HomeMy WebLinkAbout; RANCHO LA COSTA; 62-33068: Easementft 13.J ) > i RANCHO LA COST*, « United partnership, composed of W. HERBERT ALLEN, llmlto1) |.nrtr,<'r: DONAL& B. AflUS, general partner; HOWARD FRANCIS MURPH/, general i.nr'.r.'sr; BARBARA i-l GRANT OF RIGHT OF WAV McCARTNKY MURP1IV, limited pnrtnir; HOWARD 3. WHIFFKN, limited p«rtr,-rj AKV WHIPPED, limited partner; FELIX II. PARWEU,, limited parrnnr; ROBERT ftKAUCHAKf, Un'.to'i i.artner; HARRY BROWJI, limited partner; ELVON HUSICK, limited ptrtmr, ami ROOEfl U! YOWW, limited partner, , as Grantor, tot and in consideration of the turn of One Dollar MM! other valuable consideration paid by CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATEH DISTRICT, a nunlcltal wtitcr district, organized and. existing under the Municipal Water District Act of 1911, u amended, ..... as OraMm, Rctipl whereof ii hereby acknowledged, Jo hereby grunt to "id _ ...................................... CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Its successors IIH! assigns, «i <tKm«il at right of waymXXmxtttwnntmc In. upon, over, uixkr. >nd Krou iht Iradt IwniMfter described, lo erect, construd, reconstrucl, replace, repair, maintain and use a pipeline or pipelines for any and all purposes, together *!!'• their necessary flxlures and appurtenances including hut not limited lo conduits and cables for power IraiumiisRxi and commynlcalkn purposes, at such locations and elevations, upon, along, over and under Hit hereinafter dricribed right of way as Grantee may now or hereafter deem convenient and necessary from lime to lime, together with the right of ingress thereto and egress therefrom, lo and along slid right of way by a practical route or routes to, upon, over and across the hereinafter described lands, together with the right to clear and keep clear said right of way from eiploslvcs. bulldliigs and structures. Use lands in which said easement of right of way ts hereby granted are situated In the County of .San Diego ...... , Stale of California, and are particularly described as follows, io wil: All that reel property situated In the County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows t '• The Southeast Quarter, the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, and theNorth Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 26, Town- ship 12 South, Range 1 West, San Bernardino Meridian, according to United StatesGovernment Survey approved October 25, 1877. The But Half of the Northeast quarter of Section 27, Township 12 South, Range 1 Vest, San Bernardino Meridian, according to United States Government Survey approved April 21, 1890. The South Half of Section 27, Township 12 South, Range k West, San Bernardino Meridian, according to United States Government Survey approved October 25, 187;, lots 3 and U of Section 37, Township 12 South, Range 1 West, San Bernardino Meridian, according to United States Government Survey, approved October ?5, 1875. The Northwest Quarter and the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 36, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Meridian, according to United States Oovemment Survey, approved October 2J, 187;, The Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 36, Township 12 South,Range 4 West, San Bernardino Meridian, according to United States Oovemmer.t Survey, approved October 2;, 187;, SAKDIEOOCOWirf, CAUF.A. & our. Kama I rtM-mrnl nl right of wty in ilw ifommfr) linih it ptrtTuUrljr drwriM •• loUown rr mxn Kor'.hv»i>t Qinrt-r or n- Sj'ii ? Rivaii,. X*nr> ^Jfti't "Ml ll» W«iUrl.vw-l. Qunrt'T or Hi" Southu-:' S'n.-t'i- A !itrt|, of land 70.00 font 1 ti ulttl,, II 'i.-. full™:".: i-ly '!"••'• rib") Tfcglnnlng ft', the NorthW8f.t eom«r of" M,t't Hrtnr.h"»»t *Ju«rt.nr \j{ IJ^oi.loi, £</, Town.'ihlf,i?i8»ulh, RtriRe li ¥«»V.: thfiii-n 8oul.li ')^'')l)"!o" Host, U19.II? rv.t.; 'l,"ni" SouthCiO°OJ'?0" Writ, ?0.00 fee', to th" Tfltm P07IIT OF-1 IiKOIUJItllil: HH.-M-" .-,,.jth OO'O'iipo";Wust 2C0.09 Feet to a oolfit on n 230.00 foot, rmllus cur-v COI.TUV. Sojtl,w"::l"H;', nradial line through r.ald point bearing South *jltno8'?B" W"?t; then-'- '."rom "»3d point Southeasterly, along r.ald curve 115."«I.font through MI tutflu of i'f"01 f;1!"; thi-ni-ctangent to sn'd curve Sout.h 09e|49t?