HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-10-10; Municipal Water District; Resolution 30RESOLUTION OF Itm BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CARLSBAD MURICIPAL WATB DISTRICT DECLBB- IBG TU RESULT OF CAloVASS OF ELECTION BE'PURNS OF ELECTION HELD IN IIYIPROVEUEIT DISTRICT NO. 1 OF SAID DISPRICT ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1956. The Bsard of Directors of CARLSBBD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DBI!EBBIIINE AND ORDER as follows: Srrctioa 1, That a special bond election was duly called and regularly held in Impmvement District Be. 1 of said district on the 5th day of October, 1956, at which election there was submitted te the qualified voters of said district the following preposition, to wit: PROPOSITION: Shall the Carlsbad lriunicipal Water Diotrict inuur a bonded indebtedness for Improve- met District No. 1 thereof in the principal sum sf $1,350,000 fer the purpose of the acquisition and con- etruction of a water tranemissioln pipslim with ap- purtewes and appurtenant mrks from the facilities of the Saa Die- Ceunty Water Authority lacated in the sa0 Marcos, Bacandido Area (at a peint to be approved by the S~B Diem County Water Authority) to a point within the Carlsbad Municipal Water District east of Highland Avenue, inaludirmg works, machinery and other property (imcluding lands and easements) useful amd necessary to store, convey, supply ad otherwise make use of water for the lads inhabitamts withia the erterior botuadarbs of said Impreveraemt District Bo. 1, ad including expenses of all proceedings for the authorization, issuance and sale ef the bonds? Section 2. Tbat the returns of said election have been duly and regularly canvassed by this Board as provided by law, and all ab- sentee ballots have beer returned and canvassed, Sootion 3. That the votes cast in the preoinct (8) estab- lished for said election for a9i against said prepssitien ami the total vet es cast h said precinct (e), ad the abselatee votes cast for ami agaimst said prapesitioa and the total absentee vetei, aad the tetal votes cast at said elect ion for and agaimst said proposition and upon said prspositior are as fallowst - BO TOTAL YES -- PRECrnCT HO. ONE TBO TIIR&g FOUR B IVE SIX SEVEBT EIGEPP BIIVE TEH 113 86 89 87 69 94 69 84 115 110 47 25 26 71 31 35 36 54 35 50 160 111 115 158 100 129 104 13 8 150 160 -1- c Totals in Precincts Abaerrtee Votes Total Votes Including Absentee Vote8 Section 4. YES 133 81 196 217 - 1 ,w 59 1,582 NO 31 34 52 95 569 8 v - - 577 - - TOTAL 164 115 248 260 - 2,112 47 2,159 -- That the votes of more than -wo-thirda of all ths voters voting at said election were cast in favor of the adoption of said bond proposition, and said bond proposition is hereby declared to be carried, and this Board is authorized to issue bonds for the purpose stated therein as provided by law. Sectlion 5. That the Secretary of this Board is hereby direoted to enter this resolution in fill in the minutes of this Board. ADOPTD, SIGNED AND APPROVED this 10th day of October, 1956. Billy g&yf$p C. Pr - President of the Board of Directors of Carlsbad Municipal Water District ;I UX 0. Erald Secretary of the Board of Director; of Carlsbad Munioipal Water District -2- c c- STATE OF CALIF0RHI.A ) COUNTY OF SBzlT DIEGO 1 881 I, Max 0, Eaald, Secretary of the Board of Directors of Carlabad Munioipal Water District, DO HllPRfcBY CEBTIF’Y tbat the foregoing rasolution was duly adopt& by the Board of Dimctora of said district and approved by the President of said district at an adjourned regular meeting of said Board held on the 10th day of October, 1956, and tkt it was so adopted by the following votes Director8 Bwald-, Fry, Kelly, Rogers -- - AYES : Zahler noas : Directors Fopp Director fl lone c- ABsmT: Water District and of the B&rd of Directors thereof, -3-