HomeMy WebLinkAbout; ECKE, PAUL & MAGDALENA; 89985; Easement- q .z %" c AFTER WORDING MAIL T 0 -. $i;f;p.$$ zc >...t.*'q..2 City of Carlsbad 2960 Pi0 Pic0 Dr. Carlsbad, California n6.~.*~034~~m .<A - MAY 1 9 1964 c seRznEt 5 88QK 1964 GRA;?;T CF EPSEbIENT .N:2baMINUTES PAST .,"., .J ....... 8AB 91EfQ COUNTY, Ct,hlfhlRlYI,\ OFklClAb RECQRQS A. $. GRAY, CWRV 833RQER TAuL Eck(E AN0 N&B&ENd EcKE hereinafter calle "Grantor", for a valuable considera-tion, do hereby grant to t' CITY OF CARLSBAD, a rnunicipa.1 corporation, in the County of San '3iego, State of California, hereinafter called the "Grantee," z; easepent and right of way for public street and incidentals the to, through, over, under and across the Grantor's land situate the City of Carlsbad, County of San !liege, State of California, more particularly described on Exhibit 'A'attached hereto and by t his reference incorporated herein. Grantee, its successors, assigns or agents shall be respc ble for any damage to Granter's existing fa-cilities occasioned 1 arising from the construction of said public street within said Grantor's property and that the work in connection with the inst lation of sa.id public street shall be done in a. workmanlike manr Grantee, its successors, assigns or agents shall save ha1 less the Grantor herein, its successors and assigns, from ar?.y a+ all da.ma.ges or clsims for dzmages occasioned by or arising frer Grantee's use znc! occupar,cy of: said public street and right of : herein granted. Gre.ntor reserves unto itself, its successors and assigns, right tc\ use the subsurface, surface and airspace thereover, of hereinbefore described publis street easetxent and right c?f way, the installation of such facilities a.s it sh.a.11 now or in the EL: deem necessary, Frovide?., hol,;'evsr, that such reserved use rights not be exercised by the Grmtor, its successors or assigns, in c a manner as to be incornyatible with the Grantee's public street installation, -I- .-p:Ct< $3- ;i 9 8 .~.* >yc 1 ' 9 ;.. s; e 0 '. 6;: Grantee agrees that if for amy reason szid right of way i abandoned by Grantee for a continuous period of one (1) year, th all rights herein granted shall revert to the C-rantor, its succe or assigr,s, automatically and without the necessity of re-entry notice . IN KITNESS XHEKEC3IF, we have hereunto set out hand this L a day of k?RIk s 1364. Grantor t I . . -" f STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF 1 ss. t __.___ 5A.W ___________ J2E.6.Q .."..... ----...------.-..-- J On ____ ... +~P.R..I.L .____________ a.a.,-. . ...M b + ___...._. . __.______. . . , before me, the undersigned, a Notary PuMC in and for said Coanty and State, personally a~pearf'!] J-=.G.&..E ___...____.____......__ 4W.D ....................... EM/$ ""______ EGKE ....".. "" .... -.------...---~--~~~ - instrument and acknowledged that UART C. WILSON si t3~~fIRE%~~~~;~~~..l~.~"-,-- a e type or eg1 y prmted ) "- I ~i~~.-166 (Rev. 2-60) (G.S.) Ack. General (Photo Form) .2-17-60 (8 pt.) "" CIXTIFIC4TE OF ACCEPTANCE T5.j.a i.s to cert?.fy tkat th9 interest in real p .