HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-07-06; City Council; Resolution 39531 2 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 3953 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING PLANNING ASSISTANCE, AUTHORIZING USE OF CITY RESOURCES AND AUTHORIZING SIGNATURE ON BEHALF OF THE CITY. WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad recognizing the problems and issues identified in the attached Application for Comprehensive Planning Assistance desires to provide for a planning study contributing to improved executive planning, decision-making, and management capability: to the encourage- ment of community planning and management as a continuous process; and to the solution of problems, realization of opportunites and the formulation, and implementzxtion of policies related to community development and growth; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has developed an Overall Program Design and recommended the development of an organi- zational structure as outlined in the attached Application to deal with these development problems and issues and, the California State Office of Planning and Research, under authority of the Government Code of the State of California (Section 34200) may provide planning assistance for such a program and receive financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, as authorized by Section 701 of the Housing Act of 1954, as amended; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad hereby requests the Office of Planning and Research to provide planning assistance under authority of the Government Code of the State of California, with such financial assistance as may be provided by the U.S. Department 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1E 11 1E 1s 2c 21 22 22 24 25 26 27 28 of Housing and Urban Development, under authority of Section 701 of the Housing Act of 1954, as amended. Such planning assistance is more particularly described in a project descrip- tion that is attached hereto and made a part of this resolution as if fully set forth herein. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad subject to approval of such planning assistance by the State and Federal authorities, hereby authorizes the use of personnel of the City of Carlsbad for services and/or other expenditures of funds toward the accomplishment of this project dhich will have a net estimated cost to the City of Carlsbad Of $12,500. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, TOO, that the City Manager of the City of Carlsbad be, and he is hereby, authorized and empowered to execute in the name of the City of Carlsbad all necessary applications, contracts, and agreements and amendments hereto to implement and carry out the purposes specified in this resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held the 6th day of July, 1976, by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Councilmen Frazee, Lewis, Packard, Skotnicki and NOES : None ABSENT: None Councilwoman Casler Le- Robert C. Frazee, Myor ATTEST : FINAL APBCATJON - COI.IPREf-lEr4SlVE PLANNI"" ASSISTANCE e. '1 anni ng Area Popu? ati on Census Date - - SCH #76021733 - - t Months required to .Isme of Applicant City of Carlsbad (for itself and the Cities of Vista and San Marcos) 60,000 Complete Progran: Phase I - iize of Planning Area Congressional sq. lililes) 112 2 roject Director Title Requested District 43 a)Federal Grant ____-____- Planning Program - Short Title Encina Public Facilities and Land Use Management. Mos . $25,000 12 - 3ionald A. Beckman I__-- I~.-- -- -thori zed Offi cia1 aul Bussey _- I tle City _----_-- Manager - __- Public Works OPR Use Contributed ddress 1.200 Elm Avenue Phone (714) --_ -___ c) Value In-Kind iscal Officer Ti tl e Services to be Zarlsbad, Ca. 92008 729-1181 x34- Thelma Sowell Finance Director ,__ ProYideL late 6-26-76 -0- $ $, 12,500 ddress Phone (714) 200 Elm Avenue, Cpj~~pd, Ce..729-1181 __- - Total Costs of Program $37,500 (a + b + c) -- 0 STATEMENT OF ASSURANCES a ' The Applicant hereby assures and certifies that he will comply with the regula- tions, policies, guidelines, and requirements including OMB Circulars Nos. 74-4. A-95, and.74-7, as they relate to the application, acceptance and use of federal funds for this federa1,ly assisted project. Also, the Applicant assures and cer- tifies with respect to'. the grant that: 1. . It possesses legal authority to apply for the gkant; that a resolution, motion or similar action has been duly adopted or passed as an official act of the applicant's governing body, authorizing the filing of -the application, includ- ing a17 understandinqs and assurances contained therein, and directing and ve of the appli- such additional authorizing the person identified as the official representat c cant to act in connection with the application. and .to provide information as may be required. . It will comply with Title VI of the'Civi1 Rights Act of 1964 and in accordance with Title .VI of that Act, no person fn the 2. P.L. 88-352) Uni ted States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national'origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the applicant receives federal financial assistance and will imediately take any measures neces- sary to effectuate this agreerwnt. > 7 .