HomeMy WebLinkAbout1665 JAMES DR; ; CB981692; Permit✓ 11 2-'b .. B U I L D I N G P E R M I T Pe1m1t No: ~B981692 ProjPC-t No: A98G2246 Development No: Oo/02/'Hi 1J:18 Page 1 of 1 ~ob Address: 1665 JAMES DR Suite: 7648 06/03/98 0001~1 02 ·Permit Type: PLUMBING Paree~ No: 156-211-24-00 Lot#: c-F'Rn• 27 ,00 Valuation: ~ Occupancy Group: Reference#: Cor.struct1on ~ype: NEW Stdtus: ISS:JED Applied: 06/02/98 Apr/Issue: 06/02/98 Entered By: BT Description: WA7ER HEATER REPLACE Appl/Ownr : DAVERSON, JOE 1665 JAMES DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 Fees Required fees: Adiust.ments: 'Total Fees: Fee description Enter "Y for P.:umb Each Water Heater *** 729-16J2 .00 .00 27.00 Ext fee Data 20.00 Y 7.00 APPRO ~L INSP. -t-~_;_-DATE fo / D 9 i CLEARANCE ===::::::::::---- CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 920()<) (619) 438-1161 ., FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT APPLICATION '· _CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT· -, 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 lca.l.PJU:ilEG~Ra&i:vAYUli~ 1665 J ames Dr. PLAN CHECK NO. ~ ~J-' EST. VAL. ________ _ Plan Ck. Depo■it _______ _ Validated By _________ _ Date _____________ _ Addt111 llnclude Bldg/Suite II )( lluaineU Name (It 1h11 acid, ... ) Legel Duetlpllon Loi No. liubdlvlelon ~ Unit No, PheH No. T 0111 I of unl11 SFR Au1110,'1 Perce! I bitting u,. PropoHd UH D11c:rlpUon of Work SQ, FT, lof IIOflN , I of B,drooma I of e,1tvoom1 ~cW.~11~~HRm·~LffHIIWt~~,wr."1.{ ,, ~,,.,.,._. · . · Daversn Joe 1665 James Dr. CARLSBAD · CA . 20-08 ~ 760-729-1632 Name Addr111 . City lillta/Zlp T 1l1phon1 I ,l~'.{m'~~,,;. .. CARLSBAD CA. 92008 760-729-1632 • City &lite/Zip Telephone I 'I 1 ,~,., ~ :, ,• I, j If fi f• • • • It •', ,, ., IIIMN®lstt:aw~w.: ISec:. 7031.6 Bualn ... and Prol...tone Code: Any CIW o, County which reqlllfM I P«mlt to OONUIIOt. lit«, lmprov,, d•moll•h OI repelr eny etruclure, prior to ha l11u1nc:1, 1110 11qulr11 the eppUcant for auc:h permit to IU• • algned 1111,rnant that he • "-.cl pur1uant to tha provlelona of th• Contrector'a Uc1n11 law (Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Olvlalon 3 of the Bualnul and l"roflllionl Cocltl o, that he It uempt therefrom, and the b11I, for th• 1ll1g1d eumptlon. Any violation of Section 7031.6 by any applicant IOI• p11mlt aubJtoll the a,,plloent to• clvll penalty of not more than five hundred dollcrt ( t 500(}. A & ,I FOSTER PLUMBING 1370 6 B HWY 8 BUS, EL CAJON CA. 92021 390-4477 Name Addr111 City St1te/Zlp T ,lephone I ,Cit~ 8UllnlN Ucen■, 1 1200'354 State Ucena, I 630120 Uc11111 !;1111 _C_-_3_6 _____ _ Otslgnlf N1m1 Addlt11 City Stll.,,Zlp T1l1phon1 Stat, Uc-• , N/A ---------[e;,·;lt'.v.(0,RKWi.COMPiHMJIO.N.~ff~--,,----namel'fi!"'1f7'NWl"ll?,la4'\'li&,J~;,_:[~e,;,:.'