HomeMy WebLinkAbout1700 BUENA VISTA WAY; ; 62-5119; Permit-_ Sewer Main Line Cost ....................................................................................................... Sewer Lateral Connecjion Charge .. CITY OF CARLSBAD - BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION PHONE PArkway 9-1181 - M. 36 [Middle) Street Owner Name Mailing Address (Please Print) [Last) (First) ........................................................... ............. ................ Street- City Phone To Construct 0 To Add /To Alter 0 To Repair 0 To Convert 0 To Move From .............................................................. Type of Cons+.- ... Kind of Foundation ....e -4 ....... No. of Stories ...- To Be Used for &-le. ............... Floor Space of Proposed Construction (sq. feet) . ..............................- ........... Const, Valuation $ ............ 6..qk .. .................................-............._._.........- --. Mailing Address s ......-............. -.. -.-. (Please Print) Number Address [Frame, Masonry, Etc.) (One Fami Dwelling. Store, Etc.) OG ......................................................................... .." m6? PO4 5 attached 0 Floor Space of le;acrq. (sq. feet) ...a-.O.Q ............................... detached nconst. Valuation $ ................................................................................ " .........-..-..-. LEGAL DESCRIPTION .................................................................................. ........_...........___._________.____. ............. .......................................... .................................................... Lot Block So bdivision or .......................................................................................... section ............................ Range ..........._.......-..... . Located at ....... /7&.0 ..... &..@.-d-!-!-.& .............. Street, Near . ..-......... . .................................... Assigned House Number LAND AREA ...................................... NUMBER OF EXlSTlNG DWELLINGS ON PROPOSED BUILDING SITE ................. Z ................... a ........ (INDICATE SIZE, USE AND LOCATION ON PLOT PLAN]. WILL THIS CONSTRUCTION INCLUDE ANY PLUMBING INSTALLATION, ALTERATION, OR ADDITION? YES ................ NO ................. / I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY ORDINANCES AND STATE LAWS REGULATING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. PERMITTEE% .............-.._... If a check is tendered for psyment of the above fee and the check is not honored when presented for payment, your Building Permit will be immediately revoked. SIGNATURE OF I Front Yard Set Back .................................................................... / Side Yard Set Back ......& ............................... Rear Yard Set Back 1 ....l/d...........................................................- / f / Distance Between Bldg. .... Lo ................................................... I Off Street Parking Spaces ........................................................... I f I Sewage Disposal System .............................................................. Zone . Residentid ( ) I Zone . Commercial ( ) .... ........... ..... ................................... I / .._I Plani ApproTsra .............. ..................................................... Plan Check Fee ............................................................................................ ....... Approved by .... ~r. ..... .......................... ........._................................ Building Permit Fee ..... d ...... .................................................................. -P Date .......... 9- ................._..... u- &-- ............................................................................... Total Charges ....... c .................................................................... -4 DECLARATIONS OWNERIBUILDER CONTRACTOR in LENDER 71 WORKER'S COMPENSATION I I 5 0 I 9 0 9 r Q rn 13 --1 cn cn C rn z 5 - C I 4 0 9 I- I- White - Inspector Green - (1) Finance Yellow - Assessor Pink - Applicant Gold - Temporary File n n cn I h f! rn 3 I z c) n 0 0 - -n 3 cn I rn D n - B - I- I 3 T T I I I -r -+- I D m ID rn Q 0, -0 rn 0 > r li -t- I DEVELOPMENT PROCESSING SERVICES DIVISION 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009-4859 (61 9) 438-1 161 MISCELLANEOUS FEE RECEIPT Applicant Please Prlnt And Fill In Shaded Area Only JOB ADDRESS 1700 Buena Vista Way ‘ Mr. 8z Mrs. Darryl Tell OWNER owNER’s MAlLlNG 1700 Buena Vista Way ADDRESS CITY Carlsbad zip 92008 ~~t.729-9078 CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR’S MAILING ADDRESS CITY ZIP TEL. STATE BUSINESS LICENSE NO. LICENSE NO. Wilslnia Ta\OT(S) Portion of 4 SUBDIVISION LEGAL DESCRPTION A Portion Of Lot 4 Of Wilsoaia Tract, City of Carlsbad CONTACT PERSON Booth ADDRESS P.O. Box 4651, cm Garfsbad, CIBqlp 82008 TEL.434-8474 APPLICANT’S SIGNATURE DATE White - File Yellow - Applicant PLAN ID NO.ZK//~~ 1414 06/19m ooo1 01 0 VALIDATION AREPnisc 41.00 ESTMATED VALUATION -Aa&L PLAN CHECK FEE 001-810-00-00-8821 IF THE APPLICANT TAKES NO ACTION WlTHh 180 DAYS, PLAN CHECK FEES WILL BE FORFEITED. CHECK IF SUBMITTED: 0 2 ENERGY CALCS 2 1987 ENERGY CALCS 0 FOR NON RESlDENTlAL BLDGS 2STRUCTURALCALCS 0 0 2 SOILS REPORTS 0 2 SELF ADDRESSED ENVELOPES DATE DATE GIVEN/ SENT TO APPLICANT LA COSTA LETTER SCHOOL FEE FORM P a E CORRECTIONS LIST ~~ CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Pink - Finance Gold - Assessor ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92 123 (619) 56;01468 I I~APPLICANT J I ON KER \ EUPS !