HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-07-03; Municipal Water District; Resolution 465RESOLUTION NO. 465 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AMENDING THE ADMINISTRATIVE CODE FOR COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has determined that it is necessary to amend the Administrative Code of Costa Real Municipal Wa+er District in order to implement changes to article four (4); and WHEREAS, it is the Board's desire that such changes are to be effective as of July 1, 1985; and WHEREAS, the changes are described in Exhibit 1, attached hereto; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors does hereby amend the Administrative Code to effect the changes as 7 described in Exhibit 1. I ADOPTED, SIGNED AND APPROVED this 3rd day of July, 1985. %~NICIPAL WATER DISTRICT of Directors thereof ATTEST: COSTA REAL WATER DISTRICT and the Boa thereof APPROVED AS TO FORM: - c- i i EXHIBIT 1 1 I 1 I I I I I I I L---*- P) 8 1 COSTR REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE CODE 4 TITLE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS Latest Revision July 3, 1985 ARTICLE 4. CLASSI€IED POSITIONS - -- See. 4.1 General. All employees of the District, except the General Manager, Controller, Engineer, and Superintendent of Operations; shall hold classified positions with salary ranges established by the Board of Directors. The General Manager, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, is hereby authorized to determine the salaries of individual employees of the District within the limits soestablished, as hemay inhis discretion determine such employees's merit, A1 1 classified positions, with the exception of part-time classifications, shall be considered full-time positions and may be either temporary or regular. All full-time employees shall be expected to work the regularly scheduled hours in each work week. All employees shall be examined by a licensed physician prior to beginning work, and shall present a written statement signed by the physician that the individual is physically able to perform the work for which he or she is being hired. The physical examination shall be at the District's expense. See. 4.2 - Job Description Manual. The General Manager shall maintain in an up-to-date condition a job Description Manual which shall give in brief, concise terms for each classified position: -- (a) A general definition of the position. (b) The typical tasks which the holder of the position shall be called upon to perform: and (c) The employment standards giving education and experience requirements for the position. Sec.4.3. Position - and -- Sal9 Range. The General Manager shall submit annually to the Board, at the time of preparing the preliminary budget, a list of the COSTP. REAL MUNIiZIPAL WATER DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE CODE ARTICLE - 4. CLASSIFIED POSITIONS 4 'I TITLE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS Latest Revi s ion July 3, 1985 Position and Salary Ranae. The General Manager shall submit annually to the Board, at the time of -. --- See. 4-3- -- preparing the preliminary budget, a list of the classified positions recommended for following fiscal year, and the recommended salary range for each position. The Board, after receiving the recommendation of the General Manager and after full consideration of the recommendation, shall adopt a Classification and Compensation Plan giving a salary range for each position which shall then become the basis for all salaries paid to classified personnel during the fiscal year. . COSTR REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT - ADM 114 I STRAT 1 VE CODE 4 I 2& 10 TITLE: I CLASSIFIED POSITIONS La t es t Rev i s i on I July 3, 1985 ARTICLE 4. CLASSIFIED POSITIONS (Continued) Sec. 4.4. Salary Schedule and Job Classification. A Salary Schedule and Job Classification is hereaby estab- -- -- - - -- lished and is set SALLARY RANGE NUMBER Board Approved Board Approved Board Approved Board Approved 53 43 39 39 38 38 34 34 31 31 31 31 31 28 28 27 25 25 22 16 Board Approved - forth as follows: - JOB CLASSIFICATION General Manager Controller Engineer Superintendent Senior Engineering Technician Engineering Technician I11 Construction/Maintenance System Foreman Inspector Engineering Technician I1 Se-rvice Supervisor Engineering Technician I System Operator I11 Warehouse Supervisor Construction/Maintenance Worker I11 Equipment Operator Executive Secretary System Operator I1 Construction/Maintenance Worker I1 Account Clerk I11 Construction/Maintenance Worker I System Operator I Account Clerk I1 Account Clerk I Part Time Foreman A new employee shall be employed in the Salary Range for that particular Job Classification. After the successful completion of a six month probationary period, the new employee may be considered for a salary increase. This increase ~~ COSTR REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ADM I N I STRAT I VE CODE - I 4 Ipage ?OGf ? CLASSIFIED POSITIONS ~- Latest Revision July 3, 1985 ARTICLE 4. - CLASSIFIED POSITIONS (Continued) -- Sec. 4.4. Payroll Ranges. RANGE 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 A 522.40 533.60 544.80 556.00 568.00 580.80 592.QO 604.80 618.40 631.20 644.80 658.40 672.80 688.00 703.20 719 . 