HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-05-19; Municipal Water District; Resolution 789-I L . I fl . 1 2 3 4 5 6 II 7 8 9 10 11 12 I 14 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 I 26 25 27 28 0 e RESOLUTION NO. 789 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT FOR ORDERING TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS SOUTH CARLSBAD STATE BEACH REORGANIZATION ANNEXED TO THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AND DETACHED FROM THE SAN DIEGUITO WATER DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Local Agency Formation Commission County of San Diego adopted its Resolution No. RO 91-11 on 6, 1992, making determinations and approving the F annexation to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and det from San Dieguito Water District of territory described in A and B, attached hereto and by this reference incorporated and WHEREAS, the terms and conditions of annexa- approved by the Local Agency Formation Commission are as 1 Paragraph (6) , a) and b) of the Local Agency Formation Commj Resolution No. RO 91-11; and WHEREAS, the reasons for the annexation are: Rec District boundaries to coincide with City boundaries; and WHEREAS, the regular county assessment rolls are I by this District; and WHEREAS, the affected territory will not be t2 existing general bonded indebtedness of this District; an( WHEREAS, the Board of Directors agrees wit: findings pursuant to LAFCO Resolution RO 91-11, paragraph pursuant to Section 15320 of the State CEQA Guidelines, thl amendment and reorganization are not subject to the envirc impact evaluation process because the proposals consist of in organization of government agencies which does not chi 1 ' II 0 0 I2 1 area in which previously existing powers are exercised; an authorized this Board to conduct proceeding in complian, 3 WHEREAS, the Local Agency Formation Commissj 4 LAFCO Resolution RO 91-11 without notice and hearing. 5 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Di 6 territory described in Exhibit A and B, attached hereto an( 7 of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District hereby ordc detached from the San Dieguito Water District and dire 9 part hereof, annexed to the Carlsbad Municipal Water Distl 8 10 Secretary of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District to tram 11 (6) certified copies of this resolution with applicab 12 required by Section 54902.5 of the Government Code to the el I 13 County. 14 officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission Of Sa 15 Municipal Water District held on the 19th day of 16 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a/meetlng of the ( AYES: Board Members Lewis, Larson, Stanton, Nygaard 18 1992, by following vote, to wit: 17 special MA 19 I NOES: None 20 21 ABSENT : Board Member 22 I ATTEST : KRANZ, Secretary KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Assistant Secretary I 25 CMWD 86-101 26 ( SEAL) 27 28 ll 2 . . - . . , - - ' , R091-11 at€~ Carisbad State Be3& Rcnrg ("xd Mmidpai Water Dis~ "=Ti;"" I ALZ br portion of be suhwesr qucLer of sedan 33, t0-W 12. south, range 3 wesi : Be-Wdino 3ae and MeS&a in &e Ciqq of &&bad, co~~ or' sa Diego, Stale m-oha, according to znited stares GOve.nment surde?. lying within the follow descn'oed boundaries: Beginning at the intersecrion of tile north he of lot 10 of said section 33, a~ said lot I shown on the record of Survey ,t". 528 Eied in the Office of the Counq Recorder of Diego County, Februq 7,1976, with the mnbeasreriy boundary line of the California S Highway, Road XI-SD-2-3 (foor;ne=ly u- s. 101, as located in JirIy 1%5), as described ir, Deed to the State of CaE-omiq rerorded April 9, 1935 in Eook 385, Page 451, off Record of said Couny, sad nor& lice of said lor 10 being idso the soulherb me;.Jlder of the Salt Marsh of rhe Faticjuitos Lagoon. as tbe said meander line of the said Salt ?VI is shown and de?ic;ed u?on the piat if F:;c-Jond Townskip 12 South, rarm 3 v.'tSL B. & hi-, dated OC;G'C,~~ 25, IST~, cn fie in the u. S. SurbTe];or Gsnerai'j offic?. c Fraxisco, Caiiiornia: Thenc= 5cntzPLly scx=;T2~~=~=l., dzzq Salt mzz3-225==r-y 122-2 t3 t:-,t li2e =, =.lEz c3r"t~n tsze 2252r.2'=, EG fee= iz w:Ci=-z, c=r.