\ 3. It will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 USC 2000d) prohibiting employment discrimination where, (1) the primary purpose of a grant is to provide employment or, (2) discriminatory employment practices will result in unequal treatment of persons who are or should be benefiting from the gr6nt-aided activity. \\ .. It will comply with requirements of the provis.ions of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisitions Act of 1970 (P.L. ,91-646) which provides for fair and equitable treatment of persons displaced as a result of federal and federal ly assisted programs. It will comply with the provision of the Hatch Act which limits the poli- tical acti vi ty of employees. It will comply with the minimum wage and maximum hours provisions of the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act, as they apply to hospital and educational institution employees of State and local governments. It will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their posi- tions for a purpose that is or gives the appearance of being motivated by a desire for private gain for themselves or others, particularly those with whom they have family, business, or other ties. I I I It will give the grantor agency or the Comptroller General, through any authorized representative, the access to and the right to examine all records, books, papers, or documents related to the grant. 9. It will comply with all requirements imposed by the federal grantor agency concerning special requirements of law, program requirements, and other admi- nistrative requirements approved in accordanc and Budget Circular No. 74-7. Office of Management A-2 - PROGRAM CATEGORY 100 ENCINA PUBLIC FACILITIES AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PHASE I Issues, Problems and Opportunities: The City of Carlshad is part of a 70,000 acre watershed in north coastal San Diego County. The cities of San Marcos and Vista and several special purpose districts serving both incor- porated and unincorporated areas are also located in this water- shed. The entire area is serb7ed by the Encina Subregional Waste- water Treatment Facility under the direction of a joint sewerage agency involving all jurisdictions providing sewer service. This area has been proj,ected to experience significant population growth during the next 10 years by the State Department of Finance and the Comprehensive Planning Agency. A major issue to be faced by local governments will be the provision of public facilities and related management of land use to accomodate the expected population increases in a fiscally and environmentally sound manner; It is anticipated that the extent of cooperative planning and decisions among local government will have to be increased and that new tools and techniques will be needed to continue the quality of life in the Encina area. GOAL The primary purpose of this program will be to develop the information base, analytical tools, and intergovernmental management capabilities to allow the local governments in the study area to deal with the issues discussed above. This will be accomplished by application and testing of public facilities and land use manage- ment evaluation tools in the City of Carlsbad, and development of a handbook to allow other local jurisdictions in the watershed to apply the evaluation techniques. Phase I1 (not a part of this annual program) will involve the implementation of the evaluation techniques into the planning and decision processes of the local governments and the cooperative application of them to common public facilities and land use issues in the watershed. Summary : PROGRAM SUBCATEGORY 101.00 DATA COLLECTION AND FORMATTING In order to evaluate land uses, public facil.ities and related impacts of population increases, information on the existing supply of and demand for public facilities must be collected and formatted. Objective: To collect and format the data necessary to support b?her program subcategories. Work Elements: 101.01 101.02 101.03 101.04 Collect and format data on the location and extent of existing population and land uses which require urban services. Collect and format data on the supply of public facilities (e.g. sewers, water lines, roads, schools, fire stations). Collect and f0,mat local policies regarding environncntal constraints, land uses and standards for the provision of public services. Coordinate data collection with Encina study group. Anticipated Products: A document containing charts and figures which describe the existing land uses and public facilities in khe Carlsbad area. PROGRAM SUBCATEGORY 102.00 EVALUATE EXISTING PUBLIC FACILITIES AND LAND USES Summary : The CPO public facilities modeling system has been developed to assist local governments in the San Diego Region in evaluating the public facilities needs of growth and development. analytical tool will be applied to the data developed in 101.00. Objective: This To provide an analytical system for evaluating the effectiveness of public facilities in serving existing population and for testing the public facility implications of new developments. Work Elements: 102.01 Using the data collected in subcategory 101.00, and the CPO Public Facilities Modeling System, analyze the capabilities of the existing Carlsbad public facilities to serve existing population and presently undeveloped areas. 