HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-08-26; Municipal Water District; Resolution 63RE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD aF DIRECT- CF "E GABISBAD NmBcCIF'AL WAm DIST- i- BICTa6follartst lJIiEREBs, Ikctiom %, of the bnicipal Water District Act of 1% am amendad, provides thst the %ard of Mrectors of fihe Car1sba.d Ibicipel Uater lrtstrict shall de- termine the amrsnmts necessary to be rdsed by taxation during the fimal par c-mciag July 1, 1957 and ending June 30, 1958, and that the Board of Directors shall fix the rates of tax to be levied wU&h would raise the WoFlllts of mney required by the Distrid dtzring arid fiscal par; aad WHEREAS, the Board of Mrectors of the CarlsM E&nidpal Water Distrist are mqulrebd to cart- t0 the bard of Supervis4ws of the County of San Mego the rates so fixed and are required to snbsdt to the said Board of Supervisors a staterasnt in writing showing the following: a. An erstbte of the miadmn ummt of mney required to be rm bl. taxation during said fiscal year for the paylrsnt of principal and interest om amy bonded debt of the Diskict, and of Imment District b. 1 of sald Mstrict. b. An estimate of the minhm amoat of mney required to be raised taxatiarr during the af'omdd fiseal year for dl other purposes of the said DiStriCtJ aad WHEREBS, the Carlsbad Mdc?ipal Water Mstrist did arclttde certain territory from its bouadaries by Ordinance He. 7 of the Carlsbad Woipal Water District, adopted QI~ the 5th clqy of SepteHlber, 1956, which Ordinance of m-9- was filed with the Searetary ob State of the State of California on the 24th day of October, 1%; aprcl his certificate of exclusion, a certified sow of which was Filed with the County Clerk of the C0Qyt;r of San Megg on or about kvember lst, 1956; end 7 i WHEREAS, the said SeGretarg of State did 011 the 24th day of October, 1956, isme UHEREAS, at the 13th day of June, 1956, Inl#lovemnt District k. 1 ef the Gels- bad Mmiaipal Water &strict was formd, the boundaries 0f which have been filed with the Gmty €border of the County of Sm Mego as Docmpsnt He. l692 OB the 318t day of Jam- aw, 1957; WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Nmicipal Uabr District does not have any other &a- ing bonded hiebtedrrearr; NW, THEREF-, BE IT RESOLBED by the Board of Directors of the CarlsW Mm$ei- pnl Water Djstrietr sEcTIo&I OHE: mt the Board of Supervisors ef the Coaprty of San Diem be finti 1 ished wlth the fslloloing statmntr a* That the Cebbad Iqtzpieipd Water District esth&es that no mnI86 are required to be raisred by taJcatian during the aforesaid fiscal year for the par= pose of pagyent of principal and interest on any bonded debt of the Carlsbad Mmi- cipal Uabr Distriot. bo That the Carlsbad hnlcipd. Water District estimates that 824,999.33 is required to be raised by taxation during tb aforeadd fiscal par for the m- -1- c. That the C@labad Elanfoipal Uater District estimates that the aumuat of mney to be requird to be raised by taxation daring the aforesaid fisoal year for all other purposes of the Carlsbad hnicipal Uabr District is in the wunt of $22,!%.660 d. That the Carlsbad l4micipa.l Uater District estimates that the amomat of loney rtwphwd to be raised by tclxation for the next fiscal year for dl other purposes of Improvement District b. 1 of the Carlsbad Municipal Uater District is in the amunt of #9,aO9&lO - SECTIOLO TWO: That the Board of Directors of the Culsbad rrPicipal Water Mst- rict hereby detednes that the mounts neeesq to be raised by taxation dur- the fisaal year commenaing de 1, 1957 and ending June 30, 1958 are as follows: a. For Carlsbad Ehniclpsl Water Distriot: $22,516.66, bo For Xmpmmnt District h. I of the Cairlsbad Wcipal Uahr Disrt riet: $21;,m.33 for band redemption; and $9,83980 for general operatiom. SECTIOH THREZ: That the Board of Dtmetors of fhe Carlsbad hxlcipal Water District hereby fJxes the rates of taxes to be levied in the Cerlsbad Mm&cipal Water District as follavs: a. Ten cents (lo#) fer each $laom of assessed nalaation on all prom ty within the bouadariea of the Carlsbad Bhniuipl Water Mdrict, am such sasessd valuation appears on the last eqadllsed as8essed mll of the County Assessor of the County of San Diego. for emh #3fW&@ of aasessed vdualdon on dl pm= lpsrty within the boundaries of SBdpirtnerent District No. 1of the Csrlsbad Mwnluipsil Water District a8 such assessed Wmtiolas sppemr on the last eqdirsed assessabnt mXl. of the Coruyty Bsssssor of the Comty of Srsn Mep, vith atwh levy being Me for band retirement ptl1po8es. *ty prithia the bomxhries of Impxwwmmt District lb. 1 of the Carlsbad MmLeipal Water District aa such assessed valuatio~ appear on the last equalirced assessmnt for general operation pprPOS8)So bo Twelve 6ents c e. Four cents (tb) for eanh #lloo&O of assessed valuation on all preqm- '. # roll of the County desesaor of the Coamrt;l of Sam Diego, with suah levy being &e SIBCTICN FOWs That the Board of Dimutors of the Carlsbad &midpal Uater Mstrict hereby directs, that at the time and in the mer required ?q law for levying taxer fop pmposee, that the Rcmrd of Super9irporcs of the County of Sap Diego shall levy, irr addition to suoh other taxes 88 mq be levled by said Board of Supervisors9 taxes at the rates heretofore fixed on the pperty within the Carlabad Mtdeipd Water Districf and oa the property within the Iaprwemnt District Eo. 1 sf the Carlsbad lxniciyral Water Diatriut as set forth ia Se8tiOn Tlsee ab-. SECTIOLO Flvpk That the Board of Mrecturs of the Carlslmd HmicipdL Water District hereby CUrects that the temi%erJT Qcrccluded h.or the Carlsbad Mtmicripil Water MstrLct luarjler the proriaions of -est IIlO. 7 of said District shall be mbJe& to tutaticm by the Carlabad Ibicipal Water District or IrplroveaQnt District 100, 1 thereof. PASSED, APPROVED MD ADOPTED at a Speaial beting of the Board of Direutem of the Celsbad Eiuricipal Water District held at 4.toO o*clock P.M. on the 26th day of Aug- -2- A!TTEST: r I Sgcretary of the Board of Mrwtore CMiIsBAD Iul[lrNICIPAL UA!DZ DISTRICT