HomeMy WebLinkAbout1744 MALLOW CT; ; 85-345; Permit"' z 0 ;:: "' .. "' ~ u '" 0 .. iL 0 u .. '" 0 ~ 5 ~ '" z ~ z 0 ;:: "' "' z '" ~ :,; 0 u "' ir '" " .. 0 3: il D I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of IM Business and Professions Code, and my license is 1n full force and effect Lie No ______ Cla,< I hereby a!f,,rn that am exempt l·o,-,, the r:on1rac tor's License Law tor the follow,ng reason 1sec 703' 5 Business and Pro'eso,c% Code Aoy c,tv or ~c-urty wh1c~ ,e q.mes a permit to corstruct dl!w ,rn~ro·,e. demo ,sn. o, repa,r any snuclu·e pr,or 10 11s 1,s~ance a1so ·eou,res !heap plIcant for sucn perm,t to 11 ea s,:red s1a1ernen1 that re ,s I,censed pu·s~ant lo the prov,s1on, of the ConTracior s L cense caw 'Cha~!er 9 cornrnencIng w·t~ Se:t1on 7000 of 01o1s1on 3 a' tr-e 8us11ess and Pr~fess,ons Code, Qr I hat ·sex e-pt the·e'·om and the basis for !he al egea e~empt,on M:1 ,,0Ia·Ion of Sect100 ~G31 5 bv as app ,cart 10, a pe,m,I SLb Iects The ap~l,cant lo a c,v,I oe~ally of not more than ti,e h,n d·ed do lars ($500' I. as Jwner of lhe ~ro~er'y or riy er'pIoyees wItr wages as The,, sole compensation will do :~e wo'k a~o T"e struc ture ,snot intended or offered for sare !Sec 7044 8<.,s1nw.s and Protess,ons COde The Cont,acIor·s LIce~se law does net apply to ar owner ol property who builds Qr improves thereor and who does such wo'.k himself or through h,s owe employees provided that sucn improvements are riot Irlerd ed or o!lereO lor sale. 11. howe,e, The bu1ld,ng or ,mprove- ment Is sold wIth,n one year 01 complet,on. The owner-bur Ider wI I ha,e The buroen ol provmg thal he did not build o• ,m prove for lhe purpose of sale) 1. as owner ot 'he oropeny am exclus,·,ely cowactIng with ·Icensen contractors 10 construct the P'OJect !Sec 70~4 Business and Profess,ons Code The Contractor's L,cerse Law does nol apply to an owner ot prooerly who builds or ,m- P'Oves mereon. and who coniracts for each proIects ,,,th a cor.t·actorIs) license pursuant !O lhe Contractors L,cerse Law) As a homeowner I arr> ,mprov,~g "'Y hoo,e, and !he hl·o111 ,ng conditions e,ist 1 The work ,s tie,ng perlormed pr,or 10 sale 2 I ha,e l,vM ,n my home lor twelYe 'llOnT~s prior to completion of this work 1 nave not claimed th,s exem~l,on durrnq l.~e last ll1ree years io'rt'h~:r~~~~r:iunderSec -----~ 3&PC 0 I hereby aHrrm that I ha,e a cect,hc.ite o(.ccnsen• lo sell ,nsure or a cert,f,cate o' /1,'orker~ C-Ompensa,I,on Insurance. or a ~e'1•f1ed u,J, •hereo' (Sec 3800 Labor Code! POLICY NO COMPANY 0 Copy ,s hied with the city 0 C,,,i,I,ed con ,s hereby lur11~hP-d CERTIFICATE. OF EXl::M~ION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSUHA".U (Th,s section need not be comprete,l .