HomeMy WebLinkAbout; |Culver, Charles|South Coast Land Company|; None; Easement- ~. - ".; \L !" v @A. Y @oorc 59 c B &GtS 3y4 .. """ " . " . -. - - " - . .-.--. I. r ."m ~"~~"."" .-. . . .". - "" "" - 1. "2 0 t ,TRIS INDEEITUPE mode this 29th de7 of January, 1913, betmeen Charles E. Culver, of Lo8 hgeles, California, first party, and South Coast LnCa Company, c corporation, second pertg, WITNESSETH: For and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollors ($10.00) gold coin of the United States of Americr, paid by second perQ to tho first party, receipt nhereof is herebjr Fcknonledge8, and for other valueble considerations, 1. . First party does hereby pint, barpin, sell and convey to the second p!rty, it6 successors and flssigns forever, the folloming piece.8 Or parcelc of land situated in the County of Sen fliego, State of California, together nith ell maters end mater rights and all other rights of Rhntsoever nature, 8PP- , tenent to said psrcels respectively, to-sit: Parcel 1. The northeast quarter of southeast quarter of Section 31, Tomnship 10 South, Hange 2 east S.B.I. L Parcel 2. The north half of southvrest quarter, and southea*t querter. of southuest quarter of Section 3%. Towlahip 10 South, ~ange 2 East, S .B e& -. Parcel 3. The south half of southeast ciuarter, and South holf of southmest quarber of Section 33, Toanship 9 South, Range 1 east, $.B.Ua Parcel 4. The south half of northeast, qusrter, and northsest quarter of southeast quarter of Section 10, Tomnship 10,South, Range 1 Eeflt* S.B.I. Parcel 6. The southmest quarter of northnest qprter of Seotian 11, Tounship 10 South, Range 1 East, S.B.U. L U*K. 4 8 c . Parcel 6. The south half of t!?e southeast qubrter, the northv-est qucrter southeast quarter, end northeast quarter of the southnest querter oi Section 5, Tounship South, Range 1 East, S.B.X. percel 7. The nest half of northeast quarter, northnest quarter Of ltheast. querter, southeast quarter of northnest querter, Lots 3, 4 and 5 of northnest zrter, and north half of Lot 2 of southasst quarter of Section 6, Tonnship 10 South, Ige 1 Zast, S.B.I. .L Parcel 8. The east half of northnesL qunrter of Section 5,. Tonnship 1C ith, Iienge 1 Bast, S.B.P. Parcel 9. The north kalf of southy-est quarter,of Section 9,. Tofinship South, Xange 1 EeQt S.B.Y. Psrcel 10:'i'he southvest qunrter of ncrthuest quarter and nest hrlf of lthnest quarter of Section 4, Tonnship 10 South., 2ange 1 East, SiB.11. .. Pnrcel 11. The northxest qnsrter of nortGwest quarter of Section-y-, nnship 10 South, Sange 1 Sast, S.B.B. Parcel 12. The east hflf Of the northeast nue-rter, and northeast qucrter e the;southeast quarter of Section 31, Tonnship 9 South, Range 1 East, S.3.11. Parcel 13. The northnest quarter of southnest rjnarter, the south helf southaest quarter, and mest half of southeast qur,rter of Section 32, Tonnship 9 South, Ige 1 East, S.B.& /parcel 14. The nest helf of northcest quarter, the southeast querter of rthnest querter, and northFest quarter of southxest qunrter of Gectign 25, Tonnship 13 xth, Range 3 nest, S.B.I. . >. I. .L Psrcel 15. T<e nest hnlf of northeast (perter, the southeast quarter of etheast quarter, End northeast quarter 0f.southeas.t quarter of jection 5, Tomship 10 lth, Range 1 East, S.3.N. ., . .. Excepting therefrom, 8nd this deed is rfirde expressly subject to, the res- . ,. .. rations for a dam and reservoir site and right-of-nay on and over scid land contaped in ?t._certsin Bgreement dated the 18th dag of October, 1911, hetneen said Charles Yorman, \ 'prty of the first part, and Robert Carsh and (1.1. Bollingsnorth, parties of the second rt, %hereby said second pfrties agree to buy nll of the Pawn Zancho, in. said County of 1 Diege, excepting certein designated ;oortions thereof. _I -. : . Parcel 16. The nest hclf of northeast qwrter, End nest half of south- 3t quarter of Section 31, lonnship 9 South, Range 2 nest, S.E.M. , T' .Parcel 17. The north half of soutlniest quarter, the vest 5.50 fcres of :thnest querter of southeest qnerter of Section 32, Towship 0 South, Sange 2 dest, 3 p ..; : ** -. -. .. .. - . __. . Psrcel 18. .The Southeast querter of southnest quarter of Section 2, .. rnship 10 South, Xange 1 east, S.B.X. .. .. . Parcel 19. The east half of northnest qumter, ekt northaest qwrter of !theast .q&r.iei OF Section ti, 'L'onnshlp 10 south, Range i East, S.B.M. - .. ,: ' . Parcei 20: The east half of southnest quarter, and south half of south- % It quarter of Seotlon 6, Tornnship 10,South, Range 1 East, S.B.I.'. ~ Parcel 21. The southest quarter of southnest querter of Section 27, .. . rnsqip 9-South;Range 2 Vest. Y.B.N. ._ Parcel-22. The south helf of southxest quzrter, the northnest quarter southr;est quart&, the southeast quarter of southeast quarter, and southnest querter of ,- -. L southeast quarter of Section 28, Tonnship 9 South, -:an@ :: atest, S.B.I. paroe1 22. The northeast quarter Of southeast quarter, the souti, hrlf of nortb.east querter, the east 34" acres of northmest Wfirter of SOUtheeet quarter, the northeast quarter ?f the northeast LlUuc-rter; Ell of northnest quarter of northeast qurrter south of the folloning line; Beeinning Pt the Southnest corner of northviest querter of northeast qwrter; thence north 45' east 20.24 cheins to fi point 2.34 cheins east of southmest corner of Hayes Tract; thence east to east. line of northnest qusrter of 'northeast qusrter, section 32, 20~~- ship 9 South, Range 2,.oest, S.B.N. , Parcel 24. The north half of northeast qunrter, rnd north half of northnest quarter of iiection 33. Tonnship 9 South, Range 2 :iest, S.B.Z. Parcel 25, The northesst quarter Of southnest quarter, the southeast quarter of northtiest quarter, and south hElf Of northeast qufirter of t Section 31, Toanship 10 South, Range 2 Past, S.B.M. Parcel 2.6. Lots 1 and 2 of Section' 5, Tocnship 10 South, Range 2 hest, S.B.M. Percel 27. Lot 1 of Yecticn 6, Tonnship LO South, Bange 2 ;;est, S.B.K. Parcel 28. 'The southeast querter of southeast ouerter of Section 31, Tonnship 9 South, Range 2 Jest, S.B.M. - ' Parcel 29. The southnest- qw-rter of the southtiest que.rter, the southnest quarter of the southeast quarter; and the southeast querter of the southnest qunrter Of Section 32, Tovinship 9 South, Hmpe 2 \test, 9.B.M. .. Parce1.30. The northv;est quarter .of southeast' quarter; and ecst half of qoutheast .quarter of Section 13, Tonnship 11 South, I?ange 5 Liest, S.3.L:. . Parcel 31. 