HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-05-05; City Council; Resolution 172310 blished by collective e been predetermined City of Carlsbad and i abor narket area, 2. That it does hereby spe . .. Parklnp lor strlpirg work and/or high- Ourking Lot strlping cork and/or hi* YOJ markers vay uarkcrr' helperst Sandblaster PLAKr.?ZY5 PL,GTt?.E:G' TEKDXS pLtimE.u: Stcanfitten; Lead burnarr PSOiES 1 SIILLT &TAX. CORKERS son PLOOX LAYt?S % SECTION 5- ' $4.60 4.3a 7.50 6.70 8.30 5.25 s.30 6r70 10.55 SECTION 5-2.. FEDERAL MINIMUM WAGES . ' 5-2-01 The U. S. Department of Labor has issued Decision No. AM-2526 Minimum Waqes.--Attention is directed to Section 6, Federal Requirements, of ,these special provisions, dated 9-3-71 , constituting predetermination of the basic hourly wage rates and fringe benefit payments, prevailing in the immediate locality, for the labor classifications listed .'. below: I : .: , -52. ,60 t.77 1.25 1.75 ).05 P.45 f.5Z lC? R 10-4R 6.19 7.96 7.69 8.03 615d 6.92 6.41 6.74 8.75 9.0s 6.L6 5.69 6.93 7.43 7.48 8.33 6.46 I :::; A1GCLiX.S; i'eldcrsr Rudvc rata prescribed for craft pcrformin& opera- tlon to vhlch rlij&lag or vcldlngYs lncldcatal. ,. - ULW .48 .30 .30 .37 .30 .S6 26 ~ -56 .56 .45 65 A5 ,55 I20 , ao 1 c> ,185 ,15 .43 .43 .43 - lG% .30 . 20 .20 .20 .to .20 .20 .39 .39 .39 .39 .20 .20 .40 .25 1Dz -19 .39 .60 .25 .20 . 20 . 10 J - I .45 .65 .35 il .35 .45 .45 .45 .45 35 *.55 2.5 .so 2% d a 2%6a b. .so .50 , 50 131. a50 1 .60 I .39 .60 ,39 1 -60 .39 1 -60 .39 .60 .lO 1 5 '-20 c .30 I 8.. It. 02 02 01 r 015 015 GI5 ClS ,005 ,005 ,005 104 .02 .02 .OZ 1% .Q3 -03 .O3 -03 -03 12 .os .os e. . .. . i' L. A-Xew Year'. Dq; B-&moria1 ~y; C-In bThnLtelvfns by; F-&la tms Day. Ut*r 30 dayr' aenjicr, .. . UATCI LVCIS'EB; WclQr DfCicVT2 , Ufl;C!Sa.. (stem vtncb or drag.) 0. lidayrt oyer. m Pay pro- loyed.' / tear*' service, .. .. .. D .* , .. 1. .I. i COIXHLTE CURIR-Irpearrloun Yrnhrana-Riprap Ston8- pavcr-Ssndtla.ter (pot hndsra)-bUnT & Caullrlnq ::~n-ra.at.llic pip Jolnts, T-n, man, Potran .35 .33 nmRuIIC I EL!XTRIC TOOLS, Concreto Amp. Vibratilq chin & similar nechrnical tools not stpcrately claarified herein; Concrete Saw (ex- cludix tractor type, Xotorcrspcr; Chipphg hamrer, concrete core cutter t form blower)- Asphalt hrkr, Ironer, Spreadcr-hq;3mobile- Ceeent Dx.p?r (1 yd. or lnrcer mixers (I h;l.xdling bulk ctxcnt)&s I ail Pipeline Xrappcr. Pot Tender porn Fan-Tree clinr~cr ircchntccit taoirj .. . ROCK SLIII;ER-Suler (bos'n chair-uhty tools) 35 .IS 35 , .s5 35 I35 3 35 .35 .35 .3s I - 33 35 .35 ,35 * 35 .35 .35 , .:.. _I ,' . . - .. ... , ~ .. 4.165 4.715 bb1S 4.515 5.Sb 5-14 nASTERLRS; Drfllersi Cherry - Plckerrpn; Kcqwr I othcr Pneumntic ConcrrKc Placrr Ops. ; KIncrr, in bbrK dry tunncls unrkr btrecfs, highways L sfr,. places; Kincrs, tunncl (hand or machind) ; Poudcmcn; Primer House; Ilrbcmrn; Rctlrbcrmcn (wood or SKCCI); Steel Form Ralscrs 6 Setters . CROLT GUSHEN CIii'CLT'TLSDEK; Cable Iendrr; Nipper; Steel Tom Raldcr 6 Sctrcr.'u ilclper; Vibrator Man; JJcktamer; PncvnvKic Tools (except driller) BULL CAlr'C; Concrctc Crcv (lnclr. rodderr b spreaders); Dmpmn; Grout Crew; Buckers (laborers) in short dry cunnrlr under strccts. highvayr 6 sin. placcs: Trackmen; Svaqer (brakemen 4 suiteha or tunncl vork) . CWITE WORXERSr Uorrlcncn end Podmen Gun" . Rrboundmcn .25 .25 .2S .25 .25 425 4 fi -60 Ilravy duty rcpairmw hclpcri Pmp; Slgnolmn/ Svltchmr I CkJP 1Y - Asphalt plant fircman; 8oring nuchine, Chip spread- lng nuchine: Concrctc pump; Conere*.