HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-07-31; Municipal Water District; Resolution 61RESOIJJTIOH NO. 61 RESOUITION OF T€E BOARD OF DIRECZYIBS OF THE CARISRAD MUNICIPAL M"&B DUTRICT DECLaRWG THE NEWSITY FOR IkICUBRING A WNDQD IMDEBTEZWBS To BE PAXABLE FROM 'Ed;fES UEVIH) UPON LESS THAN ALL OF THE DkSTRICT ANU FZII;ING TIME AND PLACP: OF HEAIiING AND GIVING NOTICE OF HEARING. 7 1 i WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of CABISBAD MIJNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT deem it neces- sary for the District to incur a bonded indebtedness to be payable from taxes levied upon less than all of the ~irtrict. - WOW, THWEFORE, the Board of Directors of CBRISBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRIm DQES IUBEBY RGSOLYE, D- IWD 06Wm as follom: SECTION 1. That it is dearid necessary for said District to incur a bonded in- debtedness, to be payable from taxes levied upon less than all of the District for the purpose of The aquisition and construction of water transmission pipe lines with appurtenances and appurtenent works from the exitsting facilities of the ClpIUsBAD MUNICIPAL WER DIS- TRICT located along the El CasPino Real Road to points within the CARISBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT covering generally the most southerly 18,000 feet of the CARISEAD MUNICIPAL WATER I)ISTRICT, includiag works, machinery and other property (including lands and ease- ments) useful and necessary to store, convey, supply aid otherwise mak use of water for the lands and inhabitants within a portion of said CARISBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DBTRICTj and including expenses of all proceedings for the authoritation, issuance and sale of the bonds 0 SEcTIo# 2. That the amount of the proposed debt to be incurred for which bonds are t0 be issued therefore is the sum of $900,000. c SECTION 3. That this Bod intends to forol an hprovpsat district of a portion of the District which in the opinion of the Board will be benefited, the exterior boundaries of which portion are set forth on a map on file with the Secretary of the Diatrict, wbich map shall govern for all detaila as to the estent of the propoaad improvememt district, and to call an election in Such proposed isprovmumt district on a date to be fired, for the purpose of subnitting to the qualified voters thereof the proposition of incarring indebtedness by the issuance of bonds of the district for said improvement district. be levied exclusively upon the taxable pmperty in the improvement district. SECTION 4. That taxes for the payment of said bonds and the interest thereen shall 5. That a general description of the proposed impproreepent, together with a map showing the exterior boundaries of said proposed improvement district with rela- tion to the territory inmediately eontigum thereto and to the proposed improvcrnent is on file with the Secretary of the district and fs available for inspection by any person or perrons interested. SECl'IW 60 That Wednesday, the 4th dq of September, 1957, at the hour of 7t30 o'clock, Po&, on said day, hereby fixed as the *, and the meeting place of the Bod of Directors of the CARISBAD MUNICIF'AL WATBX DISTRICT at the Carlsbad City Hall., 2960 PI0 PIC0 DRIVE, ClbRZsBdD, CALIEDRNIA, is hereby fixed QO the place for a hearing by the Board of Directors of said District on the questions of the forptation of said propooed improvement district, the exteat thereof, the preposed improvement and the amount of debt to be incurred. cluding all persona owning property in the district or in the proposed improvement district, That at said time and plr~, any persnn interested, in- -, willbeheard. it S-ON 7. That the Secretary of' the Board of Directors fs hereby ordered and dip ected to cause notice of said hearing to be given by publishing a copy of tu r+csolu- tiolt at least ence each mek for two week prior tg the the for said hearing abve stated in the GARISBAD JOURNAL and by posting a copy of this resolution at least tm weeks before the time fixad for said hearing in six public places within the proposed improve- ment dirtrict. ADOPTED, SIGNED AND AppfaovED thio 3lst day sf Julr, 1957, at a Special mew of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, with roll call vote .dl follomt ' Secretary of th;l Beard of Directors ClWsBAD MUNICIPAL IIW'E~~ DISTRICT STATE OF CALIMlRNUL ) coufJT?l OF SAN DIBGO ) 1 I, MU 0. WU, Secretary of thc Board of Directors of Carlabad Municipal Water Diatrict, DO HEWBY Bod of Directore of said District and approved by the President of said District at a Special Meeting of the Board held on the 31st day of July, 1957, and that the fore- gehg is a full, true and correct copy of the Resolution 80 adopted by said Board, and that the same haa not been amended or repertled. th.t the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the - , DATJCD: July 31, 1957 Secretary of the Bod of Directerr CBRZSW Mu#ICIPAL WbsER DISTRICT .