10.7 acres in.the northnest corner of northeast qurr- ., -5 ter of northeast quarter lying north of msin county roed, Section 24, Fcnnship 11 South, "ange 5 irest, S.B.M. Parcel 32. The southxest quarter of nortk:est quarter; north- %est quarter of southnest quarter; 16 acres in northmest corner of southnest qUCrter of southnest querter lying north of the county rosd; southeast qUFrter; southeast quarter of northeast qurrter except thpt portion 1yinE north of the mein county roed; 15 ?.cres in southeast; Corner of southtiest quarter of n'Ortheest quarter lying south of the comty rood; 8.4 Deres in southenst horner'of north- east qunrter of northeast quarter lyine south of the county roed, Section I&* Tomship 11 South, Range 4 !lest, S.B.I. .. Parcel 33. The southmest qunrter of the northnes t querter, Section 17, Tonnship 11 South, Renee 4 !Pest, S.B.M. Parcel 34. The southxest qucrter of fiorthnest gue.rter; northeFet quarter of northxest qusrter; thrt portion of the northnest quarter of the aorfh' east quarter lying southerly of the San Luis :,'.e7 Xiver; 31.61 gcres in %'ne eouth' east quarter of northtiest querter being Lot 2; 29:9 acres being Lot 8 in the southriest querter of northeast qucrter; 32.88 acres in southeast quarter Of southnest quc.rter, being Lot 4; 21.10 acres in' xouth!\est quprter of SOutheaBt qusrter being Lot 5; Section 8, '2ot;nship 11 South, Rage 4 ;:est, S.9.M. parcel 35. The east half of northeast qucrter; northeigt q"Dr tsr of southenst quarter; nest half oi southeast quarter of southeast quarter* 300tioa 19, TOVnshi7 lo Tnnth 4nn-m '1 '-E* q = ** 4 I. , Peroel 36. The nest hclf of northuest quarter; southenst quarter of rthviist quarter; northuest gucrtsr of southnest quarter; north half of northeast qcr-rter; uthnest quorter of northeast querter; north quarter of northbest quarter of southeast arter, Section 20; Tounship 10 South, Xange X Jest , S.B.2. Farce1 37. Eorth hclf of north haif, Section 21, Tomship 10 South, nange i7est, S.B.?.l. Parcel 36. '2he.t portion of the northeast qurrter of the northeast qucrter ing south of the ooin county roed leading fro!: Oceanside to San Luis ??e?; southeast rrter of,northecpt querter End ths-t portion of the northeast quarter of the southeast erter lying north of the old cocnty rord frorn Oceanside to Yen Luis iie;r, section 24, Tom- ip 11 South,. Range 5 :'lost, S.B.Y. - Parcel 39. Thnt $ortion of the southv,est qmrter of southlriest qucrter end at portion of the northgast iluerter of southnest qu~rtar ljiing south of the mein count3 sd leadfng from Geeenside to San Luis Eey; southeast querter of southuest quarter, Section , ~oxnship 11 south, Ronge'ri :iest, 5.13.11. Parcel 40. That portion of northuest yunrter, that portion of southnest arteF end-thet portion of northeast quarter lying north of the old count? rord leading ou Oceanside :to San Luis 2ey, Section 19, ToRnship 11 South, xange 4 Tjest, S.B.B. L, 11. ' Y!REXEkS one Charles Eornnn and ;:ary A. Formcn, his vife, hcve heretofore eded and conveyed, or entered into r-grehments binding them to deed rnd convey, certcin ecas or parce.ls 'of land situete in said County of San Dieeo. Stzte of Californir , here- Ef ter more pert icularly described, cnd, !ilFIE.?EAS each of said deeds of conve;rEnce contains the reservrtion next reinafter set forth, end each of said cgreernents to convey contains the provision that e da,?d of conveyance to be executed.pursuant. to such .?greer;,er,t shall contain the sane servat ion, to -xi t : "It is eqressly understooa end agreed thct xater shall not be developed the lend hereby granted by the grantee, heirs, successors, pssigns or trnnsferees, by tesian or surface aells, or othemise, to be used on other iznds, or in excess of the . -. quirements of tila lends hereby panted for irrigation, domestic end stock purposes; 9 if such development is ncde by said pentee, or by any other person, then cnd in tbst ee the amount