-!DESIGNER The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where building codes. 0 necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified d~/ke p are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for t 0 identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected 13 The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected 0 jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. 0 The applicant's copy of the check list has been sen t person that n contacted: Enclosures: ESGIJS~ORPORATION ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAYE~-\KE DR.. SCITE 2011 SAX DIEGO, CA 92 I23 (6 19) 560 I468 PL I CANT DATE: ?///88 JURISDICTION: CITY OF CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK NO: FILE COPY UPS DESIGNZR c SET: 1 eB ~0 m73 PROJECT ADDRESS: /700 3~ 4$9mu PROJECT NAHE: Go-.&& / c The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor def icien- - cies ideniif ied are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deeiciencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a ccmplete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is the iurisdiction's copy for your information. Esgil Corp: until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The plans are being held at The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. licant's copy of the check list h s been sent to: D&/.#W/Z/Y /7uo B#?&m7 d:AV & U 9Z&B G Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. Esgil staff advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: Telephone #- REMARKS : BY :-P.Q/~ 0 ENCL : ESGS CORPORATION J%4ltcxlrwprnaaalJnq - Pm Am)- Mmzuss Date plans received by jurisdiction: &Az?/&3 &Z?9AB- - Date plans received by Esgil Corporation: Date initial plan check completed: ~+&L.BY:d;cvcp/~m @ 4?L& Applicant contact person: 20&t&&e Telephone: 4% -16) Plan check is limited to technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances by the Planning Present California law mandates that residential constmetion comply with Title 24 and the following model codes: - 1985 UBC (eff. 7/31/87) 1985 UPC (eff. 3130187) 1987 NEC (eff. 10/28/87) * 1985 UMC (eff. 8/28/87) Ihe above regulations apply to residential construction, regardless of the code editions adopted by ordinance . The circled items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items have to be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 303(c), 1985 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not pewit the violation of any state, county or city law. sure to enclose the marked UD list when YOU submit Ianx: List No. 63, Carlsbad Single Family Dwelling and hp1e.x With All Supplsmant8. PMxmnms ARE= 111 slQuRu2 As PlyQS&hvnGrn nacI m?Jl= (1985 W) I. a'. P- Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, and any original plan sets that may have been returned to you by the jurisdiction, to: Esgil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite C208, San Diego, California 92123, (619) 560-1468. Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, and any original plan sets that may have been returned to you by the jurisdiction, to: The jurisdiction's building department. Indicate on the Title Sheet of the plans, the name of the legal owner and name of person responsible for the preparation of the plans. Section 302(a)7. All sheets of plans must be signed by the person responsible for their preparation. (California Business and Professions Code). Plans, specifications and calculations shall be signed by the California state licensed engineer or architect responsible for their preparation, for plans deviating from conventional wood frame construction. Specify expiration date of license. (California Business and Professions Code). Specify on the Title Sheet of the plans the gross floor area of each element of this project including dwelling, garage, carport, patio, deck and balcony. Provide a statement on the Title Sheet of the plans that this project shall comply with Title 21 and 1985 UBC, Vm: and UPC and 1987 KEC. Submit fully dimensioned plot plan drawn to scale showing location, size, and use of all existing and proposed structures on the lot. Identify property lines and show lot dimensions and all easements. Show location of all cut or fill slopes. Show finish floor elevations and show elevations of adjacent finish grade. Show drainage patterns with minimum