HomeMy WebLinkAboutCE 401; Daon Corporation; 85-383269; Certificate of Compliance/Non ComplianceRECORDING REQUESTED AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: TLR City Clerk 1365 CITY OF CARLSBAD 12(10 Elm Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008 CONDITIONAL CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RF AR 1 ~ / - (Section 66^99-35 of the Government Code) 1385 OCT 15 PK 3:58 I VERA L. 1 Yl E ILCOUNTY RECORDERJ The City Engineer has determined that the real property described below has not been divided in compliance with the Subdivision Map Act and with the provisions of the Carlsbad Municipal Code pursuant thereto. It has further been determined that the property can be brought into compliance with the State Map Act and the Carlsbad Municipal Code provided the conditions as stated below are complied with to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. OWNER(s): Daon Corporation, a Delaware Corporation Description: (See Exhibit "A" attached) NOTE: The description in Exhibit "A" attached has been provided by the owner of the property and neither the City of Carlsbad nor any of its officers or employees assume responsibility for the accuracy of said description. This Certificate of Compliance shall have no force and effect if the above owners or any subsequent transferee or assignee acquires any contiguous property other than a lot or lots shown on a recorded subdivision map, parcel map or record of survey map filed pursuant to and prior to the repeal (Stats. 1955, Ch. 1593) of Section 11575 of the Business and professions Code. This Certificate of Compliance shall in no way affect the requirements of any other County, State or Federal agency that regulates development of real property. This Certificate of Compliance shall be subject to the following conditions: The lot covered by this Certificate of Compliance shall be properly subdivided in accordance with the California State Map Act and any applicable ordinances of the Carlsbad Municipal Code prior to development of the lot. All conditions of CT85-19 shall be met. Date; October 11, 1985 By; \X)J^oo^yS City Engineer Case No: 401 CITY OF CARLSBAD 222-160-41,42 Current Assessor's Parcel No.; 223-020-16,17 Address; 5150 Avenida Encinas, Carlsbad, CA 92008 1366 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 1; That portion of the South Half of Section 19, and of the Northeast Quarter of Section 30, in Township 12 South, Range 3 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to Official Plat thereof, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 19; thence North 0°02'26" East, 50.71 feet more or less to the Southwest corner of Lot 5 of Meadowlark No. 1, according to Map thereof No. 4443, filed in the Office of County Recorder of San Diego County, January 12, 1960; thence North 89°57'49" East along the Southerly line of said Meadowlark No. 1, a distance of 464.62 feet to the beginning of a 330.00 foot radius curve, concave Northeasterly, the radius of said curve bearing North 76°36'42" East to said point; thence Southeasterly along said curve a distance of 93.31 feet; thence Southwesterly along a 25.00 foot radius reversed curve concave Westerly 35.38 feet through an angle of 81° 05'15"; thence South 38°30'08" East 60.00 feet to the Westerly line the land described in Deed to Congregational Church at Meadowlark, recorded July 3, 1963 as File No. 116331 of Official Records, in the Office of County Recorder of San Diego County; thence along the said Westerly line South 51°29'52" West 100.93 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Easterly having a radius of 25.00 feet; Southerly along said curve 39.27 feet through an angle of 90 '00"; thence tangent to said curve South 38°30'08" East 110.55 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 170.00 feet; Southeasterly along said curve 48.64 feet through an angle of 16°23'33"; thence tangent to said curve South 54°53'41" East 50.00 feet the beginning of a tangent curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 230.00 feet; Southeasterly along said curve 183.32 EXHIBIT A w . 1367 feet through an angle of 45°40'03"; tangent to said curve South 9° 13'38" East, 165.00 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Easterly having a radius of 50.00 feet; Southerly along said curve 32.17 feet through an angle of 36°52'10" to the beginning of a reversed 50.00 foot radius curve; Southerly, Southwesterly and Westerly along said curve 110.71 feet through an angle of 126°52'10" and South 9°13'38" East, 6.85 feet to the Northerly line of land described in Deed to Alberta L. Bell, recorded March 21, 1957 in Book 6504, page 214 of Official Records; thence along the Northerly line of said land North 89°27'53" West 31.11 feet more or less to the Northwest corner thereof, being also the Northwest corner of land described in Deed to A. 0. Bell, et al, recorded May 25, 1954 as File No. 68392 in Book 5248, page 140 of Official Records, thence, northerly 3.35 feet along a curve concave easterly and having a radius of 100 feet and through a central angle of 1°55'01", a radial line through the beginning of said curve bears North 76°11'19" East, to the Northeast corner of land described in Deed to John R. Young, et ux, recorded May 5, 1959 as File No. 89567 of Official Records, in the Office of County Recorder of San Diego County; thence North 89°03'31" West 107.24 feet, more or less, to the Northwest corner of land described in the Deed to John R. Young, being also an intersection with the boundary of land described in Deed to Campano Corporation, recorded February 4, 1959 in Book 7480, page 467 of Official Records; thence along the boundary of said land South 8°37'16" East, 101.41 feet to an angle point; thence South 89°03'33" East 137.89 feet more or less to the Southwesterly