HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 03-25; NEXTEL - WEST OLIVENHAIN; Site Plan~ (...._ ~ ......... ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 I ~ 1'i'\ 'J~ (:) ~~ ~ ?;:j ~ '-' ~~ 1 2 3 4 s 6 1 s 9 10 11 12 t3 14 15 1, 11 18 19 21) 11 a :m .24 25 2' 21 .28 l 2 3 4 s ' 7 8 lt U} 11 12 l~ 14 15 16 11 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 lWffiJNG.CflWlUJ!WJltRQWDQNHQ.sfN A RiSOLumN OP nm PLANNINO COMMmS!ON OP THE QTY OP , CAl:l.mAD. CALIFO:RNIA, A!'PltOVING OONDfflONAL USE PERMIT CllP 03·2S TO AUJJW THE OOLLOCATION Mm OPERATION OF TW!LVE PANEL ANTENNA! ON AN AP.PROVBl) 4S-FOOTTALL MONOPINE AT nm ·OMW DlmlCT OFFtCB ~ ~U.Y LOCATED ON THE Sotl'l'HWBST CORNER OP OlJVENRMN ROAD AND RANCHO SANTA PE ROAD 1N LOC<\t. FAC!ll1'lB8 MANAOBMl!NT ZONB 6, CA!! NAME.: NmC'rl!!L-WBST 01.lYBNHAlN <:Ad NO,: CO! 03:-U I WBBUA!, Nute1 Csm i:u, l 11.11lli, ~loper," bas fled It· verified application with tu City of Cambad n,prding pwpmty ~ by Olh>mtdt Ml.mfdpPJ W4ittlrn&1$t. ~."d!lseribedu That .. portkm of J.ol. 13 of h 'llllNIYlmn of Redlo LIii ~ In the City of Carlsbad. County of San Diego; State of Caltfornla, according to Map No. 148, filed In the Ofllff of Utif County R~er of San DlogoCounty,JUlle 2'7, 1891 \'YH'Fhd;, aid wdlied applbl!OII llOttsd.tul!IS a N'l'• fm' • COl!dfflonat Use Permit a shown. cm Elhlblts •,;.ti -upt .-ed April 7, 20N, on fllo In the CmaW ?Imming Depilltiillll!"lt, NltX'l'lt,.mst ~ .. cut n..u, n pwvlded by 0i..,-21.42 dlor 11,Stof tt,,.~ M~ Codd; eel WHBRIAJ, the Planning Comm!Nloll did, 11111 the 7th day of Ap~ ... hold a duty notlNl\l.puJ,fic.~ U ~ by fawto~ald NiqL I l, D ~. a.t aid public lll!arlng, .. hlJillg •• tlOM!dcl'ing all ~ '• ' A) Thatthe foregoing ~s lll'll tm lllld comet &) That'bued M the ¢'<1ide11ce ~nted at the public hl'lll:rlng, the Commissioo APtlQYES NEX'l'l!!L·WEST OLIVENHAIN .. CUP 03•.U, based on (he following findings and suhj,:lci m me fnllowlng conditloos: flndffln; t That thc mt!i• ·i.WI i& rteeeslllll')' or clulnble for~ devel<>i>menr of tlte community. I• ~ntialfy lnhllf'!!fflny with the various elMteM$ l!lld objeelives of the General Plan, Md is not (ietrimenttll to existing uses specmooliy PfflT!ltted i11 the zone !11 which the proposed use is I~, l.11 tluit the pn>posed use boefflll the community by pro•ldlng wtretess eommtmkatbt accus for ~lll and •1wgency um; and the ll'roposed wt1 l!l I u ilOffl!liUnleaUon facllicy Is mrmmnt «th the ues attowed IA til)e Office :wrung des~atlon and it compatible with thll elll&t1q ufflt41, m11intena:llft yan! and communl~JRN-cunatty on tu OMWD·sle. ' 2. That tu site fur the it\te1KIM use is lldequate Ill me and~ ta aceommlldalll the !WI, 111 that the pn>pt.!!!!'ld coltomatton on an approved monopine with panel a»ttll11ta and Ul(M!