HomeMy WebLinkAboutGPA 35; SCENIC HIGHWAYS ELEMENT; Planning Commission;.-- 'W ' , Carlsl:!ad, a 'City, tJ:lat {lverages one person ,per acre, is situated jUst north of San Diego and 20 feet from the great blue motion of the sunlit sea, ' " ' At the time of incorporation'in,1952, there was an official population, of 6,963; a totaicity area. of 7:5 miles and an assessed 'valuation of $5 million.- Today the city has a .population of abouU8,- ,non, a, land area of almost 25 -mile1Y, and an ass,essed value of more than $64 million, The city boasts fi..ve "banks, a library with over 80.,00.0 volumes, a weekly newspaper.'and a .radio' station, and some of tpe :finest in- dustr-ies found anywhere in tile nation. There, are also three hospitais in the area. Carlsbad's greatest pride is taken, however, in th,e balance that this young city Js , finding between, its growth and development, which hrings ,homes and jollsto its citizens, and its unique and irreplaceable natural features.' . -" '\.. ..... ~ drive along old Highway 10.1 brings'the . ", . ~ ."",,\~, . . . . , " "','" ': C"" '\ : ,: ;, ," ~:: '«:>'~,i{'~ " >~"-.,,,, /' , curious visitor by miles, of clean and un- ,cr-owded peaches maintained py theCalifor-' ·nia State Parks system, which has its San Diego Coast Headql,1arters office'in Carlsbad. Also. fields upon -fie1ds of flowers ~ red, green, ,blue, wh:ite, orange,. pin'k. yellow -stretch 04t asJar as the,eye'can-see and fill the cool'sea breezes with Ii delicate perfume. .' ' , , "rhe' 'gently r.ollirrg bills that lookdow:n ,on, -the coast are filled with tall eucalyptus trees that wereOliiginally imported from AU,siralia: in '190.8, to' ,be grown for railroad ties, . , The' w.ood 'was la ter found to ,be unusable for railroad 'ties and the tr.ees (Hosp'Grove near Buena Vista Lagoon has almost 20.0;0.0.0. of the :verdant immigrants) stayed' on as some of CarJsbad's 'finest and oldest residents.: The city nas three lagoons, one'of which, the Buena Vista Lagoon, is the'home of the , Maxton Brown Bird Sanctuary, one of tllefew .remaining wildlife refugees of the Pacific 'Coast flyway: " ..... ~ . :.;-. When John A. Frazier began. drilli!lg for water in 1882, he had:no.idea that his w¢ll would br" ing both name and· fame to· Carlsbad:' I _ • , After' bUIlding a small home opposite the ';ite of the present Carlsbad-by-the-Sea, Frazier decided to put in a w.ell, wtlich, at first was a big disappointment. Instead of the clear drinKing water that he was expecting tQ, find, Frazier's well water turned up -cloudy and full 'of miner-also However;his frlistr.,ations soon turned to JQY as ,the water seemed to'take a",ay the.painsand ach,es of his'rheumatism.. . .. . The wQrd gQt ar9\md and other peoPle began co~ing to, Frazier'S Station, (Carlsbad's first name) to, try the he!lling spring water.·Laboratory tests showed that the water wasaltnost identical in taste' <,Ind chemical.content to ,water from the famed wen No.9 in Karlsbad, Bohemia {Czechoslovakia} and so Carlsoad got its name in the lat.e 18808. Local businessman .chtil'! Christian$en and his wife,j{ay, purchased ,some of Frazier~s origipal property in ,i954, though at that time the exact location of the well was not known. But as Carlsbad 13oulevard"was being widened, the well was uncovered. , . The Christiansens decided to put up a wellhouse, AU KarlSl'lad ...:.. just like ·the one ,in o~d' Katlsbqd: It stands ne:!'t to their Hanseatic House, which'is a copy of a network of buildings. prima,tily found in Germany. '. . ' .. . " . Chri$tianseilsai~ that each, of the eight posts of the' wellhouse represents .oile of the'original, . . tribes uf'the Bohemian Empire imd that Kii!g Karl IV of Bohemiawas the one who founded the first Karlsbad. " ",' -. 