HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-06-13; Municipal Water District; Resolution 1573RESOLUTION NO. 1573 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, CALIFORNIA (CMWDt ADOPTING THE WATER DISTRICT FINAL OPERATING BUDGET AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017-18. EXHIBIT 4 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, California, has reviewed the proposed final Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 2017-18 and has held such public hearings as are necessary prior to the adoption of the final budgets. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That certain documents now on file in the office of the Secretary entitled "City of Carlsbad, FY 2017-18 Preliminary Operating Budget and FY 2017-18 to FY 2031-32 Capital Improvement Program -Preliminary," as amended in accordance with Exhibits 4-A and 4-B, attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein, is hereby adopted as the Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets for the Carlsbad Municipal Water District for the Fiscal Year 2017-18 along with the Program Options determined by the City Council as set forth in the minutes of the Council's meeting of Tuesday, June 13, 2017. 3. That the amounts reflected as estimated revenues for FY 2017-18 are hereby adopted as the budgeted revenues for FY 2017-18. 4. That the amount designated as FY 2017-18 Budget in Exhibit 4-B is hereby appropriated to the fund for which it is designated and such appropriation shall not be increased except as provided herein. 5. That total appropriations may only be increased or decreased by the Board of Directors by passage of a resolution amending the budget except as provided herein. 6. That the following controls are hereby placed on the use and transfers of budget funds: A. No expenditure of funds shall be authorized unless sufficient funds have been appropriated by the Water Board or Executive Manager as described below. i. The Executive Manager may authorize all transfers offunds from account to account within the same fund in an amount up to $100,000 per transfer. ii. The Executive Manager may delegate the authority to make budget transfers. iii. The Executive Manager may authorize budget adjustments involving offsetting revenues and expenditures; the Executive Manager may authorize increases in an appropriation for a specific purpose where the appropriation is offset by unbudgeted revenue which is designated for said specific purpose. iv. The Executive Manager may authorize increases in purchased water appropriations in an amount equal to the same percent that water sales exceed the amount of the original revenue estimate. B. The Board of Directors must authorize any increase in the number of authorized permanent personnel positions above the level identified in the final Budget. The Executive Manager may authorize the hiring of temporary or part time staff as necessary, within the limits imposed by the controls listed above. 7. That all appropriations and outstanding encumbrances as of June 30, 2017 are hereby continued into FY 2017-18 for such contracts and obligations. 8. All appropriations for Capital Improvement Projects remaining unexpended at June 30, 2017, are hereby appropriated for such capital projects for Fiscal Year 2017-18. II II II PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council, Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors, Carlsbad Public Financing Authority Board of Directors, Community Development Commission, and City of Carlsbad as Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency, held on the 13th day of June, 2017, by the following vote to wit: AYES: M. Hall, K. Blackburn, M. Schumacher, C. Schumacher, M. Packard NOES: None. ABSENT: None. MA~«d ATIEST: Page 641PROJ. ID PWJECT"Tm£ ~ CARU8AD WATEJU;£C'I'CIJNG fit.Cil1rf IE!iOiiJI ClMITAL I'!IOJEOSI ~ CWIII' lA..Uii.OWlN AI(!) 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STWIEET HI.ESWI\E I!.EDUC!IG ST4Tl00< 50<31 FW' rulW SYSTEM II.U'ROVUAOITl ~ tM*lEUCfRICGENDtATO~ATIIESALROWCONlROlfN:IIJJYIIO.S ~ ~RDWioiUDWGANitMOiiJl1lDIG 50291 KW.Y~~ DOMfSJlCWAlU l'f:E5SUU IWltJC!OS Sl ... OON 504'91 LAXE OUAVERA IAillGAJlON ~ UMI1Ul ACCESS PW'WN£ IIEIDCA110N PIIOGilOM 50091 JOD.ll£FAOtnY~ ~ .....au:l£ R£S(JM)Qt ROAnNE; 00\'lll RE9tA(O.