• The i'E""' · •s •o, or>e hundred dol,ars ;S1001 ur les<;, D I cert,ty That ,n the per1o,...,.,ance ot ir-e ,.,,,., 'fl' ,.rt,ch lhIS pe=,t ,s ,ssued I shall c,ot pmprc,, any person ,n any marner so as •o t,e, ,,rrw oub f'' I • Irie Workers Gomp,>r1',.dt1on La,.,5 .:,' CaI,t,yn,a NOTICE TO APPLICANT It atter ma1,,,,,-, th s r;er• t,ca!e of E,empt,or you shou,d oerome sub1ec1 ,,, lhe Workers Cc,mpens.it,on prcwi~Ior~ DI •r,e L.ib<Y COOe you musl tor1r,,.,,Ih compr, w•i~ ~,,, ,, pro,is,ons o, !hos perm,t Shi.II bP 1,.,.,,,,.,1 ,.,,c,l,,ed D I hereby al• ,m that there s a ',or•'\l'u, • ,end,ng .Jgency to, ,ne pe,--1,,,rran, P c,t thp w >" wh,c~ Iri,s pem•,t , ,~sued ,:,e, \091 r,,Xl~ L pnder s Na.,,e ___________ _ Lt>nder s Addre~s __________ _ USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARD APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS 'r-----~~~-~~-'C.C------------------------------------'--------_;_;==:..:.=::c..=-=-.c==='-"-=.:.::.:, ' CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PERMIT 1 1200 Elm, Carlsbad. California 92008-1989 (619) 438-5525 :l"".;~Q~B~A:";:O~,~R~7~S~S•~•.-~---,--:"--•,-M.;;,;;.;,_;>;_ __ r:~V•.s~T~.~R~O~.--~N~~~~~~.~JT~CU~R~Q~::::':,:..~T~._;;,;;_A;;;;;••~~.-_-)-------:~O~~~T~:~/~r~4~pp~(s~C~A~r~,~O~NT'-~B~U~S~IT,rr~'/:L~,~C~E~N~S~E•#~'t-- 1 - 1 -~V,~A-L 0 -U~A~~~,~0~5"'---~--P~S~R~M~,TC-CN~U~MC'CB~E~R--IC : LOT BLOCK I suao,v,s,oN I ASS!9,~,!''3-/"' __ ,,,,_ ,_,.. -CONTRACTOR _ L co~TR "TORS PHONE< ZONE 3-_s-.--3c:y',2 ' owNes·s NAME I owNEws PHONE S v.JO...\J'-P oc.,\ S (;l )._';;)..C)::b I ~.,. -/) • .-) CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS LICENSE NQ. C:..-"::>$ PLAN 1.0. # BLDG USE COOE : owNeRsM:,uNGAoosess --' I Y: '3l 3' ~"1'.'.'\,\.0-"",q u(toS, Ot-'-I).\ Cl ( '-i : ~0...\/'v'-.. e,___ DESIGNER V LICENSE 4 STANDARD PLAN 4 BUILDING SQ FOOTAGE I DESCRIPTION OF WORK ll_ I _ A.-. ,-1 ......., Pl-, / ./,/ 1 , -.. .1.,,, "ltiii.~· r "-'\.!), ~ 6#-1 OESIGNEA·s ADDRESS DESJG7'S PHONE : AoL -~-t,,_rr.,:}!S'.!!!!fJ-.:______ ---FP l'-LRELEV NO OCCGP EDU ' I C"-2 STORIES 1 1-:,:-::.:,~/J.?i-p~l-4~1-1;._u~~-~-~~~';~O()~~:P,---~.,...-:~--~--------...l--,;<~J,C:C~:::::⇒----l-=:----l-=c---:-:-::+=c-:-cc___j 1 CENSUS TRACl GP LAND USE' PARK1r-,,r~ SPAC~ RE:S ur-.1Ts I GRADING PERMIT 1ssufo I REOEVELUP....,ENT TYPE occ LOAD FIRE SPR I AREA CONST I • □ ~ 0 , '.] ,.0 YO r-.O Not Va/Jd Un/en Milchme Certified ~ ,, QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT· ISSUE 1 '7 ::.::-. QTY MECHANICAL PERMIT· ISSUE 3 -SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER EACH f IX fURE TRAP ' , INSTAL l FURN DUCTS UP TO 100 000 BTU BUILD!% PERMIT 01-00-00-8220 y~ ~i., EACH SUIL0ING SFV.ER ~-_,,,-._..,,_ OVER 100 000 BTU SIGN PERMIT 01-00-00-8221 -) l---EACH WATFR HEATEH ANO OR ;QT~" Sb..,_ -d :~ ~ B~ILER·COMPREssoRUPT0 3 HP ------PL~N c-~EcK 01-00--~~-8806------~o ~ ___ L _E.ACHGA~~Y_STEM I TU4-UUTLETs73~.