HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-02-14; Municipal Water District; Resolution 50BBSOLUTIOH NO. 50 WEEEtBA3, the Board of Direatore has heretofore dealared and ar- rrertained tht it is to the best Mierest of ItPprrrvemxxt Diatriat Bo. 1, its oitisens, taxpayera sad residdpt8, that a water distribution system be acquired Srad oonatructsb for the sale, distribution and storage of water by the Carlrbad Municipal Water Dirrtric% for Impravenant biatriat Xo. 1; and i- W€r#3lWs Boy16 Engineering ha8 aubmitted to the Board of Director8 at %his meeting a docruosnt entitled "Carlsbad Municipal Water DistrLt, Sarr Diego County, California, Contra& Doonmnts & Conatruetien Specifiaation8, Arterial Water System for hpravsaiylt District Bo. 1 Tranemission Wn from San Diego Aqueduct, Unit "A-E", Pebmary, 1967" whioh contain8 Eotice In- viting Seal& Propoaals (Bids) s Infbrmrtion for Bidder#, Ban-Collusion Af- fidavit, Bid Bow, Besigaation of Subcontractors, Bgreeaesnt, Bid Bond, Per- formanos Bond, hbor and Material Bond, S.tdard PIDTisiOn8, Detail Speoifi- cations; ad VHBgatAS, the Board of I)irsctors, after a thorough study of said plans aad aaid doonm~ts, and tbe needs snd resources of the District and fmplpdvemslt Dbtfict Bo. 1, believe that it is advisable that the work out- lined In ssid plans azld doeumeata be c-csd a8 soon a8 practicable; XOW, I-=, BE RESOL= tbst said plan8 and said 8Weifi- cation8 be and the we are hereby approved, srnd the Secretary of the Dis- trict is bbreby authoris& arrd instmcted to cause a n&iCe inviting 80ded bidr of propbsals for the construction of said Arterial Vater Sy#ten for Sapravemcmt Pirtriat Ho. 1, ~ranemiasion ]Lain from Sm Diego Aqueduct, Unit "8-2", to be given, an€ that said nutice be published on00 in the Carlsbad Jownal, a newspaper of general circulation printed in the County of &an Diego, State of California srd circulated within the corporate area of the Carlsbad Xuniaipal Vater Diatriot, Said publication to be de on or before the 81et day of February, 1957; 7 I f- I Bll I!P FUF@HEB BlicsoLVED, that the form of said notice, entitled lfotioe Inviting Sealed Propotrals (Bids] fbr the Conrtruction of Merial Water System for Improvement District 180. 1, Trauamission Main from San Biega Aqueduct, Unit "Ad" for the Cerl8ba.d Municipal Veter District, San Diego Ceunty, California", a copy of mid nothe having been aubmitted to the Board at *hi8 meeting, be and the is hereby rpproved, axxi the Seoretary is instructed to file a copy of said notice presented to the Bard at ais meeting among the permanent record8 of the bistrict; ax&€ BBI PP IFURPHEB RESOLVlUD, that ths Xxeoutive Secretary be, end she is hereby, instructed to initfal and data each page of the said contract document8 ad construction apeeifications and file the same among the germanent reoords of the District. The foreming resolution numbered 50 was duly and regularly passod and adopted at a regular adjourned meeting of the Board of Directors of the Carlabad Xmicigal Water Distriet held on the 14th day of bbruary, 1967, with a roll Call rate B8 follOw8: AlXS Directors: lbsld, m, &gerrs mer loolps Directors : Sone AB- Directors t Kelly m3?3J!r CABLSBAD MUl'?ICIkAL Wflm DI3PBICT 4 huretary of the Board of Direotors