-nqv'>yz< h-7 ./& y E5"+& deted @ ZL2, I$+ ?-$..om 17eoL EGKL c;*i ' .. ., , ... - . EL Ye L , $,e? .t.h:: Ci ,!:y nf Ca:'l:,batl, a plii orat~L~~~ :I.ET!/~;:- govnr1?ac.;n?al agency, is hereby . by cider cf '(;h,? C.;.."~;J i;ouncil of thg ci.iJ.y of C$ +,he sd r?ay of /sf, 14 c v , anti the gS+qt'i to recordation thereof by its duly autho,t;,ijqd! ," .: ," 1. DATXD: z~ /g, 11 F CL 3 . :" Q - . , ' ,. ' . , . .. ., .,. . , Ti- ,I' 'i .., CITY OF c&&sB@Y'f BY, w &&, /; <.;;, . ; ,,;;;- -2- ;,, - ~ ',. I City Clerk '..'-I - 1) : 5 a (I) 6' ;.; c Q .Jc - Septegber 4, 1953 Street 0pen.lng Paul Ecke f et ux. Camon Tioad That certain ?ortion of Lot r'Hrl of the 2anch.o Ap.a 2edion.d.a iy th.e City of Carlsba.d, Court? of San Diego, State of California, acc0rdin.g to Partition Nan tl?ereof !'io. 823, filed in the Office of the CountJT Recorde: of said County P?ove'.'.er Z6, 1396, d-escribed. as follows: 3eginning at the most Easterly cwner of that prcel c\f land granted to the San Diego Gas % Electric Conlyany b;T Deed record-ed Octxber 8, 1948 in Book 2974, 9age 493 of OffFcLel 3ecord.s of sald. County j &;.d poht beirg in th.e 'Westerly lirze of the Right of Vay of the Atchisba, Toye!ra 3 Sartr Fe Rai-1wa.y Com.-caqr, as sa5.d Rj.ght cf W3.y 11.r!rqs esta3lished. 03 September 22. 1948; thence prallel wit'?. a portio? of the So7J.t>.e-.lp boandary ~f the Zacobser! lac?. h.ereina.fter descrL'se?., iiTn?-th 6Go 54' 1~0" Ea.st 50.00 feet to the ten-terline of said rai1v:qr iiizht qf W=?y; t'?e?ce alocg sa56 cerzterl-ime, South 230 061 East 60.~0 feet tg an angle point in t3.e Southerly bouzdary of the land described in Quitclarim Deed from Paul Ecke, et lux. to Grover C. Jacobsen., et al. Yecorded. April 29, 1348 as Doclmert No. 4356? ir Scok 2778, ".'-$e 341 of Officisl Secords; thence along said. Sovtherly bou.nd.aqr of said. land so described, North 66. 54' 10" East 50.09 feet to the txe ?oj.pt of beginnin-g; t4"nce contkv;.!.nz al-ong mid. SolJtherly line, Forth 66" 54' 10" East 324.41 feet to a pofnt in the Southwesterly Xi-ght of 'Vag line of th.e Ca.llLfomia State EiLgh.may a: d-escribed in Deed frcr?. Paul Ecke, et EX. recorded June 18, 1953 In Book 4894, page 49h of Offfcial Records, which. point is South 56" 54l 37" West a d.ista.nce of 400.O0 feet fron Centerline Engir?eer Stetion 3481-52.7: as sh.ow.n on Right of Ya.y 1%~ thereof XI-SD-2-Cbd. om. fi!.e in the office of the District State Highirrap Engineer; t.l-,?nce alorg sa%d. Southvester1:T Right of Way line Sou-th. 25O 05' 50" East (Record South 23' 05' 23" East: 30.0Q feet; t'r,en.ce along 2. LiFe that is garallel with and distant 30.00 feet, measured at Right Amgles Scutheasterly frm the SoutF.erly ].?ne of said Jacobsen land. South 65" 54l 10" West 324.41 feet to a point in the Easterly line of said. Right of '8ay of th.e Atchisoa, Topeka e( Samta Fe Railway Compan.y; thence al.orzg sa5.d Ilight of Yay line, Wort? 23O 06' West 30.00 feet to t?.e T'RUE POLIVY OF REGIWNING. IDS G)(f+\E 1 1.r &)+h