slopes. Section 302( c) . Indicate distance from property lines to proposed building. Section 302(c). Section 302(c). J. vl Show on the title sheet all structures? pyla, walls, etc. included under this application. Any portion of the project shown on the site plan that is not included with the building permit application filed should be clearly identified as "not included." Clearly show if the lower level is a basement or a story, based on the definitions in Sections 403 and 420. Plot the finish grade (as defined) on the elevations and dimension the distance to the floor above, for story determination. Walls closer than 3 feet to property lines shall be one-hour rated construction, have no openings, and shall have 30 inch parapets when the building floor area exceeds 1,000 square feet on any floor. (Table 5-A, Section 1709 (a)). Projections, including eaves, may not extend more than 12 inches into the 3 foot setback from the property line. Eaves over required windows shall be not less than 30 inches from the side and reax pro erty lines. Section 1710 and Section 504 (a? and (b). Plastic skylights shall not be installed within 8' of an exterior wall located hre openings in such exterior wall ate prohibited or required to be protected. Section 5207 (a) 7. Projections, including eaves, shall be one- hour fire-resistive construction, heavy timber or of noncombustible material if they project into the 3' setback area from the property line. Section 1710. Show location of permanently wired smoke detector, centrally located in corridor or area giving access to sleeping moms or above stair if sleeping rooms are on upper level. Section 1210. A smoke detector shall be installed in the basement of dwelling units having a staixway which opens from the basement into the dwelling. Such detector shall be connected to a sounding device or other detector to provide an alarm which will be audible in the sleeping area. Section 1210. When the valuation of a room addition exceeds 31,000, or when sleeping rooms are created, smoke detectors shall be provided at existing bedrooms per item 16 above. /4. Provide stairway and landing details. Section Maximum rise is 7Il and minimum rn is 11". When the stairs benes less than 10 occupants, or serves an unoccupied roof, rise my be 8" maximum and run 9" minimum. 3306 (b) h (c). /. ,$. Minimum headroom is 6'6". Minimum width is 36". . All handrails per Section 3306 (j), shall Provide handrail for stairways with I or Handrail shall be 30" to 34" above the nosing of treads. Ihe handgrip portion of handrail shall be not less than 1 114" nor more than 2" in cross-sectional dimension. . Every stairway landing shall have a dimension, ' measured in the direction of travel, at last equal to the stairway width. Such dimension need not exceed 36 inches. 3304 (i). satisfy the following: 1. more risers. # /!. Section 3306 (g), . A door may open inward at the top step of a ' stairway provided the top step is not more than 7 112" lower than the floor level. Section 3304 (h). Provide details of winding stairway complying Minimum tread in 6 inches at any point and d minimum 9 inches at a point 12 inches from where the treads are narrowest. p' Maxinnnu rise is 8 inches. f Minimum width is 36 inches. f* with Section 3306 (d): Provide spiral 3306 (f): stairvay details, per Section / himum mn is 7 112 inches measured at a point 12 inches from where the treads are the narrowest. )f. Maximclm rise is 9 112 inches. f Minimum headroom is 6 feet 6 inches )@ The tread must provide a clear walking area measuring at least 26 inches from the outer edge of the supporting column to the inner edge of the handrail. Spiral stairways may not be used for required exits when the area served is greater than 000 sq. ft. Section 3306 (f). Provide I.C.B.O. Research Report and number for metal stairway, or submit plans and calculations and approved fabricator registered with the building department or note that the stairway fabrication plans shall be submitted to and approved by the building official prior to installation. In buildings over 2 stories in height, provide ' 314 hour fire-rated assemblies for all openings in the exterior wall below or within 10 feet horizontally of an exterior stairway. An exit balcony with 2 separated stairways is exempt. Section 3306 (1). #. openings in exterior walls below or within 10 feet, measured horizontally, of an exterior stair shall be protected by self-closing fire assemblies having a three-fourths-hour fire protection rating when the stair serves a floor level having openings in two or more - floors below it. An exit balcony with two separated stairways is exempt. Section 3306 (1). fl. Exterior staisays shall not project into the 3 foot setback from the property lines. Section 3306 (n). . The walls and soffits of the enclosed usable pb space under interior stairs shall be protected on the enclosed side as required for one-hour fire-resistive construction. Section 3306 f. Within units, show that corridors have a Section 3305 (b). (4 miniwrm width of 36 inches. vi. specify roof slope. #. Roof slope is not adequate for roof type specified. Table 32-B; Section 3203 (h). V . Specify roof material and application. Chapter 32. r/. Specify I.C.B.O. or U.L. approval number for roof materials not covered in U.B.C., e.g., tile, etc. Section 107. 