HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 247x1B; HARDING GUEST HOME; Site PlanPU,t{N!NG COMMT'iSJ:QN RFSOUITIQN NO 1soz A tlESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COM\U5SION OF -:'HE CrIY Of c.AF!l.SBAD, CALlFORJ-JlA, APPROVTNG A.N P.1'.1ENDMENT TO Ac C:'.:,\/O(T:O~J.-,:,L US£ PEPJ,.!IT TO ADO A ·1·16 SQUARE FOOT s::cONO-STORY TO A.'I EGSTI>,G RES!DHTTVJ.. CA..q,r IAC!.Lr.Y Al 357~ HARDlNG STREIT Ci.SE NAME HARDING GUFSf HOME CASE NO CUP :'4"T:c;1(Bl \VHERF...,\S, a venfied applicaoon h.u bcc1 filed '"'1-th the-: U.1y u! Carlsbad and ~f~ t,:i the Planrung CornrTUS$l.Otl, :rnd V·iHERE..".S, ~d vi:nfied applic.•tion con.mtutcs ;r rer.j:uC:!i."t ~ pro\1.d~ by T1t!c 21 of t.'-i.c Carlsb;td M1..lr...lc:!pal CC>d.r:, and V."HEREAS, pursuant to the provrnon:i of t.1.e MurJ□~ Cooe, th(. Plinn.:.ng C.:ornrn1S$1cn did, on tht 7th dav cf A;,nl 1993, bold lil duly noncr:-i publ.J.c ~'"l.g to Lot 5 & 6, • pore.on of Lot 4, an.d a pol"ttOO of Lot 8 in Blod "B" of Ulc I'1!S\.lbd..iv1.·aon or a pomon of ,All~ Avocado A:::::t:!., l..."'I. the Cicy of C•r°Ubad. Count)' ~f $Ml Die~. Sr<ltr: of Cahfr.:mua. accordini r,::, Map No W::'.7, filtd in the Offii:-1' •~f thc ~ord~r of San Diego County, May 17, 1927 WHERE.AS, at said public hewing. upr..in h«nng and. eonsidfi"'..ng all teromcmy facron-ruatlng to ct.JP 247x1CB). NOW, THEREFO'lE, BE IT HEREBY R.F.SOL V-t.D ov the l'lanrung Comiru,.,,on of L~ City of CArubad as follmn A) B) Th.at btied on W ~dCilce p~ted ;ir the pubbc: hann,;. the Cornmli..,ion AP:F'KOVES l-'.JP 147~1(BJ, b:iSed 0" the follo,.,:mg findings 2nd rn:iye,:r to the :oUcwi.ng-condlCJOM I' 1 Ii <'!l<l= ' 21 : 11 5 i: 11 6 ·1 ,I ' ' 811 ,, 9 II -C :! I llll 1, 121: 1.:, } 4 I' I 151; 16 11 17 ii 18 i 19 ,a Ii ' 21 ,1 25 l 2. 3 4 5 Tbr: :nte for the w.1end~ ~ L'I'. ad~te LD. :.uc aDd !oh.a~ to atrotc:i::mod.ate r.ht! ~ bei:..i~ ~ 22 fr,;,vt b.tgh 5eCOnd-s-rory .1dd1non ~ tM: 35 foot h.!gh bi...il.dw.g M:l.ihr 5tandanj fe:,r ~ R-3 z~, the pro~ ~OD meets all ~ C:.ty polli;:ies and ~ for ~ propaty; and modifi.cauoil of t,l:i.r-: lot cunfig-u:ranon or- lot SIU ~ not ~ a::. pa.it of this p~ proJt'i.""t All the va:rfil, ~bach,. W-illf, f~ ~pmg. and otbt"T f~rurc ~J'" to ad_JJJSJ: ~ ~ed w:.c to aistwt or ~ttN funm: u:i-0 