HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 247X1A; HARDING GUEST HOME; Site Plan~I 1•1 15 ' l(i l I 17 18 19 2Q 21 22 23 2'l 25 26 27 28 A RESOU/TION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF =• CAIJFORNIA, Al>PR.OVING AN AMENDMENT TO A COND!TIONAl USE PEMIIT TO INCORl'OIIATE AN lOOSTING NON-CONFORMING IS BED RESIDWl'IAl CAR6 FACILITY UNDER CUP 2•?•!, AND TO £l(J>AND THE ENTIRE FACILITY BY ADDING 10 MORE BoDS AND lS PARKING SPACES AT 3574 HARDING STIIEET CASt NAME: HARDING GUESI" HOME (:ASE NPi rue 2:tZJl (A} I l ' 2' I s ,\ 4,1 Si 6, I 7" I Ewdmsr 1. n.._..i use,. r __ ri,.,.-d,,;r.,bh, fortbe ~ ohi,o aommUDley, IS naHy m harmony WI.th the wnGlP •lr mmts and objectms of me gmrz:aJ plan. and is -~-............. <p"Q&:aliy penmn<d ID the ..... ID whl(:h the: propolCd. me is 1'x:alm. becau5I! rmdc:ntu1l aft faclibes ~ tbfougbm.11: ,-.d,nn,t aw 'llfflhin ml' mrnwmny pmwle w.luable bousmg opy--,rnn,s for .,..bled ml old..ty cinza,o. n.... fac:ilm<s p,,mdo 24 llour INpu:APoa vw:l allow ft'S!dmli 10 live ID a 1-~ ~ m a. lffldeoDel ldlm,g'. The~'i$.c:on,pe .. 'hleWlm ~ ~' ·tmnsl Llm1 USC11 becawe ~ bitild1np aie 0Qc:---11Da) io. ~ and. baYe ■ ,..,.,,.,.na, appea;;wm 1'be ,:;i;istmg' 25 bri4 rndcnnaJ Qft: faclitY W mnri 1N d to opeme W11E11E.AS, a ~ appbcat,oa ba, boon ~ w,th the Qty of Cotlsbad and refemd ta the Plio,,mg °""""5Slon; and 81 I 91 101 m 1985 wub m almntt '?om ~nciPhnn. 2. The me for lhc: intcnd:ed me is~ m. si:r.e ldd lbapc to o ia'"': tbc --tho "'!'CT . of tbe fodlily.....i.i taloc plaa: i;, aDOZISbllg sm"""'1! localed ar ,,_ 2. n.. ,oa ,. Imp """'¢ "' w ht< • 2'4 foot >nde ~ l<ad!,,g to 15 ocw parla,,g.....,.. n-pmoag-,pacd W<lUld.,at,sfy the ...,,. pcl<mg ~ for tho 37 bod fodlily-' m•rnrnit• ..._,. lo the ~by~ tbe .......i.-t ol ..i.d,s porlo,d 00 Ha,,jj,,g S1J1!et aod l'ul<A>=UO. WIIEIIE.AS, ...i wnfied applicauaa c<JIISdnao. • '"'I,_ u p<O\'ld,d by T,tle :11 ol the c.rlsba<I M.,,..poi cad<, and lll ;1 12:1 WHERt;AS, ,-ta the p---;.,.,. ol the Mw=pol c.ode, the l'lamung CQtmOISSian did, aa the 4t1> day ol Naveml,or, 1992, hol<I a duly-public: h<a=g to conndcr aid application au p,<>per,y d<S<ftbo,I .., 13j 1•11 15 u! 3. /ill the)'llldo, >«bacb, -U,,,-. ~...i-.......... ., .., adJU5i: 'GM. ttq ed UN to ez:ilcmg-a i • CII future UIS m. ~ Dl!1gbhorlicod will be p,owled .... rnsinrnnacl, -d>-«-ri= ml.,,._. ol tbc builclmg Oil """"1 2 """ a 10 bod ,-,ideati,1 ...,. facility .....id 0 ....... all roquiN<l~setbad,obypav,odioga20fool-:,ud....i--k~tmdillg --•12foo<_s:ide_aioDgi""".lwe. n..1mp...,..,_a1aug ~ mm: f1omaps wuu1ai be: p:ua .:ed. ~ddiriooal Jmd PiDi .a tm &om ~ ..i. of t1.. r. F .,, ...i -...i mo po,1o,,g --.111 be~ The 11 -podo,,s'm-i--amfoo<llisl>fa...,....,.u,o,,..,,_ p,ap-rty Imo for """"1 -.1 a d to ~ -..lndr h-dtip .,_ tbc ~ midmtj,.J p&pci.tJ~ Im 5 & 6, a paraan ol Lot i, u,d a parllQnollm 8 u, Black "11' of the ..subchvinan of a -of All<S Avooa4o Am:s, "' th< C.ty of Cmsbad, County of Sm ll1qo. Swe of Cahforma, acco,,!i,,g ta Map No. 2027, tiled u, the Office of the lloco,d., af San Dqo County, May 17, 1927. WHEREAS, at said public: harior, upon ~ ood ~ all ,_.,.,, -If_, af all pasaas cia,ri,,J 10 bo l,aaJd, _. Comr,,..Ort w 1 ed all-rolatmi 10 CUP -47nCAl, 17 18 li I 20 211 I 22 A) B) NOW, THEREFORE. BEIT HEIWIYl!F.50'-ViDbyd>e ~Ca "'"" 23 ,24 25 26 27 28 n,.,the~--.,.--- Tha,:ba,,d aa tbe ...i.oc,, pmm...i atthefll'blic: boaru>& lbt c ·•s,an Af Pft0'ES CUP 2'4711 (Al, 1,ued aa the~ blmp aad sub,JO<t to the folli>wu>c <Q!ld,tiam: i :i 1, I 2 ;i, 4 !I ' 5/ i &I 71 I • g lo,, ll 12 1311 I 14 lS 16: I 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2~ 26 27 28 PCl!iSON0.34U PMS!O, APPI\OVED, N<O ADOl'TED ar a rqular .,.....,g of tho Planning Ca.,.,.....on ol the City o1 Carlsbad, Cllifonu. held aa tho 4th day of N.,.....be,, J 992, by the followma: vote. co W'.1.l, AYES: Cha!rpt',san Erwul, ~: Schlehuber, Schramm, Nab!•, w.waoos, Savmy a. 11a11. ATTEST: NOES; Nono. ABSENT: -None. ABSTAIN: None. MICHAEL J. LZM PLANNING D!R.ECTOll PC I\ESO NO. 3+1S TOM ER.WIN. Cha pas...a. CAR!.SBAD Pt.o.NNING COMMISSION 7 APPROVED 1'tHS is 'THE. AP?F!OVEO Tiiil>ITATIVE MAP/SITE .P!..AN "'E"! ~ION NQ.___,.-Z..:;........ 0£ PLANNING CCMMISSJ(H)' RESOLUTION NO 3~S: ~,&&,.~?tJ -s a~N~~~-!:r --- ,_ .... _ ---~ . ' . ,-. --✓ '.~· -: --· --~ ..:.a. ,._ -· . . ' ' . •. ---' : ......... ~ ... -,. . ~ ~• ... -T -... -' . ,. ';;~~ ~.-,, .. ~·t: + •• -. . --~ -... .• ,. -r ~ .. ;H" ... . -:." '-,-"I: v:-"i> ~J:~ .. ;. t:-• • ,:_.-:::_·--., ~-.. ,!'--:.i. . .,. .... , ... ._. -.. -~=-?: .... ", __ ._ ~\~~:- "'";-\ , -..z.· -.· / -. .. , '. 1-· ·-..... . :: .. :.: •. 1w ~. " ·-_. i! ,, ' , -· , . ~ ~ ..:-. .· ' .' -, 21 i 3 4 5 6 7 8 • 14 15 :: I 181 1, I 20 n 22 2S 24 25 26 27 28 --~ . -·. . ,. ' -' ~ -· ~. -. ; ., ... . -. . ,I'{·~ .. ~.:!•_:, " :z ,. - ,. . .- ' .- s:i . · ... ~! ~-.": -~ . - -· ... .! - ' . ' -.,n •. -.-= ·- s. n.. l""Je<I" cammen,with a11 City Publi< r .... 