~ ,.utpment cabinets ean ffl within the nlstlog slCe without ~ tor any apanskm. . ' , •·., a. That 111.1 too yat(ls, utbaeks, walls, tM.-, l~ng, and oilier· featumi .1«1e,s!ll\fY to adjust tile ~ested -to tlllisting or permltlcd flltlm: uw in the neigbbomocd will be \)l'Ovlded !!lid mlllntained. in fflllt fl& ~ts to the exlsflng OMWD dm,lopmmt lfte. are needed to aC!llOfflfflOdate the additkmal equipnumt and panel anmmaa; the approved moooplne daslp w<1uld 111rve m mean the panel antennas tro1n pnblle view and ill dmilar in hlllpt m ~g live trees on site; and the propoaed equipment eab!uu would be located dlratly adjlll!fflt to the mo1u,pine and painted to mmh the e>:lstmg buildings oMite. 4. That the street l!iystem ~UI. the ~ im I• llldeql.llltt/. tt, pr:opetly handle 1dt trnfflc getll/ll ated by Im; pn:rposed use,in that the propased. \de would not pnerate additional Nhiekl trips b~d that n-•ry for period.le malnte..anee. IS. That the ptopo$1)..l. wirelesk eommuniellllmt fflellity 16 ~n11smnt with ~I l"llltey No. 54. !n that the mil.icatlml on an approved ia~ ~ a stRlth d•gn; the pmposed. l'!tJUlpmmt cabinets an t& be loeated adjacent ro 1he approved mnn&pine and painted tri mateh the existing bulldlngs on stte; and nu additional seoorlty ltgbtingotber $an currently msts for thll OMWD parking amt It proposed, Thllt me Pl11.Ml11~ Pirecttlrll.u deltll,mued that I.he projact bllkmp to a~ of projects that the Stine Sooreruy fOI:' Re$0UOOl'l/$ has fonnd do not have a significant impact on the !'lrlvimnmern. ~ It ia therefi:n categorl.,;:11Uy.~pt from I.he requirement fol' the preplll'lfflOII of er.,iro1111l/Mtal dol;;wnents pu!'SIIM'lt to Section 1$305,, llfllllfflldlm and Installation of ilmaU new eqmp-.it fadlitttl or mueluNII of the statie CEQA Owdel!ll!'ll. fll making this t:letllfmlnatlon, !he Planmng Dlreem has found mat tile l 2 3 4 • 5 6 7 g 9 10 ll 12 13 14 ts 16 17 1a 19 10 11 22 23 24 1S 26 17 2t l :Z ~ 4 s 6 7 $ ii 10 1t 12 13 ¥4 15 16 · n 18 19 10 :21 12 ~ :w 25 26 27 2a --pt!-U-m $ecti1111 tSD.2 ~ 11ie --~ ~ do 110t apply 10 cl\!, pll).jecl. 7. ·'I'm Planllilt~ Colnmlmoa ha~ nell ol'me n~ m1p0Md 011 t!Je Developer ~ha.this fflOllllion. nd bmlly filldt. ill !Im-, dlat the~ are impomi IO mmgaa, ~ cause It by or n,1aonllbly maml to tho pll).jecl, nd llto ct«nt and the degiee of me euction la In roqb. ~ality io the impact CIIUled by Ille projccl, • Note>: Una, OIMIWlte SflC¢lfled 1161:e1n, all cond!liont •hall be •ltltl'lod prior m lffllldlng pmn!L . l. lf any of lite tilllwlng IIOlldlllllll!I fill to ~ or If 1hey in. by their lmlll. to be ·~LI I. 11111 mai< ftod nye,; lime, If 1111Y of IIKill ~ rd II> be H I~ l!lld dl!llllllli11ed ~ to their--, Im City lihall lll!W the right Ill. n:vou or mGidlfy all ~ henri11 i,t,mt,o:4 drlnJ « !lull.er contltt!M ~ of alt flltunl building pmmitll; derly,. n,vob Oil tmlher contltli011 all ~ of ~ IUlll!d lfflm' lhe