HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-01-21; Municipal Water District; Resolution 531RESOLUTION NO. 531 RESOLUTION OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT DEVELOPING A PROCEDURE FOR ARTICLE 2, SECTION 2-11 OFFICERS OF THE BOARD, AND SECTION 2.2, COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD, IN THE ADMINISTRATIVE CODE WHEREAS, the Board of Directors felt it was important to develop a procedure for establishing officers of the Board in accordance with existing District policy and applicable Water Code sections, and & WHEREAS, the Board of Directors also wanted to form- alize a policy for appointing committees of the Board, also in accordance with District policy and applicable Water Code Sections 71250 through 71365: e NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Costa Real Municipal Water District does hereby resolve and order that the District's Administrative Code shall be amended according to the attachments, Sections 2.1 and 2.2. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 21st day of January, 1987. - Suwan M. Haasl, President Board of Directors COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT . Henldy, Secreifary c of Directors - REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT COSTR REAL 2 MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Page lof . _. . - .. .- . . - . . - . . . . . - . ADMINISTRATIVE CODE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Latest Revi s ion January 21, 1987 I ORGANIZATION OF THI ARTICLE 2. ORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ,I Sec. 2.1. Officers of the Board 2.1.1. The officers shall consist of the Presid'ent, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Assistant Sec- retary/Treasurer, and they shall serve for a two-year term or until their successors are elected. Elections shall be held at the first meeting of the Board in January of the odd numbered years. A. President. It shall be the duty of the President to preside over thcmeetings of the Board of Directors, appoint committee members, appoint organizational repre- sentatives, and perform such other duties and responsi- bilities as required or imposed by law or a majority of the Board of Directors. The President shall not serve more than one consecutive term. The President shall be nominated by Division, with the rotation of Divisions being 2, 4, 3, 1, 5. B. Vice-president. The Vice-president shall exercise the powers and duties of the President, if the President is absent or unable to act: The Vice Pres- ident shall be the retiring President. C. Secretary. The Secretary shall authenticate all of- ficial records of the District, certify all records wherever required and where necessary, and perform such other duties and responsibilities as imposed upon the Secretary by law or by a majority of the Board of Directors. In the absence of the Secretary, the duties of the Secretary shall be performed by the Assistant Secretary. D. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all monies of the District. Such monies shall be paid out upon the presentation of legal demands by the District when due. The Treasurer shall cause to be reviewed the Investment Policy of the District at least annually. The Treasurer shall cause to have prepared a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. In the absence of the Treasurer, the duties of the Treasurer shall be performed by the Assistant Treasurer. i- I' I 2 /- Page2 of 1' COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ADMINISTRATIVE CODE I Latest Revision 1 January 21, 1987 ARTICLE 2. ORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS (continued) Sec. 2.1. Officers of the Board (continued) E. Assistant Secretary/Treasurer. The Assistant Sec- . retary/Treasurer shall serve in the absence of the Secretary o'r Treasurer. Sec. 2.2. Committees of the Board 2.2.1. The committees designated below shall be the standing committeesOof the Board. Each committee shall have two members of the Board, one of whom will be des- ignated as chair. Appropriate staff members will be assigned to serve each committee. 2.2.2. Meetings. Each committee shall meet at times to be agreed upon by the committee members, and shall consider matters referred to it by the Board or matters within the scope of its duties which are presented to it by its members or the General Manager. 2.2.3. Standing Committees 18 Finance and Administration. The duties and functions of this committee shall be to study, advise and make recom- mendations to the Board of Directors with regard to: ( i) The sale of bonds and the borrowing and repayment of money; the adoption of budgets; the dispo- sition and investment of reserve funds; the levying of taxes; the amounts and kinds of insurance to be carried; the form and contents of accounts, reports and financial statements; and the employment of auditors and the contents of their periodic and annual reports. ( ii) Policies pertaining to the sources and means of obtaining additional water from sources outside of the San Diego County Water Authority as required; and the pricing of water and the conditions governing sales and exchanges. COSTR