of Kater developed in excess of the reqnirernents described in this egree- nt ahall become the property of said grantor, his heirs or PSSignS, End nc-jr be sold, ssoct or conveyed to other lands for sale, lease or use. LC& the soid grmtor reserves, Degts e& rcteins for himself, his heirs' end assigns, cll rights of bay for lsying and intaining pipes, pipe lines ana equeducts over and ecross said premises, RBtch nca, or Et f time hereafter may be reasonablp required to eneble said grantor, his heirs, or Pssigns, .. take, collect, corry and conduct said excess, or surplus aeters to other lends, or to tble said.grantor, his hetrs or assigns, to inspect, repair cnd replcce or alter, mein- in, enjoy end control, said pipe lines and aqudduct. "8nd said grantor elso reserves, excepts and reteins for himself, h€s iro and essigns, all the Rater, both surface and subterreneen of the Sen Luis Rey River 1 its tributaries, above the intersection of the said San Luis Rey River ntth the nestern rndarg of the faonserrate Ranch; together aith the right to construct, lraintain and 3rato, a dam or dams, across or in said river, or said tributaries, or either, or . 09 then, end impound and reservoir the naters thereof, both surface, sub-surface, storm .. i and ordinery flon; Also the right to develop \raters upon the lends noa belonSlne to, or hereafter acquired by the grantor, his heirs or rs*i&ns, Ebove seid point of intersection, either by tunnels or uells, Rith the right t.3 ifistsll End oper- ete pumping plants t'mrean;. and t!;e right to divert, lead and conduct easy all or aw port of said meter tt any or ell such _noints to places aithin or nithout . said l:.ater-shed, ES the grantor, his heirs 31 ESSigns. mJ elect; and certcir, c,o the sene elso contein c reservrtion Of C right Of cay for railrcad purposes .,,tor. ' ever desired over, throuzh €rid ccross the I.%d covered thereby, Xith the pro- vision that in Chse E rzilroed is not built cn3 in operation xithin five (5) years from aete tb reof, tt.en seid reservation should be ncll en4 void." ~JD :3m-%AS said Charles Bormen end Yery x. Formen, his nife, by a conveyance dated the 29th dry of Novenber, 1912, recorded in Book 567 of Deeds, wge 192, Records of said San Diego County, Celifornia, did renise, reler.Lc and forever quit-claim to Charles 2. Culver, first Party hereto, Ell the rights end interests so reserved by them as aforesclid; 1~07 ~:-~~~-yp~, first pcrtjr does herebg transfer, convex End confirm mto second perty, its succe&ors erid assigns forever, cll his riEiit, title and ,interest in end to all such Rater, nater rights, rights of xay, end other rights so reserved. ." The pieces cr porcels of lsnd so deeded and conveyed by said Cherles ;?'ormen and Kary b. Forpin, his cife, or nhicn said Charles Forncn End Pary X. Forman, his 'kife, ,hove agreed b convey, and'ks to uhich the reservctions hereinbefore set forth nere mde, ere perticulerly described PS folloxs, to-%it: Parcel 1. The southeast quarter of northnest quarter; southecst qUPrter Of northnest querter of north:res,t qliarter; Rest half of southmest ourr- ter Of northeast querter of northmest querter, Section 9, T0r;nshi.p 11 South, Senge 4 7es t , S.B.LI. Farce1 2. The southnest quarter of northenst quarter of SeCtioc 9, Toxnshic 11 S2uth, Rtnge 4 West, S.B.K. Fercel 3. Lots 5 and 6; south half of southeast quarter Qnd cko fOl1OGing tract conteining 48.52 &Cree; Beginning rt eout'hr;est .corner cf