llltborlty of approvall bcm11 .,anted: mstlltrul and pnllflCWI lillptiml to cmnpo! their•~ wl!l1 aa!d ~ ,... wit clemkJ ··-for thelt vi.owioo. No vealed rigltts lft pial by Dovcl1o,-'llllWC 1.111 ti( ill i!lll!Nf by daCityl appcOffl ti( !Im Cmnlltlllul UR Perlll& · t. $11ff lJ ~ llll¼dm:A.d. to 1111B, w l'OCflllle lhel»\1eloper>o lffllh, all~ 1111d madlfl~ IO too Cnelllknw U. P«ndt ~ u necu,ar,,rto lllllkc diem Internally COll$latlllll 1111d In COllformlty with llto 11111 Clilln on !hi pt0joct. Develop!M(lt .wn -au~y •sllowa on ll!o approw:ll~bits. AnypropoNd de.wlopment diffel111n: from ibis appmval, fhal n,qulRI m ~t to d!la app10','111. 3. l'>IIWJlopl!l'tf!-'cl~wllll llll ~ pw~ offedenl. --,m Id IPl nl Jtptl#lt'IIII ill effect &I IN! limll of blllldmg J'llfflllt !Ulllll! 1111 4 I' tny ~-~ ot llll)'put,lill l111P<>-.U. w -.mftff. or~ ~•nmt of ~Y reea !n-lltlu tllemof, ~ by !hit approval a.r hnpole4 by )aw on tills Project aro challenged, -approvtl lllall be ~ • pnmded In Oowmllll!llt Code ~. 60020, If 11U1 •lllliffl COllltitiOII ii dee• rmi11ed to be ill!mld llut ~-1 wt be l11vtlld Ullleu the Ot1.Collneil .det11u1t!-M dis pll).jecl willlollt Illa c:omfltif"' ermplfe -idt tlllnq~oflaw. . 5. ~·WU·• don bmlly ..-to 1m1o1m•r,, p.oteet, defffld llld llnld lmudw 11111 qty of Carlal!ad, itl Couaell 1110mbmt,. ~ ~ $ It,. and 1cp11111 ilalives.'fmm nd apint 11111 and all Ilabllitlea, le 1111, dama,,,s, dei1t1Uids, cllla •d eQ&U, illel~ COlllt COIIIII and llllOmOy's. -~ by die City lliam& dhdy or·~ ifflll (a.) City's apptt)ffl Mid IU'IP ur ofmuw!Comltloull!i!lh!!r u. Pamll, lb) City's. ~•-ct iml!lllef ft ally pmmt Ql' actlml, whether dQcretitlnlll)' « - dbe!ethm.ty, in connectloll with !1111. -COJ~I hemin, l!lld (c) ~ inttllff-6oo 111d ~pul!llon oflhe faelllt), 1,lt(1ilfflM llerl'll.l;, iliol •ting wl.lb<>ul imllldorc, lffi'J and al! lltbi!i6-!llil1q fl.<orn Ille cmiaion by lflo fle!l:lty d Pe USO NO. ss" .,. 6. 7. 7, I, 9, 1(). ~mapi!!t fields« li!lw ~ waffl « ~inns. Thi! obl!p!lon tun•iv!!t until .a!! legal ~odi1111 ilavl!l been eooeludlld and oontlnues ev11n if the Cil'f' s approval i1I not va!ll!ated. DeW!lllpet shall submit IO Planning IM!'!NOOr a rtprodRillle 24" x W m}'loc eoi:iy of t!w: Site P!oo mf!M1!lng iMOOtlditions aw~ by11!e f'inlll mclslcn ~113 body, Thia~ tma!l oomply .with all «md!tklltf and nflttptim trM!<!tUtff Milch m te!luired ~ part cf tho .?me ti l.ooal ~lit!• MIUl.-t Plln and 1my lll'tlelldmenlt !ild to 11!et P!llll prior to tJie ismnce nfoo1!di!lg pe.mltt. Thit 11pprovlll a!wl ._ null 111d void !f wlll!l111 pmnlta ffl '.l!Ot· lsM!d fm-d!ls piqjilct wllh i 11 Uli ll'l\'lllb from llul dalll of proj«,<)t oppmvlll.. Ni Clllldlllffla! Use Pimml aha!! be. ~vlewttd by the Plll!llllng ~ :m111111!1y to dilla:m!M u· ail C!im!lt!ClM of. t,i1 pom,ltMff betl'!ll I'll(>{ and milt the llllll ~ 1ll)l MVI> ll 