HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-09-05; Municipal Water District; Resolution 29RBSOLUTIOB BO. 29 BESOLVPIOB OF TKb: BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CARLSBBD bRlRICIPAL WATEa DISTRICT ORDSING, CALLING, PROVIDIHG FOR, AND GIV DIG IOT ICE OB A SPEC XAL ELECTIOrJ TO OF SAID DISTRICT FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1956, POB TBB: PURPOSE OF SUBBIfITTING TO THE QUALIFIED VOTEBS OF SAID IB.ipROVEUE" DISTRICT A PROPOSITION OF IblCURRING BOXDED IETDEBTEDMSSS AND ISSUIBG BOETDS OF SAID BE HELD IX IWROV~T DISTRICT NO. 1 DISTRICT FOR SAID IWROVEWNT DISTRICT. The Board of Directors of CARLSBAD MUHICIPAL WATBR DISTRICT does hereby EE5OLVE, DBTEIIhdINE BM) OBDEB as follows: Section 1. Tht this Board deems it necessary that the CARLSBAD MumICIPAL WATm DISTRICT incur a bonded indebtedness by the issuance of bonds of the district for Improvement District No. 1 in the amount of one million three hundred fifty thousan3 dollaro ($1,350,000) for the purpose of the acquisition and construction of a water transmission pipeline with appurtenance8 and appurtenant works from the facilities of the San Diego County Water Author- ity located in the San Marcos, Escondido Area (8t a point to be approved by the Ssn Diego County Water Authority) t@ a point within the Carlsbad Municipal Water District east of Highland Avenue, including works, machinery enb other property (including lands and easements) uoeful and necessarg to store, convey, supply and otherwise make use of water for the lands and inhabitants within the exterior boundaries of said Impmvement District NJO. 1, and including expenses of all proceedings for the authorization, issuance and sale of the bonds. Sect ion 2. That, following a hearing thereon as by law provided, this Board has detterrnined, and does hereby detennine and state, that the portion of said district whiuh will be benefited by the accomplishment of said purpose hereinabove stated and by incurring said bonded indebted- ness constitutes and io known as IMPROvEtJIENT DISTRICT NO. 1 OF and that a map showing the exterior boundaries of said improvement dis- trict is on file with the Secretary of said district, which map shall govern for all details as to the extent of the improvement diatrict. CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATZB DISPRICT Section 3. That the maximum term which the bond8 proposed to be issued, or any portion er series thereof, shall run before maturity shall not exceed the maximum term permitted by law, to wit: from the date of said bonds or each series thereof, but said boado may be made to mature within a lesser number of years; that the maximum rate of interest to be paid thereon shall not exceed the maximum rate permitted by law, to wit: that interest for the first year shall be payable at the end of said year, the actual rate or rates to be determined at the time of the sale or sales thereof . ferty (40) years five per cent (5%) per annum, payable semiannually, except Section 4. That a special election be held, and the same i8 hereby called to be held, in said Impmremnt District 100. 1 of on the 5th day of October, 1956, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said improvement district the proposition of in- curring the said indebtedness and issuing bonds of said district for said improvement district, in the amount hereinabove set forth, and for the purpose hereinabove stated. CARLSBAD M"ICIPAL WATBB DISTRICT That if the proposition for the incurring of said indebtedness -1- c c so submitted receives thc requisite number of votes, to wit, more than two-thirds of the votes of the qualified voters voting at such election, bonds of said district for said improvement district in not exceeding the principal amount hereinabove stated shall be issued and sold for the purpose hereinabove set forth. district, but taxea for the payment of such bonds ad the interest thereon shall be levied exclusively upon the taxable property within said Improvement District No. 1 of all as provided in the Municipal Water District Act of 1911, as amended, Said bonds will be bonds of the CABLSBAD MurJICIPAL WATER DISRICP Section 5, That the polls for said election shall be opened at seven o'clock A.M. of the day of said eleatfen and shall remain open continuously from said time until seven o'clock P.M. of the same day, when said polls shall be closed, except a8 provided in Section 5734 of the Elections Code of the State of California. Section 6. That on the ballots to be used at said election, in addition to any other matters required by law, there shall be printed substantially the following: OFFICIAL BALLOT SPlPCIAL BOHD ELECT ION WITHI3 IB89l"T DISPBICT 80. 