HomeMy WebLinkAboutAyala Engineering; 2013-10-16; PWM14-13UTILPWM14-13UTIL cmr OF CARLSBAD MINOR PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT MANHOLE LINER REPAIRS; CONT. NO. 5503-1 ($45,000 or Less) This agreement is made on the /^ day of (^^^JT^/^^/ . 2013. bv the City of Carlsbad, Califomia, a munk^ipal oorporatton. (hereinafter calfed "City"), and Ayala Engineering, a sole proprietorship, whose principal place of business is 5753 Santa Ana Canyon Road Suite G-571 Anaheim CA 92807 (hereinafter called "Contractor). City and Contractor agree as follows: DESCRIPTION OF WORK. Contractor shall perfomi all work specified In the Contract documents for the project described by these Contract Documents (hereinafter caHed "Projecr). PROVISIONS OF LABOR AND MATERIALS. Contractor shall provide ail labor, materials, tools, equipment, and personnel to perfbnn the woric specified by the Contract Documents unless excepted elsewhere In this Contract CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The Contract Documents consist of this Contract, exhibits to this Contract. Contractor's Proposal, the Plans and Specifications, the General Provisions. addendum(8) to said Plans and Specifications, and ail proper amendments and changes made thereto in accordance with this Contract or the Plans and Speciftoattons, all of which are incorporated herein by this reference. When in conflict, this Contract will supersede terms and conditk>ns in the Contractor's proposal. LABOR. Contractor will employ only skilled workers and abkle by all State laws and City of Carlsbad Ordinances goveming labor. GUARANTEE. Contractor guarantees ail labor and materials furnished and agrees to complete the Project In accordance with directions and subject to inspection approval and acceptance by: Marie Biskup (City Project Manager). PREVAILING WAGES NOT REQUIRED. The City of Carisbad is a Charter City. Carlsbad Munk;ipal Code Sectbn 3.28.130 supersedes the provisbns of the Califomia Labor Code when the public woric is not a statewide concem. Payment of prevailing wages is at Contractor's discretion. FALSE CLAIMS. Contractor hereby agrees that any contract claim submitted to the City must be asserted as part of the contract process as set forth in this agreement and not in antk:ipatk)n of litigation or in conjunction with litigation. Contractor acknowledges that Califomia Govemment Code sections 12650 et seq.. the False Claims Act. provides for civil penalties where a person knowingly submits a false dalm to a public entity. These provisions include false claims made with deliberate ignorance of ttie false information or in reckless disregard of the trutii or felsity of ttie Information. The provisions of Carisbad Munk^pai Code sections 3.32.025, 3.32.026, 3.32.027 and 3.32.028 pertaining to false claims are incorporated herein by reference. OCCfDENTAL INTERCEPTOR SEWER Page 1 of 6 City Attorney Approved 2/7/13 REHABILITATION-MANHOLE UNER REPAIRS CONT. NO. 5503-1 PWM14-13UTIL Contiractor hereby acknowledges that the filing of a false claim may subject ttie Conttactor to an administrative debanment proceeding wherein the contractor may be prevented from furttier bidding on public contracts for a period of up to five years and that debarment by another jurisdtetton is grounds for the City of Carisbad to disqualify the Contractor or subcontaractor frorTU)articipattng in conttwt bklding. Signature: Print Name: ^yc^/^^ /^^/^^^ REQUIRED INSURANCE. The successful contractor shall provide to ttie City of Carisbad, a Certification of Commercial General Liability and Property Damage insurance and a Certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance indteating coverage in a form approved by the Califomia insurance Commission. The certificates shall indteate coverage during the period of ttie contract and must be fumished to ttie City prior to ttie start of woric. The minimum