'T~he ,ornaments on the top of the. 'wel.Ihouse represent the king's three women -his: mother, . . his wife and his daughter. 'rhe ,inverted crown is a~yrpbol-that the king is dead 'and the point raises to God in the heavens. ' ,. ,~ I 'Documents' from the state legislature, the C!lrlslJaQ CitY,Council and the CQu!ltY'of San, '> Diego·aeknowledge ·A:U, Kar!sbad· as: one' of Garlsba~ls·hi~toricaJ."sites':"·· ,_.. . , Carlsbad by the Sea Whqt was once one of the southland:s most f-amous hotels is now enjoying a new and possibly more iqtportant community role .. Carlsbad By the Sea, a retirement home sponsored by the Lutheran Church, made its first appearance in 1930 and flourished until 1952 -when the freeway moved east of the city. Following bal1kruptcy, q. title was secured in 11159 by the Sail Diego Lutheran Ministerial Association, althoughiil 1963 the property was turned over to the California Lutheran Homes of the PaCific Southwest Synod of the Lutheran Chllrch of America . .' .' . This.organization continues to -operate the home, Which is situated right on the tieach, fron" ting on Carlsbad Boulevard. . . Rai.lroad·· Oep·pt. Except for a four-year period, the present home of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce has been o~e' of the most busy places in the city since 'near the turn of the century. It was·a ,railroad station from 1907 to 1957, but after the Sa~ta Fe Railroad decided to halt stops here the building was vacant until 1961 -after the Chamber of Commerce deCided 'it would make a good office tor the chamber and also an art league gallery. Citiz.erts signed petitions and a,lease was signed -at a cost of $1 per year. The city also received land on the other side of the railroad tracks,-between-Grand and Elm avenues, for the Rotary Park. ' SAVE ... ' Samtone ~-~" On Your Drapery =.-~tt:,~~~==~~ " Drycleaning . + ~ " .. ,.~~ • -i ,.; . . " " C:LEANE·RS", ~ff'rl.". _ 'ull Lin •• f Alt • .: .... " hrv1c ••••• ' _ ' .... _.1 ... ,_._""-,, .. . 1005 So ... ST., LOCATED IN POINSETTIA PLAZA (AILSIAD 729.1241 . . . Mon. Thru frio 7 a.m.-7 p.m. , ' '. < " 's'clt:-8"d.m.-6' p.rn: 'elqsed'S,indciY' ' .•. , . - / . , i.. , , . ;'-. Mag.ee Hou.se The Magee house is old, but no one seems to know just how old. But it was,back in 1896 when the Shipley family pur<;hased,the hoi,Ise-fr~m Stan C. Smith; one the first membel'so! the corporation that built the Carlsbad Hotel. ' That same year,. when the' Carlsbad Hotel burne~ down, eight-y.ear~old Florence' Shipley; only child of Julia Surmont and Alexander Hamilton'Shipley, witnessed the holocaust. Florence Shipley Magee lived in her parent's house off and on until her death earlier t~is year. . " '.. " She willed the 'h~>use-and surrouiidi~g'propeI1ty to' the city f9r use as a 'park . . , . - . FI'9W~r I:nd'·u:s.fry f ,"''' . . ~'. "<:~;'':{ ' .. ~' '>'/>. ' .. ".', , ~'" " ", ... . , Flower!! ave San Diego County's third largest agricultural product. . And CarlSbad is sitting r~ght in'the' middle of the multi-million dollar industry . . Gladiolas, birds of paradise plants, orchids, roses, pompoms, poinsettias, carnations, field flOWers -,you name it and it's probably grown commercially in CarlsQad. ' . The o(ficial city ~lower is the bird of paradise. ' , .