REAL 3 Page of : MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE CODE TITLE: ORGANIZATION OF TH BOARD OF DIRECTORS Latest Rev is ion ARTICLE 2. ORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS (continued) Sec. 2.2. Committees of the Board (continued) 2.2.3. Standing Committees (continued) (iii) The acknowledgment and honoring of directors, em- ployees, and others for their services. ( iv) Changes in the Administrative Code based upon ex- Engineering and Opsrations. The duties and functions of this committee shall be to study, advise and make recom- mendations to the Board of Directors with regard to: perience and the best administrative practices. ( i) The operation, protection and maintenance of all District storage facilities, distribution systems and related works and equipment required for operation of the system. ( ii) The preparation of plans and specifications and the receiving of bids; the ipitiation, sched- uling, contracting and performance of con- struction programs and work. (iii) The purchase and acquisition of lands, rights-of- way and easements required by the District; the employment of duly qualified appraisers; the cus- todianship of the reports of such appraisers; the price to be offered property owners in full settlement of the conveyance of title or easement rights to the District, and in satisfaction of any damages to improvements or crops that may be suffered by reason of such acquisitions. ( ivl Defining, reviewing and examining the long range goals and needs of the District with particular emphasis on activities which will encourage progress in water quality, water reclamation, desalting technology, and other innovative devel- opments which could reduce the District's de- pendence on imported water. .. I ! i 1 \ i i COSTR REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT . .. . .. ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Page of 3 TITLE: ORGANIZATION OF T BOARD OF DIRECTOB Latest Revision January 21, 1987 Sec. 2.2. Committees of the Board (continued) 2.2.3. Standing Committees (continued) .. .. ( v) Studying, reviewing and making recommendations to the Board of Directors with regard to compliance of actions of the District with the local Guidelines established by the District in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended; and to give special con%rderation to environmentally related matters . Personnel. The duties and functions of this committee shall be to study, advise and make recommendations to the Board of Directors with regard to: ( i) The form of the District's organization, in- cluding the flow of authority and responsibility; the employment of consultants, advisors and spec- ialists and the conditions of their employment. ( ii) The organization and classification of positions, job duties, salaries, employees' organizations, and pension plans. (iii) Interviewing and recommending individuals to serve as General Manager of the District. Public Information. The duties and functions of this committee shall be to study, .advise and make recommen- dations to the Board of Directors with regard to: ( i) The formulation of plans and programs to inform, educate and advise the public in regard to the District's activities and responsibilities, its historical background, its plans for the future, and its relation to and participation with other governmental agencies in the water industry. I I I-: i c Page of 7 COSTR REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE CODE TITLE: ORGANIZATION OF TI OF DIRECTOR! Latest Rev i s ion I January 21, 1987 ARTICLE 2. ORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS (continued) .. Sec. 2.2. Committees of the Board (continued) 2.2.3. Standing Committees (continued) Legal and Legislative. The duties and functions of this committee shall be to study, advise and make recommen- dations to the Board of Directors with regard to: ( il Litigation and pending litigation in which the District is p party thereof. ( ii) Changes in legislation or proposed legislation which affectsthe District in its roleas amuni- cipal water district. (iii) The formulation of legal and legislative programs which will enhance the District's abilities to perform its water delivery responsibilities. ( iv) Studying, reviewing and making recommendations to the Board with regard to qompliance with established guidelines of the federal and state governments. 2 . 2 . 4. The President of the Board shall appoint temporary com- mittees on an as needed basis. Each committee shall have two members of the Board, one of whom will be des- ignated as chair. Appropriate staff members will be assigned to each committee. Temporary Committees. STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 1 1 ss I, JOHN P. HENLEY, Secretary of COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT and of the Board of Directors thereof,' do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of said District at a regular meeting of the Board held on the 21st day of January, 1987, and that it was adopted by the following vote: AYES : Directors: Bonas, Henley, Woodward and Haasl NOES : Directors: None ABSENT: Directors: Maerkle