date plans received by plan ohecker 3-.;t ~ -il3 !>< Date _l_ plan check coonpleted 3-~-88' e1. SA'Dgg =It( LJ,) ~@; .,,..<('1,;) 4t i[i) d± (\9,) #fZtl ... CT.', ~P«:-.li, ~ \ C.."'-0 -, Dt!rc"J"--k 4't -Lo, '!h.,. l"'e_11...] -5, .. ,~ /1,\-.., S ho . .:; \.--,· - -€_ 'ii,. I '::,\\,.... -~o::,~ \ 'l"",..,.._c. • \.,, ,0 , to,~ ~ . \;;-1..r,,...,4. CiYetu'"'.:,_ c..v, .. -\,ic:-1 """-"' -\~ ( ; . ., . "'-' . -- i Y,ov• cl<.. C\. °::::, 0 ''" ' .• ., ,t: -\ o,~<- ~'ro~-,""t"" "". o=---o,.... c~ l()O. I ' I"'< . - --Sho,u 'h-·' Ce1l, .... 1.. .\ '~ OVNlk k,iZhe-r,-y, e, \r-.JJ_., "=:.v ,o ll~;T..: I ( i.,. . \::'.;tel •~ ',....""T"":"" ' --..,,.'-?1 'S.'nol)IA 'o<. ~ 'c>-e_p, ,-' ......... ct_ v..,,,,.._(_,l w I 1;;., . ) \J ' . .c...1 _..._, ":'-,1....,_ Ds c ..... .,..,_....~,,. \,.,..a Y\(..J.,0\o =-·1~ .. C'-0""'~\1u<::..I,--'.J '-.J ~hocV ~'l.,,{>l a..,c. ... -""-... \"' b=-,-;;) ;r; o,P-e. ..._ r, .l • -C..~e.c... ""/.>. ',_((/A., ~•c ~-,I. ~\.,~ \ ~ <:... ourc.-e ... c:,--1_ \.._u-,.t ~ OY >i I!"·. '\ ' 0. A ). ' I '"""' S\.,-' l)_\6'"", .... cz. c..J.L. '<. . ( i ·<. noT ~,c:C•C.0 I"" \u,';'I. o1.. ... ~ D..dcl.;T." •. A Q ""'" . '\-t;;; . ;>\ I) s Cnd;,-'\ol' C \e,..""-~ t--.-w,.,-,; ..l • ..., -. (,, It "3-,Al'-..RE I\._,,?, IJ~s:'1'o~<. raJ(r,10.\_5~,. , 1-1 L>i ~ , Jurisdiction Cvrbb . .__d_ Prepared by1 ;5A:f2)?£ VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE PLAN CHECK NO. Cf::? -f,8 -,5{.p:, BUILDING ADDRESS l(fS<; ,Jq,.,...e.;:, J::,c. O Bldg, Dept, ~sgil APPLICANT/CONTACT \je.\,,.,d,,__ be. v.:.,..--1~0 PHONE NO. 434-;,JS/) BUILDING OCCUPANCY 1<-5 It-\, .1t DESIGNER PHONE _. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION _.;V::..:::-.:::...:,,_• __ _ ,t Cl ~ CONTRACTOR PHONE ,------ '"' e. ,, <::LA..o..,\\o""-. BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER 1 1,1 l ,...d C.-.eA-/,,<-t '7.,,,. r ,,1 ~ -4~ 10J.. .,,- u . Air Conditionin~ Commercial @ Residential ta Res. or Comm. Fire S'Drinklers @ Total Value L/.). .l O.,) -- a uildin 9 Pe, m it r ee $ _________________ __.s~,.,3...,('.e'"'-''tc.;•c.:<>:.:O;__ __ Plan Check f ee._$,__ __________________ :f..$ ___,.;)=:!,~'JL..:.<• a:i..S~--- COMMENTS,._ __________________________ _ SHEET __ OF __ _ 12/.,87 CQ CQ "C "C 41 41 ~ ~ 41 41 ·;; ·;; 41 41 " " ' □ CQ "C 41 ~ 41 ·;; 41 " □ □ □ □ ~ □ □ ~ □ □ ~□□ ~□□ ~· □ □ ~□□ ~□□ ~□□ f) □ □ ~~ □ □ ENGINEERING CHECKLIST Date :_...,_~"-'/4----,1/1'--''3=8=-------- Plan Check No. 880363 Project Address: /G5'1 J"9Mµ DR. Project Name: l1c)(J¥¢Y IJopPntw Field Check Date: =..:..::.'----------- B : LEGAL REQUIREMENTS Site Plan LEGEND 7 @ 1,2,3 Item Complete I tern Incomplete -Needs Your Action Number in circle indicates plancheck number that deficiency was identified 1. Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width and dimensioned setbacks. 2. Show on Site Plan: Finish floor elevations, elevations of finish grade adjacent to building, existing topographical lines, existing and proposed slopes, driveway and percent (%) grade and drainage patterns. 3. Provide legal description of property. Ii. Provide assessor's parcel number. PERMITS REQUIRED Grading 5. Grading permit required. ( Separate submittal to Engineering Department required for Grading Permit). 6. Grading plans in plan check PE ____ _ 7. Need the following completed prior to building permit issuance: A. Grading plans signed. B. Grading permit issued. C. Grading completed. D. Certification letter and compaction reports submitted. E. Grading inspected and permit signed off by City Inspector. a. Right-of-Way Permit required for work in public right-of-way (e.g., driveway approach, sidewalk, connection to water main, etc). 