HomeMy WebLinkAboutADJ 155; Sahagun, Jesus and Soledad; 79-485552; Future Improvement Agreement/Release.A.-~;: --. .. .*I__ - .- ,. ,‘:., ..-____. - i f *'. r , :* * '; ';:: .;‘ ) \ '.h . ,!!E&"RDIN; REQUESTED BY AND WhEN RECORDED MAIL TO: 1 1 City of Carlsbad . 1 1201) Elm Avenue 1 Carlsbad, CA 92003 -.. .“L**-- r"llE/PAGE ,?-+48555z . C__-.. .._ 3OOh lb79 RECORDEDREOUESTG' 0PFICik.c. REr=ORDS use . NO F-HE Documentary transfer tax: $No fee . : Signature of declarant determining tax- firm name * City of Carlsbad . . tl ' Parcel No. 205-230-02 . . . COfiTRACT FOR FUTURE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS' . -’ . _' ^ THIS AGREEMENT is made by the City of Carlsbad, a municipal '\ . . . corporation, hereinafter referred to as 'City", and Jesus Sahaqun and -.. Soledad Sahagun, husband and wife, as joint tenants - hereinafter-j . . I. referred to as "Property Owner". . * . . ,. '.. . . RECITALS: i .- : . . - .,_ : . . . ,. . WHEREAS, Property'*Owner has applied to City for a Lot-Line -.. ' *.Adjustment Plat No, 1% for the real property'hereinaftdr described, now . ;;z.. -- under Property Owner's ownership; and a. . . : . : ._ 1JHEPEAS, it.has been found that said prcpefty is not'suitable . for dev.elopment in its present condition,' however said property would be.' :suitable for devel'opment if certain' public improvements hereinafter'. .., . described are constructed and certain irrevocable offers'of dedication _, : . are made to City; and .' .,... . . ,. .'. i : . . . :. : ,.:... ', -: . ._'. . . . : '. .. WHEREAS, the Municipal. Code of City, Section 20,36,060, provides .the City Engineer may require certain improvements and dedications as a condition of approvalof this adjustment plat; and -1 * WHEREAS, Property Owner has requested said adjustment plat . be granted by City in advance of the time said improvements-are tc be made; and . . . . f . \JHEREAS, Property Owner, .in consideration of the approval of * . . I (1) l *. - -,. . . . . . . ;. -0 b 0 . .’ 8, ’ -’ , . . ./- . . . . . ; . . : * l . . . .;., * ..! * . ’ ‘. ’ *. .’ * , . ..’ .I,.. ). -. * . * . . . .*. . ._ ‘?- . ...*‘.. * . . .a.-..’ . . I; 1 . ‘.,, .._ *-d --- .., . . . . . , . a.. . . , . ‘. 1,. . I *... --..-I.---.s., , : * . . . . . , . .._ . . .^ .‘.,.I . . -. .: :, ;*- _. r’;y..: ,... ?L;g* “$$,. 1 . y?*y: .~C%C’.‘ ‘. ,<.2*. --” i.-‘-r”*.t. . . .I,.,., : “‘:., ;y. ‘*.I- ‘.r*. 1”--“’ ,,+., . . . . : ’ - e..$ .,;‘. l “-:‘,’ ‘. :“:,. --~~ -. .-” . . :‘“-;,.t- *~~juStiIliit pIat-- .'I ; ‘).. ‘-: ,::<.;1;1: ;. ,i_ *:‘:-yTy~~ ‘..T ‘~‘~~.~~?‘~*,~,~~~.~~.,*( . L ‘sii’d des i res”to knte;:‘into thi s a&&$ r - f s&curing the construction of said improvements, and City has det f it to be in the public interest to agree to temporarily postpone s&id . . * construction; . \ _-. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS A’GREED between the parties hereto >S follows: - . . . . . .. . - . _ Section’ 1. That City agrees to record .any irrevocable offers . . of dedication, made by Property 0wne.r for Lot Line Adjustment PIat No. .I?. . . : . . . Sect ion-.2 - That Property Owrier,. in 1 i.eu of making the herein:. . after’ described improvements befqre approval of said adjustment pleat .. ._ . : : . . ,i s granteb a . . abrees to instati and constrtict,‘or cause to be installed . . - or constructed, said improvements in accordance with plans and’ specifi- ‘. cations approved by the City Engineer ‘within 60 days after written . ’ demand so to. do by City. Property Owner shat 1 not be required to make. . . . - sa.id improvements: before November IO, 1979 or within such further period ‘.. : -*o) time as is granted by City, provided, ho&e&r, . that upon. the happening . . . . . . . _ . ‘of either’of the fol towing**&currences said improvements may;at -the sote - -_ . : . . . etecticiri .df city, ‘be requi’red to ‘be’macie sooner than &id date or such . ‘. -.. ‘. . I .