102.02 Coordinate this evaluation with the Encina stuldy group. Anticipated Products: A series of maps showing the relationship between public facilities service areas, existing populations, and undeveloped land within the Carlsbad area. facilities considered will also be developed. A composite map and rating system for all public PROGRAM SUBCATEGORY TEST OF PUBLIC FACILITIES MODELING SYSTEM ON SPECIFIC LOCAL DEVELOPMENTS Sumary : The evaluation capability of the Public Facilities Modeling System developed in 102.00 must be tested against specific local develop- ments to determine the extent of its usefullness and suggest modi- fications or additions for its improvement. Objective: Td test the usefullness of the Public Facilities Modeling System in the City of Carlsbad, and suggest improvements, if necessary. 103.01 103.02 103.03 103.04 103.05 Work Elements: Evaluate the public facilities available to serve a large scale subdivision and the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Planning area using the products of sub- category 102.00. Modify environmental and land use policies, and public facilities availability and reevaluate the same developments as in 103.01 to test the sensitivity of the evaluation tool. standards Identify problems in the applications and suggest improvements. Compare the effectiveness and timeliness of the computer assisted Public Facilities Modeling System evaluation of the test cases with manual analysis of them done prior to this project. Coordinate the Tests of the Public Facilities Modeling System with the Encina Study group. Anticipated Products: A report analyzing the usefulness of the Public Facilities Management Modeling System in evaluating specific local developments and comparing it to existing methods of public facilities evaluation. 0. PROGRAM SUBCATEGORY 104.00 0 DEVELOPMENT OF MANUAL AND PRESENTATION TO LOCAL GENERAL PURPOSE GOVERNMENTS Summary : The steps required to develop the Public Facilities Modeling System for the City of Carlsbad, and the city's experience in applying the system to specific test cases needs to be documented in detail so that other jurisdictions can have a practical guide for using the systems. for intergovernmental cooperation in analyzing and managing public facilities and land use on a subregional basis. The development of this capability by the general purpose governments in the Encina watershed is seen as a basis '- *I Objective: To share the experience of the City of Carlsbad in developing and applying the Public Facilities Modeling System with other local governments. Work Element: 104.01 104.02 104.03 104.04 Produce a "popular summary" report describing, in simple terms, the need for public facilities analysis, how it was accomplished in the City of Carlsbad, and how it can be used by other local governments. Produce a technical "how to" manual clearly describing the steps involved in developing and applying the public facilities modeling system. Coordinate the preparation of the report and manual with the Encina study group. Distribute the documents to interested groups and individuals and present the results to the legislative bodies of the local general purpose governments in the Encina watershed. Anticipated Products: A popular summary and technical manual describing the process involved and results of the study. PROGRAM SUBCATEGORY 105.00 PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION Summary : Program Administration will provide accounting, reporting and coordination functions. Objective: To support the analytical program work and provide a mechanism for coordinating it with local and state agencies. Work Elements: 105.01 Organize the Encina Study group to meet and discuss the study results and future action steps as identified in subcategories 101.00 - 104.00. The Encina study group is an existing ad-hoc group made up of representatives of the cities of Carlsbad, Vista, San Marcos, the County of San Diego, the Encina Joint Sewerage Agency and the Comprehensive Planning Organization. 