12/16/87 4 The maximum slope for a fire retardant built- up roof, with rock or gravel surfacing, is 3 inches in 12 inches. Section 3203 (e) 2. The minimum slope for a fire retardant built- up roof, with cap sheet surfacing, is 112 inch in 12 inches. Section 3203 (e) 3. Specify minimum 1/4 inch per foot roof slope for drainage or design to support accumulated water. Section 3207 (a), Section 2305 (f) and Section 2511 (d) 6. Show roof drains and overflows. Section 3207. Provide skylight details to show compliance with Sections 3401 and 5207 or provide I.C.B.O. approval number. Plastic skylights must be separated from each other by at least 4 feet. Section 5207 (a) 6. Show attic ventilation. HiniPnna vent area is l/150 of attic area or 11300 of attic area if at least 50% of the required vent is at least 3 feet above eave vents or cornice vents. Show required area and area provided. Section 3205 (c). !wslEI Provide fireplace constmction details or note construction to be per attached fireplace standard drawing. Qlapter 37. Show anchored veneer support and connections attached to wood in Seismic Zones 3 and 4, comply with Section 3006 (d)l and Section 2515 (a?. Show ties and &9 wire in horizontal Show height and constmction details of all masonry walls. Chapter 24. Note that cleanout openings shall be provided at the bottom of all cells to be grout filled in accordance with Table 24-G. Cleanouts shall be sealed before grouting, after inspection. Show floor and roof connections to masonry walls. Connection shall resist 200 pounds per lineal foot or the actual design load, whichever is greater. Cross grain tension or bending in wood ledgers is not permitted. Section 2310 & 2312 (j)3A. Provide details for damp proofing the foundation walls, below finish grade, where usable space exists on the interior side of the walls. Section 1707 (d). JOllltS. Show a minimum 2" air space and flashing between planter and building walls. Section 2516 (c) 7. Garage requires one-hour fire protection on the garage side of walls and ceiling Comn to the dwelling. All elements supporting floor above garage, including walls supporting floor joists, must have one-hour fire-resistive protection on the garage side. Section 503 (b) Show 1 3/8" solid core self-closing door for openings between garage and dwelling. Section 503 (d). Garages are not permitted to open into a room used for sleeping purposes. hn occupancy separation is not required between carport and residence, provided the carport is open on two or more sides and has I no enclosed uses above. Section 503 (a) Exception 3. Show garage framing sections, size of header over garage opening, lateral cross bracing at plate line, method bracing garage front and holddowns if required. Chapter 23. NOTE: Maxinun shear panel ratio is 3 1/2 to 1 for height-to-width . Table 25-1. Doors may open into the garage only if the floor or landing in the garage is not more than one inch lower than the door threshold. Section 3304 (h). Provide an 18" raised platform for any FAU, water heater, or other device in the garage which may generate a flame or spark. UMC Section 508, UPC Section 1310 (a). Table 5-B, Section 503 (d). Section 1104. Per soils report, note on the plan the soils classification, whether or not the soil is expansive and note the allowable bearing value. Section 2905 (c) . The foundation plan does not comply with the soils report recommendations for this project. Please review the report and modify design, notes and details as required to show compliance: All energy items shown on the plans must be in agreement with the information shown on the properly completed Form CF-lR. Specify on the buildinn D lans all of the mandatory energy conservation requirements as listed on the enclosure titled, "Mendatoxy Enelw Conservation Reouirements". Show the make, model and efficiency of the space heating (or cooling) system and provide heat loss calculations if the output exceeds 45,000 BTUlHt. For room additions, show that the glazing area of the addition does not exceed 16% of the newly-conditioned floor area, p!~ glazing removed or relocated due to the addition. See additional corrections below or at end. WRISBAD S3.D. L Energy consemation design should be for Zone Floor drains mist have auto-prime (city policy). Note exhaust fans mot be ductless type (city New residential units must be pre-plumbed for future solar water heating. Note l'two roof jacks must be installed" where the water heater is in the one story garage and directly below the most south facing roof (City Ordinance No. Note 'kwo 3/4" copper pipes must be installed to the most convenient future solar panel location when the water heater is not in a one story garage and is not directly below the most south facing roof. (City Ordinance No. 8093). All piping for present or future solar water heating mast be insulatedwheninareas that are not heated or cooled by mechanical nteans 7 . Seeattachedenergypsckages. policy). 