__._ * . - .=. -‘me . extended period of time which mai have been granted by City;~ -’ i . . . ._ . . . .’ . . . (a) When. the City Council finds that the owner5 of 40% or .more: . . . _’ .. . . . . of the. frontage,. including the frontage ‘of Property Owner; between inter- .‘.. , .. -. setting’ streets &. bdth sides of ‘the street upon--\qhi&h the property’herein .’ i . . ,. . . .. described has f&&age, ‘. : have agreed with Ci,ty to install ,street imprbve- . . ..,’ . . - _ : _. -. . ments to City speciiications, : . . ... .- .... --- - . . ._ :.’ . .’ -s . . . __ 1 -. ” ., Kjb), Wh * .. . . . . ’ f . . en owners of mo.r,e than 5O%‘df’the’frontage,- between . . , 1 : inters&ti.ng streets on both.sides..of, -the street upon which the property . - / herein’descrihed has frontage,” have petitioned the City to forian .- -- - , . . .._ . * -... . . . . . *. . .imp&v&&nt .di’str,ict for ‘the improv~~~nt’.of’-said’ streets. *. l . -1 .=‘. . * -e L . Said impr.ovements shalt be made withou.t.cost or expense to City. ‘City estimates that ihe cost of engineering and construction of . . . said improvements at the time of signing this contract is $2,250.00 Property Owner hereby acknowledges .t.hat said cost is a reasonable . estimate of engineering and constructfon costs at this time and that’ the . : . . . actual cost of ‘same at some time i’n the future may exceed this estimate, y -‘Section 3. That for the faithful performance of the promises . . . . . . , . . . ,,a . . - :.i. . . .: .‘# ;‘.!’ .:. l *., ‘. . bh . (2) . . . ,; ..* ,- -- : - . , _ . . . -~-r---l-- -. * .-cll;--,-+&. .-..-r?r.--mr---rr.-rJ----r- .- c .- -. ..- ---...-.e*-. I : . . . l .*.. : * . . a_* ‘. * . ‘,. . . . . ‘.. . . . ’ I* * . . : , :, l . . _. -.; * . . .I... *. :. . ;* . . . . : . --.. . ,.‘* ; . .- , . . . , . - ‘. * . “. *. ‘_ . . ; - 1 .:. . . . .*- l . . *. . . - . . . . . ‘ ,. : .. .._I *. : :*‘,.di S” ‘, . . */ . . L . . ,-1..- . (_ ..“, . .~..“~.~*.y.&-: , and covenants herein contained, Property Owner hereby grants to City a lien upon the hereinaf’ter described property in the amount of $2,250..00 : plus any future increases of cost in’ excess of this sum resulting from . .increased engineering and constructiqn costs, and *in the event. Property Owner, his successors, heirs, assigns, or transferees fail to&stall . and construct said impfovem?nts in the manner and within the time speck- he agrees that’ City may do any or .a11 of the ftrllowing: . . f ied herein, ” (a) .Have the necessary engineering for said improvements ! . done, ‘and install and cons’truct said improvements by contract-or other- . . , I wise. . City or its contract.or and his employees may enter upon any- -W -. : _. . portion.or portions of ‘the property reasonably necessary ior said . s engineering and construction, *and the entire cost and expense shall .be- charged against said property and payable by said Property‘ Owner, his . successors, hei rs-, as;.; gns, o’r-transferees..imm&diately upon completion o’f’ said imp,rov&ments. In the event same fs not paid within 30 days from :: . . : . _ completion, City mai forecJbs&‘sbid lien a,s provided by law for the - - -. . . -: . :. . . . : . . _ - ‘. . . . - .:.. fdreclosure of .SArtgages. . . .:‘-- .. .‘. -. . . . .- .‘-‘: _-. -.- T. .. - _ ..,-- . _ _ . . ,. . -.a . ’ *. A . . .