1 OF CBBLSBAD ~ICIPAL VATEB DISTRICT, SAPi DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFOEWIA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1956 lvlAIig CROSS (f-) OM BALLOT ONLY WITH RUBBER STAMP; NEVER WITH PEB OR PEHCIL. (ABSENTEE! BALLOTS UY BE MARK23D WITH PEX AB1) IXK OR PENCIL.) IESTBUCTIONS To VOTERS Te vote on any measure, stamp a crass (4-1 in the voting square after the word "YES" or after the word "NO". All marks, except the cross (t) are forbidden. All distinguishing nrrrks or erasures are forbidden and make the ballot void. If you wrongly stamp, tear, @r deface this ballot, return it to the inspector or elect ion and obtain another. On absent voter ballots mark a cross (t) with pen or pencil. ' PROPOSITIOH: Shall the Carlebad Municipal * Water District incur a bonded ildebtedness : for Improvement District No. 1 thereof in the ' principal sum ef #1,350,000 for the purpose : of the acquisition and construction of a ' water transmission pipeline with appurten- ' ances and appurtenant works from the facili- : ties of the San Diego County dater Authority ' located in the Sa bkrcos, Sacendido Area ' (at a point to be approved by the San Diego : County kter Authority) to a point within : the Carlsbad biunicipal Water District east : of Highland Avenue, including works, machin- : ery and other property (including lands and : easermnts) useful and necessary to store, ' convey, supply and otherwise make use of : water for the lands and inhabitants within ' the exterior boundaries ef said Imprsvement : District Ne. 1, and including expenses of : all proceedings for the authorization, is- : suance and sale of the bonds? . . . . . . . . . : YES : . . . . : . . . . . 0 : -__ c__-... . . . . . 0 . . . . : : EO : . : . . . I . . . : : . . . . . . -2- Sect ion 7. A crosa (t-) placed in the voting square after the word "YICS" in the mmner hereinbefore provided shall be couztted in faver of the adoption of the question or proposition, A cm89 (t) placed in the voting aquare after the word "NO" in the manner hereinbefore pro- vided shall be counted against the adoption of the quest ion or props- aition. Section 8. Improvement District He. 1 of CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATXR DISTRICT there shall be and are hereby established fourteen (14) voting precincts designated as hereinafter set forth, each such voting precinct to consist of all or a portion or portions of one or more regular election precincts lying within the boundaries of said improvement district as such regular precincts are now established in the County of San Diem for ths holding ef state aad county elections. The polling places for the respective voting precincts shall be the places hereinafter designated ard the per- Boris hereinafter named, being competent and qualified electors and resi- dents of said district and of said improvement district and of their respective voting precincts, are hereby appointed officers of election and they shall hold said election an3 make return thereof in the manner provided by law. Only registered voters reaiding in Improvemnt District Bo. 1 of are' entitled to vote at said election. That fer the purpose of holding said election in CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Special election precinct OlQI shall consist of Carlsbad precinct TWO. P~lling Place : Cooper residence, 2831 Elmwood Street, (garage), Carlsbad, California Inspector : Helen S. Vivant, 957 Laguna Drive, Carlabad Judge : Blorence N. Getze, 2892 Jefferson Street, Carlobad Clerk : Ida M. Westree, 1288 Las Flores Drive, Carlsbad Clerk : Betty J. Smerdu, 1370 Knowlea Avenue, Carlobad Special sleetion precinct TWO shall consist of all that portion of Carlsbad