105.02 Prepare three progress reports to the State OPR. 105.03 Prepare completion report to the State OPR. 105.04 Provide local financial administrztion of the program as required by the State OPR. Anticipated Products: Progress reports, financial reports and completion report as required by the State OPR, ATTACHMENT 3 CITY OF CARLSBAD STATEMENT OF CONFORMANCE WITH OVERALL CITY PLANNING PROGRAM The City of Carlsbad currently is involved in implementing Goals and Policies of the General Plan. The General Plan is comprised of some nine elements which address Land Use, Circulation, Housing. Open Space and Conservation, Public Facilities, Parks and Recreation, Noise, Geologic Hazards and Seismic Safety, Scenic Highways and Public Safety. Each of the Elements in themselves, cannot be im- plemented without consideration of the others. Therefore, a single a-tion which is designed to monitor the development and timely phasing of Public Facilities will have impact on the entire Planning effort. The City's overall Goal is to 'I.. .provide for the development of Carlsbad as a carefully planned, balanced community that will pro- vide its citizens with the full range of physical facilities of human services which will ensure a life of quality for all". In order to achieve this desired end, the City as Policy is ensuring that adequate public services and facilities are availalbe to meet the needs of the existing and the future population of the City. In so doing the Proposed Public Facility Management Program is designed to ensure that all decisions with respect to Public Service can implement all aspects of the nine element General Plan. The following programs are currently being used to provide sound Land Use Planning and Public Facility Management. 1) The City of Carlsbad has ensured compliance oith state planning law which requires adoption of a general plan and nine mandated elements. In addition to the nine required Elements, the City of Carlsbad, in an effort to manage its growth, has also adopted a Public Facilities Element, and a Parks and Recreati,on Element. The Public Facilities Element is intended to insure that all public facilities will be provided concurrent with need so that any given application for development will be provided with public facilities at the time construction and occupancy occurs. As a product of the Public Facilities Element, other General Plan Elements, specifically the Land Use Element, Circulation Element, and the Open Space and Conservation Element, have included language as a matter of policy that would in fact require the City to develop the following pro- grams : a) Capital Improvements Program, plan and budget. b) A Pub1 ic Facilities Management Program: This program would be a management system for assessing all public facilities and comparing the availability of facilities to the future requ i reirtents of devel opment . c) The requirement that all public service agencies, including schools, shall provide the City Council with information, satisfactory to the Council, that public facilities in each of the servicing districts will be provided concurrent With -need. 2) In addition to the aforeRentioned public facilities requirements, ,the Land Use Element of the General Plan and the Open Space and Conservation Elcinent of the General plan require the City to develop the Urban Land Reserve. in the Land Use Element would designate areas in the Carlsbad planning area which viould in the opinion of the City Council , not be developed for a period of time. The developmental time frame is . dependent on the.known capability of the City. to provjde capital . facilities in the Capital Improvement Program five year, ten year, or fifteen year- time periods. when budgeting and other fund sources, including public and private monies, will become available for the expansion of public facilities to meet urban needs. _-. . The Urban Land Reserve policy contained It is also intended to indicate Land Use Element discussions also require the City to coordinate and inte.grate the Urban Land Reserve system with an ongoing capital improvements program, previously out1 ined. 3) The City of Carlsbad has recently adopted a number of operative ordinances which will ensure the City's managed growth; among the operative ordinances currently being implemented by the City of Carlsbad are: a) b) The newly adopted Subdivision Ordinance. The Planned Community Ordinance which requires staged develop- ment that respects time, a master development plan, specific plans and at the appropriate time, tentative subdivision maps. 4) The City is currently reviewing the proposed Capital Improvement Program with the City Council and it is anticipated that the Council will act on the program by January 1976. quires the offer of dedication and commitment to improvement from the developer for those projects where public improvements and facilities may be lacking. 4 The City in addition re- W .. I: a, I v) -4 C da, m a, k o I= -4 c, c, d w 0 (dw uo 014 P C r25 U r- - a a 3: c 0 +J u a, rl rl (d 5 0 U ICI 0 EE: (do k -4 tns, oa kk ac, 0 b4 a I= rd rl a, 3 fd c, a a s, m a, E-c cu n a k .zo 0 a a a, k 2 a a, 3 [I) ro "rl c, k 0 k 3 I I I N M a a, a 5 a, (I)' k 0 0 a a a, a, k k I I -3 Ln @.a, 0 ffic:E I .k c )c 0 0 rl 0 rl 0 0 N 0 rl 0 0 M 0 rl . 