--~-~--~--~--------~~----~--------------------... Carlsbad' B,'each Carlsbad, where cliqlate is unsurpassed, is, noted for its lo\;'ely beaches. Residents tourists alike enjoy sunbatb,ing, surf. fishing; 'skin diving and, body 'and board surf throughout the year. Patronize lhese advertisers ... 'They brought you this' issue/- ALT KARLSBAD ,JLA COSTA . ALWAYS TRAVEL AGENCY -LAND OF'SUZUKI . B 4c 'R APPLJANC~S '.CLELLAN INSURANCE' BAUER LUM!JER , . , McDONALD PHARMACY BEAPH VIEW'LODGE " McEWEN lIARDWARE . BECKMAN INSTfttJMENT$'MABIQN'S CAPE COD HOUSE '. BLACK WHALE Ll~:H'I1~~ ," M~RRON'S' " BROOKIN(t'" .' .oo&N'-"8WAP"kET ~ARLSBAJ) BY TIi,E SEA "PANTt4UE . CARLSBAD J(}UK~AL", . PEPBERMILL RESTAURANT CARLSBAD NVRSERY ,POINSETTIA CLEANERS C~RLSBAD PRINTING RANCHO'CARLSBAD, COASTOFFICESUPPLY -ROYALPALMSRESTAURANT CONTINENTAL MOTORS (SAAB) RUNZO'S CANDIES DIXON FORD TAMARACK EAST FOREMAN &'CLARK SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC , . FOX POINT SOUTHWEST BANK FI\OSTY HUT TAGUEINSURANCIj:, H. SALT ESQUIRE TIDE CH~YSLEJt HICKOR,Y FA~MS TOWNHOUSE RESTAURANT JOURNAL PRINT • TRAVELINNLODGE KAMAR CONSTRUCTION , TWIN INNS KARL RADIO WESTCOAST BANK CARLSBAD , Myer~House ,r,.,H "'''N' n"..,..":.W,. ..... ,,""". ,I -} , : ' , Walking into the old Myers house on Higlll~rid Drive is like walking into another era in time. ,With the slightest bit of .imagination" you can almost hear the 'quiet talk and soft la\lghter as ladies in th,elr b\lstled dresses and'beariied men wearing long coats' and fitted vests sit around the parlor enjoying afternoon tea. " The hous~, which is now being restored by an enthusiastic couple, was built in 1887 by Clint Cuiver, the son of a wealthy Bostonian family. , - In addition to the nine-room house, there was an adjoining blacksmith Shop anq carriage house.' " ,.' Legend says that Cul:v.er; \lsed tQ smuggle Chinese 'laborers, tbr.ough tile ,secret pa~sageV{?ys somewhere in the hO\lse. , ' " , EI Camino ,R'eal' • j ,To most.n~wcomers to CarlsQad, El Camino Reql is just another ~oad. : But historians and old-timers knew better. ' The well-traveled road was once the stagecoach route connecting the missions up and down the coast. ," , " ' , In the 1700s Captain Gaspar de Portol1i\ was-assigneq to protect the Jilrlests on their'missions -of salvation and he had a camp in the Carlsbad .area" " Anoth~r historical 'site, the La Costa, Adobe Stage Station, was,located just of~ R,ahcho Sante Fe Road. ' .............. ____ w;;~ ______ ~~--~ ____ _._----~--------------- DANNY~ E,SCORTS , . . MISS .. CARLSBAD T· . ,',,' DANNY 'BONADUCE Danny BOnaduce, the freckled-faced 1inancial genius of "The Partridge Family,.'! will be in Carlsbad tomorrow and .Satur.day for the Spring Holiday activities. Tomorrow night he will be one of the judges in the Miss Carlsbad contest and then <,>n Saturday he will be the winner's offiCial escort in the Spring Holiday Parade. After . the parade he is scheduled to entertain at the barbecue> t·· . ) The· \ ....... -..... -~ Account . . Southwest Bank introduces the Bonus Accol,lnf ... one account that does away with the many indiviQual char-ges you p~y for v~rious services. Instead, you pay just one small monthly ·fee of $3.0Q and Southwest Bank provides every service. you're likely to need. And there's ho minimum balance required in your Bonus Account. Here's what your Southwest Sank Bonus Account gives you: 'FREE, UNLIMITED FREE SAFE DEPOSIT BOXl F ' , , '. ~ctoss" fr~rt; -'il;~'O~rlsb~d' Ra-;;;~a¥ i~ ,Rancho of the SPanish Daggers -the late Leo' Carrillo's' weekend retreat. " ' '.' . ' .' Carillo, better k~ownto most as·Panc.tio in the,Ci.sco Kid televisionseri,e&, bought 