HomeMy WebLinkAbout1703 BLACKBIRD CIR; ; CBR2020-1509; PermitPrint Date: 09/22/2020 Permit No: CBR2020-1509 Building Permit Finaled Residential Permit Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel #: Valuation: Occupancy Group: 1703 BLACKBIRD CIR, CARLSBAD, CA 92011-5010 BLDG-Residential 2156027800 $0.00 Work Class: Lot #: Project #: P/M/E Status: Applied: Issued: 07/08/2020 07/08/2020 Finaled Close Out: #of Dwelling Units: Track #: Plan #: Closed - Finaled PDrei Plan Check #: Project Title: Inspector:Orig. Plan Check #:Bathrooms: Description:REPLACE FURNACE A/C COIL & CONDENSER (E-REVIEW) Final Inspection:09/22/2020 Bedrooms:Construction Type: Property Owner: SWYNEY FAMILY TRUST 07-27-05 3505 ALANDER CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 Contractor: OAK ISLAND HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING INC 1250 PACIFIC OAKS PL, # STE 103 ESCONDIDO, CA 92029-2908(760) 839-8383 AMOUNTFEE PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, AND MECHANICAL PERMIT $175.00 Total Fees:$175.00 Total Payments To Date:$175.00 Balance Due:$0.00 Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 ï 760-602-2700 ï 760-602-8560 f ï www.carlsbadca.gov Building Division Page 1 of 1 {"Cityof Carlsbad CBR2020-1509 7/8/20 { City of Carlsbad RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APP LI CATION B -1 JobAddrcss 1703 Blac1<b1 rd C1ve,/e., s.,;,., __ Plan Check -------- Est. Value J>C Deposit -------- Oi:te -------- APN: ---------CT/Project#:, _____________ _ l.Ot#:, ___ _ Fire Sprfnl<lers: yes/ no Air Conditioning: yes/ no Electrical Panel Upgrade: yes/ no eR1eF oescR1PT,oN OF wo•K: Replace fyrnq ce, re.place A/l l.Qi.l ~ condenser. 0 Add;wn/Ncw: _____ uv;ng SF, O,ck Sf. ___ ,,.,ioSl', ___ GorageSF Is ttiis to acatt ;in A«..e.SSOfV 0-we:lliog unit? Yes/ No NcwFirepl;x:c? Ycs/Noiifyeshowm1rry? _ 0 Remodel: ____ SF of affected area tt the art:a a conversion or cha.nge of use ? Y~ / No 0 Pool/Spa; Additiotlal Gas or elcctrkal Features? _________ _ O Sol:.r: ~. __ Modules, Mounted· A:oof /Ground. Tilt: Yes /No, RMA:Ycs/ No, S;ittcry: Yes/ No P•nel upgrade: Yes/ No LI Rcroo~-------------------------------n Ptumbing/Mech;mie.>1/flectrical Only: ____ _ Ll Other: --------- 0€SIGN PROF~IONAL Name: ______________ _ Address: _____________ _ City: Stotc:. __ z;p: ___ _ Phone : _____________ _ Email: ______________ _ An::hitect: State IJ.ce.me= _________ _ CONTRACTOR BUSINESS Name: D.t:a I{_ lsl~J1d Ht".a.:l:u14: g., A I C Addr ... ;J25:o raei .fi C:oii:i Pi. #[a3 c;tv: Es(,D()c:J id v State: 0\ Zip: 'l.2~0=:?,g:,___ Phone: ]f(,D• I<= 39-~,383 EmoU: lofQ@Qa /( i~14!'