8093). (city policy). Incorporate the waterproofing attached Policy 80-8, where space OCCUTS below grade wall(s). Show on the Title Sheet on information reauired bv details, on the interior living at the masonry the plans, the the attached Developmental Sekices Sheei 112383. All new residential buildings, including additions, require a soils report. Please submit two copies. Heavy timber framing, minimum 6" x 10" beams and minimum 8" x 8'' post, for the structural beam and colm supporting the fire separation between the garage and living area above, is acceptable if shown on the plans. (city policy). UBC Adopting Ordinance 8792 requires Fire Retardant roof on all structures (Sec. 18.04.230). Show compliance with UBC Section 3203(e). City Ordinance 9792 requires two parking spaceslunit with clear area of 2O1x20' i.e. no I washing machines, etc. Show compliance. Please see additional corrections, or renwks, on the following page. City of Carlsbad has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 6191560-1468, to perfom the plan check for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan check items, please contact at Esgil Corporation. If you have any questions regarding City Building permit procedures, please contact Carter Darnell at the City of Carlsbad, 1200 Elm Avenue, telephone 6191438-1161. nmnk you. Enclosures: II Date: ?// Pr apar cd by * 9uILDIHG PORTION BUILDING AREA e 146 ’ CITY OF CARCSBAD VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER 17 3,33 9 - 0 Air Conditionina Comer c ial VALUATTON AND PLAN CHECK FEE ‘I c 51dg. Dept. Esgil I 1 PLAN CHECX NO. cB&? /!I- BUILDING ADDRESS 170B &ven# Hfeff?. g/$t. BUTLDING OCCUPANCY DESTGNSR PHONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON yA/ CONTRACTOR PHONE APPLZCANT/CONTAC T-,!wA~-?G~( / 0 an PHONE Ne 438 - //A/ .c. I . Residential I Res. or Corn. Fir e Sur ink1 ers 1 1 I c @ . - 3,3 32 Total Value -L Buildin9 Permit fee $ 63- S Phn Check fer $ -p’o ps s 40- 44 Plans received by Esgil after July 31, 1987 shall have permit and plan check fees calculated per 1985 UBC. SHEET / OF / 12/87 c a a CI ti .. r rn a 3 a > Q) p? m .- uno nou uno &OO do / 0 do0 do0 do 0 do 0 do 0 OOD onu ENGINEERING Date : 9- /-&El Project Address: Plan Check No. &3//03 1700 Bm * 9 V/57i4 M Project Name: zu Gam Amnw Field Check Date: By: LEGAL REQUIREMENTS Site Plan CHECKLIST 4, I tem Complete I tem Incomplete Your Action Number in indicates Dla - Needs circle ncheck number that' deficiency was identified 1. 2. 3. 4. Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets , existing street improvements, right-of-way width and dimensioned setbacks. Show: Show on Site Plan: Finish floor elevations, elevations of finish grade adjacent to building, existing topographical lines, existing and proposed slopes, driveway and percent (%) grade and drainage patterns. Provide legal description of property. Provide assessor's parcel number. PERMITS REQUIRED Grading 5. Grading permit required. (Separate submittal to Engineering Department required for Grading Permit). - 6. Grading plans in plan check PE 7. Need the following completed prior to building permit issuance: A. Grading plans signed. B. Grading permit issued. C. Grading completed. D. Certification letter and compaction reports submitted. E. Grading inspected and permit signed off by City Inspector. 8. Right-of-way Permit required for work in public right-of-way (e.g., driveway approach, sidewalk, connection to water main, etc) . 9. Industrial Waste Permit application required. To be filled out completely and returned to Development Processing. FEES REQUIRED CI 10. 11. (23. 0 12. 13. 0 14. a 0 15. 16. Park-in-Lieu fees required. Quadrant: - , Fee Per Unit: rc-~ Total Fee: - Traffic impact fee required. Fee Per Unit: ------- , Total Fee: ltb Bridge and Thoroughfare fee required. Fee Per Unit: - , Total Fee: q&&..,&&f- Public facilities fee required. Facilities management fee required. Fee:&/ --,A Additional EDU's required: oh Sewer connection fee: - Sewer lateral required: REMARKS: O.K. to issue: -7 x- < me : c -=----j u // If you have any questions about any of check, please call the Development Process the above items identified on this plan ng Department at 438-1161. . r * x Q c, d .. > m B 2 z L Q > .- N * do UCI m * x 0 0 CI 0 0 PLANNING CHECKLIST Type of Project and Use Zone I?-/ Use Allowed? YES p( NO Setback: Front & Side Rear ok ~&&JC& /?Wni,d Facilities Management Zone I School District: San Dieguito Carlsbad K- - Enci ni tas San Marcos Discretionary Action Required YES NO D( TY Pe Envi ronmenta I Required YES NO A Landscape Plan Required YES No -6 Comments Coastal Permit Required YES No A Addi tiona I Comments I it I I I I I I st