HomeMy WebLinkAbout; |MCDOWELL, RICHARD & BARBARA & WINSLOW & PETERMAN|PETERMAN, JOHN & BETTE & WINSLOW & MCDOWELL|WINSLOW, JAMES & ALICE & MCDOWELL & PETERMAN|; 73-021389; Easement--.I 1409 "/<' I. , ../ , . Picc!:jr-d i ng requested by City of Carlsbad 1 200 E Im Avenue Carl slarl, CA 92008 * F.'\GE jf";, r: .I I! 73-oz b:< I_ ,,,I., /; .r . ' ti&&& gjqf -. t L L" ., 1.1 L. ..,.- """ d <, c. .. , ;; ;:; y i, -3 :{?--.- -.---- ,/ S~?.~$G :'::Qui55T gf J~N gq 12 ~7 I Pti '.( .,:w' ul II-, ' .;* IS + !! '+@,' i . , s ., , , ._. 7 y +; HARLEY F:ELOOPi "i,cgi?<QgR and, when recorded ma i 1 to City cf Carlsbad 1 200 E 1 m ' Avenue Car i sbad, CP. 92008 r 1 >I ~ ,'? . 1 ii .. , SB;; ?~lfSgQ $,&!;'{y8 c$L!i -Computed on full value of property cor :or conputed on full value less'' 1 iens s encumbrances remaining thereon at time of &A i;ncfl& Lf r y p f= [#gLFJ'; /; Sign'dture of aeclarant or agent: determini F i rm Name GRANT OF EASEMENT . (assessor's 211-030-2 For a valuable consideration, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, -- James C. and Alice M. Winslow, Richard and Barbara M. McDowell, and John B.' and Bette J. Peterman * ,- the Grantor, does hereby grant to the City of Carlsbad, the Grantee, a r 'of way easement described as fol lows: (Attached Exhibit "A") Also shown for convenience sake on Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made hereof ~ I It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that the easement described is granted as a perpetual easement for the purpose of erectins 5tructing, reconstructing, replacing, repairing, maintaining, and operat water system, sewerage, draimge, power 1 ine, excavation, and/or embankn facilit.ies and appurtenances thereto, together with the right of ingress egress to and from said right of way by practical route or routes, toget with the right to clear and keep clear said right of way from buildings, structures, trees and brush, and any similar surface or subsurface encrc 'wti:ch may interfere with reasonable and proper use of the right of way e pent. The Grantor and successors in.estate of the aforesaid lands hereb ?agree to neither permit nor erect or construct any building or structure plant any tree, or otherwise create or permit any encroachment which may ;interfere with reasonable and proper use of the said right of way easkrne the Grantee. IN WITNESS Whe.reof, Grantor has executed these ,presents thi's 8th A\,, nf Januarv la 73 \t 4i ! -, : I , -- "I -. Y 'J-" /y+/&J-&-r- it ._ Ij "'""i',.", . , ." i, STATE OF CALI FORN IA) L Q, >/VI PdA&+ COUNTY OF SAN D IEGO) A .P . On Sanuary 8, ,1973, before me, L- the undersiyned, a Notary Pub1 ic in and .- for said County and State, perscnslly 'a ppea red Jo]+$j 9. ~~~~~j<<jA,~\$J and 8CTTTZ J $YTlY-%;;TT,iq$j i - . - -1 "I.-, / */?A ./Mu& /d h/ {&&g;& &-YzJ: A&G&d&. 63 _a -&-,I">", / c flk" ;c;,uv_,y A' cA&&A"" r:4 .:;/ I" --. * -K' - ri /7 - known to me to be the DersonS whose name S / 1 are subscribed to t6e within in- s.trunent, and acknowledged to me that VtlTNESS Illy Its ,I and Official Seal. c( .1 G:% <~,'~~;y.~. MARK WATTERSON -Chey execu ted thc sme. ~DE~;l~~~Elll~~~~~S~l~l~R~~K~~~~~Z~~~~~W~R~~~RU~f~l - lr iii""? L $---f-$$* OFFICA!: SEAL f (\$.y PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN I &~-;zj~~:.:L~ wrAsy PUSLIC. CALIFORNIA = i fvly Commission Expires June 6, 1973 N &$;*4 LOS AXGELES COUNTY est~ta2i~t~~~~1~lgf5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s~z~~~s~5~~~a~aa~ m. Uark VJ2:M+xsan .*. e- -. - ", , ,. .", . ;., *.. <- .-., ,- 3.433 @ I" 3 .,.,+,,\: L;L:;: : .7: _I \" i:::;<L - , . ." I L1 -,,. .,,, . ~,,;;.bL; .. ./ .