HomeMy WebLinkAboutGPA 19; GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT LAND USE ELEMENT #8.; Planning Commission\ \\ , \ I \ I\-T\ \ \., I \ ~ \ ' ("') \ \ -\ \ \ \'\ : \ ,~\ \ I \ o~ I \ ~ ~ I" 1:> \ \ \ -? \ \ ~ \ \ \ \: Irq I "1 o %-o .a , .... ('1'\ I p-c .-1-----'-- i . I t ! R-I-7500 CITY OF CA-RLSBAD PLANNING DEPT APPLICANT A.8. 1301 COMPLIANCE- . t I . I I 'j I CASE NO G.P'A.-19 . LAND USE AMENDMENT NO.8 DATE f~ . ~. .~ ..... _----------------------------..... ,. 'j '-( .......... -~ . --_ .. _--.-.J . ' • THf?Y OF CARLSGAD, CAL I FO.'! IA Date \ ------.------------. Referred .To: CIT.Y·COUNCIL. . ..... ·Subject: . . A?semb 1y 8i 11 1301 Rec~~'1imenda··ti ons for the Ponto .Area from Planninq C0mmission meeting of January 8, 197~ . Submitted By: PL~NNI~G .Ch~MISSION ._-------.-,----:----:-.-. -~~-~-~--:-:-----::-:---:-:----:---,.-- • StCltcment of the f'~atter PursualJ~ to ·the .r~qui rements of IVB BOT It/hi ch requi r.es ~onsi sten~e oii >ioni.Ylq and' .Genera 1 Plans, the Planning Commission recommendation is to rezone the subject property .in the Ponto area from M·(I.ndustrial) and C-~ {Heavy E:oIT)mercial 2~ ~iqht Industri.al). ·to RD-... Iv! . (Residential-t~ult.i.ple), thereby.C9mplying w:ith land: use reco.mmendation· of medium-density: residential··with 21-47 d.u./acre. Duriri~ the Plannin" Commission Public· Hear1ng the~e was substant,i a 1 . oppos iti on from the affected property o~ners in, that thei'wi shed' the . '. Planning Commissi.on to amend·the General Plq.n; vice,' rezofle the. subject property. The • General Plat:! would have .. to be amended to reflect··Heavy Commercial/Industrial ~ses to" ensure consistency' of zQning an~ General Plan'Lan¢ Use. . . . I. • .. .' . Tbe Gef)eral Plan Land Use Committee re~ommended to the Pl~nning Comrnission-:to'rezone ·the· . property to .R.D-M rind ·ther·eby·, ensure, cons i stency . of· zani ITg-and General' Pl ari 1 and use: . . .... ." .. .. .... .... .. " ... ".. ' -.... .. -. .. .. ~ - Exhibit' c___ '.. .. 1. Land Use Committee' Recommen.dations~ dated.Nov. 30, 1'973 .. ~. Memo referri ng tQ Envi ronrnerita 1 ~ Impac"t Requ i rements per 1l.l3-130l. . 3. Staff" ~epElrt dated' January 4, 1974-re: 'Ponto (Area #2L with attachments. 4. PJanning.·Co·mmi.ssion Resolution ~Jo. 1032, with Exhibit II A II. attach~~.: '. : • S.tCJff Rccomllendat ions --.. ... -' ...... ... Staff would recommend that the City Council v.im'l the proposed .rezonin,fl as a' Jonq-term response to ootential land u.ses which are likely to occur alonq Car1~b"ad Blvd. and the coast. inasmuch ~s the existing land us~s in the P~nt6 area are'normally not com~etative with 6cean front Jand USB activities, a lonq ranqe lartd us~ assessment ·is. necessary. Therefore, the Staff is of the opinion tbat rezoninq·the propertY'a's recommended by' the Planning Commiss"ian. is necessary to carry out the intent of the C.jt.Y 'of Carlsbad General Plan. .. , " . . .. . . ; ~ :/ "fHE tTY OF CARLSrAD, CAL I Fo~r. " '. Agenqa Bill No. -----Date --- . Referred .To: CITY COUNCIL' ..... Subject: S'u bm j ·t ted By: AB-1301 RECOMMENDATIONS PLANNING COMMISSION .. . $t~tement of the Matter ..... The Planning Commission, at its regularly scheduled meeting" of De'cember 11, 1973'", heard the subject recommendatio.ns. as submitted by the Pl annl'ng Depa·rtment.. Requi·re- ments of· AB-l~Ol require tfle City to insure consistency of Gener.al .Pla.n Land Use . recommendattans and Zoning by December 31, 1973~ " Tfle. ctty has'five (5) areas which have been designated -as inconsistent~ The .exact areas' and the recommended cOUrse: . of action' for each is. 'outl ined in the Staff Report dated November 30, '1973 ·and. in Planning Commission Resolution N.D. 996 of December 1.1, .1973. t ,Exh i b j t 1. Planning Commission ~eport.date.d Nov. 30,.1973 . -2. Planning Commissjon Resolution No. 996 3. Planh-ing -Commission Resolution of Intention No. 99 , .- . '. .' · 4. Affidavi.t 'o:f'l?ubHcation . 5. Memo to Planning Commission dated Nov. '37, 1973 re: 1::nvi~d~ment~l Impact :REqllirements:" per Assembly Bill #1301· -.. Staff Recom~endations . • Staff recommends that the General Pl an be 'amended per rec'ommendati qns, of Staff Report .. The Ponto Area sflould be given additional consideration in that a majority of the parcels are improved or 1'n the process of oeing improVed. The ·staff anq Lan'd Use Committee recommended a reclassification from CM and M, to RD-M, however, an alternative of · amending the General Plan with specific provision of future land use should be con-si dered, . .' .' .. .. ' . .. .. . • .. • • CITY OF CA-RLSBAD PLANNING DEPT APPLICANT A.B 1301 COMPLIANCE (AREA I ) CASE 'VO G. P.A -19 . LAND USE AMENDMENT NO.8 DATE ., 12 -//-73 1 :t . .~ . Q: o ~