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3557 MONROE ST; ; GR090003; Permit
5- City of Carlsbad r o - 0ç -' 1635 Faradaj Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 04-01-2009 . Gradiflg Permit Permit No: GR090003. ,. '- •SS ::- -. Job Address 3557 MONROE ST CBAD - Permit Type GRADING Blueline Submitted7 Y Status ISSUED Parcel No: 2051402500. Lot 0 . Applied: 02/18I2009., HydrotogicalUnit:- . : •, Issued: 04/01/2009 -; - - . •; . -• . •- • ' To Expire: 10/01/2009: EnterdBy: .LO - Location - ' r Projeôt Title: CAR' LSBAD HIGH MODERNIZATION - Description:. SCHOOL STADIUM .. . I..'. .,. ,• •* ¼ • Applicant: . . . I .. Contractor:.-.. . MCCARTHY BUILDING COMPANIESINC . MOUNTAIN MOVERS ENGINEERING INC / :H 2530 VISTA WAY .- 5 / POBOX 9623 r' /7 .- •'.. OCEANSIDE CA 92054 . SAN MARCOS C&.,92069 •. . . ' 760-720-1473 , 760-510-9019 \\ Total Fes: $2656.00 ane Due: $0.00 / D ) Cubic Yi;rds Rernedid, 13,333 -Additional F ee 0.00 -. ,Other $0.00.INCORPORATED ./ Additional Fees $O 1952 / -H S . ... . S. 4&. . •5•_, _•• •-*- .- .5. - 5•_ . '.55- . . *y SW 5.. 4¼ , . .5 -- • *%• •l •,- .. -:'-' - S . . .5.5 5. St 4 f , . . . - •: - 4'. .5 ..5. .'' -. • . . t . S *•••• .'. - . • 54 • •. - ,:'.. s- - . - - 5 5 • .5. • - '. •5 . - . . . 4 The issuance of this permit by the City of Carlsbad does not authorize the appiicánt for said permit to violate any federal, state, or city laws, ordinances, regulations or policies including, but not limited to, the Federal Endangered Species Act of 1973 and any amendments thereto. - -, .- - •. S - -.-. •; ,. . . S - . . 4 .5• . S Permit Reiease • • • Date Reieased • -• . * • .5 s * 4- - - - -:' . ., .• 5. 4.