limits of liability insurance are to be placed witti insurers that have: (1) a rating In the most recent Besfs Key Rating Guide of at least A-:V and (2) are admitted and autiiorized to transact the business of insurance in the State of California by the insurance Commissbner. Commerciai General Liability Insurance of Injuries including accidental death, to any one person in an amount not less than $500,000 Subject to ttie same limit for each person on account of one accident in an amount not less than $500,000 Property damage insurance in an amount of not less than $100,000 Automobile Liability Insurance in the amount of $100,000 combined single limit per accktent for bodily Injury and property damage. In addition, the auto polk^ must cover any vehicle used in ttie perfomiance of ttie contt^t. used onsite or offsite. whettier owned, non-owned or hired, and whether scheduled or non-scheduled. The automobile insurance certificate must state the coverage is for "any auto' and cannot be limited in any manner. The above policies shall have non-cancellation clauses providing ttiat thirty (30) days written notice shall be given to the City prior to such cancellatton. The policies shall name tiie City of Carlsbad as an additional insured. INDEMNITY. The Contractor shall assume the defense of. pay all expenses of defense, and indemnify and hotel harmless the City, and its officers and employees, from all claims, loss, damage, injury and liability of every kind, nature and description, directly or indirectly arising from or in connection with the perfomiance of the Contifact or wortc; or from any failure or alleged failure of Contractor to comply witti any applicable law. rules or reguiatbns including ttiose related to safety and health; and from any and all claims, loss, damages, injury and liability, howsoever the same may be caused, resulting directty or indirectly fi'om the nature of the woric covered by the Conti^ except for toss or damage caused by the sole or active negligence or willful misconduct of the City. The expenses of defense include all costs and expenses including attomeys' fees for litrgation, arbitration, or other dispute resolution metiiod. JURISDICTION. The Contiractor agrees and hereby stipulates ttiat ttie proper venue and jurisdtotion for resolution of any disputes between the parties arising out of this agreement is San Diego County, Caiifomia. Start Woric: Contractor agrees to start wittiin Jfi woricing days after receipt of Notice to Proceed. Completion: Contt'actor agrees to complete woric within ^ working days after receipt of Notice to Proceed. OCCIDENTAL INTERCEPTOR SEWER Page 2 of 6 City Attomey Approved 2/7/13 REHABILITATION-MANHOLE LINER REPAIRS CONT. NO. 5503-1 CONTRACTOR'S INFORMATION. AYALA ENGINEERING (name of Contractor) 959385 (Contractor's license number) A-3/31/2015 (Ircense class, and exp. date) PWM14-13UTIL 5753 SANTA ANA CANYON RD, STE G-571 (street address) ANAHEIM. CA 92807 (city/state/zip) 714 823 7179 (telephone no.) 714 921 4571 (fax no.) ricardo@ayalaengineering.com (e-mail address) AUTHORITY. The indivkluais executing this Agreement and ttie instruments referenced in it on behalf of Contractor each represent and warrant ttiat they have the legal power, right and actual auttiority to bind Contt-actor to the temns and conditions of ttiis Agreement CONTRACTOR AYALA ENGINEERING, a sole proprietorship By: CITY OF CARLSBAD, a muntoipal corporation of the State of Califomia /^^c/<f/^oo /^y/9^^/^y <:^^AJ(r?Z (print name/title) Departinent Director as authorized by the City Manager By: (sign here) (print name/litte) If required by City, proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by Contractor must be attached. If a conwration. Agreement must be signed by one corporate officer firom each of the foltovtdng two groups: Group A Chairman, Prestelent. or Vtoe-President Group B Secretary. Assistant Secretary, CFO