HomeMy WebLinkAboutADJ 155; Sahagun, Jesus and Soledad; 79-485553; Future Improvement Agreement/Release. .
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.I City of Carlsbad . )
1200 Elm Avenue ) Carlsbad, CA 92003
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1 i _ QFFK;+~.~..~~RDs L SPace above thi.s.lineawFBw
Documentary transfer tax: $No fee .
- : Signature of declarant determining tax-
firm name .
City of Carlsbad . /
. . . . ’ Parcel No. 205-230-03 .
. . . . . : :
THIS AGREEMENT is made by the City of Carlsbad, a municipal
. .
corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City", a&! Jesus Sahaclun and
Soledad Sahagun, husband and wife, as joint tenants , hereinafter\
referred to as HPraiperty Owner".
' . .
‘. :
. . :’ . ..I’ . . .
WHEREAS, Property'Owner has applied to City for a Lot- Line .
.*'Adjustment Plat No. 155 for the real proper?zy'hereinaft& described, .non I . ,;z.. - m. -- under Property Owner's ownership; and .' .< - . . ., :
NHEREAS, it.has been found that said prop&y is not'suitable - : for dev.elopm&nt in its present condition,' however said property would be : ~
.suitable for devel’opment if certain public improvements hereinafter' .
described are constructed and certain irrevocable offers'of dedication
. . are made to City; and .' .: :,.. . . :.. . .,' . . .. i :. ,:..,' -. : : . :.._ . .
WHEREAS, the Municipal, Code of'city, Se&ion 20.36.060, provides . .
. the City Engineer may require certain improvements and dedications as a .
condition of approval ,of this adjustmeht plat; and
. * WHEREAS, Property Owner has requested said adjustment ptat
be granted by City in advance of the time said improvements-are to be . .
made; dnd .
WHEREAS, Property Owner, in consideration df the approval of
. . . . (1)’ . .’ . . . . . . tP ..: ‘: .,.c/, : 1 * . . ./ . : 0 . 8 . : . . ; : . I . . “. . . . . . ‘.., * . * *. .’ * ‘-:* ‘. .
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‘sccaring the construction of said improvements, dnd City has.determin&a< ba- ?& ;r to be in the public interest to agree to temporarily postpone-s&id 5: _’
i - . . const rut t i on; e . . . - . : w .‘.
NOW, THEREFORE 2 IT IS A’6REED between the parties hereto-as . -
followsr T . +. . -. . - -.. . . . Section- 1. That City agrees to record .any irrevocable off&s 1 I . .
of dedication. made by Property Owner for Lot Line Adjustment PTat .
No. 155
: . . : . -’ . -
: . . . . . - . .
Sect i&t-.2, That Property’ Owrier,. . in lieu of making- the hCWeint. . . . . .
after’ described Improvements befqre approval of said adj’ustment pImat _ . . . -. . . . . abrees to ins&ii and constrtict,’ dr cause to bk inst‘al?ed ,.-
.is granted,
or constructed, said im-proveken!s in accordanciz with plans and’specifi- . .
cations approved by the City Engineer cJithin -60 days aft&r written
- -.
.’ demand sq to. do by City. Property OGgner shall not be required to make. : . : . . .
sa-id improvements- before .‘N&emb&r IO, 1979 6r within such further period - _. -... - . . . - -.of time as is granted by City; provided, however, that upon the happening . . . . . . . . ’ : . . 1 ‘& eithir: of the fol lokiing--‘6ccukrences said imprF.v?mentk -ma;; at the sole . -. . -- . : .
.: ‘.I-, ei ect i&i .&f City, ‘be requi-red to ‘be.‘made. sooner than & id date* & such
l .- ..I T - .
. . i: ” - - _w .= -.=t extended period of time which mai have been granted by Cit$F i . . . i . . . . . - . m : . . . (a) -When. the City’ Counc’il finds that the owner% of 40% or .more - . . . + . : . - ._
. . . . -. . of the. frontage,- including frontag’e of Property C&n&r, between inter- . ‘.. . . ‘, . . . _ -. skting streets &. bdth sides of the s’treet ueon-tJhieh the property-herei - . . . k .’ . . . . . . - - described has ‘f&&age, ‘. . . . : have agreed with City ‘to. install *street imp&&& . ‘... . . . . . - - s - - ments to City specif-i-catibns, . . . -_ -- * : ‘: *. - m. . . ” - . ..-.-. .= ._ -I~--.- -. - .- --- . ..- .-;- r-+ . . . . . * . .%..“:(b) When owners of more t&n 5O%‘kf the-frontage,.i&wee* . . . . .