1><::1 pallcia aoo ..,-... since· a) The Pl""""'8' °"""""'"" ho,, by lnclmioa of ar •l'P">P'iaie <OJ>dloon ., tlais plO)ffl, CIIQl'td bwldmf l'ffl'"IS WIii mt be i,sued for the plO)'Ct Ulll.., the City ~ det"""""' tba, .._ ~ ,. a""'1able, aod bwldmf cannot ~ Wltbia the P?OJeci: UDless sewer servu:e ~ avmlable, and the Plarnm!g Colt>znwKm ,. ,.mfied that the "'I..,.,..,,.. of the Pubhc Facilioes ~ af tbe Gmml Plan ha .. bm, me, waf>< as i:bey ,1pply ta sewer serw:e for thi:& prt>Jei;t:. bl All_......,. public: llllprtlftmm!S hn,, h<onp<O\'ided or WIii be lJIOVl(!ed as c-nndrtmns of approval. c) 'I1le applicaol Im agreed 1111'1 ,. n,qa!red by lDduon ol 111 app,,,p,,a,e <Q!ld,non to pay• public faQliaos fee. P~ of that camraa aod P8J"D'01' of the fff WIii a,able d!is body 10 find tbar pubhe fagj,..,. will b- a...i.ble ooncunon< w,th ....._ u mi.....t by the Gm<:ral Plan. 6. TI,,s pt<>Ject .. -q-with a.. C,ty'> ---°'1lillu<, .. "has """" -to oompiy w,11> attf ~ app<OWd u part af the Lo<,! i'a<:lhl><::I Mam_, Pla<I fer Zooe l. 1-~ ,. gxant<d for CUP 24711(A), • shown an E>hibi!S "A"-"G", dat<4 Na,,mb-t 4, 1992, .aoorporated by ,-ftim ood an file in the Ptaom,,g Oepamll<llt. __,,, wJI occur~ u sba,o,n 111>1c,, ochuwi,e noted m these condi~ 2. 'I1le ~,hall prowle the City with•~ 2i" z 36", mylar "'PY ol tbe $m! Plm,.,approwd bytbe~ C ·•ea 11M, Sm! PIID ,hall ..fleet tbe .-litlOU of appr,md by a.. City. The Plaa -lball be Nbmin.d 10 rho City %;,-...i •l'l'f0Yed im« I<' l-•ldi•1 ~-map,.,,,.._ pl& subnmJ, w~ c,ccun Sm. 3. 'llm p,<>jta ,. aba ap,-OY01 -tho -ft:m -tho appJ,,,,or pay tho pobllc facilibcs fe,a adopted by tbe City Cauodl an July ~ 1937 aod as ..,_,hold 'roai rime to amc, -~ dr-.J,.; t feel i:-rtNJtbed by ~ City ea.m.:iJ j'Od,mt to 0lap<cr %1,90 af tho Cariabo,l Mlrnid.pal Code or Otha ~ adopted to _,._,_ • grown, ,ran•--ar r..il,ne w1 ""pro,..-pllD and to ful.6ll the ,ubd,wle,'1 ..,. m: •o pay the p•bb<: loch..,. f .. dated J ... 19, 1992, a a;opy ol wbidi is an file "1th a.. City 0-.X aod " ..-arpanto1 by tbas ..r.,_._ Ii tho fees aro oat pad !Im applicanor wall not be candstw With the Gt:nenl PIID ml •pprvwl for !Im P'°JO"I Will be vo'1. 4, n., pmj«l shall comply With aU -•irioa, ml millp-......,.. wbich ""l' be "'I ........ part of tho Z-1 l.ooal Faalidto ~ Pla<I ,od ary .,,,.,._ made to !!lat Pla<I pnor to tho....,._ of~-"- PC RES() NO. 3145 ....... --. . .. -· -. 0 H - "<:--. ... '. '.,__ r .: $ ewm!J4 >V 'f:.., ·-·-=~-.:-.... , • • . -.,;:-.. ., .·•-~._ .. ' ···•····•·-~ ·.• .. -~ ·:::-•~•-,;_ ..... > :· -.· -~ • -. ~ •I -.. .,. ·._ ~,: ....,, . •:''" -_ .... __ : ' . ..,: .. ~:,. ' , ' . ,, .. .