HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-07-07; Municipal Water District; Resolution 11RESOLUTION NO. 11 HESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF LllKECTOfiS OF TIiE CAi-ILSBAU MUNICII-AL h'ATER EISTKICT SETTING A LATE FOR A HEMING OF FETITlON FOk EXCLUSION kXOM CAliLSdAL IWKICIPAL tdAThK LISTRICT OF CEkTAIN NOKTL CAhLSBAL €fiOt.EKTY. A. WhEkEAS, a petition for the exclusion of certain lands located in North Carlsbad has been filed by At- torney Ray F. Feist, representink Nni.and Sadie Berkowitz, John ;is. and Xdith E. ulleber, Howard and Carla Teakell, Gresham and Pauline Lail, Foy F. and Marjorie Feist, with the Secretary of the Municipal Water District on this 7th day of July, 1955, and was presented to the Board of Directors at the rebular meetine; of the Board of Directors held on this 7th day of July, 1955, and; , "EREIN, said petitioners pray that the Cistrict exclude the following described territory from the to said Parcel 1 and Parcel 2, 8.s described in the pet it ion . r i t, I r ON PETITION FOR EXCLUSION OF UNINMBITED TMRITOhY UNLiEH SECTION 27.3 of the Municipal WATEB UISTHICT ACT OE'1911, F!ROM THE CARLSBAli MUNICIPAL 7kATER LISTRIC'Y, TO BE HZU BEFORE THE BOAFiD OF DIRECTOKS OF LAIL UISTIIICT ON THE 4th GAY OF AUGULT, 1955, at T'HE HOUR OF' 8:90 o'clock p.m. NOTICE IS hIEixEi3Y GIVEN that on the 7th day of July, 1955, at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad. Municipal Water District, a petition was presented to said Board of Directors for the exclusion of certain uninhabited territory from the Carlsbad Municipal $!ater District, and that at said time and place said Board of Directors fixed the 4th day of Aukust 1955, at the hour of 8:30 o'clock p.m. as the time, and the office of the Carlsbad hlunicipal Water District, 601 Elm Street, City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, as the place, for the hearing on said petition required to be held by the terms of the Municipal 'hater District Act of 1911, that the text of said Resolution is as follows: 'vVHEEiEAS, a petition for the exclusion of territory as un- inhabited territory, under section 27.3 of the Municipal Water District Act of 1911, as amended, was filed with the Secretary of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District on July 7th, 1955; and LVHEKEAS, the Secretary of said District presented said petition to the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District at its next meetint, to wit, the regular meeting held on the first Thursday in July, 1955; and ~HEKEAY, said petition sets forth the boundaries of the territory proposed to be excluded, and prays that said property be excluded in accordance with Section 27.3 of the IViunicipal '$later District Act of 1911; NOW, THEFrEF'OKE, be it resolved by the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal 'dater District: 1. That the territory proposed to be excluded is described as follows, to wit: -1- P c- All that territory in the County of San Diego, State of California, more particularly described as follows: PAI-ICEL 1: described as follows: North Carlsbad Annex as shown on Map No. 1888 filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diebo County; thence South- easterly alonL the Easterly line of said Lot 7, Block C and its Southeasterly prolongation to the Southerly line of Falm lioad; thence ;Yesterly alont said Southerly line to the North- east cornel. of Lot 1 in Block E of said Map 1888; thence Southeasterly alonL the Easterly line of Lot 1, Block E to the Southeast corner thereof; thence N 89°30'451' v'i alonb the South- erly line of' said Lot 1, Block E 200.94 feet; thence N 2O16' 55" W S95.99 feet to the Southerly line of said Palm Road; thence Southwesterly along said Southerly line of' Palm Iioad to an intersection with the Southeasterly prolonLation of the Southwesterly line bearing South 37°201 East of Lot 6, Block C of said Iflay 1888; thence N 37°20'!q alont the Southwesterly line of said Lot ti, Block C 50 feet; thence N 15°57'521' h' alonG the :,.esterly line of said Lot 6, Block 6 to the Northwest corner thereof; thence N 84°18'3;3" E alonL the Northerly lines of Lots 6 and 7 Block C to the Northeast corner of Lot 7 and the point of beLinning. All that portion of San Diego County more particularly Bebinninb at the Northeast corner of Lot 7, Block C of PUnCrn 2: All that Fortion of San Diego County described as follorvs: That portion of Lot 2, Tract 55 and Lot 1, Tr.act 56 of Ho- talini, Lands, as per Map No. 1717, filed in the Office of Re- corder of San i)ieLo County, more particular1.y ciescribed as follows : of' Grandvlew Street and the Northerly prolongation of the Easterly line of the Westerly 319.G.5 feet of Lot 1, Tract 56 of said Map 1717; thence S 35O12' E 369.48 feet; thence S 54' 481 ;21 319.65 feet to the Easterly line of RidLeway Street; thence in a direct line to a point in the center line of 3ldLeway Street S 35O1%1 E 337.42 feet from the center line of Grandview Street; thence S 54'48r ;r% 210 feet to a ijoint in Lot 2, Tract 55 of said Xap 1717; thence N 35O121 3 240.73 feet thence N 54°481 E 20 feet; thence N 35'12 ,M to the Northerly line of Grandview Street being also a point in the boundary line of the City of Oceanside; thence Northeasterly along said Northerly line of Grandview Street and the boundary of the City of Oceanside to the point of beginning. Beginnlng'at the: pain; of intersection' in; thle Pibrtherly line 2. A hearink on said petition for the exclusion of said territory from the Carlsbnd lilunicipal ivlater District is hereby called and ordered to be held on the 4th day of' Autust, 1955, at the hour of 8:3G olelock p.m. of said day, and the office of the Carlsbcd Idunicippl '?dater District, 601 Elm Ztreet, in the City of CarlsbRd, County of San Die,o, Stfite of California, is hereby ciesitnated as the place of said hearing. 3. Th:-tt any owner of property within such territory may file with the Secretary of the District, at any time prior to the hour set for the hearinL thereof, a vvritten protest to the exclusion of such territory; and that the Board will hear all said L,rotests at the time and. place said petition is set for hearinb. 4. The Secretary of this District shall cause the text of this ifesolution to be Ijublished once each week for at least two (2) weeks, the last publication to be made not less than one week nor more than four weeks before the time so fixed for the hearink on said petition, in at least one newspaper pub- lished in this bistrict. -2- That at said hearing the Ooard will hear all relevant evidence in support of or in opposition to the requests for the exclusion of said territory from the Gistrict. That any owners of property within such territory may file with the Secretary of the Carlsbad EJunicipal Water District, at any time prior to the hour set for the hearint; thereof, written protests to the exclusion of said territory; and that at said hearine the Board of Directors of the CarlsPad Municipal 'Jater District or at any continuance thereof, will approve or disapprove the exclusion of safd territory by Ordinance. D OF UIHECTOHS: 'A'* W. Rogers Secretary of the Board of Directors of and Secretary of the Carlsbad Municipal Gater Iiistrict -3-