. inters&i-ng streets on both,sides-.of. the strekt upon which the property . . . . - .
herein-described has frontage,” . have petit ioned the City to fok an _ -- .: * s ‘. . . . ‘=‘imp&&-~-& dfs&ri;t f-o+ ‘ihe i~pro~~~~nt’~‘o~~-sa~-~: streets, -. - ; -: -:- .-’ .d . .
. Said.improvements shall be made withou.t.cost .
City. ‘City estimates that ‘the cost of ‘ki.lgineering and .
-. said improvements at the time ‘of signing this contract
Property Owner hereby acknowledges ,that said cost is a . . .
estimate of engineering and constructfon costs at this.
or expense to
cons’truct ion of
is $27nn nnl
reasqnabl‘e -
time and that: the . : . . . . actual cost of -same at some time i’n the future may exceed this estimate,
--Section 3. That for the faithful performance, of the premises- . . . * . : - :.:. . ., ..* 1“ :- . . .i..; , ‘.!’ . :. .‘. -.. -. . . . 8) . (2) . . .: -. . . -. . A’ . . . . . . --e-. . . . . . . . &A r--.--~r.--*r---lr.r-k-,- _~a---- -I-----.
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and covenants herein contained, Property Owner herebylgrsnt; to Ci’ty a ‘_. .
1 ien upon the hereinafter described property in the amount of j ,$2,7b0.06. .
plus an+ future increases of Cost'
in-excess of this sum resulttng’from. .
. increased engineering and constrkti0.k costs, and *in the event. Property
or transferees fail to’instal I * Owner, his successors, heirs, assi’gns, . . . .
and construct said impt’ovemients in the manner 2nd within the time speck-
f*ied herein, he agrees tha; City may do any or.all of the fcMowin& .
-1 (a) ’ H * ave the necessary engineering for said improvements-. :
done, ‘a‘nd install and construct said improvements by contract’or other-
. . . f- ._ ‘..
wise. City. or its contractbr and his .emptoy&es may enter tipon any . -.- :- :- . . - s . ._ .’ .
portion.or portions of ‘the property reasonably necessary ior said .: . . .
engineering and construction, *a’nd thk’ entire cost and expense shall ‘be- . *, . . s . charged against said property and payable by said Property’ Owner, ‘his. : a . . -, “ Successors _, hei rs:, as&i&s, ok tr$nsferees”immediatel.y upbn completion- - ‘i - .I
‘_ ._ df’ said Tmp.rov&ments, In the event same i‘s not paid within 30 gays from 4 ‘$. . . . . . . . . . . . * . ,. .* . -_ . I -. 2’ : cdmplktion, City may forec.lbse s-id 1 ien a.i provided by law for the - - ,<
. . :. . -
-:,.:-. forecliafui-e of *;;lortgages. ..-. . . s.“-: ,. . ‘-._ . . . . . : m ‘. .. l(b) Direct the
. : - . . : 1
* . .- : . eng i n&er i ng, and the work . . . . ,:
.- merits, and foreclose said i - . . . . - L - . .: . . - .- .- -e . . .(c) Purkue an3 I . - -2 . . .- .
lien’ in said amtiunt.:‘.
. . __ “_ :_’ : . .*_ -* ,.::* .“~~:::.l:,~~-.~ ..-.;:.,: -,’ f . : .
remedy, legal or qui&ble “(including thosi -. . - <. I
‘: -.specifical.ly-referred to herein), foi= the foreclosuke’of a 1 ien, b-d- the ,I . . . . . .
-! _- Property Dkqr, ‘his *Skkkors,
l ,‘_. I
.- m heirs, assigns;and*t-iansferees, +aTT ._.I . . * : . . . -4. . . . .
*’ be liable for reasonable attorney’s fees ak’a cq&in said proceedings; __ :
‘. . .:.. s ‘. . . . . . . - . .-. ‘. . .._- . . . . -. . _ . *. . . _.‘.I. _ .t. y :-
* -. , - - . . .-.a: . . * :- .. :
City Engineer t6 est i.k te ‘the co-s~~;=d~ necessary . s.. -
required, to insta*ll and construct said impiove- i
. . . . : - * . . . .
.- Sect ion 4, I rhai it i,s agreed that anything herein co&ained to . . . . - _ . .’ the contrary notwithstanding, the promises anb cdvenants made herein shai
.- . . . - . . . *. :‘nd’t be *rji,hing ‘up’on t’he hb.ic&&;- mort&be&kf‘ or
. . . .: . . - b;‘kne’f iciai-i’es of ;i*riy . _ . * - .
purchase money mbrtgage orpurchasemoney deed of trust for value which ,: .
- has been or may in the futtire be executed by the Property Owner, his . .
. successors V heirs, assigns, oi transferees, and the lien heieby created . . shall be and is hereby subordinated to and declared tti be inferior and . *
subsequent in lien to the 1 ien of anj’such purchase money mortgage or. -_ . * . . . .
purchase money’deed of trust. The lien hereby created shall like\Jise.be
of i-ro force or effect against any obgncr whose title ‘to the property here . . . -.
inofter described is acquired by or as a result of a foreclosure or . ‘. ‘.. . .
*.a , .,*. ,--. . - . A.. ’ i . - ,./
* .
\ .
\ . - ..’
trustees’ sale of any such purchase money mortgage or purchase money .
deed of trust. . . .
Sect ion 5. That ‘at any time during the period herein provided;
“the Property Owner, his successors, heirs, assigns, or transferees may
deposit a cash bond or post a surety performance bond satisfactory to
.the City to charge said sure.ty with the cost of said improvements; the
amount of bond to be the estimated cost of engineering and improvements
. at the time of such deposit. or posting as ascertained by the City Engineer,
. and that upon depos,it of said cash or posting of said bond the City * . .
.agrees to release the property, or any portion of it as to’which said .*
.d.eposit ‘or posting applies, from the provisions of this agreement,’ and
‘. .to execute any necessary release to enable the record title of the pro-
:’ perty to be released from the lien herein imposed. . . . _. .
. . - Sect ion 6. Said City’shall not, nor shall any officer or .-‘* -f
’ employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, losi or ’ : j :. ‘. :damage happening or occurring to the work or improvements specified in . .i : . . . ‘. ; , .‘.2‘_. .‘-.*this agreement’ prior to the completion and acceptance of the same,. i . ;q .- _ .-’ :? nor .‘ . ‘i : : , ---~-l,‘shall said City, 7.. nor any officer ‘or employee’ thereof, be 1 iab3e’ for -..
‘-.‘any persons or property injured by reason of said work or improvements, *: ,-..; &but all of said liabi’lities shall be assumed by sdid Property Owner, and . :, I- .‘?,... . . . . .
-.I::;, his successors, heirs, assigns’, and transferees, .and they shall save the :. . . . . . ; .:._: * :‘City
. . .; .* .<,.,:: harmless from’, and indemnify the City against, any and’a’ll claims, - . . ; ,.,: ‘8
. . :suits and liabilities of or to any person or property injured or claim- .‘... > .,- : ,. ., . : . . . . I ,,y:ling to be’ injured as a. result of’said work or .improvements. ‘Said Pro- .- . .,.;..* * . . . .- . . . ..pet-ty .Owner, and his successo’rs, ‘heirs, assigns, and. transferees,. further. .;. . . . ..-.agrees to protect said City and the officers and employees thereof from 1 . ..’ ._
*.a11 liability or claim because of; or arising but of, the use of any’. ‘- *
patent or patented article in the construction of said improvements, *
. . .Section 7. It is further agreed that said Property Owner will
. at all times up td the completion and acceptance of said work and im- . . .
’ provements by the C,ity, give good and adequate warning to the traveling I
‘*‘public .of any dangerous or defective oonditions of public property. The
.*’ Property Owner hereby agrees to pay for such inspection of improvements .
. : as may be required by the City Engineer of City.
‘. Sect ion 8. this agreement and the covenants contained herein * .
. ’ ’ shall be binding upon and inure ‘to the bencf i t of the successors, heirs, . . . . . ‘. .I’ (4) . ‘I * :: I * ;,r * :. ; .* , . ‘,! I . * --.A- at .--_I-- -.-...: . ..-’ * .v ,’ .\. . . . * * : .,.’ -e--O.---..-.+- --..-s.-e--..--------~ -,r..--- . . GUI mm.. -.z.,.-.-~lcw. .L.. --..-- - . p-7--
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assigns, and transferee’s of Property Owner, shall run with.said real ., -’ .
Property, and create an equitable sekvitude upon said real property’. . - . .
.- Sect ion 9. A description of t-he- property referred to herein .
and upon which said ‘lien is imposed is described as follows:
Assessor's Parcel No. 205-230-3 . . .
All that portion'of Tract No: 250 Thum Lands, in the City of Carlsbad, . .
County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. . .
.1681., ,fiIed in the:o.ffice of the County Recorder of San Diego County, . . December 9, 1915, described as follows: . . ; . :. .*-r' . f . ;- .I
Commericing at a concrete monument marking,t.he intersection of the center
I'ine,of Valley Street and Ch.estnut.Avenue ~formerly County. Avenue-),. as is."-, :: .
shown ?n.said.Map i681; thence along the center Iine'of'sai:d Chestnut.:
:- _I . .
Avenue, North 87'57'30" -East.a distance of 186.30:feet' to the Northweste-rly -.._
corner of that.portion of said.Trac,t 250 as conveyed by the-South Coast . :: .l
Land Company to Jesse O.:.and Esther E. Kinman by-deed dated-April' 20;' 1931; .
and recorded in Book:l897; 'page @,2.'of Deeds;
line of the land so conveyed to Kibma.n,
thence along the Southwesterly ..
South 28°39'OO" East a distance'o-f
I 1 207.16 fe,et to the-TRUE.POI.NT OF.BEG'INNING;. thence continuing South 28°39'OOf' '.
1 .'. .East 78.00. feet; thence South 61°21fOO" West 136~57 feet; thence North ..
28.'39'00" West 85.40 'feet;' thence North 68°09'0.0" East 26.18 feet; thence.
l North 61°21'.00"~~East'78.~00 feet;.thence South 28?39'00" East 4.30 feet;'. .'.,
. thence No'rttl 61°21'OO" East 32.57 f.eet to.the TRUE POINT OF BEGINN-ING. :. .. . . T. . . '.. .. .
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Section 10, The required improvements to be constru?ted and *a _;
the estimated costs thereof are as follows:
P,4V ING & BASE 1708.0 S.F.
P.C.C. CURB 8 GUTTER 85.4 L.F.
5’. P.C.C. S!DEWA.LK 85.4 L.F.
TOTAL COST $2,700.00 ..’
-. . :
4 xv P’ * ‘( , ‘h \ A CITY OF CARLSBAD, a Municipal
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‘3 * ! ; t ij 11 *
icipal Corporation, California; executed
. - -
_ , ,, , -- _. _.. . - ky Public M
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- ---.J Dhie~S. HantlfG~
.g (Notarial ackntiwlkdgement of execution of owners mist be attached),
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TO 449 c
(Corporation) 0 ll
on November 14, 1979 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said
State, personally appeared J. Wagn.e Dernet7 -, . t,t known to me to be the 1 tY aM~&i&%$ti
; xlcxa&lX&~h#~~x_______ X&&&&&f the corporation that executed the within Instrument:
1 known to me to be the persons who executed the within 2 Instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named, and
acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the within instrument pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its board of directors.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
Signature ~~‘-&z.&Qp&,v.~ ., u”P&.#Lr; -I-+&\
A. L. Rautenkranz
Name (Typed or Printed)
(Thin area for ofiieirl notarial seal)
r * ,t-- ’
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btrtc of C;:1.j.:F~:i.~j!i,ri )
County of Spfl i)ic,-;:o ) SLY
OC q-3&- 79 , llefoye ue i;kle u?;$,-: br-'fr:>&, a j;otayy . i., ,
Public ir! ;;r:d. TOT 72 id St:] te, i-u?;.~si;l~cilly r!y-‘y!e: rcr’ Jzr,y.r S;,;I;’ rj11r1. ;;*rd :;olec;,T 6 :jps)-,,:. “11p ! 7 0 7; I i; 0 :“C t;C. i;C ti.9 FCj7r:C;-:s T:!!;OFC .22?.: c rl 7% ;’ e subscribed t 0 t!2:: bi!. t : j.j’: I:, S tX’1.Z.: :e j-! t ;: i-:.Cl (7 ~1 1; Ol;/l Ci.;,<Cd t 0 :-:c t: ,;: t i;; :f) ‘i e;.;~: CJJ~ ed
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.VITI.i::.. ;; 2:~’ hr:17ti r,i;cl offjcizl ,seel.
My C~mmi~sbn Lxpir*r