‘(b) Direct the City Engineer to estimate the co~~‘oF necessary . : eng i nier i ng, and the work required, to- insta.11 and -construct said imp’rove- . -. -. _. ., ,. -_ - merits, and foreclose said lien in said amaunt, . . . -: . . _, . . . . i . . . . . .: _ ; f - .:. ._ . * ‘W (c) Pe.r.&ue any remedy, legal or eguita.ble ‘<including t.hose * . . . . -‘is’. specifically,referred to h&rein), for the foreclosure of a lien, &nd the . . : ‘. T _ Property &ner, ‘his &~&Sors, . - . . heirs, assjgns, and.t’ransferees, phal1 . . ., : . ..s . . : be liable for reasonable attorney’s fees as a cost -in sai,d proceedings, . . . . Sect ion 4. ihat it is agreed that anything herein contained tc ” . . . . the contrary no&i thstanding, the promises and covenants made herein-&i *. : . . . . . . . . *. .&t be .binbing ‘upbn the hb’idkis;’ mort&ge&sl or tiene’f iciai-iks of 2.6~ _ . R . * purchase: money mortgage or purchasemoney deed of trust for value which _I * has been or may in the futirre be executed by the Property Owner, his . successors, heirs, assigns, oi transferees, and the lien hei-eby created . shall be and is hereby subordinated to and declared td be inferior and . . subsequent in lien to the lien of an\j’such purchase money mortgage or. - . . . . purchase money” deed of trust. The lien hereby created shall l’ikewise be of no force or effect against any owner whose title ‘to the property here . inafter dcscribcd is acquired by or as a result of a foreclosure or’ --.- u- - _- _ - ..’ . * 4 . ‘. ,.A. . . i . ,J ’ . ’ .’ (I * -.’ - ,a’ , . - /’ . 2:j 3 :i’ . trustees’ sale of any such purchase money mortgage or purchase money . deed of trust. . . . Sect ion 5. That ‘at any time during the period herein provided; “the Property Owner, his successors, heirs, assigns, or transfkrees mav deposit a cash bond or post a surety performance bond satisfactory to the City to charge said sure.ty with the cosz of said improvements; the amount of bond to be the estimated cost of engineering and improvements . at the time of ‘such deposit. or posting as ascertained by the City Engineer, . and that upon depos.it of said cash or posting of said bond the City _ * . . agrees to release the property, or any portion of it as to’which &id : . . ‘deposit ‘or posting applies, from the provisions of this agreement; and ,-. to execute any necessary release to enable the record title of the pro- “perty : to be released from the lien herein imposed. . . . . . * *Sect ion 6. Said City’shall not, nor shal l any officer or . . ** -* . .‘: employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, losi or . ;. :.: - .i : ‘damage happening or occurring to the work or improvements specified in ‘C . .. : _-. 5vi. ....;zsXthis agreement’ prior to the completion and acceptance of the same,. / 3 nor - < .c. . . . . _ : _ . . .I.:‘_‘shal 1 said City, .‘. nor any officer ‘or employ& thereof, be 1 iab3e’ for .‘-..‘any persons or property injured by reason of said work or improvements, z -.-,.:a:-.but all of said liabi’lities shall be assumed by said Property Owner, and I .?,,. . . . --!:li, his successors, heirs, . assigns, and transferees , .and they shall save the :. ,e . . . . :y~~~zzC i t y ha rm 1 es s f ram’, and indemnify the City against, any and a’11 claims, : * ‘. .’ “:l’suits and liabilities of or to any person or property injured or claim- :.. * > :,b. . . . . . : . . . . . ->,-,:-.. ‘.‘..ing to be’ injured as a. result of said work or .improvements. ‘Said Pro- . . . 2’. . . . . . .- ...2.perty ,Owner, and his successo’rs, heirs, assigns, and. transferees,’ further’ ,:y . . ‘*agrees . . i to protect said City and the officers and employees thereof from . . -. all liability or claim because of’, or arising out of, the use of any’ ‘. - patent or patented article in the construction of said improvements, - ‘- . . .