HomeMy WebLinkAbout; South Coast Land Company; None; Easementi I_"_. "". . . . ri. L"; fi f? ". ,I '! :! b, .. i. I 2 :I I .I .I '. ,! I' . ."__"__".""_ """"-""" -.- 1 I DEXD /i A~LS i~r~Lt~iu;t3, zsda EL~ ~tp. Ed int3 thi3 19th de3 ol" Octcter, 19.34, by end , : /" - . , "., . .'_ - ; -< ,I ,, ".< c, . v -) ../ ,. I, p -7 ?,:""-,- I. ketraen SObTB CCAST LAXI QjLTb>Ti: a CEli?ornia cor;oration, grator, and CULSZAD hpiIliAL WATW CCU?A;9, e Califorsia corpsrati;n, gzantee, . WITXSSETE: Ttat the grantor for and in corsiderati~n of tte sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) to it in hand paid ky the graztee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknsvleoged, does hereby remise, release and forever piitc1a:E to said grantee all of the right, title and interest of the grantor in End ta the follovir& deecrited property; The ruht to ente: up32 the 5; of 1;. .X. f and the X. E. t- of S. W. 9 of Sec., 18, ,Yomship 11 S. r.e,e 4 hest, 5. 5. X. in the CaLZty of SEA diego, St-te 31 Califzr-l?, foz tte pxpxe of drilllrg xells aad deve1opi;g mater therresr, OX 3r tk cwgose of erecting a pux2iLng plant or pleats, 1ayi.x ezd cozstxct:Ls gice lines azd cozdLits suf- within or LittzLt tte Sea Lcis :.e;. mter shed, tao hundred (200) niners ficiently lcrge to px? E~C ce?:? end cordcct &i;ay t3 other lends or convenieat fcr ~tp minterence, aperetion, and repair thereof; together inckes of rater art roz :;le :!r":asz o? C~LPG any ard ali thi:&s necessary under with any ana all rights af oay and otker r&hts reoerved unto said grantor 1. That certain deed dated Jaruary 29, 1913, between Said Souih Goast Land {~Coapany, as grantor, zrd C. 8. Canfield, es grantee, recordec February 13, 1913, in Book 557 of Deeds, 2ase 210 ex seq., records of San Liqo County, California; ead 2. That certain deed dated Fekrusr~ 28, 1913, tetween said South Coast Land Company, as first party and SE~C 2. a. Cmfield, as secsxd p-rty, recorded October 6, 1313, in 2ook 615, 31* Zeeds, page 222 et sep., records of San i)icgo County, Calif3rnia. ~ IN KtTXXSS d3G.ZG3, the Soztn Coast Land Coqany, a corparati3n, grantor , has caused its corpsrate nace end seal to te affixed heretopis instrment to ke executed erd I 'j be its Vice-president and Assistant Secretary th_er.eunto duly authorized the day and year first '.hereinabove written. 'i 1 f, SOUTE COAST UED CCWAhY OWJi COBST) UiiD .. a California corporation. i, OtFAIE, CLLIFCbXA. hCOrp3rated Fek 23, BP: E. GLSSLiKN, Vice-Eesident ,I i 1; j: i: iqo6.- 1' .%!ATE OF CaLIFOKfA, ) BY: J. E. BCIGTSS; Assistent Secretary. . I ,j I. i , .# i 'j .> j I; CCUilTY CF LCS S;G&S, ) ss. Cn this 19?; day of ktoter, 1934, before E Xiltert Burkert, H. KRESSF", kcom to ae tocm to be the Vice-President and J. 2. VDIGPS, known to me to a Notary 2ubiic ir and for said Coucty, personally appesred be the Assistant Secretary of the S3iXE CCbST LAX CC&Z-BNY, E Califorzia, corgoratian, the persons who executed ?;he within instrmcnt an behalf of the corpcration therein named, ad corporatim ti;Et executed the within and. foregsi- irstrment, and knsmn to me to be the acknowrned to me tu3t suck corporaTior executed tine same. #-;#. i ~ hTS1ESS ny hand md official seal. ["AILBERT 2.;Bmq!/:-; 'i- I. I \, .,.,"-, '.., LC': j-d WILuWT BU-SILE(T Notary Puklic io and for the County of Los Angelesr My comiczim expires Dec 12, 1936. Sta;e of California. i 1 ;i ; 1 i; co;j,pAiiE: j ' 'i s p9.J. \ :,:s 0 I BY2 Deputy ii. I. ERB Recorded at request of S. D. TJeaser, Oc: 23, 1934, 40 Min. Past 11 A. Y. + :! Fee $1.00 (31 0. X, SRWE, CuVSTY ECORDER ,. ;. ! !I 58859 7 .I . -2 ! i I I* t 1 ?i ' , '! ~,~ ..a. . 81 .- > ~l , - ., : i 'i """""-"""""""" 1 - ,. ti !<I e. .1 % e ..