1,~OO acres at $17 an acre·in the early 193.o's and added another 3',.0.0.0 acres to his. hol(iings soon after.' Thel'e was an old-adobe hQuse on·the'prppertywhich WaS builtin 1882, bl.1t cjtdno !lad the hOl.1se rebuilt.iilto.a one-story rambling,adobe with an additional L"shapedwing. , Frequent houseguests were Clad, Ga~le and Carole'Lombar(i, Jane Withers, Irene Harvey and Jack Oakie: _ '" ' , I. <~ , f<" "\, '" , ,'i , " 'N,OSTAt:.GIA ~ One of the·most popular flQat,s of the Spring Holiday parade 20 'years"ago!, in'1954, was of Anderson~Robii'lSon PlUmbing-Heating. The fou,r gir.ls in the flo"t are stfU Carlsbad r~sideht$. Fro"". left are, Linda Anderson, then 6; , Tina Rob,inson, ~; Janis ,Lawspn, 5; 'and her ,twin, Jennifer. Janis ,is now Mrs. Rich La.ngd~n arid 'Jennifer is now Mrs. Eric, Larson. ,', r Your,Ho'mefown \\GOOD,NEWS" ,P~per I , \ R.oyal 'Parms, : ." '''v~ J' .... The Royal Palms Inn, once th~ mansion home of Albert Cohn, is now a busy restaurant and inn serving weary travelers as well as local residents. More than 40 years ago, the dining rOom was the liv:ing room of the i\:lbert Cohn' family. Their dream house, built around the exisitng eucalyptus trees, was completed hi 1a29 by a San Diego architect., , , The five"acre estate was completely walled and there were Danish· doors, imported tile for th~ bathrooms and granite slate from Vermont for the 40 by 26-foot living room floor. Originally, the front of the buildingfaceq the ocean, with a full sweep of lawn going down to the 400-foot ocean frontage. The living room overlooked the lawns, palm trees; walkways and gardens. '.. •. The property, presently owned by the Felt Family, is on le~se. . " r, , . , . The aging, but very grand Twin Inns, Carlsbad's oldest landmark, sits nestled among a thriving downtown area on one of the busiest corners -in the city. But even though.the huge shade trees that once surrounded the building, and the crowing clay rooster perched on the gable towers are gone, the Twin Inns still proudly commands its place in this small; but growing city. . .' . When the old Victorian structure was built for $9,000 in 1887 by Gerhard Schutte, it sat alone for many years overlooking the-railroad dePot. '. "" The mansion got its twin eight years later when an identical structure -the D.D. Wadsworth house -was built on the north end of the block. It was converted to an inn in 1895. The" Schutte home became an inn about 10 years later. . A number of owners passed through the Schutte home before Eddie and Neva Kentner bought both inns. They came up with the famous fried chicken,and Gorn fritters recipes that the Twin Inns is famous for. The north inn was razed in 1950 to make room for parking, but the Twin Inns today continues to be run by 'members of the Kentner family .. who still serve the delicious fried chicken that' makes it a favorite .~ating spot in Southern California. , -\ -- I -~ -------------I -------------------~~-~~-~~~~-------.. -~--. ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ----------~ ----\\ ----- ------------ ---------------------. ------------------~ ----. • -------------------------------'-.--- ? i • :l/.~)j~ .~~f~ ~ J!)~ ~. (P£~) __ I,~ .... ~~ .. 1 - I __ . _ ~ ___ ~_ ------------~ 1 - , , ----------.--------- -i _.-- . -----------------..------ i ----~ - - 1 I \ \ II _ . :1 ~CS~\c. ~\\~HWfV~S !I E.1.B\l\ct()T ___ \T\ ZE:~~5 I N)V~S()R ~ COtv\~{jl-('-""'" x X :x X!< \./ \j \I X ;" I" 1\ I - --~ -- /\ 'f X X xxxX'l i\XXX x X -x X· )< X X XX . 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