11ubstamal ~vt m ~I piopei ti• « !:ho pub!lc heallh and we!n .. lf the l:'kulning l>ii=mr ~ tlllla the II# ho such S!llbstullal ~V& llfl\as, the l?laoohtg Oi*IOI' shllli :rec~ tllat 1111> Planing Comrrlls3iO!I, ~ provfdi113 the pemi!ttlle thl'l ~I:)' to be ·lleard,·lllld llddttlooal eondilioM IO~ or olim!nate !he 111~ta11tiul m"'.,.!i"" \lff-. , ' ';, Tltls Condltlolllll Uff P,,mdt I& p!ltllll tit• period of h (!) yem, holll i\prlf 7, Jll04 Ill April It, lNt, Thill pe.mlt Rf Ill> ~ at any lll!II> after II public ~ it it is fwnt Ital •·. use hat a WbMalllial dcll:imenllll Ciffe<il 011 MTOlffldinJ .llmd UM and the ~·-liW!'b -Wl>lfm, or 1111> Clllldilltm· lmpo&!ld llenml RVO -~ met. 'N$ pemi!t !llll¥ i;e ~ fur a~ period of time l'IOt to ~:I h ($) ye&111.upor1 writlf<fl lllll>lica!lQII of the pffl!lil!oo IJWle 110 less tbl!II !l(l d. pnor IIHM ~atloo ute, '!he :l'lal'lning Comrnistloo m111 !fflt grant aue!i Cll~®• lmlw lt flm tlut! ~ n oo wbstlm.11&1 x,,,p!ivo offecu oo ~11ndl11g land 11• or the public 'a hllalth arid welfa, If a &llbstimrilll ne.pt!Yll el'fl!l/.t oo $llffllllll.dlng laml -or !he public', llfl!lh .i welm ii Jwnd, Int ell~~ bi dllnied llf Fffl!!le!I. Willl coodltiOM, wl!.ldl will llllminate or ~.ly rodu,:e. wch ef!'=II!. n-i& lib limit IO !he nl!lffllOI' of <lllltlellaiOM the P!m11mg Commluroll my grut. ~~ wt ~JI widl 1111> Fl>dl>nl ~-6oo ~•s ~ 1>11 ll:1Jl11$ tor hul'l'IIIII 1>1t:posul\!i to mdio ~ (VJ ~-~ fie!~ Within $Ix (6) !llOl!t!a after the il!ilullltCl'l of OOClli!flllC)', 1111d with &11~ lilllll tl!UDIOO l)t' a!l!lllldmcll! rel}ill!SI; ille. VI::~ alwl submlt to the l'i.nnlng OillllUr e!thl,r (1) V!<llifi.C>ll:l<:m Iha! me pn:,jl>cl ii ~l!y exc!Uil!>d fl'<d h11ivlng Ill ~ eompll_. will:, ihe RP u:~ ~in¢S per 47 CFll §I.131l7(t,)(l,; « (2) • pm.ject ~-on ffiPM wl!ldl ~ ~WI field -rnents ofV w,si_ of 11\l utmns ~lied 111 the~ site. The teport &ball 4lwwify thc ltl' emlmlln$ llll4 ~~o WI tMult!! will\ thc ex~ lh!!lU esi~lthed by the FCC guidclioot, Said teport all be ~to~ lii!ld 11~ by the P!wling Dttl'lel4lt for ~~ wl.111 WI ho~•~ pR'llimllll!'Y ~ on RP•~ wllmifflld wim WI !nlllal pm.Je,lt e!'llllaalim1 aru:I for COOffllell!IY with 1ile 'flC<: pl.llellnn. If on revitw, Ille City lmdll that - • . 1 2 3 - 4 s 6 7 8 !I lO l1 l2 13 14 15 16 11 18 19 10 2l 22 23 24 25 .26 21 28 l 2 3 4 ' 6 7 8 ' 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 'll 28 I.he Projecc: 'does IIOf .meet the FCC ~Imes, thl'l City may i'i!voke or mcx!lfy this Cond!ti011al \USC Pimml 11, Prior to the fuullllllll or me buldblg f)l!ffl1lt. ~r shalt fflbmit to the Ci1y II Notice of llMtrictioh to he flied In the office of thl'l County llecon:!er, subject to the Slltlsfnction of tho Planni_ng ~tor, notifying all intermed }llll'tlea and llllCCemm in mt.ffllll that the City· nf Carl~ has Issued a. Cmnlitlonal 0. Pwmk by !l.osolUllon No. 5593 on !he property. Said Notice of llMtrictioo llllall lllllll the'property de6crlption, llllllltlOI\ of the · file llOl'ltlllnlitl oompleie pinjl'lct details and ell c~dit!OIII c;f tlp!ffllVal • W$ll 1111 any OOtldloona or rutrlcl:iOlls specilllld for !nekmon Jn Ille Noticl> of Restriction. The Plarmlng Di~ bu the litU'hcn:lty n, exl'lCUte and teeord ar, -dllllltlt tll th@ notice, whk:11 modifli,s or ll!mli11m md mice upor1 a 1bowlllg of g,lll!f cause by 11!e Developer or SIICIXllllllt ljt illlfflllt. Code lfrNJ4•1'11t 12. l:>eveloper ah. J>«1 !:ho cltywidll Public FlcflitleJ Pee hi~ by ~lty Counl;l! 1olley #17 . the Lioetise Tax. Oii llCW ~ impond by Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 5,09,030, nd cm #1 ll'Jlllcl•I hilt (if ~le), ~ to 1111 Qiidlll IIUll!olial>d by Cllr\sbtwl Murllelr,al Cada Section S.09,04(). Oe•el!>per SMll alscl pay PY ~ Local Facllltie.1 ~ Plan fee for iono 6,)1mlllant to Cll!lptcr :U,90. All auc!1 tu.~ llhall llll r,ald It i&S1WIC9 of lllllldmg pemliL ff the .ruea/N are IIOt paid, Ibis tppmval will I\Ot t,t, comilllffllt witb tllll Cle!lola! Plan am.I shali. becom.e void ll, Approvtl of ~-request sllall IIOt IXillJII! compliance with all applicable IICCliolll of the Zalllng Onlillalllle amJ all Ollw lpPli<:able C'!ily ordlnlllilK ta ll'ffilet at time of buikb$ pemlit ~. 1!X¢11flt t11 olhaWlse speclfillally proYl!led betuln. NOTICE . Pie• a NOTICE Ji.1 approval nf your pm.jl!Clhleludoe t1i1, "'imposition" of ms. ~clltlonl, ~. or Olb« eucti-hl!lfiftcl' collectlvely 1•e111l(\ to for ()()ll'IIIIUOII® SIi ''ftealexact!Olllt Yn we !lO dayt ~ dat.11 of flu! &JIPRMl to pun st lmpositlllll at lhele fcelll~ if ya.. prfJ1eSt II-. }'(.Ill must follow 1l!e pmtftt procedln Ill¢ fn 111 O!:m:mrmmt Code Sulion ~,O(a), -s ~ tlUt 1lll'OleSt 811d aey other ~ mfomlation wllll .die City Mamlp for pmoeaslng ill ace~ wtlh cart9fllld Municipal Code. Slletlon !>.32.030. Ptiilffl to timely follow dial p!l')()ll/!llle w,111 bar i111Y 1111b!leq11et1t lepl actlon m l!UaN. ,mew,• aside, void, or annt1I their imposition. Yl>ll are !,-by Pmlfflmt NOi IFJBO dist your rig.lit t.. i;actw:111 tile ~ ~ D00S NOT APPLY to1water am.I MWl!lr ~ fNs and eap,tdty ~.nor~ zotring. grading or o!het; fflllilar applii:atla11 poeoslng ·ar $111'Vioe fMs in !)01111C1li:it111 with thl& piojllel. NOR DOES i:r APPLY to any feesioltll!llill!lS of whid! }'(.Ill have peviously baa giWWI a N0".11CS similar to this, or • to whicll die ....,.._ of limltlllkml bas pnwlously ~ ox:plml. PAS!!I). IJ'PllOV!D AND AOOPl'i:!D at a N&Ular mfflins of the Ptllllffling Commiasicm of lbll City of Cambld, Califomia. held OIi I.he '7th day of April, 2G04 by the following vota, to wft: AYBS: NOSS: ABSINT: ABSTJJN: flllAN1{ WHlTTON, Viee-Cbatrpcnon CARLSBAD PLANNJNO COMMISSION Al iBSf: MICHABLJ, HOJ.7AffltJm. Planning Director r-----------------7 APPROVED THIS IS TIIB APPROVEDTENTAT!VF.MAP.'8T'ffi PLAN pm:. CONDITION NO. _G:,__:,; .. J•f.'