.ld4'C · C.0r'YI State Lloc=: 7 '+5400 Bus. Lic•nse: BLoS/2/'2,]10 ($«.10SU~>nd~Codt:MtO!yot(011111tY...+iich~•oa--lO .... Gb..U.~.~~0t~•-,W'IIC1wt.,ror.oib ~~MIO'~~~-lors.tlt~tolk~~-.ttlltflC~M/hS.-...a~,oo,e,,..~flll1JloeC:O.C,JUOf"1,laofflM!'WW ~,.,_.., .._. rcc·..ldlk(dtiot1000flll~)ofttM-~W,,_...,..t.OClf)Ot'Wlhc/o..biell.~dwl:tl'Oft\:.C,Or,e:~,wQi,t....,... ~-N/ll/~fllSft1ooaX'4Ut,r-,~llo,:,,.,._wb,e,n,..,_~ .. :,(W~ofa(lt_..l'IIMfM,"-fte!JNi.,.,,_C$t,OOO 163S r•radoy Ave C.rls?>ad, CA 9200S Ph: 760 602 2 719 fax: 760 602 85$8 Email: 8uilcfing@cambfdca.gov B-1 Pege 1 ot2 Rev. OC5111S ( OPTION A): '1',!0RKERS'~Q.!)!!!'ENSATION QECLAJlATIO"!; I heofl)yof{itm under JH?nollyof pc,jmy~ of lM folfowing de</,a,01i'ons· 0 I 1,.,_V\! ,ll'otl 'Mii maint:iin :iH:r1iflca1cof rnn--.t 1(1 se•l-ins.,,f.;, fo, woile•l' wmpcnsa11on pcovlclt<l l>'/SNtkln 3100-0f tln~ l.tb01 l od(.". for 1hc: l)(Yfozm;anr.c-af tt\P wo1kwhidl thi$pr.1mlf l'\ 1~w.-.1 O (ertif11Cat,: of (x,:mp«io11:l(ettifyth:lt ffl th~l)~fo.,l'l:.1-:0!' •)I u ....... 'Olk for \vt.ich1h'I,. p,ormlil 1$ ~I.I(:(!, I ~;ill IIOt('MplOy :Jny l)~Wnin 11nym:;nn,:1 ~ 3~ tobe OCIM() Wb!o.'<l t-0 tllC .... 'Cll k(I~ (Qt'IIO("ft$3ti(ll\ t:i~o, <.:iUfornb-WAI\HIIMG: l'..:1..,,e to JC)Q,o(,C workc,rj (O~~ti()n ~:o\N!r.~ .. k uoliWlful, /Wld:llwlll $ ... ti;:« 11n eMp,Soyc!t~o Q,'iflWlof9~l1i~ ~nd 6'-11 fwi6 VP to $100,000.00,tn 11dd:1.o .. the to 1.hot"<OS1 of 00ffll)C~3IIO",cl:Jmase as prorid~ JOf if'I Se<tiOrl 3706 of d'IC ~or Code, intcrc~1 .:ind :rttomciy'i. f~ CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE: ~50,,:?J-'-~"-"'ez;.4-__________ 1.r,,:GENT OATE:1-/ {p~ ( OPTION 8 ): OWNEf!d!UILDER 0 £.CLARATIQ!'!; I htw:by of firm :hat f om exempc from Controctor's Ikense low for the /o/1(,wi'ttg rcoson. 0 I, .1s-0wnt, -Oi l.}l~ prOP(if'tyo, l'n)'Ml"lo-f\'<',S with w11g.,.~~$ lll~ ~le «lrl'll)C/1$:11.o(U''I, d t.kl th<"-...'(lrk 11nd 1hr •,1rvr1u1e i::, ~n int\.'o'l<fle<I 0r ofl,:,ed fot $!Iii: (Sec. 1044, Olr~x. :iinlf Praf"'-•.Cuv; ( Of!,?: lh~ ( Q,'ltf<1c-tOr'> Lit l:fl><: l:.w doe:: no, :rpply 10 a~ <1wr,e1 -0t puxie,,w wh(I ~•ikl::, (11 i,n11,ovcs lhl.'feo'\. ~nd ""t11, dDM \lll h wn11: hirmr!f(lt tl1to11f,htilsc,wn e.-n"k>vtes, prc,yided lh:!11uth rl!p1ovcmenM 111, oot tntei'{le<J(lf 01te,1:-' l,;.1 ::,,1le. II, hom.vc,, 1hr. Wi!~l~<11 •~IY~ent IS sok.l ,tn(hitl c~~tof <Offll)let"iot\ the ow,n-:.·buildcr .,.,,mfl:1Yr. thebutclrnofprcivlne tf'l~t h@~ J'Ot bvild 01 inlp1ove for thepuri,1Y..ci oi.sJl~J. iJ I, h<IWl'WI or the llf0l)Cl'ty, :irn CXdu\lvt'IV<A11\t:r;,(tine ..... ,,,G<:e"5@dtortll:.t(\Ol\;l0(0.'l';m,Kt thep!Cf-'le"J: (SN, 1(!4-', 6uSil\tSS ..... ~Prok~::.iore.(odc: !he Conu:xto:"s llccruc l;:rw<loc:s.l'IOt 11p,i11y 10 ;in,crw.