<ENT ~ MN:Rn£ RESfiM)IA~ Mld!f 39041 MISCEUJINfOU} l'l'fllOIE ISPUaJI!IfTS ~ ~CLDSCl>VAl''£CIIi5J.OU.WDTOfl!I:EDVA1VQ ~ PRESSU~U!EDUOIOGSTA110N PllllGao'.U ~ ~F.fDUOJOGSTADJN• WWVLRFUEI.1'1: ~ IIANO!OCI.MS&\0 GROONDWA"'E!lSUIPIY =~ ==~":~~~ ~ SAil u.s on--IIASIH GJ:OtJIIIJWAlfll SUIPPtl' NA. ~AFEIINLET PIPEliNE ~ IAIIIOA fE IIIESB<\'Oil SITE EHCIIJCA1. MF.IOVBCDil:S 55422 5CADA 11fT£GRAlm ......srol 1'\A!C 50081 'TnAGEJ<CYWATUTIWIS/oC$1011 ~U!I£~ 50SU WATER CONDITION ~PIIOGAAM ~ WATER srsra.t 11111UIIE COI.,i'ICJJJN ~ WATERVAlcVE IIE7~Bt.Aa:MENTPIIOGilOM ~ WATEJI.IIfCitlll), ,IJjQ SEWDUMSTB!: PIAN 52051 .A&\N£10;!1 POrlllll£ SEIMCB (~JEW J<fOUEO SeJMaS1 ~ CAIIJ.SM!}WA;TBROC\'OJIGF.OOUTYfEiil:*ACAffTAL1'110JECTS) ~ R£.Crnm WATUlWE • ONlS TO ~l!£010h'I».IAG()()Ij 52091 R£CVam WAT'Illltv.SE J • CW1IF EXPANSION 5208! RE£'YI:LEDWU£ll-J. PWQI!j£5 ~ IIOC'IQ.Ell WAOIER l'tWE J • RmJMllll ,GIIAHDTOIIU. All CMWD PIIOI£CI'S 2017-18 to 2031-32 Capital Improvement Program-CMWD TOTAl. PRIOR IWANCE 'ftAlt 1 YEAR2 rut<D COST EliP/EHC FOAWAJID 2017-18 2018-19 IIEC1 RfFI. 1,5'11,100 71),600 7D.SOO 100;000 IIEClllfft. 175,000 1J>,DDD IIEClllfft 2..200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 IIKI.IIfft aoo.ooo 541,000 so..ooo 50,000 REC1RS'l 162,500 80,000 82,.500 11££1. RfFI. 326,750 2£5,062 25.338 36,.350 llfO.WAlU. J,.4.17A06 Ml7,406 . P;fQ.WAlU 6,.844,l2.C 6,643,,941 183 I[Q.WATEI. 18.700.000 3..82'01US 14,87'9,78:2 UQ.WAlU 2.250.00:1 31l~t2D< 1.190.796 750,000 WAlUCOHlll l.,oliO,DOO la:3 1,059,817 WATBCO~'II 1,()90,000 . 1,1190,000 WAlUCOIDI 1.100,300 ~~.'W2 57 .!liB W .. Ttlt(DHtj 1,.955,200 5,2:18 9,SS2 WATUCOJr.Oj 300.000 . 300.000 WATill COH'II 1.750,000 WA.TaCON'II 8.527,500 -22,500 W/!.TDtREPl 7,.67!1,400 -7,.674,000 4.400 WATDtREP\. 815,000 --SlS.OOO WATDtRIPI. 150,000 -150,000 WATEBRIPI. 950,000 --28(),0011 WA'TUREPl 1.930.000 1,930,000 WKTDI:REPl 1.246.100 169,6SS 1.on.ou WKTDI: RIP\. NII.,OC10 . 2.Ql,OOO WATDtREP\. 300,000 300,000 W ... TU.:REPl BIXI,OOCJ -- WATDtRIP\. 2,.1l!19,DOO . 1.¢®,000 90,000 90,.000 WATDtllll'l. 2,.1.60,000 WA'TUREPl 150,DOO JSOOOO WATO:REP\. 560.000 -560,000 w.<~Tm RIP\. 0 120,SS.O 1:54.116 (275.Cl001 WATDtREPl ].940,000 106,9'27 ],833,073 WATDtREPl 2.135,200 1,168,115 967,085 WATEW.~IPI. 13,,05 5, OOCJ 10.436 9,.9S9,5&t 3,0155.000 WATO:Ril'l. 6,.33lt,OOO 3811,5&!1 ~1.412 WATDttll:rl ]~33,000 423,7-"1 1,.()09,260 1,000.000 l.OOO.oon WATDtREP\. 250.oon 2611,000 WATDtRIPI. 9,502,000 3!13,439 708.561 600,0011 WATEJtRIPI. 600,00CJ eoo..ooo WATDtRIPI. 1.750,000 WATERIUPL 7.5011.000 l,.Sl6,466 l,633,5M 1.500.000 WATUI:REP\. 1,.2!00,.000 1.200,000 WATO:IlfP\. 8.521,.500 . 27,500 W4TDtRil'L 2,838,000 470,.000 WATO:REP\. lSO,DOO 234 99,766 50.000 WATERRIJ'l. 745,.DOO 2!1.100 330,300 385.000 WATEP.REPl 6,.455,.000 4125,3$2 4~,643 WATlltllO'l 2,.200,000 200.000 200.000 ;!00..0011 W.ATERREPt <:05,000 -.COS,OOO WATURIPI. 14,850,00CJ 662,02-4 l,-'37,!176 1..2SO.OOO 1_250,000 WATDtRIPI. ,13,SEQ 351,985 25,215 316,.3611 WATDtREP\. 560,.000 49,690 510,31.0 WATEit RIP\. 100,380 1.94,7&9 514,601 WATDtPD\. l!.632,5S4 J.32-4,:llii 308·,378 WATDtR£Pl 3,517,zni 3,259,0S2 258,1.94 WATER REP\. 2.,497,5311 ].62!l,406 858,124 WoUmPBt. 42S,OCIO 4.,415 29S,SSS 125.000 1'74.714,4140 30,.6il0.8110 65 .:rnl . .1211 CJ.S3S.1211 s.m 5,ooo YEAR 3 YfAR~ YEARS 201~211 2:02G-21 2021-n 100.000 100,000 100;000 200,000 200,000 200.000 so.ooo 50,.000 50,000 1.94-0,000 67{),000 SOO,OOO 90,000 !lO,GOO 90,000 85,000 ;r.G7S,OOO 1,000,000 1..000.000 l,DOO,.OOD 600.000 600.000 600,DDD 2.368,000 200.000 200,000 20t),OOO 1,250,000 !.250.000 l.2SO.CU 9,2611,000 3.575.000 s..so;,,ooo YEAR6-l.D 2flU-27 500;000 500.000 250,000 325,000 1,009.000 3,000.000 3,000.000 325,000 1 •. sso.ooo 500.000 3,2'.50,000 14.50!,000 Exhibit 4-A YUR 11·15 2028-32 500,000 500.000 250,000 l. .. 2S.ooo a.soo.ooo 3.000.000 3.000.000 l,A2S.DOO 8,500.000 soo.oon 3.2SO.OOO 30.