-. • $-',..... . ..,.,_..._ .-.. . ': -J £~ 3 .. '· -. I I l 81 91 ' ' 10 ll 12! u 14 15 161 171 la l9 20 21 22 n 24 25 2& 27 28 ">· 5 6 ,. 8. 9. 10. n.. appraw1 •hall bw>m< oull ""4 Void if blJ1lding p,rnu,$ .,. not ,,.ue<l for tlus prQ_Jeet withm one year from the date cf p10,ect approval.. Pnor to the t$$\lanCC of the Condirional Use Pmrut tha:e mall be • NotlC'e of Resmct:Jon placed on the Nonce to tlw; pioperty wbJect to the utlmlcuon of r~ Planrung OlleCtor i:ioufymJ all 1t1.te:rested pames and SUCUSS0r:fi in interest dia.r the c,ey of C...bbad has "'""d a(nl Co!uhoooal u,. P=t by Rosoluoon Na 3445 on lhe rut property mm.ed by the declannt. Said Nouee of ~cncuon mall note the proper,y descnpdcm. locaaan of the file oomairnng campl<t< P"'Ject demls :md all condlncm. of ,1pproval II well as any ccndr.nans or-mtnc:CI.Ons s:pecui@d f'or Enclus1on m the Ncmce of ltfflricuon. Tbe l'!5U'lcd.om id'ened to m. iaxi noo.ce may be modified or t....,....,. only With the applOYI! of the pi....,,g Ou.ctar, PJamunr ~ or C,ty Couaal al w City ol Cul$bad w!vchever has final decuion autbonty ior dw: pro,ect. Weter shall be provided to tlu, project pwO!Wlt 10 lho Warer Sa-,,ct: _,,.ent betwttn the City of C.,-1,bod and the Cul$bacl Mum<ipol Wmr Dismct, dated Moy 2$, 1983 App!OVI! of du, ...quest shall ODI ...,,.. compi..-1"ith all -of the Zonmg OrdJ,w,co uad all other •Pfll<ahk City ,..,.,nan.., m clfcc< a, tun< af bwl<wlg pomut ,..uance, Th,s candiaonal .,. permit ,s gxant<d for • period of ,m (!OJ )'W'S, Th,, ooadiaonal use pomut si,all be ...,.....i bytho!'!am,i,,g Dw:crorana yeariybas,s ta d,t,mune ,I all con,l,u""' af du, p-m,it haw-boon...., uad that the ""' do<> ""'havt!a,lgDlfic:artdomm<rtal,mpa<toa~prcpctUdatthepubw: health aod wel!m:<-11 the Pl=>!ni Dvoaor d<t,nnma tbot the .,.. ba, oucll bgmn<a:U advme Jmp-. the Plo,,mag D,,ocror ,hall .....,.rnmd •hat the Plannlng Cornto,,..an, llter JmM<i,,>g tbe petm1tt« the appa,t=ty to be he>rd, adci 1dd1rionel QMdinon1 t0 mmpte tb! sp,ifiant ad.vu:se vnpacu. This ~t may be revo1'o1 at any ..,.. aller • public t,a,,,,g, If it i,, found that tbe.,. has a ~ de""""'"81 lffo,:t on ..........,.g land .... and the pa,bhc's hwth ...i welfare. "" the cond:_ ,_.,. _ hm, ----'I1iis p-,tmt may be m...io1 for a rcasooablt penod ol n,m, aoc 10 ......! s yeo,s upor ..,,..., apph<anon of tile paminee ,nade no lea &:ban 90 days p,ior ta the apo.tJQn date. 1n p-ammi $UCh mcnsfoa. tbt PJ.azmana orm.u:nte shall find that -,. ..,bstantial advmc: affec1 au s.......ilnl land um or tho public'$ i,o,lth ui,d. welf1R wrll result ~ of the t:00non,r,oa ct tbc. pennitted use, U a sob<w>bol ..iv.