HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-06-19; Municipal Water District; Resolution 667I1 @ @ I. 1 2 3 4 5 RESOLUTION NO. 667 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, ADOPTING THE FINAL OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGETS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1990-91 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Carl sbad Municipal Watc 6 Operating Budget. 9 public hearings as are necessary prior to the adoption of the fina 8 Improvements Program Budgets for fiscal year 1990-91 and has held SUC 7 District has reviewed the proposed final Operating and Capit; 10 'I. 12 Carlsbad Municipal Water District as follows: 13 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That certain documents now on file in the office of the Cit l4 Clerk of the City of Carlsbad entitled "City of Carlsbad, California 199C l5 91 Operating and 1990-91 to Buildout Capital Improvement Program Budget l6 as amended in accordance with Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporate l7 by reference herein, shall be and the same is hereby adopted as the fina l8 Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budgets for the Carlsba I' 1 Municipal Water District for the fiscal year 1990-91. 20 21 1989-90 are hereby adopted as the final budgeted revenues for 1989-90. 22 4. That the amount designated as 1990-91 Budget in Exhibit A i 23 hereby appropriated to the department or fund for which it is designated 24 and such appropriation shall be neither increased nor decreased except a 25 provided herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of th I 3. That the amounts reflected as estimated revenues for fiscal yea I 26 27 transfers of budget funds: 5. That the foll owing control s are hereby placed on the use an 28 /// I? @ e I I1 a. No expenditure of funds shall be authorized unless I 2 Manager as described bel ow. 3 sufficient funds have been appropriated by the City Council or Citj 4 b. The City Manager may authorize all transfers of funds fron 5 c. The City Manager may authorize transfers of funds betweer 6 account to account within any department. departments within the same fund in an amount up to $15,000 per transfer. 7 a d. The City Manager may authorize the expenditure of funds for g excess of $15,000 will be governed by Section 3.28 of the Municipal Code, 10 various purposes in amounts up to $15,000. Any expenditure of funds ir 11 e. The City Council must authorize all transfers of funds fron 12 f. The City Council must authorize any increase in the number 13 the budgeted Contingency Account. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 , I of authorized permanent personnel positions above the level identified ir the final Budget. The City Manager may authorize the hiring of ternporar) or part time staff as necessary, within the 1 imits imposed by the control: listed above. g. The City Manger may approve the change orders on pub1 ic works contracts in amounts up to $15,000, if sufficient appropriated fund: are available. ' /// ~ /// /// /// /// I 26 /// 27 /// /// 28 @ @ 1 6. That all appropriations for outstanding encumbrances as of Jun 2 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbz 4 ob1 i gat i ons. 3 30, 1990 are hereby continued into 1990-91 for such contracts ar I 5 6 Municipal Water District Board of Directors held on the 19th day ( NOES: None 8 AYES: Board Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson 7 June , 1990, by the following vote, to wit: 9 ABSENT: None 10 /f/ 2: //""' ~~, ,/2- r /#!.d{i#;; / ,/" 11 - ,,,,; -/ .I / ;J/ f ~,,:~~/r-~L- CLAUDE A: 'LEWrS, PFesTdEnt 12 13 ATTEST: 14 &ktL R.R- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, Secretar). I l5 (SEAL) 16 17 18 19 2o I 21 /I 22 23 24 25 26 I 27 28 0 0 EXHIBIT "f PROGRAM : WATER DISTRIBUTION FUND : WATER DISTRICT DEPARTMENT: CARLSBAD WATER DISTRICT I 1987-88 1988-89 ACTUAL ACTUAL PERSONNEL 14,601,877 11,362,258 CAPITAL OUTLAY 4,189,000 3,521,341 MAINTENANCE OPERATION $ 1,298,986 $ 1,264,625 GRAND TOTAL 31 28.4 POSITIONS $20,089,863 $16,148,224 - - 1989-90 1990-91 BUDGET BUDGET $ 801,967 12,035,750 5,902,880 5,428,050 3,078,691 $ 1,996.398 $ 9,783.538 $ 19,460,198 31 35 WORK PROGRAM: Provide all services required for the acquisition, storage and distribution of