20 735.20 750.40 767.20 784 . 00 800.80 818.40 836.80 855.20 875.20 894.40 914 . 40 936.00 956.80 979.20 - Bi-Weekly - 1985-86 B - 544.80 556 . 00 568.00 580.80 592.00 604.80 618.40 631.20 644.80 658 . 40 672.80 688 . 00 703.20 719 . 20 735.20 750.40 767.20 784 . 00 800.80 818 . 40 836.80 855.20 875 . 20 894.40 914. 40 936.00 956.80 979.20 1001.60 1023 . 20 C - 568.00 580.80 592.00 604.80 618.40 631.20 644.80 658.40 672.80 688.00 703.20 719.20 735.20 750.40 767.20 784.00 800.80 818.40 836.80 855.20 875.20 894.40 914.40 936.00 956.80 979.20 1001.60 1023.20 1047.20 1068.00 D 592.00 604.80 618.40 631.20 644.80 658.40 672.80 688.00 703.20 719.20 735.20 750.40 767.20 784.00 800.80 818.40 836.80 855.20 875.20 894.40 914.40 936.00 956.80 979.20 1001.60 1023.20 1047.20 1068.00 1089.60 1111.20 - E - 618 . 40 631.20 644 . 80 658 . 40 672.80 688 . 00 703.20 719 . 20 735.20 750.40 767.20 784.00 800.80 818 . 40 836.80 855.20 875.20 894.40 914 . 40 936.00 956.80 979.20 1001.60 1023 . 20 1047.20 1068.00 1089.60 1111 . 20 1134.40 1156.80 COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ADM I N I STRAT I VE CODE - CLASSIFIED POSITIONS w Latest Revis ion July 3, 1985 ARTICLE - 4. CLASSIFIED POSITIONS (Continued) - -- Sec. 4.4. Payroll Ranges. Bi-Weekly - 1985-86 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 1001. 60 1023 . 20 1047. 20 1068 . 00 1089.60 1111 ., 20 1134. 40 1156. 80 1180.00 1203 . 20 1227 . 20 1252 . 00 1276. 80 1302.40 1328 . 80 1355. 20 1382.40 1410.40 1438.40 1467. 20 1496.80 1526.40 1556. 80 1588 . 00 1620 . 00 1047 -20 1068- 00 1089. 60 1111 . 20 1134. 40 1156.80 1180.00 1203 -20 1227.20 1252. 00 1276. 80 1302.40 1328 -80 1355 -20 1382 . 40 1410. 40 1438 . 40 1467.20 1496 . 80 1526 . 40 1556.80 1588. 00 1620. 00 1652. 00 1684.80 1089.60 1111 . 20 1134.40 1156 . 80 1180 . 00 1203 20 1227 -20 1252.00 1276.80 1302.40 1328.80 1355.20 1382.40 1410- 40 1438 40 1467 . 20 1496- 80 1526. 40 1556.80 1588.00 1620.00 1652- 00 1684.80 1718.40 1752.80 1134.40 1156.80 1180. 00 1203.20 1227 . 20 1252. 00 1276.80 1302.40 1328 . 80 1355.20 1382.40 1410.40 1438.40 1467 . 20 1496.80 1526. 40 1556 . 80 1588 . 00 1620.00 1652 . 00 1684.80 1718. 40 1752.80 1788 . 00 1824. 00 1180 . 00 1203 . 20 1227 . 20 1252.00 1276.80 1302.40 1328 . 80 1355.20 1382.40 1410 . 40 1438.40 1467.20 1496.80 1526.40 1556.80 1588- 00 1620.00 1652.00 1684.80 1718. 40 1752 . 80 1788.00 1824.00 1860 . 00 1897.60 COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WAER DlSTRlC T - ADMI:.I ISTRATIVE CODE 2dl I Page 4 TITLE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS Latest Revision July 3, 1985 ARTICLE 4. 'CLASSIFIED POSITIONS (Continued) Sec. 4.4. - Salary Schedule ----- and Job Classification. (Continued) - - All employees shall be evaluated at least annually. Evaluations shall be based upon the individual's aptitude, ability and attitude to perform assigned work and job responsibilities. NOTE: See Payroll Ranges, Page 2A of this Section. . Y . COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ADMl N I STRATI VE CODE ARTICLE 4. CLASSIFIED POSITIONS Page of 4 I TITLE: CLASSIFIED POSITIONS Latest Revi s ion July 3, 1985 -- Sec. 4.9. Underfilling a Position. Di strict and its employees to encourage employee development. One procedure available to the General Manager to assist in employee development is to fill a budgeted position at a lower classification than budgeted. The employee who then would be underfilling the position would be encouraged to gain the qualifications necessary for permanent employment at the level of the budgeted classification. the General Manager the authority to utilize this procedure at his/her discretion. It is in the best interests of the The Board grants STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) ) ss. I, FRED W. MAERKLE, Secretary of the COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT and of the Board of Directors thereof, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of said District at a regular meeting of the Board held on the 3rd day of July, 1985, and that it was adopted by the following vote: AYES: Directors : Almack , Haas 1 , Bonas NOES: . Directors: Kelly ABSENT : Directors : None ABSTAIN: Di rectors: Maerkle COSTA REAL MUNIC Q.1"41 WATER DISTRICT and of the Boar o Directors thereof