HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-06-11; Municipal Water District; Resolution 1471Exhibit 4 1 RESOLUTION NO. 1471 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, CALIFORNIA ^ (CMWD), ADOPTING THE WATER DISTRICT FINAL OPERATING BUDGET AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEAR 2013-14. 5 6 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad IVIunicipal Water District, 7 o California, has reviewed the proposed final Operating Budget and Capital Improvement o 9 Program for Fiscal Year 2013-14 and has held such public hearings as are necessary 10 prior to the adoption of the final budgets, 11 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the 12 Carlsbad Municipal Water District as follows: 13 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 14 2. That certain documents now on file in the office of the Secretary entitled "City 15 of Carlsbad, FY 2013-14 Preliminary Operating Budget and FY 2013-14 to FY 2027-28 15 Capital Improvement Program - Preliminary," as amended in accordance with Exhibits 17 4-A and 4-8, attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein, is hereby adopted Ig as the Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets for the Carlsbad Municipal Water 19 District for the Fiscal Year 2013-14 along with the Program Options determined by the 20 City Council as set forth in the minutes of the Council's meeting of Tuesday , June 11, 21 2013. 22 3. That the amounts reflected as estimated revenues for FY 2013-14 are 23 hereby adopted as the budgeted revenues for FY 2013-14. 24 4. That the amount designated as FY 2013-14 Budget in Exhibit 4-8 is hereby 25 appropriated to the fund for which it is designated and such appropriation shall not be 25 increased except as provided herein. 27 5. That total appropriations may only be increased or decreased by the Board 28 of Directors by passage of a resolution amending the budget except as provided herein. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Exlnibit4 6. That the following controls are hereby placed on the use and transfers of budget funds: A. No expenditure of funds shall be authorized unless sufficient funds have been appropriated by the Water Board or Executive Manager as described below. i. The Executive Manager may authorize all transfers of funds from account to account within the same fund in an amount up to $100,000 per transfer. ii. The Executive Manager may delegate the authority to make budget transfers. iii. The Executive Manager may authorize budget adjustments involving offsetting revenues and expenditures; the Executive Manager may authorize increases in an appropriation for a specific purpose where the appropriation is offset by unbudgeted revenue which is designated for said specific purpose. iv. The Executive Manager may authorize increases in purchased water appropriations in an amount equal to the same percent that water sales exceed the amount of the original revenue estimate. B. The Board of Directors must authorize any increase in the number of authorized permanent personnel positions above the level identified in the final Budget. The Executive Manager may authorize the hiring of temporary or part time staff as necessary, within the limits imposed by the controls listed above. 7. That the Recycled Water Fund is authorized to reimburse the Potable Water Fund for recycled water capital projects previously funded from potable monies. 8. That all appropriations and outstanding encumbrances as of June 30, 2013 are hereby continued into FY 2013-14 for such contracts and obligations. 9. All appropriations for Capital Improvement Projects remaining unexpended at June 30, 2013, are hereby appropriated for such capital projects for fiscal year 2013- 14. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors, Carlsbad City Council, Carlsbad Community Development Commission and City of Carlsbad as the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency held on the 11^^ day of June, 2013, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: Council Members Hall, Packard, Wood, Blackburn and Douglas. None. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ABSENT: None. MATT HALL, President ATTEST: (SEAL) ~ • Of c7< ; — — 2013-14 to 2027-28 Capital Improvement Program - CMWD 52051 ABANDON POTABLE SERVICES (NEW RECYCLED SERVICES! WATER REPL 390,000 48,440 146,560 195,000 55253 ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN WATER REPL 164,365 107,744 56,621 NA AVIARA PARKWAY AND PLUM TREE WATERLINE WATER REPL 815.000 --815,000 NA BUENA VISTA PUMP STATION AND FOREBAY REMOVAL WATER REPL 150,000 150,000 NA CARLSBAD BOULEVARD - SOUTH OF AVENIDA ENCINAS WATER REPL 950,000 --280,000 670,000 52031 CARLSBAD WATER RECYCLING FACILITY (ENCINA PROJECTS) WATER REPL 4,546,315 40,323 430,177 59,815 309,000 301,000 106,000 300,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 50071 CATHODIC PROTECTION PROGRAM WATER REPL 1,246,700 192,442 1,054,258 50121 COLLEGE BOULEVARD - CANNON TO BADGER LANE WATER CONN 1,090,000 -1,090,000 50131 COLLEGE BOULEVARD PIPELINE "A" STREET TO CANNON ROAD WATER CONN 1,060,000 183 1,059,817 50331 CRESTVIEW DRIVE TRANSMISSION MAIN WATER REPL 240,000 -240,000 52061 CWRF - FLOW EQUALIZATION AND CHLORINE CONTACT TANK COVERS WATER REPL 765,000 8,136 256,864 500,000 NEW DESALINATED SEAWATER TRANSMISSION MAIN WATER CONN r473,000 45,000 45,000 383,000 NEW DESALINATED SEAWATER TRANSMISSION MAIN WATER REPL 1,027,000 100,000 80,000 847,000 NEW E TANK DECOMMISSION (THE CROSSINGS ROAD) WATER REPL 150,000 150,000 NA EL CAMINO REAL AND TAMARACK PUMP STATION REMOVAL WATER REPL 80,000 -80,000 52071 EL CAMINO REAL RECYCLED WATER PIPELINE (LA COSTA RESORT) WATER REPL 1,615,000 146,388 1,468,612 50341 EL FUERTE AND CORINTIA STREET PRESSURE REDUCING STATION WATER REPL 500,000 -100,000 400,000 NA ELLERY PUMP STATION DECOMMISSION WATER REPL 120,000 120,000 39001 ELLERY WATER PUMP PROJECT WATER REPL 298,495 23,495 55,000 220,000 NEW FIRE FLOW SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS WATER REPL 2,449,000 720,000 720,000 1,009,000 NEW HYDROELECTRIC GENERATOR AT PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD/WHITE SANDS WATER REPL 2,160,000 85,000 275,000 1,800,000 50251 HYDROELECTRIC RENEWABLE ENERGY GENERATOR-MAERKLE RES WATER REPL 2,000,000 453,640 1,546,360 50291 KELLY RANCH PRESSURE REDUCING STATION WATER REPL 560,000 -560,000 NEW LA COSTA HI RESERVOIR INLET PIPELINE WATER REPL 2,150,000 250,000 1,900,000 38211 LAKE CALAVERA RESERVOIR IMPROVEMENTS WATER REPL 6,396,911 6,018,542 378,369 50351 LIMITED ACCESS PIPELINE RELOCATION PROJECT WATER REPL 1,940,000 3,181 481,819 485,000 485,000 485,000 50091 MAERKLE FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS WATER REPL 2,135,200 1,126,304 1,008,896 50361 MAERKLE FLOATING COVER REPLACEMENT WATER REPL 10,000,000 130,000 140,000 9,730,000 50042 MAERKLE PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS WATER CONN 1,955,200 -170,000 1,785,200 50011 MAERKLE TRANSMISSION MAIN WATER REPL 6,330,000 341,431 4,858,569 1,130,000 35722 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS CENTER WATER REPL 7,170,000 -7,170,000 39041 MISCELLANEOUS PIPELINE REPLACEMENTS WATER REPL 1,433,000 307,641 1,125,359 35311 OCEANSIDE WATER INTERTIE UPGRADE WATER REPL 115,000 --115,000 50321 PALOMAR BUISNESS PARK RECYCLED WATER PIPELINES WATER REPL 1,245,000 -1,245,000 50301 PARK DRIVE WATER LINE AND SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS WATER REPL 1,092,000 202,690 889,310 NA POINSETTIA LANE - CASSIA ROAD TO SKIMMER COURT WATER CONN 741,600 --741,600 50201 PRESSURE REDUCING STATION REPLACEMENT/REHABILITATION WATER REPL 1,102,000 366,117 735,883 NEW RANCHO CARLSBAD GROUNDWATER SUPPLY WATER CONN 1,750,000 325,000 1,425,000 NEW RANCHO CARLSBAD GROUNDWATER SUPPLY WATER REPL 1,750,000 325,000 1,425,000 50271 RECYCLED WATER LINE - CWRF TO CHINQUAPIN WATER REPL 1,900,000 160,140 1,739,860 50221 RECYCLED WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE WATER REPL 672,468 632,446 40,022 52092 RECYCLED WATER PHASE III - CWRF EXPANSION RECL WATER 6,260,000 500,000 5,760,000 52091 RECYCLED WATER PHASE III - CWRF EXPANSION WATER REPL 640,000 277 639,723 52082 RECYCLED WATER PHASE III - PIPELINES RECL WATER 18,700,000 3,100,000 15,600,000 52081 RECYCLED WATER PHASE III - PIPELINES WATER REPL 2,000,000 867 1,999,133 52102 RECYCLED WATER PHASE III - RESERVOIR RECL WATER 1,500,000 1,500,000 52101 RECYCLED WATER PHASE 