.;~• 1-; Wcwktre' Comp-•tlon Dld1111lon: I hartby ellltm under p1111lty of fl'l'Jurv one ol tha foljowlng,claal■t■llonll 0 I hive end wlQ m1ln1tln, cenllloett of conaent to 1ell-lna1111 for work111' oomp.wadon u prevlcltd by 811:tlon 3700, ol the labor Code, for th• parlorm1nc1 of the work for which Ihle permit la la1u1d, . X D I hive ,nd will mtlnllln wo,k111' comp1111allon, .. requited by ltodon :1700 of'the Llbot Cod•, fo, tha fl'lformtnc• ol th• work for which thl1 permit 11 luutd. My workll'1 comp1na11lon lna1111r1C1 ca11l11 and policy numb« 11■1 · 1naur,nc. CompanyFARMER INSURANCE Polloy No, N200 7-5 6-51 Explrallon of PNTINUOUS mus SECTION NEED NOT II C(?MPLETED IF THI! PERMIT II FOIi ONI HUNDRED DOI.LARI IUOOJ OR WII 0 CERTIFICATE OP lXEMPTION: I cwilly that In the ptrformlrlC• of Iha work fo, which thll pwmlt It INutcl, I lhaU not 1mploy eny p111on In any manner 10 11 · to become 1ubj1c:t to thl Worklra' Compenaatlon Lew, of Calllornl1, · WARNING: F ... , to Hcw1•wo,ket1' comptn11tlon covtr•g• It unlawful, encl 1h11 aubJeot Ill employ• to •lmkl■I pen■IU.1 and civil 11011 up to on, hund11d thoua■nd doA111 lt100,000l, In tcldlllon lo th, co1.t of comp1n1111of,. dlmig•• .. provided for In Section 3701 of tha Labcf cod1, lnt1111t 111d 1tto111•v·• IHI. SIGNATURE, _____________________ ..,______ DATE ________ _ 7., ''~:OWNER-IUIU)E.11 DECLAM.Tioij'ifC-mi.~1!,.:·~ -~{tf;rf!}?)'~;.:J.r~~ :·• I hereby affirm that I am exempt from th• Conu,ctor'a Uc11111 Ltw lot the lollowlnt rMIOIII 0 I, 11 ownar ol the prop111Y or my 1mploy111 with weg11 ■a their 1ol1 compenutlon, wlll do Iha WOik end th• 1trucitu11 II not Intended or ollared 101 aal, IS,c. 10••· 8u1ln111 ind Prol11alona Code: Thi Cont11ctor'1 Uc:11111 Llw doN not IPPIV to III own■, ol p,opany who bulldt or lmp1ov11 thareon, ind who do11 auc:h work hlm11U or through hi• own emplo'fHI, p,ovld1d that 1uch lmprov1m111t1111 not lnttndtcl o, oll••d fo, 1111. II, however, the bulldl11g or Improvement 11 aold within one \'HI of completion, the owntr•buUd11 wUI hive the burden of proving that he cllcl not bullcl OI Improve for the pu,poH of Hie). 0 I, 11 owner of the PfOPlrt'(, ,m.exclualvely conuacllng with liolfw■cl oonU■otot■ to oonetruot'tha proJtot (Seo, 7044, Bulin"• ind Prof,111001 Cod,: The Conu1ctor'1 Ucen11 Llw doll not apply to an owner of PfOPlrtY who bullcle. o, lmprovM lhll■on, end oonU■oll fo, 1uch proj1c11 with cont11cto1(1) llc1n11d purautnt to th• Conu1ctor'1 Uc11111 Lew). · ' 0 I am exempt under S1ctlon _____ Bu1ln111 end Prol111lona Cod, lor thlt r■uonl t. 2. 3. I ptf1on1lly plan to provide the major labor ind m1t11lal1 for conauuotlon of tha p,opo■ld pro,-ty lmprovtment, 0 YES ONO . . I 111111, / hive not) lignad an 1ppllc1tlon for I bullcllng ptrmlt lot tha propoetcl wo,k.' I h1111 cont11ct1d with the followlng p111on Ulfml I!) provld, the propoa1d conauuotlon llnclucl• name I ■dell"' I phone number / cont11cto11 llc1n11 number): 4. I pl111 to provide portlona of the work, but I hive hind th, loUowlng p111on lo coo,cllnltt, lupllllltl and p,ovlcll the major work (Include n,m, I 1dd1111 / phon, number/ con111ctor1 license number):. _______________________________________ _ Ii. f wlA provide 1om1 of lhe work, but I hive cont11ct1d lhl11dl thl following p■,IOIII lo p,ovlde tha work Indicated !Include name / 1dd1111 / phon1 numb11 / 1yp1 of wcwkl: ________________________________________________ _ PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE _____________ ..,....