or Assistant Treasurer Otherwise, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seai empowering ttie officer(s) signing to bind the corporation. APPROVED AS TO FORM: CELIA A. Bj^WER, City Attom^ BY: Assistant City Attomey OCCIDENTAL INTERCEPTOR SEWER Page 3 of 6 REHABILfTATION-MANHOLE LINER REPAIRS CONT. NO. 5603-1 City Attomey Approved 2/7/13 PWM14-13UTIL EXHIBITA LISTING OF SUBCONTRACTORS BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR Set forth below is the full name and location of ttie place of business of each sub-contt'actor whom the ContiBctor proposes to subcontract portions of ttie Project in excess of one-half of one percent of ttie total bid, and ttie portion of ttie Project which will be done by each sub-contractor for each subconbect. NOTE: The ConttBctor understands that If it fails to specify a sub-contt'actor for any portion of the Project to be perfonned under the contract in excess of one-half of one percent of the bid. the contiBctor shall be deemed to have agreed to perform such portion, and ttiat ttie ContiBctor shall not be pennitted to sublet or subconttBCt that portion of ttie woric, except in cases of public emergency or necessity, and ttien only after a finding, reduced in writing as a public record of tiie Awarding Auttiority, setting forth ttie facts constituting tiie emergency or necessity in accordance with ttie provisions of the Subletting and Subconttacting Fair Practices Act (Section 4100 et seq. of ttie Califomia Public Conttact Code). if no subcontractors are to be employed on tiie project, enter the word "NONE." SUBCONTRACTORS Portion of Project to be Subcontracted Business Name and Address License No., Ciassificatfon & Expiration Date %of Total Contract / / Total % Subconti^cted: OCCIDENTAL INTERCEPTOR SEWER Page 4 of 6 REHABIUTATION-MANHOLE LINER REP/MRS CONT. NO. 5503-1 City Attomey Approved 2/7/13 EXHiBrrB JOB QUOTATION PWM14-13UTIL ITEM NO. UNrr QTY DESCRIPTK>N PRK:E 1 LS 1 Repair PVC liners in existing manholes as required in manhole Inspection report and scope of woric, Exhibit "C" attached. $9,175.00 TOTAL* $9,175.00 ^Includes taxes, fee's, expenses and all other costs. OCCIDENTAL INTERCEPTOR SEWER Page 5 of 6 REHABILITATION-MANHOLE LINER REPAIRS CONT. NO. 5503-1 City Attomey ^proved 2/7/13 PWM14-13UTIL EXHiBrrc SCOPE OF WORK FOR MANHOLE LINER REPAIRS, CONTRACT NO. 5503-1 The scope of work is specified in ttie attached proposal fiom Ayala Engineering dated September 23, 2013. The proposal's referenced manhole identification numbers are firom City Drawing No. 472-1. The repairs are klentified and clarified in the CSI Sen/ices inspection report dated October 23.2013. Botti ttie inspection report and Drawing No. 472-1 are included as part of Exhibit C. OCCIDENTAL INTERCEPTOR SEWER Page 6 of 6 City Attomey Approved 2/7/13 REHABILITATION-MANHOLE LINER REPAIRS CONT. NO. 5503-1 AYALA ENGINEERING LICENSE #959385 5753 E. Santa Ana Can^nRd., "*** Ste.G.#571 Anaheim Ca. 92807 Phone: (714) 823-7179 Fax: (714) 912-4571 Se|>tenber23,2013 City of Carisbad 5960 Ei Camino Real Carlsbad, CA 92008 AttentioiK Marie Bislcyp Project: Ocddentai Interceptor Sewer Rehabilitation Scope: Repain to Existins PVC Manhole Unmg M.H.S #1-4 & #6-8 Indnsions: Molnlization All LabcM- and E<:piq>ment Traffic Control Plan Traffic Control as needed Posting of No Paiidqg Signs as needed Right of Way Permit with the City of Carlsbad Confined Space Eittry Procedure InstaUation of filse floor if needed to cover live fk>w Surfece in-epanUion per manufactures recommendations RqMirs completed using Ameron Products InsMers trained by Ameron for the application with documentation available upon request Testing per manufactures recommendatbns to tnchide Spark and Probe Testing Final Inspection perfonned with Ameixm Representative on Site Assumptions: Repmrs identified in report fomished by The City of Carisbad City to Notify Wastewater