- i;.. ..; c;lj;:- z;,;.;;;;,f:,..:'>- "..S -4 2.d =,: I,. .I > : .;L:LT " c;..?*:-.z;.'..a. Cjq_i:=S3...z;i;- SZi_Zc;J ~ p2+s?.:z 7: ... . .. __.,"._ _.-.- LZc.-qi i"J~~c~;~2~~()~ 7:: Lr ALc;- - -.. Linz r,asemel:t 7" - ~,'~ins~oyv- '3,2 - A" t- I 33"; - LLLn T 0: P?c~Csi 1, Tz;-c>i I\l:G:j xaA 753, T,=CO~~~Z ;J-.-,- ,clicn ' 17, i9?2 , 25 C31LZ",\' S~C(-J~~~~!S yi;z ;qG*% z-<L.I { ,.5-c j, 12 . Ti-.. .- C"ty 0:' CL?' ~ -s;zL2 - CG;zrity fit 5~;= 9' ,YQ state of G&lifo~~i~ p'jre "7?tic7;1~&-,.~~r &$cri7$ed 25 C".' Lu;iC;:JS; - LC3 ) 1 - iJc* L "'I a"-" --a 55,nr.;:>ninn at th? Nort>iv,resterly co:p&y of sai6 ?krce] No. i; t?.ence s.-~-~r'r, 33a29:19f1 E.ast 12- GO fzct 21~92 :l-Lz ~o,~~~\x/~ster~y line of sz,ld Tzrcel &To- 1 $0 t:-Ac TX'SE TCILyT OF T3ESIxA-:x,'G; -t-ezce North 6io51130f! Xzst 210. GO fz,3e; =ara!lel ~yith t:le Norr;h\x~.~es;erzy line of said.pzrc-l KO- I; t'r_ey.e Soctl., 28 2;s; 23. 30 feet; tllence South 6!051133[t West 2~9, 18 feet to t-2 So-Lzk\TJeste-p?-,- "f ?:-.a cf --" ~G-L:LIW~ sterly lise of szid Parcel ITc. 1, to the TRUE POIX'T OP BZGCINS?XC-, - *? "*Ab aaAc. T~YCCZ KO. 1; thenCC 10~t5 30"29'19" West 20, 02 fz~t ~ZCZ~ the -7 (Portion assessor's 211-030-25) CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE 14 This is 20 certifl! t.jlat the interest real property conveyed 3y the deed o grant dated *,&>;p"" 1:z I 1 'r.*/-3 T ' i- &A*c CP.& '?X . , '. , ;.."-?,<A 'G , ,,,-4A&<"' .<, c.4,:: ,, c- f-= 9 2-3119 to the City of Carlsbad, California, -l -* - 2xp+>- SyAITx ~~~c"~N~:ERS z:; &&&-i,k.,&) (t &.i,&.!,c&'?r.r.L .t,=/:.e:: g?? , , .<. 1 1- 13-75- - 72 =.A. L. i. 7-7 - 7 32 TO 447 C (Individual) I I STATE OF CALIFORNIA I COL-NTY OF sm DIEGO ) ss. 2 political corporation and/or governmental agency, is hereby accel; by the undersigned officer or agent on behalf of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, pursua to authority conferSe~~,by~,~Resolutio~ Y1537 of the City. o.<:.,Ca'rix%fb.$d adopt€ 2n July 2, 1968, ~a;n&the g,Y'an'tee consents to the recordation":E&ereof c I .. its duly auth.o-r;iz.e'd officer..,". ./; ,' :: .& d', 7- ,:> , ' ' ' &...;& 9 .,?5'/:y, .'I , ..,, . " z/ . I ., _, MA R G A R"E-T.';y;. :b A~AWS,,. ,.ci t y CJ c ,y"--- .? ~" Dn TED : &,,.:/.. :: < , &! ,'$ 7 I .. 7" t On J-m 129 1973 ____ before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State. personally appeared JNm C, IflNSLOI? & BEICE Ma MNSU>W ~IXI RIG- JI NC DUWEUa RC BA.X€%RA Me ?IC Dh)WELL 3 w K W I W , known to me 5 U) to the within instrument and acknowledged that thW ~~~~~-.~~~~.~~~~~",~~,~-~ ,d;:..r.<!f.'~ L :._..;.ll.-.;, 2 ?< ,. "-. r:. :c;,:,:. ?::E< PC: E ? -.c: ric; @ : . ;. ' , ,:- . - y i .- Lz2 .. ' , - 2 ;; \; ; ::. g :5 . . ,, .:. ,\,.,'., . .: :L: F< - ---.~.~~,~,~:~~.;;~~~,~~,~,,~ -I . a to he the person L whose names e subscribed I 1 I&XPgaLt E, H@sk&?y executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. - z ,, r,:,\~ ,- * " ., . ,. .. ,, ._". .- j' 9.. - .. . ., .. ._ . . . , . . . , 77&?&2/@-2%LJ k Ad* :- y:,:. , , -1, - 1 Signature .. . . . ,- . . . , , k-2 . ' ...- ' .. 1 . " 2 . ~ ,. ,l.,L1 ' - I , . .I.., .. , +e " , , * c .; ~ . .. ,~ ,. , . ~ j .,- - : . "" .". . , "_" >l:"'L'L.:2 "._" Ld,? _. Lk "". ~ ...."..,.". .A> Name (Typed or Printed) ._ . - .. .. ibit tlA,: (This area for official notarial seal) -- 1 I e a -. .._. , " .. . .-, - .. '. i , ,- I_-. . 1412 i z/j 51; yk.E-j"L/d OF /3=?.opcf/5-E.c- wn7 LfUE "A.5.C M &-UT 7 i l"."- 20-00 --"."- "" r ". I j p4 1 -7l+/L i 1 w i 5' : 1 i 1 I ! !. I i i &.-E \j t j 1 rJ.0. 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