-.e,, -01 p,opertv wlto bu"lld~o, im;il1CWC:'i '!hereon, MIii cnnfr.11(($ !o, SU(h p,ojo:<b with <Ofltr•t-totM hoen:.:id p1m:;ual'i1 to1tll): C¢Mtll(t(I<''$ ll(~•!St' l.lW) n I :im .. x,:mPl u,w,!,.,. So.'<tlon &iSl~~.-.dP1ofe~~ (;od,I; 101 thh re;,:;(ln: l I l)ef'S<ll\:il~l)~n to"ro,,lde thcm:ijotbbOI' :ind m11tl'rl11l$f1M <Of'IM.f\l(til)I', od lllc-1),ul)O:iC<l pi(lpeftyiml)l'oW'mm1. n VI'$ n «q i I lhln-e / h.wcnoc) ~iJ;ned 11n.a~p(i(111lnn fo1 11 buldiilf:Ol:m'lit fQo tht P,OPQ:.o..'CI wo,k. l. 1 lm~cnnfQ:"tf'd wm.. tht'lc,i1:rw111e,x,,s,:;,1 (!irnitto i,1(.Mde lhep1c,p~1:d' <on~ru<tlnn !lrduc!Prv-m(> ~!f(lfl'$S/ pti(ltll:/ C9nllattor..' licx,i:;enurnbr.r): 4. I nl:ir.to !)to-Id!! portlQnS ¢ th~W(l•lr, bt;1l I hoc roled the folkiwi,-; per:.on 1o coo,,..._11tl", li,llpeMSoe ,ln(I ll•Oridli: lh~m.:1,io1 W0fil.(indud<: natr1ei :dlifc-::s./pllo11P / c.M1nctot'( llr~~n1,1Mt,@fje $. 1wmp,o,;id",es0o·ne-<>f ~ wix).. but I MYeconu:ictm (lurtdlth(l foll(l1.vl(IB t,e<"S011s to l)J(IVidc d~ work inclita lcd f.-iduite n:im" / ~.-••·n/ pho~l" / lYJ)t o,w0rl): OWNER SIGNATURE: __________________ ! f.oGENT DATE: _____ _ CQN5!fil/CT10N LENDING AGE~, IF ANY: I M'r('by ;itt.m th~ 11\Pfo> k II ((l<l'Sli11Cli¢r.l!i,11.,f"..-i1: lllto:ntY for theoc:rfonn.:i~ofth"twotk tlllSPl'f•»it iS iSM-'<See. )097 (i) CrvJCuch:). l~ncld', ~: ___________ l-endl:r',Addrc»: ____________ _ ON~V COMPL~!li THE FOLLOWl"!G SEqlO~fQ!LNON-RESIDENTIAI. BUILDING PERMITS O!"LV; IS th(> <ll)Olicant u, rvu11e buildin& 0<cup;:ant rc:QU1tecl 10$~Mlt~ l:luslness Pbn, a<11U!lv h31J1dou~mat,.'lial::1<:,gutr:isl(I!\ forn~o, risk ~11.)~nt and 111evl!f'llian PfQflf:IM 1,11')d,._., So.'(toCI~ i~ ... lS$33 Qt l553A Of tM P,eslty• T:111n,:1 lll!U.fd011~$u~t:,Jtlt¢/llC(k.ont A(t;> My~ n rco •~1"": i<PQhc:,nt or fu111r1:b11~dlfl$ occu,»nt ,equl11!d 1oob1.a-.i ;i •~•moc (1oro lhc..,. i>o!luli011 ~vol crr.;11k1~ :.Ir 11ual!1y 1Nllilt¢me,t1l <1lwin,> 0 Yts O tl0 I} I~ 1;,(l!ityto bl.'«ll'\Ufll(tl!d-...-nhi11 l,(100 f"'J"! (t(U~Wll:-• t0111\d .. ,y~:, ~h(lul :.i1e;> n YC!',, n f'fo IF AAYOF THE ANSWERSAREY($,A FINAl crnm1CAre oi: CXCUPAN(Y MAY NOf 8( lSSUED UNlfSS fH(J\P'PUCANl MAS M CI Oft ISMEEflNG THE t:U!Q.UtA0,11:NlS OF fHE OFFICE Of EMERGENCYSt:IMCtSA.N(> Tlif /.11\ POlLUr'K>H OONlROl. OCSTRICT. Aff!.!CANT CERTIACATION: I oon.'lv (h~t I ~•e,ad lhe'<1ppro:ati0ll :ind :.t:ite tll:i: the :it>oYQ 1"1f¢fM~t1Qr'I IS OO!'(f(t .)l'ld thirl th,: inl0fm:iti0ll on tl\cpb/1!'; K :u')C'l...,fP. I :ic,,.~ (0(0111,,j)l~•wilh <111 C'ity ordin.'lnt<Mo <1ndSta1c bwii re!:rling; 10 ~IRg(()f\Sl•u«iOn I ht:fd,y :,UC,hl)l'ite (('C)~llt:)(r,'('! Of Ille 0ty otO!l~ to Cnl;tl ~ a"I,: *\It roet1tie11eo: l)IQl)C'1\' '°' ~e<tion ~po:-,('(. I At SO AljRf( ,o SAVI;. tlltltMtllFY MO r.