~~ e;;i -~-~ rs □IL-ER:COMPRESSOR]_!_~~---TOTAL PLUMBING 01·00-00-8222 /7 ~ EALH GAS SYS 1 EM:, 0 R MU Rt. I ME' A. ~IR:':0 LACE ELECTRICAL 01-00-00-8223 _, ..--.-c,_ -7+--EAc_H.1NSTA~·-··,;·u_ER. R:E.PA~-~£Alj_-~~ --d}_ -~'3 "':' __ :_vEN~AN S1NG-LE OUCT _ __ ___ _______ MECHANICAL __ Oi-00-0"D~8~2c24~+----------- ) EACH VALUUM BREAKER 1=', J',~ . ,,,, :~ ~ , MECH FXHAUSl H00rJ DUCTS M0BILEH0ME 01·00-00-822:J WAlER S0FTNER --: RELOCATI0~_o~_EA_FU~ACE HEATER M0BILEH0ME PARK lr~SP ------'C------·_··--~ ____ j,FL.CYP:,:_:i [',HA', '.'.) .. )l, _ --f---------H--·-~--==~=====-----~---------..-SOLAR 01-00-00-822.6_ _ 1 ------,-----_ '.~ TOThl MECHANICAL STR0i',;GM0TIUri.i 80·92-33-0519 ,_.z:z, lUlAl PIUMBl~C I /7. FIRESPRiNXLERS 01-00-00-8227 I . I PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 32-00-00-893] QTY. ELECTRICAL PER.MIT. ISSUE e-=... I QTY. .SOLAR. ISSUE --•~~. --- _; -" I BRIDGE FEE NEW CONST f:.A AMP Sl/1'! llKR I I C8L_U T,:,;i~ __________ SCHOOL FEE -DISTRICT l---+-1 PH i PH I I! STOHAGF ',\~,KS ---------.t-------;e Carlsbad 80-92-21-0519 __ -_·_-_-. f:XISlblrJGE.AAMPSWTSKR , _j_ P:lC<SC,RM::F Encinitas 80-92-22-0519 --- 1 PH 1 PH _ -~ PY.P --------+------a: San ~1egu:to 80-92-203~0~5_190 _+----------A RU,•00~Lt..llt:R PrP[IRCU~,--;;,, 1 //) .~" -~!:..r,r:i-.cr:"F::l _ -··----_____ --Sa~Marc □s-_ 80-92-24-0519 _ T f f,1P PO IF }llU AMPS ' ____ uvER ;uu A..,,,Ps ____ --_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-... _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ .. .,-_-_-_-_-_'-,______ I --L1cENS_E_T_~~-~2_:go-o~--s_rn_2_ _ _ ______ _ TE~P UCLUPANCY ,JQ DAYS,, ·-----------11-_,._____ ; MFF 80-92-57-0519 ____ _ --r --.----ziiEo,r DEPOSIT·--I <-/0 1 ~ l(JTAlElfLTklU,! I .,/Of!.., -----r----·-·TOJAIS:::•1i,R I TOTALFEESPAYABLE I ·-·-7 /-:::, ;--. I I /y::, . I ! HAVE CAREFULL y EXAMINED THE COMPLETED ··APPLICATION AND PERMIT AND DO HEREBY Expiratmn Every permit issued bythe8u1ldmg Oft1c1aI under !he provisions olth1s * AN OSHA PERMIT 15 REQUIRED FOR EXCA'\/ATK)NS OVER CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE Code shall expire by hmttal1on and become nut/ and void If the bu1ldmg or work 5· O"' DEEP AND DEMOLITION OR CONSTRUCTION 01" authonzed by such perm,t Is not commenced wrthIn 18Odays lrom the date of such DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND I FURTHER CERTIFY A~D AGREE IF A PERMIT IS permit. or if the buildmg or work authorized by such permit ,s suspended 06 -._· STRl."TUAl!S OVER 3 STORIES IN HEIGHT ISSUED: TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY. COUNlY AND STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON L~•~b~•~od~o~o~od!!,!a~t~•o~o,t.;;hm'!!!