0 0 0 0 w In 0 0 4 '4 . . (I) (0 a, k bl 0 k pc J( Paynient Schedule Form 6 I-. ANNUAL MI RK PROGRAM SUJWARY AMD PAYMENT SCHEDULE .I NAME OF JURISDICTION: City of Carlsbad PROJECT TITLE: Encina Public Facilities and Land Use Manaqement Phase I Proqram DATE: 6-25-76 ANhZAL WORK PROGRAM SUMMARY PAYMENT SCHEDULE PROGRAM SUBCATEGORY (Reference No. and Title) Estimated AI lowable cost Payment (Frximinary ) (Pre liminaryl)' 9,000 6,000 101.00 Data Collection and Formatting 102.00 Evaluate Existing Public Facilities 9,000 6,000 and Land Uses 103.00 Test of Public Facilities Modeling 4,500 2,000 104.00 Development of Manual and Presentation 10,000 System on Specific Local Developments to Local General Purpose Governments 8,000 105,OO Proqram Administration 5,000 3,000 4 i I TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $37,500 I ATTACHMENT 9 Statement As To Progress Toward Meeting HUD Housing And Land Use Requirement' The City of Carlsbad has adopted land use, housing, and open space and conservation elements and a Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance as required by California State Law. In each case, Citizen Participation was an integral part of each elements preparation and adoption. When compared with the Federal guidelines (HUD) for land use, housing and environment, the City's documents are consistant. The following dates reflect effective dates of each document. Land Use adopted October 16, 1974 Housing adopted January 6, 1970 Open Space and Conservation December 29, 1974 Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance April 18, 1973 This statement will attempt to descrilje, point-by-point, how these various City Policy and Legislative documents relate to HUD requirements. REOUIRED HOUSING ELEMENT HUD Requirement Take into account all available evidence of the assumptions and statistical bases upon which the projection of zoning, community facilities and' population growth is based; City's Policy The City's Housing Element was based on extensive housins and . socio-economic data obtained through the 1969 Special Census, An update of the Housing Element is anticipated as soon as complete data from the April 1975 Special Census is made avail- able by the County. HUD Requirement Provide for the elimination of the effects of discrimination in housing based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin and provide safeguards for the filture; City's Policy The City's Housing Element's goal is that - all residents of Carlsbad shall have access to adequate housing within a price range they can afford. The City has endorsed a Fair Housing policy in all of its subsidized housing programs. -1- HUD Requirement Take into account 13to need to preserve existing housing and neighborhoods throucjtl such measures as housing preservation, rehabilitation, charlcles in tax policies and building codes, improvements in hourii.ng management and maintenance, and the provision of adequitk; municipal services. City Policy A code enforcement 1,rogram initiated as a result of the City’s Housing Element ha3 uucceeded in substantially upgrading dete- riorating neighborhor,ds. Community pride and citizen involve- ment have Played a ‘Itirge role in improving neighborhood quality. It is the City’s POlciy that in order to prevent future deterio- ration and maintain rrcighborhood quality, a high level of municipal services shall be P1’r)vided to all neighborhoods. provided in the 197’) Special Census, it is apparent that declining trends have been sI,(,ntaneously reversing as a result of community Pride and healthy neb i.yhborhood economics. From the data - HUD Requirement Develop and carry OIIL policies, procedures and mechanisms necessary for coordinating local, areawide and State housing pol.icies with funct I anal planning and capital investment strategies, when ,aViiilable. City Policy Housing, planning and capital investment strategies have been coordinated to the greatest extent possible with regional, state and federal agencies. The City has an active Housing Assistance Office which works closely with HUD in administering existing housing assistance programs. In addition, the City has endorsed the efforts Of the Comprehensive Planning Organization to establish region-wide housing goals and policies. on both CPO and the County for technical assistance and guidance in seeking funds under the Housing and Community Development Act. State guidance has played an important role in previous 701 programs. The City hp relied heavily -2- , Land Use * In keeping with the Federal and State Government's requirements to integrate local land use policies, the City of Carlsbad has set the following policies and programs to provide a comprehensive data base for use by administration, citizens, and legislators. 1. la. 2. 2a. 3. 3a. HUD Land Use requirement: Long and short term policies and plans with respect to the physical development of the large city, urban county or locality, considering the social, economic and envi- ronmental impacts; City Land Use Policies: A. Develop and retain open space in all categories of land B. Encourage the types of commercial and industrial use. activities which will supply the City with a broad economic base, provide for the social need and reflect all environ- mental constraints. economic and physical impacts on the Community. of this Element in regard to Urban Land Reserves, Non- Residential- Reserves and Special Treatment Areas. C. Implementation of this element shall consider the social, D. Specific Plans will be utilized to implement the intent Hud Land Use requirement: Studies, criteria, standards and implementing procedures necessary for effectively guiding and controlling major decisions as to where growth shall and shall not take place; City Lapd Use Policies: Develop programs which would correlate rate of growth with service capabilities of the City, including a Public Facilities management program. HUD Land Use requirement: The pattern, intensity and timing of land use for residential, commercial, industrial and other uses; and City Land Use Policies: A. Permit the development of land only after adequate provision for services such as transportation, water, sewerage, utili- ties and public facilities. and are orderly, functionally efficient, healthful, convenient to the public and aesthetically pleasing. B. Arrange land uses so that they preserve community identity -3- C. Discourage strip commercial development. D. Locate major commercial and industrial centers in areas which are easily accessible to major transportation facilities. of accommodating industrial uses. E. Encourage planned industrial parks as the preferred method 4. HUD Land Use requirement: Policies, procedures and mechanisms necessary for co- ordination of land use planning with com-it-crlity develop- ment strategies; capital improvement programs; transpor- tation; open space; public utilities and facilities plan- ning; and State and area wide land use plans. 4a. City Land Use Polcies: A. The City shall develop a timely capital improvements program to insure logical and timely provision of Capital Facilities. B. The City shall develop a Specific Area Plan for special treatment (critical) areas within the City's planning area. S~ecial treatment shall i.nclv.de at. least: down- town revitalization, coast and lagoon planning, airpori and adjacent land use. C. The City shall develop a Public Facilities Management Program to insure that necessary Public Facilities . including schools, can be provided concurrent with need. - 4- EDMUND G. BROWN JR. GOVERNOR ?lr. Ronald A. Beckman Pub1 ic Morks Admin. 1200 'Elm Avenue Carl sbad, C,4 92008 GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OFFICE OF PLANNlNG AND RESEARCH 1400 TENTH STREET SACRAMENTO 95814 (916) 445-0613 March 15, 1976 Dear llr. Beckman: SUBJ ncina Growth and Pub1 i c Faci 1 i ties anagement Program Clearinghouse review of your grant application and/or environmental document review is complete. We have no comments on the project. This letter verifies your compliance with preapplication review requirements. Please attach it to your formal grant application. We request that you use the State clearinghouse number assigned to your project 01; the cover paqe of yo2r application and on all subsequent references to this application, since it will be used by the funding agency when the State Clearinghouse is notified of the awarding of your grant, Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, llanagement Systems Officer State Clearinghouse . WGK/ncd *, CQMPREHENSIVE PLANNING ANlZATlON OF THE SAN DIEGO ):arch 3, 1976 SECURITY PACIFIC PLAZA 1200 THIRD PVkNUt SAN DIEGO. CALIF 92101 (714) 233-5211 Mr,. Ronald A. Beckman City Engineer City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Aienue 'Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject: Executive Committee.Action on Notice of Intent Re: Encina Plant Expansion Phasing Study ("701"] Cities of Carlsbad, Vista, San Marcos Dear Mr. Beckman: On February 27, 1976, the Executive Committee of the Comprehensive Planning Organization reviewed your letter of intent to file an application for a U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development "701'" Comprehensive P laming Assistance Grant. Eased on CPO investigation of the proposed Encina growth arid public facilities phssing study, the Execxtive Connittee has detemincd that there are 20 unresclved regional issues regarding your application and chat further reyich aiid coin" by CPO is unnecessary. The request is made, however, that CPO be provided with a copy of the completed application for OUT records. Yursua.nt to tlie guidelines established by the Office of Mamgement and Budget Circul'ar A-95, the City of Carlshad may now submit its final appljcation to the U. S. Department of llousing and Urban Development. We wish you success in the final stages of your application process. Sincere 1 y , RICl-IARD J. HUFl~ Executive Di.rec t or RJH/ sh M.(EAfHf li AGLNCIFS: CllioS of Carlsbnd. Chuln Vista. Corunodo. Dol Mar. El Caion. Escondido. lnin(irIn! Ocnch. 10 Mom. Witionat City, Occansido. Sari Dicqo, - ^. . . ... ..^_^ - , - ... - ._