precinct TIIBBLE lying within the boundaries of Lm- provement District Bo. 1 of the Carlsbad Municipal Water Dis- trict . Pelling Place: Larson residence, 2502 Jefferson Street, Carlsbad , California Inspector: Grace B. Larson, 2502 Jefferson Street, Carlsbad Judge : C. F. Christiansen, 2479 Ocean Street, Carlsbad Clerk : Base1 B. Bobinson, 215 Ocean Street, Carlsbad Clerk: Mildred Jcnsen, 370 Cedar Avenue, Carlobad Special election precinct THREE shall consist of Carlsbad precinct Om and all of that portion of the Carlsbad Xunicipal Water Dio- trict which lies seaward of the shore line of the Pacific Ocean. -3- Polling Place: Inspector: Judge : Clerk I Clerk : McCartney reaidence, 2560 Wilson Street, Carlabad, Cal ifb rnia Bertina B. &Cartmy, 2560 Wilson Street, Carlsbad, California Alice Carne, 2663 Crest Drive, Carlsbad Catherine W. Almack, 2392 Olive Drive, Carlsbad ylory 1, Pace, 2756 Highland Drive, Carlsbad Special election precinct mm shall consist of Carlsbad precinct HIIVB, and all of the portions of Horth Carlsbad B, Leucadia 1, 2 and 3, Vista 15, Olirenhain, and San Marcos, lying within the boundaries of Improvement District No. 1 ofthe Carlsbad Munici- pal Water District , Palling Place: Walter8 residence, 1826 Magnolia Avenue, Carlabad, Calif0 mia Inspect or : Dorcas 0. Jones, 3828 Highland Street, Carlabad Judge : Dolores B. McClellan, 4252 Sunnyhill Drive, Carlsbad Clerk : Alma W. Haylings, 4015 Park Drive, Carlobad Clerk: Rose L, Glines, 3920 Skyline Road, Carlsbad Special election precinct FIVE ahall consist of Carlsbad precinct FOUR. Polling Place: St. Michael's Parish Hall, 200 Oak Avenue, Carlabad, Cal i fo rnio Inspect or : Grace B. Carmicharel, 372 Pine Street, Carlabad Judge : Violet B. Wiehle, 395 Elm Avemue, Carlsbad Clerk : Ethel G. Ylallette, 2927 Madison Street, Carlsbad Clerk t Marian L, Pruitt, 380 Cedar Avenue, Carlsbad Special election precinct SIX shall consist of Carlsbad precinct FIVE. Pelling Place: Carlsbad Mutual Water Company, 601 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad , California Inspector: Harrie Y. Gibson, 3360 Garfield Street, Carlsbad Judge : Hattie $. Gibson, 3360 Garfiela Street, Carlsbad Clerk : Lucille Snyder, 3376 Garfield Street, Carlabad Clerk: Patricia S. Harhin, 2956 Roosevelt Street, Carlsbad Special elect ion precinct SEVBE shall consist of Carlsbad precinct SIX, -4- c polling Place: McLaughlin residence (garage) 771 Drive, Carlsbad, California Inspector : Cars1 A. Mchughlin, 771 Laguna Drive, Carlsbad Judge : Gladys L, Harris, 720 Arbuckle Place, Carlsbad Clerk : Veronica A. Stcen, 2606 Jefferson Street, Carlsbad Clerk: Olane F. Tucker, 751 Arbuckle Place, Carlsbad Special election precinct BIGHT aha11 consist of Carlsbad precinct SIJRIElt?. Pglling Place: St. Patrick's Church Hall, 3056 Hsrding Street, Carlsbad, California Inspector : Henrietta L. Ranson, 2952 Harding Street, Carlsbad Judge : Mable L. Gettle, 785 Grad Avenue, Carlsbad Clerk : Catherine A. Zahler, 1288 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad Clerk: Dorothy P, Mills, 3042 Harding Street, Carlsbad Special election precinct BIffE shall consi at of Carlsbad precinct EIGHT. Polling Placer Cellins residence, 1341 Oak Avenue, Carlebad, Cal ife rnirr Inspeot or : Leone a. Collins, 1341 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad Judge : Catherine Van Sickle, 3058 Valley Street, Carlsbad Clerk : Grace R. Gardner, 1149 glm Avenue, Carlsbad Clerk : Jane C. Sonnew, 10-44 Elm Avenue Carlsbad Special election precinct TEN shall consist of all of that portion of Carlsbad precinct T3N lying within the boundaries of Improve- ment District Be. 1 of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. Palling Place: Sawyers residence, 1039 Chestnut Avenue, Carlsbad, California Inspector t Nellie Y. Sawyeri, 1039 Chestnut Avenue, Carlsbad Judge : Geraldine McPherson, 1014 Palm Avenue, Carlsbad Clerk : Mary E. Brown, 3551 Highld Drive, Carlsbad Clerk: Olive Bb. Stiff, 1088 Chestnut Avenue, Carlsbad c 4 Special election precinct EL= shall consist of Carlsbad precinct ELl3VEK. Polling Place: Carlsbad Union District School, 8G1 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad , Cali fo rnia Inspector: Judge : Clerk I Clerk : 3uth J. Jones, 3536 Madison Street, Carlsbad Loie H. Fry, 438 Tamarack Avenue, Carlsbad Mary Z. Sutt on, 539% 3lm Avenue, Carlsbad Alice ?arquhar, 5368 Harding Street, Carlsbad -5- c Special elect ion precinct TWlBlLVE shall consist of Carlabad precinct TWELVE. Polling Place: Park residence, 3461 Garfield Street, Carlsbad, Cal if ornia Ins pec t o r : Effie C. Kronmiller, 3424 Carlsbad Blvd., Carlsbad Judge : Clerk : Hazel A. Roberts, 369 Hemlock Avenue, Carlsbad Blossom M, Biehl, 3248 Carlsbad Blvd,, Carlsbad Clerk : IBva E. Felt, 3392 Carlsbad Blvd., Carlsbad Special elect ion precinct THIF?IEIE19 #hall consiot of Carlabad precinct THIBEEN. psiling Plaae : Darling residence, 344 Chinquapin Avenue, Carlsbad Calif or n ia Inspector: Margaret 6. Markey, 4016 Garfield Street, Carlsbad Judge : Eleanore Killorin, 4016 Garfield Street, Carlsbad Ole rk : Marian 8, Hawkes, 731 Tamarack Avenue, Carlabad Clerk: Mabel E'. Darling, 344 Chinquapin Avenue, Carlobad Special election precinct Pr)uE1TE@i shall consist of Carlsbd precinct FOUBTEEB. Pelling Place: Briggs office, 3978 Park Drive, Carlabad, California Inspect or : Robert G. Crawford, 4178 Highland Drive, Carlabad Judge : Hasel I Helton, 4029 Sunnyhill Drive, Carlsbad Clerk : Ruth Id. Moffat , 3840 Park Drive, Carlabad Clerk: Vera E, Hermsen, 4061 Skyline Road, Carlsbad Section E). That in all particulars not recited in this resolution, said election shall be held and conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Elections Code of ths State of California so far as the same shall be applicable, except as otherwise provided in the Umicipal Water District Act ef 1911, as amended. Section 10, That the Secretary of this Board shall cause this resolution to be published once each week for two we9ks prior to the date of the election in the CBlaLSBAD JOURNAL, a newspaper of general circulation -6- printed and published in the district. three public places within said Improvement District No. 1 not less than two weeks prior to the date of election. Said notice shall also be posted in ADOPTED, SIGNED AND APPROVED this 5th day of September, 1956. ATTEST : k, A __ L4-f ( -&A President of thd Board of Dbhectors of Carlsbad Municipal Watek District h bd.U Secretarv of 'the Board of Directors of Carlsgd Municipal Water District STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) 1 88. I, MAX 0. EWALD, Secretary of the Board of Qirectors of Carlsbad Municipal !dater District, DO HERBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of said district and approved by the President of said district at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 5th day of September, 1956, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: 7 AYES : DIRECTORS: EWALD, FRY, KELLY, ROGERS, ZAHLER NOES: DIRECTORS: NONE ABSENT : DIRECTORS: NONE Secretary of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and of the Board of Directors thereof. -7- 7 ! STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) 1 SS. I, MAX 0. EWALD, Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water oistrict DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly madopted by the Board of Directors of the said district and approved by the President of said district at a special meeting of said Board held on the 17th day of September, 1956, and that it was so readopted by the following vote: AYES : DIRECTORS: EMALD, FRY, KELLY, ROGERS, ZAHLER NOES: DIRECTORS : NONE ABSENT: DIRECTORS: NONE 2y, 8. Secretary of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and of the Board of Directors thereof. -8- I, MAX 0. BWALD, Secre%ary of CBBLSBO HJHICIPAL WATZR DISYPBIW DO HXFBBY CERTIFY that the above ard fbregoing resolution is a full, true and correct statement of the facts of c~anvass of the special bond election held in Improvemnt District Bo. 1 of mid district on the 5th day of October, 1956, and of the results thereof as declared by said Board, surd said resolution as entered in full on the minutes of said Board is hereby adopted by me as my statement of the canvass of the return8 of said election d the results thereof. , Dated: October 10, 1956. h Secretary of the Board of! Directors of Carlsbad Municipal Water District