111 - RESERVOIR WATER REPL 300,000 300,000 50241 RESERVOIR REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAM WATER REPL 6,000,000 1,122,153 1,912,847 965,000 150,000 1,850,000 50371 ROBERTSON RANCH WATER TRANSMISSION MAIN WATER REPL 1,200,000 1,200,000 NEW SAN LUIS REY MISSION BASIN GROUNDWATER SUPPLY WATER CONN 8,527,500 27,500 8,500,000 NEW SAN LUIS REY MISSION BASIN GROUNDWATER SUPPLY WATER REPL 8,527,500 27,500 8,500,000 NEW SANTA FE II INLET PIPELINE WATER REPL 2,838,000 470,000 2,368,000 50311 SANTA FE II RESERVOIR SITE DRAINAGE WATER REPL 645,000 484,240 160,760 60192 SIDEWALK/STREET CONSTRUCTION - VALLEY AND MAGNOLIA SIDEWALKS WATER REPL 291,000 204 290,796 50081 TRI-AGENCIES WATER TRANSMISSION PIPELINE REPLACEMENT WATER REPL 6,455,000 132,035 1,122,965 100,000 5,100,000 50161 WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE WATER CONN 700,000 588,708 111,292 36641 WATER SYSTEM INTERTIE CONNECTION WATER REPL 405,000 --405,000 50191 WATER VALVE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM WATER REPL 1,850,000 82,813 267,187 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 500,000 GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDED PROJECTS 139,567,254 12,590,580 34,542,059 9,979,815 42,334,200 8,944,000 2,676,000 400,000 6,250,600 21,850,000 m X 3- > PROGRAM: FUND: PROGRAM GROUP: WATER OPERATIONS WATER ENTERPRISE UTILITIES Exhibit 4B ACCT NO. 5016310/5026310 2010-11 ACTUAL 2011-12 ACTUAL 2012-13 BUDGET 2013-14 BUDGET PERSONNEL $4,104,496 $4,198,135 $4,177,486 $4,085,871 MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS 32,167,327 33,930,988 38,158,932 39,514,851 CAPITAL OUTLAY 17,768 0 0 0 GRAND TOTAL $36,289,591 $38,129,123 $42,336,418 $43,600,722 FULL TIME POSITIONS 39.60 40.10 38.15 37.10 HOURLY/FTE POSITIONS 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 PROGRAM GROUP DESCRIPTION: Thie Carlsbad Municipal Water District, a subsidiary district of the City of Carlsbad, provides water service to approximately 85% of ttie city. The District purchases 100% of its potable water as treated water from the San Diego County Water Authority. The District also supplies customers with recycled water from the Carlsbad Water Reclamation Facility, and from recycled water purchased from the Leucadia Wastewater District and Vallecitos Water District. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Water Operations • Provide operation and maintenance of the potable and recycled water reservoirs, pumping, regulating, and disinfection systems; collect water quality samples to ensure compliance with state and federal regulations, and provide emergency response services. Water Construction/Maintenance • Schedule and perform water system maintenance to ensure a safe and efficient water distribution system, and provide emergency response services and repairs. Meter Services • Collect water customer usage data for utility billing to ensure financial viability of the District through timely and accurate revenue collections; provide customer service for water utility customers; and, install, replace and maintain water meters. Cross-Connection Control • Implement and enforce cross-connection control and backflow prevention of potable and recycled water systems to ensure a safe supply of potable water and compliance with state and federal regulations. PERFORMANCE/WORKLOAD MEASURES: Water Losses • Annual water loss not to exceed 6% as set by the California Department of Water Resources. Industry wide, distribution system losses commonly range between 6% and 15%. The American Water Works Association recommends that the loss after treatment be maintained at 10% or less. Fiscal Year Water Loss 2008- 09 2009- 10 2010- 11 2011- 12 6% 6% 5% 5% H-18 PROGRAM: FUND: PROGRAM GROUP: WATER OPERATIONS WATER ENTERPRISE UTILITIES Exhibit 48 PAGE TWO ACCT NO. 5016310/5026310 PERFORMANCE/WORKLOAD MEASURES (continued) Potable Water Quality • Benchmark: Ninety-eight percent (98%) of bacteria samples free of coliform bacteria as adopted by the city's Performance Measurement Team. The state requirement is that less than 5% of all samples collected during any month are total coliform-positive. Fiscal Year No. Samples Collected Percent Bacteria-Free 2005- 06 2006- 07 2007- 08 2008- 09 2009- 10 2010- 11 2011- 12 1,719 1,716 1,601 1,590 1,560 1,560 1,560 99.9% 100.0% 99.8% 100.0% 100.0% 99.9% 00.0% Water Service Delivery • The ratio of total leaks and breaks compared to the total water pipe in the system. This measure is calculated by dividing the total number of leaks and breaks during the reporting period by the total miles of pipe in the water distribution system and multiplying the result by 100. The benchmark is to not exceed the national average rate of 32.7 as reported by the American Water Works Association. Fiscal Year Potable Water Recycled Water System Integrity Rate System Integrity Rate 2007-08 30.4 0 2008-09 29.1 7.8 2009-10 28.4 1.3 2010-11 26.4 7.8 2011-12 17.0 8.9 KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR FY 2012-13: Replaced 8,296 water meters with remote reading capabilities and completed over 345,534 water meter reads. Updated the 2012 Water and Recycled Water Master Plans and adopted a Program Environmental Impact Report. Completed the Phase III Recycled Water Facility Study and adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration for CEQA. Participated in the planning of the desalination delivery regime. Participated in community events such as the Home Depot drought tolerant plant sale and the Citizen's Academy. Reduced electrical costs by splitting meter services which allowed changes in electrical rates. Reduced electrical and chemical costs through equipment upgrades and operational changes. Negotiated with vendors for services and materials to reduce costs. Improved efficiencies by implementing drive-by meter reading program. Reduced costs by initiating in-house meter exchange program. Continued to work with regulatory agencies to address regulatory issues and requirements. Achieved regulatory reform with State and County agencies regarding recycled water oversight. Continued to provide reliable water service that met all regulatory requirements to over 28,000 services. Awarded contract and made repairs to the Santa Fe II Reservoir Site drainage and crib wall. Completed repairs and recoated the interior and exterior of the D1 and D2 tanks. Awarded contract to make repairs and recoat the interior and exterior of the Ellery, Elm, and Skyline steel tanks. Began design of the cathodic protection improvements. Completed construction of the Rancho Carlsbad Pressure Reducing and Metering Station Replacement Project. Began design on replacing a portion of the Tri-Agency Water Transmission Pipeline within Ocean Hills Community. Completed SCADA modifications at the Carlsbad Water Reclamation Facility. Executed desalinated water local supply purchase agreement with the San Diego County Water Authority. H-19 79 Exhibit 4B PROGRAM: WATER OPERATIONS PAGE THREE FUND: WATER ENTERPRISE PROGRAM GROUP: UTILITIES ACCT NO. 5016310/5026310 KEY GOALS FOR FY 2013-14: Continue implementation of Automated Meter Reading Program. Exchange 4,906 water meters. Implement customer usage field presentation software. Implement abnormal water usage automated customer calling system. Continue to partner with the Water Authority and surrounding agencies on a regional recycled water plan. Continue progress on Maerkle hydroelectric power generation facility. Review rate structure to fund operations and infrastructure replacement as well as re-establish reserve levels in accordance with Board policies. Continue to improve tracking and reporting capabilities. Continue to work with the appropriate State and County agencies to address regulatory issues and requirements. Obtain funding from the SWRCB for the approval for the Recycled Water Phase III Project. Award contract to construct the La Costa Recycled Water Pipeline within El Camino Real. Continue design of the Phase III Recycled Water Project. Identify and secure right of way easement for Maerkle Transmission main. Prepare Asset Management Plan. Complete cathodic protection improvements. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: • Reduction of a Meter Worker position (1.0 FTE) as a result of AMR implementation. • Reduction of a Utilities Director position (0.6 FTE). • Reallocated 0.35 full time positions from other divisions to better reflect workload. H-20 so