•~•~ft~o,~t~h~•~•~o~,,,..,,,_~,~o~m~m~o,,~ce~d;L!slo~,~•ce, =~n£od!/.2o~I ~180!!Q.cd~•!tl•--t T:;l!''i-':":::~~'::'~------------------.j STRUCTION. WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND APPLICANT'S SIGN Jf. 0 0 YJ APPROVED BY KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LiABILITIES, JUDGMENTS. COSTS AND -, A~TURE_ OWNER CONTR -"-OATE EXPENSES WHICH MAY fN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE /7.'J E ,\ l l.. \ I "1. e,.-1"" .... GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT t_...t -, BY PH ~ ----(.,..,-I ~....-d~ • "' LL ~ ~ :s 0. E 0 f- D 0 CJ C m u 0. 0. <[ I ~ C ii 0 ~ ~ w ~ ~ <[ I 3 0 " ,. '" ~ w u 0 ,t ' • 0 ~ 0 u C m C ti: ::. C w ~ CJ :s u w 0. ~ C ;'; "' ,: • DATE -TYPE I INSPECTOR -----------·----=----------is._S--:3}f /- BUILDING I ------•- FOUNDATION l--1,1\, -/ I FIELD INSPECTION RECORD ., . REINFORCED STEEL I . REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES MASONRY I --' ' "' '.--. REO IF INSPECTORS I INSPECT_jOO( -DATE .. GUNITE OR GROUT CHECKED APPROVAL ---. ' -FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME I ..• -SOILS C,JMPL:ANCE SHEATHING □ ROOF □ SHE;AR PRIOR TO FOUNDATION 11\,SP FRAME I _________ , ___ I---------- STf--lUCT IRAL CONCRETE i EXTERIOR LATH --,OVER 2fJ'.JO'fiSI· ' , . --INSULATION I Pli°ESTRESSEO INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL ' CONCRf"TE POST H NSION[D I CONCRt. TE PLUMBING I ~IELO \/'JELOING ------SEWER AND BUCO □IPL/CO I i-lf(_iH 51 RENGTH UNDERGROUND □ WASTE □ WATER ~Ol fS TOP OUT □ WASTE □ WATER ')PECIAL MA(;bNRt'" .. '\,·-------· . TUB AND SHOWER PAN ' I GAS TEST I 1.-,,1r< ~:;;.:¥ f'•c_ES CAISSo~r-:,~ □ WATER HEATER □ SOLAR WATER . ,. __ . ----,L..._ -----\ . i I \ :,i.~ ___ . ;· ~. -. . -' ELECTRICAL ' -. ~ t _-.. -· -c--' ,_ -.. □ ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND □ l!JFFER --C ----,. . ,. -. ROUGH ELECTRIC ·"" .• ~ ~--I ...... -.. -□ ELECTRIC SERVICE □ TEMPORARY -·---"f1l BONDING .Ill POOL I 1-, -<; .• -----I MECHANICAL ' -. ------·----I □ DUCT & PLEM., □ REF. PIPING ---' . .,;, ... ·-. ' . ' -' HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS . ·-·· I VENTILATING SYSTEMS ·.•./ ~ -.· ·, ,,\. '. .. ' -' . ' . I~ --., .• ''"" .,.._ -·, ;. . ~ _.., . . -' -CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS ABOVE HA VB BEEN APPROVED. FINAL I I PLUMBING I \ --' -., t .• (' '; ._-:: . : . L ELECTRICAL I ,~, \ ~ -\ \,_'s;)· . . --,..~ . ..• ·-. MECHANICAL I • ... -.. I °'"""''· '·-\-\~:-~~.· ... , ...... -. . . ' . GAS -.. ·,. ~ \ . ' . . . BUILDING I -'"""" ' "\.'-.N SPECIAL CONDITIONS I Ii.._• "-.....~ "-N ~ - - • 'LAN CHECK HUMBER e--~<DDRESS /Z~Vaz,;?4:24tdC7 DATE GAf.r- PLANNING: TYPE oF sTRucTuRE "'PooG( SfA · zoNE: ____ _ SCHOOL FEES: SAN DIEGUITO ENCINITAS CARLSBAD SAN MARCOS % COVERAGE REQUIRED SETBACKS BUILDING HEIGHT FRONT FENCES/WALLS SIDE O?z TWO CAR GARAGE REAR c:,:: .... 