HomeMy WebLinkAbout1697 DOCENA RD; ; CB983350; PermitBUILDING PERMIT 11/16/98 14 11 Page 1 of 1 Job Address 1697 DOCENA RD Suite Permit Type. SINGLE FAMILY DWLNG - DETACHED Parcel No 215-910-01-00 Lot# Valuation 317,736 Occupancy Group. Permit No Project No Development No Referenced 104 Construction Type CT9203 Status Description. SFD 3697 SF.GAR634 SF,PLAN 3 Applied • PHASE 4-SERENATA-BREHM COMPANIES Apr/Issue Entered By Appl/Ownr . BREHM COMPANIES 619 293-7090 2385 CVAMINO DEL RIO S #220 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 CB983350 A9804355 DEV93019 VN ISSUED 08/21/98 11/16/98 JM Plan Check Numbers A** Fees Required *** Fees 15,587. Adjustments . > ORIG CB973502 *** Fees 32 . - - "" OP'"' ., Total Fees 15,587X32 •:"'..;,. Total PC 98324% 11/16/98 0001 01 CoJ lected & CretCifW Credits Tot a 1 - Payriient s . ",' ' \-x ./ ••-. - '• -Balance Due Fee description. / Number of Bedrooms / . , Number of Bathrooms .•", . ": Building Permit .' '••"• O Plan Check ' -".::• Strong Motion Fee' ' : ; • < Enter Plan Check Discount Enter "Y" to Autocalc P.F Enter "Y" to Autoc'alc T.I Payoff Fee for CFD' .-• .. -.; . ."' ~ /• ' . > ; • -,. • •-.. " . • ' """\ f 'Amt . '-, . J> . -'., F.,., ,'!•'., >. ;•;: ••f1-- ••'':•>•!!. ./'• . "-•"> • :-': , Uri-its .< '- s : 4 50 .~- '• ' ,"" ,,•'72 00 y -. ' 42-5-4 ,.3 '2 Fee'/Uiiit "' i . .» ? \ -T ' [ / • ^* ;oo: Enter #Units & CodeVPot able- Water > v . - " 1, . .', Enter "Y" for Plumbing Is Each Plumbing Fixture or Each Building Sewer Each Install/Repair Water Each Water Heater and/or Gas Piping System Each Vacuum Breaker Enter "Y" for Electric Is Single Phase Per AMP Enter 'Y' for Mechanical sue Fee .> . Trap • . > '.'v . •; > Line . "> , Vent" •'•''.> . ..._ "--. '' ' " ">• sue Fee > > Issue Fee> Install Furn/Ducts/Heat Pumps > Each Install Fireplace Each Exhaust Fan > > • 2.1 .1 1 ' - . •- ' 1 1 2 200 2 2 5 • •• "' 7' 15 7 - ' 7 7 7 9 6 6 / 00 00 00 00 00 00 25 00 50 50 15,587 02 15587*32 00 UO 32 Ext fee 5 4 1384 900 32 -72 5783 550 4254 2400 20 147 15 7 7 7 14 10 50 15 18 13 . J2. 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 32 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 Data Y Y D5/8 Y Y Y CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 •rarpsfll linymuansDao M^M Final Building Inspection BrrnSB Dept: Building Engineering Planning CMWD St Plan Check # Permit # CB983350 Project Name SFD 3697 SF.GAR634 SF.PLAN 3 PHASE 4-SERENATA-BREHM COMPANIES Address 1697DOCENARD Contact Person Phone Sewer Dist CA Water Dist CA Inspected Date By c-t.doo&vna^ Inspected 4(1(00 Inspected Date Bv Inspected Inspected Date Bv Inspected Comments (^,-^Jk Vx^elc rff 5/u> a^ COM \ov>< 41 _ 7 Lite Fire Date Permit Type Sub Type Lot 104 Approved Approved Approved , rw~ «w<z.«H APR - 6 4/5/2000 SFD Disapproved \/ Disapproved Disapproved 'r U/w CitvofCarJsbafl Final Building Inspection Dept: Building Engineering Planning CMWD StLite Fire Plan Check # Date 4/5/2000 Permit* CB983350 Permit Type SFD Project Name SFD 3697 SF.GAR634 SF.PLAN 3 Sub Type PHASE 4-SERENATA-BREHM COMPANIES Address 1697DOCENARD Lot 104 Contact Person Phone Sewer Dist CA Water Dist CA Inspected By Inspecteg/ By Inspected By Date Inspected Date . Inspected Date Inspected pproved _ Approved Approved Disapproved Disapproved Disapproved Comments City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 4/18/2000 Permit# CB983350 Title SFD 3697 SF.GAR634 SF.PLAN 3 Description PHASE 4-SERENATA-BREHM COMPANIES Inspector Assignment PD 1697 DOCENARD Lot 104 Type SFD Sub Type Job Address Suite Location APPLICANT BREHM COMPANIES Owner BREHM-AVIARA III DEVELOPMENT ASS Remarks Phone 76093Q8980 Inspector; Total Time Requested By JUSTIN CD 19 29 39 49 Entered By CHRISTINE Description Act . Comments Final Structural r\J Final Plumbing .,,.,. / / Fin?' Flpctnpal / Final Mechanical L_ Associated PCRs Inspection History Date Description 2/17/2000 39 Final Electrical 11 /30/1999 82 Drywall/Ext Lath/Gas Test 11 /19/1999 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 11/19/1999 16 Insulation 11/18/1999 13 Shear Panels/HD's 11/17/1999 84 Rough Combo 10/7/1999 83 Roof Sheathing/Ext Shear 9/1/1999 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 8/20/1999 21 Underground/Under Floor Act Insp Comments AP PD EMR AP PD AP DM AP DM CA PD CO PD AP PD AP DM AP PD •<7"li Dill HI IN SVN I'll <''> (' \l IHIKM \ Ii:i2: '" THE BREHM^COMPANIES April 19, 1999 Pat Kelley CITY OF CARLSBAD Public Works - Engineering 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 RE Tract 92-3 - Aviara Phase III Brehm Phase 4 & 5 - Serenata Building Permit Numbers - See Attached Dear Mr Kelley The above referenced building permits are approaching the first six-month inspection requirement and we would like to request a six months extension of time This request became necessary as a result of the following issues 1 The lawsuit that was filed by the Aviara Master Association against Brehm, et al and was just recently settled by the panties 2 Delays in our obtaining the required deannexations approval for Aviara Phase III The request is to be heard at the May 5, 1999 Planning Commission hearing 3 Due to the above two items, we have not been able to obtain the required Department of Real Estate Public Report approvals needed to close our homes in the first three phases of the project 4 Our existing lender agreements specify that only a certain number of homes can be under construction at any one time Should you require additional information to complete this request, don't hesitate to call me at (619) 404- 9782 direct dial Very truly yours, THE BREHM COMPANIES Klaus Mendenhall Aviara Project Manager Attachments . t X.SERENATACONSTRUCTION PHASE 4/^1 mIj&sfi 1 1 ^sOSisr |j ^ $& •*P-s 53?i| **i? 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