((I> !!/,Mil.US IMC (JTVUF <.AIU.S8Ai)Af.AIUS:l /,1,l UA,8!UTIE$, ~OGMClfTS, <.0STSI.N(>(J(~f'\'6CSWMl(H MAYINt.UYWAV A((RU( Af;,'\JWjl Si\lOCl1YIN(.0t4Sl{,ll.l!M.L <JF rHE <ill.Alntll(0 ();' llil$ l'(f1Mll .0St IA: Mos,"' P.:tmil ~ rcq1.1,m:1 for cxt:i<r.!bct'K O\\'f !(('( d~p MC, 4erno111;on Or i0r,wuttior1 of :.tl\ltl~I~ = :3 stolfe In llrl&f'rt. ~tlO>I: (vecy i,,:rmlt im,,.'G b-1 it',: lil'Jlld~ Offic:al 11/llfc,• tt',t p1-,.,iSi(),1S Q'I tl-S Coot )'!1<111 ~i,: ti,, t!TW::ition :ird l:le:<omr. n11!1 Kid vo'.d lfQip IIUildi'lt ()( ,..c),11 ~uthl)li~ec,f by wc.h p,:rmil t, nol (OfMll:11(<:-:I ""'".h!n ll!O Cl11y.'l mlm th~ d:-~ 01 Sl,I(" l)e'(flit Or if the buildini; <!f 'A'Ork :.uthMl:ed :Y :.uc:11 ?etmll: 1$ M~oO«l 0( ~~tcd "l &ny ml': aft1:1 thC\j'Xlfk I~ CCfflft'IC'Utcl fot 11 pt>r\o,d ¢I 180 ~vsf'.«(io,, 106AA U11iftun Ouildi11s (ode) APP~1CANTs1GNATuRE: -~------------oAr E,-2j b / 2.W..o 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 760 602 2719 ~ax: 760-602--8Sc;s Email: Bvildine@carlsbadca.gov ll-1 Pi!QC 2 of 2 nev. 06116 Building Permit Inspection History Finaled PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY for (CBR2020-1509) BLDG-Residential 07/08/2020Application Date:Permit Type:Owner:TRUST SWYNEY FAMILY TRUST 07-27-05 P/M/E 07/08/2020Work Class:Issue Date:Subdivision:PARCEL MAP NO 16228 07/08/2021Expiration Date:Status: IVR Number: 27330 Closed - Finaled 1703 BLACKBIRD CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92011-5010 Address: Scheduled Date Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Status Primary Inspector Reinspection InspectionActual Start Date 08/14/2020 08/14/2020 BLDG-43 Air Cond./Furnace Set 135680-2020 Failed Peter Dreibelbis Reinspection Incomplete COMMENTS PassedChecklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency No BLDG-Final Inspection 135681-2020 Failed Peter Dreibelbis Reinspection Incomplete COMMENTS PassedChecklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency No BLDG-Plumbing Final No BLDG-Mechanical Final No BLDG-Structural Final No BLDG-Electrical Final No 09/22/2020 BLDG-43 Air Cond./Furnace Set 138866-2020 Scheduled Tim Kersch Incomplete COMMENTS PassedChecklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency No BLDG-Final Inspection 138867-2020 Passed Tim Kersch Complete COMMENTS PassedChecklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes BLDG-Plumbing Final No BLDG-Mechanical Final Yes BLDG-Structural Final No BLDG-Electrical Final Yes Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Page 1 of 1 {cityof Carlsbad