3 .... -.... COMMENTS: > .... .... ~ "" ~ □ REDEVELOPtlENT A;,PROVAL REQUIRED: 6 ~ □ . . -------,---------"----....... ~5-o 8 l;t LANDSCAPE PLAN COMMENTS: -------------------- EllVIRCi':r:.ENTAL REQUIREP: ---------------------- ADDITIONAL COMMENTS=-: ____________________ _ OK TO ISSUE: ~ DATE: ?,/1// ~ FINAL: ____ 02:---- **** j:--:.,•~tt1r2i1r•*:S~**f*!£~¼-&¥f:Sf•;q_.-!!-~~*~~~*** ~ -J: .. **-:.:-.: .~ 11 ********.,;,;* *********'*******,. / ENG I NEER ING LEGAL DESCRIPTION VERIFIED? ____ A.P.N. CHECKEOV P.F.F • ______ PARK IN LIEU ---------·---------- R.O,W: IMPROVEMENTS: ______________ E.D.U: __________ _ SEWER: -------------------------- LATERAL: __________ _ DRIVEWAY: _________ _ c:,:: ~ GRADING PERMIT: ______________________ _ -.... > .... l::I ! DRAINAGE: ~-□ 800 ........ '-'"" ...,_ EASEMENTS: __ 'Jkt::k{_.....;...;.·......,.._-c:::::::"-___ ADDITIONAL CO,..,,.ENTS: _____ _ "" ::, . C,:C' □ ----------------- 8 ~ OK TO ISSUE: -.1,~::;;;:::=;:::....._=---DATE: 6 /)/ / fr-" J * ENGINEERING INSPECTION REQUIRED: _______________ _ PUBLIC 1-!0RKS INSPECTOR: __________________ _ FINAL OK: ----------DATE: ___________ _ * IF THIS ITEM IS NOT CHECKED, BUILDING DEPARTMENT WILL MAKE ALL INSPECTIONS (DRIVEWAYS, CURB CUT, DRAINAGE, ETC.) DEVELOPMENT AL SERVICES BUILDING DEPARTMENT (itp of (arl~bab 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008-1989 (619) 438-5525 This document will certify that I am aware of the provisions of the California Administrative Code, Title 24, Section T20-1406(c), "Swimming Pool Heating'', as shown on form DPL #297. I understand that neither a swimming pool building permit using a fossil-fueled heater nor a plumbing/electrical permit for a new or replacement fossil-fueled heater will be issued until this certification is executed. For the swimming pool located at 1'74 V\.. Mct((C?:>CA...1 C'\. (site address) I certify that all of the following requirements for fossil-fueled (or electric) swimming pool heaters will be met: 1. Outdoor pools shall be equipped with a R.Q..Ql cover. -2. ON-OFF switch on outside of heater to allow shutdown without adjusting thermostat and start-up without relighting pilot light. 3. 36" minimum length of plumbing provided between filter and heater to allow future solar installation. 4. After January 1, 1982, new heaters installed must have 75% thermal efficiency. 5. Time clocks installed to allow pump operation during off-peak demand periods (unless pump used for active solar). 6. Directional water inlets in pool for good mixing. Owner's Signature: Print Contractor's Name: Contractor's Signature: a.~ Date: <o/Cl(8.s Address: so