the potable and reclaimed 1 supplies to consumers within the District's service area. I I 0 PROGRAM : ADMINISTRATION FUND : WATER DISTRICT DEPARTMENT: CARLSBAD WATER DISTRICT I 1987-88 1988-89 ACTUAL ACTUAL I PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 269,996 3.950.500 3,310,741 $ 241,964 59,500 0 GRAND TOTAL POSITIONS 6.6 6.0 ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ $ 3,589.737 $ 4.251.964 ~ ~~ ~ 0 1989-90 BUDGET BUDGET 1990-91 $ 148,506 5,169,350 2,978,631 $ 394,942 40,000 34,000 $ 3,127,137 $ 5,604,292 ~ 6.6 6.6 I WORK PROGRAM: Monitor the activities of the Oistrict to ensure compliance with all of the District's administrative polici These activities include accounting, cash management and public education. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Accountinq: Conduct the accounts payable/ 1. Maintain an investment portfolio that meets receivable, payroll, and cash management functions District's cash flow needs, and outperforms of the District. return of U.S. Treasury securities. Risk Manaqement: Administer property and liability 1. Do not exceed the average years's expenses insurance policies through the Association of property and liability insurance claims ($7,: California Aqcncies/Joir~t Powers Insurance year). Authority, including claims settlement. Public Education: Provide a wide variety of 1. Develop a public education program that inc11 programs and assistance including customer various activities throughout the year, not c newsletters, water conservation materials, and during the sumner months. educational programs within Carlsbad schools. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. I 0 0 PROGRAM: ENGINEERING FUND: WATER DISTRICT DEPARTMENT: CARLSBAD WATER DISTRICT I. 1987-88 1988-89 ACTUAL ACTUAL PERSONNEL 5,025 13,100 CAPITAL OUTLAY 24,500 29,000 MAINTENANCE OPERATION $ 404,437 $ 404,806 GRAND TOTAL 8.4 7.4 POSITIONS $ 433,962 $ 446,906 - -. _. - 2 1989-90 BUDGET $ 250,955 6,000 44,000 $ 300.955 8.4 - _. - - - - 1990-91 BUDGET $ 597.478 7,500 8,000 $ 612.978 9.4 WORK PROGRAM: Perform the complete range of in-house engineering services. Primary responsibilities are plan ctwki inspection, mapping and some facility design. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Plan Checkinq: Review and correct plans submitted 1. Maintain a two week turnaround time for p for developments within the Oistrict's service area to ensure compatibility with approved specifications. I checking of private developments. - Ha-: Develop computer-based mapping system. 1. Create a mapping book of the potable water SYS for use by Operatlons personnel. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. I a PROGRAM: OPERATIONS FUND : WATER DISTRICT DEPARTMENT: CARLSBAD WATER DISTRICT I PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSITIONS -I 1987-88 ACTUAL $ 589,823 181,600 142,200 $ 917,773 15 - 1 1988-89 ACTUAL $ 652,585 214,000 192.975 $ 1,023,060 16 - A e 1989-90 BUDGET $ 402,506 94,060 110,750 $ 607,316 16 - - 1990-91 BUDGET I I -I $ 1,003,978 251,200 110,750 $ 1,365.928 i l9 I WORK PROGRAM: Conduct all activities associated with the operations and maintenance of the water system. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Operat ions: Continuously monitor and ad just 1. Respond and investigate all customer compla facilities within the District's distribution normally within two hours and not more than system to ensure availability of an adequate water supply that meets all applicable standards. I working day. Construction/Haintenance: Repair existing and install new facilities with the least amount of water-service disruption. 1. Provide water service where disruptions do normally exceed more than eight hours. Safety: Training employees and making available 1. Reduce worker's compensat ion claims from materials, supplies and training necessary to previous year (3). provide a safe working environment for all. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Improving reliability of the water distribution system with the creation of a valve maintenance program. I ., I I I *I +H 1 OH t *I ou I on I -II : 0 11 I I1 I nm t(: 0 0 0 N f n n 11 )I ll I 000 i E 3. 000 0- 0- 9 1 i: e3g 00 .. 8 ~n u* II "6 E a4 n 2ij i eq - zg! 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