corner of land described in Deed to Alberta L. Bell, a widow, recorded March 21, 1957 in Book 6504, page 214 of Official Records; thence South 26°01'53" East 54.61 feet to the beginning of a tangent 100.00 foot radius curve concave Westerly; thence Southerly along said curve 36.19 feet through an angle of 20°44'00"; thence tangent to said curve South 5°17'53" East 303.34 feet more or less to an intersection with the Westerly prolongation of a line which is parallel with and 30.00 feet 2 OF 2363 Southerly, measured at right angles, to the Southerly line of land described in Deed to Bell Bros., Inc., recorded August 31, 1956 in Book 6242, page 470 of Official Records; thence South 89°27'53" East / 544.65 along said parallel line to the intersection with the East line of said Section 19; thence South 0°46'25" West along the East line of said Section 19 and 30, 1505.94 feet, more or less, to an intersection with the Northeasterly boundary of Parcel Map No. 10179 filed in the Office of County Recorder of San Diego County; thence along said Northeasterly boundary, North 35°25'44" West 1,359.43 feet more or less to the beginning of a tangent curve concave to Northeast and having a radius of 3,200.00 feet; thence, along said curve 982.26 feet through an angle of 17°35'14"; thence, North 17°50'30" West, tangent to last mentioned curve, 848.29 to the Northeast corner of said Parcel Map being a point in the North line of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 19; thence, South 89°46'10" East 184.33 feet, more or less, along said North line to the Point of Beginning. EXCEPTING therefrom that portion thereof lying within the following described property: Commencing at the corner common to Sections 19, 20, 29 and 30, Township 12 South, Range 3 West; thence North 89°27'53" West along a line at right angles to the center line of the 60.00 foot County Road known as Road Survey No. 454, filed in the Office of County Surveyor of San Diego County, a distance of 45.00 feet to the intersection with the Westerly line of Road Survey No. 454, and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence North 0°32'07" East along said Westerly line 7.44 feet to the beginning of a tangent 20.00 foot radius curve, concave Southwesterly thence Northerly, Northwesterly and Westerly along the arc of said curve 31.42 feet through a central angle of 90°00'00" to a point herein referred to as Point "A"; thence tangent to said curve North 89°27'53" West 115.00 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as Point "B"; thence continuing North 89°27'53" West 160.00 feet to an 3 OF 1369 intersection with a line which is parallel with and 295.00 feet Westerly of, measured at right angles to said Westerly line of County Road Survey No. 454; thence along said parallel line South 0°32'07" West 210.00 feet; thence South 89°27'53" East 60.00 feet to an intersection with a line that is parallel with and 235.00 feet Westerly of, measured at right angles to said Westerly line of County Road Survey No. 454; thence along said parallel line South 0032'07n West 210.00 feet to an intersection with a line that is parallel with and 420.00 feet Southerly of measured at right angles to a line which bears North 89°27'53" West from said Point "A"; thence along said parallel line and its Easterly prolongation South 89°27'53' East 235.00 feet to the intersection with the Westerly line of said County Road Survey No. 454; thence along said Westerly line North 0032'07" East 392.56 feet, more or less, to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 2; An easement for road and pipeline purposes over, along and across that 30 foot strip of land lying Southerly of the Southerly line said land described in deed to Bell Bros., its Westerly prolongation, and lying Easterly of the Easterly boundary of the above land which bears South 5°17'53" East and lying Westerly of Road Survey No. 454. OF 4 All as shown on attached Exhibit B 137 LEGAL DESCRIPTION- A PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION /9. AND A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 3O> TI23. R3H.S.B.B.M. IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BASIS OF BEARINGS: THE BASIS OF BEARING FOR THIS MAP IS A PORTION OF THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF PARCEL MAP NO. 1O173.I.E. N35m25'44"W LEGEND: LOT LINES INCIDENTAL EXIST/NG LOT LINES EASEMENT LINES TABULATED DATA 16 PREPARED BY: PN. O'DAY, KC.E. N(/27214 0'DAY CONSULTANTS 775O-2H EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD. CA S2OO3 fofS}944-IOfO OWNER f APPLICANT: DAON CORPORATION 5ISO AVEN/DA ENCINAS CARLSBAD, CA 32OOQ 331-12Z4 MICHAEL RYAN CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE CITY OF CARLSBAD SHT.f OF2SHTS REQUESTED BY: DAON CORPORATION 515O AVZNIOA CNCtNASCARLSBAD. CA 9ZOOSj PR5fARED BY: PN.O'DA R.C.E. NO. 27214 APPROVED £Y: -/*. 17 CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. ZZ2-160-4I.42. DATE- 9-24-85 1371 MAP 444J N a -s* 19 •f/4 1 2 j I I I KINGLET ROAD i0r 6 S I _ yCU> A X SCALt IN FEET 20 5-5-1953 FILE 09567 2 89°'»6I10" E 00°02'26" E 89°57'1»9" E = 16°12'05" - 81°05'15" 38° 30 '08" E 51°29'52" = 90°00'00" 38° 30 '08" E = 16"23'33" 5'«053'l»l" E N£'LY LINE, PM 09°13'38" E - 36°52'10" =126°52'10" 09"1J'38" E M«27'53" - 01«55'01" 89°OJ'31" W 01*37 '16" E 89003t33f' t 26e01'53" E = 208M»'00" 05°17'53" E i9°27'53" E 00°'«6>23" W 35e25'W = 17°35'1V 17«50'30" W 89«27'5J" = 90°00'00" 00°32'07" E 8<)027'53" E 00°32I07" W 89°27'53" E 00°32'07H W 00°32'07" E 89°27'53" CORINTIA STREET CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE R£VIS£D tO/04185 R£VIS£D tO/02/85 SHT 2 OF^ SHTS REQUESTED BY: OAON CORPORATION 5I5OAVENIDA ENCIMASCARLSBAD±CA 92OOQ PREPARED BY APPROVED BY A P N 223-020-f6.2f PN.C R.C.E. NO. 27214 ICITY ENGINEER i RC E I DATE 9-24-85 3-5