+Section 7. It is further agreed that said Property Owner will . at all times up to the completion and acceptance of said work and im- - . . provements by the C.ity, give good and adequate warning to the traveling - ‘..publ ic .of any dangerous or defective conditions of public property. The ,* Propeity Owner hereby agrees to pay for such inspection. of improvements . .: as may be required by the City Engineer of City. ‘. Sect ion 8, i’his agrdement and the covenants contained herein - . . ’ shall be binding upon and inure’to the benefit of the successors, heirs, . . . ,- ,;--*, :, . : c* .a . . . : :. . . ,? (l;t) :! :. . “\ *. . . . 1,* . . . .,,’ - .CC_--- -,--..-...---_---_.I___ --.,..-_.. -..& .--- *....- ._---..-. . -.....sw--v-,-----w~ _.I “--- -. -l-Tl- . -., . 7’ .s’ . .- . . . ” * ’ . assigns, and transferee4 of Property Owner, shalt rim with-said real _ . . . .- . I property, and create an equitable sekitude upon said real property’, - .i _ a. ‘. 1 Sect ion 9. A description of t-h; property referred to herein’ .- . - .- *and upon which said ‘1 ien is impdsed is described as follows: . -. Assessor’s Parcel. No. 205-230~2 * . - . . w . . . . . Al-l. that pot-i-ion of Tract No. 250 Thum Lands, in the City of Carlsbad, e* : -.; . . . -. County of San Diegpi- State ‘of Cal ifornia, according to Map thereof No. 1981., filed in the Off ice of the County Recorder of Sari Uiego.County, .. -. .December 9, 1915, described as fol lows: _ *-.- :;‘a ._-. . : . ..:. .-. - : _. - - ---j- .-_*- . . ‘* . . .-.. . - . . _.. . . : . ’ _. . ‘&mm&di n-g at. a -‘&&~e ‘rrion,ument. marking: the “!ntersecti.on. of. the’ center ‘.-’ .: -. - ‘.-.i - . . . .line of. WaI.l.~y.~Street’and~,Che’~tnut Avenue (,formerly&unty #venue.j;.,&; is. -! :i’ : -I.:. . . shown on said Map 1681; thence along .the .cenfer.‘. l ine: of sai.d:,Chestn’ut. :Y: ..i . “; ‘.- . .m’. . Avenue,. Norfh 87°5,7’30”.‘Ea$ a .dijt.ance .of..l86.36 feet--to the Nor&!esterfy.‘. ” .-a . I. . cqrner .of that. porl-ion c$ .s.aid ..Tj-a+..250 as conveyed by-the ‘South Coast.’ -: .. .- I- ;-: Land :Cambany to. J.esse 0.. and Esthej-: E. kinm&i by ,deed: dated Apt-it. 20, j93.1, : _- . - . ; ,' .and recorded in Book. 1897; page. 1.2? of Deeds.;. the#cx along-the So~~h&&‘~ly . - ;' . i.ine of. t.he.land so.‘conveyod .to.Ki.nman,..South’28939;00” East-n distance of _ - - .: . : : 129. I6 feet to ‘the T,F$JE PdlNT’6k BEGINNING; thence South’6j021.‘OO~~‘West -t - . .-.-: .!: - .* . . . . 136.57 feet; ‘thence South’28”39108fr East 70.60 feet; .thence North 68$)9iOO”* .: ‘. . i . * . ‘_ . +’ East 26. I8 feet;‘ thence North 61°21'OO" East 78.00 feet; thence South 2g?39!00" : f': *-. :. .*. . E&t- 4.30 feet; thence North 61°21'OO'! East 32.57 feet; then&e North ?8O39'00" -- :. . . . .- -i . . x West 78.00 feet to the TRUC .PCjINT.OF BEr’*‘*“*‘- bINNINb,. - .: ; ; - .-. . . . - _I . ,, . - . . .--_ . -, : -.- . _. . . . . - ._ . -- . .+- -_ -t i. -.: .- . . . . . .-. '-. . . . . . '.a . '.. ._ : . . -.. - . . . . : -. : -- i t . . . * -. -. : . . - * s :--. -, -- - -:. _ , *.- _ .:. .&‘. i _‘- - - . . ..__ I -.-.g:..- -- ‘_. f . . 5. f-, . . -. . l . -: , ; ‘4 1 - _’ - 5. . . . . - .-.. ; . . :’ i.. - . -?- ; -_ . * : rt:. - . . . . . .*.._- . . . .. : . 1. : : .._-.. . . - . . , -. : . . .- .. . . . ; . ‘.. .* - -. . . . . i - . . . -. . - . . : . . ; - _ 1 l %. -. .- . - . . .*. . - : .._ .-_ . .f r -:.- . .‘: . ‘r * : .-1, ‘.’ . _- ‘3. ._.. . . :- . . L 0.’ -- - ._ 1 , .-. .; a . - ._ c ..-’ --“: .:. . . . ‘< --. *- : : ; L .’ .., -- _* . . - *-.. . ._ i -: .._ w . - c. * .- . .: . _ - _ r ‘. - ‘.Z’ - * s - ._a --._ & .e’. ---*. . -. ~- . .” . .4 . : *.. - - . . _. - - -* . - : _. .