________ DATE _________ _ ~to~..i•l'slCUOlu.QR..l'-0.N.-li.i'~~~~om· mr~n;n:~1:.-'\''1,;'i'~,\ , t, the 1ppllcant Of future building occup1nt required to aubmll • bualntu plan. eoullly hue,~ mat..W. reglauadon form or rllk m1n1g1ment and p11v,ntlon program und11 SIC1lonl 26506, 26533 o, 2lili34 of the P11al1y•Tamw Huar~ lubl• Account Aot1 0 YU O NO la the 1ppllcant or lutur• building occupant 11qulrtcl to obttln • p11mlt from tha lir pollu\loft oonttol clllUlot o, air qullltv rnan■gem111t dlatrlct1 0 YES O NO la the l1cllltv to 1M -INcttd within 1,000 f11t of Iha ou111 boundlly ol 1 ■ohool alllf C YU C N~ II' AHY o, THE AHIWERI ARI YU, A FINAL CE.RTIFICATI OP OCCUPANCY MAY NOT II IIIUED UNWI THI APPLICANT HAI MET OR IS MEETING THE RIOUIREMEHTI o, THE OFFICE or EMERGENCY IE.RVICU AND THI AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DIITRICT. •(~~CO,N$JRUCTION LENOIHQ'AQEHCY~~,l--~l:lJ"2'l'1fPJP!ref~1~~~~,i..: , ·,. : .. :,. ·: I h111by 111km th1t thare 11, conatrucllon l1nding 1gancy. lor th• perfor-• of the work fw whloh Ihle pe,mit I, l11ued (Sec. 3097111 Clvll Codel. LENDER'S NAME____________ U.NOlR'l l.001\UI :I.:,: .Al'P\.ICAtn:;,WTIFICAnott.J.,.aJ.~[~iE.1MiW~~~.,. I certify that I hive 111d the applicetlon tnd 111t1 that th• 1bov1 lnlotm■tlon It Cotrtot end that tha lnform1ilon on the pl11111 11 1ccu111,. I ag111 to comply with 111 City ordlnanc11 and St111 lawa 11l11lng to bulldlng conauuctlon, I htrlby 1u~I&• reprn■nt11lv1t of the City of C11lab1d to 1nt11 upon th• 1bov1 m1n1lon1d property IOI Inspection pu,po111. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INOEMNlfY AND 11(.U, .HARMLlll THI CITY OP CARLSIAO AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COITI AND EXPENSU WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUI AQIJNIT IAl0 CITY IN CONllQUEHCI OP THI GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA p11mlt II required lor 1iu:11111lona 01111 &·o· dHp and demolition 0, oonauuotlon of IUUOWIM ovw 3 ,1011 .. In height. EXPIRATION: Eve,y P•mlt la1uld by tha Building Olllclel undtt tha p,ovlalonl of 11111 Codi 1h11 upl,1 by llmllltlon end become null end void II th, building 01 work 1Ulhorl11d by 1uc:h permit la not cornm1r1Ctd within 386 d■ye from tha d■t■ ol luch P«mlt Of If tha bullcllno Of work 1uthorl11d by 1uch permit 11 1usp1nd1d ................... ~-··-· .. ·•-""·""-'·· ........... ,_, .... ,. r APPLICANT'S S.IGNATU P ~ 11(;)< yyY'.\4 Y\z DATE /,R -d .-q ' PERMIT# CB981692 DESCRIPTION: WATER TYPE: PWM CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST FOR 06/18/98 HEATER REPLACE STE: JOB ADDRESS: 1665 APPLICANT: DAVERSON, CONTRACTOR: JAMES DR JOE PHONE: 729-1632 PHONE: OWNER: PHONE: INSPECTOR AREA PLANCK# CB981692 OCC GRP CONSTR. TYPE NEW LOT: REMARKS: C/DOROTHY/729-1632 AM PLEASE SPECIAL INSTRUCT: HOMEOWNER WILL CALL IN INSPECTOR ~4 THE MORNING Tofsf WHAT TIME. TOTAL TIME: CD 25 LVL DESCRIPTION PL Water Heater/Vents d--c~o=.,..MM-E~--T_S J~---------- ------------------------------------------------------ ***** INSPECTION HISTORY***** DATE DESCRIPTION ACT INSP COMMENTS