&50.000 m X I CD =i ~ )> Page 642 EXHIBIT4B PROGRAM: FUND: PROGRAM GROUP: WATER OPERATIONS ENTERPRISE UTILITIES ACCT NO. 5016310/5026310 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONNEL $4,050,14$ $4,874,216 $5,290,355 $5,501 ,115 MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS 39,003,062 37,139,235 42,228,044 45,906,371 CAPITAL OUTLAY 58,977 26,162 0 0 GRAND TOTAL $43,112,185 $42,039,613 $47,518,399 $51,407,486 FULL TIME POSITIONS 38.55 40.60 42.85 42.00 HOURL Y/FTE POSITIONS 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 PROGRAM GROUP DESCRIPTION: The Carlsbad Municipal Water District. a subsidiary district of the City of Car1sbad, provides water service to approximately 85 percent of the city. The District purchases 100 percent of its potable water, which includes a new local supply of desalinated seawater, as treated water from the San Diego County Water Authority. The District also supplies customers with recycled water from the Carlsbad Water Reclamation Facility (CWRF), and through purchase agreements with the Leucadia Wastewater District and Vallecitos Water District. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Water Operations • Provide reliable operation and maintenance of the potable and recycled water reservoirs, pumping, regulating, and disinfection systems; collect water quality samples to ensure compliance with state and federal regulations, and provide emergency response services. CMWD is in full compliance daily with drinking water regulations. Water Construction/Maintenance • Schedule and perform water system maintenance to ensure a safe and efficient water distribution system, and provide emergency response services and repairs. Water Conservation • Provide water conservation education and outreach to encourage responsible water use. Meter Services • Read over 29,000 customer meters monthly to ensure timely and accurate revenue collection; provide customer service for water utility customers; and install, replace and maintain water meters. Cross-Connection Control • Implement and enforce cross-connection control and backflow prevention of potable and recycled water systems to ensure a safe supply of potable water and compliance with state and federal regulations. PERFORMANCE/WORKLOAD MEASURES: Water Losses The 2012 AWWA benchmarks for distribution system losses (Apparent and Real) range between approximately 3 percent and 13 percent, with a median of approximately 6 percent. CMWD's water loss is near the benchmark median. Car1sbad Water Loss -Last Five Years Fiscal Year Percent of Water Loss (Apparent and Real) 2011 -12 5.1 o/o 2012-13 6.1 o/o 2013-14 5.3% 2014-15 6.0% 2015-16 6.1% Page 643 EXHIBIT4B PROGRAM: PAGE TWO FUND: PROGRAM GROUP: WATER OPERATIONS ENTERPRISE UTILITIES ACCT NO. 5016310/5026310 PERFORMANCE/WORKLOAD MEASURES (continued) Potable Water Cost Efficiency This measure represents the cost of service by Fiscal Year divided by the total number of accounts. The 2012 American Water Works Association (AWWA) benchmark for this metric is between $281 and $608 with a median of $408. The City's Water Cost Efficiency is close to the median, suggesting that the system operates efficiently from a financial standpoint. O&M Potable Water Cost Efficiency Fiscal Year Adjusted Expenses* Total Number of Accounts Average Cost per Account 2011-12 $11 ,783,137 28,527 $413 2012-13 $13,237,904 28,867 $459 2013-14 $13,828,466 29,007 $477 2014-15 $13,457,570 29,172 $461 2015-16 $13,933,730 29,345 $475 • . . Excludes cost of purchased water and deprecJatJon Water Service Delivery The System Integrity Rate is the metric for assessing the condition of a water distribution system by reviewing the number of leaks and breaks in the system per 100 miles of pipe. These measures are calculated by dividing the total number of leaks and breaks during the reporting period by the total miles of pipe in the system and multiplying the results by 100. CMWD currently has approximately 438 miles of potable pipe and 78 miles of recycled pipe. The 2012 AWWA benchmark for pipeline breaks ranges between 6 and 20, with 14 as the median. The benchmark for leaks ranges between 2 and 28, with 16 as the median. CMWD's potable water