HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-12-12; Municipal Water District; Resolution 35RBOL~IW BQ. 35 BEsoLuTIOlf OF TBE BOARD OF D~TORS OF "E CAIUSAD MDNICIPAL U"EX DISTRICT APPROVU130 SpEczIrICAYXOBIS FOR wAIEERIAL UTER SYSTEX FOR RWROVZMFNT DISTRIV SO. 1 TBAIYSHISSIOM MAIH EBOM SUM DIEWmAQUEL)UC!I! TJ'KIT tB* FOFt 'l3B CeBBD MWI&PAL WA'PEB DIS'ilUCT, SAH DIBX COUM'Y, STATE OF CfUihRHIA;,W ."ICE INVITING SEALED BIDS-OR PROPOSALS FOR CQIOSTRUCTIW OF SAID FACm.\ -**. ..- M"EAS; the''M of IllreutOrs has heretofore declared and ascertained that it is to the best interests of Improvement Mstrict blo. 1, its citimns, taxpayerrs d residents, that a water distrihtian system-be aquired aad c~anstracM for the sale, distrihtiem and storage of water by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District for Imp- maat Mstrict lo, 1; ad c WHEREAS, Boyle Xhgineering has submitttad to the Board of Directors at thir meetbg a domuent entitled %arlsbaB Muniuipal eter District, San Mego Comty, Cal- ifomia, Contract D@h,umnts & Coastructian ZJPecifieationa, Arterial Water System for Impravtanernt .District No, 3 Tranranission Main frcna Sari Mego Aqueduct, &it @Bt, Decmmbeu?, 1956W which ecmtains Hotice Inv5ting Sealed P'rop~mb (Bfb), Infozma~orm fm?,Bldders, Nm-llollaSion Affidavit, Bid. Form, Designation of ~buontra~~rs, Agreement, Bid Bod, Performance Boai, hbor and Material Boad, Sfanilnd Provisions, De$ail Specifiaticlnzs; ami has mwtted plaas entitled w~arls~ Mcipal-Pblter btrict, Sn Mego Cmty, California, Construction Plans foygrterial ater $.steu for Lnpxwement Pistrict Ho, 1, Transmission Hain fkom-&ua Diego Aqaedmt -Unit 'Be"; aad docPansntr, and the Reds and msuurces of the astrict and Improvement District Ma. 1, believe that it is advisable that the work outlined in said plans and douuaents be mmued as s08a as praeticablet . 4. A* SBREW, the Board of Directors, after a thorough study of said pus ard said SOU, THEREEDRE, BE IT RESOLVED that said plans and said specifications be and the same are hereby approved, and the Secretary of the Mstrict is hereby aathorizsd and instructed to awe a notice invitiag sded bids or proposals for the construction of said Arterial. Water System for hpm~t District Ma. 1, 'Prassarissioa WaiB frol Saar Biego Aqueduct, mctt *Be, to be given, d-that said notice be published ace in the Carlsbad Jamraal, a Ilrarwgpaper of genera1 circulation printed in the County of Saa Diegs, State of California and circnlaM within the corporate area of the Carlsbad Municipal &ter astrict, said publieation to be do a or before the 20th day of December, 19%; and - I I BE IT FURTHER RESOWED, that the fom of dd notice, entitled mTJ~ti~ wting &~posah..(Bidr) fm the.km&ruetion of Arterial water System for,hprQvenmt District No, 1, 'lipranmission Main from Saa IUew_Bqwdmt, uait @Bt for the Carrlsbd MunidpaZ Water %strict, San Diego Cqty, .CalifsEllia*, a cow of,dd noticre having been aubdttd ts the Board at this meeting, be and the same is kameby appmd, ad the Secrretary is instructel ta file IL copy of said aotice presented to the Board at this meeting am- the permanent records of %he District; aad bl&ructed to iPitiCaland dab each page of the said qmkactdocummts and c~structicau rspcificstians and file the BE IT FUR!tllER lBS~~, that the Fascuffve Secm&ary be, ad shr, Is hereby, amq the peffaramgn.t; records of the Mstrict. I A'PPESTt -. - I- --. I. - .^ f., . . . ,. . ,. , ... . * -: