HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 81-19; Sheffler, George and William; 82-028208; Public Facilities Fee Agreement/Release.'. 137% 82-028208 . -. -. 1 cc.‘- $- c,r s:, r-p-.,-,‘.& ; , 2 fI.2 :,;I {$;;;,,; 13?,‘FED-I p;;1,7 14 1 r.,.. i c;,;,; ;, -- ; - --i: fW FEE .:tc.r rkcclrC]ing rc?urn to: - 1. &5QOESTU’ t? Y : ity I>: C3rl:tmd 201l Lllil rtvc. .arlsLad, CA 02008' AND 1’IlI.Z CITY OF C.\l’;LSSAD FO11 TIIE . - . ._ PAYMEXT OF A PUJ3LIC FhCILITIES FEE . -. . . .’ THIk AGREEI'IEEIT is entered into this _. - . 19 JO, b ;c; and Sctvrecn GEORGEJ.SPEFFLER,as an individual;GEOR $’ -’ EJ.SHEFFLER and WIZLTXVI J. S EFFLER III, as Co-Trustees of thyRGE . J.SHEFFLER and WILLIAM J. SHEFFLER III, as Co-Trustees of the PAUL SHEFFLE’R TRUS’T; WILLIA’M J. SHEFFLE . III, as an individual; GEORGE J. SHEFFLER and WILLIAM J. SHEFFLER III, as Co-Trustees of the WILLIAM J. SHEFFLER TRUST, a’s Ind!viduaLs and’Trustees : . ,hercinaitzcr xcfcrrud to as (Corpoxzkion; partnership, etc.) . : !'Dc-vcloper", w!iose address-is 2300 Chestnut;Carlsbad,Caiifornia 92008. . , (stl-ect) _ . . . , apd THE CITY OF (City,.state, zip code) _. . . ,_ CZRLSEAD, a mVniciix1 corp3rat.ion of the State of California, : llercinafter referred to as "City", whose zd?ress is i200 Elm Avenue, CarlsSad ,. Cali5ornia, .920da. . .- . I . . - . . . . ; f W&NES - . . . - ILlElzl3iS, Developer is the owner . . . : . . . . . . . S E'T H: . . ' of the real property described on Exhibit ."A", attached hereto and made a part of this agreement, hereinafter rcfcrrcd to as "Property"; and c IPIIEREAS, the Property lies within the boundaries of Ci'ty; ._ - . *. . . -and - _ -_ . . I~llErazAS, Developer proposfs a'devclcpmcnt project zs follows: -- . A ;esidentkil subdivision consisting of thirty-three (33) condominiums ind forty-nine (49) single-family ----- . . . . . . . * l L i 1 : * . ’ - .- Ib 1375. . - 1 on said Property, which development carries the proposed ncamc _ of MARYMONTANA- . . &d 'is hereafter referred to as "Development"; and ti . . WHEPXAS, Developer filed on the 2.0 day of '&z&y&Q-~. ', I 19 f&r* . I with the. City a request for . . _- A Tentative Subdivision Map t . . e 7” 67/ -19 /c P/fP-/Lc aef -’ . , r . (hereinafter referred to as "kequest"; and - WHEREAS, the Public Facilities Element of'the City General . . Plan requires that the City Council'find that all public , fac%lities necessary to serve a development will be-available . concurrent with need or such development shall not be approved - . (said element is on file with the City Clerk and is incorporated . . - by this reference; and I. ~W?EPZAS; Developer and 'council Policy po. 17, dated . - . . . City'recognize the correctness .of August 29, 1979, &I file with the City Clerk and . . $ncorpmatcd by this reference ,.‘ and that. the City.‘i pub1 ic fazil i ties‘ and services are at capacity and will not be available to accommodate the . additional need for public facilities and se&ices resulting . ' . . I from the proposed Development;'and .. . . - . . . NlU%.EAS, Devcloper.has asked the City to find that public '. . f facilities and services will be available to meet the future . G?CdS of the Dcvelopment.as it is presently proposed; but the . DevcSopcr is aware that the City cannot and x,jill not‘be &le.to make any such finding without financial assistance to pay for GU& scrviccs and facilities; and, thcrcfore, Dcvel.opcr prcposcs . . - . . . . 2 . . . * . - - I . . *’ . . . . . . . ; . . . - 2 . .) * . ? . ‘. * . * . 1 *.: . * . . .- - ?,L 13yy.j - to help satisfy the General Plan as implement-cd by Council Policy No. 17.by payment of a public facilities fee. . ' . . * : 'NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the recitals and the . covenants contained herein, the parti)es agree a$ follows: . . : 1. - The Developer shall pay to the Ci'ty a public facilities . l f&c in an ahount not to exceed -2 % of the building permit valuation : of the buildings or structures to be constructed in the Development . pursuant to the Request. The fee shall be paid prior to the . . . . issuance of building or other construction permits for the develop- ment and shall bc.based on the valuation at that time. This fee . shall be in addition to any fees, dedications or improvements , required pursuant to Titles X8; 20 or 21 of the.Carlsbad PIunicipal . Code. A credit toward such fee shall.be 'given for land which has : . been dedicated for park purposes or for any fees paid in lieu . - -'thereof pursuant to Chapter 20.44 of the. Carlsbad Municipal Code. : . . . - . .V..J&velop& shal: pay a fee for conversion of existing buildings or . . . structures into condominLums in an amountnot to exceed.2% of the . building permit valuation at the time of conversion. The fee for a condominium conversion shall be paid prior to the issuance of a oondominium conversion permit' as provided in -Chapter 21.47.of the . . . -Carlsbad Winicipal Code. Condominium shall include communify . apartmcpt or stock cooperative. The terms "other construction . . p&mits", "other constructionpcrmi~t" and "entitlement for use" as -. . used in this agreement, cxceptin reference to mobilchome sites or projects, shall not refer to grading permits or other permits for . .t:he construction of underground or street improvcmcnts 'unless no . . other permit is necessary pri:r to'thc USC or occupancy for which . *. . . -3. .-*- . . . . . . . . . . :. . * -) a: - ** . . .- . .; . . - . . -- . . . * a*tJ 1377 .> . the development is intended.. 'Developer shall pay to City a iublic :. a . faciliti'es fee in the sum of $1,150 for.eBch mobilehome space .to be - . . . *constructed pursuant to the Request. The fee she'll be paid prior . to the issuance of building or other construction permits for the s . . development. This fee shall be in add'ition to any fees, dedications : or improvements required according to Titl'es 18, 20 or 21 of ..the' . . Cprlsbad 14unicipal' Code. A credit toward such fee.'shall be given" ' . . . . .- _ for Zand which has been dedicated for park purposes or for any fees - . - paid in lieu,ther&of pursuant to Chapter 2'0.44 of the Carlsbad I;unicipal Code. . . . - . 4 : 2: The Developer may offer to donate a site'or sites for . . '* 'public facilities in lieu of -all'or pzrt of the financial obligation . agreed upon in Paragraph 1 above. If 'Deveioper offers.tO .: -. . donate a s?te or sites for publ.ic facilities, the-City shall -m . . . 'consider, but is not obligated to a::cept -the ofceri The~time for . . . . donation-and amount of credit against the f?e shall be determined . .T by City prior to the issuance of any building or other permits. . Such determination, when made,' shall become a part.of this agree-. . . men", . Sites donated under this parairaph shall not include cmprovements . required pursuant to Titles 18 or 20 of the Carlsbad Municipal . Code.. - . . . .- . - . . :. _ . . . _ . - . . 3.. This agrcelnent and the fee paid pursuant hereto ark . - .* : rlequircd to.cnsurc-the consistency of the Development with the . . I . City's General Plan. If the fee is' ndt paid as provided herein, . the City will not have the funds to provide public facilities and . scrviccs R and the Dcvclopment yill not be 'consistent wi4h the . Cknctral Plan and any rlpprov,al *or pc-rmit for the Dcvelopmcnt shall . . . 4. . . . ‘..‘. - . . - 1 . . .- . t . * ,’ - -. . . . . - . * “C. 1375’ be void. Ro building or other construction'pcrmit or entitlement .for*use shall be issued until the public ficilitics fee required by . - ;his agreement is paid. . . . . - . . 4. City agrees to deposit the fees *piid pursuant to this agreement in a public facilities fund 'for.the financing of public . . . facilities when the City Council determines the need exists to provj.de the facilities and sufficient funds from the payment of . '. I . -e this and similar public facilities fees are available. 5. City agrees to Grovidc upon request reasonable assurances . to enable Developer to comply with any requirements of other bub1i.c . , - . c agencies as evidence of.adequate public'f&ilities and services . . - _ sufficient to accorx3odate the needs of the Development herein. . -described. . _ . . . . . . ..'6, .. . All obligations hereunder-shall .terminate in the event .. -' the Requests made by Developer are not approved.,. ' : . . l - 7. Any notice from-one party to the other shall be in . . . writing-, .and shall be dated and-signed by the party giving such : -notide or by a duly 'authorized representatgve of such party. -Any such notice shall not be effective for .any.purfiose whatsocver- ._ . . unless served in one of the fpllowing manners: : . . . . . ' 7.1 If notice is given to the City by. personal delivery f . s . thereof to the City or by depositing same-in the U&ted States Hail, addressed to the City at the address .set forth- hcrei,n,' , - . enclosed in a sealed envelope, addressed to the City for attcl?tion .of t3ic City Xannjcr, . . postage prepaid and ccrtificd. 7.2 if notice i . G gi%cn to Dcvclopcr by personal clclivcry . * thcrcof to Dcvclopcr or by depositing thc~..snmc in the United States . -. s- . . . . ’ . . ” . -. .- ) . *- . .‘. -. . . *. . . . .‘_ bC i379 -. Hail r enclosed in a sealed envelope, addressed to Developer at the . . . . address as'may have been designated, posta.ge prepaid and certi;ied: l . . . . . 8. This agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to 1. . . . the benefit of, and shall apply to, the respective successors and . . . . assigns of Developer and the City, and references to Developer . . ._- _ or City herein shall be deemed to be reference to and include"their. . . . .- respective successors . . and assigns.without specific mention of such . successors -and assigns. If Developer should cease to have any . .