breaks rates are well below the benchmarks and seem to indicate that the system integrity is operating at a very high level. CMWD's leaks rates are near the median and also seem to indicate that the system integrity is operating at a strong level. CMWD System Integrity per 100 Miles of Pipe-Potable Water Fiscal Year Potable Water Potable Water Potable Water Potable Water #of Breaks Breaks Rate #of Leaks Leaks Rate 2011-12 7 1.70 81 19.72 2012-13 4 .96 59 14.22 2013-14 4 .96 111 26.50 2014-15 7 1.64 80 18.79 2015-16 12 2.74 49 11 .19 CMWD began installing its recycled water system in 1991. The very low pipeline leaks and breaks rates In the recycled water system reflect, in part, this fairly new system. CMWD System Integrity per 100 miles of Pipe-Recycled Water Fiscal Year Recycled Water Recycled Water Recycled Water Recycled Water #of Breaks Breaks Rate #of Leaks Breaks Rate 2011 -12 0 0.00 5 6.49 2012-13 0 0.00 1 1.28 2013-14 0 0.00 1 1.28 2014-15 0 0.00 2 2.56 2015-16 1 1.28 0 0 Page 644 PROGRAM: FUND: PROGRAM GROUP: WATER OPERATIONS ENTERPRISE UTILITIES KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR FY 2016-17: • Maintained a 99% AMR meter read rate, which minimizes manual re-reads. EXHIBIT 48 PAGE THREE ACCT NO. 5016310/5026310 • Replaced a• meter for Omni La Costa Resort, and raised the entire meter and pipeline feed above ground for ease of maintenance. • Continued Carlsbad Conserves program campaign to assist customers with State mandated water use reductions and restrictions. • Continued water conservation education and outreach programs, as well as maintained compliance with state water conservation regulations. • Prepared approximately 22 new retrofit plans (potable to recycled water) for properties located in areas where recycled water will be available in FY2017. Also connected 24 new properties to existing recycled water system. Plan-checked and/or processed 40 new recycled water plans for CMWD and San Diego County DEH approval. • Completed construction of the El Camino Real Recycled Water pipeline between Cannon Drive and Chestnut Avenue. • Completed the 2016 Water Cost of Service Study. • Completed design of the recycled water pipelines for Avenida Encinas and Ponto Road. • Completed design of Bolero pressure reducing station. • Completed construction of the Phase Ill Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Plant Expansion as part of the $37 million Phase Ill Expansion Project. • Completed construction of Phase I of the Tri-Agencies Water Transmission Pipeline Replacement. • Decommissioned the out-of-date pumps at the Ellery Pump Station at the Ellery Potable Water Tank Site, and built a new manifold specifically configured for portable pumps, as the pumps at this location are infrequently used. • Completed Urban Water Management Plan update KEY GOALS FOR FY 2017-18: • Update the hydraulic models for the Water Master Plan and the Recycled Water Master Plan. • Complete alternatives analysis of SCADA hardware and software for the Water SCADA Master Plan • Begin design of lower El Fuerte pressure reducing station. • Begin rehabilitation of C and 03 potable water storage tanks. • Begin construction of Bolero pressure reducing station. • Begin design of the Maerkle Reservoir Cover. • Complete design of recycled water storage tank at D site. • Complete construction of recycled water transmission line in Avenida Encinas. • Complete plug valve maintenance in the potable distribution system. • Complete inventory of existing infrastructure and load data into the Asset Management System. • Begin AMR to AMI conversions. • Begin implementation of a meter analytics with a web customer portal. • Complete upgrade of the Harris Utility Billing system. • Establish a meter testing program. • Establish a high water usage call out system. Establish critical volvo designations within Asset Management System. • Implement a revised valve maintenance program. • Implement a new valve replacement program. • Participate in implementation of Job Order Contracting program. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: • Reallocation of staff to better reftect workload.