Facility of wodc in parldi^ area and field City to provide access to gated areas Woric to be performed during noraial day shifts Exdo^as: Repairs to Sewer MH # 0 Rejxurs to Sewer MH # 5 VaiUbi work if required Frame and Cover Replacemems Total Price: $9,175.00 Shiccrety, Ricardo Ayala AYALA ENGINEERING SERVICES P. O. Box 801357. Santa Clarita. CA 91380 Phone: 877.274^2 (toll free) Fax: 66t.775.7628 www.CSISen/fces.biz 13 iHiiJ 3 Of 1 3 iMli 10-23-2012 Tuesday 1 211260 Projecti Occidental interceptor Rehab Project I Inspector; Joe Bravo^ Final Inspectton I I • Prime • Intermediate • MIdcoat • Top/Finish MH W Cominents n MH W Cominents 20,000 MH W Cominents IMtamlnallona on ttiafi ftewiiwiag Itelldayf flit ifftlfljfl' 0 No repairs were performed on shaft, grade ring accepted. Note; there is no base In this Manhole. 0 2 2 1 Base and grade ring accepted. Note; shaft was inspected but no repairs were perfbrmed. 0 3 0 2 Base and grade ring accepted. Note; shaft was Inspected but no repairs were perfonned. 0 16 0 3 Base and grade ring accepted. Note; shaft was Inspected but no repairs were perfonned. 0 15 0 4 Base and grade ring accepted. Note; shaft was inspected but no repairs were performed. 4 10 0 5 Manhole base, shaft and grade ring accepted. 0 0 0 6 Base and grade ring accepted. Note; shaft was Inspected but no repairs were performed. 15 2 0 7 Base and grade ring accepted. Note; shaft was inspected but no repairs were performed. 4 10 0 8 No repairs were performed on shaft, grade ring accepted. Note; there is no base In this Manhole. 10 3 0 jCommentJ Each l3eiamination equates to approximately 3 liner inches. Each Reweld equates to the circumference of one particular 1" weid strip. Each Holiday equates to 1 liner inch. 0}^/k^l^(^ IOO. V7^£-|, IR-2 CSI Coating Inspection Report Page 3 The information reported was obtained using visual observations and testing believed to be accurate. The information reported represents the data obtained from ttie spedflc representative areas Inspected, tested, and/or verified. O Copyright CSI Sennces 2005 ~~ — — NOTES; fWreCJJONOFBOSnNGHAaMr: EMSnMS HAaTAT S UAPPB} MO SHOHN ON mCSf PUNS FOK KEFCBENCE ONLK TH£ PROJECT BKLOOST PROWCO BY QTY mi OBM£Air. PRKR TO THE COHTRACTOfTS HCOUZATKH FOR IK PflOXCT, IHE PRECISE LOCATION(S) OF HABITAT TO BE AVOOEO THROUGHOUT THE CONSTRIXTKN OF IMS PROJECT, me OtSTURBED HABITAT AREA MXMSiT TO UH/7 * UHfS HAS SUmOENT AREA FOR WSMO/incw OF BYPASS PUUPS ANO PIPING. UIGRATORYBIRD TREATY ACT COMPLIANCE: NO COHSlRUCnON ACmiTY SHAU OCCUR DURING THE PRIUE NESTING SEASON BETYtEEN FEBflUAKY IS TO AUGUST 31. SHEET 3 REHABVTATION WORK TOBEDONE: 1. ROIABIUTAIE 3 EACH SEMR UANHOLES (UHfl, UHfZ, MHfS) POi OETAl^^ 2. PROME FIU WASTEWATER SIPASS FOR MANHOLE REHABUTATKN (FLOW TMiOUGH PLUGS NOT AUOWEO) 1 PERTORU PIPELINE OfANING ANO CCIV WSPECFJOM SM. 0+00 TO STA. 12*95 J. AT IHE JUNCTION OF RCP TO THE UANHUE THE PVC UNER IN THE RCP IS DEIAUINATING FROU THE PPE. CONTRMTOR SHALL REPAOf ALL DETERIORATED CONCRETE ANO REWSHit A PVC U«£R OVER All CONCRETE/ CEUENT SURFACES POi DETML^^ TOmpVIDE ADEQUATE ACCESS FOR OPP INSTALLATION IN THE PIPEUNE, THE UANHOIE ECCOiTRK CONE OR UPPBt SLAB UAY NEED TO BE REUOVED. IN THIS CASE C0N1RACT0R SHALL REUOVE ANO REPLACE THAT UPPER PORTION OF mf UmiOLE AS PART OF THE UANHOLE REHAOUTAVON PER DETAIL ^ .5 HYDROGBt SULFIDE WAMiimi EXTREI«tm.TH HAZARD. lemS UP TO imfT'U OF HYDROGEN ^JLTlOe OAS (m) HAVE BEEN IN THISSEWER. COMPLY WITH OSHA/CALOSHA REGUATWNSMOREiXIMMBmTKNSATALL TIMES. AT lEAST IWO DAYS BEfORE YOU OK UNDERGROUND SERVICE AlERT OF SOUHIERN CALIFORNIA DATE MIM. ENOtNCER or WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OlhER APPROVAL DATE 1NI1UIL alY APPROVAL ajPROVBIBIT PLANS FOK OCCIDENTAL ttiTERCEPTOR SEWER REHABKJTAVON PLAN a PROFILE CITY OF CARI5BAD J UTILlTieS DCPARTMENT SHEETS 5 OAIE OWN SY: _SE: CHKO 8Y: «jg RVW 8Y:IJ5I PROJECT NO. 5522 ORAWNG NO. 472-1 ifl