HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-03-01; Municipal Water District; Resolution 606Resolution No. 606 I RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, MAKING APPLICATION TO THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION FOR CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF AN ALTERNATIVE PROPOSAL WHEREAS, the Costa Real Municipal Water District h received notice pursuant to Government Code Section 56829 fr the Executive Officer of the Local Agency Formation Commissi that a sufficient petition has been filed proposing the Distri be established as a subsidiary district of the City of Carlsba and WHEREAS, The Board of Directors has adopted Resolution E 604 pursuant to Government Code Section 56830 in opposition the Petition and stating its intent to file an Alternati Proposal ; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved, determined and ordered, follows: 1. This application is made pursuant to Division 3 of Title (commencing with section 56000) of the Government Code a Article IV of the Rules of the San Diego Local Agency Formati Commission. 2. The nature of the proposal is as follows: I (a) The annexation of certain territory to the Cos Real Municipal Water District as described Exhibit ggA*g attached hereto and made part hereof; (b) The detachment of certain territory from t Olivenhain Municipal Water District as described said Exhibit grAgg ; and (c) The authorization to exercise the followin Function and Services as classified at section 4 of the Rules of the Commission: FUNCTION SERVICES Sewer Reclamation Transportation 3. The reasons for the proposal are as follows: I (a) The exchange of territory with the Olivenha Municipal Water District represents a bounda adjustment that reflects the actual servi ,capabilities and commitments of the. two affect 3. I I I Di stricts; (b) The authorization to exercise latent powers permit the Costa Real Municipal Water Distrj undertake a beneficial and necessary progr distributing non-potable water for use in lj the use of imported water as part of a progl water resource management and conservation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Local Agency For1 Commission is hereby requested to initiate and cc proceedings and to approve this application. The Secretary to the Board of Directors is hereby direcl file a certified copy of this Resolution with the Exe Officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission. ADOPTED, SIGNED AND APPROVED this 1st day of March, 1989. ATTEST: drA 91 v Pr #ident, Boar-rectoes 1 -2- ZXHIBIT "A" Beginning at a point on the centerline of right-of-way XI-SD-5, said point also being the centerline of U.S. Interstate 85 and accepted as STATION POINT 1684+50, thence north 74" 06'15" east i distance of 428.30 feet to a point on a 419.98 foot radius curve concave northwesterly, a radial line to said point being south 52" 50'13" east, thence northerly along said curve through a central angle of 3O041'O5'' a distance of 224.92 feet, thence north 06"28'42" east a distance of 91.60 feet to the beginn.ir.g of a tangent 479.98 foot radius curve concave southeasterly, thence northeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 15"41'36" a distance of 131.47 feet, thence south 00°42'08" east a distance of 65.19 feet to THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Beginning at said true point of beginning thence north 12'54'42' east 23.76 feet to the beginning a tangent 399.99 foot radi-,r curve concave southeasterly thence northeasterly along said cur-e through a central angle of 19"36'10" a distance of 136.85 fee:, thence north 610 19'54" east, a distance of 66.66 feet to t:"e beginning of a tangent 4051.00 foot radius curve conca-:e westerly, thence northeasterly along said curve through a centr~l angle of 7"23'27" a distance of 522.56 feet, thence nor::? 53"56'27" east 240.90 feet to the beginning of a tangent 1349.:,0 foot radius curve concave southerly, thence northeasterly alorz said curve through a central angle of 19" 02'27" a distance sf 448.31 feet, thence north 72°58'54" east 341.26 feet to t?..e beginning of a tangent 1349.00 foot radius curve conca-.-e southerly, thence easterly along said curve through a centr2.i angle of 18"11'59" a distance of 428.50 feet, thence sour:? 88"49'07" east 1398.05 feet to the beginning of a tangent 1451.CC foot radius curve co~lcave northerly thence northeasterly alozs said curve through a central angle of 12" 35'04" a distance zf 318.70 feet, thence north 78"35'48" 987.09 feet to the beginnizz of a tangent 1649.00 foot radius curve concave southerly then:? easterly and southeasterly along said curve through a cent721 angle of 4Z008'54" a distance of 1213.05 feet, thence sour? 59"15'18" west 1153.56 feet to the beginning of a tangent lj51.IC foot radius curve concave northerly thence southeasterly aiozg said curve through a central angle of 35" 57'41" a distance :f 973.48 feet, thence north 84"47'00" east 739.82 feet to a poi:: on a 3399.99 foot radius curve, concave southwesterly, a radigl line to said point being south 73'16'59" west, northwester:: along said curve also being the centerline of Road Survey 1800-1, a distance of 51.97 feet to the intersection of Road Survey 17>; said intersection also being a point on the boundary line -f Costa Real Municipal Water District, thence south along sal? Costa Real Municipal Water District boundary south 84-47 west 686.20 feet to the beginning of a tangent 1499.99 foot radi-:s curve concave southeasterly thence northwesterly along said cur';? through a central angle of 21"56'43" a distance of 574.52 fee: thence north 610 01'54" west a distance of 2108.75 feet, ther.rr south 83"47'23" west a distance of 2312.80 feet, thence nor:? 87"33'02" west 1429.92 feet, thence south 68" 39'01" west 5 distance of 1034.25 feet, thence south 51"17'33" west a distanz? of 789.67 feet, thence south OO"42'08" east 219.82 feet to ?-:- TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. I I ., ..- 6 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 I 1 ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 1 I, MARGARET J. BONAS, Secretary of COSTA REAL MUN WATER DISTRICT and of the Board of Directors thereof, do Certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted 1 Board of Directors of said District at a meeting of the held on the 1st day of March, 1989, and that it was adop the following vote: AYES : Directors: Maer kl e, Hen1 ey , Bonas and Wood NOES : Directors : Greer ABSENT : Directors: None I ABSTAIN: Directors: None PAL WATER DI f Directors th I