HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-06-11; Municipal Water District; Resolution 7P I c A. iiH JLS, the Carlsbad !'hnicipal :later Xstrict is a distributor of Colorado River water to the residents, citizens and taxpayers located within the corporate area of the Cai-lsbad Municipal iiater Jistrict, and its citi- zens and taxDayers have obligated themselves for the pay- ment of large sums of money used and to be used to defray the cost of iforks constructed for that purpose; and A. TJ&AAS2 the economy of its area and the water supply of its inhabitants depend upon the continued availability of water from the Colorado River in a quantity and of a quality to which California is entitled under the Golorado River Compact and the Boulder Canyon Project Act; and d. lJIi J,Tt;i:AS2 the citizens of the Carlsbad Iiunicipal ;$rater District pay taxes collected by the Federal Govwnment, and consequently have a serious concern that Federal Funds be not expended on projects of questionable economic feasi- bility or which must be financed by heavily subsidized for- mulas with the result that its Laxpayers are financing both their own Frojects and those of other areas, that may re- sult in diminishing the quantity and quality of the water upon which this District and larye sections of the County of San _liego and the State of California must depend; and 1). ildH~?,kt~;,iS, the Colorado River Board of Caliiornia opposes the enactment of the acts authorizing the Colorado River Storage Project (S.1555 and H.R. 44-49, 83d Congress) 2nd the Fryingpan-Arkansas Project (S.964 and €l.R.236, q3d Congress) for the reasons that the orojects would adversely affect the quantity and quality of the water to which the State of Cali- fornia is entitled, and could not be constructed TTithout un- warranted 3'ederal subsidies and financed upon a formula lacking economic feasibility; E. WOX, ~'11~1~ iFCIh3, I'f IS II3iOLVhD that the Carlsbad ibnicipal '!atcr District endorses and approves the position taken by the iolorado 3iver Board of Calirornia, and joins in respectfully urging the represencatives of this State in the 3enate and House of Keprcsentatives to stand united in opposi- tion to the enactment 01' legislation authorizing these projects, and to exert every effort to protect the Deople of this District, of the County of dan Jiego and of the 5tate of California from improver invasion of their water rizhts and unfair tax burdens to finance unsound projects. Attest: Director; of the Carlsbaci Kunicipal ,dater district.