HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-05-22; Municipal Water District; Resolution 6IiESOLUTION NO. 6 c dESOLUTION AND OKLER OF TIiE BOARD OF LJIHECTOKS CLAiiING TIiE RESULTS OF THE CAEVASS OF A SPECIAL CAkLSDAD MUNIClPAL YVATXR LISTRICT ON THUHSDAY, MAY 20, 1954, EECLAKING T€UT THE CORPORATE AHEA OF THE CARLSHAD MJKICIFAL .,bATEH ljISTKICT SHOULL BE AiINEXJ1,D TO THE SAX BIEGO COUNTY I;IATER AUTHORITY AND TO THE METROEOLITAN RATEK LISTRICT OF SOUTT-.ERN OF THE CAHLSBALi MUNICIPAL )VAT56 DISTRICT DE- MUNICIPAL 'vUTEH DISTRICT ELECTIOiL hELD IN THE CALIFORNIA UEON THE Imims AW COMU~TIONS FIX.ED BY THE BOUu OF DIRZCTOKS OF SAID AUTHOKITY ANL, OF SAID lhETi3OlOLITAN DISTRICT, 'VJHEKEAS, a special municipal water district election was duly called and repplarly held in Carlsbad Municipal illater District on Thursday, May 20, 1954, at which election there was submitted to the qualified electors of said district the following proposition, to wit: PROPOSITION: Shall the corporate area of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District be annexed to San Dieto County iit'ater Authority and to The Metropolitan Rater District of Southern California, subject to the terms and conditions fixed by the Board of Di- rectors of said San Dieto County 'dater Authority and subject to the terms and conditions fixed by the Board of Directors of said The Metropolitan 'iVater District of Southern California? AND WHZKEAS, all requested and issued absentee voters' ballots have been duly canvassed and counted as required by law and the result of such count is hereinafter stated; and WfTEhEAS, the returns of said election have been duly and regularly canvassed by this Board as required by law; NO'iJ, THEHEFORE, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Mu- nici,.al 'dater Cistrict does hereby RESOLVE, DETEHIvII", ORDER ANL LECLAHE Ab E'OLLO~VS: Section 1. That said special municipal water district election was held and conducted in the Cerlsbad Municipal - Water Listrict on Thursday, the 20th day of Kay 1954, in the time, form and manner as required by law. Section 2. That there were five (5) special election ?re- cincts estaulished for the ,uury;ose of holdinb said election, designated Special Election krecincts No. 1 to 5, inclusive, to wit : Special Election Precinct No.1 consisted of all that portion of the Ca.rlsbad Xunicipal 'Jater Ijistrict as said 2recinct was described in the resolution rassed by the Board of 3irectors of the CarlsbFcl Kuniciyal Yater District callin; and ordering said election and establi-shine said election precincts, ado1:ted on the 26th day of April, 1954 S ecial election precinct No. 2 consisted of all that portion hsbad Municipal '3ater District as said precinct was ciescriosd in the resolution passed by the Boar-d of Eirectors of the Carlsbaa l\iunici&al .ilater District callini, 8nd. orrierini; said election ana esbablishint said election precincts, adoilted on the 26th day of' April, 1954. Special election precinct No. :i consisted of all that portion of the Cclrlsuaii n1uriiFip.d .,at;er Listrict 5s said precinct was described in the resolution yassed by the Board of Cirectors of the Carlsbad MuniciIial hater Uistrict callint and ordering said election anti establishifit said election i,recincts, ado: ted on the 26th day of AGril, 1954. -I- Special electiori llrecinct Eo. 4 consisted of all- that rjortion ofthe Cnrlsbatl Municipal Jater District as said precinct c 1 - , I was described in the resolution passed by the Board of Di- rectors of the Carlsbzci Municipal ‘?later ljistrict callin+ ani! ordering said election and establishing said election pre- cincts, a2opted on the 26th day of April, 1954. - Speeial election precinct No. - 5 consisted of all that portion of’ the Carlsbad Municipal fiater District as said precinct was described in the resolution passed b, the Board of Di- rectors of the Carlsbad blunicipal Yater District calling and ordering said election and establishing said election pre- cincts, adopted on the 26th day of April, 1954. Section 3. That the whole number of votes cast in the Carlsbad Municipal ’Water 2istrict at said special municipal water district election was 1317. -P-- -- Section 4. That the measure voted upori at said election was as follows: PROPOSITION: Shall the corporate area of the Carlsbad Municipal Nater District be annexed to San I>iet;o County Water Authority and to The Metropolitan Water District of Southern Celifornia, subject to the terms and conditions fixed by the Bosrd of Di- rectors of said The Metropolitan Water District of Southern Gal ifornia? Section 5. That the total number of votes cast in the five election precincts established for said election upon said proposition, and the total number of absentee votes for and atainst said proposition, are as follows: NO Special Frecinct No, 1 1 U ‘T. 3 72 - YES - Special Precinct No, 2 195 28 223 Special Precinct No, 3 240 33 273 Special Precinct No. 4 241 43 284 275 - 212 - 63 - Special Precinct No. 5 Tot a1 1071 239 1310 7 0 7 I__ Absentees 1078 239 1317 Section 6. That a majority of the votes cast at such special municipal water district election were in favor of such yropo- sition and authorized the corporate area of the Carlsbad Mu- nicipal Mater District to be annexed to the San Diego County Water Authority and to The Metropolitan Water District of Southern Celifornia, subject to the terms and. conditions fixed by the respective Boards of Oirectors of San Zliego County {Vater Authority and The Metropolitan Xater District of Southern California, and that said measure was carried. YASSELJ, hLJOE.TE3 AND AIPKOVED by the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District this 22nd day of Mag,l954 at en adjourned rebular meeting duly and re;ularly called for the purpose of csnvassin& the returns of said special municipal water district election by the following vote, to wit: AYES: DIEECTOliS FRY, KELLY AND ROGEKS NOES : DIErECTOhS NONE ABSEKT : DInECTOiG ZAhLEfi and EfvALD.