lii the IU:J.g±ioornood. --will be pnIYJ.ded ani:1 m~mr:urrrl,. because the sexind.Tsrory :it!chnon ~u. :ill Cle I~ R-3 Willilg' ~bock standards.. ~ rurrounding ~ OOn1:a1m two-story mulu-f.um1y ff::O.d1"11.tl.al buildmg:s that would be: n.m.ila.r Lll pbysi~ :..p~tc:i~prn~- Th,: rn=t ,y<t<= servwg ti.. proJ'C«"l ="~•to pt<>p<rly han.dl,, all lZOffio s,n=,t«l by tbe proPo«d >=, "=ruse the ,rte ,s k><atcl on the =<= of two fully =pn,=l pubhc _,,.._ 'l'h= would be a 2'11<,:,< wrrk =ulation aisk b:!m,:: froin F'"uv: A~UII"! to 15 UII:.l!.e patl::mg spaces. ~ Pm-king Ord.1~ ~ ,:,.,.o -parlang: space m additioo tt""! 1 paria:ng space fut evtty 3 ~ m the ......,.,de:ot,:,l ~ fucihty -l~ p,,mng -37 beds/3 + 2 -14.3 ,pocc). n,, two =i=,c1 poddng' ,po= prov,dc proW>g fo, ,mpkr,=> ol ilie facility. The "l1PfOYci 15 ~-.,,, would ,atcl, me cnnn, pailing nnnana =ate<! by the =d=u. thcr VlSlllng gt""", and tti, employ=, wlnch mdud'° th, ~ "'fnl."' ?roJect ij: consi:srrn.t 'Wlt.n all Ci.cy f>-ublJ.c fo.Q.U:u.t::'I potlcio and or'"'...._u;'...a.Jl:~ :;m::e a) The Pl.aruung Commwaon ~. bv indlj:Slon of an appropn::i.r~ condi..t.011 ic thJs proJ~ ~~ bwlding-~u. -wi.ll not be i.ssuc.d for the pro;e-::t urJ~ ch(" City E:.n:911ea' dt.r~.ines th.it~~-~er~ ;,i_vd.itile. and bu.!ldir.g PC RE.SO NO 3507 2 r _-._ - ..,-. -~ -, } - ,- :·,::./ i mis IS 7HE APPFOVED TENTATIVF MAP,Eilv !"~Nf'E",COr,DITION NO 2. OEPLANcJING COMMISSfDN RE:SOLUTION cJO ?>'1-t,S , . -·. 2 6 8j I 9 ull 11' ,I 12 :, :: 1: 16; 1711 131: 1; ,! II tD \' i 21 '1 ,i 2211 i 2311 2, 'l 251 ,, 7.6 !) 21 I 28 6 3 • ~) c) L~7.n0l e<:C\11' v .. 1.thL'i th(" ?rOJecr l.:lli~S-5 Sev...cr S("rviCC remaJJU ava.Ja.blc, .i;'IJl.d the Pl.mrJ1"1g CoITIJTlJ.i;:;1~n LS satisfied :.l-uic the ri:clil.rmi("nu of th(" Pub~,: Fac1ht1e5 Elcrr,enr of tht. G("neral P!an h..avt hffn filer UL~Otar d.$ ch("y -~rply to !.ev,er ~~1.ce t,,r ~ pro_1ect All nece--.;~ary p·.lbl..c 1mprov('ml:nts have ~en pK:,.1dd or •,nil ~ prov1de<l as. candmcr.:s oi appro•. a; ' Tnc: applie;mt l\a.s d_gTI"'l."'d and I!> reqw.r!"'d by indus1on ol an app.opnatc condit:10:'I to pay a p·.1b!.ic faolit:I~ tee PetfoITTl.il..1.Ce of th.at rnntr.tr.:c and pavm.e.m of th~ tee: will m.able tlu5 bod.v tn find rhaI p11hl1c raCUID.1!1 W'lll be .ivatl:;i.bl~ concurr~t ·,1,1.Ih. ne-ed as: t¢qUl.m by th¢ G~~ Plan Trus proJcct i:s c.oruistcnt Y.1th the C:.rls. Gr:rwtb ~a.11<1.gem~l 0::dmari(~ a::i; ll ha:. ~en condmoned ro rnmplv v.'llh anv ~u~.er.IS approved as p:irt of ~ U:.(•;i.l F:.aicili1.1e~ Man.agement Pl:an for Zar.e 1 Appro~ ll granted for CUP 24hl(B), as mown on E.mib,ts "'A" -~c, tl.ne:d A;inl 7, 1993, wcorpc·rated bv rd~i::c a..1.d on file 1Jl th.e Pla:ruun;! ~nt C~vclop:ne.n~ shall IX:1'..ur su~taIJ.uaily a.5 sh;:,1wn unl~ oth:rwoe not~ 111 &1~ c:ondJ.noru nus proJect is also approved undr:r the~ condition tN:t tTh: 11-ppu~t pn th~ publ.J.r.: faclll.m:~ fee adopt~ by the CJ.cy Counu.l on July 28, 1987 and .u amended rrorn nme ro nme, and a.'1y dl"v!"Joprn~r fees estJ1bL-:hl"d by th~ ruy Counnl pur..iJati.t to 0-.apter 21. 90 ot the Carlsbad Muruo.pal Code or oth~ ordinance ad.opted ta implement a grov.'"th ma.,;agmient $)-St~-n or faciJ.rnr;-; and unpn:,vcrni::nt p1an anJ ro fulfill the sub<l.i.Yi.der's a~cm lo p-ay the public faolme'I f~ dated Jci:nuary 20, l Q9~, a. copv nf which 1S on til~ with tl:~ <:)ty Oerli: and i:s mco11,(lt'.'lt~ bvthu r-e.f~e.. If the f~ ~ not p;11d thl5 a.ppll.c::1.t1an ..,.,'11.l not~ cons.JSte:ni: v-.,th the Gen~ Piao. and approval for tlus pro1ect "~.Jl be void. Thu' approval. ~.all~ null md. votd if building ~ts arc net 15SUed for tl-.l5-" ~ wi.thm oni!: yenr from th.i:: dllte of project apprnvul. Pnar ro dtt: BSWt~ of rhe-C..ond1t1on.al U5:e Pl!:rnllt tht':I1! mall'hl"-a None~ of ~cuon pi.aced on the Notice-to tlm propeny ~ .... b)'ect: to the ~c.sfucno!l of ~h.t-: Planrung-Director natifu."lg-all tnc~ed parn~ and SlJ.(:C~ u:i tn~~ that lhc Otv of Carlsb.ad has l.'All~ a(n) Cond..oonal Use Pen:rut by Re::;.oh:.tion No 3507 on rhe ~_al pro~ owned by the d~ranr. Sru.d Nonce of ~mc-uon sball note ffil" pro~ d~pt:1.oa., lo,c:atlon of the rile ront:il.lilltlg complete proJ~=t detlat.ili and all ~onditioru of approV2.l as 1'\d.l as any ccr.d.:oc-ru-or res-:nruons.. sp,t.cficd fo, PC RESONO 3507 3 2 ' 3 4 € , ,I ! e 9 12 II 12 l:'; ' lo s !.5 i 6 lf. I '.!.7 !I lE II 19' ' 20,!, 7 ' 2:.. I 22! 23 11 ii ::i"' I 26 ·I s i,nd1.l;i"1,,n m '-"-~ Ncc:e: i:-t Restn~\i◊n Thi" rcstnctiora rdl"'rrcd lO Ln s..aiC :1o□re nav b..