Lot 4; thence east 37.89 cheins; thence iIorth ZO-: degrees nest 26;40 chains to the line Of %Eta Eargarita Sench; thence southriesterly along said 3ajch line to the southfiest corner of said Lot 4 ad slE.ce of beginning, Section 14, Tor.nshiP l1 Sputh, Range 5 ;/est, 3.B.U. - Parcel 4. The nest helf of northmest quarter; the northeast quarter of northnest quarter, excepting therefrom the folloning; 5.01 acres previously sold in the southnest quarter of northnest quarter; section 23, T0r.c- ship 11 South, Range 6 Vies t., S.B.E. ,. PErcel 5. The southv,est querter of southnest qucrter, except''' therefrom the foIloning; 5.77 acres previously sold to the City of Oceansiae for meter ROrks in the southKest quarter of Southaest quarter, Section 2, T°Fnsh~P 11 South, Range 5 i'iest, S.B.I.!: - Parcel 6. Lots 1 ana 4, Section 2, Tommhip 11 South, an^^ 4 'Jest, 3.2 .I. Parcel 7. All that portion of northeast quarter ljrine 6nd be in6 northerly and Hesterly of the pain connty road running from -. Ooeanside to sa' Loto I" oontaining 105 ncres more or less, Section 18, Tomnship 11 South, Ranee 4 'Jest, S.3.Y. Parcel 8. The northeast qunrter of southeast querter, Section 7, Tonnship $ outh, Range 4 CCes t , S.B .U. parcel 9. The northeast querter of southeast quarter, Section 4, Tosnship outh, Range 4 'Jest, S.3.U. c . parcel 10. The northmest quarter of southnest quarter of fractioncl v ' . 1. ion 3, Tonnshi? 11 South, E'ange 4 YJest, S.B.13. Parcel 11. 33 acres more or less being thot part of the southeost qunrter ou'theast quarter, Section 7, Tonnehip 11 South, Rnnge 4 Viest, S.B.E., lying nest of oountjr road. parcel 12..That portion of southest querter of ssuthnest querter of ion 8, Tonnship 11 South, Range 4 Jest, S.B.M., lying east end south of the county from Uoeanside to the San Luis T:eg NisSiOn. Puce1 13. That nortiop of the northnest quarter of southeest quarter ribed as follons: Commencing .?t the northnest corner of the northnest quarter of south- quarter End running thence South 1320 feet; thence ens t 1320 feet; thence Eor th $get; thence north 82 degrees 30' nest 1034 feet; thence North 16 degrees 03' vest, 'feet to point of boginning, Section 19, Toitns'nip 10 South, Range 3 ,,est, S.B.1;. Parcel 14. Subdivision "J" being the east half of the northmest qurrter 19.6 ecres in the northeast quarter of the southvbest qusrter lying north of the county , Sectfon 18, Tonnship 11 South, Range 4 Kest, S.B.I. Parcel 15. The north half of northeast qnsrter of northnest quarter, Son 6, Toanship 10 South, Range 2 Yest, S.B.N. Parcel 16. The mest half o€ Section 36, 'r'onnship 10 South, Xange 4 Sest, i. I. Parcel 17. The southnest euarter of southeast quarter, Section 6, Tonnship rl outh, Sange 4 :?est S.B.I. i Per'cel 18. The northv,est quarter of northeast querter exceiltinp; therefrom; h taelve acres heretofore conveyed to Lnn Telithe Jones, Section 8, Toxnship 11 South, d 'e 4 Vest, S.B.E. Percel 19. Lot 114 and rll those portions of Lots One Hundred and !helve One Hundred and Thirteen RS delineated on the mep liereinaf tcr described, lying southeast he roed laid doun on said mop as extended from e point necr tki southnestern corner aid lot (ins hundred md hrelve to F point in the northern line c,f said lot one hundred thirteen designated on said mep "State marked D" Bhich said portions of said lots one red Fmd' helve and one hundred and thirteen nre bounded north and northnest by said I south by the southern