HomeMy WebLinkAbout; PACIFIC VISTA ESTATES, INC.; 23073; EasementU -0 @ I EASEMENT b I / 7 1 r I For valuabIe consideration, receipt whereof is hereby acItnowIedged, .. apl~l c VI sta F,states, Incorporated # #, the Grantor, does hereby grant to the City of CarIsbad, the Grantee, a right of way easement- five feet ( 5 ' ) in width, in, upon, over, and across the folIowing described lands, to wit: -\ r Y e LOT 8, HOLIDAY MANOR, according to Map No. 5054 thereof, 4;; in the City of Carlsbad, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County the 17th day of *..' - ., P October, 1962. "c, " p .,, j> -4. '/ 'i. 1 <-. cis '/ i, . \ i .%." . . %,. &py@- .. , , .- ; p , -':j $ &J _;: .c . . . ;: ,..,.. 'e?.,.. * L ".. 1 1, i .. . ,,. . , ~. ~, . ., > I. .. ". ^. The center line of said right of way easement in the aforesaid land is particularly described as foIIows: I Beginning at the Southeasterly corner of said Lot 8; thence North 28' 38' 30" West 2.50 feet along the Easterly property line of said Lot 8 to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: thence South 61' 21' 30" West, 118.00 feet to the westerly terminus of said centerline. Said terminus being North 28' 38' 30" West 2.50 -feet from the Southeasterly corner of said Lot 8. I 95’6 I ’9 I ~. .. ., * 922 WYOd SU0310M - ’335 9 ‘53Yd e- - -3 EuS .lo$ PUV UZ 3ppd fiJt$ON i. -4, \d :a : a02 *i\,v #Lvi\fniao-i 3!d”W - pD fivp q$ pas p3go fiw p pa8ppouym puv ‘pmm 1 oym suosmi i+y? aq 02 a -__ OUI =r;aqeTsS: E~ST~~ ag-ped p3- ~JQWJW q2 q O$ azu 02 umuy c EqCqx?~ LEX- puu ‘WPaJ7 ay: aq Of azu 03 unouy c STqC .I CUGZj 5 kJJ3 fP*Jvgddv fi8msJ*a ‘a?f)?s ?3Uv &Uno3 ED$ dol PV 2dZ 3.22qTl.d fiJV$ON 0 L%- W?$i ~rdcrq~ 40 ~~~~TSIHL NO ‘am .a~o$aq cyFl ‘.,ay ‘ ‘1 V ’dY03 - IN3W3a31MONS3V A7NO 3SL I b‘UclL..- ”c_ *.w I CBaTG tres 40 figuno3 ie!u103!1e3 ‘peqSpe”3 ”” 1 awa wd wd O~GZ paqspy-J 30 6y-J ‘J”13 Alr3 :ol pu ‘8u!plo3al 1a33v ‘VKNUO&ITV=) a0 UVLS / palnaaxa sey JOJUGJS c30a1ay~ ssauJ!Al u1 1 .. wax3 4r3 4 &”JI/ WINZ(Od17W3 MNm3 asml Nvft BnO8033;tl -eNno3 ‘AW3 ’S Y sa10338 lw13tdm 69 I X088 P Sa1 3s ”” ””“ 496, L ‘Ff3-t lWd S3J.flhllM-~~‘d ” ”... ......... ”~..”~ ::paJp/.- . -. . > ..... .- ;;-@ ~~~~~,-~-~-~,~-~~~~*.-~~~~~~~ R xmu3~ LY qsaaesae ON 3Wd/nI9 rn) w .. -?-M:Ay: * -.&&k{ Hly e - \-€x ... >. avaswnm 60 u13 €9.61 ‘9 ~klEJlJqai e~ax3~o pazpxoqm blnp STY bq 3oa~xay7 uog s~uasuo=, aayuz~3 ayy pur! ‘E: 9 6 1 ‘LxnJqaa mp~o Aq paydaa3-e Rqamy ST cb~ua3-e 1-e~ JO / pu-e uog-eJodJo3 lE3gTlod B ‘peqs-[n3 07 ‘paaB.xodJoDuI ‘saT~qs3 -eqs:~ 3~3~3~6 ‘p LnnJqad papep puamas~3 JO yumg X XllndoJd pa^ uy pa~a?ul ayq $-ey~ 113~p~a: aw uo p=qSTJm 30 4r3 ayT 30 Pun03 33NfiLd333V 60 3:;LV3IdI,L’I333 *aalueJD ay~ Xq $uaruasoa LEM 30 q8!x p!es a?? 30 asn IadoJd pue aIqw alajlalu! AeUI y3!yM ~uawy3eo13ua Xue l!ru~ad JO aleam as!M.Iaylo 10 ‘aaQ 6ue Juqd ‘am~3n~$s JO 8u!ppnq Xue J ?>a13 aou >!wad ~aylrau 04 aa~8e 6qaIaq spue~ p!esa103e xp 30 alelsa u! sxossaxms pue ~oluel3 y~, *luaurasoa Xr: ayl 30 asn JadoJd pua alqeuosea yl;~ a~aj.zaju! dew y3qu luamyseo~aua asejxnsqns IO a3e3.m~ &q!rn!s Xue pue saaq ‘samlmqs ‘s8u!pI!nq mol3 L~M 30 ly8!~ pies JES~ daay pue ~eap 03 q8!1 ay~ I$!& .I~~@OJ ‘spu ay sso13e pua ‘I~AO ‘uodn ‘u! sal1101 zo alnol 1exIasxI Aq XPM ,JO $@I p!es ~1013 pue o? ssa~da pue ssa~du! IpM Jay$a8o$ ’ola~atp sasueualmdde pue sa!$!1!2e3 luawruoqura ~o/pu-e ‘UO!$~AP~X~ ‘auq lamod ‘a8eu?e~p ‘a8e.n ale^ Zju!lezado pue ’8u!u!elu!eru ‘Bu!I!edaJ ‘8u!seIdaJ ‘8u!~~n~~suo3aI ‘8u~3n1~suoa ‘8U!J33la 30 asodrnd ayl J( pnla&ad e se palue~8 s! paq;~ssap u!a~ay ~uauras~a aql $ey$ o~a~ay sa!ped ayl 6q paa& pue poo~s~apun S! @T:s .. . .Y -.- ’ - clt