-: :11<.hl.tfl"d or 1~:rr71.m!rd onJv ¼11h the .ipproval cf the f.'ianJW18 Di.r~rnr, Plan.nu.i Corru,i_ a;~1cn er C...11\-\ .uL.ru::i.1 ot U':!" Citv ~r CarL.bad whit.h~~ h.li fi.n.oJ decision a.uthcorv for rnJ5 pr<:,;ect Thi:. c-ondrnon.a.l u:;c p-crnur LS gr,inted :or .& P1"nild of 111!11 (10) yean 11U5 ccr6[1Unal U5C p,=mu1 ~hall~ rC'-1.C½ed bv the Planrung-Du'e(\Ot' ,;in :i ready b~is to dei~r-:Tl.lnC if aD ccnd.ioc;.r15 of th.t:;; p,crrn.ir h.avc been rnet a._7.j rhar rhe med~ not ha,I" a $1gnJ.f:ca.nr Cctnm~11i,J ..mra..:1 on ~u.rrounu111g p;operue5 or fhe pubJJ, he2.1rb 2.nC \','Clfare lf tht Pb.:,:,Jnl DrreC[<'":t'" M·1crm.rn~ !h:'ir th~ '.]~ hll ~ue:h s,gnificanl ~d,.crs:~ i.mp:ct':, t.1--il!' Pla."l.n.t!lg Ui.rectO( ,o;hall re<:Om.,"f'l~!'d U'~r lh!": Pla.."U".1.. .. g Comrn.J~~ion., after pro.,,d.:ng thc pcrmincc tne oppcmm.:.ty to be heard, add c1i6uo'l-.al cc:r6oom l~ -;ru.1"7.ia.ll"'. ~ ng-ruficar1r .1.dv~n.e 11;1t.1,IL..5 Tru5 ~r mA~ bi!-revok~ at arw mnc filta a public Th"anng, 1.f u 1a; found that tht ~ h;!S a sigrufcl;'l.-nr d!"m."Tl.en.taJ .tlt:e.:1 ~n ~l!lTound.m3" l:tnd ~ atid lhe publ.ic's health and wel!a:-t, or th; condl::r:c~ tm~~d hl!re:iri h.avc not been n--ct T}.15 paw.:t may be i!:"'1:enMd i◊r 21. -relionable pel"'l.oc of rnne ner to c;r;c~d S ye.;i,:·s upon wnu~ .1pi:;l.:cacon ul thi: pi:::rTI..lu~ :Tl..<lde n::, less L'i.a..'i 9Q davs pnor to the expira~1M1 (l:'lr~ [:'\ gr-an11ng-SlJLn enens:<:,n. U"le ;,lanrung (Orn,tl.'"li!~io:, sh.ill fu'iC. r..."J.ar nu rubstan::ia! ~".lV~!"'.,C aitl"l"I on 5urrouri~s: land ~e:. or t.hl" public'-:; healrh .m.d wdfa.re will ,C-$1-lli becau.st ot th: ,:or,lJ_I"luarnm o; t..7e l,'."l:l"il'illc~ ~ U a rnb ... tan~ adv~ affert en surroumi.i.L~ land u~e:~ ,:i:" j-,e ;i:.:.bl.ii::'s health a..,d wel.:are :.s foun,1 tl"le utens1on shall bl! <<."".•ns1d~eG :is a.n or:si,nal a?i;l.i<:rlr:c.cJn tor .a conditlon...i. ~ pen'l\lt Th~e u: '10 _,__rr,..1t to t.ne riill"'[;,A__:-c• c.'«1:.n.:.c.:--.s ch~ Fl.an..--ung Cs1m.rr,.l:,.:.,c,, rt.av grant. The roodznom ot pwmm.g ~on Rrsoluoon No. 2J!,21 fut CUP 2-47 d,1te::i March 13, 1985, P~ Co~on ~hthon No. 3068 forC1JP 247:d, dilled Au~ 1S, 1990, ...id PL-tri..nm,g Co.z:uzw;:;:zon Raolutwn No 3-4-45 dated N~ 4, 1 Q92, .J.l oa file .n the P~ [),cp;utmait. .u-c mco1vvi:.i1id ~ cir;eyc CondmcD No. 10 of Fl.an.rung Com::n~on R.t$ohmon No 247,1, Coruht::10I:1 No 2 cf Pl.annwg ~OD ~h1con No 3068, And CoudJ.o.on No 5 .lWd 9 of Plan.rung Co~on ~lut1ou No 3445, whi.ch an' :supened(:.d by Coudiuoo. No 3 and S of t.b.t:s ~lutJ.on. Th1s pn)~ .