- interest in the Property, "all obligations of..Developer shall terminate; provided, hcxever, that any'successor . - : of Developer's . . * .interest in the Property shall have first assumed in writing the 'Developer's.obligations hereunder. _' hereunder : 9. This aareement shall be recorded but shall not'create . -' . . . . :- a lien or security interest on the Property. Fhen the obli&ations - . : . . . of-this agreement have been satisfiedi, City'shall record a release. . . /I/ . /I/ /// . I// I// . . . * -- : . . - s : - e . . . . . - 0. ‘0 m . . . . . I . ’ 6, . . . - . . -. . : . . . . . - . - . . . :- . . . . . . . . . I . . . ,. . . . . . IN . county, WITNESS WHEREOF, this agreement is executed in San 'Diego , California as of the date . first written above. .‘ . DEVELOPER-OWER: CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal- WILLIAMJ.SHEFFLERTRUFT corporation of the State of California . BY - . City Manager DEVELOPER-OWNER (cont.): JOHNJ.SHEFFLERTRUST ATTEST; City AttorGy : [Notarial acknowledgement o'f executioil be attached.) . ':7. ' * . .\ by DXVELOPER-OFdNl?,R . , must - /STATE OF CALIFORNIA I SS. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO Li’ 1381 On Jantiry 25, 1982 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of California, personally appeared GEROGEJ. 2%XEFFUR known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within Instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. OCIIQAL SEAL FE&A. NORMAN, SR. CALIFORNIA . -” ---“II- Fred A. Norman. Sr. . . - c NCYIXRY AcIsl~~~S ?,p~ 1382 . & before me, the undersigned, a N0tar.y Public in and for said County and St&e, pe%onally appea.r~&GS+ WILLMJ.SHEFFLER III, known to n-e to be Co-Trustee of the PAUL SHEZFiXR TRUST, the Trust that executed the within instrument, and knuwn to m. to be the persons who executed the within instrumznt on behalf of said Trust, andacknowledgedthat he executed the sarrre. WITNESS my hand and official seal. . MtWWubkinandfofttm hish of Jafferson Louisiina beforeme, theundersigned, aFZotmm appeared WlLLIAMJ.SHEFFLER III, known tometobecO-Trustee oftheWILLIAMJ.SHEFFLER TRUST, theTrustthatexecuted thewithin ins-t,andkn~to~tobethepersonswho executed thewithin instrumentonbehalf of saidTrust, andacknmledgedthat he executed the sarre. WITNESS my hand and official seal. &&?;LL c / -- Public in and for tate =:&a( wtM?lA 7ti wry fbblii in and for the Parish of Jefferson Louisiana forem, theundersigned, aNotaxy!!BEMYY~W~&~~ WILLIAM J. !ZEFWXR III, known torm~tobeCo-Trustee..oftheJOHNJ.SHEFELER TRUST, theTru!&thatexecuted the within instrument, andknown tome tobe the pexsonswhoexecutedthewithin ins~tonbehalf of kaid TYust, and acknowledged that k, executed the same. WITNESS nq' hand and official seal. said&&kyandState GEl?TlUJfX.K BUCK . 435LspalcoBlVd GmtmLA 74053 Notary Public in and for the Paristj of +fferson Louisiana before me, the undersigned, a No?~s~~r~~~ appeared WILLIAM J. SHEFFLER III, kncx& U nxz to be the person wh&P_ nam is rsubscribed to the within instrument and ackxwleziyti tPat he executed the sax-z. WITNESS my hand we 435LapakzoBlvd Gretna,LA 70053 Notary Public in and for the Parish of Jefferson Louisiina r My commission expires at death. . , - A i? L .’ vi 1383 . . a? EXHIBIT “A” . LE%L DEXRIF’IX~ I I : f”E LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN IS SITUATED TY THE STATi OF ” cAYfoKNIAv COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, AM. IS DESCRIBED As FOLLOWS: . . PARCEL 1: T&J P13RTION OF LOT . “J” OF THE RANCH0 AGU4 HEDIONDA, I”d TdE CIJY OF CARLSRAD, IN-THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGD, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCDRDING TO P~ikTtT10N HAP TtiEREOF’NO. 323 FILED IN THE DfFlCE QF Ci)UYTY RECORDER OF*’ ’ *SAti 0’1 EG0 CUUh(JY, tiOxk4BER 16, 1896, DESCRIBED AS FOLLDilS: 2 :. -. :: , CCIMHENCINC AT THi .i@hiiEST.:r)RtiER DF SAIilOT -J”; THENCE EAST 1358 FEET TO”;:THE SOUTHEAST-CORNER’ OF’ LA’ND CONVEYED TO LAURENCE WILLIS B02DEN BY DEED_ DATE-D SEPTEHBER 1 l 1920 AND -.RECORDED IN 9XJK .827, PAGE 194 OF DEEDS; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY SOUNDARY OF SAIB LAND, NOR7H 15O30’ WEST 192’ .. FEET: NORTH 15“30’ EAST 174 FEET’, NdRTH 115~30’ WEST 230 FEET, tiU3RTH 4O3Q’ WEST 170 FEET, NORTH 31OOO’ WEST 314 FEET, NORTH 188 FEET AND NORTH ’ 22O37’30” WEST (RECORD NORTH 22”30 ’ WEST) 307.99 FEET TO AN IYJERS~CTION , , VITH THE WESTE2LY LINE CF ROAD SUVEY f’RJ. 925 --HORDING JO YAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF COU’UTY SURVEYOR Of SAN DIEGO COUNTY, BEJAG THE TRUE’:;: POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE C3NJINiJING ALONG THE EASTERLY i3OUNDARY OF SAID BORDEN’S LAND, NORTH 22O37.30” WEST 143.21 FEET, lYDRE OR LESS TO AN ANGLE PO1 NT NORTH 88O41’ WEST (RECORD WEST) 164 FEET AND NORTH 31O33’ WESi.356 FEET TO THE HOST’NDKTHERLY CORNER SF SAID LAND, BEING A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY .LINE OF LAND CONVEYED TQ tiAaIDN HAZEL BORDEN BY DEED DATED SEPTEMBER I, L920 AND RECORDED IN i3DOK 827, PAGE 193 OF DEEDS; THENCE NQPTH 59OOCJ ’ EAST”ALONG SAID ‘SOUTHEASTERLY LINE AND ALONG ITS NCiRTHEASJERLY PROLONGAJJON TO AN INTERSECTION tiIITH THE WESTERLY LIluF OF SAID ROAD SURVEY !‘JD,‘92S: THENCEESOUTHERLY ALONG SAID idESTERLY LINE TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. ‘ ‘ EXCEPTING THAT PORTION LYING WITHIN ROAD SIJRVEY NO, 1800-65 BEING THAT 126.00 FOOT STRIP OF LAND DESCRI3ED IY PARCEL 66150-A Iti DEED TO THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, RECORDED’XARCH 29, 1968 45 DOCUMENT ND. 51138 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, THE CENTER LINE OF SAID 126.30 FOOT STRIP 3EING DESCRIGED AS FOLLOWS: BtGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 26 OF CHESTNUT HEIGHTS, : ACtilROIYG TO MAP THEREOF NO. 5328, ON FILE IN SAID COUNTY RECORDER’S OFFICE, THE SDUTHEQLY LINE OF SAID LOT HAVING. A BEARJNG QF ?JQRTH B9O14’42” WEST FROH 5410 POI.\ITf CALIFORNI4 COORDINATE SYSTE!‘4, ZONE 6 (NORTH 39045’43” WEST PER MAP NO- 5328): JtiENCE :\(ORTH 73O13’41” E4ST 61.99 FEET TO THE TRUE POlNT OF F3EGINNI~G OF 5410 CENJER LINE, SAID POINT HAVING COORD i NATES N EQUALS 364.137-828 h.yo i EQUALS 1.672.9a3.535 4s PER SAID ZONE 6; THENCE NORTH 16 O46 ’ 19” idESi 1543-09 FEET TO THE REGINq/NG OF A JANGEYT.CURVE JD TtiE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS DF lG+OOO FEET: THEtiCE NDZJHE?LY AL-DNG SAID CURVE Tt-!RDUGH Q CEIJT~AL AlvGLE OF 2O44’32” A DISTANCE OF 473.61 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CUXVE NORTH 14O31’47” AEST 332.66 FEEJ TQ THE 8EGINNING OF A TANGENT CUR,VE T3 THE LEFT HAVJVG A RADIUS 3F 3000 f EET: THENCE YURTHERLY 4LONG SAID C’JRVE THROUGH A CEqTRitL ANGLE OF 24018~14~~ A DISTANCE OF tr272.55 FEET: JHENCE JA?ICENT JO SAID CURVE NORTH 3B020’31” WEST 293.67 FEET TO A POIYT OY TdE NORTHERLY LIYE r]F 5413 RANCH0 ; . en . : as * 1 ,. ..