line of said tract "D" and Xast hy said Lot One hundred end teen all es delineated on a rap entitled "EZap sholqing subdivision of Traot "Dl' of the ition of the 3sncbo Ilonserrste, looated in the county of San aiego, State of Cali- la" filed in the office of the County Recorder of said County on the 25th cloy of ember, ,1896; .. I' Parcel 20. The southnest quarter of southeast qucrter; southeast quarter ouihiest quarter, Section 13, Tounship 11 south, Range 5 #est, S.3.IiZ. - 'Parcel 21..29 ecres more or less in the northrest quarter of southeast / ter, Section'19, Toxnship 10 South, Eange 3 West, S.B.P. lying easterly and northerly he County 3Oed. . *. Parcel 22. 811, that portion of Lot 1. lying south of tb,e middle line of the San Luis Rey Siver alSd of nhich the more perticuler boundaries are given as follors, to-ait: Commencing et E point on .the aesterly or northresterl, boyndary line of the Guajome Grant, in the center of the River Bed of the Sari Luis 9ey River, thence southesterly clscg said grant line to'the southessterl.; corner of said Lot 1 of said Section 13, thence nest to. the southnest corner of said Lot 1, thence north to the center line of the bed of said San Luis ~j~~ RiPer, thence northeasterly &long the center line Of said Xiver bed, to the plrce of commencement, conteininp fourteen ocres, more or less; lot number 2 likerise designated 8s the northKest quarter o€ northvest quarter; and Lot limber.3, liite- nise designated PS the froctionel southnest qutirter of northnest qunrter; also Lot 4, Section 3, Tonnship 11 South, Range 4 Best, S.B.M. J Parcel 23. All that pert of southeast querter of northeast qmrter, lying south of the north bank of the San Luis "e$ Hiver; 3ection 4, Tsnnship 11 South, Range 4 ,i?est, excepting honever, therefrom, six acres in the southrrest part heretofore conveyed to B.F. Libby, by deed re.corded in Book 922, Page 255, of Deed$;. records of Sen u'iego County. , ,. Parcel 24. The northmest qunrter. of southriest quarter, rnd thrt . ' portion of the southnest querter of the southaest que.rter lying north add nest of , the 'County Boed and east of Goldbaum's property RS purchased from Prenk Libbg. by Chns. Forman of Section 8, Tonnship 11 South, Range'4 Test, S.B.P. Parcel 25. Lot A of Libby Troct, being southnest qcarter of the northnest quarter, Section 9, ToilrBhip 11 Aouth, Range 4 Vest, S.B.P. Parcel 26. The northeast quarter of northvest quarter, Secticn A. Toiinship 10 South, Rpge 3 dest, S.B .E. Parcel $7. The southeast .qnarter of northesst qmrter, end tkr: I ' Pert Of northeast iluarter of northeast quarter lying south of County Road, in Section 9, Tomship 11 South, i?ange 4 ;{est, S.B.M. Parcel 28. The uest half of southnest qwrter; the northeast quarter Of southnest quarter, the nest helf of the northnest quertei, the Souti:- east ouarter of northrest qxp.rter, and thfit ?Rrt of northeast qllprter of IlGrth- nest qwrter 2.d that cart of northnest querter of northeast quarter lying nester- lY of Gucjome Rencho, Section 10, Tonnship 11 South, Range 4 Zest, s.B.M. Peroel 29. That ssrt of southeast querter of southrest quarter lying KeSt Of Guajome Rancho, in Section 3, ToRnship 11 south, Hmse 4 ,&'St, S.B.U. Y First party ~lso hereby grer,ts, conveys end confirms unto secoc: ?arty all Rete? rights in and to thet certpin rancho lying in said Count7 of 'Or. Diego, state Of, CalifOrnie, worm es Yancho r~onserrRte,\.excepting thpse rights conveyed Or egreed to be conveyed by that certain agreement bearing dote the letb acJ of July, 1912, betneen said Charles Forman RS first pprty, and Frank LeLone'* - es Second party, {thereby second pert7 agreed to purchcse said Rancho lon6errbtc' 111. The first pert3 does hereby transfer,.release, remike, Fitolria .ins convey unto .the sccond pFrty all the interest Ecqcire'd by the grantee in&b7 , 1 and under those certcin instrument6 hereinrfter deoignated, to-1"I.t: -..