/t" East, 50.91 foot to the beginning of a tangent200.00 foot ra'ilus eurve r.oncave Hortheaaterly; thein:-1 oGiithi-nsteriy along r-nld curve 171.7U feet through an angle of I49"12'00"; thenci- tangent to "'Id rurve South 59"01'^l4n East, 156.914 feet to the beginning of a tangent '450.00 foot TO'., J= curve concave South- westerly; t.hencc Southeasterly along rnld curve 352.78 fi-et. through an angle of U'4°52'00"; thence South 1U"09'2V Eant, 501.28 feet to the beginning of a tangent 1(00.00 foot radius curve concave northeasterly; thence Southeasterly along »»ld c«»ve 302.99 feet through an angle of I43°?I4IOO"; thence tangent to said curve South 57"33'2'4" East, 102.0? feet to the beginning of a tangent 300.00 foot radius Eurva concave South-westerly; thence Southeasterly along said curve 112,OS £eft through «n «ngl« of 21° 2l4'00"; thence tangent to said curve South 36°09I21" Butt, Ujl.OO feet; thence SouthU9"50'36tl West, 10,56 feet to the beginning of a tangant curve c-ont-ave Easterlyhaving a radius of 300.00'feeti; thence-Southerly along Jaid curve tlirough a central angle of 36°5'4t, an arc dlitatieo of^-193.21 feet; thence tangent *ooald..v«rv«'Sowth12°55'36t1 West, 190.80 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave to the East having a radius of 500.00 feat; thence along said curve through a central angle of10°39', an arc distance ,of. 9i.89. feet; .thence, tuigcnt to, said curve :-^th .Z')ii<p6*.,Vest, 219.27 feet to the beginning of 9 tangent 600.00 foot radius curve concave Easterly; thence "Southerly .along said curve 223.06 I'eot through an angle of 21°l8'00"; thenc* tangent to said curve South 18'39'21" Bant, 36S,»7 feet to tho beginning ( of a tangent 200.00 foot radius curve concave northeasterly; thence Southeasterlyi along said curve 2W.55 feet through an angle of 70*03'35"; thence tangent to said; curve South 89'02'59" East, 1906.88 feet to the beginning of n tangent 150.00 footradius curve concave Southwesterly; thence Southeasterly along said curve 209.ilk feetthrough an angle of 80"00'OC"; thence tangent to said curve South Oo°02t59" East,501.58 feet to tho beginning of a tangent 1.50.00 foot radius rui-vo concave North-easterly; thence Southeasterly along said curve 1143.12 feet through an angle of 55°26'00"; thence tangent to said curve South G4°2!;'59" East, 321.3? feet to the beginning of a tangent 200.00 foot radius curve concave Southwesterly; thence South-easterly along said curve 10*.39 feet through an angle of 29°20'00"; thence tangent to said curve South 35°08'59" East, 686.06 feet. . THEREFROM nil that portion thereof not Included within the Innds firstabove described. Parcel ?. A strip of land 20.00 feet In width, tho center line at which ID described as follows: Stie Northerly 20.00 feet of that portion of said Southeast Quarter of Section 26,Township 12 South, Range ** West, that lies Easterly of the right of way shown as "•"••"* •••"••— No. 682 on Haps on file in the office of the County Surveyor of San D d right of way granted to said County of San Diego by Deed recorded, 1930, in Book 3518, page 2?1 of Official Reojrds. Hoad Survey No County, aald February 28 '•-"••• '-•' »Z1 Grantor and »&£\SAX..sitcceKon in estate shaB not erect or construct, or permit to be erected or constructed, any building or other structure, plant any tree or trees, or drill kny wcP or wells, within the limits of taJd rl^ht of way. Grantee shall hive the right to erect, maintain and use pairs in all fences which now cross or shall hereafter cross •aid route or routes, and to trim and cut and clear away any tree* and broth whenever In its judgment UM tan* shall be neeewwry for (he convenient and safe nercise of the rights hereby granted, thi right to transfer and assign thh ectemmt in whole or In part being hereby granted to the Granite, Grantor av7"i tlisl n» other easement or easement* thai)!« granted on, under or over said Mrip of bud by Grantor, wilhmit the prrviou* v'rillen conwnl of Grantee. ll is iW understood and agreed by the partta hereto that ihr Grantor snd...tlaglrjttcces»ors or awtgM, shall nul iiic.rfaw> or dwreaw, or prrmEl to b« Increased or decreased, the eifMinc frround elevaltnnii of the above described right uf way, «xkttng at the lime this document b executed, without the previmi* written ««nsent of the. Grj ' 7* »ttMM V^netf. the Crajitof..iUBj»......,.1.^««coted ikesc pWnis thk./..* -C.day o»...f Wiinot. Wiumi. \ H/W NO. 12"»»-26-'JZ277?R«v. DRAWN BY JX3 CIIECICEI) BY Rm J1KWO , •.•ftttT' RATB 7.1. 61 rRBv. sen) NOTARIES-USE MOPE* FORM ON BACK. . a p i nrv. i' .1 «•! Il/W4k«n|.rtrm 1101 Tal* U t* certify tact til* lnt*r**t In r*al property conveyed friim til* 4*ed of (rrnot dated _jfkiJ6H(!t!_Ja-iS6i from Raneho In To CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, a Municipal Mater District orjnnlaed and exlatla< under Uw Municipal Water piatrict Act of 1(11. an aoieiidod. la bendy accepted by order of the Beard of Director* of CARLSBAD MUNICI^Afc .WA/KfjiH.DISTRICT ON B«pt»[iiber 8, _l?6l «nd the (raatee uouenta to r*cardatloa thereof by It* duly autburlied oTflccr. DATED! Septeaber 6, 1961 ... , .., . .... CCIlLSIi'l)UISTRICT WATER li/M«j>,l FORM Ey &*;-~t#.Q^KICH* RO R. CQESacrrUrr of tb* Carlabad Municipal Water District and of the Board of Director* Uieraof. Z*ZZ: j^j Auquat » n 1.6! i_, Jach E. Poole . H~n MUf i. -J h. ik. -U CWf >4 BUM,••-.:•• DonaH B. Ayr«» la V'^^b^A.it.it. Ibtor ftt* b -4 kr *. ^t Cm* ml *~. .;•'• ''I " .,., (..•.,. ;. I-. .,,„,.. .,,.,.„,,, „ ,,,,,„