-- - . .--- . . __ . . . *..a- . . . . . ; . . . ‘. . ..-1. . . . . ‘. ‘, . .’ . . . . * . -*b- ,. . - .* . . . -. ..- .- . . ; . -. . . . *:. .- ?-. ‘.Z’ . . . . . ;- ‘. .- . . . : . . . . . -.-. . l . :.,. . . . .* :. . -._. ‘._. ;. .,L ..‘. -.. . -.: . . . . r- -- _ ; : -m f -* .L, - - . i . -. -w . *. . - -. . . ** - . -. . . - . . - . . 1 . w . i l . . -m -_ . . . - s . . : . . - . 0.. - . - . . . * . * . . . . . * . . - . -. . - . i. .*. . .. . . . . . ‘. : . -f - . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . *.- . . . . . . . - . . . - . *. . : - 5 . . . . . . . .: . . .*.. . * .‘. .* . : .. . :.. .* .: -- (5).-- * . . l . . *. . . . . -, - _ . l -_ 1; -. . . . . . -;.. . .--W.-C ..-.a--~* -_._ . .A*-v-- w-w-.-4-..- -. _ ..’ -a. . . . . . . . . - ‘. . -. .- . . . . . . . ..-.. ._. . . .,.e - .,. :. . . s. . : . . *- -- . . . : --. -* . . ^. I . -~----_ . .._ -u-.__ ~._ _-- :. ‘._ . . .’ SectLon -10, ~~~ ,r-q&red improvemA& tO be Co~~UF~~d ana -* _ z;j ;j ,I the estimted costs thereof are as follows: .: Estimated. Costs. Improvements 917.80 $ 353.00 388.30 204.74 100.00 286.16 . I ,41’2.0. S.F. 70.6 L.F. . 70.6 L.F. 7Q.6 L.F. LUMP SUM’ E59 I I PAYING 8 BASE P.C.C. CURB 8 GUTTER * 5’ P.C.C. SIDEWALK POhION STREET LIGHT COST . ROADWAY GRADING ,EbiGlNEERING 8 CONTINGENCIES ‘. . .c . - t _ . :. . : . . - ” . . -. -.. : . .: ‘r - . ‘. .-- - .T. . . . . . .i. _. _ . . - .. . . . . . .: * : _- _- ,’ . - . *.T s-.&n nn .- . . --. - ‘POTAL COST ____-- ‘; ~at,&&&p&f .>I,# ‘. .. . ‘. : _. : . . . l ‘_ . .d . . . . il .:.’ : . . . .-. .: . . . . .. - .’ . . * II . . . . . ; _ --- '.~CJF~'CARJLSBti, t;$zCi$ - . -L LZ-A . - ; CITY . . . . . YLSLCU w-v.. . .. . . . . . . . . . ; i 31 : . ..- . . ‘1 . --a z rTY*-77-‘A YG$3zr;~~ . - . -- -- ’ I_ . 5 11 the same. i .i .: land and OIXLGA~U-L- _ r_ .,:,: a. VI*-* I -_ -. AS E uru-1: . ,.‘, ‘? . f .’ , . . _ . . . -6 . $ City Attorney --"_el_ _.- -- ., - _. 9 17a,&/.,. &7+4a .. _ Y : .! _, . . - 4 4&&?u.A : :: . - '3 y -. ,. must be attache&)- F (Notarial acknewiidgement of execution-of owners : l gj ‘;y :. -. . .‘_ ,. . . . ! 1 .- . - . _ . *. . . . -. ., . . . . . . . ., .- .- . . . . - . ..;*.- .T. . -. :. :J 3 3 :, 0 !rI TO 449 c (Corporation) STATE OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO > ss. COUNTY OF 4 On r 13, 1979 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said t State, personally appeared J. bhyne Dernet7 -9 . w known to me to he the cl t,V Manaaer l%lM&a$X~ ij xi%Ewmt~X~X&( X%X&&Xof the corporation that executed the within Instrument, known to me to he the persons who executed the within !! Instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named and 9 6 acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the <ithin Instrument pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its hoard of directors. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature A. L. Rautenkranz NOIARY I’tiBili PRINCIPAL OFFIC Sf\N DlfSO COC; My Cqnmissinn E~pivs Oct. 73, Name (Typed or Printed) (This area for ofitcial notarial seal) c - ‘, - -4 * . * t _* c StFl;e of CaJ.-.for:-:ia ) County of 62J-J Diego ) ss Oy? p-30 - 79 before me Public in F1n.d for Faid State, p~Yso11~lly the midr: ari.::zed, a I.otary c7 y-per red Jesu,~ Sn hr! fm-~. zpd :: 0 1 e d f? d Sal”77 yulr1 ! rIO~:I to ye to be t:ie pei:so::s vho~e Z~?T!:CC c7:~e subscribed to ti-le vj.ti-:j.n insti~ut:ent aid r~ c!-~~~l.ed~~d to FIG t1:\3 t tile;7 executed the ,s;il:3e. bjyJ:,zi,s 31~ ilarld t>nd. official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIR PR~NCWAL OFFICE IN BAN OIEGO COUNTY f,otary I’li?,lic MY C~~m~SslOn Explrcn May 11, 1980 7