-.h.all compl) '\/;;th :ill condln~ and m::npnon ~ by the Zo~ l 1A,,'.-.al Fa.-.:Wties Mar~gmie.·11 PlM approved Py IM Uty Co\1!\.cl on September 1, 198?, ll"lCO"rp0"1t~ h~.n:i.n .\.'"1.d on FJi: 1.n ilif: PLm..1.Lng Departmi:::at and am furure mM'.D.~rs ro U'.e PLln T'"lil<l~ Fnor (0 tht" lillL1ll(I!' t""!f bw1.1rn.g pemnu Tru5 pro;ect: shall corr;,lf .-."!.th all c.ondi.t10~ ar,d nutlg-anon measures wh:idi n".av be !'equrred w. pan; af the Zone 1 Loc...l factlme::s Manager:ie..'1.l Plan and ar.Y ~'T!rndcnenrs mad,-. t'.J' ~r ?L,ir: pncr to U:'~ t~~!.!:L"lte M hu.ld.ng pt.rmm:. 27 II t/J [,, PC RESO NO 3507 4 11 ,I 11 l 2 3 ~: ' 7 ', 11 :' :z 11 I 13 I 16 17 18 19 I ZZ' ~z;,: 1, 24 11 'i 2sl 11 2, 'I .271: ' 28 'I PA.S~EU, APPR0<1::o, Af-lD A.DOMT.D ~t .1 ~gula.r mttrUJg L•t &.~ ;>'.e..nnllls ' ' ' ~~ C-:-Il'utillSl.on of th~1 Ci0 cf Carl_:;bad, Ca11fom1a, h~ld on :.ht 7L~ day Lit ,-\pnl 1993, by Irle: tc,Lo, ... wg vcre, w 'HJ! oTITST NOES ABSENT MI:!-!Jd J HOUs,fU£R Pu,J,,.;NING !Jlii.ECTOR, 'I I PC RESO NO 3507 • I ' I - B~JLEY NOBLE., Ch~on C.ARLSBA[i PU.1.fNING C0:-.1MI$SIO~ s ~ "' flLM AVE AVOCADO l.W PAJ;;i ,-, lf's -,, , ITE ' - P._RCEL •A" CAMELLIA. P'L. ! "' .. ,: AVf I J 4 HARDING GUEST HOME CUP 247x1(B) -' ' -~ • - -,,t -- - t..!...L-<...-r W>'-1" ~ A\.J~ A P'~-'11~"\ 1 ~ L..L"--("~ A , u .L..\....!t:l e, ~ ~ e-'....£-'C-1-c ~f':i' &"f'. ~~~,'.;.>J...J ~ ..-. ~·~ou ~ -ALl...-~ - Av~~ ~~, 1\-J -r..,.'i:<'. -&1-ri-' ~;::--~,zi..';~ ~---11-l·f"--{' ~ ~\..l l::::'l~I -s--r~ ~ ~l-t""~\-1'1:. -J - -.. __ ~~-{';::;'1y'>-r1 -· __ ,----'---r-. u ' ~. •::'.:,,;-.:,err:~ 3a,d o.""VJ<il•'DSAC!~-~' - ,:,;-cµ.~ ~ ~ :;)~_F5_ SA~>·{~--~ I ' , . - C • . -·- -L : -. - .· , " ,. -,~_-,---_ __ r ~ • > -•-;~r~ f:r.. . sfC'.£1-- ___ ..l:.j ..,, --" -' -.. -·~ --. -' _, . \ '"-·- --... ' T T FOf? AUo,:;:.:-y 1.~ARTIN , S!l E DEVlLOPtl~NT "_ .J £ 7 4 1..141" ,-, IN 6 S"r /'7 r, t" f. " "' ~ ,-., , -· -:i,. ---'. DATE. -.. , -,;, - ,- --. AUG 8,J-S':'9 j - ~I II l li l ,.-• r . ' ; -,_ _, -,