-affect an ~ land .,... <ir tho publio's bealtb and ~,. foimd, the onOIWaD shall i,,, camideted •.., onllllOi appli;lnon for a c:miciJtionaJ UC pmrut. ~ ~ 40 liln,.r. to the: maznbcr of Oit~ft:i 'Cho Pl.anmni Cornmissioo mil)' grant. A t!etailed land$capt' md i,,ipaoo. plm ,ball br ,.,bmimd ,n4 >PPf'Md by rho l'lanoi1,g o.ne,or pn"' ,o _. o( gradi,,g a, ~ p<nni1S. whiclaev•r o«URn,SI, ll l2 u 14 15 u 17 18 l~ 20 21 22 2Z 24 25 26 27 28 11. 12. 13. 14. 1$. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 23. :M, 25, .... le:::': l d .u, L-____ , ' areas..,... ~ mam1--"' a healthy and thnvmg oond>CO<I, [t.., flom -.i., i,ash, and debru, ~ raaf _..........., Ulcludini .,, «md,uan-n, ...U b-"ldoitecrurally IDtepated -' ,,_.aled !rem ...., and the ooimd buffi,,ed from adiac..,, _,...a-,insubs.....,u~i;,Buildmg~PoiicyNo 80,6, ro the -of the Duo<10n ol Pl<nmag-.,.,I B..Jdu,g. All pmuq lot trees sllaD be a mmmuua af 1S p1lom m me. 11,edmdopet---ir...., tbe~of.O.footmtefflls lllong all public --.,.. .. conformance with Cny of CoNbod -n. trees shall be af a Yaftety scl-cto1 !tom tbe •l'l"""'d Stlfft T,.. I.st. All Jndseape :pJam sball be~ to i;oafonn with~ ltl'L:"tMpt Mmua1 -,:id su-per the landsoop-plon CMClt JXOOeduros oa file m tbe P!an,u,,g ileportmenl. Laodscape plans <ball b-,b,p,o1 ta rmnim,ze watu use. La"" aad other ""'" 1 pl>,m C-l.amls<ap,, Mon...i) shall be limned "' ~ of ;p!cial wua1 impo,-.: a, hip me. Mulebos ,hall be ....,i and u:npcoo equipm,m aod d..,gn ,hal) JXOIOO"' watu c-.n. n.. ~--..... thlll --,_-. prod .... -.. li= and.I« ... .., ~ .._ to tbe lot me. Plamr width sliall be • minirne ,_, four (4) f""" -mcl~ "'111, faaangs amd/ar ocba-povin&, and parkinJ-,_ Al hrt'zidn all be applied by :spptietl!'PN ~ J,y UII!: Swe of ~ n--,ppr llallpay•I 1 po;lln-•-I«•n,q,,lftdby -., :>o 08 OSO ol l:be CoNW M\IUQpOl c..t.. • 1lie lint ,.. of I 1 .. a ..,;p_, plana a,,._.,..,. s11aD odude buil<liq plam, ;....ow plw ...i pad1fll plam. JJ/ led I and inipbanplam lball ,baw mlllllJ ..,.i p,<>paled '°""""' and --the pdmg plam ... -of ,ale aad lacotim ot-. All paatm,a lo<.,... ,hall ta. """"PY'....,_ "'"""" --are ll!IDlm!d shall be~ -to ano ,nth mlnim-36" ba< ,peci...,, Each..,. ,hall be -by tho Planaioa Dirfflor, 1 1 2 3 4 s G 7 8 ~ lo ll 12 13 l4 15 16 17 18 19 20 El 22 23 24 25 u 27 28 26. Tho nutumwn shrub sin shall b-S galla,,s. 27. Tn:cs oh.:ll be dlspo,,o1 tiuoughc,u, tho patkmg lat at• tori<> of 1,... po, three parltmg ,tails. 