= pmp (truck mounicd)g Dinky locomotive or notormn (LO ton); Heliccpter hoist; Hclicrprcr radioman: Hinhline cab1 way slpnalnan; Powrr sweepcr; Scracd; Rod- mn 6 ch*hnan; Irenchlng mchfne (up to 6') CRWP v A-(rrme vlnch truck1 Asplralt plant or concretr _I_ batch plant; ALphalt syrcAdinp, machine (rprrnder bar 6 sfmilar); Bft sharpcncr; Boxmn or mlxcr- sun (Asphalt or Concretc); Concrrle jotnc n3china (Canal 6 similar type): Concrete plnncr; Drilling nachinc (water vcllr); Equipment grrarer (noblle L grcase rack); Ford Fcrguson or similar ~ypc (w/ drsp type attachment.); Forklift (under *5 (.on cnpactty); IlyC-a-hamcr-Aero 6ton;er: Ilydrorr >phi#: setdrr mchlnc (straw, pump or tcrd); Inrt~ucmt- am; Hnchiw tool; Xni;lnnis internal Cull slab vlbratori Xfchontcal Ircrm. curb or F.utter (con- Crete or asphalt); tlcchantcal flnisber (concrete, C1ary-Johnron-Bidwell or rfmilrr): P.tver.ent J "JVF I1 Concrctc mixer, skfp type; Conveyor; Firemini Cen. i.62 tr'ilcor, pump or compresqor, 2-5 fncluslvc, tlydro static pump: Plant op., generator, pwp orcorp firenun; Penlporary hearing plant; Trenching mu- attachment%; Soils field tcchntcirns: Tat pot chlns oilcr; Well point pump sot ; bktploadcr - L'htcl type up to 3/4 yd. . IS Elevator (inside): Ford Ferguton - v/draR; Helic Cil(*IP 711 ter radioman (ground); 'Oiler-crusher (asohalt or A0 .-- '.a%,, ..--- I -- e25 .2; .25 .25 .25 .35 .35 .35 * ne1 ~ -.- VI?. - ".I- .I .25 .25 .2s .25 -25 .35 .35 .35 -2-3-C' 8,111 .. 1.. - - .. >: , 10 1.02 CICCP VI' Arphalt or concrete plant engineer; Asphalt or con criie aprcrdln~ (tamplng or Iin1shlng)j Asphalt pwing rBch<nt (Barber Crecna or similar Cypa)~ Bat% spltccr or vulcrnfrcrl BHL Lima road prctor, Usper Factor or almllrr; Brldsa crane; Bridge type unlordcr h turntable; Cast-ln-place plpa layirg ?*chine; Cmblnrtlori nlxer 4 comprcsror (go1,1te uork)i Concrete nixcr-paving2 Craiia (up to b incl. IS ton cap - long boon pay appllcablr; Crushlng pIinCt Deck englne Drill doctor; Elev- ating aradcrg Forklift (over S cons); Cradrll: Grade checker$ Grouting Mchfne; Heading shfddt Heavy duty repirwn) Hoist (rfnfle drum-buck hoist- Chicago bom 6 SlfUilar type)( Hoist (2 Or 3 df.aJ1 Colmn bilt loader b sfmilar type; L*- Tournciu blob conpcror cr sInilar type; Lift aoblle; Lilt rl0b nAchfna (Vagtborg 6 slnlhr types); Vatcrial hoist (1 drum); Kucklng machine (tyd -ru%cr-ctred, rail or track typc)I P11a driver1 Pneu-clc concrete placing -chine (Rack1ey-Presrvell er r1mil.r type); Pneumrtlc heading shield (Tunnel ); Pur,pcrcte gun; Rotary drill (excl. Caisron type)) Rubber-tirod earth POVIO~ rqufpxent (single enfiine-Cncerpilter, ' fuclid. Athey