.PJ.,M'ftlfNG COM~ IISS!ON RESOLUTION NO £!i'f1.--_,., ~.--ii*. ;£..,c:~:J/11!:1 Eng10,crmp DepL·. OSie · · .. /l;;;nnmg_ l>•pt· Date . -~.i. -:. • -\.;:; ·=-.. -~. ~ • • . • " • ----- . • "e-: ·c ' ,, " , " , , •• r -• r • ------·'. :-~ : _.-, -. -··--,, __ . -:-: .. --: . . . .. ···----~ _.,,. . -. ,. ~ TETRA TECH 970 W, 190TH Sl, STE. 300 TORRANCE, CA 90502 (310) 715-7630 (310) 715-7655 fax Nextel of California, Inc. dba NEXTEL Communications :i/61 COPL~Y DRIVE, S,F 100. SA~J Jll:.GO, CALIFORl•JIA 921 11 P-IJ'l~ (858) 650-•1200 FAX (858) 6::::,0~4202 WEST OLIVENHAIN CA-7975B 1966 OLI\/E-IAlt,I R0/\0 Ef·JClf·IITAS, CA. 970?4 SAN DIEGC) C:OJI\JTY CURRENT ISSUE DATE: 01~26~2004 ISSUED FOR: ZONING APPROVALS LEASING: DATE: __ ZONING: ____ _,__ DATE: __ RF ENGINEER: DATE: __ CONSTRUCTION: DATE: __ TAG CHECK: DATE: __ OWNER: DATE: __ I PROJECT NO CA-7975B loRAWN BY BV lcHECKED BY W.F. NO nATF ISSUF LG 9/15/03 ZONING in 1 /26/04 PLAN CHECK COMMENTS 6 SHEET TITLE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SHEET NUMBER GOA I 1st SUBMITTAL: 12nd SUBMITTAL: I I I I FILE NAME:ZD-WEST OLIVEN HAIN I (5) OFFFICE 6Ull-01Nu: / / / / / / / / + I/ / / ' ~-' + / // / /: / EXIS'I\JG TELCO / ,/ / / / / ,/ // EXISTIN/DSCAP!NG _,/ // / / / / // i / /,/ / // / ,' / / /. // ··•~ ,/ ! TETRA tECH ' 970 W. 190TH ST., SlrE. 300 TORRANCE, CA 9Cl502 (310) 715-7630 (310) 715-7655 fax Nextel of California; Inc. dba NExrEL' Communications ' 5761 COPLEY DRIVE, tTE 1 DO, SAN DllGO, CALIFOC:fll,11, 921 ·11 l'HONE (353) 6::0-4200 FAX (E:58) 650-4202 WEST OLIVENHAIN CA-7975B , 1966 Q_IVEHAII\J r;io,l\u ENCll\!TAS, CA. 920?4 S,t,J~ J EGO COiii\ 1 Y CURRENT ISSUE DATE: 01-26-2004 ISSUED FOR: . I ZONING ---PROPOSED CABLE BRIDGI:: '------EXISTING "CINGULAR" MONOPI E c----'------EXISTING "CINGLLAR" ANTENNAS. ~ECTOR 1&a," ' ABOVE AT 40 Fl A.C.L. TIP ELEV. -EXISTING "CINGULAR" CABINFTS TC RElv AIN. ,/ / / Tl,ng JS , """" AI'P'ROVED '['ENTA TIVE MAPISITB :u · '"'"' · · · (., OF PL ANNINO APPROVALS LEASING: ______ ; DATE: __ ZONING: ' DATE: __ RF ENGINEER: DATE:. __ CONSTRUCTION: 1 DATE: __ TAG CHECK: I DATE: ·-- OWNER: DATE: __ I PROJECT NO CA-7975B IDRAWN BY BV I CHECKED BY W.F. Nn llATF 'ISSUE & 9/15/03 20NING ill 1 /26/04 PLAN CHECK COMMENTS 6 I' I I I ! SHEET TITLE ' I ENLARGED P~RTl·AL SITE PLAN '. I ' : a-., SHEET NUMBER I ' ' A-2 PLAN PER CONDITION.NO.~-- ICOMM!SSiCIN RESOLUTION N0 . .5S<n'.:l:t.-- -5'/ I --~ . f't:._()L/, /7....-,d O ,'1¥0-t 1st SUBMITTAL: =-Date ryjannlngDeJ)t,• Dare En eeringl.lef,l,·.~-----------....., I 2nd SUBMITTAL: LLU-7~1G'Li.A~\ n~f~f,Ji!~,!/J!L~~e~w~-&~!~%%~¥~-~-~"l~l1 ... =~sr~,;_/1~LE~=:ri I Fl LE NAM E:ZD-WEST OLIVEN HAIN I C ____.__filWW& &14® ... !F6½ ". . _ NORTH o 1' 4' g' f=I/L'-0"