28, MY ngn, propaRd for tbrs tlevelopmo,,t sl>all ot a mmimwn be d.est""4 u, conformana, with tho Cit)", SJpr. ~• aod ,hall '"'I""" .....-wand app,ov,1 of the Planninr Oiroc1o, pno, to '"'lallaoon of ,uch "BN- 29. A, part of the plam sulmrlned for bwldmg pcm,,, pl... cho<k. tho appli<aro, shall inclwle • mluced vtfflOA of the Oj>PIOWlf maluriaa/l'OSO!udans an• 2-4• • J6" blu<lille 1nWUII, Smd blueJme c!nWIJll(sl shall aba include a copy of ony apph<able Coastal o..clopmcnt Pmm< aod "PIN al'l'fCVOd me plan. 30-n.r aoedhiom of Planalar Olmmissi,.. ~-1.-No. :M2l tar aJI' -47 da1ed ~13, 1985, ml-., C., • c R-No. :3068 for WP 24711 cwecl ......... IS. 1992, on 61.. .,, the Plannmg ~ .,. a, paw,d bcrcii>, -Coodltion No.10 ol~Cmcmimon Raol-No. 2~21 a.d Coadu,on No. 2 of Plazmms C 't-nhrnaa. Na. 3068 wbch ~ • 1 inf '-1' C fnrm No. 9 of tblS -scifmian Er± bk fimdiriom· 31. Pm>r to lowlns a bmldms pamit tho ---a 0:niliato of Compli balot )"d1rimtdmjoimAPN: 204-192-0211:te:mrin, Parcel •A•. as sl:.::nni. aa. Ad.JIIIUDl!III: Pia No. 258 wbicb II E.mbi1" ~A• oI Catific:are of c,_.; No. 354 """""1ed Ai,dl 30, 1985 • ---No. IIS-149770. 32. 11M, _,,.,. sbail n,poir tho olf..,..S. tidowaJk cm him"-. Poor 10 a, "'"""""rwwwm ---• ~pamii mrrpplinriaa fora Rip-af•W117Pennit shallbe-•-todotho-.ik-,_..,,..........,,.,ofthe ~ far <Ir,; llipl-af-Way "'""-it d>o 1'!poiD ,ball bo jlmd to tho at:sf d ottt.eai,F,npm-. flmP l"ll t 34. Plan, .nd/Qf ; 6cariom for 8re alum S)'RaDS. fin b)'dnti.ts. euromatx fire spmltl,,t .,,...,.. and atber fitt ---shall be S11bm<n<d ta the FU't' o.w,,,,.attcr_.....,.,.ro_aa. PCl'$SON0.3+'1$ ·_ P.L•. - "I ' PClliSON0.-5 •' • I • e . •-:;--·--:: ?At.M ,6,Vt,:IJ'-J~ , ......... ,,.#!'' <I';., -...,_ .,;, ......... 1-\< . .. ---. 'fC " ,t'.1,11~1!!:!tf/::tr.'t, . ' " ' . . " s . . . ,.. . . .... - • . . ' PC ltJlSO NO. -5 6 . ~=--="-==-=-~~-=-,--,~....a.==~-.e·==-~"-,,__._ .. -.. --=<=c:.•__.a.== -· ·I z(fil'!J&.:;.p.111~~,,~ • • .,I • •• , -~ . /" ...._ .. : ,_ • ., '... . ~ .... \ ,. < r· ,; ·I; . . \ ••. l'!'i• . -f:Y."•~TT . . ' . . .. }-.. . .~~: ... :. ? • ,. -· •• ...1r ... ;~.; • l .. • .,. . . . -. ; .. -... , . " . . . . · .. : i .. ' .. ----•----..- .. .,.} -~,-..... ~ . -- ..... -~ 1:1:• -~ --t1 c-1 '1<--"9-<l':>l#-~i ~ ~. ~t- . ' I• ~ J I i : ~ ..,..,, ..... ..,... :2 -' C ::t - ow /8" "'. /, -,.,,, .,,, TYPICAL CJ'?OS5-SEC'TIOIV PALM AV£ ff. r.s . ·-... . ~..:: -. '; '_{.:: < ·. .-... ::: - -. ' . -·· .: .. -