* . 4i’ 138.4 ..-. . w. , . I I . . .I tAGUA HEDIONDA, DISTANT THEREOF NOR7J-l 32O57’03” EAST 197&k? FEET FROH THE HOST YORTHERLY CORNER .OF. THUW LANDS,. ACCDQDING TD YAP THEREOF NO. 1681 ON : FILE trY THE OFFICE OF CDUNTY RECCRDER OF SW DIEGD COUNTY, SAtD POINT . HAWING CODRDINATE N EDUALS 368r219.076 AND E EQUALS lr671.477.191 PER SAID ZOtiE 6. 3 . THiT’PflRlION OF LOT J ” “, !lF THE .RA’JCHO AGtJA HEDIONDA,-.tN THE CITY OF C’hRLSdAD, I)4 THE COUNTY :DF. S4N DIEGO, STAE, OF CALIFORNIA, fiCC3RDtNC TO PA’ATITION HAP -THEREOF NO, ‘-B23r ‘FILED .tN THE .DFFICE OF..COUNTY RECORDER OF _ SA p DIEGO COUNTY, NOVEM8ER 16~ 1896, DESCRIRED .AS FOLLOidS: . .- : ‘. BEGINNING AT THE .SOUTHWE’ST CORNER 0~ SAID LOT NJ”; THENCE EAST 1358 FEET- Td’ THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE TRACT .jF LAVD if ONVEYED BY MINNIE LILCIAN BORDEN AND UILLIAY wE5STEQ BORDEN, WtFE AND USBAND, TO FORREST VIVIAN ,’ BqRDEN, t DATED JANUARY 14. 1915 -iAND REC3RDED IT@BUCJK 746, PAGE 431 OF DEEDS: THENCE NORTHEQLY ALfIN G THE, WESTERLY LINE OF THE LAND SO CONVEYED, .:,; NORTH 15O30” WEST 192 FEET; THENCE NORT;1 1S030’ EAST 174 FEET; THENCE NORTH 16O30’ WEST 230 FEET; THENCE NOQTi4 4O30’. dEST 170. FEET:- THENCE NORTH 310 WEST 314 FEET TO THE TRUE P3INT i)F BEGINNING: THENCE CCJNT-tNUING ALONG SAID MESTERLY LINE CF SAID FORREST VIVIAN BORDEN’S LAND MIRTH 188 FEET: THENCE NORTH 2t030’ REST 452 FEE?’ t’i3 A POINT IN THE SilUTH LINE OF _ THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED 9Y iJtLLtA?! WEBSTER aOROEN TO BESSIE Ey#LY BORDEN RY DEED DATED SEPTEMER 1, 1920 AND RECORDED IN 5OilK 827, -PAGE 195 OF DEEDS,: THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE LANO. SO CONVEYEO X64 FEET: TfiENCE NORTH 31 O dEST T3 THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE LAND CONVEYED BY WILLIA?l ME5STEA BCROEN 1:‘) ,f’tARIAN HAZEL BOROEN ‘BY DEED DATED ., SEPTEMER 1, 1920 AND REC3RDED 1N 5i3OK 327, PAGE 193 DF DEEDS: THENCE ALONG IHE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE LAND SD COWEYED, SOUTH 59O MEST 774.65 FEET, ?dgRE OR LESS, TC) MOST ‘JORTHERLY CCRNER OF LAN0 CONVEYED TO LEWIS D. CRAIG. ET UX, BY DEED RECORDED IN 803K 2074, PAGE 307 OF OFFICtAL RECORDS: THENCE SOUTH 23O19’ 10” EAST ALONG T!iE EASTERLY LINE OF SAX0 CRAIG'S LAND AND T!dE SOUTHEASTERLY EXTENSION THERE3F 1320 FEET, :qGRE OR LESS, TO THE CENTER LIYE OF THE COUNTY i2OAD; SURVEY NO. 523, AS DESC2ISED IN DEED TO COUNTY OF SAN OtEGO, RECORDED tN WOK 1734, PAGE 270 OF OFFICIAL’RECORDS, AS SHOslN ON JIAP ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF COUNTY SURVEYOR OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY: THENCE ALOolG THE CEYTER LI.VE OF SAtO~~ROAD SURVEY ND, 523, THE FOLLOWING COURSES AND DISTANCES: NORTH 79O24’ EAST 85.4: FEET, IYORE OR LESS, TO THE BEGINNING DF A TANGENT . . CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A QADIUS OF 239.84 FEET NORTHER,iY AND EASTERLY ALCJNG THE ARC aF SAID CURVE T!-iROUCH A CE’ITRAL ANGLE OF 45Olb A DISTANCE OF 189.49 FEET; TANGENT TD SAIO CURVE ?J!ZI)RT;t 34OO8’ EAST 534-09 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID CENTES LINE OF S41D qOAD, NOSTH 40°36’ EAST 116.97 FEET TO THE TRUE POJNT OF BEGINNING. . EXCEPT THEREFRON THAT PORTION DESCRISED AS FOLLOWS: SEGtNrJJIYG s%T THE HOST NORTHERLY CORNER 9F LOT 17 OF OCE4ti VIEW ESTATES AS