9. Industrial Waste Permit application required. To be filled out completely and returned to Development Processing. ~□□ ~□□ ~~ 0 □ □ ~ □ ~□ ~~ □ □ □ FEES REQUIRED 10. Park-in-Lieu fees required. Quadrant=--======--• Fee Per Unit: ---====-• Total Fee: ___ _ 11. Traffic impact fee required. Fee Per Unit:_...::::.===-• Total Fee: 12. Bridge and Thoroughfare fee required. Fee Per Unit: , Total Fee: 13. Public faci Ii ties fee required. 14. Facilities management fee required. Fee: qp /4 . ~-,flfl~ ~I, 15. Additional EDU's required: ,,.._, ~)( Sewer connection fee:_--'===--Sewer~it no. 16. Sewer lateral required: REMARKS: -------------------------------- 0. K. to issu~ ---:5_L-.s?;:'.L. .... <-=='<!e;os;::==-Date: If you have any questions about any of the above items identified on this plan check, please call the Development Processing Department at 438-1161. al al "O "O Q) Q) ;i: ;i: .!!! .!!! > > Q) Q) c:: c:: ~ N ... "" u u a. a. Q) .... l'O 0 al "O Q) ;i: Q) > Q) c:: "' "" u a. □□□ □□□ □□□ □□□ □□□ PLANNING CHECKLIST Plan Check No. $0363 Address /65<1 Uf}M.6 .Lk, Type of Project and Use 61"'0 Hoo;77oN ----~~~~------- Zone _ ___._R...__----'--/ ____ _ Use Allowed? YES _.L NO Setback: Front Ck.. Side 01(_ Rear ~ Facilities Management Zone -~-- School District: San Dieguito __ Carlsbad -2!,._ Discretionary Action Required Environmental Required Landscape Plan Required Comments YES YES YES -- Encinitas San Marcos NO _K_ NO_QS,_ No_.K_ Type __ ---------------------------- . Coastal Permit Required YES NoL Additional Comments ------------------------ DATE -<//Jz.-/4& l i 1Jq-Cj ;;l q ( r)UI\Cvt 6/f Wfte.. ('r Of.Hee_ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE '8'0 I :Pi l')e., CITY OF CARLSBAD Plan Check No. CB880363 ·DEVELOPMENT PROCESSING SERVICES DIVISION 2075 LAS PALMAS CARLSBAD, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 This form shall be used to determine the amount of school fees for a project and to verify that the project applicant has complied with the school fee requirements. No building ·permits for the projects shall be issued until the certification is signed by the appropriate school district and returned to the City of Carlsbad Building Department. SCHOOL DISTRICT: ....x_ Carlsbad Unified 801 Pine Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 (457-4985) Encinitas Union Elementary 189 Union Street Encinitas, CA 92024 (944-4306) San Marcos Unified 270 West San Marcos Blvd. San Marcos, CA 92069 (744-4776) San Dieguito Union High School 625 North Vulcan Encinitas, CA 92024 (753-6491) Project Applicant: .JW.~...,._ ________ APN: ~ -211 -...:l.S-I4CKTNLFY Project Address: 1659 ,JAMES DBIVE RESIDENTIAL: SQ. FT. of living area ~ rJP Number of dwelling units ___ _ SQ. FT. of covered area SQ. FT. of garage area COMMERCIAL/ INDUSTRIAL: SQ. FT. AREA Prepared By __ .s;;J;:,,,="""£~1,,_..t:_~=.....,S,::?J<1'--"-'=-,A,/----Date ---,L~~~=,,;,.G~,/4~r: ___ _ --------------------I FEE CERTIFICATION (To be completed by the School District) __ Applicant has complied with fee requirement under Government Code 53080 __ Project is subject to an existing fee agreement __ Project is exempt from Q; t 1111Ht C d 53080 • Final Map approval and construction started before September I, 1986. --(other school fees paid) _L Other Room additions are exempt under Proposition z passed June Z, 1988. Residential Fee Levied: $ ______ based on _____ sq. ft.@ ______ _ Comm/Indust Fee Levied: $ ______ based on ____ _ sq. ft.@ _____ _ AB 2926 and SB 201 fees are capped at $1.50 per square foot for residential. AB 2926 is capped at $.25 per square foot for commercial/industrial.