wagon, Water Pulls 6. rlmilar types vlth any & all attrchmrn:i up LO 50 CU. yds. struck); Rubber-tirrd scraper (self-loadlng padd vhecl type-John Deerc, 10LO 6 rfnilar single unf Sklplorder (wheel or track type, over 1% ydr Up to 6 lncl. 15% ydsft Surface bracers 6 planer; tractor Ccqressor drill comblaatLon; Tractor (Bull doter, Taiper, Ssrrper d Push Tractor, alnglc entlne); Trcnchlng machine (over 6' .depth cap., mnufacturcrr ratinc); Tunnel locmotfvc (10 to 33 Cons); Universal cqulpacnt (Shovel, Brckoc, Dra~lfne, ClmshelL, up to 6 lrd. 1 tu yd. k3C) (10r.p; bo- pay epplicable) - CRW? VI1 Crroa (over 25 tons up to 6 inel. 100 ton IntC) (Le?.; k-: ;if appilcabic); Dcrrlck bnrge; Dual dnm mixer; HoIsr (2 or 3 drun v/booa rttrchntnt KoIrt (Stlff leg,. Cuy Derrfekr es similar type 03 to IC0 ton ctp-Oller ox long boos pay applic blc); Loader. (Athey, EucliC, Slerra or siollar type): P.norail loowotive (Dierel, gar or e1.c- tr1c)i btor patrol - Blade; Xulcfple engine tractor (Euclld & sfnflar rypc, 'excqt ' Quad 9 Cat)) Party chief; Rubber-tired earth nrovlns equipment (Xultlple englns, Cuclld, Cate plllar 6 slnflar type up co SO CU. yds. struck) Tractor (bow artachncnci -over 40' boom) 8 Trac or loader (Cravlcr 6 whcet type over 65 yds); Tower crane (2 opa. required); rover crane ropa man1 Univerral equipmcnc (Shovel, Rackhoe, Drag line. Clamshell, ovcr 1 cu. yd. K.C); Welder (heavy duty repalrmn) comhinatlon; Wood mixer ochp alnflar Pugmill qufpnant pJP VI11 ' Auto grader; AutaUic sllp form Crane-over 100 coni (Aong boom pay applicable); Moist (Stiff lrgs. Guy Derricks or simllrr types, capable of hofacing over 100 Cons-long bocn pey appl fcable Ha01 axcavitor (less than 759 cu. ydr); Kcclianiu finf shlng cachlnn; Heblle form cravcler; Hotor patrol (nJttl-~nplne); Pipe nobile trxhlnc; Rub1 rfrcd cor'th ccvlnR equfpent (Hultfpal ensine, Euclid, Csrcrpllln: and sfmflar type OVEC 50 cy struck) $ RubLcr-tired scrrprr (pushing one anotl bare rate): Rubbcr-tfred cclf-loadIrg scraper {Paddle vh.rlLAugcr typa self-loading, 2 or mor8 unlts); Iandea aqulpccnt (2 unlcs only)) Tnndcm tractor (Quad 9 or similar type) (Art. XV-V.10. Tunn.1 pale baring machine W/o Push Cat, Push-Pull - (-50 F!h addi:lOMl ti GRWP fX Canal linrr op.; Canal Trimer op.; Hellcoptrr _I_ pilot; Hlghlina cablevry$ Rmot8 conrrolled cari WlnG equipment ($1.00 p/h additional LO bora raw); Uhed LXCW~~OK op. (over 750 cy) , 1.11 17.1 # 7.3 7.71 t rn. .- I ..- 30 .30 .30 30 32 .02 bo2 102 .. ! ! i j I .I - BAS1 LOORL RAT E - b .97 5.17 5.30 5.33 5.36 5d8 5.u 5.b6 5.b8 5.A 5.60 5.63 5.:9 i.73 P Lrs F.76 5.8% 5.82 5.86 5.88 5.95 6.03 6-05 r RIHCZ BENEFlTS PAYNENTS r I .55 t .55 .I5 055 *55 .IS S5 '5.. .55 65 .55 .55 .ss .55 .S5 055 .55 .55 .55 .55 .55 45 - %w61( - .55 .55 .s J.5 .55 .ss .55 .55 .55 .55 .55 .55 .55 .55 P55 SS 155 s5 $5 45 .55 . 55 .55 t I 1 .' J.. , : .f I Fork lift (15,000 lb.. I Uump (12 to & incl. 15 yda.)j & or nat bad (3 axloa, aka) b'ater truck (2xX, to 4000 gala.); Pipe line work- trucks (in& winch 15 rl; aired ' .I .. ,. . .. .. .i .. ..