(a) Deed from itlrs. Sareh D. Lampher to.Charles, b'Ormcn~ daf;ad th3 " . .. . _mi 2~ leg of Fchrucry, 1906, sna recorded in Book 375 of Deeds, at page 439, records of liego County, Califcrnie. (b) Deed fro@ John I. Shoop to Charles l'ormpn, dated the 30th de2 of u-3, 1906, recorded in Book 378 of Deeds, pa&e 357 records of San Diego County. (e) Deed from Fletcher-Salkons Investment Company, 8 corporation, to .. Les' Forman, dated the first day of -4pri1, 3911, and recorded in Book 509 of Deeds, pcge records of said San Diego County. / (a) Deed from Pary Wackerman to Charles Formen, dated the 25t!1 da7 of iry, 1906, and recorded in Book 375 of Deeds, prge 334 records of San Diego County. (e) Deed froo b'letcher-Salmons Investment Conpang, n corpowtion, to tes Formon, dated the 8th day of August, 1911, recorded in Book 525 of Deeds, page 198 -as of San Diego County; (f) Deed from ifillia~n E. Gird to Charles Forman, dated the 24th dag muary, 1906, recorded in Bock 384 of Deeds, page 32 Pecords of San Diego County; (g) Deed fron Eelen 15. Fiubbert and F.T. Hubbert to Cherles Formar,, $nted 23th day of Februery, 1906 and recorded in ~ook 378 of Deeds, pege 452, records of 9an ) County.. -. (6) Deed frog Helen Pi. Hubbert and Presley T. qubbert to Charles Formn, 1 the 27th day of July, 19C8, recorded in Book 444 of Deeds, pa&e 355 records of San . > County. . [i) Deed from Fletcher-Salmons. Investment Company, a corpoxtion, to Les E. Culver, dated the 25th day of Januery, 1913. It is expressly understocd that said Charles i'ormcn bs heretofore deeded E.Sm.Ith the vrhole of thet certoin Jarners Ranch lying in said County of Scn Diego, her sitb'all weter rights iri connection nith end appurtecant to said rrnch. It is .er the intention of this indenture to convejr to second perty nll of the mter s of every kind and nrture that first party non otms in the vclley of the San Luis Reg in said County of San Diego. IE 31TFESS ?l?D.=CF flrst prty has herennto set his hmd and seal this nd year first Bbove nritten. Charles E. Culver IS:UL) of Celifornic, ) y of Lcs iingeles ) 1 3s. .On this 29th day of January, in the year nineteen hundred end thirteen, before me, Anne Murray, p. Motary public in snd for the said County of Los hgeles, oP Cslifornia, residing there'n, dul:; commissioned and snorn, ?ersonally appeared es E. Culver, personfilly lmoan to me to be the person ahose nmle is subscribed to the n instmnient, end scknoaledged to me thet he executed the same. . " IN ZITNESS GFLEXCOF I have hereunto se t mg hcnd and af€ixed my officiel the aey and.year+in this certificate first ebove xritten. -...,:' . ._ Anne Kurrsy Nota1.g Eublic in 2nd for LOB Lngeles Count:;, State of California. Recorded at request of Gtee. Feb.. 4, 1913, e.t 9 min. past 3 o'clcci P.U. John 3. Ferry, County Iiecorder 4.50 "- /. BY Barold hgier, Deputy Recorder COMPARED: .F( d. 4y.t * 1 ._... .1 ". ~~ -~ I I i I I I i i i I ]"I i:; I ', 1 /; $1 i\ lis /I I 1:: . jlj I! , 1 11 ' B !I ,;I/ i: 1 I