-=i"i- tz M. R. B-nd P-cSr31/ J- Ni-=, hZ2jZ7.d 2z.z L'iT?, 25 CS5C=r^4E?5 I-" 5''5i'=i= "C .. 7 " ~~-~~"~- ,_." bL.- ""-a---sF~t/ "-1 int =-="" _._ c. "" L-.C L"i ----=a --- c2 =:-.e cr2r.= ci 22szm2nt ie=s=ded ~grl- 25, 7375, b:~ =,12 FZ?' 13- .. ,,,lc*.-*=~L~ cf t-9 cCzzhG2s=tT " .. . -. . .- -. . " .- I 12T5=.4 in oiii=-ai ". . rEcGr-s cf SC~: ,--un+y, ~-1.3 CZ-ZZZZ lix2 2- '2" .. r.33,-J z2s3ner,t, ke.Fn: CjZ5ZYl3?C 25 f2ILcws: -4 . E~;in~..in; 6~ t~n i,-,k-rstcTLsn cc y23 ncrthzrl? lizs cf p= 1g af 5. 23, Tz-~~+>L;. I -C,~G+~, srzze 4 :iest, sari 53==;==2-c ~252 5r.b HeCid. 55 szij 1,: : 1 -- I? S~CG~ cz R~C~K= .z: 5c:ry:y NC. 2-2, ~1-2~ I, t~= ( G2 C=L::zr-,iz ;~~~~ 5i.IT:yw- - -y &C*& :<,-53-2-s: kzz3c- -" =,-*.-- "- oo ''e -5 4 p r r- .ue -"I r22rtA5r ly lir,e c'= Lsy I!: - * ' Gnc ax? YZIS sz=!.=nczt:z~ tkerzc f 4- L--'- *= ZC =n$Ls FCLZZ I> :?E uez+zri*j bca&==:r =: tr;~ 12.nC des~~i ~nder F*r~ei 2 in Ctsc ;= Gscr32 3. qhue, et ux, :e==icer, z2nuarj i1~ BCC~ 548 5, pize 21, c fii ci31 Recods; thsn== alsn_c said bunds liZS ZCU~~ 3.6a.2-LJ €255, Lce-L, " rzo-ti . . Abe?lc-- sCUt;7 $7"5~r w.=s=, 20. - am-= c-~-..- - czn=Lzciz: siccz t.le bcundar;r af 5zlz 8hU2 1Zzd, scuth 51*a 3. - .. " %. .* "_ *. . * . Rrc= r.=ey '5 c f fi == -. et7 F&k Z-L.2r-j - 1, [$3ii, tdik;l 522 5cat5d25t3ziy li2e . .- -, , .. d -5 7 4 -.. .. ._ = p*A ... ., .I .. .. ._ .. t-ac, - 3 "b 77.5J <sa&' "I L' LXZZCZ scuts 57"::' c,z=e, 1 " 1: *:<2 -1 j=-=. , -A ,,,ence 5.=u-:,i 7d"X' E2st ;,do. (30 ;2p,',, $3 sc.A+ "A"; telr.S 252 nct':tttesl'.r ., czrne~ cr^ said SY~.SQ :ee= VLZ~ r-=d e-.saent; tkezc2 ccn=~nu~zc~ a. __ . - kcwr." sy - 'y. cc said mGe I=nc, zcuih 14" ~zst, ~CI.OC ft.tk tc &.?-.e ;CIZX cf t~~~nninc C: fay= czntnr line; ~S~RC= %r=h 7~~ ~xst, 29 +a+ +Z "CE taq 1 nniy c E a CZrJe ~3r;czvz ta :?e czr:,? and halricd . r=diQs C+ 2c.u .Qc ;eet; tkc~c~ nlc? tne ar= u5 slid Csrve, 53 -3~~1 tken~= 1~~~55 53" €askI tz..o~ f=pk +s me beci:ain_c cf a'cxr'r~ C: t3 til2 SCU% ar,d h2ving 'a T3di.f.~~ of i39.5d fzii; +heccz? ~Icn_a k2e CZGCIVE tc 222 icrzx 3rd ha~:ss a radius cf lag.4a fee+, 155.292 tf;cnc= alcnc the ar= c€ E ssro-rzz cJr-Je ccnca~e t= the scut3 and t:te izh-~zc=icn u=kh k~.% <cuthxest=rly liza =e CzLifcrr.iz ~tzt= fli'J&?.'-y m=c x~-sc-:-= - -, ssid ~ntorsecz~zn kainq tke -L-minaF pin C~??=C 1ir.e cf +ne 3'il .ua icct vide e=se.ent: +. -: I- * Lkc e -. .i d .. - 4. #* "C " * .. I ~f .,=id Czr-rE, 56.115 fee-. :, +P-CIC~ 3Icq tke art cf = ~TO-VO"~~ CXT I. a zacius ofk39.50 ftek, 53,450 f2&: t:e_r-c?, b!c=*ix 46-59 '30' Easl -1 e. .d 2. T>&~Z scut5 46 '52 '20 * %est t1c.t.~ said ccrt>%=strrLy Fr.-"Iaqakiz ti=-, sauthwest==i-,* line e~ 5zid ~t2.t~ Rlqbay; PS~E! cre of two El(Hf0fT- -2 4. P 0 '0 . 3. I. 4. 5. 6. 7. Thence generally southwesterly dong the northwesterly line of said 60.00 f; road easement to said point nAn; bekg &o the:nortfteasterly corner of thosc lands conveyed to Milron R, Nims, et ux, by deed recorded June 30, Document Number 169686, Official Records of said County: Thence along said northeriy Line of said Nim's Iand as follows: north 78"12' west, 100.00 feet; north 6732' west, 75.00 feet; north 51"Wwesf 7750 feet to the most northerly corner of said Ian! Thence South 64"16' west to an intersection with the mean high tide lint Pacific Ocean; Thence northweszerly along said me3.rr high tide iine to the intersecrion L southwesxerly prolongation of the noriherIy line of aforesaid lot iO; Thence norrh 66"W eas dong said southv/ss:er:_v proIdngtion md nor:htrf! the point of bezinning. I Approved by the bo1 Agency Formation -.- Cammission ai Saa Diep f - J A!*! 6 19 +pJi;ze Erawrtw . idc;mmoun I I =4K0 January 1992 cg:in Page two of two Exhibit A EX Hi13lT P - / 7- 4 I I; CATE: M$,FFINC. GlVlSlCN P LsFcc): \G-22 -si sac- I :! = 2c,c, 1 ls>,bj C\EG~ CCL!I\iN EsEsc.E'S CF'ICE ME.&: 4.7 ;?7A P.4GZ 6.5 -3 ! I ccL:-:+ C,~~~-~Z~,~ STATE EL,L,cZ CL'LEG. 5/l-: -r .. C" 1 ,A.>j>jE,Y. 72 C,A~LS~A~ WNi. V@.I =x z!sT. "7 216- CRAW -dy: & aE->.(-;-. F?(-C;\rf c>,q c.1 Er,'dlTG '$/ATE? bl, SCECF;,E 1 CIS-. Tx" 3GC I