HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-04-02; Municipal Water District; Resolution 78RES-ON OF TRE: EtOAFUl OF DmToRs OF CARISBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DIS!IXICT AUTHCEUZIMG TRBNSFER OF FIJIIDS FROM THE COHSTRUCTION FWD, IMP- DISTRICT NO. 1 To PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST FUBD, IMPROVE~NT DISTRICT NO. 1 grP CARLSAD MUNICIPAL WAm DISTRICT. WRERRAS, the first principal and intared papnts due on the Bonds of Imprme- laetnt Hstrict No. 1, Carlsbad Municipal Water District beaaupe due on Merch 1, 1958; and WIBREAS, Carletbad M;micipd Water DIstrict has not received all the Sunds from Sa Mego Cmty Tax Collector fbom the collection of the raid Improvemnt District Taxes; to pay the said principal and interest papnts; land WHE%EAS, the Board of Directors of Carlsbad lhnlcdpal Water District are desir- ous of temporarily transferring fbmis from the construction fund of said Impwmnt District to the prinuipal and interest f'unds of said Impmenrent District to -the said prinoipal and interest paynents due March 1, 1958, NW THEREFOR, the 1, of Directors of Cmlsbad Municipal Water EIistrict does hereby re801'98, determine and order as foUws: That the Tma9urer of Carlsbad ku3aipal Water &strict is hereby authorisad to transfer $sO,000.00 from the construction fund of Ip4z31.ov8dt District 100. 1 sf said District to the principal and interest fund of Improvement District No. 1 of #aid District for the p~lrpo 8s of paying the principal and interest papnts due on the Bonds of said Imprmmnt d strict op lhrch 1, 1%8. 2, That aaid transfer is a temporary transfer of #'unda until sueh time aa suf- ficient funds are received fromthe Sari Diego County Tax Collector m other sources to rephe said ~~miea. ADOPTED, SIGNED AND APPRmD this 2nd day Qf April, ,- CARLSBW MUkCIPAL @!l'ER DISTRICT ko c. &p Secretary of %he hard of Directors Y I- - -- , Secretary of %he hard of Directors CARISaAb PUKICCIPAL WAmR DISTRICT STBTE OF CALIFOR?JIAr COUlffy o[p SAN DTEOO: t 88, I, MAX 0. EUALB, Secretary of the Board of Directors of Cmlsbad HolJicipal Water District, do hemby certify that the foregoing resolutfon was duly adopted by the, Board of Direators of said district at a regular meting; of said Board held on the %nd day of April, 1958, and that it was so adopted by the folldng vote: CAFtL& MJNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT